Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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Dr. Surlver , dcntlnt. Mcrrlam blk. , rom 240.
Mrs , I ) . W. Uiuhncll has gone to Chicago.
Smoke Ollle's Choice , 1023 South Main
Ualtnn'g for cholco fruits ? nd fancy gro
I' . H. Hill left yesterday for a ten days'
trip In Nebroi-ka.
Buy coal and wood of H. II. Williams , IbO
Dway , and get premium stamps.
t'T "Tho New Woman" ot Hugh's hall
Wednesday , Oct. 13 , by Unity guild.
Mr. Mid Mrs. Fred Oelso celebrate their
ttnth wedding anniversary today.
Hatirfactlon guaranteed at the reliable
Bluff Pity steam laundry. Phone 311.
MIND ( trace Hemming left Innt evening for
a visit with frlcrvls In Kansas City.
Mr , smith Haundrrfl U entertaining her
jnahor Mr . Jcnness of Ypsllantl , Mich.
P. McMonomy has gone to St. Loulr on a
t o weeks' vls'.t with his parents and frlciidg.
H , H. Williams , U.O Bway , will glvo pre
mium stamps on all sales of wood and coal.
Miss DcIIavcti and -her sister , Mrs. Kelly ,
of Omaha are making a week's visit In Chi-
caco ,
Miss Carrlo Wredo yt-stcrday entertained
Jlr. and Mrs. John M. Tanner of South
Mr. and ' .MM. Henry Ulahton and family
4iavo returned from an extended visit In Cal
Mr. and .Mrs. Harry Meek of Qlcn avenue
are niucrtainlng the former's mother of Bur
Mrs , U. J. Mbntnomery and daughter ,
UkMror , will leave In a few days for an
eastern trip.
John P. Davis will leave HOOH for St. Louis ,
where he will represent an Implement com
pany at the fair.
Justice Fuller yesterday united In marriage
W II. Wells of Uwl Oak and Nora Ilurn-
licm of Pllger , Neb.
The Knlghte and Ladles of Security will
met ; this evening In the Royal Arcanum
hall fur the Installation of olllccrs.
George Davit ) of Chicago has gone on a
visit to western Nebraska , where he will
vlnlt his old classmate. Oratan Folcy.
Mrs. Waddcll and children , who have boon
the cucsts of Mrs. Hornco Everett for some
time , teturncd to their home In Kansas City
I ) . Utterback nnd family , who moved from
here to California two years ago , have re
turned , and will probably take up their
residence agJtln here.
The people of western Iowa arc cleaner
oral better dresped , because the Eagle Laun
dry hus lived and prospered In their midst.
Send us your work. 724 Bway.
Cold weather may conic suddenly , and
you would need flre. Place your fuel order
now and be prepared. Prices right , prompt
delivery Thos. HIshton , 2106 W. Bway
Now Is the time to lay In your supply o !
winter fuel. II. H. Williams , 1KO Bway ,
will Bell you coal and wood as cheaply as
nny onu and will give you premium Btumrs
The fiineial of the late D. B. Clatk occur
red yesterday afternoon , nnd was very largely
attended. All of the military organizations
in HIP city turned out and marched In the
funeral procession.
Mis. Ocorge W. Chcrrlngton left yester
day for Lincoln to Join Mr. Chcrrlngtoii , who
has established a nuccessful collecting agency
nt that place. They will make Lincoln their
home In the future.
W. W. Loomls leaves today for St. Louis ,
where he will attend the fair and exposi
tion , following which no will spend a week
or ten days visiting Ohio and Michigan
manufacturing , points.
The Ilcbckah Relief association will meet
* with S. Anna Sackett , 1116 Third avenue ,
Wednesday afternoon , October 0. Special
I business of Importance will come before the
uooiety and a full attendance Is desired.
Shlloh No. 1 the newly organized Woman's
Auxiliary of the Union Veteran union , will
hold KB first rcgulai\ meeting tonight at the
rreldenco of Mrs. W. S. Rice , 315 Williams
Francis V. Wescott died yesterday at his
home 736 Mynster street , after an Illness ot
govern ! months from consumption. Ho wat
22 years old , and for a number of years had
been at wcrk as a pressman in the local news-
jxiper oiricej. The funeral will occur tomor
row afternoon
George Lawrence was arrested last even
Ing after being caught In the act of stealing
I a couple of chickens from the huckster wagon
of a man named Stvln. Stein gave chase ami
caught the follow Just aa he was disappear
ing up a stalrwa/ Upper Broadway , where
ho makes h's home.
The three boys , Rice , Golt and Carty , who
have been In Jail since Saturday night on
the charge of bolng drunk ad disorderly , had
their sentence of $10 line suspended by Judge
McQeo last evening nnd were released pend
ing good behavior. They lived yesterday on
a diet of bread and water.
John Maloney died yesterday at his resi
dence on Avenue A , after an Illness of povtral
months. Mr. Maloney has been In buslnesh
In Council muffs since 1SS3 , and has made
many friends. Ho came hero from Illinois.
Ho wan 44 old , and leaves a wife , but
i no family. The funeral will bo held on
Wednesday from St. Frauds Catholic church.
The body will bo buried lu the Catholic cem-
C. B. Vlavt Co. , female remedy ; consulta
tion frco onico hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to G.
Health took furnished. 32C-327-32S Merrlam
block ,
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
William McCoy the Falrmount park lion
turner , wan called before the commissioners
for the Insane yesterday for an examina
tion an to his mental condition. There wan
enough evidence to commit the young man
to the hospital for treatment , but at the
request of hkt uncle. Smith Saundcrs the
hearing was continued until today. In the
meantime McCoy Is bulng kept In the county
Jail ,
Judge icdeo yesterday fined Carty , Rose
nnd Qoff , the three young boys who were
McCoy's companions In his Saturday night
ubbaur.h , each $10 and costs.
For Soft
Con I or
j pli'tui ns n bsiso burner.
Hums thu { ? as luilf of Koft ooal. Kvi-n
liiMt tiiil | base heat IIUu a bastt burner.
* < / \ scs onu.third loss win coal , duln
FjHno work , than any umh'rtlraft utovo
Uiadi' . ( Jlvcs an evi'ii heat never seen
before with soft coal. Sou It runnliiB
.t our storo. i
Cole & Cole ,
, 41 Alain Street ,
Council Bluffs.
MII/fON HOG 13Its , Onmlm , ami
G. W BRIGGS. So. Ouialm Agencies.
Legality of Ordinances to Bo Tested by
Spencer Smith ami Others.
