TV "WE _ TTTE OMAJTA DATTjT WE : FRIDAY , OCTOBER 8 , 1897 , for Ilii-HC column * ivlll lie fnl Mi until 1U m. ( or the < -vcnln mill until 8 p. in. fur < lie iiiiirnliiK mill .Stuiilii- ( Million * . Ailvi'i-tlKiTK , liy rciiiu-Hllnwr a nuin- IHTIM ! I'lii'di , fun linve it mm or * ml- ilmmnl to n ntiinlirrcil luttcr In cure of 'JinHer. . AntmtT * MI inlilrenniMl ivlll lie ilellvereil n ; srcneiilnlloii of ilie rlieuU ( inly. Ilntcii , 1 l-'Jc n tronl Hrnt limertlont Jo a Moril tliiTcnrtiT.otliliiK tnki'ii for lean tliaii Ji..e for the Itrnt Itmer- tlun. Thene nil * vrtlNcinciilN liiunt hu run \ \Vrii > SITUATIONS. WANTED. CIRCULAR LETTERS TO WllITU. envelopes to aclilrcw or munUFCrlpt lo copy n' reasonable term * . Addrcm T C , lite omcw. jM"6 OS Disinis : STKAUV WOIIK. In city or country. Job worU prefcrieil. Ail- drcs W 1 , Uee. A-SOI- . ' WANTHD , POSITION 1IY YOUNO MAN DO- Inu typewriting , collrctlnR , etc. ; Komi refer- encrs. A.ldtY C. lleo. A-M84C 14 WA.M'UD M.V1.K HUM1. CANVASSnitS TO TAKH OUDIHtSi NBW I.INI3 or work : no lienvy Roods to entry : Mlniy or commission. C. t' . Adams Co. , S24 a. 11th yU BAf.IISSIKN roil C10AHR. JI23 A MONTH AND expensed ; oM linn ; experience unnei'eiU-iry In. ilucomcnta to custoinrtn. C. 0. Illsliop Kt Co. , HI. J ul . It-old MIN : AND \VOMIN BOMCITOHS rou THE National llcservc nnoclatlon ; the IK-M , snieit nnd Foumlenl fraternal chlcr In thr Held touny. AdSri-M I' . A , C. Stevens , Cll N. IStli St. , Omaha. 11-511 WANTED. HOYS AT MURPHY , WASHY As Co.'ii. , 32d nnd SpauldhiR , II SI ) * WANTII-A : c'APAin.t : uura CIIUK. HKO- Isti'red In Nclirnskn ; reference rcqulrwi. An dreas W 4. HI-P nlltcp. I S27 9 WANTIJD. MKN TO MIA UN TUB ItAlllIKU trade ; only elttlit wcclii required : Illustrated cntnlogiia with map of the rlty mallpil free. Molcr System of Iliirlwr Schools , Clark nnd Van Ilurcn Sts. , ChlcuKo ; branches , New \ork , Bt. I onls , Cincinnati and MlnncnpolK WANTED. HttSTMNO , K.XPKIUKSn : ! ) I'AN- vnsser nt once ; references required. Address AV 11 , llee olllce. II M84U II * WANTED , STKNOOHAPIIKH AND Tr.t.K- craplior combined ; lady or Bcntl'innn ; Smith ; i pond wilnry ; ontl t Smith Premier olllce. The Hmllh Prrmli-r Typewriter Co. , J 11. Mo- DOttcll , mutineer. 1J-MK3 9 MKN AND WOMI3N OWlANIXRIt.S AND RO- llcltom for heft frntcrnnl beneficiary tnl tv In the field ; Rood ) > iy. Adjlrc Sumeine Sec retary Stnr of Jupiter , MeCook. N" l > rJsUn. ] I-M'I1 N7 WANTED. SAUSMr.N : WITH AN HSTAH- llrhoil trndc to represent us In the states of Ohio , Tennei' pe. , lown. Texas nnd California only alesiipn | with nn i' tahllsied ) trade need imply HenrvV. . Klne & Co Market nnd Ailnmi Sts , Chicago. U MK1 ! 10 * AVAX'PHU rm 1IU1.P. 100 Gint.S KOIl ALL , KINDS OKVOIHC ; H TO J7 week. Canadian Ofllcc , 1522 Douglas. C-S1S WANTED. COMPETENT OIKI. . 1'OU OEN- cml hounouork ; no washing. IWS I'opplPtnn avenue. C 6)7 aillI.S CAN O1JTAIN EMPLOYMENT 11Y AD- dresslng Mrs. II. Murray , Fremont , Nrh , C MCS3 I0 WANTED-CJIHTj FOR OENEIIAL HOUSE- work. References required. Apply 415 North 10th street. C SI ! S WANTED-GIRL TOR OENEIIAL HOUtiR- -work. $32 Georgia Ave. , near Mason.C C S2I-10 WJ\NTED-A NUUSE AT THE SOUTH OMAHA hospital. Call at HOS North 2Cth street. Mis. William Herry. C 825 9' GIRL , WANTED 1721 PARK AVENUE. C-S2S-7 * FOR URVT IIOUSICS. IJOUJ3iS IN ALT. 1'AIITS OF THE CITY. THE O. P. Davis Cnmpiny , 1103 Fnrnnm. D CIS HOUSES : HENBWA & CO. . 10S N. 1JTH ST. U -520 MODEHN HOUSES. C. A. STAIIH , f2o N. Y. Llf . D-521 HOUSES ; WALLACE , 11ROWN TH anilDouglas. . D 522 CHOICE HOtf5CR AND COTTAGES ALL OVEH city , S to J75. Fidelity , 1st floor N. Y. Life. D-C11 HOUSES , COTTAGES & STORES , ALT. PATITS of city , llror.n.lli & I/o\c Co. , 430 Paxton Mock. D-523 LIST. M'CAGUE , 15TII AND DODGE. D-524 . .HOUSES , PLATS , QAUVIN HItOS. , 1013 FAJVM D 525 HOUSES FOR RENT. 1IEMIP , PAXTON HLK. D 523 ilODSBsTj. " . SHEHWOOD , 423 , N. Y. LIFE. D-527 FOR RENT , CIIOICE 12-ROOXI DITTACHED modern house. Inquire 2otS Capitol flvenup. D .123 MOVING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND 1'IANOs" Om. Vnu & StornKO Co. , 13HV4 Karnnm ; tel l.V.9. C1IAS. E. WILLIAMPON , COI IJEE HLDO. Tel. 717. D-Ml FURNISHED HOUSE. MODERN. S ROOMS , oak finish , choice location. Farnam car line , with- Rood barn. $10.00 per mnnth. Fidelity Trust Company , llrst floor New York Life Wilir. I ) M3O ) SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. AI > SO C ITNKURNIfiHED rooms , nil modern , 2124 Mlnml st. D M297 BEARS RENTAL AGENCY. 210 MuCAGUn Illk , TWO LARGE HOUSES IN DUNDEE PI. CE ; chenp. , r'0 > lloe liUli ; D at S.1 FOR REN'F- MODERN 9-ROOM DETACHED house , furnace , bath , etc. , nice lawn best con dition. 950 N. 2tli street. Inquire 933 N. th St. D-015 WANTED. AT ONCE , HETWEEN 25 AND CO liomcs to rent ; ( real donmnl fc.r lio\uoa \ ; rentilx n specialty. J II Sherwood , 422 N. Y. Life. D-M724 UNEQUALED. CENTRAL , STEAM HEAT , ALL modern * 7-ioonm hous ' , nlwo C-ronm e.itlace. TUnrd , 22S N. Slth. D--78I-7 * FOR RENT , NO. 2C1R CHARLES ST. . WITH 9 rooms : nil modem improvements : coed tlnble. .Trtlm Jtnmljn 1 > M7SS OOOD. MODERN. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE , with Imrn nil In Rood ri'imlr ; not on cnr line. 437 Honrd of Trade. D " 23 0 PLEASANT ROOMS. 1819 UODQE. M200-O10 * FURNISHED ROOMS. 101S CALIFORNIA ST. E C70-O22' BOUTIl ROOMS. I 0 CAI'IIOL AVE.E . E M777 11 * FOR RENT. LARGE FRONT ROOM , WELL furnished , 1017 Dodge St. li M7JI 13 * FURNISHICD11OOM , 1017 HARNEY RTR E BT ! E-M6-12 * NICELY FtlHNI llMU ROOM WITH CU1SET | 5. 2.10K DouclKii St. E 16 S" FRONT JIOOM FOR GENTLEMEN. MRS. RE. KUln , 131 > Can. E-MS43 10 * HlIM.S ( AM ) 1IO.UID. BTEAM HEATED ItOOMH WITH llO'.Mtn. 2000 Jlamey , F 1.35-O W LARGE SOUTH FRONT ROOM FOR TWO ; ether roomi ; goi'd boaril ( Th Roae. SftO liar- IIB > ' , F MODERN RRIClf. ROOMS AND HOARD. W.50 up. 614 North 19th. F-il7ti7 ) : THE rALUANY. JT t DOUOLAB" ; LOVELY suite of unurnUh i room * : other rooms , with F M75Q 10 ROOM AND HOARD -EAU linnti'om Park ; nioilern' huu-e ; private family. AdJrges U M , lice. THU MERRIAM , FIRST-CLASd FAMILY hotel. 25th and DoJuc utrcvtt , F M47 Oll TUB IXiWESTTl-OSSIIILE It.\TKS AND "r b > t fare. A home. Sherman ave. rar imf door every rliiht minutes. Newly fnrnl'hed : new management : adjoin * Exposition. Hnra toga Hotel ENTERTAINS : ! t cunti. P MTU NJ NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. era noatenlcnruii prlrate family , 70 } K. sith street. K-MJ14 II * NICELT rtlitNIBIIBD FRONTTtOOMS WII'U board. Ml ( Dvuvlas , F ill t * ri HMSiui ) IIOO.MS AM ) iinAiin. ( Continued. ) HOARD AND ROOM , PER WEEK : NICE room nnd Rood menl for U cents. TW/1"1" ISth St. K-MMlfl _ LARGE ANtl PLEASANT ROOMS , I'ON- Content locatlnhs , home cooking , modern house. 