Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1897, Page 11, Image 11

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    D-AILY BEE ; h lTUDAY. OCTOBER 1(5. ( 1807. 11
Eonewtl of Drouth Reports Helps to Send
Wheat Upwards ,
Turn iinil Ontn < ! nln n Iliinrlcr
rovi-rlnit Provision * Are Dull
lint Klrni unit t'lu.iu
CIIK'Ano. Oct. 15.-It was a < lay of ac
tion iirnl reictlon In wheat , with the hull *
ImvliiK thilietter of It 111 the olid to the cx-
trnt ol n % c ndvuncc. A feature of the
< 1ny' III-WH wns the renewal of drouth re
ports. whloh , comliic so late In the season ,
hrd no small Inlluencc In the eloslnc
Mtreiicih. CovurlUK by shorts cattseil ad-
viini-cn of about Vic In corn and oals. Pro
visions WITP dull but llrm , ami closed Kit
12'jif hiRiiur.
\Vn-it opened flrm , December starting at
from ! in jito WiC ! ! , coimpared with yester
day's i-losiiiR price of SOH'dMHc. "with buy
ers deolili-dly In the m.xjorlty. Mvcrt'uol
opened dcTllnus of only W'i'lNuw ' York
reports -hut the export enticements tln-ro
ycstonlny had nuBri'tfated 77G.UOO Im. , and at
ou puiH bad ri-uchcil 24S.001 Im. , were rather
unrxinTipil. an yesterday's reports Indicated
a fnlllii off from the phenomenal IlKUres of
Ihi' dm In-fore. Orouth damagi * reports ! , es.
lirtml.y from Kuniax , wore onro more In
cvldenrc Hot 'Winds were reported throUKh-
out ttie southwest , acconip'jnled ' by dust
storm' * . KiopphiK wsi'dliiB entirely. These re.
ports Ki-rved to kenp the market linn during
the curly mornliiK on a narrow amount of
trnillni ; unO the market , within an hour
from the opening , had advanced to 91 MB for
Di'i-i mlicr. Tin- northwest rei'clpts were lib
eral a 1 " 172 cars , against 1,1 * ; this corre-
HpoiKiliiK d > last 'week and U last year.
Olilr.iKo n-n-lpts were 1W ears. A prominent
northwi'iit 'iilllliiK man . \as uuoted as say-
IIIB tlnii he did not believe there wan enouKh
nvheal K-fi In the northwest to keep the
mill * running the remainder .of the year. It
It es imut. d that llululh stocks during the
current \vi-ck have Increascili'.KAJ.CKyi bu. , and
iMIiimapulls I.IW.OOO bu. This Inerease of
S.W.diW l > u. at the northwest points Is ex-
offnct by Bond derroascH
per-ti-d In bf largely
hero nnd nt the sealioard und it Is estima
ted tin- visible supply Increase for the
w i k will not exceed 1,730.000 1m. , affiilnnt
2ni"ltni ) ( ) Im for till rorrespondlllR weeic las ;
for the tl.iy .
year IMIm.iry market receipts
Wi ri Im. , iiKiilnst 1 OW.OOO bu. for
the II . ( iondliiK day last year. ICxtreme
< lnll ! ri-valliMl In wheat ilurliiK the
i [ in of the forenoon. In this lu
t , run ll' , tr.idn beeame quite bnarlsh , ho-
. tinabseliee of
Inc I i 'H.-ly ' inllileneed by
l liuyliiR on. the part of the public.
Uinttly lii'fore noon there wus u sudden
lir. l > i'iTinber droppliiK from My/i'W&c ,
to b iirlee It had Kradunlly declini-d , to
Vii ! H ( The rumor " , \as current that the
M , > i | . i n Miller , whli-h Issued ri particularly
l.iilli-l i mimmnry of the situation last week ,
li.ul KI II itl > modilled Its views since the re-
t.iii i iiii- < This irtas Riven as one of the
r. -n ! , , nix of the sudden slump \\heil the
r-iinii 1. 1 mi' out Its purport was seen to 1)0
, week and the ro-
fill v , bullish us a IIRO
i\.is sharp and sudden. Now York
of thirty boat-
r ii i-Miort eliiniKonieiilH
workliiR. The day's clear-
In n I- with more
, ! < iqiuil to G57WO hu. Dei-ember was
n ! iP.U ! P lit the close.
M.irted weak and at a 'xti 'Nc ' e-
< lin , liii-.iuse of thu decline In Liverpool
ami In' lirne local receipts 9JO cars. The
'Mi.ikin - extremely short-lived , as the
1 iru' kbnrls beRan buying freely , ami It wup n ! that the market hud been lafRely
ovi r- ,1.1 diirliiR yesterday's decline. A lurfic
amouiil ot i-luuiRliiR Ueccmber contracts to
M lyvis dimdurlm the day. Ktioorts
nvt n finri-nt ( il large casn Kales at yester-
(1 iy' die-line. Shorts were active bdlers
all il.iy .mil tbe market was llrm to the end.
Caldi'S viri'.TMd lower : Decembur raiiRed
frnin LTilo atJVii1 and closed Vic 1'lsher at
Thi' niirki-t for oats In Its essential foi- :
tur , - w.iviry similar to corn. It started
wr ik ibnniKh sympathy with that market.
hut buyliiR by shorts and the llrmness of
the i-.i-'h market turned trie market In theo
oposit - direction and kept It that way.
T adlnit .it nlRht time i.vas heavy ; receipts
wi ri' .TO ears. Cash btislneai amounted lo
10'iotio ' Im December ranged from W4iT (
is' cto l-4c. ' uloslnn UJtSiic hlBher at IsV'i
In pri > vl ilons , continued ROO 1 buying by
lirold-ix r.'iiresenthiR HtiRllsb bouses made
a strong market early and was a featun
throughout. Outside of this ImyliiR then
w i < littli- of Interest to the market. HOK
r , , - . iliis ui-re le'.s than expected and yard
prii''S hlnh'T. There twos a little December
selling by local packers. At the close De
cember iiorl ; was 12V4c hlRber at $7.S7M. . H'1-
rembiT laid Tic blRlier at JI.S > > i. and Decem-
l-r rllit about TnblRher at fl.CO.
Ktllm.iti'd n-eelpts Saturday : Wheat , 2C1
o--f < : corn. SV cars ; oats , 31)0 ) cars ; kayt
1\H ) ( ) In .id.
futures ranged as follows :
D.Tiirr"tn7li. I rT
( "t. . .
May . S7U ® ' -9
Corn -
Oet. . . E1 * y in id
JlH !
May . . . aos (
Del. . . . UH 18H 174i
Dec. . . . ! ' . (
May. . .
Dec. . . . 7 7ii 7 7fi
Jan. . . . a 87ti 8 7'J b7H
lll'C. . . t -7 - 7 Si
Jau . . . i -ir , fit ) 4 20
Oi'l . . . . t mi I 111) ) H'-'h
IC . i fin 1 4 f.'M
J.-m 4 ( ill 1 07i-l
* N . 2.
I'li b iimtnlliim | | were us follows ;
KLiifll-iiulet ; uuobibly 13e lower.
\\lli\T-No : 2 spiltiB , No. 3 pprlns.
. N" . 2 led , 31.1.
i-dUN Sii 2 , 2tec ; No. 2 yellow. 2uV-
OATS-No. 2 , ISiie. \ \ o. b. ; No. 2 while ,
S2c. f < > . li. No. 3 while. 0'1ifi21'/lc.
l\lt-.V ! ! ' No. 2 ! nominal ; No. 3 , ISBIlc ; No. I ,
Flu\XSKKD-No. 1 , Jl.OOirl.lO.
HMinilV HUIID Prime. I2.CJ. . ,
I'liOVISIONS Mi pork , per bbl. . Ji.fOJf7.8i.
T ird. pel Ki ) Ibs . Jl.SOifl 32H. Short ribs sides
( l"o'e ) . H.l'iil 75. Dry salt" d shoulders ( boxed ) ,
jl 7iffi.Ri. .Short clear ldea ( bjxed ) , $4.S7HW
[ , IHI
WHISKY Distillers' llnlslied Roods , per sal. ,
srilAK-fut loaf. .9C ; Kraiiulated. t5.3l.
On tin1'roduce exebaiiBi' today the butter
iniiiki't wan bli-uily ; cieutiierii" " , l'U-l'i ° ; dnlrli-J ,
MuSli Clieete , ipilet at SilSijc. MBBS. Millet ;
fri'Kli , H' c.
CluntiilliiiiH ( if tin- Day on ( Jcncriil
NHW YOHK , Oct. l.V I'LOTH Hecelpls , 23.-
312 liMs. : cxpi rts. 20/.OI ; opened dull and
cany , but became moie active nnd tinner with
the late rtau In wheat ; city mill patent * , (5.7afl
.00. H.VIHour , nulet ; fancy , J3.WU3.53. lluck-
In-ill Iliiur. dull , l.75jfl.S5 ,
Hl'CKWHKTfJUlel. .
conNMKAl.-DuIl ; yellow western , 6lc.
HVI-ii : let ; No. 2 western , 4S'.iic ; car lots , 4W
( Oi- .
Oi11AHI KY-Uiil > l ; feeding , 2SVC , c. 1. t. HulTnlo.
HAItl.l'IY M A I.T Nominal.
WIIHATHeoelpls. . 132.27D bu. ; exp.irts. U.SU
1m Html m.uktit strong. Options opened Mrtiily
mi lii-tler t-iil , ! . * Ibiin enpecled. aduinceil on light
( iffeilngH and dry weather west , broke at mum
under a lH-ar laid , but fully it-covered un ex
port talk and bulllsli Modern Mllli-r report , clos
ing riiiniK ill Mf'\e net advance ; No. 2 red , May ,
til 7 I0il'2e , closed OJ'fcc ; Oetnller , ! )1HH9.1V ) C.
cloi-t'ir Ii" * . . December , 13 * 5-16nl4c ! ) , closed I'l'ji- .
