TIIJ3 OMAHA DATLY BEE : PIUDAY , OCTOBER 1 , 1807. SPECIAL Ailv Ttliciniit for llicm ; column * trill lie luUrn until 1U in. for the cvcnliiK mill milll H | > . m. for ( ho morning Mini Similar edition * . Ailv Tll * .T * , liy rHHirntlnpr a mini- 1i < ; r < : il uli ( ! l < < CMIH lm\-u mumpm "tt- tlrcHNtMl 1 ? n iiiiinlMTril letter III euro of Tlie Hep. AiiNM-crn MO uililrmNCiI trill IIP ili-ll vrrcil on itri-Ni-nttitluii of HIP olu-rk on- . Ilutcji , i i-iio a ivord flr l Insertion | lo n Muni Iliurrnflcr. NothlliK taken for leu * tluin - . " . ( for tin- lint liiHor- tlon , Tlu-Mu iiilvfrtlNciiiviitn iiiuat be run WA.VI'KD HITUATIOXS. WANTED , CIRCULAR LETTERS TO WRITE , envelopes to nililrew or m.inum.-rlpt to copy ul reasonable term * . Address T GO , llee ntllcc. A M99G OS * OHITION 1IY EXPERIENCED LADY HTKN- OBrapher : bent references. Address W 47 , ! ! * A-MWJ 7' WA.\TK MALI3 IIHLI' . CANVASSERS TO TAKE ORDERS ; NEW LINE of work : no heavy goods to cnrry ; salary or commltslon. C. 1' . Adams Co. , D2I Ho , 16th St. 11-115 SALESMEN FOR C1QARS. t23 ! A MONTH AND expeiifes ; old nrm ; experience unnecessary ; In- duccmenti to cualonim. u. C , Uuhbp A Co. , St. Louis. 11-116 HEN AND WOMEN SOLICITOUS FOR THE National llctcrvo assoclallon ; thu best , eafcsl and soundest rratcrnul onlcr In the Held toduy. Address 1' . A. C. Slovens , 611 N. Ulh St. , Onmhu. H-117 WANTED. MECHANICAL DRAUOUTSMAN , capable of preparing patent olllce drawings. Ap ply nt olllcu of Hues & Co. , Hue building , Unmlm. 11 MS22 Ol WANTED. YOIJNCJ MAN WITH EXPERIENCE In strum conl trnile to take wholesale selling nicency Omnlm nml vicinity for Iowa conl. Address , giving age , experience , references nnj salary , expected. Crescent Coal Company , "What Cheer , Iowa. U M573 O2 WANTED , LAIIOItEllS FOR EXTRA UANU woik In Koutli Dakota and Wyoming ; free fare. Kramer & O'llenm , lllli nnd Fivaiam. IJ-.M.C ; Ol" CLERKS WANTED-MUST IJE OOOD PENman - man , rapid nnd ncurato ut llguica. Htatc cx- lierlcnce. U 43 , Ilee. 11-597-30' $100.00 I'EH MONTH GUARANTEED TO RIOHT party to represent u. In this section ; 1.2-H per cent prollt. If looking for piolHnbln cm jiloymcnt call room Cl , Merchant's hotel , Vr\- \ > iny 10 to 12 ; 2 to 5. 11-598-30' WANTED-IIOY AHOHT 15 YEARS OLD TO work In xtorn. Must have good references. Addrcj.t U 45. Itec olllro. 11-50D-30 WANTED. MEN TO LEA UN THE IlAUHEIl trade ; quick and thorough method : only eight weeks rowilred ; wages nnd experience In city Kliopa before completing ; outllt of tnoH prr- rent'M Kradmiff's ; many good pnMtlnni nnd looatloiiH waiting graduates no city the op iiorttmlty nncnito doi > sj nlcoly'Illustrate ! cata loRuo mailed free. Moler's Harbor School. Clark nnd Van Hiueii Bta. , Chicago. H MfiOT 3' WAXTUn IIHI.P. 100 OIULS I'OH ALL KINDS OI-1 WORK ; J3 TO } 7 wouk. l.'an.ullnii Ollloe.1522 UotiKlns. C IIS WANTED , EXPEUIENCEU COOK. 1821 DOUO. las. 2 M2T3 WANTED , OIItL KOU OENintAL HOUSED wnrkf mUBt hnv references. 2WJ HpeiuciSt. . C 4CO WANTED , OOOD OIIII. KOU OENEIIAI housework ; In pinnll family , with or without washing ; gooil WHRCS. 2C02 ropplulo-i n\e. C-.M ITS WANTED , nee Oll KOU OENEUAI. houscunil : In Binnll fiiinlly : sti'iuly hlluation for a KOod Blrl ; 1303 fiouth 3-M bticet. C-191-1 * GOOD COOK WANTED AT 2100 DQl'ni.AR ST. C I'M Ol * WANTED , GOOD OIHI , KOU OEN'EHAL , liousewoik. ll > ti ! U'lrt Btreet. C-M503 O2 G1HI , Oil MIDDLE AOED LADY WANTED for housework ; two In family. Call 112S C.IB- tellar btrcet. . . C-OCO-2 WANTED NU11SB OIHL WITH OOOD II EP- * * T > erences. Waijes } l per wetk. Mrs. K. A. Cudahy , MC. Ho. ZCth street. C 5C2-1 * I ) WANTED-LADY STENOOH ArTfEU bookkeeper. Olvo p ninin.slilp rtplv. Addiesa U 38 lue. C 511-30 WANTED OEHMAN C.IiiL IN SMALL OF.Il- man family , ? CO N. 3Sth t. : C13-1' WANTED. OIIirEXPEUIENCED ? KINIRH- I crs In fur buslneFs ; no nthrri need iipuly. 320 S. Uth St. John rrbnnczyk. C MSSO O2 WANTED. A aillL TO TAKE PA UK OK 1IA1IY during day and evcnlnsH ; must live nt home. Ailclfcs ! . with icfeicnucii , U GO , llc-e ctlice. C MC10 1 HOUSEKEEPER : WIDOWER ( FARMER ] with small children drain's to employ nld lad\ housekeeper ; refcrcncis rriiilreil | and furnished. AddrcsH , stating nso amiv.ig. . > s wanted. pos > olllco box 33 , Elkhurn , Neb. C MC'4 3 WANTED , LADY OR GENTLEMAN OI-'TJOOD address willing to work ; salary. Address U 40 , Dec olllce. C MCOG 1' KOU ItliNT 1IOIIS12S. HOUSES IN ALL I'AUTH OI- ' Till : CITY. THE O. 1- ' . Davis O'liipany , l-'Or , l-.unain. D 113 HOUSES ; IIKNAWA & CO. , IDS N. 1STH ST. D 420 MOD15IIN HOUSES. C. A. STAUIl , SK N. Y. D-421 HOUSES ; WALLACE. DHOWN HI.OPK. 16TH nnd Douglas. _ _ D 12J If CHOICE HOUSED AND COTTAOKS ALI."oVBn city , $3 ti > 75. Fidelity , 1st ilovr N. Y. Life. D HOUSES , COTTAOES & STOIIKS.ALL 1'AUTS of city , llrennan , IMVH Co. , ; : I'.ixton Illnck. D 421 LA HOE LIST. M'CAfllJi : . 1STM AND nniOB ) , D-423 HOUSES , KLATS. C1AIIV1N IlHOS. , 1CI3 l.'AU'X D 1o HOIJPEH l-'OK HHNT. 1IE.MIS , 1'AXTON IILK IIOOBEH , .1. II. SIH1HWOOD. IS N. Y. LIFE , D 41IS BTANKOHD PIlirLE fOTTAOKS. 0 UOOMS s W cor 13th nnd Vlnton : nne t location It city for busluei'S men of Omnha and Soutl Omaha ; rent moderate. i'OI It bullillnir. FOU IlENT. CHOICE 12-UOiM DETArilEl modern houm. Iii'iuho Z34S c.'npllul itv.-niin. MOVINO HOUHEHOLD OOODS AND PIANOS Om. Van < t SinrnKO Co. , ir.HVi Fnrnam Tel 1559 CIIAS. H. WILLIAMSON. COI HER I1LDO Tel. 717 , ! 2l. ' _ _ _ _ . _ io-UOOM MODEltN HOUSE ANI'i IIAHN "iN coed repair , anil centrally located. John W. Hobbliifl. iecnt " , IMIJ'arnani , _ iSIJJ7 i HOUSE. . ' oak llnlKh , clioli * location. I-nrn.ini car line , with good burn. J .no I"11 ! month. J'MWy Trust rompnny , rtmt lloor New Yoik Llfi- BIJv-ROOM rOTTAOE. ALHO UNFURNISUEI roonm , nil modem ; 2121 Miami tt. DM29T 1211 NO 19TH 8TTTlioO.MS : MODERN. FIRST cawBO [ bain onlv 20.flO. Omatm Real Ki talQ and Trust Co. . 211 Pa. " IK _ | . - ' " IS. 231 ! CALDWELL ST. D-322-O 1' : tu IIIIK.-U' . " ' "HOUSES ! ORIJAT DEfer - for tiouces. Who has nny for rent ? list ' " ' ' " " ' " " ' " " ' ' BhrWf SJji ! . . . . "p'-UIOT M MODERN DETAPIIED IIOUHH NEAR icom Park : vacant Oclobfr I , Price 25 . PherwnoJ. 422 N. Y. Life. It-MSM i "DETACHED HOUSE. CITY WATER" . ' Imili. iMitn. Prlca . J. H. Sherwood 42 ! N. Y. Life. J2ll.5l ? ! _ BEARS RENTAL AOENCY. M.