/ FHE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ESTABLISHED 1J > , 1871. OMAHA , MONDAY MORNING' ' , ' SEPT EMU 1011 20 , 1807. SIN < JLU COPY .FIVE GENTS , Advancing Agaiust the Mabmunda from Pnnjkora and Shabkadur. MEET WITH LITTLE SERIOUS OPPOSITION DifflonUta of Transportation in Mountiinoui Oonntry Are Great. G-NERAL JEFFREYS RtATTACKJ ENEMY Drives Them Back Into tlio Hills After Desperate Resistance. BRITISH FORCE CAPTURES MUCH PLUNDIR 9Tnlvi > TrouiiM Show ( Srenl Heeenl llntllfM _ Rink Tlu-lr lilten In Curry Alilllllllil- ( Ion lo the I'ronl. BOMIUY , Sept. 19. Advices from the front how that the \nrlous columns arc advancing against the Mahmunds from Panjkora and Shabkadur As yet they have met with no Borlous opposition , but dllllcultlcs of trans- liortatlon In a mountainous and almost path less country are Immense. The most for midable obstacle In thu way of lupld move ment IK the lack of water. The brigade of General Jeffreys has not Joined In the advance. Yesterday It left Camp Ann jet with sixteen companies of In fantry nnd font1 guns. In order to reattack the enemy at th village of Damotngoa. The tincmy made n desperate resistance , but were driven out Into the hills The British demol ished their totters and captured 400 mule loads ot supplies. As soon as the troops began to retire from the vlllngo the enemy rcnppeared In force. The retirement , however - over , was effected with great precision , the tintlvo troops behaving splendidly. Two Sikhs were ' < Hl0d and fix wounded. U Is now known that the enemy's loss dur ing thu fight on Thursday last between the Maliiiinnils uml the Second brigade of Gen- cial Sir Hlmlon Blood in the valley north of Annjet was \orj heavy. The tribes engaged did not press the brigade during the retire ment , but fiesh tribesmen appeared. Cap tain Rider's company virtually owed their lives to n guide , an Afrldl sergeant , who , when the Sikhs had exhausted their ammu nition and weie desperately cutting their way back through the enemy , dashed up the bill undei heavy tire with a supply of car tridges. He airlved just In time. Lieutenant Watson was thrice wounded while leading a handful of Huffs , who routed n Inigo body of the enemy that was trying to Htorm the village at which General Jeffreys with his guns had taken up a position after missing his main body In the gloom Thurs day night. It appears that the enemy lost 380 men before they captured the Saragosl police post. They burned allvp two Sikh cooks whom they captured while out hunting lor firewood. The queen has sent the following dispatch with reference- the reverse near Camp Anajot ; "I am deeply grieved at the loss of bo many brave officers and men. I earnestly deslie to be Informed as to the condition of nil the wounded. Thu conduct ot the troops was moKt admirable. " PESHAWl'R , Sept. 19. The lower Mali- munds , south of here , have submitted and have agreed to pay a heavy fine and to sur render their iiiins , TIMKS SV\S IT IS 1'llBM VTI'llK. iT I'ur M > nl nifersuiiln lo Milijerl Conlroerxj . LONDON , Sept. 20. The Times this moui- ing sajs : The statement of the American press tint the State department at Washington and the British ambassador have received Instruc tions to opin negotiations for n general treaty nf arbitration Is at least premature. It IH not Improbable tlmt the negotiations , which have never been broken off may be resumed next month , when Sir Julian I'auncefote lotiiius to his post , but It Is difficult to see how n treaty of any piactl- ral value can bo concluded so long ns the Bonato maintains the attitude It dlsplajcd When It lust discussed the question Sir Julian Puuneofote will return to his post In time for the conference of the Gperial Ilcrlng eca commission ut the end of October or the beginning of November. Prof. Thompson Is now eiirouto. home and will start for Wash ington next month. Commenting on the communication from the foreign olllce to tlie colonial olllce of Mr , Sherman's letter the Standard sajo "Tho correspondence ) shows that the British government has a poifoct answer to the complaints of the goveinmont ut Washing ton and the careful reader can eawlly dis cover In Mr Chamberlain's exposition the basis of a serious Indictment ngalntU the United States , not on account of Its high handed treatment ot Hrltlsh coals but on account of Its obvious desire to tompnss the destruction 'of u Brit lull Industry and over turn the Paris award. Whether In these circumstances It wns wleo to agree to a con fcrcnc" time will show. Possibly some good will come of n friendly consultation , In the meantime the MoKlnloy administration will cultivate a mure conciliatory tone In Its communications with European states. " The Dally News , dealing with the blue tiook , says. "Wo receive the gift of the blue book with some misgiving und with the iiusplclon that Its contents are highly provocative Mr. Chamberlain , In writing hla it'ply to Mr. Plienuan's despatch , had ciol been roftrn'iied hy any of those concerns nf diplomatic courtesy which Mr. Sherman has been censured for neglecting.Vlij has the present moment been chosen for the liubllcatlon of stinging recriminations and rankling Imputations ot bad faith ? The pres ent exhibition of Indignation Is either too Into or too noon , or theio In some contem plated hltdi In thu negotiations requiring a revival nf the lieateil controversy , Just when we nil thought the combatants wcio cooling down. There I& t o othci sign of a hitch iul wit do not believe there Is a hitch , Either the dispatches of Mr. Chamber lain Imvn been allowed to comet out Inadver tently , hlmply because the printer wan ready In cither cane a blunder was committed aliiiont SM Fcrloui an the publication ot Mr. filiermun'x dispatch In July or there has been n fool lob deulrci to gratify perscnal vanity or to show the Canadians they hail a valiant defender , In which care the blun der has nearly attained the proportions of a crime , for It would be u. crime to Imperil a friendly negotiation at & moment when a settlement wae most In view , " JM3\Ci : niMIITIONS AR12 OMMIOI'S. D run it * of lt > liinnli > ii nil Ilnlll A Knell Other. ATHENS. Sept. 19. The conditions of jiouco signed vi'bter.Iay between the ambas sadors of the powers on behalf of Greece and Tew ilk I'.itiha , the Turkish foreign min ister , at Tnphaiich palace , are universally pronounced bj the Greek press to be exceed ingly onerous. The organs of M , Delyauulu , former prcm'tr , who coinnianiU a majority