514 N. J3.I St. f MSIJ S van Hn.\Ttr.M''i/'iiM.sunn noojis. FOR UKNTTs"lioOMSr705"sT 17TH „ ROOMS : MODERN TONVKJC. lences ; nice location , I6S2 Hnrnt-y. O MS85 8 KOH IIIT STOHBS AXI ) OI-TIOUS. FOR RENT , DESK ROOM IN GROUND FI/XJR otnee , life Imlldlns : wnter , Mourn hent , electric llKht ami janitor fcrvlce. Apply to R. W. linker superintendent. Dec hulldlng. 1 Wi HIHCK Ilt'ILDINO FOR RENT-TIIE 4-STORY nt Dl Furnom st. This hulldlnK has n nreproot cement bailment , complete Heam hentmB nx- turra : wnter nn all floors , gas , etc. Apply nt the office of The Hec. 1-910 roil RENT-IN TIM : DEE IIUILDING : On" large corner room , 2d floor , with vault ana private oftlce , wnter , etc. One large front room. 2d floor , dUlded Into two roomn by imrtltlon. water , etc. Onff Mrge corner room , 2d floor , with vault , wnter , etc. Ono front room , illvlded by partition , third floor. Dne corner room with vault , third floor. One largo room , third noor , with partition ill. vldlng It Into onj large room nd two smaller tirlvnto rooms , wnter , etc. Two largo ground floor rooms with vaults. Several pinnll rooms on fourth floor , with vaults , All these rooms nre heated with steam , elect ! Ic lights supplied , with flrst-clais Jnnltor serv ice. Elevators run day nnd all night. Hulld- Ing strictly fireproof. Apply to R. W. Hakcr , superintendent , room 101 , Dee building. 1-19S WAXTI3H TO ItKNT. WANTED , ROOM AND HOARD FOR LAin anil child K months old. Stnlo terms nnd loca tion , Address V K > . Hee. 1C MT3C 5 * WANTED , TO RENT OR IIUY FIRST-CLASS residence In good location ; nine to twelve rooms ; stnte full partlculats. Address W10 , Dee ofllcc. K-M832 15 PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. , OOS-910 Jones ; genc-al stornKo and forwarding. M 531 OiT\ \ N"CTOIUC.E IMU4 FARN'M. TEL I.V.9. FRANK EWERS. STORAGE. 1211 HA11NEY : hauling .t packing , cheapest rates. Tel. M 7S3 WAXT13I ) TO IUJY. IEST PRICE PAID FOR OMAHA SAVINGS bank accounts nt room 30C , N. Y. Life bids. N 530 IIOHEST PRICES PAID FOR OMAHA SAVIngs - Ings bank accounts. The Tiiion IReed Co. N-M400 CASH FOR OMAHA SAVINGS HANK AC- counls. G. G. Wallace , 312 Ilronn bile. , Kth nnd Dcuglas. N 593 WANTED. TO HUY A 5-TON WAGON SCALE. A. L. Ilcrgqulst , 530 No. 24th , So. Omaha. N-M7S1 S WILL PAY CASH FOR , J3,0i OMAHA SAV- Inga Hank accounts. ! ' . D. Wend , K.24 D'nm- las. Insurance. X S21 9 WANTED , TO HUY FARM SO TO 10) ACRES from 10 to 30 miles out nf Omaha ; loua pie- ferred ; "must bo cheap for cash. Address W 8. Hee. N MS3S 9 WANTED , TO tJt'Y THE EARTH ; A PORTION of It In Omnln ; what have 3'ou ; an eastern Imustor. AiMrcf.8WT.Ilec. N M817 8 FOIl SALIC 1IISCI2IL.V\GOUS. AWDUST. HULK OR SACKED-CRIIII1ING and hog fence. C R. Lee. 901 Douglas. Q-C37 IOG FENCE. ALL , WIRE. 11EST ON EARTH , lawn anil > nrd fence. Wire Works , 403 S. 14th 50D-O 2S rou sAi.R iionsKS Axn w.vnoxs. ONE OF THE FINEST ) AND FASTEST ROADsters - sters In city. Adihess W 3 , IeeP ! P M815 9 MARE AND COLT. PONY AND WAGON AT your own price. 820 S. 22d St. P MS33 S4 CI.AI11VOVAXTS. MRS. PAUL TRANCE MEDIUM , 205 N. ICTH , unites the Reparnted ; changes luck ; letters con taining stamp promptly nns ; ladles , fiOc. S-M772 Nl * XENO-CLA1RVOYANT OVER 1521 LEAVEN- worth st. , S SOS ! ! ; , HATIIS , ETC. ORIENTAL TURKISH ItATHS FOR LADIES & gentlemen , 50c. 107 8. Uth. Teleplmnp 18JI. i T 762 O-S MEDICATED HATIIS , I1AREGE. SEA. SUI - pliur , massage. Mme. HrUson , froni lat In. 107 N. 12th St. T M333 O24' liATHS , MASSAGE. LAURA ELLISON , Crounse blk. , 119 N. llith St. . Room 12. T M7I3 9 MRS. DR LEON. ELECTRIC MASSAGE HATH parlors ; ' restful and curative. 417 S. llta. up stairs. T M754 ID- MADAM SMITH , 1315 DOUGLAS , MASSSOE stcnm baths. T 786 12' lM3It.SO.YAIj. VIAVI FOR UTERINE TROUHI.ES. 34C-S HEE Illdg. , physician , consultation or health l > oo | ( fie , . U 519 UATHS , MASSAGE. MME. POST , 319" ; . S. 13TH. U-510 HE YOUR OWN DRESSMAKER. INVEST/I grtte Iho Joy Tailor S > stem school of drt ss cutting ; only complete skirt system : bring your dresses and maki while Jrarnlni4U K irlurh block. Patterns free on Tliuisday. U 4C3 O25 II. HAAS. FLORIST. PLANTS AND CUT flowers , hiMjueiit , hall , residence nnd ginve dt'coiutlons , Flo ers , boquets and decorations dellxcted to any p.irt of the city. OrderH by telephone piomptly attcndeil to nnd tilled In two hours. Telephone 776. 1S13 Vlnlon St U-931-014 RUPTURE CURED ; NO DETENTION FROM LiiihlnerH ; no pain ; we refer to hundreds of C.IKPS cureil ; pllis cured hv n sliiKle , imlnlpsd treatment. Call or write The Empire Riiptura Cuie and Medical Institute , SUCCPSMHH to The O. E. Miller Co. , 93J-3 , N. Y. Life Hl.le. . , Oninha , U 511 ? RlfKI FREE ! -THE OMAHA HAIR 1IA AAR. 215 South IGth street , until November 1 will Rive n free steam with rnch Jar of our Pure Alirinnd Cream. U M75. ! J CLOTHES CLEANED. PRESSED AND HE- imircfl , day or nlKht : dresH sultH for 111 re. Punlorlum , N. E. cor. 14lh ami Farnam. Tel. 9M. F MSI7 MOXKV TO I.OAY-.II ISA I , ISSTATK. MONEY TO LOAN AT IJQ\V RATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. , 1503 Fnrnam St. W 512 ANTHONY IXJAN & TRI'ST CO. , 315 N l . ( Illicit money nt low rates far choice farm land * In loua , norlhirn Mlsscutl , instein NehrahKn W 513 LOANS ON IMPROVED .t UNIMPROVED CITY properly. W. Farnam Smith , V Co. , I3JO Furn'm W 541 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate , Hrennail , TJOVU Co , , Paxton Illk W 515 MONEY TO LOAN. 11EM1S , PAXTON HLOCK . \ V546 C PER CENT MONEY ON NEI1RASKA F.MIMS and Omal'n ImproveJ pronerty. Apply to W. II Melke | , 1st National bank tildg. W-547 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. Pimcy it Thomas , 207 1st Nat. Hk. l > Mc SIX P13U CKNT CITY AJJD FAIIM LOANB. Ounln Ilius , 1613 Faumin Ht. \V 54D SIO.NHV TO LOAN ON IMI'IIOVUD CITY l property. K. 1' Jtnttvvlck ft Co. , 311 T'axton 'Ilk. W M7M J100.00 AND UP. F. D. WKAD , 18 K DOtlOLVH , W-KO NO MHM3Y Tp ( . .O.\.VCIIATTKIS. MONKY TO LO\N ON FlJHNITlMti : , 1'IANOH , horses , vvucima , etc. , iit lowed lutes In city , no irmovHl of coodn : strictly rnnlldcntlal : > ou can pay the loan off at any lime or In any amount. O.MAH.V r JIOUTGAOK LOAN CO. , > 3' ' * S , ICth St X-SM IIUSIVKSS CHA\CIS. : roil KALI : . TIB ONLY DIIUO RTORU n7 Chupmun , NI > | > . , with n good trnde ; In a. good rnunlry ; poor health the only reason for wll- Int ; this nlll lar clot a Investigation. Write Charntun DrW Co. Y 11716 * Wilt KALliONJ.YUUI.O aTOUIJ"IjTSOUTH. Ofteni NtUraika tqvtu of UX ; good crop * ; 1-ilnc iTooil , clcun. mtiiiK Lu > lncM. Qpod ivtff.n ' for htlUn . Aildre : * Box Its , ltelvid r . ( Continual. ) FOP. IUNV THK MCTnnpnt.n.vN HOTHLIN Chi > ) rnn < n ttnt cunfllllon. rloctrlr llght : tliornimiuv plnnihctl. brut locntl m In the rlty. One hV.Hk frcm fnl.m depot. Fifty llrnt-rlnM roonm , line Imr ro-mi , futnlshed ; K"od Imrnfr ulinp and linth room * ; In fnci , cvcrythlm ? necp - nary to n nr t-clA.i hotel. 