10 s OMAITA DAILY BEE. I SPECIAL NOTICES for llii'M- Vtl\rrlloinfiii ( lie tnUn iinlll 11 ! in. niiil until S p. tit. morning M nil Miinln > \iUci-tlniMN , Ii ) rciiticntliiK lii-fi-il olH-C'U , ciiti IIIMT itiit rrs ml- tlrrHMi'il lo n niimlirrril U-ttiT Innrc f 'I he IIi-i- . . \II T NO nildri'KKftl \\III lie ilellierril on prcxi-ntnllon f tillclirl'U < > nl > , ItntcN , I 1'u n T\oii1 III it hiMerlloni Jo H ril ( liiT.-nri < T.nlliliiK tnUfti tttr lm l Ihmi . - , for the Hr t Inxer- Illlll. 'lllCMllllUlTllMflllClttN IIIHUI > 1" run \ \ nnsi ( WANTIIU. POSITION BY YOl'NO MAN DO. ing Up-writing , ccllictlns etc , good refer ences AdJtfsi \ \ B Bee A--MS40 _ . Inly stenogrnpher , reference Rhcn at lllij Hoard of Trade A-MK01S uni.i1. CANVASStJltS TO TAKH 0111)111 . INiW UNH toods In cirry , i-aliiiy or of work , no heavy , comtnhslon. C. r. Adams Co. . 121 J 'l' BALISMIN : ron CIGAIIS. $123 A JION : ri | AND old firm , experience 1 * ducciriHits to cuslomeis. O. O. INND : \s Jin : National Reserve necoclatlon. the lieM. safest nnd soundest frntcrmu order In the He d mla > . AdSlevs P. A. C. Stevens , 511 N m h St. , jl1 " Omaha. _ _ _ WANriiD , MIN TO LIARN THI : { } Aii iii : trade ; only eight weeks required , Illuslrnted catalogue with map of the tlty mailed fiee. Mnlcr Sjstcm of Ilirher Schools , Unrk in d Van Iluren Sts , C.ilcngn , branches , New \orK. SI. Louis , Cincinnati und Minneapolis JIHN AND WOMIIN OROANISCintS AND SO- llcllors for bent fiateitinl benellclary society In the field , KOod p i > Address Supreme Sec retary Star of Jupiter , McCook Nel > t sk \VANTID , GOOD TRAVILINO MIN , NOW tiavellng , for fast selllnR side line state ter- tltory. Advertiser , Combination l ck llox * 8 Jancsvllle , Minn _ H-MX8 13 \VANTEO-SHOIMAKIU , so 12111 * B m SS9 14 / > \VANTID. . A GOOD BUSIir.LMAN. rrlcdman. 219 .South 12lh Ht 11-113 13 * WANTUD. LABOItnilS 1'ORYOMINO AND Iowa extra gang work. Kramer & O Ilcnrn. llth and rirnam B-M11S 13 * WANTID-BLACKSM n ii 1403 SOUTH 13TH street. I I ohrtnan 1I-1JI 13 * IVANTII : > . SALISMIN TO CARRY A opon- felllng slJe line to the grocer > trade llbeial commission Address I'red B Patten RochMle. HI IIMP.S 17 \VANTID : , S\LTSMIN , SAI.VR.T PAID weekly experience unneces ar > , permanent , Brown Brothers Co Chicago B-M14I 13 * WANTIID , rnw SALISMIN PI-RMAMIVT position season Just opened , staple line talarj or commission with expenses Luke Brothers Co , Chicago. " B-M142 13 * illtlGHT. ACTl\i : HUSTLING OROANI/.nilS tor n finternal onler licensed In Nebtaska Greatest pclcntinc plan of Flck accident dlsa- hllltj nnd death benellls extant U'ccellcnt In ducements , excluslie territory W rite qulcklj J. r. Rejnolds , Ilxehange Building Boston Mass B-MI13 13 * U IIIU.l * . 1W GIRLS roil ALL KINDS OI"SOKK. . J3 TO J7 week Canadian Oillcc , 1522 DcuMns WANTBD , GOOD COOK. IN A SMLL I'AM lly. 2106 Dougl is st C M97412 * WANTID , A GOOD GIRL ion ( inNiniAL housework. Apply CC3 b 2Cth avenue - . . , C-M10I AVANTID GIRL roil nnNnitAL nousi- worlc Mrs W T Adklns , 1817 Missouri avenue , South Omaha. C 107 13 \VANT1ID , G1IIL rOR GHNnilAL HOUSi- work In family of two SIC South 37th Street C 110 12 * WANTID , A GOOD GIRL roil GINIIIAL ; housework 1816 M Irt street C 111 n * WANTED , COMPETENT GIUL I'OIl OTNEUAL housework In nuall famllj , no washing , good wages Apply Immediate ! } , 2COJ Poppleton .ive C M130 ron nousis. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OP THE CITY THE .O. P. Davis Companj , 1103 rarnam D 519 HOUSES ! UENEWA & CO , ll S N. 13TII ST D--.20 MODERN HOUSES C. A STARR , 923 N Y Life D-521 HOUSES ; WALLACE , BROWN BLOCK K.TH nnd Douglas D 123 CHOICE HOUSES AND COTTAGTS ALL OVER city , J5 to J75. ridcllty. 1st floor N Y Life D-C11 HOUSES , COTTAGES S , STORPS ALL PARTS of city. 'Brcnnnn K. Love Co , 430 Paxton block D-523 LARGE LIST. M'CAGUE. 15TH AND DODOlT D-5JI HOUSES. FLATS , OARVIN BROS. 1613 PAR1 M D D2 > HOUSES TOR RENT. BEMIS. PAXTON BLK D-C20 HOUSES , J. II SHERWOOD , 423 , N T 7IPl7 D 127 ITJIl RENT , CHOICE 12-ROOM It I7TA CHE D modern house. Inquire 23IS Capitol avenue D-323 MOVING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PLY\OS Om. Van Storage Co . 1311'4 rainim , le | r 9 s D-53) CHAS E WILLIAMSON , 604 BEE BLDO Tel , 717. D 3J1 rURNISIIED HOUSE MODERN. S ROOMS , oak llnlsh , choice location. IVrnam ear line , with good him , JIOOO per ininth ridellty Trust Company , llrst floor N vv Yoik Life 1 Idg D M300 BIX-ROOM COTTAGP AL O 6 UNPUHNIHIIED rooms , all molern , 2121 MinnI st BEARS RENTAL AOENCi. 2IC McCAGUK Blk , D 431 TWO LARGE HOUSES IN DUNDEE PI.VCE , cheap COi lieu bids D-M383 WANTED , AT ONCE BETWEEN 23 AND 50 houses to rent : kreat denian I fcr IIOMJCT ; rentals a specialty. J 11 Sherwood , 4U N. Y Life D-M721 FOIl RENT. NO 2C1S CHARLES B ? WITH 9 rooms ; nil modern Improvements , good stable , John Hiunlln D-M7SH 1OR RENT , TEN-ROOM MODERN HOUSE 310 North --J St. , near Hlg > school Inquire SOI North 2M St D-912 I'OIl RENT. DESIRABLE C-ROOM COTTAOE" nioJern 222 N 2Cth D-M12. 17 * FOR RENT , DESIRABLE NINE-ROOM HOUSE with barn. 221 tt near California with all Improvements. Inquire 506 N Y Life bulldln ? D-M1SS FOR RENT. NOV 1 SEVEN-ROOM MODERN cottage , 3035 Leavenworth St P D llrown. Treasurer's office Missouri Pnclllc D-M1IO IS * FOll tlftvr _ KIIHMSIinU IIOOMH. KUHNIBIIUD HOO"MH feis CAMPOIINIA ST 13 Wl O22 * FOR RENT , LARGE 1'RONT ROOM WELL furnished , 1617 Dodge bl , E-M79I 13 * nJilNISHED ROOM , 2)17 ) HARNEY STREET E-SOO-12 * TWO LARGE ri'RNIHHED ROOMS. MODEIIN southern exposure2107 DoutU . E M12I IS * BOUTH ROOMS 106 CAPITOL AVi : E-MI29 15 * rrilNlSHED ROOMS , HOUSEKEEPING 2623 Bt. Man's. E-M130 16 * r rURNIBIIED ROOMS AND BASEMENT. Kitchen and dining room , ivlth gus stove , steam heat , for man und wife , 201 South 21th st E-M133 15 ROOMS AM ) IIOAH1) . NEATLY PUR N1S1IED ROOMH. 1919 DODO K. 1' M200 Oil * L BTKAM-HEATED ROOMS WITH BOARD 2009 Harney 1' S3i NIJ * LAHOE faOUTH rilONT 11OOM I'OIl TWO , other rooms ; good board. The Rote , SC20 Ilar- ncy , r-llSKI MODERN BRICK ROOMS AND BOARD M 60 up. Bit North 19th. P-M1M 19 * TUB LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES AND THE belt fare A home , bhermim ave , car pastes door every tight minute * . Newly furnlthcd ; new management ; adjoins Exposition. Sara toga Hotel ENTERTAINS IU events V V-M7BJ Nl ri iiMsitni ) itooMs VM > no MID. ( ( nntlmml ) tTOl'IA , 1J21 13AV t-.Nl-OUT ST SIT VM HKT r STo-i , * itonMH vv n ii < ip. 2-M Ilnrnej l'-MS5S lo * INXIJM HTI'.AM Itl'AT ) riHST-CIA < ' 9 nofinl 112 S I'th St. rM0 1J N Frhi.v 11 nsiiw nt > Tn7jsT IIOOMvrn \ board. I3 UouKlm. r MI41 1' . * FI'H.VIMIIJD UOOM3 AUT1I 1IOAIID. VIM- vatn family ; beautiful location ilM Smith sift. r Mir is * nl'lifl with board , etcnm heal. Utnpln 1721 Davenport 1' IK IS * roit iuvr : irM'uiiMsiini ) IIOOMS. ran nn.s'T. 3 nooMs ros s inn ST. 0-MIC3 O27 * U.NTUtNISlim ) ltOOM < 3 I'M I'AltNAM ST. (1 MIDI li > * UN'ritttxisim ) IIOOMS. IST moon 1713 riileinfO HI Q-M4 16' I'tlll HUNT STOIinS AM ) OITICIIS. KOIl IlKNT. IiSIC : UOOM IN UHOUNI ) I'l/XMl oince , Ilee bulMIng , vvntcr , islcnm hcnt , olectrlc lUhtmil Janitor rervlco. Apply to H , w. linker , RuiMTlntciutcnt , llee bullJniK. 