Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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    apumaipn t"WJi m m mammy
State Treafairar Mosorvo Talks of His ,
Method of Handling It ,
About ] | U , < mO Invented Dully Xnwr-
Stnr > of tinIanil f.riiMrn KfTectcd
In Vorfc County liy Uncle
, Jake Wolfe.
JJNCOLN. Oct. 13. ( Special. ) Inquiry
. was irado at the oulco of the state treanurcr
today as to the disposition that is being
ir.ado of the permanent school fund this
year. .Mr. . Alcscrvo said that when he took
charge of the office $3,333,751.33 In securities
of this fund were turned over to him , and
that slnco January a small proportion of
these had been paid off. During the year ho
has Invested about $176,000 of the cash fund
In general fund warrants , $11,000 having
been Invested In September. There was
oish of the permanent school fund to the
amount of $209,000 $ on hand In the treasury
October 1 , and slnro then the Investments
In warrants run about $1,000 per day. The
warrants arc bought nt par and draw G per
cent Interest. Upon being registered after
purchase the following Is stamped on the
'back of each warrant : "Thla warrant belongs
to the permanent school fund of the state
of Nebraska and is not negotiable. "
The superintendent of the Hospital for
t the Insane at Lincoln has filed his monthly
report with the governor , In which he sots
out that the new -barn Is completed and oc
cupied , and that thu addition to the sowing
room for Infirmary and manufacturing pur
poses Is already enclosed and will soon too
Completed. The work on the new cold stor
age and Ice house Is well under way , the
work on the new Improvements and rcpnlra
being dcno by the regular hospital force and
patients. The report that there are
SCO patients In the Institution , of whom
182 are males and 173 females. During the
month past there have been four deaths ,
seven discharged and nine paroled ,
The state treasurer made two calls for
warrants today to comci In October 21 , con-
dialing of $23,000 general fund and $15,000
university fund.
The State bank of Clay Center , with a
capital ot $15,000 , and the Citizens' State
bank ot Elwood , with a capital of $15,000 ,
have ( been granted permission by the State
Hanking Hoard to go Into voluntary liquida
A story comes from York concerning a re-
cci.t traiibactlon of leasing certain school
land In York county to Fred Archeard. an
employe of the state auditor's otllce , by Land
Commlsioner Wolfe , by which a number of
hard working farmers will be deprived of
their homes , which has created considerable
common t and no little Indlgnatlou exists.
Even the reformers do not Indorse It , and
In last week's Teller , a reform paper pub
lished at York by M. C. Fiank , the follow
ing comment was made :
We Sire not In a very pious frame of
mind about the school land deal In York
county. Peter Hlebert of Henderson Imd
the money to pay up on his lease , but
there wan an nrror In the ns-lir.iment to
him and 1m wanted a now lease so the
defect would bt ! cured. Thu old lease was
canceled . .Mid tlie land offered according
to law. Frt\l Archeard made Mr. Hlcbert
oay $30 for his own home. A lawyer would
.mve made It nl' ' right for $3 nd a re
former makes hl.n pay $30. Fred hud a
right to bid. Of course ho had a right to
bill. Any bank has m right to charge 2 pur
cent n month and collect It If no one kicks.
Wo kick and the woods are full of kickers
because Frtd Archeard exercised his right
to bid and made Peter Hlabcrt , a hardworking
working- farmer , pay $30 tor hla own land.
Jacob Welch , Hurry Guo and Stephen Hells
were bcliliui on their lenais two years.
We have seen men behind two and three
years In their payments to loan com
panies. The company sent nn agent to
York ufter writing- the farmer to meet the
agent on a certain day. If then the farmer
did not come the agent under instruction
of his company hired a rig and went to
Bee the farmer , who was ashamed to come
In and be ( ? for moro time. In nine cases
out of ten arrangements for extensions
were made. Is tbo great state of Nebraska ,
under the management of J. V. Wolfe ,
harder hearted than tlie loan companies
ho howls about ? Say what you please nbaut
rights , thd fact remains that Jacob Welch ,
Harry GUP and Steve Rolls have lost their
farms and Fred Archeard , who Is at Lin
coln and draws a good salary from these
people , has three of the same people's
farms , He will pay the state 12 cents an
aero i year for the land and rent for $2
per ) aero nnd maVe what lie can by sellliifT
the lenses. On the 2CO acres he will pay
the- state $1X.70 ) and receive $400 nnd Iio taxrs
to pnv Of course the state sets the $30
TIr. HIebcrt had to pay. The statu
of Nebni'ka cannot afford to be harder and
moaner than loan companies nnd collectors.