-PAOUE . Illk. D-45S * FOR RENT. A HOARD AND HOOMINO house for one > ' " , Call Rt 151 ! Davenport St. forenoons , DM49I Ol isMoANT io7nooM iiRici.s eo. WIT. r. D.Vead , 1M4 po'Jlla fit. I > M4M Ol l > I-1IOOM MOOIJRN COTTAGE. INOl'IRE HI ! Vlvton. Kl.KUAn1H.ROOII MODERN IIUK'K. WITH lint water. heatlnB Plant : ! Wt Cassj JIO. W. H. Melkle , Isi Nat. Hank bKlg. 1 > MM7 8IX-ROOM MODERN 1 > 'I.AT. "uis SO. UTH. D-M5S3 O6' KUHNIBHED HOUSE , lioOMS , t ! ! MADI- * on i venue. " _ u M57Ll. ( ; _ Miowf "MODERN COTTAIE"OOOD ( : CONDI- Ucn : nice tbude ; larse luwn : nl 241ft N. 21M. * treet. between I-akit and Hpnicx utreetn. Oar- vla llros. , 1(11 Farnam. U M5M Ql TWO LATToK HOUSES IN DUNUKE cheap. CM lice UJi. -on TOR RENT. Ft'RN'ISHED MODERN HOUSE. Rood location ; reasonable terinx. 513 N. "i"- DEHlilAIILE 4-ROOM PLAT IN 11R1CK HOUSE on Krounrt Hnor. SMI 1'leroe St. D-MM ? 3' rou m\TKiRMSiii'n ) ' : ROOMS. PLEASANT ROOMS. 1919 DOOOE.E . E MOO oic rURNIRHED ROOMS. 1C1S CALirORNIA ST. E 070 OI2' XEWUY FURNISHED ROOMS. SW OUR ROOMS , 5JI SO. 26T1I IUITE OF UOOMH IN I'BIVATE FAMILY. 224 Nl , 18th. E-M431 01' iOL'TH ROOMS. 130C CAPITOL ' . , , , o , . FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEKl'INO for man and wife. Rent taken In Ixmrd. 319 N. 17lh. K URNISHED ROOM , 2017 HARNEY STRKKT. riiR.Msiiii ) IIOOMS AMI no.\iin. ITEAM HEATED ROOMS WITH HOARD , 2009 Harney. F-835-O-H' 1RST-CLASS HOARD AND ROOMS : HOT water bent ; best location In the city. 212 8.2.th lAROE SOUTH * EAST FRONT ROOM WITH alcove. 26JS Douglas. F-918 .ARC1E SOUTH FRONT ROOM FOR TWO : other rooms ; good board. TSc Rose , 2020 Har ney. F M894 URNiailEO ROOM AND HOARD Nt-.AR Hanscom I'nrki modern house : private f" ' " ' ' Address U 2C , Dee. F-M3M HE LOWEST PORSIHLE RATES AND THE best fare. A home. Sherman nve. car passes door every rlRht mlmitp * . Newly furnished ; new manaK 'metH : niljolns Exposition , bara- toga Hotel ENTERTAINS Its eue.MB. Q , ; iCE ROOMS WITH HOARD , 1S2I HINNEY ST. 1 * " M4oi * ' * 'HE ' MERRIAM , FIRST-CLASS FAMILY hotel. JJlh nnd Dodge streets. F M479 Oil * 3I.KQANT STEAM-HEATED ROOMS. WITH first class board. 1MD Capitol Ave. F-4SJ-30' ilREAKFAST , NOON-DAY LUNCH AND EVEN. Imr dinner terved. 212 H. W. cor. 17th nnd Douglas streets ; unexcelled cultdnc.F . F MMI O2 : . .ARGE SOUTH PARLOR. HOARD , STEAM , telephone ; references. 202 N. ISth. tODEHN niUCK. ROOMS AND HOARD. 53.50 up. Gil North 19th , F-514-O3 * VLL'TIIE COMFORTS OF A REFINED AND cultureit home , for four to six gentlemen. In a detached , modern brick residence , No. 212 , S. W. coiner 17th nnd Douglas streets , next to ll'-o building ; moat comfortable rooms ; eastern and southern exposure ; steam heat ; telephone ; electric light ; unexcelled table. F MrC7 O3 NICELY Fl'RNISHED FRONT ROOMS. WITH board. 2013 Douglas. F-M3SS O2 FOR RUXT UXKURXISIIKI ) ROOMS. OK RENT , 3 ROOMS. 708 a 17TH ST. G MICJ O27 OR KENT , LARGE UNFURNISHED PAR lor. 2021 California. G M.-o : O ! 'OUR UN1-TRNISIIED ROOMS ; MODERN ; flr.it floor. 612 N. Mill. G M5f9 O2 FOU REXT STORES AXI ) OFFICES. 'OK ' KENT DESIC ROOM IN GROUND FLOOR otllce , Ilee building ; water , strain h at. olcctr'.u light and Janitor service. Apply to R W. linker , nupeilntendcit IJee building. I 101 O'S RENT THE 4-STORY H1UCK BUILDING nt 916 Farnam St. This building has a fireproof cement basement , complete steam heating fix tures ; water en all floors , gas , etc. Apply nt the ulllco of The lice. 1 910 FOR RENT-IN THE 11EE HUILDINO : One large corner room , 2nd lloor , with vault and private olllco , water , etc. Ono large front room , 2nd floor , divided Into two rooms iy pirtltlon , water , etc. One large corner room , 2nd lloor , with vault , water , etc. One front room , divided by partition , third floor. One corner room with vault , third tloor. One large room , third lloor , with partition divid ing It Into one large room nnd two smaller prhate looms , watrr. etc. T -n large ground lloor rooms with vaults. Scijral small rooms on fourth floor , with vaults. All these rooms are heated with steam , electric llshts .lupplled with llrst class Janitor service. EInvator * run day and all nls'nt IJulldlnB a'.rlctlv llreproof. Ap-dy to R. W. Baker , Super intendent. Room 101 , Itee nulldlpc. I 198 STOfiAOIC. PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. , 90S-910 Jones ; general storage and forwarding. M 433 OM. VAN & STORAGE.lSHVi FARNAM. TEL , 153'J M 433 WAXTEI1 TO IIUY. REST PRICE PAID FOR OMAHA SAVINGS bank accounts at room 5uG , N. Y. Life Bids. N 131 50 SECOND-HAND BICYCLES. 115 PO. 11TH. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OMAHA SAVIngs - Ings Hank accounts. The llyrun Heed Co. WANTED. A GOOD TYPEWRITER ; MUST HE cheap. E. A. Tucker. Ilumboldt. Neb. . N M37S O2 WANTED' ' , TO IUJY FOR f'ASH , A HOUSE TO bo moved , north part of town. "U 41 , " HPP N-MG-SO' ' CASH FOR OMAHA HAVINGS BANJC AC- countH. O. G. Wallace. 312 Brown blk. , ICth and Douglas. N 593 WANTED. TO BUY OR LEASE LAUNDRY IN Omaha ; htalc full particulars. | H. I Dean , 477 4th nve. , New Yoik City. N-MC01 I * FOR SALE HORSES , \V.Vno.\S. ETC. FOR SALE CHEAP A GOOD DRAUGHT horse. A Hosnc , 113 Uouglae. P 001-1 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SAWDUST. BULK OH SACKED-CRIBBING and hoi ; fence. C , R. 1-ee , i)01 ) Douglati. Q-43.1 LARGE CHICKEIIINO UPRIGHT PIANO only $130.00. .Schmollcr & Mueller , 105 Bnut 15th St. Q-CU HOG FENCE. ALL WIRE , BEST ON EARTH lawn and ) nrd fence. Wire Works , . | 03 H. 14th 503-O 2S SMALL FRAME BUII.DINO , 27xD. FOK SALE in rear of 3 ) Farnum xttcet. StrliiKfr- : Dodge street. Q M575 O2 FINE MANDOLIN ; COST JM.OO ; WILL SELI. for 130 ; also violin , $23,00. Address U 41. Bee , Q-M5S7 O2 MISOELLAXEOirS. THE DOUGLAS COUNTY AGRICULTURAI Society prrmluniN will be mailed to the ex hlbltors on or before Oct. 7th. G. W. Hervcy secretary. R5IO-O3 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. PAUL. 205 N. 10TII STREET ; HONEST truthful , reliable ; icmoves evil Influences ; lo cale * hurled trcaourre ; unites tha separated. . * S-M6T.O-O-4 MASSACiE , HATIIS , ETC. ORIENTAL TURKISH HATHS FOR LADIES & gentlemen , We. 107 8. 14th. Teleiihone 1S9I. T T62-O-4' MEDICATED HATHs"HAREGE , 8EA" , BUL idiur , r')3H ) .ise. Mine. IlrlK > un , from Paris. 10 N. Uth hi. T-33J O.'l' AT MASSAOE. i xui ELLISON Croune blk. , 119 N. ICth St. , Room It. T--M413 OJ MRS. DR. LEON , ELECTRIC MASSAGE IIATI parlor * ; teatful and curative. 417 8. Ulh , U ] etolrs. T-M43J OS' MADAM SMITH , 1313 DOUGLAS , M\SSAC,1 team baths. T ( S O4 PIIRSOXAL. VIAVI I'-OR UTERINE TROUBLES. 