1 1'Jl rou mNT : THI : 4-sTOitY IIIUCK utm.niNG nt 11(1 ( I'nrnnm t. Thl bnllillnic him u nrrproof cement tiflfcincnt , complete Meam licntltur MX- tuns , water on nil lloora , gas , etc. Apply nt the olllco of The lice. I 010 roii nnNT IN THI : IIIR MHI..UINO : Onn Inrso corner room , M lloor , with \nult nril private oillcc. water , etc Ono IniRC front room , 2d lloor , < ll\tcleil Into two roomi by partition , wntcr. etc On laiRO corner room , 2d Poor , with vault , walci. etc. Onu front room , dlvMeil by partition , third floor. Onc > corner room with vault , third noor. One IniRi1 room , third floor , with partition di viding H Into ona larse room and two smaller private rooms , water , etc. Two Inrcc ground floor rooms with vaults Sever il finnll ronnn on fourth floor , with vnults All these rooms nrc hented with strain , electric IlB'itH supplied , with first class Janitor serv ice Rlctntnra run day nnd nil nlclit. Itulld- IIIR strlctlj flreptoof Appl > to H W. linker , superintendent , room 104 , Bee bulldlne 1 193 WAVrii > _ TO IU2NT. WANTHD , TO HUNT Oil IIUY 1'1IIST-CLASS icsldcnce In Kood location , nine to twilve rooms , stnte full particulars. Address W10 , Bee oillce K JIS32 15 \VANTii-llV MAN AND \\irn. 3 Oil 4 UN- fimillu < ! rooms In nort i part of cltj , modern , ndilrcuV . , Ute , giving locution nnd terms K 116 14 * \VANTi : . 10 HKNT. A SHOW \\INDO\\ IN n lentrilly located store. Address , vvtlli par- tlculai * , W 31 , Ilec K M137 14 * A I Oil VGB. I'A'n , ; < r'TSTOUAOn AND WAIIRIIOUSG CO , S0 ! 11) Jones - > , Rene-nl storase and forw-mllnR M-T3I OM VAN CTOHA01331I'4 ' TAllN'M. Tit.lV,9 : II533 nunitB sToiiAon 1211 HAIINMIV hiilillnR S. incKlnp , chuipeat tales Tel D" C M 7S3 AVA\TIJI > _ Ttl 11UY. iiisi i-Kiri : PAID rou OMAHA SAVINGS bink accounts at lojm C"C , N. Y. Life bldir N-530 T 1'iticns PAID ron OMAHA SAV- b-inU nCLOunf" aiio n > ion llteed Co N M4 < M CASH ron OMAHA SAVINGS IUNK. AC- countB C a Wallace , 312 IJrown blk , 16th nnd Douglas N 593 TO I1ITY ron CASH. IN' S W Omnln , n modern cottnBC nnd small lot w N-M12C 13 * ron s vijnriJHMTDiii : . AII. THI : ruiiNiii'iu : or AN R-ROOSI lioufe Lhejp Applj 140 N. 33rd street. O SCI rou sviiMihcir.iVMOUS. SAWDUST. 11UMC OR S VCKCD-CHIIiniNO nnd hoi ? fence C. It Iee , 001 Douglas Q 637 noa riNcn , AIJ , winn HHST ON IARTH , lawn nnd jnrd fence Wlie WorKi , 401 s 14th r,03 O 29 THI : ici.ovniivn RVTIS IIOITIS , -\\HVT to tilte , reliable Infoimntlon 10 cents AHskan Hureiiu of Inforniitlon , 202 Park st , Strentor , I" II-M3431G * VIIIVOV.TS. . MllS PAUU TIlANCn MHniUM. 20 > N. 1CTH , unites the sepaiated , changen luck , letters con taining stamp promptly mis lailles We S-M772 Nl * XINOCI.IUVOYANT ovuii 1321 I.IAVIN- worth St. S 808 12 * IIVTHS , HTC. MnniCATiin UATHS , nAnnGE , SIA sui > - phui. massage. Mme. Ijilsbun , from 1'irls 107 N 12th St. T M333 024 * MADAM SMITH. 1J13 DOUOI As ] MASS \Gn stCTm baths , T 130 19 * II ATI ! S. MASSAOi : , L.AURA T ISON" blk , 119 N. ICtli t , loom 12 T M968 1C * MIInu I.ION : , IL.UCTIIIC \SSAOI- : - pirorb , rettful und curatUe in i , nth , up stairs T M10C 17 * VIAVI ron UIUIUM : THOUIII.KS 340 s nni : iidg , physician , consultation or health I oak fiec U 339 ItATHS , MAfabAOi : MMU POST , 319'i H loTH U 510 II HAAS ri/JKIhT PLANTS AND CUT HowtiH boquets hill residence nnd Krn\i > dpcorntlons I'lowers boquets nnd dicjntlons dellvcied to nil ) patt of the cltj Ordtrs by tchphone pioiiuitly nttended to nnd tilled In two hours Telephone. 77C 1S13 Vlntnn ht U 331 O14 Ri'iM't'iii : CUR i : i7. NO nnTnNTioN I-IIOM biibln H , no piln , we lefcr tn hundreds of CIBM c.ureil , piles cured b > n Winnie , p ilnlets tit'itmcnt Cnll or write 'Iho nmplro llupture Cure nnd Medical Institute suci essom to 'the O H Miller Co. 93.-3 , N. Y. Life Hide , Omnhn. U 511 CLOTHIIS ci.iiANnn , prtnssiiD AND in : . aired , diy or night , dress suits for hire ? 'nntorlum ' , N r : cor. 14th nnd rnrmm Tel 9C3 U MS47 nn YOUR OWN DiussMAKnn INVHSTL gate the Joy Tailor System school of dress ruttlns , enl > complete skirt e > stetnj bilngjuui dresses anil nuke while learning < OJ Karbach b'ock Patterns free Thursdu > Agcnta wanted. U < dS OJC MOMY10 i.o V\-HI.YI , KSTVTR. MONIIY TO LOAN AT I.OW HATES THI3 O T Di\l fISO" l-nrnam Bt. W-542 ANTHONY I-OAN & . TUUST CO , 315 N Y U. uulek mone > nt low rates for cholco farm lands In lov.a , northtin Mlsscurl eastern Nebraska W-54J LOANS ON IMPROVED A HNIMPHOVKD CITY propcit ) . W 1'ainam SinlthAt Co . 1320 rarn'm W-M4 MONI3Y 10 LOAN ON IMPIIOVKD OMAHA real estate IJrcnnm , Ixne Co , , Paiton Illk W-545 MONIIY TO U3AN I1HMIS , PAXTON HLOCI T \V-548 a PIH CI.NT MONIY ON NIIUIASKA : FAUMH and Oniil'a IrnprnM-d uroiifrU , Ainilj to w. I ) Melkle. Ul National bank tilde W SIT MON1IY TO LO\N ON IMPROVKfj OMAHA proptrtj Pussj & . Thomas , 257 1st Nat Ilk. bld W 518 SIX Piil CUNT CITY AND I'ARM I/JANS , Oar\ln llros , 1C13 1'uinani ht % V 349 MONKY TO LOAN ON IMPllOVni ) CITY proper ! } , h. 1 * . Ilostwlck & Co , , 311 Paxton I1IU W M793 AND vi' , r , n. WKAD. ic & nouriL\s W 830 N6 MOM2V TO I < OAGIIATTii < S. MONIY TO LOAN ON ruiiNiTuiu : . PIANOS , hoivei , wagons , etc , nt Icme'it rales In cllj ; no remoMil of gnods1 strictly contldentlal , sou can pay tht > loan off at any time or In any amount. OMAHA MORTOAai : I/1AN CO. SOS 8 15th St X 630 rUVTIIUIl IIUMlVATOll WOHICS. FKATHK11S IIOUQHT AND BOLD. MAT- trexes renovated and made to order , Wlillu Swan. 1701 N , titU. 'Phou 1W3.MSS S CHVX1KS. TO anr m on "OIT or nrntNKss oo TO J J. Olbsjn. HI First Nnl 1 nnnk Y MVM rou BALI : on TRADI : . noon LIVIRY Imrn , bu lne > pro pcrou , uiily bnrn In town. Adilress J N Austin , Cordova , Neb Y-MStt 13 * IlAKURY AVI ) CIQAlt STORK DO1NO OOOD business. J. J. nibson , M4 1st Nat I HankY Y63 18 rou SALI : on IUNT , A OOOD. NIAIILY new hotel In lUc town. Address M Hoffman , Carroll , In. Y M93 16 HAM' lNTi : iST : IN A Kt/KUIKi : AT till : expo ltlon for n hotel man with $1COO Snrn- toga Hotel Take bherrnan n\c car north. Y-M917-16 rou I\CH I WOULD LIKi : TO TIIAUH OOOH MODP.HN S-room houne , full lot , liirn , good title , nnd clear , for good residence proper ! } comenlent to car line. Will nrcumo rcnsonablc Incum- brincc Address \V 20 , Ilee. K-133 I'on SIM : unvi , IJSTATU. I'ARM LANDS C. I' . HARRISON , " 12 N , Y. I. iu-9s.i-o-ic' _ KOUNI/.i : PIACi : I1AROAINS , f J1.7M TO M tiOOj sec photos at 16th nnd 1'nrmm , Morse Illdg. .1 .T Ollison , 14 Vlrst Nat Ilank lil II ij" "ft i2 . LOTS , rAIUJS. LANDS , LOANS Oe I1. IJtmls Renl ISstnto Co , Paxlan block Iin-533 _ _ 8-ROOM HOUSi : * 2.VjO , 10-foot corner lot. S. W tor. 18th and Iznrd 1100 per ncre buvs < 0 acres nnp mile smith "f llusera , Room 16 , I-ntterson Illk. UK M182 O IS HAVt : SOMH IIAHOAINS MYSni.r , CITY AND farm Cnll for pirtlculars 'mson , C04 llee bti'if ' TWO B-noOM COTTAOHS. CO IT. rilONT. 