MnnnTvn , Coinpntiy IN Much Worried
mill Miiy Aliiiiidon tin * KxpoxltloH
1,1 inllrlilKc Coiiipnny Shown
XoSlKii of
Spencer Smith and a couple of other a'ttor
ncy , who have led In the opposition to the
motor company franchise and who did not !
withdraw their opposition when "the other j
members of < he citizens' committee con- |
eluded to do so , were reported yesterday
to have prepared the papers In a suit which '
will be Mod In the district court attacking j
the lesalfty of the franchises as they came '
from the hands of the council and tlio mayor. '
It wjs expected that the papers would be
filed last evening , but 'nothing had been
seen of them around the office of the clerk
of the district court when business closed I
for the day. The attorneys alluded to yes- j
tcrday Informed their friends that they had |
discovered several defects In the ordinances ,
that would annual them. The nature of ;
these defects was not pointed out , but U i
was Intimated that the Ural publication In I
a speclil edition of the oillclal paper a few
minutes before midnight on the last day of
September Just before the now corporation
law went Into effect was one of them.
Th proposed legal attack upon their or-
illnance has caused considerable worry to the
Manawa people , for nny proceedings of the
nature contemplated would servo to cast a
cloud on the bonds the company proposes to
Issue that would make the bonds dtstcult of
negotiation. Mr. Do Long of the Bast Omaha
end of the company spent the entire after
noon hero yesterday in consultation with C.
R. Hannan and others concerning the matter.
Mr. Hannan was favorable to the scheme of
submitting the matter to the electors at the
coming fall election , but Mr. Do Long stated
that the delay would render It Impossible
ofr his company to the work contemplated In
the shortened time made necessary by such
nn election. Ho declared that rather than dose
so his company would abandon the whole en
terprise ; that It was necessary to get to work
at once If the line was to be completed In
time to bo of any service In carrying expo
sition passengers. He was very positive In
nil of his declarations and returned home
leaving tha whole mattsr In considerable
doubt , The attorneys for the company are
conlldent that no proceedings that may be
Instituted In court will have nny ultimate
effect upon the legality of the ordinance.
The other company has not evidenced a
particle of anxiety over the prospect of the
sulto threatened to ha brought against It
to break the new charter. Mr. Wright ac
companied Mr. Wells as far ns New York.
Before going he announced that any cloud
the agitators might bo able to cast upon the
validity of the bonds by suits In court would
bo Immediately neutralized by the company ,
whose directors would at once guarantee the
payment of the bonds.
Street Hallway Conipiiiili-H Olllclally
Aoei'pt tin' X MV KrmiflilNc.
In striking contrast with the meetings of
the city council for the last month or two
there was not a solitary citizen present at the
regular meeting ot the council last night.
The only mm outside of the railing was the
street commissioner.
The first hour of the session was devoted to
the reading and allowing of the regular j i
monthly bills. There was no objection raised j i
until the bill of Chief of Police Canning for1 [
the feed and care of his horse , used In the1 |
department. Catper objected to Its allowance' '
on the grounds that the ordinance fixing his
compensation declared that no such bills' '
should bo allowed , and that the salary as fixed
by the ordinance was In full compensation for
his cervices. This bill has caused a difference
every time It has been presented , and an cf-1 I
fort was m.ido last night to settle It. The I '
committee that had approved It , reported that !
the approval was given with the- understandIng - ! I
Ing that the expense was necessary , and
aaved the department a great deal of livery
hire. City Attorney Hazelton gave his cpln-
lon , when called upon , that the expenditure
came within the provisions of the ordinance ,
nnd U was allowed , Casper alone voting no.
The general sewer bill for $421.10 for work
done on the sewers and Indian creek ditch
was presented and allowed.
The bill of Gralil & Son for new fire pots
In several of the hose house heating ap
paratuses was presented and a Wo vote re
sulted and It was referred to the committee
on flro and lights for Investigation.
The appointments of Frank P. Fowler as
patrolman and James Allwood as special of
ficer without pay were announced.
The reports of the heads of city depart
ments were received and placed on flic.
The city marshal reported that the North
western Railway company had compiled with
the orders of the council to widen Us street
crossing to the full width of the street.
The committee on police reported that It
had vacated the old building on Cut-Off
Island used as a 'temporary Jail and had
tendered the keys to the owner , who had re
fused to receive them , claiming a full year's
rent In advance. The clerk was Instructed
to tender the amount due up to date.
The report of 'the ' committee of the whole
concerning the compromise of a personal
damage suit brought against the city by
Mary McNamara was submitted and ap
proved. The amount of $150 was agreed to.
The committee report against allowing the
claim of Conrad Dltatnan for damages to
horse and wagon In a runaway caused by the
horse tak'ng fright at an open sewer man-
hob ? , was concurred In.
The potltlon of residents near Third street
and Eleventh avenue for an electric light
was refused for the reason that no funds
were available for the purpose.
The claim of C. Wesley for reduction of
special taxes on his Sixth street property
was granted by approval of 'tho ' report of the
finance committee.
The ordinance fixing a license or tax on
telegraph and telephone poles iat $1 a pale
was called up and at the request of the
city attorney went over until the next meet
The motor company filed Its oillclal ac
ceptance of the ordinance recently approved.
A separate acceptance by the board of direct
ors of the Omaha < and Council Bluffs Urldge
company ' Nebraska was alto filed , together
with a notlco of publication of tlio ordinance
In the otllclal paper. The Lake Manawa
Railway company a'so Hied Its olllcUl accept
ance of ltc < ordinance.
The chairman of the committee on police
and health was allowed $50 for current ex
penses ( luring the month.
The council took the Initial step tj con
demn the property on the south sldo of
Sixteenth avenue from Main to Third
street , through the Rchrer tract , by pass
ing the required ordinance. Thcio wna a
difference oi $2,100 between the owners of
the property and the city.
A petition from property owners to con
struct a six-foot brick walk on Little
Curtis street from Washington avenue to
Avenue I ) was presented and referred to a
special committee ,
Notlco was given by ordinance to all
property owners to construct sidewalks In
aoordanwith ordinances recently passed.
Mora than a RCOIU of streets are Included
In the order. Whllo on the subject ci
walks the mayor t.ok occasion to again
express his condemnation of the practice ot
laying plank walks on temporary grade
and urged the council to begin now to refuse -
fuse all petitions and requests for plank
walks. The aldermen went over their Mats
and cut out all such walks In accordance
with the executive's Huggeatlon.
HIJs for coal were opened. Only two bids
were received. H. A. Cox offered best an
thracite at $7b5 and Ccntervlllc lump at
$3.13 tach. The Carbon Coal company's bid
wa $3.30 for hard coal and Ccntcrvillo $3.22
cash. The contract was awarded to Cox.
J , J. Steailman and others asked for a flre
alarm box to bo located on the corner of
Oakland avfnuo and Avenue F. The request
was referred to the flro commlMcc.
Alderman Griham stated that the residents
of Avenue F between North Second street
nnd Oakland avenue desired to have the
street grade changed and asked tlio council
to meet today at 10 o'clock as committee of
the whole to Investigate the matter. The re
quest was granted.
The city marshal was then Instructed to
notify Contractor Wlckham to begin his side
walk conntructlon contracts nt once. The
council adjourned until October IS.
