KOH SAIi : MISCHM.A SHOWS. ( Continued. ) FOR HALE CHEAP , J-HORSE POWER MOTOR. Inquire Ot 9111 Ho. 19th t. Omalu , Nfb. Q-91S-10" NKW WHITE SEWING MACHINE. NEVER. ui il. First elnss In every particular. Owner 1m no use for It. Will take vciy low rrlce. Address W 21. Ilee. Q-947-10 j-oii BALK. ri\v HAUNDERM COUNTY Irmitii , "which arc * nil g d n < government ; ' * IWT cent Iinsls , Columbian Investment Co. , room 411 , 1st National Hank Mils , q-976 10 _ KINK CHitT.wTpAsfKHB ! OOODfl 11KIXHV cost. Woman's Exchange , 17th anil Domlas. Q-1090 10 J.BATIIERCARDCA8l8ENTAN YON P. free for nddri > es five sufferers catarrh , asth ma or liny fever. Write "Cactarlni * Co. . lllli BUN. Y. II 54 ! 10 * TltlJ KLONDIKE. RATES , ROUTES. WHAT In lake , reliable Information , 10 cents. Alnekixn Riireau of Information , 202 Park si. , Htrenlor , ' III- 11 MOW 16 * < ; i.AIKVOYA\T. * < . IIKS. PAUL. TIIANCR MEDIUM , 203 N. 1GTH. unll s HIP separated ; changes lucki letters con- tnlnlns stamp promptly nns ; ladles , Mo. 8-M772 Nl' _ _ /.ENO-CLAIRVOYANT OVER 1521 LEAVEN- worth at. S SOS 12 * MASSAOK , 1IATII.S , KTC. I'EDICATEU i ilATIIS. HAREOU , SEA , HUL- liliur , massage. Mme. llrlsson , from I'arlr. 107 N , 12th St. T M333 O24 it LEONnLECTiuc MASSAGE IIATU pnrlom ; restful nnd cuiatUc. 417 8. llth , up stairs. . T M754 10 MADAM SMITH , 1315 DOUGLAS , MASSAGE steam baths. T 7SO 32- MASSAGE , LAURA ELLIHON , Crounst ! blk. . 11D N. IGlli at. , ruom 12. T M96816 * VIA VI FOR UTERINE TROUULKH. 34(1-8 ( REE Uldg. . physician , consultation or lienltli book fico U-C33 1IATI1S. MASSAGE. ' MME. TOST , 219'i S. ISTH. U-510 _ UK YOUIl OWN DRESSMAKER , 1NVE8TI- K te th Joy Tnllor System ( school of dress ruttlnR ; only cnmileto | shirt system ; bring your dresses nnd mnlo * wh'h * learning. 403 Knrbiich block. Patterns free Thursday. ARIS. wanted. n. HAAS ] KUMUST. PLANTS AND cur flowers. boquets , hnll , resilience nnd grave decorations. Flowers , Iwquets nnd d eoratlons delivered to nny part of the city. Orders by telephone promptly attended to nnd IIHcJ In two hours. Tc'lcphona 770. 1813 VlntonSt U-931-O14 IIUPTURE CURED ; NO IJKTISNTION FROM business ; no pnln ; we refer to hundreds of ei e.i cured ; plica p\ir > d bv n BlnKle , palnlcs * treatment. Cnll or write The Kmplro Iluptiire I'urn nnil Medical Institute. successors ; to The 0 i : . Miller Co. , 032-3 , N. Y. Life Ithltr. . Ornahn. U-511 _ _ CLOTHES cM-ANM-n , I > UKSSID AND UE- inlri'd ; ilny or nlKht ; dieas BUltH for hire. I'antorlum , N. 13. cor. 14tli unil Knrnnin. Tel. MJ. U M847 ItKMAItl.K K1/3NUIKH COMPANY NOW Oll- Kalilzlns , ' . Wanted , pnrllei with mnnll amount money com > In KrrrMtid tl > or nt time oriranlzn- lion. Particulars. Wilte II. S. Widen. 1 Wil low streit , Ilrooklyn , N. Y. U SSO-10 * BWKiT-TK.MPKriii : > oinu : o , DARK HAIK and eye * $73. tW. who noes iot cart * for ao- I ipty : | nnd Its trilling men , youiiK nnd old , ; ' looks fuithcr fur aymiinthutlc lni baml nnd companion. Inez , 2oy 12. 51st St. . New York. u nor io * TIIH "WKDDINIl JUOt.t. . " P.KST MATIII- inonlnl pnp-r ( in r-arth : I'fiied monthly : no fee ; no commlfisli.n ; pond ICc for copy. Office. Ill Kill * St. , Han Kr.inelsco , Oal. Matrimonial 75 CTSV1U , MAIL YOU PllBPAIB f,0 pr plalc i-riiriivcil cards : for $1. " 10) un- cl Invitations ( two cnvekurs ) ; beat nual- Ity , society's laiit df.ilsn ; senI s.unpi for "Malillu It , " 0V. . 14th St. . N. Y. U nil I0 DU. PARKER'S NDU' MAIiniAOB OI'IDK ( worth $ r..Wi ) . mulled to you lecnrely > ii' l fi > r TO r'iit In stomps Ly CeJ\le 1 lib. To. . It7 liofe St. , .N , Y. . i U-131 ! ' AISSOLI'THI.Y ' KHKK I WIUI , SRNI ) YOU free Infoinmtlim how after many years of nurrerlnif I rc'inlnvil ln < t man'iood and vljoi. ISc.ir In mind this IH not frnuiluient free pre- cprlptlnn. nor fiei- sample olTer. No < \ O. D. cnt. no ipom'y nrreptcd. Address box 324 , Chicago. 111. U . . PATENTS. TEN DOLLARS. AMER- Irnn pri. | > nrllonntily moderate. Groups of countries lower. Fowler Company , 11 Hroail- v.-ay. New Yolk. U 973 10' I.lll.DFAIl . FRIENDS : CALL OR WftlTE fur Frtnrillnt * . the famous female remedies , 207 S. Itli Ft. ; l.idy agents wantrd in Nebraska. Mis. J. H. Welwler , slnti * ugent. U 971 10 * HAVING RUCKN'TIA" M-IASMI ) TIIK KlJON- dlke hotel. H. II. Cor. ICth & Webster ttreeti , I hnvo icmoi'elnl tbe entliv hotel and painted and iMperoil t\ery loom. I aavi100 rooms , fteam heated , Huiopeiin plan. Can accommodate modate- number of roonn > rn and can furnish you with nlcu rooiiia nt > 1.M tier week , Includ- IriB heat , or J2.(0 ( If oceuplcd by two. liatns fiirnlbhed without otra charne. If employed In business part of Omaha thU location should niminvtul Ittelf. Heat medium priced hotel In tlii' city. I. N. Watson. Prop. U 933 10 LADY AC.ENTH WHO MKAN III'SINKSS AND wluli to eiiKane In a prolltable work. Call Monday 1M2 Howard. U ! O3 10 * " BKB MMH TUI'K THIS WCKK AT r of Trade RlJir. U 933 10 * MOXHV TO I.OAX-.HKAIJ KS'I'ATB. JION'KY TO LOAN AT f/JW UATKS. TIIK O. V. Havl Co. . 1303 Fiirnam St. V312 ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST Cb. . 315 N. Y. U ; iiilik | money nt low rales for chnlra farm lands Itr Iowa , northern Mlsscurl , eastern Nebraska. W 5)3 LOANS ON IMPROVRU& UNIMPROVKD CITY property. W. Kainain Smith .t Co. , I3JO I'.irn'm W 544 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA itul estali' . Hicnnnn. lyive Co. , Paxlon Illk. \V-543 _ MONEY TO LOAN'7 1'AXTON 1II.OCIC. \V-S46 C 1'KR CKNT MONHY ON NKIIRASKA \ItMS and Omal'ii Imprnvrd proneriy. Apply to W. 11. ' , 1st Nntlonal bank bldK. \V-M7 JIONBY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA iiropeily. Pusey & Thomas , 207 lit Nat. Ilk. li'tlir W 54 S nix pull CINT : CITY AND FARM I.OANH. Qarvln nros , , 1613 Karnnm St. W 515 MONKY TO 1X > AN ON IMPROVKD CITY propel ty. H. P. lloatwlck .1 Co. , 311 Paston llk. ! W M791 _ _ I1W.W AND UP. P. I ) . WKA1 , 10 A liOl'ULAS. \ - 0 N6 TO \.VClIA'lvrii.S. . MONRY TO LOAN ON KURNITURR. PIANOS , horHun , W.IKOIIH , etc. , at laweit ratrv In city ; | n > rt-'niDVal of Roods : < trlelly conllilenllal ; you . cui pay the lo.in off at nny tlmo or In any mnoum , OMAHA MORTOAnK UJAN CO. . : oo n. ictii si. X-550 llll.SI.MJSS CIIA.VCIOS. Tt > .Tin * IN OR OUT OP IltlSINHSH OO TO 3. J. .OlUon. Ill Flint Nal'l llanlc , Y M.151 FOR SALF , BTOC1C OF OROCKRIKS AND rixtnres for fi h only ; best location In city , dolne ea > h buiOnem ; ilckness icusoil for cell- In i" . AUdrem W II. lice. Y-MSII 10 * FOR HI-INT TIIK MirntOPO.V.TAN HOTHL IN Cheyenne ; In llu : condition ; electric llghtiii thnroiiKhly plumbed , bett location In the city. One block from L'nlon depot. Fifty llrat-clas Yuoni * , llns bar room , fuinlnhcd ; Kood baiber tdiop mid luth rouiiu ; In fact , < > verythliiK necea- vary to it Mut-claaj hotel. Party renllnB must