316-8 I1EI BUS. ; pliynlciflii , cun ultatlon or health book free. U 437 SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. BALDNESS , FALLING hair and all facial bltiulMir * cured. Tiue Co. SS Chamber Commerce. U 7-O-4 * LADIES. OUR PATENT KJfi ANnlNo"KYlT Inge does the work pvrtectl ) . Hend for icalet purllciilurf. Gem Co. , Kun < a City. Mo. UM--36S O ! 11E YOUR OWN DRESSMAKER. INVEST" kiite tha Joy Tiill.ir SyMcm ochopl of dres cutting ; only complete bklrt rrade ; bring you rir i c and make vhllt learning , 4r > 3 Kurbae U-4C3-OJS PERSONAL. ( t'ontlnued. > H. HAAS. FLORIST. PLANTS AND CUT flowers , bouquets , hall , residence and grave deenrnllons. Flnners. ooiKiufl * nnd drci rntloni delivered to ny Irt of the city. Orders by telephone- promptly attended to and filled In Iwo hours. Telephone 7i& . 113 Vlnton stieet. U ! > 31 U-ll IUPTURE Ct'RED : NO DETF.NTION FROM business ; no pnln ; we refer to himdredn o : rases cureil ; r\lf \ * cured by n single , painless treatment. Call or write Thd Empire Rupture Cut * and Medical Institute , successors to The O. E. Miller CO. , 9JS-3 , N. Y. Life Illilg. . Omaha. U-MDIl IATHS , MASSAGE. MME. POST. 219V4 S. 15TH. U C73 MOXEY TO LOAN REAL EST VTE. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. TUB O. F. Davis 7o. , 1505 Farnam St W HZ \NTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . 315 N. Y. M quick money nt low rates for choice farm lands In IOVH , northern Mlsosurl , eastern Nebraska. W 433 LOANS ON IMPROVED A UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Faninm Smith & Co. , 1320 Fnrn'm W-4W MONEY TO IX5AN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Brennan , Love Co. , Paxton Blk. W-413 MONEY TO LOAN. 11EMIS , PAXTON IILOCK. W too 0 ruil CKNT MONEY ON NKDRASKA FARMS nnd Omaha Improved property. Apply to W. U. Mcllile , ' , i > t National U.nk Illdg. W--441 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPUOVr.D OMAHA property. 1'uiey & Thomas , SOI 1st Nat. Bk. blJg. W-44J SIX PUH CKNT CITY AND FAI1M LOANS. Uarvln Urcr. , 1C13 Furnam Ht. W M784 MOM3V TO IjOAX GIIATTKI.S. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , horses , wagons , etc. , at lowest rates In city ; no removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; you can pay the loan off nt nny time or In any amount. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . SO' ) So. 16th Ht. X 4JO UIJSIXKSS CIIA.VCKS. TO OKT IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS GO TO 3. J. Gibson , Ell First Nnt'l Hank. V M1IS FOR RENT THE METROPOLITAN IIOTKI. IN Cheyenne ; In fine condition ; electric llghtsj thoroughly plumbed , best location In the city. Ono block from Union depot. Fifty first-class rooms , fine bar room , furnished ; cnod barber shop nnd bath rooms ; In fact , everything ncces. sary to n first-class hotel. Party rcntlnc must purchase furniture. Hott-l dolnB Rood business at present. Address J. W. Qrlllln , O.ieycnnc , Wyo. Y MMO-O-11 i. KLONDIKER WHO HAS HAD TWENTY years 'experience In mlnlnv , has spent years on the Yukon , Is thoroughly familiar with the Klondike , has Interests nnd jiro pectors on the Klondike , will give n thorough Inspector's map j uu , oeailie , 11311. fi- reference , Chamber of Commerce. S attle WELL ESTABLISHED Dli'tra STORE , GOOD business , good lorntlnn , J2.DOO.OO cash ; balance on time. U. 15 , Dee. Y 33C-OI * KOIl SAM'2 , STOCIC OF MERCHANDISE IN fruit district of southern Nebraska ; line trade ; cheap rent ; everything necessary to carry on business ; best location In town ; $1,000 cash will buy It ; rare opportunity ; established trade. Ad dress box 80 , " > , Omaha. Y 593-3 * PARTNER WITH JIM IN GOOD PAYING THE- atrlcal company ; $100 already Invested ; a map. A 49 , IJee. Y-MCOJ 2' FOR RENT. A OOOD HOTKI , DOIN'O THE whole business of a town of 1KO Inhabitants ; furniture can bo bought of present tenant. Ad dress U 4S , Uee. . Y M603 1 FOR SALE. A CLEAN WELL SELECTED stock of shelf anil heavy hardware In county seat town In central Nebraska , doing profitable cash business ; no tinner's tools or Implements ; low rent , In brick block ; best location. Ad dress quick , E. P. II. , 1223 Harney St. , Omaha , Neb. Y MOOD 3 FOR n.VCIIAXOR. ICO ACRES ADJOINING THE CITY OF COZAD. Dawson Co. , Neb. , to trade for a stock of shoes or a general stock of J2.000 If In good shape , or will trade land nnd u 12,000 stock for Iowa land ; the Nebraska land can all be Irrigated. Address J. S. P. , Lock Itox S. I'aton , In. X M031 OG * , VILL TRADE 2 INSIDE LOTS 11EST IlESI- denco part of O'Neill , N'ob. , best town on Elkhorn - horn railroad , for good horse , harness nnd 2- seated surry. Address I' . O. box 4 , O'Neill. Neb. 5C-MG02 ! FOR SALI3 lllSAIi ESTATE. FARM LANDS. C. F. HARRISON , 012 N. Y L. RE-933-O10 * rZE PLACE HAHGAINS. , $2,5IX > . $3,750 TO JC.fiOO ; see photos nt ICth and Farnam , Morse 11MB. J. J. Gibson , Bll First Nat. Hank Hldif. RE 447 HOUSES , LOTS. FARMS. LANDS , LOANS. Geo. P. Gemls Iteal Estate Co. , Paxton Block. RE 4)8 17 PER CENT GROSS INVESTMENT. 1M- proved real estate ; rental JOS.00 per yrar ; price , $3,800. Address T 23 , Ileo. RE M73I LAND THIS & ADJOINING STATES TO CLOSE estate , cheap. Chas. E. Williamson , COI nee bl Is. RE 033 S-ROOM HOUSE. $2,500. 40-foot corner lot , S. W. cor. 18th and Izard. $100 p r acre buys 40 acres one mil * south of RUEors , Room 10 , Patterson nik. RE M1S2 OIS SNAPS , SO ACRES 12 MILES N. W. . $3.200. 4 acres 4 blocks from Ilenson motor. $ COO.OO. 35 acres south of State fair grounds , { 3..VO. 48xlSO feet , near 32d & Cumins ft. , only $ ! )00.00. ) Corner on Fnrnam St. , near 40th St. , $700.00. To exchange 110 acres ! 0 miles north of Omaha P. O. for clear Improved property. JOHN N. FRENZER , Opp. P. O. RE M213 FOR SALE , SE COR. 31TH AND FARNAM ; si ) cor. Park nve anil Hickory ; s\v pnr. 13th and Dorcas ; ICl acres In lluffalo Co. ; < 38 aero * In ICnox Co. , this nnd all other property owned by Nebraska Savings and Exchange bank will be sold at n low price. Wm. K. Potter , Re ceiver. HE 235 TWO S-ROOM COTTAGES , CO FT. FRONT. 