In the boil lie. violently attack M , IUI1I and the cabinet , 'Hie unU-Oelyannlb press abuses M. Dely- minis ay the "evil genius of Greece , " The p'lbllc generally accepts the' result with iiiournful IVrrouli lle > iiiierleuu Mlulxlcr. CONSTANTINOPLE. Sept. 19 , Korrouh Hey , counsel of the Turkish embassy at St. I'etemburg , hai been appointed minister to the United State * lu succession to Mouatita Hey. The foregoing dispatch conflicts with the statement In a cablegram from Constan tinople September 3 thst Moutlafa Hey would br succeeded by Rouftat Hey , former counsellor of the Turkish embassy In Lon don si : vitcn rmt \ m.xvrs Mtiinr.itr.it. Nil I. ril lloil } Poll ml In TlillllU'i lilonll- II Ml UN Morltr i tin VrltliHin't. ( Oji > rlKU. IW. liy I'riM PubllKlilnR Ompnnv ) LONDON , Sept. 19. ( New York World Cablegram Special Telegram. ) Scotland Yard IH now actively engaged In endeavoring to trace the murderer or murderers of Mor- Hz Wllhclmon Vclthclm , a naturalized American citizen who was from 1S33 to 1SDO American consul at Santa Marta , Colombia. On August f > the naked body of a gigantic man , nix. feet four Inches In height , was found floating In tha Thames In the vicinity of the docks. A strong lanyard rope was wound tightly round the neck and down the back , tjlng the hands , and was then se curely fastened to the ankles. The body was declared to have been In the water a month und the doctors ainrmcd that death was caused by strangulation before the Im mersion. The police seem to have mada no Inquiries , and , content with the -verdict of the toroncr's Jurj' , consigned the remains to a piuper's grave In Calford cemetery un identified. A couple of weeks back Madame \oa Vclthclm applied to the home secretary for an order for the exhumation of the body , ns he believed It to be that of her hus band , whom she had lost sight of early In the jear. shortly after which time he had blgamously married a young Greek woman Magrovordato , whom he met nt a HlooniBbury boarding house" The body wns exhumed Prlday night , when Madame Vclthclm In stantly Identified It ns her husband. Von Velthelm had a. remarkable career. Horn In North Germany ho began life In the Clermun navy , then fought as a volunteer for Bulgaria against Ser\la. Subsequently he tramped across. tlie Australian continent. Ho married his first wife , Miss Yearsley , at Perth , Western Australia , In 188G. He after- wnids settled In the United States , then went Into the banana trade at Santa Marta , where he was appointed United States con sul. His second wife , discovering he had another wlfo living had begun proceedings for nullity of her marriage , but they were postponed , as It was stated that Von Velt helm was In Madigascar. A decree of nullity was , however , granted In July. How he eanio In the river Is a complete mystery , but It Is surmised he was thrown overboard from come fotelgn ship. r. \ itTiKiiKIS MIAICH THINKS tip. SilMinlinlNtiirluiiiocN Do niiiiuiKf In Hnriiiit' nnd Axln. HORNE , Sept. 19. The cantons of Gtnrus and Grlsous were visited today by a severe earthquake shock , accompanied by heavy rumbling. The disturbance was so distinct that It win everywhere noticeable and In many places great blocks ot rock fell from the mountains T \SHKEN. Turkestan Asia , Sept. 19 A severe earthquake shock occurred here last night and the disturbance was felt through out the whole of Turkestan. Several mosques were damaged here and at other places. The legion of the Turkestan earthquake K filled with monuments of antiquity. Samar kand Is iciiarded with crcat veneration by the Inhabitants ot Central Asia. The city pos sesses the tomb of "Tho Lame Tlmur , " vul garized In "Tamerlane , " the renownei' orluntal conqucior , who was born In 1336 at Ke'h. the "Green City , " about fifty miles south of Samarkand. Under this celebrated warrior und administrator , who carried his victorious arms on one side from the Volga and the Irtl-h to the Persian gulf and on the. other from the Ganges to the Hellespont , Ic became the capital of one of the largest em pires ever known , and the center of Asiatic commetvo Its beauties were lauded by the , poets of Asia. At the height ot the city's prospeilty it contained no fewer than fortj colleges , of which only three remain perfect It still has , though In a state ot decay , inanj of the edifices associated with ( Its formci gloiy. MHVI : TO THII iST. . Mfiloim Olllfor IH Cool nt III.s OH n execution. CITY OP MEXICO , Sept. 19. Caotaln Cota ot the Twelfth Infantry was .some time since crnilemned to death for Insubordination for the killing of a major of his regiment in Sonoia during the Yaqul rebellion. He was shot here jesterday. Detachments from ull tin gairlsons were present , about 1,50 ( men being drav n up on three sides of tht sfjuaic Ilj n15 o'clock all wes ready am a can Inge , containing Cnptn'n Cota and tum. friends guarded by soldiers , drew up At the further end of the square , oppoilte the custom mound , In front of which the execu tion was to take plade , the coach stopped and the condemned men alighted He was ImmeJIately conducted to the place of exe cution bj u picket ot Infantiy His hurvo wus Indomitable and his tour- age siipo.b As he advanced down the length of the square , a distance of at least 10 ( jaids , he was quietly puffing nt a cigarette and walked deliberately to the position ns sift ed to him. Not even there did his cour age roixake him , for whtn the officer strode toward him , bandage In hand , with the In tention of blindfolding him , Capta'n Cota at once motioned him away , declaring that he was net afraid Not even as the officer In ohmgc of the firing party took his place and ultli his sword motlct ed tl.e orders to the men was there the least tiaco of fear on the face ot the condemned man. At the first iKachargu he dropped dead. \ \ \ii > orrr.iis TO ST\\n PiTiu-e TnUeH u Siieelnl liitoroNl III DuUf of Miirllmroniili'H Son. ( t'oi | > ilK it. 1VT. hj 1'rrxs I'ulillulilnt ; Coinp.ui ) 5 LONDON . Sept. 19. ( New York Woild Ca blegram Special Telegram. ) The duke of Mailborough has been overwhelmed with congratulations on the birth of a son und heir Out ) of the messages received this minnlng was from the pilnce and princess of Wales , who asked to bo Informed how the duellos * and the Infant were getting on. There were numerous callers during the aftniiLnn. among them Mr. Vandcrbllt. who Innrhcd with tha duke , whllo Mrs. Helmont , who Ii.td been at Spencer houto from the tlnio