pur. hope furniture. Hotel dalng Kiwd bualneti nt pri'k.nt. AddioaJ. W. Orlltla. Cheyenne.Wyo Y MS20-QU' FOR 8AI.H OR Til AUK , ( JOOD LIVERY bum ; bu > lne8n protperoun ; only barn In town. Ail Iron J. N. Austin , Cordon u , Neb. Y M832 1S AND CICJAR BTORK DO1NQ GOOD builiH- . J. J. U.lnon , 514 let Nat'l Il.ink. Y-SO IS KOll BALE , STOCK OF MKHCHANDISE AND Ilxtuivn In noutheastern Nebraska ; beet loca tion In tottn ; eitablUlitJ ( ride of lonK Hand- Ins ; M.C&X ) ca hUU cet It. Ilex SW.Olnuha. Y-56S U BOMI.TIIING Ni\V IN BTOCKH AND HONDsT lv y 1ft ) p r < cent per yvar on Investment , nny uinount. inventor holJi security ; puyubla nny tlmei no upecuUllon. lle t refereneti. Write for full ( .articular * . Inveitora' Tru t. Itit Arch St. , 1'blUdelphla , Pa. Y-S81-10 * FOR SALK , 1 8TKAM KLKVATOR' ONLY elevator In town. Apply at Mangold & ( lUndt Ilk. Ucnulnxton , NuU Y W 10 * FOR SALE OR UXCilANOK. A 'COMPbGTK > el o % abstract book * to on * of the bi-nt roun- tlen In the blue er w rvglon of Iowa. Price S.goO. will trade for clear farm Und or city property , Oood rttion for ulllnif. Ix > ck box II. Afton , la. Y Si-19 ciiA. > cns. ( Continue ! . ) TIIK MOST KNKROKTIC , CAPAIU.b : 111181. ne man nvtllable us Kenrral acent for thli state , to organlza the tat for th rale of "New Km , " the greatest liook of the rce. 1'rejentln ? flan * for th New Kr.i Union. Htnto agenta can make IS.00 per < Uy ; JS50.TO ) In prill's to be Klven away. Addresa with references. New Hra Union , California build- Intt. Denver , Colorado. Y W7-1U * HALF INTEREST IN A KI/JNDIKK AT THK exposition for a hotel man with 11,000. Sara toga Hotel. Take Sherman ave car north. Y MS17-16 SEND FOR FREI3 HOOK , HOW TO SPL"CU- late In crnln and provisions on small tnnrntin ; we execute orJem In wheat In l.OCO bushel lots ami tipwarda. dally market letter free. It. J. LnuKhery & Co. , m-inlets lloard of Trade. 2M Illalto lililg. , Chl-BRO. Y 936 10 * I GOLD-ALA8KA-GOLD J Our free transportation offer the best proposi tion In the worldj wflle for prospectus ; official map free. Northwestern Mining , Trn ling nnd Transportation Co. , Owlngs Hldg , , ChlcoRO , Y-932 10 J(11. ( 0 RKALI7.ED : YOUR Sf Rt'LUH DOLLARS will make dollars for you ; do you want to In crease your rapltal or Income and bask1 In the Koldcn sunshine of prosperity and atnuencc ; by making use of your suiplus dollars they will yield you golden returns nnd enable you to enjoy the luxuries of life , that nre within the reach of nil who have abundant means nnd Income ; by this means many homes nro the recipients of fortune's golden shower ; write for particulars. Condon & Co. , lloon lllock , Covlneton , Ivy. Y-927 10 * GET RICH QUICKLY ; SEND FOR HOOK , "IN- ventlon * Wnnted. " Edgar Tiitc & Co , , 213 Ilrondway , New York. Y CHICAGO HOARD OF TRADK-WRITK FOR our Up-to-Datp Investors' Manual , weekly mar. kct letter * , free ; references , nny Chlcapo bank. C. A. Whyland & Co. , Kraln , provisions nnd Htocks , 12 Pacific nve. , Chicago. Six member ships ChlcaRO board of trade ; facilities unex celled ; estnbllshi-d 15SO. Y WANTKU , TO INVEST A FEW HUNDRED dollars and services. In some good buslnoo. Address W 26 , Omaha lice. Y 881 10 * FOR SALE OR RENT , A GOOD , NEARLY now hotel In live town. Address M. Hoffman , Carroll , la. Y M9S3 1C * FOR SALE , $1,700 STOCK DRY GOODS AND groceries ; make offer. Farmers' Hank , Kear ney , Neb. Y 3SG 10 FOR I3.\CIAXni3. WILL TRADE 2 INSIDE LOTS. HEST RESI- ilcnce part of O'Neill , Neb. , ( best town on the Klkhorn railroad ) , for good horse , harness nnd 2 seated Biirry. Address Postotllce box 4 , O'Neill , Neb. ! S DUS-10 * TO EXCHANGE , CLEAR LAND FOR CITY property or nulae. , J10.000 llrst mortgage paper for land , lown land for t'JOQ ' < ) stock. List your property with us , Voorhcs & Sheets , Cornlnsr , lown. 55 909-10' WANTED. TO EXCHANGE GASOLINE range for cow. W. J. Johtwton , 1907 Dorcas. S5-SSC 10 * POIl SAl.K HKAL KSTATI3. FARM LANDS. C. F. HARRISON. 912 N. Y. L. RE 983-O-1C' KOUNTCE PLACE BARGAINS , J5.500 , J3.7M TO JH.500 ; see photos nt 10th and Farnam , Morse Hldg. J. J. Gibson , 514 .Virst Nat. Hank llldg. RE 552 HOUSES. LOTS. FARMS , LANDS. LOANS. Go. 1' . Uomls Real Estate Co. , Paxton block. RK-533 17 PEP. f'E ? C.ROSS INVESTMENT , 1M- proved real estate ; rental. JC4S.OO per year ; price , J.l.ROi ) . Address T 28. line. RE M75I S-ROOM HOUSE. J2.W ) , 40-foot corner lot. S. W. cor. IStli and Izard. $10i ) iwr acre buys ' 0 acres one mlle south of Ruiers. Room 18 , Patti-rson Hlk. MK M182 O 18 HAVn SOME HARGAINS MYSELF. CITY AND fatm. Call for particulars W'mson , 601 Hee bldg. RE-93S TWO G-ROOM COTTAGES , CO FT. FRONT. 10 blocks north of P. O. ; cheap. 021 So. iCth ave. RE 288-14' S-ROOM COTTAGE AND LOT WEST OF EX- posltlon grounds , nearly new , for S950 ; JIM cash and monthly payments of $10 on balance. Ilyron R. Hastings , 212 S3. llth St. RE M40I SNAPS , 80 ACRES 12 MILES N. W. . J3.200. 4 acres 4 blocki from Henson motor. $ sno.oo , 35 neren siuth of State fair grounds. $3ilOO. , 4Sxl50 foot , near 32d & CumliiB Bt. , only 1900.00. Corner on Farnam sL , near 40th st. , J700.W ) . To evchange 110 acres 10 miles north of Omaha P. O. for clear Improved property. JOHN N. FRKNZKR , Onn. P. O. RE-M 213 _ _ HAROAINS. HOUSES. I/1TS AND FARMS ; sale or trade : F. K. Darling. Harker Hlk RE M77C FOR SALK. ON I-ONG TIME , AT PER CENT Interest , two Improved farms niUolnlng City of Missouri Valley , la. One of 1CD ncres ; an other of 2W ncrea : nil In eultlvatlon. Will be sold on 10 years' time. Aildrnw , I oclc Drawer "C. " Shenandoah. la. RE-M793 N5 FOR SALE. ONE OF THE FINEST RESIdences - dences In Hnnscom Park. All modern Im provements ; ten rooms ; lot r 0x50 ; fine shade tre * s. FnmtlnR on park. Will ne sold rhi ap nnd terms cnsy. Apply to John Dal" . 2V ( ) New York Life. RE 810 11 COTTAGE AND NICE IMPROVED lot. onlv JfOO , } J10 cash , at 3810 S , llth st. , op posite Forert school. RE M853 10 * FOR RALE. 160 ACRES. ALL SMOOTH. WELL Improved Flllmon ; county land. I'.J miles of good lown : price $3.000 , worth 15,000. Address C. II. Senate , Friend , Neb. RK Mil * NOT NECESSARY TO USE SNAP. 9 room houfo. nil modern , good shape. $1,383. R40 ncres , Iowa. $11. 0 per acre ; 2SO acres In Iowa , line , $24.3"i per acre ; 3CO Douglns county , $2 . " 8 per acre ; 1CO Hurt Co. , Neb. , Mm" build- Ires. fine land , JJ7.77 per acre. J. W. Vlnton , 1S04 Farnam. RE 910 10' 113 ACRE-FARM IN RINC.GOLD CO. IA. , HAS fine Improvements anil good orchard. Will tradn for clear city property or merchandise ns part payment. Also have a large list of farma for" sale. H. P. Armltnge , Aftnn. tmva. . RE 920-10 FOR PALE. A T1EAUTIFUL HLOCK CONTAIN. Ing twenty lots on North 30th st. , fine site for a home , hnvlnir n large grove ; prlr-c , $ > Ood.ro ; H cash. Apply 1012 Fainam St. RE 929 10' FOR SALK. A HEAUTIFUL l IVK-ACRK tract Just west of Exposition grounds , platted Into 24 loin 50\121 feef .1-R cash , balance easy. Rrandenhurg & Co. , 1012 Farnam. RE 929 10' FOR SALE- CO feel fronting north on Peward. between 3Sth mil 40th streets , with 20-yenr-old shade tieen , $10 per front foot. FINK HUILDINO IXDT Near Hemls park , south front , $5 per front foot. RESIDKNCn LOT Near Clifton Hill our line. 50 feet frontage only $110.00. ' R. C. PETERS & CO. . 