Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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MIMlll Mi.VIlO.V.
Dr Bhmer , dentist Mcrrlnm Uk. . row 240
' 102.T South Malu
Smoke ( lllle's Choice ,
I1 itrcct.
Walton's tor cliolco frills and fancy gro
Miss Halllo MrClctlon Is In Kansas City
Visit rig friends.
M f 11 0. MaMvt-ll has leturnod from o
[ orinlt'ht's vncillon.
Mr 0. K. II. Campbell leaves to.lay for
a week's visit In Icn\cr. )
lluy coal and wood of R. It. Williams , ll > 0
IJvvay , and gut premium stamps.
See "Tho New Woman" at Hugh's hall
Wodnoidty , Oct. 18 , tiy Unity guild.
Uatlnfactton guaranteed at the rclhhlo
Bluff City Rtcam laundiy. I'hono 3H.
It 11. WIlllnmB , 150 Hv ay. will glvo prc-
trilum stamps on oil sales of wood and coal.
r. Hall of the Cripple CrccU district. I
In the city In the Intercut of Ills mining
Hcuiy It Van Hrunt leaves t&day for St.
Louis , where he will attend the Missouri
Blato ( Mr.
0.V. . McDonald lelvcn today to attend
the fair at St I.oula and business affairs at
Sandwich , III.
Mrs. Ambros Iturko left jesU-rday for a
ton djjs1 visit with her sister , Mrs. llrllt ,
of Kansas City.
G. It. Knight and wife of Charter Oak are
In the city , the guests of Deputy Sheriff
J , C. Baker and family.
Mr. and Mrs , . W n. and Mr atid Mrs. 0.
TS. Shepherd leave Monday for St. Louis for
a Visit of about ten days
The people of western are cleaner
enA better dressed , because" the Kagle Laun
dry has lived and prospered In their midst.
Bend us jour \vork. " 21 Hvvay.
Now Is the time to lay lu your supply of
winter fuel. H. II. Williams , 1GU Hvvay ,
\\\\l \ \ sell you coal and wood ns cheaply as
'iiy ' one and will give jou preinlum b tain pa
The South I'irst Sticet Social club has
beou reorganized for the winter's pleasure
The first meeting of the flub will be held
on Wi'dnoJday evening at the residence of
Mrs. C. A I'lpplu.
Mrs Curse and daughters entertained at
their home In Mornlnpsldu on Thursday at
B o'clock tea Miss Lenoro McConncll of Dead-
vood , S. n. Miss Maud UK-hat da of Omaha
and Miss Jennie Hlce of Iowa City.
Chrlcs Nlcholr.on lias rctuined from
Topaka , v.lnrp ho attended the Kansas fire
men's touinanient. He won the coupling
contest , lowering the Kansas record from
nine cud three-fourths seconds to six and
otiiwflfth sccondH ,
The regular business meeting of the
Women's Christian association will bo held
thla aftctnoon at 3 o'clock at Mis Sarah 1)
Ilohser'H , 239 Vine street. These meetings
are benefit to all who attend them , and
each member Is requested to be present.
Vlsltcrn ° vcr welcome.
The Gi n > mrde Wheel club picnicked at
Ifanthorn lake jesterday. A wagonloud of
jiiovldlops was sent out during the forenoon
nnd the members of the club followed latci
on their wheels. Nearly a.l of the members
Jonitii In the excursion They returned lute
In the evening and repo ted a most dellght-
fu > day's o.'ting
A lavrto Horrul Iiors ? attached to a heavy
expii-ss wagon run away last evening and
creattd a great deal of crnstei nation among
the crowd of people congregated on the cor-
iicr f Pcnil street and Bioadway. HP vvas
only prevented f-om dashing Into them by
BllpnlnK on thu car tracks and falling , and
was caught before ho got fairly under way
again. The animal belonged to Welch's ex
press line
The Imperial Male Quartet Concert company
his been engaged to appear In the Odd Fel
/ows' / Temple ball on Ihuisday evening , sui > -
potted by Helen Oinsbce. dramatic soprano ,
and Mabel Chlicote-Cowan , ind the well
known composer , J. H. Banks. They are
also accomrnnlcd by the Riverside Whistling
quartet. The Odd Fellows' hall vvas selected
on account of Its rare accouatlc properties.
There will be but one performance given.
Minn Edna Butler of Frank street gave a
delightful lawn party on her 10th birthday
on Friday afternoon. Croquet and refresh-
jnnnts combined to pass a very pleasant af
ternoon. The list of Invited guests Included
Kdllh Shorraden. Polly Erb , Nellie Havvorth ,
Jdlth Fllrklnger , Georgle D'xby , Jessie
More , Cella Jackson , Marlon Crrme , Do a
Spare , Florence Flint. Grace Slgafoos. Edith
Shepard , Florence Pippin and Lttha Butler.
The funeral of the late D. B. Clark will
take plitco this afterncon at 3 o'clock from
the Broadway Methodist church. The many that Mr. Clark had lived In this city-
ami the great uumbei of people who were
anxious to pay their last aspects to his mem
ory by attending the funeral made It neces
sary to hold the services in the church
I The casket will ba opened In the church and
nil will ba permitted to take a last look
at the well remembered face.
In ronor of their guest , Mm. C. H. Snyder
of Durango , Cola. , . Mr and Mrs. H. S. Jones
onterfalncd a few friends on Saturday even-
'ug. A mode'.lng contest with chewing gum
as the plastic matrlrt and the guessing of
Shadow pictures formed the evening's amuse
ment , and dainty light refreshments were
Bcrved. The rooms were gay with autumn
foliage. Thobo present were Messrs , and
Mcsdames Allen , Fitch , True and Jones , Mrs.
Snyder of Durnngo ; Mrr. T , C. Shaw of
Grand Island , Neb. ; Miss Boll of Ashlatid ,
Neb : Miss Lulu Fitch and Edward Fitch.
The World's rarllamont clUb has organizes
lor the sMson's work and pleasure and hold
Its first meeting on Friday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. 1 > . J. Montgomery , with a good
attendance. The program opened with music
followed by a paper on the life of Sir Walter
Seitt , read by M s. Bell. Next vvas a paper
on'the characteristics of Scott's writings , a
very Interesting es.ay read by Mrs Allen
The study of Lsndon vvas Introduced by a
loctuio by KM ward Fitch , who for an houi
on'"v a hr'.f he-Id the closest attention of Ills
IK tri , . He drew o nap of the city as he
ti..Kcd , showing the geography of London , Its
peculiarities and points of Into o = t. The
members of the club feel that they were mos
fortunate hi laving such o pleasant Intioduc
tlon to their municipal studies.
