10 Tirrc OMAHA DAILY maist WEDNESDAY. SPECIAL NOTICES Ail * < i llM'itit'iitfl fur Ilioii- min nlll Intnl.i'.t until I- ni. for ( lie fvi'iiliin mi. I until H lit I" . f r tin- iiiitriiliiK mill .Siniiluj eitltlntiH. AiUi't ( Ini'rn , liy rr ni " lliiK n iiuiii- lii-riMl 'h"i'K , can IIIMO inmnfro ml- tlrrmi'il l-i n iniiiihci < il IrtU'i- lit I'liie nf 'I In * Ili'i' . VIIHV OI-H nil nilili CMnril Mill Inlrtlt < ! il on | tr ( < MiMilnfloit of tin e'lirrl. on ! ) . Union , I l--c- n mini ttril IniiTtliiu I Jo n uoril llii-ieilfti-r. .NolliliiK tnki-ii for li'HN tliiin - " > lor the Urn I IIINIT- tliin. ' 1 hi'-.c itilxi-rtNrnifiilN limit lie inn oimiu'i'iitlv ! } AVA.NIED. 'II.MI : IOPV uitcui.Ati Li.r- turs nnttin , envebpH adlressed anil mnnu- ui , > i i in < ii ill reasonable Urnis. A lilrcwi T U Hee olllro A M9S It * KSIJO i WILL cli vFroffTNY POSITION or truM or leM'onMblllty that will Kunmntec It ; age i5 ! , beat of relercnces. Adelre s II 8 , tiff- A M243 22 * \V\VM3ll-M\l.n HUM * . CANVAHSintSIOTAKi : OIIUKHS , NKW LINK of worn , no tii-nvy K"udn to curry , salary ur iomttil filim. I' 1Ailiims Co. 5SI fa. IClh St. 1J 115 .VI.rS.MlIN' ) 'Otl riGAHS , J123 A MONTH AND C'X | : iifi , uM llti.i , exijcr'nee ! ui ntciasnrj , In- iluivimnia tn 'ueiijniua , v. . C. Ltutiop & Cu , Hi [ . .inn. 11-416 JIIJN1 AND VVOMU.V FO1.IC11OIIH TOIl T1UJ ( Vitljitlal Itcrmc nr oclnttuii. tlio best , safest unit ( .ouinlcm fiutumil unur In the llclil today. AiitlifiH 1 A ' HteMiis , Oil N l th ht . OMnh i II-4H WVNTHir TilAVrTuNt ! HALlISMnN 10 lllir- rc'cnt nil ( rt.ilillslinl Innine In the lint cip , t\u\f \ nml mitten im ! t-lraw itoodi line North uintcin Icvui , North anil South Dakota and Nelirn.'ltii ' tciiltorliM Only mieli tnmlllar with thw line med iipplj , rtfueiuea rciUlrnl Apply 1' , 1) , llox l'H ' , Milwaukee , \Vs. | IJ-MIJi 14 VJ'ANl Jfi-V OUNO MAN VS TltI.l7 CU.llK IN wliolciile IIOUBC. Must liu iicciir.ito unit wilt'- Kt/wl I.Mini . State refemices Adilrrim U 8 , lt ( tl-I',2-21 rcw s.u.nsvnN ; ITIUMANIINT position " ( t.iMin Just opened ; staple lltu' , ml- my ur roinmlislun with expenses. I.uUo Dros. Co , ChlcaRti. II M239 22 \VANTr.D , AN nxrnmr.NcnD ADVIIHTIS- Inn nlltlti r for the Herman Dilly Tillmnr. Apply at 1307 Iliiwnnl st II MI'iT 20 , AN AU * AIIOUND TAILOU iteail ) work , must lie a steady mnn. SanforJ the Tnllor , IlurllnRton Junction , Mo n-M2-,3 24 * \VANT13D , C-OMM3TI3NT YOUNG MAN AS sti'insnphcr nnd Rimrnl nlllrr assistant Ad- ilHus In own Imnihviltlng with reference nnd stiite expi'ilincu U 10 , lit"1 II M2C1 IS \WNTi3nKi3M vi.i3 uni.r. US POIt ALL KINDS OP WO1UC , J3 TO 17 weik Cnnmllan OlllCflJ22 Dout'las. C 418 ' \VANTI31) , GOOD Otllt. KOH Q13N13II W. . liuiisewoilc , stniill family , Kooil wives ilfiuj 1'oppleton nvinuc C M931 \VANTiTl ) . AN A1'I' I3NTICI3 , I TI3ACII TO nit iind Khe Hysttni Mrs II. C. Mot-cs 313 S 17tli st C MJ21 22- \VANTI D-TWO iM'iniiNO13t : : ) TUtMMnitS. Call uftir 5 p in Jli.-K-s K.ihl fi Jolinslnu C Sll-21 \VANTnn , iMMrniATri.Y , AT DIX iiot-sn , Mltrhell , S P. , a Bond fenmle cook , pleasant home , Hte nly employment , goodnKea promptly paid C M25G ! ! I'Oll I l3'r ilousn.s IN ALL I'Aitis or Tim CITY THIS O 1' . Uiuls Coinpiny , 1005 1'arnam D 419 HOUbHS. IU3NAWA CO , 108 N. 151 II ST D 420 MODI3UN JlOUhiS. C A. STAUIt , 32" f \ - l.lfe. D-421 HOUSES ; WALLAOD , liUOVVN BLOCK , K.TII nnd DiiiRlaR IJ 422 IIOLTM3S , fOTTAOn.S . < L STOUIIS ALL PAH1S of city. lln.nmn , lx > vc Co , 430 1'axton Illock D 421 _ LAHC.13 LIST. M'CAGITH , 15TII AND UODGI3 D 123 _ IIOUhKS , TLATd , (1AUVIN HI10S , 1C13 PAH'M D-42C _ IIOUSI3S roil HRNT , 11I3MIS , PAXTON 11LK D 427 iiousr.s. j. n snnitwooD , 423 N Y i.irn D-42S BTANroiiD cirtci.i : roTTAans , f HOOMS S W coi 13th nnd Vlntnn : llnnst locitlnn In city for liuslnws IIIPII of Omnlii nnd Poutli Otnnlin ; rents modente 201 Dee liullillnt ; n 431 roil ni3NT. ciioiri : 12-itooM nin' modern housp Iniulrc 2.14S Cipllol av n-911 n IIOUSIMIOLD aoons AND PI Om Van .1 Slornse Co KM'6 rarnnm Tel IWO D 131 Toil HI3NT IIANSTOM PLACI3 1IOMH OP SIX room-s nnd Irilli room , cheap to rlglit parties , must Rive Bond irfirences M J. Kennard & Son. Ill ) nnd 311 Drown block D .Id HOUSES . . STonns r u WIJAD in .1 noire n sw S-M _ * STI3AM IIHATHD SlOItnq AND PLATS Hnnant Hiinck AKent , 1MO ChlcnRo D-223 22 8-rTooM RionnnN iiopin , KO rv , p 2-Tii AVI : An elesint 14-room inolern lirlek dwelling. v\ltn hot wnter IiPTtlne tilnnt No 2402 Cnps St $ n. Apply to W. n. Mcll.le. 1st Nnt't IHnK Hide. U-M972 _ POIl I113NT. CO1TAQI3. 2)12 rALOVVPLI , BT D-infi-24' MY iirsinnNcn , 4013 HAMILTON , & noo.MsT 2 Imlla , bath room , cement cellar bnrn , laige. lovely yard. Price , $13 00 Il quick D Ml 2 22 * CIIVR n WILLIAMSON , C04 111 DO Tel 717. D-CW NINIVHOOM IIOUSI3 WITH SMALL HARN , liou.sc IUIH fiirnnce. Ki.ite , liith , illy nnd cls- tein wnter nnd In In llrpt-class repair ttiroiiKh- out , low rent to ( rood pirtv Inquire at room 437 , Honrd of Tr.iilp , liulldlniT D M2bO 24 KOH HI3NT KIJH\ISIIii > ItOOMS. nooMs , $ s ii 620 s. writ . : _ to s-2J PLKASANT 11OOMS. 1919 DODGl n 1137G \ NI3VVI.Y PURNISHI3I ) HOOMS. 221)1 DODcsn 13 IOVSI * _ POUIl HOOMS , 621 SO MT1I AVKNtji ! K llM-il PI.KAHANT HOOMS PtJHNIHIU3n AT US South Mth. Car line advantages , C 1I1SO ; : Fl7i3A8ANT HOOMS 1315 DODOll 13-MJOO 0 1 6 _ FOH H13NT , PIIIINISI113I ) IIOOU 10 C1I3N- tleman ; convenient to hoarding house 103 Bo. 53th Ave. 13 M931-S3 DUIUNO 8TATI3 PAIR. A D13SIIUIIM3 HOOM moderate , 19-T St. Mary'u. 13 Mll ) SJ BOUTH 110OMS 1905 CAPITOI , AV13 _ 13 M2il 27 * nNisunn HOOMH ; noust3icinniNnci . Mary's. _ 13-M2U :5 FlillMSilKI ) IlOOtIS AM ) IIOAIM ) . 8T13AM II13AT13D HOOMS W1T1 rilOAHl ) , 200U Ilarney P ' UJ-O-11' _ PlHbT-CI.ASS IIOAH1) AND HOOMsT" HOT water heat ; best lueatlon In the city , 212 H L' " > tli Ht- P 7M t _ _ _ _ _ " _ J.AH013 SOUTH & lT.\ST 1'llONl"UOOM "wiTH alcove , 2CM Iounla P 5tV HOST COMPOHTAIllJY TrH.VISHrirHOOMs" : nouthern and eastern exposure ) In a laree mod ern reHldenee1 , with titeuni heat telephone. KUB and electric llcht No 212 H VV conur 17th nnd DoiiRlim sin . next to Hen liullJIni ; lireak- fa ti lunch and dinner served , unexcelled cuisine ; prices reasonable. J' SU < 5 23 Nici3iY board. 2015 F M2 < J 2J SOUTH PHONT HOOM roil TWO other room ; teed board Tiie Hose , 20.0 Hur- ney. p M sa _ ) AliAOK HOAUIHNO HOU.413 , 11ATI3S HKA- njnalile. Ulh , bet. Capitol and Davenport P M9 > 8 24' _ 13M3C1ANT STI3AM.HI3ATI3D HOOMS , WITlT tlr t-cla s board. 