Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1897, Part I, Page 7, Image 7

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_ _ .Athletes Devote Tholr Energies t3
Panting tbo Pigskin.
( if IViniNvlMiiiln
! > > ( HnoriiioiiH Score '
of .IS to < > _ llarvnr.l
Uurn Diirtinniitli.
IMULADELPHIA , Oct. 9. The University
lot Pennsylvania foot tall team this afternoon
foiled up the ctiormotu ecoro of GS to 0
against the Lohlgh eleven , nftccn points
jnnro limn Princeton scored against the same
Jloam ten days ago. Nine touchdowns , four
fioals and a safety was the sum total for
iho flrnt half of the twenty minutes , and two
touchdowns and two goals were made In the
jwcond Inlt of the fifteen minutes. Winds
anUsed two goals , Morlco two and a punt
/was / missed , Lehlgh gained first down hut
once during the entire game oml at no time
did the llothlchcm boys get Iho ball within
.fifteen yards ot the red and blue's goal , ex
cept on a kick In the last half to the flve-
jard line , antl then the Quakers Immediately
forced the pigskin down the field by steady
plunges through I.elilgh's Hue.
CAMHIUDGE. Mass. . Oct. tl.-Tho Harvard
foot b.ill team had the first hnnl.vork of
thu season today , 'when ' they defeated the
Btrong Dartmouth eleven 13 to 0. In team
, -lilar the visitorsAero match
- -Aero a for ilu Har
vard team , but fnlluro to taku advantage of
the wind nrnl poor punting were IXirt-
cnouth'M weakness. The first half ended
-without a score for either side. In the second
end Cabot tnudc n fair catch , but Cochrane
anlttsed the try for a rfonl. Coclirany cnucht
the ball himself n fuw motm-nts later and
this time ho sent the pigskin over , making
the spore 7 to 0. Harvard got the ball down
near Dartmouth's goal by a blocked kick
con the five-yard linn and then Uouve wan
imslicd through the line for the last touch
down Cochrane kicked the coal , leaving
tJia flrml seoro 1.1 to 0.
CORNELL. 13 ; TUFTS , 0.
ITHACA. N. Y. , Oct. 9. Cornell defeated
Hie light Tufts today with an eleven
largely composed of substitutes. In the flnu
. Jiult n strong wind favoring Tufts , who held
tbo west goal , Cornell , by fierce line buck
ing nnd end plunges , advanced the ball to
iwltllln Tufts' flftoi'ii-yard line , svhero Young
kicked ti goal from the Held within three
minutes ot end of the half. Then Whiting
scored the first touchdown. Young kicked
n. goal , making Cornell's total 11. In the
second half the ball was kept In Tut s' ter
ritory , Whiting for Cornell making another
touchdown. Youiiir failed on his try for a
joal. Total score : Cornell , 13 ; Tufts , 0
YALE , 32 ; WILLIAMS , 0.
NEW HAVKN , Conn. , Oct. 3. Williams
.illed to make nny Impression against the
fnle foot ball line this afternoon , the homo
cam scoring six touchdowns and four goals
Ping kicked from them. The final score
fas : Yale , 32 ; Williams , 0.
ANN ARUOIl , Mich. , Oct 9. Neither sldo
.cored today In the g.imo between 'Michigan
mil Ohio Wusleyan universities. The Mich-
Ban team was composed mostly of substi
tutes and the visitors came on the Held with
a batch of big linemen. The only hard woik
iwnn done In the last four minutes , when
thu Michigan team nearly scored a touch-
doMi. In the first half the whistle sounded
when the ball was on the visitors' llftecn-
yurd line. Captain Hogg , Teatzel and
llunry did the beat work for 'Michigan ' and
Yostiis the star of the Ohio team.
ANNAPOLIS , Oct. 9. Three thousand
jiepole saw the Princeton-Navy foot ball
ttiitm * this afternoon. The home team was
outclassed from the start and while they
kept up courage and played pluckllv , nt no
tlma did they come near scoring. The fea
ture of the game was the kicking1 of Unlnl
of Princeton , \\lio made bnree goals , and
I two goals from the field , one from thlrty-
/tlve yards and the other fifty-five yards.