C. II. Via\l Co. . female remedy ; consulta
tion freo. Olllco hours , ! t to 12 and 2 to C
Health book furnished. 32C-327-32S Merrlam
N. V. numbing company. Tel. 250.
| Fine MiiNlc.
The music at the First Presbyterian churcl
yesterday was very flno. The feature o
ll. llio niorclng sermon was the anthem , "Glorl.
in Rxcelsls1 ' by the full chair , and Hi
eoprniu eolo , "Fear Not Me , Oh Israel , " by
Mrs , Wadsworth. In the evening the has
eolo by Mr. Altchlson , "The Way of Peace. '
was erpocially fine. In the morning th
pa tor chose for the subject of his sermon
"A Working Church , " and ga\e his con
Krcgatlon Rome strong hints about practlcu
Christianity. In the evening the subjec
was ; "lleleaae Unto Us ItarubMs , " and 1
mas cquMly applicable to local conditions am
present times.
\Vhfther ltr'inR , , burning , bleeding , scaly ,
crusted , plmpiy , o blotchy , whether simple ,
ccrofuloug , or her Jdllary , from Infancy to ago ,
epeodi'v cured by warm baths with Cimcuul
BOAT , gentle anointings with CUTICIWAoint (
ment ) , the great skin cure , and mild doses
of CUTICUUA RESOLVENT , greatest of blood
purifiers and humor cures.
Ii U 111 rovrtiotit tlii world.
Co > rM 6ol Prop * , llotloa *
ojr "Uow lo Curt lufuj Bloo4 lluinor"fm.
" " * ---T
FACE HUMORS - - - - - -
Motor Company Begins Its Campaign of
Extension Today ,
( OL-H to Clour I lie Dcnl iritU the
llxli unil MHifi'li S > nil ten I c of
HiiiiillioliU-rN _ Dlninniok
Aftrr NevMaiililiicr ) .
The motor comiany will put a fo'co of men
on the big bridge this morning to begin
the vvorls of repairs that are a psrt of the
Improvements madu possible by the nettle-
incut of the franchise pioblem. T\venty
men will begin woik today and by the end
of the week the force will be lucre-used to
foily. Four carloads of lumbei. beVfti of tics
and two of poles au already on the ground.
The * lumber will bo usid In making a new
foundation for the new paving that vv 111 be
cijulred on the brldgo , and the ties will
uko the place of tlio worn-out ones on the
Omaha line. N'evv poles will bo placed on
lie line on Avenue A. The paving on the
irldgo will bo renewed whetevpr It Is nec-
Bsary. Squaic vvhltu pine blocks will bo
is oil , and two oirloads of tar will airlvo
his week to cover them
Work on the other Improvements will be
; oltcn undei way us boon as It can possl-
ily bu reached President Wells will leave
his moinlni ! foi Europe for the puiposo of
losing up the bond deal with the English
n J Scotch syndicate and when he rctu ns
10 will bring with him the $200,000 ct addl-
lonal money which the bondholders have
gitcd to advance when the old bonds are
efundcd. Superintendent Dlmmotk will go
o N'evv York during the month and arrange
or the shipment of the new machinery that
\111 be added to the power plant. This will
ncliulc one new dlu-ct connection 325 kllo-
vutt djnamo with a 150-horse power com-
lound condensing engine. With an o\er-
oad this djimniD will pxo t 050 hn-sc pawer
on the trolley wires , and will be Milllclont
o pull all of the cliy trains that are now
jelng used , leaving the present equipment
if nearly 700 hoisp-power for emergencies.
Voik on the now power house will be gct-
eu under way In time for completion before
he fcprlng travel begins.
Chambers' Academy of Dancing opens for
icglnners Tuesday , October 5th. Compli
mentary reception and dance for adults Krt-
Iny October 8 , at 8 p. m. For misses and
natrons , Saturday , October 8th , S p. m.
Hcllnc MeCii ) IK IIINIIIIL .
The palrol wagon vvas called to the corner
of Ilenton and Harmony street late Satur-
lay night to take away a crowd of boys who
iad congregated there on the Invitation of
W. F McCoy , who has reccmtly moved into
he house with his mother. McCoy is a
oung man who has a gieat deal of troubln
and has kept himself and family before the
mbllc by numerous sensational episodes. His
irst Introduction to the public vvas when , he
announced himself as an expert balloonist
and narrowly escaped being killed. He next
nade several sensational attempts to commit
suicide , on one occasion laying his neck
acres sthe rail of the motor track and reslst-
ng the- efforts of several men to drag htm
oflf. His last escapade was when he played
i star engagcmsnt In Falrmount park as trv
animal tamer and was almost eaten up bo-
ore the park employes could get him out of
ho cages. Saturday he got A. R. Hose.
Frank Carty and Clifton Gott , boys about 15
years of age. into his mother's house and
drank a coup'e of gallons of wild grape
wine The stuff had made the boys fcar-
ully drunk , and the uproar they were creat-
ng was attracting attention. An older
Brother happened to come along and called
'or the police , and McCoy and his compan-
ons were taken to the station. They became
deathly sick after being locked up and passed
a most miserable night. After the bojs were
: aken away the older brother discovered that
: ho furniture In the lower portion of the
louse had been greatly damaged , and after a
consultation with the other members of the
family It was decided to file an < Information
against the unfortunate brother , charging
Him with insanity. They say the man Is un
doubtedly Insane and has been rapidly be
coming worse , and they fear he will take n
notion to kill some of the members of the
'amlly. The parents of the bojs succeeded
in getting them out of Jail jesterday. but
McCoy was Kept there for the purpose of
having him brought before the commission
ers for the insane.
The list of voters that signed the motor
franchise petitions can In no way compare
with the number of niuffltes that buy coal
of Tom Rlshton , 240G Broadway.
Ilnrx-'Ht Hume Kxerclnei.
At the First Haptlst church last evening
wore held the regular harvest home exercises
of the Sunday echool. The church was fit
tingly decorated for the occasion Appropri
ate mottoes , sprigs of green and autumn
leaves were used as trimming , while the
platform vvai laden with all the bounties
of a happy harvest home. The largo audi
ence room was filled with people and the
folding doors were also opened and the Sun
day school class rooms utilized , The music
vvas of a high chss and the Innocent prattle
of the little ones vvas a part of the chorus.
After the formal opening the choir sang a
selection entitled "Young Men and Maidens. "
This vvas followed by a responsive reading
nnd song by the school and audience. The
Infant class next gave a beautiful little cxer-
clso on giving.
