mB M * 1fPI& - * - * l.lf..M , t-- , TITE OINFATTA DAILY 4Ar , OCTOBER 7 , 1897 , Omaha , Oct. 6 , 1SD7. Hach passing day improves our dress goods facilities and leads us on to greater possibilities We call special attention to our plaids nice plaids are scarce Its a good idea to buy a plaid dress here and now that is , if you going to want one they are scarce. NKW Wo wish the paper DUHSS fiOODS line was long enough to hold samples of all the iittrndlvo gown stuffs we lmvi gath ered. As it Is not we must pick out about one In forty that must stand for this rest or help to induce you to visit our ! .store and examine the rest. Melton costume cloth , for skirts without lln'ng , comes In all the new colors , G3 to 51 Inches wide , at $1GO. Fancy costume cloth , for skirts without . lining , good assortment 63 Inches wide at ? l.GO | . Heavy covert cloth for skirts , without lining 58 Inches wide at $1.00 per yard. BLACK Our stock is roplole DUliSS ( iOODS with nil the now things in black dress goods at old prices. Wo start them as low as 2Cc and run the prices as high as $2.50 per yard. PLAID They nro HANDSOME plaid DRESS dress goods. They uro ox- GOODS treomoly scarce but wo bought a largo lot of thorn. Merchants positively cnnuot Buy ti dollars lars worth of them on the Now York nrnrkot today. Wo bought all that a wholesaler had because wo know thoy'd bOBcarco bought thorn at the old prices before the tarllT raised thoin. Those choice , handsome , bright plaids that everybody Is after The tariff price Insists on making them S5c wo can sell them for C3c. The $1.00 plaids , beautiful creations , ue will Bell atS5c CLOAKIWiS All the latest , novelties of the season you will find In our atc-ck of Cloakings. Now nouclcs. Now plaid back novelties. New shades In beavers. New fancy cloaklngs. It you can't get suited In a ready-made cloak , try ua on cloaklngs. SCROLL Have you scon our Scroll BRAIDS n-uid Trimmings in black with colored centers ? They are now. Braliia of every desc'lption. In all black wo can give you a great variety Also many pretty styles In colors. At 50c , 75c and $1.00 we are showing some special values , NOVELTY All the now and do- DRESS ( iOODS tirablo novelties of the season at 25c , 27'A1 , 20elOc , r.0c , Tiiir , S5c , ? 1.00 , ? 1.2T > and ? l.riO. NOTIONS Wo have an excellent line of Fancy Feather Stitched Braids , so much used for muslin under wear , night shirts , etc. White at 5c , Gc , 8c , lOc , 12c , 15c , ISc , 20c and 23c per piece. Colored at lOc per piece. * McCALLS 10c Wo state withou" BAZAAR mid rcservcjthat McCalls PATTERNS Inc IJu/aar Patterns have no superiors. None better at any price. Wo nniko no ex ceptions. We cannot do hotter than to refer to any of our lady customers who have used them. They are known as "The'styUsh Pattern. " They are cut on lines ami curves peculiarly their own. Tliwo is a ceitaln stylish effect about a garment made over a MeCall 1'attern that Is attained by the use oL1 no other pattern. STORM Are staple as wet days ar HEROES certain. They ave proof against any ordinary dress hurt , at fiOuund 7nc per yard. ItlHUS , .1IIISIU AMI MAXY Drlllluncy mill llrnuty the Features nl I lie Hay. That considerable portion of the popula tion of Omaha which attended the fall open ing of Browning , King & Co. yesterday and last night was given a forcible Illustration of the extent to which the artistic ami beautiful may bo combined with the nnro practical equipments of a retail store. While In this case the Interior decorations were intended merely as an incident to the dis play of an exceptionally complete and at tractive line of nuw goods , the work of the decorator was so well performed that It I narrowly escaped becoming the principal I feature of Uie occasion. The two lower floors of the building were converted Into a veritable realm of beauty. The Illumina tions -were- unique and attractive and the eonga of a score of sweet voiced birds mingled with the perfume from hundreds or clusters of Uio choicest flowers to give aii effect ol oriental magnificence. The first thought of the visitor who dropped In on the ground door yesterday waa that by seine freak of magic a clothing store had disappeared to make a place for corner ifrom fairyland. The monotony of the Interminable counters , with their burdens of