Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 30, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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    TI113 O1MAIIA DAILY IVlflB : Tnt'KtfiyAv , SUPTE.UBHU ! JO , 185)7 ) ,
Dr. Shrlvtr , dentist. Mcrrtam blk. , mm 2 < 5
Mrs i : i : Hart Is visiting In Chicago this
Smoke Ollle'i Choice , 1023 South Mini
Wnlton's tor choice trulls and fancy gro
lUy Campbell nan returned to Ann Arbor
For Sale Oak finished family surrey , geol
os now ; cheat ) W A. Maurer.
Alexander I'eddy nf CmmntEljiirg Is In the
city , the finest of W. S. Wright.
Mrs I'rnnk HeveMy of Denver Is the gucU
of Mil. A T 1 toff may r of this city.
Sallnfactlon guaranleed at tlio reliable
Dlurr Pit } stoim laundry 1'honc 314.
Night school \Vcntcrn Ion a college In
rifleman building , commence * October 4.
Mlwi Agnes Hsancy and In-other Hrnrst have
KOtiu to Ilemlngford. Neb , to riiend the win
II. M Hlchnr of Washington , la , aMltttnl
United States tirosccutlng attorney \ In the
Deputy t'nltcd States Marshal 0. I ) . Wray
Is In tha city attending the term of United
.Stales court.
Mrs. W II Williams and Mr ? . James
riooil have none on a trip to Kansas and
Tcxai to visit friends.
Mayor Hnrton of Avnca , who has been
ppendltiK Kcveral days visiting In the city
returned homo yitiiday
Mn It II. ( Jrady and children have re
turned from Ion a City , where they spent
six \\cekH visiting relatives
There is no economy or tomfort In wearing
poor laundry vvotk The Haglc Is known
inerytthore as n good laundry. 72 ! Ilway
A sneak thi'f entered thu batn of City
ScivenK'V Nelson on A\enuo H yesterday
mo nlng anil carried oft part of a set of
liarne < | s.
The Lidles' Aid society of SI. John's Kng
llsli Lutheran chureh meets this aftctnonn
at the lesldencu of Mra M 1 > . Smith , 1420
ralrmount avenue.
Lost , lady's martin collarette ; red and
black ill ) : lining , Sunday , Between C19 South
Icnth and the Terminal bridge. Leave at
lic'o office lluwaid.
P. C Longtu returned yesterday from a
busliu'ss t Ip to Ad ims county , Neb HP
brought homo soiiio fine specimens of com
talked In that locality.
Uon t wait foi u bll/zard before you buy
jour winter coal , buy now Correct weight
guaranteed Prices as low as nnj In the
city Thomas Ulshton 240G Uvvay.
The Iowa School for the Deaf will begin Its
winter tem Monday morning. The pupils
are beginning to arrhe and the prospects art ,
that the attendance will be larger this jear
than e\er before
McKdames Stork and Crisp will give theli-
fall opening display of art needlework next
Friday and Saturday , October 1 and 2 , at
their stoic 311 Iluay. ; also our millinery
stock will be complete.
L. ronictoy , chler clerk of the Ilock Island
freight olllce , has returned from Wlnonn
Wls , where he spent his \acatlon. Mrs
1'omeroy has gone to I'ennsylvanla. where she
will spend several weeks with friends
Miss Olio Cook , who has been having an
exhibit of her work us a ceramlu artist ai
thu recent art exhibit In Chicago , writes her
friends In this city that she has been very
successful. She expects to return home
The lilt nds and family of John Maloney
voro Informed last evening that his disease
had reached a stagu wheio there was nS
longer anj hopi > of rtt-overy and that death
was cnly u few hours distant. William
JIaloney was hurriedly summoned from
Omaha last evening Mr Maloncy has been
In butlncsu here neaily all of his life
The French con-pany at Donahy's last
night gave a btautlful performance of Mr.
Carter's "Defaulter " L'ach member of the
cast seemed happily In his element. Mr- .
iHorn gave some new songs and specialties
in n highly satisfactory manner. Tculghi
the company will play Mr. Ocoigo naker'i
western drama In three acts , "The Lost
Mine. '
Iho n onagers of the Women's Christian
Association hospital have planned to have a
leecptlon at the hospital for business men
this evri.lng from 7 to 10 o'clock. The re
ception given to the physicians on Tue-idaj
afteinoon for the pin pose of permitting them
to meet Dr. Ferguson of Ch'cago ' was rathei
an unexpected Incident , but will not be per
mitted to Interfere with the icceptlon of the
business men that had previously been llxul
for this evening The reception will bo of
nn Informal character The women desire to
extend through the press a cordial Invitation
to all business men in the city to call during
the evening. Light refreshments will be
C. II. Vlavl Co , female remedy ; consulta
tion free Olllro hours , 0 to 12 and 2 to 5
Health look furnished , 32fi-327-328 Meiilain
N. V I'lumolng company. Tel. 250.
Don tli of n 1'rliitrr.
Nev\6 was iccclved hero yesterday of the
death of Dwlght Haggerty at Auburn , Neb.
Mr. Hagoity was one of the oldest pressmen
niul prlntets In the city and wan employed
here lor many years A year or two ago he
lost his position , and being unable to pro-
euro employ ment , went to Idaho and Mon
tana. lie drifted from ono point to another
nr.d finally located at the little Nebraska
town where ho bccuicd employment. Two
weeks ago he made a tlylng visit here and
was apparently In good health Ills friends
vvcro Krtatly shocked when they vveio 'in '
formed yesterday of his death , which was
mused by in attack of fever Mrs. Ilag-
goity was walling for the beginning of the
autumn teim of the Iowa School for the Deafer
( or the pui pose of placing their adopted deaf
and dumb son In the Institution , when she
intended to join her husblnd She was mot
mlvlied of his serious Illness until a day or
two hefoic hlu doith. lie was a member
of the Odd follows. Woodmen of the World
and Model n Woodmen , and the notlllcatlon
ot his iliuth was received through these
lodgtb hero yesterday Aiiangemcnts have
been made to have the body brought heru
for burial.
-\l lliiMoiilo ( irunil
A It , Dowcy of Washington , la .
