THE OMAHA DAILY BEE SUNDAY , SEPTEMBER 10 , 1807 , IJ I Ornnhn , Sept. 19 , IS ) ? , J The Distant RumbleOrnnhn Of higher prices on all wool fabrics is in the air , We still hold the door open lor you on all wool fabrics , at old prices , and shall continue to do so as long as present stoclc lasts , but the time is not fir distant when prices will ba advanced , and we urge our friends and customers to buy now and get the choice selections and prices far below what they will soon be. We believe those who know us will know that we arc sincere in what we say OSTRICH AND IM.UMAOE BOAS Lovers of the beautiful o n n economical can I n d u 1 it o their tastes here to their heart's con- tonUJO Inch Ostrich lions ? -.T"i n ml 14.2.1 uiirli. 27 Inch Ostrich Hunt 1.01 cnch. : ta Inch Ostrich Itiins $ . 'iX ( ) uinl tu.oo each. 43 Inch Ostrich Boas. $11.09 i-nch. 54 Inch Ostrich Hois : , $12.00 enclt. Jllack nnd white Plumage liana , 43 Inch , * 1.25. $2.00 and $2.73 ench. lilnck ami white I'lumnge Hoas , 0 Inch , 50c each. Ulnck IMumnue lions , 43 Inch , 50c , Tiic , $1.00 and $1.23 ench. lilnck and Navy Plumage lions , 43 Inch , IUBO ench. lilnck niul Orccn Plumage Boat ) , 43 Inch , Jl.W each. NOTIONS Brush Kclire Skirt Blndin-r ( ie per yard. The A. M. W Waterproof Dress Facing. 12V4c per ynrd. The Ideal Skirt Protector , 8c per ynrd. Chenille Curtain Loops , 23c each. About half price. Hair Brushes at 2'c , 33c. 'Me , COc , 75c , $1 00 and $1.25 each. Crossing Combs at lOc. 12'.4c ' , 13c , 20c , 2i' , 30e , 3. > e , Iflf and SOc each. TAPESTRY Wo have just received our TABLE now line of Finn Tupostry COVERS Table iCovor' . Fust colors. 8-1 Knotted Fringed T.ipestry Cover , $1 . " > ' ) and $1.75. 8-4 Knnttei ] Fringed Tapestry Cover , $2.CO nnd $2.0. 8-10 Knotted Fringed Tnpestry Cover , $ .UO ami $3.fiO. LININiS ( Rcinombor we soil good lin ing. If there is one tiling more than 'mother lu which quality shoi'ld lie considered it is thi > Linings you use iu your dress. Thu appearance iiud durability of your garment depends largely ou the kind of linings used. KID Now Full Gloves are now GLOVES ready for inspection. Our stoclc is morn extensive than over , coniprislni ; nil the leading styles for this season's wear. Beside the nen- uhiL' Foster Kid ( Move , we have put in n Hue of clasp jiloves. so we are able to fiiinlsh our patrons the finest grades at ( hi ; least price. UMBRELLAS Nnw Umbrella , * for men and 1'idles. ' Wo Imve one of the largest nnd best Fe- * lectc'd stocks at the lowest prices ? Umbrellaa nt $1.00 , $1.30 , J1.73 , $2.00 , $ . ' 30 and up. A bp.uitlful line of colors In 2(5 ( Inch changeable silks. Also the newest nov elties that are being shown. MICHAEL STANDS AT THE TOP Gathers in All Eccorda from Throe to Twenty-Five Miles. DOES IT IN PHENOMENALTIMi OF 45:53 : 4-5 ll'ii | < Out I.CNIIII liy a Third of a Mile , i anil Kilille tlcDulllc > iy Ttvo-TliirilN of u 31 lie. I10STON , Sept. IS. Jimmy Michael today won tlm greatest cycling event over run ou ally New England track. It was the Inter national twenty-live mile race , on Charles River park , and was run In the fastest cycling tlmo the world ever saw. Michael's coupcUorH ) | were Luclcn Lcsna of Franco and Eddlo McDulllo of Cambridge. It was a superb day and 14,000 people were present. In the start olT of the three riders 'iu the < hlg race , the men caught the quads In the first lap and Lcsna took the lead , making the first mlle fifteen yards ahead of "McDunio , who beat out Michael at the tape by , n few feet. McDtilllu took the second Ullle by fifty yards over Michael. In the third mlle a chain on McDullle's sextette broke , depriving him of a pacemaker for the lap , and ho lost the load. Michael finished the third mlle a quarter of a lap ahead of McDutllo. From this time out Michael had the lead and slowly ciept up upon both Lfsna and i lcDiillli ! , In the twelfth mile Michael was rapidly overhaul ing McDulllo and on the second lap of tha jhlrteunth had paused McDullle and was watching the Frenchman. Lcsna had trailed a short distance 'behind McDulfln until early Jn the opening of the eighth mile , when ho passed the latter. Michael made his second lap on McDuflle In the fifteenth mlle right ol U'o ' tape , Thu struggle between the two iiicu there was exciting. Lcsna was riding half a lap ahead of McDutllo , In the twen tieth mile Michael had caught Lcsna and was In the lead again and so the positions stood until he swept over the finish line In 4G:5S : 4-5 , u winner , leading I.euna over a third of a mile and over tno-thlrdu of a mlle ahead of McDullle. Up to this time Lcsna has held practically II records , from three mllei to twenty-five , All Run Down Hood's Snrsapnrllla Built Her Up. 111 have been in poor health ( or years. , X was run down lu summer nnd wns with out nny appetite. I wan advised to tuko Hood's Baraaparilla and found that it built mo up , ntid now whenever I am out of order I resort to Hood's SarBaparilla. " IDA HALLMAN , Ellimvood , Kansns. Sarsaparilla - parilla Is the beat-In fact the One Tmo lllood I'ttrltlcr , Hood's Pills ouroTiiTIlTer lils. SJ tcmi" NOVKLTY Wonro solUiiffboatitlful D.RKSS ( iOODS Novnlty Dross Gootlsnt af ) , 27ilOo , oOu , ( lOc , Too , . " ) ( , $1.00 , * ! mill $1.50 jn-r yiiril. IS IJW JnckoU this is where the tail- STYLI5 ors luivo concantrutod tlinir COATS mind and bruins , to produce L'tu'ineniH fit for an Ainoricun ( jut'i'ii. \\V IIIIVB the novoltii's , as well us llu > oli'j'iiiit iilnlnor Kiirinunts It Is so easy to sny such and such a jiarnifiit Is I'liciip. Hi'iiU'inlHT. thenIs nothing clicMp In a chiMlc , iinloss Ms inailt * In thu lati-st style and of p > od cloth. AVc will only quote a few prices on jnckot.s. 2S Inch Jnckct , half lined , mndo of nn excellent quality of rough cloth our opening price Is J5.00. worth , with the advance In cloth , $9.00. Light Curl Astrakhan Cloth Jacket , till lined either with nn elegnnt lustre satin of llgured silk , nt J1000 , When you see them you will say they are ns good ns nny house shows nt $15 00. NEW STYLE CAPES The Latest Style Capos tire here not only the Nov elties but sen sible Stylish Capos , siiuh as ladies of the most roflnud tusto like to went' , wo show noih- hitf but what is now within the lust few days Wo Invp new Capes In cloth at fl S. , $3.50. $3.75. J5.00 , ST.OO. JS.CO. $10.CO. $15.01 , $1S 00 every one of them Is extraordi nary vnlue. LACES For Handkerchiefs A now line of plain and dotted Footing in nil widths. Valenciennes Laces , ns fine nnd narrow ns you wish to edge the footing and dainty narrow Insertlngs to match. Also verv line wide Valenciennes Lace and Insertlngs. New Black Laces have arrived. New Real Torchon Laces. New Machine Torchon Laces. New Pillow Slip Laces. New Cream Silk Laces. New Mous. ellno do Sole plain nnu em broidered. LACE CURTAINS We carry a cmn- pleto line of Not tingham Ltu-p Cnrtaliw at $1.00 , $1.25 , $ l.r > 0. $1.75 , $ U.OO. $2.2ri , $ 2.50 , i.00 : ? , $ : ! . . " ( ) , $1.00 anil $ ri.0 ( ) per pair. Brussels Net Curtains , In white and ecru , nt $7.50 , J9.00 , $10.00 nnd $12.50 pur pair. SHEETS nnd Wo will place on sale PILLOW CASES 1 lot of Fruit of the Loom ready mndo slieiMs.Sl.\i)0 ) , Kunriuitoi'd torn.tind Ironed by hand , for u very low price ntHie each. Also ono lot of Fruit of the Loom Pillow Cases , 45x30 , at lie each. CORSETS W. B. Cyclest Corset , cut away hip , in Blank , White or tfray nt $1.00 eaeh. High tone extra long waist Corset , made In gray nnd black -sateen at 50c each. MUSLIN Ladies Outinn ; Plannol UNDERWEAR Gowns , extra wide and very lonjj.nt $1.00otieh. Infants' long dresses , prettily trimmed with lace , embroidery and hemstitch ing , nt 50c , S9e , $1.00 and upwards. ' excepting the sixteenth and twentieth mlle records , which were broken on Thursday last by Ollchael In his twenty-mile contest against Lcsna at Springfield. Every Ameri can and world's record front three to twen ty-live miles Inclusive Is now credited to Michael. Result : Previous Miles. lly Whom. . Tlecoril. Ilrranl. 1 Levnn lis 1:43 : 2 McUullle 3iO 3:32-5 : 3 Mlclmcl r.:2'Jl-r : , r > : U)3-3 Mlcbuel 7:183-3 7:30 : 3-S . 9:0i 3-r . ' r. Mlchncl : - aiw.-l 0 Mlclmnl 10.7)4-5 : ) 11W : 1- . ' , 7 Michael 12:4225 : 12:3M-5 : 8 Michael 14:321-5 13:003-11 : 1) ) Michael It ! : 19 2-5. 16:083-1 : 10. . „ Mlchnel 18OS 15.18:4585 . : 11.T. Mlchnel 19:5b2-5 : * :0:41 : 2-0 12 Mlclmcl : 'li'J.5 22:42 13 Mlchiicl 21:35 : 24:361-5 14 Michael 23:271-5 26:27 : 15 Mlchnel 27:1(1-5 : ( 28:211-5 : 1C Mlchnel 9C53-5 : 3 < ) :4U : 4-S 17 Michael 31:01 : 2-ii 3i:2) : IS Mlcbnel 32:513-1 : 31:17 : 19 Michael 3I4S ; 36:153-5 : 20 Michael 20:111-5 : 3SUI 21 Mlch.ii'l ? 8:303-5 : -11:14 : li Mlcbuel 40:234-5 : 4.Mi ! : 4-5 23 Michael 42:14 44:023 : 21 Mlchnel 41:0835 : 43:192-0 23 Mlcbuel 45J8 4-5 47:52 : oorxrii , iuri < 'i < ' .s iiii.v'rs OMAHA. InwiliiH AVI ll u ( ; li ) i'l > - Ciii < i < Ntiil Cniiii * of Olckit ! > Tire ItuiiN. A close and exciting match was played between Omaha nml Council Bluffs at Konntzo I'luce yesterday and resulted In a victory for the lowu team by two runs. Score : COUNCIL BLUFFS. F. Illldltch , run out 5 J. Ncale , b , W. Vnughaii 0 \V. Stephenson. b.V. . Vaugliun 0 I. .M. Treynor , b , W. Vaughnti 12 II. New , c. Spragiif , b. W. Vnughan 10 D. Wright , run out s J. II. Slmms , I ) , O. W. 1 It. Greene , I. b. w. , b. W. VuugOwn 0 J. Hess , . and b. O. Vnughan 0 Dr. L , Trcynor , b. O. Vauglmn 0 T. D.iwson , not out , 1 W. Strlbbllng , b. (3. Vnugnni 2 Hxtran 5 Total OMAHA. W. It. Vaughnn , 1 > . Ni'nlc 3 U.V. . Taylor , b. Slmms 1 J. li. Huynolds , b. Nenlo 2 Q. II. Viiuuhiin. b. Netile S J. Francis , b. Ne.ilo 3 II. Lawrle , b. Neule 0 J. Utllld , b. Nenlo 0 J , DougluH , b , SimniH U 1) . II. Urotchle , b. Neato 0 K , II. Spr.igue , b Slmms , 4 F. 1C. B.irher , c. and b. Slmms S 1' . Potter , e. Now , b , Nenle 3 n. it. Younir , not out ( i Kxtras , 7 Total HOWLING ANALYSIS. Council Bluffs tnnlncs : Overc. 'McliiB. ' Huns , WktB. W. Vaughnn 10 a 10 3 O Viiughan y 2 10 4 J. Dougljn -1 U IU 0 Omaha Innlngt : Overs , Mdns. Iluns. Wkts. 3. Nenle 13 5 1C 8 J. H , Klmm 13 3 1'J 4 ICH | > | - Dofl-lllN Illllll. NKW YOUK. Sept. -Kddle Bnld of Buf falo was defeated tc.i'uy ' nt the Munhnttan Buio bicycle race * by K. 11. Klaor of Day ton , The race Inhlch the men competed was the onu mile , profcaslonnl , It was the mnln attraction and M per cent of the gate rm'lptu WIIH divided nmong the contestants , I'.tld von the llrst heat , Ivlser the second , Cooper the third nnd Oiirdlner the fourth. T .0 llrst In the geml-Hnals was won by AUTUMN DRESS ( iOODS , That frivo lous poraon- , lliuutlon wo k n o w as I Dnino Fash- inn m u * 31 ihavo many a hcaducho f r o m her ] conjuring ! ) of now things. Denr old soul , it's peed aho isn't roul , or , rather , t h a.t her real self is so many selves that the conjuring isn't all for onu small head to do. MEN'S Shaw knit Imlf hose FURNISHINOS black , with white soles , solid black and mottled slates , iWc a pair. MenV extra heavy Half Hose , black , with white soles , IKic pair. Men's solid color brown nnd black Half Hose. ' 3c , ISc , 3 pair for Me nnd 25e a pnlr. Men's Hnlf Hose , fnncy stripes , 23c , 33c nnd EOc. Fancy IMnlds , 33c and Hc ) n pair. Men's Chicago Garters , In silk , 2TiC n pnlr. Improved Boston Garters , with velvet clasp , black and colored silk , 50c a pair. Men's Arm Bands. Sc , lOc nnd 15c U pnlr. Men's Nightshirts , In size 14 only , re duced from . " ) C to a" > c , or 3 for $1 00. Men's medium weight Wool Drawers , In sizes M nnd 34 , tXc pnlr , reduced from $1.00. Men's Suttgnrtcr Underwear , In medium weight , nil > \\ool , also wool ami cotton mixed. Men's henvy ribbed Balbrlggan Shirts and Drawers for fall and winter wear , S3c ench. ART Wo have just received DEPARTMENT a full line of down Sofa Pillows in all A pretty nssortment of Stamped Linen Doylies , Center-piece nml Lunch Cloths at low prices. HOSIERY Wo have just ro- AND UNDERWEAR ccivetl an olojjant line of Ladioi and children's lleeee lined Hose. Child's fnst black Fleeced Hose , ribbed to sell nt 23c per pair. Ladles' black silk Fleeced Hose to sell at 25c , 33 and -Me per pnlr. Also n nice black cotton Ho e for ladles at ISo per pair , : i pair EOc , that realty would bo good value at 23c per p.ilr. Ladles' black Hose , with mace soles , 23c and 33c per pair , 3 pair $1.00. A nice line of ladles' cotton fleece lined Vests and Pants , only 2'ic a plpce. Also a nlco line of ladles' lleece lined Pants nnd Vests , with silk crochet , 33o. 3 for $1.00. Bald , with Gardiner second. The second was won by Klscr , with Cooper second. In the tlnal heat only Klscr nnd Bald computed. Klser won by two lengths In 2:12 : 2-3. John S. Johnson established n new track record of 0'33 for half u mile , nnd the New York -County Wheelmen's quad covered n mile In 0:57' : . \orfnlU Will ft nt 'IV il lllx. WAKBFIELD. Neb. . Sept. lS.-Speoinl.- ( In the northeast Nebraska tennis tourna ment Norfolk won ttjc championship. In the singles Wnkcfleld won. Wakollcld , I'onca , Randolph , Hartlngton und Norfolk were rep resented. Norfolk was selected ai the next meeting place nnd. the following olllcers were elected : M. C. Hazen , Norfolk , president ; H. Bure , trensurer-spcrotnry ; executive com mittee , J. W. Holt , Randolph ; Charles Slough , I'oncn ; J. G. Miller , Hnrllngton. XVIilKliniii AVIiiN ( Self CIiiiiiiiI iiNlili. CHICAGO , Sept. IS. Henry James Whig- ham of the Onwcntsla club Htlll holds the title of amateur pelf champion of the United States. W. It. BettH , who came to the tournament an the representative of the Shlnnecock Hills Golf club , was defeated by the chnmplon In the limits nt Whcnton this afternoon. * Might up and six to play wns the score , and nt no time was the western man In danger of being defeated by hl op ponent. HiiMtliiKH Culli'Ki- Font Hull Team. HASTINGS , Neb. , Sept. lS.-SpecInl. ( ) The Hustings college fool ball team had Its llrst practice yesterday at the college ath letic grounds It Is composed juincipully of the a.lino players that made up the olevcn last year nnd from the showing the boys made nt practice the team Is going to be n hard one to buck up ngnltiBt , St'ori'H In ( 'ln'nx ToiiriiuiiiiMif. DI3RL1N , Sept. 18. The sixth round of the International chess tournament waa played today. Up to 1 o'clock the following results were arrived at : Alapln beat Uardeleben ( retired ) ; Wltmwer boat Conn ; Schlcchter and Care drew , as did Schiffers and Stiechtlog. Walbrodt and Ttichlgorln ngred to call their to the level prevailing before the war was SUIrinlNli Klrlim , CHICAGO , Sept. tiring wna the program today on the Fort Sherldun range. The wind wns high und ns n 091110- quenco the scores weio otherwlie. For the two ilnytf competitive fliltii- the totnls of live leading contestants are IIH follows : Private \Vorthlngton , Fourth Infantry , 2G3 ; Private O'Ulnchnln , Nineteenth Infnntry , 201 ; Corporal PJymell. Twentieth Infantry. 2. ) ; Sereennt Major Dugger , Nineteenth In fantry , 2.11 ; Corporal McNamey. Tenth In fantry , 231. Dugger wcs given fourth place over Ale. Nnmey , who hnd nn rqtul teora. ns he made more points nt the greater distance. MnvriilfiilM of Ili'filli VCHNI-IH , M > | il. IH. At Philadelphia Arrlved-Waesland , from Antwerp. At Hnmburg-Arrlved-AugUbto Victoria , from New Yoik. At Liverpool-Arrived Ktfurla , from New York At Amstenlam Arrived Amsterdam , from New York. At Glasgow Arrlvcd-Kthlopln , from New At Southampton Salled-.J'arls , for New Yotk. At Havre Hailed -Ln Champagne , for New York , At Now Yoik-Arrived Vt-endnm. from Rotterdam ; La Onscogne , from Havre Sailed-Spree , for Bremen ; Campania , for New York ; 1'hocnlcla , for Hamburg ; \Verra for Naples ; Obdam , for Rotterdam ; An- ohorla , for Glasgow ; Tnlngvalla , for ( 'open- hngcn At Delaware Breakwater Sailed Belgen- land , for Liverpool , BALTllIORl TAKES ONE MORE Wins Again , from the Quakers In an Untjilo stSng VISITORS AR UtfABLE TO HIT POND IClnlirilnnx Ilroxjl-'liir Work lit tlir llox mill Knnlilen IloMim to I'litu- in ct > > v Vork In Uouil Baltimore , S ; Phll.ulelphla , 3. Boston , yj New \ork , 3. I'lttsburg , III ; St. Louts , 10. Wnshlngton , 10 ; Brooklyn , n. Cnlcngo , 4 ; Louisville , 2. Clevc.and , fl-4 ; Cincinnati , 0-3. .Minneapolis. 1.1 ; Kansas City , C. Columbus , 12 ; Detroit , 5. Mllwauk'-e. 5 ; St. Paul , 1. Indianapolis , 10-12 ; Urnnd Rnplds , 3-11. HALT1.MOHI2 , Sept. 18. The Champions won from Philadelphia In an uninteresting game , Both Llpp Hid Decker were hit freely , whereas the visitors were unable to du anything with Dr. Pond until he let up In the ninth. Dago stealing by the homo team was the feature. Attendance , 3,3G7. Score : lAlTlMOim I'HlI.AniM.l'HtA. It.II.O.A.R. n.n.o.A.n. Men raw. 3b 1 2 : 0 1 Cooley , rf. . 0 1 ! n ft Kopler. rf. . 0 2 1 0 u Dowil. cf. . . 00100 .li'ii'lngH. B * 1 1 6 4 n Del'nnty. If 0 0 4 1 o Kcllry. If. . 1 2 1 0 IjiJolc , Ib. . 0 1 10 0 a Stenzel , cf. 2 3 1 0 0 ShUKHrt. us 1 2 1 3 0 Doyle. Ib. . . 1 2 7 0 0 Cro it , 2b. . . 11220 Ileltz , 2li. . . 1224 o'Nash. 31) . . . 00040 Hublnson. cO 0 C 1 6 Boyle , c. . . . 1'onil , p. , , . 1 2 1 0 0 1.11'l' . P 01000 Decker , p. . 