Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1897, Editorial Sheet, Page 14, Image 14

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    THE OMAHA DAILY ! i - , 'XDAY. SEPTEMBEIl 19 , 1807 ,
T" " " - T
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f Maator Vang : Yu and Little Master Wu nntl Their Training. J
No better teat of thn gradual loosening of i
the bonds -.xhlch for so many centuries have
made China the most exclusive and , least pro-1
grcHalvo of nation * could bo cited than the
freedom with which the children of the
Chinese legation are noxv permitted to
m..Uo ' xvlth American playfellows.
U U Indeed but a fexv years nVice the
T.'omcn of the legation xxcre Induced to nomc-
v.liat modify the abioluto seclusion to which
they xvcre accustomed In their "celestial"
honu < t , Mrs. Tsln Kno Yin being the first
to exchange social courtesies with the women
of the diplomatic corps. Nor xxas this
tremendous Innovation accomplished xvlthotit
serious misgivings on the part of the min
ister h mselt acid considerable clever man-
Eminent on llio part of bis friends.
Mrs. Yan Yu , her successor , easily slipped
Into the xvay xvhlch had boon opened for
her , her picturesque appearance and charm
ing personality making her a social favorite.
Al her first appearances In public she xvas
the object of much friendly Interest and un
disguised curiosity , but It soon became no
uncommon event to tee her In public , sur
rounded by her little family.
Thu children were thciefore early Intro
duced lo American custom : , , and under Amer
ican tutors advanced rapidly In the language.
The spirit of Freemasonry existing among
boys made It a comparatively easy matter
lor thn eldest son , a hey of 8 , to make ac
quaintances and gain friend * . He xxas pMoed
In school , and possessing nil unusually quick
inlnd , soun acquired enough imlisli : ; to ptex
ecute his ordinary studios In that language.
Ho became so attached lo his school frlrr.ds
and American xvaya generally that xvhcn In
April liint a change in the mlnlstiy xvas
inotlo the thought of turning his back upor.
nf entering the high school in Washington
tills aulumn. Mr. Szc , an attache of the
Icgallon and a very Intelligent Chln&maii.
xvas graduated from the high school In June ,
and Is already entered as a Httldcnt at Cor
nell. During a recent Inter * low xvllh Mr.
Szo he remarked that very much moro xvork
xxns expected of university men In China
than from the men here , their principal
study being In the line of their llttvaturc ,
which U complicated , Involved and dUflcult ,
but xvhlch they are taught to ndoro , Mr ,
Szo having just returned from a "spin , " xvas
dressed In the conventional English bicycle
suit , In xxhlch he looked very smart. He
docs not shave his head or wear a pigtail ,
and at Coinell will xvcar the ordinary dress
of an American citizen.
This cosmopolitan education of even a
sprinkling of the younger generation Is
bound to have Its Influence upon the Iron
clad customs of the old xvorld and the free
Intermingling of these hlgh-casto eastern
x\omen Tvllh llio xxell bred women of other
natlonx has already begun to bear fruit.
Mrs. Ho , for example , wife of the eecrclary
of Air , Yang Yu , although herself the victim
of bccidagcd feet , xvill not allow the feet of
her daughters to bo bound. Indeed , her
three little children , all born In this country ,
had American nurjcs and were fed , clothed
and taken care of exactly as American chil
dren are.
When the piesent minister xva asked :
"If you had a daughter , xxould you bind
her feet ? " nti Inscrutable look passed quickly
ncrcB ? his face , as he said :
"Madam , I have no daughter. '
"And If you had ? "
After corslderablu hesitation , he sloxxly ro-
plllid , "I do not think I should. " This xvas
the mori ! of a concession , as the minister
evidently takes great pride In the little feet
of his xvlfe. Mrs. Yang Yu's feet xviro not
thus deformed , as she comes from the north-
IIP ! i
it all xx-as a source of the greatest grief to
him. It was rather hard upon the boy , too ,
just as ho had got a good grip of his Eng
lish to be obliged to drop It and begin the
same grind on French , for as soon as It xvas
known that his father xvas to go to St.
Petersburg that Is' xvhat ho had to do , French
being the court language In Russia. Master
Yang Yu ulxxays xx-ore bis little Chinese cos
tume , xvhlch made him rather a conspicuous
figure among his playmates , but once a boy
tirovcs himself a thoroughly "good felloxx- , "
his clothes count for little xvltb hl chums.
The nexv minister. Mr. Wu , being a pto-
tcgo of LI Hung Chang , and , therefore , of
the more liberal party , besides having uludlcd
laxv In London four yws , had , perhaps ,
fewer prejudices to combat upon coming to
America any previous Chinese iiilnN-
ter , though to distinctly reverse one's social
cede Is always- more or less of a xvrench.