1900 Capitol Ave K M20S K * IJKfilHAlTl.n IIOOM FdlfTWO QENTI.I3MI3N Hoard. Inferences , 2C2 No. ISth. P 131-2 : * NICI3 6oMs'Wmi 1IOAHD , 1834 JHNNKVBTT P MEW S KICKL.Y FUHNISHI31) i'llONT HOOMS. WITH board. :015 UougUkj. F-MJ61 2t * ron HUNT sTininsM > orritiTS , 1 O'l ' III M lilt. 4monY llUH'K Ht tt.IMNO . .I li. . 1 utiamt TnH MilMli.R h n nr proi.t . ctmmt Ij iicinini romrl'l'1 uteim he imi ? fix lure * wnirr on nil lluort , K S , ele Apply at the ollko of The II- " . 1 910 IIKNT-fifS KTsoOM'lN'TrilOt'NP ' "t't/K Poll - / > ll o'llie Ilee bulldlnic wnter stfam hent electm IIGht and janitor service.MplytollW ll.iker , euperlntendtnt Ilee bulldlm ? . 1 197 POII IH VTi nnc larlje lorner IOMII , Jnd llocr. with vault nnit prlvnte olllop .wnter , HP "ne l rRe fiont room Jnd floor , rtlvMM Into tvvci rwiini 'jy partition , water etc one Inrse cottier loom 2nd tloor , with v-iult , water , etc One front room divided by partition third floor. one corner rtom with vault , third floor. One large room thin ! Hour , with partition dlvl.l- In * It Into one large room and two rmnller prlvnte loums ivnter , etc Two targe Rround lloor rooms with vanlt Several nmall roomi on fourth floor , with vnulK Ali these looms me lirnted with ntunm eloetrlt lights .suptilled with flrit clmx Janitor ervl . iio\Htor5 : run day nnd all nljtit DulldlnR s rlctlv nrerroof Apilytnll W ItaUcr Super- Intendfiit. Iloom 101 , llep llulldlni ; I Jai \ ; i3 > rrsv vrr.n. . TVOHKnitsT WANTt3n 13VI3HV- vthrre for the mo t popular relliilntiK art book Issued In 30 yunn ; C.300 fold ! ! r t 30 days ; III 1)0 ) a wnk Eiiaranleed lo KOIH ! parties to cell It , ficlfiht paid , credit rl ui the liork nf all otheis for Xinni hillilnyi , low prlee ki-lls everywhere , many anenl * mnlte Jino 00 per month on commission , JSOO f" ) for fellliiR 12" > In SO days , we publish other popular books nnd n beautiful ret of ehlldren > Xmas books ; wrlli- Immediately : will pav } 1S " 0 n week and e\r"lises to n few Rood rartlct ( nun nr women ) to nppolnt nRonts OM nur ptililluillcms In ternational News & Hook Companv Haiti- moie. J-M2.S 52" vv\vrr.i > _ rin MonnilN 1IOPH13 WITH AHOUTTI3N HOii.MS , near Hniikcoin PnrU Addrtsa P 19 , Ilee olllce. K-MbSS WANTI3I ) ToTjrNT. A (5 ( oiJTnOOM 1IO11SI3 bath , eity watci. BH.I Addresi b 60 , HeeK K 4GI bTOII.V(2I 'ALMPlf bTOUAOI3 AND WAHiiIOU.-P CO . 9i910 ) Jones ; general Mornge and forwardliiB. OM VAN & STOHAQP r llH FAHNAM. TI31. 15' M-4W WANTIID TO 1IIJV. UPS ! ' PHICI3 PAID POIl OMAHA SAVINGS hank accounts nt loom SOC , N Y. l.lfe HIclK. LIST OP riPHCIAL. HAHOA1NS IN HI3AI. I3S Inte with ! ' DVcail Kill and Douitlls hts N 38J S2J oT SI3COND-IIAND HICYci.I3S. C'ASII PAID POIl I.IM1TI3D AMOUNT OP Oniiilu SavlliK" " bunk aieounti II H Itniilei llrst lloor New York Life bldK N MJ57 30 \ \ ANTi3D"pori fAsti con 7 noovt rorT.vc.n well located M. J. Kennard . bon , 310 Hrown lllork N 103-27 w7\NTi3D " 'rcTl'TmriiAsn , A PIHST CLASS Kentleman's bicycle , state model and price Ailclre s T (52 ( , He. N 1C3 WANT13D TO 11PY HADIANT HOMI3 GA11- lancl or Peninsular hard coal burner , must be eheap Address U 2 , Ilee N-M212-22 * \VANTI3D-SnfOND-lIVNrrDI3LIVnitV WAO- on Inquire 131S Parnam N-21J21 "OH S VInIOH ! ns , WOOS , I3TC. VOUNC1 GPNTL13 MAHC , I1UGHY AND IIAll- ne s 1 11 So 43d bt P K2 2J FOR \I.13MISCI3M.\\nors. . HAWDPST. HULK OH SAfKUD-CHtnHINO and hoe fence C. H Lee , 901 Douclas Q-135 JKP.IUNQ UPHIGIIT PIANO , only SI'O 00 Schmoller & Muell r , lO'i s-outh 15th St. Q-644 POH SAL13 , ELHOANr CIII3HHY HANK counter and Hall's ImrRlai proof chest with double timer , cost nrlRln ilh J2 3H ( ) 00 , will sell for Jl.OOO 00 Address John H Pler = on York N'eb. Q-1I749 22 CI. . VIIIVOYANTS. MRS PAUL 203 N 1CTH S1HI3I3T. IIOVI3ST truthful , lell.ahle , removes e\ll Inlluences , lo cates hurled Measures , unites the eiwiated S MOJO O-4 M \hSVG13 , II VI'IIS , 11TC. MADAM SMITH , 1315 DOUGLAb. MASSAO13 steam baths. T-MilS 27 OHI13NTAL TUKKISII HATHS POH LADir3 < TZ gentlemen , COo. 107 S 14th. Telephone 1S14 T 7C2-O S MI1DICATI3D UATI1S , SHA , btTLl'lMTlt , Prench massage Mme Hrltson , 107 N 12lh 8t T-M14I . ' 3 MHS Drt LHON , 13U3CTHIC M VSSAO13 HATH pirlors , reitful and cuiatlvc 417 S , llth , uji slalra T-.MJ17 21. ' PHUSONAI. . V1AVI POH UTP.HINH THOUDI.I3S 340-S IIHH Hide , physlci'in , consultation or health hook free U 437 MH'I3ItPLUOUS IIAIH. ] IAI.DN13feS , PALLING hair nnd all facial blemishes cured True Co 326 Chamber Commcice. IT iu7 O-l * HATHS , MASSAGI3. MS1I3 1'ObT , 31'J'i S 1'mT U-C73 H HAAS. PLOHlbT PLANTS AND { FlTT llowers bouqUPts , hall re-deme | and Krave decorations Plowers , bouquets nnd decorations delivered to any part of the city Onhis by telephone promptly attended lo and Illled In U\o hours Telephone 77C 1S13 Vlntnn Mreet. U ! 31 O-lt HUPTUH13 CUIU3D ; NO DI3TI3NTION I. HOM buslne'H , no pain , we refer to Hundreds or cans cured ; piles cured by a Flncle painless treatment Call or write 'Ihe ] 3mplre Itupture Cure and Medleal Institute , successors to 'I lie O 13 , Miller Co. , 9J2-3 , N. Y. Life lllilw , Omali i. U-M945 AN I3XPI3D1TION OP LADII3S AND Til Kill relatives Is being formed to le.ive here on tin- llrat b mt that Hills direct to Dawson t'ltv and the Klondike Bold illKKlnsfi In the spring , low fare ( six months' provisions Included ) , eai-j lei ma and employ mi-nt at li'Kli ' waces Inclo-t- stamp foi partleulaiH Klondike Shipping lu ! reau. 14A Geary bt. , San Pi uielseo , California U M < > 84M * JIAHYLAND CIGAH S1OHI3 HHST CIGAH IN town , Melle Dumas , 105 N l.'th bt II MI4I 25 * MOM3Y TO I.OAN III3AI , 13STTI3. . ANTHONY LOAN i 1HUST CO , 313 N. Y L , nuIcK money at low rates for choice farm lands in Iowa , northern Mlsosurl. eaete-in NebrasKa. W-433 ION IMPROVED & . . . . . . . property. VV Parnam Spilth it Co , 1820 Pain'in W-4W MONEY TO LOAN AT I.OW HATEs ! THE O , F. Davis Co , 1505 Pnrnnm bt W H. MONEY ' 10 IXJAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Urennaii , Love Co. , Paxtoii 111) ) . W-4IJ MONP.Y TO IXJAN. HI3MI8 , PAX1ON HLOCK \V-0 0 _ PHOM 1W UP. P. D W13AD , 10 i DOUG LA fT _ 0 I'fiil CUNT MON13Y ON N131IHASKA KAHMS and Omatia Impioved property Apply toV 11 Melkle , .Bt .Satiuiml I'lik llldu VV 441 MONI3Y TO I/VN ON' IMI'IUV13D OMAHA property Pu ey , S. Thomaf , 207 1st Nat. Hie bl K W-411 SIX P13H C13NT C1TV AND PAHM I/JANS Uarvln Uror . 1CU Pmnam bt VV-MIS4 MOM3V TO I.I ) % N ( ) II l'J'Tii.S. MONIY : TO IAN ON PUHNITPHU i IANOST hoifi'a , wai"ns , etc , at lowest ratfs In city , no removal of goods , strictly conlUlrntlal , you can pay I tie loan off ut any time or In any uniourt OMAHA MOHTGAUI3 IX > AN CO SO'i So IGth bt. X il6 111 SI.M3 ! > S CIIA.MJI3S. A" II ALPIHN. OMAHA J1JNIC HOPsls PAjU hlglieti prleea. 