Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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Stenographic Report of tbo Testimony as
| Taken by tbo Coramittcn.
CmitriiHiir ( ! nt Kiiii1nnicnt | anil n
.lull fur WJilrli ThrriWnn fie
CtinlriU't > ltnlr Till Worlf
\VIIH Dune.
Following will bo found tlio conclusion of
the ntoiiogrjihlc | report of the testimony
taken by t > io committee which heard the
charges of corruption ami collusion preferred
against Dion Geraldine :
Ittwowator Seven hundred dollars differ-
cnce In what ? In the price you quoted the
second tlino or thn tlniu ? You inado the
total amount of work and total amount of
material at $7,900 In white pine on your first
Mil. Now , you mean you would hove tlono
It for $7i00 ! with white pine , the way It
' lands thrro now ?
' Connolly Yes , sir. I do. Yes , sir , I he-
' llovo even I could no lower than that. I tell
I you , gentlemen , t would have been glad to
deduct } 1S a thousand for every thousand
' feet of lumber that WBH unveil on that Job ,
and still I wonM have n prollt left. My bill
was on whlttplno of the first quality , which
cannot bo bought for less than ? 1S per thou
Uldwell Now , do you know ?
Connolly Well , 1 cannot buy It. I hid ac
cording to the flgurcH thnt wete quoted to
me , that'n nil.
Uosowatc.Klrst quality , you mean ?
Connolly No. 1 ; yes , sir.
Itosewaler Now , let me ask you this. If
you had been offered this lumber for the
work as now done at $14.50 per 1,000 , how
much reduction would you have made from
your bid ?
Connolly You say If 1 wns offered the
lumber al JJI.fiO ? Well , the- difference be
tween $ and $1S. $3.5' ' ) > . : er 1,000.
Uosowater It Is coir.imtod that there are
195.000 feet of lumber all told In the lagoon , j
nil' ' you fciy you would have i educed from
tlmf $3.50 per 1,1)00 ) If you had boon offered
the opportunity ?
Connolly Yes , sir.
Uosewatcr Were you ever offered that op
portunity by Mr. Geraldine ? Did he ever
offer you any proposition or suggestion as to
whore you could buy white plno lumber or
yellow riinfe lumber ot $14.50 ?
Connolly No , sir ; he did not nt any tlmo.
Ho did not give me much of a riyly at any
time , and seemed to want to cut me off very
Ilosi-waler Mr. Geraldine said he favored
you more than he did Crecdon & Mahont-y ,
and showed every disposition to help you out.
In what way did he show that disposition ?
Did higlvo you any Indication or Intima
tion that you could go to any lumber yard In
this city and buy lumber nt $11.50 ?
Connolly No , sir ; ho did not.
Itcmowafor You had on the face of your
bid , you had the'o that you' figured lumber
at $13 a 1,000 ?
Connolly Yes , sir ; I was figuring a little
prollt for myself. I was buying It for $18.
Hldwell Mr. Connolly , did you have any
bid for lutuher from Hcagland ?
Connolly From Hoagland ? No , Hlr , I did
not. I did not have It from llongland In ono
v. < iy , nnd Indirectly I did In another.
Hldwell Did you t'ave any bid from the
Chicago Lumber company ?
Connolly No , s'r. '
Dldwell If you had known that Mr. Hoag
land would have delivered you white plno ,
tongued and grooved , at $11.50 , nnd yellow
tno ! , tnnguetl and grooved , at $13.50 , would
that him- made any iU orenro In your bid ?
Connollv Yes , Kir , "it would. Just the dif- ,
ferem-e between the price of $1S nnd tlu-j j
price they would quote me. Now , that Is
honestly. 1
indwell If they quoted such a prlco as that
to some other contractor who was bidding
nt the same time you were , their -bid would
tiatumlly hi- lower than yours , would It not ?
Connolly Yea , sir ; I should think so. I
tihould Judge so.
nidwcll Did you make any effort to ascer
tain what you could obtain lumber for from
Oilier places ?
Connolly I didn't get a bid directly from
A Mr. Hoagiaiul , but I got a bid from Mr-
t" Dullard , nt Twentieth and Izard , and I
understand It Is a branch olllcc of the same
company. And I hud Mr. llenedict get prices
for me from several people on the sheet
plllmg and on the mainstay piling , and I
went myself to Dletz and Patrick , and
Wag.ier & Huchanan , and other persons , nnd
their prices were Just about the same ; all
about the sama. Hut there was none of
them that wanted to furnish me , or would
absolutely guarantee to furnish me Iho yel
low plno In time to complete the work by
September 10. Hut the white pine I could
I get They would not guarantee It. They
J would my , ' alf likelihood wo can get It ,
| ! but we cannot guarantee It. because the
j mills are pushed Just now at'd there Is a de-
1 mand foi lumber , and I don't know that wo
' can get the yellow pine.
f Ilidweli What do yen regard the dlffer-
t ence between yellow plno and white pine ?
I. Connolly- Well , there is $ : i or $1 ; $3.50.
ItldwellIn your bid here you make only
a dirfi-rraifo of 50 cents.
Connolly- That Is true. Suproslng the ex
position company would accept my bidand ,
'bring ' me to time on that date- , they have
a $500 cheeU of mine here , and If I have
< o go Into I'm ' market and um compelled to
buy j allow pine at any prlco I must have
' , a bettor price for It. I have a $500 certi
fied check hero I have to protect.
: l , Dldwrll Here Is a bid from the Chicago
' 1 Lumber company , and also one from Hoag
land. in which they makii a difference
the Chicago Lumber company makes a dlf-
t feropi-e nf $1 per thousutil between white
5 pine nnd yellow pine , charging $1 more for
I the white pluo than tin- yellow plno. Mr.
-1 Hoagland charges $1 USB for the yellow
> ' pine thuil the whlto pine. These nro two
f roputbble loncerns , and what I want Is to
draw out fiom you why they should make
propo. ! tlrru to soil thU lumber at those
prices f there Is $11.50 difference toi the
( value of them ?
Crn inlly Well , sir , I cannot understand
thnt. un'ess they might have * a stock of this
lumber on hand , or where they could get
It Hut you. nor I , nor anybody else , can
go Into the market today and buy white
pine lumber for anyways near the price wo
can buy the yellow pine.