L. Princeton opened the game and the ball was
. Jcuut In Navy territory for three minutes ,
unlll a touchdown and goal i\cre made by
Ilnlrd. Scoie : First half , 12-0 ; second half ,
* WKST POINT , N. Y. , Oct. 9. In a hard
fought game AV'est Point defeated Wesleynn
this afteinoon by a score of 12 to 9. The
Tame nuis marked by the excellent playing
f the Young brothers and Uaymond at half
or Wesleynn , For West Point Waldron
Jayed as line a gamp nt half as over was
bun on this field. He made runs of twenty-
Ivo to fifty yards repeatedly , went thiough
, lui line stiongly and his tackling was hard
tnd suro. Itoender , at end -put up a very
, lm > gam'e and donned his men hard. Scales
and Fey -played their usual good game. At
tendance , 2WO.
KANSAS CITY , Oct. 9. The Kansas City
Jtnllcs anil the eleven of the Missouri State
Tiiilvcislty mot on the gridiron nt Exposition
park In u match game at 2SO : this * afternoon.
Tlio weather wns p'erfect. In Weight , the
Missouri university eleven Is a llttlu below
the aver.ige. The game resulted In favor
of the Medics 1 to 0. Neither Hide scored
until the last llvo minutes of the i-econd
half , when the Medics secured a touchdown ,
but failed to kick goal.
OALfiSni'RG , 111. , Oct. 9.-Knox college
defeated Parson's college team of Falrfleld ,
la , this afternoon by a score of 10 to 0.
CHAMPAIGN. III. , Oct. 9. Illinois , G ; Col
leen of Phvslclans and Surgeons , 0.
/AFAYETTE. / Ind. , Oct. 9. The Oberlln
fiat ball team defeated Purdue today by a
i/'oro of 21 to fi.
'QJCFORD , O. , Oct. 9.-Clnclnnatl unlver-
i'elty. G ; Miami university , 0. This Is the first
time In number of years that Miami uni
versity failed to vanquish Cincinnati on the
! gridiron.
NASHVILLR. Oct. 9. Vanderbllt find
XmtlUcky university foot ball teams played
1 hl3 afternoon on Vanderbllt athletic Held.
( core : Vnnderbllt , ! U ; Kentucky university ,
'llKI.OIT , WIs. . Oct. -Foot ball : Northwestern -
western university , ( i ; Hclolt , 0.
CLUVKLAND , Oct. U Western neacrvo
ilvorslty ulovun defeated It.ildwln unlver-
y today 21 to 0.
MAUIKTTA. O. , Oct. 9. Marietta. 4 ; Ohio
diversity of Athens , 0.
I'riilinldc ( ' .lime Tn.liiy.
The weather premlttlng , the cranks will
uvo tin opportunity to witness the closing
' .line of the season at KOI t Omaha this
ftornoou , between the North Omaha PleiiH-
're ' club and a picked team. Game at 3.
"ho line up :
I , O. P. C. Posltliyi. Picked Team
f Jhannon , O. . . Catcher . Kage
itlToldcr . Pitcher . Uublltz
jranden . . .L. Field . LafTerty
Iciilly . Short Stop . . . . Harrison
First llnsii.
I 1 Shannon . Monaghan or Helwlg
V. Gardiner . Second Uasc . Kelly
f Dairy , , . IMpht . I' > niis. . . .
' Middle.
Conners. . , , . , . HelwlR or Monagihan
E. Gardiner . Third llasu. . Welsh.
I'Viin whiH iii coir ,
NI3W YOItK , Oct. 9 , The St. Andrew
ffold tournament was roncluded thla after
noon. A , H. Fenn of the Palmetto Golf
tub , Alken , 8. C. , carried off the honors
I the closing day by winning the eighteen-
plo medal handicap from u Held of flfty-
iiv out of an entry of 11 S.
I -
\VmiU In .llali-li 1IU D K.
OMAHA. Neb. , Oct , 9. To the Bportlnff
Hdltor of The Ilee : I have n twenty-seven
pound dog which I will match against any
Of mankind contagions blooil
poison claimed no Us victim Mr.
Frank B. Martin , 020 Pennsylvania
Avenue , Washington , D. O. , and
thu usual physician's treatment
did him not the slightest good. His
condition readied that deplorable
stage which only thla terrible dis
ease can produce.