One of tin1'vciillnr ItfHiiltN of IH'lp-
IIIK Out a Krlfinl.
Yesterday a reminder of the days when
Chariots Altmanspcrgcr was In the height
of his career In the eastern part of the
county came In the trial of a eult In which
F. Ktohen seeks to recover $2,410 worth of
notes. Krohcn was school treasurer of Mln-
dcn , township , and having a good deal of
school , money on hand , wrs Induced to loan
It I all to Altmanxpergeri Altmansperger's fail
ure | and sentence to prison left the school
treasurer In a serious dilemma , and when the
district called upon him for a settlement on
the J 1st ot January last year he was short
Just j the amount he had loaned the Mlmleu
financier. Schwcnk was one of his bonds
men , and by some means that has not yet
been made clear on the wltneos stand
Schwcnk was Induced to give his Individual
note ] for the full amount , $2,426.10. Later the
shortage , or deficit was fixed up by the other
bondsmen I with some assistance from the
friends I of Altmansperger. Schwcnk's note ,
however ! , still remained In possession of
Krohcn , and before he succeeded In getting
; It back ho wns obliged to employ nn at
torney , nnd the attorney threatened to begin
criminal proceedings against the Kronen's.
The note was then given up , and the pres
ent suit Is to regain possession. Flnlcy
Durko and Fremont Uenjamtn were on the.
witness stand yesterday giving testimony for
the defendant. They were his attorneys ,
but owing to the fact that they were to bo
called as witnesses they employed John
Organ to conduct the case.
Chambers' Academy of Dancing opens for
beginners Tuesday , October 6th. Compli
mentary reception' and dance for adults Fri
day. October 8 , at 8 p. m. For misses and
matrons , Saturday , October 9th , 8 p. m.
Civil Service Kxlinillllltloii.
The United States civil service commis
sion has ordered that an examination be held
by Its local board In this city on Saturday ,
December 4 , commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. ,
for the grades of clerk and cart'Ier In the
postal service. Only citizens of the United
States can bo examined. The age
limitations for this examination are
as follows : Carriers , between 21 nnd
40 years ; clerks , 18 or over. No
applications will be accepted for thl *
examination unless filed with the under
signed on the proper blank before the hour
of closing business on Thursday , November
18 , 1S97. Applications should be filed
promptly In order that time may remain
for correction If necessary.
Tl.e commission takes this opportunity of
stating that the examinations are open to
all reputable citizens of the United States
who may desire to enter the service , without
regard to race or to their political or re
ligious afilllatlons. All such citizens arc
Invited to apply. They shall be examined ,
graded and certified with entire Impartiality
and wholly without regard to any consider
ation save their efficiency , as shown by the
grades they obtain In the examination.
For application blanks , full Instructions
and Information relative to the duties and
salaries of the different positions apply to
Fred Johnson , secretary Board of Examiners
postal service. Council Bluffs , la.
KnJoliiH the Cnillc Fccdliipr.
A. W. Wyman began suit In the district
court yesterday against his tenant , J. M.
Slovene , to prevent his disposing of the corn
crop raised on the farm this year , amount-
Ing to about 15,000 bushels. Wyman owns
a farm In Wright township that covers a full
section. Ho leased It to Stevens for a term
of three years for a rental consideration
ot $6,400 cash. This Is the first year the
now tenant has farmed the place and his
crop has been sufficiently large to Justify
all expectations , and there would have been
no trouble with the landlord It he had not
entered into a deal with a cattle buyer
and feeder by which he was to feed the
corn crop on the place. A bunch of 149 Texas
steers was driven on the place and the feedIng -
Ing began. Wyman began an Investigation
that disclosed the fact that there was a
mortgage of $0,210 on the cattle , held by
Jerry Murnan of Lewis , la. , and that the
mortgage had been placed on the cattle be
fore they were driven on the farm. Mr.
Wyman took measures to protect himself
by applying to Judge Macy for a temporary
writ of Injunction restraining the tenant
from feeding the grain until the rent claim
was satisfied. The Injunction was granted
just before the adjournment of court last
ItenI KNtnte TrmiNfcrn.
The following transfers are reporte'd from
the title nnd loan ofllco of J. W. Squire. 101
Pearl street :
Ilonjamln F. Long to Cynthia A.
Woolsey : part original plat lot 194 ,
. < 1 $ 7CO
II. S. I3ender and wife to 1C. H. Hoap-
land ; lots 39. 40 , 41 , In block 11 ,
Wright's addition , q. c. d
Andeas F. Marten to W. E. Guild ;
s't sw',4 sw',1 neU 9-77-38 , w. d. . . . 2,800
Henry Miller to H. A. Larson : north
M feet , lot 3 , Huntlngton'g addition ,
w. d :
Mary A. McShane to Herman Donner ;
lot 1 , block 1 , Potter & George Co.'s
addition , w. d 52 ;
B , L. Shupnrt to Jennie R. Shields :
BX ! acres la sw',4 Bw'i nnd seli sw',4
10-75-43 , w. d COD
Six transfers , total JI.C27
Hail Cliolcrn .MorluiH.
Baggageman Lo Roy was found In his car
when tlio Milwaukee train arrived from the
cast yesterday morning suffering Intense pain
nnd almost unconscious , It was reported
at the police station that ho was hurt by
coming Into contact with the portable elcc
trio lighting apparatus with which all of
the Milwaukee passenger trains are equipped
and the patrol wagon was sent down to con
voy him to the Woman's Christian As-
sedation hospital. An examination showed
that ho had not been electrocuted ,
but was Buffering from a severe
attack of cholera morbtis. His symptoms
were almost as alarming as those of genuine
Asiatic cholera , and his condition was felt
to be serious for a while. At noon ho was
unconscious ant s'-lll In an acute stage of the
disease. Later bo rallied and was pro
nounced to be out of danger by Dr. Macrae ,
His homo Is In Chicago ,
Mrx. McCilnty Ilailly Hurt ,
Mrs. J , K. McGlnty was reported yester
day to be lying In a critical condition at
her homo InAvoca as the result of Injuries
received a few days previous while attempt
Ing to stop a horse. The animal had been
ridden away by ono of the members of the
family and had gotten away from Its rider
and returned home. Mrs. McGlnty went out
Into the lot to catch It and was leading
It to the barn. In parsing under a clothes
line the horn of the saddle caught. The
horse became frightened and ran away , Mrs.
McGlnty became entangled In the halter
and was dragged around the lot and severely
bruised and lnjurc.1.
Mr * . FoHlrr | H 'Promoted.
Mrs. Foster , who has been acting as senior
vice president ot the Woman's Relief corps ,
has been elected to the position of president ,
to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation
of Mrs. Shrevo. Mrs. Nelson was elected to
succeed Mrs , Foster aa senior vice president.
Ili-ail CriiHlifil liy .Striking n I'olr.
CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , Ot. 4. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Alfred Walton , about 25 years old ,
while riding on an cpen ctreet car tonight ,
leaned out too far and was struck by aiviron
polo sur-nortlng the trolley wire. His head
was cruihed , and It Is feared he cannot live.
TrnopH l < rnvr Hazleloa.
HA55LETON , Pa. , Oct. 4. The battalion of
the Eighth Governor's troop broke cair.ii here
today , and every soldier has left town. Com
manding Officers Watts and Cameron and
Captain Ott ot the cavalry , each thanked tbe
men lor their excellent bebavlor
Opening of the Contest for the Toniplo Cup
OCCUM nt tha rfiib.
MolniN llnttvil Out , Ilex mill
\ ii ( iiicn l'i tiilu j'lic Air
' '
tin me Kl , , , < i' liy
.Moonlight ,
BOSTON. Oct. 4. The now champions took
the flrat game for the Temple cup today , de
feating the Dalllmores in a close contest
more through a combination of lucky lilts
and daring haso running , assisted by dark
ness In the last two Innings , than by any
great superiority of play. Neither team
showed championship form , while the work
of the homo team was at times very much
below the mark. The Orioles batted Nichols
out of the box and would have given Lewis
a similar doao If they could have seen the
ball In the two last Innings. As It was the
5amo ended In the moonlight , the umpires
keeping the players at lt < until some time
after sundown.
The weather was perfect , a mtUl Indlcn
summer day , with no wind and a clour at
mosphere that was conducive to snappy play-
Ing. One of the biggest crowds of the year
turned out. Score :
n.ii.O.A.I.I II.H.O.A.K.
tnmll'n. cf 2 2 3 0 O.McCIrnw. . 3b 3 3 1 0 1
Tenney. Ib. 3 o s t I'KrcIci ' * . rf. . . 22000
.owe. Jb. . . , 2 214 OJeim'Hs. n. 2 ! i 2 G 1
tnhl. rf. . . . 3 1 I 0 2 Kellcy. If. . . 4 .1 4 0 0
> uffy. If. . . . 2330 OHIenzcl. cf. .
olllns. 3b. . 0031 liDoylt , Ib. . . . 0 3 It 0 1
Lonir. is 1223 Oiltcltr. . ! b. . . . 01231
lorccn , c , . . 0 2 5 0 0 Clarko. c. . . 0 1 3 1 0
Nichols , p. . 0 0 1 10 Nops , p 0 1 0 1 0
Lewis , p 00000
Totals . 12 20 21 11 4
Totals . 13 12 27 10 4
Iloston 3 0 0 1 2 5 0 S 1.1
IlaUlmorc 0-12
KnrneJ runn : Doston. 4 : llnltlmorc. 11. Twn-
Lmse lilts : Lowe. IonK , Jennings (2) ( ) , Kelley (2) ) .
Heltr. Stolen bases : Hninllton , Stnhl , llcriien.
Klr t base on balls : liy Nops. 7. Struck cult :
lly Ncps , 2 ; liy Nichols. 3 ; by" Lewis. 1. 1'nfscil
Imll : llergen. Wild pitch : Nops. Time of tonne :
Two hours nml twelve minute1. ! Umpires : 13ms-
llc anit Hurst. Attendance. 10.000.
.Mil j or ( liilncy Mllkrs the I'rcNfiilntlou
In a Tin-liter.
BOSTON , Oct. 4. The Boston base bull
club received the pennant us national
champions nt the Tromont theater tonlgjit.
Mayor Qulncy mndo the presentation speech' '
and Manager Selee accepted the pennant
In behalf of the club , the members o which ,
together with the Baltimore teutn , oceupl"d
nil the boxes of the theater. The theater
was crowded and the players received a
warm welcome when they took their seats.
At the conclusion of the second act of May
[ rwln's pluy , "The Swell Miss FHzwcll/ '
Mayor Qulncy and Manager StMep appeared
before the curtain and tbe former In n few
words presented the pennant. The pen
nant Is the gift of Miss Irwln , and is a
handsome triangular bnnnor.wlth tbe words
"Champions of IMS" In red letters on n
background of white Blllc. Captain IJuffy
of the team was repeatedly caned for , but
would only bow his acknowledgments of the
Mukr It a Tic irUh Went Poliil.
FIIBMONT , Neb. , Oct.Special ( Tele
gram. ) The Fremont-West i'olnt ball game
resulted In n tie , 6 to 6 , sa iie belngi called
nt the end of the eighth IhlUng on account
of darkness. Tbe Hrewcrs put up a line
quality of ball except in the eighth Inning ,
when the West Pointers touched up Boul-
den for live singles nml , a. double. Score :
Fremont Brewers . . . . 0003000 3 G
West Point ,0 000010 5-G
Base lilts : Fremont. 18 ; , West Point. 32.
Errors : Fremont , 3 : West Point , 5. Struck
out : by Boulden , 2 ; by Turner , 4. Bat
teries : Fremont , Boulden - 'nndJamison ;
West Point , Turner and ! Corbett.v Umpire , '
Marshall. It | g next Sunday , not tomor
row , that these teams meet text at Colum
Excellent Total * Millie lit 'I'arKfts In n
HlBh Wind.
Two club scores were Ehot nt the shoot
ot the DuPont Gun club yesterday , ns there
was no shoot at the last weekly meeting ,
owing to the special events carried off nt
the Omaha nnd Council Illuffs shooting
grounds on that day. The heavy wind made
the flight of the targets very erratic and
high scores were dillicult to get. These are
the results :
Nason 11011 11101 11110 11111 11111 22
pung Hill 10101 11101 11111 11101-21
Brewer 11111 00110 11111 Will 00111 ID
Townsend . . 01111 10100 10111 11111 11110-19
Read 11100 01011 11111 OHIO 01111-19
Dvorak 01111 11100 01111 11110 11011-19
Schneider . . . 11101 10101 01101 10111 11011 IS
Goldsmith . . 11011 01111 10111 00111 10'Jll IS
Curtis 11110 11011 11110 11C03 1101C 17
Ilrucker 01111 11001 01101 10101 11110-17
Smead 00110 11030 11101 mil 11110-17
H .McDonald 10001 lion 11111 10111 11100 17
Lyons 11111 Oi00 : OHIO C0ttl 11001 11
Sampson . . . . 11100 10011 00101 01101 10)11 14
Davies 11000 10100 10110 01011 10101 13
ntuiL-rc'per . . ouoi oino 11010 01010 10110 13
McGrath . . . .00311 00000 11011 00111 O.OJO 9
Thu second shoot :
Smead 11111 11111 11111 11111 01111-21
Hrewer 01111 Will 11111 11110 11011-21
Young 11111 00111 11011 11111 10110 2J
Head 11101 11010 11001 11111 11111 20
II McDonald 11101 10111 OHIO 11111 11101-20
Townsend . . 11100 11111 linil Hill 01010-19
W M'cdon'ld 11111 01103 IWw'l ' 11111 11101-19
Schneider . . . 11101 11111 01101 01100 11011-18
Curtis 11101 10111 Will 11000 1H01-1S
Lyons 11111 11011 01101 11010 1W10-1S
Dvorak 11011 01011 10111 Ollfll 01111 IS
Goldsmith ) . . 10101 11010 11101 11X0) ) 11011-13
Davles 01001 OHIO 01111 11110 10111 17
Urucker 11103 COI10 01010 11100 11111 H
Uauerca'por 10000 10111 101CO 0.101 (001 10
There was a special handicap shoot for
club members only for merchandise prizes
donated liy Charles Metz and J. Goldsmith.
