G THE OMAHA DAILY BIDE : TJTODDNBSDAY , OCTOBJEK Gk 18)7 ! ) , COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Ecnownl of the Foreign Having Sends Wheat Up Two Cents , CORN AND OATS ALSO CLOSE HGHEK Drouth In America null Aru'-iitlnu un ImiiediM ( o the Ciralti nnilvnk. . CHICAGO , Oct. 5. The locn ! vvhtot market today followed the lend of the foreign marktu and rloreil sliorii ; nt nn nihnncc of 2 cents over ycttfnhiy , rorelgncrs weie good buyers of cash grain nnd were evidently much Improved with the clroutli In America nnd In Atccnllnn. Curn wa ilrorg , but advanced only U * .c. Onts closed Jiei higher. Provisions fteic neglected nnd VM-nk In consequence , cloning Cc to IOC lower. Drouth at home nnd Ktrunic ninrkelii abronJ were Ihe lmluuicc.ii which were uppermost In tlit ) wheat mnrket when buolness begun , llujsri tcok hold with more conlMcnce , while short sell- fir , iind , In fact , all kinds of tellers were In clined to be mure cautious. The Liverpool cables opened nt un advance ; of HJ over night , and sub sequently ndvnnceil to Id above yesterday' * clos ing prl-.es. In the pit there were billing older * tar Ucce-inber wheat coinlnK direct from 1'arln , thbUKh the < | Unnttly thus bought was not Intce enough to mtt.ict tje-nera ) attention. The predic tions fur continued fair weather for the next thirty-six hour ! In nil of the winter and spring % vhent territory WUH veiy disappointing to these Tvilo had e-cpecled thtit > eitcrihi > 's light showcro In the northwest would become ncnvler nnd ex tend down Into the winter wheat countri. The fact thai noilhwextern receipts were.IUIKC wna not Millie-lull to off ft t the efTect of the chy weather. Ihe wheat urilvnls nt Mlnneupulli and Dululli were I.COJ taia , uijaliiat 1,873 cars n. week ago nn.l 1,219 c.us for the loneiiiionilliig wick last ycnr. Chle-nso lecelita were 336 cnrs Ie- ccnibci , vvhloh clo cd ) rttvrdn > ut SO'nC , opened today nt fcll'UW/ic , with u few mull lots sell- Inic n lun ns SOVSc. The price was Boon ml- Minced to 'iHc. ' rorolsncrs were liberal nnd per- rl > ient bu > irn of fiittum hue and In all oilier tnrfkd * . Thf cloning ndvnneo In 1'uiU vvns equal to I'tu. Liverpool was up lijc nnd Antwerp I'io Toiln > 's tc'iibunrcl engagements wore re- liortca nt ilxleight bontlendu 'Ihu weekly reports - ports of IhiGicnt Not them ronil confirmed those of a law number of correspondents , covering n wlile nun In the northwest , thnt thrnshliiK re- tuinH wi-ie illtappolntlnK niul that tircvlous estl- inatmi \ \ mid have to , be rtduccil A very sharp eiunt In the price ut Duluth Knvu color to the ( .torlea. Iteports of ilrouth In the ArKc-itlne camefioin vcrj conscrvntlvc coulees , ami from the fact thnt foielgncrs boiixht not only wheat , hut corn nnd re , In this market , nrd piraumiibly clicvtheie. It looked vei ) much as though the Unropfsn centern were hetlliiK stirred up a aln The inniket K'ew very strong toward the clote , thu firmness of clonliiR cnblcs nnd the ntixlety ol fcrelfineiK to putcbnse whent scnrlne the shortu , vvhn haVc been huvlni ; their own way for some time imst. Decenil er uoM up to 'Jl\c , fliitilly , und rlopcd firm ul that price. Coin was ntronR on thu tontlnuatlon of UK drnutli , In HJinpathj with the HtrenRth In vvhenl lulil on BIW ! general hujlnf ; . The- volume ol hiishicxs WUH not larKe elurlnjc the early hours , but n Ftronc demand developed n the nenslor ntlvnuccd , luth frnm locnl HliortH ami for forclwr account. Itic vtretiKth nt Liverpool nlxo nttrnctei : Ixttentlon Itece-lptH weie 5SO cars AtHnllc clrnnnccx were 178,00 < ) liuiluls. DccemlKr rnnKeil between 29'ic nnil 2J'tc ' , closlnff ' 4W\c hlshci nt 2j"c. ( , UHcrhiBS were- liberal .it that IlKiirc O-itii VVIIH Him nfft-cteil somewhat by the when I ( tilvnncc , but uliu large 1 > by the drouth There Vvns an ndvnnccf earl > In the il i > on urgent buy- Inir. This elLiiiind dioppeil nT later nnil put ol tilt nilvnnro unu loit Cash d < man < l wnn excel lent. ItocHpts were 532 e-nrp. December rnn eil nt from ll'4c In 195 c , clealne Ho hlKher nt 19\c rrnvlxlons were vcij slow. The opening vvns lowot Leciiu'o of thu liberal lecelpts of hOK" hei ( > ami thf- lower jnnl prices. The market rnb lied KllKhtly with trnln , hut BU'W weak iiKiln nnil reniilnid In thnt condition for the rest nl tha wiiHloii , moderate .Innuniv offiilnKa b > paclt. era were about the only fc-ntuie to tnulhiK At the close Dt-cembci pork vvns Tiiflinc lowci nt t8 lORS 12'5. Decenibei laid BJiT'/ic lower nt J4 f ( nnil Dec-ember ribs Cc lowei nt $170 Intimated lecilpta Wediiesilas : Whent , 2S1 caih : coin , 440 cnrs ; ontg , 320 curs ; hogs , G600 hclul. I.e-ndluir fuliirca ranged us follows : AiTlci B. | Open | Illih. | Lo v. I Clmo IVmtily , W hunt- Oct. . . . 89 1 1 > LC. . . . SUM 0144 1 May. . . 01H 80M Coin- Oat. . . 28 loc. . . . May. . . 3.1 > fT < < K O.ltB Oct. . . . 18 10 inUUi 18H Dec. . . . 10H UUi Mny. . . Pork Cct. . . . 8 00 8 10 lco. . . . K lu 8 IS H in 8 1'Jij H 2(1 Jan. . . . 0 10 0 15 n io 0 10 0 17hi Lnril Oct. 4 .15 4 45 4 ue , 4 4'JM 4 47k 13eo. . . 4 31 ! < 4 ( i J 4 Sfl 4 M ) 4 f.7h Jan . . . 4 07H 4 U7 > 4 4 un 4 US 4 70 Sh'lUtbR Oct. . . . 1 S7 > t 4 05 4 H74 4 1)0 4 no Dec . 4 7J ! * 4 72'i J 70 4 70 4 7.73 4 7'J 4 72W 4 70 472)4 ) > 73 No. t CiiNi quotations were as follows : riXJIJH Un8 > : winter patents , 1 1 7005 00 tralghta , Jt CO ® 4.70 , spring specials , J3 CO , fpilnj patents , J4 S0 f5 l ) WHIJAT No. S eprlng , SC S5\c ; No. 3 spilng , . ' . COHN No. 2. 28U 2Siic. OATS No. 2. 19'Wl'J4c. ! No 2 white , 23c , No S white , 21B23C. IIAHUKY No. 2. nominal. No. 3 , 27',03Cc , No , 4 , 27 f13c . TIMOTHY SiUI-I'rlmc , f. C5 1'IIOVISIONS MISH peirU , per bbl. , $ S03S10 | I > .iul. pu lOu His , | 4 47'iii4 ( 50 Short libs uldtt ( loose ) , JI.S"4i'r 2) ) . 1)1 y suited shoulderti ( boxed ) S505T. . : i : xhnrt clenl HldfK ( boxed ) , ; s 235 37'5 TVHIBKY nistlllerr. ' finished goods , per sal , (1.22. KIIOAHS Cut loaf. 55 9G , granulated , ! 3 34 On the Pro luce exchange today the butter mar ket wan steady ; creameries. 15B21V4C , dairies , 12019C. Cheese , steady ut iijPc. Eggs , steady ; frrsh. 18'4c. Live poultry , llrm ; tuike-js , StflOc ; cMckens , VAftfc ; chickens , spring , 7',4iiSe , ducks , NEW YOIIIC OI.MH.VL MAHKHT. QllutiitlnilH of tin * DIIJon Guiirrnl ClIllllllllllltloN. NKW YOHIC. Oct. 6 I'LOUU Hecelpts , 43.071 bbls. ; exports. lkC3C bids. , fairly active and n hade firmer with wheat , Minnesota patents , (5,1 ! e > 550 ; winter straights , )4 G Q4 75. Il > o lloui toady. Iluckwluat flour , steady at $1 90Q2 00. IIUCKWHIJAT-Qulet at 49a30o. COIlNMiAI/-Qulet : yellow western , CSc. ItYi : ririner ; No. 2 western , 49c. IIAHMY rirmer at MO. HAltUIJY MAI.T null , western. 63C3c. WIIUAT HeeelpU. 143.375 bu ; ixportu , 113CC ( tu , ; eput , strong ; No. 2 red , 'JS'.ic. Otitloni opened stronger un higher cables and il roil 1 1 tievvx , re'acteil under ruillzlnif , but adviinceil ngaln on active covering- Induced by heavy ex- poit buying ; closed IHtlS'ic net higher : No. : red. Octolier , 'J3e ; Urccmber , 93JJ'Jta c , cloacil COHN llccclpts. S7C.SOO bu. ; exports , 30,133 bu No. 2 , 34'4c ' , Options opened llrm on better on. bleu and eliy w father news and ad\anced on cm. eilng and sjmp.ith ) " ' with whiat. cloning 'iiJC c net hlKher ; October closed , 33c ; December , 34'jjj S5o , closed , 35c. OATS Hecelpts. 