Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1897, Image 1

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Uinistor Wood fora Lays Unvarnished Facts
Bcforo Totuan ,
PaveB the Way for Intervention by th3
United States Government.
Likely to Bring Abjut Ministerial Crisis iu
Spanish Government.
Ollli-liilH Denj Woiiiirortl
M' 'rcloiui lo l1iiiUrMlnn < l ( lint
CulMi 'tliiNl HiI'liflllvU b } '
Kml oT Oetnlivr.
( Cnpyrlcht , 1S9T. li > I'mtv Publishing Company. )
SAN SHHASTIAN. Spain , Sept. 20 ( Now
lYork World Cablegram S | > 3olal 'Iclegram- )
Gencral Wood ford , the United Slat B minis
ter , In his three houm' interview with Iho
duke of Totunn Saturday , prcsenlcil lo the
Spanish government no demand for the pay
ment of money on account of American losses
in Cuba He confined himself to a very te-m-
l > eratu statement of the great losses snstalne'd
liy American commercial and Industrial In
terests because of the long continued war ,
and urged upon the Spanish government the
view that 11 Is evidently Impossible for Spain
to crush the rebellion within a reasonable
time He argued that even If the rebellion
should be crushed by tire methods nlthcrto
adopted by General Weyler the Island would
be so completely devastated as lo be ot no
USD to Spain or to the Cubans. General
"Woodfoid then Insisted , temperately but
earnestly , that the war must bo brought lo
a. speedy termination. It this were not ac
complished by the end of October , the min
ister said , the Unlled Slales must consider
Itself at liberty to do whatever It shall then
deem necessary lo secure complete and per
manent peace In Cuba.
The duke of Tetuan Informed Ihe queen of
what General Woodford had said. The mes
sage surprised mil pained her. She ex
pressed readlnobs to go to Madrid directly If
the government considered her presence
neccbsary lo concert a reply clearly stating
Spain's determination to maintain Its rights
iu Cuba.
I met Scnor Silvcla , leader ot the dissident
conservatives today. Ho assured mo hf
would unlto all of the opposition and heartily
support any government in resisting Ihe
American pretensions disclosed by General
Woodford ,
PARIS , Sept. 20. A dispatch from San
Sebastian , to the Temps of Ihls city says that
in his Interview ycbtcrday vvllh Iho duke ot
Tetuan , the Spanish mlnlbler for foreign
affairs , Ihe Untied States mlnhter to Spain ,
General Stewart L Woodford , did not pre
sent any claim far Indemnity , but confined
the Interview to a moderate phrabe In the
( statement of the great Injuries commerce
nnd Industry had suffered in the Untied
States through the prolongation of the Cuban
war. General Woodford Is said to have
added that Secretary Sherman had desired
liim to declare to the Spanish government
that It was evidently impossible for Spain
to end the rebellion In a reasonable time
nnd , further , that if the war was continued
Cuba would be devastated and of no utlllly
to Spain or to the Cubans.
In conclusion , the United States minister
Is reported to have Insisted courteously but
Jlrmly upon the necessity of terminating tlio
war , declaring that If It was not terminated
by the ci d of October the United States
nvoulil feel justified ta taking measuies to
eccure the Independence of Cuba.
The duke of Tetuan , according to the dis
patch to the Temps , while prolebtiiig against
alleged American "pretensions , " said he
would reply officially to the United Stales
minister when the Spanish couit retuins to
MADRID , Sept. 20. In official clrcleb hcie
the greatest secrecy Is maintained regarding
the United Stales ultimatum , which Is
looked upon as bound to cause a gicat
sensation In Curope nnd to have tlu greatest
consequences for Spain. While not intend
ing It , It Is believed the a tlnn of the
United States has greatly facilitated a solu
tion of the ministerial crisis nnd that theie
will be a rcorganl/atlon of the conservatives
under General Azcarraga , the premier , and
Don Francisco Sllvclla , the leader of the
dissident conservatives.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 20. It can be
Btated In reference to the Paris publication
purporting to give the substance of General
Woodford"s communication to Iho duke of
Tcluan yesterday that there has been a mls-
iippic'heiihlan on the part of the Temps cor
respondent Irr bcveral Important points ,
notably in respect to an ultimatum nnd the
setting of a tlmo limit for the conclusion
of thu war. Instead of fixing the end of
October next as the dito for Iho lei urina
tion of tlio war , that particular dnto wan
mentioned as the tlmo when the Spaulbh
tourt would retiiin to Madiid from Sun Ro-
basllan , and when consequently It might bo
In order to retuin an answer to the latent
roprc'sentallons nf the United States govern
ment through Mr. Woodford It In declared
nt thu State department tint whllo Mr
Woodfoid did. occoidlng to the original Idea
of his Instruction , hot out the iljj'p Interest
the United States had In witnessing a res-
Ballon of the deplorable conlllct In Cuba , bo
did not deliver himself ot an ultimatum , hut
Blrnply miiile n statement of our dee'p Inter
ust In n settlement of the Cuban war as n
H-asonabln explanation for Intervening In
nny manner at this lime. Mr. Wood ford's
telegram regarding his contorenco vvlth the
ilnko of Tcluan Is now before J'ri'sldenl
Unlled Stales Minister Woodford has re
ported to thu State department the
fact that ho had a tonfeieiu-o with
the duke of Tetuan yihtorday In Mad
rid. Although no Inclination respecting
the nature of Mr Woodford's report can be
obtained at thu Stain department , It Is be
lieved that his representations were rather
] > iellmlimry In rratriie , nnd Intended to prc-
iiaro the foundation upon which the mlnlHter
Iu to buso his full vabi > , and that thi-uo vvere
neil rt' ( nlved ,
LONDON. Sept , 20 , A dispatch to the
BtamUrd from San SehastUn says : " 1h gov-
urnmont will take Us time to reply to United
Statc'H Minister Woodford , and will probably
lay tlio caiiu before the European powers In
the shape of an exhaustive exposition of the
whole matter. Hut last year thf > foreign
olllcu ascertained that the sympathies oT the
imwuru wen ) not likely to go beyond platonlc
censure ot the United States. Much anxiety
la noticeable In court and official circles. "
i\lireKn ami 'I roop 'I'm I OK Colllile.
YH.NNA. Sept. 20 , A dlipatch from Pl
ume suys there was a collision last men-
Ing near Kafosvars between an express train
ami a fie'luht train carrying troops. Foui
< raln hands and six soldiers were killed and
thirty soldiers will probably die fiom the In-
Jurlos received In the accident. A consid
erable amount of rolling- stock was wrecked
Hunt < lie
l \RIS , Sept. 20. It Is officially announced
that the troops of Chief Samcry , Ihe African
chief lain whoeo territory adjoins the king
dom of Ashanteo , surprised and routed on
August 20 a French detachment of native
troops sent to occupy territory which Samory
bad offered to evacuate. The Frracu lost
two ofUcera anil forty-four raeu killed.