At twenty-five targets :
Young 11111 11111 11111 11111 11110
21 ( scratch ) 21
Nason 11101 11110 11111 01111 11111
22 and 2 21
W M'donnld. 11111 01101 0104 11111 11101-
19 and 4. 23
Dvorak 10110 11111 0&101 10111 11111
19 r.nd 4 23
Sampson . . . . 11103 10011 03191 1001 ! 10J11
14 nnd S 22
Blower 01111 11011 11111 10111 non-
21 Oratch ) 21
Townsend . . Will 11111 11111 11110 lOjll-
21 ( scratch ) 21
Goldsmith . . 10101 10110 11CW 10011 11101
1G r. 21
II M'donnld. 11101 11011 01101 11111 1111
20 nr.d 1 21
Schneider . . . 11011 10101 10119 11011 non-
IB and 2 20
Lyons 11111 lOUl. 91101 11011 0:01C :
15 and 2 1..1 20
Read Hill 11119 , J1W1 CHOI 11111-
19 ( scratch ) 19
Davies OlOJl WHO 01111 11011 10111
17 nnd 2 /i.jiJ 1
Curtis 11011 11011 11011 11(0) 11101
18 ( scratch ) M.- ? * 18
nauere'por . .00101 Oino-JU'10 ' 11(01 ( OJ010
13 nml 5 j..f. IS
Smead 00110 llftWMJHO 11111 11101
17 ( scratch ) r.r 17
Brucker . . , .11010 00(01 10)10 ) 01010 mu
ll ( scratch ) > ] - ) 14
Ickui 11010 11(01 ( 60)11 ) 10UO 11 11-
14 nnd 1 ' . . . ' . ; . ' 15
In the shoot off , first'prize ' , Jfi pair limitIng -
Ing pants , won by Voting'second prlzo , $3
hunting coat , won byliDvorak ; third prize ,
Jl ! knife , won by Sampson ; fourth , J1.M
Hulkeo hand hold , won.Uy.Townsend ; fifth
prize , Jl.W cleaning , rPl.-iiwcm ) by Lyons ;
sixth , cigar holder , won by Head ; seventh ,
cyclometer , won by ptirUjC
DffViilH < ii > orK < IiMIII nnil lli't'oiiii'N
l'Vll < liiT\velilit ClininiIon.
SAN PHANCISCO. Oct. 4-Soly ! Smith
of Los Angeles was j.'lvsn the declfton over
George Dlxon of Hoston In a twenty-round
llfht tonight. The niaTch was virtually for
the championship of tlm featherweight clasa
and Smith Is now at the top.
The light was not a remarkably fast one ,
the men taking no chancea except In two or
three rounds , when Dlxon attempted to
forre mattery. Smith , however , who has
greatly Improved Hlnce he met Dlxon. had
all the better of the IntlRhtlnp , using- his
right with great effect both on the body and
head , Smith was cool throughout the fight
and came out without H. mark of any kind.
His blocking and ducking of Dlxon't ) leads
were the features of thm light nnd kept him
out of harm'u way ,
Flint Time lit ICiilaiuiiruo.
KALAMA2OO. Mich. . Oct. 4. The local
plank track today maintained Its reputa
tion as being one of the fastest In the coun
try. In the half-mile handicap , amateur ,
E. W , 1'cabody of Chicago made a new
world's record of IKrt 1-5 ; A C. Mertens ,
John S. Johnson and Knrl Klser , on a tilp-
let , made \vorKV * ivcottl for a mile , going
the distance In IMfl 4-S. Tiie old record
wan 1:50. : In the professional events A. C.
Merlons of Mlmicnpctl < i nnd Nat Butler of
Boston proved to be the ctnrs of the day.
The former won the one mile open profes
sional In n. desperate finish with Butler ,
while the latter won the one mile handicap
In hollow style , being mnny length * In
front of Cooper , who was second.
LAST SIX-DAY CHASM STAIITS. Hour of the Itncc Seen Sonic
Very Pretty Work.
The last six-day bicycle race of the sea
son started amidst n great deal of enthus
iasm at the Charles street park last even-
Intf. There was a good crowd of spectators
on hand and ihey entered Into the spirit of
the affair with unusual gusto. There were
teven starters , W. F. Sager of Denver nnd
T. 11. McCnll , Will Plxlcy. U. K. Fredrick-
son , A , 1C. Proulx and Charley and Virgil
Hall of this city. J. A. Benson olllclates
as referee and J. 13. Howe , Tom Mlckcl
and R K Potter ns judges.
At the crack of the pistol the Denver man
cut the pace nnd a merry clip he led the
field for llvo miles. On the sixth he nnd
Proulx , by well concerted action , managed
to take n lap amidst the noisiest excite
ment. The Held kept well bunched until
the eighth mile , when Fredrlckson nnd Mc
Cnll started out t& regain the lap they had
lot , and after ono of the prettiest nnd most
determined sprints ever seen on > \ cycle
track , succeeded. Hilly Plxley mot with
I on unusual amount of bad luck , puncturing
n tire no left * than three times. Owing to
these backsets he was unable to regain the
lap lost curly In the light. The score :
Miles. Lap's.
SaRer 22 6
Proulx 2 G
McCall ; 22 G
Frcdrtckson 22 C
22 6
Hall , C . . . . 22 C
Hull , V. , 9 1
I2iiKllNliin < * ii Win at OrloUrl.
PHILADELPHIA , Oct. 4.-The three-day
cricket match begun on Friday last between
the picked eleven of Philadelphia amateurs
and Captain Warner's English amateur
team was concluded today and rcfulled In
a victory for the Englishmen with seven
wickets to ppar ? . The liiiRllsh team left for
New York this afternoon nnd will leave
for homo cither Wednesday or Saturday.
Sliarkry-iiiil < laril.
BAN FRANCISCO , Oct. 4 , Dan Lynch ,
manager for Tom Sharkcy , received u dis
patch from Ted Alexander , manager for Joe
Qoddard , who Is now In New York , accept
ing the offer of the Knickerbocker club of
this city for a match between the two
heavyweights for 70 tier cent of the grofs
receipts. The light will be brought off next
ciin.vii ii.vpins PI.AX.S A CAKMVAI. .
href On J-H lo Hi- Devoted to All
KIllllH Of AlllUMflllOlltN.
