Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1897, Part I, Page 4, Image 4

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    THIS OMAHA DAILY 15E : SUNDAY , S ISPTEMBEl ? 10. 1807. \
Torrid Weather Continues to Monopolize
the Field ,
mliiifVicl < N Mtuitrolit Pent I IIVM |
Ulll iMlicr In ( litSoclclj Si'iiMin
_ l IHv rrtltiL' Tnlc of
I.ov unit Ilecr.
The unseemly spectacle of summer linger-
fiiK Immodestly In the lap o ( autumn \ > a
further proscntel during the first four davs
ut last week , anil people. In anil out o ( so-
doty , did llttlf else than contemplate It with
practically unanimous emotions. This ab-
fimblnK occupation effectually Inlet feted with
noddy doings anil will account satisfactorily
for the somewhat meager record which fol
lows. There Is apt to l > u a certain apathy ,
anyway , ilurltni the last tew days o ( a inon-
atch'H lelgn , and Ak-Sar-Ben the 'Htcenth
has lens than u week now left to rule. It
hhould bo homo In mind , lion over , that ho la
not the only Ak-Sar-Hun In the den , that
theto arc others , and that prepalatlous for
Ills successor's coronation ball arc Hearing
completion on a male of magnificence rat-
culaud tu eclipse all balls of dlettuit or re
cent past. Next week ulll not lack foi spice ,
nor the chronicle of Itj events for 7 cat. With
a State fair open every day , both theaters In
flctlm operation every night und thousands
of v Islllng strangers experiencing the mani
fold dcllglit and perils of a great cltv , the
nightly parades nnd the aforesaid bill on
Friday \\lll jnal.e It a pcilod still more to
ho remembered. The new king's policy will
doubtless have Its effect upon the current of
society dm In I , ' the coming season , but there
Is i ration to believe that the successor to
the present sovereign will be as lenient
toward the follies of mankind as he.
There are those about here who have not
hesitated to anathematize our late weather.
The eafc , however , of Archibald Johns only
L'OCH to prove that the past heated term
( from more of which tuny wo be granted de
liverance ) , served not to blight every one
was about to say "green thing , " but Archi
bald will not nn.sucr to such a classification
( served not to blight every ambitious growth ,
but brought about a glorious triumph
Archibald adores n beauteous maiden , Mtsa
Mary , whose charms not Aichlbtld alone has
found to bo manifold. Mlt > s Mary Is a general -
oral favorite , and she graces the region nd-
Jneont to Htuiacom purl ; , umlcr the guidance
of her fond parents with a sweet and mod
est piesence. Her father , a good man ,
though an nustcrc , believes that young
daughters should not be too much In evi
dence , u good principle within bounds This ,
being his llrm belief , has led to the annihila
tion of all possible suHor.s save one. Archi
bald has been considered Bate company be
cause ho Is bo modest and mannerly
Now this youth suspected a reciprocation
of his love , and one evening before the
"veathtr changed he determined to sound the
depth of Jlnty's regard He vowed with a
manlj vow that he had bided his time long
enough , and that If there was a watch on
duty that Bight It should bo disposed of.
This might have suggested difficulties on the
face of It , but Archibald , goaded on by love ,
knew none of them
Arrived at the house , hot and perspiring ,
ho spied the fair Mary upon the piazza , -with
her paiu , as usual , on guard. In pursuance
of his fell design Archibald bespoke his
thirst " \\\is the'e Ice water ? Very good.
No ! No ono should fctlr He knew the way
to the dlnlngroom It was easy to find "
So wa : the door leading to the basement.
It was but a slight task to sot the spring
lock upon this door Then he returned to the
pla7a to await the arrival of 10 o'clock ,
when Mary , papi and mamma and Mlgglns ,
the pug , must retire.
Time passed slowly There was nothing to
do. A suggestion that ho and Mary shoulA
go for an Ice cream sqja gave Archibald
voice , but bis kindness was mlscciistrued by
papa. Paterfamilias meant well , but he
had never been a young man , which Is the
same as &a > lm ; he never tasted an Ice cream
soda. The only flavored cold drink pap.i
took wab beer , which he did every night
before going to bed , a sacrifice to propitiate
Morpheus. Papa did not enjoy beer , be
cause It tasted like quinine , but It was easier
then running around the block and pro
duced the same soporific effect ; nnd papa
weighed fourteen stone.
When 10 o'clock airived papa arose "Mr
John , " said he , "I am about to take a glattf
of beer. " ( This was no news to Archlbild.
The same thing had often happened to him
In the same way ) . "I never exceed ono
gla s , bccauce It gives me what Is called
u. 'head. ' Perhaps you will Join me , ami
then we must all retire. "
Accord'iiglv. papa repaired to the base
ment. Mamma was nowhere In sight. Archi
bald's tlmo was come "Mary , " he ex
claimed , grasping hei hands hurriedly ; "tlmo
Is short 1 will do It better next time , on
my knees probably , and I owe you a thousand
apologies for presuming ( there was a tre
mendous rattling at the basement door ) for
presuming to use underhanded means to see
you alone , although I did lock your father
Into the basement ; but I love you , dearest.
Yea , I do ! ( The hubbub below Increased ,
mlmglrd with cries for help. ) And I believed
If jou had a show you would say you loved
me. You do ? Then let's let father out
and I'll drink jour health You do forgive
mo ? Oh , thanks ! I knew you'd stand by me
One kiss , then he'll ascend. There ! "
1'minrliiK for ( lit * Hall.
Extraordinary preparations are making for
nMt Friday night's bill at the Ak-Sar-Ben
castle , which promises to be not only the
most hrlllant society event of the season ,
but the most gorgeous and elaborate affair
over projected in Omaha. The knights , by
moans of frequent drills under the super
intendence of a regular army officer , have
arrived at a high dcgreo of proficiency , and
It Is expected that their evolutions In the
picturesque uniforms appropriate to the oc
casion will be one of the most attractive
tea tin 03 of the evening's entertainment. The
decorations of the den are progressing rap
idly toward completeness and will surpass
In magnificence nil previous displays. A
beautiful fountain has been erected In the
royal court , and Is expected to add greatly
to the beauty of the scene. Three bands
will furnish music for promenading and
dancing , os well as concert numbers.