CtlUN It'M'Ipts , 3J1. 0 liu. . exiHirtt * . f.C17 bu.
i piii. Hi in. Nn. 2. 31V' . opened ieiiay
under further liquidation nnd after a rally on
covt-rliiK 1 nike vvllli wheat , only lo recover ngaln
mi u S'- > -iiiil , short scare , closing unchanged ;
May. . "iV'ii. ! ' , .e. closing 33V ; November cloned ,
SUt.e. D'i-enil . 31U i31 4c. closed 31 c.
OATS llivelpls. 131,300 liu. ; exportv. 2J7.5S , , ) hu.
{ > | lill lUl"t )
HAY gjod to choice. 60 37c.
HOPS Sl.mU ; Male , common to choice. H95
crop. iGc. 1V 1 crop. CH8c 1R)7 ) crop , Ilifl7c ; Pa.
cltlc coait lilli crop. 4iif - ; IkM crop , CfiSe ; 1SOT
crop lii I7e.
l.i\Tlliu-Stuaily : : hemlock sole , Iluenon
Ay res , Iliilu to heavy. 20Vjtf21tic. aclJ , W.iW
IIIDHSSieady ; Texas dry. KQKVc ; Call-
"iH'VrKIl YlH.jlptB , 2.HI6 pkB . ; maiket ijulel ;
wenlern i-n-aim-ry , 14Va/ lc ; iiKln : , I2 c ; fac
tury. 9ft3i- .
t'HKKri : : Hecelpl . 5,415 pkB * . ; market i y :
.InrKe and nnmll while and large and miull
rolored. tic , part nklnu , C ! U7c ; full nklius , 3'i
1X5OS Hei-elpts. 0.800 pl g . ; market ( inlet :
state and ivmi.ylvanlu , liHTlklic : v\vstrrn , U\t
I'HOYISluNS lief f , ( Inn ; IhH-f hum * . Stt.nOif
:3.l . Cul liiiMt * . quiet , pickled iM'llloH. M.tVnff
S.IK ) , bin ) . Kiomllvr : wmiurn ultMim. ll.70jl.7J ;
Octelfr. II > nominal ; lellneil. nlwuly ; oou-
lint-ill. Ii South Ammlcu. $1.10. Pork , dull ; uld
nil-fa. KMirD.OO , Tiilluw , nominal : city. Jlic
OIUH -'ott-miuml. ( tcady. prime crude , MSft
tic , I'ulrulcuui , dull ; 1'i-niu.ylvauui fiuJe , no
market Iloiln , uteaily itrntnrd , cnrnmon to
Rji'l. IMWl 4S , Turpentine , steady , 3 : jJ c-
llli'H.Steady ; fair to exlrn , IHptViC. Japan ,
MOL.ASSKS Slemly. New Orleans , open kettle ,
good to choice , Kytlf.
MKTAIrt-Tho m tal market cnntlnues to show
iinMtlfivctory renultn. Arcordlnj ; to the metnl
ejcrhatiKe pljr Iron warrants arc lower to sell.
rP inR at t * 75 bid and 17 naked. Ixike copper ,
dull nt 111. 15 bid nnd 111 JS Hiked. Tin open-d
firmer , cln-n-d i-nnler nt IIS 75 blit nnd Jll.St
n k-d Spelter , dull nl 14. IS bid nnd Jl.K nsked.
and lend henvy nt 13 9.1 bid and tl nsVcd. The
firm that fixes the settling prices for miners and
smelters calls the lead market steady nt IJ.7S.
OMAHA ( ; r.\7itAi , M uiKirrs.
Cotiilltlnn nf 1'rnnt * mul fli
nn Slniili' nnil I'aiicy I'rodnce.
HflfJS Oofxl slock weak nt 15 < ic.
HPTTKtl fVjmmon to fair , ? IOc ; choice to
fnn-y , ljl7c ; teparnlor crenmery , S2c ; nathered
creamery , 20c.
Vl\ I-Cholcc fnt , 80 to 180 lb . . quoted at Sci
lnrg > ! nnd coarse , 40Cc.
1.IVH I'OL'I.TUY-llens , 6c ; cocks , 39lc ;
'Pilnu chickens , per lb. , C'jc ; ducks , Cy'c ; tur
key. . ( VftK- .
I'lclKONS I Jvc , 7r.uj deafl plcoons not Wanted.
HAY Upland , IV mldlann , ; < .W ; louland.
Hi rye straw , jl- color makes the price on
nay ; light hales tell the best , only top grades
brltnt top pi-tees.
HUOOMCOIIN Kxtremelr * l ° w nlp' n < ! w cr ° f'
delivered on track In country ; choice Rrccn jclf.
working carpet , per lb. . 2K2Hc : choice green ,
runninK to burl. ! 2Hc ; common , IHc.
. . . " VEanTAIlIE3.
ONIONH-IVr liu. , 40 5rc.
IU-AN.S : llnnd-plcketl navy , per bu. . 11.40.
CA11IIAOK Home srown , 1C.
POTATOICS Home Brown , 40ajoc ; western
slock , & > i < 70o.
Ht'INCKR-Cullfornla , per IHJX. Jl.5.1.
AI'I'I.KS IVr bbl. , fall slock , J2.21 S.M ; winter
stock , K.mf3.m. .
HIIAPHS-Cullfornln. tl.lofll.2S.
'OI/liAlO PUACHKS-I.-irBe , McHJl.W ; me-
illiini , kOTiiiOc.
"lock , tl.WV3.Xh
NI'IW ' liaskct lt'4
YOUK OHAl'l-S-lVr : 9-lb. ,
I'U'MS-Idaho and OreRon. t.Cn.
CUANIIUKHIKS I'ape Cod , per bbl. , $5. < OS5.o > ;
Wlnconsln , boxes , Jl.rtWl.lO.
I.K.MONS Measlnas , JI.2i04.tlO ; choice Cali
fornia. JI.CC.
HANANAS-Cholee , law stock , per bunch ,
i2.0.iJ.J. | > ; midlum-sl/eil bunches. Jl.'i)2.W.
NUTS Almonds , California , per lb. . large
lze. I3c ; llrnzlln , per lb. , lOc ; English walnuts ,
per lb. , fancy , mitt shell , lienlalilunl. ; , . " , 1'Jii1
HiIllberts. ; . per lb. . lie ; pecans' , imllshi-d , birne ,
JtflOc ; jumbo. 11812c ; targe hlcKory nuts , J1.23
per bu. ; cocoa nul ! < , 4'-o each ; peanuts , raw , W
,1'ic ; roasted. l > iIPic. (
l'l OS Imported funi.-y. 4 crown , 20-lb. boxes ,
12c ; 6 crown , CO-lb. boxes. 1314c.
HONKY Choice white , lie.
KHAl'T-l'er bbl. . II.UH ; half bbl. , J2.I3.
MAPI.i : SYUW Five-Bill , cans , each J2.23 ;
Kal cans , pure , p'r doz. . 512. W ; half-cat. can ,
16. : : quart cans , J3.SC.
UATIW Per W lo 70-lb. tiotes , Ce ; lrd 9-lb.
boxes , 'Jc.
DUKSSMI ) IIHKK rtiHid native steers. 4W to
C > Wat. \ \ . , 7c ; KIHII ! f ueipiai lers , steers , lie ; Rood
hlndiiunrteis , Je ; western steers. Cfili'ne ; fancy
heifers , C c ; IPHK ! heifers. Ce : Rood fun-quailem ,
helfeiH , CHe ; Rood hlndnuai leis , heifers , S'.tc :
Rood ( -own , oV c ; fair cown. BVie ; comtnon cows ,
.1e ; cow forcqunrlers , ; cow lilndriunrters ,
7VjitSc ,
llttp ri'TR-Tenderlolns , 15c : Inneless strips.
S'r ; slrlp loins. * 4c ; i-olls. Sc ; sirloin bulls , 8e ;
shoulder clods , OMio ; tump bulls , tic , steer chucks ,
5V4c ; cow chueks. 4'uc ; iMmeless chucks , IHie.
eow plates. So ; nleer iiIaM-s. 3'be ; steak ,
C'ic ; loins. No. 1 , He ; loins , No. 2 , 1DVloins. ; .
Nn. 3. Sc ; sirloin ends. No. 1 , flc : ribs , No. 1 ,
lie ; rllia. No. S , S'v : rltn. No. 3 , Gc ; steer rounds
7'/jc ; cow rounds , 7c : cow munds off , fcc ; trltn-
mltigs , 4e ; beef shanks , SVjc ; liralns , per doz. .
Sic ; sweetbreads , per lb. , lOc ; sweetlnead'-
( ealves ) , per lb. . We ; kidneys , per doz. . 3.1c ; o\
tails , e.ieh 3c : livers , per lb. , 2 * c ; hearts , p--r
lb. . IV ; tonRues , p"f lb. . lie.
MrTTON l.iinhs , 7'ic : sheep. 6'ic ; market
racks ( lotiR ) , S > ' 4e ; hotel racks ( shntt ) , lit- ; I.-RS
and fuddles , Sc ; lamb leRS , lOc ; breasts and
slews , 3c ; tonRues , each 3c.