Mrs. Wu , ho\\'pv r , early made her entree
Into Washington society , and their only son ,
a lad of 10 , xvas Immediately placed In a pil-
vatu school. Of course his school life seems.
a little dull at first , as about all ho can do
is to sit and listen to the other pupil ? rn-
Cltlng , his teacher occasionally calling his
attention to some particular object and ic-
qulrlng him to pronounce Its name. How
ever. Washington teachers have had consid
erable experience xvlth the children of for
eigners and have consequently lea'iicd to
adapt their method ? to them xvlth a goodly
degree of skill. Recreation time Is quite a
different matter , as gainer and toys , the uni
versal language of boys , are fortunately
about the same the xvorld over. Balls , mar
bles , tops , hide-and-go-seek , etc. , are as much
the part nf a Chinese boy's life as of an
American's , and xvlth these us passports.
Master Wu already boasts his circle of boy
friends. He has even learned to ride a bl-
cycle ( a diversion as yet little , known In
China ) , but owing tu his costume la obliged
to content himself xvlth a girl's wheel. Foot
ball Is also a nexv game to him , though
liaso ball Is quite a favorite game among
thu Chinese. Kite Hying Is much moio of
a pastime amongst Chinese boys than
amongst the Americans , and even old men
indulge In the amusement xvlth the gieateut
delight. Chlnesu boys nro also extiemely
expert at playing battledore and shuttle
cock and aniline- themselves xvllh It hours
together. Thu Fourth of July was the first
fete day that Master Wu witnessed In Amer
ica , and It seemed a very homo-llko celebra
tion to him , as fireworks , especially llio
crackcra , are used on almost every fete occa-
Bleu In China. The evening display In Wash
ington , however , xvas a great revelation to
Jilm , as , though the Chinese xvero the first
nation In the xvorld to make and use flru
crackers , and still continue to export them
In enormous quantities , they know little or
nothing of colored lights and the brilliancy
and magnificence of modern pyrotvchnlcal
Life hoxvever. Is very far from being all
tocer and sklttlea to Chinese boys. They
are accustomed to t > pcndlng many morn
lioura a day at their studies than the ordi
nary American youth. Master Wu beside hla
regular school work , has a Chinese tutor
with whom he IB expected to xvork several
Siours a day at his studies In Chinese. Chin
ese parents are Indeed exceedingly strict and
careful In the training and education of their
children , rarely turning them over to the
nurses during their hours of play. The
C'hlncso mother of the higher class expects
lo spend the greater part of her time In the
companionship of her children.
Mrs , Wu alio brought with her to America
a cephexv of 16 , who Is hard ut work , tak
ing dally IcesoQB in English , with the hope
ern part of the empire , where the custom
does not obtain. It Is a mere matter of
fashion , against xvhlch , hoxvever. It Is almost
Impossible to make rny headxvay , as in
southern China It irf a distinct sign of breed
ing. Indeed , It Is almost impossible x.o find
husbands for young xvomen xvhoss feet meas
ure more than four or five Inches , In Isngth.
Hoxxever , proud of their little feet they may
be in their oxvn country , the Chinese xvomen
Yi Washington can't help but envy the cshe
and grace xvlth xvblch American xvomen xx-alk.
Although able to hobble about their homes
and occasionally around the block , they are ,
of course , tremendously restricted in thel :
locomotion. When the feet-are thus bounl
the leg never develops beloxv the knee ui
all , and must always be kept bandaged 11
order to support the xvclght of the bodj
This Is the beauty of the skin
as xvell as the shape of the leg , and nothlni ;
is more unMghtty than the unbandaped lei ;
mil foot of these victims to a sense'etii
\ii Aeeiiiint of the ClielniNford Knriii
nml UN OneHtH.
What do you think of a summer hotel
whose boarders are all of the fur , feather
or fin tribe dogs , cats , squirrels , rabbits
pigeons , canaries , parrots , gold fish and pet
turtles ? There really Is such an establish
ment In Nexv Utrecht , a suburb of Brooklyn
N. Y. , and It Is one of the most xvonderful
hotels In the xvorld , as you shall see.
This curious summering place for the
household pets of rich folks Is quite unknown
except to Its patrons , xvho are familiar xvlth
the xx.cll-kcpt structure and surrounding
grounds under the name of Chclmsford farm.
It Is an Ideal place for a xvell-brcd dog era
a bclf-rcbpectlng eat to pass the warm
months of the yenr. No one could trulh-
fully say that Chclmsford farm was not a
very respectable hostelry , and though the
price of board and lodging Is rather high ,
the tone of the place Is equally high.
Picture to yourself a beautiful stretch of
grenn laxvn , with fine old trees , xvalllng It
In on all four sides , and down at ono cor
ner of this emerald square ono big frame
house surrounded by u number of smaller
wooden structures , llko a hen In the midst
of her brood of chicks. That Is the xx-ay
the animals' hotel looks from the outside.
Let us first peep Into the cats' nuartcrs ,
xvhlch consists of a long , low building nest
ling under trees that shelter the feline hotel
from thn hot sun. A broad aisle runs
straight through the center of the building ,
while on both side. ] are apartments par
titioned off xvlth stout open-work xxlre xvalls
xvhlch I suppose are so constructed to alloxv
thu toms and tabbies to chat xvlth each
other without having to leave their own
looniH. Each of these rooms Is about six
feet wide and eight feet deep and from
floor to celling IB at' ' least a distance of nine
feot. So you see the cats' hotel at Chclms-
ford farm Is a large , airy and altogether
comfortable place In xvhlch to while away
the summer.