101-5-7 Bu lOlh bt , Omuba Y 1H77-S 13 TO ( JKT IN OH OUT OP HIJSINI3SS GO TO 7 JGIbson , 511 Ptr t Nat'l Hank. Y MHS A KU > NDIKiit : WHO HAH HAD TWI3N1T years 'experience In minim , has rpent > eir on Ihe Yukon , Is thoroughly familiar with the Klondike , linn Interests and prospectors on Iho Klondike , will Klve a thorouKh ln > peetor'a map and personally answer ull iiuestlons ul.illns In that cxiuntry , or how to Ket In there eost ile for the price nf ( I Aildrtss H II Thompsjii. 22J llalley llullellnR , S > altle. Wash Personal refere-nce , Cliamber of Commeic-u , Seattle Y-MIIS OS' IHIS1NI5SS Ol'I'OHTIJNlTV THAT WH.L PA Y you well to Investigate ; a man with a few thousand can K t a regular ralury and bitrdlvl' uend c cli month. Adilres * U S , He IH StM S I'll ( fVmtlnueJ ) foil UI.N'l r I3 MI3Tl.ornUlAN HOTKt. 1 5 Cheyenne In nn * cnndlllon eleitrte lights thormighly plumbnl , li l location In tae e | ly Ono blorK finm Pnlon dfp' < t fifty flrft > lnss rr-otnc fine- bur lexim , furnljtheil , good barb r thop nnd bith rooms , In fact everytblni ; nete nry to n nrntHlnns hotel Party renllnn muet purchnft furniture lintel ilolnef goot buslnes * at present. Address J , W drlllln ' eyenn" VVyo y-MMO-O H I/X-ATUJM IN Trtl3 CITY OP OMAHA for cowl grocery M J Kennnrd * Sun 310 Drown lllork Y10127 POH HAl.E STOCK MltllfANDHn IN PtU IT district of southern Nebrifkn , line trade , eheap rent ; evfrythlnej necenwry to catry on tnul- nc s ; best location In town , JI.OeH ) rash will buy It rnre opportunity , established trade AiMt-PM box f % , Omaha Y M228 24' T-OH SAW-3 CHI3AP MV OWNT3HltOTI3L AND furniture , nil in fire eindltlon , doing Rood lni'lncsn , 20 regular tionrders , convenient to elec rlo car lines , best locillon In Seuth Oraha. Address , for partlcuhus , "T CO , " Ilee. Y-M23J 21' l-Oll SAI.13. TI1K LMtnlTsT 13XCT.tTsTvP. DHY Kixids store In a small city In eastern Nebraska ; this store ilno.s the largest business In the most of stock bought this year , will Invoice about Jf.OOO.Oi ) or 112.000 00 ; will sell for cash r ASH ( itoc-niiY , nu > rr IXK'ATION IN city , owner out of the state Stust sell soon , old lease , low rent nnd little expense , line chance for n younn man. Address U 7 , Hee Y-253 S4' \VANTI3D O13NTLI3MAN' WITH SMALL CAP- It'll , wishing to engage In the best paying bus. Iness In the state , can llnd such nn opening by railing on John Pyfe nt llayden llros , erIn In Mercantile lllilg , at State Pair ground ? Y-M2C3 23 'on i\riiAMiu WHAT HAVI3 YOIT TO THADI3 POIt $1OW savings bank certificates upon which there * Is dividends due now amounting to } 1IO pay able In cash Will trade for good real estate Address T 3" , Ilee 55 M913 25 POH SVII3III3\I. I3STATI3. KOPNTXI3 I'LACH IIAHGAINS. J2.5HO , J3.7V ) 1O ? ( ! SOO , fee photos nt 16th and Pnrnnm. Morse llleljf. J. J. Gibson , 511 Plrst Not. Hank Hldff HOUSI3S , IXTS ) , PAHMS. LANDS. LOANS. Geo. P. Hemls Real Cstntes Co. , Pnxtnn llloek HI3 143 17 P13H CI3NT GHOSS 1NV13STMI3NT. IMproved - proved real estate ; rental JG4S 00 per year ; price , flS \ Address T 2S , Hee UK M734 LOT IN KOUNTZI3 PIACI3 , Jl.C O , NO AI3NTS ! wanted Address T 50 , Hce. H13 120-23 LAND1 HIS . ADJOINING STAn P.S TO CIX1SI3 estate. Chns. 13. Williamson , C04 Hee Illili ? H13 938 PAHM LANDS. C. P IIAHHISON 1\i \ N YU H13-S3-O1G ) SEVEN ROOM HOUSE AND THREE _ . well located , great bargain , cash payments or trade Prank Hart , E3d Ac Center t HH 107 24 * AN 1310HT HOOM HOPSR , MODllIlN HARD v\ood llnlsh and lloors , In best portion of Hans- e-oin Place Must be seen to be appreciated M. J Kennard i Son , Sole Agts , J10 llrown blk HI3-103-J7 S-HOOM MODI3HN IIOPSI3 WEST , 51,700 OU. 3-room house large lot , J.SOO 00 Modern hou es near Hanscom Park , Heal e late- all parts eltv Can In Dros , 18U Pnrnam St. 1113 MIPS 24 IIOPSI3 POH SAL13. MUST HE MOVED AT once Great bargain A two-story Jl WO build- Ing1 for JI10. Hemls , P.axton Illk. HI3 M1S1 S-HOOM HOUSE fSfoo 40-foot corner lot , S W ror ISth nml Nicholas $100 per aere buys 40 ai-ies one mile south of Huscrs , Room 10 , Patterson Hilt RE MIS2 OH ONE OP THE CHOICEST DUNDEE PLACE homes , 10 r Kims vvllh everv modern Improve ment , re'cently put in tine condition neirlj nn ncre of ground fine shade trees fence , barn etc price about half the cost of Improvements ; (1,000 In cash , balance on long time nt G per cent. Lartcp lot with two houses , near Mth nnd Dor cas streets Jl 0.-.0 Mnllas Garden , 20 acres , or nny part of It , on Plorenee laKe ; the finest property In tint vi cinity quantities of shade trees , nil "oils of fruit trees nnd berry vines , valuable Improve ments , ju t the place for a moneymaker next year , pi Ice Is verj low , dependlnB on amount of ground desired Choice residence lot nsphalt paved street , near Yates * residence , $700 Nearly new 7-room house , CG feet of ground , T6th nnd I.iekson Sts , 13 shade trees Jl 100 Choice lot on GeorsI i Ave. , between Mason and Pacific ! = , Jl fOO Residence lot on sightly ground 130 feet from Walnut Hill ear line J00 The above are samples of many bargains we can now offer 50 houses on monthly payments Call nnd examine photographs PIDELITY TRUST CO . G II P.ijne Pres II II Harder , Sec. IIn IBS 30 HPRRY AND SEE ME , I WANT TO KIHl.u you a nice little home It enn be paid foi monthly ; lot BO feet ; Reward St & . Military Ave. A. M. Covvie , 211 So ISth StHE HE 223-22 KNAPS , SO ACRES 12 MILKS N W. J3 2f > 0. 4 acres 4 blocKs from lienson motor $ roe 00. 31 acres south of State fab grounds n 500 4 xlrn feet near 321 R. Cumlng Ft , onlv- > eon 00 Corner on Parnam St , near 10th St , J700 CO. T < > exchange HI ) acres 10 miles north of Omaha I * . O for clear Improved property. JOHN N. PHENZL3H , Opp P O. RE-M213 POIl SALE OR TRADE QUARTER SECTION of land In Cu ter county Nebraska , perfect lltle , taxes paid Pioneer Implement Co Council HlulT" , la III : tut ) Ji SUOHTIIM ) AMI TYPHWIUTINO. A C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. 513 N. Y. LITE 450 _ _ AT OvIAIIV IJU-i COLI.no 13 1'TH & . DUUOI.VS 451 OMAHA SHORTHAND AND TYPEWHI n\G ColleKf Hoyd's theater SW O-H * LOST. LIGHT HAY HORSE 7 YEARS. WPIGIIS about 1050 , rather thin nnil high backbone He- vvaid for retuin to 1718 Cns bt , Omnha Loi-t Ml 0 LOST. PHOH.VIILY ON THiTiTH' : STnKPT boulevard a p.ili of large gold mount ? 