POUR Dressed plRS , c ; dressed IIOKS. f.ivc ;
lenderlolns. I3c ; loins. 7Hc ; spare ribs , Ic ; ham
s.iusaRibutts. . C\Jc ; shnulders. raiiKh , Be ; sh , ud
ders , skinned , f Uc ; trlmmlnRS. 4'sc : leaf lard ,
nut rendereil , r,14c : heads , cleaned , 3c : snout and
eam. Sc : backliones. I' c ; cheek meats. 3c ; neek
bines. 2e. ; plRs' lulls , 3c ; plucks , eaeli Tic ; chtt-
ti'illtiKS , re ; ho.-ks , 4c : henrls , per doz. . 2.V ;
it'illlaehs , each 3c ; tonRues. each 7c : kidneys ,
p-r do ? . . IDc ; brains , per doz" . , 13c ; pips' feel ,
per dux. , Kc ; livers , each 3c.
HlOnP No. 1 Ricen hides , 7c ; No. 2 sreen
hides CcNo. . 1 mlti-d hldcB. SH-c ; No. 2 Rreun
salted hides , "Vic ; No. 1 veal c.ilf , S to 12 Ibs. .
ie ; No. 2 vent calf. 12 to 15 Ibs. . Ce ; No. 1 dry
Mint hides. 1IW13 ; No. 2 dry Hint hides. SiilUi.- :
No. 1 dry salted hides. iWlOe : part cur--d hide.- ,
' .ie per lb. UMS than fully > .urci.
SHKKP I'Kl.TS fJreen Bulled , each loS'Bc ;
green Kaltcd shearllnRS ( short wooled cany-
Rkln-o onoh ir.e : ilrv sliearllniis ( Ehort woolert
early rklns ) . No. 1. each Gc dry Hint. K.insni
and Ncbras-ka lintc-her wool pelts , per lb. , actual
weight. 4f.1c | ; dry Hint. Kansas and Nebraska
murrain wool pells , per lb. . aclual weight , 3S4c ;
dry Hint Colounlo butcher wool p lts , per lu. .
uctuiil weight , 4fi'.1c ; dry Hint Col.-ifado nmrr.iln
wool pells , prr lb , aclual weight. SfM,1 ; feet
cut off , ns It Is useless lo pay freight on them ,
St. Imils Ci-iii-rnl Miirlit'lN.
ST UOl'lS , Oct. in. FI.Ol'11-rnchallged.
\YHBAT Illgner ; dieting with an advance
above yesterday of Vi for December and 7 c for
May. The drouth and bullish cubles caused De
cember to open lc higher , sell upc more.
From this the price dropped Ic. recovered that
and eloped lie below the top. Spot , higher ; No.
2 ted. cash , elevator. ! ' 5c nuked ; track. ! Ki'J6c ;
No. 2 haul cash. Sic ; December , ! ) Glic ; May.
93o bid.
COUN Fuluies lluctuoted with wiieat , and
closed 'dc totc higher than yesterday. Spot ,
lower ; No. 2 cash. 2I11C nslied ; December , il if
2l's < - : May , 27ic.
OATS Dull and easy : No. 2 cash , elevator ,
! S > , c bid ; track , Wil'Jlie ; No. 2 white , 21Jf2Hi < - ;
Deeiiuber , ll'c ' bid ; May , 2Ic bid.
HY1-2 l < nwer at 4214C.
. ( MHNMI'2A1 < Jl.50ftl.Sj.
IIUAN Dull and lower ; sacked , cast track.
4Cl < .c.
l-'l.AXHKKU HlRher at J1.2' ) .
TIMOTHY KKHD Prime , $2.70.
HAY Firm for choice grades ; prulrle , $7.f,0 ;
tlmoihy. $7.GC5r9.23.
llt'TTIOIt Market easy ; creamery. 1CS23ac ! ;
dairy. llifilCc.
KilOS Market ipilet at l"c.
POCl/rltY CTilckins llrm ; old hens. rV i" ,
hprlngs. 8c ; ducks. CSMSo ; geese , Cc ; turkeys ,
7tf7i n.
WHISKY $1.20.
COTTO.VTnjS 75c.
Miri'AI.S lynd. dull nt J3.9j nfkcd. Spelter ,
nominal nt $1.04.05. !
PUOVI8IONS Pork , steady : stnndard mepH ,
jobbing. $8.2.1. l ird , heller ; prime hteam , H.20 ;
choli e. $127' . llacon ( boxed lots ) , exlra short
clear and ribs , $5.7.1. Dry halt meals ( boxed )
sh u'dirs. $1.,0 , extia shoit clear and r.b * . J5.37'A ;
shnrbi , $ .1.50.
HUCmiTS-FIour. 4.000 hbls. ; wheul. Sl.OW tu. ;
corn. im.COO bu. ; oals , W.Oiio bu.
SIllP.MlONTS-Flour , ' .i.i'to bills. : wheat. 42.WW
bu. ; corn , 73il ; > l bu. ; oats , 25,000 bu.
Itnltluiiii-c Uiirlcctf. .
ItAI/riMOItt : . Oct. 15. FI.Oini-Iull. un-
eininired ; iec , > lptH , 1i,50 , bbls. : exports , .t.OUJ bbls
WHKAT No. 2 ivd. UlViJi'JI e ; December ,
PBVi&iWtc ; Hteanier. No. 2 led. StHiftSDVic ; Houth-
ern , by t-ample , ti'fi9ijc ' ; ri'celpts , .VJ.72G bu. ; e\-
poils , .IC.OiO bu.
COUN Weak : mixed i-pot. October.3iifT30viie ;
Dreember. 39VkffIc | ) ; steamer mixed , 2S)4fl2ae ) ;
soutln-rn white orn , 3Hiit3e ; southern yellow ,
pll : , ' ; receipts , 42.3SI ! bu. ; e\iorls | , 2ii.llI bu.
OATS-Steady ; No. 2 white , 2GUV27e ; No.
mixed. 23c ; receipts , 27,300 bu. ; exports , none.
HYi : Firm : No. 2 nearby. r.ldSIVtc ; No. 2
wesiein , 51'4JMic ; lecclpls , 10,232 bu. ; expoitB ,
- 1,71.1 Im.
HAY Steady : choir. , timothy. tl3.nfftl3. ) & ) .
C.UA1N KUKIOHTS Firm nnd active ; steam
to l.lvcipoo ] , pel bu. . 4V.c. October ; C'ork for
orders , per quarter. 3V.'C , November.
lll'TTiil-l'lrm. : unchanged ,
H Firm , unclianged.
KANSAS CITY. Oi't. 13. WIIUAT-IIaid Ren-
, -rally nl'uut steady , slow ; toft negleeteil , lower ;
No. 1 bard , MrSi..c | ; No. S , SllifjM'ic ; Nj. 3.
'SilSIc ; No. 4 , 7Wj7tkNo. : . 1 red. 90e ; No. 2.
SSJiFOc ; Nil. 3. fOfJJiPsc ; No. 4. poor. 'S c ; No. 2
rprlng , SOSiSlc ; No , 3 , 77c ; white , 74c ,
COllN-Miuket atiout hteudy , slow ; No. 2
mixed , 23fi23iic.
OATS Market fairly active , about steady ; No.
HYH Maikel slendy ; No. 2. ICiTDVjC.
HAY Mnikut unihaiiKed ; timothy , JS.OO ;
prulrle. Jll.W.
Ill'Trh'll Market llrm ; crcnmciy , suU2ie ;
dairy , Ilill7c.
iilClS-M.uket : llrm at ll'jc.
Uicl-iI'TS-Wlieat , 172.W ) bu. : coin. : , , ) ) , . ,
u.ils. ) liu.
SHH'MlINT.S-Wheat , 13D.2W bu. ; coin , 3II' '
bu. ; ouls , lO.Oni ) bu.
( i nil n Ili'i'clplN nt I'rlni'lpnl Miii-ki'lN.
CHICAOO. Oct. 15.-Hecelpt : Wheat , is : cam ,
coin , till cars ; oats. 333 eariinimate. . ecelpls
iDinorrow : Wheat , 2 cam ; corn. ! > .V ) earn ; oum
a cars.
M1NNKAPOMH , Oct. li.-l'.ecelpU : Wheat. 713
PiOUIA. : Oct. 15.-ItecelpH. 1J3.400 bu. ; oats
45.V10 ( bu. : rye. none ; whisky. 73 bbls. ; wlieut
I.JUI bu. Shipments : Corn. l7.h , J bu. ; oats. 34.8.V )
bu. ; rje none : whlhky. l.IM libh. ; wheat none.
ST. 1.01'IS. Oct. IS. Itecelptk : Wheat. IS cars
KANSAS CITY. Oct. IS. Itecclpts : Wheat. 23a
cur * .
TOIino Oct. 15.-\vilKAT-Klrm and hlcher.
CVlnber. 9Htc ; December. 9Hje.
37i"c-HMa"'J1"lV ( ' N ° ' S ' "I"11' Kei December.
OATS Dull and steidy : No. S inUe.l . ISIAC-
No 2 white. SlVio ; No. 3 while. 20V4c. ' '
HYi-HlKher No. 2. 47c (
C.OVKItSiiD | Steady : prime cokh nnd Octo
ber. I33W. necomber , J333 ; March. IJ.CVi ; No
2 nUlkf. tl.Sa.
I'KOniA. Ocl 15.-CO N-Markt i > n y and
l.iwer : No. 2. SHJc.
HATS Murla-t inactive ; No. 2 white , nom-
limlly. : Ui ( ; : c.
\VIll8Ky-Knwli high proof npirltn , Jl.S ) .
\i- v Orli'itiiH XiirUclx.
KIW : OIUJ5ANS. oct -non I'uonrrrs
StcoJy : pork , oU , s4c ; , lurJ , rcllneJ tltrcc. 44c ! :
h < xed tni-atii , dry lt .v.uMe . .
' la , n. rkar lib mlc . e. h.nns , chol > .c
nnr , ur , , | f > . , i9i. < - „ .
l-01-'Mi. ' Hi , , , - ordinary to low fair. U .Hi1
xtrn fancy. ll.BOfl.W ; pat
ents , . . .