Two hundred knights will participate In
the coronation ceremonies , and about the
us my number of ladles , chosen from Omaha
and other Nebraska and Iowa cities , will
compose the court of the queen. The Iden
tity of the now sovereigns Is , as usual , a
secret religiously kept by the appointing
committee and no hint can bo dropped at
this tlmo as to their names or estates.
Ladles In Waiting Mesdames 11. It , Wood ,
Harry Cartan , Harry Jordan , Charles Offiitt ,
leaac Cowlos , J. A. Wilbur. C. W Hull , El.
liter n. llryson , Thomas A. Fry , M , C , Peters ,
A. Ilrandles , Vance Lane , J B Ilaum , Wil
liam A. Itcdlck. a , W. Loomls. Harlow Kcycs ,
J. A. Wakefleld. Clement Chaae , II. J Pen-
fold , O , I ) . Klplmger , A. II. Jaqulth , Charles
C. Allison , Walter Jardloe , A , II. Noyes , K.
II. Sprague , Charles KounUe , E , W. Lee ,
Royal makes the food pure ,
tt'iolecomoand ' delicious.
Absolutely Pure
I , r FuDkhoimer Julius I'eycke W. W.
DurReu ! icllb > rt Calm of Omiha , H ti , Lurltu Wells ar.d H. W. II rt
of Council IJIutT.i , L. \ , . Holmes and James
0. Martin of South Omaha ; Hay Ny < of Fre
mont ami W. H. rerpuson of Hasting *
Ladles of the Court Mcfldamcs W V.
.MorseV. . I ) Sterling George n HhUvell ,
Charles F. MnJer : on , (1uy C. Barton. C R.
Ycut , IMvvard 1' Peck , John S Ilradv , P. I'
KlrKcndsll , * R. M Hartlctt , James M. Woolworth -
worth , \V. II. McCord , V. H. IHvls. C.V
Lyman UcorRe neil , J J Dlckpy , Charles
M Willie , m. H S Wllcox W H Ilwnett ,
Fred Met ? , Jr. , and Kdvvard Dickinson of
Omaha ; Walter1 H. Hargrcaves and F A.
Clarke of Lincoln , George H. Thummel of
Grand Island , Carl Morten of Nebraska
City and Trar.k M Avery of Chicago.
Maids of Iloncr MlMCH Mahel Tavlor , May
Dundy , Hello Dcvvey , Grace Hlmehangh ,
Chin Palmer , Sue Carpenter , Sadlo Hmim ,
Jessie Dickinson , Grace Allen , May Mount.
May Sargent , Sara Uutts , Daisy Doane.
Georgia Llmlsiy , Dcssle Yatcs. Tlora Web
ster , JIny llartlett. Laurn Morse Sarah Ilaum ,
Orctchcn Crounse , I'earl Hartman , Florence
Knox , Lillian A Wllcox. Florence Morsf ,
Adeline Nash , Elizabeth A. 1'cck , Salda Allen ,
Gertrude Kountre , Mellora Woolvvorth , Cor
nelia H Dennett , nmlly Wakcloy , Linda
Curtis. Anna Shlv crick Florence Kllp-Urlck.
'sle Tovvlc , Alice Andrccsen , Gertrude
Jones , nnd IMIth Smith of Omaha ; Nellie
Moore , nislc Schoentgcn , Carolyn Schocntgcn ,
Hlonor Stewart , Klenor Montgomery , Kllza *
both Squire , Lucille I'lnney and Gertrude
Ilcnnctt of Council Bluffs ; Margaret McKell
of Do ? Molnes ; Jean Doyd Mullen and Kthcl
Honey of Soufn Omaha , May Colsun and
Laura Meade of Fieimint ; I2va Stafford nnd
Martha Sousley of NolrroBkn City ; Grace Hell
and Adeline Wonvlck of Grand Island ; Sue
McCord of St. Jo eih ) : Maude AlberH of St.
Ijouls , Heba Duff of Nebraska City , rlorencoj
Clark of Now ton , la. ; Anna I'omcy of Chl-
MBO ; Frank May and Toot Welly of Fre
mont ; M. Lou Ormsby nnd IMna Hard of
Central City ; Hstclle 1'nvno of Hastings ;
Laura S. Jennese of Ypsilantl ; Mae Ilurr of
Lincoln and Joln Stanton of Washington ,
D. C.
Hdwnrd I'orter Peck , chairman of the ball
committee , has selected the following knights
as members ot the floor committee1 L.
Clarke Colt , Kdvvard Wllcox. Gould Dlctz ,
Charles T Kountze , James T. Stewart , second
end , of Council Hinds' Henry H. Allen , Ar
thur P Oulou , Omaha ; George S. Wright ,
Council muffs ; John Kdvvard George. Wil
liam U. Cowln , Joseph Harker , Asa Shlvcr-
Ick , Frederic W. Lake , Stockton Heth ,
Douglas P. Wclpton , Omaha ; Lieutenant
Newell , Fort Crook ; Lieutenant Hutcho on ,
Charles B. Pratt , LeRoy Cruiumcr , Charles
S. Young , James L I'axton , James G. Mar
tin , Leoulelan Funkhouser , William H. Mc
Cord , Walter n. Wood , Omaha ; Thomas D.
Mctcalf , Council Uluffs , Mosher Q Colpotzer ,
William Doane , Edmund Falrtleld , Frank
Hapkell nnd James G. Wallace , Omaha.
anil nti
Mr. F. P. Williams , well known In Omaha ,
was married last Wednesday In Cheyenne to
Miss Edith M. Jenks of that city. The
Chejeuno Tribune , In a long notice of the
event , iyv
"Dr George C Rafter read the solemn and
beautiful marriage bervlce of the church.
When the appointed hour arrived Dr. Rafter ,
Mr. Williams and Mr. Ashley Gleason , who
was groomsman , took positions at the gate
of the chancel and awaited the bride and the
bridal party. Miss Adah Held , organist of
St Mark's church , presided at the organ
and played swcot music for the occasion. On
the arrival of the bridal party , which was
led by Ushers George Voorheea , Claude
Draper , Hocer Robins , GeorgeDalher and
Ross Snyder , the marriage service was be
gun. The bridal party consisted of Mrs.
Jenks Mrs. Vooihees , Miss Hello Draper ,
who acted as bridesmaid ; Miss Albert Jenks ,
who was maid of honor , and Miss Edith M.