After all else failed , was at last
found in S. 3. 8. tlio greatest of
all blood remedies. Eighteen hot *
tlea removed tlio disease nerman <
fully , and left his skin without a
.B. 8 , U guaranteed
surely vegui&bloj and sss
.tliooolyknown euro
or tint must tertlblo
. Uookt free } _ _ _
ia Ut8p ilficCoiuULaylXUauUt : U * .
ilog In Nebraska or elsewhere to , „
for from $50 to J1C" ) n aide , dogs o weigh
twentynvcn pounds at pit M4e. have a
forfeit of $20 with the ( "porting dltor of
The Uee and will meet anyone 1 ( Urous ot
making n match at The lice olltt nt nny
time specified In nn answer In Tn > UPO to
this ded. JOHN J. REYNOLDS.
llrli-n V , Al - > nm. anil Pilot Hey AVIti
LEXINGTON" , Ky , , Oct. 9. \Vcnthor.
track , nttendanco and the character of the
sport combined to make this a gala day In
the meeting of tlio Kentucky Trotting I torso
Hreedcrs' association. The Ashlnhd stalto
'was ' the feature of the day nnd wlf nn up
set for the talent , who played Clloroa
against the field. Results :
First race , 2:17 : class , pacing , Jl.iCO ( thrco
heats paced Friday ) :
Helen P , b. m. , by 1'rlnco Ocorgo
( Albln ) I. . . , 1 7 G 1 1
Hourbon II , ch. s. , by Hourbon
Wllkes ( Rice ) 3 0123
Spalpeen , b. s. , by Hummer ( Lnp-
hnm ) 5 1 3 4 G
Indiana , b. g. ( Fleming ) 210 534 ,
Mlgnon , b. m. ( Woodward ) . . . . G 4 2 7 G '
.Moral , oh. m. ( Haws ) 72487
Edgar Ross , b. g. ( Kares ) 4 310 D 10
White Hose , b. g. ( Casey ) 11 G 8 6 2
Minolta , ro. m. ( Hathaway ) 12 5 7 fi 8
Thornd.ilo Prince , 1) . m. ( Field ) . S 8 9 11 9
Tom Taggart , b. g. ( Oosncll ) . . . .10 11 11 10 11
Cllpscttn , blk. m. ( McKnlg ) . . . . 9 8 dls
Tlmet 2:11 : ; 2:12 : < 4 : 2:1514 : ! 2:12 : i ; 2:11 : .
Second race , 2:21 class , trotting , $1,000 ( five
heats trotted Friday ) :
Xypha , br. m. , by Orey-
stone , clam by Alcyone
( Mclntosh nnd ICcnney ) , 213CH21 1
Dlrectlnn. blk. m. , by Dl-
rect ( Walker ) 32413122
Hobert R , b. g. , by York
Wllkes ( Hell and Dow-
ermnn ) 115 1 11 7 4 3 4
Whlto Points , b. g. , by
Mlkagan ( Dlck < r on ) . . . n 11 7 i 1 3 4 3
Hen II , ch. g. ( McDonnldlO K 2 2 2 2 ro
Norvaleno , b. m. fCasscll ) . 7 S 8 3 8 ro
Red Uee , b. g. ( rtosnell ) . . 4 4 G 8 9 ro
Nnna , ch. m. ( Milan ) . . . .9101410 4 ro
Oakley , b. g. ( French.12 13 D 12 5 ro
Jim I awrence , b. s. ( Mid-
dlfton ) . . . . .13 9 11 9 C ro
Uowery Hello , blk. m.
( Laphnm ) 11 7 13 7 12 ro
Albino R , ch. s. ( ShecleyH ) 1112 13 dls
Congrazla , b. m. ( llrass-
fleld ) 8 610 dls
Silver Lake , blk. g.
( Cromlc ) 15 12 15 dig
Annie McGregor , b. in.
( Hudson ) Use
Time : 2liV4 : ; 2:14 : > 4 ! 2:13 : ; 2:17 : 4 ; 2:17H : :
" ' " ' '
"Third , Ashland , tl.OCO , for 2:11 :
class , trotting :
Pilot Hey , gr. g. , by Pilot Me
dium ( Mella ) 53111
Quo Allen , 1) ) . s , by Champion
Medium ( Klnncy )
Pray Tell , ch , g. , by Axtell
( Dlckerson ) . . . - 15788
Fred U , b. g , , by Reveille
( Whitney ) 76322
Athenlo , br. s. ( Goers ) 64243
Ellorce , ch. m. ( S.iunders ) 42077
Derby Princess , blk. m. ( S um-
dcrs ) 2 8 S C G
Karen Rogers , br. s. ( Tlter ) . . . . 97534
noodle , br. s. ( Walker ) S 9 dls
Grace Hastings , ch. m. ( Speersdls )
Time : 2:10 : ; 2:102:10 : : : ; 2-1H4 ; 2:11 : % .