Nora Miller told in simple childish words
"How to Do Happy " Mrs. Colburn sang
with good effect "Tha Garden of I'rajer"
Llttlo Inez Denny recited a pretty recitation
entitled "To the Manor IJorn. " Hessle Spoor
Kivo a pretty recitation entitled "Endeavor , "
followed by a Bong by the school. Luella
Harl recited "Uttlo Kindnesses. " E'hel
Uarl also ea\o a recitation entitled "The
Llttlo Lad. " A quartet with full chorus
was the next number on the program. It
was a pretty selection and well rendered.
"Christian Stewardship" was the subject of
an exercise by four young women. The
oxcrclbo was a common EOIISO and scriptural
argument on giving. Cora Hitchcock very
gracefully recited "The Single Head of
Wheat , " followed bv a pong by the school ,
The last number of the piogratn vvas an
exerclso by eight llttlo girls on "How to
Fill the Treasury. "
Money to loan In any amount at reduced
rales on approved security. James N , Cas-
udy , Jr. , 230 Main street.
They \Vci-c CiiiuiiliiK Out.
Mrs. Coffman of Omaha came to the cen
tral police station > csterday and claimed a
couple of bo > s , Tloyd Allen and Casper
Coffman , whom tliu officers were holding
under the Impression that they vvcro run
aways , The woman was the mother of Cas
per and a neighbor of the Allen boy. The
pollra found the youngsters sleeping In a
coal shed on Aveuuu A anj Nlnthstrcet _
lalo Saturday night. The ) had an old quilt
and a chrnlllo table cover which they were
using for bed cloth Mrs , Coffman cald
the bojs had secured pel mission to come
to Council Dluffa and spend Sunday with a
boy named Kirk , and the threu were Intend
ing to camp In the woods for ono night
The Kirk boy could not bo found and the
two Omaha youths concluded to try roughing
It lu a coal ehed for one night.
O'MiMirit Sftili'H anil Lenten.
The charge of obtaining money under false
tuetensea fiat has kept James T. O'Meara In
the city Jail for the last week , has been vvltli-
drawn and the joung has left the city.
It required J150 to square up O'Meara'n ac
counts in Council Bluffs , which Included a
| 15 board bill at the Grand hotel. The money
vvas furnished by ex-Governor Holes , and the
draft for the amount bearing the names of
Holes & Holes , was received from Waterloo
on Saturday , For twelve years O'Meara ' ha *
held prominent public positions In Dos
Moluea , In addition to being private secretary
to ex-Governor Holes and ex-Governor Larra-
bce. His trouble here wa * caused by cultl-
\atlng too Intimate acquaintance with the
( lowing bowl. When ho left the city on Sat
urday ho gave a promise to his friends here
that ho had drunk his last drink of Intoxicat
ing liquor.
The funeral of Dwlght llaggo-ty took place
yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The Odd
Fellows , Veteran Firemen , Woodmen of the
World and Modern Wcodmcn turned out In
full regalia and marched In the funeral pro
cession. The services at the house and at
FJlrvlevv cemetery were conducted by the
Woodmen of the World There vvas a full
attendance of all of the membo-s of the
order * , and this added to thu large number
of friends of the dcceasd made the funeral
cortege a very long one. The processlrn was
led by the Woodmen of the World band of
Snl ( In IMirtltliin.
Gcorgo H. Maync , as trustee for the hclra
of the late W. r. Slcdcntopf In a number
of land claims , has brought suit In the
district court against J. H. Mlllard and wife ,
Charles C. Houscl and wife , Hcubcn Allen
and wlfo and Alfred Mlllard of Omaha to
compel the partition of a tract of land
known as the northwest quarter of the
southeast half of section 2S , township " ' " .
range 41. The petition filed In the clerk's
olflco of the district court asks for a division
of the property of Its tale under the orders
of the court.
Settle * n Small .Imtrxment.
The smallest Judgment ever paid In the
district court vvas discharged on Saturday
afternoon by W. C. Dickey , of this city.
Some time ago a dispute arose between Mr.
Dickey and J. Q. Anderson , nnd caci * agreed
to submit It to arbitrators. The arbitrators
had some difficulty In agreeing , but finally
agreed on 10 cents as the amount duo the
claimant. The costs amounted to $32 ! )0 ) ,
which Mr. Dickey paid when ho paid the
amount which had been entered up as a
TO xvnsrnuv vnTuit\ % & .
Hurvtiorn or the Rebellion Itemeiti-
liereil by ( lie ( ieiivriil ( ioeminent. .
WASHINGTON , Oct. -Special ( Pen
sions granted , Issue of September 13 , 1S97 ,
vvcro :
Nebraska : Original William n. Dlxon ,
Oxford. Increase Hoi man Giotthe , Tcku-
inah. Original widows , etc. Matilda J.
Taylor , Mlnden ; Mnry A. Kesler , Friend.
luivn : Original Clmrlcs F. Thompson ,
Peru ; William Sewing , Council muffs ;
Henry C. Curtis , Lemars. Henevvnl Garret
F. McUnnlel , Indlnnoli. Original widows ,
etc. Hurrlet A. Anleison , Clear Lake ; Ma y
Trimble , Helle Plalne : Ida Hlnrlchson , D.iv-
onport , Sarah E. PhillipsCorydon
Colorado : Oilglnnl William Clinton ( de
ceased ) , Denver. Additional John F.etcher ,
Issue of September 14 :
Ntbr.irka : Original George II. Davidson ,
\\llhllr : Unnrv MnrHtvQ l > : _ i tcnnutH Ad
ditional John Close , Arlington. Renewal
nnd reiFsuespecial ( , September 20) ) John P.
New. Sevvard. Increase Ira A. Church ,
Meadow Grove.
rowii , Original Myron J. Harrington ,
Jlaqucketa ; Aaron M. Jones , Dickens ; Rob
ert W. BoyJ , rrlmshar : Caleb H. Newman ,
Central City. Restoration nnd reissue-
Henry P. Glllllnii , Anninosa.
South Dakota : Original John S. Wilson ,
Central City.
Colorado : Original Narciso Martinez ,
Hnitings ; William II. Throckmorton , Coul
ter , ( special , September IS ) George W.
Thompson. Denver.
North Dakota : Original John Deal ,
of September 13 :
Nebraska : O.lelnal John BridvvCll , Scotia ;
Henry H. Bunk r , Chapman ; Erastus Smith ,
Kearney , John Benson , Osceola ; James A.
Qrant. DeWltt.
Iowa : Original Joshua Walker , Nashua ;
George B. Parsons , Sioux City ; John Tim-
mtrman , Pr s-ott ; Allsn Edwards , Marshall.
town ; Samuel Hagerman , Council Bluffs ;
Frank'ln Rubjndall , Fonda ; John H.