1'nrty rentlnn mimt inirclnnc furniture. Hotel dalns pnoil liu lny s at prewnt. Addron J. W. QrltTln , , \ \ A KLONDIKKIt WHO HAS H.U1 TWI3NTV years' cxpcrlenci" In mlnlnir , h n cp nt ycnM on Ihe Yukon , In thoroURhly fnmlllur with thn Klondike , Imi Intcri-sts nnd pro pectora mi the Klondike , will give n thorouRh Inspector' * mnp and permmnlly nniwrr nil quentlonn relntlnjr to that country , or how to Kct thern , cost , etc. , for the prlco of $1. Addrexs II. II , Thompson , K3 llnllcy Hulldlnff , Senttli < . Wnnh. Ptrmnnl reference. Chamber of Commerce , Bfnttle. Y-M74S O"i TO OHT IN OH OUT OF 11t'SINiS3 : 00 TO J. J. aihfun , 514 Flirt Nnt'l ' Hank. Y M551 FOn HAtK , RTOCIv OF OHOCHHIKS AND fixture * for cinh only ; l > ct locntl HI In eltv. doing cnnh bulnc : lckncs rcanon for sell- Iliff. Aildresn W ( i. Hee. Y MSI4 10 ItnSTAUHANT DO1NCJ OOOD good rcniion for celling. Also horse nnd Address W ! > . Hep. 1 MM4 s- FOR FOR nXCHANtJB , HUSIN1.S3 PHOI'HUTY vvcll located , with grocery flock Included ; will accept mostly trade ; SO acrei clear for vacant lot : ISO clear for lots : EO acrei Improved In lown , for hini.'c and lot. Lyninn Wntermnn , Life HldR. 'Phone 1015. X-MSI5 S FOR , ISSTATIS. FAIlit Ij\ND3. C. F. HAHIUSON. 312 N. Y. L. 1113 M.1-O-16 * i : I'LACH HAHOAINB. J2.tXX > . > 3,75H TO 0,500i sec photo * nt ICth nnd Fnrnnm , Morne IIIilK. J. J , ciltiBon , Gil Vlmt Nat. Hank Hldu. Ill : 652 HOl'HHS , LOTS , FARMS , LANDS , LOANS , tie. P. Hemls Hi-ill Kstnlo Co. , 1'axton Mnck. itn-5-.i 17 1'MIl CHNT OIIOSS INVRSTMI3NT , IMproved - proved real e tatc ; rental , JC4SOO per year ; price , J3.SO" " ) . Address T 28. llee. III. M75I 8-llOOM HOtWK. J2.500 , 40-foot corner lot. S. W. cor. IFlh and Iinrd , $100 | > er ncrc Imyi ' 0 ncre one mile south of Itmers , Room 1(5 ( , Tnlterson Hlk. Hi : MIS3 O 18 ItAVH SOMK IlAIlOAINTMYSnLF , CITY AND farm. Call for particulars.Vm5un , WI Itee bids. V HU-933 TWO li-noOM COTTAOHP. BO FT. FRONT. 10 blocl.s north of 1' . O. : chrnp , C24 So. 2th ( ! avp. Un ISS-14 * 5-nOOM COTTAQn AND I.OT WHST OF HX- iwiltlon Rrounds. nearly new , for (950 : 1150 cnsh nnfl monthly nayni > > ntx ( if JIO nn bnlnnce. Ilyron H. HnMlnci , 512 Si. 14th St. Hi : 11401 FOR SAI.n. IjAHC3K LOT. COX1SS. AND TWO cottnecs , close to buslnpri part of the city ; harsnln If sold thin week : terms eacy. F. D. Wend , N. K. Cor. IClh nnd Douglas Sts HE-C12 7 SNATH , so Acnns 12 MILHS N. w. . , ci . 4 ncren 4 blocks frnm Ilenion mntor. $ liOf > ( VI. 35 ncrra Biulh of Sinlefnlr cioimds. J3B01. 18x150 feet , nenr 32 < 1 & CumlnK ft. , only JWO.CO. Corner on Fiirnnin t , 40th st. , } 700.f > 0. To cxchniiRp 110 ; icre * 10 inllcn north of Oinnlm I' . O. for cli-nr Improvi-d prnpeity. JOHN N. FItiNZin , Onn. P. O. RB M 213 1'OR 8ALR S E COH. SITU AND FAHNAM : i icor. . Pnrk nvo nnd IPrkory ; n w cnr. 15th nnd Doicnr , ; lf.D ncret In IlulTHlo Cn. ; 43S ncret In Knox Co. , this nnd nil ntlier property nwned by Nehrnskn Snvlnm and i\rhnnsf hnnk will lit- sold at a low pilce. Win. K. Potter , re ceiver. RR 295 IIAnOAINS. HOUSES. I.OTS AND FARMS ; snlo or trnde : F. K. Dnrllnp. Ilnilccr Illk Itn M77fi FOR SALE. ON LONO TIMH , AT B IT.H PENT Interest , two Improved farms iidlolnlnn City of Missouri Valley , la. One it 1(10 ( ncros ; nn- otlior of 240 ncies : nil In cultivation. Win lie sold nn 10 years * time. Address , Lnck Drawer "C. " Shennndrah , la. TIK JUS" N5 FOIl SALK , ONE OF THE FINEST RESI- iliMiooo In Hnnscom Paik. All moilein Improvements - provements ; ten roomer lot nO\150 ; fine shade liens. Frontlnjc on park. Will np sfilil chean and terms easy. Apply to John Dale 100 NOW York Life. m : S10 11 SPKCIAIj HAHC.AIN IN A COTTAOK AND lot on S. ICth St. A working man can afford to buy It. Hfiiisp and barn nml IxMrlns fruit. 2 acres , frontlnc a link , $ CCO : another nltnllar. Jl.roO. Housn nnd full lot , Walnut Hill. ( sooll. * I.2V ) . R-roiini house , bnth nnd collar , Imin , full lot , J1.750. 6-inom cottaee nhout B blocks from avp. nml lot. JSS7. > > F. D. Wend , 1521 Douslns St. Insunnco RE , " 21 9 P.WVMIROKRRS. II. M\ROWITZ TX3ANS MONEY. 4IS N. 1C ST KVI siioHTii.vxn A.\n TYPKWHITI.VR. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. 513 N. Y. LTPE. LTPE.V,4 AT OMAHA HUS. COLLTIfii : , IGTH .t DOl'GLAs" ' OMAHA SHORTHAND AND TYPHWIMTINO ColPKi | > . Hoyd's theater SiW O-ll * LOST. LIGHT HAY HOUSE. 7 YEARS ; WEinilS iilinut 1050 , rather thin and htih backbone. Re ward for return to 171S Cass st. . Omaha. _ Lost MISS TAKEN P.P. A HEAVY SOHRRL Apply to Thco. Williams , Henton STHAYED OK STOLEN. HLACIC HOUSE. TEN years old. pear rlKht Hank. dWlRured brand left Khoulder : lovvard. Aueust IIoos , care Snm Martin's place , south of Alhrlsht. Lost M 50 0 * _ MUSIC , ART 1X1) lAXnU.\fJH. PHOF. CHAHLES PETERSEN , INSTIltTCTION In piano , violin , KUltnr , mandoline , zither , voice. : o years experUnce ns teacher ; terms reanonable. Studio 513 Shecjy Hlock. 7S3-N4 FI'RXITJ.'HR I'ACICKIl. M S , WALICIN , 2111 CUMIN'O , TEU 1331. 557 MATTIIHSS ItmnVA'I'IXr. AVOIIKS. ILVTTRKSflKS , COl'CHKS. PARLOR turo to older , lepnlipd 1C03 L'Vtvenvv'h ' ; tel. 1V3 55G TYPIJ-.VIUTISIIS. TONS OF ENEItOY WOULD IE SAVED DAILY If every opurntor used llrht lunnlnff Dense- more. 1CII' Farn.Tin M. Omaha. 558 KUATIIKIt Iin.VOA'ATOR WORKS. FUATHEItS HOUGHT AND SOLD , M.'T- tiettea lenovnti'd nd nuula tu order. Whltu Swim. 1701 > N. 24th , 'Phone 10IJ , ME4S I'.VTKXTH. SUM * CoAttorneys - a'-Vnw ' n'"J ' ' "Ifn'Kv ' | ierl . Hi'e Iluildlns , Omnhn , N.'h. Branch office at Wmh neton , 1 D. C. Send for free Advice ami Patent Hook. See. Sunday Dee for our Machine Movements , copyrighted. 