FHE OMAHA DAILY BEE KSTAIJLJSIIED JUNE 10 , 1871. CXMAIIA , SATURDAY OOTOHEK 1(5 ( , 185)7TWISLV ) 13 PA KS. SINGLE COPY" ITtVE CENTS. IS Qualities That Satisfy the Critical Bargains That Merit the Name at HAYDEN BROS. , THE ENLARGED BIG STORE Purchasers of the Nebraska Dry Goods Company's $100,000 Stock. Agents for the Buttcrick Patterns. SATURDAY IN THEIR BOYS1 AND CHILDREN'S ' The greatest assortment of driest made $1 50 vestep and reefer suits for $2.75. Bull Ir. Aimrlca , at prli.es from 35 to 60 percent $5 00 double breasted knee pants suits go cent less than any ot'icr store. Como to at $2.95. morrow and neo how wo prove our asser tions HOYS' LONG PANTS SUITS. $2 50 junior suits for $1 25. Sizes 12 to 19. $ T 25 vesteo suits at $1 75 $4 60 miitM tomorrow for $2.75. ' $3 75 double breasted knee pants suits , $6 50 suits tomorrow at $3 95 Blzes I to IT at $1 95 $ S 50 suits tomorrow for $1.95. I DON'T Our Great Specials for Saturday in I I In our mew building TEAS AND COPFEES. Premium Making Chocolate , only 15c. Tea sittings ( new crop ) , only lOc. Sterilized Cream of Wheat at 12'X.c Sucdrkd Japan , only 23c Large Sacks Nuw Corn Meal , lOc Good Uncolored Japan , only 27'de. Salmon Steak , Hat cans ( Acorn brand ) Basket Plred Japan , only 31c. 10 pounds best Wheat Graham , 25c Engllbh Breakfast ( fancy ) 35c Uuckeyc Maple Sjrup ( ifc gal. cans ) , enl > Wo carry i full line of Cejlon and Congo COc Teas. Nudaveno Plakcti , per package , 5c. Coffee , broken Java and Mocha , 12 > 4 & X5c. 10 Hars Laundry Soap , 25c. Whole Santos Coffee , only 17'XsC. 3-lb cans new grated Plmcapple , only 8c. Maracalbo Coffee , 20c. Star Chewing Tobacco , 37c. Golden Rio Coffee ( No 1) ) , 23c. Dukn's Mixture , 27'Ac. Eflcifrlcn Blend Coffee 27c Evaporated Raspberries , only 19c. High grade Java and Mocha , 30c ' Pitted Plums , very fine , at lOc. Best Old Gov Java and Mocha , I1' CAPES , JACKETS , WAISTS , Two entire lines of plush capes purchnBcd j Lot 3 BO plain ecil plush capes , made of from lllumcnthal Uios. , New York , for spot saltz guanntccd plush , sold e\erj\\herc at $12 50 and $15 00 , on sale at $7 50. cnsh , for Hale at 60c on the dollar. Ladles' jackets , made of Kicnch Hondo , Lot 1 100 silk plush garments , elabor Irish Prlezo. soft curl Astrakhan or Persian ately trimmed with Jet and braid , edged with wont , an excellent assortment of garments Thibet fur and silk lined , \\orth $750 , at worth $1200 to $1500 , for $7 98 ? 3.4S. Ladles' wool waists In Kruni.li flannel , Tri cot and Broadcloth , In all new shades checks Lot 2 100 silk plush capes ; an elegant gar. nnd plaids , at $2 50 incut trlmmcil with Thibet or Opossum fur , All our pcrcalo wrappers go In two lots at heavily Jetted and braided anil lined with 49e and 9Sc two-toned silk , worth $12 BO , at $6 9S Black Brocade silk sklrt.s at $3 95. GRAND SALE SATURDAY An elegant assortment of now I'erlslan Elegant 24-Inch tinted centerpieces , only pattern hats just receive ! ThiMO , together 12c with hundreds of e\iwlsito hats or our own cgant 30-Inch tinted centerpieces , on/ ! creation will be on sale Saturday Unlimited 15c 15cE bus Ing In this department of every fashion E osaut 3C-lnch tinted tnble covers , only appioveel style Insures i becoming hat to 19c ever ) customer Flowers , plume" , lips , orna Ail colors of the best wash rope silks to ments and ribbons nnd ever } desirable trim work these goods only 2c per skein , ! ! 0c doz. ming. ' "The style Is In the millinery not In Iho 51 SPECIALS. urices " 'aOc Roman stripe belts , now , 25c. GUAND SATURDAY HANKRUPT SALE. STATIONARY PROM THE BROWN STOCK. Clearing up the bankrupt stock of - A box of the finest 20c paptrles , onlj lie. THE-NEBRASKA DRY GOODS CO. A box of the finest 25c paptrles , only lOc. One-lalf of the i gular wholesale price. Best Ink per bottle , only 2' , c. Elegant 9-Inch tinted dollies , only 3c. Upst mucll i e ner bottle , only 2'4c Elegant 12-Inch tinted dollies , only 5c THE CHICAGO RECORD COOK BOOK , Elegant 18-Inch tinted centerpieces , only 9c 75C. HAYDEN DROS. WILL SHOW ON Come tolhe Home of Bargains OF Closing out the balance of the Nebraska Men's good , strong walking gloves , 25c. Dry Goods Co furnishings at IcbS than whole Men H .Merino shirts and drawers , 2r > c. sale prices Men's woolen shlr'n and drawers , 39c. 47I > dozen men's Merino half hobo , very 1,000 dozen line barnplo bhlrts and draw fine at 12'/ic ers Invookn and lleeccd lined , worth $1,00 , 410 dozsn mcn'H flno white unlaundered at 60c. bhlrts , reinforced front and back , lined Indies' llccce lined vests and panta nt bosom , each 33c 2ic.Ladles' ! 