Leonard , Albion ; Benjamin W. Nee , Vlnton.
Additional Charles IS. Harrier , Marenco.
Supplemental Azro R. E'tabrook , Ayrshire.
Increase Henry L. Smith , Wapello" ; Fred-
olln Klaesl , Renwlck ; Emanuel H. Kelgart ,
DCS Molnes. Reissue nnd Increase George
W. Penn , Carlisle. Orlslnal widow" etc.
Rebecca B. Young , A lerton ; HarUt S.ieeler ,
South Dakota : Increns ; John Grant
Colorado : Original Perry A. Young , Den-
vei ; Joseph B Russell , Alonarch. Reissue
and lnciea = e Andrew G. Anderson , Holjoke.
Mexican war survivors ( Increase ) De Witt
C. Folsom , Georgetown.
Issue of September 1C :
Nebraska : Original John McCIaln. Lone
Pine ; Walton H. Chndvvlck. Hnstlngi Re
issue ( special , September 22) ) Henry Cooper ,
Plattsmoutli. Original widows , etc. Eliza
beth J Cook. Omaha.
Iowa : Original Isom Rhoad * . Lewi * ;
Emanuel Rush , Iowa FallWnshineton J
Davis , Mont o e , Samul B. Yohn Prlnnton'
niek Wclmwrtncr , Davenpoit Additional
Isaaman Co'llns , Vernon. Increase Henry
M. Hanclictt. Dunlap ; Michael Biadv ,
Campbell. Orlslnalvidovvp , etc. Anna
Watrubek , Cedar Rapids ; Hannah M. Mai-
tln. DCS Molncs.
South Dakota : Original Samuel N. Cody
Hot Springs ; Levl D. Smith. Kej stone.
North Dakota : Original James C. Paten
Caledonia. '
Colorado : Original Joseph R. WltN , Fort
Collins. Supplemental Seldon M. French
Monte Vista.
Montana : Original Alexander Branson.
Issue of September 17 :
Nebraska : Original James W. Taylor.
Clay Center ; Samuel Stabler , Fremont ; Ab-
ner W. Trumble , Gllmore ; Wallace W. Ab
bey , Fulls City. Restoration and additional
Benjamin F. Angus ( deceased ) , Fremont.
Increabe-Wllllam H. Thompson , Auburn ;
William H. Pease , Nlobrnra : Allen T. Rice
Beatrice , Reissue Johnbon Buckley , B aver
City. Original widows , etc. M.iirrlo Ancnisi
lovvu : Original-John P. Ervln , KelloBg ;
Amos W. Dunn. Corydon ; John Ernst , Illy-
rla ; George W. Cook. Soldiers' Home , Mar-
hhnlltown ; John C. Winters , Toledo ; Joseph
Utz , Liltner's Restoration nnd r b e I ol
Turner ( deceased ) , Mauch Chunk. Renewal
Jacob Shade , DCS Molnes. Renewal nnd
Increase James Larevv. Durham. Increase
Valentine Hnhn , Ottumvva ; HavIIand
Stewart , Bonaparte ; Abraham C. Lewis
North Liberty ; Christian Knfer , Gllddrn
Orlpinal widows , etc. Juno E. Coledce. De
Soto : Luna Grlgga , Bloomlleld.
Colorado : Original John O. Silver , Den
ver ; David Green. Denver ; Antonio M. Veil
Conejos. Increase Thnddeus W. Summers
Pine ; Bernard Osborne , Denver.
Montana : Original Edward W. Aller.
Issue of September IS :
Nebraska , OrlInnl Charles R. Clark.
Silver Creek ; Alfred CIES , Gallop ; Cimiles
Burgoyne , Hastings ; Benjamin B. Adams ,
Kearney. Increase Jos ph B Norrls , Randolph -
dolph ; Henry Johnston , Stamford ; James W.
Klnkead , Omaha
Uenham. Rockforcl. William H. Bnhnel
Sabula ; James A. Heard , Le Claire ; Ham'lne '
W Robinson , Colfax. Supplementnl Silas
W. Gray , Fort Dodge. Increase William
Barronett. Shannon City ; Klnvlus J. Pattcr-
pan , Des Moinet : Joseph C. Ncvvcomb , Red
Oak ; Daniel H. Wlnlgnr , Lime Spring Re
issue nnd Increase Serene S , Farrlnglnn ,
Valley Junction ; Lovllla Raster , Delavvain ;
Pnrah S , Intrnlmm. C dar Rapids ; Elizabeth
Bowers , College Spring * , .
South Dakota1 Original John G , Davis.
Oacomn. Oiurinal widows , etc. A. Harriet
riynn , Deadvvood ,
, , " ' ? rth . Dakota' Orlslnal-GIImnn W
WMtcnmb. Harwood.
Colorado : Original Goorso W. Cross ,
Hahn'b Peak ; James T Anson , Denver.
Running eore : , Indolent ulcers and similar
troubles , even though of many years' stand
Ing , may be cured by using DeWltt's Witch
Hazel Salve , It soothes , strengthens anc
heals , It U the great pllp rure.
HolilierN llulil IIi n Motor Car ,
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Oct 3.-Two men nt
the points of revolvers stopped a cable
train one mile south of the city on the
Summit street run last night , secured who !
hinall change the conductor had and de
parted. Motorman N J , Israel did not com.
ply with the order to stop quick enough
and one of the men llred n shot at him No
Uaimii'o was done , uiul the conductor sub.
inltteil to his pockets bjlng cearched There
wire no past-engcrs on the car. The rob
bers were young * men ,
OIlleiTN of Hie 1111)1 ) Truxt.
NEW YORK , O t 3. The Incorporators of
the American Maltliu ; company , the BO.
called Malt trust , has clecte 1 these officers ;
President , A. M. Curtlna ; lira vice pres'-
dcnt and geneial manager , C. A Purcell ;
second vice president nnd treasurer. Eivcr-
ton R , Chapman , general superintendent ,
Seymour Scott ; becretury , John I * Treacv ;
director * , A , M. Curti , A. C. iJInn , T. L.
Hansen , Seymour Scott , C. A. Purtcll , C. M
Warner , C. A. Stadler. C , Sohneer. D. D ,
Wclchsler , R. II. Nunnemacher and E. I { .
Festivities that Will Recall , the Old Corn
Palace Days.
ittiil DoiiioiiNlrii lion * In Honor
of ( InMlKlit ) Miiiinri'liVlio Will
HnUT tin- City During the
of Jill II till 111 III.