10 blocks north of P. O. ; cheap. E21 Hn. Jfth Ave. RE MS 14 S-ROOM COTTAGE AND LOT WEST OF Ex position grounds , nearly new , for $55) ; JI50 cash and monthly payments of $10 on balance. Myron R. Hasting" , 212 So. 14th St. RE-M401 FOR SALE. MY COTTAGE HOME NEAR Hanscom paik ; full lot ; shade , lawn , barn ; must go. Address owner , U 35 , UPO. RE-487-30 * COTTAGE AND IXDT ON HURT ST. . WITH trees , nnd lot 02x170 ; n bargain , nt $ l.COO. ( i-room cottage In good condition , southwest , half doien blocks from Park nve. , onlv JS87.50. F. D. Wead. 1534 Douglas St. RE M497 Ol FOR RALE. FIVE ACRES IN FAYETT PAlTtC O. L. Green , Ilarker Illk. RE M493 Ol * * FOR SALE , I.OTS WITHIN HALF MILE union depot , $150. O. L. Green , Ilark r nik RE-M491 Ol * FOR SALE. i : > ACIIES WASHINGTON county ; best land In counlv : very cheap for each. Thos. H. McCague , McCaru * ? hldr , RE MMI O6 SHORTHAND AMI TYI'EWIIITI.VO , A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. 513 N. Y. LIFE. 450 AT OMAHA J5U3. COLLEGE. 15TH & DOUGLAS 451 OMAHA SHORTHAND AMD TYPEWRITING College , lc ! > y < J'B theater. SCO O-ll * LOST. LIGHT RAY HORSE. 7 YEARS ; WEIGHS about IOr.O , rather thin and high backbone. Re ward for return to 171s Cass at. , Omaha. Lost-MlSt IXJST GOLD CHAIN'AND PURSE CONTAIN. Ing $1.00 and gold emerald set ring. Reward for return to "ee. Lest &sj.w : KIIII.MTIIUE I'ACICEO. M. S. WALKIN , 2111 CUMING , YEL. JJJJ , 453 MATTRESS HI3.VOVATl.Xn WORKS. MATTRESSES. COUCHES. PARLOR FUltNT ture lo order ; repaired. 1603 Lcavenw'h ; tel , 1533 , 453 roc.vn. FOUND. A LADY'S LIGHT JACKET. OWNER can have name by nUIIni ; at this office am' paying for advertisement. Found M574 Ol * TO LEASE. FOR LEASE. W GO FEET , AT SOUTHEAST corner Jltt ana Nlcholan ; trackage. Strlnzer , J5M Dodge ( treel. -MJ70 0 : * imnss.MAK.iNn. DRESSMAKING. MISS BTVRDr , 4304 11UR- doll * . " ' E23 O-S * TVIM5\VIUTiUS. TONS OF ENERGY WOttf. ! } HE 8AVKD UAILY If every operator used the light running Ucns- molt * . 1612 Farnnm Et. , f ny in. 4S4 PA\VMIRCIKins. : I. MAROW1TZ LOANS SlONEY. 418 N. 16 ST. ! 4SJ D A 'PTT'lMTC ' Slf < ; ft CoAttorneys - A 1 iLIN 1 & nMMvr Patent JT * * ' * * - and Ex- rert . lie IJulldlns. Omaha , N < b. tlranch office nt Washington. U. C , We make FREE EXAMINATIONS ami nli ! Inventors In telling their Inventions. BcnJ for free A-Vlce and Patent Rook. flTCTQ procured uy C. A. SNOW A CO. , Washington. 1 > . C. FREE EXAMINATION nnd ndvlce. No attor ney' * fee before patent , No claptrap offer of prlics cr promlio of sudJen < rcalth. but straight- forvnrJ advlca and faithful st-rvlct. SHIP Household roods to Ml points In mixed car lota nt cut ratoa. Packing , moving aud storauo. Telephone 1BJO. Omaha Ifan & SSorage NOTICK TO CO > TRACT ) HS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will bo received nt the office of the Grounds nnd Building Department of the Trnnsmlsslsslpl nnd International ex position until G o'clock p. m. , Monday , Oc tober llth , for the construction of the Fine Arts building. Plans nnd specifications can bo seen at the office of the superintendent , room No. G34 , Paxton block , or sets will bo furnished contractors at cost , P. P. KIRKENDALL. Mgr. Grd'a. & Hldg. Dept. S 30 d to O 11 POSTOI'TICK XOTICK. ( Should bo rend DAILY by nil Interested , na changes may occur at nny time. ) Foreign mnlls for the wet-k ending Oc tober 2. 1SS7. will cloo ( PROMPTLY in nil cases ) nt the General Postolllco ns follows : PARCELS POST MAILS CLOSE ONE HOUR EARLIER thtin closing time shown DClOW. TrnilR-Atluntlc Mull * . SATURDAY At 60 a. m. for FRANCE , SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. POR TUGAL , TURKEY , EGYPT tilld BRITISH INDIA , per s. s , La Crmmpngnu * . via Havre ( letters for other parts of Europe must be directed "per La Ch : > mpacn " > . at G:30 : a. m. for EUROPE , r r s. s. Lu- finln * via Quecn i > wn ( letters for Prance SxvltncriiinTl. Itnly. Spain. Fortu- col TIII ky , Egypt nnd Hrltlsh India must Ko 'directed "per Luc.inlii" ) ; nt 8 a. in. for NETHERLANDS direct , per a. a. SiKtarndnin. via Rotterdam ( letters must lie directed "pur Spnnrmlnm" ) ; nt 8 n. m- for GENOA , per s. H. Aller ( letters must bo dlrectud "per Aller" ) ; nt 11 n. jn. for NORWAY direct , per s. is. Amerlka ( letters must bo directed "per. Amcrlka" ) . I'HINTED MATTKll , KTC. German steamers salmis on Tuemlayw take , Printed Matter , etc. , for Ocrrr.a'iy. nnd Specially , \ilclressea Printed Matter , etc. . for oilier parts of Kurope. Ameri can and White Stnr steamers on Wednesdays , Herman steamers on T.liur ? pays , nnd Cunnnl. French nnd German steamers on Saturdays take 1'rlnted Matter , etc- , for all countries for which they are ndvertlyd to carry mall. After the closlnc of the TSupnlempntary TransAtlantic - Atlantic Malls named above , additional i-upjilo- mentary malls are opened oti ta piers of the American. Kngllsh , l-'rench n"d German steam ers , and remain open , unUl with Ten Min ute's of the hour of sailing of steamer. Mall * for South nml Central Anu-rloa , Imll'fN , ' 'Etc. FRIDAY At 2M : a. mT foi1 NEWFOUND LAND , per s. s. Siberian ; , from Philadel phia , i i i SATURDAY At 3:30 : a. rrui ( supplementary 10 n. m. ) for ST. THOMAS , ST. , . CROIX , ILEKWARmand WINDWRRD 'ISfJANOS. ' * per s. s. Mndlana ( letters for Grenada , Trinidad nnd Tobngo'-riiusc do directed "per Maillann" ) ; at 10-n. in. ( supplemen tary 10:30 : a. m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND , JAMAICA , SAVANILLA and (3REY- ( TOWN. per a s. Alleshnny ( letters for Costa Rica must bo directed "per Alle- Bhany" ) ; at 10 n. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : iu m. ) for HAITI , via Port au Prince , Petit Goave and Jeremle , also CAHTIIA- GENA , per a s. Andes ; at 10:30 : a. m. for CAMPECHE. CHIAPAS. TABASCO and YUCATAN , per . s. Yumurl ( letters ? for other parts of Mexico nnd for Cuba must be directed "per Yumurl" ) : at S:30 : p. m. for ST. PIERRE MIQUELON. per steamer from North Sydney. Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to Halifax , and thence by steamer , close nt this office dally nt 8:30 : i ) . in. Mnlls for Mlquelon , by rail 'to Ilos- ton and thence by steamer , close at this ofllce , dally at 8:30 : p. m. Malls for Cuba cl ; c at this odlcc dally nt 7:00 n. in. , for forwarding by steamers sailing ( Mondays nnd Thursdays ) from Port Tampa , l-'la. letter malls for Mexico City , overland , unless specially addrecscd for dls- patch by steamer , close nt this olllce dally at 12 m. ; paper mails at C a. m. ' 'Registered mall closes nt 6:00 : p.m. . previous day. TratiH-I'iiclllc Mnllx. Mails for China , Japan nnd Hawaii , per s. s. City of Peking ( from San Francisco ) , clone here dally up to September 20th nt Gu"0 p. in. Mnlls for Hawaii , per s. a. Australia ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to September 2Uth at G:30 : p. in. Malls for China and Japan ( spec ially addressed only ) , per s. s. Emprcsr of India ( from Vancouver ) , close hero dally up to October * ' 4tli nt C:30 : p. m. Mnlls for Australia ( except those for We t Aus tralia ) , which arn forwarded via Europe , N w Xealnml , Hawaii , FIJI and Sumoan Inlands , per s. B. Moana ( from Snn Fran- clfco ) , close hero dally up to October Stli at 7:30 : a. in. . 