10 blocks north of 1' O , cheap 621 So 26th n\e. II 1 * 288" i * 5-nOOM COTTAOC AND IX5T WHST OP iX- posltlon grounds , nearly new , for J130 ! J1W cash nnd monthly nijmcnlii of HO on bnlance H > rnn R Hastings , 212 Sa 14th St RH MtOl BARGAINS , HOUSis. IXJTS AND FARMS , sale or trade ! r 14. Dnrllng , Barker Blk , UK MftS ron SALH. ON I/INO TIMI : . AT s pnn Interest , two Improxed farms ndjolnlng City of Missouri Vnlley , In One of 160 acres : nn- other of 210 ncivs. nil In cultlxntlon AVIII be sold on 10 5 earn' time. Address , Lock Drawer "C. " Shennndonh. la. RK M793 Nr II. MAItOWITZ LOANS MONEY. 418 N. 16 ST. TYIU\VRITiitS. TONS or INIROY : WOULD HI : SAvnn DAILY If e\ery operntoi used llRht running Dense- more 1012 rnrnnm st. Omnlm 53S CO VL. BUllLINGT'N NUT IIHST , CIIH U'HST PRICH T375 per ton ' 1'hone 843 Hnrmon S. Weeth Co 92" . N9 LOST. SIVIIIAL : ANNUAL PA SIS riNDiii will pleisc return to C II. Duxlmry , R D , U. S National bank , nnd recehc reward I est MHO 17 .SIIOHT1I VM ) \ > D TYIM\VHITI\n. A. C VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. 513 N Y LII'i : 531 AT OMAHA BUS COLL1X11 : 1CTH . < L DOUQLAQ 033 MCCARTHY'S ACADKMY. 17TH & . DOl'OLAS 931 N9 LOST. LIGHT BAY HOIlSn , 7 YKARS , WniGHS about 1030 , rather thin nnd hlKh backbone Re- waid for return to 1718 Cass st , Omahi lyxst M1S6 LOST , BLACK LCATHnR POCKHTBOOIC contnlnlng annual rallrond pTsse s fix or C C HtiUies Gen'l Supt r , n & . M V : finder will be sultablj rewarded by returning to IIK- horn gineral olllces Lo = t M119 18 LOST A IIL\CK AND WHITH BPJ.L DOG Upturn to 82 * llne fatreet , opposite llrownell hall LOST 112 12 * LOST , ON 2VTII STRnnT BUTWHEN DODOn and Douglas , pair cold e\e-glis = es rinder pleate icturn to 128 South 23th street nnd rc- celxe reward Ixist M131 13 * MI * MO , "A HT * .X i > i7vi\ ; iL7o : pnor qiiAs i-nTiinsnv , INSTRUCTION IN piano , \lolln guitar mandoline , either voice 21) jeirs expei lence Terms reasomblc btuJlo. 513 Sheel > Block 753 > , < . Mi'-s MINNII : LOVI , TIACHIR or T > TANo" iemo\ed to 1924 Corby st Terms reisonable Ileferences 911-1G * IVININO : CLA SI-S IN LNGLISII MATIII- nntlcs , bookkeeping M S M'aitlj a Acadeni } . 17th and Douglas St ISO 14 IMIMIHS- > urnsrs * ht pi'Lins , . NOTI : LIST or GOODS I'AOi : s HIB OCT. llth ; the prices I cannot dupllcJte * catalogue free Ah i .1 Glover. 318 South nth St , Omaha M127 Nil m\OVATINO 1VOIUCS. MATTnr..ssns , corcuns PARLOR runNi- ture to order , repaired 1C03 I ei\enw'h , tel 1 > C rvcicun. S WALKIN , 2111 CUMING , TKL. 1331 557 PATF.NTS. Sues & Co , Attorney- nt-Law and Patent Cx- IrtSi j.ce nuildlns , Omaha , Njb Branch office at Washington , D. C Send for free Advice and Patent Bool , bee Minday Bee for our Machine Movenunti. copyrighted , 1SJ7 Telephone 1C23 SHIP Household goods to all polnta In mU ( d car lots nt cut rites I'ncUlns ; , men Int ; and Telephone 1B59 Omaha Van & Storage Oo \OTlCi : TO CONTH VCTOHS. PROPOSALS ron rucsn unir AND Mutton Heaelquartei.s Departmunt of the I'Intte , Oillce Chief Commlsstirv of Sub sistence , Omalni , Neb , Oct 11 , 1807 : Sealed proposals , In ttlpllciite , ncconipinled l > v written Kiiarnntee bonds , In diipilcatp , will bo received nt till * nlllce , until 11 o flock .i. in . central Ht.indatd time , November 11 , lb')7 ' ) , at which time und place they \vlll lie opened In presence of bidders , for fur nishing Hticli iiuantltles of fiesli lieef nnd mutton foi italics , as m ty be lequlicd b > the Subsistence Uepiirtment , U S nrmy , ut Omaha , Neb , Torts Crook , Hoblnson and Nlobrara , Nebnskn , nnd Forts I ) . A. Uus- M'H and WiiHlmkle and Camp Pilot lutt ! , \VjomliiB , and 1'utt Jlende , S 1) , durlnfr tlie peiloil commenclnt ; January 1 , 1SSS , anil ending June M. lS9i Pioposalo will nl o be rtrelvfd until 10 o'clock a. in , mountain. Htundard time , and opened nt the posts of Torts Nlohnra. lloblnson , D A Ittunell , \\.i hakle , Weado and Camp Pilot llutto , by the respective post commlssarlci. of such posts , each crnimlsHiiy recelvlns propo al < < for Ills own post onls. 1'iopobtlsvlsl also be reeehoil utntliiK the pi I c at which the bidder will deliver fresh beef or mutton of the character stated In the tpeclllcatlons nd to be delivered of tumperatum not RI enter than f.O degrees , r.Uncnheit Kull Infoimntlon furnished on application here ot to commltsai ) at any past authorized to open proposals , Government reserves rlfiht to reject any 01 all proposals or any part of any proposal 13molopes contain ing piopoanls Bhould bo m irked 'Proposals for Fresh llecf nnd Mutton , " and addressed to undersigned ot Commissary at post au thorized to teceUe proporals. Prank 13 Nye , Mnjoi and C 3. ' NOTICn TO CONTUACTOHS Sealed blda will bo received at the olllco of the "irouniH and llulldlnt , ' dep.irtmint of the Transmlbslsslpnl nnd Intern illoiuil Uxposltlon until 5 o'clock p m Monday , October IS , for Iho construction of the Auditorium buil'llmr. ' Plans and specifica tions can be seen at the oillce of the super intendent , room No. 031 , Paxton block , 01 seta vvlll bo furnhhed contractors at cost T. P KimCfiNDALL. Mgr. Gr'ds and llld'Ks Dept O 10 lo 1SM&B ( Should be read DAILY by all Interested , as changes may occur at any time. ) Foreign malls for the nock ending O"- tober 10 , 1697 , will closu ( PHOMPTJ/Y In all cuseb ) at the Genera : Postotllcu as .follows : PAHPCLS POST MAILS CLOSC ONH IIOUU HARLIUIl than closing time ahoun below. TraiiNtluiillu > lull i Y At 7 a. m ( supplementary 9 a. m ) for iUKOl'i ; , per s. b. St. Louis * , via Southampton ( letteru for Ireland must 'iciS NoTicn. K'qntlntnit ) bo directed "per St. Louis" ) ; nt 9 n. m ( ttipplcmcntnry 10 10 n m ) for UtMlOl'U. per n H. Teutonicla Qupensu : nt 10 n m. for HKf.QIUM dltect , per p. rrleslniulla Antw'orp ( letters must IH > directed "per rfleshml" ) . TlHtUSUAY At 7 . , m for lUMlOPi : . per i. s. T. nbmnrek * , , via Plymouth , Cher- botirc nnd HnmliuiK , at S a m. for NirniT.HLANDS direct , per s. n. Amstet- tl im , via Amstcrdirtn ( iPtleiH must bo directed "per AtnitehlanO SATl'IlDAY At r.