Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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    G THE OMAHA DAILY IEli : < IAY , SEPTlflMBER 20 , 181)7. )
Operations in iho Stock Market Provo
Disastrous to Bear *
CnnillfliniN Wnrrntif ( InStiilriiipnt
Hint UKlrpiul > llriwil lOumcry
IN I'nr from lli'lnn tinI'ulitil -
iinlliin of ( ho Motf.
NI3VV YOUK , Sept. 19.-Henry Clews , head
ot the banking bouse ot Henry CIcA's & . Co. ,
wilds of the situation 111 U'alt street :
\Ve Imvo hnd niiotlar week of great netlv-
Ity In Wull strict , \\ltli n complete nicenil-
" " contlnueil < le-
nncy of tJio "bull" element ,
feat nrul IOSM to the "licurH , " nnd further
conslilprnlilc Kttlns In price * The ppci'ula-
tl\c movement continues to bromlen , nn 1
oidITU fiom the Intorlor arc upon u penile
nerlmiis never ectmlleil | In the history of
\Vnll street's greatest boom" . Coming cjn-
utltrently with u icvtvul ot trailft the moil
Mlildcn nnd complete thnt linn u\er btt-n
\MtntHMjil In tlili country , thoic Imvlnt ; Idle
funds on hand seem to hnve come to the
ccritclUBJon thnt 1111 opporiunity 1ms nrlsen
for IIKIIW tlium jitolUnn'.y In transient pur-
dame * or Hccnrltles Bitch ns occurs but once
In n lifetime. With a volume of elenmml
8UU1 ii8 Is thus created , the larger piofes-
Blonal oiieratorK llnd no mek of mnterlnl for
forming "pools" for the manipulation of
mod.s upon nny f-o.ile thnt their menu * may
IiLlintt , iitul thi-y can pnfc.y depend upon tne
outHldu element for co-operating for almost
any mil mice of price that they may deter
mine upon. The "hours" stnnd nowhere In
tlif race of filch nn upward propulsion ; nnd
their giilca und pexsInilKtlc pretences have
on.y advanced prlcfH. Kvcn London , after
InoioelnlotHly Initiglnlng that the great rlsu
Is but u temporary effervescence alter a long
Btr in of icp.eMsUm and coiHciiuenily unloan.
Ing upon tin Home 2iWWO ( flinrcM of rallro.xd
Blocks , hiiH at lust bec'ii emir lit by the Infcc-
tlcn , and during thlt week has b en eiulte a
con ldci able uiijer of our Imues. Having
HCL-II IIM take all they had to bell \\llhont n
\vlncc , the liiltlsh metropolitan ! ) have come
to the conclualon thnt there l more so'ldlty
than froth In our boom , and arc becoming
inner to take a hand In om game ; and have
to LonfcHi that the time IB past when , In
financial upeiatlono , London can control
New York.
All this has bein , from time to time , fore-
thidoucd In yie'-o ndvlces ; and 1 have yet
to discover any evidence that this great re
vival ban exceeded what , as a rule. Is war
ranted by the broad recovery In the national
conditions which regulate the value of our
corporate Hccurltlcj. On the contmry , to my
view , the movement Is far from having
reached Its culmination Yet , at the same
time , It te undesirable that the market , how. "
cvvr regulated by solid cotislJeintlons ,
HlionM run Into a ntngc of unreflecting ex
citement. It Is Important that caution
Bhould be maintained agiilnKt a wild phase
of speculation ; and Mich caution must be e\-
ciclsed by the buying element. IluslniHS
prudence and cool Judgment cannot be Ig-
norcJ without d mppr. The current Immense
operations are conducted almost entirely
upon a credit basis , In other woidn. up3n
"margins. " The ability to resist ' 'bear"
attacks or unexpected adverse conditions Is
thon-fore measured by the strength of these
protective balances In the hands of the com-
inl'Slon houses * . The exposure of a market
like the piosent one lies largely In the fact
that peiEoiiM holding stocks an- easily
tempted to iihe their piotltR as margin for
fnitlicr purchases. Those purchase' ? tend to
further force up prl t" * , and such advances
encourage again fin thei buying Hy thl
proo'8 * , prices may ba aitlllcl'illy forced up
w thout at the Eume time providing nUquiti-
Jntans on the part of the holiUri , to sup-
part prices against as jult In such a con-
dltlo'i of the market , It mntten little haw
rnurli vn'nen mav be Warranted by bona
fide conditions. Tne "bears" llntl thu hold
ers ciriylng more stock than they can pro
tect tin lei pte'sure ; their attack Is theie-
foie to the exhaustion of margins ,
nnd , that accomplished , they reap a rich
harvest while the o\er-wingnlne holder ; ) are
Blitightprol. It Is worth considering whether ,
from the too lavish Ineiensc of holdlnpti ,
through this sort of proee'-s , the way li not
being propirod for a "bear" campaign latei
on which might greatly change tlip present
hopeful aspect of the inaikct nnd Inilcilnlte >
pjstpone the further advance which , with
prudent moderation In operations , would be
sure to come. A woid to the wise Is fiulll-
The very large shipments of currency to
the Interior are beginning to direct attention
to the couisc of the money market. It lh
true the rcsnrves are still ample , but there
Is no--aylng ho.\ much further the ship
ments of money to the west and south may
run ; and , In any case , the loans of the banks
are. c\randed tc a degiee never before
reached , and continue e ich week to Increase
Under these circumstances 11 Is gia lf > lng
to witness the drift In the foreign ex
changes toward the gold-Importing po'nl
Tiio government report o ! our foielgn trade
for the month of August shows that WL-
c.innot be far from that stage. The export"
of merchnndlsu for that month exceeded the
Imports by JJ15 OCO.OCfl. or allowing for n net
Import nf fJ , ioXX ) of gold , by SU.KW.GOO Koi
the same period of IWi the of experts -
ports was only J2,000,000 , and In 1ST the Im
ports exceeded ne exports by $ l'itOOtKX ) . The
amount of stocks returned from London dur
ing the last month are es'lmated to have
amounted to a va'ue of about ? S COO.O 0
v\lilch , deducted from the trade balance
above stated , would leave about $1T ,000,000
to our credit from abro id at the end of Au
gust. It seem1 * more than likely that this ,
together with the subsequent large e\ci ss
or exports over Imports , must produce ) an
Influx of gold at an early day , and that tea
a llbeial extent.