U In the city the gueut of J. I ) . Atkins
Judge Dinu'y Is grand master of the Iowa
Masonic lodge , and while hero ho Is looking
around a little to bee what thu prospects
are for thu suitable entertainment ( if the
mcmbiis of thu order when the grand lodge
meets hero next June Mr. AtMim has
Bssurtd him that there is a fund of over
| 40,000 to be drawn upon and any number
of hospitable homes optm to thu members
and tlulr wives when thty get heie. Judge
Dewcy says the city can count on being
called to entertain thu largest gathering of
Masons In 'he history of thu state , All of
the Masons In Iowa expect to attend the
rxposltlon sometime during the year and
Judge Dewey says that nearly all of them
nlll attend the meeting nf the grand lodge
I ml eec the exposition at the same tlmo
No potash no mineral no danger
in S. 8. S. This menus a great
deal to all who know thu disastrous
clk'ots of tliesu drugs. It is the
only blood remedy guaranteed
Purely Vegetable.
S. S. 8. forces the disease out
through the ekin does not dry up
the poison to decay thu bones , like
mercurial mixtures da.
' J was almost a physical wreck , the result of
mercurial treatment
f or blood ] KIou ; H 89.
li a real blooj remedy ,
tor it cured me per-
minently " lion ry
KoU ) , ISISSomti Ninth
Btrr t , tit , Louli , Mo.
Hook * rrtej ddr u , Swift Specific Co. , JUluU.
Oarson Hears Another Delegation of
Franchise Advocates ,
rliif Well * . \\111 In in Moore niul
Oilier * Contend Hint the Mutter
INllal ( o lliiNlne-MH tit
tinClt > .
The friends of the Omaha & Council lllulfs
ind Manawa molor franchise * who have been
clrcu'allng petitions appealing to Mayor Car
son to sign the ordinances as Ihey have come
fiom the hands of the council were not ready
to submit tbulr lists of voters to the mayor
at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. It vvas
thought advisable to continue the circulation
of Iho petitions today In the meantime a
number of reprc'entallve business men
waited upon Mayor Carson shortly before 4
o'clock Gcoige K. Wright announced that
the'o men hud droniod Ihelr business In Ihc
b-.uiesl parl of the day for thf purposeot
giving the city's executive a candid expres
sion of their views as to the Imoortanco of
Immediate attlon Mr Wright also assured
Iho miyor that Mi company would muke no
appeal to tlio pcnplo beyond the ext > iexploits
tint would shortly bo c-onveyed lo him In
the foim of p ttlons !
Lucius Wells thought the responsibility
thai rested upon the nnyor was Ihe greatest
that hid over been Imposed upon any man
occupying- position In Council IllulTs The
wholesale Intelests of the city were moic
vitally Intelested In the street railway be
tween Omihn nnd Council llluffs than any
other one thing , and u deliberate attempt lo
curtail and cilpplc that service could only be
Ulideistood .isa blow meint to bo Inflicted
upon the wholesale Interests. During the
late N'ebrnsKa Slate fair hundreds of customers
tomors from thewesl nnd casl who had never
been In their vvnrehouses before vl ltcd them
They fell lhat when they got to Omaha they
were also In Council H ] tiffs. He urged the
innyer to nppiovo the ordinance
W W Loam Is took the 3ine view of the
elluallon that Mi Wells had and declined
that Ihe jobbing Interests would be driven out
of the city If the schc'ine to cr.pplc the motor
company was permitted to be realized.
William Moore said every day brought
more wcstein customers Into their stoio
and as tlio bulk of Ihelr business came fiom
west of Ibe Missouri Hvel , If Iho mean *
of communication was Interiupted and cur
tailed , It meant , n Ions of business or a change
of locallon He Ihoughl If permitting the
motoi company lo extend Its chnilcr surn-
clently to refund Its bonds it could gel $200 -
000 of additional eastern capital fcr Invest
ment In increised equipment and enlarged
servUc , It w s something mo'e than mere
short sighted policy that opposed It.
H M Sargent as-suted the mayor f'lt a
great majority of the laxpaylng citizens weie
as anxloua as were the business men to have
the oidlnance approved.
1 C Honham s > uld he endorsed the senti
ment of Mi Moore and asberlcd with vehe
mence lhat the cilppllng of the motor com
pany was the crippling of the town and all
of Its Intelosts.
E. H. Men lam asked the mayor If when
the pelllions were presenled lo him from
the advocates of the extension he would con-
sldur the names on each petition as one in
favoi of the approval of both ordinances ,
provided the total of the names showed a
majority of Ihc' voters were asking for the
approval of thu ordinance. The mayor said
he would answer laler.
John 1. Lulz uigcd the approval of the
oidlnanccs for the purpose of permitting the
work contemplated on both lines to be done
In time to confer Some benefit.
P. II. Hill said he was In favoi of ap-
proviil Ho vvas certain that all of the best
people in the city were In favor of it
H. W. Hinder said he represented $2,000,000
woilh of property In Council lllulfs belong
ing to eastern Investors Ho had satisfied
himself that the motor line was in all re
spects superior to any slrcel car syslem In
any rily in Iho United States , end It was
Kiiov.ii as such all over the countiy. U
would be a grcal detriment lo the city lo
have It needlessly crippled
Samuel Haas. John P. Weaver and a num
ber of others spoke In the same vein. A.
H. UeLong of the llisl Omaha Laud company
and the Nebraska end of the otreot car com
pany that has unltcj with the Manawa com
pany for the construction of the new line
via Casl Omaha declared lhat Ihc IralTle- ar
rangement with his company would not per
mit the delay of an appeal to the people for
a franchl'o If Ihis measure was killed. He
wild ho represented a company Ibal had In
vested mlllionn of dollais In East Omaha
and Ibero was no way lo gel 11 out except
as they developed It. He declared the de
mand foi o Etiulght fi-u'nt fare on the Omaha
line could not be granted at the present tlmo
without lorses lhat mean Immediate bank
ruptcy. He believed the approval of the or
dinances was for the benefit of Council Bluffs
as well as Omaha ,
After Alexander Wood and others had
spoken In the tsamo strain Mayor Carson an
nounced his Intentions , which were to look
afUr the only Interests ho had In the woild ,
bin iulcieUs lu Council Bluffs. He declared
t'liiphtillcally thai ho woull assume the whole
nsponslblllty for the future fate of the two
ordln inces WheMi the petitions were pre
sented to him and examined today lit' would
announce his determination , which would
eltner be to approve the ordinance or send It
back to the council after October 1 with his
The petitions tint will bo presented to the
mayor todiy will be. monster affairs. The
Maniwa people have over 2,000 names to their
apprtil itnd the Omaha line will have fully as
1'roni SullliIIII'H rixh
At 15c a pound we otter smelts , halibut ,
( launder , black bass , ficsh cod and boa bass ;
trout nnd white fish , lOc ; calmon , 12c ; oys
teu , 2f > c ; blue points , 20c.
fleorge S Davlb now has the prescription
nio of A D Foster and P. 0 Schneider and
can icflll any prescription wanted at any
time 200 Uway.