-M n. lu for in'UOl't : . ] > er s. n. CampanM * , via Queenstown ( let ters for Trmcev9vilzcrland ; , Italy. Sptln , 1'ortURnl , Turkej' . IJsypt and Hrlllsh India must bo dlrtete.il "per Cnmptnla" ) , nt 7 n. in. for TIlANcn. SWITXHUI-ANO , ITALY. SPAINf POUTt'OAL , TUIllCnY. navi'T ami unman INMJIA , per . H. I.i Hrctaenelt Havre ( lottets for other p-irts of Ktiropc must be directed "per T.a DrotiiRtio" ) ; at 8 n. m for NT/l'liniS- LAND3 direct , per > s. .Maa dam , via Hotlerdam ( letters must bo directed "per Maasdnm" ) . nt Sam for OKNOA , per s s. Kins ( letters tmiHt be directed "per Kmi" ) } nt 10 n. m for SCOTLAND direct , per Kthlopli , via GIUSROA ( letters must bu directed "per Klhlopla" ) , at 11 a. in. for NOUWAY dliect , per s s Hekla ( letlerrt must be directed "per Hekla" ) . PRINTED MATTER , ETC.-Oermnn i-tcnmera KallhiR on Tuesdays tnko Printed Matter , He . fnr Oe"n anv nnd bpeclally Acldre ed 1'rlnted Matter , etc , for other parts of Europe. Amerl. cull nnd White Star stenmrrs on W edntfdavs , Herman steamers on Thiiifdavi nnd funard , 1'rcnch nnd Oennan uteamero n SnturdaiB take Printed Matter , etn , for nil countries for which thcj ate advertised to entry mall After the clo hiK of the Supplementary Trnns- Atlantic Malls nnmed above , additional tupple mcntary malls are opened on Pie plein of the American English rrcnch and German etcam- era , nnd remain open until within Ten Min utes of the hour of sailing of steamei. Mull * for South ami Criilrnl Vine-rlc-n , \\e-nt liulli-N , iiv. At 2T,0 n in foi POUT ANTONIO , per stc-imor from PnllaiU-'phla ; nt 1 p m. for Cl'HA , per s Yuoat.in , via llavann ; nt 9 p. m for I'OUT AN TONIO , per Htenmtr ftom HoMon. THUUSDAY At 11 a in ( supplemental v ll'TO n. m ) for VnNi/UKLA and Cl'HACAO , pel s M Venezuela ( lottci.i foi Colombia , via Curacao , must be di rected "per Venezuela" ) , at 12 10 p in ( supplement try 1 p m ) foi ST THOMAS , ST CUOIX , LniJWAUD nnd WIND- \VAlin ISLANDS , per s ! Fontnbelle. riUDAY At 2.30 a m. for NnWTOUND- IjAND , per s s. Ansvrlim from Philadel phia , nt 1 p. m. for NORTH HH.AHIL per s F. Hotatlo , via Pnra , Mnranhnm and Cenra ; at 2 p m for Pom O U1CO dl tect , per s s Aikadli , at ! ) p. m. foi N1JW1 Ot'NDLAND nnd ST PinitUi- MIQUULON , per s. 9 Olivette , fiotn Hns- ton SATUHDAY At 10 n m ( supplementary 10.TO n m ) for TORTUNU ISLAND , JAMAICA. SAVANIL.LA and GUUY- TO\VN , per s s Altai ( letteis for Costa Klra must be directed "per Altai" ) , nt 10 a. in ( supplemental v 10 M a m ) foi HAITI , vli Port au Pilncc , Petit Goave nnd Jercmle. nl = o CAHTIIAGHNA. per s H Alps : at 10 TO n. m. for CAMPHCHK , CHIAPAS TABASCO and YUCATAN , per ti s. Concho ( letteis foi otliei parts of Mexico and for Cub i must be dliectcd "per Conclio" ) , at S 30 p m for ST PIiiini-MIQUiLON : , per steamer from North Sydney Malls for Newfoundland bv rail to Halifax and thence h > Ktcamer clo = e nt this oHce ! ilall ) at S 30 p m Mnllx for Mlnuelon h > mil to Bos ton and thercc bv steamer , close at thli oillce dnllv nt S " 0 p in Malls for Cuba eloxe at this olllre dnlly nt 7 00 n in , for forwarding bv uteamers sailing ( Manila ) s nnd Thar'a > ) from TriiiiH-l'ilflllu llulln. JInlli for China anil Jap in , per s s VIc- totla ( from Tacotna ) , close liote dallv up to October * * 10 , at C 30 p in Malls foi Austi.ilU ( except West Australia ) , New Holland. Hivvall and Fiji Itlands , per s Mloweia ( ftom Vancouver ) , close here dally aftei October * * S and up to October 11 , at C 30 p. in Malls , for China. Jnp in nnd Hawaii , per 3 s China ( ftom Sin TranoNco ) , close here d.i'lj up to Oc tober n , it nu pj m. Mills for the So ciety Island , per ship Cltj of Papeltl ( from San TiancLsco ) , elosc heie dally up to October 23 , at G iO p m Malls foi Hawaii , per s s Australia ( from San Ftanclsco ) , clo" * ! herp dilly up to October 27 , at 6 30 p. ' m Malls for China .mil Japinpeclally tiddrc'iied only ) , per s Kmpre = s of Japan ( frcm Vancouver ) , closj lieio dally up to November " 1 , at G X ) p m Malls for Australia ( except those for West Australia ) which are fotvvaided via Kuiope , New Zealand , Hawaii , FIJI and Simonn Islands , per s. s Alamtda ( fiom Sin Ti.mclsco ) , close here dallj up to November * * . > , at 7 . ' > " > a m , 11 a in and C 30 p m ( or on arrival at New York of s s Campinla with Urltlsh mails for Australia ) . COHNCLH7S VANCOTT. Postipastei. V.AILIIOADS. TREMONT. KLKHORN & Missouri ViIIe > Railway Gen eral Olllces United States No. tlon.il I ! in ; Building , houtli- west Corner Twelfth and rar nam Sheets. ulcket Oltice , HOI rarnam Direct Telephone. 561 Depot , riftccnth o"d Webster Streets Telepnonc , H58 L > avc. Arrive IJIack Hills Deadvvood ard Hot Springs 3 00 pn C 00 pm Wyomlns , t-'atper and Douglas . . . . * 3 00 pm 5 00 pm Hastings. York David Cits buperlor Geneva , Exeter and Sevvard . . 3 00 pm " 5 00 p n Norfolk , West Point and 7 : o nm " 10 2j am Premont . . . * 3 00 pm 5 00 pin Lincoln. W ihoo and 7 50 am " 10 K am rremont * 3 CO pm 6 00 am I'lemon' Loral * * 7 50 am * Dall ) " Dally exceiit bumluy. Sunday only * " Dallj except Saturday , Dally except Mondav SIOUX CITY S. PACI1 1C KAIL road General Olllits United States National Hank Dutld- InB , h. W Corner Twelfth an I I'arnam btrcets Ticket Oillce , 1401 I'arnam btreet Telephone , 66 ! Depot , 1'lftecnth and \\ebstcr Streets. Tei p' crs , 1 S Ivave. Arrive , Sioux Cits. Mankato , St 1'jul Minneapolis C.15 pm 0.10 am Dally. cmcAiso ern Railway Ultj Ticket Oillcc , 14)1 ) rarnum btrcet Telephone , 661. Depot , Tenth nnd Maiori Street Telephone 128 Leave. Arrive. Missouri Valley , Sioux City. St Paul und M'nncapolls ' 5.10 am * 10,45 Pm Missouri Valley , clour tlty * 7.30 am 9.05 pm DenlBon , Carroll , Wall Lake 750am O.OJ pm Eastern Express fee Molnes Mar'halltcwn Cedar Rapids , ChUago " 10,13 am * 3,10 pm Atlantic I'lyer , Chicago and EaHt . . . 4.43 pm 4W : pm Piist Mall , Chicago to Omaha t P ) pm IVdar Rapids local , , s 4 ; , im Mitbourl Valley , Sioux City , ot Paul Minne apolis Limited . . . . . . 6 ' 5 pm 9 urn Omaha-Chicago Special. , 0 30 pm Uio ; am Daily ' Dally except .Smulai CHICAGO , hf PAUL. MJNNE- npolla & . Omaha Railway General olllcen Nebraska ] ) | . vlsclon , Klfteenlh and Webster streets. City Ticket oillct 1401 I'arnam Street Telephone Ml Depot , rifteenth and Webster Slrcets Tele , phone , H5S. c. Arrive Sioux City Accommoda 8 M am S JO pm Sioux Clt > Accommodu 9 33 nm " 8 20 pm liUIr , Emerson Sluux City , Ponca , Hurting- ton and lUnon-llelo. . . . " 100pm " 11.53am SIcux City Mankato , St. Piul Mlnnej ] > jlH | 6 15 pm 1 9 10 nm Emersjn Passenger . 5 10 pm it 10 am Dully Dally except Hund < o. Sunday onlv Thin train stops nt alatlonn I'loience to So lil.ilr Incliislte , HunJujn only , an v\cek da > a So Hlalr oulfi CHICAQO ROCIC ISLAND fi. roclllo Railroad "The Oieat RocK Island Route' C'lty Tcket Olllw , 1323 I'arnam Street Ich phone , 428 Dtpot , tenth ami Mason Streets Telephone , 128 Leav e. Arrive Clilciiiu and St , I'JUl Vetilbulcd iiir ! s t. . 