handsome garments , was con cealed by a lavish , distribution of potted palms and plants that , rose halt way to the celling to meet the festoons of smllax ami colored lights that dropped to meet them. The uhow cases were profusely ornamented with huge clusters of roses and carnations , and the space over the show windows was literally banked with flowers ami foliage planla. Fojtoons of Ak-Sar-Hui lamps hung from the chandeliers , and hero and there wore cages of canaries that chirped a. shrill accompaniment to the strains of the or chestra that > was ensconced In the gallery just over the main olllce. The second floor , which contains the chir- drcn'a department , was decorated with equal beauty. Hero was also a profusion of ( low ers , smllax and colored lights , and the mag- nlllccntly furnished lounging place provided ( or femlnlna visitors was fragrant with tliu portumo of the most exquisite roses arranged In artlfltlo designs and clusteis. A small uquarlum of Japanese- gold fish was a very affective fall to the less brilliant colors of the ( lowers and u number of uanddome statues and bronzes completed the artistic effect. That the lavish expenditure of time and money that was required to produce such effects was expected to bring an adequate remuneration Is a matter of course. That It w ui entirely successful In this particular the management freely admits. Major H. S. Wll. cox , the local manager for the linn , was a very Battuflcd man when the lights were turned off loto last evening and an excep tionally heavy trade had materially lowered the plies of goods which burdened the coun ters In the morning. There was a constant stream of visitors through the establishment from early In the forenoon until 10 o'clock last night. No ono was Importuned to buy , tut the cfforto of the management were dl- A LITTLE SUFFERER Faoo , Hands and Arms Covered With Scrofulous Humors How a Cure Was Effected , "When llvo years old my llttlo hey had Bcrofula on his face , hands and arms. It was worst ; on his chin , although the sores on his cheeks and hands were very bad. It appeared In the form of red pimples Which would fester , break open and run nnd thpn scab over. After disappearing they would break out again. They caused intense itching and thu llttlo sufferer had to bo watched continually to keep him from scratching the sores. Wo became greatly alarmed at his condition. My wife's mother had had scrofula and the only mediclno which had helpd her was Jlood's Saruaparilla. Wo decided to give- it to our hey and wo noted an improve ment | n his case very BOOH. After giving him four bottles ot Hood's Sarsnparllla the humor had all been driven out of his blood and it has never since returned. " "WILLIAM UAKTZ , 410 Bouth Willlaina St. , South Bend , Indiana. You can buy Hood's Barsaparilla of all druggists , lie suru to gut only Hood' * . cureLUerIII ie ytoUke , . /to opcruto. ilccuu. reeled to affording the visitors every facility to sec everything that was to bo seen In the big establishment. A couple of young women wcro In attendance to pin a handsome floral souvenir on the dress or coat of every vis itor and then they were allowed to listen to the music and admire the flowers and denotations at their leisure. That many of them found time to admlro the handsome garments that were displayed to their best advantage In such attractive surroundings was only natural and Major Wllcox very complacently admitted that the day's bus- | incss had exceeded all expectations. There was scarcely an hour in the day that did not find the entlro establishment well filled with visitors and In the evening , when the brll- llant Illuminations Invested the Interior with added beau.y , the patronage amounted nearly to a crush In every department. Cook's 1 Imperial > Is a delicious wine. Champagne ) AMUSEMENTS. Clay Clement last night at the Boyd pre sented for the first tlmo In this city his new play , a "Southern Gentleman. " The play Is ono of the southland , as Its title indicates , In which a romantic love story forms a con spicuous -part. It presents southern life , as exemplified In. the everyday goings and com ings of thu better classes courtly.actuatcd by generous influences and a high sense of honor which would sacrifice a life's happi ness rather than bo guilty of an ungenerous