At the close of the week there Is n dis
position among the larger holdcni of stock *
to fortify themselves by paitlal rcallzlngs
In the present position OT the market that
course Is [ undent Quite an Important lln"
of stocks have had unexpectedly laise n I-
vanceH. nnd a process of review and testing
of conditions might be a prudent means of
preparing for "bear" assaults which may be
forthcoming. It Is wise to guatd against
over-sanguine expectations. A sternly ml
vance Is a far more certain way of reach
ing thu goal of higher prices than n san-
eulne process of bulling which Invites us-
snult from the pcsrlmlsilu side.
Ailvaiii'luu Itnti'H for Mom-j- Well JIIN-
tlllfil li > Demand from tlu > Countr > .
NKW YOHK , Sept. 19. The Financier
enya ; That the present advancing rates fet
money are well justified , IH well shown In
the statement of the associated banks of
New York City for the week ended Septem
ber 18 There Is nothing to Indicate nn earlj
cessation of the ih mand for funds at Inteil i
points. The Interior banUs are diiwlng
down their deposits In Now York very rap-
Idly. If the statement foreshadows anything
it IB that loaning rate * will be advanced tea
a higher llguie than that now prevailing ,
but tills contingency will only hasten the
time of gold Imports , with n consequent de
cline In quotations. That there will be an >
Btrlngency IH Improbable. The continued ex
pansion In the stock market confirms this
view. For the llrst time In their history ,
perhaps , the banks now hold over 50 per
cent of their cash In gold coin , AS n icsult
of thu fall crop movement cliculutlon Is ex
London MoiuMnrkrt ,
LONDON. Sept. 19. The conditions of the
money market remain substantially un
changed , though discount Is somewhat eas
ier. The future of the market depends
mainly upon the question of gold withdraw
als for the United States. The bank will
doubtless advance the rain In the event of
an Important demand , otheiwlsc the present
low dlseount tales promise to continue , 811-
vor In llrmer on the strength of Indian pur
chases. Theie urn rumorw thnt the India
council Is buying for coinage , and that the
price has risen sharply In India of late , an
fear of an Impoit duty has subsided. There
lilt- signs of levhal on the Stock exchange.
lloth stock and speculative business is en-
Iniglng , nnd the tendency IK upwnrd , Colonials
nials and homo inllwa > aiu all higher than
u week into. The depression In Spanish HO-
uuriiica in uiu iiruiciini icniuru mnuiiK lilt
fori'lKneiH , the 4 per ceniH BhowliiK a dc-
uieuM ) of 1'i per eent , American railway
necurltlea huvn still fuither udvnnced. The
lioldeiu of hlnh-prlced KngliBh goods nre
BeilliiK , hut In HO ilolnH nre ieally broadenIng -
Ing thu dvinund for low-priced shares.
Union I'.icllle liud the list und Increased 45
per rent : Centinl I'.iellle , l.ulio Shore and
KesVork Central , with 2Ki per oent ; Mis
souri I'.ielllo 2n , 214 per rent : New Vork On
tario & \Vemern , 2 per cent ; New York &
Nor tin' ! n profetredt'4 per cent : Uemere ,
3' l > er cunt ; 12ile preferied , There have
been othei minor Increase * . Ainonff the
llnoi Hhowlni ; u decrease la Southern 1'aclllc
preferred , uhk'h ha& fallen ! < < per rent ,
uiund Tiunk Kiiarnnteed hud advanced -34
per cent ; Uruml Trunk In , 2 per cent ; 2 > ,
IlTi , tier eent , und 3s 2T per cent ; Canadian
1'uclllc IniHUiUuneed Wt Per cent ; Argentine
railway atooks nre Bt'nerally lower ; AiiKlo-
Ameilcan leleeiaphu uelwtnced ' , { per rent.
South African mlnliiR uecurltles lanKiilHh , In
view of the douut that the Tnins\iiul K < > V-
ernment will carry out the promUad re-
forniaVht Austrnlluns nre more In de
mand und how un upward tendency ,
Miinclirater Texllle Kalirlc * .
MANCHIiSTKR. Sept. 19-The market for
yarns U poor und much overstocked , The
outlook for cloth lu somewhat more proinTH-
lug. 1'hero 1 a ( au buvlueas with. China
nn.l v.Hh South America The Levant nnd
Indli rontlnuo to mnko inqtilrl n , but thus
fur busliiefs with those 'cctlonn has not
been largf1. The more tncotiraglnR crop re-
poitK fium Indln , South America , Hnd the
levant nroiife * strong hopes of n better
trade at nn curly date. The homo trade Is
Mill InterferM with by the Inrge mimbern
of Idle hnndn. who affect the retail trade un
favorably. An Important Btrlkp among tlis
weavers of l.incnshlrc Is likely to occur
soon , ns the men art determined to resist
n reduction In wngc . Advices from the
continent show that there l i no Improve
ment In Trench or Clermnn markets. Man-
ufaenrers will be compelled to reduce the
output 00 pfr cent
CIIIC\i ( ) ( ill \l. > AMI PltOVlSIO.NS.
of ( ho Trnilliiur mill CtnnliiK
Priors < ni * < niirliiy.
CHICAGO , Sept. IS. All grain and pro-
\IMon markets Btartcd wenk nnd clossd
strong today. The strength of wheat was
limited to the last thirty minutes , when
outlldc tin ) Ing started shorts to covering ,
which catised a recovery of the early de
cline and MHie besides. The action of corn
nnd oat was slmllai , but closing prices
were at declines of 'MfNc for torn and ' 4o
for onto. Provisions were otronger than nny
of the grain mnrketH , clo > lng nt 7017&C ad
vance ,
When ! continued In the direction of the
downward Impetus given to It yesterday.
opened today nt from 91H down to Sl c.
December closed yesterday nt 92fi02Hc and
It barely touched 92c n second later nnd
then began rolling ovei and over down hill
until It got to 91c , which point It reached
about an hour from the opening. The Liver
pool market cume In line with the decline
here , showing the following declines In
futures. September , > 4il , October , IHtl , nnd
December I'M per cental. With the temper
of the leaders of the local speculators
strongly Inclined to the bear side , the de
cline nt Liverpool was all the further urging
they needed to unload , and during the early
morning they did so with a vengeance.