C < fHNMAI.-gulrt | ; at
: ItoOOflltW ) ; choice , $13.00
COUN-Slendy ; Nn. 2 sackfd , white , 3 36V :
mixed. 37fl ( - . yellow , 3 c.
sacked. SSWKc.
OATS-stendy ; Nn. 2
UICi-Firm : ; ordinary to good. 4fMV.
Mvi'riinl"7Trnln | nnil Provlilmi * .
MVUIlfool. . Oct. U.-PHOVIS10N-lt , con.
CHimlierlnnd cut. nnn. 3S M : fhnrt clear barks
steady , 80s ; ihoiiMcr * . square , llrm. ! 1s 6 > 1 ,
clear tallies , llrm. 37s M. J arJ , spot , llrm.
22s ild.
Tnil'KXTINK SI'lUITS-Pteaily nt 24s CJ.
WHKAT No. 2 western winter , 7s 8d ; No. 1
red. northern spring , dull. 7n M.
COUN American mixed. pnt. old , steady ,
3s Id ; October , steady , 3s 4d ; November , steady.
3s lld ; Dert-mber. steady. 3s Hid.
I-'IAJTH St. Ixiuls fancy winter , dull , 10 * .
riilliiilclpblii Produce Market.
1'Hli.AHKI.I'niA. Oct. 15. III'TTnil-Uulet
but steady , fancy western cieamery , 22c ; fancy
Pennsylvania nnd western prints , 21c.
KCHIS Steady ; fresh nearby , ISo ; freidi west
ern. lGlaJ17c.
CHiisiqulet but steady.
Snii KrniirliM'oVlicnl ( Imitation * .
December , 11.47S ; May , tl.42.
I'rli'i'H II n lie l.lttlc I'linimc ivllli
UrnlliiKMVlinll.v I'rofcHHldnnl.
NHW YOIIK , Oct. 15. Today's market was a
contest between professional traders , ns has
been the case each day this week. The bears
were nRiiln successful during the morning , bui
they encountered resistance nt the lower level
, .ind were forced to cover heavily before the
close of the day , so that the prices were brought
b.T-u to within fractional limits cither way or
last night's close. Chicago Has continued ti ,
itbscrb n. very large share of attention and If
was In this stock that the bears suffered u
keen levcrse. They succeeded tn forcltiR down
the price nl one lime IS per cent , but Hie In
side support for the stock was very strong and
the advance drove the bears to cover , the stock
cloMiiR with n net gain of 21 * per cent. Sugar
nl o , wlllch was raided down 3S per cent dinIng -
Ing the morning , showed considerable resist
ance. lecovcrlng at one time within less than
a point of last night's close. Tolncco. which
sold ex-dividend of 2 per cent , declined at one
time 3 points. These three stocks were made
the objects of most urgent attacks nnd they
worked n sympathetic decline in the general list.
which extended from a fraction to 2 points , the
specialties anil the southwestern railroad stocks
leading the decline. The recovery In Chlcaso
lias was due lo n working OKieement with the
new- competition threatened. Some favorable ef-
Itvt wus exercljed on prices by the postpone
ment of the hearing before the supreme court
Iti the .lolnt Trnlllc association until January
next. Although the decision of the court In the
ease of the Tra'isnilssuurl FiclKht association
has been regarded as foieshadowlng an adverse
decision In the Joint Trnlllc nmuclnilnn caie.
much has been made of the pendency of the de
cision as an Inlluenre on the recent bear mar
ket. and Its postponeincnl gave a sense of re
lief. Arbllrage biokers were quite vigorous bit > -
ers for London account und took about 2.1. OeO
shines of various stocks on balance. This nlfo
wus a favorable Influence. A liar lenlmr tend
ency In the exchange market wus attributed * to
the demand for remittance by tomorrow's mall
.steamer , but some dlHappointmcnt WUH neverthe
less felt by dealers In stock that no engagement
of gold for Import was made. This was par
tially offset by the sentimental effect of the
actual arrival and deposit In the npsny oltlec
and In the clearing house vault of a further
i-oniilRnment of the gold shipped from Kngland
last week. Muney continued easy In tone and It
is believed lhal loniorrnw1.- ) hank statement wilt
relleet a falling off In the dclimn I In this cen
ter for funds. Aside from the cases specllled
and those of Susiiuehanna & Western preferred
and Norfolk it Westein prefeired. which lost
over a point , net changes were very narrow. The
decline In Norfolk .t Westeni prefcried was due
to utilization on the declaration of 1 per cent
dividend on the preferred stock.
P.oiuls mov-ej In sympathy with stocks nnd
showed weakness tliroughoiii. Tolnl sales were
tl , 110. Oii ) ) . I'nlted Slates bonds were unchanged.
The Evening Post's Lioiidnn financial cablegram
says : "The stock markets were dull today. Yes
terday's rumor about llm Maul ; of England bor
rowing on consols prove * tu be true , und innney
rates ure tightening , although nt present only
sllghlly. Americans were dlscouraglngly dull.
but the prices nt the close weie a trllle steadlct.
Only the piofeyslonnl operators are supporting
the market heie , and unless It becomes more nt-
iraclive soon It Is believed that Wcht Australian
mines will absorb public attention. 1 am told
that the llanbury commission of the Central
Paclllc railway Is receiving overwhelming stip-
porl from lluropeiin holders. There Is a Hus-
Klan demand for gold. The Canadian 2" pel-
cent loan of 2.000.00i ) was implied for twice
over. It was awarded at about M1 " . or ' per
cent over the minimum. The Purls "bourse ivas
dull and the llerlin maiket quiet. "
The following were the closing- quotations on
Hi" leading stocks of Hie New Yoik exchange
today :
Total shares of stocks sold loday were 432.C10
Ineliidlng the following : Alchlson piefenvd.
7S.7 Chesapeake & Ohio , 4.7W ; Chlcigo , liu- :
llliKton & IJltlney , 24.210 ; Louisville . Nashville ,
t , ! 7M ; Manhattan , 7,625 ; Xllcsourl Pacllie. 11.'M ;
MUHourl. KiinraB .t Texas preferred. O.PW : New
Yolk Central. 7.CI3 ; Heading. 7.170 : Hock Ii-laiul.
U. .01 ; St. Paul 3.1,1(0 ( I'nlon Paclllc. 21.722 ;
Southern Itallvxny iireffrred , C.9J2 ; Amerlean To.
linccii. ex-illvlilend , 2B.3.15 ; Chicago Uas. 73.CJO ;
Suga.r. J4.72D ; Western I'nlon. 7,614.
N'civ Yurli > liii-5 Mnrlict.
Sleady nt 2' ' > , 3Vj per cenl ; last loan. 2'i per
tent ; closed offering at 2i per cent.
PHIMIJ MHHCANTII.I- : I'AI'KIt 4'.ifi.r. ' per
8TI5HUNtl KXCHANOH Steady , with actual
biixliiLss la bankers' hills at l.8--ijrl.SI'A | for
remind nnd a ( $4.S3 for sixty days ; posted rates ,
H-Rl fl.WH and $1.b5i commercial bills. $ tSl.
SlI.VKlt I'lOHTII'Ul'ATKH 5Sff5S4e. !
M'MXICAN i > oTlhAUH-iiur.
Cloning ( | UoiailoiiB on bonda were ns follows !
Il7s. ninv-lH.ri'il'Jn iilS : ; . "j."iT H..i7. . ' . .11 UK
II.S. new l coa..l'7f' li N. C. 0 1 la
H. H.49.rcir..irjVit , li : N. O. 4s Illlv
II. H. lscoiip..lii : l I No. Paclllc IntH. . . . ! ! ! 1
U. S. 'JH. ros IH > No. P.-icllio Its , nRU
IIAU SII.VKU-Stcady ut 57 3-1W ji > r ounce.
MONlIY-lMlli per cent.
Tiic rale of discount In the open market for
ktiurt bllU U ' 'Sii' pir cunt , for thr e nunith '
bill * t l\tlt'a per cent.
liold U ( | Uotwl at lluenuK Ares K la > ut I 7.W ;
at I.lrbon. 46V > : at Home. 1W.3 . American ejuli-j
a lo ijuotud lit 7Cd "VjJ.
.Viiii-rlcnii Si'i'iirltli'N In London.
UJNDON. O.-t ISThe market for American
vrcurltUb iiueneU eumcr , then unj'rjvvd , but KUIV
way acnln. Hulls were ear r l > uyr. , but real-
HeJ Tbe demand was mi - - - - - -
I'liinllcllllotex. .
1IOSTON. Opt. ir-nenrltiK . JlD.S a.JH ; bal-
nnces. Jl.IilJ.7C > > .
NB\V YOUK. Oct. 15. ClrnrlnRS , J1I3.S75.W7 ;
bnlances , tC,973.12 : > .
HALTlMOHi : , Oct. 15.-ClcnrlnB ! , J2.776 ( W ; bal
ances , $427.536 ; money , unchanged.
CINCINNATI , Oct. 15. Money , Siiflf , per cent ;
New York exvhaiiKe. par ; clearltiK , null.r.VI.
I'HIKADMM'IIIA. Oct. 15. Cleatlmr . Jit.1110.-
7M > ; liHlances , Jl.i7.1"0 : ; money. 3Sf3'i tier cent.
MIIMritlS. Oct. 13. ClearliiKS. J-41.5S1 ; bal
ances , J3MJ3 : ' ; New York exchange. ( H'lllnt nt
NK\V OIIL.KANS , Oct. lS.-ClenrlnK , J1.2-fl.r,51 ;
New Yoik exclmtiRe. bank , par ; commercial ,
$1.25 per Jl.COO discount.
ST. LortS , Oct. 13. rieiirliiRS , S4.C1C.S61 ;
ancep. JJT J.'CI. Money , f. s per rent : New York
vxclinnRv. " " , e dlsiount bit ; ] iar a kod.