Monuy to loan lui any amount at reduced
rates on approved security , James N Cas-
ady , Jr , 2JO Main sticct.
rimituourF is iv si : > sio\ .
I'D II r romiffrrrlliTN IMeiiil ( iilllt >
MeKiilurlit .IIIIIIUH Illx lloiul.
What Judge Woolson facetiously terms
' the bootleggers' convention , " was convened
In the federal court yesterday The grand
jury was put to work on the cases that have
been presented to It. The disposition to get
through with the business as rapidly us Is
consistent with Juulcu led to eomo trouble
yesterday between the grand Jury and some
of thu witnesses that bad been called upon
testify before It. The witnesses became
obstreperous and lefutod to answer the
questions propounded by the Imiulsltois
The matter was reported to Judge Woolson ,
and he called the witnesses before him and
finally * ent them down to the county Jail
to spend the night.
Several prisoners who have been under ar
rest for panning counterfeit money , when
they were airalgned yesterday , entered pleas
of guilty and threw themselves on the
meicy of the couit Thu first of these was
Andy Ilroasernun. who was arrested with
McKnlght last bpilng , just aftei they had
started out on an expedition with a covered
wagon to scatter -ounteifelt coin over west
ern low j IlroKterman has been In Jail ull
summer , but McKnlght s ° cuied a bond from
Omaha , and was released early In tha sum-
incr , He failed to show up when called yes
terday , and the otlicers Informed the court
that be had sl.lpped the country. His bond
for Jl 000 wan declared forfeited Ills sister -
ter , Mrs Kelley and Julius Cooley , are on
the bond. .Instructions were given by the
couit to eomtiunce Immediate proceedings
for the collection of the face of the band
Dresserman pleaded guilty. Henry Ellers ,
Lvtuietl A counterfeit dollar in ralr
mount piik. entered the same plea John
Keins and William Frost another braes of
tountrrfeltcrs. who came over from Uellp-
vue , Neb. well supplied with lead quarters ,
admitted that they were guilty of all that
was charged Against them
T \MHM it i D IH s "CrlMTTn icornr. .
CHIIHitnliiNt 1'imcll niul HUIior Ar
Coiilliitu-il for Tlilrlj DIIJH.
Officer Albert ! returned yesterday from
Oalva , la. , with P J. Powell and W E
Dlshcr , the two tandem bicyclists who were
supposed to be the men who hid robbeJ old
man Mo hcr at the Metropolitan hotel When
placed under arrest at Galva absolutely no
evidence whatever was discovered among
their possessions to show that they had
Mcaher's watch or any of bis money Mr.
Hlttlngcr atid Mr Klmball of the Merchants'
hotel In Omaha took a look1 at the men and ]
at once declared that they were not the two
men In whom the hotel had an Interest.
Their casee were continued for thirty days
and they were permitted to go their way
The men live In St Edwards Neb. , where
Mr Powell's father conducts a lumber yard
The young men tay they left there last
Thursday with the Intention ot taking a long
wheel trip , going as far as Chicago before
they returned. The officers feel they were
justified In causing their arrest The young
men were In town last evening They left
fielr tandem at Galva and say they will re
turn there by train and continue their Jour
ney and leturn to Council Uluffs at thu ex
piration of the thirty days.
Ai < - Vim Ni'iMousf
I * > ! lliirsfoi'il'M > lil PliilM > lille.
lr II N. D Paiker , Chicago , 111. , says
"I have thoroughly tested It In nervous dis
eases , dyspep'ia and general debility , and
In eveiy case see greit bencllt from Us use. "
ICtiolO toni" < < COIIICH lleftire nior-
tldll 11(111 I'll lit I ) 'H MlllllFN.
DKS MOINES , Sept 29 ( Special Tele-
giant ) The Statu Election board sat nil
day today on a remarkable contested nomina
tion case. Two conventions were held In the
Seventy -fifth representative dlstilct , com
posed ot Hancock and Wilght counties , and
two republican candidates nominated The
board must cliooso between them. Wilght ,
having much the larger republican vote , has
always contiolled the convention and nom-
Imted the representatives. This year the
Hancock people decided to have a fair
chance. Theli county chairman got up a call
for a district convention , making the basis
of leprebcntatlon ono delegate for each
county ana one for each 1250 republican
votes or majority fraction thereof cast labt
fall. As Wright hid 2 900 ami Hancock
1.900 votes this gave each county three dele
gates. Thu call was submitted to the Wright
cojnty chairman. In accordauce with the old
custom of having the two chairman Join In
Issuing the call for the district convention.
Thu Wright chairman declined to sign It
uno , fiihl Wright county would not stand by
It. He Ihsued a call of his own and made
the representation blxteen foi Wright and
eleven foi Hancock , the same as at the state
convention. The Hancock people held theli
convention Hist and , as Wright was not rep
resented , three men composed the gathering
They gravely nominated M. H. Chambers of
Garner , Hancock county for reprebentatlve
and sent off to DCS Molns a certificate ot
the nomination , duly swom to Next day
Wilght county met and , without any dele
gates from Hancock , nominated P. S. Harts
horn for representative. When bib papeis
were sent to Des Molnes It was found the
Hancock man was ahead of him. The con
test resulted A decision will probably be
reudeied tomorrow , but the members ot the
board &ay It Is a ' > anl question ,
( \unTrn TIIISTILI. . cov'rnvr.
ICfforl to lie Mmlo ( o Knock Out tin-
Muli'l l.uiIn MIC CourlN.
DES MOINES , Sept. 29 ( Special Telc-
giam ) The new code goes Into effect Pi I-
day. With It the new cigarette mulct law
will become effective This provides that
cigarettes can only be sold by persons who
shall pay a mulct license of J300 annually ,
the tax to be a lien on real estate In which
the business is conducted Locil dealers In
tobacco say there is little chance that a sin
gle license will be taken out Envvvherc In
the state. No dealer In the city Intends to
try to continue the business.
The American Tobacco compiny has In
formed dealers that it will make a test case
under the new law , as soon as It is In effect.