1 fpec tides In n hlielt leather ca"e , the ilni'er will be liberally rewarded b > leu In ? the same nt the ImslneftS oltlce of The life Lout M21S 23 * LOST OR STRAYED A 11LACU 2-VKAIl OI.Tl colt. hia whlln Htar In forelu-ad , weighs ! < iM Ibs , tew.aid , at 50th and 1'opplelon av e > . ( } M Huel Lost M.14 22 IXTTLADY'S HRE VS'I PIN ON 2VTH HE- tneen Cnllfoinla and Hurt , of little value to any but tlm ownci Reward for return to 814 No 27th ave I.ost 250 2I iToST-SMALL lioi.D I1OX S irF WITH A tuniuolw eontnlnhiK powder puff Reward for return to room 1 , Contlnentnl block 11th and DoiiKbis fxJt 254-21 " ' KOH "h'vLn ITIIMTI'1113. ' A IMHTY LEVVINO ' 11113 CITY OPPPim A very liberal ellscount on nearly new fuinltuic for n li-ioom cottnuei , purelmsu can re-nt boiiBf- If desired T W Dee O-221 2. > \rKin. M S. WA1.KIN. 2111 CLMINH TI3U 1231 . 453 TYI'nHITI3IIS. . 'IONS OP ENEHOV WOULD 1)13 SVI3i ) nAILi If every operator used tlie light tunning Den- moie 1C12 Purnam Ht Omaha 451 \VMIHOICI3IIS. . II \IIOW1TK I/JANS MONEV 41S N. 1C HT 452 COHVir.HCI VI. COIII3JI3. , OMVHA HtSINEhS 1NSTITI TE , IIOYIV.S theiter llldK wilte for i-pulmen of penmin- s lip and catalogue 20fi S 24 * IHU3SSM DIIEnSMAKINO MlbS blURDV , 4H 4 HUH- delle. E-M-O 6 * MA'1TIIIJS ! III3TIMi WOlllCh. h3S. COlti HEH \lj. lure tu order , reapluil HU lA.avenw'h. tel 1'H 453 I'ATIJVI'S. Sllt" * Co Attorney i. -1-.IJW .m. Patent Ev- Omaha , Neb liranrh office at Wash'ncton , D C We make PREP EXAMINATIONS and aid Inventors In elUns , her | Invention * S. nj for free Advice anJ Palenl Hook P AT MTST'IX 1'focureel oy C A S.SOVv' 'Hie - - J v I JVN 13 w ro > ashlmjlon , D. O. PREE EXAMINATION and advice No attor ney' * fee before patent No claptrap ufTer of pi'lies or promlce of uddrn nealin um furrarj ud lc. < ) ncl faitbfu' terrlct t'lnco In the etiv show lint looK KPhni'tniiN \ , Hiirrcvs nt SUCH LOW t'lUCKS llouncholetgooits to nil points In mixed car lota at cut r.itos Parkins , tnovliiR and siornnc. Telephone ItlSO Omaha Van & Storage n TO rOM'HACTOIIS. OMAHA Sept. 20 , 1S97. Hlds will bo received for furnishing and driving the piling required under the Fine Arts building on exposition grounds until G o'clock p. m Thursday , Sep tember 23rd. 1'lans ami specifications on file In the ofTtco of Grounds nnd Uulldlng Department , No. 614 1'axton block. V. 1' . KIUKnNDAI.L , , Mgr. Grd's. & Hldg. Uept. , Traasmlsslsslppl & International Exposi tion. S20 D3t M & n Notice Is hereby given tlmt Denied pro posals will be received by the Hoard of Di rectors of the Newton lirlgntlon district of L.OUP county , Neb nska , at their olllco In s-akl district up to 2 o'cloi k p. in. of the 21th day of September. 1MI7 , for JJ.fiOO of the bonds Issued by said Irrigation district , nil of snld bonds being for $100 cncb , paynble n < ) follow , towlt : 11,100 In eleven years ; $ lroj In twelve yenrf and $1 000 In thirteen yours from the dnto nnd draw Ing Inlet e t nt the rate of 6 per cent per annum , paynble semi- annually. Principal and Intel c-st of salil bonils pnynblo nt the ollleo of the state trensuiei of the state of Nebraska. The Hoard of Directors lesetve the right to reject nny nnd nil bids. Address ill bltli to Q. W. Abbott , > eeretnry , Moulton , Neb Hy order of the IJourd of Directors , made July fi. 1S')7. ) G. W. ABBOTT. Secretary.C. . C. L. COPP. President. II MMIOVDS. HPHL1NGTON , t MISSOURI River Railroad "The Hurllng- ton Huute" General Olllce , N. W Corner Tenth and Pnrnim Streets Ticket Olllee , 1102 Parnam Street Telephone 250 Tenth and Mason Telephone , 123 Arrive 9.33 am CHICAGO. HUHLINOTON K. CJulncy Railroad "The ! llurl- Imjton Route" Ticket Olllce. no > r.irnnm Street. 250. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason btreets , 'telephone , US. Arrive 7.51 am 4:14 : pin 7:1,5 : am C-10 pm 2:50 : pin KANSAS CITY. hT JOSEPH Council Hluffs Railroad The Hurllnctuti Rnute - 'Heket Olllt-e 1W2 Parnam n , Slieet , Telephone 250 Depot , HnilTP Ti nth iind Mason Streets lei IIUUlU i nilme , 12S 12SLeave. . Arrive Kansas i Ity Day E'I Oi am C.10 pm Kansis City Night E10.00 pm C.30 am Dally. ( CHICAGO bT PAUL MINNE- npolls Omaha Halhvay General ollices , Nebraska DIv - v Isclon , Plfteenth and Wehster : streets. City TIelcet oincc , 14Dt Pnrnnm Street Telephone 561. Depot , Plfteenth and Webster Streets. Telc- tlhone. l4."iS. . * \ Leave Arrive Sioux City Acconimoeln 8 51) ) am 8 21 pir Sioux City Accommod.i 8 50 am 8.25 pir III elr , Emerson Sioux City , Ponca Hnrtlni- ton and ly mile hi 1 00 pm 1 ! ! 55 nn Slruv Cltv Maul' iti bt Paul Minneapolis . . . . 6:15 : pii 11.10 nn I ) lib Dally except bunday. Sunday only PRB.MONT ELKIIORN , ( ; MH-eiurl Valley Rillway Gen eial Olliccs , United stites Nn. tlonal Hank Hull ling , boullv vve t Coiner twelfth and P.ir- nam btrects. Ticket Oliice 1401 Pnrnam Street Telephone , 501 Depot Plfteenth and Webster .StreetH lelepnone , HJS Lnave. Arrive Black Hills Dcnilwooil ni d Hot Springs. . . 3 00 pm 5 00 prr VVvnniitnr I'npner nnil ' 5.00 pir CHICAGO t olmI\v lsT ern Hallway City Tlckf i Olllce , 14)1 Farnarn Street Telephone , 5C1 Depot Tenth anil Mabon Street. Telephone 128. Leave. Arrive- Missouri Valley Sioux City St Paul nnd Minneapolis . . . . . 5 40 am 10-43 pm Missouri Valley , Moux City . . . . . . 7.30 am 9.05 pm Denlson , Carroll , Wall Lake- . 7 30 am 9.03 pm 1311-tern J3xpress , Des Mo nes Miirhalltcwn , Cular Ilaplds C'hl ago * ' 10 43 am 4:10 : pm Atlintlc Flyer , Chicago and Past. . . . 4:43 pm 4:10 : pm Fast Mail , Chicago to Omaha \ 3.10 pn Missouri VclUy , bloux City bt Paul. Minne apolis Llmlto I . . . 5 5r pm 9 2am Onulia-Clil ago Spiciil. . 0 3) pm i:10 am Daily Daily except bunilay. { SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC ItAlL load General OlIlcCB , United Ma ( in Natlimnl Ilank Ilullil- Ing , M. VV Coiner Twelfth and FninHin btreets. Tleket Olllce , 1401 Karnam btrcet. Tell phone , 5 1 DtiKit Fifteenth and 'VVtubier htuets Uclephum , 145S. ve. Arrive. Sioux City Mankato , St P.iul Mlnneiipolls. . . , 0:15 : pm ' 3:10 : am Dally CHICAGO HOCK ISLAND & Pacific Jtallni.nl 'The Gieat Hoek Island lloute" I" ty Tlckit Oltlre , 13J3 Farnnm Street Telr phone , 428. Depot , Tenth and Mnsm Mieots Telephone , 128. Leave. Arrive C'hlL.igo and St Paul VcHtlbulfd i\iri' ] ? i , 430 ; pm I 43 pm Lincuin ( .oliiniilo SPBV. Pueblo , Denver and t.at l-M pm 4.05 pm Chlc.igo. DPS Molpes nnd Hoik Inland , .1. J. 7:00 : pin S.13 am Allaiillc Kxiufsrf ' Air lts Molnen an < l eaat- t-in pJlnts 7.00 um 5 35 pm Lincoln Falibuiy and lIHtevlllo . 5M3 pin " 10 4) am Dally Dally except Sundiy , PN.ION PACIflC'-"TIH3 OV13II- land Itiute" General ojllees , N 13. fWiier Ninth and Farnam Hlieem City Ticket Olllce , JJijj Fiinam Klre-et 'IcUpliunt , 310. Depot lunlh and Mudon bileetu Telip lone , l.'S. ArriveS "Tho Overland Limit- ! " for DenvM Salt Uike , Paelllc cou t and \\cslein IH Hits S 20 am 4.43 pm FI I Mall triln Denver valt 1 'k- ' r.id'HI ' n < l all wertrrn pnIMn 1 1.05 pm ' 10 20 am I.lnioln , lliatrlce .mil Mromybuii : I3) > pr. ts . . 