Illdwcll We could that day , because there
Is ( he bid.
Connolly Yw , the bid Is there.
Uldwell These are reputable concerns ?
Connolly These bids cltn't show that It
would be hers In time to complete the work
on that due. Now the time was short. Wo
had three weeks and Mr. Oeraldlno told mete
to do nothing I could not stand by and If
I had to buy yellow pine I would have had to
pay n stiff price for It.
Illdwell I want you all to get clearly
what my Idea Is on this. That Is. If you
felt that way and some other contractor felt
he was safe In offering to sell the timber
cheaper ho was In belter position to get the
contract than you ?
Ilosuwater That Is precisely what we have
alleged here ; that Mr. Gcraldlne by giving
( another contractor the benefit of the $11.50
I lot of lumber which the exposition bought
'ntid keeping that from this nun , gave tha
other contractor the contract , gave him the
Geraldlne That statement Is misleading
and. I think. Intentionally so. 1 have stated
distinctly that nothing was rnld to cither
contractor about this order until after his
proposition was put In any more than to
ill In man here.
llosewater Then why didn't you let this
man know Just JIB well aa him and let him
come to the front ?
Ocraldlne Is there any of the conimlltc ;
who does not understand what I say ? The
gentleman Is endeavoring to make the point
that I told the other contractor of this o-der
that he could have before tils bid was made
nnd tfflt ho made a Irwor bid In consoiucnce ,
wnfli is untrue , l tout me coniraciors noin.
Ing of this order until thslr last proposi
tions were In. This man being the lowest ,
Crecdon K. Mnheney. I then took up the ques
tion of his mnlerbl asked him what the fig
ured he would have to pay for the lumbar.
Ho said he could get It for $13.50. I then
explained to him what I had ordered , Its ex
tra quality , Its dimensions Its advantage
of being ordered some ten days prior , and
asked him If ho could use that order on this
bid. Ilo said ho dldl not th'.nk he could ,
hut he would go nnd figure. It over.
llosewater Then why did you make that
contract September 20 , giving the preference
to the other contractor , without letting this
man kmw thnt ho could also hive this lum
ber and without notifying the board of man
agers , who have something to say In this
matter ?
UeraldltiG That statement Is also mislead
ing and intentionally so.
llosi'water How do you measure my Inten
tions ?
Geraldine Hceauae. Mr. llnsewntcr , you
are the individual who delayed the consum
mation of this contract a week or ten days
after the proposition was sent In , and that
extrusion of time was made In consequence.
llosewater In what way ?
GeMliIIno Hy sending It back when It was
presented by Mr. Kirkemlall the last day
that he was here.
Itosewater It was sent'back by the board ,
no * by myself. We simply found fault with
the wording , the verbiage. Hut all the con
tractors should Inve hut the same cppsrtun-
Ity If the time wan going to bo extended.
This man should have had the same right.
Gcraldlne This oxtoRaioii of time was
made after the recommendations were ac
Wells Did you Inquire. Mr. Geraldine , of
Mr. Connolly the figures that he was on
what basis he was figuring ?
Gcraldlne Yon , ulr. I did.
Wells Do you remember his answer ?
Oeraldlne Ills answer was In u measure
evjsivo. He oald $13 or $11.
Connolly Gentlemen , If I am permitted to
say a word , I want to deny that most em
phatically. Nothing of the kind ever passed
my llis. | because If I said It 1 would he tolling
nn untruth when I would say the words.
Wells And Mr. Oeraldlno dld.not say any
thing to you , asking about the figures you
WCM making ?
Connolly Yes , sir , he did , nnd I told him
$18 per 1 000. When I told him that 1 could
not get the yellow pine here he said"who are
jou dealing with ? " I told him my lumbermen
! nald they could not deliver It for me. He
said , "They do not know their business. "
Oeraldlno I will call your "attention to the
fact that the witness stated some time ago
that I asked no questions on this point at
all. I would like to call attention to one
point on there bids. If you ploiso. You will
observe that at the bottom of the- bid here
Conr-olly quoted lumber at ? 19 and $1S. You
will sue the other bids make the same quo
tation BH high an $21 and $20. If you will
read the bid you will see that we called for
prices on materials In the bids , as well as n
lump figure. Let me read this. If you please.
( Heads. ) The figures made by Mr. Connolly
of $1S and $19 per 1.000 are on this proposi
tion for the material. The rest of his bid
explains that. You can read it over.
Ilosowater Did you over make a computa
tion. Mr. Geraldine , of the cost of the ma
terials under the contract which you madn
with Cady & Co. nnd what the libor which
you had intended to employ would cent , and
I compared them with the bids that you had ?
j flcraldine Certainly I did.
j Uosowator Then how did you arrive at ( hi
! conclusion that this hid of Creedon & Mahonej
was lower than what you could do it for
yourself , or the exi.iositlon ?
Oo aldlnt I did not arrive at any sue !
Uosowater Then , If you did not , why dh
you recommend that wo should let that con
tract to him at that price ?
Geraldine HecaiiEe I was ordered by the
executive cominllteu to let the work by con
tract. Not to do any more work ourselves
j than wo could possibly avoid.
llnsewator And you knew at the time tha
we were overpaying nearly $1,00.0 , or there
ahouts. on this wu'k ?
Gemldlne No. I did not. I did not say so
Ilosmvator You did do the work of pile
driving , did you not ?
Geraldine Yes.
Itosewater Was that necessary ?
Geraldine H was ordered so. On my state
nient that I made
llosewater On your recommendation ?
Oeraldlno No , sir : I iiMdo no recommends
tlon on that , I stated that wo had an offer o
5 cents a foot for dilvlng the piles , but
thought tin1 exposition could do the worl
for considerably less. I also explained to Ml
Wattles , who was then manager of the do
[ { lartmcnt. thnt 1 still thought thcso bids to
hhti. and the exposition could &ive money
still by doing the entire work themselves 1
they wished to do so. Ho asked me ho\
much. 1 said probably , as near as I cai
1 recollect , $700 or $ SOO. Well , ho said , tha
. Is not any more than n contractor's fair profit
. and even though we might bn able to nave a
in Londonderry. "
\ \ ! For more than a hundred years , the pure ,
sparkling , and invigorating
has been famous ; but for the past ten years it has
unquestionably taken first place in this country ,
not only as a table water , but as a remedial agent ,
for Gout , Rheumatism , Dyspepsia , and kindred
It possesses a peculiar power , found in no other
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sonous product of high living.
