Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1897, Part I, Page 3, Image 3

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& CO.
Ottr counters and shelves are now overflowing with the largest assortment of up-to-date Dry
Goods that will be exhibited in Omaha this season.
Kail u illness Is now In full swing and our "
Novelties in Laces " "Ladies' and Ladies * and
Complete and Magnificent SILKS. and Veilings LINENS
cent Display of Superior Crcmc , Bcurre and Black In Brussels and Children's Children's
Llerrle Applique , Point Hnsse , Chantllly ana
SILKS THAT Alii : IimESISTAnLE Point dc Gene .aces. Underwear. In nntklpatlon of tlio high tariff which tins
Dress Goods and Hosiery. now become Inw our Linen mi } or bought
STYLES nniNG THE VERY UE33T OUT Fine Trench Valenciennes Laces and In under old urlct" * the larncsl line of Tnblo
sertions In endless variety. ' At 23c LudlcV Ribbed Vests , high neck , Linens t > o ltlvely c\or Imported by any
Silks * T PRICES THAT ATTRACT BUYERS. AT ICC long or short sleeves , silk taped , pearl hut- single On aha tlrm Every careful and eco
Machine made Torchon and Mcdlcl Laces ' tons , regular 35c qualltjonlj 25c each , nomical housekeeper will s.i\o trout 35 to C ?
Ladles' full regular made fast black hose ,
OUR SPECIAL FEATURE THIS ( exact copies of the hand made goods ) , at per cent In buying now.
are cr.uMnc unusually favorable comment. AT Jl.OO arc Sllkc for waists and dresses. double heel and toe , regular 23c qualltj' ,
Gc , 6c , 74c , Sc , lOc , 12V4c and IBe per jard. only 15c pair. , 35e Ladles' best ribbed Egjptlan Veil ,
OllKAT ADVANTAGHS IN DRESS GOODS. Rnyure. Roman , Mllle Ra > urc , Oriental 45-Inch Tinsel Striped Costume Gauze , very llcht or medium vv eight , high neck , long
sleeves , regulai 60o quality our special offer - SO pieces of 72-lnoh bleached Dresden Satin
Ourlnc the enduing week \vo will open Stripes , Droche , Illuminated , Ulock Plaids , effective , only 4Bc yard. AT 25C for r.Sc each. Dama k with Derlln finish. These good *
Jour cases of choice new fancy Worsted etc. 44-Xnch Ml ' are handled exclusively by IIR and cannot
Ladles' fast black hose , silky Egyptian he bought in any other store nest of Chi *
' fiultlncs and sell at about hair regular Petticoat and Lining Silks , changeable and Silk Chiffons inaco , white soles or all black foot , high At 35c Ladles' heavy ribbed Balbrlgpin caco. Sale orlco J1.2R jard.
'torlcc * 2 < iis and SOc. Vests and Pants , best finish , extra and medium
. spliced heel and toe our special price only
fancy In greatestarlety.
, greatest \
QIIIl REMARKABLE OFFER AT $1 YARD. 44-Inch All silk Chiffons and Moii'eellnc de dium size ouly 35e each.
5c pair. I
Pa lie v Illuminated Granite Cloth , Engllin BLACK DRESS SILKS Our complete Sole In every conceivable shade.
CO ideces GG-lncli bleached Dresden Damask
, Cord for tailor-made dresses , the silks In all the At EOc Ladles' Wool Plaited Vests -
clock of warranted dress and
Richly embroidered Chiffons , over Guipure ( tame quality nnd designs att above , U yard.
latest In I'lnlils. Tartans and silk mixed AT 35C DEST "LISLE" Pants , joke bauds best \alue over offered
weaves of the day as Pcau de Sole , Satin ure , rigured aqd Beaded Nets , Novelty Fish at SOc each. .Vnpkliifi to match , In three sizes , $3.00.
Oranlto I'ln Checks and ,
new fancy weaves 13 and S < 00 .
SO do7en.
Paulctte Allna Our BOc line of ladles' best ton hose excellent
Duchcsso , Poplin , , Armure , ,
TAILOR CLOTH NOW THE HEIGHT OF and Tuxedo Mesh Veilings , very latest styles ,
. cellent values closing out at only 35c pair.