* It is not right for a state otllcer to
follow another state otllcer and take the
home.s from some of the j.eoplo who help
to pay that ollleer's salary. The pops , derti-
ocratH and silver republicans will not de
fend Mr. Archeard. You will soon find out
thnt there is no one too poor for us to de
fend or too rich for us to roast.
At the session of the grand lodge ot the
Kplghtn of Pythian last evening Will H.
Love , grand keeper of the reco/ds and seals ,
submitted a report , statistical and financial.
There nro now 163 lodged m the state , ono
less than last year. Three ledges wcro organ-
bed dm Ing the year , and four surrendered
their charters. Tlie total membership in the
state on Juno 30 , JS07 , was 5,778. Subordinate
lodges had a balance or. hand of J 15,880 on
Juno HO , and owned property aud Investments
valued at $ G'JS98 ; total cash on hand and In
vested , JS5.7S2. The financial statement uf
the grand ledge shows receipts during the
vear , amounting to $5,022. Total expenses
wcro $5,827. Cash on hand , October 1 , 1897 ,
was $1C33 , The board of trustees estimate
that tho" expenses for the ensuing year will
amount to $7,773.
The liberty party , silver wing of the pro
hibitionists will got their candidates' names
on the omclnl ballot only by sufferance of
the county clerk. Today C. 15. Dentloy , late
candidate for the presidency , appeared at
the state capital with nn alildavlt that the
party's failure to certify the nominations by
the iogal limit. October 9 , was bocanso the
Lincoln postolllcu had held the certificate
received hero October 9 until October 11 before
fore delivering to Frank G. Odull , secretary
of the executive committee of the party.
Ho asked that thu county clerks be requested
to print the liberty party ticket on the of
ficial ballot. Secretary of State Porter will
recommend that the ticket bo given a place ,
, but no county clerk ran bo compelled to do
80.Tho foot ball twra of Tarklo college will
bo here Saturday for a ganicxv"n tlio univer
sity tram. It will bo played on the university
campus , and the grounds have been fitted up
In good shape for the season's games.
Two republican meetings wcro hold In this
city last night , and at both of them -tho
halls wcro crowded. It Is believed that there
Is fully as much Interest manifested among
romibllcans this fall ns there was last year ,
and the Indications are that the majority In
Lancaster county will reach above the1,000
Omaha people at the hotels : At the Lin-
dell L. I ) , Holmes. I , W. Carpenter , S. A.
DonuoDa. Adam Nell , At the Lincoln
Gem-go U. I'rlt.-hott. U. 0. Heals , Ralph Ult-
teiiKer , C. W. Hlnzle , P. E , Hyner.
Aimofliitliiii In ll Formed for tlir
C'lly'N Ailviiiieeiiient.
GUANO ISLAND , Neb. , Oct. 13 , ( Special. )
A call from a large number of the leading
business men appears In the local papers this
evening , thu object being to form a business
inen'a association | o loolr properly after the
Interests of this city , The call has been
liberally signed and the prospects are for a
good , llvo association , lira nil Island has
made i-crslJerablo advancement in the hist
year or two without an organized effort and
It Is believed that with a thorough , conservative
vative business men's association much more
can bo done.
\urrmv i : rupe from a llnilVrt > rb.
GOTHENHUHC1 , Neb. , Oct. 13. ( Special. )
As extra No. CSS passed through here at 10
o'clock this morning , running at the rtte of
forty mile * an hour , the second pair of truck *
on the fifth car from the engine broke. After
running for a couple of hundred feet and
tearing up and breaking thu ends of about
fifty tie * , thu truck won run Into the ditch
outh of the track without any other damage
to the train. The name crow was on board
the train that met with the famous wreck
hero In 1892 , when California fruits were
scattered over the prairie. The train this
morning was loaded with sheep. No. 2 was
about forty minutes late and was detained
until 12 o'clock.
I'rclinrnlloiiN fur Ilir Cnmiialprn In ( he
Several Countlm ,
BLAIR , Neb , , Oct. 13. ( Special Telsgram. )
The republicans of Washington county
held their convention here today and renoml-
natcd all of the present Incumbents. What
started out to be n hot convention turned
Into a regular love feast and ended up In
the most harmonious convention ever held.
No fight was made on any candidate nomi
nated except superintendent of schools. The
present Incumbent won out on the ballot
easily. The nominees are : James Pints ,
treasurer ; Walter Gardner , clerk ; Henry
Ilichter , sheriff ; E. C. Jackson , Judge : J. W.
Henderson , superintendent ; W. H. Hill , sur
veyor ; E. C. Pierce , coroner. H. W. Mcllrld ?
was elected chairman of the central com
I1ATTLB CREEK. Neb. , Oct. 13. ( Special. )
The Madison county free silver conference
reconvened here yesterday and distributed
the places on the ticket among the silver
democrats , populists and silver republicans.
