Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1897, Page 12, Image 12

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    HI I
The Gamblers of
ny MOHUY :
= a it o HUNTS. Gravel Mountain
( fuprlKlit. 5"'T 1 > > fi t MH'I irf rmnpnti ) ) '
"Wo give } ou a mighty Rifvl nrlco for It' ' " '
Mil the r rM bow of the railroad at ho |
leant bark In his chnlr Ami looked out
tlifol'gh the nlmlows nf his frmic-bnllt omre.
A snowy king of peaks wns In Hie center or
the picture , heavj blue sk } vvis balanced by
In B rtelern far below , the rnnv/ ran
the rock , then ncint t > lncs filnged the
tlinnldnr of a mountiln , dipping Into dark
forest , with the roaring river nt KM foot.
' Hut you own up fair and squaic that this
Is Inking a risk' " said Holdtedge , the con
tractor from Utah "It's no common kind of
jobml work In ami take dollars out. "
"We la } thu lards on the table , Mr. Hnl-
d 'ilge. "
T/e ! lord of railroads threw n packet down
botoro him , and , rising , -.sent tu thu stuvc.
Uxepl about noon the air was chill nt the
nltltiidn of the summit when the month was
May. I
"Theie's nothing underhand here , " fald !
HOBS. "What our engineers fay } ou know. )
One's woid Is , 'Wh } , certainly , ' and nn- ,
other's , 'It can't bo done , ' and the third Is !
n Scotchman , .ind has what he calls 'his
floats' Hut if you and } our brother risk It.I
nnd mike It , we i > ay heavy , If you mnckj
It , our share goes and you'll lose your labor. !
It's a gamble " I i
He stirred ny the stove with a burnt plna
Btlrk , which he withdrew , blaring.
" Niituro always holds four aces , " said the
joungnr Holilrcilgc.
"No , " said Itcss , "hut shu keeps her gun
ready for nil of us when wu win. liven >
jilft n piece of rock wo k nt $1 a yard or M
may spell cstastrotihc and sudden death "
Thu lloldredgis looked at each otticr for a
long mlnuto and then at the table. This was
ci strangely quiet gambling house , far among
the hills
And the dealer waited.
"I'll stnaldle the Mini ! , " said Holdredge.
Ar.d his brother nodded.
Hut as they ynt their names on ixiper
they felt that on that ( > laln bit of plue lay
ten years' woik and ten yeais' mono } , to be
lotuincd with mighty Interial or swept off
by llass and those behind him.
"I'm glad yon have the grit to take this
' * "iil HIM , "we've something to set the Mm-
boil en now' "
I ' We never reckoned on rock work. " ( in-
I s-.vcred Ke ley. "tnd It teaks the time and
the dollars up "
Therit wjn ft quarter of the tunnel at the
nr t end done before the concrete cinie In
sight. At the c * < t end they struck it nt Its
highest , sit feet above the level , nnd there
the work , was slow.
Now the brothers were somber. They
stood halt a day at one end of the woik or
the other , but though they walked together
they iftrely tpoko.
"The Mormon boyi look glum. " said the
foreman to himself. And he felt It , too.
"If we come out as > vo went In we're
lucky. " said Kecley.
lint till ! hoped yet.
"The tlmb rjng holds n > far , " he cried.
Yet that night at 11 'o'clock , when , the
world wns quiet tnve for the song nf. the
mountain rlvtr , ho left his tent and his
sleeping brother ard went out to the tun
"Tomorrow wo should see dalight through
It , " he wild
The moon wns full At n distance the
lower valley was hare , but In the loftier alti
tudes the peaks pleicod the sky with silver
spears The honU'tiE were deep nnd splen-
dl.l. Heie nnd there n brilliant stnr or
softer planet showtvl like the lighted sum-
ml' of some tremendous mountain. The ulr
was calm , no wind moved In the forest The
pul e of the liver was the one sound In a
sleeping world.