234.000 bu. : exports , 22,371 bu. : | iA ( , firmer ; No , 2 , 23'4c , Options , ijulet bul tlimei with the other markets , closing "io ne | higher ; October closed , V3'ic : December , 2 tic , HAY Dull ; chippingJlWfdW ; good to choUe , | 5 uo 7.W HOPS rirm : slate , common to eholc . IS15 crap. 4 if Co ; U96 crop , 6iT9c ; U97 crop , 14 n c , 1'iiclllc ciinst. lb'J5 crop , 4 jCc , US6 crop , CW7c , 1S97 crop. li ? 15c. HlDKS-QuItt ; Texan dr > , 12'4 ri3c ; California , 17H8e. * IIATHKH Quiet ; hemlock sole. Iluenoi Ayri-s , light to heavy weights. 20Vs f21'4c ; acid , HUTTilH Hecelptu , 1,093 pkgs. ; vvestern cream cry. 14U:2c ; logins , 23c ; factory , 9il3c. CIliisi-IUceliits : , 17,137 pkgs. ; mnrKet quiet ; largo while und colored. Ufj'J'to ; small white nmj cohued , CUc ; part tklnig , CtibTo ; full tklniu , > ) lT4d. KUOS lU-celpts , 16020 pkirs. ; market quiet ; etute und Pcnnujlvanla , ICVidlShe ; western , , l'HO\'l8ION8-Ileef. steidy ; family , I9004fl0.6) ; extra mrss. ntXltiS.OO ; beef hania , ISC WijJT.CO : packet , JS.60U9W. Cut meats , dull ; pickled bellies , GWlSc , pickled thouldere , 5isc ; pickled lianiF , SUOiWc. I.ird , steady , western steam , 14 W : re-lined , quiet. Pork , quiet , old mess , JJ 00 Ifi.Ul new mem. > 604/10 00. Tallow , dull ; city , JHc : country. 3ViO3 e , ' OIUJ l\ttjnseed ) , steadier : prime crude , 210 21Uo ; prime jellovv , JIH24HC. Petroleum , dull ; r nn lvanla crude , nomlnullj at C5o ; no mar ket. Itosln , teud > ; Htrnlned , common to good , | l loni 45 Turpentine , firm at MV4 3lc. ltlci-Flrm ; fair to extra , 4iiCUc ; Japan , 4 iU5Uc. MOLABaiS-Steady ; New Orleani , open kettla goo-1 tu choice. Jf.ffJlc. M15TAI.S-PIK Iron , warrants , very dull at SI Mil , 17.15 a kcd. Ijike copper , quiet at 111 23. Tin , dull at 11960 bid. 11370 ntKfd t-pflter. quiet et 14 it ) bid. 14 30 nuked. L ad. exchiinge euiv ut II 0 bid , | l H'i asked ; brakrni , itrons. lliiltliiiurt * MnrUftv. JIAI < TIMOIlB. Oct S.-Ft.Ol'11-Uull und un- chingcd ; receipts. 25,022 bbls. , exports. 1S.12S bbls , WlIKAT-Strons bpot , Sl'.CMe ; December , MWffMc , steamer. No 2 red , R 5fiS Hc , receipts , 4,1(1 ! bg ; cxporln , 21,000 bu. , southern wheat , by sample , W&aOc , southern wheat , on grade , COnN-rirmtr. Spot. StHOUVio : Dectmber. new or old. UUWo ; Uam r mlzci ) , rrcflrtu , SJ.SM bu ! exports , K H bu ; couthern vrhlt * corn SI0.15c , southern > llow 363S64C. OATS-KIrm , No. 2 white , ! HOJ7e , recelptii , 15.9O ) bu . rxports , 5J bll. IU K rinmi. No 2 nMtetn , flc , receipts , 14- 5 bu . i-xporn. 17.14J bu HAI-Strad ) ; choice timothy , 113 0) 13 to tlltvIN ritiiOIITH-ralrly steady and un- chnnfi il , i PHoni'i-n-Uutler nnd cpss. firm nnd un- clmngcd. Lliee i > , itcndy nnd unchanged. ou.uiv n.MitAi , MAKKKTS. Conilllliiii of Ti-nilv nnil Qiioditlonx on Stiiili > nnil Vniiur Produce. Good stork weak nl 12Hc. ill Common to fnlr c ; choice to fancy , separator creamery , 21 ; gathered cream ery , 13019c. VHAk Choice fat , tfl Io 1JO Ibs. , quoted at Sc : larse and coarse. 4f5c. LIVi : 1'OUIVrilY-ltens , 4S7c ; cocks. 3fr4oj spring * chickens , per Ib , 7c ; ducks , GJJ'c ; tur keys , 6fltc. 1'IOKONS Live , 7c : dead pigeons not wanted. HA\-Uilanil | , , mlillana , :4 W ) , lowlnncl. ' V."lrRW - * ' ° olor make * the price on nay : light bales tell the best , only top grades bilng ; top prices. UltOOMCOIlN nxfemoly slow- sales new crop , delivered on track In country ! choice green sclf- norklne inrpct per Ib , 2 24c ! choice green , running to hurl , ittl'Ac' common , 14c. OANTALOHrrSS ilo goac. oSro1L ? TrL.pur..hS h5uc b"kct-2:810Cl . . . ! : ' I A IlRANR-I'tr Ib. . So. niANS-Hand-pl.kcd navy , per bu , 1 40 1.60. CAlttiAOn-Home grown. Ic. vv ATIIHMKIXINS Crnted , per doz , Jl.DO. rOTATOES Home grown , COGGOc. FHUITS. AVm' ' S r r blj1fa" tnck , J2M022J. NAT1VIJ 1'KO.MS-rer basket. 20835e. onAI'I.S Cdllfornln , Sl,23ni. ! > 0. CALI1XJHNIA PRAfHCS-rer case. Craw- 'orrts SOo , clings , 70S7DC. I'lIAUB llartlctl , per cnsc , 2 2" ; Utah llnrt- ll > l' " ' , . " ' " ' ' fl SO ; lluerrn Hnrdv. Jl BOR1.7B NI.W YOIIK ailAI'nS-rer 9-Ib. banket. ICo. AUFpilNtA n.UMS-Per case. 1 C0 l 23. CHANItnilltins-Capc Coil perbbl. , J6 00. TIIOPICAL , ntUlTS. IIMO.\S Messlnns , (12584 SO ; choice Cali fornia. 14 CO. : - ? Mediterranean sweets , 14 23ST4 50 IIANANAS Choice , large stock , per bunch , 2WS2.23 , mcdlum-Blreil bunches. 1.50S2 Oo. MISCnLLANEOUS. Nil 1'S Almonds , California , per Ib , large sire , lie ; llrnzlls. per Ib , lOe ; English walnuts , per Ib , fancy , toft shell , 12fl3c ; standards , 105 ? lie filberts , per Ib , lOc ; pocans. polished , large. 9gilOe. jumbo , Iltn2c. tnrgp hickory nuts , Jl 23 per bu ; coc-jatniti 4'4c each. riOS-lmported fancy , 4 crovvn , 20-lb. boxes , J2e : 5 cro n 50-lb. boxes. 13@Mc. HONEY Choice white , lie. CIDEH-Clarliled Juice , per half bbl. , * 2.33 ; per bbl . { 4 OOfl I 25 MAPI.i : .SYHl'P rive-gal cans , each $2.53 ; gal cans , pure , pr doz , $12 00 ; half-gal , cane , 1C 25 quart cans. $1 CO TOKSH MEATS. DRESSED HEEF-Oood native Bteer . 400 to COO Ibs , 7c ; good foreqnnrtcrs steers , Co ; good hindquarters , 9c , vvcstern steers , CffCHe ; fancy heifers , Cc , good heifers , 6'4c , good forcqunrters , heifers DC good hindquarters , heifers , fo good cows , CUe ; fair cows , S c ; common cons , 5'Jc ; cow forequarlcrs , 4'4fl5e. cow hindquarters , " 4 OSc.HEEF HEEF CUTS Tenderloins 18c ; boneless strips. Oc ; strip loins , "e rolls. Be. sirloin butts 9c ; shouller clods , Cc , rump butts , Be , steer chucks Sc , cow chucks. 4\4cj boneless chucks. 4'4c ' ; cow plate3c , steer plates. 3V5c flank steak CV4c ; loins , No 1. 14c. loins. No. 2. 10'4e , loins , No 3 SMc ; sirloin ends No 1 , 9c , ribs , No 1 , lid ribs. No 2 , 8l4c. ribs , No. 3 , G'4c steer rounds , 7'4c , cow rounds , 7c ; cow rounds off , < i'4c , trim mings , 4e , beef hnnks , 24c , brains , per doz , Sic , sweetbreads , per Ib , 12c sweetbreads ( calves ) , per Ib 40c , kldnejs , per doz , 33c , ox tall" each 3c , livers , per Ib , 2e , hearts , per Ib , 2c : tongues , per Ib , He. MUTTON Lambs 8'Ae ; phce-p 7V4e , market rscks ( long ) , 9c , hotel racks ( snori ) , 12c legs nnd saddles , 8c ; lamb legs , 9c ; breasts ana ptews , 3c. tongues , each 3c. POnif Dres'ed pigs , Cc ; dressed hogs , Blc tenderloins , 13e , loins , 7e , spare rlb ( c ; ham sausage , butts , Cc , shoulders , rough , 5 < 4e ; shoul ders , skinned , Co. trimmings , 4V4c leaf lard , not rendered. Co , heads , cleaned 3c ; pnout and eai . 3e , backbones , l'4e , check meats , 3c ; neck bones , 1' c , pigs' tails , 2c plucks , each Grt chitterlings , 6c , hocks , 4c , hearts per doz , 25cv stomachs , each 3c , tongues each 7c ; kldnevp , per doz , 10c , brains , per doz , 13o pigs' feei , per doz. , 25c ; livers , each 3c HIDES. TALLOW. KTC. HIDES No I green hides , 7c , No 2 green hides , Co , No 1 raited hides 814e ; Ho. 2 green salted hides , 7'4c , No. 1 veal ciif. 8 to 12 Ibs. , Sc. No 2 veal calf 12 to 15 Ibs. . Gc ; No 1 dry Hint hides. 