Jenks , who leaned on the arm of Mr. Luke
Voorhees. Mr. Voorhcca gave the bride
"Tho bride was attired In a 'bewitching '
costume of white , organdie and lace over
white taffeta silk , carried a bouquet of while
roses and presented a charming appearance.
"At the conclusion of the marriage cere
mony Miss Reid rendered Mendelssohn's
"Wedding March" and the bridal party left
the church and was driven to the residence
of Mr. Voorhees , where a dainty wedding
lunch-wan served and vvherq a largo number
of friends of the contracting parties gathered
nnd extended congratulations and best
"Mr. and Mrs. AVlllIams were kindly re
membered by many friends and acquaint
"About 2:30 : the happy newly wedded pair
wa3 driven to the depot and boarded the
2-40 train for Omaha , where they will spend
their honeymoon. "
One of the ptcttlest weddings of the season
occurred on Tuesday evening at the residence
which had been titled up with taste and ele
gance as the future homo of the contracting
parties , Mr. llert Clark Miner and Miss
Katharine A. Wortman. In the front parlor
a temporary chancel had been Improvised
by an artistic arrangement of palms and
ferns banked neatly to Iho ceiling. Miss
Corlnno Pohfeanl presided at the piano , and
as she struck the opening chords of Men
delssohn's wedding march , the bridal party ,
preceded by two little flower girls , Helen
Woodard nnd Helen Nason , cousin of the
groom , bearing baskets of roses , entered the
parlor , which was well filled by relatives
and friends of the happy couple. The brldo
was charming In white ellk and lace and
carried bride's roses. Rev. W. W. Everts
of Heth Eden Baptist church performed the
ring ceremony after which the newly
wedded pair received the congratulations of
those present. A wedding supper followed.
The evening was enlivened by constant re
ceipt of telegrams ot congratulations from
distant friends and relatives Mr. and Mrs.
Miner left Thursday for n short trip and
will bo at home to their friends after Octo
ber 15 at 823 South Twentieth street.
Mr. W. H. Brown of this city and Miss
Bertha E. Manatl of Perry , la. , were happily
united In marriage at the homo of the bride
Tuesday morning , September 14. and left for
Denver and other points In the west. The
brldo Is a niece and adopted daughter of
Hon. H. Jr Holmes , cashier of the First Na
tional bank of Perry , la. Mr. Brown Is well
and favorably known In Omaha and through
out Ncbtaska , having been for years con
nected with the Morse-Coo Shoe company.
Ho Is now the etflclcnt supreme secretary ot
the HualneEu Men's fraternity. Mr. and Mrs.
Brown will be at home after November 1 at
811 South Thirty-fifth avenue , Omaha.
The wedding of Jlr. Frank L Bradbury of
Naugatuck , Conn. , and Miss Florence Good-
sell of this city , sister of Mrs. Dr. Footo ,
occurred on Wednesday , September 15 , at
102G Park aveuuo , the rector ot All SalnU'
officiating. The ceremony was private , only
a few Immediate friends of the family being
present. Mr. and Mrs. Bradbury will reside
In Naugatuck after a brief wedding tour.
The marriage of Mr. Arthur Metz of this
city and Mlisw Ella Schmidt of Davenport ,
la , will take place at the bride's home Sep
tember 2'J. The wedding will bo a private
ono , only the Immediate families ot the
contracting parties being laivlted.
Oll ( llf T M\1I filll-htN ,
Mr. Gannett Hulst Is the guest of Dr. and
Mrs. S. D. Mercer.
'Mrs. Lemon Is the guest of Mrs. Henry
W. Yatcs at Hillside.
MU.s Pauline Wadlolgh of Clinton , la. , Is
visiting Mrs. 1C. C. Bat ton.
Mrs Ira W. Ollvo &f Lexington , Neb. , Is
visiting Mrs , A. C. Powers.
Mrs. Mary Buford of Rock Island , III. , U
the guest of Mrs Edward C. McShane
Miss Maltland of Denver left for homo
Monday , after a visit with Miss Gilbert.
Colonel and -Mrs. Lounsbvrry of Fargo , N.
I ) . , visited friends in Omaha lust v > coK ,
Mrs. J. W. Ktmball and her daughter of
Chicago aru visiting Mrs. D. H , Goodrich.
Mrs. Rollins of Now York Is the guest of
her parents , ' .Mr and Mrs. Guy C. Barton.
MUs Josephine Lyden of lliiena Vista ,
Cole , , Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George B.
Mr. and Mrs Perry Allen arrived yester
day and will visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. G.
Mr. and Mrs A. J VnnKuran of Salt Lakn
City arc guests of Mra. VanKuran's parents ,
Mr. and Mrs. Phelps.
Mlsg Fannie Ehrman of St , Joe Is the
guest of Miss Lena Rehfcld , 020 South
Twenty-fourth avenue.
Mrs. Charles W , Anderson of Denver , who
was Mlsa Nellie Hjde , Is visiting her aunt ,
Miss FOOD , at the Madison ,
Mr. Q. W. Graham , Miss Graham and Mlsa
Anna Graham of ICeoKuk , la. , are guests of
Mrs. P , F. Mills , 2214 Webster street.
Mies Irene Hamilton baa returned to the
olty froci i'ort lloblusou and will attend the
High school She will reside with Mrs. .
Young at 2713 Halt How aril street.
Misses Ella and Anna Crandall , who have
been the guests of Mlsa Marlon Crandall , Ictt
Thursday for their homo In Troy , N. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Nicholson , who hnl
been visiting at Forest Hill , relumed to
their homo 'n Indianapolis last Tuesday
Miss Margaret Rllcy relumed from Lin-
coin yesterday , accompanied by Miss Clover
Casper , who will bo her guest during fair
w cck.
' The Misses Gertrude Sexton and Julia
Clclland of Fremont , Neb. , are visiting
Misses Edith nnd Florence Clarendon at 2927
Dorcas street.
Miss MathevvR tnil Miss Green will bo
the guests ot MLss Susie Brady , who has
Just returned from a two weeks' visit vvllli
friends In Grand Island. I
Mr. and Mrs. II T SIcCormIck are In
Omaha , slopping al Iho house of Mrs. Me-
Cormlck's parents , Mr. and Mrs. T. H.
iitn of the \Vock.