Fourth race , 2:09 : class , pacing , purse $1,000
( unfinished ) :
Sherman Clay , ch. g. , by Clay Dust
( West ) 910 1 2
Gazette , b. s. , by Onward ( Shock-
ney ) 1 4 S 11
B < > M"lp nonchlll-gr. m. , by Empire
Wllkes ( DlcUorson ) 10 9 4 1
Choral , b. m. , by C. F. Clay
( Pnelps ) 11 199
Kansas , ch. s. , bv Karltas ( Foote ) . 2 3 10 3 , br. s. ( Keyes ) 3 11 2 7
Javelin , b. m. ( Walker ) 7278
Miss Williams , b. in. ( Dush ) 1212 3 5
L.uly Nottingham , b. m. ( Harring
ton ) I 511 4
Nlcol . b. s. ( Geers ) 5 6 512
Arlington , b. s. ( Walters ) a 8 G 13
W H G. b. g. ( McCarthy ) 8 71210
Dan Q. b s. ( McL-iughlln ) 131313 G
Colonel Thornton , b. M. ( Raj- ) 14 dr
Time : 2:09Vi : : 2:03 : ; 2OSVi : ; 8:0394. :
Little \Vl-lNlllllllll ItlllcH ItlllllllljOH
Willow Grove Truck.
PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 9. Today wns rec
ord breaking ) day at the Willow Grove bl-
cycle track In the trials made by Jlmmle
Michael , the Welsh wheelman , for nil
records from one mile to one hour against
time , paced. From eleven mi U until lie
crossed the. Hne at thirty-two miles bis
tlmo was faster than any other world's
records for the same distances and from the
twenty-sixth mile until he crossed the tape
in the thirty-second mlle he excelled the
American competition records held by him
self. It was announced by the track ofll-
clals that "Michael will try to beat Stocks'
record for one hour of thirty-two miles , 41S
yards. " This ho did , making thirty-two
mllPM , Cu2 ynrds In the. sixty minutes , but
unother record of thirty-two miles 1,088
ynids made by Stocks still stands.
Michael was in the best of form nnd
demonstrated ns ever bis ability to hold
the strongest kind of a pace. In nil there
were Uilrty-slx pacemakers to urge the
little fellow nlong. They were composed of
two sextette tennis , two qulnteltc and four
quads. The track was In splendid condi
tion and there wns scarcely n breath of air
when Michael came out fop his preliminary
After fcorlng several times the signal wns
given , nnd with ono more lap to get up
speed , the time wns caught just as Michael
crossed the tape. After the llrst mile he
gradually rode clos , > to the world's record
and In the tenth mile was seven and one-
fifth seconds behind. In the next mile he
began to break records. This he kept up
until the nineteenth mile , when he began
overhauling even his own records in the
Ameilcan competition clas J nnd when ho
passed the timers at the end ot the twenty-
sixth mile he was ahead of his own time in
the competition class and away ahead of
Stocks' record against time. The little
Welshman kept nt It nnd cro-.sed the tape
at the thlrty-pecond mile In KV20 , making
the mile in 1:57 : 1-5. He then rode like mad
to top Stocks' announced time and when
the pistol cracked nt the sixty mlnutei he
had ridden thirty-two miles , 052 yards. beatIng -
Ing the iccord he wns trying for by 201
ynrds. After resting a while. Michael made
un effort to lower bis record of 1:38 : for one
mlle made on last Thursday , but couldl not
do better than Ivl3 1-5.
SitiirlN nt .liilniNoii Comity Fair.
THCl'MSEH , Neb. , Oct. 9.-S ( , > eclal.-The )
sports nt the Johnson county fflr this year
wcro unii'iinlly interesting. The ball game
between tbu Graf and Tecumseh teams was
won by the latter In n walk. Scoie : 23 to 4 ,
Theallilny shoot , given under.the nusplres
of the Tecumseh Gun club , was quite gen
erally p.irtlcliMted In by the mm men of
this part of the stnto. Ten events were in-
rliiiled In the propram , the punes were lib
eral nnd much sport wns nffotded. Messrs
Appleget , Windlgler , Ilrny , Llnlermnn nnd
Hopcrs carried off the honors , though the
moneys were considerably divided. Play
pigeons and llvo pigeons were ) the targets.
The races were good , The rfsult of the
2:40 : trot or pace , nurse 5100 , was-ns follows :
Beatrice Hey , .
J L C i.
America 33334
Van Fleet i , 52443
Nellie M - 4dls
Time : 2:2914 : : 2:2914 : : 2:31 : ; 2:3. :
Free-for-all trot or pace , punio $100 :
horse , was won by Al Nelson' ) mare. Five
hvats were renulred to settlolthe contest.