act. The Inevitable darky was there , for no scene from the south would bo complete without him , and the "old mammy , " too. The play Itself Is ono of considerable merit , well suited to the manner of man who heads tlm cast , though lq the hands of a loan art ful company would , not risu above the level of several which have comn and gene in public favor. Clay Clement has won his way Into the hoirts of Omaha theatergoers , who were rather doubtful at first concerning the man who came among thoin unheralded. No one on the stage1 today can deliver a pretty sentiment with moro grace and artful effect , and In the stronger parts , where mr.ny rant and jar upon the nerves , his quiet and Im pressive methods are far more effective. In the "Southern Gentleman" this faculty Is still moru conspicuous than in the "New Dominion , " with which IIP first captivated Omaba audiences. The entire company Is ono of special merit. The "Southern fientlo- man" will bo repeated this evening and this afturnoon and Friday evening the "New Do minion' will be the bill. Druggists know Dr. Davis' Antl-Heud- uclio U b33t of all headache remedies. TllIMMV Ollt a The executive committee of the republican county committee met yesterday afternoon to consider mutters pertaining to the pri maries tomorrow. The delegation from the Thlnl ward , headed by Charier M. Hiich- man , nnd supported by the central repub lican club In that wnrd. was tluown out , 11 H It was found that the petition behind It contained a number of names of people who did not live In the wnrd , and was other wise defective. This leaves but ono delegate - gate to ltoteil on at the primaries In that \ \ ui d. VXcrun Klrcim-11 Aftrr a Convention , Plans for securing a convention of the Veteran Firemen of the Nation In 1N > S occu pied the tlmo of the local body at Its meetIng - Ing last night. Several nnmes were Mib- mltteil for membership and were voted In , n all were able to satisfy the requisite of live years' active service In the tire depart ment of the rltv. The finances of the as sociation \veie found to bo In n satisfac tory condition , nearly J100 being reported In the treasury. \ViMiry of ( In * Minnie Drown , drunk and discouraged , last night took a triple measure of lauda num nnd tlioiiKht she had the end of tier resl.lenre at ! * M Cupltol avenue , well In Bight. The womun Is an Inmate of the house at that number and the stimulus of alcohol has often before brought on attacks of melancholia. AS no city physician was within call , Dr. Towne attended the case , and the woman \v.i delleveiod of the druir with no further serlou.i conscrjucncea. Allritril lint Tlilcvrn Arroxlpil. Clarence Myrlch and Ed Nightengale were arrested last nlsht on suspicion of not being reputable citizens and were later Identified 0.3 being concerned In a game whereby 1'euse Brothers were despoiled of clftht huts , valued at JIO. They admit lip- Ing In the 8 1 ore , but no trace of the Imta \ > us obtained. Arnold's llromo Celery rtirei ueadachei. lOo , 5o and & 0c. All drucgliti. AGAINST CATTLE TIHtVES Supreme Oourt Settles a Number of Appeal Cnecs. NEV/ / LAW ON THE MATTER HELD GOOD CnlllP .StonlliiK II , tin1 Smite UN lliiriiSUnl - llIU , lIPVcltVN SllllUtlUII of ( lie .luilucs. , LINCOLN , Oct. C. ( Special. ) Among the decisions handed down by the supreme court during this sitting arc the affirmations of the trlnl court In the cases of Catron nnd Granger both of Sherlilan county. In each of thcso cases the crlino charged was cattle stealing , which under the law passed In 1S95 , li a penitentiary offense , the same ai horoo Btcallng. Appeals were taken to test this law. Similar appeals came from other west ern counties , until there wcro seven or eight canea depending upon a. decision as to the validity of the law. The deulslou handed down today In the Granger cnso upholds the law and practically decides all the other cases. The Catron case was appealed on the same grounds , but had an additional claim of error because of alleged misconduct on the part of the prosecuting attorney. The voucher came to the governor today from the exposition commission for the pay ment of ground rent on the exposition grounds for the Nebraska building. The charge Is 25 cents per square foot for 14,211 feet , making a total of $3r > C0.25. The gov