11 n. m. and 0:30 : p. m. ( or on arrival at New York of s. B. Cam pania with British mnllH for Australia ) , MnlliJ for China and Japan , per s. H. Vic toria ( from Tncoma ) , close here dally up to October * * 10th ut 0:30 : p. m. Mails for Australia ( except West Australia ) , New Zealand , Hawaii nnd FIJI Islands , per a. fl. Mlowern , ( from Vnncover ) , close here dally after October " 8th and up to October llth nt C-0 : p. in. Mails for tin- Society Islnndx , per Hhlp City of I'upeltl ( from San Francisco ) , close hero dally up to October " 3th at G:20 : p. m. Trans-1'aelflc malls are forwarded to port of sailing dally and the schedule of closing la arranged on the pirsumptlon of their unin terrupted overland tnuiMt. "HcgUtm'd mall duties at C:00 : p , in. previous day. ' Po.itoIIlce Now York , N. Y. , September 21 , 1S37. 1S37.CORNELIUS CORNELIUS VANCOTT , Postmaster. HAIUtOADS. BURLINGTON & MISSOURI Illver Rallioad "Thu Burling Burlington ton Route , " Uencial Ofllce , N. W. Coiner Tenth and Fnrnam Streets. Ticket Olllce , 1502 Route Farnnni'Stn-t-t. ' Telephone 250. Depot , , Tonlh and Mason Streets.1 Telephone , 128. ' Arrive. Llnco n. Denver & west Tfl :35 : am 9:35 : am JJlack mils. Montana nnd Puget Sound 4:05 : pin 7:45 : pin 11:30 : nm Dally except , .Sundiiy I CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Qulncy Rallioad "The Burl ington Jfoute" Ticket Olllce , IMS Fnrnant/Htreet. Telephone 250. Depot , 'Tenth and Mason Hlreets"r Tepphoiie | , KANSAS , UIOT , ST. JOSEPH & Council iBIuffa Railroad "The Burlington Route" Ticket Oilier. 1502 Farnarn Street , Tijephone 250. Depot , Tenth and Mubon Streets. Tel- ephonu , 1(8. 1(8.Leave. Leave. Arrive. Kansas city Day Ex. . . . 9:01 : nm * 0:10 : pm Kansas City Night Ex. . ' 10:00 : pin * 5:30 : am Dallr CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND & PaHilo Railroad "Tho Great Rock Itland Route" City Ticket Ofllc * . 1323 Farnam Street. Telephone , 42S. D.'pot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone , 128. Leave , Arrive. Chicago and St , Paul Vetllbuled Express . . . 4:50 : pm * 1:45 : pm Lincoln , Colorado Spcs. Pueblo. Denver and - < vett Ii55 pm 4:09 : pm Chlcugo. Des Mjlnen and Rock Inland * 7:00 : pm 8:15 : aw Atlantic Expresi , for De > Molnea and east ern pjlnts . . . 7OJ : nm B * 5 pn. Lincoln , Kalr'jury ' unit Belleville , . . . . S-C , , m " 10:40 : am Dally. Dally except Sunday- IIAILROADS , ( Continued. OMAHA. KANSAS CITY A EASTERN road Omivlm A 81. Ijimls Rallrond "Tho O. K. Rente" Ticket Olllce. 1415 1'arnnm Street. Telephone , S2J Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets , Telephone , US. Ivixve. Arrive. Patlonsburg , Klrksvllle , quincy Local 6:40 : am ' 10:43 : pm St. Ixmlf. New Yorl. Limited 4:30 : pm ' 11:30 : am DAlly. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. MINNE- npolls & Omaha Rnllwny General ofllcen. Nebratka 131- Usclon , Fifteenth nnd Webster streets. city Ticket olllce , 1401 Fnrnam Street. Telephone 811. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Tele , phone , 145S. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City Accommoda. " SSJ : nm 8:25 : pm Sioux city Accommnda. 9:50 : nm " 8:23 : pm HMIr , Emerson , Sioux City , Ponca , llartlnc- ton nnd Uloomlleld. . . . " 1SOO pm * ' 11:55 : nm Slcux City. Stankato. St. Paul , Minneapolis. . . . . . 615 ! pm 9:10 : nm Dally. Dally excepl Sunday. Sunday only. FREMONT. ELICHORN A Missouri Valley Railway Gen eral Olllces , United States Nn. tlonal Bank Building , South , west Corner Twelfth and Fnr nam Streets. Ticket Olllcc , 1401 Farnam Hlreet. Telephone. 811. Depot. Fifteenth and AVebster Streets. Telephone , 1458. l eavo. Arrive. Black Hills. Dendwood nrd Hot Springs * 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pm Wyoming , Casper nnd Douglas * ' " 3:00pm : 6:00 : pm Hastings , York David City. Superior. Geneva , Exeter and Seward. . . . " 3:00 : pm " 6:00 pm Norfolk , West Point nnd " 7M : > nm ' 10:2i : ni Fremont * 3:00 : pm * 6:00 : pm Lincoln , Wohoo nnd " 7:50 : nm * MO5 : nm Fremont * 3:00 : pm 5:00 : nm Fremont Local 7:60 : nm Dally. " Dally except Sunday. " 'Sunday only. " Dally except Saturday. " " Dally exctpl Moniliy SIOUX CITY A PACIFIC RAIL , road General Offices , United States National Bank Build ing , S. W. Corner Twelfth and Farnam Streets , Tlcktt Olllcc , KOI Fnrnnm Street. Telephone. SGI. Depot. Flftcenlh and Webster Streets. Toieshor.c. 1U. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City. Manknto. St Paul , Minneapolis * 0:15 : pm 9:10 : am Dally. CHICAGO NORTHWEST , ern Railway City Ticket Olllcc , 1411 Firnam Street. Telephone. 561. Depot. Tenth nnd Mason Street. Telephone 128. , r , , r . . . . Leave. Arrive. Missouri Valley , Sioux City. St. Paul nnd Minneapolis B:40 : am ' 10M5 pm Missouri Valley , Sioux City ' 7:30 : nm 9:05 : pin Denlson , Carroll , Wall Lake " 7:30 : am " 9:05 : pm Eastern Express , Des Molnes. Marshall ! " " " ! , Cedar Raul- ' " Chl.-ago " 10:45 : am 4:10 : pm llan'tr t-'Iycr , Chicago nnd East * 4:45 : pm 4:10 pm Fast Mall , Chicago to Omaha 3:10 : Dm Missouri Valley , Sioux City , St. Paul. Minne apolis Limited ' 6r,5pm : , 9:25 : am Onuha-Chloago Special. . C:30 : pm S-10 am Daily. " Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE A ST Paul Railway-City Ticket Olllcc , 1504 Farnam Street. Telephone , 2S4. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 12S. _ Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex. . . . 5:45 : pm 8:03 : am Omaha nnd Chicago Ex. . ' 11:00 : air. 1:50 : Pm Dally UNION - , PACIFIC--THE OVER land Route" General otllces , N. E. Corner Ninth and Farnam Streets. City Ticket Olllcc , 1302 Farnam Street. Telephone , 310. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 12S.Leave. Leave. Arrive. The Overland Limited" for Denver , Salt Lai" " ; Pacific coast , nnd nil western points * 8:20 : am 4:43 : pm Fast Mall train for Denver , Salt Lake. Pacific cost nnd nil western points * 4:0 : ! pm ' 10:20 : am Lincoln , Beatrice nnd Stromfburg Express. . . " 405 ; pm " 3:50 : Pm Grand Island Express. . . 