600 deucn men's fancy colored bosom shirts , Ladles' lOc Jersey ribbed vests at 4',4c. each 50c 5 cases ladles' black co.ton hoec , worth 1,000 doren 25c mrspenders at 12'4c. 12'tc , at Co. DEATH OlMIOO. IS. STERLING Promising Career in Field of Law Unex pectedly Cut Off. ELKHORN ATTORNEY PASSES AWAY Mrie-Krn Down with T > pliolil l' -\or , aiv IIIt-H After mi IlliifKH of TlV flit } -Ollf 1)11 } N ( illlOllt 1 OVIT Itllllrouil Clrolrx. 'A deep gloom was cast over Omaha rail way circles yesterday morning by the death of Hon. William I ) . Sterling , general attorney of the Kremont , Elkhorn d Missouri Valley railroul , aftci an Illness of twenty-one days ( with typhoid fever His death was most unexpected , and came as a heavy blow to Ills family and iminy friends. It wuu only within the past few days that Mr. Sterling's condition was regarded as EO rl on a A young man with an uncommonly robust physique , his friends thought that Ills constitution was such as could withstand even the dread typhoid fever. Gradually , however the fever mastered the patient , and during the | nt week he was delirious a greater portion of the time. Thursday he uecined to rally , but toward night his condi tion grew worse rapidly , and ho died yes terday morning shortly after 4 o'clock Although he had been a resident of Omaha but little more than two years. Mr. Sterling had won for hlnibclf a high place In the confidence , the esteem ami the -fgard of Omaha's best citizens. In railway circles , au the legal representative of 'he ' Northwestern fcystom , he had achieved prominence and renown Promoted from the position of at torney for the Northwestern' ! ) lines In South Dakota to the same position for the Elkhorn rallioad , a more Important member of the Noi'hwestern uystem and meeting with un vniial sueeebs In the latter position , ho wab re-gardtd throughout western railway circle's OB a man destined to occupy the premier Ic'gul position of the Northwestern , bystem EXPRESSIONS OF SORROW. In apt-iking of Mr Sterling's death , Gen eral Solicitor William R Kelly of the Union Pacific railway yesterday said 'I learn the sad news of Mr Sterling u eiidden death wllh the deepest grle > f. I had no acquaintance with him until ho came liere a bhort time ago to take cha.gc of the Inw department of the Elkhorn reid The business rol.ttloiiB between Mr Sterling arid myself eoou rlpvi.cd Into a warm friendship Ills ability as a lawyer had earned for him early in llfo an honorable und dlsilngulshc'd position In the higher walks of his profes sion Ills was u generous rnturo and his upleiiaui and upright manhood emkuied him to ull with whom he had any business or pcr- koiial relations I do not know of uuothcT person who In so short a time has won for himself HO high a place In the regard and I'stecMH of his associates In the bar and In the commuilty We have lost one of the brightest ami mosi promising lawyers In thl * lute , and one whoso strength of character iiiul disposition would have made him ono of the leading net ) In this state , " Gem-ral Solicitor Charleu F Mandereon of the Burlington & Missouri River railroad , said. said."I "I am Knocked and grieved beyond expres sion to hear of the death of Mr. Sterling , the Kcneral attorney of the Premont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley Railroad company. Young , Vigorous , forcible , trustworthy and learned In Ui law , lie bid fair to becouio out of the It ad- S/f's / Ing lawjers of the wtbt ard one of the fore most citizens of Nebraska "Slnco ho assumed the direction of the legal affairs of the Elkhorn railroad we have been thrown In alrnobt dally contact and I have recognized , with keen