Plfty jards from the brothers' tent wan
the eut In the hill that led to the mud turi
nd's black mouth. livery obstacle In the
path , bar or pick or shovel or overturned
birinvv , WHS as visible ns da } light. Hut
suddenly the kouthcrn shoulder of the hill
lifted Itself against the round mcon , and for
a minute Hill Holdrc'lgc ' walked blinded He
wont down a plank nnd on the line cln } tint
was now a puddle and came to the heavy
timber of the tunnel's entrance Ho walked
In , nnd again night fell upon him , thick
night Egyptian and Cimmerian darkness Ho
tumid round , nnd outs de nlr was like the
thin ghost of daj SUtli. ? down upon n barrow -
row , he rested his head upon his hand. And
as he aal the hill talked to him In faint
whispers , at first hardly audible. Hut pres-
qn , " said the dealer. "I'd have given con
siderable when I was 30 to have such a
level chance offerexl If you put It througn
> ou nnke three times as much In half the
timeus the nun who has the fattest Job
between tho. Summit ami the Cascades. "
Ho laughed jovially.
"And If we don't , Mr. Ross. " said the
jounger Holdredge , "we'll establish .1 claim
on } ou foa long station In the Columbia
valley , where two men cin start aftesh with
short shovels "
Hut when they were outside they shook
"It can be done , " said Keeley Holdrenlge ,
the elder.
"I reckon , " absented Hill.
Yet without telling e ach other they wrote
that night to their wives In their natho
Htato to go easy with the money ami save
\vlmt they could.
"We've got hold of the biggest thing here. "
they wald , "but It's the riskiest It's make
ct spoon or spoil a horn. Hut we'll make a
spoon , never fear "
They d canioxl as they slept In llielr tent
by the foaming waters of the Klcking-Horse
river that they were rich , thai the } were
poor , that the woild was theirs anil that it
iwas lest And overhead w-as the great Gravel
mountain through which they had undertaken
to put a tunnel.
The big men of the east were In a hurry
to meet the big men of the west.
Hy the end of Ma } the vallev was , i hive-
of men , ami every hour came the toiind of
great locks cast iknui On temporary rails
Jl.-.t ears rail. Hxpleulons shattcrtd the , ilr
nnd beat the white river whiter } et wii1 ]
the wretk , of mountains. In the forestrf
etiong men from Michigan and Wlscotislr
lioweil piles of tits , and many work n , ; on
contract for the Holdredgcs squared huge
balks with broad axes The crash of falling
pines re-echoed ! mountain sheep aiwl goits
and shambling beam wondered and went
north and south. A world of men divided
their ancient domain. Amid the sounds of
cataract and snowslldo was the elfin shriek
of Jho far locomotive , now domliant on the
conquered summit , and In the great gravel
lilll the Holdretlges' finta were working , pre
paring a iidtnial slope among the disinte
grated wash of n thousand } ears. For In
solid rock the engineer may cut to what
steep angle he will. In hardened earth or
ttcblat or clay Is another fitting slope , hu'
for all loose material oi.lj . the naluial slope
will hold. Thu angle ut which gravel runs
Is the angle nt which It will btaj That Is
Its natural slope' .
In June the tunnel brgan , and with the
tunnel the difficulties were unburled , for in !
the gravel < was a bed of blue cla > thai ctil I
ibcaullfuiry with u spade or n shovel. It was
at strongly pure In color ns It was homo
geneous. Not u grain of Band gritted on a
knife piibbed through It , a man could stand
on a fresh cut slab and baldly leave u
When they came to It the men called to
the foreman and sent for Keelcj The sight
end feel of It gladdened Ills heart
"If It runs through this will save half the
labor , " he &ild. For to timber up the gravel
eeemcd more and iroro terrible to him
His foreman looked doubtful , but kept his
doubts to himself. Ho fa Id nothli. ; when
the contractor 'made some men put down
sliilra Pf thu clay for a Hack , but he bhook
Ills he ad when lloldredgo went away.
in the morning when Keelry came out of
his tent and set his foot upon a blue bl.ib
ho sink In It ditply He looked for water
and saw none , but the men's Ion , ; boots
were daubed with bine
"IU\e } ou struck n spring ? " ho asked.
They told him "No. "
"It's hard when It comes out , " said the
foreman gloomily , "but ever ) horn out
80'tens It. Look ! "
Ho lifted u lump and squeezed It. It eamu
through Ills strong fingers like putty. Watur
drlpp d from It.