Notwithstanding the advance in price of foreign
waters , the prices on Londonderry remain the same.
Prctctlttd by Itadlng Bold by all dealers In Mineral
Phytlclant all cm W ter , and In every hotel
( At land. and club in America.
Ittlo money that way there is ao much fault
oun.l wah lining the work otira-lv > s. so
many people klckliiR nbout It. and the txecti-
vo committee deMres the work jono by ,
contract , nnd I would therefore yiy don't do
I-et It go by contract iind do r.nly trat
ortlon which you hnve explained.
ConnolljAbout the ch iie | of thefe Bpecl-
cations. 1 want lo state when I first ills-
overed that. There was some bids called
or for the construction of a sewer on the
xposlllon grounds , and me and Mr. Shaw i
vent upstairs hero to look the spedncatloiiB |
ver , and while wo were In there I noticed |
ho plan of the lagoon lying on the drauRhta-
un's table thero. I wont over and looked
t It at l saw there was a Rreat change
ook place. I slid to Mr. Shaw : "Keep
our eyes opened ; romc'thlng has happened
Ince we were here before. " We went and
ocki'd It over carefully nnd there was a
rcat LhaiiKc Hi It- 1 l J "ft like that at
II , nnd 1 spoke kind of loud not exactly
olid , but I was pretty hot , and I showed It ,
nd I said : "I will never put In another bide
o the exposition company If the bids are
lot opened In public , " because I did not be-
levo In this transaction of opening bids be-
ilnd closed doors. I believe 1 was the low
Idder on the lagoon out there , and 1 shall
ever bid cm their work a aln until they
ro opened In public. The next day Jlr.
Shaw asked the ) If the bids
vcro to be opened 'In ' public , and he arnurcd
haw the bids would bo opened at C o'clock
lie next nitwit In public. 1 was not there ,
nil Mr. Sl'aw brought u bid up there , and I
lollcvo Mr. Oernldlno told him at that time ,
or Mr. Shaw told inc. Ho slid thnt If he
ad mo upstairs then he would wring my
eck downstairs. And 1 want to glvo notice
Ight now
Hidwell I certainly must object. What
Ir. Shaw told you don't go. When did Mr.
haw go Into partnership with you ?
Connolly The flrat job that Mr. Shaw and
bid on together was on that sewer In the
xposltlou grounds. After I nude my necotul
bid for this exposition I went to Mr. Shaw
nd made a proposition to Mr. Shaw to come
n with mo in partnership with me , Mr.
Shuw being an engineer and n competent
nan ( that Is , I believed he wns a good ,
ompotoiu fellow ) , I thought I could use him
nd wo could work hannotvlously together. I
iccded an engineer nnd would have one
ight there with me. Mr. Slmv accepted my
imposition and we went together.
Uldwell When your llrst bid was made ,
huu , Mr. Shaw had nothing to do with It ?
Connolly No , Mr. Shaw did not. Xo , sir ;
11 I know Mr. Shaw was doing , I was In
o see the architect , and 1 f.uv him working
on the piano , nnd It was according to those
ilans that we completed our bid the second
Uosewatcr In this testimony nbout the
ille driving U transpired tint a man by the
innio of CJreen , who Is said to be the part
ner of Templelon , who Is an employe In our
ollice. Qreon was employed by the exposl-
lon some time previous , was ho not ?
Geraldine Hreen was employed for some
line by the exposition ,
Ilosewuter What was he doing ?
Gcralil'ine Driving piles.
llosewater 1.3 . he an expert , or was he ?
Oeraldlne He said ho understood drlv-
ng. I don't know.
llosewater Where did he come from ?
Oeraldlnc I don't know.
llosewater Didn't you know tlrat he came
rom ChiiMgo ?
Oe uhllne I did not know. They tell mo
le came from Chicago. That he Mme from
Ohio originally , that he lived here some time
go , but lud been away for some years.
llosewater Wasn't he Imported here from
Chicago on puiuoso ?
Geraldine Xo , sir.
KounUe Mr. llosewater , In this < barge
lure , says that all the Iron wo.k , worth $2CO.
vas omitted fiom the Creedon & Mahoncy
contract. Is that correct ?
Geraldine The Iron work I referred to was
he bolts shown In the original drawing. I
explained last night that changing the b.ick-
itays from timber to cables. The iron wo k
aside from that was the lag screws shown
hero In the di awing and holding this walling
on the piles. That was the constructio'i
given by Mr. Shaw , which 1 changed , booa-ise
: iere In the drawing jtij holding this waling
cJ ewa > s nnd bid : of the piling , and mortis-
ng It Into the piles , that dhnicned , v , Uh. the
' " '
ag screws. Dut Oi'e cost"ta'lltc contractor of
r.nklng that change , which is mentioned litre
n the contract. In which he agrees to do ilut
extra , which Involves nn e.xvense In 'abaol '
! 200 extra on the contmct. It relieves him
of the use of those lag screws , substituting
pikes Instead. Thu difference between the
spikes used and the lag screws , tiid : lley
ueen used , would be very , If
anything at all.
Kouiitze The next charge Is that of the
employment of Mr. Tamm , and that , I think ,
van explained last evening.
Geraldine In looking over my written
reply you will ilnd It. And I will say , also ,
at the time .Mr. Tamm wns employed the
cupcr.'truetures were under way , the Ad
ministration building was pretty well along
under construction. I had been locking after
It myself till near that lime , but the neces
sity for a superintendent of coiis'rnction
arose. I did not want to employ a nun
CJtlrely for that work , because there was
not enough o. ' it at that time to warrant It.