pleasure , the attributes of a sound lawyer with a high 8 iindard of professional ethics , and his man ) lovable qualities BS a nnn "He came to this state from South Da kota with an enviable reputation Within a few mcmths past we had occasion to make frequent visits together to his old homo In the hearings of what arc known as the South Dakota rate cases. I was charmed to witness the affectionate greetings to Mr Sterling from his old asboclates and friends ID the state , where he had been a shaping ; and controlling force It was of a character to show not only respect for his attributes but a deep affection for him " Thomas M Orr of the Union Pacific's exec utive department yesterday said "It Is with the dccpiHt regret that 1 have learned of the death of Mr Sterling We slu o Ir the common regret that such a > oung , ac tive , brilliant and noble man bhould bu called upon to die just when It seemed that ho had everything to live for" Judge William I ) . Mcllugh sail "Ster ling's Iocs to the community Is n great one Ho was brilliant , and much was to be ex pected of him " James E. Kelby said "I don't know when there has been a death In Omaha that seemed so Bttd. Ho was such a splendid bpcclrnen of manhood To know him was to admltu him He was a wonderful lawyer , and every inch a gentleman Had ho lived he would undoubtedly have been one of the great attorneys of the west. " HIS EARLY CAREER. William I ) Sterling was born In DIxon , 111. , In 1S6J He spent his youth and re ceived his tarly education there. After fin ishing his academic education ho attended the University of Wisconsin nt .Madison , Wls. He was prominent throughout his col legiate courkc , and received many honors Ho was a member of the Sigma Chi Greek letter fraternity there After graduation he- went to Huron , S 1) , there joining hli ; fam ily , hla father having been one of the pioneer settlers of ( hat beetlou of the coun try He reid law with the firm of Walling k Morse in IhSJ , entering the otllee ab clerk and btenographer In lt > S4 he returned to Madison , WlB , lo take up studleb In the law department of the University of Wisconsin anil from there he was graduated with lion- OIH He returned to Huron , S D , and formed a partnersnlp with W J I eve The firm acted as couu elor for the Dakota Cen tral railroad , the branch of the Northwestern In South Dakota Later Lave wlthJrcw ft am the law firm , und Mr Sterling con ducted the business himself anJ beeame general - oral attorney for the Northwestern system In South Dakota lln was si on made United States district attorney , and was a prospective candidate for the United Stales senate from South Dakota when he wab offered and accepted the position of general attorney of the ElKhorn road with head quarters In thld city , In July , 1895 During his icsldtiico In South Dakota he had become como Immensely popular , and there Is said to bo but little doubt but that he wuuld have been elected United Stalls senator had he not been called to this elty He came to Omaha In the summer of 1S95 succeeding General John I ) Huwlcy , de ceased who had been general attorney for the Elkhom for ten years During his short term as general attorney of the Elkhorn - horn , Mr Sterling had wen many Important legal victories for his company. He de fended his company In a largo number of suits resulting from fires In Dodge county He ably looked after the Interests of Omaha In the Lincoln rate cases a year ago , arid during the hearings of the South Dakota maximum rate case during the cummer and fall of this year ho established a more widespread reputation u one ol the moat brilliant corporation attorneys In the , west. Mr Sterling's death was the principal subject discussed among lawyers and rail way ofllcials yesterday on all sides. Nothing but the deepest regret was heard that such a brilliant > uing man should Invo been called away so untimely. Gen eral Manager RIdwell of the Elkhorn was out on the road , but as soon as he learned 'of the death he had a special train bring him homeward. He anlved here at noon yesterday American Lady Corsets are 'he Best. roi in * POSTPONES TIII : in : V.IM-U ; . l