t'le duchess was taken III , wan also In the mansion. The prince ofValoi Int signified his willingness to stand sponsor to the child , Intimating , however , that If any prior or family arrangement has been made In that connection his proposal was not to beconsidered. . Inquiij tonight by the World correspondent at Spencer houto elicited the reply that the duchess and the Infant weie both an well an could be expected , her lllncsd taking qultti a noimal tourse. _ lllnhtii | Mny lime Tronlile , MADRID , Sept , 19 , Kcars are expressed In well Informed circles that a tabinet crisis limy i emit In the contumacy of thu b'bhop ' of Mnjorlca , Balearic Islands , who , in de fiance of the order of the archbishop has per-iitted In Ills excommunication of Slgnor J. Reveller , the Spanish minister of finance , for taking po t > caklon ot a church In lilt dlacest ) The degree of excomniunlceilrn was read with ull formality today ! ci all the churches of the diocese. Several Influential prelates : appiove thu attitude of the bishop. Tctunii to ( io to MADRID , Sept. 19. The ministerial organs - gans : ! bsc rt that the Spanish mUilstcr. the duku of Tetuan.111 ooon be gazetted as Spanish ambassador to I'rance The duke of Ttituan bad a long Interview today with thu queen and United States Minister Wooil- Xwil _ rtioil PrliTK Illne. MADRID , Sept. 19. The price of all kinds of food U rising steadily , owing to the grow. Ing depreciation of silver and paper cur. rcticy. Trrnty at Pence MlKiieil. MONTEVIDEO , Sept. 19. The treaty of peace between the government and the In- Burgenti w s signed today , .AYS DOWN LAW TO SPAIN President McKinloy's Note to the Queen Bogont on Guba. UNITED STATES' ' ATTITUDE IS FIRM PoNlllon Tit Urn Will 1'lnco Siinln on UKOiriMinltf If \iiy Hostile Action ( irouft Out nf tlir Mutter. WASHINGTON , Sept. 19. ( Special ) 1'cr- ons who enjoy the confidence of Pres'.dent McICInlcy say guardedly tlmt many of the published statements BH to Spa'it are true. Two or three newspapers have recently out lined the contents of the president's note to the queen regent of Spain which Is to ba delivered shortly by Minister \Voodfoid. The note Is couched ! the most diplomatic way and has had the careful consideration not only of the president , but of those who Ktnnd high In the world of diplomacy so far as America Is concerned. A gentleman who has the confidence of the president said : "I be lieve that there will bo some trouble grow out of the rote to the Spanish powers. It will , however , be of a character plnc'ng Spain entirely upon the offensive. I can have no other thought but that America will hovv Itself capable of writing letters of so clever a character that wo will enjoy the Bym-athy of all powers when the true status of the situation comes to be known. General Woodford's Instructions are of such a char acter and so firm Is the president fixed In his policy that there must needs be a good deal of very readable : correspondence over the Cuban situation. Dr. George TJ.Miller has written a letter \sslatant Secretary of War Melkeljohn In which he gives some new views relative to deep waterwajs. In the letter , which will bo referred to the Deep Waterways com mission. Dr. Miller says that nothing can be moioltal to national development and welfare than deep waterways for securing cheap transit -of our western surplus prod ucts to the Atlantic seaboard and the enor mous volume of manufactured products from the east to the growing millions In the west. Ho hag wilttcn to Senator Hanna that Presi dent McKlnley could Immortalize himself nml his administration by Inaugurating the work of a ship canal from the Hudson by way of Lake Champlaln and the St. Law rence to the great lakes , thence through the Henncpln project on. to the Missouri river and to the Hocky mountains. Ho argues In fa\or of broad water nml deep canals from Lake Michigan to the Missouri valley , which he believes Is the great common cen ter of the agricultural universe upon the Amoilcan continent. In order that hla proj ect may be thoroughly understood ho lajs down three plans. First To pledge the public credit for the entire sum which such a work may require and "do not haggle about the total. " His second proposition la that bonds should bo Issued running fifty years , to be based upon the tolls levied upon trafllc anil he believes that they could be floated at 2'/4 per cent , possibly 2 per cent. As a result of these two propositions he lajs down a third that the diversion and employment of the vast volume of skilled and unskilled labor would be a perpetual blessing to man kind. During Assistant Secretary Roosevelt's presence at the recent practice of the vessels Included In the White squadron , off Hampton Iliads , homing pigeons were employed for the purpose of carrying news from the ves'els at era to the telegraph stations at Fortress Mon roe In some cases pigeons flew over 100 miles , co\erlng the distance In two homy and IPKS. Tn Knmn lnstnnpp thn vpsspls wnrn hiif forty miles off Norfolk , the carriers covering the distance In an hour. Offle'als , at the N'avy department , are enthusiastic over the success attendant upon thus Impaitlng Information mation which , herctofoie , has only been ob tained after the return of the vessels to the land stulons within reach of the department at Washington. Prof. Rimer Gates of Washington eays he has worked out a process by which objects can bo magnified to a size 300 times greaiei than by any of the microscopes now in use. His Invention , ho claims , will revolutionize microscopy and will advance science to a point hitherto undreamed of. His discovery , IIP ays , will be of especial \alue In bacteriology and the study of the cellular tissues. The piofessor declare ? that ho has succeeded vvheio all other bclcntlsts have failed In dl - coveiiiiga way by which the magnified Image projected from one microscope can ho mag nified by another as if It were the original object To do this has been the aim ol clentlflc photographers and microscopies ur many years. Prof Gates does not take the public Into his confidence sufficiently to di vulge the details of his Invention , but he says ho will be ready to give It to the worlc In a few weeks. The power of the new In- "trurncnt Is mentioned ns three million d amo tors. The greatest magnifying : powei of the mlc oscopo now In use U ten thousand diame ters The scientific world will be slow to ac cept anything short of absolute proof that Prof. GateV new method of magnification I : what IIP claims for It. V nn for ( lie Army. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Sept. 19. ( Special Tt'legratn. ) The rethement of Colonel A. G Jloblnhon , now stationed at Joffersonvlllo , ef fective October 15 , will make a lieutenant ccloiiel of Major C. F. Humphtey , depot quau tprmaHter , stationed In Washington. Major Humphrey Is well known In Omaha , having had charge of the building of Fort Crook Ho Is also credited with the construction of the 1'roildlo at San Pranclsco and Fort D , A Russell , Wyo , Thu following transfers In the Second In fantry arc made. Second Lieutenant Peter E. Slarinart , company r. to company It ; Second end Lieutenant John C. McArthur from com pany I ) to company I. Changes In stations of officers of the quar termasters' department. Major Charles W. WHIIamn , from Schuylklll ursenal , Pennsyl vania , to Jeffcrsonvlllc. Ind. ; Ma Jar Forrest II. Hathaway , from Chicago to Schuylklll arsenal. L'avos of absence : ' Captain George F. Cooke. Fifteenth Infantry , extended twenty da > s ; Lieutenant Hugh 1) ) Hcrkeley First cavalry , three months with permission to apply for an extension of one month , Cap tain Henry F Kendall , Eighth cavalry , four nionlhti , Lieutenant Frank II McKcnna , Fif teenth Infantry , extended to October 1 ; Lieu- linant Colonel Johnson V. D Mlddleton depiitj surgeon general , extended one month Captain John Pitcher. First cavalry , ext ndei one month ; Lieutenant Hanaford L , Threl- kclka , Thirteenth Infantry , extended one month \ ( MVcNtoril I'OHtlllllNlorM. WASHINGTON. Sept. PJ. ( Special Tele gram. ) Postmasters appointed Saturday Ion , i Calvin , Iliac k Hawk county , Samui SvvolU r ; Korbush , Appanooso county , II. I ) llatielrootlr Morning Sun , Louisa county , T J. Ochlltrcu , Otianto .Station , Mitchell j ciiiinty , Aton George Jr. ; Riverside , Waali- ' iiiKtim iiunt > , O. T MathewH. j South Dakota Kdneniont , Pall Rlvei toiimj , J A. Slenvart , Frederick , Hrown count } . II F. Ilurnham , Maltland , Tall River county. .1 M. llrady , Philip , Nonlln comity. Andruw Mllhurn ; Ronooe , Edmund * count ) I Ion ry I luck. I'refrr t merion n ( IOO < | H , WASHINGTON Sept. 19. The United States consul at Amoj , China , saj | n a recent dUpatch to HIM State departmt-u1 ( hut "Ilio Chinese people prefer Ameilcan cotton fabrics , spinnings , Hour , oils , cantml goods end meau and even buy them at higher prices than oilier Importations cau be had lor. " 1,1 r.T < iiiiT : iMM't.ar.s K v rtcirr. COIIICN Out of HIP KtUMtmttrr ultli n I , n in T h I nil. CHICAGO , Sept. ID. It icamo to llsht today tint I.uetgert , " the .alleged wlfo mm- * ' tUror , Indulged In A'fjghl jast Wertnesdiy afternoon with William Yoflng , a prisoner confined In the sumo tier on the chars" of robbery. Tlio ex-sauwge manufacturer's lameness Is not due to , rheumatism , as was given out by himself ami his guards , but the result of Young's hurling him backward ngali.at the pavement of the Jail corridor to save hlmcelf from Luctgrrt's big fists. 1 he affair started In n friendly scuffle , but when I.uetg.'rt saw his opponent "was gotMng the better of him lie lost his temper and began "rushing" his man Young , howuvor , who Is quick and muscular , caught his opponent around the waist and literally hurled him backwards about twenty feet ngllnst the tile pavement and a steel door. Luetsert hJd to be helped to his fcot and almost carried to his cell. The Jail physician sajs the fall wrenched one of the ligaments of the thigh and It may be weeks before he fully recovers. When the trial Is resumed Tuesday the pr , sedition Is expected to cpusumc only the morning session In winding up Its case. The defense will divide KB rebuttal evidence Into two parts Plrst , they will attempt to show that Mrs. Luotgert was BOSH and talked with after the night she Is said to have been mur dered. If the lOntsha nlabl In touched upon It will be but lightly and this will probably be held In ressdve. The principal part of the evidence will be nil attempt to explain the remarkable chain ot circumstances , which , the state claims , chows Mrs. Luetgsrt was murdered by her husband. , Mrs. Louisa Johnson , vvhn lives near the Luctgcrt home , will he placed on the stand by ths state , whether the motive wltiKMses are admitted or not. Mrs. Johnson would have testified before , but she has been seri ously 111 She will teJl of seeing Luetgeit chase his wife at the point of a rcvohcr. ( II IIJT l.Till : MIMMi DISTRICTS. Ted 115 nil Altomiit Will lie Miulr to ItOHIIIlie OlICl-lltlnllN. HA2LRTON , Pa. , Sept. 19. Abs-lute quiet prevailed In the entire strike district today. Vice President McGulrc of the Federation of Labor left for Washington today in at tend the meeting of the executl\o council , and George II. Chance of the United Labor league went to Scranton. Ths movements among the military were the practlcj rides of squadrons of the Governor's snarls and the City troop , and tlio afternoon Oress parade. Tomorrow Is looked forward to ns a dec'slvo day. An attempt vwlll be made to resume at Latlmer and Andenrled. There are nearly 2,000 men at theUtter place , and they were the ( list to go out. The men wanted to return to work , hut bands of women have prevented them dining the last few days. To secure protection a squadron of cavalry and an entire regiment of Infantry will go to the scene. The men at Core's Drlfton rnlno will tomorrow -decide on staying nut or continuing at work. These places arc well guarded by the troops and If the men are peacefully permitted to resume work It Is thought the backbano of the strike will bo broken and no further violence will re sult. The coioner's Inquest will begin Wcdnesdaj afternoon. TRAINS COI.I.IDi : AT .ST. I.OUIS. Fl\c Pt > i'MiiiN Arc Injured , Coiiiluctor'N lllirlH IlcliiKSrrlouH. . ST. LOUIS , Sept. 19. A , collision occurred near the Union station his morning between the outgoing Wabash passebger Iraki and an incoming Sf Louis , KapstfB Gift' ' & 'ColbVado' passenger train. The Injured : Charles Williams , Moberly , Wabaeh con ductor. Mrs. A. T Davis and child , Lowery , Mo. Mamie Hummel , St. Louis Jacob Hummel , St Louis. The Wabash was Just entering a switch from the main track when the Colorado train , which had the right of way , came rushli g along at thirty miles an hour. The engineer of the latter train , seeing an accl- " dent was Imminent , shut off steam and ap- < piled the air brakes , but the.y failed to work and the next moment the