Nominations of county officers wcro
then made In the three conven
tions as follows : Clerk. Willis Stlrk ,
sliver republican nf Battle Creek ;
treasurer , Carl Wilde , democrat of
Madison ; ohcrllT. Leo W. Loscy , democrat
of Madison ; superintendent of public Instruc
tion , C. W. Crum , Norfolk ; Judge , William
Dates , democrat , of Battle Creek ; coroner ,
. Hutchlnson of Madison : surveyor , H. C.
ilttlor , democrat , of Norfolk ; commissioner ,
I. W. Winters , democrat , of Norfolk ,
FORT CALHOUN. Neb. . Oct. 13. ( Special. )
At the republican primaries last night
the following delegates were elected to the
county convention : J. SIcrk , A. W. Heals ,
Fames Farrls , H. Stevenson , Henry Rhower.
W. R. Duncan , I. F. Gilbert , Hans Schwager
and William Frahm. The township ticket Is
as follows ; For treasurer , F. II. Frahm ;
clerk. I. 'F. Gilbert ; Justice of the peace ,
Hans Schwager ; assessor , C. H. Jlpp ; con
stable , T. Gilbert ; road overseers. District
No. C , Henry Rethwlsch ; No. 7 , H. Green ;
> fo. 8 , Alt Weld ; for judges of election. Will
i'ralim , J.M. . Trlsler and Oeorgo Rhower ;
clsrks of election , Henry Rhower and Henry
I'riM" Silver HfpiilillciuiH Arc * Ilnrtl to
PI lid In CIINN County.
WEEPING WATER , Nol > . , Oct. 13. ( Spe
cial. ) The question has been raised In this
county as to whether the free silver repub-
icans arc entitled to a place on the county
Ickct. When the triple alliance was formed
n this city and county In August hardly a
lozen of the silver republicans were In the
convention. It is safe to nay there is not a
: otal of fifty In the county , and under the
aw it la thought they cannot be represented
on the ticket. It seems they have now
ibandoned the convention that was held hero
and held another and a secret ono at Platts-
mouth , which they claim complies with the
avbut as silver republicans are scarce
Ihero It Is thought that If proper steps are
taken they can and should be prevented froth
ippcarlng on the ticket The fusion candi
date for county Judge Is the ono that will
be affected If the party Is not represented.
Ladder Itrvnkn .liint ON lie Hcnelics
tlir Tup.
FORT CALHOUN , Neb. , Oct. 13. ( Spe
cial. ) While putting'a pump in his well this
morning C. II. Jlpp of this place received a
very severe fall. Ho was working on a rope
ladder. When he had finished his work ho
started to climb up. Ho succeeded In al
most reaching the top when the ladder
broke. Ho fell to the bottom of the well ,
a distance of forty feet , breaking his shoul
der and cutting a fearful gash In the back
of his head. Ho was alone when the acci
dent happened , and It was some tlmo before -
fore assistance was rendered.
'IVnt Mci'tliiK * "t Kilimr.
EDGAR , Nob. , Oct. 13. ( Special. ) Evan
gelist J. C. Redding opened the series of
revival meetings to bo held In this city last
night. A tent has been provided for the ac
commodation of the crowds that are expected
to attend which will seat about 1,000 pee
ple. About 600 were present at the opening
Mnili ! mill I < ViMt for Veteran * .
JTJNIATA , Neb. , Oct. 13. ( Special. ) The
brothers-in-law of the members of Geary
post , Grand Army of the Republic , gave
that worthy order and their wives of the
\Vo have Just received some more new
styles of the well known Knabe pianos
the many admirers of tills Instrument
will enjoy looking at the advanced styles
which are far superior to all the manu
facturers' former productions some
beautiful genuine rosewood cases : ia
well as ctirley brown walnut and the
new colonial pattern the most elegant
Iviiabo piano ever made as we will now
have a full line of these celebrated pi
anos we invite the public to ive thorn n
thorough Inspection we will guarantee
the price and piano to bo all you cau
expect. ( ,
( Unrl. 1513 Douglas
Some dental work like the Injunction
Is very unsatisfactory for theirteen
years wo've gone ahead always doing
the best work we could until now out
work Is acknowledged to be tlie acme of
perfection we have a way peculiarly
our own of mending broken truth wo
build them up to their natural appear
ance by beautiful contour lllllng.s of gold
we've made a study of teeth lIlllngH
and when we do the work you can de
pend upon it being there to stay small
gold Illllngs ? 2.00 silver and gold alloy
lillings $1.00 Teeth extracted without
any pain either with or without gns a
full sot of artlllelai teeth $ . > .00 we guar
antee them Lady attendant.