4:53 pm 1:43 pm I.lncoln , Colorado EPES , 1'ueblo , Denver anil west , . . , . . 1.55 pm 4.03 pm Chicago. De Molnen and Dock Island . . . . 7.00 pm S.1S am Atlantic Impress. lor PCI Molnoa nnJ east ern p lnt * . , . - * . * ' 7 00 am 5 35 pm Lincoln 1'airliurj ai.d Hellevllle 5li jm 10.40 am Dally. Pally except Sunday WADASII RAILROAD TICKET OFriCE , 1415 rarnam fatreet. Telephone , 32J Depot , Tenlh and Masor. Streets Telephone. 123. LeaveArrive. . Bt LouU "Cannon Hall" Express . , , , * 4.30pm 'll'J'J ' am Daily. 11AILUO ( I'ontlmicil ) lit RLINOTON . River RalUonn-"Tlio lnrliiK. ! , ton R ut T Oencml Oftlce , N \V Corner Tenth nnl rnrmm StreeiM Ticket oillee , 1,03 Karnani Street. Telephone 2.O Depol , Tenth and Mason Telephone , UlArrive Arrive D 33 nm 4 M pm " 7 4" > pm " 11 30 am CHICAOO , Uulnc > Rallrtmd-"lho Hull. InRtnn Route" Ticket Oillce I"i0j 1'nrnam Street , 'lelephnnn 230 Depot. Tenth and Mason Slrrctf. Telephone. I2 . Leave. Arrive 0.0V pm 7 : " 5 am " 9:48 : nm 4:11 pm 7'50 pm 7'E5 nm "II.Ii ) am 0:10pm : 2:50 : pm Dallj. Dally except Sunday. ANsAs cirr , ST. JOSEPH S Council HIulTa Rnllrond "The llurllnston Iloiiio" Ticket Oillce. r > rnrnani btreet , Telephone S50 Depot , Tuith nnd Mafon Slieets. lei- oplioii" . 12S 12SLrave Lrave Arrive Kansas cit > DO Ex. . . n 01 nm OHO pin Kansas Clt > Nlcht Ex. . ' 10.00 pm 6:30 : am Dallv UNION -rc-"Tin : : ovun- Inml Houtc" Oen rnl olllces N 13. Corner Ninth nnd rnrnam Htreetsi City Ticket Oillce , 1103 rarnam Street Telephone , SIR. Depot , Tenth and Mnson Streets IcleiMone , 128Leave Leave Arrive "The Overland Umlted" for Denver , Salt I'acino coast , nnd on . . . . western points 8 20 am 4 45 pm Tast Mall train for Denver fc'alt LaKe , I'nclllo cost ana nil western points * 4:05 : pm * 10 20 nm Lincoln , Heatrlce nml Strmnshurff Express . 4 05 pm 3 50 pin Graml Island KxpreHt . 5.3. pm 3 50 pin Dn'U. Dally except Sundav Council llluft * Koinl beave , 6.40 n m ! 6 50 n n , 7 " 0 n m , S 21 n m , 10.45 n. in , 2,15 p m ; 4 30 p m , C M p m Arrives , C 20 n in.i 7 20 n , m , S a in ,9 25 n m , 11.30 n in , 3,10 p m . C:40 : p m , 9 03 p m : 10:15 : D m ilISSOl'111 I'ACiriU nAILHOAD flcnernl Ofllces nml Ticket Oillce. Merchants National IJanlc llullillriK 1221 I-nrnitm Street , Telephone , 104. Depot l-'lfteent'i an 1 Webster btrects Telephone. 1423 Leave Arrive . . , . , , . „ „ . St Lou < s ami southern points. . * 30 > pm 12 * . . pm Knnsni Pity Impress . 9 30 pm 20 am Tt Crook & . Union LI. . 9 00 pm " .00 am Dnlly OMAHA. KANoAS CITY & KASTKttN HAIL- roail Omnlm . St Louis Itallroail "The O K Iloiite' Ticket Ofllce , nn rnrnam Sticct. Telephone 322 Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , Us Leave. Arrive , nttonsburg Klrlcsvllle , tjiilncy I-ocnl . . . . 5 40 nm 10'43 pm St I iulr. New Yorl. Llmlteil 1.30 pm 11 20 nm Dally. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE .1 ST I'aul Kalhvaj City llcktt Oillce , Ir01 I'm na in Street Telephone , W4 Depot Tenth niul Mason btreets Telephone , 128 QJ Ixave An Ive Cl Icafjo Llmlteil Hx . 5 45 pm R 03 nm Omaha nml ChlcnKO 13x * 11 00 air. * 1.50pm Dnllv TIII : 'i onu or .ifi.ir r. ( Inn1111 Olil Mrmniliil < > f tilinUpNpcarc's HcriiliM- Vrroim. In all Ital > some would say 1n all Huropc there is no more picturesque monument ment than Juliet's tomb , In the world old city of Verona , relates the New York Herald. Oo to Verona today and > ou will find fn one of the deserted streets an old. smoke stained hostelry , in which macaroni and srur wine arc dealt out to laboicra , amid much shouting and sweating Rather a disreputa ble looking place , nnd yet It was voncc the palare ol the Capulots Over the Rallied doorway may- still bo seen the llttlo hat , or cappallctto , which has for centuries , been the escutcheon of thia one famous funilh. Here Juliet lived , loved and died Near the ralaco is a courtanl , and at the end of It Is a tomb , which Is &ald to contain the remains of Romeo nnd Juliet. It is a mere fragment of stone , nnd > et every jear thousands make a pilgi image to It. Juliet , though one of the most renowned heroines In all llteiature , plays hardly any part In history , and hence there lias long l > ien = omewhnt of n suspicion tint she and Romeo are largely mjthlcal personages On this point Lord iHjron snys In one of his let ters from Votona "The Veronese nre tenacious to , i degree of the truth of Jullet'H sto-y , Insisting on the fact giving the date 1303 , and show Ing ii tomb It Is a plain , open and partly decajed sarcophagus , with withered leaves In It , in a wild and dcsolnto conventual garden oncu a cemc : > i"v , now ruined , to the very graves. The situation Etruck mo as very appropriate to the legend , being blighted as their love " Since Dron's daj the tomb has been re moved to the garlcn of the Orfanotroflo delle Jraieschlno where It is shown to tourists for a fee of 25 contealml (5 ( cents in Ameri can moncv. ) Apparently it Is alvvnys guarded , and for an excellent icason Hovvells , In his 'Italian Jouniojs , " asks pertinently "Does pot the fact that this relic has to ha protected from the depredations of travelers , who could otherwise carry it away , plecc- nif.il , speak eloquently of a large amount of vulgar nnd rapacious inmconco drifting about the world9" The same writer proves con luslvely that the Capulct family hits failen fi.r from Its former greatness Speaking of the old palace he sajs' "There was a great deal o ! stable litter and many empty carts standing about In the court , nnd If I might hazard the opinion formed upon these and otliei appearances , I should ray that old Ciipulct hns now gene to keeping a hotel , unite 1 with the let-ill liquor bu lncbs , both In n small way " Sle transit gloria mundl. The Hngllsh speaking world Is Indebted lo Shakespeare for Its knowledge of Juliet nnd Slmkespiaro evidently got the wonderful love story from I'aynter's "Palace of I'loastiie , " as well as from a poem by Arthur Ilrooke , which was published in 1502 under the title "Ilomeus and Juliet. " The latter work contains the following quaint lines descriptive of the lovers' last resting place For cuory household If It bo of any fairf , Doth byldo a tomb , or dlggo a vault , that bcais the household's name ; Wherein ( If any of that kindred hap to dye ) They nro bestow do ; els In the same no other corps may lye. The Capilets her corps In such a ono dyd lay , Whore Tybalt , slalno of Ilomeus , was lajdo the other das The bodies dead , remoucd from vault whcro they did djo In stall ly tombo , on plllors great of marble , r.tyso they hye On ruery Sdu abouo were eot , and clvi be neath , Great store of cunning Kpltaphcs , In honor of the } ] death And ei.ui at this day the tombo In lo be f > cen ; Fo that among the monuments that In Verona been fhoro Is no monument more worthy of the