0 1 0 1 0 Totals. . . . . S IS 27 81 ' Totals 3 8 24 11 0 llaltlinore S Philadelphia 00000000 3 3 Uarncil runs : Ilnltlmore , C Philadelphia , 3. Two-bafc lilts : Stenzel , Doyle. Ileltz. I'uiul , Shugart , Doyle Saorlllce bits : Jennlngu , Hob- Inson. Stolen Bases : JennliiR" . Kcllry , Doyle C ) . Ueltz ( ! ) , McClraw (8) ) . Keeler t ! ) , Ktenzi-l. Double piny : Jmnlni ? ' to Doyle. Left on bases : Dalllniori' . 8 : Philadelphia. 7. Drat base on balls : ore I'ond , 4 ; olT l.lpp. 2 , off Ilecker , : . Hit by pitched hall : Decker. Struck out : lly I'ond , 2 ; Uy Llpp , I by Decker , 2. Wild pitch : llccker. Time : Two bourn nnd ten minutes. Umpires : Kmslle nnd Carpenter. BOSTON , : NKW YORK , 3. 'BOSTON , Sept. 18 Seymour's err.itlc pitching nnd Boston's superior ileldlng were responsible for the home club's victory lo- dny. Klobedanz wns steady except In the llrst Inning and be hnd good bau'.tlng. Score : NHW YOUK. O.A.I : . ii.ii.O.A.I : Ilnm'ton , ct 1 2 0 0 o Vllnl'li. cf 0 0 3 0 0 Tenney , Ib. 2 1 12 1 0 Joyce , 31 > . . . t.owc , 2h. . . 20440 Wllmot , If. 2 2 0 0 0 Stnlil. rf. . . 1 2 0 0 o Olea-on , us 0 1 4 2 S Dnffv. If. . . 1 1 0 0 1 M'Cro'ry. rf 1 1 1 0 0 Colllnx , 31. . . . 0 2 0 2 U rimk , Ib. . . rt 1 fi 1 o I.otlK. ? . . . . 0 0 3 ( i 0 Warner , ift t 7 3 1 c. . 1 2 8 1 o C.ettli ; , SI ) . . 00100 KloManz. p 1 1 0 1 OJS > > in illr , ] > 0 0 1 3 1 Totals il 11 2T r. l | Totals 3 7 24 0 4 lloston 3 0 0 2 0 0 2 2 0 New York 0 J Knrned runi : Hoston , 1 ; New York , 2. Twn- base bits : Collln , Wllmot , Olensnn. Tlirec- base bit : Yea er , Double play : Collins to Lonk to Tenney. rirst base on b.ills : Off Kloliediinz , 3 : off Seymour , 7. lilt by pitched ball : Warner. Struck out : lly Klobedanz. r , . rirst base on e/rtifst' Boston , 7. Time : Two hours and live ntln'uteH. Umpire : Lynch. At tendance : 10CCO.V f CLKVKLA'XD , $ ; .CINCINNATI , o. CLEV1CLAND , Sept. IS. Young perfotined a feat today which Is said not to have been accomplished since Hnwk performed It for Baltimore in 'Vlf9.1shuttlng the Reds out without a hit lit tin- first game this after noon. I'otir of the visitors reached first base during the game this ufteinoon. Young gave one buse-on bulls , a wild throw by Mclvean on ansVasyl chance gave -Corcoran a life rind HolUdav was twice safe on er rors b > , Wallatk ? . One i'vartjn fumble of an easy grounder { sjnil IhV otter u wild throw fter a line start of n shnrp lilt drive. The latter was thepnlyHpprqach to a bit th" visitors got , ana It--wHS by no means close enough to mar Young's record. The second gnme was u brilliantly .contested one , both pitchers doing great work. In the ninth Inning , with < ? oreoran .on third and one run needed to tie , I owellstruck Peltx out. Score , first game : CI.IVILAND. : ri.NflNN'ATI. n.H.O.A.I ? . It.H.O.A.'E. Duikctl. If J 1 2 0 0 Hollliluv. rf 0 0 1 0 0 Chlldi , 21) . . . Hoy. of 00200 Wallace. 3b 0 0 2 1 2 Mrl'hre. Sb 0 0 1 r n O'Oon'or. Ih 1 2 13 0 0 lti > ckl y , Ib. 0 0 15 0 0 McKean. ss 1 033 1 Corcninn. i 0 0 1 5 0 IMck'f'B. 'f. 0 Invln , 3b..O 0130 Ileldan , rf. . 1 J 1 0 0. nuike. If. . . 0 Zlimner. < . . 003 ' . ' 0 Schrhrr , c. 0 0 2 0 0 YnuflK. p. . . . 0 0 1 3 0 Hblnps. p . . 0 0 I ) 2 0 nitchey , . .0 0 0 U 0 Totals. . . . G 8 27 13 3 Totals . . . . 0 0 24 17 1 Hatted for Jthlnes In the ninth. Cleveland 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 -ii Cincinnati 0 0 o i o o 0 0 0-0 riret Imoe by eirors : lly Clexeland. 1 ; by Cin cinnati. 3. ! -eft on IKIWH : Ck-velillld. 3 : Clll- clnnntl. 2. Klrst Iram1 on lulls : Off Youinr , 1 , nft niilnes , 4. Stiuck out : lly YounB , 3 ; by llhlnes , 1. Two-li.ise lilt : Cliilds. fnrrllice hlf dimmer. Stolen b.i i-s : Cbllds , IMekerlnB. Wild DltchJ llhlnes. Umpire : Kellcy. Time : Ono hour nnd thirty-live mlnutex. Alt < > mlnnci > . 2MD. CLICVK1.AND , 4 ; CINCINNATI , 3. Second game : CLKVKI.ANLI. CINCINNATI. Il.H.O.A.K. ll.H.O.A.n. lUiikett , If. 0 2 I ) 0 0 Ilolllday. rf 1 0 3 0 o Chllds , 2b. . 1226 0 Hey , cf 0 0 S 0 0 Wallace. 3b 0 1 I 0 0 Mcl'hce , 2b. 2 1 2 4 0 O'Con'r , 11) 0211 00 lleckley , Ib 0 1 7 0 0 McKean , sa 0 0 2 2 2 Corcoran. s o 3 2 2 ( ? Plcker'B. cf 1 020 0 Irwln , 3b. . . 0 Ucldcn , rf. . 0 0 00 o Burke , If. . . 00300 Crlger , c. . . 1 0 9 4 b 1'eltz , c. . . . 0 1 3 0 0 1'gwell , p. . 1 1 0 4 0 Drelt'eln , p 0 0 1 1 b TotaU4 ! > -i > - Totals . . .3 n 24 7 0 Cleveland 13000000 I Cincinnati 2 o 0 u u 1 0 0 0 3 Karncil mils : Cleveland , 2. Klrat base on er rors : Cincinnati , 2. Icft nn bases : Cleveland , 5 ; Cincinnati , ( > . Klmt bate on balls : Olt Pow. ell , I ; off Ilreltenstrln , 2. Htruck out : lly Pow ell. 5 ; by llreltensteln , 2. Thie < Miasi liltn : O'Connor , lleokley. Two-base lilts ; Durk < tl , O'Connor. Sacillli'i1 hit : Invln. Stolen bases : Corcoran , nurkf. nieiteimteln. Donblo play ; Mcl'hee to Corcoian. lilt by pitched ball : Dy Powell. 1. Umpire ; Ki'lley. Time : One hour nnd nftyjnvrt mlnutfx. Attendance. 2 WO. I'lTTSBl'RCl , U ; ST. LOUIS , 10. PITTSBURO , Si-jit. IS. Both teami were playing eqitnlly poor up to the fourth In- nlnf. when ( 'rosy strtuik out. IIo was so chagrlnnd that he made an ugly remark to Ilnwley as they passed and the big pitcher landed a blow on Cro s' jaw. Both men were put out of the game. Hughey relieved Haw. ley and llvo runs were made off his delivery before half an Inning had been played. Gardner went In and pitched u line gamo. Attendance , -afl. Score : 1MTTHWW ! . ST. LOUIR. H.H.O.A K. IUI.O.A.I5. 1'adJen , 2I > . 2 2 a Z 0 IVK.u | , r-s Donovan , rt 3 3 1 1 0 CTOSH , M. . . 1 0 1 1 0 Smith. U. . . 1 1 0 0 0 Mmphy. c. . 0 0 5 0 2 Uoth 'e , Ib 1 1 0 1 1 Harlm'n , .11) Horc'ter , : il > 33103 Tinner , rf. . Kly , sfl . 1 3 1 1 0 UraJy , Ib. . Hroillc. cf. . 