: til Fluor Pnxtnn lllk ,
13xierli'iice , Kith mill Kariinm.
Out at dc exposition dey have a strike
down at de liedVIVS < le horrt of direc
tors hav a strike , lint dis kid alnt goin
to reslne his dad Is to good tor him
an ho gives me all de live-cent Stot'cker
cigars I kin smoke dey are In- every
body's mout fur when dey can git r >
tt > u > cei > t , clgar fur a nlckle Its do cigar
ter tie to do dealers tell my dad dat doy
soli more Stocckers dan all de odder
cigars put together and diits what makes
dom so good dey are always fresh
don't have time ti > r get old and dry If
you hav never smoked du Stoecker just
buy one from your dealer nn see what
a good ting de live-cent Stoecker cigar Is.
Women's Ilollef corp * ono of the best enter-
Ulnmont * ever held In the hall Saturday
nisht. The proRram was Interesting anil well
renOeroJ , consisting of orchestral and Instru
mental music , songs anJ readings , followed
by a banquet. _
TO iTnv. nn. sissox.
Prcmnnt Prim tin Htlirrun Thrlr Ile-
rct n ( llli Heniovnl.
FREMONT , Neb. , Oct. 13. ( Special. ) A re
ception was tendered at Mrs. Ed Dlewctt'3
residence on Nyc avenue last evening to
Hcv. F. M. SUson , who was transfered at
the last Methodist conference from the
Methodist church of this city to the Hans-
corn Park Methodist church of Omaha.
There was a large attendance of the mem-
'bcrs of the church and the friends of the
reverend Kentleman In the city and the oc
casion was one to 'be rcmctnberod. Mr. SU
son during his three years' pastorate of the
Methodist church hero has won a larsc clr-
clo of friends , both within and without the
church , who much regret his departure.
A short program was well rendered , after
which Hon. T. I * iUthcwa In well .chosen
and eloquent words voiced the regrets of the
church In losing Dr. Sisson , and presented
.Mm. sisson with a fine assortment of table
linen as a gift from the women of Uio
Injury IK ICrow' * SlileVlnre llli
SirretlM-nrt .Stnlilivil Him llritlliitf.
HASTINGS. Nob. , Oct. 13. ( Special. )
Frank Crow , the young man who was
stabbed Sunday evening by a young woman ,
who used a hat pin for a stiletto. Is recover
ing from the wound. As the physician failed
to find the pin , which brolto off near the
head when entering Ills left side , his life
IB still in danger , as lt Js feared the steel
will work up Into his lungs or heart.
Five Yearn for Illilltii ; Stolen Oonilw.
OHAND ISLAND , Neb. , Oct. 13. ( Special. )
Jonas Reynolds , found guilty by a Jury of
concealing stolen property , was yesterday
sentenced to five years In the penitentiary.
Ills attorneys say they are confident of secur
ing a favorable decision on their appeal to
the supreme court for a new trial. Reynolds
Is the man who was arrested last spring after
a quantity of dry goods iiad been found se
curely hidden In a hole under the floor In
his hotel , which goods , It was shown , had
been stolen from a merchant named Zlska of
Exeter. The police say the hotel had long
been a fence for thieves.
Arre ( ctt for Tlirrn ( ruliiu - vltH II Run.
GRAND ISLAND , Neb. , Oct. 13. ( Spe
cial. ) Victor McCracken , a St. Paul youth ,
became Involved In a fight with another
stranger at the Opcru House saloon last
night. The proprietor threw him out and ho
loaded his gun and threatened to shoot , rc-
cntcrlng the saloon evidently for that pur
pose. Ho was frightened out of the place ,
however , and this morning ho was arrested
and will have to answer the charge of car
rying concealed weapons.
riiuiipell Father DIMMVIIN Himself.
OHAPPELL , Neb. . Oct. 13. ( Special. ) A
man named Johnson was found dead In A.
15. Perslnger's dam on Lodge Pole creek yes
terday. Ills clothes and hat were found on
the bank of the creek. Coroner Hudson held
an Inquest over his 'body ' and the Jury ren
dered a verdict of "death by suicide , " In ac
cordance with the evidence presented. Ho
leaves a wife and three childrn.
Shoot * n Tramp in Doth T.epr.s.
KEARNEY , Neb. , Oct. 13. ( Special Tele
gram. ) About 'midnight last night some
tramps got into a fight near the depot , and
when an officer went to quiet them a largo
colored man In the crowd pulled a gun and
shot at him. The officer returned the fire ,
hitting him twice , once In each leg. The
wounds are painful , but not thought to be
Dejiut KublierN I'leuil Guilty.