Mrs. Philip Pollcr entertained Informally
last Wednesday afternon for Mrs Joy Mor
ton ot Chicago.
Mrs. Drcxel of 5010 California street en-
tertnlned Informally last Thursday afternoon
for Miss Nellie Rafcrt of Denver.
The seventieth birthday ot Judge George
B Lake was the occasion of a .pleasant family
reunion at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Chatles
L DLUC ! last Wednesday cvcr.lng.
In hoer of Mlsa Vadon of Vlrgtali Miss
, Nellie Bennett entertained at luncheon last
i Thursday Mrs Heth , Mrs W. R. Bennell.
Mrs Crane , Miss Parrottc and her guest , Mlsii
Parrotto of St. Louis , Miss Wakeley , Mrs.
David Haum and Mrs Winston ,
Mrs David T. Stubbs entertained very do-
' llghtfully a company ot Omaha and Council
Bluffs women al whist lasl Friday after
noon Those present were : Mcsdatnes Loomls ,
Sapp , Leffcrts , Tyler , Trajnor , Key , Elwcll
and Miss Rico of Council Bluffs , Mejdimci
Mtndcrson , YalesJ. . R. Rlngwatl , F M.
Richardson , Phillip Potlcr nnlV H. Clarke
of Omaha and Mrs. Lamm of SI. Joseph
A number of the friends of Mrs. R. A.
Haynes of 2COI North Nineteenth avenue
surprised her at her homo on Friday nfler-
noon Mrs. Haynes was presented wllh a
handsome rocking chair , nnd after a pleasant
fcoclal tlmo refreshment were served. There
were presenl : Mcsdamcs Clink , J. H.
Cornell , Charles Cramer , C. H. Hofferl , G.
H. Hess , George Hess , I. S. Hunler , E. Ivlns ,
Pompeii , D. 0. Rogers , Chatlcs Slmms ,
Harry Tostevln nnd E B. Weber.
Miss Nellie Homer entertained class No. 19
of the Walnut Hill .Methodist Episcopal
church Thursday evening at her home , 3b01
Charles street Games and refreshments con
stituted Iho evening's enjoyments. Those
presenl were : Mrs. Plckard , Mrs. Rjorson ,
Misses Carrie Robinson , Lotlic Hoddcr ,
Beatrice Bnlley , Lucylle Penn , , Hultman ,
Anna Homer , Edith Robinson , Sadlo Penn ,
Nellie Homer , Winnie Bennett ; Messrs.
Ryerson , W. Plckard , F. Hatteroth , O.
Homer , Bojcr , Van Horn , H. Plckard and
J. Homer.
Jlrs. Drake and Mi's Warren entertained
their friends nt a musical tea Wednesday
afternoon from 3 to C. In the contest of
guessing songs from objects on Ihe walls
Mrs. Kelly won the prize. After \ocal and
Instrumental music lunch was served. The
tables were beautifully decorated with La
Franco roses nud ferns. Among those pres
ent were : Mcsdamcs Gathers , Johnson ,
Smith , Kelly , Perclval , Melklo , Majnard ,
Scott , Yatcs , Koch , Merron , Christie , Evanston -
ton Ward , Martin , Ochlltreo , Shepard , Oils ,
Blrce and Rlddcll.
One of Iho most enjoyable occasions of
the week was a sociable gathering of a num
ber of women Thursday evening nt the home
of Mrs. H. C. Rhyn , 1531 North Twentieth
strecl. The evening was spent In music ,
singing and dancing , after which supper was
served. Among those present were : Mcs
damcs G. C. Valleu , C. Granden , L. Parson ,
H. C. Rhyn ; Misses Howe , Swendby , Fitz
gerald , L > ons , Rossitcr , Dowelly , Agnes
Claire , Mabel Claire , Renolds , Swanson ,
Casey , Bliss Reredon , Hawkins , Swift ,
Meaney , Galvln and Conker of Lincoln.
An Informal dancing party was
given by Miss Hcrberta Jaynes Fri
day evenlat her home , 1621 Em-
: uet street. She was assisted by
Miss Edith Jackson. A long list of damccs
was completed and refreshments vsere served
during the evening. The names of Ihose
presenl were : Misses Alexander , Hoffmayr ,
Thomas , McCune , Hunter , Gallaghery Jack
son , Jaynes , Lomax , Cole , Tukey andi Wood
of Kansas City ; Messrs. Leonard , Keniard ,
Purvis , Wagner , Barrows , Clarke , Fonda ,
Powell , Clarkson , Bow en , Cotton and Mor
Tuesday evening the S. B. D. club met at
the homo of Miss Blanche Murphy , 112G
South Twenty-ninth streel. The evening
was spenl at cards , music and dancing , after
which a dainty lunch was served. Those
present were : Messrs Brcnnan , Byron Reed ,
Reed , Furay , Lee , Monatlian , Kennedy ,
Thomas , Cashlon of Chicago , Adams , Manor ,
Dushman , Bert Murphy and Dan Murphy , and
Misses Reed , Tlrennan , Muflcn , Ruth , Hcclan ,
Mulvlhill , Kennedy , Gertrude Rush , Mnher ,
Bushman , Laura Murphy , D. Murphy , B.
Murphy. Prizes were won by Miss Margaret
Brennun and Mr. J. llrennan.
A pleasant lllllo surprise party was given
In honor of Mr. DennU Manton al his home ,
940 Norlh Twenty-third street , last Thurs
day evening by n number of his joUng
friends. Messrs. Seabrook ai d Maturn played
Iho guitar and mamdolln and Misses Kenny
and McKlllop pleased the company with a
duet. Those present were : Misses Kenny ,
McKllIop , , Canton , Snyder , Twiss , Pardun ,
Bornlo , Mack , Hauser , Jodlet , Anna and
Clara Heywood and Allle Manlrn and Messrs.
Clarence and Amos Dwell , Seabrook , White ,
Phelps , Falconer , Tlzard , Schmidt , Maturn ,
Rex , Bell , Blojcr and ! John and Dennis
A pleasant surprise was given Dimple
Madden last Monday evening In honor of her
10th birthday at her home , 1733 South Ninth
street. The evening was pleasantly spent
with music and games. Refreshments wcro
served on Iho lawn. Those present were : Eva
Watson , Nannie Mitchell , Alice and Mar
guerite Roche , Helna Olson , Marlon MeCaf-
fery , Nellie and Marguerite Fleming , Vera
Plorson , Motile Blrney , Jlory and Gerlrudo
Lannan , Daisy nnd Florence Bergbttom , May
Brady , Roy and Ralph Roche , Jay nnd Harry
Madden , Charlie and Freddie Rice , Walter
and Sherman Gentleman , George Blrney ,
Genie Ryan and Willie Lovcletle.