11813 , No 2 dry Hint hides , SiilOc , No 1 dry salted hides , 9S10c ; part cured hides , 14c per Ib ICJB than fully cured. & 11EEP PELTS-Oreen salted , each 1511760. green salted shearlings ( short vvooled early skins ) each 15c , dry shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) , No 1 , each 5c dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per 11) , actual weight , 4f5c ; dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska murrain woo ! pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 3T4c ; dr > flint Coloiudo butcher wool pelts , per ID , actual weight , 45c , dry flint Colorado murrain wool pelts , prr Ib , actual weight , 3ff4c ; feet cut off , B It Is useless to pa5 freight on them. St. I.eniln ( ( iiornl MarkctN. ST. LOUIS , Oct 5 PLOtlH Unchanged ; pit- nits. $4 80@4 CO , straights. J4 50$4 CO , clear , 54 10ji 423. medium , 13 50f(3 ( 75 WHEAT Higher , closing with October c. December H4c and Mn > 1'tc above > esterda > . December opened We higher , went up ' 4c more , declined 140 and subsequently advanced l c , closing with tellers He below the top Cash , higher. No 2 re-d cash , elevator , 93V4e bid ; track , 91'40'HV , No 2 hard cash , i3S34c ! , December , 17c. iihked. Ma > , 9CV4e COHN Putures In better deimnd , advanced and clorcd fractions above } cstcrdo * Spot , llrm , No 2 cash , 27c , December , 27'se bid ; May , 10'4c bid OATS Speculation dull , but the market was Him ; closing at a fractional advance. Spot. iilghcr. No. 2 cash elevator. 2Jc asked , track. 20.No 3 white. . 21H i22c. December , 19T4e bid. Mn > . 22'i T22 c. HYE-Hteiidj at 42c COHNMEAL htcad > at $1 M1 53. rU\XSEED-lllghei at f.9c. . TIMOTHY HEED Prime. } 2 C3 IIIIAN Dull but firm , busers refusing to pay prices asked , sales of e-jnt track , sacked , at 4So bid , 50c arked HUTTEH Firm , creamer10j24e ; dairy , 11 OlCc EOOS rirm nt J24e. ! POULTHY Chickens , nrm ; old hens , 0 > 4c. Kpilngs , 7',4c , ducks , d' c ; gccsc , 6c ; turkejs , 7'ie-Sc. \S'HISKY-$1.20 , , COT roNTI Eb r5c. METALP Ii-nil. lower nt $4008405. Spelter. nominal at $4 05. PHOVISlONc Lard , steady nt J4 318 > l 40 Pork. steady , standard mess jobbing , Jd 60 ; or ders 50o higher. Uicon ( boxed lots ) , extra short clear. J623 , ribs , J023. hhorts. $050 Dr > cult meats ( boxed ) , shoulders , $575 , extra nhort clear and rlbp. J5TJW , phortf , $1 S7'j HECriPTS Hour 6.0W bblc , wheat , 51 00) bu. ; corn. 104 000 bu ; outs. 100 000 bu. SHIPMENTS Hour 10 COO bbls . wheat , 39KXl bu , corn , 129,000 bu , oats , 14 W'J ' bu. ICniiKiiM Clfj MurkctH , KANSAS CITY , Oct 6 WHEAT Market W Jc higher , active ; No 1 hard , 83fiMiic , No 2. M' , iS8V4e : No 3. TSflSlc. No 1 74ft77c ; No. 2 red. 694J910. No. 3 , 85TiSSc , No 4 , toej84e , No. 2 upilKn. 7Sc. No. 3. 7CJ76'4c COHN Market little firmer , about unchanged ; No 2 mixed , 24Vic. OATS Market slow ; V.c lower , No. 2 white. 24'e HYE Market firmer : No 2. 43e. HAY Market stead > . falrlj active , choice timothy , J8 ) . choice prairie , $600. JIUTTEH Market Him , cieuniKiy , 2UUJlc , dnlr > . 14T17c EOflS-Market active. llVJc. HECEIPTS Wheat , IDS coo bu ; corn 35 100 bu . oats , 25 000 bu SIIIP.MENTS-Wheat. 15C CW bll , corn , 17100 bu. ; oats , 7,000 bli Cliu'lnnntl MnrUc-tH , CINCINNATI Oct. -FLOUU-Sleady , WHEAT riimer. No 2 red. 3i4c. COHN Steady. No 2 mixed , SolTSO'-e. ' OATS rirmer. No 2 mixed , ZICJlOc. HYE-Sleai ! > . No 2. 47c. PHOVISIONS-Qnlet. WHISKY Steady at $1.20 HUTTEH Htenily , Elfin creamery , I4c ; Ohio ISSIlSe : dnli } , 13ffl4c SlKlAH-rirm CHEESE-Steady , I EaOS-FIrm nt He. ( irillli HfeTlptN HI l'rliielilt | * llnrUctN , CHICAOO. Oct. 5 Hecelpts ; Wheat , 155 cam , corn , 5S6 cam , outs , 532 cars. Estlnmtid ii-celptH tomorrow ; Wheat , 285 cms , corn , 440 cair , cmlx , 320 cnrs MINNEAPOLIS , Oct , B. Hecclpts : Wheat , 516 cars hT , IXJUIH , Oct 5 HeeelpU : Wheat , 78 KANSAS CITY , Oct. 5 WHEAT Hecelpts , 181 earn , last 5 car , 31 curs. TOLEDO. Oct. 5-WHEVT-Oull end higher ; No. 2. cash and Octolior , 94 HU ; December. iijikc. COHN Dull nnd firm ; No S mlxel , 2S ic. OATd Lower and ncaily. NO 2 mixed 19c , HYE Dull und higher ; No 2 , each , 47c CLOVKH8EED Active and stead ) ; prime , cash und October , 13 3 Oil * Unchanged , PKOHIA , Oct , C. COHN-rirm and higher ; No. 2. 27ke. OATS-rirm. Inactive ; No. ! while , fJe HECEIPTS-Corn , C8 0 ) bu ; oats. 49950 bu. ; r > i . coo liu . whltky , 75 hbls. ; wheat , COO bu. SHIPMENTS Corn. 19.J50 bu. : cats. 32 CM bu. ; r > e , none , whltky , SSO brls. ; wheat , none , IMillnileliililn I'loiliiccIurUt > t. PIULADELPlllA Oct. 5.-HUTTEH-Flrm ; wektcrn creamery , 22c. EoaS Steady , frcih , nearby , lIHo ; frtsli vvritern. 16 > iO17c. CHEESE VJulet , but Itcudy , Hun Krniic-lHC-o Who lit niul llnrle-j. BAN FHANCI&tXJ. Qct , 6.-WHEAT-HlBher and excited , December , $1 < S > , ; May , J1.47'i. 11AHLKY Kasyj December , 8SViC. I.lvuriiiiul < < nil u mill 1'rov liiluiiii. LIVBHPOOU Oct. 6.-PHOVISlONS-Uapcn. short rlbi. steady , 53 W ; chouUern. square , 2C > . WUUAX-iS at , Ko > t r 4 we t n , winter , steady , 7s M , No , 1 red northern spring , steady , E SJ CONN Spot , American mixed , old , steady , is 1H < 1 , November , steady 3s SUd. STOCKS AMI IIO.MIS. HcnlcPK Shorv I.lttlc Life nnil the n hole Mnrket In Dull. NEW YOttK , Oct. S. Not In many weeks has Wall street seen i > n dull n day nt this. H wan offered ns nn explanation that the eve of the Jewish day of ntoncmcnt called many of the brokers and operators from the street. Hut there was npart from this n nnnlfesl disposition to refrnln from trading nnd to leave the mirkct to He fallow for n time. Yesterday's sharp re action apparently admonished tjie bulls thnl con * dltlons nrc not read ) for a resumption of the advance. The favorable factors which ( lev eloped during Ihe clnv , although they affected for n time Ihe Individual stocks to which they applied , were Ineffective In causing n general advance nnd prices of most stocks closed Vivver tonight. Union 1'aclflc wns exceptionally firm nnd prar- llcally recovered from Jeslerdny's decline owing Io Ihe discredit attaching to re-ports of nn Eng lish s > ncllcnte's Intention to outbid the reorgan ization committee at the approichlnK foreclosure sale. I/iulsvllle & Southern preferred wore BUS- tilned by their gsod earnings. All of the traffic statements at hand showed notable Increases In earnings , but not nil the slocks of the roaiM affected derived any benefit , Union Pacific wan nsslsled ns well by n report thnt Its differences over tralllc exchange with the Oregon Short Une had been adjusted nnd the Inller stock was also strong during the ela > . The principal actlvlly centered In the specialties nnd the trading was laigely based on vague rumors that had nothing to ilo with the situation. Hntes for sterling ex change fell H per cent for short and > 4 for long. Increased talk of enrly gold Imports vvns thus started , Totlnv'a statement of tha week's export of general merchandise shown a decrease of ( ISO,773 from last week , while thai week's ex ports It will be remembered Increased $1,882,361 over the preceding week. Additional deposits of gold which were received from Sin 1 ranclsco were made nt n clearing houre bank toilny nnd the conllnucd Increase of Ihe gold reserve In Ihe United Stnlcs tieasurj , even In the face of nn excess of disbursements over receipts. Is addi tional evidence of the abundant supply of Kohl nt present 111 the country , Today's Iqsses were for the most pirt fracllonal , but reached n point In Omaha , Metropolitan OTS , Sucquehnnnn & Western preferred , St. Louis & San rrnnclseo. Delaware . Hudson nml others There wns n fulling off In activity In Ihe bond market , but prices for the most part wcrestendj. nml In somecn es strong. The total sales were 11,400,000. United Stales new 4s registered were nilvaiieed Ho bhl. nnd United Mutes coupons 'ic bid 1 hp 6s registered also lese 8 c bill. The livening Posts Lonaon financial cable gram sass : "The stoek markets were quieter und Irregular today , Ihe fulling off In specula tion being entirely due pionbl ) > to the fact that tomorrow will be n strict holiday. Ameri cans opened lower In sjinpathy with the New York close of jesterday Thev closed strong , however , on New York support and with iv steady Increase of Inlerest on this side Ameri can bills were freely offered toJas for discount. The Paris and Berlin markets were firm Vienna bour o vvns calm considering the heavy fnllute In Vienna. " The following were the closing quotations on the lending stocks of the New York exchange loday : Total snlc of stocks today , 3C COO shares. In cluding : Atehlson preferred , 6,812 ! Chesapeake i Ohio. 4271 , Chicago. Ilurllngton & Qulno , 21,155. Cleveland. Cincinnati , Chicago S. St. Louis. 