"How will It Btaml timbering ? " asked
lloldredgo ,
"It stands It so far , " said the fore
man ,
And day l > ) day aa they cut their easy
tunnel the blue clay outside softened , do-
llquraied and melted ; a high pile lUtttened ;
in'o It soaked the moisture of the mountain
In their tent at night the 'brothers ' talked
ol'B-Irately. "
"We'll put It through. ( It'll bo only a
rraMcr of timbering. " they said. Hul aa
they lay In their beds they knew It might
tie more than that.
Trrn they struck concrete and cement ,
pMus b < l of It , under the clay. A pick
wuuiu not touch It ; they bad to send for
drills Now a quarter of the time was
lost 'by ' the use of dynamite. It was dltll-
cult to keep up the ventilation.
"It'a aa 111 wind that brluga no luck , "
fjitlj liu beard \cry plainly and lifted Ills
head to listen.
Thu hill spoke In a language Intelligible to
an engineer , v.lio , standing there , might
havu interpreted what it said as the patholo
gist interprets obscure phenomena to the
bedside phjiilcian
"Have jou cubed my contents ? " naked the
hill. "Ha\e jouselghed me in your scale-
and balantesi ? For 1 am not rock , but gravel
Listen ! "
And the atlantean timbers groaned faintly
till the young mans skin , bustled und his
hair moved. This narrow world seemed
Ab ho sat there with open ears , which
gradual ! } grew acute jci the stllluc&s of
midnight , he heard a thousand \oiccs inaudi
ble tu ttio buby da > . Uvcr > balk laid Hat
for the gieat uprights had Its word , everj
npr.ght whimpered , the roof tlmbeis com
plaint d , there was a sound that wa& no
sound , or like no known sound in the world
If It was like aught it resembled most a
bieath or wind ir. a tuft of grass. In a tree
It was like the sound of fine wheat growing
In calm aftei ra'a. A mouse's or > would
have seemed a shriek. As the man who
listened held bis breath he heard his heart
beat like a pulboineter working. Hut he
urderstood what the mlnuto chorus of the
night meant. The wood In the tunnel was.
btgiunlng to take the btrjln.
"HeglLiilug1" ho said , "beginning ! "
And when he slept again he dreamed that
he anJ his brother were back In Utah with
out a red He spoke to Keelcy as they
bieakfasted.-Just when the men wore turn
ing to
"I couldn't sleep last night. "
'No' " sa.d Keeley
'So I go' up and went Into the trcinel. '
'What dine ? "
'About 1 "
'I was there at 3 , " said Kceley.
'Then you heird It ? " ahkcd Hill.
'She begins to feel It , " said Kceley ; "but
that R of course- . "
He caught hlu brother's eye.
" 0 , don't croak , " ho cried , angrily , and
the food wan dry In his inou'h.
Hut that dij the men were Joyful , for day-
i an through the tunnel. And the work
era of the east siook hands with the work
ois of the webt. hurrahing wildly at the
wotk which heenicd bo nearly done For
theici IH this quality In human workers Joj
In toll under fair conditions , joy In strife ,
satisfaction in defeat , If defeat must come.
And to those who knew little this meant
victory Vet the struggle was even now be
ginning It began a week later when the
timbering was eompleto from end to end , for
only then did the tunnel/begin to be audible
to gross ears in daylight , when , the lUe
world talked , the world that was made of a
million Itibects und 10,000'men xtrung from
the Hiimmit to the Columbia.
Among thcbo who worked with the lum
ber were many rudely learned In thes rength
of materialH and some of them were1 veiy
doubtful '
"How does It go' " asked Keeley.
"All right for the present , Mr. Holdredge , "
sild they. And at first they did not add
"but "
Among thfiiibelvcs. In their rude shacks
and ten s , they estimated the weight of the
" 1'Ino and fir will ne\er hold ; wo want
hardwoods , oak and teak , "
"Steel , " said another.
"And fcleel won't. " sald a third ,
"If she comes , will Bhe come sudden ? "
asked the laborerw , as they worked with
sledge and maul.
Hut thej were paid to risk it. Some left ,
for their nerves gave way when they took
to thinking of n quick run out of the pit.
Ku'n , those who stayed frowned to hear the
timber talk. It spoke so loudly of the heavy
world above them the kinking world In the
bright air.