Some dealei hcie will be backed to sell in
violation of the law and the case will be ear
ned to the highest courts as socn as possi
ble The American Tobacco company suc-
ceeoed last yeai In securing a legil declara
tion that the cigarette prohibition law vvcs
unconstitutional , and contends that the opin
ion In that case will furnish a precedent for
holding the new law likewise unconstitu
orricnits roit wu vv. . c. T. v.
Sioux Cll > 1M11 I'roI.nMj Secure the
Wv ( Convention.
OrtESTON , la. , Sept. 29 ( Special Tele
gram ) The second day's meeting of the
state Woman's Christian Temperance union
convention was replete with Interesting
events. Mre Marlon II. Dunham of Bur
lington was re-elestcd president ; Mrs
Scnebsler of Spencer , vice president ; Mrs.
Godfrey of Lyons , ticasurer ; Miss Ilelld Nix
of Danville , corresponding secretary , and
Mis Carhart of Marion lecoidlng secretary.
Mi's Eva Sellouts of Chicago raised $1,100
for the Temple.
The executive committee will probably
decide the next convention place , Sioux City
favoi ably considered.
Ono thousand people attended today's ses
sions and 1,200 were packed Into the Meth
odist church tonight. The convention bas
adopted the following recommendations
"An amendment to the constitution giving
women the full right of franchise ; a com
pulsory reformatoiy for women ; that the
ago of protection for our youth be raised to
IS years. " The convention closes tomorrow
evening with a speech by John 0 , Wooley.
\7 > V\lv ST.Cl III > A COVI'IM'ANCU
Till.en lo Indicate tluil Vo CliniiKe of
Venue Will lie Hcinnlil.
CEDAR HAl'IDS , la , Sept. 29. ( Special
Tclegiam ) In the district court at Vlnton
thu attorney of Frank A Novak , the Walfort
murderer , asked for a continuance until the
November term , saying ho had not had time
to preprre for trial County Atttornoy Tobln
did not resist and the continuance was
granted This Is taUen as an Indication thai
no effort will bo made to secure a ehango ol
io I\TIM > ru \
MouCltj Council Mt > H .No ( o ( lit
street Itiillwii ) C'OIIIIIIIICM. | |
SIOUX CITY , Sept 29 ( Special Tulegram. )
The city council at Its meeting tonight re
jected the requests of the various street rail ,
way companies of this city for extenbions of
their franchlseb There has been a hard
fight over this question for the last two weeks
and considerable feeling has been arouecd
After October 1 under the new law this
question will bo settled by the popular vote
of the people.
r. o. niiouvs POSITION is sntiui :
limn roiiKrcMriitloiiiillxlH Decline li
HcNclnil Their llcceiillon of , Him ,
DUHUQUE , la , Sept 29 , The Congrega
tional conference at Mancucfltcr has recon
BiJtrul Us action of yesterday relating to
Hcv C O Drown and declined unanimously
to rescind Its former action receiving liiovvn
Into the coiiferenco an requested by the Uay
IMcM from Hie KtlcclM of a Hum ,
C'PDAU HAI'IDS , la , Sept 29 ( Specla
Telegram ) Mrs HOBS , a colored woman 75
years old was badly burned last night by a
lamp explosion. She died this morning from
the effects of her injuries
Arnold's llroino Celery cures headache *
lOc , 20c and BOc , All druggists.
Takes ths Initial Gnmooffin Pcriea with
the EridegrJohiVi
InltltiioreIIIM n Clti'e1 > Conlovt
nnil llciiiilirul liiiSirt1 froiu the
SinatorHeu ' "YorKe-r *
Dunn the I'lillllc * .
HUOOKLYN , Sept. 29mie Ilostons and
Drooklyns began a scries of three gimes at
Eastern park this afternoon on which much
lepcnds for both teims The winning of all
the games will give the Hostons the ehiiu-
plonshlp , no matter what DaHlmore does
\ majority of the games for UrooKly n means
a cinch on the only place still left In the
first division sixth. The management had
planned to bcculle a largo crowd , but the
cranks failed to materhllze and when the
game began only about 3,600 persons were
It was Kennedy against Lewis and for six
innings It was nip and tuck , Lewis having
a shade the best of the argument. In the
seventh Inning Kennedy took a rldo In the
airship and before he came bick to earth
the llcaneatcrs had hit him for oao three-
bagger , a single and a sacrifice , which
brought In four runs This was more than
Captain Griffin would stand and so he called
on Pavno In the eighth Inning Ho looked
like Kennedy to the llostonn and three more
runs was the result , thus clinching the vic
tory. Aftei the third Inning Lewis bad the
bomo team completely at his mercy. The
support given the youngster bordered on the
phenomenal Duffy took a ball oft the left
Held fence ami was loudly cheered for It It
WHS a grind piece ot work Stahl caught
Schochs' foul ily from oft the top of the
picket fence In the sixth. Long and Lowe
seemed to be all over the field
The Boston rooters had a section all to
themselves In the grand btctnd. There were
not over seventy -five ot them but what they
lacked In numbers they made up In enthu
siasm The Boston contingent brought every
los'lble kind of on article which they
thought would provo a mascot for .their
favorites , and a hoodoo to the Brooklyn ; ;
One came with n large broom on which was
a ribbon printed "A Clean Sweep for the
Hub " They hid small opportunity to c\ert
themselves until after the sixth , and then
they made up for lost time The game wab
called at the end of the eighth on account
of darkness Score.
u n o A n I it n o A n
Tones , rf . Hum' ton , cf 2 T 2 0 0
Shlnille. 3b. 0 1 0 2 3 Tenne > , II ) 2 2 1 B 0
GriniM , cf. I.owc , 2b 22130
Ich'nci. Ib 0 1 700 Stnhl if. . . J 3 2 0 0
fcliccltiml , KS 0 0 0 0 2 Dufrj. If .
Schocli , 2b 1 1 4 1 0 C'oUInx , 3b 22021
A Smith If 0 0 1 0 0 Long , hs .
Iluircll o . 0 0 6 2 0 II rs n , c . . 0 2 3 2 2
Ki-nnidy , p. n 0 2 3 0 Lewis , p . .