Clearances of wheat and Hour from both
coasts for the week , as reported by Hiad-
street'p , were the heaviest but one In nny
week in the statistical recollection. They
amounted to the great total of G.TO/WO bu.
lleerbohm's cabled thnt the world's ship
ments for the week to I'urope would prob
ably be found to amount to Si,000 , 00 bu , but
In view of the heavy American shipments ,
the figures are expected to be considerably
l.uger. Argentina reported no wheat this
week , and according to accounts that coun
try Is engaged In n vigorous conte t with
locu ° ts to enable It to get Home to ship after
Jammy next. Chicago receipts for the day
were 2lR cars. Minneapolis and Duluth got
1,143 cars , compared with l,13Ti n year ngo.
The Atlantic port exports for the day
equaled 745.COO bu. In wheat nnd flour , fiSl.OOO
bu. of the total being In the raw grain. The
decline to ! Uc satisfied the bear contingent ,
for the time , but when they tried to buy In
short wheat nt that they found few sellers.
Minneapolis and St. Louis rent large buying
orders here , the re nlt was a scramble
among both bulls and those who previously
were bears for the limited offerings. Under
Mich a competition the price rapidly re
cover all Its previous decline nnd shot up
to ! > 2\e , nnd it re trd at ! U'4c.
Corn was active. There was ome liquida
tion , enough to cause a R c decline , while
wheat was weakest , but the market ns a
whole was stronger than expected. It was
the general opinion that the crop was too
well advanced to be Injured by fiosts. Ca
bles wire very weak. The week's shipments
were 3,900,000 bu Aigentlne shipments were
nothing , compared with lrCC,000 bu. last
year. Receipts were SJiO cars. Shorts cov-
eiod actively during the latter p'irt of the
session nnd a great part of the decline was
recovered. December opened U'ii'SiC ' lower
at 29'tlf 30c. sold between 30'nc nnd 29'ic ,
closing ut 23Ts030c.
Onts sympathized with corn and ruled
weak from the start , but became firm to
ward the end. Trading wns small and unim
portant. A feature was the model ate sell
ing of May , some 200,000 bu. being offerol
by one prominent firm. Receipts were lib
eral , 401 car * , and acted as a beir Influence.
December ranged from 20'c to 20l4c , closing
at 20'i.c , a decl'ne ' of Uc.
Speculative business in provisions wns not
heavy , but the tone wns strong. The open
ing wns at a slight advance on the con
tinued disturbing yellow fever news. Shorts
covered actively , pork being In especially
good demand , nnd ns offerings were light ,
prices moved upwaid e.i'lly. At the clo o
December pork was 174c higher at W50 ;
December lard , "ViltlOo higher at J4.G7W
I 70 , and December ribs 7'ie higher at $4..r
Lird gained IHc , closing at S3 37'i
Kstlmatcd receipts .Monday : Corn , 1,130
cars : oats , 4i" > cars ; hops. 30 , < XX1 bead.
Leading futures ranged ns follows :
Articie .TOi8ii. _ I High. F Lo ' . ' Cloau. TYeatJ'y
- > pt. . ni i 02H OIK
IVc . . IMMGi * 02M ill
May . 1)1 ) MW 82 02 ink
Coi ii
f-fpt . 28l < 28' , 28
Doe. . 20H-MO HOJS 20Ji-iO :
May. . . 32f3 > t ! " > J.w
Sept. . . 1814 10 IRK 1(1 ( 1 ! )
Dec. . . . ' 'OK 20 < iOK ! d4
Mliy. . . 2.1' ' < 2l > < i : )
Oct. . . . fl 22LJ fl j j $ H 22 W S 42J 8 20
Die. . . . 8 : ll ) 8 50 8 JO 8 r > o 8 d.'H
Ctt. . . . 4 00 1 71) 4 S7t 4 70 4 C2U
Dee. . . 4 70 4 77 4 O-'fe 4 77 4 70
c , ni 5 37
i " ' t ' gs ' 1
Oet. . . ! "o'li'J 'g 40 _ 0 0 _ r 20 5 22 > ?
No. 2.
I'nsh iiuotntlons WPIC n follow :
rUHUl bteaily , winter tintents. J3 W5 10.
Mtiultx , J4701ii4ij ! , Hpilnu spccliila. 16 00 , sprint ;
pili nts. Jj 105J5 40 , straits , J1.70Jf4 90 ; bakers ,
} 3'"Mi4 20
WHUAT No 2 wprlnir , 92V4cj No. 3 spring ,
UOiiiiJUie : Ne > . 2 nil , 93Vti8l14 ' .
CORN No. 2 , ISftSSV.
O\TS-No 2. I'J'i f. o. h. ; N'o. \\hlte , 22He ;
No. -white , SO'ifTWi- .
IIAIU.KV No. 2. nDinlnnl ; No. 3 , 32f45c ; No.
'scions No. 1 flaxseeil , $1. 51 7U. 1'rlmf
tlinoth ) seeil , K K > .
I'HOVISIONS Mess pork , per lihl. , JS 404i 4r >
I-inl , per 100 Ihf. , J4 C7'.44.70 Shoit rlhs slilos
tlfHiw ) J1 L'005.4 ; ; ilry stlti-il shouhlcrs thoxeil ) ,
S'lOS c , . short cltnr KlJes flMxeil ) , ' . ,11,03 0.
WHISKY Distillers' tlnlshed gooils , per ( Cnl ,
tj < 2
Ht'OAH Cut loaf , 590j grnnnHtpil , 5 27.
On the 1'imluce cxchnncc today the hutter
murkit > MIH llrm Creameries , IZWlbc , dairy , 'J'lf
15c , Clieexc , uusy , Sg'Je. I'.KKf , llrm , 13Ke U\
pnullr > , ijulot. turllOH , JiilH'c ' ; chickens , S'jc ,
ilikKi'im , springs , Ojl'J'ie , iluck , T'iifSo.
N ( . IioiilM ( iencTiil Mnrk < * ( H.