CKDAR RAPIDS. la. , Oct. 4. ( Special. )
The Jobbers and merchants of Cedar Rapids ,
through the Cedar Rapids Commercial club ,
are preparing to hold a big carnival of
amusements In this city on October 13 , 14
end 15. Over $3,000 will be expended for
The carnival will ho held on the base ball ,
bicycle and driving parks , three large parks
on the wes.t side of the river , within a mlle
of the business portion of the city. There
are about thirty acres In the three parks , all
of which are connecled with gates. There
are ample grand stand accommodations In
each park , and every other convenience. One
of the main attractions of the carnival will
bo Dr. W. F. Carver , who will bo hero with
his driving horse and "Diving Hell , " the
famous little horse that goes without a driver
against any and all comew. Dr. Carver will
give exhibitions on each day. i
Wednesday will b ? military and foot ball
day. Five companies of the First regiment
of the Iowa National guard wlll Join with
company C ot this city , giving exhibition
drills and a sham battle. There will he twr.
or more foot ball games The Iowa State
university team will bo here and play one of
the leading colleges of the state. Coo col
lege eleven of this city wllli also meet the
team from the Upper Iowa university.
The special features on Thursday and Fri
day will bo horse racing and bicycleriding. .
Tlio horse track Is one of the bwt half mile
tracks In the state and Is being placed lei
first class condition. The bicycle track Is a
third of a mile track and It , too , Is con
sidered a splendid one.
The program for the horse races Is as fol
lows :
Thursday 2:50 : trot , $150 ; 2:30 : pace , K03 ;
frce-for-nll trot. $200.
Friday Free-for-all pace. $ :03 ; 2 : . " > j trot ,
$1M ; "running , half mile and repeat , $ ,10.
Entries will close on October 8 ami Ameri
can Trotting association rules will govern.
The purses will bs divided Into four moneys *
and will be paid 0:1 : the track at the close of
the race.
Following Is the program for the bicycle
races :
Thut-Jdny Third mile open , amateur , first
prize , suit rlothes , $25 ; second , suit clothes.
J.15 ; third , suit of clothes , $10. Two mile lap
race , professional , first prize , $30 ; second ,
$15 ; third , $10. One mile lap race , amateur ,
lirst prize , gold watch , $35 : second , opal
rlnp , $15 ; third. line clock , $10. Two-thirds
mile open , professional , first prize , $30 ; set-
ond. * 15 ; third , $10.
Friday One mile open , amateur , first
prize , diamond , $35 ; second prize , set ring ,
$15 ; third prize , opera glosses , $10. One mile
crdlnnry , amateur , first prize , suit clothes ,
$2.1 ; second prize , suit clothes , $20 ; third
prize , overcoat , $15. One mile open , profes
sional , flr't prize , $30 ; second prize , $15 ;
third prize , $10. Five mile handicap , ama
teur , first prize , diamond , $35 ; second prize ,
putt clothes , $25 ; third prize , overcoat , $15 ;
fourth prize , overcoat , $10.
The handicap entries will close on October
10 and for the open events at 12 p. m. on
October 13.
There will be a largo number of other
attractions. Prof. Le Bruno is nn aeronaut
who makes an ascension In a cannon attached
to his balloon and who shoots himself out
when at a height of 4,000 feet. Coo and
Leno : : colleges will play foot ball on the
last duy of the carnival. There will be a pair
of trained trotting elks here. A man who
shoots clay pigeons with o ride while riding
his bicycle , and Lawrence , the trick bicycle
rider , will give exhibitions. There will be
a Midway In Imitation of the Midway I'lal-
sanco at the World's fair , nnd many other
things of a like nature.
The Modern Woodmen of America of east
ern Iowa will hold a big meeting here on
Thursday , October 14 , when they will give
a number of exhibition drills nnd hold n
number of contents peculiar ; to that order.
The railroads of the Western Passenger
association have made a one-fare rate for
the round trip from points within 100 miles
of Cedar Rapids , good from October 12 to
IIMVII Oiirrntor MaU'i'N a Ciiiiiplnlnl
Wlilfli UK- Men Di-ny.
DES MOINES , Oct. 4. ( Special Tele-
gram. ) The firs * , complaint of violence on
the part of striking miners came to the
sheriff tonight. It was charned by Manage !
McKay of the Keystone mines that the
Etrlker.1 had marched on his mines and used
force with some of his men who were at
work. The miners deny It and lay McKay
Invented the story to Injure their cause.
At the poor farm mine the strikers
marched again and found that the negroes
who have been Imported to work there hail
been armed with revolvers , which they
brandished and threatened to use If the
marchers continued. The strikers charge
that while the operators are trying to make
It appeir that the strikers have been guilty
of first violence , the truth Is that they , the
operators , have made the first move of the
kind by arming their men.
The men further declare that they have
made greater gains today than on any pre
vious day , and that tomorrow will ace a
less number of men working than at any
previous time since the strike opened ,
Hey anil ( ilrl SI fill HOI'MI-H ,
CEDAR RAII'OS Ja. , Oct. 4. ( Special
Telegram. ) On September 23 , J.V. . Mecum ,
a IC-year-old boy , accompanied by his sister ,
younger than himself , stole a horse am
buggy belonging to Dr. W. S , King of this
city , At Montlcello he traded the homo for
Ask your grocer today to show you a
puckaso of GHAIN-O , the new food drink
that takes -he place of coffee. The child ,
rcn m&y drink It without I'ijury UH well as
the adult. All who try It , like It. GUAI.N'.O
has that rich seal brown of Mochn or Java ,
but It U made from pure grains , and the
most delicate stomach receives It wlthoul
distress. U the price of coffee. 15c and 25a
per package , gold by all grocers.
another and then drove on to Galcn.i , 111 ,
where he fold the outfit. He returned to
Clinton , where he wns arrested. Today ho
wne brought here and held to the grand
lury In the oum of J500. On the same dny
Mccum stole KltiR'g horse hero , ft ) oune
woman to whom Mecum says' ho Is opp.tpcd
stole a horse and buggy from D. Hubbard , a
tarmei near Montlcello. She drove to lien-
Ion , WIs. , where she sold the outflt. She
Is still at large , but the Jones county ofll-
ccre expect to have her soon.
o.vrsn AM > ct'itn ' or nor.
* Atlriiiln KfTiirln of Itiillroniln
in Prevent UN Ituvntn'K.