I'ny ne , p. . 0 0 0 1 0 , -
- TptnlH . . 12 18 24 9 3
Totula . . . 4 5 24 10 7l | . ,
llrookljii . . 1 1101000-4
llo'ton . 3-l >
Uimcd runs , llroolclyn , 1 , Jiostoii 6 rirst
bac l > > errots Jlrooklvn 2 , IToMon 4 Ixft ? on
IJI CBJlrookl > n , 5 liotton , 7. in p on tnlls.
Off IvPimeily.l , off Lcwl % li Mruck out- llj
Kenncili 1 , b } LcwK 3. by I'.IMIO , 1 Three-
bate hit Tenntj Two base hits' ht ihl (2) ( ) ,
llerKen Milmlle Sncilllre'hlts.1 .Tones , A Smith ,
Teiine } Duffy Stolen Hnmlltnn Collins ,
> one Moublu pl.i > . Kennil > to I.ich ince
Ivennul > to t-choch Intxeilbijl. Herein VV lid
pitch : l.c H rmplrch' Cirpcntir anil I\nUi
BALTIMORE , Sept. 23 Washington wont
down befoie the champions today In a fine
contest. The game was qharacterized by
the sharpest kind of fipldlng on both sides ,
Wrigley and Jennings bearing off the palm.
Nops , whllo hit for double figures , wab very-
effective In tight places , whereas McJamcs
with six passes to first , two bit batsmen and
a wild pitch helped the Orioles -to victory.
Today s contest vvat , in marked contrast to
that ot Monday. The reaction seems to
have sot In and though the faithful local
"rooters" are full of hope the enthusiasm
of Monday last was conspicuous by its ab
sence. Attendance , 1,019. Scoie.
it n o v i : U II O A U
McGravv , 3b 1 i 1 J 1 hclbich , If 01000
Kepler , rf . Grttnmn , ifO 0 0 3 0
TMnlrpi ES 1 1150 Pemont , 2b 0 1 2 4 1
Killoj If. . . I'airtll , c 00711
Stenzel , if 10200 Tuchn Hi
Ijovlc , Ib . 1 2 14 1 0 Drawn , cf.
Reli2b . 0 0 1 u 0 I nhj , 2b . 10
I lark , c VVHUey. ts 1 2 i 2 0
Nops p . . McJam < s ] i 1 3 0 0 0
Totals . 6 8 27 15 1 Totals 3 11 24 S 2
lldlllmnn. . I 2 1 0 0 2 0 0 -c
\Vat-liliiKton . . . . 0 J
I ? lined rinm. Ililtlmon 1 , Washington 1
Two bai ( > hits : ' 1 uiUer Keeler Sncrlllce hlf
Killc > Stolen -IHSOU : McCJrnw (2) ( ) liiovvn ,
Stenzel , Kiltz JennhiKi < 3 > Double pln >
ln > lc ( unassisted ) IXMI on bates , lliltlnuup
10 , W islilnston 10 rirct bate on balls : Off
Nops , 1. off MiJam" , fi lilt b > pitched bill
JennliiRH , C'lult .Struck out H > Nops , I , t >
MeJumrs 4 Wild pitch : McJiimes. Time
Two horns and five minutes L'mplie Hurst.
NEW YORK , Sept. 29. E rors In the fliot
Inning and clean batting In the second gave
the New Yorka a lead which the Phillies
could not overcome. Although they hit thu
ball more fiequcntly than aid the Giants ,
the Phillies' only run was a homer by Cle
ments. With a lead of six runs Rusle re
tired at the end of the beventh and "SI" Sey
mour went on the slab , He succeeded In
striking out five men and being hit but once
purely a gift affair by Taylor. Score-
H II OAK It II O \ 17
V'Hiil'n , cf J 4 3 0 0 Cooley , rf 03200
Wllmont. If 2 1 2 0 I ) IMwil cf
Davl , m 22330 D'hunty , If 0 0 1 0 ( i
Glen on , 2b 1 1 0 3 0 1 , iJole Hi 0 i 11 0 0
GettlB 3b 00100 Miugnrt cs. 0 0 3 C a
M C'le'ry. rf 0 o 2 0 0 Miller. 2b 00310
Clarke. Ib 00800 Natb , Ib . 0 0 0 1 1
Warner , c 0071 0 Geler , 3b 01010
Ilu-le , p 0 0 0 J 0 Clements , c 1 1 200
bp > mour , p 0 0 0 1 0 Taylor , p. . . 0 3031
Totnlo . . . 7 8 27 10 O1 Totals 1 11 l11 5
New Yn k . 23000020 * -7
1'hlladelphla , . . 00000010 0 1
rarntd lulls : Ni w York , 3 Two-base lilts :
W'llmot , Gtlcr , Cooley. Three Imse hlf Ii\p. |
Home- run : Clement ? Double plnja : Davis to
Clnrl. , Glraoii lo Davl to Clark , GleaFon to
Davis to Clark I'lrst bace on errors New
York , 4 I'lrKt baKion ball . Off Ituale. 1 , off
Tajlor 1 , off io'iimn , 1 Struck out. Ily
Hublo , 3 , b > Taylor , 1 bj Seymour , 3 1'ntneil
ball- Clement Wild pitches : RUEle. Tuylur
(2) ( ) , Seymour Left on basis : New I oik 4 ,
I'hlladilphla , 1 Time ; One hour nnd fortj.
nine minutes. Umplit. : Kmsllt Attendance
Played , Won. Lobt. PC.
Boston . 130 32 38 70.8
Baltimore . Vil 89 38 70.1
New- York . . )2Q ) 82 47 u3 C
Cincinnati . ! ' 129 " 74 D5 574
Cleveland . .128 C9 D9 S31) )
Brooklyn . \1M \ ' CO 70 4C 2
Washington . 129 ' B9 70 457
I'lttsburg . . ' I2S G7 71 44 C
Chicago . , , , rr-29 57 72 44.2
Philadelphia . 130 04 70 415
Thousand * of happy'ifiob pronounce this
work the meansof their physical salvation
It Rlvts the latest sclcutificfoctsconLfrnlng
marriage. cirri
It Jrbcrlbc-6 the onTyHcrluwn method of at
taining fullest natural injinly vftfor.
It points out lonieTeatment ! for all ex.
cesseb and Fexual disbarments.
It chowg how to cure nervousness. Ixme.
lessncts , despondency
One copy of "ClV.IPUlTB MANHOOD
AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT" Bent free , in
plnln wrapper , sealed ncurely , to the mlcirtbs
ufanv hlntere inquirer , by the Krle
Company , 64 Niagara bt , liuflulo , K Y.