1897. SHIP Household foods to all paints In inlJtrd car lots at cut r t s. Packing , uiuvlu ? n.iel Rturaec , Telephone 1S30 , .Omaha Van & Storage \OTICi : TO \TIIACTOIIS. . NOTICR TO CONTIUCTORS. Scaled bl'ln will bo received at the ofllco of the OrotinJa anil liullillng Department of the Tranumlfislsslpl anil International ex position until C o'clock p. m. , Monday , Oc tober lltb , for the construction of the Kino Arts building. Plans and jspeclflcatloiig can bo seen at tlie oiilco ot the BUperlntcnilent , room No. C31 , Paxton block , or ueta will bo furnlahotl i contractor * ) at cost. F. P. KIHKKN'nAI.L , M r. Grd'w. & iJJdg. Uept. S 30 A to O 11 'IC'IS ' MITICi : , I ' " ( Should be read DAIJVY by nil'iim.'PHTili' ' i as changes may occur at uny time. ) Foreign mulls for tho.ncek ruillng O-- tober i > , 1MI7 , will close ( PllOMPTIA in all eusi's ) at th Postolfli'P n followc : PAHOKI.S PO3T MAILS UI.O3R O.VI. HOUR ICAItLIKU than closing time shown i below. I Trniis-.Uliintlo Jlnlln. THURSDAY At 4 u. m. for KlUtOPIJ. per B. H. Augurtu Victoria * , via 1 lymouih , Ulierbourtc and Hamburg. i 8ATURDAY-At 7 u. in. for VllANVK. aWlTZJJIU.AND. ITALY , SPAIN. PnR- TUGAU TUIIKHY , KOYPT and URITISH \OTICI5. fConllnueil. ) INDIA , per s f. La Tournlne * . vln Havre ( letters for other parts of Kuropo must bo directed 'w I.n Tournlne" ) ! nt S n. m. for nTHKRLANDS direct , per s. a , Rotterdam , vln. Rotterdam ( letters - tors must bo directed "per Rotterdam" ) ; nt s a. m. for Ql.NOA. per s. s . Kn'ser Wli. helm II ( letters must bo directed "per Knlnor Wllhelm II" ) ; nt 10 n. in. for SCOTLAND direct , per ! . s. City of Rome , vln Gla Bow ( letters must bo directed "per City of llonin" ) ; nt 11 n. m. ( supple mentary 12:30 : p , m. ) for EUROPE , per s. a. litrinln * . vln Queenstown. PRINTED MATTER , P.TC.-Oerman steamers sailing on Tuesdays tnke Printed Matter , etc. , for Osrrr.s.ny , and Specialty Addressed Printed Matter , Me. , f6r bthcr parts of Europe. Ameri can nnd White Star steamers on Wednesday * , German steamers on Thursdays , nnd Cunnrd , French nnd German steamers on Saturdays take Printed Mnller , etc , , for nil countries for which they arc advertised to carry innll. After the closlnc of the Supplementary Trnns- Atlantic Malltr named above , additional supple mentary mals. | arn , opened on the piers of the American , English , French nnd Gorman steam ers , nnd remain oven until within Ten Min utes of tha lpur ) pj nailing of steamer. Matin for SitVitti nnil Central Aiiierlon , West tlnillcn , lite. THtTRSDAY-jlAt J p. in. ( fiipplemcntnry 1:30 : p. m. ) fdf mfcRMUDA. pcrs. s. Orinoco ; nt 1.n. m. ( shpiilemcntnry lSi : ) p. m. ) for NASSAU. N. IJ. , nnd SANTIAGO DI3 CU11A , per 's. f . Santiago ; nt 3 v. m for JAMAICA , tier H , B. Ardnnroso ( let ters for HellKc I'tierto Cortes , nnd ( lunrc- inal.i must lie directed "per ArdnnroHe" ) . FRIDAY At ' 9 pi m. for NEWKOUND- LAND , portfl. H. Ollvetto , from IJoston. SATURDAY At JO n. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : n. m. ) for FOUTUNtf ISLAND , JAMAICA nnd SAVANILLA. per s. B ! Alene ( letters for Costu men must be directed "per Alcne" ) ; nt 10 n. m. ( "tip- plementnry 10:30 : ru m. ) for CAPR HAITI , aONAIVliS. AUX-CAYKS. JACMKL nnd SANTA MARTHA , per H. s. Kitty ; nt 10:30 : n. m. for CAMPECIin. CHIAPAS , TABASCO nnd YUCATAN , per s. s. SeHUrnneii ( letters for other parts of Mex ice and for Cuba must bo directed "ppr Sepurnnca" ) ; at 10:30 : n. in. for HAITI , CUMANA nnd CARUPANO , per s. s Prlns F. Hendrlk ( lottcr for other parts of Venezuela. Curncno , Trlnldnd , Rrltlsh nnd Dutch Qtilnim must bn directed "PIT 1'rlns F. Hendrlk" ) ; nt 11 n. m. for NEW FOUNDLAND , per 8. s. Portln : nt 1 p. m , for IIRA/.IL and LA PLATA COUN- TIUKS , per s. s. Salerno , vln Rio Jan-iro ( letters for Noith Hrazll must be directed "per Snlerno" ) . St'NDAY At C n. in. for PROORKSO , per jt. s. iMcMvo ( IcttciH for other parts * of Mexico must be directed "per Mexico" ) . Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to llnUfax , and thence by steamer , close at this olllce dally nt K:30 : p. m. Malls for Mlquclon , by rait to Bos ton and thence by steamer , close at this odlce Oally nt 8:30 : p. m. Malls for Cuba close nt this olllce dally at 7:0i : ) n. m. , for forwardliiR by meaimrs sailing ( Mondays nnd Thursdays ) from Port Tnmpn , Fla. letter mnlls for Mexico City , overland , unless specially nddretseil for dis patch by steamer , close nt this olIIceNlally iit 12 m. ; paper malls at f. n. m. "Registered mail closes nt 6:00 : p. in. previous day. Triiitft-I'aflllu MnllN. Malls for China nnd Japnn ( specially nd- drepsed only ) , per s. p. 13nipre < a of India ( from Vancouver ) , close here dally ui > to October ! , ut 0:30 : p. m. Mu"s for China and Japan , per s. s. Dorli. ( from Sun Francisco ) , close here dally up to October fitb atx : p. m. MaUn for Australia ( .except those tor West Australia ) , which are forwarded via ICurope , New Zealand , Hawaii , FIJI and Snmonn Islands , per P. F. Moanu ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to October * 'Sth ut 7:30 : a. in. . 11 n in , and C:30 : p. m. ( or on arrival at New Yorlc of s. . Campania with British malls for Australia ) . Malls for China and Japan , per s. s. Victoria ( from Tauomn ) , close here daily up to October * * 10th at C:30 : p. m. Malls for Australia ( except West Australia ) , New Zealand , Hawaii and FIJI Islands , per s. . Mlowera ( from Vancouver ) , close here dally after Octo ber Sth and up to October llth at 6:3 : } p. in. Malli for the Socletv Islands , pc > r Fhlp City of Papeltl ( from San Francisco ) , clo e here dally up to October 25th at C:30 : p. m. Mulls for Hawaii , per s. P. Au.stralln ( from San Francisco ) , clopc here dally up to October 7th nt ( iM : D. m. Trans-Pacific malli nre forwarded to port of sailing daily and the s-chrduU' of closing Is arraiiRed on the presumption of their unin terrupted o\crlnnd "ItFglsteml mall clones at C:0 : > 1 p. m. previous day. roitofilee. New York , N. Y. , October 1 , CORNKLIUS VANCOTT. Postmaster. HAII.KOADS. MISSOURI River Ra'kpad "The nuilliiK- tnr RuutB1-General Omce. N \Vn CorniT Tenth nnd Fariinin Sli.ccto. Ticket Olllce , 150J Farn.un Stiect. Telephone 250 D.'pot , Tenth nnd Mnson Telephone , 128. Leave. Arrive 8:35 : nm 9:35 mr and Piigel Sound. . . 4:35 : pm 4:03pm : Lincoln laical ; . , . 7-05 Jm * 7:45 : pni Lincoln Fast Mnll ! / . . . . : , S " 11:30 : am " ' "CIirc'AaO. BURLINGTON A. " Qulncy Railroad "The Iturl- Inv-tun Route" Ticket Olllce , ' 1VJ Fnrnam Street. Tolephriie :5 < ) j Depot , Tenth cid Mason StrwU , Telephone. 128. 1 a Leave. Chicago VeFtlbuld KN 5:05 : pm 7:55 : nm Chicago E\rrcss " 9:45 am 4:14 pm Chlcano .t Ht lx > uls E 7:55 : pm 7 : .5 am Paelflo Junction liocal " 11:40 : am C:10 : pin Fast Mall . . 2:50 : pm Dally , Dally oxc ! Dt Sunday. CHICAGO. BT. PAUL. MINNE- npolls & Omaha Railway- General oniecs , Nebraska Dl- \Uclon , Fifteenth nnd Wbster streets. City Ticket olllce , 1401 Farnam Stiect. Telephone CC1. IJcpot , Fifteenth and Websti-r Streets. Telephone - phone , 14SS. L nye. Arrive. Slcuv Pity Accommoda. S:5J : am S:25 : pm Sioux rlty Accommoda. ! ) :5) : ) am 8:25 pm HUlr , Emeii-oii. Sioux C'ty , Poncn. llartlns- ton and lll.miirllclg. . . . 1 1:00 pm " 11:55 : nm Slcux City , MTinkatu , St. Paul , Mlm.enpolls 6:15 : pin 9iu : nm Dally. Dully except Sunday , only. KAKri/iB CITY , ST. JOSEPH , V Council Illuffs Rallioad The Hurllnglon Itouto" T'elccl ' OHke , jjiia l''Mnidin Street , Telephone 25i ) . Depot , Tenth and Muson fe'tieets , Tel- eplion - , 12S . L'.nc Arilvi' Kansas city Day Ex. . . . 