FASHION. Faille FrantaUe , etc. , at 20c , 25c , 35c , 40c and BOc jard. BOc Ladle * ' heavy ribbed Balbrlggan
At J1.2.-I. $1.60. J1.7B. $200 and $2.25. Ens- Union Suits , high neck , long sleeves , best
will close tot
Ladies Initial ' " In this 'flico out ono big
finish and IK the 'Tlorcnco
llrti Diagonal Cloth , rrcnch Covert Cloth * , AT COC PLAITED SILK pel feet stjle" '
BOc suit. of Llddell's Double Satin IMmask and HandLoom
Serviceable Cattor Cloth , Droad- Handkerchiefs only per
Superfine - and
Ladles' fast black plaited silk hose , also Loom Pattern Tnblo Clothes Napkins ,
cloths , Drai ) d'Eto. Poplin Cord , etc. that sell from $4 00 to $10.00 A cloth ; they
Rich Novelties in Ladles' hand embroidered Initial Hem advanced stjles In plaids and stripes and 43c Silk Vests tVuliea' Silk Vests , all pure are made from n special selecte-d quality of
stitched All Linen Handkerchiefs , ISc quality fancy boot patterns these are pronounced fnun silk , regular $1.00 qualltj never again Irish flax varns and adpted purposely for
bargains only BOc pair. at this price only 49c each. wear. In this sale , 20 per cent discount.
Attractions in our Ribbons. ity , reduced to S'Ac each.
Black Goods Dept Beautiful assortment of Ladles' Scalloped , At 25c Children's medium and heavy rib
Embroidered , Hemstitch and Lace Border bed nl bo s' U-avvcrs , all
Rich Roman Stripes , Plaids , Fancy Mata- For Children Vests and Pants. o > 2S plocc of extra heavy bleached and unbleached
der Handkerchiefs , latest stjles , Just : sizes , IS to 31 , finished beams only 2Bc each ,
very bleached Scoteh Table Linen In all
. allldthiv
Storm Serge and I'lcnch Serge , 46-Inch , lasse , Basket Weaves , Rich Moires , etc. , in.
received , at lOc , 12' c , 13c , 23c , 30c , BOc , 75o was C5c , now C > 0e > ard.
65c quality , fiOc. nil the latest shades , at 12e , 17c , 25c , 40c , .
and $1.00 each. '
At SOc , Union Suits Children's heavy ribbed
Imported Novelty Weaves , the late fash- COc , COc , 75u and $1.00 a jard.
AT 12 JC PAIR bed Union Suits , silk tape , pearl button ? ,
Ions. C5c crude. GOc. Hand Made Lace Border best finish new patent drop seat , all sizes BOO dorcn fine Imported Huck Towels , open
Fancy Merino Novelties , 43 Inches , $100 Handkerchiefs Children's School Hose , fast black and tan , only SOc suit. work on ends. wai bought to sell for 35c.
qualllj. Sue. seamless , double knee , heel and toe , sizes C In this sale 2Bc each , $275 dozen ,
Everv fanlonnlilc style of tailor suiting , Ak-Sar-Ben Ribbons Choice hand made Lace Border Handker to 9',4 , only 12' c pair. i BOc for bojs' extra heavy fleece
I'oulo Cheviot , Camel's Hilr plain and fancy , in aU widths. chiefs , made from fine Valenciennes Lace , lined Shirts and Drawers , reinforced , fully
Satin Merino. Poplin , English Cheviots , Insertion and footing , marvels of beauty , all worth 7Bc. all sizes , 24 to 34 our price BOc All the extra fine linen towels , Including
llroadcloths , etc. hand needle work , at $ UE , $1-23 , $1.50 , $1.75 AT 25C each. our hemstitched bird's eye , figured Man
AK-SAR-DEN RIBBON BOWS. and $2 00 each. BOJB' extra weight school and bicycle hose , chester buck , double knotted fringe satin
damask , i > sd any or all of our "Be towels
fast black , seamless , double knee , heel and .
Ladies Combination In this sale at BOc each.
toe these have no equal far wear all sizes
Ladies' Black Silk
Latest Novelties Pocket Books 7 to 10 Inches 25c pair.
Pattern Dresses Ladles' Combination Pocket Books , in all Umbrellas $1.25. On < i ease largest sbc crochet bed spreads ,
. worth BO , In this sale $1 00 each.
iti Dress $1
Trimmings the latest leathers , latest Ideas , direct from 35C 3 PAIR FOR $1.00
AVe have tills SCORCH gathered from
the , at BOc , COc , 76c , $100 , $1.25 ,
the best markets of Europe. factory Misses' extra fine ribbed hose , fast black
. . . Silk Serge Umbrellas , choice line
$1.50 to $3.50 each.