1.040. Ixnilsvllle .t Nnshvllle. 8,525. Jfan- hattnn. 10C30. Wls-ourl Pacific. 12 3S3 ; Mobile & Ohio 4,213. New York Central , 3,020. North ern Pacific preferred. 15 310 ; Ontario S. Western. 10.140. Heading. 3 S37 ; Hock Island. IC. 1. St Paul. 2S.7CG. bouthern Rallnay iircferred , C.fc43 ; Uaba h preferred , 6 CC3 , ynlon Paclflp , 3J.920 , American Tobacco 4 112. Hay State Gas. 15.2.M , Chicago Gas. 32950. General Hlectrlo. 1,553. Pacine Mall. 3,418. Sugar. 23.347 ; Tennessee Coal and Iron , 3 310 ; Chicago Great Vestern. 12,310. M' York Munoy Market. NR\V YOKIC. Oct. 5 MONKY ON CAI < tr- Kaflcr nt 2Vi $ < per cent ; last loan nnd closing , 2'4fi > 3 per cent. I'KIMi : MKIlCANTILi : PAI'iU-4V6i)3 per SFKUUNG KXCHANGK Weak , with actual business In bankers' bills at { 4 S4 S for demand nnd nt > 4 82' ® 4 11 tor plxty dajs ; posted rales. SI S1fi > 4 M and $4 WV4G4 K , commercial bills , (4 SI 4 61W SIIA'IIH CnnTiriCATHS-SSffSCe. HAH Sll.Vnil 53c MRXIC'AN DOL.L.AHS 42 c. GOVnnNMKNT HONDS Strdnff. STATR ItONDS-DuIl. KAII.HOAU ItOND rirm. Closing eiuntntlons on bonds were as follows : Sliver bars , 6814c ; Mexloin dollar * . 44fllic' ; drafts , right , lie ; drafts , telegraph , liljc , London stoelc Qiintiitlons. LONDON. Oct. 5 4 p. m Closing ! ConiolB.m'y..ni 15-10 St. Paul co ji in on. . 100 Consul * . ao I . . .112 l-li ) \-.Contral can.Pacific. . . . . H''H 60 > j Erie . . . 17M Krleluuofa. ' " Max Con. now 11 , 07 111. Centru. 107,4 Atcuuen. . . . . . Mcitcan ordinary ; VU HIM " " "llAIl BIlIVEn Quiet nt S3 9-1CJ per ounce. MONUY SCI per tent , Tl e rate of discount In the open market for rh rt bllli. 1 IS-ls per cent ; for three months' bills , 1 15-16 per cent American eagles , 7Ca fj il QolJ Is quoted at Iluenos Ayres today at 1S6 (0 ; at Lisbon , 47 ; ut Home , 105 22. American Jicciirlllcu In Lonclou , LONDON , Oct. C. The market for American iccurltlM after inoderuxe Quctu&tloni weakened IMnnttelnl > olex. NUW O1U.UAN8. Oct.,5.-CleirlnKH , 11,780.000. HAt < TtMOHK , Oct.Clenrltig , $3,0 ,015 , bal. ance , HM.S74. HOST ON. Oct. 6-Cle rltiRs , 121,606,071 ; bal ances , II , 732,502. NU\V YOIIK. Oct 5.-ClcarlnB8. ' I58,253,451 ; balances , I6,290S43. I > ltlUADnu > HIA , Oct. B.-ClmrlnB8 , 115,641- 295 ; balances , JI.S01 751 CINCINNATI , Oct 6 Money , 21406 per cent ; New York exchange , par. Clearings. 2.6SO,760. MEMPHIS , Oct. -Clearing' , J521 815 , balahcefl , 70,12S ; New York exchange , pclllnir nt $1,60 premium. ST. I/DUIS , Oct. 6 Clcnrlncs , ! ,861.094j bal ances , J < 6"i,420. Money 1 per cent ; New York exchange. Me. CHICAGO Oct. -Clearings , J20.002S13j New lork exchange , 20o dlfcount , sterling exchange , posted rates , M 64 nnd > 4 86. StocKs falrlj itronff and active , closing prices : West Chicago , lOI'i ! Luke Street 1. 2014 , New P.lscult , 62 4 , Strawboard - board 30 4j City Italluny ,240. , inaiiclnl. PAIUS. Oct , 6 Three per cent rentes , 103f 22c for the account , linitl.lN' , Oct B nxchange on London , 20 marks 37 pfgs for checks , LONDON. Oct 6 The amount of bullion with. drann from the Hank of Kngland on balance today \\tLf 70.000 COTTOV 1IAHKHTS. I'rlcen ( ) pii Firm aniliHance i lth Creat Strenprtli. NCW YOHlx , Oct. K The cotton market dls- plijcd exceptional ptrciiKth nnd fpcculatUc ac- tl\lty todnj , PrlctB opened llrm nl nn advance of 1 to 7 points , chiefly on the later months. There WHS n reaction of 2 to 4 points , nfter which there was n shnrp upward movement of specula tive activity follow Inn better private cables , and fcnrs of n poor bureau uport on the fcth Investment - ment bu > Ills' , which Is on a larger f cnle than for some tlmc ( past , vvns the feature throughout the smlon. The close was steady , with prlcis t-ho\v- Ing a net advance of 4 to 6 points for the day. Closing prices : Jnmu\r > , . } 6 46 , rcbruar > , } 6tO , March , 1111. April , JC M , May , $661 , June. $6 GS ; July. JG.72 , October , $ R.3S , November , 631 , Ue- ccmbcr , $642 bpot closed dull at nn advance of ' ( c , middling upland Cc , middling gulf , Ij'ic , mMdllng.6r > , cnet receipts none , gross , J OMI b\lcsj exportu to Oient Itrltnln 4311 bilci , to tic con tinent , 590 biles , forftnnlcd , 2'I7 bales , tiles , 1.213 bales , spinners , 133 bales , stock , 52670 biles Total todav : Net receipts 64,9" > 3 biles , exports to Oreat llrltnln , 16'i45 bales , to Trance , J,4W UulM , to the continent. 750 bales ; stock , 445 , "MS biles. Consolidated. Net receipts 137 3JB bales , exports to Gmt llrltiln. 26418 bnles , ( o Trance , 11,342 bales , to the continent , 8,062 bills , total since Septtmlier 1 : Net receipts , 9IS 014 bales , exports to Gnat llrltaln , 1S4.922 bales , to Trance , 68 791 biles , to the continent 189 4t9 bnles. LlVnilPOOI. Oct 5 , COTTON Hixit fair de mand , prices higher , American middling , f lr , 43-16d. coed middling. 3 31-VM. American mid illlnif. 3 27-32 < l. low mlddlhiK 3 23 32d , gold ordi nary , 3 19-32 < 1 ordinary. 3 13-32d Sales , 10,003 bales , of which 1.0W were for speculation and export and Included 9,300. American. Hecelpts. S.CXW bales , Including 2.700 American Tutures opened nnd closed stead } w Ith a moder ito de- mind , American middling Ij M C , October , 3 42-6103 43-6ld , bujers , October and Novembir , 3 1V64ff3 36 64d , November nnd December. 3 33 64 UT3 34-64d , sellers , December nnd Janunij , 33364d , sellers ; January and Tebrimo , 3 33-64d , sellers. Tcbnmry I and March 311-64733161(1 buveis. March and Aprlll 3 31 64fl3 354d sellers. April and Mav 1 3S-S4Q3 f6 6ld. relleia , May and June 3 36-61fr3 ( 37-64d. nellcrs , June and Julj , 3 37-64WT 38-64d sellers , July and August. 3 88-64 S3 39-,4d ( , s llcrs. , NHW OUL1JANS , , Oct. 5 COTTON-Tlrm. sales , 6.400 bales , ordlnarj , 5 l-6c ! , good ordi nary , 1 7-lfc , Ion middling 5a4c , middling. 6 l-16c , good middling,6 ! > -16c : middling fall , 6 9 16c , receipts , 14344 biles , stock , 774 SM biles Tutures steady , palis. 18fOO bales , O.tob"r $101 57606 , November. SOfWjTOlO. December. $6 1UJ 612 , Jarunn J6 lia 16 > I'ebruarj. $620i622. ( March. J6 2" < ff 27 ; , > pril , J629fl631. SInj , J6 34T C 3G 3GMKMPIIIS. . Oct. ' f. COTTON Steady ; mid dllng. 6 l-16c. receipts 4,441 Inks , shipments , 2,739 biles ; stock , 25242 bnles. s ill s , 4 COO bales ST. LOUIS , Oct 1 COTTON Steiulv ; mid dling , 6 1-lCc ; sales i 220 biles ; receipts , 4,017 biles ; shipments , 3,116 bales ; stock. 