ernor has approved the bill. W. II. Mackey , Jr. , sheriff from Junction City , Kan. , was hero today with a requisition for the return of Charlco Enllcld , who la wanted at the Kansas town for forgery. En- fleld Is now In jail at Falrbury. The Omaha School of Law , an association organized for the promotion of education In the science of law and for the establishment of an academy of law In the city of Omaha , filed articles of Incorporation with the secre tary of state today. The Omaha Hackmen'e union , with a capital stock of $ GOO , ( lied arti cles of Incorporation today. The olllccrs are : John Larson , president ; U. A. Russell , secre tary ; Clfarlus White , treasurer. Another In corporation today Is the Southeastern Stock and Development company of Omaha , with a capital stock of $85,000. Its business Is to ho the survey , purchase and sale of mining property , the dealing In patent rights and the development of mining plants and the establishment of plants for the reduction of ores. The Incorporators are Alex McMltlcn , Frank C. O'Hollaren and George \V. Shields. STATE SUI'I'LIKS. Following are the successful bidders for the furnishing of supplies to the several state Institutions for the next three months : Hospital for Insane , Norfolk Coal , range coal , Brach & lines. Dear Creek Coal com pany ( E. II Harnard ) ; staple groceries , Raymond mend llros ; fancy groceries , Raymond Bros. : flour , etc. . Sugar City Cereal Mills ; drugs , A. II. Leonaid ; clothing , Mayer Uros. ; dry goods , llaum ! Bros. ; shoes , etc. , Davenport Uros. Instituo for Kccblo Minded , Beatrice Chip laundry soap , B. Strauss ; coal , Victor White ; coal , J. S. Rutherford ; staple groceries , Emll Lang ; fancy groceries , Emll Lang ; fish , Emll Lang ; meat , S. A. Hunter ; bread , Davis & Davis. Industrial School for Boys , Kt'arney Shoe shop supplies , Lincoln Leather company ; staple groceries , .Raymond Bros. ; fancy gro ceries. Hat greaves & Co. ; crockery and glass ware , Funko & Ogden ; Hour , etc. , Coddlngton & Sons ; silver plated knives and forks , Kunke & Ogden ; meat , William L. Keller ; hard ware , W. E. Jakway ; dry goods , Smith & Colby ; dry goods , L. C. Gregg. Hospital for Insane , Lincoln Coal , Charles B. Gregory ; staple groceries , Hargreavcs & Co. ; fancy groceries , Hargreaves & Co. ; flour , etc. , Tcmplejon - & Guthrle ; drugs , B.'O. Koatka ; clothing , "Globe " ClothIng - Ing company ; clothing , Herpolshelmer & Co. ; meat , Hubbard Bros. ; dry goods , Her polshelmer & Co. ; shoes , etc. , Webster Itogers. Soldiers' and Sailors' Home , Mllford Coal , Whltebreast Coal and Lime company ; staple groceries , William Orcutt ; fancy groceries , Blackburn Bros. ; flour , etc. , F. D. Johr.aon & Co. ; meat , W. E. Daniels ; dry goods and clothing , Mayer Bros. ; shoes , etc. , AV. Y. Orcutt. Industrial School for Girls , Geneva Coal , Whltebreast Ccal company ; Hour , etc. , Tem- ploton & Guthrlo ; meat , M. Alexander ; dry goods , Solomon & Nathen ; shoes , etc. , Mayer Bros. Asylum for Chronic Insane , Hastings Coal , C. J. Miles ; staple [ groceries , Raymond Bros. ; fancy groceries , Raymond Bros. ; flour , etc. , Hastings Manufacturing company ; drugs , A. H. Farrens ; dry goods , W. W. Brach ; shoes , etc. , Kirby & Day ; clothing , W. J. Folk. State Penitentiary , Lincoln Potatoes , Har- greaves & Co. ; staple groceries , Raymond Bros. ; fancy groceries , "Raymond Bros. ; flour , etc. , Templeton & Guthrle ; drugs , C. E. Clark ; meat , Cudany Packing company ; dry goods , Miller & Paine ; shoes , etc. . Tucker Shoo company ; hardware , > Rudge & Morris ; clothing. Globe Clothing company ; clothing , Mayer Bros. Soldiers' and Sailors' 'Home , Grand Island Ccttl , Whltebreast Coal company ; ceul. It. A. Weston ; staple groceries , II. H. Glover company ; fancy groceries , H. H. Glover company ; flour , etc. , Templeton & Guthrle ; drugs , D. N. Boyden Drug store ; ment , Henry Pfleff ; dry goods , J. N. Wolhach ; shot-s , etc. , J. N. Wolbach ; burial cases , Joseph Sendermann. Industrial Homo at Mllford Coal , White- ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD. \ XIJW IHSCOVBIIV WHICH IS WOKTII THAT MUCH. r To Any One Afllictcil itltli IMli-H. The Pjramld Pllo Cure , the now , remedy which has been BO remarkably suc cessful In