The choicest and most distinguished no\eltlcs Comprising Rich-Beaded and Em- and tan , silky finished mace , double knee , of Acasla sticks , 2G-lnch , paragon frame , Ono case largest size and extra fine Mar
tn be found and advise purchaser to select brnldcred Passementeries , Mohair and Silk Real Ostrich Feather Boas and Collarettes , heel and toe fully worth 45c pair our price steel rod. silk tasbel a special bargain seilles Led spreads , rogu ar price J2 50 , In thli
now. Gimps and Braids , Braided and Beaded Sets. large assortment , from $2.25 to $20.00 each. 3Bc , 3 for $1.00. onlv $125 each. bale ? 1 75 each.
Our Ladies' Jackets arrived too late to describe in this announceme'nt , but we assure you we have the largest assortment we have ever
shown , ranging in price from $3 to $20 the materials are the newest and the styles the latest and most correct.
Cor , Farnam
and 15thSts.
Prof. QHlospie Ha ? No Desire to Retain
Possession of Thenii
: a < iiiK CoiiniilUct * Kepi Ihc
ilN DOIIII Ton liVhllr Mnlt-
" " * " < ' > " < llMiiiilnulloii ( or
Uri-orx n ml IMtmv.
Professor Dawea , the new superintendent
of the Nebraska Institute for the Deaf and
Dumb , gave out a statement yesterday
through the columns of the World-Herald
to thet effect that the hooka ot thu Institute
had been carried away by Prof. Glllcsplo ,
the former superintendent , as well as a
small balance In two funds belonging to
the Institute accounts The statement Im
plied that Prof Glllespiu had taken these
things to embarrass the Hew management ,
and Insinuated that he did It to cover up
the reports madu by thu late Investigating
committee , that no record might be had of
his adminlHtratlon as superintendent of thu
Institute Mr Glllesple , when asked
about the allegations , said
"I have the books nnd records In my pos
session , and told the new superintendent
and the Board of Trustees that I hud them.
There was nothing Hcclut or underhanded
about It. Further , I um ready to turn them
over to the statu whenever asked for them.
The Hoard of Trustees knew i had tbo books ,
for thu members suggested that I leave
them at the Institute and that If I wanted
them to maku an examination on mj own
account I could secure them on a proper
order , but I replied that 1 had had one ex
perience with thu representatives of thu
etato administration and their Idea of honest
dealing and would therefore avoid a second
experience I hud been promised BO rnan >
things by the Investigating committee , none
of which wire fulfilled , that I could not bu
blamed for lucking confidence In their pre
sumed good Intentions
"This Investigating committee carne out
to the Institute In thu early part of Juno and
remained till the middle of August Instead
of remaining at the Institute , where thu
records were kept and where I was easily
People who fall to look after their health
Are llko thu carpenter who neglects to
harpen his toals. People are not apt to get
nxlous about their health soon enough.
It jou are "not qulto well" or "half sick'
liavu jou ever thought that your kidneys
inav bu thu cause of jour sickness ?
It li easy tc tell by setting aside your
urlnu for twentj-four hours ; a sediment or
settling Indicates an unhealthy condition of
the kidneys. When urine stains linen It
evidence of kidney trouble. Too frequent de.
slro to utlnate > , scanty supply , pain or dull
* cho In the back U also convincing proof that
the kldnuvs and bladder aru out of order ,
There li satUfactlonln knowing that the
Krrat remedy Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root , ful
fills every with In relieving weak or diseased
kldnojs and all forms of bladder and urlu
ary troubles. Not only does Swamp-Root
give new llfu and activity to the kidneys
the cause of 'he trouble , but by treating the
kldnejs It acts as a tonic for Ibo entire con-
itltutlon. If jou need a medicine take
Swamp-Root It cures. Sold by druggists ,
crlce fifty cents und one dollar , or by send
Ing jour address and tbo numo ot this paper
to Dr. Kilmer & Co. , BInghamton , N. V. ,
jou may have a tample bottle of thli great
discovery sent to you free by uuUI ,
accessible to expla'ii any Item which might
need explanation , the committee took the
books down town to a hotel and kept them
there till It found apparently what It was
looking for. The expert worked on the
books In secret. He didn't know whether
I could make a satisfactory explanation of
the accounts or not , for he never naulred.
He evidently went en the theory that he
thoroughly understood every Item In the
books , covering a period of nineteen years.
"It was no grievous mistake for this com
mittee to remove the records from the In
stitute , and I considered It would likewise
bo no serious offense If I should retain pos
session of them for a tew days.
"Tho committee spent over two months In
Its down town secluded nook searching for
something which might be made to uhow
up to. my disadvantage , and then refused ,
after repeated promises to the contrary , to
furnish me a copy of the report based upon
Its startling discoveries.