15,418 baits WOOL .MAUKI3TS. Prleox " CoiHInmto IfanTeti , TV-It U Tcrrioi-li > Mv Still LeailliiK. HOSTON , Oct 5 'rhe' wool market here con tinues to harden and prices are reaching the Im portant point. Territory wools continue to lead In the matter of Hiles. Medium nnd line Is sellIng - Ing nt 47Wc , while 52c Is being had for Maple lots Fleece wooh arc Mrm and prices me grad ually hardening , althouKh few snles have been made. Australian wool his sold well and bujera are jet disposed to take good nn ountH at mar ket prices The following are prices for lending descriptions : Ohio and Pennsjlvanli llccces , , X and nboie. 24c , XX and XX above if.ic. De laine , 28fl29c. No 1 combing. 2Sj21c. No 2 combing , 2 { f29c Michigan. Wlfcoii'ln , etc. , X Mlcnlgan , 23c , No 1 Michigan eomblns , 27c. No. 2 Michigan combing. 27c : No 2 Illinois combing , 27c , X New York. New llampsilie nnd Vermont 22c , No 1 New York , New Humpthlru un I Ver mont , 26c ; Delulne Mlchlunn , 26c , unwashed medium Kentuckj and Indiana one-fourth blood combing. 23o. Kentucky and Indiana three- eighths blood combing , 23c , Ml"ourl one-fnurth blood combing , 225TJ3 ( ? | Mls ouil t tree-eighths blood combing , 22 < ii23c , braid combing , 21c , lexas wools , spring medium (12 months ) , 15fJ16e , scoured price , 41iU4Jc , fprlng line (12 ( months ) , 13S14c , scoured prlee , 47Wte Terrltor > wco s' Montinn fine medium and line 14W17i scoured price , 47COc , Etnp'e , 50862c , Utah , W > omlng , etc . fine medium unU fine l41lTr ( , pcoured [ irlce 4750c , staple , 60fl52c. Australian wools , .icoureii Insls combing , superllnc 63c , combing , good , loo- combing , average , 5So , Queem-lind combing ' Co 0BSe LONDON. Oct. 5 There was n full attend ance at the wool auction rales todu ) The of ferings Included a large ciuintlt } of New /r\- land new clip merinos , which weie taken chlelly by the ctntlnentul bujers nt full rates The American representatives bought n few choice lols of cros breds Sllpes were In good supply nnd were bought b > the home trade Ntw South Wales ntock sold well anil Cnpa of Good Hope and Natal greaty sold 1 per cent higher than at the last treilea Tnlklond Island was firm at the advance The offerings wtic heavj 16.2SS hales of which 800 were withdrawn. The following are thei sales In detnll- New South Wnles 2267 linlcs , scou'ed S'tdSj'lii 4d ; greasy 4 > ti9d Qucendand , 6678 hales. > coured 9dfi > 1s IHd : greafj , C'JC9Ud Victoria , 76 bales scoured tlrTU4l ( South Australia 172 bales. FCmired , "lidlflR 4'4'l ' ' West Australia 11 bales , greasy , 6'Jd. TnMnanln , 577 bales ; scourel 6 < 4 { jilOd ; greasy , 6m New Zealand , 1113 bales : scoured ndiils 44d ! Cnpe of Oood Hope nnd Natal 1.017 bales ; cconred. 7'idWls l'4d. greasy , C14W7'4(1 I'alklanl Islands , 1,076 bjles , greasy ISTScl. S.inlh | , ! L"0 bales. i'rf.K4ft "il NHWOUIt. . Oct. 5. WOOI , rirm domestic fleece , 20927c ; No 2 , extra , 27i42c , Texas , 10fl > ICe ST. IXIUIS , Oct. r. WOOL Tlrm nnd un changed , medium , 15T21'4c : lUht fine. 13fflCo , heavy line , PSJlS'Je ' , tub wasied , 22iJ32c. Cuff e-o Marketx. NHW TOniC Oct 6.-COTrin-Optlonn opened quiet with prices unchanged to 6 points lower. ruled quiet nnd feuturel with exceiitlonut npath ) on the pjrt of nil classes of traders , luavy Increase In the world's visible supply al- li-.idy discounted and fell lilt , rlonlnir quiet with prices fWlO pilntH n t lower , Bales Ji,7V ) bapB , In cluding December , $640 , Miirch > 67 > Hpit coffee Illo , dull. No , 1 Invoice. 17 , Jibbing , 7 5) Mild Hteady : Cordova $ Ii.50 ) ? I6 W Total warehouse ! deliveries from the United Slates 10,28' ' bnts In cluding 9.903 lia _ frqra. Nen York New Y rk stock todn > , 311,3 ! jbngs ; United StntfH stork 400467 bngs , nlUnt JfdC ( ha Unlud States , 4C6 tt lugs , total vlolblp'for the Ilnltid Slates 6M.7il bags aculnst 5S6 CS9 lv'Pa I1 * " ! year and CC6.670 bics In 1SJ5 , * , HAVHK , Oct. STVTiiCIrH ( | ) : < d quiet nt 1U net dTlInf ; sales IVOpr lns SANTOS , Oct. f-rrOTrnn-O'ilrt , good nver- ngo t-nntos , ,700 rets , receipts , 32.0TO Ingn ; stock 1,041 001 bags MAMIH'lia Oct D-COPTRn Onened > j pftr lower , closed 'H n , net loss of > , iOV4 pfg , snles , 4,000 b iir * ' HIO Di : JANT.IIIO , Oet 6 COKTIIi ; Stady ; No 7 , Itln , S(5)icn exclmng" 7 13-3-'d , receipts 23 000 bags cloired , ffi , the United Stnli-ii , 6 OW bafs ( ; for Hurope fiv)1) ) bags ; Htxk , 475fK > lags > e Vnrlt Tint GnoilM YOIIIC Oat.ift-jThe dr > goods market Is still without fratiirit.joqudlllciis being Mich as to preclude hcavj trading lhouih reports of the movement of KOO JI ub sccrml hand und wlti retal'eri rtem to ( point ti > heavier bu > lng at a liter tlnte At tlii < uccrent thi demand both on eiot ] and by mail Jjrdt'j : la lUht In both cotton and wrolen good * In staple cottons the de mand for brown "lieetlnu Is of modest dlnirn slons Print cloth * Mre nrtlve at the reduced quotation of 2Hc for extra * At Fall Illvrr After refufln ? to tell at 2 fc-Kc , rnanufncturerH erem willing to part with gooda ut the lower figure us Is evinced by the ale p ( M.OOO piece * of extra spots and future * , late > esterday This ha * been followed b ) other sales today , but nt 61 square * and odd good * , und the Meek will probab'j bo a hea\ ) one In the amount of gooiVi disposed or The heavy stock now carried U a burden to manufacturers , und this fact la well known to bu > er * Prints are universally In better shape thin. Ha pie cotton * . Sales of staple calicos and the1 prlcen ( or the stone are gent-rally wutl * u - talned. Suirnr Market * . NKW YOHIC. Oct S HltOUt Raw , nominal , fair r < fining , 3 ! M6c ; centrifugal , 98 test. 3 15-16C Refined Heady ; nushtd , & > , c ; powdered , r > Hc , granulated , ( He. NKW OHLKAN8. Oet B. SUOAU Quiet ; open ketlle , 2WO3V : centrifugal granulated , 4'4Q 4 9-lCc. whiles , 3 15-ICtf ) 3-Kc ; yellows , 3'ifHa , iiecond * . 23t4e. | . IJONDON. Oct. 6.-1JEET SUQAR-October , 8 * Foil HUrr Print Ololli Market. FALI < RIVER , Mau , Oct. 5. The print cloth market continues quiet at 2Vio , OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Another Good Hnn of Cattle and Quite a Bnnch of HQTB. BIG CHU K KNOCKED OFF .BEEF PRICES llu > ern Succeed In OeUlnir All They Wnnt nt u Ten Cent Decline _ ltuKN 1-ollim , lint lic enser SOUTH OMAHA , Oct. B , Ilecclpts for the dnjs Indicated were : Cattle. IIOKS Bheep. IIortH October B 6,7O 6T < H 2,810 11 October 4 C.5C6 1,870 801 October 2 631 6,777 i:6 October 1 2,2.6 R.3I7 2,120 Serittinber 30 2,270 6.4VJ 3,311 28 September S ) f,9J4 4 , M KS2 ' Stptember ! S Gf91 4,761 247 'Jl September 27 6,744 1,050 C43 27 September 25 972 1,051 . . . . 21 September 24 3 , < 03 1 887 4456 September 23 I.NJ 6SI 1.461 September 22 , ' ' 44 9 , ( > 58 1 , 70 September 21 0,200 8.73 ? 1.M7 September to . . , . . . S.704 2 267 3.616 The. , olllclnl number of cnrs of stock brought In to Jay bv onch road vvns : Cnttle. Hofi' Sheep. H'r's C. , M. A St 1' . Uy . . . 47 1 O & St. Ij Ily 2 2 Mo rac-llle Ilv 2 3 C. * N'V. . Hy 1 Union rucltlc bjstem. . 41 17 8 1 I' , 13. & M V. It. H . . . 77 23 O , SI. ! „ M K. O. Ry .22 9 H & M. II. It U 110 23 1 C. . II & Q Hy 2 3 K C. & M. J 4 2 O. , It. 1 & 1 > . ny. , ont. . 2 3 O. , 11. 1 & 1' . Il > . , west. 3 2 Total receipts 315 M 10 1 The disposition of the day's receipts \vas as follows , each bujor purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Huj ern Cattle. HORS. Sheep Omaha Parking Co 21 k03 O H Hammond Co 4S7 1,139 . . . bwltt ami Company 777 1,110 , . . Ciuhcbj 1'ncklng Co fc73 1.S49 1,000 It Becker nnd Degnn 8VI Vnnsnnt & Co 102 J L. Cnrcv 261 Ixibmnn & llothschllds Til ? W. I Stephens 311 Huston & Co 21 Hamilton 41 llusz 01 Squires S77 . . . . Livingston is Dennis 312 Ctiilnh } P. Co , from K. C. . . 