1 thertfoie asked the architect if there was
not somebody In his ollice he could detail
to mo to look after that work until It In-
aseil In magnitude sutllclrntly to warrant
the employment of a superintendent of con
struction. The architect sent me a young
man whom I put on the work. He took
care of It for trout a week , I should Judge ,
and then disappeared left us without no
tice. At this time there was some ques
tions disputed about the construction of the
drawings and speeilieatlrms , some work done
under the supervision of this superintendent
during my absence from the work that was
improper ; some question of dispute arising
with Strehlow on the .Manufactures build
ing , and the necessity for a constructional
en that work was Imperative. I learned
at this tlmo that William II. Tamm had
frilshed his work with Arthur Johnson &
Hio. , anil sent for him. I asked him for
what wages ho would undertake to superIntend -
Intend the woik out thero. Ho replied that
he would expect about $7 a day for the worK
would like to have that. I askrd hln
what ho Ind been receiving , lie said thn
work he hid been doing for Arthur Johnson
& Hro. recently being very light , paid $ , "
a day. He dually agreed to accept ? 1 pel
day. I told him I would recommend that
ho bo employed nt that. I conferred will
Mr. Wattles , told him the eltuatlon , toll
him I needed a man there Immediately , am
n compi't'-mt ono , or I would have to leave
the oilico and the Important affairs of the
department and stay out there the greater
part of the tlms on that work. I ted !
hint about Mr. Tamm. I wanted In thU
capacity a man In whom I could absolutely
depend. It Is n part of the work that I
um particularly responsible for , nnd It Is a
very Important feature of exposition work-
That Is , that the construction of the Job Is
done In strict accordance with the plans
rail specifications and that the man who
supHrluteniU the Job fchould bo there at al' '
hours as the work prognoses , to conf r
with the contractors , to explain anything
they do not understand about the draw
ings , correct any errors that may occur , ntid
prevent ar.y Improper work being done be
fore It Is done. I knew Mr. Tamm to ho that
kind of a man. It has been stated in the
papers hero that ho was a former employe
of mlno in the Chicago dralnago canal. My
knowledge of Mr. Tamm lo confined to these
Hosowater Mr. Chairman , I want to cut
this thing short. None or us have nn abun
dance of time. It Is a very Interesting story ,
but wo have nut ( luegtionod his ability. We
simply question the right of Mr , Geraldine
to employ this man.
Geraldlne Mr. Chairman , I feel grieved
at this Interruption.
Jlosewater You uro only doing It to take
up time.
Geraldine I would llko to ask the chair
man whether I am reporting to tills commlt-
tee or to Mr. Hose-water ?
ICounue I don't think there Is anything
In Mr. Itoaewater'a charge hero tlmt Mr.
Tamm was a former employe of yonr's , Is
there ?
Geraldlue I referred to that as having
been In the newspapers. I am explaining
this to show the very good reasons for em
ploying Mr. Tamm. At the tlmo I explained
Hits to Mr. Wattles I said I wanted this man
Immediately. Ho said go ahead , that would
bu all right and ho would bring It before the
C'xocutlvit commlttco Immediately , at tlio
next meeting. Now , It U stated In the
charges hero that It did not come before the
exccutlvu committee until the 27th of Au-
KUrit. 1 don't recollect the datcti exactly hut
I think that this occurr-d about the 13th or
thereabout. At all events , I put Mr Taniui
nt work the next moriinti After the next
meeting of the rxe uilTl c/.iunltteo / Mr. Wnt- (
tlrs came to my oftVo nnJ naid thnt the com- ,
mltteo would like to .know more of Mr. i
Tamm ; also would like to know why 1 could
not life Mr. Daley. I uspltlned to Mr. Wat
tles that Mr. Daley could not bo used on this
work becnuiic he did nM'tmderstaml It , and i
explained what It rcquirud. I said 1 would i
got the Information ho wanted regarding Mr.
Tamm. I telephoned to M. Tamm : he came
In from work 1 think that same evening ,
called at my olllcc , nn.n took down n state- j
ment of his experience. ,1 handed that over
to Mr. Wattles nt the next opportunity , lie
returned It to me whcll fie'c.ime back from
the meeting and raid thal the matter was
laid over. In examlnivg.tfcat ! memorandum
I Ilnd It Is dated August 21 , so the matter
certainly was brought \ip before the executive
committee nt the next meeting nftcr he was
employed. '
llosewater Don't you know that the ex
ecutive committee has meetings nearly
very other day , or every third day ?
Kountze Mr. Ilisownter charges that the
executive committee declined to grant the
cqucst for the employmiint of Mr. Tamm
) > refusing to take action on the request ,
and that Mr. Tamm wns ftlll found In the
< mpoymrnt ! of the company after that time.
Now , the committee having declined to take
action , why did 'Mr. ' Tamm continue ?
Geraldine I received no lutlre from the
ommlttec or from Mr. Watttles. or any In-
imailon that IIP should be discharged.
Ilosc-watur Did yon notify thu committee
hat he was employed at the tlmo you
naked for this permission for appointment ?
Giraldlne I did not give any notice di-
cct to It. I am not expected to or required
o. I gave my notice to the manager of
the department , .Mr. Wattles.
Uosewatcr You had notice that the com-
nltteo declined to accept your recommenda
tion or rather to appoint the man on your
recommendation nt the time declined to
nke any nctlon ? Did you have notice of
that ?
Geraldine Xo. sir.
Kountze Did the executive committee
lave knowledge that Mr. Tnmni was still
n the employ of the association after this
tlmo ?
Itosewnter The only knowledge wo had
was that his name appeared when wo re
ceived notice In September of the pay roll
for August. I noticed that Mr. Tamm was
on the pay roll for August for Hftoett days
at1 a day , and Inasmuch as Mr. Wnttles
lad represented that wo could engage him
'or $100 per month r called the attention of
the members to this Irregularity , that It wns
laying him more than he actually wanted ,
t Is customary for department heiils and
'or ' their subordinates when they want any
assistance of such Importance to submit
.hese questions to the executive crmmlttee.
What 1 contend Is th-tt If Mr. Geraldine
waiito.l a superintendent of construction he
should have sent a communication In same
time before for him. Where did Mr. Tamm
come from ?
Geraldine From Omaha.
Kountze You hive not answered my ques
Host-water The committee had no other
knowledge until the end of the month.
Kountze Did they have any ollicial notice
that this nun was still lu the employ of the
astoriatlon ?
Uosewatcr Xo other-not Ice except thla
fact , tint hi i name had appei.-ud nn the
August pay rol' and nt the en 1 ot Scjt ; ° m-
lier we were naked on the r 'M > n of Mr.
