Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1897, Editorial Sheet, Page 9, Image 9

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There is 110 use arguing tlie wliy and. wherefore of our immense and constantly growing popu
larity. It is all summed up in the heading that appears in this advertisement combined with the
opportunity offered you of making your selection from an entirely new stock ,
Come and See The Most Exclusive Boys' and It pays to look
Mon's Suits of all wool Cheviots , > : ooil Children's Department In Omaha When you want to buy your
CasHlmoies , In plain color * ami nilx- Winter Overcoat or Ulster
lures , single or ( loulli' ) breasted sacks
suits that arc not of the trashy sort ' $2.75 Now Fall Style in A matter of taste
marked . but neat , wearable , well Children's
iiuiile Hulls out. , worth ! ? " . " > < ) , Monday and 450 $125 $3.25 Boys' and The choice of a Winter Overcoat -
all week at Knee Pant Suits $3.50 coat or Ulster here is more a
. '
Youths' Suits
Come and See . $3.75 matter of taste than it is a
In this $1.75
Men's Toppy Fall Hulls of line Cnssl- . $4-50 S.zes 12 to 19 , of question of price. We have
inerew , brown , jjriiy and black clay we have excelled a * ! $1.95 '
$ O.)0 ) this season's mnnufac- such a variety of handsome
worsteds , new plaids and checks , thu f = JI i.\ our previous efforts and $2.25
eipial of any irj suits yon over saw / J\J . have $6.50 ture. These poods things at every price from
hero Monday and all week at gathered together $7.50 bo to . it's
and siS.oo
. must seen ex- S3-75 only a question
the $2.75
Come and See er most complete $8.50 amitied to be apprecia- tion of deciding which you like
assortment of child $2.95
Men's hl h urade. Suits and swell ( op ' $9.0t ) ted. Our prices and most. Our finest goods are
couls from best fabrics and with a ren's goods ever $3.25
Kradc of trimmings far above any nsod- brought west , In all $3.50 $10.00 assortment defy cotn- not expensive. Think of get
lu suits uiuk'f $1S. < X ) or $ 20.00 On $ H,50 petition. ting an H. S. & M. guaranteed
. . . . the latest novelties in $3.75
sale Monday and all woeU for
$ I2.5Q Male in 3- and .4- Suit , Overcoat or Storm Ulster
Junior , Reefer , Vestee , $3.95
Come and See '
Button Cutaway Sack and for the same money you'd have
' Eton , Sailor and Dou- $425
lhi > hlglutl rnilo ot Mfn's PullH nnrt Over -
toils , nil from tne llnost ilomestlinnil Imported ' Dot b e Breasted S iclc styles to pay elsewhere for ordinary
fnlirlrs , trimmings as gooil us money will tiuy. b'e Breasced Su.ts dt $450 '
cut by urtlellc cutters anil made by Ekl 500 at prices from $2 75 to $12.50 c'othes. Is it any wonder folks
tiilloii- nothing e < iunl to tlicso In Omaha from 95c to $5.00. $5.00
$ * - or ? 23- Our price Monday anil all \\eelc for. . call this the best clothing store ?
Sucli Value Giving was. never attempted as May-den Bros , offer for Fair Week during the
Grand Removal and Opening Sales all tlirougli tJieiHousa. We are agents for the Butterick Patterns
and Publications. Glad to show Fair Visitors through the Greatest Store West of Chicago.
Cloaks , Capes and
1 The largest nml most complete line of la
flics' outer garments In the great west.
COO ladles' jackets , maclu of heavy black
beaver , regular jnlco , $5.00 ; fall' week , $298.
200 Indies' Jackets , In meltons and kerseys ,
regular jirlco , S7.50 values , for $3.98.
190 Jackets , In mcltci : . and kerseys and
frolzcs. broad faclnge of fame materials and
half sllk-llncd , regular $9.48 values , at $4.75.
175 Jackets , In boucles , kerseys , astrakhans
( rlczcH , In black , tan and mode , regular
f 12.50 values , at $ G.1S.