Clvi-n a Itojnl Snliiti * on KnlrrliiK
HUDA-rnSTll. Sept 20. Umperor William
nf Germany arrived hero at 10 o'clock this
morning and was welcomed by Kmperor
Francis Joseph , the cabinet ministers nnd Ihe
civil and military authorities The approach
of the Imperial train was heralded by a
nalulo of twenty-four girne , and when It
steamed Into the railroad station all those
present on the platform loudly cheered his
majesty and the band played "Hall dcr
KaUcr. "
When the two sovereigns first met they
kissed each other twice The carriage which
conveyed them from the railroad otat on to
the castle was drawn by five horses ridden
by postillions As their majesties drove oft
there were loud shouts of "Kljen" mi glcd
iv 1th the tht rider of the artillery salute , the
music of the hands , the roll of drums and
mglc salutes. Handkerchiefs and hats vvere
; o be seen wiving on all sldca ns the Im-
: icrlal carriages traversed the main streets.
The decorations wore especially brilliant at
ho entrance of Kerepesl street , In Franz
Josef square , whole a staluo had heen
erected personify i g Hungary tnd having In
one hand an olive branch extended toward
he Imperial visitor. The enthusiasm of the
pec.-lo visibly pleased Iho monarch's ' , and
Umperor William showed signs of grcalest
LONDON , Sept. 21. A dispatch to Iho
Dally Mall from Vienna say * :
"It Is reported that as nmperor Wlllhm
nnd llmperor Francis Joseph were leaving the
station at lludi Test a sharp detonation was
heard which was followed by a thick cloud
of dust and smoke. The crowd took-fright ,
broke- through the military cordon ami
B'varmed around the Imperial carriages Cm-
pcror Franrls Joseph was greatly ngllitcd
and ehoutcd to the police lo keep the people
back. Sonic arrcsls are reported , but owing
tn silence maintained bv the ofllchls It
Is difficult to ascertain details of the affair
The Neue Wiener Journal was confiscated
this evening for publishing telegrams aa to
the occurrence "
SHOT itv A Misim iiiiitin > nnn.
Vtl < > niit | to VnsnHlimti' an IlnnllHli
SonjrVrlUr. .
LONDON , Sept. 20. Some excitement and
considerable comment has been caused In
musical circles by what appears to be an at
tempt to assassinate Miss Ilda Orme , the
well known song writer , author of "A Les
son In Kl'slng , " which Louise Heamlet has
recently undo famous Iu the Unilcd Slates
Miss Ormo wab , according to the story told ,
entering her residence at 1 o'clock Satur
day morning last when a man came up to
her and asked for assistance. Miss Ormo
flays she gave him A shilling and that then ,
without a word of explanation , the nun
drew a revolver and Ilred at her , the bul
let traversing her right breast and setting
her blouse on lire. Miss Orme'a assailant
lied and has not been arrested. The wound
Infllrtcd Is not a dangerous one.
When questioned as to the mollve for
Ihe seemingly murderous assault MKs Orme
attributed It to a continuance of alleged
persecutions to which , she says , she has
been subjected for ten years past at the
hands of a millionaire Hoston lawyer.
( it-iifrat .Trirr < MH llrliiKliipr the Ile-
licllliniN NII\CN ( | to Time.
LONDON , Sept. 20. The correspondent of
the Times at Simla says :
General Jeffreys has Inflicted such punishment
mont upon the Mchmunds that they are bcg-
g-mg for mercy and asking his terms. Their
valley Is swept clear of fighting men. No
ono Is now offering the ellghtesl opposition
The Salare/al tribesmen have declined to
fight further , fearing that tliclr villages also
will bo punished. General Jeffreys has de
manded the surrender of fifty breechloadlr.g
guns and of those captured by the Mahmunds
last Thursday. When these terms are com
plied vvlth ho will resume his march Into the
Mohmund country.
iviiiin AHHOVO.
Mc-xlcnn I'rt-HN Ilus > MiiKIitK Unit
Kind ofIiiirKON. .
MCXICO C1TV , Sept. 20. Public Interest
In the alleged lynching of Arroyo continues
to increase , bllmulatcd by the rumors and
disclosures in the press , for as light begins
to be thrown cm the matter It Is seen there
la string probability that Arroyo was not
killed by a mob of people , 'but ' by some mem
ber or members of the police Itself
Mi'KNiiKo from
COl'nNHAGKN , Sept 20 A dispatch re
ceived hero from Hammerfest , the northern
most town of Europe , In Norway , siys that
the whaling ship Falk has brought there
he third pigeon dispatch from Profrrdree ,
who left the Island of Tromsoo In a balloon
on July 1 last , In an atlempt to cross the
polar regions. The message bi ought by the
Falk reads "July U , 12 110 p * . in. , lat. S ? 2
N. long 12.G 13. Good voyage eastward. All
vrell "
LONDON , Sept. 20. A dispatch to the
Times from St. Petersburg says'
"Tho report that Prof. Andree's balloon
lias been sighted In Iho Intel lor of Siberia
is not believed here- . Captain Kovonco , the
leading aeronautic expcr I of Russia , for
mally discredits the report. He ass rts that
if An Ireo ever returns It will certainly nut
" > e In midair , as the balloon certainly could
not have kept up beyond twelve day
IIIIII'K < MIM Ie j Trlliille.
MAN\GUA , Sept 20 An Investigation
Into the i evolutional y movement here shows
llnl the disturbances have developed at
( iranada and Jlnotcpp. General ; i'aez and
\lfin commanding Iho revolullonisls , are
reported to have passed through Jlnotcpp
yee ! diy collecting money , aims and am
munition , but It N added tint they had only
luout I'OO men with them and were going In
the direction of Iho Pacific ocean President Is actively collecting and forwarding
Holdleis to HIP various departments
Mnirp ICouiinenn'iit In Culm ,
HAVANA. Sept. 20 Tlio Spanish columns
under General Luquo and Colonel Morop had
n sharp engagement with the Insurg tits , who
were trying to lapture Iho fort at Los Hajos
do Iu Hreihosa , near Holguln The cavalry
charged , killing seventeen Insuigonts. Tne
columns lost five killed and fourteen
wounded. Snven hundred and eight soldiers ,
sick , wounded or otherwise Incapacitated , left
for Spain today
IVnee Ollli > lnli > Deelnreil.