DetU time : 1:31 : for half mile. '
. \rllrlrx fur u 1'inil ( lime.
The following articles of ngremcnt were
entereij Into last night betwern Fred Pey
ton of South .Omaha and Join Kllng of
Kansas City : ,
OMAHA. Neb. , Oct. 9 , ] S37j-Artlcle. of
agreement entered Into this ( ay by Fred
1'eyton , party of the llrst pair , nnd John
Kllwr , party of the second part , for a
match Kama of continuous pail for (50 a
side , 350 points up , the match ; o be played
on two sperute evenings , OctoUr 20 and 21 ,
at Foley' billiard parlors , 1't'ton to play
173 polnl each night nnd Klbg 150. It u
further agreed tlmt the refie Is to be
mutually agreed upon on the tt-st nlrht of
the- match , nnd as an earnest q rood faith ,
a forfeit of $15 Is herewith poied by each
party with 8 , G. V. GrNwoid.hportinp ed
itor of The Heo. FHBD 1'EYTON.
n. a LLLBN.
Stale Tlcliitt
At a meeting of tha Onuilia.jnembers of
the League of American Whclmen last
pvenliu : th > following ticket ff state olll-
cora was nominated : W. C. louck. chief
consul ; r , F. C. Allen of Ueftrlce , secre
tary and treasurer , f
Dent MtiU-H Wiuit n fume.
The foot ball team of OmahqDeaf school
want to meet with any team not profes
sional. Please g n < l your ad'lesa. ' Ilalph
Connell. rnanager , Omaha , Nib. , care of
Inatltute for the Deaf. Ft
nt I
o.'tn od Order Woodcraft. Popular and Progressive
Woodmen of tke World The Chances for Cheating
Arc probably Creator atul more frequent In the
Our I'opular nnd .Or'qlnal Frnturr * Command the plumbing tnulc than in any other. The average
onlcr to fmorntilp con l < lcrntlon. man Knows very little about plumbing , and n
ir oi > TO ? : inoo MHMIPITS VT iin.vTtt. plumber who is skilled in "scamping" as such
Clrnilecl n e mpnt rntcs. A JIC > monument pineal nt the Rr.ivo ot
i.s sometimes called will find
clccpn-io.l . member . - cheating , ways
ev ry P.tynu-nt of nsc smens ( ntid dues ren e nt tli <
end ot 50 to 30 Jcar nrconllnit tn nit * nt Jolnlne , IJmerKcno.v fund deceiving even those who have some knowledge
keeps assessment nt n minimum. 80,000 members , Jl,3COCOO 00 Io scs P ld of his trade , Your plumber should be a man
and oxer SOJ monument * erected to dnle. Addrras ,
J , C. ROOT , Sovereign Coiinniiiuler , you can trust. .
or JOHN T , YATES , Sovereign Clerk. ino HAWNAM Toloplumo STRKKT. 1U70
Sheely Block , Utnulia , Neb.
Ig& &
With Glasses WHY NOT TRY OUR H
In fnr more npt
tn 1)0 ) a mutt without JAVA MOCHA
Blnufc.i limn tnc wenk-eyed
little fellow whose optics are r
not token onto of. "An \
mince of prevention" weighs MIXTURE
a gooj dent If applied to
the eyes. Solid Kolil ureo-
tnclea or eye glasses , worth 35c 3 Pounds for $1.00.
17. for tl.OO.
Steel eje Klines or upee- ' in OiuiUm.
It's the best colTuo at the price
tnolcsorth 43.M , for S.CO.
A. MANuiutino , '
Omaha Tea & 'Coffee Co.
N. U. Cor. ICth anil Kurnam.
-THE BEST is none to good A Child Can Buy as Cheap as a Man.
* * for our patrons & < * The shoe that wears and that you would ex
pect to pay $5 for but get for $3,50 is most
A LA CARTF. likely the shoe you're looking for Well , take
a look at those Black Willow Calf and Dark
That is pronounced the best in all Omaha. Tan Willow Calf winter shoes we are show-
inn They're that kind of u shoo English neb too double
BALDUFF'S Ice Crentn , or single ouk solo loutuor solo No such value shown olso-
Water Ices , whorc in Onmha for $ ; ) .f > 0.
1520 Farnnm. Fine Confections. A. D. MORSE , 1517 Douglnc.
WHf &
ItlC You probably know us We've been selling
Rubber Goods and tents in Onmha for yoarH but the n
question now is : Are you irolng n hunting ? If you tire you'll need a , now pair of Rubber iJoots anil wo want to soli them toNe
you , wo pot a bin stock of HIP WADKKS , KNEE HOOTS , MACINTOSHES AND RENT TENTS. No matter what you
need in the Rubber Goods line see us and we'll intiko the price fight.