4.(0 pm 3 50 p u tirind Inland Kxpress . " a 35 pin J 50 pm Dally. Dally rvupt bunday cvmnell Illuffa Local Leave. * , 5:40 : u m , C 10 a m , 7 ' 0 a. m . S K u in , 10:40 : u. m , . ' .15 p m. , 4 30 p ni , 5 55 p , in Arrives , C 24 u in , 7 20 u m , S a in ,9 21 a. M , 11:3) : u in , J.10 p m , 5-40 p m , 9.03 p m ; 10.15 p m oTL\IIA , KANSAS C1TY < V EAbTERN HAIL. ruad Oiuitlm & SI I iulu Hallro id "The O K Route" Tlrl > et Olllce 1415 Parnam btrcet Telephone ; - - ' - DriH/t , Tenth and Mai > oii bluets. Telephone. 12S. I -ave. Anlve. Puttoiulnirg Klrktvllle , cjuniej l cal . . . ' 5.40am * | 0.4 > pm bt lyiulu , .N'ew York Limited 4Mm ; | ' 11:30 : am Dully. WAIIAhU HAILHODTCKET | OPKIPE , 1415 Purimrn titrewl Tele phone , 3K. Depjt , 'It-nlli and Mason Streets LeuSe. Arrive. ht l.iulH "Cannan Hall" 4.30 um \H.HO\I > . \ntinu t > MIS'O lit P V" 1FU HAIt.liO . nf O iill | > i < 4 ntid Tlcke 01p M i.liAiit Xntlonnl Hoik Hill 'i nil Fnrimni Slleet Ti leph me 101 , I'epiit rifltcntl an I VV't b < r fir ig Telep lone ll.i Leave. Arrive Kan nVcitv St Louis and southern point * . . 3 01 pm 12 8S pm Knn i * City I.xpress D 10 pm * < > * ) nm Ft Crouk & Fnlon 1.1. . ' 9.00 pm 7.00 nn Dnlly CHICAGO. MlIAVUJKUn & ST Paul llnllwix City Tli-ke Olllce , 151 Pnrnam Ktreet Telephone , 1 4. Depot. Tent ! nml Muon Streets Telephone Ui. Leave Atrlve Chicago Limited 13 * 8 45 pin * 8 03 n Uinnhi nnd ChUngo I3x . ll 00 am 1 DO pn Dnlly i'osrori-'irn oT c . . ( Should be rend DAIIA" by nil Interested ns changes inny occur nt nny time. ) Korelgn mnlli for the week omlhitr Sep- teinbcr Z3 , IS',17 , will rlose ( PtlOMPTbY In nl cases ) nt the Orncrnl Pcntolllco ni follows PAHCEI-S POST MAILS CLOSU ONI HOUR EAHL1KU than closing tlmo allow i below. Trillln-.Vtlillltlo Mulls. \V13DNKSDAY-At 7 n. m. ( supplenipntarv 9 a. m ) for UUUOl'K. per S. S. St. l.otils * via Southampton ; nt 9 n. m ( supple tnontury 10.3U u. in ) for 13UHO1MJ , per S. S. Hrltiinnlc * , via tiueenstovvti ; ut 10 n in for Hm.ail'M cllroctier \ S S W'CHtprnluml , via Antwerp ( leltora must bu clltectpcl "per Wcileinlnntl" ) . THUHSDAY-At " n in for lUMlOPn , per S. S. Normannla' , via Plymouth , Cherbouii , nnct HainliiirK SATUUDAY-At fi:10 : it. m. for KllANCH SW1T/.HH1.AND , ITALY , SPAIN , J'OH- 1'IIOAL KOVI'l' H1UT- , TqiUCHY. nnil - 1SH 1NIJIA , per S S l.i Giicoinu , via Havre , nt fi.M a. m. foi OUilMANY , I5HN MAUK , swr.nr.N , NOHWAY < niirH tlmla ) and UfPSIA , per S 9 llavi-l * . \li lircmeii ( letters for other iinttinf ISuiopp via ChcibouiKmust be illtertcit "pel Havel" ) , at S a. m for NHTHintLANOS clltect , per S S. Voemlam , via Uottcidan ( letteis must tie illrerteil "per Veomlnm" ) at S a. m for OHNOA. per S 9. Kulih ( letters must bo ilitecieil "per Fulcla" ) ; at 10 a. in. for SCOTLAND direct , per S. S FinnesMln , vlu OKi'-Row ( letter ! ? must bt directed "per rmnessla" ) ; at U a in ( supplementary 12:30 : p. in ) for 1UHOPE per S. S. Umbrla * . via Quucnstovvn. PHINT13D MATT13H , I3TCGerman steamers sailing on. Tuesdays lake Printed Matter , etc. for Germany , and Sped illy Addressed Prlntei vvhlch they are advertised to carry mill. After the closing of the Supplementary Trans Atlantic Malls named above additional supple mcntnry mnlls are opetiet on the piers of the American KnKllsli , French nnd Gerinnn steam era , and remun rp-n until within Ten Mln utee of the hour of snlllni ; of stenmer. llalln for Sii > : tlt nnil Central Aiuvrlcii \VVMt IllllH-M , Ulc. WnDNHSUAY-At 12 m for GRENADA TH1NIDAI ) and TOHAOO. pel S S Ittn- vv.idily , at 1 p. m. for CUBA , per S. S Soner-n. via Havana. TlltmSDAY At 2-30 n tn for PORT AN TONIO , per steamer from PhlHilelphln : nt 1 p in ( btipplcmcntary 1 30 p in ) for H13H- 11UDA , per s s Orinoco ; at 1 p m. ( Hiip- plemc-nUrv 1.30 p m ) for NASSAU. N. P. and SANTIAGO 1JI3 CUHA , per s. s NI asara ; at 3 p m for JAMAICA , per 3 s Aril.tnilhtl ( letteis for Hell7c , Pueito Cor te and Gu itemala must be directed "pet Ardand'ill" ) . rillDAY At 12 m for BUAX.IL , per s s Am.iltl. via I'ernimbuco nnd Sintos ( let ters for North Bia/ll must be dliccted "per Am lift" ) SATl'HUAl At 10 a. in ( supplementary 10 in T ns ) frr F.VitTTTNH ISI.ANIV , .IA- MAICA and SAVANILL.A Tier s s Ad irondack ( l tters for Costa tllcx must be cllrc-cted "per Adirondack" ) ; at 10 a. m ( supplementaly 1030 a , m. ) for CAPE HAITI , GONAIVHS , AUX-CAYES. JAC- MHL and SANTA MARTHA , per s s Hol- "eln ; lit 10 " 0 a m for CAiMPECHH CHIAPAS TABASCO and YUCATAN , per s s City of Washington ( letters foi other parts of Mexico and for Cuba musl be directed "per City of WnsMiiBton" ) ; at 11 n. m for NEWFOUNDLAND , per a. s Portia , it 11 a m ( supplementary 11 30 a , m ) for VI3N135JITELA and CUHACAO , alsc SAVANILLA and CAHTHAGENA. vin Curacao , per s s Philadelphia ; at 12 30 p m for NOHTII BRAXIL. per s. s. Para- ense , vl.i Para , Mninnknm and Ccara. Malls for Newfnunill-inrf. by rail to Halifax , nnd thence by steamer , close at this ollice dully nt 8-0 p m Malls for Mlquelon , by mil to llos ton aiul thence by ptenmcr cli-fce at this olllce , dally at S JO p m Malls for Cuoa clo e at this otllce dally nt 7 00 a m , for forwarding by steameis sailing ( Mondavs nnd Thursdav-M from Port Tampa Fla. Letter malls for Mexico City , overland , unless peclnlly nddre ed for rtls- pitch by steamer , clost * at this oiliee dnlly at 12 m , pipei in ills at C a in. Hegls.tcrod mall closes at C.OO p in. previous day 'rrniiis-Pac-lllc Malls for China and Japan , per s. s Tacoma - coma ( from Ticoma ) , clo o here dally up to Spptc'inher * * inth at G.30 p in Malls foi the Society Islands , per ship Tropic Hint ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to September 211h at C 30 p. in. Malls foi China , Jap in and Hawaii , per s s. City of Peking ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to September 2flth at C 30 p m Malls for Hawaii , per .s. a Australia ( from San Fianclsco ) , close here dally up to Sep tember 2Hh ! at C 30 p m Malls for China and Jipm : ( spec.ully addressed only ) , per B s impre : ° s of Indl i ( from Vancouver ) , close here dally up to October * * 4th at C 30 p m , Malls for Australia ( cNccpt those for Wi-st Australia ) , which are forwarded via I3uiope , New Zealand , Hawaii , FIJI and Sinioiin Islands , per s. a Moina ( fiom San Francisco ) , close here dally up to October Sth .it " ' " 0 a. in. . 