CHILACJO. Oct. 15. ClearltiRS , JPi.710.Sri ; New
York exehnnKe , 5c discount ; posted rates. J4.SS
iinl J4 S. . SlockB were weak early , but recoveied
luterj closbiK : New York lllseult , CiU : ; like
Street U l i : Soiitb Side U fift'i ' ; Metn.pilUnii
I. . 7(4 ( ; North 2io , West C.ile.iijo , Wi'i ;
I'lly Hallway , 235 ; Klrawbonrd , ! > 0 ; LHa.uund
Ma'cli , ir.o.
I'ori-lurii Klimiii'liil.
1'AIHS , Oct. IS Throe per cent rentes. 103f
2iac for the account.
HKItMX , Oct. IS. lOxelmnse on London , 20
markH 3SV& pfus. for elieclss.
Sluirls ArtJidliiK CantliiiiM , lint
TlicriIt .N" Ililinci : - < il ° n Illsi- .
Ni\V YOUK , Oct. 15. The ciitton matket
opent-,1 , weaker. wlll ( pr 'cs | rom 4 to 4's points
lower , the volume rtf spot tiuslness nt I.lveipool
lieltiK ill'appolntliiir nnd'pilvhtc eiibles fnrecafcl-
Intf ejntlnued npathy on Hie part of Kngllsh
and continental fplnneis. who are disposed lo tely
on heavy receipts anil the absence of Fpuculntlon
In produce lower prices. KollowlnR the call the
market leeovered the loss , but again turneil weaken
on renewi-d Helling by bouses with I.lveipool
and Ne\v Oilcans connections. The present cotn-
paratlvely 1 nv level of lirlee.s led to caution In
makliifT further ventures on the short side , while
the apathy of speculator inn ! the Indifference of
oonsumeis checked contldenec on the lonK t-lde
of Hie uecount. Local K\'ntlnient continued bear
ish , however , and there I/ likely to be renewed
pellbiB If fiost In the cotton belt Is not reported
soon. I/ite In the Ht-sKlon the market showed
liquidation. The elosu was bniely steady at n
net decline of from I ' to f , points. Closing
prices : .limitary , JS.20 ; 1'Vbruniy , { C.23 ; March.
10.27 ; April. J0.31 ; May. JC.3S : June , Sli.SS ; July.
JB.41 ; October. JO. 11 ; No\ ember , JC.14 : December.
tt.11. Spot closed ipilet and steady ; middling
uplands , G5-1Uc ; mlddlln. ! ; Ktilf. U U-lCc ; mlddlliiK ,
fi Ti-lfie ; net lecelptH. 1'2. balea ; KIOSS. 121 ba'c-s ' :
expoitB to the continent. MO bales ; forwarded.
L'i : ; bales ; Ka'en. ' . * , ' . ! . ! bales , all spinner ! ! ; mtnck.
M.210 bales. Weekly : Net receipts , 2.2S3 Imlot , ;
Kross. SiC31 ! bales ; exports In Great llrltnln ,
13"il ! > bales : ti > I'ratice , 471 bales ; to the con
tinent , ST > GI bales ; forwarded. 23.40'J bales ; sales.
3.07S bi'les ; splnneis , 1,27. bales. Total today :
Net receipts. 41,375 bales ; expoits to ( Trent
llrltaln. Ki.WS balen ; lo Krance ; roe bales ; stiifk.
T.CI.7S2 bales. Consolidated : Net reCPlplH. 2'Jl.2.'i
bales ; cxporti to Great llrltaln , I17,2.,0 bales ; t >
I'rnncc , 2(1. ( 73D bales : to cumlm/m. 34 , SI' ' )
biles. Toial sinee Heptember * : Net receipts.
1.2SI.4I4 bales ; exports to Oreut llrltaln , ; ! S1.T,1 (
bales ; to FrniK'e , 7ir : > 2r > bales ; to the continent ,
24ii.SU bales. KollowliiB are the total net le
celptH of cotton at all ports since September 1.
1S97 : Giilvesion. 39I.X11 bales ; New Orlu.ins. 27i- )
3i ; bales ; Mobile , r.12ri bales : Smniinah , 2Cr.400
baits ; ( 'h.irleslon , 121.HM1 bilesViinliiKtiii. ; : . nni.-
117 baleN ] , rfolk. 10).414 ) bales ; r.altlmore. 3.771
bales ; New Yoik. 1.S77 bales ; llmitiin. Ti.SL'7 bale < ;
Newport News. 1.S4S bales ; 1'hlladelplilu , 7.50S
lirunswlek. 20,197 bales ; Pensacoln. sl."n ) bales ;
1'nit Iti.yal. 7.M1 bales ; total. 1.3S4.414 bales.
LlVMIiroOL , Oct. 13. COTTON-Spot. In fair
demand ; prices fnvorlnir buyers American mld-
dllnB , 3 2."i-32d. The sales of the day were 10. 000
bales , of which fill ) weie for speculation and ex
port , and Included 9.100 American. Hecel | > tii , 3.100
bales , all American. Futures opened ipilet wlt'i '
a moderate demand and closed steady ; American
mlildllllK , L. M. ( ' . . October , 3 3i-fi4J. ; sellers ; Oc
tober and November. 3 J9-6I. sellers : November
and December. 3 2C-III. buyers ; December and
.limitary , : i 2."i-l'4W3 2il-i'ld. buyers ; January and
February. 3 ' . ' .l-filfiS 2C-ild. ( buyers ; Feb-uary and
Mar h , 3 21-Cld. buyers ; March and April. 3 27-04d
sellers April ami May. 3 27-Clfi3 2X-Cld. buyers ;
M y and June 3 2S4ji3 2i-fi4l. : buyers ; June and
July , 3 29-rlJ3 30lci , buyers ; July und AtiKUSt.
3 30-C4li3 31-Cld , value. Followlmt are the weekly
cotton htatlstlcs : Total sales. CS.OflO bales ; sale's
American. CO.IWO bales ; trade taklnc. CI.Oiio bales ;
actual export , 3i iO bales ; Impoit , total. 41,00 , )
bales : Import Ametlcan. 37. vi baUs : slock , total.
S'll.MIO b.iles . stock , American. 182.000 bales :
alloat. total.2v.0i ( bales ; alloat , Ameilenn. 2i5 ( -
O'y ' ) bales ; sales for speculation , 1 , ' . < 00 bales ; pur
chases for export. 1.600 bales.
NHW OULKANS. Oct. 15. COTTON Otilet :
tales , l.nrhales ; ordinary. lie ; ( rood ordinary ,
5 ? e : low mldillliiK. r , ll-Kc ; middling' , Cc ; good
mlddllmr. 3-lCc ; mldilllmi. fair , 6 7-lCc ; re-
celptH , 12u20 bales ; Mock , 10D.1XI5 bales. Kuluies
were ( pilet and steady : tales , 21.01) , ) biles ; Octn-
bi-r , JS.SS bid ; November. j.SlCJ."i.SS ; Docember.
JS.EiiflS..iO ; January. J5.IHHJ.VM ; Febiuary , } S ! Wc
B.97 : March. Jii.iOiiC.Ol : April , Jii.oifio.o'j ; May.
JO.Glifili.P ) . Secretary Hester's estimate of the
world's visible supply of cotton Is 1.8M.G9I Inles.
aKalnst l.CCT. 170 bales laM week and 2r'jSVj
bales last > ear. Of the former umouiil 1,727.1'Jl
biles are American.
ST. 1.01'IS. Oct. iri.-COTTON-Qulet ; mid-
dlbiB , Cc ; sales. 300 balet ; receipts. 4. MS bales ;
shipments. 3.F4I bales : stock. 17.911 bales.
MKMI'IIIS. Oct. 15. COTTON .Steady ; inid-
,11 1 lit- . 3 ir-irc ; ncelpts. 3,437 bales ; shipments ,
2. CM Imles ; htock , 33..SC3 bales ; culca , 4,350 bales.
LONDON. Ort. 15. HKKT SUOAH-Octobcr ,
ks C 4l , ; Dfcember-Marcb , Ss lOVJil.
NK\V YOltK. Oct. 15. SI'OAK Ilaw , quletj
sales. 1.200 tons. ! "J test , ex'ililpmenl , nt J3.S1.
Itellneil. quiet ; Kranubited , ' ' , , .
NK\V OULIJANS , O't. 15. SITOAU Quiet ;
open kettle. 2Vifl3c : centilfiiKal whites , 3 11-KiJf
I 3-lHe ; yellows , 3ii/3Tic ! ; p > ccuiids , 2&3'kc ; syiup ,
FHU'ITK Hlraily ; evaporated apples , common , Off
7c : prlniD wire tray , 8'ic ; wood dried prime ,
S'tc ' ; choice , Mifl8e ; funi.- , 9c ; prunes , S08(4e ( ,
as to size ; apricots , Mnnr I'ark. dSlHJe ; peaches ,
unpeeled , 7irilc ; peeled , 12'.5j17ij. '
( ill > lni'Kcl ,
OIL CITY. IM. , Oet 15.-fredlt balaticeH. C7
bblp ; certificates , no bids' shipments , 125.C3J
bbU. ; runs. W > 77 bliln.
ANTWKUI1. Oct. 15. I'etroleuni , 15f 75c paid
und sailers.
LONDON , Oct. 15. Cuconnut oil. CJChln , i30. ;
INHTJtl'MKNTB placed on record Krlduy ,
October 15 , Ib'JT :
M. O. Wells to Jacob nurnxtein and
wife ; w" , lot 13 , block 11. Heed'H
lii t add ,
Knovli I'\'derlH and wife to n < mmnl
Mclnlyre ; lot 20 , block 12 , Urown
park 800.00
C. II. Ilooth to Henry \VruRo ; w'i
no'i 30-1C-I2 f „ : S.OCrU'O '
rtiatle.s llunley and wlfo to M.