OMAHA TENT & I&UBBES , CO. , 1311 Farnam Street ,
Contractors and Builders
We are tailors fqr a great many Omaha people whenever
think elsewhere bueauso ' satisfied
oftgoinjr tboy'ro
never Might he interested to know why we have filled
fied You'll bb satibfled with a suit wo tnako you more hardware contracts in thu past ! { ( ) days than
from our new French , English or Domestic Woolens all the hardware houses in Omaha put together.
at the old price-i the tarilT never touched these 1st We carry only high grade goods. 2d Our
goods Wo warrant the lit of our tailored suits. prices are the lowest. 3rd We do ns we agree.
Come and see us.
Wfl-L-fiA.Ivfls & SffitflTM CO.5
- - Hardware 1/105 Douglas St.
Carter Co.
Tailors and Furnishers. 1'10't Furnuin. . , Tclcplioiio 1121
romdlps20o , n for'Jfic.
Uur nrlrn Ily mull lo o\tra. The Band Flayed
' 17c ' - > 5c \i-Jr
Humphrey's $ fu Munyon s bl70 * C
Ijitmbvrt'a genulno llul still tlio cheap- ' "Sweet Marie" and it plensnl him so much tlmt ho came right straight
. . . to our etore and bought a box of cigars it's thla way , \\e make a
- , tl.Ut advanced to pet prlco anywhorc.
( ppecl.iltiy of botr.ido and s.'lvo > ou frofii DOc to $1.00 on each bo\
Viii Moriana $ 99c Castoria 19c and remember nc only fell the leading brands of clfars That's why ho
came tu us.
Pond's Extract 34c Krause rillH ! ' . FOR SBVRN I'OIJ
RHEUMATrO ttftaiRHY thu beM Rieclhc | -t ( \f\ Oeneral Arthur . Old Cabinet ,
niiide. Wnriiinloil to curoorinoni'y icfunilect t vv' Nanon Mountain Monruch
Always us low on all things , lower on most. Merchant's Culb Pearl Crown
Cut Price DrusK's'si Tlio Deacon Yellow Kid
J. A. Fuller & Co. , Cor 14th and Douglas. Cut prices on all high grade Smoking Tobaccos.
Got our prices on 1'alnls and Glass. W.Cut . CVT CIOAU . STORK ,
1.100 I'arnom St.
Wcro we to oil or you gold dollars for 90 cents it
-Such Cover become clown , but
- may a
would bo no better than
It never would for your stove. The
covers and centers on your steve tire HARD COAL AT $8.50
' . \arpe.d , cracked , burnt out so is the
flre box. Do not ruin your stove. Get A TON OF 2,000 I.BS.
repaired by the.
That's the price now it may go up you can book
Omaha Stove your order for future delivery
Hardwood chuncks just the thing for light fires
Works thpso days , for either furnace or grate.
Repair , Our Telephone Number is102. . \
D T. MOUNT 209 So. IGtli SI Brown Blk.
1207 Douglas TeJ. 9GO , . , . .
New Champions Drop Another Gaino in
Temple Oup fence.
Gnnie In Dull mill UnliitcrvHtliiK nml
Only n Small Auilluncu Turim
Out to IVlturMM the
I 1'lny. . i
UALTIMORD. Oct. 9. If the newly fledged
"champions" do not take tbo next three
games from the three-time wlnuers the
"Templo cup" will remalu In Baltimore for
another year and the "Have Beens" will get
the big end of the gate money. For the fifth
time In succession the Daltlmoreans defeated
the pennant holders today , and as three of
tlio games count In the contest for the sil
ver trophy It looks blue for the Boston con
tingent. There was a small crowd , little en
thusiasm and the gaino lUelt \ > as dull and
uninteresting until the ninth Inning , when
U looked for a time as though the visitors
might win. Heavy hitting and ragged fieldIng -
Ing qulto equally distributed between both
teams characterized the contest and both
sides were compelled to change pitchers be
cause of the bombardment ( hey received.
Score ;
HALTJMonn. 1103TO.V.