101 Other bujers 1,255 . . . . 1.S12 Left over COO Totals 6.105 R.4S4 2.R12 CATTLK Hecelpts of cattle were again liberal today 210 ears being reported In , ns ngalnst 257 jenterdny. The- proportion of eornfed entile wns Inrger than usual thirl } Io forly loidR of Ihnl kind of Fluff being among the iceclpts. The maiket even on the deMrnblc kinds was Elow and lower , buvors still being determined to get the imrKet down It took a good share of the da > to effect wnj thing like a clearance , but In the- end the offerings were about all taken and nt prices general ! ) 15o lower than lant week Cows nnd heifers were In fair auiipl > , but the demand was good nnd the offerings met with quite ready takers nt Just utiout sleady prices Stocken nnd feederH were nl c In good de- mind nnd tde be ° t grnrtm commanded pteailj prices Onlnir to the larj , ? receipts of the com mon and rough kinds Ihe nmrKi' was rather slow and Inclined to be lower on such. Repre sentative sales : NAT1VKS. Hnnr srnuns. No Av. I'r. No Av. Pr. No. Av. Pi. 29 . . .1192 H CO 3 95U Jl O ) IS .1143 Jl TO 22 1229 4 M IJMI 4 7" > 20 1204 4 01 20 . 1102 4 2.T 1143 4 33 11 10J4 4 00 13 . ira 4 no 1050 4 11 ior 4 rs v nn 4 ( , - , 4 6) 17. 1318 1 70 17.ro 37 . .1277 4 SO 13SO I SO ro 1316 4 70 48 027 4 r 117. ! 4 11 40 1011 4 KKj 1 . .1010 4 22" inn 4 22U 31 1291 503 1. , . .10fO 3 21 1000 3 CO 29 159 3 k5 11 1022 4 00 114 4 (0 4 1037 4 (0 4 . .1477 4 on n ivo 4 n 6 . . .10'JO 4 25 11. 12 < W 4 25 ; o 1121 4 2"i 14 1212 4 M 11. 4 50 i .12-12 I CO 1. . , .13.0 4 f5 50 . .12C9 4 rs 13 . 1193 4 70 cows . .H10 3 45 6. . .1210 3 f3 1 . . . 110 2 30 1 1110 100 4 . .10 _ > 7 3 J-i 1 . 12 0 1 55 3 2 ' 0 2..1013 2 r,0 ' . S30 2 CO 2..10' ' 2 70 1..1300 2 fO 8. . 177 1 80 3 M 3 . 1110 3 00 13. . 3 00 10 , 3 10 1..12SO 3 15 C. . . . 991 3 20 10 .1095 3 35 4..1070 4 CO 1..1010 422'4 1 . . . 670 4 00 803 CO . CSO 170 4. . . . S4T 3 7 ( > 1010 4 0- 1 Ti . . 913 3 71 . 720 3 00 ! 913 J CO . . 495 4 40 HULLS 4. . . . 930 1 01 2..14M 2 85 1 . . .1140 1 03 1. . . .1130 3 20 1 . . 16CO 2 bO 1 i fU 1. . . .IBM 2 K 2 . . 1155 2 M ) 1..12CO J 13 1 . .1040 3 21 6 . . .1413 3 50 3 . 190 5 CO 1. . . . 2SO 3 00 350 4 25 3 . 4J6 4 r.O 1 3 0 4 'II 22-j ' , CO 1. 250 5 TO 1 190 6 00 8TOCKKHS AND rUUDKHS 1. . ceo 300 1 10 3 50 41 715 1 71 7. . . .1012 4 15 67. . . b37 4 15 1 . 670 3 no 28 . 1261 3 71 6 . 733 4 01 62 819 1 55 1 . . 4SO 5 75 IS 110) 1 H 1. , 830 4 W 5 . . 526 440 1. . 520 4 50 \ffh I DUNS. WYOMING No Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 53 eowF 1012 13 31 1 feeder . . S3 75 13 feeders.lOiS 4 15 202 feeders . 11J ) 1 feeders. . SS3 4 15 2 bulls 13S1 1 70 1 cow . . SCO 2 75 1 tall'ng ' . 9.0 3 10 11 cows . . 1151 320 1 bull 11,0 2 00 11 bullr 1314 2 05 95 tows Tex 75 COM - . . 943 2 ! > 1 91 tii. . Tex S3S 1 (0 ( E3 hits Tex .1125 3 25 1 bull . . . . \r \ 2 Ki 14 bulls . .1282 2 < 1 heifer. loiu t 40 102 heifers 1090 3 40 5 eows ro 40 COWB . fcS3 3 00 6 cow s ,1026 , j 10 22 cows . . 9"0 3 10 1 cow . . . 3 10 3 feeders 1120 3 73 25 feeders 1030 4 10 82 cow 10J.1 3 25 101 helferfl StO 3 2714 102 heifers . . 8"S 3 27'i 43 let Jerp 12) ) ) 2 T , r.5 feeders 1028 3 93 3 feeierB 613 4 CO 78 feedem 1154 3 CO 1 stoei . . 3 fi'i 6 fleers . . Kfil 3 55 84 fe d rs 121C 4 l ) 5 cow K . . 90S 3 15 1 cow 1110 3 CO 1 calf . . 160 5 ( V ) 2 calvm 175 5 03 5 calvcB , . 10S G cow i 3 20 MONTANA 1 tailing . .1010 3 21 41 fp < > der 1131 3 'ifl 2 bulls ,1Sl > 5 2 25 1 cm\ , . 750 2 _ - , 2 cow s . . t'S 2 CO 8 covv . . . . 931 2 'it 44 cow s . 953 3 00 10S COWH . . . C34 3 01 3 bulls .12ft ) 2 < V > 1 heifer . , S'O 2 9) 2 helfera . 973 210 7 COW H 1011 100 10 tilllngs 1580 3 25 1 CJW . 070 2 fO 32 cow s 1016 3 21 40 tailing 1 21 r. fecdois. HfO 3 50 134 lu-lf rs . 350 2 cows S'O 2 FiO 2helfeis . 7O 3 20 UilllngH 1120 3 30 141 feeders nir 1 SI M feeders Ut 1 81 U calves us 15 heifers . .1128 3 23 3 holfs . 10SI 1 heifer . . , .1C < 0 3 2.1 9 feedorn 12:1 3 71 74 feeders .1401 1 7.1 M slecrit . 1121 I 10 181 feeders 1060 3 r , ' ) 201 feidert. . . SS2 4 15 20 cnw . . . 1012 1 0.1 hOUTH DAKOTA 1 bull .1410 2 2 bulls . 12S1 2 C ) 1 bull ,1231 3 15 19 cenvn 1IOS 3 2) 1 heifer . . i. 7SO 3 30 22 f e' d l s 1"S1 1 10 41 steers . .1140 3 55 1 bull 1121) ) 2 70 1 C3W . sro 2 71 13 talllngd 1121 3 10 14 talllnits IMS 3 15 1 heifer 1091 3 21 6 feedi-is P21 3 : 11 tailings l'r.3 ' 3 11 R tailings . 930 1 n 1 lulling . 11. ) 1 11 1 tailing 12CO 3 25 1 heifer ' ' 73 3 21 1 cnw , .11 0 3 00 1 hel'e" . 401 3 ' 0 Ibull. . . . 18T ) 3 25 3 tii'llllgd . 12ft ) 3 2. R COW 8 . . . 1031 3 20 4 tiilllnKS 1H2 3 51 10 cows 3 r. 10 fi Iers 110 3 20 5 In lln s 3 r. 3 tiMIngx .1221 3 11 1 tall'nu . ffO 2 Sr 1 In ling . , 13SO 2 K5 7 steers 1201 3 45 40 feeder * .1041 . < 5) 22 steers . . . 1121 3 f 1 .Isleeis 101) 4 10 1 calf 210 4 75 40 feelers 10SO 3 50 IMfiedeis 1117 3 TO fi < ) feeders 1101 3 50 50 feeders 3 ro 91 feeders line 3 50 1 ct\\ 970 3 40 5 helforn . , . ve 3 81 .1 heifers. . 510 3 81 la feeders 1173 3 10 10 feeders. , ,1243 3 S3 51 ft > idrH. 1043 3 40 110 feeder * , 936 3 M 1 steer 1221 3 M 1 tolling . I3V ) 3 11 3ete > rs . WO 3 15 fe < der * IIS ) 3 CO 6 COINS. . . .1"0 < ) 3 20 HOGS The hog markel oiencd slow , with buy ers bidding 50 lower and In mime eases J0c lower I lcr nn it gained In strength nnd rlo 'd Hteailv with > < -steriiiiy The nalei as n whole averaged 2c lower than > e ter < lav The t.alcs ranked all Iho way from J3 CO to fl ' vvllh flurrint bulk nt 1370 A few light nnd butcher weights sold up In 13.757/385 , with good , heavy hog at } 3 70fT3 75 und rmigh he-ivy nl 13 C003 65 cleired tverylhlng selling M . Ml , , S TO 7 $ K * icn J M S . 2 J M 1 70 SI : il S ) 3 < 0 15 , , . .Sro . . . S TO 37 , , itO . 3 1 S3 JO I 49 170 K . . 131 . 3 tt fnsOt > I > B AND UNDS. 1 . . . . ! . . 2 M 1 . .J.-O . . 1C ) 1 SSO . . . S W 1 . . .419 . . 3 CO 1 tlO . . . 2 75 4 . . . .561 . . , 3 W 1 7M . . . 330 C , .235 . . . 3 0 \.8(0 ( . . .355 3 . , I.'O . . 3(0 3 SW . . . .1 K 6 . . , .2t ( . . . 3 C.1 6 ,110 . . . S 0) 4 270 . . 3 R7H 2 . 2 . . . 3 60 9 tl7 . . . I W 3 310 . . . 38) ) I 4JS . . 3 70 4 351 . . . 3 CO 2 215 . . . 373 RIIKEP Th demand for sheep wan good and the market actlva at strong prior * . Hep * recntAtlvc silos ! No. Av. Pr. 3 < talllnKH mi fS CM western wcthTS 87 S 75 202 native vvcthtra . . . . 