.ST. IXII'IS , Sept 18. KIX1UK Lower , patents ,
Jl lO i 00 straights , (4 COW I 70 ; meillum , U Mg
\ VIIiTHlRher : , closlnR with Septemher " 40
nnil Decemlnr anil Mny ' e uho > e yesteiiiny ,
Dicfmher opened ijc lower , lmpio\eil ' < c , ilo-
illned le ami from tlmt nJvanceil lc , clonlnc
strong , Hlth l > u > eis at the top Spot , louer ; No.
2 u-il , oiish , ele\atnr , 94c hid ; track , inHT7e , No. 2
luilil , e'.ikli , 87JJESO , HepteinlMJr , 'JO'io , Decemhi r ,
t'VAe ' hlil Ma > , 9r Ur.
COIIN 1'iitiireB tliictnateil about as nheat , lint
eloheil imilvr yestcrJuy Spot , dull jiml lower ,
Nn. . ' cubh , 26V4c asked. September , SCiJc aslctil ,
IHcombii , 27Vff27\e ; May , 30Hc hIJ.
OATH I'ntures , weak and lowers spot , dull
ami lieavj ; No. : cai > h. elevator. 19 < io track ,
JOff20140 ; 'o. 2 white , 2if22'So ; May , 22'lc hlil.
HVIJUiwer at 45e.
CC)1IN MiAIStiaily : at l TO.
HltAN Dull anil easier ; sacked , east trnck ,
saluhle ut 47e.
l''I.AXHiii-IXWcr : : lit 1 02.
TIMOTHY fliin-Prime : , 2.70.
HAY Dull hut firm , prulrle , 5Ctntfi6r,0 ; Ilin-
oth > . 17004(10.00.
lll'TTIJU Htronif creamery , 14'jfflPo , ilulry ,
IMlClH-rirni at lie.
POIU.TUV c'hlckenf. nrm ; old hens , 7i'i
springs , iHd'JVio , ducks , rprlngs , Cc , geer > ,
fprlnKs , Co , turkejs , springs , 9\
II\ltlINl-CHCl7c. : , hlkher. JI7V ( * J4 20. Ppelter ,
llrm II U2 < t.
I'ltOVIHION'S PorK. stiady ; stamlanl mem ,
jobbing , J7.K Lard , h'gher ' prime tteam ,
14 S2'j ; choice , Jl TO llncun ( boxed lots ) , extra
t-hort clear nnd rlbn. fC ro , shorts. Jh.t2' ' { . Dry
salt meals ( huxed ) , tihoulilers. > * > 37',3 , extra bhorl
dear and libs. (6 ; sliorts , II 124
Uioiil'T9 : : Plour , CHiO ( this ; wheat , 70 > W
bu : corn. llO.too bu oals 40ilii. , .
SlIIP.MiNTS : riour 9000 Mil * . , 21 0 >
bu. , lorn , S4.000 tin . oats , 10.000 bil.
ICIIIINIIH City Miii-.t > lK.
Irri-KUlar ; No 1 haul , OOci No 2 , i2 e ; Nn 3
77 M' o ; Nil. 2 red , UOii H.e. Ni. 3 , 8lfiS7e : No
4 , 82O8Se , No , : siiring l S2c , No S TSSiSOf.
C'OIIN Hlow , lower. Nn. i mixed 2 ' 44liio.
OATS blow , lower. No 2 white , 19V l2uo.
IIYK-Wrnk , No. 2 , 4IOI4le.
HAY Firm : choice tlmotli ) , $7,00(37,60 ( , Uiolce
prairie. IS 76C ( ( > .
lllTTiit ! : Ilecelpts. llglit , uemaml IntieasInK ,
marktter ) llrm ; creamery , 164yiSc ; dairy , 10
Kfirisv rirm. on Inereaked deiiiand , MUnouil
and KHnNns 10c.
Uii'itl'TS Wheat , 2IC.OOO bu , rorn , 2i)0 ) ( )
bu : naU. 1i ( VV ) bu
HIIIPMKNTK Wheat , 167,000 bu j corn. 20W !
bu. , oats , 7,000 Im
l.iiiiilnii ( iriiln .Mnrkt'l.
IXNIXN. Sept 19 , The hnri-c-at Is prac
tically tlnUhnl nnil fnrmpr ure RcttlnR unxr-
loim. WliL'tit U ilnll und nliotit n shilling
lottoi' thtin U WIIH u wi'i'k HKO. t'.illfoiiilu
wpent sold nt Mn 9il , Flour U n blill'lng
lower thnn Itvnn nu > fk ngo. Mulze al o
Ix u tihllllnK- loner Maize ut northern ports
\\iin nffortul nt 16n Ul , D.irley Is llrmer. tcll-
Intr ut Ito Cil , Data nro Cil cheaper. Clipped
out aru quoted ut 13d.
Sun rriinoUc" Wlient Qiiudillaiiii.
BAN I'llANClBCO. Sept. lS. WUEAT-Flrra |
DecunUr , Jl.lJIi. .
Week Winds Up with Very Light Receipt *
AH A round
KCTT OlfrrliiKH I'ctcli Sternly 1'rlcoH
mill IltiNlnrRN Soon ISmln
lion * lotlve mill n Illtr
I Dime lllKlivr ,
SOUTH OMAHA , Sept. 18. Receipts for
the duis Indicated were :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Horses.
September 18 f.64 . 4.237 1.S79 2
September 17 3,041 4CTi7 2 , ! > 29
September 10 4 , 77 4.37G l.hSO 27
September 15 6,764 C.MS 3bCI 2)
September 14 4.KO E.OM 1,423 , , . .
September 13 B. M J17 33 50
September 11 1,531 6,2M 4K >
September 10 4,503 5.M1 20
September 9 4,778 D.9S9 2,703 . , ,
September S 3,211 C.407
September 7 D.40S G.ST,9 2,156 1
Se-ptember 6 7,075 1.4 < a 1,378 6
September 4 680 4,075 1,234
Receipts for the week with comparisons :
Cntfle. Hogs. Sheen.
Week ending Sept. 18. . . . 24GI7 21,091 llS7s
Week ending Sept. 11. . . . 26,511 3AS94 0,722
Week ending Sept. 4 23.4G3 31,110 9,794
The ofllclnl number of cars of Htock
brought In today by each road was :
Cattle. H'gs. Sh'p H'ses.
C. , M. & St. P , Ry 1 . . . .
Mo. , 1'nc. Ry 1
Union Pacific SyH.em. .