"The general substance of Itn findings was
given out to a few political friends In this
city several days beforu It was publicly an
nounced that the Investigation bad been
concluded. The report was then scut out
ovei thu state that I was short In my ac-
coiui s with the state. I was given no op
portunity to examine the Items upon which
the alleged shortage was based , and these
records were all that stood between my
character and the report given out by the
commlitee An examination of the records
by other competent bookkeepers might show
wherein the tnvcbtlgatlng committee was at
fault and It was my purpose to have that
examination made before the records passed
Irretrievably Into the hands of the people
who had trumped up these charges against
I had received anything but fair treat
ment at their hands frwom the time the com-
rulttceo began Its Investlgitions till I was
removed , and I feel that I was justified In
doubting their good faith In the promise to
give me- access to the records after I sur
rendered the ofilcc , and taking advantage of
the possession which I had or the records ,
that I might , by the aid of disinterested and
competent bookkeepers , secure a statement
of the reil condition of affairs which was
denied rno by the pa'tlsan committee which
had charge of the Investigation.
"The records , however , are subject to the
orders of the state authorities , and I am
ready to make a tcttlement with the state
whenever I am given an opportunity tn ex
amine the report of the Investigating com
mittee and compare It with the books kept
during my administration of the Institute. "
uiciixvvvti ; \ iiou ) itA S A uxtv.
Sfonro Si-irnl ) l > < illnr unit Tlu-n
Mnlci * Ciooil Tliflr I'nraiit * .
Another eucccbsful holdup occurred labt
night In one of the most thickly populated
portions of the city. As In the case a week
ago , the victims were a taloon keeper and
hU patious. The sum of $70 was taken
At 12 03 , as John M. Peters , In charge
of the b-iloon of the Omaha Drew Ing associa
tion , was a'bout to close up , two men with
white handkerchief over thu lower por-
.tloua of their faces , walked Into the piece
md with drawn revolvers exclaimed "Hold
up jour hands ! "
Mr. Peters , William Voss , Tom Lewis , eti
emploje of the Union Pacific shops , and a
dalrjrnau who lives In the northern section
of the city were seated around a table playIng -
Ing c&rdfi , Ihe dairyman res'sted and re
ceived a blow on the side of the head from
a revolver In the hands of one of thu men
He then threw up bli bands as requested
From Voss the desperadoes took $2 , from
Lewis $ r , and , then going behind the bar ,
the cash register was tapped and JC1 taken
Upon completing the job , the men turned
to the bar and , tossing a couple at quarter
upon the ruabogtiiy , jokingly remarked'
"Here , set 'em up to the crod , we'll stand
treat this time ! " and without further re
marks left the place.
Tbo robbers are described as not much
more than boys. They wore when last seert
dark clothe * , ( lark felt hsti and appeared
to be novices at the business.
Troutof IVin1IK
CONSTANTINOPLE , Sept. IS. The treaty
of peace between Turkey arid Grtecu was
signed here tbU afUruooa.
Three Parades of Surpassing Spleudcr'
Furnish Amusement for Visitors.
IlUiln > Will i\ < M > cil \n > lhlliK I\IT
AttfinpttMl in , Oiiiuliu , ami I'l-oiil-
INI-N to ! ! < of K&t-t-i
All of the arangements for the grandest
pageants that ever passed through the stieets
of any western city have now been completed
for this week , and the paradu committee ot
the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben Is practically
ready for Colonel Charles A. Wlkoff U. S. A ,
to give the command that will start the flrsi
of the series of thesu brilliant parades This
will be on Tuesday evctilng at 8 o'clockand *
the procession that will open the Ak-Sar-Den
festivities will be known as the grand mlll-
tarj * and civic parade.
The parade committee of the Knights of
Ak-Sar-Bcn , consisting ot Thomas A. Fry ,
chairman , Walter Jurdlne , William H. Ben
nett and Klrner II. Dryson , yesterday Issued
the first general parade order. It relates to
the military and civic parade and directs
all organizations participating to bo In their
respective positions at 7 30 o'clock. Organ
izations not In their proper places at that
time will firing up the rear of the procession.
All organizations are to report to the mar
shal ot the division to which they have been
assigned. All societies not assigned will
march In the fifth division.