101 375 cuiottto iJTvu STOCK .MtttKirr. Cattle Sltivv . .lldttnForc'cd Uiimt An- ollirr Mold'lSlicrp \\Vnlt. CHICAGO , Oct. t. Trade In caltlo vvns rathrr alow nnd prices favored buyers In a crent many Instances , heavy natives nnd undesirable cattle irencmlly soiling \erj unsntlofixctoiy. Native cattle sold all the way from tt 0) to ( I.DO for common to medium drc i d beef mudes. up to Jl nnd 1540 for cholco to extra uhlpplnR breves , with sales larKely at from $4 GO to J5.10. niimrr- ous lots of western fftl slecri > Kolntf for from J3 RJ to JMO Native bulchein' nnd cnnncrs' 'tuff sold belter than might be expected nt n lime when ranKe cattle are bring marketed so fr ly. Cows and heifers sold at from Jl 7'i to J4 M nnd bulls nt frmn J2 20 to J4 33. Cnlv eavtc In rather Kood supp nnd In falily active demand nt steady prices Texas cattle showed no particular change nnd cattle from the western tniiKes were fnlrl > active- , the offerlnc * conflstlns largely of feeders , canners nnd cows nnd helfom OrfcrlnRH of hens were heavy nnd bujers isuc- reeded In forclns n fnrthei decline of Kc prr 100 pounds. Salea were made of heavy picklnc lots nt from J3 4S to M 75 nnd choice llpht as sorted IIORR at from } 4 IS to Jl 22' , the ntllk of the IIDKS fctchlnir p 7B to 5410 I'lits v\rre nu merous nnd sold lnrKel > at from Jl dl to J3 SO. commoner lots iroliiR for from J2 2' to J3 10 Tiade In shrep nni ) lambs vvns fairly nctlvc nl decllnlnir prices. Iambs shovvlnR tlu > mft vveik- ness Native sheep wild nl from 221 ( o 14 western - ern lambs nt from Jl W to Jl S3 , native lambs ut fnm J3 to Jl , and western Hmhs nt from } 4 SO to 4 Si. Peeder sheep sold laicilv nt fn > m J3 W to 1 65 with CWCH selllnir n low ns II 4 IliCiiPTS-Cnttlo O.COO held. IIORS , 2"i.OOO lirnd , sheep , 20,000 head. St. I.uiilN l.lv.Stork. . RT. I.OCIS. Oct 6 CATTI.r.-Hrcelpts C POO ; shipments COO head Market about steady , fair to fancy native export und shipping Hirers , J4 .651) ) 5 15 , drcoeed beef nnd butchei > tcers Jl OOW4 toj steers under 1,000 ponndB , JSfOJfl 23 ; stockcrs ami feeders , J2C.f400 , co\v und heifers , J200ii42"i , Teiiis and Indian steers. J2 73B4 23. bulk of tales , J1.VSn . COWB tlid heifers , J2 T003 25 HOGS Hecelpts 0000 head , shipment * , 3000 head Market re to Iftc lontr Iliiht , Jl 03ffl 13. mixed. J3 SOHI 10 , hcivy , J3 80tf4 13 Slllini1 Itccelpts , 2,000 he.id. shipments , 200 head Mnrket stead } , lutlve muttons , Jl OOT 3 85 , culls nnd burk , Jl SOliJ TO ; stockcrs , J. 'otf 3 10 , lambs , 13 75 5 30 KIIIIMIIH City I.lxc sioolc. KANSAS CITY. Orl 5 CATTl.i : Ifeiolpts , 11 00) . market steady to BtroiiK , Texan steirs J2 75IT4 35. TexaH cons , tl i t3 23 nativestrcrs. . 1321052.1. mtlve cons nnd hrlfi-rM , Jl OOJT3 S3 stockera and feedrrs J3 2 < ff4 41 bulls J2 205T3 20 HOGS Hecelpts , 15000 market 6S10c loner best grade * Blow bullc of Fnlro , 51 70ff1 S ) luavles and pickets $3 61IfS SO. mixed JI70 < ( j1 3S74. llchts J3 CSitlSS , jorkers , J3 3033 93. plrs. $3 650 3 SO SSiip Ifpci-lpts , " .DOt. market weak ; limbs , S3 ( Vtt3 10 , muttons J2 5MT4 60 New Yorlc IlStock. . NH\V YOIIIC Oet S Hl.hV i.t > Kecelpts , r < 3 head , no trading Hmopinn cables quote Amer ican steers at lOHfill'ic dre < fpd uelchls , le- filtratnr beef S'4QS , c Uxpoits , 1,175 b eve mil 4749 quartrrs of beef r-AIA'KS-rflw plpts , 2J1 hrnd ; veals , K OOfl S 00 , Krassers J3 rftff3 Cl SlinnP AND I AMIIS RecelntH 4 2CO henl. sheep J3 2104 00 lambs } 5 0013 riO HOOS Receipts. 2627 head ; Etca.lv at J4 C0fi > 4 90 Clni-liiiiiitl IUeStoiU. . CINCINNATI Oct. 6 HOOS-Qulct at } 3 21I ! ? CATTLIJ "Stronu at $2 2Tii"i 10 S11I313P Steady at t2 23tF-1. lambs , en8y at * 3 23U5 40 Slock In Mirhf. Hocord of recelpls of live plod , at the four principal markets foi October 3 C.Utlo Hi "s Sheen Omalm . K.740 5601 2 SIO Chicago . orX ( ) 2501M to OJ Kansas city . 11 o o 15 M > 0 7 ( KK St. I ouls . 5MO 9(00 ( 200 < Totals . 29.iO 61 Ml J1.H10 Oil Hiirki-tuT OH , CITY. Pa . Oct C Credit bounces. 7Cc ; certmcites. no bids , one sale nt 72c , shipments. 101 001 bbls ; inns. 112 832 bbls , LONDON , Oet B Calcutta linseed , spot. 3ts IV-d Calcutta UiiK-cd near nt Maud c'cllvcry. 14s ll-.il. linseed oil , U , 7'4d IIKHMCN Oct. 6 Pr.rilOt.nUM-nenned. 5 mu iks 15 pig' . | Ciillfornln Ilrpi1 | KriiltN. NHW vonic oct CAi.ironNiA nninn rilUITS Moidy ; evaporated apples prime wire tray , 7c , vxood dried prlmr , 7c , fnncj " 'iSISc ; prunes 4'tfJSo an to flze nnd qunlltj , nprlcots , Moor Park IWllije , i.e.iches , unpeeled , 7011c ; prelcd , UHWlOe. licHtci- Textile Triulc. MANCHISTIH : oct s-ciotbs and jams sloid > , with n better feellnpr 'Manllii IIciiip ut London. LONDON , Oct 5 Manila hemp. 43 17s Cd. You can't nflo-d to rl-k your life by allowing ' lowing Q coltl to develop Into nnpumon'la or consumption Instant relief and a ceitaln cure are afforded by One Mltiuto Co'tgh Cure. ouuKii roii AitnnsT OF iuitini\Y. ( /Iiiirurcil tilth llclni ; In Contempt of JiulKTC Se'olt'H Court. Police CommlcEloner Ilcrdraan will be ar rested by Sheriff McDonald or his deputies whenever they set eyes upon him. In doing this they will bo obejlng an order Issued by Judge Scott yeaterdiy. Th's order Is the result of the. failure of Commissioner Herd- man to appear before Judse Scott nt 10 o'clock to show cause whv he should tiot be fined foi contempt of court .Monday afternoon Chief of Detectives Cox secured from Judge Scott a summons upon Commissioner Ilerdman to appear for contempt of court , In that heotul In the negative on the matter of reinstating Cm aa chief of detectives at the Lift meeting of the Doard of Tire nnd 1'olle.c Commissioners IIlH was the onlj vote recorded against the ro'ostatemont of Cox In accordance with the order Issued by Judge Scott. The order miinmoning Herd man was placed in the sheriff's hands for bervlco Mocday afternoon , but the police commis sioner could not bo found Ho had gone to Talrbury to look after a case In cjurt there , It was said This was reported to Judge Scott yesterdiy Commissioner ( Jrpgory , who was mibpoMiael as a wit ness and was In court , was allouivi to go and Is not leciulrid to appear again If ho does not desire It has been stated by Mr. Herdmnn that ho will put tip n fight He Kays that oven If hu Is sent tn jail for contempt Oiu tan secmo his release In a few hours If ha takes such a imsltlon thciu Is likely tn ho a "hot tlmo" In Judgn Scott's court room wheiii ho In brought before the l > ir. Disfigurement for life by burns or sralils may be avoided by tiding Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo , the great remedy for piles and for all kinds of sores and skin Doubles COUNTY < ; ( I > IISSIOMKS : Yclxcr Di-iiiiiiiilN Hint ( Iti-fcrciiiliini ( tncxtlon lie .Siiliinlllcil. John O Yolser was before the Doard of County Commissioners yesterday to ask that the members allow the people of Doug' las county to vote upon the initiative and referendum question at the November elec tion. Ho urged this request on the groundo that by granting It the county would bo saved the expense of a pelal election within the next sixty da > , thu cost of which nould be In the nelghborhool of $10- 000. 000.Tho The matter was referred to the Judiciary committed , which Is to report at the next meeting. Mr Klcrstead Introduced a resolution giv ing the chairman power to sec tint the clec. tlon booths are located It Is held hy the commissioners that If thu council falls to provide for the location of the booths It can be forced tn do so hy mandamus proceedings The rccmcst of the Svenska Jotirnalcn , that It bo given the printing of the 1S9C delinquent tax list Inctcad of The lice , was refused and the hoard reainrincd Its choice of The Dee an the pjper of publication The C W , iHul | company was granted the contract for furnishing the county hospital with twenty-five- carloads of steam coal , be ginning October 1 'II in board adjourned to meet again next Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Covctnl HU Ni-lirliliur'N John Jackson wlillo drunk yesterday after noon appropriated a horse and wncon be longing' to Charleu Hchad , The rig had bicn left In front of a saloon near Twenty-fifth ir.d Leaven/worth streets , Jackson and the oiuiU were onn'ureel beforft they hail t clcd hnlf li iloien blocks. Jackson T charged with homo atrnllnR. MnrrliiKt * Lice-linen. Llccnncs to wed hnvo tit-i-n Issued by t county JudRO to the following parties. Natno ami Hcildence. A. Oust Carlson , Omnhn , . , Mary Anderson , Omiilia > Michael S Ilyan , South Omaha Katlo li Hughes , South Omnha Albert Frederick Clrcen. Omnhn , Tina Elizabeth Hcilo , Omnha Charles J. 1'otcnon , Kearney county. , , . Matilda A. Normaii , Kearney county . . . . Harry It. Plnkcrton , Omaha , Lnunx M , Sv\artz , Qmaha GEO. W. DUDLEY. 