1 3 J 0 0 Ldlly. If. . . 1 2 1 0 2 Jlerrltt , r . . 0 1 11 fl 1 H'kem'n , 2I > 2 1 1 1 1 Hawley , p. . 0 0 ' 9 1 1 lljrley. ft. I 1 S 1 o llURhry. p. . 0 0'OM ' ' Donoliue , p 0 1 0 2 1 Gartner , p. I 1' ' 0 01 o Totals. . . .10 12 ! 4 9 9 Totals. . . .U 17-2J ru7 I'lltiitiurc - ( . . .il4 I 0 0 2 0 r 1 13 Ht. UJills , ! , ' 2210GOOO 0 10 Earned inns : IjsluirK. ) { 3 Ht , I.uiiln , 3. Two- baip hits : ruiMfii , jSmllli , Kly , ( lardner , DOIIR- Ui , Qrady. Thrl-e-ljise bin : Donovan , Pad- d n , Hoffmeljter'Hacrincr ' tilts : llothfni'ip , llrndle C ) , ( lradV > ( 'ro ii. Mtolen bavei : Ilrodle , Crora (2) ( . l.ullj.i HoilK-muli (2) ( ) . Double plays : Puddcn to HothfUfH , Donovan to Merrill. Hnr- li-y to ( Irudi. nrxj ibanc on Imllii : Off lluw- ley , 1. off llnglieV , X ; off Donohue. 1 Hit by pitched ball' lly" Clardner , 1 ; by Donohue. 1. Htruck outlly'Ilawley , 4 , by ( larilner. 4 : by Dnnobui * . 3 lilts ff bach pitcher : Off Hawley. S ; off HiiRhe ) , 3 fift Gardner , 4 , off Donoliue. 7 1'ansed bnll : DojIKliu' . Left on bnnes : I'ltlt- burK , 10 , Ht. iJiuI" . S. Kliel lui-c on errors. I'lltibure , I. St.'Loulf , 3. Time : Two bourn and fifteen nilntlleJ. I'lnplre : McDonald riHCAGOri ; LOU1SVILLB. 2. CHICAOO. Sept. 18. The Colonels' battery work was way off today. Fraser was not hit to nny great extent , but mndn three wild pitches and u muff , while his cntchnr did us badlv with u very bad throw und two passed balls. Ryan's batting ami gome pn-tty Ileldlng by Callahan were the fea- lures. Attendance , l.tjco. Score : CHICAOO I i/JUISVILU : . it.ii.o A.K. K.II. O.A.I : . Ilyan. rf. . . . 23001) Claik. If. . . 01200 Callulmn. t * 1 1 0 S 0 BUITur.l , KH 0 1 1 3 ( i Lanwe , rf. . . 0 ! 4 0 0 Wnxiirr. ef 0 01 00 Anton. Ib . 0 o 8 o o Xaiu-f , rf. . I 1 0 o o Connorx , 2b 0 0 3 \\YriIen , Ib 0 1 8 2 0 Dffker , If. 0 1 2 o u Wilton , c. . . 0 0 5 1 1 MrCor'li , 31) 0 1 2 4 LCllnir'n , 3b. Donohur , c. 0 0 I 4 0 .Smith , 2b. . < ) 1331 KrUnd , p. . . I 0 0 'i ' o. Kroner , p. . 0 o 1 2 1 Totals . . .4 S 27 13 1 Totuls . . .2 02113 b Chicago ° 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 -4 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 V 0-2 UarneJ runs : Ixiultvilli * . 1. Irfft on baaei. Clil-aKO , 6 : l. < iulb\lllf. r. T o-lmtie hlU : loan , Callahan , Decker. HlaiTord , Hmllh Three-hart- lilts ; l iiiKf. Wcrdcn , Cllnnman. Klol n lanea l.aiiKe , Decker Double playa , MtConnlck to Callaian to Anion , l-'rauc-r tu Hmltli \Verdrn. . Struck out ! lly Frloml , 2 ; by Kroner. J. 1'asjfi ! bnll ! Wilson , llasen on balls : Oft Friend , J | oft Kta er , 1. Wild pilches : Kraoer , } , Tlmr : One hour nnd fifty-five minutes , Umpire : O'Day , WASHINGTON. 10 ; BROOKLYN. 9 , BROOKLYN. Sept. IS. The Washington * won today's gnme from the Brooklyn' through timely stick work In the eighth In ning nnd the ninth Inning , nnd ns a result the Trolley Dodws nre bnck In wventh place ngnln. Both 1'hlicr nnd 13ro.mehnn were taken out of the box In the ninth In ning. Score : 11UOOKLYN. IVASIIINOTON. I . u.ii.o.A.i : . ! n.u.o.A u. .tones. If 3 I nhy. If. . . . o 0101 OrlfTIn , cf. . . 1 1 2 0 1 Selbacb , If. . 0 0 2 0 C Shlndle. 3b..O 2321 Dcttnian , rf. 1 2000 Sheckard , rf 1 o 3 o 1 Demont , 2u. 3 2 4 3 1 Ijiclmnro. Ib 0 3 12 0 0 McDulre. c..2 3 3 0 C Shoch , 21 0 1 2 3 0 Tucker , In..2 1 fi 1 0 A. 4 < nilth , c. 1 0 3 0 o ltro n , rt. . 1 I 4 0 0 (1 Smith , w. 1 I 1 5 0 , Ilellly , 31 > . . . 1 Klsher , | i. . . . 1 2 0 1 0 , WrUli-v , ss. 0 0 4 20 1'iiyne , p. . . . 1 0 0 0 0 llre'chan , p 0 2 0 0 0 ' Metoer. cf-p 0 0 0 0 (1 ( Totnli . . . .9 13 27 12 3 Farrell . . . . 0 1 0 0 0 TotnlK . . . .ID U 27 7 4 Fnrrell ImtlMl for llmttn In the ninth. Ilroikljn 2 9 WnMilnRUm o 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3-10 Hariird rniiR : llrooklyn , 3 ; WnrbbiKlnn. < " , . Flrjit ! < nn prrom : llrooklyn , 2 : Washington , 1 , l."ft nn hades : HrooUUn , 14 : WiirlilliRtnn , 1. Hnjp oi > bnllii : Off Kls'.ier , 4 : elY Ilienielmn. 4 ; off l'n\ne. 1. Twu-biiBt * bltn : l idianpc. ilett- mnn , Hellly. Stolen bn en : Khcrkard , Sellncli Sacrlllro blla : ShinHP , Fisher. Double plnyn : Wrlsley In Domnnt , Deinonl to Tuckor. Hit by pitched ball : O. Rmltb. I'flH'ed Imll : MrOulre. umiilrp : Hurst. Tlnin : T o bourn nnd llfteen minute * . Attendance , 2r 00. STANDING OF THK TEAMS. 1'lixyed. Won. Lost. P.C. Unltlmore 121 S7 31 71.9 Moston 123 S7 3rt 7 > .7 Now York 121 77 44 BIG Cincinnati KO R7 M fC > .S Cleveland H3 Kl fl1 ! R1.2 WnFhlncton 121 M f1 ! 4G.3 llrooklyn 123 56 7 4 > .B PlttBburg 121 53 00 45.B Chicago 122 M fiS 41.8 Phlladplphln 124 52 72 41.9 Louisville 124 61 73 41.1 St. Louts 12.1 23 5 22.S SCOUKS OP THE WKSTI311K LK.KJUK. i Ilfiil ( In * lIlni-M In a IjiioNi-ly I'lujpil Caiiir. KANSAS CITY. Sept. IS. The Blues were benten today by MlnnenpollH In a loosely played game. Roach was wild nnd when he did get the sphere over the plate was hit freely. Tomorrow's gnme will bo the Inst of the senFon. Score : Kansas City 0 03001200 6 Minneapolis 202000G3 ' -13 Base lilts : Kansas City , 8 ; Minneapolis , 14 : Krrors : Kansas City , 3 ; Minneapolis . Butteries : Kansas City , Roach and Ulan- fonl ; Minneapolis , Phlftlpl nnd Keefe. DETROIT , Sept. IS.-The Senators were unable to do much with Thomas until the seventh Inning. After that he was easy. The locals nNo went to pieces In the Held and nllowed the visitors to cnpture the Inst game between the two clubs this season. Score : Detroit 0 0.1 110000 n Columbus 000020(14 ( * 12 Base lilts : Detroit , 7 ; Columbus. II. Kr rors. Detroit , ( ! ; Columbus , I. Batteries : Detroit , Thomas and Trost ; Columbus , Evans nnd Fisher. MILWAUKEE , Sspt. IS. The Brewers won by the splendid pitching of Terry , who held the visitors down to four scratch bits , while Frlcken was almost hit at will. The feature of the game wns the phenomenal double play by Blake and Stafford. Score : Milwaukee 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 * -5 St. Paul 01000000 0-1 Base hlU : Mllwnukee , 12 ; St. I'nul , 4. Krrors : Mllwnukee. 