'JiO' , nm : IO pm KniiMii City Nljrht Ex. . 10uO : pip. ijsu ; „ , „ UNION PACIFIC "Till : OVKR. land Itcute" fiencral olllces N E Coiner Ninth and Farnam Streets. City Ticket Office , 131. : Farnam Slitet. Telephone. 310. Depot , Tenth nnd Maaoi. Streets. Telep lone , m. -ei'vc Arrive The Overland Limited" for Denver. Palt I.ako. Pacific const , and all western polnu . 1 s0 : am 4:45 : pm Fan Hall train for Denver , Fait l Ke. Pacific cuht nnd all vveitern points . 4C5 : pm * IO0 : nm Lincoln , lleatrlce and Ktrortltburs ExprcH. . . 1 4:0i : pm S:50 : p.n Grand Island Entirety , . . 5. : : pm " 3SO : pn , Dally. Dally excipt Sunlay. Council lllurrx Local LetvtJ. 5 n n. m i 1:50 a n : 7:20 : n. m , ; 8:25 : n. m ; \ > > : r > a , m , ; i'ilS p. m , ; 4:30 p m. ; 5:55 : p , m Airlvrj. n.20 a m. ; 7:20 : n. m ; 8 H m. :95 : : a. in ; 11:1) : ) n m. : 3:10 : p in. ; 5:40 : p m.j 9:05 : p. m.10:43 : p m. CHiCAOO. ROL'K ISLAND & I .iclllu Rallruud "V'.ii.Great Rock Isl.iml Route" City Tcltel Oni.1333 Fiiinam .Slreft Tcli-phnne , 128. Depot , Tintli nnd Mimon Strevls. Tileplione , 128. _ Leave. Arrive. Clilciik-o and Ht. Paul Vetilbuled Exnri'sa . , 4:50 : pm 1:45 : pm Uncoln , Colorado Spl , ' . Publo , Denver aucl neat . ' SSprn 4:05 : pm ClitcuKJ , Ufa Molneg and Rock Island . 7:00 : pin 815.uii ; > Atlantic Expicsn , tor Dea Molnes and euit- crn paint" . T. . . ' 7:00 : am 5 35 pn Lincoln. Fnlrhury iud IVIIcvlIle . . , . , " 54 ; ; , rn 10:45 : am Dally. Pally excfpt Sunday. CHICAdO , MILWAUKEE K ST Paul Hnllnay-CIt ) TKIiei O lice. I5QI Farnnin Stieet Titl v > oni284. . Depot. Trnth " 'Sfat. I and Milfoil b'lrreti.f.Up'.ione. . &iulus. . tiV - Iave. Arilie. Cl Icugu Limited Ix. . . . 6:45 : um ' 05 im Omahu and ChlcnBO I2 > ' 11:00 an. 1:50 : pm Dally OMAHA. KAN.SASls'T1" EASTERN RAIL. road-0nuha' & Sil T.euls RalJrcn.l'The O , K. i Rn.ite" Tlckel Onci , ! . un Farruim Bticoi. Telrphi/nv. 3" ( D'pot ' , Tenth unil Ma on ! Klrerm. T'lvphane , , ,15 , . ' J H ! > > ave. Arrti > , I'Jtroinhurx. KIrk/vlli , I Qulncy I.-cal..v.j. ; . 5 49 ara lu : < i pni i Si. Liu If. N'fu Vorl. LmlleJ ! > . , , , . , ] . . . ' / 4:30..m : am Dully. v , WAUAEU : . 14li rcmsm Sin1"- StiU ( Mi , Trnlli and MHWT Ptiv n 12v i.-ar ? Arrive , til. lJ > Ul > f , 71 > l.M um 'll:3u am n \if.itoAn.s. ( Continued. ) FREMONT , KLKHORN , t Ml soml Valley Rnllwny Otn ernl Offices. United State , j { , . tlonnl H.tnk HtHMIng , South * we t Corner Twelfth and Far. nnm Streets. Tlikct o.rics , Otreet. Telephone. SCl. Depot. WvbMcr Rlack Hlll . Deadvvood . . . . . . . . . nnl Hot HprlnR . 3:00 : pm 5W : pm HnVtTnn York DnUd City , Superior Geneva , Exeter nnd Reward. J:00 : pm E Norfolk , West Point nnd 7fO : nm MO JX an , Fremont , 3:00 : pm 5tO : pm Lincoln. Wnhoo and 7 : 0 nm * 10:2S : am Fremont . . * 5'00 ' rm 6:00 am Fremont Local " * 7W : nm Dally. Dully eicept Sunday , "Sunday only. " ' Dally ciccpt Saturday , Dnlly ckcept Mondiy SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC RAIL , . road-General Offices , United States National Hank Hulld- Intt , S , W. Corner Twelfth nml Farnsm Streets. Tlchu OOlce , 1101 Fnrnam Btrcet. Telephone , CS1. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster Streets , ' Leave. Arrive. Sioux City , Manknto , St Paul , Mlnneapoll 6:15 : pm 9l am Dally. CHICARO A NORTHWEST , ern Railway City Ticket Office , 1401 Firnam Street. Telephone , Ml. Depot. Tenth and Mason Street. Telephone 123. Leave. Arrive. Missouri Valley , Sioux City , St Paul nml ailnneapolls . . . . . . . . . . . t > :40 : nm " 10:45 : pm Missouri Valley , Sloiix City 7:30 : am 0:05 : pm Denlson , Carroll , Wnll Lake 7:30 : nm " 0:05 : pm Eastern Express , Des Molnes. Marshalltonn , Cedar Rnplds Chicago * * 10:45 : am 4:10 : pm Atlantic Flyer , Chicago ami East 4:45 : pm 4:10 : pm Fast Mull , ChlccRo to Omaha . , 3:1U : Dm Missouri Vr.llfy , Bloux City. St. Paul. Minne apolis Limited 6:55 : pm 0:25 : am Omaha-ChlcaKo Special. . 6:30 : pm S:10 : am - Daily. " Dally except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD General Offices nnd Ticket Olllce , Uerchnnts National Uank Hulldlnff , 1221 Fnrnnm Street. Telephone , 104. Depot. Fifteenth nnd Webster Streets Telephone , 1458. Leave. Arrive. Kansas"City. . St. LouU and southern points. . . * 3:05 : pm " 12:5. : > pm Kansas city Express. . 9:30 : pm C:20 : am Ft. Crook K Union Ll. . 9:00 : prn 7:00 : am Dally'H 'H I'-Oll LIFTING lliAMS. Device of tin * IllliiolN Stool CiiliMillliy for TrniiHfcrrliiK lliivj Motal. Down at Joliet tlio Illinois Steel company has rlRged up a sot of electric magnets capa ble of picking up beams weighing more than flvo tons each. The magnets are usexl , Bays the Chicago Chronicle , for the purpose of carrying the beams .from one point to an other In the shops. They arc among the most powerful appliance * of the UlnJ In the world. Dut the amount of the llultl needed to make them operate Is surprisingly small. It requires absut one-tenth of the amount of force to charge these magnets that It does to pu'h on ordinary trolley car along the street. They are horseshoe magnets with Dolpd seven and one-half Inches apart. At the upper end is a. plate of soft cteol. The poles are ten Inches long and the upper seven and one-half Inches arc wrapped with insulated ' sulated ccvper wire' The working of the magnet is simple. When a plato or beam Is lying anywhere else ttan where It is wanted the magnet , at tached to the crane tackle. In place of the ordinary sling or hook , Is lowered and Its ooles placed on the load to bo moved as near 'ho center as practicable. Then the current Is turned on and the underlying plate cr beam Is held fast by the magnetic attraction. The crane Is then put in motion In the usual nanner an-i the beam is transferred to the spot where it is wanted. When It Is fairly ilaced In Us new position the current switch is turned off and the action of the magnet ceases. The only reason why such magnets have not long been In use Is because of the fear tint the lead would drop If there was any temporary failure of the current. Th'rc Is always possible , though It is becoming lcss _ BO every day with the improvement In cfec- trlcil apparatus. To guard against accidents the Insulated cells a-o factored In water-tight brass cas. Inc ; and the whole magnet Is covcreJ In with Kilf-lnch sheet steel. If these magnet" prove a success when tested by time larger s'zcs will bo employed. When used In con nection with electric cranes , which arc now becoming common , only two hand switches will be required to move iron OP steel loads. Of course , loads of other materials could be picked up equally well by the electro magnet with