Klrkendall on his rotjjrn jthe secretary re
fused to certify to this.'pay roll because Mr.
Tatum's employment Iind not hern author
ized , lie refuse , ! to Jinake out a voucher
and thereupon notllled ; iMr. Klrkendall that
Bomo action must bi > t'nken to legalize tins
matter before the voucher would Issue. Then
was the first tlmo we had any ollicial notice
that Mr. Tamm was still In the employ and
Inasmuch as he had done the work we voted
to pay nun. Anil mere it ends , out Me lias
no authority yet at the present time.
nosewater I want tp kijow of Mr. Ger
aldine why he designated this nun as super
intendent of construction.
Geraldine Ileoause that Is his business.
llosewater What arc you. then ?
Gcraldlnp I was employed as general su
perintendent of the Grounds and Dulldlngs
Department. , ,
llosewater There Is .lid-such'record any
where. The minutes of our association show-
that the tltlo was the .superintendent for
tht- Department cf Uulliing3 | anil Grounds ;
not general superintendent. And that Is one
reason why nt the time Mr. Tamm'a name proposed I objected. I did not see why
we-should have two superintendents. Are we
going to promote them to generals , lieuten
ant generals and major generals and all that ?
Kountzc The committee having ac < | Ui2sceJ
to the continuance of Mr. Tanim's employ
ment nnd having paid him on a voucher ,
and the matter being under cisciis-uon , thould
not the committee have taken some action
In this matter , cither declining to continue
Mr. Tamm or acquiescing in It.
llosewater Wo had a very long session ,
this all occurred last Friday , and It would
not have been , perhaps , prudent , I did not
ST regard It , that his services be dispensed
with , not knowing Just , to what cxfnt ho Is
employed cr his services are , and
in view of the fact that these charges wore
then and there preferred and that statement
iiiailo , It did not clear Mr. Geraldine In any
way what wo nhould do subsequently. It
allowed that ho was carrying on this depart
ment on his own part In an arbitrary , un
methodical and unlawful way , if it can be
Kor.ntzo The next question raheil here Is
the employment , or rather th awarding of
a contract to Mr. Daley for the construction
of a power , without plans and without speci
fications , and without bond being given.
What was there about that ?
GcraliHnc Do you wish wo to explain all
that leads up to the letting of this contract ,
or Just the bare fads ?
Kountze I think the lure f.icts are all we
care for.
GcraldlneVo advertised for bids for a
aewcr to bo constructed on the Intersection
of the sewer on the Kountze tract , at Twen
tieth street north to the line of Hajard
street and east to Sherman avenue. Wo pre
pared plans for that sewer. A plan Is the
appearance of the work looking down from
tin- top , showing where It Is to be laid. In
whit street , In whu part of the street and
where the laterals were to bo put In. Wo
prepared a profile showing the surface of the
ground , the depth at which that sewer should
be placed ut all points , the flze of the sewer ,
and on this map wo placed the specifications ,
which give the size and quality of the bower
pipe , and referred as It wa.i laid In the
public streets and that the city specifications
vi nld apply. H'ds ' were received , contractors
came to the ofllce. and examined the plans
nml speclflcntlotiH ami put in bids. Mr. Daley
had been n former employe as foreman of
the sewer gang that constructed the sswcr
that the exposition built Itself. He had been
discharged some time before when the work
was completed. When the bids were opened
1 found the hid of Mr. DJloy nnd It wan
thu lowest bid something less than $1 ! lower
than the next bidder.After opening the
bids , which was dene in public , I had a con < -
fenciwith ; Mr. Wattles In which I stated
to Mr. Wattlts that I did not wish to glvo
that contract to Mr. Dilsy because I wished
to employ him to feiiperinirnd the sheet piling
around the lagoon which we were about to
bogln , because I had found In his frrmor
Norvlco he was a good man. Mr. Daley had
como lo mu as a perfect- stranger , recom-
mci'ded by one of Hut prominent citizens ,
mid I employed him , flrsl wfori-man of the
fence gang , at $ L'.50 a.da > ; later In charge
of the sewer work , whleh-U his regular bust.
neat. I understand. I him to be , as far
ns ( could discern , n faithful and com
petent man. Ho toolc particular pains to
follow his work carefully lu the sewc-r built ,
and I examined it dally , myself. I found that
ho was a shipwright by trade , and from what
I could learn he had a.btter knowledge of
this mixed class of worx'fhat was required
on the lagcon sheet piling than any man I
could Ilnd , a fellow l cdAild rely upon , and
I wished to employ hlm'lfi that work. Thorn
was not very much In the contract anyhow
ai.l I thought he would bo willing to give
It up If I would give him employment. 1
told him 1 woul'i llko to employ him
to superintend the sheet piling , and If
ho took this contract I could not do It. He
said that he could make noinn money on thu
contract and did not like to give It up , but
if I would promise him permanent employ
ment he would go ami arrange with the
next bidder to take It niwl pay the difference.
1 tolJ him I could not promise 1,1m penn.i- employment. He then rl.itei : ( weoull
give him the contract It would only take him
ten days or two weeks to carry It cut , and
during that tlmo he would superintend the
work 0:1 : the lagoon for nothing an a doimil-jn
i lo the exposition , and when he had flnUhed
! his coutrac-t uud had nothing else to do ho
would accept pay I told him he could not
da that , If he had a outran for the ex <
position , while carrying out that contract.
do as rcpiesentatlve of the ex
position. Some of this discussion took place
In Mr. Wattles' presence and Mr. Wntttcs
took the matter to tht > committee and returned - ,
turned to the ofllce oml told me that there
was not a full board of the executive com
mittee , but the matter had been discussed
by those present and decide 1 to give the
contract to Daley and I could RO with
the necessary arrntiRi'tnents. The next day.
after the regular meeting of the executive
committee , 'Mr. Wattles Informed me that
they had awarded the contract to Mr. Sharp ,
because It wns stated that Daley wns an
employe of the evpoMtlon. Meantime 1 had
notified Daley that he might go abend with
his werk and t would send him written.
authority later , I explained this to Mr.
Wattles and nt once sent out to find Daley
nnd tell him not to go any further. Tin-
next day the committee met again. I re
ceived notice from Mr. Wattles after the
meeting that they had reconsidered the
matter nnd awarded the contract to Mr.