bight Than Is Iho tombe of Jullot and rtomous her kulght Thither , clothed In rich attire , and with her face uncovered , the fair maid was berne after her lamentable death So the old poets and story writers tell us , and fconichovv wo aio Inclined to give more credence to them than to these who Insist that Juliet is more or less a myth awl that the tomb shown lu Verona Is a delusion -and a snare In spite of all the Dtjasdusts , such names as lloiiieo ar.4 Juliet. Elolse and Ahclbrd must iemaln immortal ' All the world loves a lover , " and until love diex the names of unfortunate loverti and especially of those whom poc-ta havu sanctified , vvlll live long after they tliunucUcs have passed awa > The.r ! life stories though wJ. havu jet a strange attraction for us When wo think of them wo appreciate more fully Ilrovvnlng's lines "Dust and ashes ! " So you creak It and I want the heart to tcold Dear , dead woman , with such hair , too whit's becotno of all the gold Used to hang and brush their bosoms ? I feel chilly and grown old You can t afford to risk your life oy al lowing c. cold to develop Into pneumonia or consumption Instant relief and a certain euro are afforded by One Minute Cojch Cure. Sl'IMIKMi : C < M UT SM.LVHL City ot Oiuahft AKRin. > t Ito.vmnn. Hirer from Douglas county. Reversed , Itvan , C' . With respect lo water forming pond on prlvalp properly within the limits of a city , nut not on , or tn dangerous proximity lo n public highway , Micot or nllcj such city owes no duty to the s ticral publlti ( isldo from that of a sanitary chiinclori other than such ns dcvohnt nn pllvnto owneis of property nlmllnrl ) situated even though Iho ell } nnv have created tlie pond of which complaint U made' . 2 Negligence must be fnlrl } Inferable fiom the evidence , Its ctUtrncp cannot he n mere matter of conjecture1 nnd It mint lie Iho proximate cause of the Injury complained of 3 Instructions which asinincd thatl - detico of such overflow of lots by the mass ing thereon b } a city of the water of n. tunning stream as would entitle the lot owners to damages would ho prcper proof lu suppott of n claim for compensation foi pcr'oml Itijur } to ono who had no Interest In the lot U elf ; Held , crioneotis. Clemens against Heclati , Appe-U from Lancaster count } Reversed nnd temnnded. Itan , C. Where the right of dower of a widow- Is not disputed It mav be assigned by the count } court under the prov Isloni of sec tions S to 11. chiptcr xxlll. Co-nulled Stat utes If such H- right Is disputed It mny be established by a decree of the district court 2 1'roolLof the law of Colorado In evi dence reffflliig lo the Jurisdiction of county courts of thai stale lo decree divorces , ex amined and held not to sitlafactorlly estab lish such Jurisdiction. ,1 The findings of facts nnd the Judgment must conform to , and be supported b } , the allegations of the pleadings on which they were bnspd Klckhoft against Kllienbary Hrror from Cats county Alllrmcd Irvine , C. The condition of n teplovln bond Is that the philntlft In replevin shall comply with the Judgment , and In replevin against an olficcr who justifies under writs ot attachment. It Is necessary for the olllcer to prove the debt and the regularlt } of the proceedings There , fete , after Judgment for thu defcmlaul , It Is unnecessary In n suit on the replevin bond foi the olllcet to plead these facts It Is EUfllclent to plead the replevin Judgment. 2. Mere forebearance b } n creditor to sue a pilnclpal will not teleaso the latlet's sure ties ; and tills Is true , although b } lipsc of Unto remedies ma } be lest ngalrst the prin cipal. : t A plaintiff In replevin against whom Judgment has been tendered , must , In o'dcr to satlsf } the Judgment for n return of the propel t } . tetiirn or offer to telurn the Iden tical ptoperly replevtned and not other prop- crt } of like kind nnd value 1 Where property replevlnrd was ot such n charnctei that nn actual manual delivery thereof was Impracticable , and n return could bo had enl } constructively or bj sur rendering possession of the place where the tuoiorty was situated , it was not error to instruct the jur } , the fact of an olllcer to retiiin being In Issue , that the } should In quire whether that otter had been made In good faith 5 A plaintiff In replevin against whom Judgment Ims been rendered owes the affirm ative dutj of icturnlng the property , and It ho fall so to do , the defendant may pio- ceed to enfoice the alternative Judgment by an ordlnnr } execution The execution need not be In the alternative. G A replevin bond was entitled as of the rase' , naming parties plaintiff and dofendai't It recited Ihe Institution of the action , again naming the paitles , nnd further recited that one Ii as coroner had scl/ed the nropcrt } under the writ It named tinobllgeo ab follows "We , * * * undertake to the aid n , defendant In eald action " Held , that the Insertion of IJ's name as obllgeo was merely surplusage , and could be rejected leaving a snfliclent bond manifestly running to the defendant. 7 A judgment will not be reversed because the court failed to mark on the- margin of In structions the words "given" or "refused. " iv here the defeated part } himself noted on Iho margin an exception to the giving or refusal of the Instruction as the case might bo , although such exception was accompanied bj a special exception to the failure of the court to so maik It. S Ccitaln questions ot evidence and prac tice resting on no new- principle set forth In the opinion and held not to ( have been er roneously decided below Ilionson against McCormlck Harvesting Machine comimi } . Hrror form Hoone county tlcversed and remanded. Irvine , C. A creditor who b } his voluntary act part ? w Ith seem Ity for the debt thereby to the extent of the value of such security releases a. surety or guaiantor. 