Wabash engine was thrown from the track , overturned and partly demolished Conductor Charles Wil liams received serious Injuries The others hurt suffered bruises and shaking up. CINCINNATI , Sept. 19. The Commercial- Tribune's special from Hollalro sajs : Two sections of a westbound freight train on the Baltimore & Ohio railway ran Into each other at Helpers Station last night Englneo- Cahlll of Newark , 0. , anuL threa unknown tramps were killed. u > \ in ? TO TIM : sri'umu : rnrirr. KIIIINIINlornc ( > lriiIt to III nil ItN ( > H II llllNlllCNN , TOPI3KA. Kan. , Sept. 19V The little city of Kilp , In No slu county ( In retuin to an alternate writ of mamlarnus. filed in thu snpiemo court , buggcsta Jhnt the supreme court of Kansas ought to mind Its own busi ness. . r Several years ago David Wilson secured a Judgment against the town for $5uOO. He was never able to collect It , and wnen 1'c died C. J. Phelps as ednilnlstiator , er- dea\ored to collect the a'm unt. Other * ne n.t means falling , Phelps began a procoaJIns In mandamus In the supreme court to icqulro the mayor and the city council lo apprnpili o the money. The court Issued un alternative writ and gave the city until yeuteiday to pay the Judgment , InHtead City Attrirnu/ . A , Cox has irplled to the supreme court alleging tint the city has already levied all tl'o taxes allowed by law. that It ban -s-iaicel } en'ugh to pay Ufa regular expenses and closes with this lemarkublo statement * "That the court fiom which said writ of mandate Issued has no taxing poweis con ferred upon It by law and cjn Impart no'io to said defendants , aa mayor and councllincn of said cltj of Krlc , and has no Jurisdic tion to coerce the levy of taxes speeded In iho mandate. " uo\v IN TIII : soc-vi , K ( 'UllllOtf AKri'CIII ! ItCKoIllllollN Colli-rrnlilK Illirli'liill SliofilliiKr , DRTHOIT. Sept. 19A meeting of thu Dutiolt brunch of thu Social broke up In disorder this livening nftei a hot discussion of propped resolntions upon the shooting of miner * at Hazleton , Pa The resolutions loundly condemned tlio at ion of Sheriff Martin and hls/depjitjcn In firing on the miners and demanil l their trial for murder They also cttclarvd tint tin. 1'enn- ujlvanla and West Virginia Judges \ > lm had rcndiiicd alleged unjuut. tloelslouu In Iho "governincnt by Injunction " cases should bo Impeached. Several jcxtrenio socialists who were present vvrathfully contended that inert ! bhould bo no appeal to government In such matters bin ( hat vengeance should bo IMI | hy the people themselves. They tried 'D shout down the resolution ! ) and denounced the chairman for appointing a committee to draft them. After u lung , hat wrangle Iho gathering broke \\llhilut-ikvhuIng llsel/ . Irlxh Ciiilfiiiilnlkkuflnllon , NHW YOIIK , Sept. I'J The f > -comrnltteo of the ommlttee of the * 98 Centennial OHHU- elation , undei wliost uusplctH the IJ'K ex- eur. Uti will be Klveri to Ireland next j ear , iiitt heie yt'Htenlaj' . Communte itloim weie i iruil from IrHh nrgunlzatloim In I'lileimo , I'ltuhuig , Ban I-'raiielsco mul other placei , stilting that braiifheg cf thu imncliton : ! hud been Htaileil bj eucli of them , The associa tion tv II t-id't a monument to Dm men who I fell In " . * ' llllMlllfNN TrOllllll'M Of ( I Dll ) , HUSTON. Sept. 1t'JaiU 1 , Arnt-H A : t'o. , ' who opciated a eojiiijitfislon luui.-e an Devon- Hiilre > Heet , luivcn'liapemled. . The CIIIIHU Klveu IH tbu failure of j It. Wllluitl ft < 'o. , the llim'H New York t'oirtfl'ondent , 11 in I HubllltleH are not Icnoivn , i MoiloclilH of OctniirMHclH , Siil. | 111. At New Yoik Arrlvpil-Huvt'l , fiom III emeu , Ililiunnlu , fi&m Muisc'lUFui ; - nosi'la , from Glasgow , liovlc , fiom Lher- pool.At . At Havre Arrived La Touralno , from New Yoik. At Movllle Arrived-Clty ot Home , from Kuw York , and inocecdea. nv P npiTii rivTIMIT f IOT O DMi DftAlII , SIX NhW CASIiS This Sumniariz s Sunday's ' Yellow Fever Situation nt Now Orleans , CLEANING UP THE ITALIAN Q'JARTER \iillinrllli < < > KnilriiMir to VTiolliti tlio Flllli In that Portion ur Iho Cltj _ \V en III > * rnrni nml T NDW OUUUNS. Sept. 19. The local fever situation has undergone llttlo change since yesterday. At sit o'clock tonight the record book In the Hoard ot Health cillleo showed a total of six now cases and ono death , The olllclal bulletin Issued tonight , however , shows two deaths , that of the woman , Santa Qralllato , who died In the hospital last night , not having been In cluded In the offlctal bulletin , although re ported In dispatches. This Is the record : Deaths Joseph fjlfi- fay , an Italian , 2326 Urquhart street. Now rases , Rosalie Ilackus , John Dell , Plum , be tween Cnmbronnc and Jefferson ; Irene Ter- loll , Charity hospital ; William llrandon , 639 Philip ; Xorah 11lies 341 St. Claude street ; Lena Green , colored , 155S Camp street. The first two cases arc In the e.xtiemo upper portion of the city ; one In the fouith dis trict ; one In the St. Claude street house where the original six cases were reported , and one Is In the Williams houne , where two cases already existed , There ore three cases under investigation and the health ailtholltles tonlirlif still view dm lln.itlnn with some complacency. WVING IN FJLTH. The report of Dr. Mctz , the city chemist , on the condition of the Italian quarter , moved the board to prompt acceptance to day of the offer ot the city of the iMarlnc lospltal ns a refuge. Dr. .Mctz found as many as s > lxty people huddled together In : ho Italian quarter living In qualor and fllth. In ono of the rooms a goat was found sleeping nightly with the family who owned t. The woman Graulato was taken from : hls quaiter and the board realized that un- ess something were done at once the block in which the woman had lived was likely soon to become a plague spot. It was , there- 'ore , decided to uuard and thoroughly dlsln- Tcct and fumigate the entire squaie nnd to remove as soon as possible mcst of the fam ilies to the old Marino hospital. The him- Ired squatters who now occupy the latter building will be given quarters In one of the new schoolhouscs In the vicinity and the Marine hospital buildings will be per manently used as n refuge until the fever Is stamped out for the families of the Ital ian quarter and those of the Indigent sick tlnoughout the city. House Surgeon llloom had a conference with President Oliphant today relative to establishing a place to which Indigent j el- low fever patients might bo removed. There ire usually 700 or SOO