a heavy keeper and a hook attached to It for the ordinary sling. A flood ICxiiiniilt- . The exnmple of W. W. Brewer , justice of the peace , and a prominent citizen of Mount Jowett , Pa. , Is worthy of emulation. He says : "I never leave homo without a bottle or Chnmberlaln'fl Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy , and always recommend It to my friends. U Is the beet I ever used , and never falls to glvo Immediate relief. " A 'OIAVT ' \IIVKSTI3U. . It IN Hun by St I'll in mill CiilM n KlIXv-Ttvo Fret \Vlil > . This season , In the great wheat-growing section of the Ssn Joarjuln valley , a giant harvester has been In use which cuts , threshes and sacks the wheat growing on ono hundred acres dally. The machine , when all Its sickles are In use , cuts the enormous swath of fifty-two feet , relatea Harper's Weekly. Eight or ten men are able to handle It easily , and It turns out from 1.400 to 1,800 sacks of wheat In a ten-hour day. The machine la arranged with a central body , which Is the regulation twen ty-six-foot harvester. On each side of thla main slcklo Is a thirteen-foot ijickle. When the machine begrn work thli year , the traction engine , which was built specially for It. pushed tills enormous har- vciter through the heavy grain of th Islands In the San Joaquln river as easily ns a team of horses would draw a wigon on a road When , however , the softer ground was reached , the weight of the machine pioved to be so great that the wheels Rink late thj soil , and the traction engine could not per form Its work as rapidly ns It should have done ; horce , there was a great loss of power. To remedy this , the side sickles had to be removed. The output of the mach'nu ' In this new form Is COO to SOO sacks per diy. Next scasoj the owners will use It on upland only , where they will he able to employ all three of the * slcklea. thus making It the largest harvester In thu world. TO CURE A COLD IN GNU DAY Taki ) Laxative Ilromo Quinine Tablrts. All druggists refund the money If It falls to euro. 2ic. ( Kullcil In Hi-KlxliT I'miicrly. "Well , how should I know they worn mar ried ? They registered Mr. - and lady , so I assigned ono to a room In the third story and 'thu other on the second floor , " said .M. K. Scott , proprietor of the Sylvan hotel of La Porto , who placed a man anil wlfu In an. awkwaril BHnajlon one night recently , re lates the Houston ( Trx. ) 1'oat. It was In the corridor of the Hutchlns that Mr , Scott wan relating the Incident to friends. "What ill ! they do ? " "They remained up one-half of the night In their respective rooms , waiting for each other to cotne In , " "How illd It end ? " "Why , Iho man came creeping down the stairs between 12 and 1 a. m. to eco what was the matter. " "Was ho ir l ? " "Siy , don't mention It. nut I'll bet he doofn't register that way again. " A llnrrlliliHivi'iini' . C'ovelanl Le.ulerj Tltw man was nearl.1 out of breulh. When he could .speak he Bali to the wondering woman : "I have just ; avn i your husbund from n watery grave He tnrew himself Into th rlvtr , uml n the rl k of my own Ilfo 1 Jumnfd In and navrd him. " , , "Well , " she said , os he reaumeil he ; Ironing , "I nlwavs feared thnt you'll try to be revenged for being refused by me nevcn years'ngo ; but I never dreiuncil that your hate would lead you to do fcuuh a thine an this. " . . . . Then she lief Bn tinging a lulluliV to the little liare-legged boy who was rolling1 on the floor. MmmmM ! KV BITS OF FEMININE GOSSIP. 1 It cannot uo concealed , says the New Orleans - loans Picayune , that there Is n irowltiR ; tendency , oven In the nouth , where nirscttlltic gallantry has holil out loimrcl 01 tip : p.m of men to let women In the street cirs s.hlft for themAelvrs. It has not cotne to that point yet , but the movement Is growing In thai direction. It Is a fact that men nro rapidly falling In the courtesy which wag once uniformly shown to women , and the reason , to a larg > extent , Is that men Are meeting women as competitors In all fields of labor , and this fact vastly changes thn social relations be * tuocn the sexes , Women nro claiming all sorts of equality with men , moral , political and physical , and are declaring more and more their Independence. The effect on the next generation will bo very marlccd and peculiar. The men and women of the pres ent arc affected to an overpowering extent by the Influence of old Ideas and training , and that Is the reason they talk about street car manners and social ethics In their rela tions to the sexes ; but In the year 1930 , jiuil thirty-three years , or the period of one gen eration from the present time , people will no longer cnocurn themselves about such matters. The greater the number of women at work In proportion to the men tha moro stringent the competition , and It can easily bo seen that , according to thu figures shown , the day might como \vhen there would bo no street-car manners , but every Individual would look out for himself or horself. an the may be. Hut even should chivalry ho extinguished from human manners , there will always romalu the ChrUtlan gr.ico of charity ; so , In the time to come , able-bodied young men and women who have seats In the cars will rtso to give their places to old men and women , and to others who may be sicker or disabled. A week ago , says the St. Louis Hcpubllc , two fiancees , with several hundred other young women front the country , reached St. Louis to mnko tliolr fall purchases from thn wholesale houses. Klancee No. 2 went to one large millinery house to buy goods , and thu other young woman to another largo establishment. If they had been men It would never had happened , but , being women , each young lady wished lo see just as much with out paying for It as slio possibly could. Su fiancee No. 2 set out on a tour of the other trimming rooms , and with poetic justice at her elbow she stepped unconsciously into the trimming room of the establishment where fiancee No , 1 was doing hur buying. Throne ono young lady had gone In just ahead of the other , and In carelessly opening her reticule had dropped a letter. Fiancee No. 2 picked up the letter. She knew that handwriting among n thousand , and just from force of habit she retired to a corner and read It through. It told the story plainly enough. Now , every milliner knows that It Is Im possible for two wonun to own the same- bonnet ; and also that no woman wishes to own a bonnet after it has been worn by an other woman. Consequently it was a very easy matter for the two fiancees to agree , whoii they formed each other's iicqualntance that evening In the hotel , that they were both done with the young man. He was expected to call that evening early upon fiancee No. 2 and later upon fiancee