Mr. and Mrs. James L Kcnuon of 1G1C
Chicago street celebrated their silver wed
ding Tuesday evening , September 14 , Friends
to the number of 230 assembled lo do honor
lo Iho occasion The prcaenls wore cosily
and numerous , coming from nil parts of the
state , Rushvlllo , Neb ; Carthago. Mo , ; Chicago
cage , III. ; Plttsburg , Pa. ; Louisville , Ky. ,
and many others from friends in this city ,
showing the esteem In which Ibla worthy
couple are held by their hosts of f. iuids. The
tables were loaded with the choicest cdlblca.
Dancing was enjoyed until the "wee sma'
hours , " when the guests departed with best
wishes for the future success and happiness
of their friends ,
Tti South Side Glee club of Omaha gave
Its second very auccessful picnic last Sundi )
al Anchor Mills. A very enjoyable day was
spent by all. In the afternon a game of
ball was played between picked men. Al
though a lltlle one-sided , the game was
very Interesting and cxclt'i g. There were
aUo Ihreo prUes offered for a woman's run
ning race. The first was captured by Miss
Olga Nelson , the second by MUs Bessie
Neve und the third > jy Miss Nelsle Morrison
Mr Otto Nelson won the men's race. The
glee club rendered Iho following selections ,
which were very well received. Sertnadu ,
"Oh , Why Arl Thou Nol Near Mo ? Pwo
Ro es , " "You , Only You" and "Lovely
Nleht. "
The twelfth birthday of Lyman McConnell
jestcrday was the occasion of a very pleas
ant gathering of his boy and girl friends
to the number of twelve , to do honor to the
anniversary ami to help celebrate the event.
The party assembled at 1 In the afternoon ,
and after two hours' of games , sat down
to a supper table prettily decorated In I'luk
and white , on which rested , among a pro
fusion of other good things , a great cake
with twelve burning candles. After supper
dancing was enjoyed until bedtime. Those
who took part were. Elizabeth Congdon ,
Margaret Wood , Jean Richardson , Natalie
Men lam. Helen OtU and Janet Tujlor , and
Leslie Hlgglns , Carl Woodward , Ronald
Paterson. Robert Bradford , Tom McElroy
and Lyrnan. .McContiell.
Master Benjamin Lynch was most delight
fully surprised by a number of frUnds
Thursday evening at tbo home of bis parents ,
2306 South Twelfth street , The pleasures
of the evening consisted of mualc , cards
and danclnc , Tae participants vvero th *
Musis Marie Ocn oman Rita Oroff , Rule
Camm Mm Diafei } ' Jessie I' > enberth Mar
' guerite Fltzpnirkk. Mary Wall. Anna Gentle
man , Catherine iltnMiey , Jennie Crofl , Mnr-
i th/i / Fltzpatrlck , jUUzaboth Drage. Hoslo
Trenherth , Paulino. Edghlll. Josle Hlnchcy
and Angelina LytlcH , Messrs Vincent Sllley ,
, Jim Dune-Mi , V4Totf Coy. William Hofhr ,
i Jnmes L > iuh , Udwnrd Kenny Harry Edg-
I | hill , Daniel Hlucbcy , Toney Smbrook , John
, Mnttcrn. Benjamin Ljnch , Nicholas Powers ,
Robert MeAullff , Thomas Camm , Edwa-d.
Croft nnd William "L\nch.
Mov rincnlx of Socli-ty PolU.
Mr. William W Melkle Is In New York.
Mr W. B. Mlllanl was In the Black llllla
last week. <
Mr. C. C. Field Is cnoylng a trip to the
Pacific const Hl
Mrs. J. R. Buchanan Is al homo from I/iko
Superior resorts , , , ,
Mr. Gould Dlcjz has returned from a short
trip to Wjomlng.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gnhm arc at home at
2103 Webster street.
Mrs. Frank Irvine came up from Lincoln
for one day last week.
Mrs. N. Wetrel lefl lasl week for a shorl
visit in Lincoln , Neb.
General John C. Cowln returned from an
eastern trip last week.
Mr. nnd Mis Charles J. Greene have re
turned from nn eastern trip.
Mr. nnd Airs George Wlckershnm hnve re
moved to 253S Fnrnnm street.
Di. nnd Mra J. J. MoMullcn have removed
to 124 South Thlrty-tlrst avenue.
Mrs George 1C. West nnd her daughter are
visiting In Salt Lake City , Utah.
Miss Ella D. Valll returned last Friday
from an extended visit In California.
Mrs. O. H. Simons nnd Mrs. Hannn spent
last week with friends In Council Bluffs.
Mrs. S. V. Chase nnd Mr. Vernon Chiso
returned Wednesday from Bavflcld , Wls.
Mr. Charles W. Hull left last week for
Michigan and will tcturn wllh Mrs. Hull.
Mrs. Alexander McGnvock and her
daughter Frances loft Sunday for Chicago.
Mr. Frank II , Woodland returned last week
from an extended visit In Iho Black Hills.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Rogers nrc scllled
In their now home , C48 South Thirtieth street.
Mr. nnd Mra. Victor White have returned
from Wyoming nnd are at home at Iho Del-
Mrs. George A. Joslvn stnrted east last
Tuesday , Intending to spend a month In New
Mr. Elmer D. Frank has returned much
benefited In health by a summer In the mouu-
Mrs. C. F. Wllklns nnd her children re-
lurned Frldny from n summer nl Iho sea
Mr. and Mrs , J. R. Cl.irkson have removed
to the house recently built at 2SOG Dodge
Dr. nnd Mrs. McGrcw have returned and
have taken rooms nt the Dellonc for the
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. S. Strnwn returned Tues
day from a ten weeks' sojourn at Pertlo
Springs , Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nell and Mr. B. H.
Nell have returned from an extended visit
to Colorado points.
Mr. and Mrs. Weller and Miss Weller left
last Wednesday for a trip to New York and
other eastern cities.