1 ; St. I'nul , 2. Batter ies : Milwaukee. Terry nnd Speer ; St. Paul , Krlekennil Spies. INDIANAPOLIS. Sept. IS.-Indlnnnpolls anil Grand Rapids closed the championship season here today ulth a double-header , both ( .nines going to the champions of the Western league for IS'J" . Score , game : IndlannpolU 1 fi 3 0 0 120 0 1C Grand Rapid" 0 0 0 I 2 n 2 0 0 5 Base hits : Imllnimpolls ; Grand IlnpV id ? , 9. Krrors : Indianapolis. 4 ; Grand RapIds - Ids , 5. Batteries : Indianapolis , Phillips nnd Bcvlllo ; Grnnd Rnplds , llageman and Don ovan. Serond gnme : Indianapolis . 0-12 Grand Rapids 3 0 2 G 0-11 Base hits ; Imllnnnpo'l * , 13 ; Grand Rnplds , 12. Krrors : Indianapolis. 2 ; Grand Rapids , 2. Batteries : Indianapolis , Bass , Phillips , Bevllle nnd Wood ; Grand Rapid ? , Gibson anft Donovrn. STANDING OK THE TEAMS. Played. Won. Lost P.C. Indianapolis 131 ! > G 31 733 Columbus 132 SI V , Gn.2 Milwaukee 133 S2 M G1.7 St. Paul 121 7t ! B ) G1.2 Detroit 113 ( IS fiBl.l Minneapolis 13. ) 4.J 01 31.1 Knrsis City KO 11 S 13.3 Grand Rnplds 132 33 ! )7 ) Games today : Detroit at Columbus ; In- llnnnpolls at Grnnd Rapid * * ; Minneapolis at Kansas City ; St. Pnul at Milwaukee. \ VkKtlriNMOtlllt [ | > I1 f-C-liri'N. ROCKFORD , 111. . Sept. IS.-Score : Rockford 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 G 3 10 Peorln 1 00100100-3 Rise hits : Rockford , 10 ; Peorla , 9. Krrors : Rcckford , 1 ; Peorla , 3. Butteries : Rockford - ford , Dillon and Roach ; Peorla , Wright nnd Seller. BURLINGTON , In. , Sept. IS.-Scoie : Burlington 0 7 DCS Molnes OOG00314 ' -14 Bane lilts : Burlington , 9 ; Des Molnes , 19. Eirora : Bur'lngton ' , 2 : Des Molnes , 4. Bnt- terlcs : Butllngton , lid Jen nnd Jlesmer ; Des Molnes , Cooper nnd Lohinan. QIT1NCY , 111. . Sept. IS.-Scoie : Qulncy 20020102 2-9 St. Jtuuph 101020000-1 Base hits : Qulncy , 13 ; St. Joseph , 11. Er- rorn , Qulncy , 3 ; St. Joseph , 3. Batteries : Qulncy. McGieevy and Graver ; St. Joscpb , Drummy and Hanson. CEDAR RAPIDS , In. . Sept. 18.-Score : Cedar Rnplds 2 1 0 0 1 1 0 2 7 Dubuque 110000002-4 Base hltH : Cedar Rnplds , S ; Dubunue , 9. Eirors ; Cedar Ruplds , 2 ; Dubuque , 1. Bat teries ; Cedar Rapids , McFnrluml nnd Ful ler ; Dubuque , Dundon and Sullivan. WllUt XlltOH. The Omaha Whist club hnd its Ilnul con test for the first holders of the "cup" last Saturday night , the contesting teams being Burkley , Brunei' , Bushman nnd Funkhouscr against Allee , Marshall , Lawrence nnd Jor- don' The result was as follows : _ Sets. Burkley. Allee. ' 2 2 3 3 3R R 4 Burklpy'H team won by one point nnd nre the present holders of the cup , However , they will be kept very busy defending It , 16 two trams have already iiuallflci ! to be come ) First come Sumnoy , Bur. rell , Joplln und Crumnier : next are Reed , Rlnohart , Belndorff nnd Scilbner , nnd be fore these matches are completed there will probably be others. AH the matches so fnr have been neces sarily played In the club rooms on regular club nights , the noise sml ronfii lon Incident to other play lmu been found very nnnoylns- , and art effort will be innde to get possession of a separate room for futuiu mutchesin this class. Seven tables weio tilled by contestants for the "buttonson Wednesday nlghl , nnd the HCorei nro as follows : North and South Coakley and Peters 18S Jones und Melkle , ISO Moraman and Redlek 1S. > Sumney and Hurrell , . 181 nird nnd Btpbblns 18. ! Jordon und Gnrner , ISO Scannell and Stanford , 180 Average 1SI But and West Huthmnn nnd Thomas 177 Belndorff und Scrlbner , 171 Bruncr nnd Funkbouser 1G7 Joplln nnd Crummer IRQ COR nnd Bhlptcy 1G5 Reed und Rlnelmrt 1G5 Cnhn nnd Jinnies 1G1 AvrraKR 1C7 This leaves the ten highest scores for the month of September : Name. Score INnme. Score. Lawn-nee 14l3umney - . 11 Holndorff 13 lordon 10 Rurn-ll lllGarner 8 - oakley lliHcrlbner. G. O S Peters 11IIteed 8 Tliu following hands dealt on Wednesday night nn > given because of the leader hav ing u illfllcult problem to contend with : BO Aim 23. S.-G , 3. D.-A , S , 7 , 5. C.-Q. 9. II. A. J , 9. 7 , C. . -.T 7 2 H 8.-A. 9. 4. D. J. 10. 9 , 0. wHy , D.-K , 4. 2. C X li 4. "Y.1" C' . 7 , 3 , 2. II.-8 , C , 4. I 2l _ H. Q. 10 , 3. 8. H. K. Q , 10 , S. 5. IX-Q. 3. ( " . A. 1C , J. 10 , 5. H.-IC. Five of hearts turned , t-as ) to li > ud. Atone ono table east opened with n small diamond nnd east und wcsl look three Irlcks. The of t-asl nnd west ranged from 2 to G. CrlcUct lit I'lillnileliililu. PHILADELPHIA , Sept. lb.VJien stumps were drawn thin evening thn English crick- etrrs bud been dltipoxod of In their In nings for n total of 1M runs and the I'hllu- ( ielphlii "Colts" had put together lot iun . THEY TELL OF IT. Men mid Women Relate How They Were Cured of Lingering Ailments , These Statements arc Au thorized by the Several Patients. The Shcpard Medical Institute Seems to be in Favor With Many People. If the nnmos of the reputable and well- known people who have publicly endorsed Dr. Shcpard and his work were published all together the list would nil n Rood-sized book. Out or a mass of testimonials of fered by grateful patients only a few arc selected for public print. These Indorse ments give an Idea of the scope and merit of wlmt Is being done dally by tlie physi cians of this office. Dr. Sliopnrd dcK di rectly with the people and Is Independent of all medical trusts and combines. The Shepard system offers the common people skilled medical service