C. k N. W. Ry 1
I13 & . M. V. R. R. . . 4 24
C , , St. P. . M & O Ry. . 1 9 . . . .
11. & M R. R. R 11 19
C. . H. & Q. Ry 2 2 . . . .
C. , R I. i\t P. Ry. , oust 2 4 . .
C. , R. I. & P. Ry. . W. . 2 . . . .
Total receipts 23 71 5 2
The disposition of the day's rccelnts wns
ns fallows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Huyers. Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 414 . . . .
TheO. . 11. Hammond Co. . 2 ? 7 ! - 151
Swift and Company" 102 1,157 1.2J7
The Cudnhy Packing Co. . 176 ! CI
R Hooker and Degan 92 . . . .
Lohnmn & Rothschilds. . , . 1 < U . . . .
Huston * Co 31 . . . .
Squires . . 4bl
Planklngton P. Co , , Mil
waukee , WIs 401 . . . .
Other bu > ors 215 . . . . 1
Left over 100 . . . .
Totals S30 4,326 1,379
CATTLE It was a regular Saturdaj's
market light receipts nnd featureless
and that statement embraces about all there
Is to s.iy regnidlng the subject.
The few cornfed cattle here sold ut just
about steady prices , oie bunch of pretty
decent stuff going ut $1 83
The few cows nnd heifers offered were
wild early and at steady prices.
The trade In feeders , ns usual on a Sat
urday , was small and without feature.
IKXSS The luukuia wnntol hoita this morn
ing nnil the jellow fever ncure In the smith wna
not suntclent to keep values down. The varl )
provision market wns also BtronK , which fmve
tone to the hog market.
As a repult the ling market opened active anil
lOc higher. The most of the hoes HjlJ on that
basis and the uffcrlnKM were all taken carl ) .
Later on the | mn Islon market eaKcil off , and
had there been any late arrivals of hogs they
would prohilily have Hold loner.
One ( food loud of llRht we-lKhtx Bolil up 11
M 07'i , . with mlxid loads 1 ircelj nl $3 OViH ( X ) .
ll'avj welRhts hrmiKht M 835T3 95. The rales
averaged 9H higher than \esierJay.
The 11 OK market of the past week was In pretty
fair tihiipe , though It was the low W < ek of the
month to ilate Klurtuatlons , an a rule , wore
Rmall , the only \erj marked chance taking place
at th ilose of the week. VVhllo there were
low da > . the nverntce price on Mon < l ly belnc the
Intten nf the month so far , the Keneral trpnil of
values waK upward , anil the utek ilo oil lOfclSc
lilKher than It opened.fl he demand was Rood
all the wtek , and the receipts were kept well
eleaned tip
BHIJCI' Heielpts of "heep were quite liberal
again toda > . and the market \\as Klo\\ and lowe .
( iiinil Saturday Run of Cuttlf Sell
Well HUKH l-Mriu.Mn-eii Actll o.
CHICAGO , Kept. 18. A run of eattle about
twice the xolumu of an ordinary Saturday pup-
pl > met a fair demand today antl all the sileH
were made close to Trldaj's values Most ot
the arrivals were western rangers , which sold
to canning concern * , and for feeders at from
(3 2" to J3 40 , a load of good ! )9S-pound ) Kteers at
(3 SO. A good man ) small lots of native butch
ers' stock ! were at hand , whleh wont rather
slowly. Veal calves were scarce and prices about
t le highest of the peahen
Trade In hogs hnd a firm tone , many good
heavy hogs pelting , r > c higher and all good grades
at about the best prices of the week. Pew heavy
had to tell lioluu (3 90 , prime big hogs going ai
high as $4 ? > , best butchers up to $4 30 , and fancy
hacon piss at it 37 1 ? Lite trade showed a
\\eaker tendency , a good many plain heavy lots
felling around $3 85.
There was a good demand for the offeiings ot
s leep and Iambi. A hand of nearly MO good
91-pound western muttons went at St. 1)5 ) and 100
fair Sfrpound feeders at J3 50. A few mean little
lots of lambs cold ut from $3 CO to J3.SO , about
100 fair 72-poumJ himbs nt )4 W and n small 16t
of eholce Si-pound Iambi at > 5 40. Good to
choice feeders were In urgent demand at from
5-1 SO to ) j 85 nnd (1 was paid for small lots ot
choice Math ex.
HKCKIITS-Cntlle , 700 head , hogs , 12,000 head ,
sheep , 10,000 head.
St. I.oiilH 1.1 ic Mori ; .
ST. UM'IS , Sept 18 CATTI.U-llecelpts , 100
head ; shipments , 700 head , market steady , fair
to fancj native hhlppInK and export steers , II 50
M5 20 ; hulk of salex. f4 70ff5 10 dressed beef and
butcher steers , Jl 0004.90 , bulk of sales. J4.40W
4 75 ; steers under 1,000 pounds , ? 3 7M4.40 hulk
of siles , J4 ( HUH 25 ; stockeru and feeders , 5DOTT
4 25 ; bulk of sales , J3.2fi@4 00 ; con s and heifers ,
$20004 SO ; bulk of cows. $250if315 ; canning
cons , tl'O'UL'JO bulls. $ . ' .0501 CO , Texas and
Indian fleers , $2 50fi4 10 , cows and heifers , J2 50
| 3 K.
HOGS llecelpts , 3,000 head ; shipments , 2,000
head : market 5o higher , liKht , 4 20ff4 50 , mixed ,
J31KJ4,20 ) | ; heavy , W90f430. |
SIlit21' llecelpts , 500 head shipments , 1 POO
head , market steady , native muttons , ! 3.10 { ] >
38.1 , btockers , y.254i3 ! 23 ; lambs , J3 75S6 SO
Kail HUH Clt > ll\v Stiu-U Market.
KANSAS CITY , Sept. -CATTI.n-Ilecelpts ,
200 head , market steady , unchanged ; only retail
trade , Texas steers , 2.7ofi4.10 , Texas cows , N.85
( T3.65 ; native steers , J3.4W5 20 ; natUe cons and
helfeis H.25W4.00 , ntockern and feeders , fS.Kft
4.M , hulls , Jl.MW-.CO
I1OC1S Ileielpts , 3,500 head ; market ntronK to
lOo higher ; bulk of sales. (4 09JT4.07V4 ; heavies ,
S3.Wii3.8J , packers , t3.53 < .OJ't ' ; mixed , 14. 00ft
4.10 , light. JJ.M 4.07 4 ; Yorkers , J4.0e4.07ii ;
pigs. , 4003. 00.