No , 1. Hut they both mot him In fiancee No. 2's drawing room , where they said , " \Vo thought we'd save you trouble , and give you only one pang Instead of tvo , for we've both decided to break our engagements. " And now the young man has added a new word to Sam "Waller's warning , and ho sajs , "Huwaro of vlddora , and also of milliners. " An odd Idea , originated by some one of the many lovers of "the divine Jane , " is to give an evening's entertainment , for the drawing- room and for amateur performance , of scenes from Miss Austen's novels. These require ao set scenery , but nn arrangement of fur nishings after the style of a century ago will make the most effective background. Of course the quaint and peculiarly stiff dress of the same period will also help to carry oft the performance. After that the rest may bo left , even In the hands of com paratively Indifferent actors , to the words of the author. Scenes may bo freely selected from "Emma , " "Pride and Prejudice , " "Northangcr Abbey , " and "Mansfield Park. " There Is an embarrassment of riches from which to choose , as a score of delightful remem brances come up to the mind at the mere mention of those dearbooks. There are some characters , however , such as Mrs. Klton , Mr. Collins , and Lady Catharine , which certainly ' must be Introduced In soma one or other o'f their telling situations , After shopping or unpacking or sowing , or whatever else she 'has to < Io on these in sufferable days , a bath Is the first thought of the average woman. She would love to plunge right Into a tub of cold water and stay there until all memory of her un pleasant day had been effaced. If she is wise she will do no such thing. A tepid water bath is better than either a hot or cold onu in this wcatlipr , and if a table- .spx > nful of ammonia la added to the water the effect will bo both cool and bracing. After a fatiguing day a. bath to which couple of handfuls of sea salt has been added will prove wonderfully refreshing. Hathlng the face In cold water when over heated Is apt to cause -congestion und con sequent blotches and spotH to appear. Lemonade and ginger ale are thu mst cooling drinks , and too great mental ex ertion or worrying or fussing are to bo eschewed entirely If ono hopes to keep cool , From a long cxperlonco In the satisfactory use of camph rwooJ chests a wise woman , who recently built > a model homo , included In her plan on ? amall room entirely sealed with this moth-proof wood , where the family's most treasured possessions of wool anil fur have been stored through the sum- morn. The tiny storeroom has a skylight In the rcof , but no windows where danger of a careless leaving ajar might oc casionally bo incurred. This has been so entirely satisfactory that she no-.v Intends to liavo a living room , in which many antique draperies and rugs are collected , finished entirely In camphorwcod , which , when polished , Is not unlllio white oak , and may easily ho made distinctly oiiiHinental. This would teem. with the IIBU of tight , fine screens as an extra precaution , a fafo way of enjoying wJthout fear some valuable furnishings that ordinarily liavo been tc- ductlvo harbors .for that fatal and prolific enemy , the moth. They tell a story of St , Ooorgo'H Hplscopal church , or rather ono of Its attendants , when the church was down on Hcckmun ireut , Now York City , which shows an unusual case of abucncu of mind. Tin ! old resident who lulls the story wan a young man Just fining into buulni'SH ut that tlmo , and ho kept late hours In his employer' * ) shop , just across from tha church. Coming out at nearly midnight , ho saw a woman across the street who seemed to bn In trouble , Inquiry brought to light thu Tact that she had been to scrvleo that night , ( alien her boy a few years old , and ho had fallen asleep and she had gonu homo without him. She did not lemember him until nho reached homo and by the tlmo aim returned the church was closed , and what to do she didn't know. A crowd gathered , on a crowd will oven at midnight , but no QUO knew ex actly what to do. "Oct n ladder" said one. Dut there was no ladder , so climbing up so that It WBH InipoKilhlu to decipher the no Ictn on the church , thn sexton's uddreas was discovered , a long distance from the church. Some onu went ' ° r I'1'11- ' ' " ' " ' ' ! " ' child was found btlll sound asleep on thu dubious. The practlco of dressing for the street If ) the theater and church bofor the play or service Is over Is growing In the thoitcr women put on their hatp lg oneo at the beginning of the last acti t Is almost Im possible to hoar the cloilus lyorda of a play , and If the curtain goes up at the c'.rsu the adorn looking down upon the auditorium run at BCH &omethlciK which looks very much llko a panic-stricken crowd. No one la In a hurry after the outer door la , retched , and this mud haste In.ildo ts as Urarge &n It U ill-bred and dliagreublo. Inchutrh the rush is not eo mad , hut the sentiment U oven moro objectionable. A churchman In a ritualistic churcli , . venernble-look'ng man. will genuflect during different portions tions of the service , h's rcsporscs > ro de- \niit , nnd his atnenn fervent , hut ilio last prayer and the last part ot the reces. tonal , both of which ate AS Import-nit parts or the service ns they would bo U they ca \ \ aIn In another part of the order of eteixlsm , finds hlmQjf putt ng on his gloves anil him - Ing for his Ml and stick. Is the former devotlorl a mockery , or Is ho only possessed with the Ineanlty of Ifio ago ? "I've broken the engagement , " announced the sentimental girl , eadly , and her com- panlcn looked up In .surprise , relates the Tlmrs-Hcrald. "Why. Alicia AnRella Martin ! " she ex claimed , breathlessly , "I'm too astounded to speak. 