The route of this parade will bo as fol
lows ; Start at Sixteenth and Curnhg streets ,
south on Sixteenth to DouglaK , east on Doug ,
las to Ninth , south on Ninth to Farnam ,
wcat or.Farnam to mghtrenth , north on
Eighteenth to Douglas , west on Douglas to
Nineteenth , south on Nineteenth to Harucy ,
cast on Hartley to Sixteenth , south on Six
teenth to Howard , east on Howard to Klt-
tcvntlr north on Fifteenth to Harney , east
on Harnc-y to Fourteenth , north on Four
teenth to Capitol avenue , west on Capitol
avenue to Sixteenth ,
The list of officers , divisions and organiza
tions participating In Tuesday night a mili
tary and civic parade Is as follows
Colonel CharleH A. Wlkoff , Twenty-Ht > cond
Infuirtrj' , U S , A , grand marshal ,
Lieutenant Hermiri Hall , adjutant Twenty-
second Infantry , USA , nidc ; First I.Ieu-
tennnt Jacob F Kreps , quartermaster , 1T S
A. , aide.
First Division riatoon of police ; Twentj-
stcond Infantry band , U S. A. ; regiment of
the Tnenty-xeconii Infantry , 1' 8 A . Co
lumbian band , Dodge Light Uuardti of Coun
cil Bluffs , Omaha Uuurdx , Thurstou lUtkH ,
Grand Army of the llepubllc , all pouts ,
High School c.ulels
Second Division Major It S Wllcox. mar
shal , 12 , M llartlett , II J I'eufoM. .M 1' .
O'Brien , W S Jardlne , aides ; Seventh Ward
Military band ; ICIkH , I.cUrr Carriers , Ilo-
hemlan Turners. Knights of St OeorKO. St
I'eter'H hoclety , all lioherntin xocletlett , I'nl.
form Hank Knlghtx of I'ythlai ; , Hand of
Modern Woodmen of America , carnp No
2722 ; Modern Woodmen of America , all
camps nnd lloat *
Third Dlvlslon-W H Cheek , marshal , J.
W , Cress , r A. Drodwoll , Jamea .Martin ,
Mis : ) Dalny Hogern , aideri , McCook band ,
btock Yards EqueHtrlan club , and all South
Omaha Hocletles
Fourth Division Thomnx A Fry , inirslial ,
W. It Bennett. Vnnc-e I ane , i : l > I'ock. |
aides , Omaha Military band , TraininlJ"lH-
ttlppl Trooper * , mounted ; Scottish thins ,
KnlehtB of thu Golden Cnglu , Ited Men , nil
councils and floats. Woodmen of thu World
band ; Woodmerr of the World nil campn
Fifth Division Fred Metz , Jr. marxhal , O
D. Klpllnuer. W M Ulam , IClmer 13 Hry-
son , uhlea ; Ancient Order of United Work
men band ; Ancient Order of United Work
men drill team and ull lodgex , Frutrrnal
union and Iloat ; lirlcklajura' union. Young
Men's Christian Association band ; National
Alliance of Tntatrlcal Workers , Summer
On Wednesday evening will occur the
mechanical and electric parade. This will
Include ficmil floats adoraed wltli more
than 1,000 Incandescent lamps and portray
ing some popular1 subjects of the western
country Samson and Samson , jr. , will make
their first public appearance , and one of the
novelties to be exhibited will be an Immense
tricycle Imported from Paris for this occa
sion. All beholders of the majestic Samson
ard his trlcjcle are requested to salute each
with the mystic word , "Tlachlclqulllo "
AB the power for many of the principal ex
hibits In this parade will be obtained from
the overhead trolley wires of the street car-
company , this procession will confine Itself
to the streets where the power can best be
obtained. Its route will be as follows- Start
at Sixteenth and Cumlng streets , south on
Sixteenth to Howard , east on Howard to
Fourteenth , north on Fourteenth to Douglas ,
cast on Douglas to Tenth , south on Tenth
to Farnam , west on Farnam to Nineteenth ,
south on Nineteenth to Harney , east on Bar
ney to Fourteenth , north on Fourteenth to
Dodge , west on Dodge to Sixteenth , and north
on Sixteenth to Cumlng
On Thursday night will be seen the tri
umphal entry of Ak-Sar-Den III and his
elaborate retinue Into the city of Omaha
Thlo procession will bo led bj the Board of
Governors of the Kulghtu of AkSar-Ben
mounted. The route of the parade iwlll be
the same as that of the military and civic
parade There will be twenty floats alle-
gorlcally portrajlng the history of Qulvera ,
the kingdom of Ak-Sar-Bcn. These floats
will be more elaborate than have over been
seen In this or any other western cltj1. They
are the product of a host of workmen who
have been engaged nearly a year In their
corstructlon. The chiefs of these workmen
have been George F West , author of the
theme and book , G. A Ilenze , artificer-In
ch let ; and Theodore Llebcrr , armorer and
costumer The titles of the floats are as fol
lows Title float , The Pageant of Qutvera ;
His MajcHtj , the King ; thu Departure of
Coronado ; Thu Land of the Aztec-Guzman
and the Captive ; Onward to Qulvera ; the
Vision of the Plains ; Tnrtarrax , the Dreamer ,
the Vanished Races ; Explorers and Traders
of Another I > a , the nnd of French Sovereignty
eignty ; the Lewis and Clark nxpedltlon ; Co
lumbia at the Gates of Nebraska ; the Great
Seal of Nebraska , Agriculture and Conr-
rncicu ; Steam and Hlectrlcity ; the Golden
Rod , the Sugar Deet , Welcome Prosperity ;
the TrananiiKilHHlppl Exposition.