HIU3I3P Ilecelpts , 1.000 head ; maiket strong ,
lambs , (3 S.'fl'J.SS , muttons , < 2,753.75.
\cvv VorU - Stock.
Ni\V YORK , Sept. 18 HKRVHS Heeelpts ,
O'JS head : n cliange In cables ; exports , 1,199
beeves. 393 quartern of beef ,
CAUVIM Itecelpts. 133 head ; quiet ; generally
loner , veals K 0067,75 , grassers and butter-
AND I AMH8 Hecelpts. 300 head ,
sheep J3 0003 25 ; lambs , K OOfiG CO.
HOOS-Hecclpts , lSt head ; llrm at SlWiilSS.
SlSoi'k In Slurlit.
Ileeord of receipts of live stock at the foul
principal marketH for September 18 :
Cattle. Hogs. Bhcep.
Omaha . M' * a7 ' ' 379
ClilriiKo . "W I2'000 J013
Kansas City . "M 3.W ) 1,000
St. ijiuU .I. . IW 3 , < 603
Tola . W5I - 7 12,879
OMAHA ni\iitAi ,
Condition of Triulc and < luolalloii
on Sltiplt * and rainPruilnuf. .
inOS-Jo : > d block , vvr.ik at 12c
liriTnit-Caiiinion to f.ilr. 7',4eSc ; choice t
fancy. lo | So separator creumer > , 18c. gath-
eied irejinery. 14I15c.
VHAI. Choice fat. SO to 120 | bi. , minted at Si ;
large and coarse , 495c.
I IVII l-Ol'I.TUY-llens. Co , cock * . rffl4c. upline
ch 'kins per Ib . ke. d'liks , 6c , lurKi-js CfiSr
l'IliONS : I.lvc , 7MJSCC , dead pigeons not
llAtUpland IS. mldliind , 1450. lowland.
II. rje Btran II color makes the pilre on
Inj , light bults yell the best , mil ) top grade *
bring lop prices ,
IIUOOMCOItNjxtremely : elon f.iles new irop ,
drllxeretl on train In country , choice green relf.
norklng < urjil per lh , U < 2' e , choice green ,
running to burl , 'JtfS'ic ' : commnn , I'jc. : :
CANTAI/lt'I'L'H Per doi. , SK/SOe
TOMAl ) i:8-Per half Im , bask , t , 40iJ50c.
ONIONii-l'rr bu , MffCOe.
LIMA IliANh-lVr Ih So
ItiANS-lland.iilcked naper bu . JKO ,
CAIIHAOIJ Home gronn , le.
WATKUMIJIXJNB-Cratfil. | * r dor , , | ] ISijl.Si )
rCTATOiS : Home grown , < Xi0GJc ,
Al'l'I.HSIVr bbl , , II 65 ( J M ,
NATIVE I'l.UMB-I'er baiket 20 | 3Sc
llltAI'iSCalifornia. . 11.2501 60.
hOt'THIIIlN I'KACIinS-l'ei li bu MflCOc
CAI.IIXHNIA I'lIACIiriS-l'er ia e , fra\v >
folds. Mo rllnK , 7CO75c.
rKAIlH-Hartlftt , per ia e II 00 : I'tah Hart-
lulls , II.7W1.10 : Iluerre Hardy. II 4091 50 ,
HOME OUOWN ( IHAPKS-I'er baiket , 12c.
CAI.IKOHNIA ri.l'MS-1'er ca e. II OOfll 25.
CnANDKItlUKS-Cape Cod , per bbl. , 17 M.
THOl'ICAt , PHl'lTS.
LHMONS Me lna , 14 M , choice California ,
II OOQ4 5.
Oiuxacs-ilcdlterruican ivtceti ,
/ 1 o
" I
i ti
in in
) U
| inirager &
u Hekalf Co.
Agricultural Implements.
and Carriages. Cor. Cth ami Pacino Sts.
Wagons , Drills , Buggies , Etc.
Ninth nt < d 1'uclflc Streets.
, c"
Jobbers of Farm Machinery.
Wagons and Itugglcs - Cor 9th nnd Jones.
Agricultural Implrmenls ,
lltb nnd Nicholas St.
Picture Moldings.
Mlrror , Krainet , Bucking and Artists'
ni a ,
lbTlSU AXJU ItUUJt. ltlMI\a.
t ,
iie\entii nnd Howard Sts.
M'frs 1 Jobbers of Foot Wear
The Joseph Souigau Rubber Co.
Rubbers and Mackintoshes.
Omilllti , Neb.
Boo's , Shoes nnd Rvbbers
Salesrooms 1102-1104-1106 Ilarney Street.
M orse-Goe SEia@ Oo
Boots , Shoes , Rubbers ,
OIllco und Salesroorc. 1119-J1-23 Ilonard St.
Wholesale Shoe Manufacturers
Western Agents Ooodjear Glove Rubberi.
1114 Hamey Btrttt.
J T. Lindsay ,
Onner of Chief Brand Macklntoiher-
Remis OmaEia Bag Co
" Importers and Manufacturer *
61.1-16-18 'South ' nth Street
' in
parrellCc. . ,
Mrtorstn , Soichum , tc , Presents und Jclllea.