Dalny. I wrote Mr. Daley an order lo go
annul with the work. H was a small Job.
required but a short time to do It. and to
go through the formality of writing ami
exicutlng a regular contract scorned to uio
utterly unnecessary. I stated to him In
this letter to go ahead with the work accord
ing to the plans ami epeclfliMtlons to that
effect , don't know Just what the wording
was. that his work would be subject to test
In such coses. And being on the ground *
much of the time 'the ' work was In progrtas
I deemed It unnecessary to employ an n-
specter , hut Inspected the work myself. He
d d a first class Job.
The statement , an you will find In my writ
ten answer there , that the statement that
the contract was let without plans and specifi
cations Is not true. Xow. the reason that
there was no bond or contract required Is ,
first , the smallntps of the Job ; next , that Mr. *
Daley asked for no obligation on the part of
the exposition until the work was completed
and accepted. It Is customary In work of
this kind , In small contracts or orders like
that , to be treated Just the same ns nn or
der or n purchase , without the red tape of a
contract signed by the olllcera of the exposi
tion Just the same ns you would order a bill
of goods or employ a man to do a piece of
Kountre Did I understand , Mr. Ocrnldlne ,
that this contract was let to Mr. Daley un
der Instructions from the committee ?
Geraldine Yes , sir.
Kountze And that what was omitted in
Mr. Daley's cnso was the executing of a
format contract ?
Geraldine Yw , sir.
Kountze Hut that the work was done nc-
cordlng to the specifications and after the
completion the work WIIH accepted In n for
mal way and paid for ?
Geraldine You , Hlr , It accepted In a
formal way and paid for formally.
Kountze It might bo Inferred from this
that Mr. Da.y wns employed by the nsso-
clatlon nt n higher prlco per day than was
customary to he paid for that class of work
by the city.
Gcrnldtni That Is Incorrect. When Mr.
Dalej wan employed on the fewer , In the
construction of the sewer , ho was paid $5
pr day ; $3 of that was for personal services
nnd $ L' for the use of tlu- tools used by all
the men In handling "the pipe , and a horse
and wagon.
Kountzo Then thn fnct would he that ,
notwithstanding that Mr. Daley appeared on
the pay roll for $5 a day , that he was re
ceiving for his personal services $3 ?
Gernldlne Yes.
Kountze Was' that known to the commit
tee ?
Geraldine Yes. sir. It was known to the
committee. It appeared on the pay roll , Mr.
Daley , tool . etc. , $ r per day. I explained
that to you m > self , Mr. Ilosowater. You have
forgotten It.
Ilend It wns nxulnlnpd tn nip.
Kountze Mr. Iloscwutor charges finally
that Daley was employed at $4 per day
nfter thla sewer work was done , as Inspector ,
and ho charges t' at ( by Implication , perhaps ,
not directly ) thnt Instead of acting as inspector
specter he was employing his time In rak
ing up shavings from the bottom of the
KcHoAroter Employing his Mine for the
benefit of the contractor. That Is about
Hie siibsUnco of It. ' i ' '
Kountze What Is there of that , Mr. Ger-
aldiuc ?
Geraldine That Is untrue. Some one has
been misleading you , Mr. llosewater.
Hosowatr-r I had It from two or three people
ple who saw It.
Geraldine This Is a milter on which I am
fully posted. I am competent to reply.
Kcuntze Did Mr. Daley during this time
he WMS employed as superintendent on the
Mgonn perform that work in a manner satis
factory ?
Gerildlnc Yes , sir ; very satisfactory. In
regard to picking up of shavings , as the
charge was made , when I put Mr. Daley on
this work they vore working three or four
gangs. They were giving me n good deal
of trouble to get the work dene right. Tno
head of the firm , Mr. Croodon , whom I found
to be a good mechanic and well posted man
In that line ot work , was absent. He ex
plained o me that he could not bo on tint
work because IIP had other work and strikes
on Ivla hands. The fotetnen that he sent out
there to do the work were Incompetent ,
tioublesome and evasive , and gave mo a
good deal of trouble. For this reason I
was very glad to get the services of Mr.
Daley for the few days that remained , be
cause I could depend upon him to dee that
the work done was all right. I was on
the work out there every day. I remember
the contention. Mr. DJley was disputing
as I drove along the sldo of the canal , was
disputing with Mr. Oreedon , ordering him to
clean up the shavings nnd stuff out of the
bottom of the lagoon at the cast end. and
complained to me that the contractor did
not carry out orders ; thnt ho had just had
trouble with ono cf his foremen , whom he
claimed had not done hla work right , and
the foreman had called him a liar. He de
manded the dhmtasal of that man , which
the contrac'or refused to comply with. I
looked Into the matter. Mr. Creedon came
up to the buggy and said If there was any
thing of the kind tint was wrong ho wished
to make it right , and If thla man 1ml been
Insolent to the Inspector ho would discharge
him. Ilut this nutter In the bottom of the
lagoon Mr. Daley referred to was the pile
heads cut off by our own men , for which
lie was not responsible. It was a very small
matter and Mr. Daley said if that was tin-
case he would throw them out himself , which
he did.
Ilosewjter : I don't regard that as the
main part of It. I blmply s.iow that the men
out there are doing a good deal muro play
than work.
Malt-Xutrine ! a the only really great Kx-
tract of Malt offered on the market , all other
so-called extracts being nothing better than
strong black beer with a largo percentage of
alcohol and a very small ono of extractive
matter. Such extracts bhould not be given
or recommended to convalescents or strength-
ssekliig pn-.ple , since their merits are all on
the label and not In the bottle.
Alriirlliili ( I'mtin - IOI-MI > Slioiv ,
CHICAGO. Oct. U-After ne&utintjoni
carried on at W-isHnetgon through L. 7. .
Kclfr , representing the committee of the
( 'hlinirohoiw chow , n permit mis b.'cn ob-
tnlntil from the 8uretury : of war permit-
tint ; the I'n'.tocl States .Murine li-inil to give
concerts ut tiu CIC-IIKO | ! lioise * hov , ' Novm-
ber 1 to l ! . Another feature that bus been
made for tin- ruining exhibition la the hunt-
In K contents. whU-h will give a. dally rtpro
duction of actual hunt ! ) within the arena.