curing every form of piles and rectal diseases , has recently been placed on calo at druggUts , nnd It U safe to say Unit when Us extraordinary merit becomes fully known , there will bo no suth thing as surgi cal operations for the euro of this obstinate and common trouble. Mrs. M. C. Hlnkly of 001 Mississippi St. , Indianapolis , lad. , says : I had been a ter rible suffeior from piles for fifteen years and no remedies bcncfltted me until I saw an advertisement of the 1'yr.imld Pllo Cure ; I got a package , also a package of Pyramid Pills and used both according to directions. I was astonished at the Immediate relief obtained and now I honestly bellevo the Pyramid to bo the only certain euro for piles. That you may reallzo how bad I was , I will cay that I was confined to my bed and went befoie the college physicians hero , who said my case was a new ono to them and wanted seven or eight hundred dollars to tin- dortako a euro ; the great pain had brought on a rupture , and I know an operation would be death to mo on account of blood poUon Ing , Nearly every one here knows of my terrible suffering from piles and I feel -that I cannot pralfe the Pyramid Pile Cure enough ami the Pyramid P11U also. My husband \\lll Join me In hlghy recommending the Pyramid , my daughter was cured by cue box only. For several years I weighed but about 00 pounds , now 1 weigh ISO and feel In perfect health. This seems to be the universal testimony of every sufferer from pllo * who has eve' tried the Pyramid ; It Is the Eaton , mr t painless pile euro yet discovered ; contains no collate , morphine , cooulnc , or any unisonous Ingredient \\tialever , has a teething , healing effect from the first application , and the moderate price places U within the reach of every ono needing treatment. The Pyramid Pllo Cure Is sold by druggists at 50 cents and Jl.OO per package , and the Pyramid P11U at 5 croU per hoi. Send to Pyramid Co. , Albion , Mich , , for ( rue book on cause and cure of plica. breast Conl & Iltthpl company ; staple grocer ies , W. Y. Orllhftfi fancy groceries , W. Y. Orcutt ; flour nnd feed , F. I. . Johnson & Co. ; meat. W , K. Daniels , dry goods , W. Y. Or cutt ; shoes , etc. , 1) . Uoshhart. HOME Foti > t\n \ : FRIINI > USS. The annual co iVJntlon of the Society of | the Homo for the Frlend'ess met at the chapel of the Institution today. Reports from the odlceM 9/1 the society were read , all being of an encouraging nature. Letters from over the state promising aid to the , homo wcro also rend. At the election held 1 In the afternoon1 the old officers were re- elected. It belntf di'emed Inadvisable to make any change * while -Mio suit against the so ciety Is pending In , court. Following Is a list of the officers : President. Mrs. A. M. DA vis. 1701 K street , Llnco'n ; vice presidents , Mrs. A. W. Field of Lincoln , Mrs. U. H. Pollock if Hcalrlco. Mrs W M. Scott of Urewuter , Mrs. A. B. Yoho of Fllley. Mrs. W. L. Lopcr of Palmyra , Mrs. J. D. Xcshltt of Pa\\nco ; corresponding and recording secre tary , Huth M. Wood. M. D. . Mncoln ; finan ' cial secretary , Mrs. W. M. Knnpp. University Place ; treasurer , Mrs. C. A. Atkinson , Lln- co'ri. co'ri.noard noard of directors : President , Mrs. H. A Habcock , 1301 J street , Lincoln ; clerk , Mrs. L. P. Ludden , 1330 D street , Lincoln ; Mrs. S. M. lienedlct , 1120 V street , Lincoln ; Mrs. T. II. Loavltt. H41 0 street. Lincoln ; Mrs. Ollvo White , South Seventeenth street , Lin coln ; Mr * . C. M. Jaqucs , 631 South Four teenth street , Lincoln ; Mrs. J. J. Cox , Eighteenth and M streets , Lincoln ; Mrs. D. Slaughter. 1140 0 street , Lincoln ; Mrs. W. A Waddlngton , Ileatrlco ; Mrs. n. II. Tinkle- paugh. Melroy Aux , Fllley ; Mrs. J. U. Mc- Kcc , Palmyra ; Mrs. M. n. C. True , Tccum- seh. seh.Officers Officers of the home : Superintendent , Mrs. F. M. Williams ; assistant superintendent , Miss Llzzlo Baldwin ; physician , W. M. Knapp. M. D. ; matron , Mra. Mattle n. Wood. The Hoard of Ilegents of the university has received a communication from W. J. IJryan , In which he offers to give the sum of J250 to the university , the amount to bo Invested , nnd the Interest each year to be used In purchasing a prle for the best essay on the science of government. The offer was accepted by the board. Governor Holcomb and party