1207 Farnam St. United States Nat'l Rank Rulldlng. RE-997 10 OH. SAY ! SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE. HATH clos t. corner lot , only $1.330 ; three good build ing lots , close motor , $300 ; six lots only $300- and there nre others ; Investigate. W. A. Spencer , 1C14 Farnnm. HE 953 10 $ SSO.M HUYS ONK OF THK FINEST CO-FOOT building loin In the. city , one mile from P. O The Ilyron Reed Co , RE 939 10 IH'SIXKSS IM'JIISOXAI.S. FREE IMPORTANT INFORMATION TO MEN ( plain nnvclope ) ; how after ten years fruitless and robust manhood ; no C. O , D. fraud ; no nnd robust manhood ; nor C. O. D. frauds no money accepted : no connection with medical concern * : ent nbsoluteley free. Address Ilex 570 , Chicago , 111. 934 10 * FlTrTl ! TO SUFFERERS ONLY. MY HOOK , giving full , Information about a never-falUnx harmless nnd permanent home euro of the opium , morphine , cocaine nnd whisky habit * . Dr. J. C. Hoffman , Isabella Illdg , , Chicago III. 933 10' FIXAXOIAI * . SOMETHING NEW IN STOCK AND I1ONDS. puys 100 per rent per yea ron Investment , any amount. Investor holds security , payable any time. No speculation. Rest references. Write for full paniculate. Inventors' Trust , l'l M-ch St. , Philadelphia , Pa. S3MO' MICDICAL. LADIESI CHICHESTER'S KNQLISH PENNYroyal - royal Pill * ( Diamond brand ) art the best. Safe reliable. Take no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief for ladles. " In letter by return mall. At ilrUKtrllts. Chlcheater Chem ical Co. . Philadelphia. Pa. Mention Ilee. VAW.MIHOICKHS. H. UAItOWITZ LOANS MONEY. 413 N. IS ST. . . . . . 559 TVl'UWKITBlisI TONS OP ENERQV WOULD UK SAVED DAILY If every operator us J Ilsht running Dense- nor . UH Farnnm at. . Omaha. EM f CO A I , . NUT. UE3T , CHEAPKST.PRICI'3 $175 p r ton. 'I'hom lu. Harmon & w th Co U Nt SHOIITHAM ) AXO TV1 H\VIIITINO. A. C. VAN SANTS SCHOOL. , Ml N , Y. LIFE. 1 OJl AT OMAHA RttS. COM.KOB. I6TH ft DOUGt.AS. & * 1 OMAHA SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING ' . S60-O-11 College , Iloyd'n theater. M'CAUTIIY'3 ACAUBSrY , 17TH & DOUGLAS. 9SI N9 LOST , L10HT HAY HORSK , 7 YKAIIS ; WEIGHS nbout 1060 , rather thin nnd high backbone. Re ward for return to 1718 Cass St. . On LOST I-OCKET1IOOK CONTAINING PENSION October cheek No , 453.912 , for $24 , made pay able In J. M. Glasgow , South Omaha. Re ward for return. Last 9S3 10 J1DSIC , ART AX1) I.AXHUAC.K. PROF. CHARLES PETKRSEN , INSTRUCTION In piano , violin , guitar , mandoline , * lther , voice. 10 years experience ns teacher ; terms reasonable. Studio 513 Sheely Hlock. 7S3-N4 MISS M1NN1K LOVt. TEACHER OF PIANO , removed to 1921 Corby st Terms reasonable. Reference ! ! . ! ! _ _ _ EVENING CLASSES IN ENGLISH , MATHK- matlcs. bookkctplng. M. S. McCnrthy'n Academy. 17th nnd Douglns Sis. -9 0 14 VAN RANT'S NIGHT SCHOOL OF SHORT- hand. C13 N. Y. Life ; school every night except Saturday , $5.00 per month ; dictation classes for advanced writers of Pitman , Graham or Mun- son. -907 10 Kt'nXfTURK ' PAOIC13I ) . MS. WALKIN , 2111 CUMING , TEU 1331. K.7 SIATTIUJSS IIKXOVATIXO WOIMCS. MATTRESSES , COUCHES. PARLOR FURNIture - ture to order ; repaired , 1C03 Leavenw'h ; tel. 15M. KB AT 11 IS 11 HI5XOVATOK WORKS. FKATHKRS HOUGHT AND SOLD , MATtresses - tresses renovated nnd made to order. White Swan. 1701 N. 24th. 'Phone 1043. M8IS FOUX1) . FOUND , HAY MARK. WEIGHS AHOUT SOO pounds. Apply to H. Roberts , llcnson. Neb. Pound 9G2 10' PATENTS. Sues' Machine Movements , Ccpyrlijhtoil , 1S37. Numbers 3 to 14. T5 A T'T ? TrnC' ' Sues & Co. . Attorneys- r A. I HilM 1 , O at-Law und Patent Ex- * " " - "AMa t pprls IIM nuUdnBi | Omaha , N > b. Branch office nt Washington , D. C. Send for free Advice nnd Patent Hook. See Sunday Hee for our Machine Movements , copyrighted , 1S97. SHIP Household goods to all points In mixed car lota at cut rates. 1'anklng , moving and storage. Telephone 1359. Omaha Van & Siorago Go farnam CIIATTKL MURTGAGU SALE. CHATTEL ) MORTGAGE SALE. Western Electrical Supply company : Whereas on the 18th day ct September , 18D7 , the Western Electrical Supply com pany of Omaha , Nebraska , gave chattel mortgages to the following named creditors to secure each in the sums named , towlt : Indiana Rubber & Insulated Wire Co. , JD78.GO ; McCabe McGllton & Rath , $503 ; C. & C. Electric company. $122 ; Peoria Rubber & Mfg. Co. . $116.20 ; Western Electric Co. , $643.23 ; Central Electric company , SG95.S4 In the order and priority as above named , and which said mortgages wore each glvim upon the following described goods and chattels , towlt. All their general stock of merchandise , Electrical and otherwise , situated and being In the basement and first and second llooni of the building known as numbers 1515 anil 1517 Howard atreot , In Omaha , Nebraska , consisting of telephones , telegraphs and electrical Instruments , machin ery , apparatus , dynamos and mo tors , their parts and attachments , and all other merchandise manufactured , un manufactured , and In process of manufac ture , bicycle sundries and supplies , tools , Implements and machinery , store and ofllco furniture and fixtures and supplier. In cluding desks , chairs , partition , show cases , shelving , tables , etc. , pictures , engravings , type writer and stand , Iron safe , letter press , stationery , catalogues and advertising matter , signs In nnd on building and on window , and all Improvements placed by them for the purposes of their business. And whereas all of said mortgages were filed In the olllce of the county clerk of Douglas .county , Nebraska , with the clerk thereof , on the 20th day of September , 1897 , at eight o'clock , a. m , , and whereas there- was duo upon ench of said mortgages , at the time of the first publication of this notice , the amounts as follows , Including Interest : To Indiana Rubber & Insulated Wire com pany , $1.024.20 ; McCabe , Mcdllton & Uath , $503.00 ; C. & C. Electric company , $122.00 ; Peoria Rubber & Manufacturing company , $11G. 0 ; Western Electric company , $643.23 ; Central Electric company , $720.34. And , whereas , possession of said goods and chattels has been surrendered to said mortg agees , toy the Western Electrical Supply company , and whereas default has been made In the .payment of the sums secured by said mortgages ; and no proceedings at law have been Instituted to recover any of the debts secured