Ladles' tailor made Jackets of English mel
ton , Idlsh friezes , curly astrakhan , lined
throughout with heavy sllki either black or
fancy colored silk , handsomely braided , $8.i8. !
250 ladles' capra of all -vool boucle , 28-lu
long , 120-ln sweep , lined with heavy black
silk , properly Interlined , trimmed with
thlbet ; regular $7.50 value , at $3.43.
Ladles' Englltih kersey rape , double pleated
cmplni back , velvet Inlaid collar , with seven
jiolntfi , trimmed with three braids of bamc
muleilal. at $1.48.
Ladles' soft English curl astrakhan cape ,
lined throughout with heavy black satin ,
30-ln Ui g , empire back ; worth $10.00 , at
$ G.'JS.
Flush Capes.
LaOles' silk plush cnpss. lined and Inter
lined , elii'bnrately ' trimmed with braid and
Jet , edged with thlbet fur ; worth $7.75 , at
Ladles' beal collarettes , with fancy lining ,
a incut astonishing bargain , $1.75.
Ono thousand electric seal collarettes , In
endlMH variety of styles , at $3.98.
Ladles' astrakhan fur and electric beal
capes , lined with heavy satin , 32-ln long ;
worth $20.00. at $12.50.
COO inlseea' jackets. In blue , browci and
cheeks ; worth $300 , for $1.50.
00 doz. dark calico Wrappers , worth $1.25 ,
t 75c.
New Fall Millinery.
A grand display ot the newest fall styles
In thu greatest variety an cxcjulHlto line of
Imported Parisian pattern hats , splendla
Htylea from eastern houses , and hundreds uf
chic and tasty hats from our own work
Everything new In millinery and trim
"The style la In the millinery , not tu the
prices. "
Cotton Dress Stufis.
Extra heavy fleece back suiting , newest
fall patterns , Sic ! and lOc a yard ,
Simpsons line prlutcd dress sateen , Just In ,
fie a yard .
Comfort goods , 55 Inches wide , fast colors ,
very durable , lOc a yard.
32 Inch art sateen for comforts , Its fast
colors , I5c a yarJ.
Old fashioned heavy Dutch blue calico , 9c
Doublu fold dress goods In elegant st > Ies ,
J2'io uud ICc a yard.
Solid fast black sateen at 6Hc a yard.
Grand Display of
Fall Silks.
Changable lining silk , full 3G Inches wide.
all colors , good , strong , and heivy , only 39c
New novelty waist silks In beautiful de-
slgiu aud colorings , worth 75c and 85c ,
special prlco 59c.
Glare taffeta , all colors , worth 75c , only 59c
Black Peau Ue Soul dress silk , very fine
and extra heavy , $1.00 quality , fair week
only G9c.
lilack satin duchess , full 27 Inches wide.
very lustrous , and especially fine , the $1.50
grade at $1.00.
Roman stripes In bright reds and greens ,
27 Inch , only $1.00.
New French plaids , largest assortment In
city , are very ) stylish , special prices 9Sc and
Extra Specials in
Ladies' and Gents'
Furnishing Goods.
150 dozen Men's White and Colored Hand-
Kerchlcfs , worth 12' , c , at 5c.
100 dozen Men's White and Laundered
Shirts , reinforced front and back , linen bosom -
om , worth 75c , at 33c.
150 dozen Men's 'Fine ' Lisle Hose , black and
brown , seamless , worth 25c , 3 for 25c.
500 dozen Neckwear In all the latest colorn
and styles , worth 35c to 50c , at 25c.
500 dozen Men's Fine Suspenders , worth
COc , at 25c.
1,000 dozen Men's Fine Heavy Woolen
tahlrts and Drawers , manufacturer's samples ,
worth $1.00 to $1.50 , at 39c and 50c.
600 dozen Men's FIn Co'.ored nosom Shlrta ,
In all the latest styles , worth $1.00 , go at COc.
50 dozen Boys' Suspenders , worth 12 ! c , go
at 5c.
Fair Week Sale.
