PART III. OMAHA SUNDAY BEE 1871. oar AHA , SUNDAY G , SEPTEMBER U ) , 1S 7 TWENTY PACES. SINGLE OOL'V IT IV 13 NOTHING SUCCEEDS Everything we undertake'we ' pull through sttcc ssfullyl AV We celebrate our opening in what we believe lo be the most satisfactory and profitable way for our customers , by ELEGANT offering bargains the equal of which we know are unparalleled in the history of Omaha bargain giving. For months we have put forth every energy in preparing for tomorrow s great event. From all the great markets of the world , All Day and Evening Grand nud Brilliant far and near , train loads and boat loads of merchandise-have been pouring in. Type cannot do justice to the magnifi- Electrical Display I ehance and splendor of our new stocks they must be seen to bs appreciated. As our great store overshadows all others so shall this opening completely and absolutely outshine all similar occasions heretofore. It is a mammoth Pactw and BEAUTIFUL FLORAL | exposition of everything to clothe men , women and children , from head to foot. A dazzling display of all the newest and freshest ot fashion's fancies from at home and abroad a sight worth c : > mi ng miles to see. It may be truly said Checked Free. Deoorations. that our success came from the thrifty , money-siving p op'e ' of Omaha and vicinity who know the value of a clol'ar ' and where to get the most for it. We hope tint mir friends arid custoniei- jvUI comc r < morrow and leap the benefits of a saVthat will nrov- marvel in cheapness , our mightiest effort. OPEN EVERY Bor. TAKE ADVANTAGE . OF THE CHEAP EVENING Excursion Rates Doug as II U RING TO ATTEND Omaha FAIR WEEK THIS SALE Grand Opening Sale Ladies' capes made of all wool Ladies' all wool Krsey or STYLISH FALL DRE Iwuolo , very full sweep and good length , Beaver Jackets BLANKETS trimmed with thibot fur , silk lined throughout and made in the lates OK OUR QRANI3 Nowhere In Oiunhn Is there such a Blanket A nntchless assembling of high class fabrics , all imported before interlined , in this ( \ \ style ; go in th.s gains. Uepaitmont us we have nowhere such bar sale fore the increased tariff duty. Such dress goods values were at advance $3.98 ; advance at $4.08. sale Genuine California Scat let .98 never known in the history of the business. Along with the worth $ ( > .i.O , worth % 10.- lUiilcets $8.00 , W.'JS a pair ; worth , Pair _ immense quantities of foreign goods we will sell domestic Ladies' capes An elegant all Davenport Woolen Mill's finest j .50 wool stuffs , rich , high art dress fabr.cs , plain dress stuffs inmost made of all wool kcr- wool . - quality whllo All Wool Ulan- Pair , Sale. Korsuy J.-u-Kot nil kcts , $3.GO pair most desirable weaves , at special prices for our Opening boy cloth , richly sllktllnod with Itoman b aided and edged .striped silk , new ) | y The grandest clothing stock in all Omaha. There's Krom the Ilucll Woolen Mills thcj ioo of English Curl Cloth , in black and colors with thihot , watteau . , ! i2-98 pieces frotililsh storm collar boat grade all wool gray tun und ors , silk and wool figured Novelties , 54 inch Knglihh Mixtures , pleats , high storm black , navy and tm : ga nothing to compare with it. Every garment is in the very nioilo Ulankcts , at $2.'J8 a pair . Pair English Poplins , Camel's Hair und Cheviot in bhick and colors. and collars 30 , inches full sweep , In tills ad\anco sulu at latest style every garment is a worlc of tailors' art every The variety eclipse * anything heretofore known at popular long & 7.S < } : worth Extra laigo fleecy Cotton Illau- in this advance material used is the best for its ' go very garment of 'J8e purpose every - Price yard prices , ami all go on tale at cm- Queuing bale at ? 