I'nlli't'iiiiMi I'l ( > | inre ( o Vlnl.f a ritflit. Judge Scott -vlll probably determine on next Monday whether or not the Board of Pire and Police Commissioners had a right to discharge the sixteen men who were let out on September 30 for the alleged reason that the condition of the police fund re quired a reduction of expenses Thi > hearing on the alternative writ of mandamus which the discharged men te- cured was set for yesterday at 10 o'clock When that hour arrived several of tnc dis charged policemen , their attorneys , Commis sioners Bullard , Peabody and Herdman and City Attorney Council were on hand ludge Scott announced that he eould not hear the case , aa ho was In the midst of n trial Both parties to the suit expressed their de sire that the Isbiies be heard a Boon as possible and therefore by mutual consent the hearing was set for next Monday morning at 10 o'clock City Attorney Connell has filed an answer In the case In which the lioirel of Plre anil IMIce Commlss one B dml a the st foment of factk upon which the writ was secured by the policemen The defense alleges that the bccird acted In good faith and discharged the men for the reason that If they had beciii re tained a deficit would have existed In the police fund at the end of the year for which the commissioners would be llnblo Conviction of Mi'Voy. WIIlleMcVoy , wholias been arrested a num ber of times on penitentiarycjiargos , but always - , , ways succeeded In ( H aping convl t.oa , clilelly on account of his youthful appearance has been finally convicted of a felony MeVey and Goergo BradHhaw have been on trial In the cilmliial court on the charge of shooting with Intent to wound They were accused of holding up Dr Wllcox on the night of May 21 last Wllcox res'sted the would-be high waymen and was shot twice , but neither of the wounds washcrlous The COM' was given to the jury Thursday and a vcidlct has been returned , finding McVey guilty and BradHhaw innocent. Vt-U.T MllMt Will ! Vvtlllli- . John 0 Yelser 'failed yesterday to compel the Nebraska Telephone company to reduce Us tolls for telephone service to $3 a month for the reason that Judge Scott , be fore whom the matter was bet for hearing , was not ready to take It up As a con sequence Die matter was continued until next Priday morning The case w III como up on. a deimurer which the telephone company filed Thursday YeUer brought his action in the form of a mandamus , which he sup ported with an allldavlt. In which he swore that the present tolls were unrcabonable and excessive and alleged that J3 a month was stilllclent for any telephone service. Cliuiiilifrlalii'ii CoiiKli Itriiirily Supor- lur to Vii ) ( Hlirr. Gcorgo I ) Secord , the well known con tractor of Towanda , N Y. , says "I have used Chamberlain's Cough'Rehiedy In my family for a long tlmo and ha\o found U superior to any other. " The above testimonial U from a promi nent citizen hero , A , C. Tuclt. Druggist. N , Towanda , N. Y. NO KNOWLEDGE OF SHORTAGE i Attorneys Charged -with Playing with | I"igur.s in Order to Ecceive. GOVERNOR HOLCOMB M JKES A STATEMENT ; S DCIIUIIIUM'H IIH I'lllNf ( \.1NCTtloil tlllll litVVllH V AMI 1C Of Ut'flllvlltloll During : Ilnrtlrj'N 1'IfHt To I in of ( Mllce- . i Governor Holcomb came to Omaha ycb- terday , expecting to go upon the stand lu the suit agali 3t the bondsmen of c\-Stato Treasurer Bartley to testify to what he terms the real condition jot affairs In the treasurer's olllee at the , close of Bartley s first term , and incidentally to icfutc the htatcrnenta made by Attorneys John C Cow in and Prank T. Ransom pertaining to the Knowledge the governor had of Hartley's shortage at the beginning of the treasurer's ttcond term Ho found , however , that the attorneys In the case would eonbume the day In arguing law points , and he returned to Lincoln , subject to the call of Attorney General Smyth. The governor eald he did not think there j would be any dllllculty in his securing an I cpportunlty to go on the Etaucl , oven though the couit had ruled that'the attorneys for the defense could not offer testimony to prove the assertions the/ made as to the governor's