CONSTANflNOPLi : , Sept. 20 It vvab offi
cially announced today that peart between
Grce'co and Turkey has been signed and the
ministers of war and marine hnvc HO notllted
all thr- Turkish military and naval com
mander u. Most of the IZuropean sovereigns
have oongralulated the sultan upon the con
clusion of peace.
llrlllxli I , OKU Very Siiiull.
l nirMMl. . Sept. 20 Advices from
Ilnngu say that 2,000 tribesmen on Thursday
last attacked a Hying column of British
troops at Sodda. The fighting lasted two
hours , but the Ililtlah only lost two killed
aiul had four men wounded.
ItiihHln'M * ) ii rp I ilk Client ,
LONDON. Sept. ZO. Tlip Mark Lane n\ .
press , reviewing the crop situation , eayj-
"Though the Kiuelan when crop is under
the average , the best judges credit KiiKhU
vvltlfbelng able to export , a surplus of quite
8,000000 quarters.
Troll I'roNiM'ClH Improved ,
LONDON , Sept. 20. A dispatch to the
Tlrnca from Itnenos Ay res sayi , the unusual
cold haj checked the spread of the locusts
and materially Improved the harvest i < io > -
perls ,
1C I n K Mem-Ilk Honor * llUmarol. ,
HAMllURG. Sept. 20. Prince Bismarck
Iras received the grand crotti of the Star
of KthlcpU from King Meuellk ol Abys-
Sweeping Dcc'sion in Kansai Oity Live
StocK Exhingo I'nsa ,
, Jiiline KoKlor of I'lilti-il StiitcM Court
lliili-N ( InKIIIIMIIM Clt > Hull } in
vil In Violation of
tin * Viill-Ti'iint Lim.
T01'iKA , Sept. 20. United States District
Jndgo Foster made a sweeping decision this
morning in which he declared the organUu-
tlon known as the Kansas City Live Stock
exchange Illegal under the provisions of the
nntl-trust law. The exchange Is an organi
zation of coniml alon mon , who control the
sale of live stocl : In Kansas City. All stock
which enters the city must pass tnroilgh
the hands ot this organization. Judge Fos
ter enjoins the commission from doing busl-
ne s and declares It an unlawful combina
The case vv s that brought by the United
States district attorney nearly a year ago ,
when Grecr , Mills & Co. , a Chicago-Kit sas
City flrm , was driven from the exchange ,
Tne firm was suspended for the non-payment
ot fines , aggregating $1,000 , and sued tor an
The association Is located on the Kansas-
Missouri Itae , n the Immediate vicinity of
the Kansas City Stock Yards company's
yards. The decision dcclaies that the ex
change Is clearly a combination whoso pur
pose Is to restrict , control and monopolize
the buying and selling ot live stock at the
Kansas City yards , and continues "The
methods and alms of mti y of these e\-
chcrmes and boards of trade arc not alto
gether beneficial to the business and com
merce of the count" } ' . The crying complaint
of tcJay , and the great menace to the wel
fare of the people is the tendency of wealth
to morop"Ilze and control by trusls and
comVi cs Hie producls and Industries of the
country , nnd It must be confessed by every
thoughtful observer that many of the so-
called stock and produce exchanges are
among the most potent Instrumentalities for
the accomplishment of these purposes by-
speculators and adventurers. "
1CANSAS CITY , Mo. , Sept. 20 The news
of the declblon rendered by United States
Judge FoUor , declaring the Kansas City Live
Stock exchange a violation ot the Sherman
anti-trust liw , caused a great deal of sup
pressed excitement at the slock yards here
Some members of the exchange say the
dissolution of the exchange will on a severe
blow to the live stock Intercntb If It stands
the test In the higher courts. They say the
business us carried on under the i riles of
the exchange has been reduced to a scien
tific basis and guarantees to every patron an
honest deal. I're&ldent John C. McCoy salu.
"Wo are In the hands of our lawyers and
until we see them we do not know what
action will be taken by the exchange. In
fact , wo do not know the full import of the
decision and are iu no position to say what
we can do "
Judge Foster defines the Interstate law and
says. 'It Is Indisputable that all the live
stock shipped to these defendants for sale
from states other than Kansas or Missouri ,
after it has entered the current of commerce
between the states , continue and remain sub
jects of such commerce until the transpoita-
llon is lerrniualed , and lire properly becomes
a part of the general property of the state.
It is also wnll settled that while this prop
erty Is the subject of liiteibtato commerce ,
no state , municipality or other power but
congress can Impoie taxes , restrictions or
regulations upon it , except so fur as proper
in the exercise of police regulallons for the
protecllon of Ihe health , morals and per
son of the citizen , and except for proper
charges and icgiilatloiis for the USD of local
Instruments , as aid or Incidents to such com-
neice , such as dockb , bridges , wharves , ele-
valorJ , ferries , pilotage , etc. "
i'HOiiis ; > OF TIII : LI UTCKHT
Trial lUvsiinu'N Today lth CloNliiu
Direct 111 lilfiuv.
CHICAGO , Sept. 20. The closing evidence
ot the prosecution In the Luetgert case will
be submitted tomorrow morning. If Judge
Tuthtll rules out Ihe evidence of Frank
; Jlalk and Frank Odorofbky as to the rno-
tlvo of the alleged inurdei State's Attorney
" ) enton will call Mrs. Johnson Miller to the
stand to tell of threats bhe heard and a pur
suit of Mrs. Luetgert fcho once witnessed by
the man on trial who was , Mrs Miller will
ay , aimed with a revolver. But the state's
attorney and first asslbtant , William Mc-
Rwen , nre of the opinion that Judge Tuthlll
nil ! not rule out the motive evidence. This
evidence will detail Luetgerl's relations
with other women , notably Mary Slernerlng
the servant girl to whose presence In the
houRehold Mrs Luetgert strongly objected
The prosecution will try to establish the faci
that It wab a deblro to marry Mary Sletner-
Ing or some one of the other women with
ivhom ho was Infatuated which led Luetgert
to murder his wife.
Dr. Hudolph Oppcnhclm of Hammond , III.
to be called as an expert witness by the
defense. He has expressed the opinion thai
the bones exhibited by the prosecution weio
propnicd and placed In the vat by enemies
of Luetgert for the purpose of convicting
him. Half a dozen other experts will albc
be called , among them Dr. Sanderson Cluls-
tenson , the expert on criminology. It was
also btated today that an effort will be made
to priivu an ullbl for Luetgert. The defense
will require two vveeka lo present the case
and at least a week will bo consumed litho
the argumentb of counsel ,
co\i , STHIKI : is M\KI.V : IMJVD :
Miner * \rr ItHurnliiK toVorK. . ! > >
UK * lliiiiilri-ilx.