11 a. m and fi.30 p m. ( or on an Ival at New York of s s Cam pania with Rilthh malls for Australii ) Malls for Australii ( except West Austra lia ) , Now Xealnnd. Hawaii and FIJI Is lands , per s s. Mlovvera ( from Vancouver ) , close licio dallv after October "Sth and up to October llth at 0:30 : p in. Trans-Pacific malls ale forwarded to pnrt of pull In ; ; dally and 'Inschcdiilo of closlnB Is arranKCd on HIP piesumptlun of their unln- terrupled overland tnmslt "Ili-slstered mall elo'iH at 0 no p m prmlous da\ Postolllce , Nc-vv York , N. Y , Scyptcmber 17 , 1S97. 1S97.CORNELIUS CORNELIUS VANCOTT. Postmaster. HOW I.I3AI ) Pi\CII.S AHI'3 MI I3. \0 I.CIIll llHI-lI , TIlOIIKll < lll.N II MIC ClIiiKN lo ' 1'ln-iii , Once pieces of load were used for mark- lnn. and vvo continue to use the word , though lead Is no longer a part of our pencils. The Philadelphia 'Rimes ill speaklni ; of these use ful articles i egrets that history has failed to iccord the name of the great genius who gavti to the world that most useful llttlo In strument and says wo have heard all about the discovery of burnt snuff and the sow Ing machine and the typewriter and all that , hut the Inventor of the lend pencil has , evi dently , gouo down Into the bhadow of ob livion "unwept , unlionoieil and unsung , " 'I have to laugh ut the ciucur Ideas some people have about pencils , " said a munufac- tuic-r to tlio Now York Hciald "You will scarcely bellevo It , but the opinions of pcu- pie who know nothing about It seem to bo divided between the melting of the lead and pouring It Into thu hole in the wood and cutting out thu lead to lit the holt . That part that goes Into our pencils other than the lead in cular , and tomes from thu swamps of Florida It Is obtained from the fallen tuts that lie there. Theru are men there v.ho nul\o n business of supplying to pincll ipanufaUurcrs this cedar In blnika which are iuweJ to the length of the pen cil , some thick , to iccolvii thn load , and others thin , for the p'oco ' tlmt Is glued over thu other containing tlio lead The blocks are suivul for four pencils each The groove Is inaik by a saw an 1 In this the lead lies "I know , ' contlnutd tlio manufacturer , "that not ono out of 10,000 persons has the least ill fa of what this lead Is , Hen , hero in n line black powder , that Is graphite , anil tea's fcomowhcro about 25 cents a puund This white substance Is German clay It tomes across thu ocean us ballast In vessels , and all It costs us is thu freight Wo mix clay and powder together and grind them In a mill moistening the mans carefully during tl.o proctss. until the two are thoroughly assimilated nnJ reduced to a pas.to that Is about thu consistency of putty Hero aru the dies for the leads Into which wo press this p9t > tc < uf graphite and flay These leads ati' kept In hot glue and are placed in Iho gtoovcs as the blocks are made icady When tlio lead la put lit there snugly and forever the thin block Is glued to the thick ono and left to dry accordingly. " TO CUHI3 A COLD IN ONK DAY TaKe I-axatlvo liromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If it falls to cure. 5c. WORK OF WEATHER BUREAU Details of the System Pursued by Regular and Voluntary Gbsorvors. FIV DISTINCT BRANCHES OF THE SERV.CE i'isrniili nnil Mull i'rvle IJiu- n.MMl ti > &i oiir < Prompt mill Ao- IMiriltlIttMIUVtM IICl-nllft'llollN of "Dili Prol > iil > llt < Ui. . " The offlco of chief of llio Weatlicr bureau Is not a | > olltirnl ono , nnj evidently oiiRht to bo removed ns far ns possible from tlio Ir.fluenco of fortuitous changes , writes Prof Cleveland Abbe In the Now York Independ ent ; In fact , the appointment of I'rof. Moore was strictly ono by promotion ilue to fitness. From the chief \\o pnss through n graded ay stem of positions and salaries , from the senior professor down to the jomifiost observer , say 600 In all , who devote - vote their \\holo tlmo and energy to the work of the bureau , About 400 others arc temporarily employed for il\cr or tnln- fall work. One of the moat prominent features of the service Is the cllmato and crop ( lIvlHlon , with Its 3,000 voluntary ob servers , who make regular monthly reports by mall , and by whose help wo are able to present the details of the distribution of rain fall , snowfall and temperature. Many of those observers have Kept records for ten or twenty , and e\en thlrtj or forty yeats ; some of them are the successors of the \olunlnrj observers who were secured by the Smith sonian in 1S4S , or by I'rof. Kspy In 1SSC , and others belong to the system started In 1S17 by Jlolgs for the Interior department Thus wo have a moro or less bioken seilcs of observations running back for o\er 100 years at so\eral localities. All these are con sidered as belonging to the rllmatologlcal service , ( is distinguished from the slot in and weather service ; for the \\oik of the whole bureau may bo practically divided Into (1) ( ) the forecast service , for predicting storms and we.ither , eold wa\es and frosts , (2) ( ) the river and Hood service , for predicting the floods and drouths ; (3) ( ) the climatic service , for recording and presenting the details of cllmato In general ; ( I ) the cllmatu and crop spivlcu , which publishes and studies the re lations of the climate to the crops , (5) ( ) the hygienic service , which studies the relation of the climate to the health of the commu nity. rOUCCASTING STOUMS. 'Iho forecasting of destructive wind stornw and floods was especially In mind when fram ing the act of congress th.it legalized this work In 1S70 , all Jho other details have been added since then , year aftei year , until now the present weather bureau has probably Iho times as many employes and does twenty times as much work mutually ns was done during the llrst year of Its establishment , there can bo no doubt but that In the fututo other branches of cognate work will bo Im posed upon the weather bureau aa a natural consequence of Its success In the past At the centinl bureau in Washington and in addition to Its general work for the whole country there Is also the oiganlzatlon of an ordinary station which looks after the inter ests of Washington city , just as , for exam ple , the Now Yolk station looks after that city. The work of a weather bin can station JR such Is , therefore very similar in all cities , the observer must be on hand befoio 8 a m eastern time , or 5 a. m. I'ncillc time In San Francisco ; the observation of the meteorological conditions and the preparation of a cipher telegram , which condenses forty- words into four or live , goes on simulta neously at all riui regular telegraph stations throughout the United States and Canada The dlsnatchcs are forwarded bv the Western Union accenting to whit la called the "cir cuit