OR ,
Private Diseases
Hlrtitu * d UUgrdir f
1X1 VmraUxpcrifnco
IU Year am Uiruhc.
Book Free , ( ' ( iimnlla-
UuaFieo. Ilix7Gau
14th and Farcam Bti.
Loiil-svlllo . 127 M 76 4021
St. LouU 12S 2ii IPO Jl )
O iiioB loilay IJcwton At llrooklyn , Nov
York at riilliulellihli WnslilUKtoti nt Hit-
11 in ore. Clpvclniul at IMttsburR , Cincinnati
it Louisville Chicago at St Loult
VMP.S op TIM : iiivt'.MM nun .
llronrrx llmlH llonlcn n < lluinc.
run.MON'T. Xcb Sept -Special ( Tele
gram ) West Point's crnek ba o ball teim
mil no trouble In boating the rremoiil Urovv
era In Rood shape this afternoon Turner
itched a good KOHIC and was well supported
Tlio West Point" ) did some heavy vvoik In
the fifth Inning. Score-
West Point . . . 2 0 1 0 4 0 0 1 1 9
rremont 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
Ilaso hits. Wc t Point , IB ; Fremont 4.
Errors- West Point , 2 ; 1'reniont , \ . Hitter-
los : West Point , Turner and Corbctt ; Trc-
mont , Holdcu nnd Jamison. Umpire
i.ivni.v si oliTi IT TP.UHI : IIVITI : .
\niinliiN Tli-i HIP Wiirlil'n Itoooril for
P iir-A t-nr-Uliln.
TRIUIK HAUTK. Hid Si t 29 Rlghte n
licats were pulled off todiy In live and a
half hours , and yet tuo iiiiflnlslieJ and ono
uncalled race go over till tomorrow It WA * a
day of rare sport ami the 2 O'J vice enabled
Ananias to tlo the world's record for -t-yoir-
olds , when he captured the first heat In
2 OG i He Sure made the record for that
age over this track last year. The 2 2S trot
was a long drawn out affair , the favoMtc ,
May Tern , winning after seven heats had been
trotted. The 2-ycar-old trot was nn easy
tiling for Lady Moyro , nothing In the pirty
being nblu to glvo her an argument. Per-
Eonotte had bean played for a favorite In
the 2 21 pace , but flvc heats were requl cd to
decide It In the third heat Tom Tnggirt
lowered his iccord from 2 20'i to 2 12U. nd
then ciult , Arllne Wllkes cnptlirlng the two
icmalnlng heats The 209 pace and the
2 14 trot are iinflnlahcd Pool Hclllm ; on the
foimcr Is heavy , Planet being the fnvoiltc.
Summary :
2-2S trot , purse $1,501) ) ( unflnl < hcil Tuesday )
M y Kern won third , fifth ind seventh heats
and race Time : 2 H'4 , 2 12ifc , 2.13 . Me
dium Wood well second and sixth beats
'lime 2 13"4 , 214V4 Pearllne C won first
lirat Time : 2 12V4 Nancy Time won fourth
heat In 2 13H. Nobby. White Points , Modeno
and Acts Tell also started.
Two-ycar-old pace , purse JGOO- Lady Moyro
won two heats and lace Time2 J04
322. Newton Hey , Crystal Wllkes , Gilh
'vVolbel nnd Governor Uushnoll also started
2 21 i > ace , purse $1,000. Aillne Wllkes
won first , fourth and flfth heats and race
Time 2 1194 , 2 14 , 2 13'fc. Personetto won
hccond heat In 2 14 % Tom Taggirt won
third heat In 2 12U Indlina , Quickly , HIrch
Nut and Anna Lee also started ,
2 O1) ) pace , purse $2,000 ( unfinished ) Ananias
won that and second heats. Time II OG8 * ,
207. Planet won thlid heat In 2 Ot ! Gllci
Noycs won fou-th heat. Time 2 OS. Judge
Swing , Miss Williams , Frank Hogash , Blight
Llglit and Ole Hutch also started.
2.14 trot , purse $1,000 ( unfinished ) : Cap
tain Jack won flret and second heats. Time.
2:14U : , 2:10 : > 4. Hans McGregor , Repeat , West
Wllkes , Little ndgur , Carld. J ne Shelton ,
Sunland Clay , Don Olalrd and Countess Kvc
also started.
'I'linllcn ' 1'iUM-M niul Troto.
HALTIMOIIE , Sept. 29 There was a much
larger crowd at Plmllco today than on the
opening day , and the second day's sport
was good enough to repay the going Ycs-
tenlay'H unfinished 2.14 pacing racu was
won by Minnie P In first-class time. Tin
flr t raca on today's card wont over until
tomorrow after six licats had been trotted
and darkness caino on before the lar = t one ,
a 2 14 trot , could be started. Hesults-
214 pacing , unfinished from Tuesday
Mlnnlo P weri three fctralght. Hest time ,
2.10'i. Democracy Helle , 1 0 Jl C and Mary
Gariett also started.
3 18 pacing : Morrlll won second , third and
fourth heits Hest time : 2 U'4. David won
lira Time 3.13 % . nvailne , Prlncccs M ,
Kmma H , Nina Noble , Robert T , Sister Penn
and Ray C also started.
2 27 trolling ( unfinished ) : Tlmbcrlake
won first and third heats Time2 21H
Hazel wen fourth and sixth Time 2 18a4
Second won by Miss Wllkes. Time : 2 21 < 4.
Sprlnglock won fifth heat. Time : 2 21 i
Mattle Young , Princess Ortoff , Martin , Col
leen Dawn , Nella S and Charllno also utarted
ll < lt Itt'lllOX-N SlINIK-IIMlollN.
BALTIMORE ! . Sept 2 J Chairman Albert
Mott of the racing board of the League of
American Wheelmen announces that sus
pensions have been removed from the fol
lowing and that they are permitted to ride
at onceA. . E. Leabhardt , Paul J. McLean ,
W A. Lantz , A. R. Shellhas , W. P. McLay
and D r. Fettermnn This action Is taken
because the official organ failed to publleh
the warning
Mnth ( Mo ( o > mill Cr > tilmi.
NEW YORK. Sept. 29 Colonel John T.