patients In the Charity hospital , and It Is considercvl highly danger ous to receive jellovv fever patients In that Institution. U Is said that the hospital Is ready to go to any expense to piovldc a sup plementary hospital. The board submitted an offer of the free iibc of the old biuallpox detention camp , which Is entirely discon nected from thu smallpox hospital , and It seems likely that the offer will be accepted anilall .yellow fever patients who for various reasons cannot be treated at home will bo sent to Dr. Beard's place. There are now two patients Buffering with jellovv fever In the Charity hospital , and their presence , although they occupy Isolated apartments Is deemed a serious menace to other patients. PUOPOSD TO CUAN UP. At a largely attended meeting of bankers , business men , ministers and representatives of labor organizations It was resolved to ask the Hoard of Health to cuiitldei the advis ability of adopting next Tuesday as a general cleaning day. Acting Major Hrlttnln and President Oil- pliant today replied to the suggestion strongly deprecating It. They wrote that It would be inadvisable and Inexpedient to de termine upon a fixed day for cleaning pur poses , as such a movement would cause an accumulation of tilth and trash which could not be moved at once , and b > the stirring up of miasma would further endanger the health of the city Instead of Improving It. It was suggested , therefore , that each Individual In. habitant of the city proceed without dela.v to the cleaning of his own premises , to the disinfection of his water closets , allejs , > aid , etc. , and the destruction ot all decajlng mat ter by flro. The detention camp at Foutalneblcii was today declared to have been practically com pleted and to be ready for the reception of guests. A special train today went to Uiloxl and Ocean Springs and from there carried about forty people to the camp. Tomorrow the camp will be thrown open to all comers. Those who arc not Immunes will have to stay In the camp ten days , according to the rules laid down by Surgeon Murray , these rules being simply the federal law , which the surgeon as the commander of the camp Is bound to enforce. AT OCKAN SPRINGS. There were no now cases reported nt Ocean Spilngs up to noon , but the weather was heavy and sultry and one of the patients was not expected to live. She Is Miss l aura Atkins. Chailes Edgier , son of prominent Now Oileans people , was among those stricken yesterday at Ocean. Springs , bin his condition Is not yet considered serious When the fever had been declared epidemic and yellow ho closed himself up In his hniuo nnd did not torao forth exeept to go to the detention camp as soon an It was reads. Isolation , however , did not prevent the gernm from entering his home. The worlc of the Now Orleans sanltarj foitcs tontlnued unabated today nnd the ofll- ccis employed themselves In hunting up ninny old rookeries where people are closely crowded In Illy ventilated homes and where they Ilio In filth. Many of these places \vero subjected to complete disinfection and cleaning. The weather today hub been warm and threatening. < 'ivnn CASIJHT n\v\ > \ . Inxiec1olIllminer | MnUoN lleiorl | lo Marine llo | > lliil OtllelnlN. WASHINGTON , Sept. 19. In his weeklj icpoit to the Marine hoip'tol service Sani tary Inspector IJrunner at Havana sajs that for the week ending Septemb r ! l there were J2 < ; deatliH. of which fifteen were from > ol- low fever , twenty-nine from entorlc and per nicious fevers , thirty-four from djH ntcry anJ llftj-fivo 'roni enteritis. The Inspector says the decline In deaths from yellow fever la only apparently , many deaths from that dlHcaset ho thinks being placed under the head of enteiltls and enteric fover. At the same lime there are not ax many case's of jellow fev-r In the mllltarj hon- pltals as there wcro two months ago. the Hcldlcrs who are sick being cared for In the hospitals elsewhere. For two we''ks , according lo the mortality i ports , no deaths from yellow fever have occurred in the city proper ; this condition ho says does not exist. The enormous druth rate from on'erltls ' and dynenteiy the Inspector specter saj . Is a result nf the lack of iiu- { trltlaus food , and the deaths fiom thcs dls- i eases have not leached high water maik. UnUci Hit ) laws are so amended as to admit certain Important food products , nobody hut the favored few will be afolo io obtain nu- tiltlous food , Even at the present time all flesh meats command prices , above the leaeh o1 the lowei claf * H while hreaJsluffs are ) high , ( ililt'.liiUH Arrlii'H nt , liii-l on. J \CKSON. Mini. , 'eept. ' 19.Dr. . H S. Old- dl : < gii of the maiino hospital service airlved ' here todij on biu wuj to Edwards n estab lish a Crimp of lefugccs. He haa with him 200 tents and mattrcssex. Dr J r Hunter uecictary of tbo State Hoard of Health , will arrive ) hero tomorrow from Vlcksburg lo confer with Dr , Olddlnga lUtti A ylcvt to ir.vrs or TIII : n vv \ < ( lie Mule I'll I r ( ironiuNl Opening of the Kalr S A M Hand Concert Court of Honor. Jublleo Singers Grand Stand. Judges Award Prizes U , V , n , P and H. Hncei during the afternoon. Mlnu'lloiiH In ( He I'll ) t McSorloys Twins Hoyd 8-15. Milk White Plag Crelghton S IB YoMiTiluj'N THI peril tit re I Hour. lieu. Hour. llru ; . n n. in . . . . . . r.S i p. in , IN < > II- t " U | i. n ( Ill T n. 111 rv ; t p. n itt ) S n. 111 .Ml I | i. in tin i ) n. in , - > s n ii. in < > II ) n , ill IfJ n | i. in. (17 ( ti M. 111. . . . . . an r ii. in ( M IU in ( IS S p. in .Ml n it. in n ? \\Vnllipr Forft'lisl for Toiln.il Tnln Vnrlnl.UlinIH. . Harrlngn trilling coolness the weather > < " > - terdny was all that could bo desired. The day was blight , clear and pretty , but thn mixlmiim temperature was only 70 degrees. It turned off quite c ol toward evening. The coolness will bo overlooked by the fair man agement , however. If the weather lemalns clear and dry. oMahllshlng a base of supplies and taking stringent measures to stamp out the jellovv scomge. iiiviv : : M\V : r\sus AT MOIIII.I : . Ofllelnl Iliillt'tlii for n I'erloil Covt-r- IIIH : Tv fnll'onr lloiirN. MOHILB. Ala , , Sept. 19. The official bul letin for the last twenty-four hours ending ut noon today shows eleven new eases ot jellovv fever , as follows : J W. Cnrllile , Augusta street , near llrcnld ; J. J. Hourno , C,9ri nimlra ; David Myrtim at the Marino hospital , reported last night after board meeting ; Gfoige Majtleld , Lettlo Johnson - son , colored , Ceuar , near Augusta ; 15. S. Shanonbcrg- and wife , l/tivicnro , near Augusta ; Frank Collier , Old Shell road , near Hollett ; Willie Charpln , : tuU Charles , corner Klmlra , Eugene Hencher , corner Charleston nml Charles , Miss Allman , Old Shell road , near Hellett. One death that of Krank Donaldson , mentioned us one of the now oasis In those dispatches last night Ho was 1C years of nge and a papet tarrler. Total cases to date , 29 ; deaths , .1. Tne president of the Hoard of Health to- ulght comments upon the dnj's report as follows. "The cases reported today were taken , ono on the l"th , ono on the 13th , one on the 14th , three on the 15th , four on the IGth and one on the IStb , so there Is shown that there has been but ono new case In the last twenty-four hours The total of CIIKC-H shows a persistent j" of the disease between a rapid Increase and nil the cases nio In one Infected district save In one locality on the Old Shell road nnd In the Marine hospital All the cases , with one or two exceptions , are doing well. The Sunday cnlni was In- I Unsifted todaj- , all tralllc suspended and the , streets being even dcecrtcd by the usual ' throngs of worshippers. Not only have many people gone away , but those lemalnliig think it prudent to avoid gatherings of all sorts. The Hujsldo park closed Us season prcmatiirelj jcsterdny and Sunday street car travel In that direction , which Is generally verj largo , was cntliely lacking. There was n small shower about 2 o'clock today , ac companied by n cool wind that was most ie- fleshing otter tbo Intense sultriness of the last two weeks. " SI.1CHT I.tCHElStt AT KIMVlll > .s. Four Jfcw CIIMCN ArtRoiiorlrd , lint -No Don I Iin. VIOKSnURO , Miss. , Sept 19i The fo\T at Edwards shows but slight IneronsB nnd no deaths have occurred. Dr. Purnell re ported four new cases todaj as follows Mf * . Dr. lluttllff , Kraulc Angele , John Ivey tilid Jesse Sharp , colored. Disinfection has com menced nnd bedding Is being burned when It tannot be disinfected. Dr. Dunn , : io.\ nt Oremi Springs , h-aa been ordered ( o Kd- waids. Dr. Glddlngs Is expected there tonight n . aie nls ) tents for the camp of refugees The State Hoird tiled to prevent Fnther Prouder , gast of this cltj , who has never had thf fever , from going to Edwards , but ho con- sldeied It his duty und the board gave way The board has a icport fiom Hlloxl show ing thirty-six cases to date UPRldex six msplcious and tiventy-Fovon cases ( if > ellovv fever now en hand. No deaths rcpo'ied. Colonel Rofob , an aged planter near Ed wards , Is one of the cases reported jester- daj. Vleksbmg Is thoioughlj guaided and en tirely healthy. It Is estimated that peilmpx 10 per cent of the population has loft town. No N M > CiiseH ill Oeejin S' | > rliiK * < . OCfiAN SPRINGS. Miss. , Supt. Ill -1) Kells wlics Dr Dunn fiom Scranton , re porting three new eases of mild fevei , no deaths , and all eases doing well. Dlspatchc > - from Doctors Hunter and Klger , executive committee of the Ml'slnslriil State Hoard of Health , order Dr Dunn to luin over to Sur geon MiiTuy bin charge cnnsl'tlng of Ocean Spilngs , Scranton and Pascagoula , and pu > ceed at once to Edwards Dr. Dunn will leave Monday for that place. Surgeon Mur- lay went out to Fonlalnoblcati detention camp today 1-Vitj-llirco persons entered CMIIIP , town went to Ocean Spr.ngs. Mrs. Patteison , hei daughter , Mrs. G eeno and two children , of Iowa ; Messrs White , Ansley and Levj of Now Oilcans , left hero for de tention camp today. No new ici es have been reported and the sick aie all doing well. A lelreHhlng thowtr fell today. Three DeU-iillini CIIIIIIIM. WASHINGTON Si pt i'l. Complete ad- vltoa were retcied today by Surgeon Gen eral Wyman of the hospital Hervlto of the movementu of Ilia oflitlals In the yellow fevei districts and of the measures to pic- vcnt the spread of the disease. U IH ex pected tlut soon tlnce detention camps will bo In operation tlut at Kontalnblcau , Miss. , ono near IJihiardo or Jackson. Miss , and another at the Mount Vernon Harracks , Ala Dr Wyman thlnkn the sjs'.cm of limpeetlon Is now pretty thoroughly organised. Two I'IINON nt Cairo , MEMPHIS , Tt-nn . Stpt. 19 A speclil lethe the Conirne cal ! Appeal fiom Cairo , III. , syH Dr. Gulttras , the jtdloiv fever expert , who airlved hero from Mobile at noon today , huu pronounced Ilia two suspicious cnxcH ut I lie Mailne hospital to be jellow fevei of a mild \.S > 1,1 M SC TciiniNlci'liarKoM OlllelnlN vvllli HeliiK llriuiU on .Siiiiilii ) , TOI'EKA , Kan , Sept. 19. A scandal has tome to light at the TopeUa Insane. Atjlum and may result In an otllelal Invedtlgatinn J. J. Allen , u teamster at the asvlum , lus resigned bis poultlon because ) he says tilings uro tarried on In uch a hlgh-handcd man ner at the Institution that he doe * not care to be mlMil up In It. In an open letter Allen chaige * that the officials spend Km. day In drunken vuoutoUi around thu HHylum n d that frequently membeis of tne bob nt participated In tlie. festivities. He SIJH It was not an uncommon thing to Ilnd > Home of the fubordlnate ofriinra lying out In the jard dead drunk at uny hour of thu night. Superintendent \Velmoro denies the thargei. Sert li't * . IKNVii : { . Colo. , Hept. 19 A new p j b i\ice to Portland , Ore. , comtUtlng of a tourist tdtfper uml a clinlr tar on the leguUr night ti.iln foi the west , has been Ir.stltiite'l tivi-i the Denver & Itlo Orandf railroad. AiruiiwinenlH have nlso been made l > v vvlileh pausenKerB over thu Denxei & Itlo Ur.tncle , destined for the noithwctil , tun change Hlueperd ut firuml Junction nr Salt I < nku nnd be uciomimidated In bertlm for the Midland uleeper , luavlng Denver about tlie tiiune time. NEBRASKA ON DECK Thirty-First Aununl Stnto Fnir Heady for Visitors mul Inspcctioni GIVING THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH Eihibitiou urpnssjs Any Ever Mtulo iu the Btnto's History. MANY OMAHA ENTRIES COME 100 LATE Waiting Till the Last Moment 'Ends in Getting Shut Out. SUNDAY SEES EVERYBODY ON THE MOVE DouliliKorccN TVorU Mnlil mill lo ( id ( ItnllilliiKN RIMI < | > for tint'oinliiu of TO < | II > 'M CromN , Piomptly at S o'clock thla morning the big gates nt the f > ilr grounds will swing Outward and the thirty-first annual exposi tion of the pioducts and icsuurces of Ne braska 111 be formally opened. All that Ima been promised In icgard to the superiority of the exhibits bus bscn more than fulfilled , and tlio thousands of people that will throng the