1 thought you told mo only yesterday that jou loved him bettor than all the world , and couldn't live without him. " "So 1 did , " responded the sentimental girl , sighing like n furnace , "but I had to do It. Just the same. You know my nature crnvea and needs sympathy -r now minister oaya I'm onu of the very few wnnum ho knowa who would starve , spiritually speaking , with out affection and I've never fancied thnt Charllo was quite ns sympathetic as ho might he. Ho was ntwayn saying someth I\K \ which Jarred on my uervos Just n little , you know , and yesterday I made up my mind that after wecro married Itould be tor ture , nnd thnt I'd better end It. Our mlnta- ter hc'a only 2C. my dear , and the nlredt boy you over saw had just been talking to mo about tint solemnity at getting mar ried , and alt that , jou know , and ho wai perfectly lovely , \Vo were sitting on the front porch , In the nhado of the big vine there , nnd I had on that lovely black ch ftou frock of mine Charlie hates It llko poison , but I know the minister thinks It e lovely , and I really do look nice In It. "Well , just as ho finished his nice lltt'o sermon , who should come In nt the gate but Charlie who'd been nwnv for a woek-ard I Just flow down the path to meet him Mme Farronl says I run very gracefully , and I knew that drc s would float out beiutifully " 'You look llko n dear little blackblH ' Charlie told mo ns wo came up the steps , and thu minister bowed nnd said , with tlo ( sweetest smile , 'Not a blackbird , surely Mr. Browne , but n sweet llttlo dove. ' " 'No , ' answered Charlie , who hates t' ' o minister worse than n mad dog , 'like a blackbird , as I said , or ' seeing that I wnn frowning at him , I suppose 'a dear l.ttl-i black bat. ' "Now , what do you think of that ? A IwM And when the minister had just said I looked like a lovely white dove. 1 Jiut made up my mind , all In a minute I wasn't mad. either and you needn't think it--only determined that Charllo and I would novar live happily together , anyway , and- and I gave him back his ring. Tinminister' ' Oh , wo we we're going tandem riding tomor- Some Interesting details concerning tha lives of borne dozen eminent French widows have como to light. It appears that Mmo. MacMahnu , the wife ot the marshal aid president of that name , declined to accept n state pension when offered to hrr She Is , however , well provided for , and duilig the winter Is to be found In her mansion , situated In the Hue do Hcllcchassc , but dur ing the Hummer mouths she ictlres ( o her chateau In the Lolret. The royaliot circles in which she moves nro of n very select and exclusive nature. Mme. Carnet lives an ex tremely retired life , but still receives the visits of princes and other distinguished people who como to condole with her. In her house she has n little chapel , which she has arranged herself and filled with souvenirs of her late husband. She also , llko Mmo. MacMahon , has declined a htute pen sion. sion.Tho The tvifo of the "Grand Francala , " M do Lesscps , spends the greater part of the year at La Chesnnge , whore her husband died. She receives n pension of 120,000 francs a year from the Suez Canal company. M. Pasteur's widow has taken up her residence at the Institute bearing her husband's name , and Is In receipt of a pension of 25,000 franca a year. Ono of the most active of thcso ladled Is tin ; wife of the historian , Mlcholet , who lives quite alone , and oi-cuplos her tlmo in bringing out new editions of her late husband's work and editing the MSS , ho left behind , Including his memoirs. Mme. Alexandra Dumas , too. Is busily engaged , but In a different way , with her husband's MSS. , for her object Is to prevent any of tliQ numerous works or fragments of work * he left behind from being published. Tim wife of the Illustrious composer of "Faust" Mme. Gounod goes n step further than tills , and refuses to allow the performance of some of Gounod's earlier compositions , on the ground that the reputation of the de- ceaced musician might suffer from , the criti cisms passed upon them. The only woman In the world who fondlca lion cubs for amusement , and who prefers them to either dogs or kittens as household companions , Is Mis. 'Klltc-h of Denver , Colo. This remurkablu woman sees nothing un usual In her actions , however , and says that she collected strange wild beasts for pets simply because she likes them and not for a fnd or to attract attention. She owns the only private zoological garden In the coun try , nnd slio takes great delight In managing It herself. "When I want a change from driving horses , " said Mrs. Klltch , "I have an ostrich. the only pacing bird owned by a woman. I drive It for amusement , never for the pub lic. It hauls n light road wagon , and Pvo just got a new ono with pnvuiiiatlc tires , I have often tried the effect of music on my animals , and frequently give n concert to some of them at my cottage. Thn violin affects them inrst. "Hears " are most sus ceptible to the inllueni'o. " The cost of the equipment of Mr . Klltcli's zoological garden runs up into thousands ot dollars , without counting upon the original cost of the property. The construction ot water ducts , suwerago , lake and swimming pool , theater , etc. , represent largo sums ot money. After all thcoo were constructed then c.imo the landscape gardening , tlio llowers. the shrubbery , the rare birds nnd fowls and furnishing of the zoo , which rep- iricnts $30.000 alono. When thcso were ready thn theater and players were next to bo considered. A binnll army of employes Is necessary to keep everything moving harmoniously , and n good financier at the head to watcli that ( r.vrctoil capital Is not wasted. The wliolo I'uterprlno suggests courage - ago , executive ability and brain powur , and It Is all centered in tint stylish llttlo head ot this piquant , huxy-mlLded woman. Just before going away on his vacation DP. Madden , pantor of Calvary Haptlxt church , 'fronted , N. J. , expressed HOIHO regret that up to that time this congrcgatlqn had not been able to glvo a much-needed coat or two of paint to the church. Immediately on his departure half a dozen men of the congrcgatlcri volunteered to paint the church , being urged thereto by the women member * . After agreeing , however , some of I ho men banteilngly inulstcd ( hat tlip women should paint the church fence , The women agrcod to do no , and have car ried out lh 'lr prnmlte. They did not take up a collection und hire men to do the wotlc , but with their own h.indu wielded thn ' brushes , and 'they have cvory roison to feel proud of their efforts. None of the men believed the promise ) voiild bo kept , hut they were mistaken , and unprejudiced critics say the painting of the fence excels that of the chapel. The women did not wait until darkness came , hut went ! lo work at 3 o'clock In the afternoon , tt'hen the C o'clock whistles blew they knocked off for tint day , and the next after noon completed thrlr task. The fence U about 275 feet long and the new coat of paint Is of a bciutlfnl shade of balmon. Thn only amisonce the mini gave was the mixing of the paint , and some of the women tx.llovo Iho results would hnvn bran oven more sat isfactory had they done the mixing them- . The painters were tmnbonneta and calico dresses and ever slnco the fence was painted ; have been nuralng hands blistered by hold ing the bruihes. Many persons watched tlieiu iit work , but taunts did not seem lo trouble them. Borne complained that women vhnuld paint the fcnco while many men weie without work , but the brushed never stopped. Small vlll , iafe pill , b'tst pill , Do Wltt'm I , Htlii Kirly Itlscrw cufo..l > lllousnou , connUi fallen , cck ! tiruclichu.