\BLirrON' , Pa. , Sept. 20. Unless unfor
seen developments occur , the coil strike It
this region Is ended Today 1,200 men , hal
of the full complement , returned to work a
HID Honey Brook collieries of the Lc-hlgh
& Wllkosbarre company , as did 300 of th
1,300 at I'ardee's La timer mines , while th
Cranbeiry , Crystal Hldgo and Hanvnod col
llerleb of tlio same company and Coxe's col
llorloH In Ihe Drlfton district , remained a
woik. The employes of the Ha/el mines o
the Lthlgh Valley Hatlroad company arc lo
night considering the tiucsllon of returning
In the morning and will probably do so
Nearly 5,000 ttrlkers have relumed or wilde
do hfi tomorrow , and a little less than lira
number me still out vv'th ' indications Ir
favor of their Jolnlne the worker * Th
only incidents today vvt > ru Kinall outbreaks a
Latlmer and iekley , both of nhli-lr
ijulckly subdued , and the bervlng of war
ruiits of arrests upon Sheriff Martin and
number of his dfputlrx
A u In re III * I\IMMI : 1 1 ! on.
N1S\V YOHK , Sept . ' 0Mr. . KrederlcK A
Cook , who wan n member of 1'eary'H Or < 'en
land expedition In IS'll , tulled today un the
Coolldge for Montevideo , where he will jolt
the Uailu k Antarctic expedition t'lie coc
dltlon , under comrn ind uf Lieutenant G < M
lai'k. left Antwerp un tne H Igliu , ,1 vvhul
Ing ship , espoc-'nily Htiengtheiu'd and llttn
up for the n illous uiMcrtaklni , ' Trio He- ]
K'.ar Is provisioned for two yetiif.
WlllltM llljlllll'llotlKlllllHl Dl'IlN ,
Wlir.nHNO W V . Sa-t 2oThe ft1 1
mi' * of limi'M In tht ; giand peb on of tin
iVliiembrr tirrn nf I'lillul Stmto irt for
the ( llntrli't of \ \ < s > l Vlrignii was tire u jp'l- '
( utlon of ex-Ucninioi A. It Firming of the
I'ulrmount to inal.i' 'h > ' Injunction agalitat
V. Di-bs nnd otlfin ) petpi-tua'
* < t'ltliHie ( , i-c hun
1'Hir.U.iO , Fept U - \ Hnul nccouni > .f fie
esiau ot Ihe lure \\i\ltfi Q Ureshain waa
Illed tolay In the probate court It was up-
proved and lliii estate close' ' ) . The executrix
was the widow , Matilda Ureshum , and bhu
U aha the sole benvllclury. The estate
amounts to JIS.CW.
si ( icnsTioNs rou TUP IIKIiu v\ .
l.cltcr lo ( In * ( oiiiniNoliilirr from an
I2ititli > ? In III * ,
WASHINGTON. Sept. 20.-Specli1 ( Tele
gram ) Upon the desk of the commissioner
of Indian affairs appeared a letter today
written In the Indian1 ofllce. relative to the
granting of a driveway to 'tho ' cittlonui
through the Gr ut Sioux reservation Major
Larabco said that the Iqttcr contaVied nug-
gosllocs pertinent to the situation , as nt
frcpcnt existing , and tint the report of In
dian Inspector McLatiRhl n elated tint the
Indians would allow a driveway at n cost
of 5 rents per hold upca cattle. The letter ,
It Is understood , In exhaustive In character
and contains suggestions that the commis
sioner should appeal td Indians to allow
i special permits lo 'bo ' made In cases of cal-
j I llenu-n who doslro to avill themselves of
j such trail to rui for one year. Senator
Thurston and Aeslatrnl , Secretary of War
lelklejohrr are laboring firnestly lo the end
hat the secretary of the Interior may sljn
u order for n council with the Indians to
pprovo the action of the Indian ofilca at
The president today appoV.led E. G. Kcrj-
cdy to he United States marshal for the
district of South Dakota. Kennedy Is a cat-
lemau and grain dealer pf the northern part
f the state He IB H republican of prom-
nonce , and had the endorsement of Na-
Irnal Cornmltteermil Kettrldgo.
Mli s Nettle 12. Harrington has been dcslg-
atcd as secretary ot the board of civil
ervlcc examination for the postal service at
outh Omaha 'ri place of Miss Williams ,
vho resigned from the service.
The comptroller of Hid cnrrency today de-
lared a final dividend of IS per cent In
aver of the creditors of the First National
lank of Uedflcld. S. D , making In all 100
er cent tcid Interest In full to September
5 , 1 ! > 97 , on claims proved , amounting to
Acting Comptroller of Currency Cofiln
las heen notified of the selection of N M.
Myton as second vice president of Cedar
'alls. la. , National bank.
The only Nebraska postmaster appointed
oday was F J Unli , at Able , Butler county ,
Ice D. C. Norrls , leslrried.
The pOHtolllce at Carbd ado , Mahaskn
ouiity , la has been descontlnued. Mall will
; o to Oskaloosa
su OP mrfri.ils" > Tim \IIMY.
tt-iiort on tli ' llooeiit Trli > from
Montana ( o St , IOOH. |
WASHINGTON. Pept 20 The War ilcpirt-
nent has rrado public th'e ' report of Lieutenant
ames H. Moss , Twenty-fifth Infantry , who
onimandcd the bicycle cprps which made the
eng Journey from Fort Mlssoula , Mont. , to
St. Louis last summer. Tiie document Ib
illed with Information of Iho greatest value
0 bicyclists who contemplate making long
rips awheel. Evciy ounce of food eaten ,
very day'b events , mishaps , nnd experiences
re set down with military exactness , yet In
a style that makes the birbject ontertalnli.g
eading for wheelmen. The'e weio many
eng miles of walking and sleeping In the
aln , of tolling along In the hot sun , or In
he sleet , or suffering from tho- use of alknll
\ater , of hunger and of thlist. The puipose
vas to test the value pf the bicycle as a
unitary adjunct , and the conclusion of Cap-
aln Mosb upon this point In his own lan
guage Is as follows :
Military cycling In our armv H In It's very
nf.mcy and no one. but a person who has
mil ai'timl experience In this line can aetu-
illy appreciate the pouslbllltle- tire wheel
is n machine foi military work. The bicycle
1 is a number of advimlaueH over the hoi be
It does not icqiilre its much rare , It needs
10 forage , It moves muchfaster over fair
oail" , H is not as louspictioua mil be
ildden from \ievv more enslly , It is nolse-
cfs and raNes but llitlc dust , uno It Is Im-
jo sllile to ( letermlnt ! dliectlon from Ita
rack. Furthermore , the lighting strength of
i bicycle rorps is not diminished by "horse
rolders. " 1'niler favorable conditions the bl-
ryele Is invaluable for courier work , scout-
ng duty , rend pitrollng , rapid ipconnuls-
sar.ce , etc. A blcyele coijw as an adjimet to
nf.intry or eavaliy could render exeellenl
servie-o where bpced rather thnn number Is
required , such a Hiking 'possebBlon ' of
nasses. brhlires and other strategic1 places
ahead of the command nml holding tnem un.