Keeley went up to SPO HOBS , and the big
man came down to look ut the work. Ho
walked through from end to end , and when
ho was oneo moro In dalight he used the
same exprcbslon that came to every one's
"Talks a good deal , " he eald.
Keeloy nodded and tried to look cheer
"She's bottled down , I reckon"
"I reckon not , " tuld Hess , "but she's set
tling Shall I send } ou down , Gordon ? "
Gordon was the Scotch engineer who had
' "
'Tor I fiiuk voti'd belter double timber
It. " sild noss. lie knew what that meant ,
anil was a bit sorry for those who had
butted their pile against that plln of gravel.
"Send Gordon , " said Kelley , and a tough
old Scotch tyke oaruu from Luggau next day.
"Meester Holtlretlge ? " ho said , as ho
tumbled oft Ills pony.
1 That's so , " said Kcelcy , "and you arc
Mr Gordon Will jou walk through newer
or after dinner ? "
"I'm hungry and In a wicked bid tem
per the noo. " snld Gordon , "to I'll go
through right an ay and give jou a hungry
man's opecnlon. And then I'll tak my food
and n drink and line n smoke , and gle } oti
a full innn's best judgment , for with both 1
don't often go wrong , Mr. Holdredne. And
till ye know a. man's digestion and his tem
per ye can't trust his word. "
Ho sat down on a hcavji balk , which ao
thn Mep for three uprights , when he cime
to the middle of the tunnel. Jt was thru
the dinner hour , and the men were E'owlng
rough beef and rougher pie In a big tent
The sound of their laughter and talk came
even 'into the tunnel.
For five minutes Gordon said nothing
The air was full of strange sounds a
eracklnr ; , weeping , whimpering went on for
ever He laid his car against one upright
and listened.
"Give mo the lamp , " he said , presently
And he looked nt the fir he had been sitting
on. Where one upright stood on It the
bulk was coinprcMed. two Inches. On each
Fide splinter } libers stood up. A little
damp oo/ed from the green wood. He Stood
back and looked at the upright.
"Glo's a straight edRelfjQ hae one , " said
he. And Kceley found him a two-by-four
scantling lying among the balks not } ct
"Is she straight ? " asked Gordon , point
ing to the upright.
"I think so , " said Kceley , nlniost sullenly
Hut Gordon put the scantling's two-Inch
sldo against the huge Uilk and It only
touched It eloselj on one place Just In the
middle. On the other sldo pf the balk the
two ends of the scantling touched , but the
mlddlo was an inch away.
"She Just buckling , man , " said Go'tlon
"Hut to be sui-o we'll try some malr"
With three out of five the result was the
"She talks a deal too much , " said Gordon
"You've laid too much on the wood. I
: ilnas said I had in } dnots. Hut now I've
n-ae doits tlcevll a doot ! "
"Well ? " said Keeley.
"She's coming down , man slow but sure
When } e hear timbers c'ack a wee blttce
It's iiaethlng , for they'd cmck wl' heat or wl
cold , but It's this talk , talk , talk nil the time
that's feat some , for limber only talks nat
ural ! } when the strain varies when one
tubs agali st another. And too much talk
In a wooden sh'n ' me-ins n shoitenlnt ; life
and there wo knew the strains. Who knows
'em here' I've nae doots , man. Hut let's
hio dinner. "
"M Gordon thinks we're gone up , Hill , "
said Keeley when they were at the table
The .Scotchman had his mouth full and
could not bptnk , but he held up his finger
and struggled with a lialf-cliDwed chunk of
beef When he had goiged It he ipnke
"That was my hungry opeenlon , boys
and mabo my afternoon one wlnna differ
much. Hut though they say a Scotchman
lights best with his belly empty , It was never
my way , and I've milr doots In the call }
morn' than any other time. Courage comes
out of feeding and a moderate use o * speerlts ,
and above all , not too much tobacco And
I've malr faith , full than Imugry , whether
it's in mate ials or in providence And
tint's a strong good argument against as
( Cilelsm and a silly scorn o' God's good cia-
tuies "
He shewed no scorn of them till It v\ai <
ibUous he could eat no more
"Harr'tig ' the pipe. I'm done till suppi-i
time , " he PI III presently. "And after one
smoke I'll pla > the wise phsceclan again
ind put my linger on the pulse of the big
nlll , and tell jou what's what In two shakes
o' a lamb's tall And I don't Mnlnl sajin
out straight that my excellence Is as big
us tint rf a carload o' the common run o
englneeis "
He went through the tunnel again , ami
the brothel * 'allowed. Once or twice IK
btctiped and spoke to a labotet' as well o.s
the foi"inan
"Yo wonder" heild to Hilt Holdiedge
' that I'd > pieik Jo thce men and heat \\li.u
hey lu\e tu say , for I see all they see and
-iiair. Hut I've leatnt to trust to fecllnni
nan as wel1 < isoold knowledge , and till
vi > do yo nnj be a school engineer , but thp
liooks on- across } our ees antl tfeavy on
\oiir mind' "
When the } reached Ihe far end he Invited
them to sit on a fallen tree
"And now yo want iny second
thoughts ? "
"Ay , " told Kceley.