knowledge. Ho. said he hid been Informed by the attorney general Hat rhe developments of the trial had made him a material witness on other points , uul the truti of the assertions of the counsel IT the dufeneo could bo brought out In that exam ination Tne governor denounced as false in every particular the statements nlado by Cowln fain ) Ransom He denied that 'there wuu eiven a , shortage of ono cent at'the close of liirtloy'a i first term He < leclliiea < tl go Into dclulls , foi the said that would be antti ipitlng his I tcUlmon ) as a witness and muld rot bu fair to the state He eald "It Is a feature with some attorneys to offer to provo ceitaln , things which they know the , court will not penult and become eatcr to offer proof as limy become certain the court will refuic to allow them to proceed " He said these btato- mcn H had been prepared ostensibly for the purpobe of deceiving the public PRAMED TO DECISIVE "Por Instance , " said the governor , "they give out the Impression that the money in ill jiosltory banks and the liiunoy on hand was all that was In the treasury at theclobo of Hartley's first term Thli ia erroneous ami undoubtedly framed tot deceive The supreme premo court has decided } that the state treasurer cannot lawfully deposit the school funds In depository banks as depository hanks In fact the Interpretation put upon the depository law has been that It applies only to what are called-current funds In Its application Current funds are distinguished from school or trust funds and the latte-r are- cared for by the treasurer just as they have been during the history of the stute. "When Hartley be gan his second ter-n he hud on deposit In depository banks about $250.000 , exclusive of the sums tied u | . In In solvent banks , which at tha * tlmo were the Capital National at Lincoln and the Buffalo County National at Kearney In addition to that bo had about $250,000 on hand The at torneys for the defense In this trial now seek to show that that was all the money the treasurer had In his possession , which Is not true , lie also had between { 175,000 aod { 500- 000 In school funds which were not recorded ab being deposited in depository banks This money was deposited In banks of his ow"h selection , regardless of whether they were de pository bankn or otherwise. No one ex pected the treasurer to keep all that money in the vaults at hlo olllee. It never had been done and Is not now done H would not be safe. Thcbo funds were bolely In charge of the treasurer as had been decided by the supreme premo court " The governor did not say In what shape Bartley had this sum of school money , but rather Implied that It was deposited In various banks over the state He forcibly reiterated his statement that there was no shortage at the close of Hartley's first term , and that Hartley made no statement to him , either pcrbonally or by some one In his ofllce , that ho was short It * his accounts He felt confident that he would be able to clear up the who'o queistlon If given an op portunity to testify In the trial. If the was denied him , he raid ho would make a statement , giving the details , and furnish It to the public Arnold's Brome Cclcrj < urst ncadaenes lOc , ? Rc and r,0r All druggists w VTIH i > itissi ui : w\s hi rncinvr. Terre l'i rllnl l > Cut OIT by llu * Smi'lt iiiiv Complinv At the fire at the smelter Thursday after noon It was stated that the water pressure was bo slight that a stream could not be forced to the top of a one-story building City ofllcials who have since made an In vestigation find that the smelter Is on what Is cJlled a "run-around " An eight-Inch main runs through the ground , while run ning around the grounds and connecting with the water company's main lu a four- Inch private main. The water company's main has a valve that force > ) the water through the four-iiK.'h main and also through meters , that the smelter people may know how much they use. Las Thinsday , when the fire department was called to the smelter the valve In the water company's main was closed and all of the water that was tnrown upon the fire was that running through the four-Inch main and