Ill relnfoi cements coulfl be gotten fiom the
main road. On t'ic Other hand , In rainy
weather over bad IOTIH. ete , the horse is
supeiior. The verv thoughl of Ihe bleyc-le
doing away with the eavujiy altogether Is
ludleious. Kuch has nerullar functions of
its own , i ptitlcular field 'in vvlile'i , under
certain eondltlons , the one N superior to
Ihe other The question , fhereforo , whlcn
c-onfi on's us Is : Should not a modern , up-
to-date .11 my have both , that It might .mil
Itself of one or the other as the propel con
ditions piesent themselves ; ?
Stale li'i' rlaieii < Prepared for % M\H
of Ilex oliitlon liii\lcariiKiia.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 20. The State de
partment has not yet been notified of the
reported revolutionary outbreak in Nic
aragua. The uprising Is not unexpected , as
there has been much hostility among mem
bers of the conservative party to President
Zelaya's retention to tha presidency beyond
February next , when bis'first term expires
Grenada , the seat of the reported uprising ,
Is the chief city of Nicaragua and the center
of the conservative party' strength. It Is
said to have strategic strength , as It con
trols all the Nicaragua .canal country , In
cluding Greytovvn , the Atlantic entrance to
tl.e carol , and also control * Ihe cable which
connects Nicaragua with theoulslde woild
According to the union recently effected by
Nicaragua , Honduras and Salvador , under the
name of the G'eater Kepublle of Central
America , the military forces of the combined
states will be available to suppress the out-
bieak , but some doubt I * expressed as to
whether this treaty of mutual defense will
stand the test of a revolution.
I'ONlimiNlrrN w\ ] > | ioin ( < < ! .
WASHINGTON , Sept , 20. The following
pcstmaslers vvere Ihls afternoon appointed
by Iho presidenl :
Iowa H. A , Tooling. Chailes Clly.
Missouri Thomah Franrs | , Hevler ; Adel-
bert O Welton , Hutler ; Dan K Wrench ,
Joplln , J. II. Jacobs , Norborno ; Thomas
Curry Oregon : Lewis W. Hrannon , Prince-
Ion ; William F. Qulgley , Tlpton ; George H
Gardne L'nionvllle ; David L Hobson , Willow
low Springs , >
Montana William 13 , Ijurkett , Ho emanj
Thomas J Pollard , Glendlve.
Sculh Dakotti Wlllliim 8 Chase , Sturgls.
Slnildim Out IllOil-xril lllllcH.
WASHINGTON , Sept 26. On icqui-at of
the secretary of agilcultx re , HID Treasury
dcpirtrnent has reiiifested" fire secretary of
state to instruct all ronsulor onicers of the
United Stales lo refuse 'authentication of
Invoice's of hides of meat catlle from districts
In which anthrax exists. ] This request Ifi
made In view of tlir fact ) that a number of
deaths of human beings and cattle recently
occurred at Falls Crc-clf , Pa. , In con
sequence of the manipulation of hides In
tanneries at that place.
I'eliMlon l'ilTiilllN ,
WASHINGTON. Sept 20.j Actlns Secretary
Davis of the ji.tcrlor department signed pen-
blan requisitions today for quarterly pay
ments a' the folloulng places Chicago ,
$2.870.000 ; Buffalo. N. y. , $1.050000 ; DCS
Mclnes , la $2 HO 000 ; Plttsburg , Pa , $1.750-
000 ; Concord , N H , . $775.000.
lilt liliMtilH lo llnuK CK'illtorN.
WASHINGTON , Sept. fO The compt olid
of the currency lian doclareil dividends In
favor of the cieJItorj of Ins-lvcnl natbnal
banks a follows : Twenty per cent to First
Nitlcnal barrk ot Wellington , Kan , 5 per
' ent , the Merchants' Nation 1 bank gf Seut-
1 tlo. Wash ; IS per cent , ths Flist National
bank of HedficUl S D.
WASHINGTPN , Sept 20 The president
i will leave tomorrow night on a special train
{ going to North Adam ; , Maes , without a sto >
Mrs McKlulcy w'll accompany him.
Dally TrciiMiirj Sliileiiu-nl.
WASHINGTON , Sept. SO. Today'a state
ment of the condition of the treasury shows
Available cash balances. f21GSCO,52G , gold
reserve. ! UGC31C5S.
Arrangements for Illumination of the
Streets and Buildings ,
I'litillo mill I'rUalc llliiiulniK lee * Kitf
i\foc < I \n > tiling lliToloforo
Seen In ( lit * < "llj or
I I InWent. .
The man who first conceived the Idea of
on Omnha organization that should brpuk
lown the barrier between this city and the
country BUI rounding It nnd who chose to
ctitltlo that Institution the natno of the
commonwealth spelled in Its reverse order ,
mil every reason to feel flattered as he
walked through the principal streets of
Omaha last evening and BOW the exhibition
of handiwork wrought through the influence
of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Uon and heard the
plaudits of thousands of boats and guests ,
Omahans nnd their visitors.
For two years the occasion of the Ne
braska State fair In Omaha lies been celo-
Drated with great pomp and ceremony by
the citizens of tills cltj. There have been
gorgeous decorations and brilliant illumina
tions. Hut on none of the prc\lous occa
sions has there been seen anything to
closely rival the blaze of glory that last
evening imido the streets of Omaha almost
as bright us at noonday and much more
picturesque. As It appeared Itut evening
Iho only work of previous displays of this
character has been to prepare the people
for what so auspiciously followed this sea
son.It doesn't take long to say that there were
over 3f > 00 Incandescent lamps and 120 big
nrc lights , in addition to those ordlmrlly In
use , giving forth their brilliant raya to II-
lumlno the streets lost evening. And It
doesn't take much longer to state that these
additional lights required the use of twenty-
eight miles ot electric light wire or to add
that over 5,000 Incandescent lamps burned
brightly on the principal buildings of the
business portion ot the city. It took a much
longer time , however , for the eye to take in
the Illuminations and for tlio mind to appre
ciate the work Involved In preparing for
such a veritable outbutst of electricity In the
form of light. No word picture can give an
accurate , .description of the appearance of
the principal htreeis of Omaha last evening
and neither can photography until that
science has been made more perfect in the
reptoduction of color. There was much
jrlghtness , but It was softened by the dis
play of so much color lh the effect was
not offensive and dazzling , but lather har
monious and pleasing.