And Gordru filled his JT'VC.
"If } o can drop It , and If ye hie enough
to start on something elsn , my .uhke n
'o do It I'm not askln' an } thin' , and
don'l Know hem jo > i and Hoi fi\ni it up
Hut to go on Is to gamble "
"Against a ceitulnt ) ' " osked nlll.
Goidon sciewpd up his mouth and shook
his head slowl }
"I'll no si } that , but. it's long odds "
"And If we go on , what' " asked Kecley
"Double Urn ! or her throughout , and get
some hard wood If you can. Hut mj advlee
s to cut } our losses and jour labor Theie's
nat'thlif In the woild so peetlful ns honest
'abortattcd. . Good-by , . bos , and good link
to jou' ' "
Ho rode back to Liggan whistling.
"They'll tr > It , they'll "try It , " he said
'And I've nao doot they'll bear the cataa-
'ropho like men nao doot at all "
And th.itery night the second set of tlm-
oer was onlcied What they could buy they
bought. Hut biiltable hardwood ( hero was
none within 2,000 miles , and to set that hill
on oak plllaiH wab to buy $10 with a golden
eagle As a makeshift , new pine and fir fell
on flat und mountain slope , and the trees of
daylight were dally burled In the pit
They found the western end , which was
clay bottomed hnrdciU to deal with , and
there they doubled the steps and struts first ,
and drove * ome hardwood vedges In , and
under each they blocked the Inward , thrustIng -
Ing mud w ith heavy green planka , measur
ing 4x10 that came from a saw mill hum-
mliig near the summit. Hut that hero the
uprights showed no sign of buckling at Hint
was the deadliest sign of all. For where
the cement bottom was It was necessary to
put In square blocks betwixt each hugo
standard And even then the groaning was
moro horrid , new strains were established ,
the mats of timbers became more organic
and piped perpetually Day by d-.iy the for
ests eent tribute ) to the devouring dragon
of the underbill , and teen It was almost 1m-
poBblble. to see the clay save upon the bottom.
Yi't hero and there It squeezed out between
close fict balks and cants of sawed lumber
In thin ribbons of deep pure bine , nnd tonie-
tlmea It protruded through a knot hole hang
ing down like solid pouring water
And hour by hour , day or night , Keeley
or htri brother patroled the tunnel , which
was now like a leaking ship They doubled
their redoubled care , and watched the massy
framework perpetual ! } The roof was treble
timbers , each twelve Inches square , they un
derpinned It again , nnd set angled struts in
a complex latticework against the doubled
walls. And the Hat door of the tunnel be
came convex.
They aw It , and for a day assured each
other that It < was not to. Hut at night they
set a long straight-edge across the floor and
leveled it. It touched Uiu middle , and , nail-
T iniwger &
u Metealf Co.
Agricullvra ! Implements.
Buggies and Carriages. Cor. Cth and Paclflc SU.
' 14
Jobbers of Farm Machinery.
Wacom nnd lIunEki . Cor 9th anil Jones.
Picture Moldings.
Mirrors , Frames , Hacking and Artists'
tl'lll\G ,
1'JtlKTJAU . * M > ItOUK
Glovcnth nnJ Howard Bts
M'frs 1 Jobbers of Fool Wear
The Josopb. Baiiigrm Rubber Co.
Rubbers and Mackintoshes.
Oniiiliii ,
Boo's , Shoes nnd Rubbers
Salesrooms 11IK-11H ( 1106 Harney Street.