system" as adopted by General Mycr In 1870 , and are not only received with the greatest promptness and celerity at Washington , but are also dropped on the way at other stations , so that every station throughout the country can make up a more or less complete morning bulletin , and , 1 ( need be , a morning map. The maps are printed sometimes by the old cyclostyle method , but moro frequently by the new method , perfected by Mr. J. Warren Smith , the observer In charge of the New England section. While the stations are preparing their maps and studying local Indications , some one of the four foiecasters at Washington - ton Dunwood , Haren , HIgelow- Morrlll Is preparing the general forecasts for the states , which are examined by the chief , and , after appioval , immediately tele graphed to the stations and printed upon the local maps By 11 a. m , eastern time , the printing stations , Including Washington , liave finished their maps and the distribution begins. Long before the messenger starts out the observer In charge of the station lias been btsieged by cries from the Im patient telephones , "What Is the weather today ? " "How Is the temperature ? " "Where Is the storm ? " Will there bo any 'lost ? " All through the morning hours there Is a steady stream of telephones and telegrams , special delivery letters and special messenger boys , until the observer a.n < l his assistants are well-nigh besldn themselves When a severe storm Is on hand and the central bureau Is calling for extra tb torvatlons and cipher telegrams , the public , whose Interests are at stake , suddenly pours n a stream of questions that keep the wires lot , too hot to bo handled , figuratively upcak- ng. On such occasions at a moderate es- Imnto an Important station such as New 'ork or Ch cage sends , rcce vcs and answers on the average 2,000 cipher telegrams and elephonlc dispatches per day None but an expert or a Weather bureau abaci vor can realize what a comfort the telephone is and vhat a nuipanco it can easily become In ho midst of various perplexing duties. WUATHim 'MAPS ' The maps to which wo have referred arc ow printed In larger numbers than formerly , and at moro stations. Ily picsorvlng these the recipients accumulate an Interesting rec ord of the weather from day to day over a argo part of the count ! y In many cities ollcctlons of maps are displayed In the cliools and form the basis for excellent dls- liiUltions by the teachers and scholars Tlio lonnal school In Washington was , wo be- lovc , the first to Introduce the study of the vratlipr to the lowui grade of scholars In he public schools , and wo have been crecll- ) ly Informed that , especially in llrooklyn , he study of the weather has Interested many cachors and scholars Modern education emanilH that the youth shall study nature s well as books , flowers , birds and geologl- al specimens are not always at hand , but he weather offers a very excellent substl- ulo , and Is always present ( specially ] round Now York , New England and the ako region All our great stoims move up , ovard these favored localities , therefore , | lie nuirbur of storms per year Is greater icro than anywhere else In the country , ny teacher or scholar who will take the pains to keep his own record of storms and compute It with hU obxiirvatlonH of the phases of the moon will soon find out lion little slio has to do with us ; ho will aLe llnd that the upjinoctlal stonn U a myth that disappears when confronted with faithful lecoids , 'Ihern U no subject with which mankind has interwoven more erro- neuu itU'iu than the weather and the atmos phere ; but wind and ruin and sunshine are to essential to every form of human life anil activity that cno may ho jardoned If In the abienco of bolter knowledge man Hometlmou fjcoi asuay. OLD I'ltOHAIIIUTIKS I cannot but be reminded of a little In cident when 1 was doing the predictions un der the administration of tJeneral A J Mycr , It was > In the summoof 1871. and a Buveie ( Jioutli prevailed In a certain section of the ujimtryprayers ; for rain were offered up In the churches , but no rain came ; none was in sight on the weather maps , and there was no reason why I should predict any at least so far as the regular opeiatlon of the laws of nature * wo concerned , and so for bcveral weeks the dally r > aperg published side by side the prayers for rain and the ofllclal prediction of "no rain , " until finally the muimurs of a serious grumbln wore heard , charging the weather bureau with Infidelity , gacrlU'KO , materialism and atheism It became a serious question whether It was not our duty to omit entirely the "no lain" prediction until wo should bo able to announce thai rain was coming. Of course , eventually , rain did como In connection with the ordinary movements of storms on the northwest Pacific coast , and It was properly predicted la the dally "prob abilities " i .iis little Incident In ono of ninny that show ! io\v \ 1 njiortant n place the I wi.ilhi-r bureau has oinplnl n an rdu cfttor The people with very few n < ccop > liws , have long slumbired In the belief that the weather Is lee complex n matter to bo mi- dcrelorHl by man , mid that It Is perfectly pojsllile nnil proper for the ere.ltor lo occa sionally etlr things up contrary to the tegular course of nature as r < t.ibllehed by him Hut now that my fellow rltlrcns have , on mini borless occasions , renll/rd lint we Know tome-thing , though not yet all , about the atmosphere , they will , I hope , agree with mo that not only the atmosphere but every minutest atom In the material world Is gov erned by laws that ( ioil dors not change after ho has once established them. And yet even this conviction ought not to lead us to fatal ism. Man's will Is Htlll supreme , he Is the architect of his own fortune , II Is for him to conquer Nature and turn her doings to his own advantage. Man will always piny for what lie most wants , and prayer will quicken his senses and strengthen hla hands , It will not niter the nets of God but It will quicken us to perceive the opportunltlts by which wo are always surrounded 1'roperly In- terpietcd the work of the weather bureau stimulates the higher and more philosophical contemplation of the Divine Omnlsolento 'run K\iMiii : > iivr r\ii.r.n. South Cnrnlliiii'N Liquor IINtii-iiHiirr "jMrin > ot a SMII-OONM. South Carolina is about to witness the en forced nbindonmcnt of ono of the most In teresting experiments ever made the famous liquor dl'penslng system Ono night In Ueeimber , 1S92 , writes a correspondent of the llostou Transcript. Gov ernor Tlllnian , then on tlu < crest of iho wave of fortune , sat