Ak-Sar-Ben badge bows , only lOc.
Stamped linen dollies , Ic.
Fllo and all wash silks only , per dozen ,
Hasting Cotton , only Gc per dozen ,
The new niching , only per yard , 20c.
The Chicago Record Cook Hook , 89e.
Ak-Sar-Ilen suitings , only per yard , COc.
Tapestry portieres , full width , heavy top
and bottom fringe , per pair. $1.93.
Tapestry portieres , satin finish , beautiful
effects , per pair , $1.9S.
New Ilagdad Curtains , per pair , $4.50.
A lace curtain at 39c per pair.
Lace curtain , full width , 3 > yards long ,
for $1.25 per pair.
Irish point lace curtains , per pair , $2.70.
Saxony liruutels Curtains , per pair , $5.00.
New style art denims , 34 Inches wide ,
15e yard.
Wool upholstery fringe , 6c yard.
Big line of newest styles In wall paper.
Bargains in paints and brushes.
Sheeting Prices. * :
9-1 extra heavy sheeting. 14'/4c. 1
4-t heavy bleached musljn , 4fcc. !
Large size bleached sheets , torn and
Ironed , at 39c.
1,000 doz. bleached pillow slips , lOc.
Dress Goods
A 40 and 42-Inch dress .goods novelty in
nil wool bilk and wool and mohair mixtures.
These are the latest fcr fall and winter wear
in colors .weaves and designs. Actual value
of these goods 75r to $1.00 per yard. Our
special price for fair week , only 49c per
yard. 243 pieces to eolect from.
Our 42 and 4G-lnch high grade novelty
dress goods In all of the new Persian de
signs , colors , tints and weaves. The very
latest and makes thu most stylish costume
for this season's wear. Actual value of
these goods $1.25 to $1.39 per yard. Our
special price for fair wcok , only 75c per
yard. We have 193 pieces to select from ,
40-Inch wool suiting , plain colorn , in blue ,
brown , green and black , extra heavy , very
firm , worth 59c per yard. Our special prlco
for fair week only 29c yard.
Black Wool
Dress Goods '
For Knll nml Win I IT Wear. Ilfinl-
iliiiirtcTx for Itliiuk Gooiln.
46 Inch black , all wool serge In the storm * ,
twill , coating twill and French twill. Thcoo
goods arc very firm and have an extra flnb .
finish. ( Actual value $1.00 per yard , our
special Fair price only 50o per yard.
One 4G Inch all wool black figured novel
ties , extra heavy latest weave and design ,
actual value $1.25 per yard , our special price
for Fair week only 75c per yard. '
All open mall orders promptly filled and
money refunded on all goods not perfectly
satisfactory ,
Carpets and
Wall Paper.
Never have goods In desirable patterns and i
reliable makes sold at the extremely | ow <
prices wo now quote.
High grade Ingrain Carpet 25n yard.
Strictly all wool Ingrains , 37 > , c yard.
Best all wool Ingrains , Including such
roakeB as Hartfords , Bromley , Lowell's , at '
49c per yard.
Tapestry Brussels , wool faced , good patterns -
terns , at 45c per yard.
Sanford's best 10-wIro Brussels , good value
at $1.00 , on sale at G5c.
Moquetto parpet. new and handsome patterns -
terns , with or without borders , 90c.
Good quality floor oil cloth , 15c per yard. '
Iiineu Specials.
G2-In , German table linen , 7Cc quality , at
72-ln. eatln and damask table linen , $1,25
quality , at 76c.
79-ln , double satin damask table linen ,
$1.50 quality , at $1.00 ,
Blanket Bargains.
Good quality gray blankets 49c. I
Extra heavy (5 ( Ib. ) blankets , $1.25.
All wool gray and white blankets , $2.50. '
Large slzo comforters , 75c.