loft for Nashville over the Missouri Pacific this afternoon. LINCOLN LOCAL NOTES. Today was children's day at the county fair , all school children being admitted free. The schools of the city turned out In n grand parade this forenoon , In which many ot the country schools Joined , In the procession there were , -owldca the pupils of the city schools on foot , thirty-four floats and a largo number of carriages , and the parade took an hour and a quarter to pas * n given point. The line of school children nlone reached the length of seventeen blocks , The crowd at the fair was a largt one , and the entertainment was first clas The tuml for the building of the now auditorium has reached $4,400 , not taking Into consideration the amount realized from the sale of buttons. The plans for the new bull-ding have not yet been adopted , but ( ho general Idea Is that It Is to bo n one- story structure to have n seating c.ipa'lt > of at least 5,000. and to cost from $10000 to $15.000. John F. Drtle. 0. W. Garllch. A. M. Jef frey and K. S. D. Vorhe.es of Omaha are at the Lincoln. A Ooiul IXiiiniilr. The example of W. W. Hrewer , justlco o the peace , at'd a prominent citizen of Mount Jewell , Pa. , Is worthy of emulation. Ho 'says : "I never leave homo without a bottle of Chttnborlaln'e Colic , Cholera am Diarrhoea Hemcdy , and always rccommem It to my friends. It Is the best 1 over used and never falls to qlve Immediate relief. " UIMKUTS TIIK Vi'l'lAI , KOU MDItOAV Governor DcrlliK-i to Intcrforo 111 ( In Cum- . LINCOLN. Oct. B. ( Special Telegram.- ) Attorney W. S. Summers was with the gov ernor an hour this forenoon making a las artieal for a respite for Oeorg Morgan. The governor was Inter viewed at the clone of the conference and snh that ho would take nc actloi In the case. He leaves tb's ' afternoon for Nashville and Lieutenant Governor Harris being also absent from the state , the duties of the executive office will fall upon F. T Hansom , president of the senate. There Is some speculation as to whether the Morgan case will bo presented to Hansom after the governor leaves. 1'or Sick llfiiitacho llm > lloi'Nfni iI'H Aelil l'liosilillc. It removes the cause by stimulating the action of the stomach , promoting digestion and qulcllng the nerves. rri-Ilniliinry Itllle I'rni'fIcr. FOHT NJOnilAHA , Neb. , Oct. C. ( Spe cial. ) The preliminary practice of the an nual competition In rifle firing for the De- Wns5 yon at de State fair ? I wuz hut I ain't been working fur de exposi tion an' I ain't soln' tor My dad's smoke house is wood ernnf fur me comp ile never investigates anil den 1 do luv his "Five Cent Stoeclcer Cigar" A fel ler tole me ten day dat he had traveled all over de wurld an' dat he had tor cum home ter get a realy ten cent cigar fur a nlckle an' when he went again he would take einif Stoeckors wld him to last dat's de vdrdle of every smoker what has ever tried my dad's Stoeckei1 Yer can get dem by de single or de box at most -all fle dealers or at my dad's Klondike on Douglas street. 1404 DOUGL&S. How about that stove ? have you com pared the Jewells' ' with other makes ? Wo ate anxious Unit yon should Just look at all the1 stoves oll'wed then come here and"we'll snow you the superiority of the .Tewellsr/rhero are so many fea tures about the Jewell Cook Stoves and Steel Kanges that we can't tell them to you here but we can explain them all to you at the store One big Item is the sectional oven bottom It's made in four pieces with llange edges riveted together and absolutely prevents warping -thus insuring at all times a perfect baking oven the cooks are ) ? ! ( and up while the ranges are as low as $24. A. C. BUILDERS' HARDWARE HERE. 1514 Faniam St. Wo have an assortment of rugs not samples but a great big stock that com prises every shape and size and every kind at prices that are considered very reasonable by everybody that has seen them AVe also have carpet remnants that we'll make up In rugs to fit any room These have a quality to them that's not always found In ruga of this kind for they're made from our own carpet remnants and you know we haven't any but carpets that have the quality iu them New fall carpetings up to our usual standard in all the new col orings and effects Yon can spend a very profitable half hour Inspecting these and yon are always welcome. ! 