NEBRASKA CITY , Oct. 13. ( Special. )
George Parerzo and Frank Rico were ar
raigned In the district court yesterday upon
the charge of roblihig the Missouri Pacific
depot at Talmage of a quantity of merchan
dise. They pleaded guilty and were each
sentenced to three years and six months In
the penitentiary.
Hob tlie Depot at Almn.
ALMA , Neb. , Oct. 13. ( Special Telegram , )
The Burlington depot was broken Into here
this evening while the agent was at supper.
The thief relieved the cash drawer of $4S
In currency and a German thaler dated 17S3.
No clew.
TITO WnfoIiFM Stolen oil ClruiiH Day.
PAIRBURY , Neb. , Oct. 13. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The residence of Cash M. Taylor ,
editor of the- Enterprise , was robbed this
I t -
afternoon during a clrcu Mrformsnco. Two
women's hunting ease watches wcro stolen.
Ono was ennraved "M. E. T. . " which was a
keepsake from his mother. The other
was engraved "Cash to lx > u , Juno 23 , 18S7. "
Ton Tlinttunnil StoprW < o Knl Corn.
OSMOND , Neb , , Oct.12. . ( Special. ) Mat-
tlson Brothers of this place have sold over
10,000 head of steers to farmers here , who
will feed them the abundant corn crop
raised In Plcrco county ,
Edward MlnnlcU and * Mirtln Srouf of
Julian have been bowid over on the charge
of selling liquor without a license. A quan
tity of liquid labeled ginger ale 'was found
In their place , but th'oao 'who sampled it
pronounced It to bo teer.
A. Snyder , 'populist candidate for sheriff In
Thayer county , Is now much sought after by
the present Incumbent of that olllce , who
holds a warrant for his arrest on a charge
of bastardy , made by A. S. Whlpplo of
Davenport , the father of the girl.
Gcorgo Uochers of Rising City , while driv
ing homo to his farm five miles northwest
of town , was ssrlously , perhaps fatally , In
jured , by hla team running away and throw
ing him from his wagon , fracturing several
rlba and otherwise Injuring him. At last
accounts his condition was snld to bo pro-
C. L. Mlelftiz ot Wahoo received 1.150
sheep from husk , Wye- . , Sunday afternoon.
Ho took them to his feed yards at Ithaci
Monday morning. They were a line , healthy
looking bunch of sheep yearlings and lambs.
In addition to the above mentioned Mr. Mlo-
Icnz has 1,400 head already on feed at his
yards at Ithaca.
John Hoover , ono of the stock dealers of
El in wood , had nine he-ad of fat \\OKS \ stolen
from his shipping yards at the depot flome
time Sunday night. They were nice big
ones and would have netted Mr. Hoover be
tween $125 and $150. Just a few days prior
to this ho lost $300 worth of hogs that ho
was fowling In his pens north of town , from
hog cholera. This caused a double loss ,
which will be keenly felt by him.
Important. Salvation Oil , the greatest euro
on earth for pain , Is only 25 cents.
Kilting < > f HOKS Kmml.i tlu * livcord of
the I'i'cvlouM Wock.
CINCINNATI , Oct. 13. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The Price Current pays : There Is
no Increase In the marketing- tuxgs. To
tal killings were 310.COO , compared with
310,000 the preceding week and 330,000 last
year , making- totnl of JlO.STw.OOO since
March 1 , npalnst " .IS.I.OOO year ago. Prom
inent places compare ns follows :
City. 1S1I7. 1S9C.
Chicago . 3,705tK)0 ) 3.310.UOO
Kansas City . 1,761,000 1.250.0CO
Omaha . 970,000 7J3.WH )
St. louis . fi.i | ; , JO S30.0CO
Indianapolis. . 62I.COO 448,000
Cincinnati . 320,000 640,000
Milwaukee . 4411,000 SSI , 000
Cleveland . 2DSW EM.OOO
Ottumwa . 3I3.COO 2r - > ,000
Cedar Ilaplds . 219,000 193.0CO
Sioux City . 130.000 BG.OJO
St. Joseph . 120.0W 97.00J
SciHiratciI from Ills Money.
Lemon Ulnlr , from , a South Dakota farm ,
stopped In the city yesterday to tnnko the
acquaintance of city wayd. Shortly after
his arrival ho Invested In nn experiment
In human nature which ) cost hi ml his every
possession except a railroad ticket to Wis
consin. Ulnlr uxys he was overtaken by n.
well dressed man nt Ninth and Ilarney
streets who entered Into conversation with
him. The stranger ojld he was on his way
uptown to provide for the further trans
portation of his son's bodj- , which was at
that time nt the Union depot. He had left
all his money In 'his ' banufrc , at the check
stand , however , and hla time was short.