In the gillery of thu homo of repie-sentutives and listened to a prohibition debate A piohlbltlon primary had cbcen held dm Ing the preUnus summer and the liquor people hid sustained a stun ning defeat. The bill under discussion wis In accordance with thU lesult Tlllnian was deeply Intnrested. lie had not liken part in the eampilgn , but one of his deaiesl wtshei was to see the liquor men , who li.id opposed him all along , downed to a mm L 1) ) . Ghllds , a member from Columblt , had the floor. As the leadei of the prohibition forces In the sta'e ho was making the speech of tha session. The great and brilliantly llghU-d lull was iHicked. Hut not a sound Inter rupted the speaker , who held tlio undi vided attention of his audience. With Governor Tlllnian In the gallery theie weie a number of women One a young and pretty gltU from Athens , Ga , Ilimlly grow tired of the eloquence of Mr. Chllds , and , tinning to the governor asked him why they did not resort to the dis pensary system , as In vogue In Athens < u a solution to the question. Tlllnnn WTS not a well Infoimcd man in those divs and frankly admitted that he knew vrry llttlo about the ( Athens ssfitem He expressed some Interest , how in or , and the youm ; woman ono of the few In thousands who in- tero't themselves In details Luridly out lined It to him The novoltv of the Idea struck him , and , excusing himself , he went straight to the i-\iciitl\o ; olllce , called hla lieutenants In the house around him and be fore daylight had framed n bill , the Hist dispensary bill , for Introduction An "ad ministration" measure , it was passed over all opposition , and Mr. Chllds' speech was thrown away The explanation for this now departure to the people , who had expected a simon-pure piohibltlon law , was short , and so far as Govctnor Tlllman'a adhoicnts were con cerned , sail factory. Iy ) restilrtlng and regulating the calo It would. It was claimed , diminish drunkenness and abolish a major ity of the o\lls charged to the bar rooms system It would protect the health as well as the metals of the people by furnishing them with only chemleilly pure liquors , and It would , finthermore , pay $1,000,000 yearly Into the state treasury , more thin enough to run thu state government and public school system. In short. It would relieve the tax payers of state taxes. Hut despite all this the Institution was re ceived with the reverse of favor The con servative or untl-Tillnipii element refused to see anything good In what Tlllnian had done , and thousands of thorn registered a vow no\er to take a. drink of "Tillman's liquor. " The papers took up the constitutional aiul moral questions Involved , and with few ex ceptions denounced It. The "reformers" oven resented having to sign their names to applications for pints and half pints of corn whisky as a restriction and an Infringement upon their liberties A > n result "blind tigers" were opened In every town and patronised in much the same spirit tint th llostonlans threw the tea Into the water. To ov01 come those violations the metro politan police system was inaugurated. This only multiplied the opposition to thr- dis pensary system. Charleston had been un usually submissive before the metropoli tans weio put In chaigo , but since then neither money nor pains have been spared to upioot the syctcm The state courts bo. Ing hopelessly clo ed against them , they have appealed to tlio federal conns ; and the recent decision of Judge Slmonton , pro tecting the Importation and sale of liquor In original packages , has settled the ques tion finally. Already doyens of original package houses are In opeiatlon , soiling In open opposition to the dLspon ary. The sliugglo Is an uneven one ( , and the Issue Is not doubtful. Protected bv the federal courts , the Importers can sell cheaper than the dispensary can buy , and It Is only n question of tlmo when the competition will force the state to surrender Governor Klloibee , whoso election was dun to a piomlso to remove tlui metiopolltans from Charleston a proml.se which he subse quently thought better of , seems determined to flpht to the last ditch. Ilcforo his elec tion ho was not considered a dispensary ad vocate ; but now ho devotes the greater part of his time to building men of straw for the federal couit to knock down Ho haa staked his caieer on the metropolitan pollco Issue , and will most piobably keep up the tight until the attorney general calls u halt. As for Senator Tlllnian , ho tennis to take the matter more to htait than any one else. H was defiant as long as ho thought there were any hopes for Ills bill In congress. When It failed ho came home , and for two wcoku has been making speeches In defui ho of the Institution , oven threatening to leiilgn his scat In the senate anil inn for governor again on the dispensary Issue In the course of his remarks ho has been unsparing lit abuse nf the federal courts , the barkecp- or.s , the preachers and the devil , who , ho says , are leagued against him Hut no onn believes for all that that ho has any Idea of running for governor , and there are not a few who would ofter oven money on his de feat If ho did. Kor ho Is not as strong' now as when he wont to the senate , and t IB risk would hi : too great to run at this tlmo. Some say that he will have trouble retain ing his seat when his term expires In 1900 , and Ili'i wtaUni'BK IH all tiaceable to the dispensary. To give an Idea of how much strength ho has last no luugcr than two years opo exery candidate of the reform faction boasted of his loyalty to Tlllnian Those who were fortunate enough to lecoUu hlH indorsement considered It iqulvalent to election. Now , all dlttcusx the dispensary and metropolitan pollen questions regardlenn of hla views 'I line was whim such temerity would have meant certain defeat Another class that will have cauuo to regret - grot the downfall of tlio dispensary syatem Is the "blind tiger" class There weru nearly 150 blind tigers In CliailoUon alone , and there is no saying how many tluro worn In the state Their prolltu were onormoim and their losses from KeUures merely Inci dental. One Illicit dealer who ran a whole. Kale buslnes3 In Charleston claims to have had $20,000 worth of liquors suuul from first to last , but says that ho could well af ford It with profits such r.s ho made Now ) lie nays the original package houses are supplying his customers , to whom ho sold at o.'o time ait much as 1,700 gallons of whisky In a single day This occupation , like Othello's , IH i ; ° ne , anil a return to ordi nary protlts 1s not welcome , for all the show he made of fighting the dispensary. Il OH