SIOUX CITY , . Oct. 3.-Spoclal ( , ) Sioux
City's carnival week will open tomorrow
morning , and all Is in readiness for the fes
tivities. The old spirit of the corn palace
dajs Is being manifesto ! on every side and
the people of the city are looking forward
with great anticipation to a week of enjoy
ment and profit. From the present Indica
tions a Urge- crowd will be lu attendance ,
Special trains from all points will run In
every day , and all of the regular trains will
curry extra coaches for the accommodation
of visitors. If the weather remains fine
there appears to be llttlo question of a large
number of outsldo people being In the city
during the greater part of the wek. All of
the downtown streets of the city ha\c been
newly paved with sheet asphalt , and with
the arches at the street 'Intersections and
the gaily decorated buildings the city bejrs
n gay appearance.
Monday afternoon Mudgekeewls the
Mighty , with eagle's feathers on his head
and n neckhco of bear's claws about his
neck , will enter the city from the west at
tended by a band of 250 braves , lie It Is
who proclaimed the carnival , and for a week
tie \\lll reign supreme. He will be met In
the center of the city by the major and
other city ofllckils and by them ho will bo
escorted with his band through the principal
streets and the arches and elaborate decon-
tlons which ha\o been put up at his behest
will be shown him. If he Is satisfied with
the preparation for 'his royal court , and It
Is believed his majesty cannot bo otherwise ,
lie will receive from the hands of the major
the Keys of the city and the- carnival will
be formally opened.
Honor bo to Mudcokeewls
With n Bhout exclaimed the people ,
Honor be to Mudgekeewls
Henceforth ho slmll be the vvestwlnd ,
And hereafter nnd fore\er
Shall he hold supreme dominion.
It Is the time of the west wind , the feast
of Mondamln , and moat fitting that Sioux
City should ctlebrate the abundant harvest
and the actual return or prosperity. The
city has prepared on this occasion a festival
of which It need not bo ashamed.
There will be elaborate parades every after
noon and evening. Between the parades
.here will be a constant program of laces
and other attractive feats of skill In the
streets of the city , which have been newly
paved. Ever > thing will bo free. Nobodj
will be asked to pay n cent unless he wishes.
to patronize some of the numerous sldeMiows
which always attend a celebration of this
kind And these will not be obstruslve for
.liey will all be grouped In a side street.
Tuesday will be devoted to trades and
labor. No fewer than 200 , flpats have been
v-recaied , and many of then ! are veiy
elabo-ate. Full i eprcsentatlor s of all the
organized trades and of unorganized labor
will march In the parade It is confidently
predicted thie will be one of the largest
: > arade ever held In a western city.
Wednesday will be bicycle tay , and the
wheelmen and vvhcelvvomen have not been In
active in preparing for It. Not only lm\e
they made assurance of great nitmbers In the
parades , but preparations for the decorations
of wheels arc very claboraje ami any number
of genuine novelties are promised. Among
the featuies will be a military bicycle cost's
fuly equipped ; there will bo a regiment of
women , each company captained by a beauti
ful and skilled wheelwoman. ' ; {
The crowning event of the 'week , It Ik ef-
pected , will be women's day Thursday. The
women of Sioux City have- entered Into prep
arations for the carnival with the same help
ful and enthusiastic spirit as they evlnctd
In the days of the corn palaces. Flowers will
bo the theme or this day , and It Is expected
to duplicate If not to surpass the flower fes
tival at Los Angeles. The women will have
their own parades ; their own floats and their
own equipage ! , all beautifully and lavishly
dpcoratcd with flowers.
The principal feature on Friday will be a
mammoth parade of Modern Woodmen of
America. This society is more numerous In
thla region than any other beneficiary order ,
and its members almost to a iron have prom
ised to come to Sioux City and Join In the
Saturday will be traveling men's day , and
there will be a hot time In the old town that
night. In the afternoon all the secret socie
ties In the city will Join In the parade , and
at night the celebrated zigzag parade will
be given and the carnival will end In a blaze
of glory.
Thursday night the Shrlners are to Initiate
a big class and give a parade and banquet.
iit Endowment fur niliicn-
tlminl I'lirpoHOH Held.
CHAMBERLAIN , S. D. . Oct. 3. ( Special )
Hon. J. L. Lockhart , stnto commissioner of
school and public lands , has completed an
inspection of the state lands In this vicinity.
lie gives some Interesting Information con
cerning the school land and the land turned
over to the state In settlement by W. W.
Taylor , ex-treasurer. Commissioner Lock-
hart renorts that un ( n th nrpnnnt ini Mm
state has received $2,140 000 from the email
portion of the school laral which has been
sold , and that the average price per acre for
all school land sold up to date has been a
llttlo over $14. Should the land yet unsold
bring only the minimum price as provided
by the state constitution , $10 per acre. It
would swell the fund to $30,000,000 , whllo if
the present average price Is obtained for the
balance unsold It would make a fund of
nearly $45,000,000. This latter amount at 1 %
per cent Interest would brlr.g In an annual
income for the use of the public schools
amounting to over $2,000,000. When the
time cornea that the Income from the fund
touches the $2,000,000 mark the regular school
tax will be a very light burden. Even now
the Income from the fund on hand Is aiding
veiy materially In the maintenance of the
public schools. Thus far this year $105,000
about $1 for every child of school age In the
state , has been distributed among the sev
eral counties in the state , and In January
about $60,000 more will be apportioned , al
though the law requires the commissioner to
make only the July appbrtl6nment during
each year. The prospect now Is that there
will bo quite a. demand f oh school land next
bprlng , and that the prlc'fe Will bo fully up to
the average received for 'what has already
been sold. . < ' " >
Speaking of the Taylor lanils the commis
sioner said that he was ivow advertising the
greater portion of thotnttoib * sold at public
sale during the fall. Thpy must first bo of
fered at public sale beforethey can bo sold
at private sale. After 'they bavo all been
offered at public sale , those * remaining un
sold will bo disposed of at private sale If the
commissioner can find buyers to take them
at the appraised value. Thus far but little
of this land has been disposed of.
, ii * '
ii i u
I'liuiH fur llnptlfjl , : < fHlii'rlnnN.