Vouel ; lots 1 to 4 , Kaufman & J..s
subdlv 4,02o.OO
C. .M Wt-lch to M. M. Miller ; east
d ) feet of fouth 9U feft. lot 7 ,
block 12. 1'arUei's add , l.fO
\V. M. Wclrh lo same ; same l.DOKO
A. J. Hanxeom and wife to H. O.
I'lltclu-tt ; lots C and C , block 3 ,
C-ipltol Hill add 5. < 0
II. S. Thomas toV. . c. Thomas : lots )
11 and 12 , block G , Byndlcatu Hill. . ] .00
Sheriff to J. I. , . lirome ; Iota 1 nnd 2 ,
blocll 37 ; lots 3 utnl 0. block Si : lot
7 , block X3 ; lots 'J and II. block 132 :
lot 1 , block 137 ; lot 1. block 1SS ,
Florence 23I.:4
Total uim-unt of transfers J
Another Day of Light Receipts , but Good
' Revival in Hogs.
fa Hip of I lie riiiiiiiion Sort 1'clcli .Inxl
AlMiut Mciul.v I'rlri'H on Slow
, lliiittifo linns ) Turu ,
Sharply Vimiirtl.
SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. IJ.-Recelpts for the
days Indicated weroi
Cnttlo. HORS. Sliccp. Horses
October 15 2.72S 3153 CSl
October II G.KG 3,3'B 1,091 1
October 13 Mil 3.2SX 7l)5 )
October 12 C.1IS 5,023 . . . . 2 $
October 11 7,43.1 1,453 4S,9il , 3
October 1.043 3,572 Gil
October S 1,771l,9 ? . ' > 1,861 6
October 7 4,910 6.E6 3,909 SO
October 0 6.928 6,713 1.622
October 5 7.374 B.SOI 2,810 19
October 4 0,360 1.S7G 851 ! > 5
October 2 651 0,777 12fi 20
October 1 2,22'J 6.317 2.120
September 30 2,270 5,452 3,315 2S
The olllclril number of cars of stock
brought In today by each ronilva :
Cattle , lloss. Sheep.
C. , M. .t SI. 1 > . Ily 2
O. .t St. I , Hy .1
Union Pacific System. . . . 10 9
R. K. & .M. V. H. H. . . . 2 > l 0 3
C. , St. P. . M. K O. Hy. . S C
H. , MM. . 11. U. H C4 1C
C. . II. & Q. Hy t 1
C. , H. I. & P. Ily. . east. . .
C. , U. 1. ci P. Uy. . west. . . 1
Total receipts 104 HI 3
The disposition of the day's rei-elpts wns
nn follows , caoh buyer purchasing the num.
her of hetul Indicated :
Cattle. HOBS. Sheep.
O. II. Hammond Co 74 f sfl
Swift and Company 2lfi 79l ! " 295
Cudiihy Packing Co -1:11 : 1.3S3 297
11. liecker and Derail. . 3tH )
Viinsant & Co : > S'J
J. U Carey 155
I.obman & Rothschilds. . 75
W. I. Stephens 1. > 'J
Huston & Co 2
Husz m
Nelson Morris , Chicago. 225
Planklnton P. Co. , Mil 192
Other buyers & 02 . . . . C7S
heft over -100 100 . . . .
Totals 3.4C3 3lt 1,270
CATThU There was not much 'hero to do
with in the way of cuttle. The market ,
while lucking In Intercut , ns Is npt tn iie
the case KM lira the close of the week , wns
nevertheless fully steady und the yards were
well cleated.
Only u few loads of cornfed hpeves were
on sale and none of them Kood , so that the
sales Old not show up very well on IISIDCT.
The prlcot. paid were JilHt about steady with
yesterday's market.
Desirable cows nnd heifers were In de
mand ut llrm prices , one liuncli of little
helfeis wllltiR its liUli us $1.15.
Siockers and feeders wcte in fair reuuost
nt yesterday's prices. There was one bunch
of very choice yearling black cattle i.vhlch
sold at M.fiO , the best cattle und the best
price In tome days. Representative'miles :
1.13 feeders. . . H < < > 3 70
lions After belni ; In lli < > dumps for a couple
of days the bou market scored n Hharp advance
IciJay. It opened Tie blKber nnd i.'ulned In
strength , closlne active nnd lOc bli-Jier.
Thi * clilcf fenture of Btrenctb wna Ibe nellvide. .
niaiid on the purt of tbe local nnrkern nnil Hi"
Unlit lecelpls , ibeiv belni ; lee few hos Ij lilt
all tbe requirement ! ! . lOverytblni ; waH Holil and
tbe ynidn cleared nt nn early hour.
IjlRht nnd biilcber welKlit IIOKH ild nt tll.G.'ifl'
: .75 , while coed heavy IIOK.H went at ji.rW/ : : >
all tin- pales wan biKber limn on yetenlay and
all tbe calen WIIH blKlie rtliniv on yesterday iind
' of 1-ist vvei-k ,
blKlier limn on 1'rlday Ileiireaenla-
ttve HEib-H :
KtniHiix I'llIIre Slock.
KANSAK TITV , O"t. 15.-OAlTI-l--IlecBlpt ,
6.1 l hedd ; I'tTt ' tuitlvc * fleiidy ; otlier/i elow ;
Tcxus fcii-cr * . Ji.tJiii 1.25 ; Texna COWH. } i. ( i2.8 : , ;
native Mcer . | 3.60fl.VlI ; native cows and livlfem ,
tl.60il.5 ; rtoekeiH nnd feeilem , Ct'Jfll.W ; bull * ,
HOdSHerelpli7.000 head : market slron < tu
lOc lilKlii-r ; bulk of tilc . J3.C5ii3.7I. heavier ,
t3.6413.70 ; pucker . J3.f'il3.70 ; niUfj nnd lUhu ,
J3.60fi3.SO ; Yorkers , 3.7.1jr3.tvO ; plB , | 1.41ff3 71
HIIii-P : : Itecelpts. 3.0'W ' head : niurkul btnmK ;
lambs , } 3.COii3 53 ; muttont , K''Wij I 23.
SI , , ( | lvr | Stuck.
ST. Ulfl.S. O.t. IS.-OATTI.U-lteceliitn. 2000
bond ; rldpiiR-nui. 1.000 liend ; inarKet , Heudy for
nutlvcd , with no Kood cattle bere ; T an -ady
lo Hronv ; ( air to cliuloe native ktiliidiiK | und
c | iort 8teor . Jl.'f'J'j | ; bulk of tubi IM' . i6'0.
drevVrd beef nnd biitcner M cr , (3Mfil.75 : bulk
of mlex , } ) .ail.W ; ulcer. ! inuler 1.UUO | , uiin , | .
.0"4il.5w ; l.tllk of rale * . JJ r..ijjl.W ) , Klockerii and
feedtni. J2 lOWLO ) ; Inilli of fulc-n , JJ ? 54 < 3 M ) ; c-own
and hrirera. It 0064.25 ; TI-XUK und Indian ti-on > ,
J3ir , ( | jr , . bulk of mle . J M-K ( : K' , . couv und
belfcrn. i : ( r3.l3.
Iti-i Ut . C.Ojft lu-ud. thii'iiirnlc ' , 3.00)
hfnil. mnrkft. tronr nd a nharte hither ,
$ .l ! iW4.W , inltfd $ l.r : . fSM , hrnvy , JJ.7W4.M.
SHEKTnfcflpK. . 1 WO hmtl , shtpmrnts , tienf ;
m tkrl steady to tronff , nuttve muttons. JJ.Oi'i
3. W , culls nnd IniL-Kv H
Cndlc n nil .Slu-cii Act He nnil , Stcnd >
n Dlittr Illuticr.
Oct. -TrHilc In cittle win nc
live for so late in the week at Meady prices.
The nvernire qunllty WHK only fnlr nnd choice
cattle were scarce. The bulk of the n.illve Meers
sold nt from $4 M to JS.10 , common dressed beef
steers wlHllK around Jl nnd pi-Iron and slilpphiK
cattle niidlmr buyers nt from 15.15 to I5.SV
lliitrhers' niut cnmietii' e ttb' sold t about former
prices niul some extin ehotcp helfets broiiKbt at JI.W t , > Jl 75. Onie wrr * In tietter de.
ninnd. U' t Rrndes hrliiKbiK nt from Id to JS M.
.ttocker nnd trnlrro went for from 1.1 to Jl.Sn.
very few below 3. SO. Teunns wore linchnnKrd.
Western onltlf sold ver > well , many KOIIIR for
from J3.W to M.IO.
The demand for boss ns nrtlve anil prices
ruled lOc tilRber fer llclil and butcher uclKhlft
and 5c blKher for heavy hoes. Sales were
luiKoly nt from JS.70 to M , c.mme. benvy p.ick-
crs scllliiK nt from W.41 to 1370. and nilm *
butcheis and nssotied llRht nt from 11.11) ) to
$1.15. The late market wni lower nnd hni\y.
There was nn ncllve deniHiut for sheep nnd
Inmba nl steady prices. Sliccp sold at ( loin
J2.60 to SJ for common natives , up to from II Ute
to JI.30 for choice lo prime Hooks. Western
r.mse sheep were nctUc at from J3.2.1 to Jl and
feeders sold ut from J3.fi1) to J3.S.1. Lamb * sold
actively nt from J.1.75 lo J6 , rsterns nellltiR nt
from Jl to 3.tO and feelers nt from Jl 75 to Jl. " .
Medium Inmlw sold lower than yestertlny
Hccclpts : Oittle. 3X ) lirad. IIORS. IS.OOO bead.
sheep. 12,0111 } bead.