2 Case distinguished from that ot mere forbearance to sue. Yager against Exchange National Bank of Hastings fSrior from Adams county. Re versed ami remanded. Irvine , C. Whether or not a right to trial by Jury exists must bo determined from the object of the action as determined by the averment * of tlie petition , and In case ot ambiguity b } resort to the prayer - If the action Is in Its nature ono triable by Jury , the right to sucli trial will not bo defeated because In order to accomplish the main object of the action , It becomes ncces- sar } to determine Issues as to the existence of equitable rights 3 A petition alleged that the plaintiff had executed to the defendant a deed absolute In form , but In fact , a moitgage ; that the de fendant had sold the land , receiving more than sufficient to pay the debt The praye- nas for judgment for that surplus Held , that the plaintiff was entitled to a jury tr.al Wnlnwilght vs Sitterfleld Hrror from Supy county Alllimed Hngan , C The sole fact that n veidiet for p'llntlf ! vva = foi $ " > more than dilmud by him in hla petition doea not justlf } the oo'icluslon that tfi > vtidkt Is the lestilt of the jmy's pns- lon or prejudice 2 The statute has not changed the com mon law rule that an exers-lve verdict might bo cured by a remittllur except in so far IIB to entirely vitiate such i veidlct vvhtn It is made to appear that It is the tesult of the jury' ? passion or pir-ludlcp 3 An exces he veidlct In nn acllon ex-con- traptu may be cured by a romlttltur , It not mine u Ing that the verdict Is the temlt of thr > tmy'H pi slon or prejudlc" Slobodlsky VH I'liocnlx I'lro Insurance Co ofllnitfoid llnor from Dougl is county. Alllrmeil. Ilngan , C An Insurance policy like any other written contiaet mnj be Impeached by olther piily thereto for Hand 01 mistake nnd parol tes timony Is competent to reform the policy HO as to make It recite the actual agreement between the parties 2 In onler to authorise the rrfoi million of a vviltten contract It must bo made to appear what tlie actual contract bc'vicon Ihe parties was ; that the wilttcn contract exhlb- led does not expiess the contract made -in ) thr"-.n fnctH must be established by clear , convincing and catlsfat tin v evidence 3 Where nn Insurance policy p'ovldes tint it shall be void If the Insured without the consent of the Innun-r taker , out addition tl Inmnance the violation of the contract by the Insurer 8lnfe Hint provision In placed In the policy foi the benefit of the Insuier and Is one which It may waive 1 Notice to nn np nt of nn Insurer that the Insured has taken out additional Insurance - anco on the Insuied ptopcity l.s notice to melt agent's pilnclp il | .ri If nn limirei lias notice befoto a los-j oecurB Hint the liiHiired lias conlraiy to the terms * ot bin policy taken out additional In- Hurnnce , makes no objection therein mid does not cancel Its pollry on acunint thereof these facts ) constitute evidence which tends to fhovv Hint the Hist Insurer waived the forfeiture of the polley liy reason of the Ituured's violation theteof and elected to keep such policy In force d llomii I"lro Insurance Co vi Wood. C9 NV fill followed and lenlllirned. 7 Evidence cjxmn'npil and held to sustain the finding of the dlhtrlct court that the polley In suit represented the contract actu ally made between thu Insured and thu In- smer | Oarnenit vs. Oimlm Printing Co Krror fiom Douglas * count } Judgment Norval Verdict upon conlllctlnt ; evidence will not bo dlfiturlud upon ruvlevv 2 In the aKscncc of u contract upon the subject , unsettled accounts do not diaw In- ttre t until six months after thu date of the last Item 2 Verdict held excessive , nnd a remlttltur rrquiied to bo entered ns a condition of ullirinaiiv.ti for the < orrect amount I'crUval VHSlei Krror fiom I anciister county Afllrmed Norvnl , J The water rommlmloner of the city of Lin coln IIII.M not the power to remove n wib- ordlnate emplovo In tlie water department of the city , or to make appointments to nil vacancies * occurring then In. Kellv vs Nebraska Exposition associa tion Krror from LuncaMer count } Af- llrmcil HarrliOTii. J. In un action by an ussoclatlon on a xuh- Hciiptlon In Its favor which stated that It vvuHMnade for the purpos i of wecurlng the state fair to bo located at a tlcalgimted pi ice , a general denial did not put In liiun the corporate existence of the Btulu Hoard of Agilculture , tho"body by which mich lo cation was fixed 2 , Held further. That the answer did not preucnt an iwua of any Illegality of the HUbscrlptton , us btliif for thu purpose of nldliiR In Improperly Influencing the of the State Uonrtl of AKrlcti ture Jf > d slg- lintlnc thf plnre for .holding the fair. SuiuW Creek Coal Co \ llurnhnm. Kr- lor from Lancaster county. Alllnnetl. Jtnr- -A falling debtor may my n iire-exUllnR lndcbledne s b } sale nnd conveimce or p roperty to the creditor of n value not ma t erially or appreciably greater than thr amount of the debt If the ttan'actlon H Ixinii thin on the part of the creditor , nnil the validity of the * nlp will not bo nKjyeil by tinevtilcnce of n fraudulent Intent of the vendor of which the ptjrchnicr has knowledge In regnrd to the claims of the othir creditor * provided he does not pnr- tlelptte In such Intent . . , S. If criers ttre assigned of n trial court a refusal lo KNC ! rcciue te < l ln lnu t oni ami to determine the force of mich iisslgnmenm would ncrcsMtate nn ex imliuitlon of the evl- detico Introduced nt the trhil ! the bill of ( iM-epllons containing the evldeiu-t' lutvlni ? been ( intiKhcil , the evidence l.s not before. this court , the citors , If nnv , do not nf- flrmatlvelv nppenr nnd the n slgnmcnm miiy be overruled. n The opinion In Ihe irc of Uol\min \ vi I.ucns , 22 Neb , 7 % , Insomuch IIM It npjilleil the following rule- "To nvold a sale upon the gtoutid that It l frnitdutent IIM to ci editors , the purehn < u > r must have knowledge of the fraudulent put- pone of the seller , or have notice of such facN lending tn show - \ fraudulent purpose ns would put n man of oidluniv prudence on Inqtilt ) , " to n ttan nctlon nf ilo bv a fallliig debtor to ono of list redllois In pivment of the pic-existing tlobt dKip- proved Kill and v lllaek llrior from COPS county Itomanded llnnlson , J If the evidence Is conllletlng a llndlng or ileereo thereon will be eonllrmcil unlcft clearly Avroug 2 It Is the dutv of nn olllo'i' tn.ll np ; u sale of real estate under ovcuilun ' < r ruler Of silo to deposit In the oillce of tlie cleric ol the i-oitrt from which the wr't IFOIICI ! a copy of the npprnlsement of l' > e p. ope tv nnd other papers as rcnulrotl by secMnn 4 < ild ot tne Code of Civil Pt3c l > 'u , ' " -a Rtith duly must be vetfoimi'd prior to tlu > ndvertlscmcnt of the sale ( IJu-'sn ' vs Clerk , 16 Neb , 4C6 ) . Granger vs St tie Hrror from Fhet tUn county. Alllrmed Post , C J A stntule will not be decltfd Invalhl merely bectuse the court might deem the prov Won * then of unwise 01 Inosp illcnt 2 Ch ipter 77 lavs of lvl > " > ( session 117a ot the criminal code ) cmbiaces but one sub ject of legist itlon , and the sum * Is with sulllclent clearness expressed In Iho tllle 3 Slid act Is complete In Itself , vvns not Intended to nnd did not amend elthn sec lions 114 110 anil 120 of the crlmln il code Its purpooo iv < < > to creatinn Independent substantive crime and provide u peivilty llierefor Ore'ni SI tte Hank vs CitationKtror from Sirpy county Alllimed Post < J An objection that the llmllng't nnd iiuU inenl are- not sustained by the evidence will not be considered by thH court where the record does not disclose that a motion for a new trill was pieseii'ed ' to tin HIU court and Its rulliiuobt lined thcienn Pol lowing Losuio vs Mllln. l'i Neb , IC"i Call on vs State 1-itoi