There Will bo live foxex , packs i'f lunnils
from the l > - t UcnnclH nnd hunting cluh-t In
the United Statesi , the horse.H to lia rldJc-n
by members of the clubs. Th"se will be
arranged upeolally with hrmh barriers ,
water Jumps nml fence * . I' . K Collier of
Now York hs tn'ered his intln- stable of
hunters Bid : > - ik of hounds from Mon-
moiith. Adam UetU and other mcniberH of the
I-uii'ion ' jluiitiii- Huh of Ontario , ami W.
Hendrle or the I ! million Hunting i-lub , On
tario , luivu enU-tel HxU-t-n ( ( unll'trd buiiti-i's
with hound * Among the nn mburt of tl.e
Hamilton i-lub who will ride In the hunt'
are three women.
Mull Di-ctrnys u KI | | < > VI ! ! ! > IIril.
IJTTU3 UOCIC. Ark. , Oct. 15.-A letter
from a prominent citizen of Wurren sayw :
Ono of the largest ami most valuable vine.
yarJs In llraiiley county has Just been df-
ntroyi-d by a moli of enraged cltlzeiiH. t > 'or
haver tl yi.ira a beautiful vlneyaid nan bi-i-n
'glowing about t'l ht inllen uouth of Warren ,
fiiptoduct of which IIUB been coim-rifil
In d native wlni'H. It l.s alleged that the
dale of the beverage has led to mil eh
di among men and boys. .Vtl hbor-
hootl ( j-ithi-ilngA have bi-t-n disturbed ami
I uignlie.tine cf toinniun otiunonriA
meeting ufiltizi-nH wa ti-M at Kuinv-nllle.
uthlrh tt was rrHitwl u < vi-a-y ird
wi < > tin prim iry c.iti'fe of the di jrl'-rs nnd
Hi- ' lz > ) -i pr 'f-dcil in a body < he vine
yard T 4 d "toy J It ,
Prices Cut a Fourth to a Half
for Oiic Day Only.
Saturday is the last chance you
will have to buy this elegant
furniture at these prices for
all that remains unsold at 10
o'clock Saturday night will go
back in stock and will not be
sold at less than the regular
prices ,
A divan niiliolstt-n-tl In silk ttiiii-stry , An elegant solid mahogany frame , In
in-let' SIS.r.O. . this wi-i-k , $1)- ) ' . " . laid marquetry back on paneled veneer ,
'lliimsuit tipliolsti'ivd III silk browi- " .
beautifully upholstered -piece , armchair
, ,
tollo I'xtni law size all ovcrstnlVcil ,
prliv ! ' the suit . Tt'i.Oll , this wci-k , chair , setlee and small chair , price ? 70 ,
. ? : ss.oo. this week , ? ltl.r 0.
A lai'f'i > arm parlor clialr , npholsU'roil
in sill ; liroiati'lliprki - ? U.UI ( ) ) , IhNvoik Very fine solid mahojjany frame , In
$10.00. laid lines , two pieces , upholstered lu
Kit-cant 'l-pii'iv parlur suit , solid ina- llk damask , price ) , this week ,
honaiiy frump , silk damask , upliolsterrd , $ . - . ! . ( 10.
handsomely hand carved , a lifaniil'nl
suit , prk-c this wi'i'k. iHD.oo. Solid mahogany , handcarved , window
It-piwy solid maliDirany. silk damask seat , one of our lines ! decorative pleccH ,
upholstery , bountifully hand carved , price ; ? : ! t.tM ; ) , this week , ? 1 > I.OO.
thorouirlily up-to-date , price $71.00 , this U-pIcce solid mahogany , settee ami
woes , $ : U)0. ) arm clialr , price $ iil.i ( ( ; , this week , $ : > ; ! .
1414-1416-1418 Douglas St.
Four Judges Decide Against llio Mithlle-of-
thc-Road Populist ? ,
Scrrclni'.v of .Sluli * > lny Hrrnll ( Vrtlll-
Vllllllll mill iNHtIf \ < MV Illlllllt
( > | ! MTINI - II Is Snlil Hlfcllnii
Will lie Void.
DIOS MOINKS , Oct. 15. ( Special Tele- |
gram. ) The four Judged of tii ! > Polk county ,
district court today united in a ruling that !
the action of the state election board In giv
ing the bolting populist ticket a place on the
ollicial ballot under the populist party head-
.ing was illegal and in ordering Secretary of
State Dobson not to certify the ballot with
the middle-of-the-road populist ticket to the
county auditor's of the Dtate.
Secretary Uokson has already certified the
ballot as nude up by the election board and
If ho does not recall the certlllcation and a new ballot and the I'ollc county de
cision Is sustained by the supreme court , at
torneys unite In declaring that the coming
Btatc election will be invalid.
When the legularly called populist state
convention divided to make the same state
nominations as had been made by the demo
crats and free silver ripuhllcJii convention ! )
a small number or delegates bolted the con
vention and nominated
a middle-of-the-road
ticket. A protest was entered ugalust the
middle-of-the-road ticket on the ground that
Itviiu not entitled to the lumu popullxt.
The state election board , composed of repub
licans , rejected the protest mid accepted tin-
ticket. The mailer was taken to the Polk
county district court on a writ of fcrtio'arl
Issued by Judge Spurrier. After delays duo
lo technical points as to procedure , the mat
ter \\as decided today by the four district
Judges , who united In dccUdng that the holt-
cis am not entitled to the name "populist. "
Judge Spur.'ler Is a silver republican , but the
thrco judges who united with him in the
decision , are republican ! ) . Secretary of State
Dohson has until .Monday to certify the ollicial
ballotn to the county auditors , lie stated to
night that he hud already certified the Ixil-
lots , and did not know what further action
ho would take. A. W. C. Wesks atiii'juuced
that the middle-of-the-road penile would ap-
iit rosr. IM.AXT TO JJM I\IAI : II .
TrilNl Will OlMTllIf Illll-MllllllllMVII
Kin-lory nl I'lill riiiin-ll.v | ,
MAIlSHAM/roWN , la. , Oct. IB. The Glu
cose trust has purchase. ! the factory of the
Firnienich Manufacturing company ut this
place. It is given out tint the capacity of
the plant Is to bo doubled at once , or as
soon as the necessary changes can bo nude.