Hopkins of Chicago , Kid McCoy and Dan
For Infants and Children.
wel Al Smith the stakeholder yci-
terday nnd ariangtM a match between McCoy
I nd erection , W A Hrady-Tenewed hit offer
of bk luiiie propulti | ! lo put up $2,500
forfeit money and demanding that the men
do the > simp The offer w taken Into ton-
Bldcratlon , and If no bettor Is received be
fo-e October 7 It will bp accepted
lit Siiudi DtiUotn Mnlr Pntr.
YANKTO.V S 0 , Sept --Special ( Tele-
) Iho races nt the stnlo fair Rrouiuls
I todny were hotly contested nnd the grand
' I dtnml vvns cro\viled with spectators The
. program consisted cf a pielng and n tiottlng
1 r.ico , the $150 running race having Mlleil to
fill Tlu > two rnccs were contested In .ill the
"Ih " , clients and resulted nsfollou ? , with nnmrs
of horse : ) winning money-
Pacing , mile heats , best three In five purse
$250. nine eutrles George W ( Knoch Pratt
owner ) won , Mlnnnh Dell second , Satlrn ( H
L Somers ) third. Starboird ( H 0 Shellen-
b'rger ) fourth Host time 2 2fl ' ,
Ttottlng , mile heats , best three In five
purse $200 , lx entries Jack Duller ( P C
Rathburn owner ) won , Prlnco Amo ( C M
Klotzbach ) second. Competlno 11 ( J S Smith )
third , HmdrlckN jr ( Owen Porter ) fourth
HfHl time. 2 20 Vi
> ( M % .Ic-rniM sintv ' .lioiil.
N1JW YORK Sept. 29 - The second day of
thd NewTewey Htale ehoot wns favored by
fine wealhci and n lirger attendance tlmn
on Its opening dnv The contostH today
were at Inanimate targets. fhcro were
thlrlHcn ev ents on the program In the state
events Justus Von Lengciko killed fifteen
straight. K Tayloi did as well In the second
evrnl and Noel 12 Mone'y killed Iwcnly-llvo
straight In the fifth reseived sfnto event.
In the open cnc-tits " 147" vvon easily v\lth
n clean score of Iwenty-flve , and Rd Fulford
of Utlca , N Y , dropped clays In his usually
brilliant style.
Viimtoiir Pool Hall Ti-nin ,
This afternoon the High school will agiln
tiy Its material , this time wllh Conn oil's
aggrogallon of ex-High school warriors The
game will be played at I'nlvcislty pirk. com
mencing piomptly at 3 p m Tlio llnc-up
for the High school is as follows Centei ,
Stokes , right guard , Ncllson ; right tackle
Hughes ; light end , Hutchison ; left guard
Fiadcnburg , left tackle. Coitelyou ; left end
Thomas ; quarterback , Spafford , right half
back , Scotl ; left halfback. Tricy , tullbick
ItllfCN III DllllKC COHIll * I'll If.
FHRMONT. Neb. , Sc-pt 29 ( Special Tele
gram ) None bul howes owned In Dodge.
county were ellKiblo In the races nt the
fair grounds this afternoon. The first inco
for green horses was won by Scotl Wall's j
gelding , Hob Siturii , In Iwu straight beats
Time 3 01 , 3 02 The next , 2 30 class , John [
Ronlu's horse , Wnvorly , also won by a neck |
In two straight licats Time. 2 35 , 2.35.
Running sores , Indolent uirers and lmllnr
troubles , even though of many years' standIng -
Ing , may be cured by using DeWltl's Witch
Hazel Salve. It soothes , strengthens nnd
heals. It Is the great pllt > cure.
pcmir\sr op 'IOA" > \\nvnip.n.
Kuli- null Coiilcr In NrlirniUa , with
\orllmvst \ \ liulN.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 29 Forecast foi
ThuiMlay :
Tor Nebraska Fair ; coolei , northwest
For South Dakota Fair ; cooler In eastern
portion ; variable winds.
For low a Fair ; cooler In wpstoin per
tlon nnd eastern portion Thursday , south
winds , becoming northwest.
For Missouri Cooler Thuisday night ; south
winds , becoming northwest.
For Kansas Fair ; cooler In eastern portion
tion ; north winds.
For Wyoming Fair ; variable winds
SUDDENLY and rack th >
Demi Use the tobacca
you rtqnlre and take
B co-Curo It li Unorig
inal Ouarantea Remedy
( mousy refuade If It
fat i to cure I BACO-
CURO notlOfi
of caret 60o
when to itop by removing
or 91 boxeg , 3
moving the dnlr <
boxei ( gnaran-
It learei the tyi-
tf d t
tem free from
every tlac * of
liureka Chemical and Manufac
turing Co. , l.a Crone , Wls.
> Io t torturlnc and iliMlmirlng nt
tnirnlnc , .ily tUn and snip htnnors li In
stantly relieved bv n vtaun bath with Cwri
ci K i SOAP , n single Ion of C'tiTU i HX
( ointim-nt ) , the giculsKIn euro , nmlnf ull do o
of CtTltlli UvxiLV KNT , greatest of blood
jmrlflcra nnd liumorcure < , vvhou all else f IU.
1'lmnlr VTM IU1-Y I
( OH BVPniLlS )
nuntiinlro to rVUK KVKICV
Our cure I rrrmnnmt Mul not K imtchlng up CAM *
ttfdtrd tt u * cAt fifro hn\n ncM i Minn Mtiipum Mnco.
Ily ill HI tiling * QIHM \ tullMI cnh tnnf jmi bj inntl *
nmtuf > tth imirftnipKironffKURiAtiUe Uicmttot lelmut
nil mont , ) Ihnsp ) m imUr to colm In * it' fet tirnt-
nifnt iKtnlopo ntitt np wilt | IA\ lull toivl laiti b tti wnis
ftn.Uiotel I'llli lillc hrio H u IA ! ) to cure ocliftl *
It tiev ihp inlil l or it a co tlml nut lluulc Iti-iuroV
will tut ( .11 to Uitlc tin full laitlniUK ami vet tt\o
c litfiuoktiovtht Mtiinu t > kr | tlinl.Jttftlj tolin ? ,
HK the tnopt iinlnriit i ln * > tilniiv | > KM netii l > r * n nbtn
to RM < nunc tlmn tcnipoimirlltf la ittir ten
pirn lift ulth tlil llnulo ltoniiMl\ IINH iHeu
illdlrtilt totitrrromp ihint | > ju < ltrrr'ttirnln t nil M >
pporinox. llnl nn lei mit Hn > n iruuinnuoMin phuuU
dot lic ltatc tory II I * ivimiU. on tnko no chance of
loMittf joui mono \ e KtiAcantte lo cine ur Kfttntl
( MM onllar utul A ? > o IIUMu ui ntAtUli lo | mi tut ,
nlMi thianclfil l > nrkltm of K5t OUH > . It If irifrttly
Mfptoall wlioHI ti > tlu tnntincnt lliuitofoio > mi
IIQM IHID | nttltikUi | ulul pAMntr out jour tiuMiin ro
UIHciTnt turttitirntunn I Altlioiifrn uunitMutt rtinitHl
no ont IKM puKl liACk jour ntoiuDo nut wiuiU * niiV
niou niuno until inn fiy u * . Ol ft.liroiil ( , lutt - ttd
r "i K curt it in thtttj to nlnctj ilajs. Im ltpntoour
( Inanclnl tttaiulhiR. oiu teiiuditlun an Itu lnrfit nun.