Masters Blalne and Connor Copplngcr , the
two sons of General Copplnger , have re-
lurned from Minnesota.
Mrs. Henry Ru'stln loft last Wednesday for
Portland , Ore , where she will visit lelatlves
nnd friends for JLvvOjmonths.
Mrs. D. Frederick Hurd has relumed lo
Ihe Murray hotqj after spending the summer
among' Now Englnnd. resorts.
Mr. and Mrs R. T. Watklns have relurncd
from n trip around I the lakes , and uro at
homo nt 154 1 Sluirman avenue.
Miss Louise Mfatz returned last week from
West Point , where she has heeu visiting
telntlvcH for the last'sK weeks.
The family of Rev ? Frank A. Warfleld re
turned yestcrdajffrom the east , 5fr. Warfleld
having gone on * to Clilcago to meet them.
Lleulenant Htitcheson left Thursday for
Fort Robinson , .to superintend the annual
rifle competition of the Department of the
.Miss Nellie Uaphcrt left Friday for her
home lu Denver , ' , after a pleasant visit with
her friend , Mrs. G. F. Burguer , 2013 Doug
las street.
Mr. and Mr Joseph Goldsmith , family
and niece , Jliss. Baum , have returned fiom
a pleasant sojourn at Petoskey nnd olher
elites of northern Michigan.
Miss lionet itta Fhrollch of Nebrnska Clly
Is expected In the city Wednesday , and will
ho tha guest of Misses Nettle nnd Flora
Rothschild for a fortnight.
Mrs. Albert Miller and her children and
Miss Anna Moran have returned after a
month's visit lo Buffalo , Niagara Falls , N.
Y. , and Warren and Sheffield , Pa.
Mrs. J. C. Pelersen tnd her youngesl son ,
Arlhur , left Tuesday for Pocatello , Idaho ,
lo vlsll her sons. William and Harry , who
are prominent railroad men of that place.
.Miss Maria Okoy , who has been taking a
special course under prominent Instructors
during the summer quarter at the Chlcngo
university , has resumed her place lu the local
High school.
Mrs. K. S. Fisher returned home Saturday
after un extended nbsence of four months
spenl In England , Ireland and Scotland. Mr.
Fisher met her In Chicago , where they spent
a week befote returning to Omaha.
Dr. Paul Ludlngton returned homo Fri
day from Michigan , where ho had < been
spending the summer with his sister , Mrs
Charles W. Hull. Mr. and Mrs. Hull stopped
In Chicago en their return , trip , but will
arrlvo this week.
Mr. John L. AVobster has returned from a
short trip abroad , leaving Mrs. Webster and
Miss Webster In New York , where they will
remain for a few days. Miss AIlco Andree-
eon , who went over with Ibcm , will not re
turn for some time.
Charles M. Garvey , after n pleasant trip of
six weeks through Utah , Colorado , Wyoming
and Nebraska , Is expected home todiy. His
mother , Mrs. P. Garvey , who accompanied
him , rolnrtied last week , having left her son
to spend a few da > s with his old friend and
schoolmate , Falber McGovern of Kearney.
The nuny friends of Miss Georglo Llndsoy ,
whllo rejoicing thai the way hao opened for
her lo fll herself for her chosen work , will
rcgrel Iho emergency which calls her from
town for an indefinite period. Miss Llndsey
left Wednesday1 for Chicago nnd has entered
the Chicago hospital for a two years' course
of training as a nurse.
Dir fur M'linol mill Collcw.
Miss Lllllo Moore liab returned to school at
Knoxvllle , III.
Mr. Ross Towle left jesterday for Williams
college by way of St. Louis.
Mr. Odin C. Mackay will return this week
to schcol at Southboro , Mass.
Miss Helen Caily starts this week for St.
Mary's school at , JCnoxvllle , 111 ,
Miss Prcderlc ) > n Wessells " 111 return
shortly to school at Cambridge.
Miss Louise Kurtyi left last Thursday to
re-enter school < at. Rockford , III.
Miss Grace McMillan has returned to school
at the State university In Lincoln ,
Miss Florence Grlflley left for St. Mary's
college , Knoxvlllo , , ' 111 , Monday last.
.Miss Adele iloores has entered the
Academy of the Hncred Heart In Cincinnati.
Mr. Clarence Thurslon Icfl Friday for
Cambridge , where ho'wlll matriculate at Har
vard , i
Misses Curtis , Cotton and Konnard left
last SuiuU for I-aac l seminary at Auburn-
dale , Mass.
Miss Leo A Wh'lto left Sunday for Hardltv
College and German 'Conservatory ' of Music ,
Mexico , Mo , "
Mcbsrs , Harry Tukoy and Arthur C. AVol-
Ehans left for Lincoln Thursday to enter the
State university.
Miss Mary Wallace went to Lincoln Satur
day afternoon to continue her studies ut Ibe
State university.
Miss Edna F. WeUel left last week for
Lincoln , Neb. , where she will attend the
State university this winter.
Master Tom Davis leaves today for Con
cord , N. II. , where ho will enter school. His
parents , Mr. and Mrs. F , H , Davis , accom
pany him.
Mr , and Mra. Richard Carrier , accom
panied by Miss Ethel Morse , will start this
week for a visit to New York. Miss Morse
will enter school at Utlca.
Masters Jay Katz and Ralph Cole entered
the Worthington Military acidemy at Lin
coln last Wednesday , -where they will tak9
n three years 'awso Thny wore nccont-
jxtnlod by their mothers , Mts. Sam KaU and
Mrs. W. C Cole.
i Master Horberl Mejera , Arl Hartnun ,
1 Lorlng Rothschild , Richard Baker , alt of
Omaha entered the Wotthlngton Military
j i school ai Lincoln last Wednesday.
I Miss Egbert who has been visiting In Chi-
cigo , will return homo this week. Miss
Mary Egbert will temaln nt Gertrude House (
during the winter attending the Chicago
Kindergarten Institute.
\OTIM movi HMIIsmriiits. .
The new Prcsbjterlan church building Is
nearly completed rnd will bo dedicated
In the near future
Mlsa Ncllds returned from the Pacific
coast Saturday , where she lus 'been spend
ing a two weeks' vocation.