Boots , Shoes , Rubbers ,
OHIce and Salesroom 1119-21-23 How aril St.
Wholesale Shoe Manufacturers
Western Asents Goodjeir GIo\e Rubberi.
1114 Harney Strict.
. Ihidssy ,
Owner of Chief Drand Macklntosher
grass Ornate iag Co
Ittiportsrs ntid Mautifacturcrs
614-16-18 Soulh nth Street
Mc.aBsen , Sorghum etc , Piesenes anil Jellies
Alto tin cans anil Jnimnned warn.
Growers nnd manufacilurcrs of nil forms of
Chicory Oniahn-lVcmont O'Neil
Ing both ends to 1hn side frame , they left It. |
By the early dawn the middle of thu |
stmlght-edgc was one-and a half Inches sunk ,
In mud. Ihu foreman bald thlb was the end I
or It. Hut Keeley sent for nioro sluff , nnd , |
leveling the lloor again , he set In a solid
bottom fourteen inches thick , and beat It
down with slelgeb Along Ihe Hides ho set
tlmberu lengthwas .and on them three more
struts against the roof. And ho saw the
lloor was luvel.
Hut iho roof was convex , bulging down-
"We've done all we can , " bald Ihe contractors -
tractors "If It holds now we shall have
made nothing. And If II doesn't hold "
1'cr in the contract the llnUhcd tunnel
was to stand a month before acceptance.
They went to their tents and played poker
: o pass the lime. Hul , though they were
now idlu and tirelr men discharged , the hill
was busy.
Thu next day cards were a weailness They'
paced the groaning hole from dawn tu
3Ve. Men going east or wc-bt , who had
heard of the mud tunned , looked In , and Ihe
strange nolseu beared borne e.f them. On
Sunday half Ihe men from the contractors
next above them came lo view it. The
end of thu truck was now but Ihu miles
awa ) . and some of the track lasers came , too
They offered bets agalnbt Its standing Hot > s
awe down and bhook h.s head as hu rode
"I give It a week , " ho said.
Hut In less than a week Keeley llold
redgo caino ii ) to him.
"You'll have to make a cut of U , after
all. " ho said.
"Can , you take on the Job ? " asked Ross.
"WoVo going over to Uie lakes , sir , " on-
H , Bliss ,
1 /mporfir < iml Jobber
Crockery. China , Glassware ,
Sliver Tinted Wnre , I-ooklnf ; Olaswa , Chan-
lUllcrs , Lnmpg , Chimneys. Cutlery , Etc.
The Sharpies Company
Creamer \ > JlJafh inery
and Supplies.
Hollers , nnBlne1Vcil Cooker1 ! , Wood Pul
leys , Charting. neltlnR. Hnttcr I'ack-
, uccs of nil hinds.
807-909 JOIICH St , - - - - - -
Fuel Go.
Office 1C05 Farnam Street.
N Dletz President Onuld llli tz. Sec K.TI03.
E , Smith & Go.
Importers anil Jobbers of
Dry Goods , Fin mshing Goods
C. T. WELLHIl , V. Prrst.
M'frs Ist'tnilirl I'll ir infallcal 1'reaara-
tloiti A/iicJiif form nine I'rtimtnl tu
< lrdtr Sriuf far t utafoi/iie.
laboratory. 1112 Howard St. Omaha.
E. Bruce & Co.
find Stationers ,
"Queen flee" Specialties ,
Cigars. Wlfuti and Un ndles ,
Corner 10th and llurncy Street * .
rlS04 Farnam St ,
Commission Merchants.
S \V. Corner 12th nnd Howard fatn
Mombera of the National IX.UKUC if Commis
sion Merchants of the United States.
& Howes ,
Fruit and Vegetables
lS Stnn berries , Apples ,
Lemons , Cranberries. Potatoes. 1017 Howard St
& Stone
Fursiit !
Furniture Draperies
1115-1117 Farnam Street.
* * Type Foundry
Superior Copper Mixed Type la the belt on
the mrrKct
UH Jlouunl Slrtot.
and Lcavunworth St.