by any of said mortgages , or any part thereof. Now , therefore , notice Is hereby given that the undersigned mortgagees will sell alt the above described property , at the building lately occupied by the said West ern Electrical Supply company at Its store , known as numbers 1515 and 1517 Howard street , In thu city of Omaha Doughs county , Nebraska , on the 14th day of October , 1SU7 , at ten o'clock In tbe forenoon of said day , at public auction , to the highest bidder therefor , In cash , and that the proceeds thereof shall be applied to the payment of said mortgage debts In the order of priority above named , In so far as the said proceeds may liquidate the same , after payment of expenses connected with said sale , Dated September , 23d , 1897. Signed : INDIANA RUIJllKR & INSULATED WIRE Co. , McCAIlE. McGILTON & RATH , C. & C. ELECTRIC COMPANY. PEORIA RUDIJER & MFD. CO. , WESTERN ELECTRIC COMPANY , CENTRAL ELECTRIC COMPANY. Mortgagees. By McCADE , McOILTQN & RATH , Attorney * . S 23-20-230ct3-6-10-12 11AXIC No. ? s. > rM Report of the Condition of Till' l\ITKIl : STATICS \.VT10.\AI , IIAMC t Omaha , In Ihe ijjatr of Nebraska , at thi close of buslntsi October 5th , 1S971 IlI&btfU'KS. in IN ami discounts'/ ! I. . . . } 9W.Kt.9l Overdrafts , secured HiM un secured < . ' 4 < * 2 , ' 5.93 U. S. trends to securn circu lation . , . " i .000.00 U. S. unds to secure It. s. deposits 60.COO.CO 2..O.UOO.OO . Premiums on U. S. - . . Stocks , securities , eltl Ranking housf , ( qrallure nnd fixtures . , . . ' . . . ' . . . . , i : . 5:1:1.33 : : Other real estate nfM-'Inort- gages owned inill 123.33e.79 Due from national - b.inks ( not rcscrxe agents ) 10J.C20.43 Due from state banks nnd bankers 64.529.17 Due from approved reserve agents 377,106.62 Checks nnd other cnsh Items yw.03 Exchanges for clearing houoc 19.570.24 Notts of oilier nallonal banks 10.COO.OO Fincllonal paper currency , nickels nnd cenls 139.06 lawful money resme In bank , viz. : Specie . . . . ; rr . 2.M Legal tender nolci 1CS.CW.W 778,830.1)3 Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (3 ( per cent of cir culation ) O.VW.O ) Total JJ.2CS.UU4 LIAHILITIES. Capllal slock paid In I 400.lW.Oi ) Surplus fund M.WU.CO Undivided proflls , less ex- Pereses and taxes paid lO.DW.lS National bank notes out standing lil.C10.OJ Duo to other nallonal banks 289,183.93 Due to state banks nnd linkers 215.C7S.C8 Individual deposits subject to check 703,077.02 Demand certificates of de- - l'0 R ' . 2l.C3S.91 Time certificates of deposit. . 2U6.S02.03 Certified checks 2.0HO.OO Cashier's checks outstanding 12.629.H United Stales deposlls 53,000.00 1,001,070.90 Total J2.20VJU.14 State of Nebraska. County of Douglns , ss : I. V. 11. Cnldwell , cashier of the above-named bank , do solemnly swear that the nbove state ment Is true to the best nf my knowledge and belief. V. H. CALDWEU * Cashier. and sworn to before me this 9th day of October , 1897 , \f. E. RHOADES. Corrcct-Attest ! CLIFFORD W. SMITH , H. R. GOULD. M. T. HARLOW , Directors. No. 2CS3. -P.P ° rt ° r lhc Condition of , . Ilin - MJIIIIASICAATIO.VAL HAXIv , At Omaha , In the State ot Nebraska , at the Close of business October 5. 1S97. . , , Loans nnd discounts i S31 317 43 Overdrafts. secured nnd ' unsecured M ci > U. 8. bonds to secure'clrl " culatlon j 50.000 00 U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits 100,00000 1M.OOO 00 Premiums on.U. S. bonds. 23.500 00 Storks , securities , etc 63I'M 45 Hanking house , furniture nnd fixtures KS ( Wi rm Other real estate and . morlKaires owned 6187640 Due from national luniks ( not reserve a cnts ) 123,12371 Due from state banks nnd bankers oj ' j | Q.J Due from approved reserve - serve agents 430.C80 CS531,54045 Checks nnd other cash Items ; . ' . . . . 4H3J 43 Kx-chanBcs for clearing ' ' ° us ; . . . . 50,37943 Notes of other national Jianks „ 23,20000 I'ractlonal paper currertcy , nickels and cents. . , . 10771 lawful Money Rescr/e In Rank , viz. : „ I Specie , . . .v. . . 181.213 03 Lesnl tender notes. . ; . . . . . 56,000 00 313,309 C2 Redemption fund with' VS. S. treasurer (3 HIP , cent of circulation ) . .y. . . 2.2.10 00 To'al ' : . . . . ' . . . . J1.S33.317 20 , LIAHIUTIKS. Capital stock paid 'In.aj : . . . J 400,000.00 ' " fUnd . . . it'Ti1",3 , , -.f-.i. 26,50000 Undivided profits , lessex penses nnd taxes paid. . . 20.C21 S2 National bank notes out standing , . . . . ; . . - . . 45,00000 Due to other'tlarlmml > - tanks , . , . . ' . . , < . .J313.Sr7.79 c . Due to state banks and banner. , ; * in < -4 Kl Sil ( 8t Individual deposits - sub ject to check 631,206 40 Demand certificates of de- Pos't ' . - . - . : . . . 18,30223 ' Tlmo certificates of de- I'oslt 151.20289 Certified checks C21 00 Cashier's checks outstand ing 4 3 13 United states deposits 1C 274 37 Deposits of U. S. disburs ing officers 72.113 71-1,3C,1S3 ( ! 3S Total , Jl.Sr-8,317 20 Stale of Nebraska , County of DotiRlas , ss : I. It. W. Yntes. president of the above named bank , do solemnly swear that the nbove stato- belle'f ' " trU < ? ' ° " ' ° beSt ° f my knowIodBe nnd „ , „ , H. W. YATES. President. Siibcrlbed nnd sworn to before me this 8th day of October. 1S87. W. II. S. HUGHES. 'h ' ° al- ) Notary Public. Correct Attest : LEWIS S. REED. J. S. COLLINS. WARRI3.V SWIT55LER , Directors. No. 4632. , , Report of the Condition of the ITMO.V STOCK YAIIIIS X.YTIOVAL IIAMC , At South Omaha. In the Stateof Nebraska , nt the close of business October 5 , 1897. RESOURCES. Loans nnd discounts JI 2 ° 4 493 76 Overdrafts , secured nnd unsecured 70.76733 U. S. bonds to secure cir culation 50.00000 Other real estate nnd mortgages owned 18,57323 Du from national banks ( not reserve agents ) J 86.285 10 Due from state banks nnd bankers 68,54372 Due from approved re serve agents 493,77074 Checks and other cash Items 104.000 40 Notes of other national banks 9,40000 ' Fractional paper currency , nickels und cents 51 21 Lawful Money Reserve In Hank , viz. : Specie 1,427 45 Legal lender notes 110,68000 87C.167 OS Redumption fund with II. S. treasurer (5 ( per cent of circulation ) 2.23000 Dun from U. S. treasurer . other than 6 per cent redemption fund 80000 Total $2.243.05208 LIAHILITIES. Cnpltnl stock paid In t 200,000 00 Surplus fund 50,00000 Undivided proms , lets ex penses and taxes paid. . . . 0,807 17 National bank notes out standing 45,00000 Duo to , other national banks 1174,93421 Due to state banks and bunkers 326.CS2 23 Dividends unpaid 1500 Individual deposits sub ject to check 418,760 4J Demand certificates o _ .de- poslt j f. . . 45,67055 Time ccrllflcatcs of de posit t. . . . 182,07981 Cashier's checks outstand ing 639,062 CO 1.867,209 91 Notes and bills i reals- counted . . " . . . . . . , none Hills payable „ . , _ . . . , none Liabilities other than those above stated , . , . . . none Total L , . . . J2.2I3.032 08 Stale of Nebraska , Cyiuuty of Douglas , ss : I. Thomas II. McFlierison , cashier of Ihe above named hank , do solemnly swear that the above slatemenl ( si ( rue to the beat of my knowledge and belief. ' . I THOMAS II. McPHERSON. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn ? la before me this 9lh dny of October , 1697 , " " O. D. RRATTON. ( Heal. ) . . Notary Public. Correct Attest : ' ' H. KOUNTZE. . , W. A. PAXTON , t'c.l I F. II. DAVIS , Directors. NOTICE TO CONTJlACTOnS. Scaled bHs will be received at ttio ofllco of tlio Grounds anil Building Department ot ttio Transmlsslsslpl and International ex position until 5 o'clock p. in. , Monday , Oc tober llth , for the construction ot the Fine. Arts building. I'lans and specifications can bo seen at the ofilco of the superintendent , room No. C3I , I'axton Mock , or tots will bo furnished contractors at cost. P. P. KinKENDAU.1 , Mgr. Grd'e. & Bldg. Dept. S 30 cl to O 11 NOTJCITO CONTUACTOnS. Scaled bids will br received at tie ofllco of the Orounils nnd Hulldln- , ' department of tin TninsmUHl3 . ' | iiil und International Imposition unlll 5 o'clock v. in Mjiuluy , Ot * ober J8 , for tlio c nsfrucllon of iho Auditorium hull ling. Plans anil specifica tions can bo HPi'ii at the oIHco of the Huper- Intcndent , room No. 631 , I'axton b'.oclt , or seta will be furnished rcntrnclora ut cost. I F. l > KWKRNDAU , . " Or'ds and lild'ns IJupt. OlOtolSM&Ii : IIAMC ST.VTKMi\TS. No. 2775. Report of the Condition of TIIH MI-itUllA.\TS : XATIOXAI. 1IAXK , At Omaha , In the State of Nebraska , at the Close of bmlnesi October B. 1597. RESOURCES. * Ifinnt and discounts Jl.W7.SSt 9t Overdrafts , sccuied nrul unseourrd 21.751 S3 U. S. bonds to secure cir culation 100.00000 U. S. lionds to secure U. S. deposit * 50,00000 Premiums on U. S. bonds 15.0X ) 00 Stocks , securities , etc 9.610 9S Hanking house , furniture , nnd fixtures , . 211.00000 Oilier real estate nnd mortgages owned 37,011 43 Due from nallonal bunks ( not reserve agents ) J IS,371 81 Due from state Kinks nnd bankers 1,15697 Due from approved reserve - servo ngenls 4IS.013 73 467,57153 Checks nnd other cash Items 11,87170 Exchanges for clearing house 67SIS 45 Notes of other national banks 50,91000 Fractional paper currency , nickels nnd cents 251 50 Itnwful Money Reserve In Hank , viz. : Specie J147 , ! > M 00 Legal tender notes 43,000 00 192,963 00 S03.81G Redempllon fund with II. S. treasurer (3 ( per cent of circulation ) 4.COO M ' " Tolal "ji.2IS.136 40 L1A111LITIE3. Capital stock paid In * 500.000 00 Surplus fund 100,00000 Undivided profits , less ox- , penscs and taxes paid. . . < . * 3S National bank notes outstanding - standing M.OOO 00 Due to other national Imnks JIC3.M2M Due to state banks nnd bankers 322.SSS 2 Individual deposits sub ject to check 613,69255 Demand certificates of dc- pot.lt 104,25438 Time ccrtlllcalcs of de posit 233.B1853 Cerlllled checks 2,521 60 Cashier's checks outslnnd- IRIJ 30.23609 United Slalcs deposits 48.776 921.553,271 02 ' Total J2.2IS.156 40 Slate of Nebraska. County of Douglas , ss : I , Hen 11. Wool , cashier of the above named bank , do solemnly swear that the above state ment Is Irue to the best of my knowledge and be"ef' ' HEN 11. WOOD. Cashier. Subecrlbed and sworn to before me this 8th day of October , 1E97. . , , . . „ ' ' " ' ( Seal. ) Notary 'public. Conecl-Alle.lt R MlJnrIYi , SAMUEL E. ROOERS , LUTHER DRAKE. ' Directors. No. 4270. Ilcport of tlio Condition of THK NATIONAL IIAMC OK COJUIKIIOH. At Omaha , In the state ot Nebraska , at the close ot business , October 5 , 18'J7. UKSOUHGE5. Ixmns nnd discounts jC9,310 J9 OM'idinfts , secured and un secured 3,4-4 48 U. S. bonds to secure cir culation Premiums on U. S. bonds. . . . . Stock" , securities , etc .4iJi ! > 1- llunklng house , furniture , and fixtures JiJt iO other real estate nnd morl- - . , „ . . gages owned 51,109 So Due from national banks ( not le.servti agents ) J 4,65)81 Due from state banks and bankers 4,38243 Due from approved icservi * agents 43,4 3- > Checks nnd other cash Items. . 4.78S 43 Exchanges for clearing house 2.8M l' ' > Notes of other national banks 600 00 Fractional pnper curivncy , nickel * , and cents 8060 U'lwful money reserve In bank , viz. : Specie 13.4797' ' ) Lezal tender notes 16,3200002,18. . ) 13 Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 per cent of cir culation ) . . .AoO CO Total JG31.9I207 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In J30D.OW 0) Undivided prollts , le s cx- pensfs and taxes paid 4,5.3 S- Nutlonal tank notes outstand ing 43,00350 " Du | .0ther national banks " 27 17 Dae to stnto banks nnd bank- era J 12 ! ,50S 1 Individual deposits subject ! to check 174.31767 Demand certificates of deposit 3,462 PS Tlmo certlllrntea of deposit. . . S.CSI 23 Certified cheeks 2.43300 Cashier's checks outstanding. 682 39 202,413 21 Hills payable SO.OOP 00 Total JG31.9I207 State of Nebraska , County of Douglns , S.M : I , W. S .Rector , cashier of the above named bank , do solemnly swear that the above state ment Is true to the best of my knowledge nnd belief. W. S. RECTOR. , Cashier. Subscribed nnd sworn to before me this 9th day of October , 1W7. ( Seal. ) II. D. RHOADES , Notary Public. Correct Attest : .1. II. EVANS. GEORGE E. HARKER , Directors. LEE W. SPRATLEN. IU2LIGIOUS snuvici-.s. ISnjitlNf. BETH K.DEN . CHURCH , tuo SOUTH TWENTY- ninth Avenui' , Rev. W.V. . Everts , Pastor Services at 10:30 n. m. and 8 p. in. ; Sunday school nt noon : II. Y. P. U. . 6:70 : 11. m. CALVARY CHURCH , TWENTY-SIXTH AND Kawnrd Streets , Rev. Thomas Anderson , Pastor Services ut 10:30 : n. m. and S p. m. ; Sunday school at noon. FIRST CHURCH , THIRTY-FIFTH AND FAR- nam Streets , Rev. T. L. Ketman , Pantor Serv ices nt 10:30 n. in. and 8 p. m. ; Sunday school at 11:43 n. in. ; Junior union , : i:3 : > > p. m. ; II. Y. I' . U. . 7 p. m. ; Mlss'.on Sunday school , Twenty- eighth avcnuo and Fnrnam. 3 : : ' ' > n. m. GERMAN CHURCH. TWENTY-SIXTH AND Seward Streets , Rev. August Holler , Pastor- Services at 10:20 : a , in. and 8 p. m. ; Sunday school at 9:15 : it. m. GRACE CHURCH , TENTH AND ARHOR Streets. Rev. J. O. Staples. Minister Services at 10:45 : a , m. and 8 p. m. : Sunday school nt noon ; go-pel meetings , Wodnosdny evening ; Young People's meeting , Friday evening ; read ing room open every evrnln.r. 1MMANUEL CHURCH. II1NNEY AND TWEN- ty-fourth Streets , Pulpit supplied temporarily ; services at 10:30 : a. m. and 8 p. m. ; Sunday school at noon. MOUNT PISOAH CHURCH. TWE.VY-SF.V- entli and Cass Streets , Rev. Robert January , Pastor Services at 11 n. m. and 7:30 : p. in. ; Sunday school at 12:30 : p. in. : prayer mci'llng Wudncmlay evening ; Yotini ; People's ineotlns Friday evening. OLIVET CHURCH , GRAND AVENUE AND Thlrty-elghih Street. Rev. A. J. Fleming , Pastor Sen'lces at H n. m. and 8 p. in. ; Sunday school at noon. SWEDISH CHURCH , CIS NORTH EIGH- tetnth Street , Rev. P. Kwartz. Pastor Services at 11 a. m. nnd 8 p , m. ; Sunday school at 9:30 : a. m. ZION CHURCH. 