Optical Department ,
Eyes tested free. A perfect lit guaranteed' ;
The best lenses at the lowest prices ,
Send Home a Piano
from Haydens While
the Removal Prices
t j Duy cither tn Al new piano , recommended
by us , or else one of our secJnd-handeS re1 *
I , liable piano bargains now offered to close.
r The follow'i g are bargains In second-hand
' and slightly used pianos :
1 Storey & Camp upr'glit , $80.00.
j 1 New England upright , $115.00.
' " 1 nne oak case upright , $125.00.
1 Vose & Sons upilght , $125.00.
1 Sterling upright , $150 00.
1 VOBO & Srns upright , $150.00.
i 1 Stelnway upright , used 1-1 montl'H , as
e ° ° d as new.
, 1 Chlckcrlng upright , used less than six
months , andi various other makea at correspond
spend i g prices.
New Pianos for Rent.
State Fair visitors should make use of our
! House Furnishing
Pine Imported White China Cups and
Saucera , the very latest ovldo shapes ,
regular $1.25 per eel C9c
lAll sizes tin top Jelly Glasses , per
dozen 19c
3 and 4 quart Graiilto Coffee or Tea
Pots , each 39c
lira , Potts' Sad Irons , 3 sizes , nickel
plated Irons , with stand and handle ,
regular price 9Sc , per set 59c
. Washing .Machined $1 95
25u Imported Dish Mops 3c
" Mallacca Sugar Shells Ic
Tea Sstralners , enameled handles Ic
. 1 gallon 'Milk Crooks 3c
) Coo Granite Colanders 19c
I Tomato Strainers 13c
Patent Stopper Catsup Hollies G'/fcc
Wringers Somctlilng new In wringers ,
j A wringer with a written guarantee for
/ 5 years , regular price $10.00 , for one week
only $4.25.
Special Drug Items.
i ; Falne's Celery Compound , C5c ,
Plnkham'fl Compound , 70c ,
Hood's Sarsarparllla , C4c ,
J Plorco's Favorite Prescription , C2c.
' Plerco's Medical Discovery , C2c ,
Scott's Emulsion CCc ,
Bagwa , 75c.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets , 32c.
Oarfleld Tea , 18c.
Kirk's Juvenllo Soap , per box , 25c.
Stuart's Complexion Soap , ICc ,
Cutlcura Soap , per cake , 15c.
Woodbury's Facial Soap , l&c.
Drlng your prescription here.
Now Goods , new department , new methods ,
low prices.
30-Inch corduroy couch , G feet 4 In. long ,
spring edge , fringed all round , price $7,50 ,
Others at $3.85 , $9.75 , $10 , and $12.
Oak chairs at 75c , 85c , 90c aud 95c.
Rockers , $1.25 and $1.35.
Wo are now showing two floors of as fine
< M"wcll made goods as any house In town. And
you ought to see us before > ou buy.
Immense Sale on
Men's Hats
and Caps-
cm Table No. 3 we will sell $1.50 and $2.r.O
Hats at 2 , c.
On Tublo No. 2 we will have n Brand clos
ing out sale of Men's mid Hoys' caps , worth
23c nml S'li : , at 15e.
On Table No. 1 , Grand Hcductlon Sale on
Children's and Misses' Tarn O'Slunters ,
worth 50c , reduced to IBc.
A I'omplote line of Hoys' Golf Caps for
school , worth 2oc , at 15o.
Jlen'H Soft Hats at G. > c , " . " < , $103. Posi
tively a saving of at least 25 per cent.
A regular $3.00 STIFF OH SOFT HAT for
Special Jewelry
Inducements for
Fair Week.
Ladles' and gents' elegant gold filled hunt
ing case watches , warranted to wear 20
years , with fine Elgin or Waltham works ,
worth $20.00 ; sale price , $10.95.
Gents' Elgin and Waltham watches lii sll-
verlne cases , worth $8.00 , at $3.98.
Ladles' solid gold hunting eaec watches ,
14k , W. S. assay , with fi c Elgin or Wal
tham movements , regular price $25,00 ; sale
price , $14.95.
Hundreds of sterling silver novelties at
about ' / ( the prices charged elsewhere.