'I ! II
Also tin cans nnd 'jiwifmei ! ware ,
i R
IIANANAS Choice . ' lUise stock , per liunin ,
J2. ' )2:3 , inedlumJslzed , buncheH , Jl.Wiit ! 00
Nl'TH Almonds , California , per lh Inrcr
size. Hi. llnulls , per Iti , 10s , innll8li ualnuls ,
pel Iti. , fancy roft ullcll , 12813o , etamlarJs. lOir
lie lllherts , per Iti. 10c , pecans polished. UrKr ,
&U10C. jumbo , HQl.'c ; larite hickory nuU , JI.2S
per hit , rocoanutH 4'4c each
I'lOS Imported funcy , 4 irown , 20-lh. boxes ,
12c. S irown , M-lb. boxes , IJUHc ,
HONEY-Cholce white , 13e
Uliil Clnillled Juice , per half bbl , 523' ; per
11,1. 4dOO 23
MAI'l-i : BYUl'r rhe-nal eans , each J2.55 ,
Kul cans , pure , p r doz , 112 . half i al ans ,
162' , iiuart cans , (3 ' 0
Fnn n MIATS : ,
IItiSHiD : : liniir Oood natlte steers. 400 to
COO Ibp. . "c , KOOI ] fnrnmirt | < iB , steers , tk , KOD.I
hlndquurleri , Sc ; western sleets , SffCli" , fancy
heifers , He , Rood hclfirs. 6'jc ' ; Rood foreijuaitirs ,
lirlftrs ! e' Rood hindquarters , heifers , Cc Rood
cows , C > 4e , fair rnvif. t 4ei tommon cows , i'.ei
cow forntuarltr * . 4 ! U5c , cow hindquarters , 7'J
ifuEl' ( TTrf-Temlerlolns. 18c ; bonelets strips ,
! k ; strip lolnt , 7c rolls , I'e ; sirloin butts tic ;
thoul.ler clods , Cc ; lump butts , Sc ; steer chucKs ,
te ; cow i-limks , 4'ic ; boneless chucks , 4Vic ; row
pUlff , Sc , steer plates. SVjc. tUnk sttak 6'Scj
loins. No. 1 , He ; loins , No. 2 , lOKo ; loins , No 9.
She ; sirloin ends. No. 1 , 8c ; ribs , No. 1 , llci
ribs. No. 2. ( He ; ribs. No. > , ( Ho steer rounds ,
"lie ; c w rounds , 7c ; cow roundi off , tlic ; trim-
T Chicory Co.
Growers nnd manufacturers of nil forms of
Chicory Omnhn-rrcmont-O'Ncll
9 ,
l il > nrttr tutij
Crockery. C/ttHt , Glassware ,
Silver I'lntcd Wnre , LookhiR OlnoROB , Clmn-
dellers , Lamps , OhlnineyH , Cutlery , Ktc.
Creamery Alachincry
, nnd Supplier.
UollorM , KiiKlnes , Kccil Cookers , Wood Pul.
leys , Shuftlnp , Heltlnc. Hutter Pnek-
ngcs of nil hinds.
907-M9 Jqne .
St. - - - - - -
Ofllco 1C05 Karnnni Street.
C. X nietr. 1'renldent Oonld Dletz. Sec A. Trcs
Mannfactiti big Con fed onci s ,
And Jobbers of Foreign nttd Domestic
Fruits , Jxuts , Clears and Crackers.
i- nut nun in it NT.
_ _ .
a SliaB
Importers anil Jabbers of
Dry Goods , Fumis/inur Goods
902-906 Jackson Si.
C. P. WELLE , V. Prcst.
and Stationers
"Queen 13ee" Specialties ,
Cigars , Wlntw and llrindles ,
Corner 10th and Hurney Street * .
The l@r@er
* * - -
ti'l I'ltttri > nratitlrnl l'rfia , > il-
tlony. t > i > rclnl 1'fifiindor l'r < 'i > iirril to
< lnl < Aciicf/ur Ciifii/n'/ifr.
I -ihoratory , 1112 Her ard St. , Omaha.
Electrical Supplies.
Electric Mining BollB nml Gas Lighting
G. W. JOHNSTON , Pics. 1515-1517 Howard.
UOI Farnam St ,
Commission Merchants.
S. W. Corner 12th and Howard Stn.
Mrmlieiu of the National Ix aRue of Commis
sion Merchants of the United Mates.
& Howes ,
Fruit and Vegetables
SPnCIAWIUS StrawbrrleB , Apples ,
Lemons , Cranberrlc-s , Potatoei. 1017 Howard St
Dewcy & Stone
Furniture ! Go
Furniture Draperies
1115-1117 rarnom BtreeL
inliiKS. 4c. beef ehonks , 2io. ! brains , per dot ,
35o , sweetbreads , per II ) , ! ! - sweetbreads
( r.ihev. per Ib 4 J , kldneS , per do8V , ox
tails , each 3c , ll ers , per Ib. , 2c , hearts , per Hi ,
2e , toncnts , prl Ib , lie.
I'OHK Dressed piss Go , dresied IIORS , Dijc
tentlerlolns , ISc , loins , 7e , spare ribs , 4c. ham
fcUUFagr , butts , Cc , shouliters roiiKh. SV4e ; thoui-
ders , skinned , 6c. trimmings , 4Hc leif lard , noi
rendi red , 6e , heads , cleaned 3e , snout nnd ear ,
So , backbones , IHc , cheek meats , 3c. neck
bones , U4e , plitb1 tails , 2o plucks , each 60 ,
chitterlings , to , hocks , 4c , hearts per doz 2So ,
Mumaclis , each 3c , toiiRiies enih 7e , kldne > r
per doz lOt , hialns , per doz , ISo pies' fee ,
per doz , 25e , livers , each So
Ml'TTON Lambs , SVJo ; thiep. 7'ic murkot
rscKs llcniB ) , 9c ; hotel raiks ( short ) . 12o le > :
end caddies , Ev , lamb legs , DC ; breasts anil
ste.ns , Sc. toiiKUes , each Sc.
HIDIIH No. 1 srt-en hides , 6c , No J ereen
hlle . BV4C. No. 1 salted hides , 80. No 2 ureen
salted hides , 7c No. 1eal calf , 8 | i > 12 ! ) . ,
M c. ; No 2 % eal calf. 12 to 15 Ibs 8c , No 1 dry
Mint hides , lOftlzc ; No , 2 dry Hint hides , J'UICk-
No. 1 do salted hides. SUIOc ; part curid hlder ,
'io per Ib. less than fully cured ,
HIIIJK11 J'ii/rs : < lreen sulte-d , each 2HW > |
grten suited ehearllnifs ( short wooled mrly
skins ) each Itc } dry shearllntts ( short wooled
early skins ) , No. l. * ach Cc dry ( lint. Kansas
and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib actual
weight , 4t ) c , dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska
murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , JS < c ;
dry flint butcher wool ptlti , per Ib. ,
M eyer fi Etaapke ,
\ Teas. Spires , Tobicce anJ Clg&ra.