So Blair was moved to entrust him with
$ W , all he had. and returned to the station
to await In vain the stranger' * return. As
Bnlr ! was on his way to the ! bedside of his
sick father , bare traveling expenses were
provided , and he continual on his journey.
Hiillronil Hn trnK < - Ajj Mit ' Convention
DKNVRU , Oct. 13. About seventy rail
roads were representediln the annual con
vention of the Americ n Association of
General Basgage Agents , iwho were called
to order this forenoon by President F. A.
McWade of the Pennsylvania railroad.
Among the subjects to bo discussed Is the
question of securing uniform state reB'iIa-
tions regarding- transportation of corpses
and the handling of baggage from yellow
fever districts.
Kiili-i'IilliI Will Xot Withdraw.
NEW YORK , Oct. 13. Charles S. Pair-
child said today he had no Intention of
withdrawing from the Citizens' union ticket
for comptroller In favor og Mr. Dayton.
Strike KiulM in n Compromise.
TRINIDAD , Cole , , Oct. 13. The strike of
the 500 miners Inl the Hastings mine of the
Victor Coal and Coke company has been
settled by a compromise.
Miss Olsuoros Roaches New York ou Oue of
the Regular "learners.
na n Mnlii She Hinlieil V\t Ihc
nU nl the Inut .Moment
mill I'nxm'x Scrutiny of
IH'trotlvcn. '
NEW YORK , Oct. 13. EvanBollna Cosslo
y Clsncroa , who recently escaped from a
Spanish prison In Cuba , was a passenger on
the steamer Seneca , which arrived today
from Havana. At quarantine Miss Cls-
ncros asked to be excused from saying any
thing about her Imprisonment and escape , as
she was not yet recovered from sea sickness ,
from which she had suffered during the entire -
tire passage and which kept her In her state
room during the whole voyagu. On the
passenger list she was registered as Miss
Juana Sola. She was traveling under the
care of a gentleman who accompanied her
from Havana. When the Seneca reached
quarantiuo the towboat J. Lehman , with sov-
cial newspaper representatives and four
women on board , wcntalongslde _ the steamer ,
and after the health olllcer's Inspection was
over they went on board and accompanied
-Miss Clsneros to this city.
Upon landing the party took carriages to
thu Hotel Waldorf and were assigned to
rooms on the second floor. While Senorlta
Clsncros was fatigued , she appeared to bo In
the very best of spirits and exultant ever
her arrival In America. She docs not speak
EngHsh , but her face Is very expressive , and
she seemed to Intuitively understand the
questions put to her and answered In Span
ish , The senorlta retired as soon as she
reached the hotel and refused to bo seen.
Among her party was Mrs. J. Ellen Foster
of Washington , president of the National
Woman's Republican association.
Miss CIsneros' escape on the Seneca was
ono of the most daring feats ever attempted
and succsisfully carried out. While she was
still In prison her friends secured a pass
port for ono "Juan Sola" and stateroom No. 3
ott thu Seneca was held In the same name.
This was three days before the boat sailed.
On the Saturday , when the Seneca was to
leave Havana , detectives watched Its gang
ways with extra caution. All day long they
remained at their post , examining the pass
ports which all passengers have to show be
fore leaving Havana. Their vigilance would
probably have prevented the departure of
Miss CIsneros from Cuba had It not been
for a llttlo refreshment which was served
them by friends of Miss CIsneros who were
aboard the Seneca. The refreshment Included
wine. The chief of police of Havana caino
aboard while the refreshment part of the
plot was In progrccB and It is alleged that he ,
too , fell a victim of the wiles of the Cleheros
A few minutes before the Seneca was
icady to pull out from the dock , a slim young
fellow came running across the wharf. Ho
had no baggage and was fashionably dressed.
Ho walked quickly up the gangplank. The
detectives stopped him.
"My name Is Juan Sola , " ho said , and ho
showed his passport. Everything was sat
isfactory , so the- senor was allowed to go
aboard. It Is said that if it had not been
for the wine the strange treble and rather
curious figure of Senor Sola might have
excited the suspicions of the Spanish de
tectives. But the scheme worked success
fully. Miss CIsneros' friends , when they
saw that everything was satisfactory , disem
barked and watched the ship pull slowly out
under the frowning Spanish guns , carrying
the fugitive to safety under the stars and
Miss Clsneroa did not court deagcr any
more than was necessary , and at Snco went )
to her cabin. The next day , however , whea
Morro Oastlo was left far behind , she ap
peared on deck , transformed into Senorlta
Juana Sola , alias Cosslo y CIsneros , and
dressed in a becoming red gowoi.