515DodgeSt The old man'H got hack from the country and has gene Into the butter business In earnest with bullcrmllk that is pure and freslifor all our butter It ) made from sweet cream Jocoivod from our outside creameries every morning we make o muyh Imtter that wo have barrels and barrels of frc.sh buttermilk every day thorefl hardly a place In Omaha where ijjfjm't buy our mutter- milk and MtrpTyfi-tht'i'e Is no better or more healthfni-iii'liijc In the world than pure bnttermllkt-jJ yon want to see us make It Just i/DiWUo / our creamery any morning between | cven and eight o'clock you will nlwaty IKJ welcome. Waterloo - ! . > \ r Creamery Ass'n nil 1(513 ( ILQW AKU ST. \ A startling fact ! ! ! Wheat 1ms ad. \ uicud \aluo-wall paper bus declined In prlci * Th > latter fact can hu demon- Mnited upn Inquiry at Heard llros. who ha vi in pi lees -as the man with Urn rim" .sud--"Ciit ! Very I ) ep" a-id place I even Hie novelties of the season within the reach of everyone. I4sn Douglas. parlmcnl ot the Platte commenced .Monday under very bad circumstances. The weather In the morning was very cloudy , wllli n flve-mllo wind. From about 6 o'cl > ck In the afternoon the wind \vas blowing a gale from the n.imo point of the compass as In the morning , the sky was clear and the light was ROO.I , The shooting ws very poor. Shooting was at 200 , 300 , COO and GOO yards. Iliii > klinrnlra Salve. The best salvo In the world for culs. bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tetter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns and all skin eruptions , and positively cures piles , or no pay icqulrcd. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. I'rlco 13 eents per box. For pale by Kuhn & Co. UVPMSITIO.N IAIX Tlin hCIUXH.S. KlVort tn VroiiNc liili-rc i A mo UK tlio I'hllilrcn ofVs 1'oliH. Wi:8T POINT , Neb. , Oct. 0. . ( Special. ) Friday , October 15 has been designated ns Children's llulldlng day for the public schools of West Point. In the afternoon of this day special exercises will be rendered In all de partments of the schools. The object of the day is to nrouso Interest among the pupils In behalf of the children's building , ulilch Is contemplated by the Hoard of Lady Man agers of the Transmlfislsslppl Exposition. The case of 1211en Asploff against Hubln Cabney for bastardy came up for hearing Monday before Justlco Hrlggs , but change of venue was taken to Justlco Lewis' court and Iho witnesses wcro summoned to appear before him this forenoon at 9 o'clock. After hearing the evidence , the Judge discharged the prisoner finding no cause of action. Attendance at the county fsilr today Chil dren's day was a record breaker. W. J. IJryan will speak In this city October 1 ? . Small pill , Kite pill , best pill. Do Witt's Llttlo Karly Hisers cure biliousness , consti pation , sick headache. Itcunloii of the Crllllii PIImlly. OAKLAND , Neb. , OJt. fi. ( Special. ) Twenty-five members of the C5rlflln family held their first reunion here. Most of the brothers have not mot since childhood. At 5 o'clock there \\ns an elaborate thread , the brothers and sisters dining at omo table and all the children at another. The evening was spent listening to a phonograph and In general amusements. E. A. Orlllln and II. F. Griffin are both prominent merchants In Oakland and TeKamah. The following were present ! Mr. ami Mrs. John T. ( Jrimn an < J family of St. Kclward. Neb. , Mr. ml Mrs- H. V. Griffin nnd family of Dos Molne * . Mr. end MM. N. 0. Orinin of 31 Kdward , Neb. , J. C. Meyers nnd wife ot Fulton , S. 1) . . Mr. and Mrs.VlllUm Orlllln and family of Mlle , la. , Mr. and Mrs , 0. A , Orlflln and family of Oakland , and Mr. and Mrs. 11. F Grlllls and family of Tokamah , Neb. Commercial travelers Invariably provide themielvcs with Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup. Knriiicr 1 > IN I In u \\oll. EMKHSON , Neb. , Oct. C. ( Special.