4.03 ; worth kets , 9Se S10.00. is cut to fit properly. We propose to carry 400 pieces of new and desirab'e dress stuff \ includ Ilaiuliiomo niankcts , lighter ing niuok Mohair HrlUiunUnu , LJluok Bouolo Cloths , Black Eng only such clothing as we can guarantee and vclsht. In gra > , unite or tan , 7pair lish Cheviots , Figured Cheviots in all color * , Fanoy Boucles , sty I- ' recommend all which we will sell at those 75c ; pair ibh Heather Mixtures , Storm Serges , etc. , never known to retail Ladies' tailor pair for lo.-fi than Too , at our Opening Sale llo ! ) yard $7.50 for ladies' niado jnckcln of lin- low prices which have made Boston Store Kull size white or grjy soft , ] ) ( > iotl | Kuriey or Mul- LllankclB , 4ie ) fleecy Mixtures all largo curl Astra- pair 350 pieces Scotch and English , new kiiun Cloth , ton cloth * . plain or famous. colon ) and hluck , Silk and Wool Fancies , Diagonals in hlaolc and good length , Capes lined linililcil , : ill lined with pair navy , black Coat and Storm Serges , hluok .lucqnards , hluok and throughout , watteau tliti host siitln rlwl iinu high grade a ! ! wool One Immrnae lot of all klniln .25 coloVed Ciranito Cloths a beautiful assortment of handsome BO At this ndVHiicu s-ilu B ! kol no end ( , < i"ne Jan , y kn Itcil culo at 48o yard pleats , advance sale ' . . -A I the fresh fall Comforts , many worth XJ.IiO , Each i fatulTs , to be placed on at our Opening price $7.60. at ij'J.OS : woith fJO. co or go . In one lot at (1.25 each JUST HALF PRICE-54 inch Ladies' Cloth , cray rough lugs casslmcrcs worsteds , all cheviots silk and and satin smooth and Grand Opening Sale 87.50 mixturewilk ) and wool novelties , velour jilaids , strictly all wool . lined clioviutH ami irridcbuont cloth for tailor nu\do suitH , all worth 60o yard , on dross poods har ain quare at 20c yard - . Ellen's satin Bmed clay Strictly all woo ] Hartford InKralu Carpet , French and Kntrlish Cohort ICorsay Cloths in irridoscont colors , di- COLLARETTES COLLARETTES COLLARETTES worsteds boiiRht > Qid , the In-fore factoiy the ralno prlco In nt prlco. the go at EOc a Uffouals , oamul's hair nerves , all wool storm horges , 50 " inches Genuine Astrakhan Genuiije Al'is.ia seal prcstunt timu lit carload lotH Is * wide , in our Opening Sale at 5\o \ ) yard . E ectric Seal Collar ' In sack ami fioclc suits , mode of 20 ouncd GOe yard V khan Fur Col ar- collarettes with real weight imported clay worsted , lined with NEW FALL BLACK GOODS-44 inch Brocaded ettes , silk lined , go nUos. Hllk lined I'er-.lin ! Imnh yokes , Skinner's satin . Bromley's extra heavy Union In .luuqimrilM , BO stylish t ir skirtH or onliro snlts , under the now in this Halo /ft i i In this mailu in thu hit ; gf " * " 5 ; craln Carpel , bought before the t < I iidrinco sale . / . VI cststylu.iRo ln ! suits $1.1)8 ) at $ , 2 imported woo , . ' duty would bo worth oOc J2.08 : this Milo aCj'.CO ; . } * B our Oponlng Price at IWo yard . , . worth $ ; t.f > 0 iBI"1 north , f& , . . WiS In smooth and rough effects , straight or Strictly all wool Black Henrietta nnd Frenc.hVSerges Exceptional VaHiss in Pine Silk Shirts faclts round . cut slnglo or double breasted Union J'Qid , Cotton the factory Ingrain price Carpel now , 25o Is ( ino rjuali'tyi t. . c At o'lrnnaiilu ' s > on 2nd lloor , The laiseit n snfnit ( < iiii hlpli pindo 1 ro 30 cents including Mohair Urllliantino , exceptionally nt.r ) liluuk Inic ud , pure nlllt I < niii'd , laigo limned iflul il ( ! t'slii | or FC'io'l Men's black suits skirt , inado In mo latest slylo at i > ik ) nllk or sit : In skirls. at { J.OH , W.Bi clay Immense bargnlim In IlniHHulla $1.50 Camel's Hair Cheviots , Tweeds , Whip-Uords , And elegant new plaid cheviot Suits over jord Carpets , 100 now patteins at fiOc Kngllsh Worsteds , Fancy t'anvas Cloths , l-Mno Hroadclolhs , all E. from a doicn . styles to [ .elect wool French , Gorman and English Novelties , wide wale Dlago- . Kxtra heavy nlno-wlij Tapestry H , choice in black goods doparlniont Too yord. , The moil { 'oiwoiifl display i-vcr prc Carpet , worth wholesale 80c , go Bi-ntud lo the ItulIfH ( jr ( Jniiiha-on oxiii In easslmero , tweoils 's ail wool sack suits- at C5o yaid b ack silk figured Poplins $2.00 48 inch high grade liiiuia toniniTow uiiil > 'Uitf cnllfc wi-alc , fid clipVlnte , In in 12 different colorings cut In the latest ' French Broadcloths straight or round cut Hocklwry & Sanford's btbt Tap- Matelasse Novelties , 54 inch , Backs - a regular fall stylo- regular $10.00 cslry Carpet , wholctale prlco ? Guipure Crepons and Tufted Novelties , at ON leather binding niul. with Dnkottih Iwith.-r $7 50 suit. Suit now $1.00 , KO at 75o yard. [ hand , nil color.s , at ( We . ' Immense lot Mocjucttc f'aipet NEWEST SILKS. Boys' Double Breasted a'l ' absolutnlj- new panel TIB , fae- THE . Hltii-k Ostrich oju > llalf IMmncs , All Wool Suits toi-y price iiuw ? 1 23 , , \o retail - c'jlor shade , vuliu * .fl.Od and $ i.yr , on sale at Over 1 < H ) dlHVivnt Hlylc.lo select froin- thorn at SSc yard Our assortment of Slikovuniovor hotter-every , every every ' weave , ovorv design and every ( inulity that hears the stamp of bounty and fashion ( 'hi-vlot.s , Clny Worsteds , wo only mention a fo v low prices to show what jjroat sillr bargains wo have in I lo 15 years SE Btoro for you tomorrow. 5 Five cases ladies' extra AT AT uits Wo show original .stylet" here , other , line gauge Fast Illnnlc Iloso , copy made with d.mhlo hole.s and AT . " , , In all tla * latest In .s tn 1) ) years nov silk black Bro- Changeable figured Special Sa ! of high Hplicod hcolH , go lit lOo All - eliie.t In siilii for little follows. In jacket , I'Uli1 ' , worth ( k- CadtS , and Roman 50 Hew pVIacle Hats pants and fancy vest . Two ' Pieces all silk c-huii fublo figured htripo TutYotus , chuncenhlo cases gents' fine 50 Figured Tnu"otasbluuic Oroa ( J ruins , llgnrod' Satlnfi , hluck hro- Fancy braids , rdgular price ' igo Half hems , In natural Taffetas , hlaok Japs , U7 inoh colored cado grosgraliib and Mitins $6 . . ' BOYS' LONG hi'Iirguri and fimt blai-lc , 8jc 20 dilloront btylos , all Japs , colored Surahs , col Ducliosbcs , Pcun do Solos , $ oo. $7.00 PANTS SUITS , pair win th Jfio . . ored HoiiL'alinos , and ' ) < ! grains , UliudamoK , and sS.oo thet-o gros the latest shades - < Ago * 11 to 1 ! ) yeaiv. pure \\oul Cheviots , nro sold regular by most inoh lliilnt , ' silks actual und Armours none worth opening sale ' Casj-lmercN and \ Vor.itedbextra well houses at ; Vjo. value of then ) lines Toe. lobs than < f\ \ . and sumo $ lie ! choice iiiudu - . . . . OUR NEW PALL price , Welcome , Strangers , GRAND OPENING OF OUR GREAT CATALOGUE la all reailj now. and All Our ENLARGED \Vntc for it. It costs you Out-of-Town Trade. - - . nothing. When in Omaha make our EXTENDED store your houdqiiurtcrti , Oiir Mail flot ) Department h your roitlug place , vour i mi for the i ! mniiloiuo of our wash-up packages plaoo. for We will free oheclc of POSITIVELY THREE TIMES GHEATSR THAN ANY OTHER SHOE STORE IN TOWN Out-uf-Towi ) Ilil you order the your > our MUIIO day we ro- charge ma | < o your , and finding do everything easy and to EVERY PAIR IN OU. * E i TU S 3F3 ; C 3 > Ji If N 3 , V r3 TIi3 FAL1O , VMr3l 3 att-tiiioii. cchait and You give it can ! uo."t HIIVO caroluI big oumfortuMo Sii | > clal rccoptinn ' in iicj by hhopjiing by mull , SENSATIONALLY LOW PRICES FOR TOMORROW'S SALE. IN SHOES FOR MEN ladies . . EVERYTHING , . room l > r to rott In. nh. ti you ct.rtll < t emu Vo f WM , WOMEN , BOYS AND CHILDREN , AND EVERY PAIR WARRANTED ,