DUBUQUR , la. , Oct. 4. The Chicago , Mil
waukee & St. Paul and Clitcnga , TUirlltigton A
ulncy railway companies are still ex-
ntliiB with a view to checking hog
: holora which hns been eo seriously decimat
ing the herds along their lines as to reduce
the shipments materially. That success hns
attended their efforts Is shown by letters
Trout scores of farmers and hog raisers who
Imvc followed the advice and used the
remedies recommended by the agents of the
railroad companies. One of the most nctlvo
agents In the effort to lessen the death rale
of hogs Is P. J. Clemens , division freight
agent ot the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul.
whoso headquarters Is at Diibtiquo , He said
"A thorough Investigation , being
made at various points Into the cauae ot hog
cholera leads me to believe that the disease
Is caused mainly by Irregular and Improper
reeding. The disease Is muio prevalent In
the fall when farmers commence to gather
tlio animals for market than at nny other
time. Hogs nro then taken ( rum the pasture ,
crowded Into pens and permitted to gorge
themselves with grain. If care were taken In
changing from ono grain to another and In
the quantity and given nt regular tlmca , I
believe that what Is called hog cholera would
: io prevented. " The Chicago , Milwaukee & St.
Paul expert Ib on the road all the tlmo
advising farmers nnd endeavoring to demon
strate experimentally that hog cholera Is
not caused by a germ , .ns Is popularly sup
illtlrlmiM of DI-M .MiilmCllinli nn i <
the Poiiiilur llniiilViiunn. .
DES MOINES , Oct.I. . ( Special Telegram. )
A reception was given this evening at the
court house to Mayor John MacVtcar , who
Is Just homo from the convention of the
League of American Municipalities at Co
lumbus , where ho was elected president of
the organization. S. V. Prouty presided ami
there were speeches by A. P. Fleming. Jamet
G. Herryhlll. Captain W. L. Waterous , Ucv.
A. li. Krteble , K. S. nueinhoek nndJohn J.
Hamilton. A letter was rend from A. H
lummins , who has been attorney for the
wnter works company throughout Its con
tests with the city. Mr. Cummins declared
that personally ho favored the municipal
ownership of all natural munh-lpal monopo
lies. ' The reception was made the occasion
for a number of looil politicians to climb
on the MneVlesr band wagon. Mr. Herryhlll
oind Mr. Cummins have been leaders of op-
losing factions in local matters , but for some
lime have been suspected ot more friendly
feelings. If not of. an alliance for defensive
and offensive purposes , as against the antl-
rlty hall clement , now led by Congrcssmin
J. A. T. Hull. The letter from Mr. Cummins
and the address of Mr. Herryhlll were re
garded as special slnnlflcaiico on account of
Ihesc rumorH.
ciirsiiioi ) T(7 mi7vTiT"ix A WHM. .
\Vull r vM In nil n Kiirm Iliiinl Xi-nr
llddil ( > .
HOONB , la. , Oct. 4. ( Special Telegram. )
Charles C , Conley , aged 19 , was crushed to
death nt 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon nt Cen-
tervlllo , near this city. Ho was cleaning a
well on the farm of a man named Hall. The
well was walled up with boulders and when
Conley wes at the bottom the wall caved In
on him and ho was burled beneath several
tona of rock nnd earth. In was seven hours
before the body was recovered. Ho was
mashed almost beyond recognition and Is
thought to have died Instantly. Conley's
homo was at Adel , la. , nnd he has been
working In the Ccntcrvllle neighborhood this
summer for Mlllarcl Hardln , a farmer.
I'liHy Niinio Contest In Court.
DES MOINES , Oct. 4. ( Special TelcRTam. )
The contest between the rival factions of
the pccyle's" party , for the use of the pnrty
name on the official ballot , tame up In district
oourt thla morning. The cout had Issued a
writ calling the members of the state elec
tion board before It , to explain their action
n which they held that the middle-of-the-road
cleniimt was entitled to the use of the name.
Two of the mcmbsrs , Secretary ot State Dob-
on and Auditor McCarthy , appeared. They
explained that Attorney General Kcinlcy , the
third member , wns not In the city ; that the e
was no record In the casa , because none had
been desired by either side , and that they
were not ready for the hearing. The court
accordingly postponed thu matter till Thurs
Old HI nil IN lliirniMl In Dentil.
CEDAR UAPIDS. Oct. 4. ( Special Tele
gram. ) This morning nt 4 o'clock the houpo
of Mr. Parks near Dlxon was burned to the
ground. Mr. Parks , who was 74 years old
nnd nlonc at home , perished In the llaincn.
Fair InoliriiHkn , wllli VnrlaMc
WliulH ItroomliiK .Sortll.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 4.-Korenst for
for Tuesday :
Kor Nebraska nnd Kansas Fair ; variable
wln < U > , becoming north.
For Ml Hoiirl nnd lowai-IMrtly clou ly
weather ; southwesterly wind * , becoming
For South Dakota Fnlr ; west winds.
For Wyoming Fair ; northwest winds.
Local Ilrrord.
OMAHA , Neb. Oct. 4. Uecord of rainfall
and temperature compared with the cor
responding day of the JIUFI throe years :
1S37. 16M. IWi. 1MM.
Maximum temperature . . fcs 77 fit fiS
Minimum toinpiratnre . . W 4 ! ) Dl K
Average temperature . . . . 7C ra M 4S
Kulrfall . 00 .CI .05 .0)
Record of tempeiature and pri-clpltatlon
at Omaha for this duy and since March 1 ,
1S07 :
Normal temperature for thu day . 53
EXOOFS for tl-o day . 18
Accumulated execs * nlnco March 1 . 'U7
Nrrinnl rainfall for the day . Ml Inch
Deficiency for the dny . Winch
Total rainfall since .March 1 10.05 inehc-s
Deficiency since Mnr h 1 . 9'S ! ' Inches
Excess for cor. period , 1S % 3.5'J Inches
Deficiency for cor. period , lS > 9."i. . . 7.7S Inches
Iti'liorl" froii ) HntloiiN nt H | i. in ,
_ SBVi-nty-tlftli meridian lime , _
H ftg
i §
Omaha , clenr , . f j 1 M ) .00
.North I'lalte , clrnr ; ci tsj .w
h'alt I ku City , clear csi r < .01
Cheyenne , clear . . . ( .01 7l > | , CH )
Haplil City , tmrtly cloudy ic ; ,4 , .uj
llurun , clnr
. . . clear S , Mil ! dO
\Vllllbton , rk'ar ltl | 7S | .0)
St. LouU , clear .to
Kt. I'aiil , partly cloudy Tl [ s. ( ' .10
Uave.ntnrt | , partly soj 8 j . ( /j /
Helena , clear U ! W ; ,0) )
Kaunas City , clear > 0 | t > s ; ,00
Havre , clear 721 7ti | . ( j
llltinarck , clcir fCI 721 .CO
GalU'iton. clear .u i"ir ' | . ' < i , >
T Indicates trnco of precipitation.
U \\'ii.SH , Local rurcvact Oillclal.
For Infants and Children.