Captain Stevens , commander of the Seneca ,
was angry when he discussed the CIsneros
Incident with the reporters , and said :
"Since the commencement of the present
Insurrection It has been the custom of the
Spanish authorities to post a couple of dsn
tectlves nt the head of the gangway of
ships lying at Havana. Wo arrived at C a.
m. on Saturday and left at 8 p. m. , durlnj
which time the detectives did not leave the
head of the gangplank. Just before the
Seneca Balled , the chief of police , his deputy
and his secretary came aboard. Senorlta
There are a Ri-eat many kinds of
shows but when it comes to a hard
ware show we've the bi Kest attraction
in Omaha there isn't anything Unit
you'd expect to 11 ml in a first-class hard
ware Hlore but that you'll find here the
little thing * at little prices-Una little
prices on the big tilings Flower pots-
all sines and granite ware nearly one
side of the store Is filled with granite
ware at common tinware prices the
center of the .store is tilled with ( lie Jew
ell Cook Stoves steel ranges and base
burners its coining on stove time now
we'vo the nloves you've the money let
us exchange supply.
154 Farnaiti St.
You know your particular business bet
ter than we do but do you know any
thing about spectacles and eyeglasses
that's our business and we claim to know
Borne tiling about it we know what your
eyes need in Hie way of lenses we know
how to grind the lenses you need wo
have over -1,000 louses each one can beset
set In ISO different angles which gives
us 7120,000 lenses surely one of these will
bo what your eyes need but if they're
not we'll grind them for your case you
see we're manufacturers we nuike a
thorough and practical frees test and
charge you only what llr t class work Is
worth should you orilor ' from us you
know where we are -riglit opposite the
V. 31. 0. A. building ,
Columbian 'Optical Co
IMS Cliampa. 211 a , ICth , 915 Wain.
Hereafter the morning edition of
Hie Bee will benlarged to u
twelve-page paper iv or' each week
day except 'Monday- ' } ' addition to
thu twenty-page Sunday Issue , Tills
move Is dictated by a Ue.slre to give the
readers of The eo the full benefit of
the unexcelled news facilities and other
special features placed at their disposal
by tills paper. The enlargement will
give them each week in addition to what
they nro now recelvelng sixteen pages
of reading matter , equivalent to 111' col-
limns , while the subscription price will
remain the same. In quality , as well
as In quantity , The Uoe will maintain
Its superiority over all competitors as a
inctroiMilltau dally.
The Omaha Daily Bee
Circulation Department
17th and FaroanL Bee Building
The ono fashionable club nnd table
Delightfully pure and sparkling.
In addition , it possesses a pe
culiar power found in no other
water , to dissolve and expel
uric acid , thus driving Rheumatism ,
Gout , or Gravel from the system. En
dorsed and prescribed by leading phy
sicians all over the land.
Notwithstanding the advance in price
Everywhere. of Imported Waters , prices on London
derry rermia the same.
Clsncros had escaped two days previously
and yet they asked no questions and niado
no search for her , although upon three
former occasions they had searched the
Seneca from stem to stem while looking
for suspects. "
Captain Stevens eald thnt to the hest ot
his ItnowledRO , the only persons who went
aboard at Havana were the Lnstlo family , the
Dal Keel family , eight Chinamen and a man
whoso name appeared upon the advanced
passenger list as Juan Sola , mid who must
have had a passport , otherwise ho could not
have gone ahoard. When It was discovered
that "Juan Sola" was a girl the "Jtian" was
changed to "Juana" and Miss Claneros came
ID under that nanio.
Jltes CIsneros was given some articles of
fcinlnlno wearing apparel hy the stewardess
of the Seneca.
A Mr. Stewart , an 'Englishman who em
barked at Tampion , says that ho sat opposite
Miss Clsncros at the table during the voy
age , and when she saw the Capo Hattcrns
light she foil upon her knees on the deck and
prayed devoutly. Mr. Stewart said ho found
the rescued Cuban a moot pleasant compan
ion. She had hair pinned up In a cell , worn
under a sombrero when she embarked dls-
guleed as a ranchman.
The Cuban Junta has Issued an Invitation
to the people ot Greater Now York and vi
cinity Interested In Senorlta Clsncros and the
cause of Cuba to attend .a reception at Del-
monlco's , on Fifth avenue , Saturday night.
The reception will really be a demonstration
of sympathy with the struggling republic ,
and speakers of national reputation will ad.
dreBH the gathering.
HAVANA , Oct. 13. Today's Official Gazette -
zotto publishes au edict signed by the mlll-
tar\ | judge calling upon Evangellna Cosslo y
Clsnerce to present herself for n term of
fifteen days In Jail , and ordering all civil
and military authorities to endeavor to ap
prehend hnr , and If captured , to send her to
Havana Jail.