2215 GRANT STREET , REV. T. T. Ward , Pastor Services nt 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. ; Sunday school nt 12:30 : p. m. ClirlMllnu. FIRST CHURCH , CAPITOL AVENUE AND Twentieth Street , R v. J. M. Vnwter , Pastor- Services ut 10:30 : n. m. and 8 p. m. ; Sunday school at noon ; Young Peoplo'K Society of GRANT STREET CHURCH , TWENTY-SIXTH and ( Irani Streets , Re.v. Charles Taylor , Pastor Services nt 10SO : n. in. and 7:3' : ' > P. m.i Sunday school at noon ; Young People B Society nf Christian Endeavor nt 6:30 : p. in. : Junior Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 4 p. m. ; prayer meeting Wednesday at 8 p. m. WALNUT HILL CHURCH. 4120 NICIIOI S Street , Rev. Joseph Nlcliolx , Pastor Services nt 10:30 : a , in. and I ) p , in , ; Sunday school at 3 p. m , CHERRY HILL CHURCH. Mil NORTH FORTY- second Street , Rev. L. B. Hand , Pastor Serv ices1 at 11 a. m. ; Sunday tchool at noon , FIRST CHURCH. NINETEENTH AND DAV- unport Streets , Rev. Frankc A Waitleld , Pastor Services at 10'JO : a. m. and 7:13 : p. in. ; Sunday school at noon , HILLSIDE CHURCH. THIRTIETH AND OHIO Streets , Rev. Jacob Flook , Pastor Services nt 10:30 : n. in. nnd 8 p. in. ; Sunday school nt noon ; prayer sm'lce Wednesday nt 3 p. in. PARK. VALE CHURCH. 2911 CASTELLAR Street-Pulpit supplied ; tcrvlces nt 1030 ; n. in. and 8 p. in. ; Sunday cchool nt noon. I'lLQIUM CHURCH. 10. NORTH FORTY-FIRST Street. Rev. A. W. Ayer , Pautnr Services ut 11 u. m. and S p. m. ; Sundjy school at noon. PLYMOUTH CHURCH. TWENTIETH A.VD Sjwncer Sticels Rev. Ho aril M < ioAytal , Pa'tor Services at 10:30 : a. m. arid 8 p , in. ; Endeavor Boclely nt 7:15 : p. in. ; prayer meeting Wednesday - day at 8 p , m. ; Sunday bcluml ut noon. ST. MARY'S AVENUE CHURCH. TWENTY- Keventh Street and St. Mury'H Avenue , Rev. H. Wright Iluller , D. D. , Pastor ServlrtH at 10SO : a , m. and b p. m. : Sunday school at noon. SARATOGA CHURCH. TWENTY-FIFTH Street und Ames A\enuc , Rev. L. S. Hand , Paktor Services at 10:20 : a. in. und 7:45 : p. in. ; Sunday school at 2:30 : p. m. ALL SAINTS' CHURCH TWENTY-SIXTH AND lliilf-llr wrud Streets , Rev. Thninds J. Muckay. Rector Holy communion every Sunday In thu month , except thu Hint , ut 7:34 : u. in. ; beimon nt 11 u. m. and 8 p. in. ; Sunday school al V:30 : CIl'URCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD , TWEN. tltth and Ohio Stri-tU Pulpit tuuplleil tun. porurlly , nenlcrs nt 8 a. m. . 11 u , in. anil 8 p. in. , Sunday school at 9-45 a. m , FT , ANDREW'S CHIRCH , 404 ! CHARLE8 Street-Pulpit uupplltd temporarily ; services ut H u , in. und g p. in. ; Sunday ochool at 9:45 : a. in. ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH. THIRTY THIRD and Francis Streets- Pulpit supplied tempo rarily ; Mrvlreu nt 11 a. m. and K p. m , ; Hun- day nchool at 9:45 : u , in. .sr.iivu-ns. ( Continued. ) ST. IIARNAHAS' CHURCH. M9 NORTH NINEteenth - teenth Stieet , Rev. John Wllttnnn. Rector Services nt 7:34 A. m. , 11 a. m. nnd 3 p. in. ; Sunday scho nt 9:30 a. m. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH. TWENTY-SIXTH AND Franklin streets , Rev. O. H. Young. Pastor- Services at 7:34. : S nnd 11 n. m. and 7:30 : p. m.t Sunday school at 9:30 : n. m. ; dally meetings nt 7 , 7:20 : n. m. and & p. m. ; Wednesday , 7:30 : 1 > . m. ST. MATHIAS1 CHURCH. HM SOUTH TENTH Slrcct , Rev. U F. Potter , Pi lest In Charge Services at 70 : n. m. : 11 n .m. nnd 7:30 p. m , i Sunday school nt 10 n. in. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. S211 CALIFORNIA Street Pulpit supplied temporal lly ; services at 11 n. m. and 8 p. in. ; Sunday school nt 10 ' ST. PHILLIP THE DEACON CHURCH. 1121 North Twenty-lint Street. Rev. John Albert Williams , Rector Services at 7 : < 5 a. in. . II n. in. and H p. in , ; Sunday school nt 10 n. in. ; dally morning prayer , 9 a.m. ; fvcnlng , a p. m. TRINITY C.VTIIEDRAU CAPITOL AVENUE nnd Eighteenth Street , lit. Rev , George Wjrth- Ington. lllshop ; Rev. Campbell Fnlr , Denn Services nt S n , m. . 11 n. m. nnd 7:45 : p. m.i Sunday school nt 10 n. in. nnd 3 p. in , i : van K 'l' ' < ' " ' F.MANUEL CHURCH , 2iW2 MARCY STREET. Rev. O. J. Stretcher , Pastor Services nt 10:3i : ) n. m. and S p. in. ; Sunday school nt 11:30 : n. in. FREE CHURCH. TWELFTH AND DORCAS Streets , Rev. F. H. W. Uruoohcrt , Pnslor- Servlepi at 10:30 : i. m. and 8 p. in. ; Sunday school nt : : I5 ti. m. .SWEDISH MISSION CHURCH. 2223 DAVEN- PTI Street , Rnv. F. O. Hultman. Pnslor Services nt 10:13 : a , in. and 8 p. in.I Sunday school nt .1:43 : p. in. HION GERMAN CHURCH. M23 SPRAGUE Street. Rev. Ernest Mehl. Pastor Services nt 10:30 : a. in. and S p. m. ; Sunday school nt 11:30 : p. m. LllllKTlllt. DANISH CHURCH , 819 SOUTH TWENTY- second Street. Rev. I. C. Poulson , Pastor- Services at 10:30 n. m. nnd S p. m. , except last Sunday In the month , nhen there are no evenIng - Ing services ; Sunday school nt 9:30 : n. in. EMMANUEL SWEDISH CHURCH , NINEteenth - teenth nnd Cara Streets , Rev. P. J. Svnrd , Pastor Services nt 10:45 : n. in. and 7:45 : p. in. ; Sunday school nt noon. FIRST GERMAN CHURCH , 1003 SOUTH T entlelh Street , Rev. E. J. Frese , Pastor- Services at 10:15 : n. m , and 7:30 : p. in. ; Sunday school at 2 p. in. KOUNT7.E MEMORIAL CHURCH. SIXteenth - teenth and llarney Streets , Rev. A. J. Tutlclt * . Pastor Services nt 10:30 : n. m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school nt r.oon. GRACE CHURCH. TWENTY-EIGHTH STREET nnd Woolworlh Avenue. Itev. Luther M. Kuhns , Pastor Services nt It n. m. nnd 7:30 p. m. ; Sunday school nt 12:15 : p. m. NORWEGIAN AND DANISH CHURCH. 131G North Twenty-sixth Street , Rev. J. N. Ander son , Pastor Services nt 11 a. m. and S p , m. ; Sunday school at 12:1S : p. in. PELLA DANISH CHURCH. 2213 NORTH Twenty-sixth Street Pulpit supplied tern- pnrnrlly ; services nt 11 a. in. nnd 8 p. m. ; Sunday Fclmol at noon. ST. MARK'S CHURCH. TWENTY-FIRST AND Hurdette Strrcts. llev. Leonard Grnh , Pastor- Services at 10:43 a. in. and S p. in. , Sunday school at noon. ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH. FOURTEENTH and Center Stioels , Rev. A. J. Turkic , Pastor- Sunday school al 3 ji. in. ST. PAUL'S GERMAN CHURCH. 