Sterling silver bon bon spoons , Omaha sou
venir spoons , cream ladles , meat forks , olive
spocns , sugar spoons , etc. , etc , choice 98e.
Sterling silver coffou spoons , 19c each.
Genuine diamond rings , worth ? G.OO ; sale
price , $2.98.
Gir.ulne diamond rings , with real rubles
and emeralds , worth $10.00 ; sale price , $4.95.
Ucautlful solid gold rings , with live genuine
Australian opals , worth $8.00 ; sale price ,
$3.95 ,
Nickel alarm clocks , 55c each ,
While attending the fair don't forgot our
great removal sale In hardwarn ; thl.s de
partment moves In new Quarters In a few
days and wa want to sell out all odds and
ends regardless of cot > t or values.
A Few Sample Prices.
26-Inch saw , 39c.
Steel hammers , 27 ( * .
Draco and C bits , $1.05.
Keyhole saw , 11-Inch , 12c.
Ilrcad box , 29c.
Full hot cobblers tools , 79c ,
Ilnck saw , complete , 39c.
Hall bprlnkler , 43c ,
Shelf 'brackets ' , I'/jf.
A good hatchet , 9c.
G knives and < 1 forks , 37c ,
Scandinavian padlocks , : ic ,
Winchester pump shot gun , lever or slide
action ; this week , $10,25.
Hunting coat , $1.49.
Canvas leggings , C9c ,
Extra heavy cotton flannel , Cc.
Extra heavy outing flannel , Cc.
Extra heavy shirting flannel , Cc.
All wool white ( luiinel , 15c ,
All wool red flannel , ICc.
Grocery Bargains.
Holled oats , per package , Gc.
Cream of wheat ( the new breakfast food ) ,
only 12'/jc.
Pure fruit preserves , 2 Ib. glass Jars at 19o
Pure rye Hour , per sack , 48c.
-.3 Ib.- cans baked beans at OlfsC.
Crosse & IllacUn ell's cho'w chow ( plnl ,
size ) only 29c.
Knox sparkling gelatine at 9c.
Premium baking chocolate , per cake , 13o.
Ilattery chewing tobacco , 20c.
Fruit Juice ( all the go ) per plug , lOo.
Battle ax , 20c ,
C for 10 , 20c.
Wo are hemhinaiters for French sardlncB | .
French peas , mushrooms , line olive oil , Hug *
slan caviar , etc.
Tea and Coffee.
Choice Japan tea dust , only lOc.
llrokcn coffee ( worth 15e ) ouly lOc.
Cereal coffee , lOc. '
Po'stcm cereal , lOo a package ,
Whole Hlo coffee , IGc. I
Golden Illo , coffee , 25c.
Old gov Java and Mocha , 29c. ' .
Sun dried Japan , only 2flc.
English breakfast only 33 l-3c ,
.Mi'dlum roll Gun Powder tea , S5c.
Diskct fired Japan , choice , 40c.
Fan6y ceylon tea , GOc. /
Country butter 7c ,
Ilest country butter 10 and 12 e , I
Positively the lliiest separator crc.mcry
ever put on a table , only lIVic.
llemember there Is no better butter oa
earth than what wo offer you Monday at ,
17 lie.
Finest eggs , lOe.
Fancy full cream , "Mic.
Fancy brick , 9c.
Fancy Llmberger , 7'ic '
Ohio Swiss , lOc.
Neufchalel , 4c.
J'lno Apple , 40c ,
Edams , S5c ,
Come to thu Dig Store for all kinds ot
cheese. ' ' „ -
Picnic hams , G > c ,
Salt poi'k , 5c ,
Pickled pork , Gc ,
Corned beef , 4c.
Pigs' feet , 4c.
Tripe , 4c.
Iloston hams , 7c ,
Sugar cured bacon , Qc.
3-pound cans best , 19c.
C-pound cans best , 30c ,
10-pound cans best , C'JC ,
sodao , 5c.
lU'st oysters , Cc ,
Ginger snaps , 7u ,
Wo carry all kinds of crackeis at bet *
torn prices.