Mrs. W. R. Wall left recently for an ex
tended visit with relatives nnd friends In
the southern part of the state. >
Captain and Mrs. B S. Rt-jnolds te-
lurned Salurday from New York City , vvhoro
Mrs. Kcv nolds and two rhlldirnn spent tltu i
summer. ,
W. R. Wall , station agent , tetiirnod Frl- i
day from a Ihree weeks' vacation Ftnuk
Lilly of Wajne relieved him al the station
whllo ho was absent.
A social was given by Mr J. M. Whltted
at his home , three miles south of town
The proceeds go to the building fund of
the Presbjtcrlan church.
The members of the Indies' guild of the
Episcopal church gave n Mexican supper this The net proceeds , which amounted.
lo $20 , go to St. Mark's church ot this
The members ot the Indies' nld of the
Presbyterian church have reallrcd quite a
handsome sum ot money from the sale of
garments , vthlch goes to the build ng fund
of the new church building
School commenced Jlondny with Prof
Backus , principal , Miss Helen Moore Miss
Minnie K. Allison and Miss Ida Miller ,
teachers , with a largo onrollmenl of pupils
All the old teachers were retained
taughl last > ear.
Charles 'A. Smith , Elmer Taylor and Steve
Gnodell , Jr. , left Tuesday for n trip with the
Ncad Thcalrical compaii } of Omaha. They
nmko a trip through the buiith dining the
winter months. Smith goes ss an actor , and
Tavlor and Goodell as musicians.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. T > Blnckstono ot Burl
county spent Wednesday visiting the family
of Dr. J F. Tracy They were en their
wny home from Bellevue college , where thej
accompanied n rouplo of Ihelr daughters ,
who will attend the college during Ihe win-
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. McOulrc spenl lasl Sundav
In Blair visiting with relatives.
Services will be held at the Methodist
Episcopal church today at the usual hours.
Mt. and Mrs W. McCormlck moved to
Omaha last week. Their house will be laken
by Mr iBuckman and family.
Mr. F. M. Watenpaug" ' started on n two-
weeks' vacation last Saturday. He will take
In Chicago and other eastern cities on his
An extra meeting of the Fraternal Union
lodge was held nt the home of Mr. II J.
Groves laht ( Saturday. No meeting will beheld
held during fair week.
The trustees ot the school board met at the
school house lasl Salurday. It was decided
at the meeting to hire a teacher to be an
assistant in the primary department.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Fischer on Thursday of last week.
Mr. William Shank left this -week for
Dievv unlverblty In Madison , N J. , where he
will take a Iwo jears' theological course.
The Dundee Woman's club held Its first
meeting for the new year last Friday after
noon at the home of Mrs. Hcaford , with a
goodly number in attendance.
The Dundee school opens this term -with
nn enrollment of about sixty pupils , nnd Is
conducled , as before , under the management
of Miss McDunn and Miss Bulls.
Evening vlsllors lo Dundee need not be
alarmed at the seeming apparition of ghost
like skeletons that startle the unaccustonic
vision , as the&c arc bul Ihe whitewashed
trunks of the > oung trees planted In uni
form tows throughout the village. It Is a
precaution taken against troublesome In
sects , and adds much to the trim appear
ance of the freshlj rolled streets by day.
KxcllliiK hut llariiilc.HH Ituiinvt iiy.
An exciting runnvvny occurred ut the
Union depot yesterday afternoon , which ut-
ttacted a large crowd. The hort > e atlachcc
lo Ihe Union Pacific mall wagon driven b >
Alberl Howntd uecnme frishloned and
dashed up the Incline leading to PaclIIi ,
street. The shafts broke down and the
vv.igon was yanked along by the o\cltec !
animal for a considerable distance before
It stopped. The vehicle was badly
tctcd. The driver escaped without injury.
The sixth , annual convention of the Ne
braska Philatelic society will be held Frlda >
evfiilng , September 24 , In room 312 , New
York Life building.
A sneak thief Friday stole a case of
instruments belonging to Dr. Shepherd , from
Iho hallway in front of his ofllco In Iho New
York Life building. The case had just been
Charles R. Turnoy denies Iho allegation
lhal his candidacy for county commissioner
has been withdrawn. He declares thai ho
Is still lu the rnco und considers himself
strlclly In It. He expects to have the sup
port of Iho Fourth ward delegation in the
Annie Shannon McDermott has applied to
the courts for a divorce from Charles Jfi-
Dermoll on the grounds of drunkenness and
cruelty. She says they were married In
Oounly Roscommon , Ireland , February 16 ,
1876 , and have four children , whoso ages
range from 5 lo 19 jcars.
Twenty-eight cars of ore were received
at the customs ofllco last week for the
smelter. As the price of lead ore has ad
vanced to a considerable degree , it Is ex-
pccled Ihnl the smelter will not use its
bonded warehouse for Iho present , and will
pay the duty Imposed by the Dlngloy bill.
Ida M. Nobbs has applied for a divorce
from Mars Nobbs on the ground of lofldel-
lly. The parties were married In Sllverton ,
Colo. , July 21 , 1883 , und the wife alleges lhal
she discovered Juno 1 , 189G , that her bus-
band was untrue to her and has not lived
with him since that time. They have two
S , P. Emmel , the barber who was charged
with the larceny of a buggy belonging to
John Oiler , was discharged In police court
yesterday afler a trial. The vehicle was
stolen from Oiler n > ear ago , nnd recently
ho found It In n renovated condition In Em-
mel's iWBsesslon , Kimnel alleges that ho
purchased the vehicle some weeks after It la
reported to have been stolen. The buggy
was turned over to Oljer by order of Police
Judge Gordon.