'A Prominent St. Louis Dn.ilne.vs Cured ot Astlimn , n Case of Ten Years' Standing , by Dr. Char- N cot's Kola Nervine Tablet ? . Bt. LouU , Mo. , Airll ) IS , 1SJ.X To whom U may concern. I am plenanl to ndd my testimonial to the worth of D.'V Chnrcot'K Kola Ncivlne TablcU , I ImvltiR been affllctod with aethmn for about ten } e-ars. I hnvo found great rellot from , 111 * use of these Tablets , for after havlnc used ono of the Urge boxes the symptom * wcro lie-ally effaced. Hoping that otheri thtta affllctod will Lcnoflt from my ovt orlcnce , I am , ' Truly yours , Gco.V. . Dudley N. B. Mr Cloorco W. Dudley , writer o the above letter. In president of The Duel ley Machinery Co , Bt.I.ouls , Mo , , nnd on of tha beat known civil and conntructltn cnclneers In the West and Bouth West ; Ilo has recently Rained national prom ) nence as ono of the Invcntnts nnd owner of the celebrated dyimmlto cuti now belli ) \iicd with eucli deadly effect by the Cuba Inturecnti In their HtriiKglo for liberty. Or , Charcot'n Kola Norvlno TablotH nevf fall In nervous diseases of any kind Flf cents and Jl.OO at all ilniKKlsts. See D Cliarcol'snnmo on label Kuieka Chomlci & Mfg. Co , . La Croiso.y. \ . rou ivrnuvu. AMI nvrnuxvi. 11 $ culms AM > vnnvnvi'h Colilx , CoiiKlis SuitTlirouI , InIue-ii lll'iille-llltli , iPiiiiciuonln , Svve-lllllt of the .leiInl.s , IIIIIIIIIKI > , InlliiiiiniiitloiiH. MI'II vi.Ri.i , nnv i ; , TOO rn vein : , ASTHMA , nilf rin LT niti : VTIIIM : . Ile-iiilj He-Hot IN n hurc Ci for ! Cve-r > Pnlii , Sin-uliiH , HrnU I'nliiN In the llui-L , Clie-Nt or I.lin' It IVIIH till' I'lrHt nml In the Out iPVIN ItHMnHV That liiktunlj etopi tac meat c\crutlntlng inint , , nllajn Inflammation , and Hire * Congestl i , whether of the LungH , Htomich , How els or ottiir glands or oigins , h > one niMillcatlon. A half to a teatpoonful In half u tumblei o > vvnlcr will In n fc\v minutes cure crnn hiisim | < , Boui Stomach , Heartburn , NervoiiM - -leeplccsiies ? Slc-k Headache. Dlarrhoi-a , D > tei > , Colle , I Hlulcmj nnd all Internal iialns There la not u remedial nijent In the v\ that will cure- fever and ague- and nil o malarious , MlloliK nnd other fevers , aided IIAUWAY'S PILLS ho iuliklj | ns HA WAY'S UKAUV ItiLIir , 50C n bottle sold 1. & Co. New York City. 55 ilm bt. DR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT > THE omGIHAL , ALL OTHERS IMITATIONS , Iseolclundor pn itivo Written. ( Junrnntcc , by antlioriztxl iigonts only , to euro Weak Memory , UizzinosH. Wnkofulneee , Fitn , IIiEtoria , ( Juicfc. ness , Niuht LaatcB , I.vil Drrame , Lack of Oonti. douc8Norvoii8tie89Iassfludo , all Drains , Youth ful Lrrors , or Eieossivo Ufo of Tobacco , Upturn , ur Liquor , which leads ( u Miser ) , Consumption , Insanity nml Dch. At utciro or by mail , $1 a box ; sir for K ; with AV rittcii Kiiarantco to euro or rplliiicl money. Hnuiiilo pack- USU , containing five clajs treatment , with full instructiona , 25 cents. Ono Bainplo only Bold to each norson. Atatoroor by mail. Label Special Extra Strength. . . . Irapotcncy , IJOGB OL I'owor , Lost Ulnnhoiid , Utorihty or Bnrronnoas' at 1 n bin ; six for S3 , with vvi-IltcQ .11) CTM nilluii DriiK Co. . S. K. Corne-i tilth niul l"a ma in Six. . Oninlin. % i-l , . ( Oil A.TVrtten Oiiiiriiulre to CITICK KVEK7 CASK or MOXKY JiiPU.MKH. Our cm e Is peimnnrnt und not a pntcliliiB up treated unjUMUM' lm > e nc t e r fee n n Klu | > lnn I.IIICB. U ) ilc.K'Mltilnir > oui euue fully wecuu tlent you hy mall. and we give the Nime * li ongittltitaillcc. to cure or lei und all money Those who intfcr ti cunie hcie for trt > ment can do no and no will pay rallioad tuie l > nlh woj and hotel lillln while hcie If we fall In r-ine. Wi chol- lenue ( he woilJ foracahe Ihat our .Tfiiulo ICciuvily will n > t ( .ure VVilli tor lull pnillcuUm und Kct Ilia evldrnro VVnUnowlliiit jnilnie > ki | ill ( l JllUly Milno , ft > Hie must eminent lill } > l < lann Imro llerel liccll aliln to clve more Iliuu iimiuiiart lellef. Ill uiir ten jetri inuctlce with thl Miii-lc Hi ineily It nun been moit illllli ult to oie M oinn Un pi rjiifllrrn uKulunt all bo-callril rierlflc Hut ninlrr GUI htrnni ; iruaiantee jou ehuuld not hcultatctu Tj II l-iininlj. 1 uu InUo no clmnre of lolnff > uur money We Kuaiantret to cuiu or irfumt c\erv dollar nnd aft wo Imto u reputation tu protect , ulxi financial UcltliiK or SSOO.OdO , It In perfectly talc loall who vslll trytlio licatinent lleieturmojuu liaie lieeii putting up and t > alni ; out your money for illireicnt iiealiiuiilHand lth < MiKli Jon ait not yttcurfd no one bait paid hack your money Do not Haute any inoieinomy until > im fry i.a Old.chronlc deei-rcated ] caw > cuied In Ilility to ninety day * . Inre'llicata out llminrlal MtaiulliiK , uur icpnlutloii oa hUfclncfcB nun. VVrllu ua for names und iuhlreFM.3 of theMe we have cured , who liavu Khcn permlbhlon to itfi to then. It iost ) auonly | o3lniiu to do tills : It ullluvryoin world or KiillerhiK from muital Mialn i mil If youLiv marrfeil what may your olltipiln Mitfer through > t.ur owiiniKllKciuiil Hj our fyniiloniiiiiHi'liiiplc | | on jure , loiu throat. mu"ou iiatctuiH la mouth , rlii unimUni In boueH anil jolnu hair falling out iiinptlonH on any part of Ihe ho ly fcilntf \ uf iteneiul depieMilon , paliu fn head or IIOIICN jou have mi ilmu townbtc. ThoKuwlio are con < lantly takliiK meictiry ami putai.li ihould din. runtlnuolt. ( 'om.tant uie of llui > 6 druici1 will fuuly brlim sores ami ( ntlnir ulcem In thecnil. Don t fall tu vrrllu All cuncMiundcnco tent Healed In plain tnvcl upeiiVelinllc ihu mo > t iltrld InvtuliEatloa and wUI elu all In uur pu r to aid j ou In It.cldroii , OOOK R EDY GO , . ( Chicago , III , III ! \nlSinicil \ I'istitiit ) 1005 IoloHt. ( ; , Omaha , * CONSULTATION FI | IJ Tronic Kcrvous and Private Disease ; , ! Olid nil WRAXNRHS MEN and Dl.Sa.in.JIJhof IIYDKOOKiYKnnil VAHICX'KM ; iiu.nunanlly anl inrceHtfiillv ( iirud In eivnri c IM > IILOOI ) AND SKIN DIH-.IHOH Sere SpotH Pin ilcH , Serpful i TimiorH Tottur KCZDUIU and Illoof 1 'i ? , " , ' , , ! " , , " " ! > ' elnuiHBd fro n the Byntain , NKIIVOUS Debility Hi3rmiilorrlini Seimlin .cmoH Nlxhl EnlHsloiiH J.IHH of Vital Powuu leiini moutly und HIM -dlly uuru I WIUK MliN , ( Vitality Weak ) in ulo no by too rlosu nuullcntli o huiiliii-H4 01 HltnU Hiuini imm.il Htrnln rrluf. SI.'XUAL KXt'KiHKi In inlclctlii llfuorfrc hooffcctH of juiiiliful folllc-H Call or wrlto Hit. oday Uox 'J77 ) mjlia MedlcJl a d Snrglcil Institnt JAMES E , BOYO & GO , , I'uluplioim 103J ) . Oiiialui , Nub COMMISSION , . [ JKAIN , IMtOVISIONSandSTOt : IIOAHI ) 01' TJiAUII. Direct vs In to Chlc.igo nnd New York. Corn uui.dentHi | John A , Wurriin & Co , WHAT IT COSTS. WHEN TO GO. WHAT TO TAKE. HOW TO GO. B tve time and money by reading the Ulondlkc-T luudulilu Hook. Utoutalu > ui p of all tUeruui tolbanolaniild , ui ileffOuiliur or Ju tcciuiul li Pent pu u < ald forfltt ) , po tofllc truiuiu inoi " " " " - - " " craw , TJftdutULiiiUed. j UuW 1 L