The C ! In cost' Sugar Ilelliilng company will
expend from $100,000 to $100,000 In cash for
Improvements on the local plant ; new mu-
I'hlnery will he added and the plant re-
moJolcd entire ; an electric light pUnt will
bo one of the features ; the utat of city water
will bo done away with entirely and moro
deep wcllrt will be bored lo furnish a pure
nnd t-parkling quality or water ; the ute of
Linn creek water for cooling purposes will
ho discontinued , and lat < t , but not least , the
ruft30 ! will ho taken care of at the factory
uud nothing but pure water will bu turned
Into the sewer and creek , thus doing away
with a condition that has been a great source
cf complaint by the people of the rantern
part of the city and by the people of Tama
General Superintendent Gaunt said today :
"We ore going to remodel the etitlro plant
and double * Us whole capacity. This will In
volve an expenditure of from $100,000 to
$150.000 , probibly the latter num. Several
small additions In the way of buildings will
bo added , but the plant Is now nearly largo
enough and by rearranging tome of the pres
ent machinery and putting In new wo will
have plenty of room. W- ( will grind between
15,000 and 10,000 buthels of corn dally , where
now but between 7,000 and 8,000 bushels uro
manufactured. "
IlKVII Mini CltllllllllN Sllll'llll' ,
KKOKUK. la. . Oct. 15. Sylvester I , . Mdz
of Argyle committed sulclJo today by shoot
ing himself through the head. N'u tausc
for the deed Is anslgni'd.
FllIlH DIIUII n I mil Slillfl.
DBS MU1NK8 , On 10 ts'penal Ttlmrom >
Andrew Kron u blia'i ouil'lrr it > the Kureka
coal inin rtiio t , 'it In' ! rtp-'l1 * "
burned'out shaft. ! ! < fell elghly-llvo feet
down the shaft with n cave-In , striking beanui
every few feet. The caved-ln earth ImrU.l
him under five feet of rubbish , nnd when ho
wan dug out there was scarcely a bone in
hlsi body that was not broken.
11 US. A. H.\l.l7\"HI ) KOlTlMlH.SmHXT.
IIMVII U'niiiuii SiilVnul lN Flr , . | OIIU'i-rM
for I InCiiiutiiK Vi-iir.
DKS .MOI.N'KS , Oct. I ! ! . ( Special Telegram )
The convention of the State Equal -'urfrago
association closed Us tin PC days' session la j
this city today. It > was decided to establish '
stute headquarters in Des Moiiies , In charge
of the corcspondlng secretary , for the pur
pose of carrying on an active light before
the legislature this winter In behalf of an
amendment to the constitution containing a
j BiifTrigo plank.
j The following officers were elected : 1'rcsl-
! dent , Mr.-i. Adelaide Dallard of Hull ; vlco
! president , .Mrs. Julia llnllam ot Sioux City ;
i corresponding secretary , Martha C. Callanan ,
DCS Molnes ; recording secretary , Kathcrino
M. I'ierco , DCS Molnes ; treasurer , Anna II.
1 Ankeny , Dun Moines ; cliairman of executive
! committee , Mrs. M. .1. ( "oggrshall , Dea
' Molnos ; auditors , Mrs. Dr. I'eck. Daverport ,
and Mrs. O. W. B. Illll. lies Moines ; member
I national executive committee , Mrs. Margaret
I Campbell , les Molnes.
' The following county presidents wcra
elected a members of the executive commlt-
, tee : Mrs. R Hellion , Sioux City ; Mrs. Da
venport ; .Mrs , Harriet Jenks , Jraaup ; Mrs.
Hamilton of Harrison county , nnd Mrs. S. W.
j Whitney , Waterloo.
| This evening a mock scnslon of the Iowa
I Irglsluture was held nt the Young Men'ii
Christian association auditorium.
I" I'M < IT IHII lllNlirilllCr \ < > < . \NsllVIIII Illl * .
j DKS MOINES , Oft. J5. The supreme
I court decided today that certificates In fra-
tunial liHiiranro orders like the Ancient Or
der of United Workmen cannot be assigned.
A case was taken up from the I'ollc district
court by Mrs. C. I ) . Crocker In an a"tlou
against Mrs. Annie Hogan , the beneficiary
named In the certificate. She joined her
liuttbaiiil In the assignment.
, IOVI NtMINOll.N. .
I Cedar Falls Is to have an electric Jtrcct
' car line.
The ( Fortieth Iowa Volunteer Infantry is
holding n reunion at Newton.
| The people of Alhli nro agitating thn'ad-
'visablllty ' of constructing u system of water
i works.
Thursday wag cleaning up day at Ottumwa
and a largo number of men and teams weru
1 put to' work removing the accumulatrd dirt
; fi'jm the pavements.
I.atu Wednesday night the jury In the
CHRO of Thcodoro lllcku of Alden , who hail
been Indicted for ahsanlt with Intent to com
mit murder , brought In a vcnllct ol assault
and battery only.
The Hastings IJrojrrs club met at Mrs ,
L. K. Mason's to reorganize and decide on
w rk for thu coming year. Mrs. Mabon 'was '
chosen president , and ' .Mr. ; . Whltnall , secre
tary. It was decided to take up literature ,
{ and mart with Longfellow for the Hint.
Thu UUht city of Coalfield , near Albla , Is
having ,1 diphtheria scaro. There have hicn
several deitlrs and many morn eaten are ru-
pottnd. Thn I'lty Is In a huil way for water
, and U Is hauled from Kddyvlllo and an nl-
lotment of live buckets each day Is made la
ieach family.
The Indoor agricultural fair at Ilurllngton
cloned with 3,000 pcoplu In attendance. . Tha
fair a novelty , living held entirely In-
doors in the big Calrouni | , which scats 10,000
! i people. The attendance has been phenomenal
and tlio promoters have made quite a larcu
sum of money. i
Kit-hard Darker , a well known citizen nt
Farley , who IH past middle age , was callo.l
as a witness In the t-attln slcallng case at
Dubuqiiu. It was lii first appearance on
the ultncts stanil. mid he wus so wrought
up by thi > ipiiMtionlrg he went through that
his mind lierame unbaliiiied.
For Jnfants and Childreii.
Iti V
All Druggists.