Uiltu u * fur nnintM nml [ uMuea or thee \vp hn Q
nn l , uho ha\i rhrn iH > nuloloii to ut i to tht * n.
It itMftou iniU I't UiKc lode tiiini \\HUa\c > o in
MOthlof ftitU HUT fiiuu nu ulnl Ktinln t ind IT > ou in
iitAiilciI what nm > > out olUttnk | * i > ttlUi tltioiiKli M ur
onnmullKUiu ' it ntn f > > in | > tonitttu pliiM liMHUuio *
poll1 thivnt , niucoutuitilits lit tnotitti lluutimtlun Itt
bencH nn 1 joint ? , Imlr THllInK olit uuitltw1 * on nnv
Iift rt ol the 01 1ftt llu of trim ml il < pitt ion putnittt
iridnr lione , MIU JinM imtltm in uu tt Ihi ) o\\Iia
aio ion tHiith taklti nit ixin \ niul ) > otHh nh until IH- (
( utitiniu It. OoiiMHiit HM nf HUM iltn Ul pilitly
hiliiK voro4 tiinl fAthiir nUt in In ttiot nil Don t full lo
wilU VII roiit * ! > i oiulptuc n nt rtnUil In nlnln cnveW
oCH Ui Inxllt tin iiui-t iltUl lincKticntlou
doallltiuiu or loaiit you In It. Addict ? ,
COOK REMEDY OQ , , Chicago , 111.
Ifrutf in.f < > rfn/ | . Cines
nil Nftroiis li i os rnllliiR Memory >
1'Ari'Hlii , UlnoplcHcnmm Nightly
lion * , etc. , cnuRol t)7 pnf > t nlniwtv , Rive1 ,
fifornndza \ to tirnnkon orfzniis , nnd quickly but
nrely restores Iost "TM//OO/ ol 1 or jomiff.
Piwllr onrrlflil In Bst pooki't 1'rlrn f l.HOn inirkngp.
hlx torfJS.OOirtth a trt lllfn guarantee to rtirc or
tllirrifunilft. | . Dciv'T 1IUV AN IMITATION , but
ln i t nn having INDAPO If your druuRlft linn not
U we wlllNonilit nretAli ]
11MIOO UEH1C1 > YU > , I rnpro , ( lilnro , HI orouriBCntl.
Kiiliu v lu.Cur l"h unit DtniKlniH Sts niul .1 A
llllli-r V. Co. lltll .V I > < in'lHs ( Ms OVIAH V NHI'
tlit nig ti for imuiitiir l
licnftrgei , Imlammuilon '
Irrltntluiii or ulccralloui
of mu rum nicnilrontt.
I'u'altn , anil not alula *
So111 Drn
ml In pUlo t ,
Sr eiprcii , pripald , lot
II ( U. or 3 ooltlfi , 12.79.
' rcoltr > ! MI
si MI\I. sui'T. siici.osnri otT. : t.
'Jlio It i : rnncli ciunimu 111 rrportolru , ln
( UnlliiK I.lnculii J Outer's srenl tcenlc Jiio *
7V/73 LOST i\//Ar/3.
10 , J ( anil : tt CI-II < H.
OHH now on bnlc
nvvni.i I.NTJS , riit'ir TAIIM ANU
liimlH fur sulc or rent. IJuy & HI-KH , 38 1'c.irl
After July ist my fatlier. Dr.
K. I. Wood bury , will have chnr o of
tlio pliito work in my olllco and I will
tfivo my ontii o uttuutioii ID Opcrntivo
Dontlstr.v , Crown iiiul Bi hlga Work.
No. 30 Pearl St. ,
Next to Gr.ind Hotel.
Women Need Not Suffer. * * < * < *
CCNTRE POINT , Kerr County , Texas.
March 30th , 1897.
1 have not been in good health since
my first child was born , three years ago.
For a good while before baby came I
could not stand on my feet. After child
Ml birth the flow never stopped entirely for
six months. Finally it stopped for a
month and then commenced again. The
menses have been irregular ever since.
Have also had "whites" a part of the time.
Last month I got so bad I could not do
my work at all. I lay on my bed and
couldn't move without hollering. About
this time my husband's mother told me
what a wonderful medicine Wine of Cardul
was and we also saw a Ladies' Birthday
Almanac. My husband got me a bottle
of the Wine and a package of Thedford's
Black-Draught. 1 felt better when I had taken them three days and seemed to be really
well in a month. I could not have believed that
the medicine would do so much. Certainly LADIES' ADVISORY DEPARTMENT.
there is no reason why women should suffer I or idrlco In cases requiring ape-
cUI directions , ndrtren.iiiTlniirni p.
like they do. I know Wine of Cardui will relieve toms , LaAU * ' Adviiorv JJtpartiiitnl *
'Ihe ClinttanooKi * &JfdlclneCo ,
lieve them. SARAH THETFORD. CbotUnooga , 'Jcun ,
Mrs. Thetford is right In saying "there is no reason why women
ihould suffer like they do" . Take any average hundred women and
ninety-nine of them would have good health if they would take Wine of
Cardui. . There is nothing like it for suffering women. About two
thousand of them buy Wine of Cardui every day , And nearly every
one gets complete relief. It acts directly upon the delicate menstrual
organs. That stops and cures "whites" falling of the womb , suppres
sion , flooding , painful and irregular menstruation , monthly headaches
and pains in sides and back. During pregnancy and after child-birth or
miscarriage Wine of Cardui should always be used. You can take it in
your own home. $1.00 per bottle at the drug store.