X 'W nrU l.lvc Sldi-U.
NKW YOHK. Oct. -IIKiVKl - Native sle-is.
JI.OV-,1,1.0.1 ; bulls. J2.ri > ir3.0il ; dry cows. Jl 7.111.1 3 >
Uumpean cnldos nuotiAmeilcan steers nt lo SI
ll'ic ; icfilger.itor beef , 7'tfS\c. no exporln
CALVIW-llecelpli. 32 , ) head , vpiiln. $7 HOT7 5rt.
Rrnr < . l3.0 , t(3.5H ; no weslerns sold.
KHI-I-P AND LAMIIS Kirm. sin-cp , jj'.oy
4.2.1. L-imbs , J4.7.1fi.62l ( , .
HOaS Itecelpts , 2,091 head ; quoted nt J1 1 < Hr
i.3i ,
Stock III Sluht.
Ilecord of receipts of live slock nt the four
prlnclpil markets for October 1.1 :
I'nttle. IIoRS. Sheep
Omaha . ; ; < ! ,11- ; , i ; |
ChlcnRo . HIMO ISO1) ) IMIH
Kan in Cl y . BiCO .on i't > n
St. I-onls . ctoOil ! 00 l < i"0
Totals . ii,7 ( ? ro.rr. r. . i
l'i'Ic ' .H Arc I-Mrin. lint Sllnlitly Alnivi-
fh - ltn > i-rN.
HOSTON , Oct. 15. The Denton Commercial
llulletln will say tonujtrnv of the wool ni.ukei :
The markel continues quiet. At the same time
the conccKdon of half n cent by dealers would
hive led to the sales of laiRe llnef. The n'lvnmv
this we k tins been slliihl. Kor < ineo.uarierblood
wools , for wlllch 22'wus otked tnclceK. . 2tc
ban been paid this week , and 30.Is no loncrr tlu >
price asked for the choice , but the price paid for
Ohio XX. At the Melbourne sale * Octi tn-r 13. In
sympathy lib Sydney , tin advance of ifed o > er
the ch e of the last season was at once estab
lished. Later the advance was limited nl "id.
The sales of the week are S.ISIII.COO llm. domes
tic and 1.120.000 lln. fnrclKii.iRalnsl 4.9il > .uii
Ibs. domestic nnd 3.02S.6DO HIM. forelKH Infl
week , nnd 2.S7I.KW 11 . ilnmpFtle nnd 77i ) . ( ) i ) llm.
forrlKii for the same week last year. sab s
lo date hliow nn Ineieiire of 1111.427.500 Ibs. domestic -
tic , and 17.SV,300 ! ! Ibs. firelKii from the sales In
the same dale In IV.'II. ' The leeelpts lo date show
an Ineienie of 124. 5SS bales domestic and 3.11. MM
bales forelRll.
NH\V YOHK , Oct. 13 WOOL Finn ; dome-tie
ll.-ece , 2ift,27c ) ( , ; pulled , No. 2 extra. 27lll"c. Tevas.
KT. lOt'lS. Oct. 15. WOOL Quiet ; medium ,
1.1ru2le ; Ilfilit nne. Mfirisiy ; heavy line , lu ll- ;
tub washed. 22fT3lc.
N\V | ; YOHK. Oct. 13. TOI'TEH-Optloni.
opened bill el y sl ady 111 5ffll ) polllls decline. Illlel
eaily nettve under lliiildiillin , but generally fol
lowing an iinsallKfnclor.v inroiean : | entile nnil
liiiw receipts nnd Blnek spit deinand , closed
Hteady. wllli prices 5jfl5 pnlnin net lower ; sales
19.ii'1) ' buss. IncludlnB Di'cenilier. $1130 ; March ; April. Jii.65 ; May. Jii 7i < : .Inly. JOS' ' ) ; Aii'i-uM
JB.SDC70 S" , ; September. Sfi.SI. Kp it lllo , illlet | ; No
7 , $7 , Invoice ; j.ibblnB. . $7.50. Mild , nulel ; I "or
dnvn , J10.0iS15.0l ( ) ; wili-H. FO ) bliK Mlilaculbo. 2 ! ) )
IIIIBH ivntrnl American. Total warebnuse de.
Uv-erlcH from Hie fulled Staten. CM93 IIIIKH. In
cluding 10.C28 lilies from New Yolk : New Y < ilK
Ktoek today , SCS.2V ) baK ; fnlled Slates slorlt
4S3.751 IIHKB ; nll'-nl for the fnln-d Slnlea. " " "
IIIIRS : totil visible for llic fnlled States , fcsl,7.M
Imga , aKiilnst CIS.031 IIIIKS lafl > . -nr and . ' , ! , - . .
bans In 1f.95.
11AVI113 , Oct. 15. rOI-'FKi : e'lwed ( Illlel III
\'tt net dncllne : sales. 12i1) ) ' < IXIK.I.
IIAMIiritn , Oet. IS. COITHK-Oiiened > i nfK
lower , cl ised nt't \ pfB. net decline ; sales , in.o'i )
UIO P1J .lANKlltp. Opt. 15. COI'I'TU : No 7
Hlo. R.O'iO lels ; rceelins. II 0 liacs : cleared for
the fnlled States. 12,0H ) bans : cluared for ISunipe ,
12.COQ bllBS ; slock. 431.0-V ) liaca.
SANTOS. Ocl. 15. rOKI-'I'l- * Weak ; RO d aver-
nue Snlllos , 8.410 lels ; ict-elpts , 30.0DO IMIR-- ; i-toi-k
I.MS.OOO bans.
Vow \'iirk lr > - Ginnls 3IirUct.
NI3W VO11K. Oet IS. The ihy coeds maiKel
Is wit lout malked clinilKe to'lav. a limited nt-
tei'dancc of buyeitt at llrst hand bclnjj recurded.
Mall orders weie nls.i khul of pMinty , on uoocls
for pieeily ] delivery. Inoolen and worsted
lines lor next yeai's supplies there \\as a con
tinued fair ilmum , ] reported in nur > t nl ! Ki-ndes
the probahllttles that demand for spibiK and
fall Koods for 1SIW , wltli some deirce of free
dom , as II Is cxp-cted that a p.oi.d trade will
prevail In consumptive markets. The featuie ol
the mailet Is the weakness In llupi bit clotlm
and In may Koods In eastern maiUcts. which has
had a stultifying effect on the loi.i ] maiKi't for
nearly all urades of cotton Kood'i. The demand
fiom jobbers Is still quiet , manufacturers and
converters belnp more In evidence than other
claapi-s of buyers. Collections are still Kjiorli'd
to be In a favorable condition. Staple cottons are
without mailied feature Print cloths- , spot extras
ure still quoted nt 2 S-lCc. Pilnts ate Mill very
IllillrbcMiT 'l"i'llliTriulc. .
.MANCIIIKTI-H. : oet M. ciotiiB ami yarns
were steady with little iloliiK.
\Vi-ll Known A illbiii-lIIOK Snj- Mini
I'ill linn llnlii > | CIIIIM ItlHliiKLnril. .
This week's National I'rnvlsloncr , imb-
llshed nt New York , ImH the following edi
torial Hiimmnry of the outlook of the pro
vision nmrkit : "T'-c inrd iind | irovlulnn
innrkelH Imve been noting In n peetilinr but
not in ,111 al.innliifT innnner till * week. The
only iilnrinliiK fetiture about sunc : wn Ibe
folly of come I'hleiiKO spncul'itoiB , who
seem bound to ilrlvu away from that cc-nlcr
more und more nf the business wlili-h it
Ims taken n ( itinrier of a century to build
up , and to dispel tin- confidence which tb
fon-lKiiei-H held roKiinllntr tbe future nnd in r
much advi-rtlseil prosperity.
"Kverythln HIMMIIIH ! to run ciniothlv u
fiw weeks a o. Wall street si-l the hpi-c-
ulatlve ball rolling ; wheat fidlowi-d null ;
provltlon.M seemed In a fj- | | \\ay of iinrtak-
Inij In the general Improvi'm'-'it. and lard ,
the formerly and yet the favorite amen
Hpeciilatlvo nrtii'ltK. ajipeared ti > he nn the
eve of a 'boom , ' with all oonditlnni fjv , r-
nblc , when n few rases of y < llnw fi-vr
wennnnoniued In some mutln-rii cltl" * .
MiiKiillk'il by ciiKatlonal and untruthful
iiRuspapciH ( alwayi wcdcome aldos to bear
Hpeoiilators ) reports pictured the sit
uation IM such an alarming manner Hut
the few otit-Iders who bad already lu'Kiin
to buy lard nnd piovislons let KU for f-ar ,
nnil the packers were ma'tern of tbe flitun-
tlun. In spite of authoritative and govern
ment reports to the contrary , 'the yellow
fever Kluift wnn made to app"iir dally be
fore anxious nnd crowded audience * . ' The
foreigners must bo 'shaken out' was the
nolilo axiom , and those very people , the
de-lino of whose business bus kcjit Hhp
wonderfully with their beailvh pieiliollun- ,
wilt alarmliiK IIII > S-UIKI to their clients , and
ted , ly they Kloat over their a hlevemeni.