Staple and Fancy Groceries ,
IEA AVD COirtC ItOiSICIti , Etc.
swerel Holdredge. "I've Had i letter from
Andy Onderdonk. It was a Minbiu , uiia i..c
cat .In were against us"
The } shook liaudb and i > ai ted.
Thu tunnel'B cliorus UI.K now porlentoiiH ;
It shrieked and died and tet a man'H tevth
on edge with horrible grating nolbcs
'Jhii steps on which the uprights stood were
cinahed through , each HUndaid'u heavy heel
wa bet In mere wooil-flbci , as toft , U
seemsd , JH a hank of rolr } arns. And
where the side llnusts wete greatest , the
i-hort blockB Hpllntered The celling was
now u downward hanging areh the bulging
was very obvious Ami ) > } no trick of forc
ing the Imagination cmld the co behold a
level fl'or Little shakes and spllnlerH ios
oa it , as when a man bmds a lath to break-
Ing. And every hour or so came a sound
like a gunshot , when same dilei , overwrought
beam gave way utterl } . Tliough lit- bound
brought beemlng Hllenco , In a moment more
thu eiles of thu btrulucil wood were greater
and moro terrible.
I , inself , who wrlto this , was then ut
work fManotlifr contractor two mlhs up
thu pass , end one hot Sunday in August ,
when my mates were lying In their tenth ,
I went tolew the tunnel. And though I
ws afraid , I walked through the whale dark
buriow. It was not the first time I Ind
done It , but It way the last
There was something uncanny In the
groaning of the wood , something avve-
insplrlng. When half-way through , In the
liituiittst darkness terror gut hold of mo ,
and my hair brUtleO Wishing to run , I
would not , and I sweated Ice as I went. In
the dallght at the v.ost end I aw the
hanging roof. It teemed to move ; long
tpliutcra pointed inoro and mote perjiendlcu
eyer &
VillOLi-Utl ; !
I Teas , Splcfs. Tolncco nJ Clear-
K03-140 ? Itarner Htreet-
Daxfon and
\ Gallagher Go
AMI Juniii.NQ caiocnus.
Teltphone JSJ ,
I HHaney & Go.
i.iKN'Uss , .ii > int a A
t'licn of I fitlliri ; tiailit'trii Itnnlifate , Ktc ,
jourordors 1315 Howard kt.
'edor&WiliieimyCo '
Wholesale Hardware ,
Wholesale Hardware.
Illeycles und Spoitlns OiicilM 1210-U1-23 Ilur-
iicy street.
IV/iolcsalc Jituelry.
15th and Ilarnuy ; Oiu ilia.
Wec'iniliow you the b-ststu-k In thu
Koise & 530
Proprietors of AMKIUCAN' CIGAR AND OLAfeb
214-210 touch 14th St
East India Bitters
Golden Sheaf Pure Use and Hourbon Wlil'key.
Wlllov , faprlnt-n Distillery , Her & Co. , 111 !
IIirn6 > Street-
Liquor Merchants ,
1001 rarn a in Street-
Liquors and Cigars.
1118 Rirn tin Street.
Wines , L'quors and Cigars.
413-415 8. ICth Street.
! Us ite ( Do.
DUMBER . . .
814 South 14th St.
Onice and Yards 13tti anil California M
laily , end the ulae mamlanls bent like IIOWB
I walked on u cuivo of lloor tlmberH driven
upuard by thu rising clay. Here and Ihcie
ucro jagged palnls , Iraum upllt nnd opened ,
lagged \\lth tough liber. In the ImndB of
the moiinluln Die mlgbllcst trccueio
AncS oiitBide by llielr tent I naw the Hold-
udges loading up a pack pony , \\hllo two
other little eayuec > ] ttood ready biddlcd. I
ga c them good da ) , anJ Ibey nodded not ,
unche rfull } , is 1 thought. And when the
pony'H load \vaa fixed up I folio A oil Ihem' ' nt
a little dle'anco ah they took their labt
ualk to IlitJ tunnel's mouth , ulilth was now
shapelefs mil distorted Two great rafters
hai\ \ freed their endu , and pointed nortliucst
and southurst ; the Bill wan burnt , ami the
unilurclay rose In a Ktrange mud llouci.
From the tunnel's dcptli canm Hour.'Js which
\\cro half muxlral , half dlHuirdint , like the
loud cr ) of breaking harp btrlnga.