\Vliilfotl nt JIlNM ClmuTim' Knrnnp.
CHICAGO , Oct. 13. A special to the
Dally News from KanknHce , III. , says :
W. J. Calhoun of Danville , ex-special com
missioner to Cuba , knows enough of tin
political sllimtlon on thnt Island to war
rant his belief that Spanish uutliorltles
winked at the escape of .Miss Clsnoros from
n Havana prison. It role-mud the authori
ties from an unpleasant situation without
loss ot pride ,
AiiliritNcr-lliiNch llriMilnjor Annn' .
recommends the ueo ot the greatest of all
tonlca , "Malt Nntrine , " and guarantees the
merits claimed for It. For sale by all drug *
DrutliN < > f n Day.
nAT/ri.MOUE , Oct. 13. William Dnnlol.
ono of the leaders of the prohibitionist itarty
In the United States , and its candidate for
the vlco presidency In 1S04 , died suddenly
this morning at his homu In Mount Wash
ington , n suburb of Baltimore.
COI.UMIUA. S. C. , Oct. 13. Kx-Unltcd
States Senator Robertson died In this city to *
day. He was senator from South Carolina
under the reconstruction regime and was suc
ceeded by ox-Senator Duller. Mr. Hobert-
son had been paralyzed for years. Ills estate -
tate Is estimated to bo worth nearly $1,000-
NIOPHAHA , Neb. , Oct. 13. ( Special. )
Gcorgo T , Cornish of 1'luin Valley , cno of
the largest and most successful farmers In
Knox county and a man of considerable
prominence In politics , died at his homo
Monday night of hemorrhage of the brain ,
aced 55.
JUNIATA , Neb. , Oct. 13. ( Special. ) Pctor
Henortz , one of the substantial farmers south
ot town , died suddenly after an illness of
only two days and was burled yesterday ,
I'll'l'M Of II 1)115' .
PENDEIl , Neb. , Oct. 13. ( Special Telo-
gram. ) The farm residence property of Ed
Chambers , who resides about flvo mile *
northwest of I'cndor , was totally destroyed
by fire1 this afternoon. Chambers Instructed
his wife to eet a can of tar on the steve
to heat for roof painting purposes whllo ho
put away his horses. The fluid ibolled ever
and caught lire. The loss Is heavy , as every
thing they had burned. '
Drox Ij. Shooman might fall into a
bucket of whitewash it would be just
like him lint no amount of whitewash or
black paint win cover up the great bis
values wo are Riving in our ladles' $3
wet weather shoe you'll need just such
a shoe before winter's over and we're
going to give yon a § 3 shoo that will
oxccll anything we've ever sold for good
honest hard service made of extra
heavy kid aud box calf extra heavy
soles making a splendid shoe for fall
and winter wear its the biggest $ : > . ( )0 )
worth you've ever had placed within
your reach. t
Drexel Shoe Co , ,
119 Fiirnnm Strtct
New fall catalogue now ready ; mailed
for tlie asking.
' 'What is a watcli for ?
First , for time second , durability and
lasting qualities third beauty of design
and llulsli these three essential qualities
can be found in our watches a new
watcli we show Is small and thin 1-lkt
gold filled a watch wo warrant for
twenty years with genuine Elgin move
ment warranted to give perfect satis
faction as a timekeeper the price Is only
? in to be fully appreciated this watch
must be seen We will print yon 100
cards from your engraved plate for ? 1.00
or furnish you 100 engraved cards and
copper engraved plate for $1.50 Kle-
gantly engraved wedding stationery at
iflO for the lirst hundred $3.50 for euIi
hundred thereafter Mull orders promptly -
ly attended to.
C. S Co
. , Raymond , ,
Jewelers ,
15th and Douglas Streets.
Stuck on our wall paper wherever they
see it especially when it Is on the wall
and T. J. Heard & Hro. , 1410 Douglas
street , pride themselves on keeping thu
handsomest and most varied Htock of
artistic wall paper in Omaha Hy con
sulting them before buying , you will
have a beautiful combination in har
mony.with the furnishings of your rooms
Don't get In the wrong pew yon will
make no mistake by going lieix
Prices and quality of work nlvays
guaranteed , .
Beard Brothers ,
1410 Douglas.
The newest In full earpetings are hero
wo've never had such a variety as
now new patterns that can be seen no
where else velvets that are simply ele
gant body brussells that mirpaHH all
former productions tapestries of won
derful beauty you might think we had
lost sight of the quality In our effort to
secure the beautiful but wo haveut
quality was tlie llrst consideration and
wo * are able to recommend every carpet
wo sell our past reputation as to price
Is as equally well taken are of cotuo
and see seeing is believing.
Omaha CarpetCo
1515Dodge St