at n fee that all can pay. That the citizens of Omaha and the west have responded cordially to this Idea Is proven by the fact that Dr. Shepard and his associates co-suit with nearly one hundred patients dally. AN EDITOR'S WIFE. Mm. C. M. Itj-nr * , Tilfo of C. 14. liyurx , rilltor of the Vnllrjvli. ( . ) Kn- t Tirlm > , vtrlten , Srjtt. B , 181(71 "I wan troubled with catarrh nearly from childhood ami at last had quinsy nearly every month. These attacks prostrated me fearfully , and nearly choked mo to death every time. It seemed as though my entire - tire syt-tom was illled with catarrh. I in entirely 'cured of my qulnoy , not having had a sign of It since my treatment with Dr. Shepard. My general health since then has been better than for many years before. I can say to those whom It concerns that Dr. Shepard Is , In my opinion , a competent , careful physician , for he treated me with the best of success. " MAN1TOU WATER and MOUNTAIN AIR. In ninny cnsi-n of chronic IH < > IINC n chniiKc of clIninto KoliiK to tin * inoniitnliiH Mill ilo niiicli to ri-stnrp henlth. Hut , often , special medication Is needful to accomplish certain results that cannot bo obtained In any other way. Mrs. A. Horbst. 207 12. " Ulo Oramlo St. , Colorado Springs , Colo. , Is a highly esteemed lady , residing where she has nil the benefit of famous health waters and atmosphere. These agencies fell short of restoring her. She writes Dr. Shepard , Sept. 2 , ' 97 : MRS. A. HERDST. 207 E. Rio Grande St. , Colorado ( Springs , Colo. "You will be glad to learn that you have given me surprising results that is , sur prising to me. I began taking your medi cines with little Idea of the great change they were to work In my body. My nervous system Is greatly strengthened. 1 am over the old liver trouble that caused so much paitv. and fulness , and swelling. It used to be that I couldn't cat nor digest food. My heart has grown steadier In Its action. In fact , the weak places all through me are toned up wonderfully. Your treatment has done for me what our Springs and climate failed to do. " POINTER SMASHES A RECORD Reduces the World's Figure for a Mile flaco to 2:01 : , BEATS PATCHEN OUT BY THREE LENGTHS Half IH none In One Minute Flat mill lint for 1'atclieii'M KiiltcrliiK the Time MlKlit Have i lleen I.uncr. INDIANAPOLIS , Sept. 18. The world's race record was broken , hero this afternoon by Star Pointer in a match race with Joe Patchen. The weather was perfect for the contest between tbo two kings of the turf. There was but ono heat of the race to bo Mulshed , each having taken heats on the afternoon previous , the race going over on account of darkness. The track was the best It has been during the week andtho horses both fit for the race of their lives. In fact , every condition Indicated that tbo record of 2:01 : % held by I'atcben and John It. Gentry would bo smashed. The vast crowd was not dlsapolntcd. They saw a mark that will no doubt stand for years 2:01. : Had the black fellow not faltered a bit at the head of the stretch , oven lower tlmo would have been recorded , as Pointer finished strong with three opou lengths of daylight between them. Patched had the polo and ho set a fast clip to the. quarter polo , which was passed In 0:29 : % , Those who wore holding watches nn the noble pair were prepared from this for a mark that would utartlo the world , Patchen wan leading to the back stretch by a length , when McClary urged Pointer on nnd ho responded nobly. He crawled up Inch by Inch and In a few seconds a blanket would bavo covered them. The drlvo to the half was a beauty , Pointer passing the polo a neck In front , of the black fellow In ex actly ono mtnuto from tlio time the word was given. From this point ho gained little by llttlo until at the tbroo-quartnrs , which was made In 1:30 : , Dlckerson urged Joe on and the noble animal responded , but though ho gained slightly , Pointer moved along like a pleco of machinery In tils steady gait that meant for him victory. Down the stretch Dlckerson applied the whip to the whlto- nosed favorite , but Pointer steadily gained. McClary laid the whip lightly from the Uat eighth In and passed under the wire In the tumarkablo tlmo of 2:01. : Had Patchen fought him out an ho did the first half mlle the coveted two-minute race record would without doubt have been touched. The reg ular eveulB for the day were ull hotly con tested. Results : Special match race , purse $3,000 ( iinfln- Star Pointer , b. H. , by Brown Hal ( McClary ) 1 2 1 Joe Palchen , blk. a. , by I'alchcn WIlkCH ( Dlckerson ) 2 1 2 Time : 2:01i. : 2:03. : 2:01. : 2:10 : trot : I-- : tell won third nnd fourth bents and race , Time : 2:10 : } ; , 2IOV4 : , Eck- Hteln won llrst heat In 2:19VJ. : Dove Wing won second heat In 2:104. : Only heat win ners started In closing heat. 2:1G : trot , purse $ COO : Custn won llrst nnd second heats und ruce. Tlmo : 2:13U : , 2U3V4 , Fourteen otliem started. 