6:33 : pin 3:50 : pm Dally. " Dally except Sunday. ; Council Bluffs Local Leaves.5:40 : a. m. : CiO : n. m. ; 7:50 : a. m. ; 8:25 : n."m. ; 10:45 : n. m. ; 2:15 : p. in. ; 4:30 p. in. ; 0:35 : p. Arrives.0:20 : n. m. ; 7:20 a. m. ; 8 a. m.9:23 ; : n. m. ; 11:30 : a. m. ; 3:10 : p. m. ; 5:40 : p. m. ; 9:03 : p. m. ; 10:43 : p. m. WABASH RAILROAD TICKET OFFICE. 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone. 322. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 123. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis "CannDn Ball" Express * 4:30 : pm * 11:3U am Dally. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD General Olllces and Ticket Olllcc , Merchants National Bank Biilldlnc. 1221 Farnam Street. Telephone , 104. Depot. Fifteenth and Wtbster Streets. Telephone , 1458. Leave. Arrive. KansaV'city , St. Louis and southern points. . . 3:03 : pm ' 12:5 : , pm Kansas City Express. . 9:30 : pm 0:20 : nm Ft. Crook & Union LI. . 9:00 : pm 7:00 : nm Dally TALKS OF SALVATION AR.1IYVOIIK. . CoiiNiil Hiiotli-Tiii-krr Milken nil Iiitor- ' cittliiK AililrcNH. Consul BoiAu-TucUcr , wife of the com mander of the Salvation Army In the United States , was accorded a royal reception at the Young Men's Christian association hall last night. The largo audience room on the third floor was crowded to Its utmost capacity , and the hallway leading to the room was In the same condition. The largo stage In the auditorium was filled with the stuff officers comprising the consul's Immediate p.irty , to gether with the olllcers from the Nebraska division. All were In uniform , and many of them wore the broad sashes to which tlielr rank entitled them. The address of the evening was made by Consul HooUi-Tuckcr , who spoke for over an hour , her tcylc being the work of the Salva tion army In the United States. She spoke of her visits to the various posts under her charge , aud related In detail and with great eloquence details In the everyday experience of the olllcers of the army. She fyolco feel ingly of the work of the rescue homes estab lished In the largo cities , and related many Instances coming under her own observation in which rcformn had been Instituted among the fallen women. She also spoke of her visit yesterday afternoon lo the rescue homo maintained by the army in this city , and clcsej by making an appeal to the audience for contributions of money to assist In sup porting the home. After the close of the consul's address , Colonel nel Holland made a shore talk about the colonization echemo being worked up by the Salvation Army , the Intention being to locate the poor and unemployed of the large .cities on the- unoccupied lands in 'tho wc-st , supply ing the colonists with the necessary tools for farming and assisting them In getting cstab llshcd In agricultural pursuits. During the evening a number of musical selections of the Salvation Army band were rendered , and the meeting -was enlivened by short talks by various officers. Rrniiirkiilili- Cure lit Clironle Illui-rliouii. Mr. Blam Kelly , an oil operator of tula place , was away on business when ho took a severe diarrhoea which developed Into a chronic ease. He was compelled to glvo up his position and como homo ( or treatment. Ho grew rapidly worse , however , until at last I Induced him to try Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. After using ono little bottle of It ho was able to be around again and continuing the use of It cured Mm permanently , C. V. Kverly , of the firm of Kverly & Evurly , UavUtown , Pa. , uiK.vriPiiii ) HV uis VICTIM. TlioiniiN Cilll Hi'coKiilgril Iiy u Man Whom lie RolilifiL Thomas GUI , one of the four supposed house breakers arrested last week , was yesterday torday Identified as the man who despoiled a State fair vUItor of his gold watch wlillo the stranger was In a drunken sleep ori one of the benches of Jeffersoa square , Thu Ut ter recognized GUI ae a man who had been loitering In the vicinity. GUI's face was ; also familiar to the pawnbroker with whom the watch had been pledged and from wliom It was yesterday recovered , The case of Samuel Carroll , ono of Gdl'e comrades , was heard In police court yester day and ho was bound over to the dlstrltf court under bonds of $2,400 , Carroll U the man who had in his possession jcv.'dry mi silverware taken from the homo of Ciirli H , Long. 1210 I'ark Wilde avenue on Stey- temucr 23. Druggists know Dr , Davis1 Antl-Htttd ache Is bc'it of all headache remedies. STRIKERS ATTACK MINERS Jon at Work the Object of n Very Vigorous Assault. STONES , CLUBS AND CAYENNE PEPPER Vnrletjof Argument * Uscil to Con vince Ihe Illcucru tlint They Should Conic Out trltli | ( he llcnt. . ' . ST. LOUIS. Sept. 30. At an early hour : oday , when the minors employed In tha Maillson Conl company's shafts nt Kdwards- vllle , 111. , were going to work they were attacked by n mob of strikers who were on by thirty or more women sympa thizers. The strikers threw stones and cayenne pepper and beat their opponents with clubs , but no shots w ro fired and .no body was killed. Ono miner , however , had Ills skull crushed , nnd numerous ears were cut And bruised. A clerk of the Madison Coal company was bllndod by pepper. The miners , who fought as best they could with their dinner palls , were finally allowed to go to work. After the attack the strikers nnd women filed In line and marched through the streets of 15dwardsvllo ( shouting nnd sing ing. No nrrrsts were made. The riot resulted from a partially succcss- 'ul effort to work the Mndlson mines. Last [ 'rlday Superintendent W. 11. Glass prom ised protection to those who would go back : o work. Kvcry morning for nearly a week the miners have marched to the mines under guard of Deputy ShorllT Dillon and n i > os o of ten men. List night the Kdwardsvllle strikers wore reinforced by men from Troy , Colllnsvlllc , Mt. Olive and Stauntnn. The delegation from Glen Carbon brought thirty women with them and these were the lead ers In the riot. . It Is rumored that more strikers will reach hero during the night lo iclp Intimidate the non-union men. Superintendent Gloss of the mines Bald .oday that the force of deputies would bo In creased tomorrow to a number sufficient to protect the miners , and that the workers would be escorted to the ml new In safety. The strikers , numbering more than 300 , with the women , far outnumbered tlwurit - ers , who were guarded irlorco of deputy sheriffs on tiiutr way to the nvlnc. T. W. McCunc , a deputy sheriff. In the escorting pos&o , was disarmed and dragged to ono side , whcro a crowd of Irate strikers beat him with their lists and with clubs until ho was almost unconscious. Many more of the workers and daputy sheriffs were Injured and several of : he strikers. 