H.H.O.A.K. H.Il.O.A.K
MoClraw , 3bO 1 1 00 Ham'ton , cf U U 0 1 l
Kurned rum ; llaltlinore , 3 ; lloiton , C. Two.
baeo lilt : Keel i. Sltniel. Duyle , l.ewl , iMwe ,
Htahl , DulTr , Three-baiie hits : Ilunerman ,
Lome. 8tol n baaei ; JiluliI , l Jiit ; . Tenney , Sten-
xel , Lowe. Double l > l y ; Doyle to Jennlnit * .
HUtil to Tenney. KJr t tia e on tmlU : Off
No | ) . 2 ; off C'urbett , 3 ; off Stlvetln. 6 ; eft LewU ,
X lilt br pitched ball : Ily NOIU. 1 , by 8th.
ctt , l. btrucK out : Jiy NOP , i , by L * i , ij
by Ccrbctt , 2. I'anej b ! U > : Oowerman , S.
Irfft on banes : llaltimorc , 7 , Uoston , 10. Time :
Two bourn and thirty minutes. Umpires : Hurst
ami Umslle.
White KriiHt Wlnn Autumn I'rlsrc
Sluice lit l.utoliln.
CINCINNATI , Oct. 9. The Autumn Prlzo
wns the stake feature nt Ijatonla today nnd
retultcd In a most oxdtlnK contest between
White Frost and Lou Hramblo , the former
winning out by a nose on the post. The race
( was at a mile and a sixteenth nnd tn ! > re
were llvo starters. Lou llrnmblo was the
favorlle at even money Eutjenlii Wicks
went out at the start and started to
a runaway race of It , hut died after golnc
the first mile. White Frost and Lou Hr.uu.
bio then drew away from the bunch nr.d
In a most desperate finish White Frost pot
llrst under the wire , Weather pleasant ;
track fast. Results ! *
First race , ono mlUJ , selling : Uoprieve , 93
( W , Hugrtes ) , 5 to 2 , wpn ; Loyalty. 103 ( Mur.
ray ) , 7 to 1 and 2 to 1 , second ; Hilly Dawdy ,
! ) j ( Gllmore ) , la to 1 , third. Time : 1134. ;
IloniMo Boll , Plus" " , F JI n , The Sc-nljjtor ,
Llttlo Water , Llsnronj nnd Lovejoy also ran.
Second race , flvo nnd a half furloncs :
Marlto , 103 ( Hall ) , 8 to 1. won ; My Maryland ,
110 ( Aker ) , 10 to 1 and 4 to 1 , second ; Uarda ,
10.1 ( Huston ) , 11 to B ; third. Time : 1:0371. :
CaddlQ C , VlrBlo O , Goorgla C , Ma Angelina ,
Wlntr Shot and FoupJ also ran.
Third race , selllneii one and one-eighth
miles ; n.imona , 1U7 ( Conley ) , 3 to 1 , won ;
Kitty H. lO'i ( J. Hlrt ) . 8 to 1 and 5 to 2 ,
second ; Hansom , V ) ( Cljlmoru ) , 20 to 1 , third.
Tlma : l57'/4. ; Paul Knuvar and Hanquo II
also ran. > . >
Fourth rnco , tha I itonla prize , one and
ono-liftpenth miles : JVijltu Frost , 123 ( Scher.
rer ) , S to 5 , won ; LpiuHramble , 115 ( C. Hclff ) .
even nnd 2 to C , second ; Kugenla Wicks. 110
( J. Hill ) , 5 to 1 , third. Time : 1MSV4. Fau-
nette and Panchlta II also ran.
Fifth race , ono mile , sellliiK : Thrco Hars ,
103 ( J. Hill ) , 3 to 1 , * , von ; lliiaseiulyllo , 97
( Dupee ) . 9 to 5 and 3 to 5. second ; Lady
Britannic , 87 ( C. Combs ) . X to 1 , third. Time :
1H2 4 , Con Uoagan , Can I See 'Km , Countess
Irma , Hasper. Parson , John Kessler and
Vice rtcgal ulho r * n. t
BIxtH race , ono mile , sti ling : Carlb , 101
( Conley ) , & to J , won ; Madrllene. 10.1 ( Akcr ) ,
G to 5 and 1 to 2 , second ; linger U , S3 ( Potcr-
man ) , 15 to 1. thlid. Time : 1:1214. Luu !
Fry , Urlfliton , Uomlnlcif and Klngstone
also ran ,
l.orllliiril Wliit ii Mtnlic IJvriil.
LONDON , Oct , 8 The American bay colt
Dlakka of the Lorlllard-Heresford stables ,
won the Duke of Vork'o stakes of'O
sovereigns today at the Kcmpton park Ooto-
bor meeting. Fourteen hordes ran over the
"Jubilee" course , one mile , Mr , Hould-
worth's bay horse Lnveno w.ia second nnd
the duke of Devonshire's colt Min
strel third.