Throughout the principal streets , Including
Farnam , Douglas Dodge and Sixteenth , theic
were long lows ot incandescent lamps sus
pended along both -sides of the streets. As
these lights were of variegated colors , for
the most part the green , red and yellow of
the Knights of Ak-Sar-ncn , they presented a
most attractive appearance. On each street
there was a myriad of these small lights , and
they totally changed the ordinary appearance
of these busy but unadorned thoroughfares.
The Illumination of the streets , though of It
self a feature pleasing to the great crowds
that walked the streets during the entire
evening , was Insignificant compared with the
far grander display on the leading public
and private buildings ot the city. Never be
fore has there been such elaborate decora
tion nnd illumination of buildings in Omaha.
The greatest crowds were attracted to the
top of the Farnam street hill , where the bril
liant Illumination of The Hoc building , the
county court house and the city hall com
bined to maKe a most wonderful scene. It
was the general verdict of the populace that
the county commissioners had eclipsed all
previous efforts In the magnificent decoration
and illumination ot the court house. In fiont
a largo American flag was formed by electric
lights of colored globes and the deft manipu
lation of the swltthboaid gave to tills Hag
the appearance of its folds being blown In
the breeze lielovv was a beautiful display of
the national colois spread across the entire
width of the main entrance. On the east side
was a largo star composed of small electric
lights. Along the four edges of the roof were
displayed small Hags of Ak-Sar-Bcn colors.
Th9 masslvo columns of the building were
wrapped In the same bold colors. It was the
dorao that attracted the greatest attention
however , and theie was scarcely a place
within the Lity Hmits where the b"ad of
lights encircling the head of Justice could
not bo seen. The dome and the largo statue
of Justice In her now gown of white apptarod
to the gientcst advantage , and were well set
off by the new coat of paint recently put on
the cornice of the building. From the four
corners of the building to the dome were
rows of Ak-Sar-Ben flags that will undoubt
edly make Samson and Samson , Jr. , feel very
good when they rldo along Farnam street on
Wednesday evening.
The Hoe building appeared well with Its
brilliant Illuminations. Over the main en
trance and the large windows facing Farnaui
street weio g'aceful curves of variegated elec
tric llghth , and the bold outlines of the buildIng -
Ing vvere made more prominent by lines of
Incandescent lamps.
The city hall was brilliantly adorned with
seveial hundred electric lights of Ak-Sar-Hen
colors , most of which vvere ranged In vertical
columns on the Karnam street front , while
the tower , lighted by horizontal lines of white
lights , appeared bettor by night than by day
'Ihe telephone building had its large windows
dews marked out with o most beautiful ! )
coloicd an ay ot lights.
The Millard hotel was ornamented with
Eevcial hundied white lights.
The main office and the branch olllccs of
the American District Telegraph company
worn brilllintly Illuminated.
Mnurcr'H was made easy to find by the sus
pension of seve Q ! rons of gaily colored elec
tric lights above the roof , meeting at the
tcp of a tall * llagpole.
All the railroad offices were hand-omely
decorated , but the palm of the passenger men
was fairly voted to the Qulncy route ofllce
whole several novel features were Introduced
in the window decorations.
The niks' Lluh looms were designated by
an Illuminated head of an elk and other deco
D-HM-IX Klpllnger's and several other
stores made noteworthy displays.
The Commeiclal club extended a hearty wel
come , which was shown In a bold design of
elect ) ic lights.
Nearly all the stores and the more promi
nent buildings wcru docoiuted with Ak-8ai-
Ben colors , and those that weio not. will be
by noon today , or Ak-Sar-Ben III will knoiv
the reason why.
KIM ; \K-S\H-IIIVS : n\u. KDICT.
I.nxt of HIM SuliJeolH KoroUoil mill
I'ltuiH oT < 'OIIIIION | | lnlil ,
"Tho last of the Ak-Sar-Bcns" was In
itiated at the Den last evening. The bars
arc up good and high now , and those who
have not taken advantage of the opjiortunl-
tleb afforded to coinu out of the wilderness )
into the beautiful and bountiful kingdom of
Ak-Sar-Hen III must be content to remain
outcast barbailans for another year The
1 lust class of Initiates to enter Into tbt
mysteries of the royal court was a large one
and contained many notables President .Mil
ton Doollttle of the hoard of managers of
the .State fair was there , and BO were nianj
others who help the man of North I'latte
to run the thlrtllrut annual State fair
Frank Murphy Luther KounUe , Herman
Kountze , Jr , and several other distinguished
cltlrcns were In the lai > t lot to cross the
burning sands
Hut greater than these , according to vai
oi.s standards of measurements was Out
Davo" .Mercer , the genial and hard-working
t'ongrcBiilorial representative of this district
After the Initiatory ceremonies had been con
, eluded Congressman Mercer limped up to the
1 throne o ( the king and told the cronU what
isvnviN or TIM : n.vv
M tlu < Mule 1'iitr ( irnuiiilsl
Second Day of the Fair.
Ptomers' Da > .
Old Soldiers' Day.
Children's Da > .
Hand Concert Court of Honor , to n. in.
Address Hon. 12. M. 1'ollnrd , Court of
llonoi , 10 .10 a. in.
Judging In All Departments ,
Hand Concert Grand St nul , 2 p. in ,
Juullce Singers Orand Stiml-2 p. m.
Institution In Milk Testing l lry Hulld-
lilt , ' , 10 n. m. nnd 4 p. m.
Hftccs During the Afternoon.
\ i'iiflloiix in ( I , , , rit ? I
lllumhnttcn of Streets ftnd 1'ubllc
( Irani Military an I Civic 1'niade. S p. in.
Mr-Sorloy s Twins floyd After Parade
Milk White Fhg-Crelihton After 1'n-
( W
( IT
(17 (
( II
111 !
\Veatlier foreeiiNl for toilii } I Pair )
\Variuert South \\liulN.
The weather was perfect yesterday nnd tlio
weather men promise that the same condi
tions will prevail today , though they say
that the tempcratuic will be slightly higher
than yesterday.
n good thing the older was He declared tint
It was one of Nebraska's best products Ho
said that It helped to boom Omaha , and was
therefore n good thing. In a characteristic
nnniter he told of the pro'ent prosperity ot
this community nnd Its biJght outloook for
future greatness Ho wns the most heartily
received , and his lateness In meeting the
hosts ot King Ak-Sar-Hen 111 was excused
because of unavoidable iibsenco from the city.