'Including the women accompany ing them , received wounds. Though heavily armed , the sheriff's olllcors took their drub bing without making any attempt to use their guns. They were outnumbered ten to ono , but they fought with their fists. Had a shot been fired the consequences would have been fearful , as the strikers were frenzied. S Only six members of the city council nt- ; ecded the adjourned meeting last night , Vansant and Caldwell being the absentees. special ordinance levying a tax on certain property for the payment of sidewalk re pairs was read tor the first tlruo and re ferred. The report of the special committee ap pointed to Investigate the report of the Ap praisers on the Twenty-fifth street grading was read and adopted. This report recom mended the payment of $300 damages to George C. Hasklns , Twenty-fifth amd II streets. The money to meet this will bo bor rowed from the Intersection grading fund and repaid when the grading bonds are sold. An ordinance .creating a grading district 0:1 : Twenty-sixth street from A to F street was read for the third time , under a suspen sion of the rules , and passed. Property owners petitioned for a water main on Y street from Thirteenth to Twen tieth streets. Referred to the water com mittee. Meat Inspector Howard reported having condemned 115 hogs and thirteen cattle dur ing September. City Electrician Holland reported having condemned forty-six motor poj s on Twenty- fourth street. Ho also reported that new poles were now being placed in position. The Drovers' hotel and the Lister block were reported to be In an unsanitary condi * lion by Inspector Carroll. Steps will be taken' to compel the owners of these bulld lugs to make the necessary repairs. A veto In connection with the Duse candy stand matter was read and sustained. The mayor held that the privilege granted to Duso by n resolution was Illegal , as It conflicted with the ordinances. City Engineer Beal nnd Street Commlslsoner llo&s were directed to remove the booth to another location. City Attorney Montgomery submitted a written opinion to the effect that tha Union Stock Yards company had nu right to lay a railroad track across L street. Neither had the company any right to lay a track up Doyd street. Mayor Enspr explained this matter to the council and said that thu company had surely violated the law. Ho considered It the duty of the council lo protect the rights of the city and property owners In the matter. The committeeon viaducts , streets and alloys will Investigate. The mayor's veto on the Dan llannon flro hall contract was submitted. Kelly wanted further consldeiatlon of the matter deferred until the next meeting and It was KO decided. Attorneys say that the veto ends the contract ordered entered Into. Howland & Bradford offered to pay the city a rental of JGO per year for a Binall ploco of ground at the cast end of the Q street viaduct for the purpose of urectlng an ofllcc. Huferred to the street and alley com mittee. II. 13. Wllcox submitted plans for a brick flro cnglno house , which ho offered to bullil for 'tho ' city for a rental of $50 per month. The matter went to the fire and water com mittee. A motion prevailed Instructing the city attorney to modify the bulldlug ordinance permitting corrugated Iron structured to ho erected Insldo the flro limits. On motion of Uarrett S street between Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets will bo placed In a passable - able condition , An ordinance was ordered drafted estab lishing the grade on I street east of Thir teenth , on J street east of Thirteenth and on Twelfth street south of the city limits. The following membeiH of the Bean ! of Registration were appointed : First Ward First precinct , Thomas Smith , A. M. Kecnan , Ed Burson ; Second precinct , M. Mabcry , James Carroll , George Itaworth ; Third precinct , D. J. Campbell , H. Sagfi , J. A. Wlllard. Second Ward First precinct , Jerry Kelly , J. V. Chlzek , I' . A. Barrett ; Second precinct , Gus Olaen , J , J , Lconey , Joe Maly ; Third precinct , Frank 'Holding ' , P , O. Dwyer , P. J , Zclcnka , Third Ward First precinct , John Mickey , C. A. Evans , Harry Trcbolt ; Second precinct , John Blondlu , J , C. Bowlny , J. L. Olson. Fourth Ward O. 15. Druco , O. KUlier , Patrick Brodcrlck , September blda and salaries were allowed and ordered paid , The contract for grading Twenty-fifth street was awarded to Cash Brothers , their bid being 7,39 cents per cubic yard. H , C , Barnes bid 9.4 cents per cubic yard and Dan Harmon bid 7.S3 cents per cubic yard. Adjourned until October 11. Mcllrlilr'M KrlcmlH Mri-l. Hcpubllcau friends of George McBrlde held a meeting at Plvouka ball , Twenty-fourth and L atreeta , last night to assist In ( securing for him the nomination for county surveyor. McBrlde was Invited to name hln delegation , CB he was given to understand that Ulo opposing faction would put a full ticket | n the Held. A delegation composed as follows was selected : George II. Brewer , N , E. Acker , J. C , Buchanan , 0. 13. 