1401-1407 Iturnty Bsretw
MeSord-Erady Co.
" * * irfj&
HUh nnd Lenvumvorth St.
Staple and Fancy Groceries ,
iailaglaer Oo
cnriui3 ii
iiA.MJ uuocnus.
Telephone VS.
Vf 31 'f > " >
; v/ ; j , .S.II > WKS .I.M ) COI./.JNA
foM/rr < r > / * frtithri'f > iufefrifiKfiririv / / , / If
\Vo > .ollclt jottroreloiM 1315 Howitrcl St.
Wholesale Hardware ,
Wholesale Hardware.
Illcjoles and Spot tine Onuls. l'J10-Ul-C3 llui-
ney stieet.
1100 und 1111 llo\\.lrdSt.
J/.IT.S , c.ii-ti , c ; < o > ' / ; . > . MITTK.\S
Onneis of Oate City , Peerless , Damascus and
ilssUfalppl hranjs of hats.
214-S1& houth 14th St.
er's bagB@ ifn
East Indii Bitters
Golden Sheaf Pure Ilje and Bourbon Whiskey.
\Vlllow Springs Dlbtlllery. Her & Co. , Ills
Liquor Merchants ,
1001 Kuriiaiu Street.
Liquors and Cigars *
Ills Farnuiu Street.
Wines , Liquors and Cigars.
413-41D S. 15th Street.
hScago Lumher Do.
DUMBER . , .
B14 South 14th St.
.N. Dietz ,
Dlllre and Yards . 13th and California Kit.
aitual wdBht , 4fi'C , dri Hint Colorailo murrjin
wool pelu per Hi. mtiiul weiKht , 3 i4i , fiei
cut off , as It Is UkeleuK to pa > frclsht on them ,
IliTpoiil ( 'ruin nnil l'r < i ) NIIIIM ,
i.ivr.urooi. sept -WHISAT NO z red ,
uehtirn ulmcr , htiail ) . "n 11(1 , Nu , 1 nd norlli-
rrn spring , ste.idy , ts , 'id.
COItN American mxcd spot , new , ia y ,
3s 1 'id. ' Amvrliun mlxd spot , aid , ijulci , 3 M ,
September 3s lit ; October , 3 ISu , November ,
iUlet. | 3
ri 1'll-Sl Ixiiilii fumy winter , dull , lOa M
HOI'ft At I/m.lou , I * ,
] IU\flhlONH llrtf , rxtm India UK-US , M
Pork , prime inrus line western llrm , Ms , prime
imss mtdlum western , firm , 4Cn 3d. Hiim , short
i ut , ( lull , 37s jliron , short ribs , Mead > , 33s ,
loiiK clear Iliiht , 31s. rltar bellln. 12 In II Ibs ,
stead ) , 37s Shoulders , s > | Uuie , slrudy , ' . 'J * l < ud ,
spot , kleady , 24 . i
CiliiSi-Coloml : : dull , CH.
TAW/JW Prime city , llrm. IBs.
OII-S C'ollonn't-il , l.Ui-rpojl n lined , nil-ad ) ,
< * | Tuiprnllnct Hiilrlli , llrm , 2JH3d Ilonlii ,
lommon , dull , 4 1'jd
Cliic-lniiiill llurltrU ,
I'INCINNATl. Bejit -HOO8 AltUe , 3 Mif
4.30.CATTl.U Steady , J22il27 : .
KMiii'HteaJyii.y > 'aiW. litmus , Meail > ,
CiilUurnlu DrlPil Krulu.
' vvopbratcil epvleii , prime nlrt
Lnmbn ;
Lime , Etc.
Dili and Douglas Sts.
vF. Cady Lumber Co
6th and Douglas Sfs.
Telephoti :
N ational Oil
and Paint Go.
Air Floated tM ncral Paint
And Taint" of AH Kinds 1'utty , Kte.
1015 a tut 1017 Jones SU
\ \ Co.
J A Moffct , 1st Vice Pres I , J. Dnike , Oen
. . . .OfLS. . . .
Claso.lne , Turtientlne Axle Orrnse. IMc.
Omaha llrnnch and Agencies John II Itiith M
id Oole & Go ,
cii.nitY AND POUI..TUY.
1015 Howard St
arpenlar Paper Co.
Printing Paper ,
Paper , Stationery *
Corner 12th and Howard streets.
Paper Go.
Paper and Stationery.
:0'-210-2l2 ' S. iic\cnth : St.
Wrapping Paper , Stationery t
1107 Hnrnej Street.
Oempsier Go.
Ph otog rap h i c Supplies ,
Hi ,
"junfacturcrs of
Sash , Doors , Blinds Etc ,
12tli and Iird Sts.
1014-IOIf. Doiiulus Street.
Manufacturers and Jobbers of Steam. Gas and
Water Supplies of All Kinds.
w Supply Co . . .
ztoS-n io IJarney St.
Steam Pinnpa , Knelnen nnd Hollers , Pipe ,
Wind MIllH , Steam nnd FlifmblnK
Mutcrlul. llcltltiE- , Hose , Ktc.
H , Hardy 6g Co.
Toys , Dolls , Albums and
Home Furnlthlnca , ChlUren'B Carrlucci , Kto.
1319 Purnum Street.
reat Western
Type Foundry
Superior Copper Mlieii Typo Is the belt on
the inarktt.
1114 Howard Street
I Telephone 1030. Oinalia , Neb.
Direct wires to Chicago end New forte.
ComcDondinu : Jilm A. U'nrr u A u
tray , faC % /7c , wood dried inline , , iliolcp ,
7' ' o , fa ncy , 7'lf Prunes , SV-jyiive p r puunJ ,
an to size and iiuallly Aprliots loyal , 7e > Mour
park , He 1'cathps , unpeelr.1 , 7U10o , ( iielid , lilt
I'lillmloliililii Pr ml lire MarUct.
I'IIII.AIii.l'lUA : , Scpl U , IJUTTKH-i'lim
und lc lilKhir , faniy we lern tieamery , 15c ,
l.'GdH-Qulel but ncad > , frc-sh nearby , H' , l7ci
Oil MilrUrU.
Oil. CITY , Pa. , Sept 18. Credit balance. C5o
rertllicutii , no bids ; there WHS one tulu at 7oi
uhlpmenu and ruu not icported.