-Peter ) Jol'fison , a farmer living about five miles easl ot here , while attempting to clean out an old well on hN place this afternoon was overcome by the gas and died before ho could be dra n up. He came hero qulto re cently from Oouglns county. lie leaves a wlfo and several children. Mimloliiil | Court t'liii' N ( llt'iu'lird , LINCOLN. Oct. (1. ( ( Special Telegram ) - The supreme court held a short scslou thll forenoon and spent the balance of the time reading opinions A decision In the Omaha municipal court case has not been reached , Boft.AVhlto llamh with Shapely Nails , Luxu riant llatru lib Clean , Wholesome Scalp , pro duced by CimciwA. SOM > , the most cITcctlxo Bkln purifying and benutlfj Ing soap In the world , as well ns purest and sweetest , for toilet , bathand ; nursery. The only proxcntlvo of Inflammation and clogging of the IVitia. BOAT Is told throughout the vorld. FOTTIB Ditvu AKD Guru. Conr.Folc 1'ropi , llo.tpn , V , K/A. oi-"How to 1'uilfjr anil lienutiiy tli Skin , Hcalp , tnd IIilr"mifd | ] Itrt. HIIMRRQ Krhln ; md n1r , tnntnnlty re- nUlrlUnO HtnJ l > y Concum HIHIUIES. I'ianos are cheap now good piano * are cheap with us this fall we purchased four carloads at one time which en abled us to get a price that even sur passed ourselves We'.re giving yon the benefit of thai purchase ami a selection of over a do/.en different makes includ ing the ICnabn Klmlmll Mallet A : Davis Whitney & Hint/ not a piano in the house but that wi > can guarantee to you and we're making such easy terms on them notwithstanding our extremely low prices We have some elegant new pianos in natural wood ca.ses that we'll rent for ! ? r > a month Suppose you come to the store and look at this the big gest line of pianos ever brought to Omaha. A. HOSPE. Music and Art. 1513 Douglas. We've never yet had lo economize by reducing our force of expert workmen and no injunction is needed to compel us to do good work We always do that even if its a loss to us the work we've done is the best recommendation we have In tilling we don't claim lo be the only dentists that do it but we do claim that years of practical experience en ables us to 111 ! teeth and build them up lo their natural appearance In a manner that pleases our patients When we use gold it's gold titilc gold and il's there to stay Small gold Ullings $2.00 Silver fillings and gold alloy ? 1.00 We won't charge you for examining your teeth Jady attendant. 10li nnd Fnrnniii. ! l Years ltd Floor 1'axtoii IIlie. The exposition Is booming more buildings going up they'll till bo up by winter but you'll have to wear shoos just the same 13rex L. Shooman has new shoes for those looking for a good durable winter shoe Just the shoe for school girls and teachers or anyone who Is out of the house a great deal a reg ular wet weather shoe with Goodyear welt extension sole made In the new round toe uppers of n light weight box calf to introduce this shoe to our Omaha people we have made a specially low price of $2.30 and we can say that no such value has ever been shown by user or anyone else Drexel Shoe Co. , 1419 FAKNAM STREET. New fall catalogue now ready ; mailed for tile asking. We can't say lee much about the Gor- 1mm sterling silverware when you buy Gorhnin's yon know exactly what you ire paying for you know that It is OU5 line Kngllhli sterling half of the other silverware offered yon is not over 7."iO line we offer yon today a genuine for- ! liam sterling sliver lea spoon same de sign as shown hero at ? .V-Tt per M-I desert spoons , same design , at .fS.'J.'i per set Forks , same design , at YS.'J.'i pi-r set oilier patterns at the same price emembur you are getting the best when yon get the ( lorliam's-and that yon can't get It anywhere else but here for we ate sole agents for Omaha no en- giaved cards and copper plate , $1.00 engraved wedding Klatiouery to suit all. C ; S. RAYMOND CO , , Jewelers , 15th anil Douglas Sts. If yon can't see our sign ( hero Is some- hlug wrong wlllv your eyes-and you'd letter have a friend or a policeman leaden on to our spectacle factory We'll ex- mine your eyes In a thorough and . > een- | tlllc manner and won't charge you a ( ( tit Wo never do for the examination --Its the lemedy we charge for-lull that isn't any moro than you'd expect to pay for lirst cli : s work We've yet to find the eyes that we can't grind lenses for that will be helpful where glasses are dcd--lf invfl occullKt Instead iict > - - yon an of glasses we'll tell you--yon'd belter upend a few minutes with us In-fore your eyes get beyond repairing. Columbian Optical Co AUTISTIC , bUJK.VnriO AM ) I'llAC- TIAI , OI'CTJCIAXS , IHVVKI ( , OMAHA , ICA.VSAS cn-v , UU Ctuimpa. Ill li. ICtb o- tli Main.