'Druce ' , Jacob Bolster , Sam B. Christie. I. J. Coponbarvo , John Freldt , W. 8. King , Miles Mitchell , Mllio Markceon , Frank Klustus , Thomas Peterson and Walter J. Slate. These delegates were endorsed hy the meeting. A committee of five from each want wna selected to assist In electing the delegation , Mimic City City taxes for 1SD7 becomes duo today. Joseph McColl of Dow City was a bustnent visitor hero yesterday. Kusscll P. Condon of Chicago ts hero visitIng - Ing friends and relatives. A meeting of the Kast Side Improvement club will bo held this evening. Councilman P. C. Caldwell Is In the met for assessor of the Fourth ward. Dan Hannon Is grading for the Thirteenth street boulevard , just aver the county lino. John Nclll has accepted a position with Swift and Company as traveling representa tive. tive.John John N , Thornton of Des Molnes rpent yes terday In the city , the guest of C. A. Mcl chcr. The Hoard of Education meets tonight to open bids for the addition to Drown park school , The side track to Schlltz's proposed ware house nt Twenty-eevcnlh nnd N streets , l being laid , From now on the Young Men's Christian association rooms will be open from 9 A. ra. until 10 p. in. Two more car of gas plpo for the proposed South Omaha mains have arrived and are being unloaded. Charles Dunham , paying teller at tha Pack ers' National bank , haa returned from a two weeks' vacation. Harry McMillan of Chicago ts hero spending a few days with his sister. Mrs. W. U. Van- sant , Twenty-fourth nnd F streets. Ilobert Hasson has severed his connection with the firm of Pcrrlno , Cook & Co. , and leaves today for Seattle , Wash. , where ho will engage In the flour milling business. "Sancho. " a registered hunting dog , be longing to George Knrll , died yesterday from the effects of poison administered by un known parties. The dog was 15 years old , Mr. Karll having purchased him when tt puppy. Alfred Klnncy was found yesterday after noon by Chief Brennan In an exhausted con dition In the railroad yards. Klnncy U a machinist by trade , but has been out of work for sotno time. Ho arrived In the city yes terday via the box car route. Chief Drcnnan took the man to police headquarters and called a doctor , who announced that ho had malarial fever. Konnnr " 'III atftf at the Jail for a few days until his health Improves. . Councilman P. C. Caldwell Is laid up will * n badly cut head , the Injuries having been Indicted by 'Charles ' Wehner. The men were In Glllesplo's raloon , at Thirty-third nnd U -streets , when , according to statements mada by those present , Wchncr lifted his glass and struck Caldwell on the head , Caldwell was taken to his n.min. where Dr. Ensor sowed up the gash. Wclinor was nrrrsted. ( irnt Oiid-nKP" " " ITpou the stomach nnd bowels are perpetrated by multitudes of Injudicious people who , upon experiencing the annoyance of constipation In a slight degree , Infiltrate their bowels with drenching ovncuants , which enfeeble the Intestinal membrane to n serious extent , sometimes , oven , superinducing dyslntery or piles. Hosteller's Stomach Hitters Is the trim succedaueum for these nostrums , slnco It Is nt once Invigorating , gentle anud effect ual. U also banishes dyspepsia , malnrlal complalntr , rheumatism nnd kidney troubles. ( Mil Soldi ) * Clvi-n it Hide. Tbo women of Garflcld circle , No. 11 , tcn dered n trolley rUle last evening to their friends of the Grand Army of tbo Ilepubllc. The Sons of Veterans' Drum corps heralded the way and two hours wore spent In the en joyment of the autumn evening. The affair was planned with the hope of replenishing the old soldiers' relict fund , which Is opera tive during the winter , and about $20 was raised for that purpose. The committee In chorgo of the expedition was composed of Mra. Aunio Schamel , 'Mrs. ' Susan A. Anthony , Mrs. Sophia Shandy and Mrs. Myrtle Althaus. No man or womnn can enjoy , llfo or ac complish much In this world while suffering from a torpid liver. DoAYltt's Llttlo Early Risers , the pills that clcanso that organ quickly. ' l'EHSO\AI. I'AHACSIIAI'HS. ' J. Allen departed for Chicago ycfitcrdny. 'it Gould Dletz went to Chicago yesterday. Euclid .Martin left last night for Chicago. C. E. Miller of Chicago la stopping at'tha Barker. Archdeacon Watklns of Kansas Is at the Barker. " Ex-Congressman E. J. Ilalncr of Aurora Is In Omaha. J. F. Hubbard , a 'Boston ' capitalist , Is vis iting In the city. n. S. Sabln of David City IsIn the city on Ilia way to Plttsburg. General Manager Holdrego of the B. & M. loft yesterday for Chicago. J. L. Houston returned from n short busi ness trip to Kansas City yesterday. George II. Crosby , general freight agent of the Burlington , went east yesterday. A. G. Kerny , deputy United States marshal , of Beatrice Is registered nt the 'Barker. Dr. James Carter , assistant surgeon of tha Union Pacific , went to Chicago last night. L. C. Chapln nnd J. H. Hodklnson are Lln- colnltcs stopping At the Barker. Henry Mosman nnd fnmlly of Welscr , Idaho , are stopping at the Darker. O. S. I.eltcli , A. J. Livingston and J. II. Poago are St. Louis arrivals registered at the Barker. " , Miss Rose Burlto left last evening for Chicago , where fiho will visit friends for an extended period , C. S. Towksbtiry , claim agent of the Rock Island , and J , A. Stewart , district passenger agent of the raino road at Des Molneswcru among the pastnrn departures yesterday. Nchraskans at the hotels : Charles Meyer , Wlsncr ; Samuel Chapman , Plattsmouth ; C. C. McNIuli , Wlsticr ; W. O , Miller , Lincoln ; H. II. Hake. Grand Island ; II. 0. Smith , Lexington ; G. E. Johnson , Chadron ; J. B. Kerr , Norfolk ; M. 13. Smith , David City ; F. A. Patterson , Stockham. At the Mlllard : A. J. Sawyer , Lincoln : W. II. Mungcr , Fremont ; W. S. Hamilton , Doug las , Wyo. ; George M. Crawford , Chicago ; J. F. Helm , Chicago ; H-irvay Platt , Red Oak ; John I ) . Holllday , Casper , Wyo. ; Thomaa Miller , Chicago ; C. A. Lttland , Kansas City ; J. E. McMahon. 'Chicago ; T. II. Eckols and daughter , Washington , D. C. ; Fred II , Perry , Philadelphia ; J. StcrUim Merion , Nebraska City ; J. L. Farquliar. Now York ; A. II. Nan n , St. Louis ; E. J. Halner , Aurora ; Gcorgo A. McNutt , Kansas City. I.OCAI , According to an Instrument filed with the county clerk , the capital stock of the Omaha Elevator company Ims been reduced to $275- 000 and the Indebtedness has been fixed .at. $183,333,32. The statement Is made by tu stockholders. " ' * George McKnlglit , who Is wintod on the other side of tha river to answer to a charge of counterfeiting , was arrested In this cltyi yesterday by a deputy marshal and taken to Council IlluffJ. Ho had been released on bond , but forfeited his recognizance , Judge Ives of the city legal department has gone to Kansas City to confer with ex- Deputy Comptroller Wnttllng In regard to the evidence In the llolln case. Wcttllng has positively agreed to como to Omaha after November 1 and thu officials Interested say that no further difficulty will bo encountered , The prices at which asphalt pavcmcnld are being laid In Omaha have attracted gniieral attention from other cities. . City Engineer Rosewater Is receiving numerous request * from tbo ofllclals of other cltlcn for copies of the tpeclflcatlono which Jiavo been adopted hero nnd under which such low bids have been obtained , Til flj- llniU tlctituts ( t