Booklets with accurate photographs of all
these floats and with an explanation of each
will be placed on bale at the principal stores
and on the streets on Monday morning They
will be sold at r. nominal price They give
authentic information concerning the page
ants of the week. As In the case of the pro
ceeds from the sale of the Ak-Sar-Ben
badges , this proceeds derived from the ealu
of the booklets will go into Ak-Sar-Bcn'R
exchequer to help defray the expenses of
the parades of the week.
Altcady the decorations of the streets for
the coming of Ak-Sar-lien have made their
appearance Workmen have been buay for
eeveral daje arranging "file electrical and
other decorations of Tjic 'Bee building , the
cltj hall , the court houae and other principal
buildings Thet first teat of thexo electrical
Illuminations will be maclti this evening , and
the grand Illumination of thp entire business
portion of the city will 'liccnr on Monday
evening Some of thu leading business
houses down town have not yet decorated
their rtorcs , but as they have all been
spotted by King Ak-Sar-Den III , and as their
stares will not bu patronised by his numer
ous subjects until thq desired decorations
make their appearance. It Is fair to presume
that thu lack will bo rumedled without
further delay. ,
Injun-it In n Itiimma ) .
While G W Hoberta was driving near fie
corner of Twentieth und Ohio Hindu lam
evening about 6 o'clock lilu homo became
frightened at a hahv car rune , which VVUH
being trundled uloiif thu Hide-walk , arid ran
away A phaeton , which wan driven by a
woman vvnosu name could not be ascer
tained , collided with the runavvaj nnd the
orcupantx of both rigs weru thro An to thu
ground Mr ItoliertH was jilrked irp In an
uiuonselous condition ami taken to a drug
Mtoru nearby lib * Injuries were at IIrat
thought to bu * Tlou > * , but were later found
to bu largely due to thu nervoUH shock of
the collision. He was taken to his nomn at
Twenty-ninth and Hpauldlnc xtreeu. A boy
who waa wl'h Mr Itoberts , and also thu
woman in the phaeton , exc-aped with but a
few minor scratches. The rigs were badly
Pi-OHFCtiltoii 111 ( lie IiiietKTt CIINC
CHICAGO , Sept. 18 Witnesses followed
each other In the trial of Adolph L Luetgcrt
this morning with unusual rapidity. They
were called to straighten out the tangled
ends of former testimony preliminary to
the prosecution's announcement that UB case
was closed.
Abraham Seeloy , a butcher at 769 West
Monroe street , caused a mild sensation when
he announced that at the public sale at
Luetgert's factory some weeks ago he pur
chased nineteen bottles of mineral water. H
has been the contention that on the night of
May 1 , when Mrs Luetgert Is said to have
been murdered , Luetgert ) not fueling well
sent Frank Dlalk to a drug store for medi
cine. Blalk himself confirms this and de
clares Luetgert told him to get a bottle of
mineral water. Subsequent developments
have shown that the sausage maker had at
least ! hirtj-elght bottles of this water on
hand when he sent Blalk away after more
that night.
Prof. Del a Fontaine , Sergeint Spsogler of
the police department end a number of po
licemen were called to the witness stand to
Identify the various exhibits of boned and
other articles and to tell where they got
them , and where these exhibits had been kept
during the progreti of the trial. Deputy
Sheriff Fred PIster of Racine , WIs. , a nepfccw
of Mrs Christine Feldt , was called to the
Etand to Identify the knife Mrs Fcldt saUV
Luetgert had given her the day before his
arrest , n.d Deputy Sheriff Plstor said Mrs
Feldt handed him the knife In July. Tire
blades looked as If they had not been opened
for months , and the handle was rustj' . When
the witness opened the knife he stated tw < i
big crusts of nut fell off the knife.