HURON. S , D. , Oct. 3rt(3i ( > eclal. ) The an
nual meeting of the in&ptlst Ministerial
union , the Baptist Younfe I'dAple's union and
the South Dakota naptlst convention , whlcl
c n\cnes In Sioux Falls on October C , con
tinuing till the 10th , will be the most Im
portant gatherings In the history wf thin
denomination In tale state. Dr , T , M. S liana
felt of tills city , superintendent or the Haptlu
missions In South Dakota , 1ms been working
hard for the tuccess of tlicso gatherings am
liaa the assurance that the attendance wll
bo large , The program is an Interesting one
iml Included reports from churches , the dis
cussion of p'ans of work , lectures and ad
dresses upon popular subjects by prominent
ministers and lajumi of tl > b and neighboring
Who are Injured by the use of coffee. He-
ccntly there has be"n placid In ul ! eroocry
stores n new pre-pnration cal'od GHAIV-O ,
made of pure Krilns , that taken ttio place
of coffee. Tin rrrst ( hllcate stomach re
ceives It without dlbtiesj , and but few can
tell It from coffee. It dies net coat over U
us much. Children may drink It with trejl
bemfU. 15o and 25e per package. Try It ,
fates Among those on the program ( ram
nbroad are Ilev , Trnnk Peterson of Minneap
olis , who Will deliver an address on "How
Can the Pastor De\elp the Spirit and Prnc-
Ice of IJeneficence In His Church ? " Hov. 0.
\ , Wlllhma of Minneapolis will dlwis * the
subject of long and short pastorates , Hrv ,
: . B. Chlcvcrs , n. 1) . , of Chicago , will ad-
drojs the convention on "Systematic Benef-
cence. " Ilev II L. Morehouse , I ) 1) . , of
Jew York , field secretary of the American
Japtlst Home Missionary society , will Mjeak
on Saturday evening before the missionary
oclcty and will also address the Young Pen-
do's union on Sunday , Hev S. 11 Works of
Mankato will also address the tame orgjula-
ICurnej1'enU Co in pit 115- Invoke * ( lie
Alii uf ( lit * Court * .
HAPID CITY , S. I ) . , Oct , 3. ( Special. )
The treasurer of this county has made a levy
on the personal property of the Harney Pcik
Tin Mining , Milling and Manufacturing com-
iany for the personal tax of $10,700. The
iropcrty levied upon takes In all the ma
chinery , ofllcc and hotel furniture , horse * and
vagons , nuil the company's share of thu gialn
and hay harvested from the different ranchis ,
On Wednesday of this week the treasurer was
enjoined from making Iho sale of the property
on October 1. The order Is made icturnablo
isforo the court nt Sioux Palls October 18.
t lu $ been claimed that the law undur
which tlio vailous tax levies and assessments
wore made was repealed at the last tclm of
ho legislature and the law therefore will
tot stand. The stockholders will attempt to
lave the taxes cot aside. It Is a question
of $15,000 to the county.
Hell.Fourelie Holtliprx llelil.
BBLt < n FOUllCHU. S. 1) . , Oct 3. ( Spe
cial ) Thu preliminary hearing of the bank
robbers who give their mmes as Tom Jonca ,
Walter Putney nnd Frank Jones , was hold
n this place yesterday and resulted In hold
ing all three to the grand Jury for $10,000
each. IMch of the prisoners was positively
Identified by three witnesses wh were pr < n-
ent at the time the bank vms robbed. After
the trial they were taken to a photograph
gallery , vvhcroan attempt was made to Invo
a picture taken. The larger Jones hi other
seriously objected to the operation and
through his contortions made the attempt
unsuccessful. The prisoners are firm In their
denials of having had anylhlng to do with
; he robbery. They were taken back to the
Deadwoad jail In default of ball.
I'tcMloeil Midi ( lie 1'reslilelif.
HUnON , S. D. Oct 3. ( Special ) The
selection of Mrs. Anna H. Simmons of this
city as president of the South Dakota Equal
Suffrage association at Its late convention In
Mitchell Is very gratifying to friends of the
rauso here Mrs Simmons Is one of the
foremost advocates of equal suffrage In the
lorthwest , and as a lecturer and organber
las few equals She Is earnest and cn-
huslastlc and vv 111 make a success of her
work in behalf of the cause she so ably rep
resents ,
Stnte I'nlr Secretnry Il
YANKTON. S. D. , Oct. 3. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The resignation of Morris II. Kelly
of Aberdeen , secretary of the State Fair
association , hus taken place , Walter 11. Dean
of this city bolng unanimously selected as
ils successor , to hold until the regular mee-
ng of the board , which occurs at Huron on
he first Tuesday In January for election of
[ floors. Mr. Kelly res'gns because the ealary
s not sulllclent to justify the time token from
Itulii i\liiniilnli < 'N forest I'lre.s.
RAPID CITY , S. D. , Oct. 3. ( Special Tele
gram. ) A heavy rain storm extinguished the
big tiuibei fi-o near Hill City early thlb
nornlng. The amount burned is the largest
or years , nnd Is valued at many thousand
dollars. It vvas nearly all government timber.
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All
Irugglsts refund the money If it falls to
cure. 25c.
I'nrlly Cloudy uiul Cooler In '
lirRHkn , . VorHiweNlorly WlnilH.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 3. Forecast for
Monday :
For Nebraska P.irtly cloudy weather ;
slightly coolei ; northwesterly winds.
Tor Kansas Fair in eastern portions ;
ptobnbly o"ca&lonal showers in western poi-
tlon ; southerly winds.
For Missouri Fair : southerly winds.
For Iowa Partly cloudy weather , with oc-
caHonnl showers ; variable winds.
For Wyoming Full ; northwesterly winds.
For South Dakota ThreitenlnR weather ,
with shower * In extreme cns > tpin potllon ;
cooler In eastern portion ; easterly winds.
Local Hcoord.
OMAIIA , Oct 3 Omaha record of rainfall
and temperatuie compaicd with corresijond-
Ing day of the lost tliiee years :
1S97. 1890. 1895 1S94
Maximum tempemtute. . . . S7 7i 72 52
Minimum temperature. . . . 07 50 50 40
AveniKe temperature 77 V > 2 (11 ( 4 ( >
lUinfnll 00 .00 .CO T
Record of temperature nt Omahn for this
lay and since Mirch 1 , 1SD7 :
Noriml for the day 59
Uxce = s for the day IS
Accumulated excess since March 1 319
Normal rainfall for the day 09 Inch
Deficiency for the day 01 inch
Total rainfall since March 1..inK ( Inched
Deficiency since March 1 9.89 Inches
Excess for cor. period , 1S9G 3,01 inches
Deficiency for cor. period. 1893. . 7.73 Inche- )
IlciiortN front Stntloiix tit S p. in.
Bcv cnty-llftli meridian time.