through the smeller. After the fire had been nearly extinguished one of the smelter people thought of the closed valve In the main and on opening It a tiong pres sure was secured and a stream was thiown fully beventy-flve feet In the air. { OlllftlllllK ll > IvIIOTT. It may be worth something to know that the veri best medicine for restoring the tired out nervous system to a healthy vigor la Electric Bitters This medicine Is purely vegetable , acts by giving tone to the nerve centersIn the ttomatli , gently stimulates the Liver and Kidneys , and aids these or gans In throwing off Impurities In the blood Electric Bitters Improves the appetite , ald digestion , ind Is pronounced by those who hive tried It us the very best blood ptirllle'i and nerve tonic Try It Sold for 50 < or $1 00 per bottle at Kulin R. Co . druc store IVriiillx for NIMI Iliillillnurx , Permits wire Ismied by the building In- spe tor yesleiduy for i number of rc-si- ilinciH a ml Impiovi'inent" Prank Jo us will Inilld a $1 M ) ii'pldenre nt IfiJi South Twenty-ninth avtnuc ami Philip King will erett a similar kind of dwelling nt 'Jh'r'y- tlilrcl nnd Dodge HtreetH P W Walsh will bullil a fr.iim dwelling at 1S21 li ntru < t and A V Hamilton will expend ll.ftw In altera tions on bis residence nt 1030 South Thlrtlc h avenue. 1'iillx TliroiiKli Hit1 ( li llarrj Gardner , a workman on the Boston store new building , met with u painful fall yesterday He was standing over an opening In the * econd door , pulling on u rope attaehtU to u pulley The rope broke and losing his balance. hi fell through to the llrut floor. MOIU : MV urns ON 1-1 itiiruitics. . Prlt't-H oil \Ntlmlt IMitltiK Vrc Still nt tin * llotloiu. A huge stack of hi Is on promectlve curbIng - Ing , paving and sewer contracts was tlio only feature of the regular meeting of the Heard of Public Works yesterday afternoon It required an hour to op n and reco d the numerous bids , and then they were referred for tabulation , and the board will meet at 10 o'clock today to ri-ako the awurds Hugh Murphy was the plunger on the pav ing contracts , and In nearly eve y case his figures were way below those of the other bidders On Sixteenth street , from Howard to Lcavcnworth , Murphy bid $1 24 on as phalt , class C , * wi's a five-year guarantee , the Grant Paving company , $1 55 , and the Bar ber company , $2 17 On Twenty-seventh sfect , from Loavenworth to Mason. Murphy bid Jl 30 on Class 11. No 3 , Grant. $1. 0. and the Parker company , $207 On Hickory street , from Twenty-eighth to Twenty-ninth , ( Jrant bid $1 80 on Class A , and $1 fiO on Clabs B The figures of the Barber com pany were all above $2 Murphy had no as- ohalt bid on this dlstilct , but offered to | -a\e It with btono block for $1 BO The Harbe" company nude a vitrified brick bid of $1 flat on Sixteenth street , and the Cntit Paving eon pany , $1 30 'Iheie were only two curb ing bids Murphy bid 59 eruts on Colorado kandstono , and Or ant SJ cents on Missouri as- plialtl stoneOn the face of the bids It looks as though Murphy would be awarded the contracts fo- paving Sixteenth and Twen ty-seventh streets and Oiant those for Hick ory street and the curbing 'I he bids on the Eighteenth street Intersections were not uni form , but Murnhy was amarcntly the lowest There were seven bidders fo- the construe tlon of 400 feet of eight-Inch sewer on Bin ncy street and 310 fret on Yates street The bids were generally low and very close , and until the comparative hldx on extras are flg- uied out It is Impossible to tell who is the successful bidder On the main Item , thai of putting In the main pipe , Julius Jorgen- bon Is low on Yates st'eet at 32' , cents , and KatA Crandall on Blnncy street at 29 and 27 cents for Portland and American cement tcipcctlvcly. We often hear pcoplo say there Is only oae good cough medlclno and that ID Dr. Hull a Cough Syrup , the specific for cold fVlll < 'l < \HNUcllltllHI IOMI > N. Corrlrine PolsNint hus Hcpurnl n Judgment of J100 against the 1'ronpcc-t Hill Cernctory association In the county rourt She pur chased seine time ago from the nsnol itlnn u lot In the tcmi'tiry for J-0 and 'ntirrid then In .1 body Some time after HII | * t IIISCMI ( hit body to be d'Hlnlerreil ' and burl d In an other ccmetoiy After the lot hail been thus VK itul It wan sold by the ccineters- association for $10) ) The woman imilc a demand for the rnoinj , which wax lefustd the ai-HOd itlon offfrlng hi r tic fjii RH p ilil for the lot She then began milt In IK diiiny couit against the aHHoi l.itlon for tlW. Disfigurement for llfo by burns or may be avoided by iiflng Do Witt's Witch Ha el Salve , the great remedy for piles and for all kinds of tores and skin troubles Wife llcnlcr ( iff * Min-l > DIIJN. Madison MlUnini , the teamster , who out near Porty-t-c'Vinth nnd Cass streets , W.IH ) entcnliy sentenced to ninety days In the county jail the last ten upon bread anil mater , upon n charge' of wlf bi.illnir In passing txntenee upon the pilsomtr Ju'g- ' Cordon said that he W.IH very sorry thai thi law would not admit of greater punluhmc-nt Wrl'o the trl il wan on In thepollie court Sheriff Hay of Tekarn in appeared at hej < l- qunrtcra with papcm lo lie served upon Mil- burn and his uon IIH wltnontes In a linmo stealing case at Tckamah He ; served pu- pers only upon the son Druggists know Dr Davis' Anti-Head- aclto is bsit of all headache remedies , HAS DESIGNS UPON HER LIFE Desperate Act of an Operator in tLo Western Union Office. MRS. DERRINGTON TAKIS DOSE OF POISON N of \iiiromMiliiK | MnrrliiKc of n I'ormiT lliiNhiinil CiiiiNfN a AVonuiii (11 ( Tire of About 10 yesterday morning Mrs Nellie M Derrlngton , an operator employed by the Western Union Telegraph company at Its main olllee , took poison with sulcldil Intent. It was reported last night that Mrs Dear- Ington VMS entirely out of danger and restIng - Ing very comfortable Mrs Derrlngton lives with her husband , Thomas M Dcrrliuoii ! , at 2C23 tfald veil btreet. She has tiecn employed by the West ern Union company for ton years or longer. About six years ngc she was deserted by her foiinor husband , J P Hondcrsom , a hotel man , v ho eccured a divorce from her later. She iifterw ards iiiarrlc-d Mr Dernngton , who U a clerk at the Missouri Pacific ficlght office So far as Is known the Dcrrlngtonu have lived happily. Last week an uncle of Mrs Derrlngton , of > whom nliii was very fimil , died at the Sol diers' Homo at Leavcnworth This grief was still fresh In her mind , when she received Tuesday evening notieo rif the approaching marriage of her former husband , Hender son It came In the form of a wedding an nouncement stuck under liei door while olio was at waik , and which she found on return ing home Ihls pioyid on her mind until she decided on sulcldo She startled her companions at the olfico yesterday morning by announcing that she had taken polbon and expected to die She said she had taken a dose of antlpyrlne , but as that had no elfeet she touk a dose of strychnine Medical aid was at ouco sum moned and there Is a 'alnl hope of saving her life. Dr. Davis' Antl-Headacnc l : , superior la every hay to all r < medics tor hoaducho. Can't I'lnil HIT lliiHliiinil , Mrs. C J Wallender , accompanied by flvo children , called at the station ycatcrda/ ' and asked assistance of Matron Ryan Sn s.ilil she f niu'rly llvod at York. Neb. , but had been for bovoral months In Lincoln. The husband of the woman formerly ran a restaurant In York He left there to comate to this city , wnorc he U still supposed to bo employed In a restaurant The wife haa been uriablo to obtain his aldress. and until such time as she does she an 1 her children will bo taken earo of at the station , VIUN 'I Illllll Illillllll'll. Mlsii Edith ToblU was Ins'alled yester day HS acting librarian at the public li brary to succeed II 11 Harrows , io < lgneil , The Installation vvi without ceremony ex cept that her ilesU I ail been trr-ie'il with two large- and pretly Imuqiu.tM from frlem'x In the library Hlu rmillncel no sji l.il plans for her work or-Kri o t. , vx.ilt mill her KiiKKi'lloiH were approved by the : bo-iru before ) putting them In op'rullori. You can't euro consumption but you can avoid It and euro every other form of throat or lunf , trouble by the use of Ono Mluut * Couch Cure , . i