The large gathering was then entertained
by a number of sleight-of-hand tricks by a
professional Imported from the Nashville
exposition especially for the Knights of Ak-
Sar-Hen. The crowd w.-w a. large one and
the entire evening was llllod with pleiismo
and merriment. As BOOH at , the meeting ad
journed workmen at once began tearing
down the machines of torlme to mnko ready
for the grand ball of Filday evening. A
laige fountain has already been erected In
the center of the floor and the decorations
of the walls and of the celling nre mostly
In place Several firemen are now on duty ,
at the Den day and night to guard the
floats and the decorations.
Chairman Thomas A. Fiy of the parade
committee announces that every'hlng Is In
readliuss for the start of tonight's military
and civic parade promptly at 8 o'clock. All
organizations not In their appointed places
at 7 30 o'clock will ho assigned to the last
division of the pirnde. The entire leglment
from Fort Crook will be In the parade and
will have the right of Hue The entries ot
various military and civic organisations la
much greater than last year , and the suc
cess of the procession Is felt to be absured
The Board of Governors desire to have all
horsemen who are to participate In Wednes
day evening's parade rcpoit at the Don
promptly at 7 o'clock. On Thursday evening
all who are to take part in the Alc-Sai-Uen
parade will meet at the Dtn at 6 o'clock
and will bo nerved with Buppcis there. On
Friday night the knights In costume must
be on hand promptly at 7 o'clock , and the
members of the floor committee nt 8 o'clock.
There -ft ill be a special meeting of the floor
committee on Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
si'iinAiis vr M\V 0111,1 :
ii Npn CIINC-N lU-jiorleil 111 tlir
Ioil I Kill nil MotroiKtllN.
NEW ORLEANS , Sept. 20. The Boaid of
lealth of the state of Louisiana officially an
nounces the status of affaiin In Now Orleans
as regards yellow fevci to bo as follow a :
"For the twenty-four hours ending at C
o'clock Monday evening there were : 1'osl-
tlve cases reported , IS ( nine of these cases
ia\o been under treatment in the practice of
one physician foi several days , but were no
reported by him until today ) , deaths , noir ,
Recapitulation. Total cases to date , 5S ; total
deaths to date , C , The majority of those un
der treatment continue to be reported bj
their attending physicians as doing well"
Those reported today are : Sophie Hlcard ,
1430 Date street , E. C. Hay , Lucius Kay
Catherine Hay and Clinton S. Dlxon , ill at
.2912 I'lytauia street ; Andrew Schloner , bJS
I'oydras street ; James C. Simps m , I'ltts
street , corner Leontlne ; Lizzie Nubsbaum ,
1300 Galve sire t ; Charles M. lien , Frank M
Gerr , 831 Bourbon street ; Miss L A. I'helps ,
1111 Sonlat Btuct ; W A Mills. 5904 I'arton
street , Maggie Custor , 1120 Galenmo sireei ,
Mrs. H. Lyons , 1114 Sonlat Bluet ; Bisliop
Helrnan , 337 Harronne street ; Hazel Flsliei ,
Mlllandon and Pearl streets ; Loeb Leberman ,
Touio infirmary ; Salvadoio Caslner , llii
Charles street ,
Mibs May Chlnn died at Blloxl this after
All malls are now being sent from ( no In
fected district with as much regularity as
> ossllle vvlth the reduced railroad facilities.
MOBILE. Ala. , Sept. 20 Sunday afternoon
the hot spell was broken by a delightful ran
which served also to waeh out the gutterb
and Improve the city's military condition
The tempcratuio continued to fall during the
night and this morning reil autumn weather
was experienced Saturday there were r-ltven
now cases , and yesterday as many moic , bo
that the public expected at UaHt a score of
new cases to bo announced today , but the
Board ot Health report was published as fol
lows ; One new cape ; no suspicious cancb , no
deaths. The new patient Is J 13 Ilolton , llv
Ing In the infected district on Texas bluet
The total number of deaths lias been three ,
one a man who had been on a hpuo ; aiiothci
of a bricklayer In such bail health that he
had not bo n regular In his work for a montli ,
nnd the third of a nuwhboy up at all hours ,
exposed to every change ot the weather 'lire
other patients are all reported today as In
n good condition.
Scianton leports fifteen ruvv caws , IK
Trainmen Ittoorc OrilcrM nnil 'I'm
IIiiBliiriTN < - Injiiri'il ,
EDWAHDSVILLE , Kan , Sept. 20 Hoik
Island pabsenger train , No 23 , westbound
running over the Union I'aclllu tricks and ar
eastbomid Union I'acillu ttock train , collldm
head on ut 8.30 o'clock tonight two rnllch
west ot Mur.cle , a flag station , ircxt rast o
this place Both locomotiveH were completely
wrecked , the baggage car of the Hock IsUn
train was badly khattered , and bcvcral of the
stock carb were wlocked , hut no one wa
The loiornotlvocrowB of both tmliib Jum oil
Englnei- James W Scar ( I of Kan aa City
Kan , who was on the sleek train Is teilously
hurt , and Engineer Charles Goodall of ( 'hi
cage , who wan on the Hock lglaii'1 ' train , 1
slightly Injured The Hock Inland posta
clerks were considerably shaken up , and on
woman | Kib cMiger was cut by falling globs
The uninjured coaches of the pasfcngo
tiuln were pulled ba'-k to Kansas City , uni
Iho slock cars back to Tct > c-ka , and bet
will be dispatched over the Santa To tracks
The wreck was caused by tin * Hock Islam
t nlnmen Ignoring orders to pats the etucl
train at Muncle.
Vl0IMOflllH Of Offllll VfNHI'lN , Srll , 1M )
At Now -Airlved-fioulhv.ark , from
At Olbral ar Arrived Ems , from New
At Hamburg Sailed P.ilutla , for Nev
At Cherbourg-Silled Allcr , for New York
At ( ilusKQ'V Arrived City of Home , from
New York
At Soritlmmpton Hillid-KitUer Wllhfln
ik-r ( lroiiHet for Ne\v Yoriv , HtullL'iit. fo
Ni'W Yor k
At Lisbon Sailed Peninsular , for Nev
At Quconstovvn Arrlved-Catalonla , froi
Boston ( or Llvcijjoul.
NobrasVa Stnto Fair Opens Under tlio Most
Tavornblo Auspices.