? apl l
: P
Omaha , clear so i .CO
North IMatte , part cloudy. . . 78 oo
Halt Lalto City , part cloudy. r.s .00
Cheyenne , cloudy rsM .00
Hapld City , cloudy rsCO .10
Huron , raining COcs .OS
Chicago , clear csci .00
\Vllll8ton , clour ci 01n
Bt. Loulf ) , clear 84CS 01T (
St. 1'aul , cloudy CS T
Davenport , clear 785S 00
Helena , clear , . . . . 5S .00
Kanpan City , clear fOCO .00
Havre , clear COK . .00T
IllFinarck , rnlnlnc K T
Gulveilon. clear ( .0 . 00
T Indicates traciof precipitation.
U A. Wttl.SH , Local Torecast Official
Wyoming Supreme Court Renders an
Important Decision.
Art I * ! ) ( < In rod IiiMillil for tlio llvii-
Hiin lluil It Nctcr Ili'oi-l * oil a
Mujorll ) Vote In llotli HCUINOM
of the licu
CHKYn.VNK , Wyo. , Oct. 3. ( Special. )
The supreme court of this state has handed
down a decision of the greitest Importance
to every county and city In the state. The
decision will also tend to make future legis
lature's and their ollkors exceedingly care
ful with respect to the mntner In which
laws AIO enacted.
According to the provisions of an enrolled
act passed by the last state legislature It
became the duty of county trcasuiers In
this state tint only to sell property upon
which county nnd state taxes had not been
paid , but also propel ty on which the taxes
due towns ind elites In the state had be
come delinquent. Tlio enrolled act was , of
course , printed as enrolled , and It was sup
posed that provisions would bo acqui
esced In bj all olllccrs.
Some time during the month of September
the authorities of the city of Chojenno
called on Danlol S. Swan , county tieasitior
of Laramlo county , to sell propertj of the
city of Cheyenne for taxes duo to Unit mu
nicipality. Ho rcfoired the request to County
Attorno ) Hreckctis. An Investigation was nt
once made by the ofllclal Into the matter ,
and the following facts \\cro discovered.
During the nekton of the legislature an
act was Introduced bv Representative llerg-
man of Liramlo county relating to the sale
of ical i tate for taxes H provided for
sales dm lug the month of September , and
prescribed tlio penalties to be added to taxes
and the fees to bo charged by olllcers. No
provision was made by It for sales by county
olllceis for 'axes due cities. In Ihla form Iho
bill parsed the house by an almost unani
mous vote When the bill reached the sen
ate that body struck out section 1 of the act
as It passed the house and substituted there
for a provision to the effect that the sale
should bo had on the first Monday In No
vember and that city olllcers should not
sell , but that the county treasurer should
soil for both county and city taxes In this
shape the bill passed the senate When It
reached the house on the senate amendment
that body , by a large majority , refused to
concur In the senate amendments , nnd for
quite a while the two branches of thi > legis
lature were at a standstill on the matter.
Finally the whole subject was'referred to a
conference committee. This committee
drafted a substitute for section 1 , dlfteilng
both fiom the section as originally Intro
duced nnd from the senile amendment In
very material matters. The sale was to bo
had In Scutember and the cIU officers were
to sell for taxes due to municipal corpoia-
The rcpcrt of the conference committee
was adopted by both house ? nnd It was sup
posed that the bill In this hhapc had passed
However , when the act was enrolled , signed
by the oflleere of the legislature and presented
sented to the governor and by him nppioved
it contained ns section 1 the provisions
adopted originally by the senate , which had
been rejected bj the house. This , however ,
was not discovered until after the legUla
lure adjourned.
As all of theee facts appeared by the pub
lished Journal of the proceedings of both
houses , the county attorne > of this county
advised the county treasurer tl-at , In h'n
Judgment , section X of the act was void
and that the city officials must sell for their
own taxes. Acting on thla opinion , the
county treasurer refused to advertibc for city
taxes. A mandamus proceeding was at once
instituted by the city to compel the treasurer
to sell , It being considered advisable to se
cure an opinion of the courts In order that
bidders might be assured of the validity of
the sales to be made. The district court
of this county at once refened the question
to the supreme court , and the entire matter
was argucii at length before that court on
Tuesday of that week.
Court met yesterday morning and handed
down its decision. It was held that the pro
visions of the Wjomlug constitution requir
ing that all bills on their flanl passage
should be submitted to both houses and the
vote on such passage and the names of the
members \oting thereon should bo entered
on the Jouinal , was mandatory , and that the
courts had the right and It was their dtit >
to consult such Journal to ascertain whether
tne constitutional requirements had been
observed. When resort was made to the
Journals for this purpose It was the duty of
the courts to take notice of ever } thing in
the Journals with relation to the passage
of the law. A resort to the Journals of the
Wjomlng leglslotuie disclosed tlut the art
In qucbtlon , as enrolled , had never received
a vote of a majoilty of all the member * ,
elected to each house , and it vvas the duty
of the court to theieforo declare the entire
act void , as not having received the sanc
tion required by the constitution. It was
further held that section 2 of the act was
EO Inseparably connected with section 1 as
to also como within the same rule and It
too. was held Invalid. All of the Justices
concurred In the memorandum opinion ren
dered by Justice Potter. A fuller opinion
will be handed down later.
The inline of the court places Wyoming
In the list of states which hold that logln-
laturcs mus.1 obey the mandates of the con
stitution with reference to the passage of
bills , and which places It bejond the power
of dishonest or careless officials to enact
provisions never Intended by the legislature
to become laws.
Under the dccUlon of the court sales will
be held In conformity with the old laws.
In view of the decision 'It Is believed that
thcic will bo no lack of bidders at the vari
ous sales.
CHICAGO , Oct. 3 The estimated earnings
of the ontlro system of the Chicago , Rock
Island Pacific Railway company , both east
and west of the Missouri river , for the month
of Feplpmber , 1817 , are $1,807,691 , an In
crease as compared with the estimated earn-
Iflgs in September , 1890 , of $344,023.
Silk Manufacturers , Soap Manufacturers.
.Mess. Jas. S. Klrlt & Co. ,
Chlmijo , Ills.
Wo Jiuvo KVPM | your"WhltoCloud"soapathoroiiRli
test In washing pieces of lliu'ti embroidered with our
"Now 1'rocoh.s" Wash Embroidery Silks nnd lind It
entirely satisfactory. Wo take plpusuro In recom
mending it 03 a superior article for luumkrlng line
Yours truly ,
( Signed ) UELDINQ Uuos. & C < r.
Referring to the above , we denm it important to state
that this letter was entirely unsolicited by us. White Cloud
Soap now has the highest authority as its endorser as being
superior for fine laundry work. For the bath and toilet t
also ranks first as a pure white floating soap.