2:21 : paelnf clum , purse J--OO : Pertennetto won third und fourth heattt. Time. 2U1 % , 2lt : > ' 4. Arlene Wllkes won second ht-ut In 2:11 : ? , Mnrgcry won linn heat In 212Vi ; Nine others Blurted , Free-for-all trot , purse $500 ; Elleree won i THE RESULT OF WRITING FOR A SYMPTOM BLANK W. llululil , llnltlr Crn-lj , l it wcll-tii-ilo fur HUT. Hi * nli'k nml Miinli-il to w ' ( tri'lt. Ho hesitated some tlmo before "clintiKlng doctors. " hut he Is now glnd he took the stop. On Sept. 7 , ' 97 , ho writes Dr. Shop- nrd : "I will now write you the main points of my recent sickness nnd how you cured me. About ten years nRo I felt the first signs of cntnrrh nnd nervous weak ness. I would often bo taken with dlzry spells , headache nnd heaviness In the pit of the stomach. I was extercmely "nervous , " lost my appetite , nnd could scarcely breatha on account of n stopping up In the nose and windpipe. At last the catnrrh crept up from my throat Into my ears until I bccnmo TOTAIjl.V HKAK In ono car. In fact , I wasn't fit to do tws hours' work In a day. I was what you would call n total wreck' before I started , upon your treatment. I wns encouraged to try you , for I had read In the papers of the euro of Rev. 1C. B. Hunt , Methodist pastor of Rlgln , Neb. I knew him well , and though you might cure mo , also. I nm nil right In every way now , as a result of your Home Treatment , " ThnllRlitImH or llu-rcillllollH pi-opln xoinrtllllfN nnyi It flm't lit * Unit nil t IKHItMtlinoiiliilH ur < > Inn * . I iloii't Ix'lli-vi- nj' doctor cnii taUt > liolil of Mitch Htiililiiirn , olil I'liHvn mill cure tlitMii lip. " In ri-Kiril ( o thin innllpr , Dr. ShciMiril IiivltfN iliiulitorM < itrllo ( o Mrs. llynrn , or to Mrx. llcrlml or io llr. Illllulil.n ( CMlliuoiiliil ! < > vir iMilillnlu-il Hint IH not nliNoluteljr true nml Kcnuliir. I.AHCIOST AND Hi : ST. o fully inrct nil ilcimiiiilM of It ritr mill i-.MH'tliiK nriu-IIiM- . .Sbi'ii- il's ( Miiiniilliitloii rooniN arc nct-i-Nsl- r mill ioiiviiiliiit. 'rii < * lr Iiiltorn1or I -N iiro In dim-tic of n't ' rrnrltlcrcil liliariiinclMt. i > ho iiri * | > ur < > N t-vory lircNiTlpllini Mltli Hklll mill I'lirr. Tlii' niiliyilmiH linyo cvory i-iiili- | nn-iil Tor tlioroiiKli iirufi'N.Hloiiiil mirK. Tliclr NiiitloiiN | Niilttof iiiirlorx on Hie third Hour of ( In- New Vork l.lfi- ItiillilliiKr. nltli > rlili > frniiliiKC on lioth Fur n mil mill Sfvnitvciitli nr < M-tH , coiiMtlliiti-N , nlthoiit iloulil , tin' IIII-K- < * Ht nml lii'xt iiiioliitcil nii-illcnl olllce in VcbrilMkn. AND THE GRAND AK-SAU-KEN FESTIVITIES. OCCUR SRPT. 17. TO 2S INCLUSIVK. DR. SHHPAR1) EXTI3NDS A CORDIAL INVITA TION TO HIS HUNDREDS OF OUT-OF- TOWN PATIENTS AND ALL , OTHERS IN TERESTED TO CALL. FOR PERSONAL EX AMINATION WHILE IN THE CITY. HIS RECEPTION PARLORS WILL HE OPEN FROM 9 A. M. TO G P. M. DAILY. TlioNc. ivlni cannot conn * for per- Nonnl culmination arc rcqncNtcil to ivrlli- for Free CoiiNiiltntloii lllnnkK , ROOMS 311 , 312 A.313 NEW YORK HUILDINd. OMAHA , NED. , the second nnd third boats nnd race. Time : 2:10'i. : ' 2:11',4. : William Penn won llrst heat In 2:00y4. : Senator A , Pray Toll , Kentucky Union. Pilot Boy and Dandy Jim ulso started. ! ) < N MiiliicN TrntN. DES MOINES , Sopt. 18. Ilesults : 2:33 : trot , purse $400 : Nellie Grove won In three straight heats. Best time : 2:25 : % . 2:17 : pace , purse J500 : Alliance won In thrco straight heats. Best time : 2:10. : 2:20 : pace , purse J400 : Ello Gray won In three straight heats. Best time : 2:22 : i. Al Piitrick'x UoilcllaVlnx. . PLATTS.MOUTH , Neb. , Sept. JS.-Spcclnl. ( ) On the race course here this afternoon Al Patrick's bay mare , Godclln , won the mlle ruco by a neck. North Star was second and Wilson Wllkes third. IjITTI.13 IX SITUATION. Strlkci-H Arc Orderly mill Hold u Ilia 3IIINH llM'llllMT. HAZLETON , Pa. , Sept. 18. There has been Uttlo change In the strike Hituatlon here today. The chief event was the assembling of between 2,000 and 3,000 strikers on Don egal Hill tonight In mass meeting. P. J. McGulre , vlco president of the American Federation of Labor , and Gcorgo Chunco of the United Labor league * were the principal speakers. A detachment of soldiers from brigade headquarters was In line In thn background. The keynote of the speaking was "Peaco and order. " Resolutions were adopted to stand by the miner * and work for the abolition of the company Btoro sys tem and to hold a delegate convention of lliu miners of the district on Thursday next , to thoroughly organize the miners of the anthra cite region , The mooting dispersed In good order. Drllllix of u liny. ITHACA , N , V. , Sept. 18. Henry W. Sago Is dead hero , aged 83 years. Mr. Sago has been best known through his donation ! for educational purposes , He was a de scendant of David Sago , who settled In Mid- dlotown , Conn. , In 1C52 , Mr , Sago was pre paring for Yale when his family removed to Ithaca , N , Y , , where he engaged In mer cantile pursuits. In 1854 liu established a lumber manufactory at Slincoo , Ont , , and later , with John McOraw , another at Wl- nona ( now West Hay City ) . Mich. In 1873 he gave to Cornell tinlvcralty a college hall for women , which Is known as Sago hall. Ha succeeded Ezra Cornell as president of the Hoard of Trustees of Cornell university Ho endowed the Lynian Hcecher lectureship on preaching at Yale and presented to West Hay City , illch. , a public library which cost $30,000. Ho also endowed and built several churches and schools. WAKEFIKLI ) , Neb. , Sept. 18. ( Special. ) Andrew Henry , an old resident of this county , died at hln homo , two miles south of here , yesterday. Mr. Henry was a native of Sweden , but has lived In America for many ycnrs , Thu services worn held at the SwcU. Ish Lutheran church. The remains xvero In terred In the cemetery here , PARIS , Sept. 18. A special dispatch from Jlboutll nays a telegram has been received there saying the Princess Shonrega , daugh ter of King Menelek of Abyssinia , and wife of Has Mlcael , 1s dead. YUTON , Neb , Sept. 18. (8pccla ( | . ) Mra , .Mury Elizabeth McCoy , wife of Peter R , Mc Coy , died yesterday afternoon , jgod 02 years. Sbo carne to Nebraska In ISC'J ( ram IVnsdalo , Pa. Sim Haves live sons and flvn daughters. Ttio funeral wns nt Plalnvlew Christian church this afternoon. CIJIJAR RAPIDS. la. , Sopt. 18 , ( Special Telegram. ) Frank Wltoisht'k , a pioneer resi dent cf this country , and a leading Ho- bcnilan citizen , prominent In business circle * fcr > e rs , died this morning of peritonitis , t the ago of 56 yean.