When the prosecution called Frank Blalk
to the witness stn d as ono of Its last two
witnesses to show the motive for the alleged
murder of Mrs. Luctgert there was every
prospect that the state would rest Its case
today , as far as the direct evidence was con
cerned. But when an attempt was made to
show Luetgert's alleged relations with Mary
Slemmcring and other women the defense
entered a vigorous objection Attorney Vin
cent protested that this line ot evldei cu was
highly Improper and he objected to It as In
competent He declared that no motive could
be drawn from It an. ! iHat It would simply
tend to prejudice the minds of the Jurora At
torney Phalen for defense said he would not
object to this evidence. Thu division of
counsel for the defense on this point oc-
casloned surprise. Attorney Vincent de
clared the evidence was only collateral and
that Its only effect would bo to blast the
reputation ot Mary Shimmering , who was to
bo a witness for the defente.
Judge Tuthlll took the disputed point un
der advisement and adjourned court until
next Tuesday morning The adjournment
over Monday was taken to permit 'the de
fense ample time to prepare for Its opening
statement and the line of defense to be
Pimm fur ( ioiriiiiiint HiillilliiK1.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 18 ( Special Tele
gram ) Plans for the government building
at the Omaha exposition reached Acting
Supervising Architect Koniper from the cab
inet board latu Friday evening Mr Komper
said the board approved the plans and that
bo had teal a blue print of the building to the
protographer toJaj and thought Ihu .pho
tographer would be ready early next week
Kill T Clltlll' ItllNtltTN ,
MINNKAPOLIS , Sept 18 A special from
Pierre S D , says thu report conies In there
from the Moreatr Hirer cattle countrj that
cattlemen chased three ruBtlers there , und
In a running light ihot cne and caught an
other , who wa Ijriched. The name of this
man Is eald to bo Dal ) .
romr\sT 01 * - lonwsvnTiii3ii. .
( iriif rail ) I'nlr In .N c li r n I. n , tvllli
\\lmln In ( lit * NortliucNl.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 18-Forecast for
For Nebraska and South Dakota-Fair ,
variable winds
For Iowa , \ll"ourl and Karmas-Gener-
ally fair ; northuext wlndu
For W > omlne Falft northwest
Republican Central Committee Fixes a Date
for Nominating County Ticket ,
I'rliniirtcH Will He Ilflil Prliln } , Oc-
Iiil > IT S , % \Ili ( ( hi * Com oittlim ( lie
Uuj Aftr U veiillM' Com-
The republican county central committee
met In executive session yesterday for the
first time In ilx jcars The meeting was
held at Washington hall , and as soon as th
committee was called to order by Chairman
Williams , Charley Unltt moved that the pro
ceedings be In executive session. The motion
was declared carried and even the candi
dates for the various county offices were
excluded. This was on account of the ex
pected squabble on the question of changing
the representation , as It was thought It
could bo disposed of quicker If the public was
Immediately aftei those not members of
the committee had been excluded Chairman
Williams appointed the executive committee
which was authorized at the previous meetIng -
Ing , as follows First ward , John Hoilcky ,
Second ward , H. J. Danker ; Fourth wa d ,
Henry W Morrow ; Fifth ward , George 11
Hess ; Sixth ward , I G llarlght ; Seventh
ward , O , S. Ambler ; Eighth warJ. Charles
Youngers ; Ninth ward , Charles Unltt ; South
Omaha , James Austin
The matter of leprusuntatlon was brought
up bj r W Fitch of the Sixth ward , who
moved that the number of delcgatoj be In
creased to eleven from each ward In the
cltj' , the number from South Omaha and the
country precincts to remain the same. This
was debated at coiiHldeiablc length with the
result that the committee decided to make
no change at thin time
The resignation of 12. H Zimmerman as
commlttecman from the Eighth ward was
accepted and K S Fisher waa selected as
his succe so-
After Eome discussion the date of the pri
maries was fixed for Friday , October S , and
that of the convention on the following day
Tint committee decided that thu names of
candidates for justices of the peuco and con
stables chould be placed on the tickets In
the various waids , and tliofo who received
the endorsement of a majority of the voters
should bo declared the nominees by thu con
Headquarters will be opened early this
week and the active wcrk of the campaign
taken up The question of calling the com
mittee together again was left In tbo hands
of the chairman.
ITS c u.i. A fo\vnvnov
Turn Ilimn nil Kiiilorxi'iiiriit of Ml
Ili-illlcliI'M ninillilni- ) .
The democratic county central committee
held a meeting jesterday nfternotu at thu
rooms of thu Jacksonlan club It IH said
by the members of the committee that the
meeting was a very harmonious one , hut
this statement mutt bo taken for what It
Is worth , as The Dee revresentatlvi'B were
refused admittance to the deliberations , al
though representatives of other papers were
allowed free Ingress.