Jit is-
I oa
There la nothltifr In the world so pitiful at
a neglected baby. There Is no slplit so sail
ns that of n helpless Infant denied its birtli.
right , n mother's lovinjr care. Thousands
of mothers neglect their children because
of ill-health. No woman can prbperly
perform n , mother's duty who is constantly
Buffeting from sickness , whose system is
debilitated and wrecked by the awful drains
due to the diseases and weaknesses pecu
liar to women. The mother who suffers
from the listlcssness , lassitude and despond *
cncy due to these troubles is pretty sure to
neglect her children nnd her home.
This lamentable state of affairs is easily
remedied if the ptopcr measures nre taken.
Dr. Picrcc's Favorite Prescription is an un
failing cure for all the many forms of weak
ness and disease of the organi distinctly
feminine. It promptly stops all weakening
drains , iuvigorates the various oigtins nmi
infuc.i new life nnd vigor into the sufferer's
whole body. A happy home and a tidy nnd
well - cared for baby Is the result , for no
healthy wonnm will wilfully neglect her
child. Mnny a woman is blamed for ncg-
liqciice ; nnd hcnrttcxstiess when she is sim
ply tuo ill to care for anything but death.
If you want to knowall about the " Favorite
Prescription" address Dr. U. V. Pierce ,
chief consulting physician to the Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute , lluffalo , N. Y.
H is sold by all dtujrglsK
Foul breath , dull eyes , llsttffsticssallowtiesi
and jihmilc.i. A nice combinationtn avoid or
ict rid of. All nrc due lo conrllp. lion , and con-
stipallott Is proinpllyciired by Dr. Pierce' * Pleas
ant PcllcK They nrc not n temporary palliative ,
but a permanent cure , Manv no-called coustlpa.
tlon remedies must be coiiOmied forever , ouce
they nrc started. The "PcllcU" cm perma
nently. They never prior Uru lst * cell them.
Mr ? . Wlnnlow'R Hootlilnft' Pyriip hns been lined
for over CO > earn M millionuf mothers for
tholr children wlillc t-elhlnif with perfect uo-
rc-r It ooilira tlio clilUl , Buftcnn the nunu.
nltnyn all pain , curex wind nnil In the beat
remedy fur niarrhucii. Sold by driiRKlitn In
ex fry imrt of the wcrl.l . He Mire nnd auk for
"rMf. Wln-lo\\'n Hootlilnsr S > riiD" nnJ UUe no
other kind. ! 5 cm In a lint tie.
Ht'DVAN la tureneei of dU.
n * jr aleat n. charge In 13
mcdlo - treat flayn. HUD-
ment that has Y A N cureg
been lot C9. 1IUD-
by any comhl- Y A N cure *
nation of pliy- ilruliu , nnd
tlelanf. The H U U Y A
Ht'PYAN rem. : urcs
dlo treatment II U D Y A
. ures the ilo- : ures
Mlltes : and ai . ilon of splrlt
I tares of men.
j | Ht'DYAN Is a r.ub.lltr to
remedy for look frankly
men. HUD- the eye
S'AN cures of another.
ft * e a k n e ft R. , HU"DY A.N
II IT D Y A I ? cures headacria
cures sperma hair falling
torrhoea. Jut. Jlmneis ot
II U D Y A N light , nolsn In
lures prema- the head and
ears , weak memory , loss of voice , taeto or smell.
IUJDYAN cures sunken eyes , ntuntcd growth ,
palpitation , liorlncsn of breath , dyspepsia , con
stipation and flatulency. IH'UYA.X cures weak ,
ncis or pains In the small of the back , lo > 3 ot
muscular power , gloomy , melancholy forebodings
and disturbed slei-p.
HUnVAN can be had from the Doctors of til *
Hutlton Medical Institute. , and from no one else.
You need HUDYAN when the facial nervm twltcli
as there Is certain lo be an Irritation at their
centers of the brain. You need HUDYAN when
there Is n decline of the nerve force , because thla
decline chows a lack of nerve life , and may de
velop Into nervous debility and then Into nervous
prostration. If you have Imrra.lieil your nerves.
If you have knotted or knurled them. If you Imvo
nbufed your nerves , to straighten yourself out
you will use 1IUDVAK. No ono die can glv
you IHJin'AN except the Hudson Medical In-
ntltute. HUDYAN cures vnrkolcle , hydrocele Im-
potcncy , dizziness , falling sensations , blues ,
despair , rorrow and misery. WHITE FOIl CIU-
Stockton and Gills St. ,
Ban Francisco. Cail'orm * .
Man of
Itr'iiltn InHOilaut. Ou-cs ,
iill Narvoiii Dlwasos. Fnlllni ; Memory
Pamela , BlecploBinais , Nluiitlr Uinls- _ _
vlKor'im < liilzo * to rlirtmkcn orcmii. nnd quickly uut
euri > ly n lorei 1-oit Maiihooil In old or lounc. .
Kntiljr cirrled In vett , | oclot. I'rlcn fl.HOnpock E .
fill taitfn.i > i > u-itli.aieritttn iiuaranlretoeureor
ninnrii rrfutiilnl. DOM'T nnv AN IMITATIOH , but
In'utnn luiTliiK INDAPO. If your drumlit bm not
pot It , w HllUnnillt prepnld.
III.MJUU KKHEUVIII. , I'ropr. , Clilufu , III. or our llu < l.
liiiliu It Co. . Cor. ) ' < tli anil Duiiflasn Bis. , and J A/
Puller X Co. , 14tb & I > OUIRMtti. | . . OMAHA. NI *
& Sear leg.
KERVOU8 , CHRONIC 0,1(1 , (
All 1'rhflto Dlscn.ics
It Dihcrdorx of Men.
1 rcntinoiit by Mull ,
C < tiMiltntion I'rco ,
C'uri'd for llfu and the poL.on thoroughly cleuiiHcil
fruui tluiHybtcni.
Kponnaturrliea , Seminal Wi-uluifiia , Ixmt Mini-
liood. Nlihi KiiilHbliiim Decaynil Facultlus. Fo-
malu Wi'aknrbn , and ull lU'llciilo dlnurdcru pecu
liar to i-ltlicr BOX. | i Nlttvoly cured. 1'ILKa ,
Af > 'D VAHK.'OCKI.K pprninnrnlly and Hiiccouslully
cun-il , Mtili od inv nil iinfalitiitf.
diill { ! f 5f ! ! nfl
fcjilSQil at homo
by nrw nii'tliml without imln or eiilllni- . call on
or iiclilrcuH with Htnnip
DRS. mm s ME * II" S. MtuSt. .
. , OMAHA , NliU.
lands for calo or rent. Day & Hera. 8 I'carl
After July ist my father. Dr.of ]
- E. I. Woodlniry , will l uvo churjfo of
the pinto work In my olllco and I will
frivo my entire uttonlioii to Oporutlvo
IJonttatry , Crown and Drldyo Work.
No. 30 Pearl St. ,
Next to Grand Hotel , H. A. WOODBURY , D.D.S