"It's GcttlliiK now. " wald Kceley Hold-
reilgo as ho took Ul brother's arm
And vlelbly , tliough with a peculiar
ncsH , lib If of conBelous power , Ihe Jau nf
thin turnel weie being forced logclher. The
rhe-n roofing fringed Us jagged mouth like
} ollow faags , fetalned blue In plares , until
It seemed eomo lit Ing monuier writhing In
agony under a mokt Intolerable weight. Hut
the wounds of the deeper tunnel wuro
mnllled. We know the clay w aa burbling1 In
at a thousand plates , perhaps oven now tlni
long work of gravity was done there. Ono
groan burst out of , the closing mouth. And
thcti we heard thu whlstlo of a driven \\lnd
hits through the ragged tocth. Hut with
Uiat fameall of gravel rrom. the
LUMBER : Hoagland
U'/iotcsa/c Lumber ,
Lime , Etc. .
Oth utul Douglas Sts.
6tk and Douglas S's.
- - Telephoni jor *
Oavid Oole & Go ,
CiilMlY AND roOl.TUY.
1015 JlowurU St.
Faint Go.
Ait' Floated M < ncral Paint
And Pnlni. nf1' Kim1 I'utly , Uto.
1015 nnd 1017 Jonts BU
J A. Mnffet l t Vice PriI , J Drake , Ocn
nnfo.lncriiricnilnv Avle Oreiite Plo
Oninlm nnil ABditlry John II Itulli MKP
'arpssiter Fapsr
Pi itttittf Paf > cr ,
lVrahf in < r P.ifjer , Stationery ,
Corner 12th and Howard tret -
Wrapping Paper , Stationery ,
1107 Harney Street-
Photographic Supplier ,
1-'I5 I'nrnnm St.
flantifacturcrs of
Sas/i , Dooi's , J3finds , Etc ,
12th and It. ird Sts.
rane-Churchill Go.
101 S-1OI6 Danclns Street.
Manufacturer1) and Jobbers of SI cam. Gas and
Water Supplies of All Kinds.
itoS-ino Harncv St.
Steam 1'umps , KnMnoH nnd HollerPipe. .
Wind MI1H , Steiim and 1'lumblnc
Mater al. Hcltlni , , Hose , Etc.
a Hardy & Co.
'Joys , Dolh , Albums and
flouts Furnlitilngb CliljJicn's Currlngn , Etc.
1319 rurnam Street.
in T\m \ % Ve st Go.
Maniifaotuiei.s' edebinted "On Time Yeavl"
ind OPIIIIIIII Hnklnt , I'ouiln. Hathfiutluu
, /jo/ toj2 ! Norlh
Twenlv-cight Street.
hill , and when Ihu dust was dissipated llu <
tunnel w b been no more.
It might have hcui my Imagination but
as the brotliLTH liured nway It deemed ( o
mo that a great weight was off their minds
I mel old Clordon a mllu up Ihu road and )
slopped him
"Tho mud tuniM'l'H down , " Mr Gordoi , '
I said. And he whUlkd. '
"Did yo sec Ihu Iloldredgis , man' " ho
"And what did they say ? "
"O , jimt ! ) n" " fald I. "And the } vo
go no aw iy whUtllng. They \vuru good me4
to work foi "
"Yu ought to know , " erle-d ( lordon grl'i-
n'ng , "for } e know they fired } e "
Hut IT I did get the Back' aU the mm ! tun
ncl it was only for having too much to bay/
And 1 bore the Holdredges no maliee.
OMI * nt riuiNiciiiiiiiHii ( inrxiiiiiiN.
Chicago 1'ont "I'ipa ! "
"Yeb , my ho } . "
"I want to ask you a question. "
"I'roued , iny son. "
Hu spoku with nil thu ( onddencu of a ini i\ \
who reall/ed that hu WBH de > allng with o >
Incxpcrleneed lad.
"Dldu t noun tody oneu nay , 'Sweet aru l > u
UMS of udvcriilty ? ' "
"Somebody did. "
"Was hu a man who had bourcd on pra -
perlly ? "
The man no longer Bpoko wHh confident
In fact , It was with dllDrulty that ho tipokii
at all , and when hu did hu didn't say auyj
thing that wwj worth repeatlati