It was decided that the democratic prl-
marles should bo held on the afternoon of
Thursday , September 30 The comty ccnven-
tlon will btr held on the afternoon of Satur
day October 2.
.Mel ItedHeld , who tried to secure the en
dorsement of the committee In bin candi
dacy for the nomination of county clerk ,
was most emphatically turned down. Num
bers of his friends tried to pledge the com
mittee In hla favor without success It wes
shoun that his nomination at the bands
of the silver republican convention
wan almost cerUIo , but this bad no
effect Fully two-thlrdi , of the committee
votel against a resolution In his favor.
Ch.lrman How ell of the committee an
nounced that ho would present his reslgna-
tlcii as chairman at the coming convention.
He stated that he Intended to resign for
the purpose of promoting harmony In the
demnciatlc party of the city.
\\illlam Hcrdlnan tried without avail to
change the basis of representation In the
countj convention , but hlj efforts were use
less According to a resolution presented
the countj precincts were to he allowed
five delegates and Omaha and South Omaha
weic to luvc one delegate for-each fifty
votes or fraction thereof that were cast
In favor of William J , Drjan In the last
national election. The resolution wan
douccdi bj a big majority. The basis of
represcntatltn Is to be the same as In the
past live from the county precincts , sixteen
from South Omaha and eleven frrrn nach
of the wards In this city.
n VMIMi , .
The follow Ing , clipped from the San Fran-
clcco Chronicle of Sunday , September 12 , will
be of Intcrebt to the many Omaha friends of
both Mr John T. Dell and Mr. Howard AVll-
llum Dell "Stanford university circles were
pleasantly surprised with the wedding of two
prominent students , which took place this
evening The contracting parties were Miss
Hub ) Ha7Cl GiLi'ii , nleco of Prof. Itufuu
Cieeu of the university , and Howard William
Hell , Ron of John Dull , formerly one of tile
proprietors of the Oakland Knqulror and at
present at the head of the Saturday Press ot
"U&th MUs Grcon and Mr Dell were mem
bers of the class of "jfl and both In the his
tory department They were equally prom
inent In university society , she being a mem
ber of the Kappa Alpha Thetu society and bo
active In the Delta Tliutan The wedding haft
been kept a profound secret , being known
only to their most Intimate friends , and only
a few of them were present at the cere
mony , which was performed by Prof. W. W.
Thoburn at the residence of I'rof. Green.
The affair was extremely simple , being aftcj
the Quaker stjlc.
IIOWAHD , S I ) , Sept 18 ( Special. ) In
Madlbon , at the residence of Gustaf Ander-
kin father of the brlJo on Friday. September
17 , atI p in , Arthur * C Nelson of Howard
and Mlbs Mary Anders m of Madison were
married The bridegroom Is a well known
joung business man of Howard , thu junior
partner of the firm of Hansen fe Nelson ,
and alto a member of Nelson Drothcrs ,
Il > Interim ! Itcnirdli-x.
T'ie only sure way to euro every form of
piles Is to uio a remedy like the Pyramid
Pile Cure , which U applied directly to the
parts affected , and ltn wonderful healing
cfttctH aru apparent from thu first applica
tion bccaueo thu medicinal properties are
rapidly absorbed by HHSUCS and utisltlve
membranes of the rectum , and the euro U
madu xpeedlly and almost beforu the patient
U aware of It , every trace of piles ha a left
This Is one of the reasons why the Pyramid
Pllu Cure has been HO uniformly successful.
Is applied directly jufct where It Is needed
and where It will do the rnoit good , Not by
the roundabout way of the utornach nor by
the harsh , barbarous methods of varloim
surgical operations und to called systems.
Direct application to Iho ffat of dlseatu IB
the only rational way , and this Is fully ac
complished by thu Pyramid Pllu Cure ,
If thu voluntary testimony of thousand *
who have tried thin remedy Is worth any
thing then no sufferer has any exquso for
longer delaying In giving It a fair trill ,
knowing that when you do so the Pyramid
Pile Cure will bavo rnadu ono more friend ,
the best poeilblo advertisement wo can
have The chief advantage ! of the remedy
are It cureu without pain , thu euro In libt-
Ing , It contains no poison , and lastly , It U
tbo cheapcut and qulckcut euro jet found ,
"our druRgUt can tell you what It ban don *
for othera. Bold by drugging at & 0c and $1
per package.
A book on cauxe and cure of piles mailed
free by addreiilng Pyramid Drug company. ,
Albion , MUlu