JAS. S. KIRK & CO. ,
Eatabllshed 1839. Chicago.
Largest sonp manufacturers in the world.
H. A. After July ist my father , Dr.
K. I , wood bury , will huvo charge of
the pinto work In my ollico nnd I will
clvo rny entire attention to Operative
Dentistry , Crown and Bridge Work.
No. 30 Pearl St. ,
Next to Grand Hotel. , D.D.S
Watch your foot-step * ; > o m y * llp and
Injure > outsell ,
Watch > our hnblt ; they inny Rrow upon
> ou unawares nnd set bejonrt your control.
Watch the tendency of the times , The
world Is moving nnd chaiiRliiK every day and
you cannot nfford to bo left behind.
Watch the course of events. It may menn
to jou the securing of a fortune or the losa
of what you already possess.
Watch carefull ) the lutrrests of > our Iruo
friends. They arc always few In number ,
and jou cannot do too much for these who
! iau > been tested and tried.
Watch above all things > our health. U
s the most precious possession you can over
have In this life.
Wntrh for the first signs of a cold , a
cough , and 8 > mptoins o ( malaria , pneumonia ,
or consumption , and hear lu mind that there
a but ono thing 11 st ctin check these trouble *
Illicitly , and that U it pure stimulant.
Wntrh carufully those who try to persuade
jou to take false stimulants , nnd bear In
mind that thrro Is but one pure , scientific ,
medicinal stimulant , and that Is Duffy's
I'ure Malt Whiskey.
Watch the effects vvhlrh follow the UBO
of this great discovery , aird you will Unit It taken liv tltuo and according to dlrcc *
lions , the auuo > lng sjmptonis which , unless
checked , will lead to certain slcknos or
death , will dlsippear , and you will bo by
this means restored to health and happiness ,
and thus secure u new lease of llfo.
( Oil BYrillLlS )
A. "Written nunrnntco to C171tK
Our euro Ifl porninnont niul not K pMclilnp up.
treated ten } ! * HBO Imvcmvct KTIIIV jmpt < > n "trice ,
lly ill 'Oi I hi n IT your i K.C fully wo ran treat J uu b ) mull.
nil inuiiv ) . Ihosp who jirtlot to come ncie tor InaV
mtnt ran ilo no ami c will ) v > ) rMltonJ rait bolli w ji
uiul haul Ullla hllo lioro If cfnll to run > . VVcchnl-
IciiL-i- the world lorac o Hint our Manic McmcUlf
nllVnil uite VViltc tor lull lutitldiliun oml get. tin
i.lpmf VV < ( .now tlmt jron nrv Kki | III 1 , jultljr to too ,
M tlu < most vnilntnt | iloMcUu Imte ne rr licm l > lo
In ul\u tnoit * tlmii ( impomn teller. In our teneart
piitctlicwah till * 3liiBlc Itoiuoilj It li * Uenuinit
ill Ilk nit ioii > eicoinpllioiieJuiUcrHi | > B'alii t nil no called
tprrliir * . Hut umlrr am utrnnR ruanntco jon thould
not hcli lc lo Tj II l < icmnlj. You l kmo chance ol
\ arngiiur \ money We KUaranUc to cum or refund
IM.I % ilollnr and a r harp n tvi illation to protect ,
nl o llimuclal baiUnit of S OO , llO , It In Mlfccllj
Mtfiitanll Mlmwlll tiy the trcntimnl lle tofoi 5011
\n\r \ been iiutllnR up anil rajlnit out > ur money rot
UHIm nt tit almenU anil altnouRii ) oil ale not > et inrrd
no ) UL- has pilil liack > our nionoy Do not waMr any
nioit money until J ou try na. Olil , chronic , ilcep ftatcil
r Muitcil In tlilitj to nlnctj ilnjf. Imculitatu on
Ilimurlal vlaiulliiK. our itiuiutlon | o < tnihlnri't ' null.
\Vtlio u > fur nnmii anil aililu tt of thofo f have
curvil. lie haMi K ! > CII poriiil-t-lun to refer to then.
It co t joii mil ) | iBtnKc Imlu tnl'l II lllave jo I n
uorulot nullviliiKrruiu mental main t mil If join ro
niairkil what may jour oltrprlni ; miller tliroiiKh } Lire
o n iitKlIm mcl If 5 our r > niptoni nro plniilen on lace ,
tote thiunt , niutoun iwitclicH In nunilli. rntumatl ni la
bones ami , i' ' > lnt , hair fnllliik' out. ciui'tlonl on any
pan ot the body. Tcellmr of urneinl tlcpinolon , p lii In
mail or lionet * , yow liaxo no time to w i te. There who
nit' toii'tnntly laklntc mciiiuvanil poiafh ( houlil di
continue It ( \in lant ui e of thii-o ilriiga will fuiely
hrliiKvoiesatul ratlnx ulctm In Ihctnil Don't lull lu
wilte. .VII conx-nliunilenec ( cut Naleil In lilaln enrel ;
open VValmltr tlio IIIOHI rtplil Intntiiratlou ( Uldwlll
doall Inour power toalil jou In It. Adiircss , .
GOOK RE EOY GO , . Chicago , III.
& ; Searles.
All Private Discuses
fe UNordcrn of Men.
1 rcntiucnt by Mull.
CctiHiiltntioii Free.
Cured for life anil the potaon thoroughly cleansed
friilll tllt'HVHtL'lll.
Siionn ilorrliea. Seminal Woahnusa , Lost Man-
liood Nlflit Emissions Ut-oajc'U Faculties. Fo-
in.ile WiMkniBHiml all ilulluatu disorders peeu-
11 11 to cither BOX , pofiltlvulv c'lirnl. 1'IIjES ) ,
AND VARlCOrilLK iiiTiiiaiiL-ntly and successfully
cured Method new anil iinfnlllnff.
bv now method w Ithont i > itu or cutting. Cull on
or address with stamp *
119 S. 14th St. ,
. , OMAIIA , Nien.
And Surgical Institute
lGnDIol oSt.Omnha , Nob.
Chronic liervous anil Private Diseases
and nil WHAKKHSS
HYDIiOCELK and VAUICOOELn iio.mnncntly nnd
BiiPcoHSfully cured lu every cane.
IILOOU AND SKIN IlHe.iHpH Sore SpotH Plin-
plc.8. Sciofiil.i , TnmorH , Tutler Uczemn and Illood
I'olMiti tlioroiiKlilv tleaiiBCd from Iho sjBtem.
NHKVOUS Debility. Sponiintorrhoa , Seminal
LoshCM , NlKht KtnlBHloiiN , Loss of Vital 1'oweia
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