Well , the foreigners Met po,1 and their e.'ll-
IHB broke tininarktt , but It will not hold
It down. It may for the pri-scnl , but nut
for lout ; , nondlllons do iut wariant It , and
If heavy salc were made In inler to f-it -j
the maiket on live IIOKR and for the pur
pose of compelllnt ; the farmer to 'let no. '
then thlS objuct has nut been ai umpllKhH ,
and the ii'.sult obtained Is not conimen-
furate with the efforts made. It Is I rue
the reeeliM | of live h ( > ff. atvcstirn p leu
h'iVB been exceedliiKly heavy for thi * llm
of the year pud II has been armed th'it
I lie farinors \ vriHondlnt ; HO many unlln-
iKhed h'iKH ' to maikut on aei-ount of the
greater uuaiitllles to come. This IH nut
c'oiTcpl. The fanip'ijs have both mcney and
corn Ill's ' year , and could ' .ifr rd lo
hold their IIOKH and feed them until
they nru fat and finlxhed. Heavy
receipt * would not come befoic the middle
of November mul could nut come hut f , rene
one fact , anil , that I * then1 l not iiilll' lent
water on tin' fauns and ranches to water
HIP Htock The \jcel lj < .sufi'eiinir severely
from drouth. Hoi s that are fei ! on ( "in )
and wheat shrink Instead of alnink' when
they have not enough water ; tln-tcfon * the
farmerH hurry lo lirlnu lliclr hulf llnlshed ,
nnm.ilured slock to maiket Hence , 111 *
Flmuli.ineoiirf rl-c In wheat with1 tb" declin
III lard. The IIOK.H that come to > I ,
howc" < T , now. ure not hud huim In tlr-
full use of thu term. If onytblni ; they
are Imcnn bow Tlie Imp" receljits oiiKbt
not to filsbten holderwlirthft lorel rn or
domeHtl- , Whatever Is c mnli x In nnw will
bo inis-s'-d later. All natural i und'tlnim fav r
.JApiE3 [ , E , BOYD & GO , ,
Tclcplionc loai ) . Omuliii , Neb.
IIOAItll Ol : TIA1)I ( ! .
i wln-Blo Cbh-aro and New York.
Corr jjjiidHiU | , Juliu A Wunvn A. Vo.
bpttr iirlco * The stock' oululd * of Chi-
ct\K\ \ tire InlmK-nl. ( . 'hicnto nurl l < 1vcrio | it
Muck * nrc tlccltnlnt ; consitintly Yt-.lj.v
fever will noon cense to ho n buxnboa nnil
the niiiirnntlne.s onc-o llftoil. tinrn. . h of
provl.'lotiN toward the ront'i will he rtnir
tnons. l' cker ilnlnc n lart p bnMncss In
the south sny tint tbe demand hits 'ly
slnrkcnedi Unit bn lne In K , nernl there
cannot ln si , b i1 as d tnonstrntrd by thn
report of 4hr southern dlvls > , , n of the llj | .
nols Central mllrond Ju l pulri ' , ieil. P'.JW-
liic nn ltu-rt'i. ! e btit'i In eii-'tiiis ; nnd ton-
tin ce for Peptetnber , lv ; lioth ov"r AitKUst
of this year and Si'ptcmn-r of : - t yc ir. A
tnoro friendly | .ill > of Spiln tn\\aril rnhn.
which I. " nppnrenr.y t bo pmi d umlcr tlta
new llbernl ministry tii t In.uiKiirntod , will
larcoly aiiRinent the di-nnind frori the Went
Iniilest for American bird nnd .provisions itml
ICurope. whllo reticent now , win want the
same In t.\r or quntitlllpn unit more eagerly
tlan : ever. Add to thin the 'laracr con
sumption In this rountry oatisril liy fm-torle.i
runnltiK evrrywhert- full pred , nnd with
full forces , nnd yon will admit that \tural
conditions favor heller prln We nny bo
tnHtaV.en and the arm of bears mul ; ieru-
lalors may be more powerful mul more far *
than nature's demmuls , hutv
t. They may continue to forci prices
they may further nmlertnlne publln
coniuience ln > ' ( as n twerc storm In npt
to break the stroiiKenl HhlpH ) the hitrrleano
, if prosperlly will reach them before next
-prlnp ntnl sweep them mul Ihclr
existence out of It * puh. deslroyltiR their
nefarious and ntvairloile ilnlUB" . rcstorttiif
colilhlenee nnd luminesM. "
ItrDTA rtB ot dlf.
ho r' ie t re. chnrnr In 2J
mcdlo - trr-nt- dnyn. HUD-
that has Y A N cure *
b-fn priul c"J atter HUD-
liy miy r. nihl- V A N t-uic *
nntlnn of ptiy- diul : i , n n a
H I' ' L > Y A
: urc *
u t' i A :
? urcn
ffmrdy for
mni. lU'D-
V A N euros
w i * a U n e . n. H f D Y A
It It n V A cures lieid.iche
pirf an , rma lialr ( . , linn
tnrrhni-.i , nit , I'linne a of
II U n V A N In
lures roma- the bwad anJ
fan. wenk memory , lors of voice , \nrtv or unfit.
HITDYAN curBiinlinn t-vcs. Ktuntril Rrnwlli ,
paliltfttlon | , linliic-pH , of Ini-.iili. ilyspi psi'i. - . n-
Mlpallnn mill llntulcnoy. HI PVAN rutv < wi-i | < .
iie s or pninn In the small i.f tli , ba < U. IHSB nf
niiihuulnr powor. Kluumy , inclalirlioly fr , , bilns
iitul ( livtui bvl t-ltrp.
lllJUYAN can In- hint from tin- Doctor * ol ti
llll lon Mo'llcnl Inytllute , aliil frnln tv > tine v n ? ,
You need IIUDYAN lu-n tintinlal nerviu twltli
as tlicre Is ti'rt.iln to be an Inlt.illuii nt tliclr
centers of the lirula. You m-eil 111'MYAN' lan
thi-ro iH u ( leollne .if tbe Ili-rv , ' foice. Iji'cnuae tills
decline Rhows n bick of IHTVI- life , mid may < lc.
vclop Into nervous ililtlllty and then Into ni'rvuus
proytratlon. If you havli.nrai rd your ncivra.
If you haveknntleil or knnrk'd them , If you Im *
aliufi-d your iii'ivm. to Miali.itrii yourstlf out
Sou will use I1UDYAN. Nn one clfo can utv
you IIUDYANcopt ( litlluOunn Mi-dlcnl In-
Ktltute. IIUDYAN c'lirisnrliolcle. . hjdrocfle Im.
potency , illzzliu-ss. falling Frnyntlonn. t > luea
despair. Boirnvv nd mlfnry.V1UT1C KOH rU ! *
Stockton nnd Kills .il. .
Bun IVanclci-o. Call'ornia-
IV IVrlUcn GIIIIIII ( < - < > Cl'lIR KVCIX7
Our cm r Is iirriimiionl nnd not a pnlrliln ( ; up. C aaca
tu-nlt-il li-ll ) * * ai' . Bfro liavi * lii < ifi i-cn u M ) inilon | t.acv. |
! ' > > ilt-x'-tililnir jonrc'astrull.i rnlincnt , > < iuli > iiiiill *
ttinl t * ulMi 'In1 ' uiiu lKiii i'uuiaiiH'f 'o cat * ' in irlmui
all niunuy Thest' w ho liuU'r ti , cninc lii'ii' tor trfiit *
ini-nl ran do MI and ur \\l\\ \ \ iiu ) i-nllumd liilv liolli warn
mid liotrl bills ulilklicit II < ( nil li > -u-i ! .
K-IIMC Ihc oild lornciLHc Unit in .llitjlc lU-metly
will nit cuic Will , ' lu ti.l | pnHli'iilM * und KCI I l.o
t \lili-at't' Wnkiiow tlnil j on me lr | > ll , t t. Jia > l'3 ' to loo.
ftH Ihc most cinlllilll iJltiKii-lal li.i\e . .It'lflhern uLIu
lo ( { Ivn inoru limn U'inporuiirllcl. . Iniaiv It'llrulH .
luai'llrftvitli II , Ib .llimliItcini'ily II linn lircn must
tlinirilll lee oii-oim , picMlallii'MiiliiltiM all NU CHilcil
Kpci'lll , ' * . Uut under 0111 sli , UK IH.IIIIMIIIM' Jon ll al < 1
not lit'Mtntc lo * r > trl it-mcdy. Y < m luU * noclinni'i. ol
lotliiK viur money 'c KtmianUii l i 'in.or nluaj
cvi'tv dollnr inul IIH MII liaMa ii'imiulloa In I't'ilt 't ,
nNn nimncliil ImrklllK of ff r OO , < MH > . II In | > rlli'Cliy
KllflO ( ill ullulll try tlll < Itl-nllllPlll. lICIClulllll ) JMI
lm\i > Inn'ii palllair up ftud ni > lni ; out yota luoni-y for
dltfi-mit IlL'iiliiient alid nllioii ( ( 'li you miMiut > ft cuu-d
no OIIH IIAH | iiilit hark jour iatnry. , Do not wat.tu nny
nioiciiiuia > > until 31,11 try us. old , cliionli * cii'i' | > -fiai.l
casot , piiii'd In tlihly lo ninety ilnyH. Invi-htliraiu oar
ll'iuurfAl Ktundlni ? . our K.1'Utiillun an liui > lnct > s nii'li.
Willu IM fur nuiiird nlal uddiiNffa of tliuio we liura
ciiied , who lmv - ulFun peruilv Ion to ruler to then.
Jl eo i. joti enl > | Mi.niKf tiiclotiift ; itvlll Hive yo l
tvornl of Hiitleilnu from nifiitu ] htiiiln ; intllijoii n
iniirik'd what niay > our "fiKpriiii : Mitfi-r tliiuiiKli yi.tir
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fntt ol the liudy. tfelltii ; ot I'merHl depletion , | , ulni < In
iit'fiil or honi .joii ) m\t , noiiniu to waptr. Thofc < uio
me eoiij.lHnlly tnklni ; hieiruiy nnd polnfcli hhoiild dlU'
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vrlte. All cotlevliondenc'e M-llt Kculed In 1'lnlll tlliej-
open We unite tlic in.isi iiirld INI i ncnllon anil will
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ti > Alii. i > dud fiihbr J'lcit krjii ninf Jmii-
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