grounds during the week will bo per mitted to src wlmt Nt-bi s' < a t\in offer for Us natural advantage's. It furnishes a most cffcptlxe object lesson In one of the most magnificent expositions of stcck and agrl- cultuiiil products oxer brought together In any xtato In the union. At 3 o'clock jes- terdaj afternoon Just 100 mote carloads ot exhibits hud boon brought Into the grounds than were a\er brought to a state fair In Nobiahka anil a large number of additional carloads weie scheduled to nrrhe during the e\enlng and early this morning. The busl'o of preparation was Intensified jestoiday mid hundreds of workmen wcro biiMlly enguipd In lushing lluough the task of pacing the vast amount of mntfrlnl that wus offered foi exhibition. Vu Immense amount of woik was accompllnhed , but even thpii It was necessary for tinny of them to woik all night In order to ba mul ) to open this morning. The Agi ( cultural building was a veritable beehl\p nnd It wjs found necessaiy to close the ilnors In cider that the workmen might not be Impeded. ICarly In the day theie w < is mine materlil In place than has p\er beLMi on e.xhibltlon ut a previous fair and from then on It wat > simply a ques tion of how much of the ( in unity that re mained could fop ciowded In With tlio ex ception of CUP 01 two exhlb Is which aulvcd late the building will bo piactleilly complete this morning. J.OCAI , UX'HiniTOltS CO.M1J ITH. I . The greatest deby Is notlcublo In the buildings which are occupied chiefly by local exhibitors. In spite of ths constant re minders of the management a vast numusr of Omaha people insisted on wajtlug until the last minute to make their untrlcs More Onnlia cntil- " . were received dining jester- il ) > y than during the entire previous week and as j fault a large number of them wer6 turned down. Thp clerks wt-ro compelled to have the books ready for the Judges to begin work this morning , nnd It was finally found noi'esHaij to absolutely shut out all new on- tiich \s 11 was the clerks In this depait- inent had to work half HIP nltht In order to IIP ipad > for tliw Judges tmliy. Aside fiom this , however , there haa been iiuthlng to Intcrfcie wi'h the eoniplcle suc cess of the fair. Nearly all the live stock tlut had been enteiPd was on Hi" gioundi before midnight lust night , and the penu are falily swamped with the tremendous ex hibit of tattle anil hogs. In each of these clauses the show Is ltniiicns ° ly superior to th.it of on > picvlous year both In the mint- foci of exlilblls and the quality of the stock , and the breeders on the ground who iuvo been making the tin nit of State fulls for yiMis , nay that It It , In every respect the finest exhibit of stock ever seen In any uesLcin bta'.p Tlie hoiscs aie not up to the htaudard attained before the blujclc and tiollej ecu made horse bu-cdlng a losing g.inio , but the pxhlblt 1 * equal to the best thai hns been shown dm Ing the last few \ears. The Ponlttj building Is too uiull to equal tindem.mlK for space and cirps cf birds uro Mail.eil up In ever } \a < unt space liven the nixies au > piled liiili with exhibits and Ilieic It Liuely pimugh Hp.ite left to pass be tween the rows Thp varieties shown are exivplionall } complcto and the quality of the fowls Ih pxtioordlnary. SUN'DAY VISriOHS SKK MTTMS. The trains on the xtub line wern heavily loided with vIsttorH all day > > sterday and some ( if thorn protested most vlgoroutily hen thej found It was nercssary t ) pay the usual admlfulon ot thu gate Their illHsat- hf.icilon wax H'ljl more Yl'"ol'slj ' ; expressed when they attunpted logo into several build , ings rind were met by tlr * sign of "No ad- nilltancn , " whl h was strict y cnfo p d , The admittance WUK clurgpd by tlie management nialnl ) for the pniposc i/f | ne < entlng the Imllillngs from being overrun with vUItorn who might interfere with the workmen , but the pe < plu who paid to lee 111" show that was kept behind clrsed doois wore nimble to sco the Juttlcs of this aiiang mcnl. Matters tool ; a lively tuiii In tliodmlnls - ( ration * building yen. da ) . All duy long IIiiPBof busy exhibitors thronged the ofllces of President Dpollttlo anJ Sf ttt-ary Knrnai. The maihlnerj for handl. 3 multitudin ous Inuliu'ss of ( lie big Hrmv has been brought to a condition fai mi < i perfect than In my prc-vlotiH year an 1 a vast quantity nf it wjs tiar.nactcd by the ofTt lals with vciy llttlo friction. 'Thu fall thla year" bald Secretary Kur iidj. "will beat anv < hlii' < of It ? kind ever I.IIUVMI In the state The. exhibitors went a trllln slow In getting their display * Into posi tion along at llrtt but tiny are making . "meiiiln for this by flaenu itsorlc iloublo fortes of moil. The sun circal dUpUys In thp Vgrleiilturil building prom o to eollpto all prevlor cffortH. anl ui > 10 pace , I don't think there Id an available Inch which haa nut been allotted. PIIOTKCTION KOIl fXIIiniTHS. ' One of tl.n new leatiiMH of thin Year ivlilcii Is woithy of mention h the fact ot State Veterinarian A T Pwters of Lincoln forli g with us. lie will hn In fttfmlance at the grnnnds during tno entire perjol covcrcil b > ( h ? fair , Kvery animal pinurd on exhlbl- t'on v/lll paus under lilu o > cs. Ileretoforo nun ) owners of fine cattle and swim * havv iff alnpd from tnkli.g thu host productu of ( heir farms to the fair on account of ( ho danger of dhseasu by tontJglon This In par ticularly true of hogs I'mler the present uiinngeinent any anlmaln ulilch appear even a trUlu usplclous as to health will ho barred from the grounds Yon may baj that the fair \\Ill ho luidy for all HlgitECcru when tha gales open Monday morning " AH Illiistratlvu of the wonderful renouice * of Nftirai-1a there Ifi on t < xblltlon In the sec- retaiy'a olllce a well matured cnfTttt plant. The poiU In which the rai'en berries neatlo are well developed and thu plant to an un til to red oyu appears up Ic all requirements lequlrcd In the growth of Iho product Tim plant was utud In thin city by M. II , Hthanku of North b'tuntcrr.th streft , It will be later placed In Ilio Horticultural building. This coffee exmfolt , together with' the cotton exhibit , both homo grown will provj quite a novelty to those Inlerrutel in the ever expanding flora of the state HAS A SOUVKNIK IIADOK , Secretary Kurnao ban had manufattuied 500 souvenir badges , whleh will be distrib uted to a few of the main exhlbltom n . | to the various headc ot deparlmentu of tha fair , It U In the form of a badge and I * quite liundBouio In dcelgn , Tlio pin ecctloa