Agricultural Display Finest Mtulo in tlio
Btnto's History ,
Buildings Filled with Ncbiaska Fruits ,
Grains and Grasses.
of ( In * COMUMOIMenlth
t < o tlio Iteiillfiitloii that
'I'lu-j I.Ur In a Ia ml
of l'lriil > .
The thirty-first annual State fair was
opened yesterdiy with every promise that
the most sanguine eNpectaHoru of Its promoters -
motors would be fulfilled For years past
the marngement his been compelled to run
the gauntlet of the ulenunts In iddlllon to
hot winds nnd crop failures , but now all
things seem to be working together to rnako
the fair a tremendous success. The big
buildings are crowded with such a profu
sion and variety of products m only the
most favored soil could rnrnlsh , and vvlth
thu auspicious accompaniment of nutunin
sunshine and gentle breezes the big show
Is seen at Its best
In every department the exposition fnr-
nlshcs an effective object lcs on , In which
the impio'slon ot cxhaustless fertility anil
abundant icsourccs Is continually empha
That fortune has at last been kind to No-
biaska Is unmistakably In evidence and ths
varied producls of her Industry aiu combined
Iu an exposition that must elfettually estab
lish the most sanguine promi-e of her pros
pective development. iho State fair
ianag"inti t Is jnbilciit and the ex.
ilbltors aio Justly pioud When the .
air opcnei' ' under skies as translucent
s September could offer and In an at-
losphero just Invigorating enough to make
ho walk around the gronmls a delight , the
lien who hive been working hard for month *
o make the show an unprecedented success
oylully annrtnccd that their happiness was
omplele JJver since It bciaine evident that
ho thirty -first annual fair would certainly
outclass nil its predecessors the fear that at
hu last minute the rain or wind would come
o cut ilcvvu the attendance had been con-
Inually piescnt. Hut yoaterday all doubt was j
appatcntly lemovcd , and with the promise of IP
ie most favorable weather that could possl-
bly be- asked for It Is expcr-ied that the bg- !
5est crowd that has over been brought to-
, ethei in Nebraska will be oiuer"taincd Iu
Jrnaru Ibis week.
While the people of Omaha were asleep
Sunday night a tremendous amount of work
was accomplished at the tali giounds. In
spite of the fact that there aio neaily ICO
carloads moio of exhibits err the grounds
than have ever been brought together In
this state 'before ' , the fill was more nearly
complete yesterday thin ii'-ual , and bo-
fure noon the remalLio of the debris had
lieen cleared awav and the big show was
lieifict with the exception or a few exhibits
in one or two of the hinallei buildings , whmo
evhlbltoiii had Insisted 0,1 1/ein behindhand.
Fho bulldiiig W-H uuiiolutcly corn-
; ilcte i d all the limnctuo show of stock had
been packed into the p m that have be
come entlrch too limited to meet the In
creased demand
While It was not expected that the first
day will bring any gieat novvd the attend
ance was eon'ldi'iably larger than is
usual on the openli'g day. The street
railway company fun lulled n five-minute
service around the loop , and the trains
were all crowded from early morning ,
The general expression of the vlsltois
was of astonishment at the Immensity
of the show , and the m it chronic pesslmlbt
was moved to enthusiasm al the unexampled
display Scuelaiy Fnrnas and the other
oflleprs of the board could not find words
strong enough to express their < allsfactlon ,
and It la many ycais s'nco ' t.iuh on atmos-
phern ot hilarity has pervad ' 1 the Admin
istration build ng aa was evtrj whore notice
able this morning.
The only spichl attraction of the forenoon
was the conceir In the lund s'.iml , which
was given by the McCook litm ! of thirty-six
pieces tinder the lea-lerHhii of Harry
P Stilton , which eained n many oiroru-
lums a year ago Amr n ? t i < _ elections ren
dered wore a Fort JveHure by Lnctner ,
Iho overture fiom Ho.siini'j familiar opera ,
'Scmliamlile " and the waltzes , "On the
Heantlful Rhine , " by Kc-lcr lle'a , The program
was extremely well rei'elvnl and In some
respeets the band showed no-lie improvement
on tholr oxccpllnmlly meritorious perform
ances lafl year. Mr Sullrn bus suggested anew
now Htliomo In regard to the p ogratn which
luis pioved very s-jtl fnetoiy Ho has se
cured a supply of small pilntul slips con
taining ; the titles of over li'i pcluctlons from
which the progioms dnrlni ; the fall are lo bn
selected llaoli select I n IH nnmborod and
a , " the IOTH > | > oiiilnK : iinmbei Is bulletined
as each Is plaved , vl Itorc a o enabled to
ECO at a glance uhl'h xelertlon the band \3 \
VI n M j I'rlclniiC'i'N I'llli'fil In ( he
' ' Illlll'l
l'OUlll',1 '
The music of the fnrmyatd KongstoiH at
tracts many people lo Hi" Poultry 'build-
Ing 'iho big strut tine ( overs onn of the
latgist and mo-it Inteio ilng dliplayH on the
When the Slate fall people pianr.od the
Poultry building it VVKH thought to bo large ,
but iho number nf mil lot this year pi ova
It to IIP lee small For over a vvrck past
Superintendent C M Levelling and ) IH ! tvvo
abJstants have been on the mov- from early
to late Their work Is still unfi Ishcd ,
thongh moat of the txhihi'H are i ow In
place In order to urtcmmoilatu the ovei-
llow , however. It has been found necessity
to ep'ct n largo tent to tlic east of ( tin mal'i
building for the auommoilallon of the late
arrivals. The ( ml IE p'annrJ lo rover about
500 exhibits mid Is alri-vh about half filled ,
"Our show this year be-ats anything I
have seen during the five years I have acted
as superintendent , " nayii Mr Lewvlllng.
"We have exhibits from us fm east as Mld-
( llolown , Conn , fiom Ohio and fiom all
over the westiini and northern country.
V > rlly , the fame of the Nebraska State fair
has been spread thrnui ; ! ) the newspapers to
the far corners of the earth One thing
quite noticeable U that a greater effort has
been made by nearly all fowl raisers this
year toward Iho utlllly product While wo
have a nlio display nf fancy birds at the
same tlmo the staple breeds ur < ) largely In
the majority. This includes varieties nf
the HrahrmiH , Leghorn * * and Plymouth- !
Rocks. We have them In almost every con
ceivable color and sUr The huff \Vyan
dottcH also appear lo bo quilt ) popular among
the Nebraska farmers The light Hrahmai.
are. pe rh < i | > H , the second largest class on
the ground * this year I think Urn great
reason Nebraska farmers have applied their
energies to raining food blrdu Is the en
couragement given them in this Hoe by thq
Suto Hoard of Agriculture. Ttio prUsa o *