Anna Motttkoy , 2519 South Twenty-sixth
street , yesterday caused a warrant to bo
Issued for the arrcsl of her husband , Alberl ,
on Iho charge of disturbing the peace. Shoat
at fitst wanted n couple of neighbors ar
rested for alienating the affections of her
better half , but when the city prosecutor
refused to Issue such a warrant she ac
cepted the other The wife alleges that tha
neighbors are trying to Induce her husband
to leave her. Slio says thai Friday he
came homo from these neighbors In an In-
loxlcaled condition and abused her with
loud and profane language ,
An appeal has been Issued by Mrs Horace
Ludlugton , chairman of the ( woman's coin ,
mlttee ot the Child s Home , for a lot on
which to build a now orphanage. The
women expect to collect a sum of money ,
which with the money donated by the Vic
toria Jubilee association , will be sufficient to
build a suitable home for the children already
under their core and which will also accom
modate many other children whom , for lack
of accommodations , they are compelled to
turn QWC.V The reason for this IB that the
present ers are cramped for room and
Iho bill * . ' Is dilapidated and absolutely
without . modern or sanitary conven
iences. Wi. > a frco lot the committee says
It bees its way clear to establish a homo
which will meet all necessary requirements
and will bo a credit to Omaha , as well as a
lasting monument to the generosity of tha
donor , '
A brilliant dinner U one where Llt > - / *
bo > 'v cut glaw ware l Uieil , Trill . .f/ffaii
trade mark li Invariably out on the t > Ssjy ,
tenulna. * i f
Ton in HccntitPN I'nmnnncrnblo nnd
Drltcr N Thrown ( it I'n rmrnt.
Yoctim Sctrtlett , who lives nt 1420 Howard
Etioet and Is cmploved about thn Hoffman
stable ! ) , wna seriously hurt Inn runaway
nn North Seventeenth utreel , near Davcn-
poll , ut 10 o'clock > csterday The acci
dent occurred whllo Scnuett was driving ft
load of refuse from the stable north on
Seventeenth street On the grade that Ir-ids
downward north of Fnrnam to DoJgo street ,
the horfcs were unable to hold back the
heavy load As the vehicle pressed upon
Ihelr heels ihoy becimo frightened , ami
\vlicn Dodnc street was reached , they vvero
going nt headlong speed und Schurtt was
uiiablo to stop thorn At Davenport street
the wagon vvns overturned nnd Schuett was
thrown violently to the ground ThP horses
broke nwn > but were captured. '
Schurtt was picked up , but was so dazed
that ho could give no account of Ilia acci
dent llo was removed to the alables wharc n
Is employed and a physician was aummtmeil ,
H was found thai Schuott's collar bono was
broken nnd thai ho had sustained Internal
Injuries A man \vho was riding on th
seal with Sclniotl escaped without Injury.
E , 11. Tcrrllt
hopes for > our prcsonco
September 22 to 21 , at Jicr
Opening ,
Tall and Winter Novelties ,
Gowns , Materials , Trimmings , etc.
Pnxton Block , Second Floor.
lltul UN Tool CniKliril.
Alfred rn > ley , nn employe of the Omaha
Sit cot Unllwny company , while working fit
Tvventv-ninth nml Fnrnnm streets jester-
iluy afternoon , was tun over by n heavy
wagon nnd sustained " crushed font After
lulus placed In the hands of n SUIKPOH , who
attended hlfl Injutlcs ho wna removed to
his homo near Sixteenth and Marcy .streets.
* f % % % 1 'l % % % < VfcVV %
4& ItHBUHLM.- uuaaua
Y. M. C. A ,
. . Building.
Out-of-town visitors to the State Fail-
' arc cordially invited to our store to sec.
our elegant stock of
Our largo line of Winter Underwent-
and Hosiery for Lacllrs and Chlldicn Is
on the shelves
Children's and Ladles' Underwear in
heavy cotton , fleeced lined , part wool
nnd all wool cotton from 23c up fleece
lined from GOc up.
Ladles' Union Suits , Toe up.
We gave the Import order for these
gloves six months ago to nvold the notf
tariff and will sell them 23c and GOc
less on n pair than wo could hud we
bought them later.
A good two-clasp Street Qlove for $1
Pcrrln's extra fine quality of Pique
Street Qlove In all desirable colors , for
Perln's fine French Kid Glove all de-
sliable colors $1 50.
The "Magglonl" finest glove made
We bell for $2.00 usually sold for $2.50.
Imitation Martin Collarettes , $3.7f
Handsome Alaska 'Seal , w 1th martin
tails , ? G75
Krimmer Fur Collar , $0.75.
Heal Seal and Astraklun combined
a beauty $13,75.
Heal Uussla Martin Collarettes , $22.75.
We are showing an elegant line of
Ladles' Dress Skirts , Underskirts and
Waists and Dress Trimmings of all
All the new things , In ART NEEDLE
C Soap Wrappers
Cut out the Trade JMurks , nnd use them to
obtain A YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION to tiny
of the following Weeklies or Maqa/ines.
. We will furnish you the-
Ladles' World .Monthly. . , For 100 Trade Marks
Housewife . " 100
Woman'1 } Home Companion. . . " 100
Woman's Woild . " 100
The Owl . " 100
Black Cat . " 100
Ladles' Homo Journal Monthly..For Trade Murks anil $0 : ,0
Peterson's .50
Four O'clock . .r ,
Cosmopolitan ' . .CO
Argosy , co
McCIurn's coM
Munsey's .00
Sportsman's Review .CO
Table Talk .CO
Art -
Pocket Magazine
Godey's .75
llabyhdod .75
Delineator .80
Ham'1) Horn Weekly 1.00
Youths' Companion i no
Demorest's Monthly 1.60
Public Opinion Weekly 2.00
Scientific American ( nidg Ed ) Monthly 200
Short Storlew : ro
Scrlbner's 200
Balnt Nicholas 2.ri
Llpplncott's 2.23
Frank Leslle'tt Popular
MnRtizlne 2.21
Scientific American Weekly . 2.25
Forum Monthly. 2.2"
The Arena , 250
Harper'H Magazine 250
Harper's Hnznr Weekly . : ioo
Harper' Weekly 3 W
Illustrated American 300
Atlantic Monthly ! 300
Century ' 32"
Waverly Magazine Weekly . 325
Judge , . . , 4,00
North American Itcvlow Monthly ! 403
For 35 " jy > Trade Marks nnd 2o stamp wo will bond you frco ti mniill
box of Rex Pepsin Gum , the boat und purest allowing gum nnd a
delicious aid to dilation.
Postage must bo fully prepaid or wo cannot accent ordors.
TO. . . .
Soap Department. SOUTH OMAHA , NEB.
You Cein
a Pretty Room
With so little effort if you consult ust lts our busi-
business to furnish you with everything needed to
beautify every room in your housed & We'd like
you to see our new designs \ & & & & & & & & & > t , &
Wall Paper , Draperies , Curtains , Carpets ,
Wall Decorations and Artistic Furniture.
We'll Mtilte the Price Right.
Frenzcr Hlock. 10J ! South 15th St.