fiom Sherldin couutv Alllrmeil H } in , C Where the mlveise put } admit" tint vvlt- nesses | f prism ! would testlfv us t i i-d In an ixllldtvlt for n continuant P ind the party presenting such nllldivll aftciwud re ids siii-h statement 111 his allldtvlt as evidence to the Jurj , thcie Is vKsenttd no giouml for i re-vcrsil of the tin il Judgment of the till ! c-ourt bee Uise of Its ietli il to grant the lontlnuince a kcd 2 Aftei a lurv had been selected nnd swoin , but before the Irlil had In ; an , one of tile" Hirers In open e'outt aske'd to be e\ cused fiom serving biciuse of sl'Uncss In his famll } lu the presmce of the nicusul nnd without objection from him his cntinsil i onnpnted Hint Ihe jurors icquist might be gnnletl mil iccotdlnglv he vv is t st used and anothet pi rson served In his stiad Held thit tin si circumstances pie niled no sulllolent giounds for tne reviisnl of a Judgment upon conviction of the urns d 3 Whole n part } lias linproperlv state 1 lo a Jurv i lict concerning which tlur Is no evidence be c iiinot , is , i mittir ot light , dcm mil that the trial court Instruct the jury th.it Improper or unjiistlllable com menti made bv. opposing counsel with ref erence to such facts must not bo consldcied 4 Where there vv is no objection made ot exception aken to the tilling on an ob jection in icspect to alleged Impioper state ments of opposing counsel to the jurv In the tilal court there can be no prejudlclil erroi piedlcated In this court upon the Im propriety of sunn statements 1 AH Instiuctlon with reference lo the definition of reisonible doubt , which fol lows the i tiling of this lourt in liirne ) vs State 49 Neb , 81) . Is nppioved Andeieon vs Iteomnn Hiior ftom Ceil u4 county Afllrmed Hy.in , C. In the district court thcie was a com pllnnco with all the requirements of section ! IC , Cole of Civil Procedure , to entitle 11 book of otlgln.il entry to bo lecelvul In ovldc > iue , unlLss , peihaps , there mU'lit have been a filluie' to "siow .1 continuous deil - Ing- with pi rsons gnu rally or spiral ch irgcs of Items , i diffeicnt times is ilnst the other p irty In the sime book" Hod , th it as this showing must b ( bv Hie bonk Itself , the filluie to ma''o sue h book 01 Its contents .1 put of the bl.l of e\ci ptlons rendeis it Impossible to consider whether or not the district court cried In Its ho'd- Ing th it slid book'.vas admissible 2 \\heit- tin re was no exception to the giving of pn Instruction ltn coricctness will not be considered In thin court ? When a matc-ilal part of the ovllerce has been omitted from the bill of excep tions i judgment of the dlsttlct court vl'l ' not be revirsed in this court bet uise of nn alleged lack of sulllclent evidence to mis- taiu the verdict on which It was found d Trey vs Curtis Appeal Irom Chnso county Unversed and teininded Irvlno. C. In an 11 tlon to foreclose n moit/ige the ilefonse In Ing pomcnt , evident e UN imlncd and held Insulllclent to establish atilhoiltv or ostensible iiithorlt } In .1 third person , to whom the mortgige was pild , to net for the holdei of the note and mortgige In that behalf Ncbraskx Land , Stock Gt owing nnd In- ve'Stinent Comp my vs Me Kin ev Ltniiln ? Lo in and Trust Comp in } . I'rroi fiom Huf- fulo county Alllrmed Irvine , C When a sale H In Its n ituie ippc-alab'a and the pirty seeking a review flics In con nection wlh the trmscrlpt a petition In erior , he will be dot mod to have ilectid to piocepd In error , and not bv nppeil 2 This court vvlll not ill ivv an Infereneo conttadlctory to the rrcoid In order to sustain an assignment of error "i A notice ol a foreclosuic sale set for rebrint } 21 , vhlch w i * published In it weekl } mcvspiper for live consecutive Is sues of the pipir , hegliinlng January I1) ) , H Hiilllclcnt advcnlstmeiit undei tie stntut-s requiring Jiiblliatlon foi at least thirty days before the d ty of Hale 1 The aflldivlt proving publication may In such cisi be made Imnudlati'ly nf er thu last puhlli atlon , even Ihoinjh that be less than thlt v days after the first 6 The word "pilnUd" In the situto re quiring the notice to be In rnmo m w pjper pilntcd In the county , Is Uhnd In the stnso of "publ'slH d , " and ,111 afildiivit that t e luvvspipei v/.is piibllnhed In the count } Is tluteloro sulllclent r. Objection * * to the appraisement of prop. city for the purpose of n Jiidlcl il t > , ile siiould bo HUd hi thu ttlil court pnor to tin ) Sllf. Ilubbird vs Knight AppDil from Doug las county Alllrmed Ittignn. C Ilubbird owned cei tnln rcil intitc and mortgaged U to secure a debt Sh tin n conveyed an undivided half Intel cst In thu real entile to ICnlgM , subject to Hie mor gage , he agicc'lng In the conveyance , and an a put of the conHlde ration theiefor to pty Ii 200 and Interest of the mortgufo debt This deed wax duly recorded Stlbsiquontly Knight mortBigetl his IntercFt In the leal i itate to Hpcuro a debt of hi' ) , evlibncci ] by a iirornlsHory note Doll pure .iHi-d th s no'o ' for value bcfnro matin lly without actual knowledge of the icclla n Ip th dctd from Ilubbird to Knight. Knight fallcil lo piy the mortgiiRo debt ho had naiume.I and Ilubbird paid It on Its mittitity , and brought stilt pr.ilntf to bo Huhrogntcd > the lights of her mortK.igeo IIH against Knight , and thit the f-V.'O' ) and Intcrent ml lit bu decreed a first Hen upon the Intoroit In the nal es ito conveyed bs her to him Held (1) ( ) , that IIH against Knight and bin privies him vva ontllled lo tl-odicreo prijod for (2) ( ) That Doll's ll ( u upo Knlniu'.i laml wast Hiibji'ct to IliibbnidV 'Vt'icon 2 All persons ) chilmlrt' rttnst In or Hen upon real istato an m-uriil to uiko no tice of the recitals In a duly recorded deed In the chain of tltlo of their grantor You can't euro consumption but you can avoid It and euro every other form of th eater or lung tioublo by t.'io USD of Ono Mlnutu Cough Cure , \ilviinccnicnt of VVniiirii In Jniiuii , Iho emperor of Japan has tlono a cicat deal for the advancement of women In Japan Stained teeth and shaved eyebrows are to bo abolished The Hmprcss Puciaka , h'a wlfu , not only shares Tils throne , but U consulted by him on matters of national Importation , Moreovci , she hast a place at lib table , an honor conceded to none of her predecessors She ha shown herself worthy of these addi tional privileges She la an energetic pa troness of the Toklo Women'ii hospital , con ducted on thu latest scientific principles Shu rides well and takes ample advantage of Ihe gymnacltim specially created for her benefit In the palace , U Is In her honor that her husband hau composed many of his pret tiest poonifl , Hhowlug that the bravest deeda have over been Inspired by feminine beauty. TO CUHK A COU ) IN ONK DAY Take Laxatlvo Ilromo Qulnlno TaoletH. All drugging refund tbo money K U falls to cute. Gc ,