The betting nrevlotn to the start was 7
ta 2 a tlnst Dlukka. V to 7 nguln > lJiv > no
nml S to \ arp'nst Ml-jitrel Arerzo led
until u quarter of u ial ! from home , when
Laveno and Diakka drew out together ,
Dlakka winning by two lengths. Four
lengths separated second and third horses.
( ill" Oluli .Shout.
DOUGLAS , Wyo , , Oct. 9. ( Special. ) The
sixth semi-annual tournament of the Doug
las Gun club will be held here Tuesday
next. The main event will be a team shoot
between Douglas * nnd Ca."per for thu silver
cup won nt Casper by the Douplas team.
The teams will comprise six men each. A
match shoot between Illco and Jesurnin
and Moiton and lilmlngton tor a puine of
J100 and a llvo bird shoot with J100 In the
pot , to bo divided among , 'high iruna. will
also be on the program. The tournament
will close with ) a ball given In honor of the
mill .Smith to .tlt-i-t . \Kiiln.
SAN FRANCISCO , Oct. 9. As n result of
hH dissatisfaction nt Referee Green'H de
cision , giving the light to Solly Smith
last Tuesday , Georga DIxon , through his
manager , has agreed to meet Smith In a
flnl h fight for the championship some time
next February ,
You can't euro consumption but you can
avoid It and euro every other form of throat
or lung tioublo by the use of Ono Minute
Cough Cure ,
Tito mill I'OHNllily Kour to 111Unlll
ill Oni'i * . .
PHIUADRLl'IHA , Oct. 9. Within a few
days a contract will bo awarded to Deavaro !
river ship build era for the construction of
two , and possibly four , of the fleetest coast
ing steamships flying the American flag.
The ships will bo built to the order of the
bidders for the United States mail contracts
between Now York , Ha\ana nnd Texpam ,
Mexico , and an expenditure of $1,200,000
will bo InvoUoil. Each ship will bo at
least 4,000 tons register and 'about forty-eight
feet boani , twenty-ono and one-half feet
deep and frcm 370 to 400 feet long. These
now craft are to bo built under special In
spection eo as to comply with the regulations
of the United States government as laid
down for naval crullers.
Arnold's Droino Celery f-urta ncadacuei
lOc , ? rc and 50o All drilRglhts
CtiiuiolMNtt | Worilcii.
SAN FRANCISCO , Oct. 9 , Eugene V.
Debs has refused to assist Walter I ) , Wordon ,
accused of wrecking a Southern Pacific train ,
causing loss of life during a strike of 1894.
Ai.-alstanco \ > us asked of Debs' union to defray -
fray the expeuces of Worden'a trial. Dbn
replied , regretting the Inability of tbo or
ganization to assist , owing to Its bad finan
cial atito and the consolidation with tbo
Bring 10 cents to The Bee office , either in
Omaha or Council Bluffs ,
Mailed to any address on receipt of 10 cents
in coin ,
American Federation of Labor. Wordon ,
Urn-over , wrote Debi , asking the sympathy of
thu union.
Small pill , fafo pill , best pill. Ue Wltt'a
Llttlo Karly Hlsers cuio biliousness , consti
pation , sick headache ,
JIV.MI.M.U : , .
DMItillSON , Oct. 0. ( Special.Krnest
Rnko and MUs Freda Jnnaen were married
yesterday , Ittv , Mnollor of Kromout olllclat-
liifcTho bride received a furnished home
from her father as a wedding present.
MuvciiirlilH iif Oci-llii VcwNulH , Ofl. 10 ,
At New York Arrived .MaabUen , from
Uottcidam. Sallvd MuiHai'liuuetta
, for Lou-
don ; ( Jambrlun , for London ; La Touralne.
for Havre ; Kojterdtun , for Ilotlerdnm ;
ICul cr U'ilhelin II , for Kaplan ; Ktrurla , for
Llvetpool ; City of Hume- , for dluBgaw ;
I'.ilotiu , lei iluinburt , ' .
At Antwcri > Arrivud Uremer Haven ,
from New VorU.
At Cherbourg Sallod Normannla , for
New York.
At Iluvie Balled La OaccoKne , for tluvf
Yoi k.
At Huuthampton Sailed I'arl , for New
At J'hlladelphla-Salled-Indlana. for Liv
A Liverpool Sailed Uinbrla , for New