2725 PARKER Street , Rev. John F. S. Her. Pastor Services nt 10 n. m. and H p. m. : Sunday seluiil nt 2 p. in. ; evening , second and fourth Sunday In encb month nt 7:30 : p. m. SALEM EVANGELICAL SWEDISH CHURCH , 3219 South Twenty-third Slieot. Rev. C. E. Elvlng. Pastor Services nt 10:39 : a. in. nnd S p. m. ; Sunday school nt noon. FIRST CHURCH. TWENTIETH AND DAVENport - port Streets. Rev , John MeCJuold. P.mtor Seivlees nt 10:30 : n. in. und 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday sehool at noon. FIRST GERMANCHURCH. . ELEVENTH AND Center Streets , Rev. Otto E. Krli-se. Pastor- Services ut 10:30 : a. in. and 8 p. in. ; Sunday school at noon. HANSCOM PARK CHURCH , TWENTY-NINTH Street nnd Woolworlh Avenue , Rev. William P. Miuray , PnMor Services at 10:30 : n. m. nnrt & ji. in. ; SunJny school at noon. MONMOt'TH PARK CHURCH. THIRTY- fourth Street and Lurlmoiw Avenue , Rev. John Q. A. Fleharty , Pastor Service * ut 11 a. m. and 8 p. in ; Sunday school ot noon. NORWEGIAN AND DANISH CHURCH. 1613 Ni.rth Twenty-sixth Stieet , Rev. Rasmus Wll- hflniFen. Pastor Services at 10:20 n. m. and 3 p. in. ; Sunday school nt noon. ST. JOHN'S AFRICAN CHURCH , EIGHteenth - teenth and Webster Streets. Rev. James C. c. Owens. Pastor Services nt 10:43 a. m. and 7:30 1) . in. ; Sunday school nt 1:15 : p. m. ; Epwnrth League every Sunday evening one hour pre ceding preaching ; prayer meeting every Wed nesday evening nt S p. m.t class meeting every Friday at 8 p. in. SEWARD STREET CHURCH , TWENTY-SEC- end and Sewnrd Streets. Rev. John W. Robin son. Pastor Services nt 10:30 : n. m. and S p. m. : Sunday school st neon. . SOUTH TENTH STREET CHURCH , TENTH nnd Ploice Streets , Rev. Gci.rge A. Luce , pan- tor Services nt 11 n. m. and .H p. in. ; Sunday school nt noon ; Junior leasue , I p. in. ; Epworth league. 6:30 : p. in. SOUTHWEST CHURCH. 5123 HICKORY Street Rev. Albert L. Gray. Pastor Service * nt 10:43 _ n. in. and 8 p. m. ; Siinlny school at ' SWEDISH CHURCH , 013 NORTH EIO1I- tccnth Street. Rev. Carl O. Knrlson. Pastor- Services at 11 a. in. mid 8 p. m. ; Sunday srli * ol nt 10 a. m. WEST OMAHA CHURCH. TWENTY-PEV- cnth nnd Mnrcy Streets , Rev. J. A. Flowers , Pastor Services nt 11 n , in. and 8 p. m. ; Sun day rchool at noon. TRINITY CHURCH , TWENTY-FIRST AND lllnney Stieets , Rev. Fred H. Rondersnn , Pastor Services nt 10:30 : n .m. and 7:3i : > p. m. : Sunday sclnol at noon ; Kpworth Lt npue at 7:30 : p. m. I'ri-Nlixt 11111 it , AMRLER PLACE CHURCH. FORTY-SECONn and Marlnda Streets Pulpit supplied tem porarily ; services at 10:20 a. m. ; Sunday school at ll:3i ) a. m. HEDFORD I-LACE CHURCH , 302 * LALK Street , Rev. Knox Roude , Pastor Services nt 10:30 : u. m. nnd 8 p , m. : Sunday school at CEN.TRAL UNITED CHURCH , TWENTY- fourth and Dudre Streets. Rov. Alexander Gll- chrlst , Pastor Services nt 10:30 : a. in. nnd 8 p. m. ; Sunday school nt noon. CLIFTON HILL CHURCH. 4338 GRANT Stieet , Rev. Jnmcs D. Kerr , Pastor Services nt 10:31) : n m. and 8 p. m. ; Sunday school nt FIRST CHURCH. SEVENTEENTH AND Dodge Streets. Rev. Samuel H. McCormlck , Pastor Services nt 10:30 : n. in. nnd 8 p. m. ; Sunday school nt neon. FIRST GERMAN CHURCH. 813 NORTH EIGII- teelith Street , Rev. Daniel Grleder. P.ialor Services at 10:30 : n. m. nnd 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school at nnnn. FIRST UNITED CHURCH. TWENTY-FIRST and Emni"t Streets. Rev. Frank II. Foster , Pastor Sei vices at 10:20 : n. m , and 8 p. m. ; Sunday , hchool at noon ; Christian union meet ing nt 7 p. m. GRACI5 MISSION CHURCH. 507 WILLIAM Str'et Pulpit supplied tfmpoiarlly ; services nt 10:30 : n. m. nnd 8 p. in. : Sunday school at num. KNOX CHURCH. NINETEENTH AND OHIO Streets Pulpit supplied temporarily ; services nt 10:30 : n. m. nnd 8 p. m. : Sunday n heel at noun ; Young People's * meeting at 7 p. in , LOWE AVENUE CHURCH. FORTIETH AND Nicholas Streets Pulpit supplied temporarily ; services nt 10:30 : a. in. and 8 p. in. ; Sunday Hehniil at nonn. ONTARIO STREET CHURCH. 1420 ONTARIO StriM-l Pulpit supplied temporarily ; peivleeu nl 10W : a. m. and S p. m. ; Sunday solnol at noon. PARK AVENUE CHURCH. PARK AVf.NUE and Jackxon Stri * t , Rev. Edward MaeDill. Pastor Services at 10:30 : a. m. and S p. in. ; . Sunday school nt noon. SECOND CHURCH. TWENTY-FOURTH AND NlnholHs Slieeis. IUV. Samuel M. Ware , Past ir Services at 10:30 : a. in. nnd 7:30 : p. in. ; Simdny tchool tit noon , SOUTHWEST CHURCH , TWENTIETH AND Ieuvenwnith Stre'ts Sunday KC'Imnl nl nonn. WESTMINSTER CHURCH. TWENTY-NINTH and Mason Streets. Rev. John Gordon , pust"- Services nl 10:30 : n. in. nnd 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school at noon. lloniiiii Ciithnlli * . CHURCH OF THE HOLY FAMILY , EIOH- teenth and Iznrrt Strnel * . Rev. John Fllrp-itrlck. Pastor Servlers nt 7. 8 and 10:30 : H. in. mid 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school nt 2:20 : p. m. .CHURCH OF THE SACRED HEART. 2359 Sillier Strei't Rev. Patrick J. Judge Pastor ; Rev. J. McNnmara , Assistant Pnst ir ScrvleeH at 7 , 8:30 : , 9:20 : and 10-o n. m. ; Sunday ni'h'iol nt 2:30 : p. in , ; week day meeting , 7 and 8 a. m. ST. CECELIA'S CHURCH. 4117 HAMILTON Street , R v. Timothy O'Cnll.ihan , Pastor Serv- ICIM at 8 and 10:30 : a. in. ; Sunday school at ST. JOHN'S CHURCH. TWENTY-FIFTH AND Cttllfsrnla Streets. Rev. Joseph n. MeufTels. S. J. , Pastor-Sei vices at 6 , C , 7. 8:20 : , 9:30 : nnd 10:20 : n. m.j Sunday school nt 2:30 : p , in. ; veirpers nt 3 p. m. und 7:30 : p. in. HT. JOSEPH'S GERMAN CHURCH , SEVENteenth - teenth nnd Center Streets , Rev. Mauiltlus llankkolt. Pastor Sen lcc nt 8 anil 10:3' : ) a. in. ; Sunday school ot 2:20 : p. m. BT. MARY MAGDALENE CHURCH , 1CIO Douglas Htrecl , Rev. George J. Olaubrr. 1'nstop -Services nt 8 and 10:30 : a. m. ; vespers at ' ' ST. 'i'ATRICK'H CIIURf'H. 1101 CASTELLAR Street , Rev. John T. Smith. Pnslor Kervlrra nt 8 and 10:20 : a. in. and 7:39 : p. m. ; Sunday school at 2 p , m. ST. PETER'S CHURCH. TWENTY-FIGIITH nnd I-eavenwor'tli Streets. Rev. John E. Eng lish , Pailor : Rev. W. M. McNamara Asslst- nnl PastorS"rvlces at 7. ! < and 10:31 : n. m. : v < - pera nt 7:30 : p. in. ; Sunday school nt 9:30 : ' ST. PHII OMKNA'3 CATHEDRAL. OI SOUTH Ninth Htifel. Rt. Rev. Richard ScannHI. HlHhop ; Rev , Michael J. lUrreli , Pastor : Re * . * . William Kelly nnd Stephen F. Carroll. Assistant Pnntors Hcrvlri > at 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 nnd 10:3 : < > a. m. : Sunday school at 2 P. in. ST. WENCEHLAUH 1IO1IEMIAN CHURCH. 1432 South Fourl'Tnth Street , Rev. John VrniH'k , I'RBtor Servlci s al l > and I1) fi. m. ; Sunday nchool nl 2 p. m. : vespeis at 2:3) : p. in. ; week day mass nt 8:30 : u. m. Uiilfnrliui. UNITY CHURCH. SEVENTEENTH AND ( 'us itieeU , Rev. Newton Mnnn , Mlnliter Service * at 10:15 : a. in. ; Sunday school lit | FIRST UNIVERHALIST CHURCH , NINEi i let-nth nnil Ixithrop SUfflx-PulpIt nupplled ! temporarily ; ucrvlcrn nt 10:15 : u. m , und k p , m.i SunJay school at noon. AMERICAN VOLUNTIERSSERVICES AT MM u. m. and 8 p. m. ut thu rooms at 111 South Thirteenth street. CHAPEL OF THE CARPENTER. SECOND unrl William StreetsHm'lrr * ut 9 n , m. and M30 u. m. FJIKC M1STHODIBT CHURCH. 17 SOUTH itr.Limous SHU virus. ( Continue. ! . ) Ee\ ! nth Street , Rev. Wllllmn M. Adam * . Pa * . tor Services nt 11 n , in. nnd p. m. ; Humlnr * chtx > l nt 9:43 : n. tn. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST ( SCIENTIST ) * 2 VB SI. Mary's Avenue. Mrs. At FiixUle D I/me , Reader-Service * ! nt 11 n. m.j Sunday school al noon. NORTH OMAHA UNION MISSION. t41ft SIIF.lN man Avenue Pulpit supplied ttmpornHlyj erv Irm Rt It n. in. ; Sunday school at noon. OMAHA PH1I.OSOPIIICAI. SOCIKY , l.AHOtt Temple , South Sp\rntcenth and Don Kins streets ] --Servleei ! nl .1 p. tn , OMAHA SPIRITUAL FOCIITTY , KASTMAN'3 Hnll , 1111 North Sixteenth Street Service * nt S p , in. PARK FOREST MISSION , 1110 I > STREET- Servlcei nt It a. m. PEOPLE'S CHURCH , ( ilj NORTH F.lOlt- teenth Street. Rev. chare * AY. SnvldRC , Pastor Servlers at IOM n , in , nnd 7:30 : p. in. j Sunday school nl 2:3t : > p. m. REnKOANli'.ED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST , Lntler Dny Saints , ISIS North Twenty-first Street , llev. Fred A. Smith , Pa tir-8ervlc * nt 9:43 : nnd ll n. in. nnd 8 p. m.j Sunday school at 2:34 p. m. ST. MARY'S GREEK CHURCH , NINTH AND Howard Streets. Rnv , Ellas Aboud , Pastor Services nt n n , in , nnd 3 p. m. SALVATION ARMY , DIVISION NO. 1. HAH. icks , Seventeenth nnd Davenport Streetst Service * nt 11 n. in. , 3 nnd S ji , m. SALVATION ARMY , DIVISION NO. 2. HAR- racks , 1421 North Twentieth Street Services ) nt II a , m , , 3 and S p. m , SWEDISH FREE MISSION CHURCH , S70 > l * nvenworth Street Services nt 11 n. m. nml R p. in. THEOSOPIUCAt , SOCIETY. ROOMS 3 t , Sheeley lllork , South Flfleenlh nnd HowuM Sttwls Services nl 3:30 : l > . m. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION Room * ) , Sixteenth nnd Douglas Streets Services. nt 4 p , m , ttAILROAIKt. IIURLINOTON A MISSOURI River Railroad "The Hurling- ton Routo1' General onicc , N. W. Corner Tonlh nnd Farnam Streets. Ticket Office , 1SOJ Farnam Street. Telephone 250. Depot. Tenth nnd Mason Telephone , 128. Leave. Arrive. 8:35 : am 8:33 : am I and I'UKi-t Sound 4:35 : pm 4OBpm : Lncnn local 7:05 : pm 7:45 : pra .incniii rnsi .Man . . . . . . 2:55 : nm ll:80nm : Dally. Dalti- except Sunday. Arrive. 7:55 : mn 4:14 : pm 7:55 : ntn 6:10 : pm 3:50 : pin KANSAS CITY , ST. JOSEPH & Council lliurts Railroad "The Hnrllngton Routo"- Ticket Ottlec. 1502 Fnniam Street , Telcphona 250. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tc ! cphon , 12S.Leave. Leave. Arrive. Kansas city Day Ex. . . . 9:03 : nm 0:10 : pm Kansas City Nlcht Ex. . * 10:00 : pic 5:30 : am Dntlv FREMONT. EL1CIIORN A Missouri Valley Railway Gen eral Otllcvs , United States Nn. tlonal Hank Hiilldlng , Soutn- west Corner Twelfth nnd Fnr nam Sticcls. Ticket Olllce , 1401 Fnrnam fitreet. Telephone , 661. Depot. Fifteenth ard Webster Streets. Telephone. H5S. Ijenvc. Arrive , Hluck Hills. Deodwood ( ard ll.it Springs 3:00 : pm B:00 : pm Wyoming , Casper nnd DmiKhis 3:00pm : B:00 : pra Hastings , Yolk David City. Superior GMicva , Exeter nnd Srwanl. . . . 3:00 : pm 6:00 : pm Norfolk. West Point and 7ro : nm 10:23 : nm Fremont 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pm Lincoln , Wal.oo and 7:60 : am 10:23 : nm Fremont 3:00 : pm 6:00 : am Kmncm * . Local 7:60 : urn Dally. Dally except Sunday , Sunday 'only. Dully except Saturday , Dally except MoniUy 1 SIOUX CITY K PACIFIC RA1U. road General Ofllces. Unllfil States National Hank Hulld lng. S. W. Corner Twelfth nnd Farnam Streets. Ticket Olllce. 1101 Fnrnam Street. Telephone , 6CI. Depot. Fifteenth and Webster ? Streets. Telephone. I'.iC. Arrive. Rlnux City , Mnnkato , St Paul , Mlnnrapolls ' 0:15 : pm ' 9:10 am Dally. CHICAGO & NORTHWKST- crn Railway Clly Ticket Olllce. 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone , 661. Depot. Tenth and Mason Street. Telephone 128. Leave. Arrive. Mls.-ourl Valley , Sioux City , St. Paul nnd M'nneapollB ' C:40 : am 10:45 : prn Missouri Valley , Sioux city 7:30 : am 9:05 : pra Denlfon , Carroll , Wall Lake 7:30 : nm 9:03 : pra , Eiftern Express. Dc-s Mo.nes. Muri-lmlltown , Cedar Rapids Chicago " 10M am 4:10 : pro. 4:10 : pm 0:25 : nm 8:10 : am 3 CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. MINNE- npolls & Omuha Railway- General olllces , Nebraska Di vision , Fifteenth and Webster streets. City Ticket orllce , 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone CM. Depot. Fifteenth und Webster Streets. Tele , phcnc. 1453. I.eave. Arrive. Slcux City Accommoda. " 8:50 : am " 8:23 : pm Hloux City Accoinmodn. 9:59 : am 8:25 pni Dl.ilr , Emerson. Hlcitx UNION iMCirrc"Tin : CVER- land Ri.utc" General offices. N. E. Corner Ninth. nnd Fnrnam Streets. City Ticket Onice , IMJ Fsinam Street. Telephone , 318. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telep lone , 123. Itave Arrive * : "The Ovciland Limited- fur Denver , Salt Lake , f Pacific coast , and all weblein polnti 8:20 : nm 4:43 : pra Fust Mall train for Denver. f-'nlt Lake , Pacific cost and all western points 4:05 : pin * 10:20 : nra Lincoln. Heatrlcu and Stromkburg Mxpnrs. . . 4:05 : pm 5W : p.ij Granil Inland Ilxpiefn. . . f > .3. > pm 3:50 : pm Dally. Dally cxvvpt Huiuluy. Council llluffa Local l.eac5:40 u , m. ; 4:50 : a. M j 7SO : n. in. ; 8:25 a. in. ; l':45 ' : u. m. ; 2:1J : p. m.i 4:30 : p. in. ; 5:53 : p , m. Arrives , C20 ; a , m.i 7:20 : ii. m. ; S a m. :9i23 : n. m. ; 11:3' : ; a. m. ; UUil p. m. : 6:40 : p. m.i 9:03 p. m. : 10:15 : n. m. OMAHA. KAKnn3 C7T" & EASTERN RAIlroad - road Omaha & St. ! * onls Railroad "The O. 1C. Route. " Ticket Olllco , HIS I'll run in Stlcet. Telephone. 222 De-pot. Tenth nnd Jlason Slice-Is. Telephone , Jsi , X'aV'- * " " ' Pat.o,8urg. . , , | Kirkivlllc , "SlJ. N'ew-VoiY. ' S ; ' ° 01" ' ' " 1:30 : pm llro : am WAHAfiH RAILROAD -TICiKT OFKICK , HIS "r > ° i * " ArrlV" St. I | . -Cannm Rail" ' ! * Ira CHICAGO. ROCIC 1HLANO * rai-lllo KnlliouU Thu Great Rock Island Routc" Cy | | T cket Olllc * . 1J2.1 Fiirnam Street. Telephone , 4J8 , Dfpjt , Ti'ntli mill Maanii iilrc'ls. Telephone , 12 * . Lca\o. Arrive. Clilcnku and St. I'jul Vettlbuleil Express . . ' 1:59 : pin 1:4 : pni Lincoln , Culuradu idpen. Pueblo , Denver nnd " eat lC5pm 4U pm Chlcjgo , lii't Molnes nnd Rock Uland 7:00 pm 8:13 : urn Atlantic Ktpri-st , lor D"3 Mulnrs and cant- orn pjnl | 7:00um : S S3 pm Lincoln. Fnlrbury and II llFVI1l B:45 7'in 10:40 : am Dally. "Pally except fiunaay , f. cniCAcio. MILWAUKEU & HT. f.n O.'llce , 1M4 Fiirnam Slrert. Telephone. 211 , Depot. Tenth and Ma on Htrcet * . Ttli-plicnt , Anlvo. n Icagu LlniHi'd Ex . . 5:45 : pm ) > ; M tm Oniabu and Chicago Ex. 11:00 : an. 1:50 : pm Dally MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD Gent-mi Olllcc" nnd Tlcktt Olllce , Urichanti National Hank Hull inn. ] V-'I 1'n rim in K'reet. Teli-pbone. 101. 1'epot Flfltciilh enl Wtbutur Slr < * t . TtUpnoaf , 14 S. Leave , Arrive. KannaVcity , fit. I uU _ and southern ( > olnt , . . | 0 > pm etO : era FI i'icok & UnUiu ul ! f:09 : pin Dully