Looking after the xvelfaro of every cat ,
caring for them when they are sick and feed.
Ing them xxlth such delicacies as only a
pussy can appreciate , you may find John
Bauer , an affable German , xvho known more
about cats than most people know about
themselves. And yet , Mr. Bauer has _ to label
each of tlui cats' apartments , beca'uso txvo
or three of his boarders nro so nearly alike
that It would he an easy mailer to mix
them up. There nro three mallcto tabbies
at Chclmsfurd farm this summer that are
similar In every respect and their oxvn mas
ters could not tell them apart. When the
manager of the cats' hotel puts In an ap
pearance , there la a general cry of delight
fioin all the four-footed boarders , for ( hey
have grown very fond of John Bauer and to
see them rub their heads and shoulders
against the xxlro xvalls of their rooms and
reaching out their paxvs to caress him you
xvould think ho had knoxvn them all their
Thu dogs are housed In a series of big ,
loomy kennels , clean , cool and comfortable ,
They , too , are as fond of their hotel manager ,
John Hughes , as arc the cats of tlielrti.
Three limes a xxeek Mr. Htlgheu treats his
guests to a kind of canine Turkish bath ,
and ) uu may be sure their coats are sleek
and beautiful after each of these operations.
There are shady lanes through xvhlch the dogs
are alloxvcd to exercise and gambol on fine
days , and across the road from the farm Is
a pond xvhero noxv and Ihen Mr. Hughes'
cummer boadera are takan for a sxvlm. There
are thirty-eight dog guests registered at this
hotel , among them a number of Newfound
lands , St. Bernards , callles , terriers , setters ,
pugs nd spaniels , aud , as you can guess ,
dogs of valuable breeds like these represent
an enormous amount of money. The dogs
at Clielmsford farm are very swell indeed ,
aud most of them are there until the middle
of October , while the others will remain until
their oxxueru return from Europe , Hir H r-
bor , Newport and Narragansett bay late In
the fall ,
A bright little spinlel owned by a Brooklyn
woman furnishes entertainment now and then
for the other guests. "Beauty" Is the
spaniel's name , and she Is a great lover of
cake. When a piece of cake Is offered to her ,
no matter how hungry she may be , nothing
can induce her to toke It until some one
says. "That Is for you , Beauty1 you may cat
It , " when she will nuke It disappear In a
twinkling. Beauty will hang on tc rope's
end and will let herself bo swung around
the head of the keeper until you would think
her jaw would crack , and then bark xvlth de
light xvhen she fin ( Is that the rope could not
bu taken axvay from her.
But this big summer hotel Is not limited
In Its accommodations to cats and dogs only.
There are several r < | ulrrcl boarders , a chip
munk , a prait to dog and txvo marmosets , or
tiny monkeys. The latter are clever little
fclloxve , with snapping black eyes that hold
a world of mischief in their depths. They
have already succeeded In getting outside
their cages and raising > havoc among the
pigeons and parrots. U was only after a
deal of coaxing and a lavish expenditure of
nugar that the unruly guests were finally
caught , subdued and locked In their own
For the parrots and pigeons there Is a
large cage , partitioned oft Into smaller cages.
The canaries and other small birds are
boarded In their oxvn cages , where they seem
to bo moro comfortable than In strange quar-
tcrs. Most of the parrot guests are great
talkers , and their constant babble Is amiiH-
Ing as It Is confusing ; It is a real babel of
bird voices. One big gray parrot xxlth an
Immense string of words at his command
and a voice that sounds like the rasping
of a flto on the edge of a tin plate , Is the
star boarder In the feathery section of the
Chclmsford farm. This parrot Is named
"Major. "
In a room near the birds' apartments the
pet fish are Icdged In numerous glass globes
and small aquarium tanks. Here arc gold
fish , sturgeon , speckled trout and a family
of mall turtles. These summer lodge's are
very peaceful and do not require the constant
atttntlon and care that their larger and
more lobust felloxv-boardcrs do. But they
are prized quite as highly by their owncis
and their loss xvould bo felt quite as keenly.
There Is no Institution similar to this Nexv
Utrecht summer resort for pets to be found
elsewhere In the xVhole xvlde xvorld. It Is
entirely original and unique and a day pcni
among 1U furry , feathery and scaly denizens
would maka glad the heart of any healthy
boy or girl.
A. If. H-jnnor.
When I go to lied nt ntght.-
You'cl xxonder that I dare
To go Into the room at all ,
It I told you xvhat xvns there.
There's an elephant and a tlgor.
And a monkey and a bear ,
A lion xvlth a shaggy mane
And most ferocious air.
Hut I think pcriaps my bravery
Will not excite surpilse
When I tell you that their master
In a crib beside them lied.
Do not drink foreign Champagnes.
You xvlll find better at home.
Drink Cook's Imperial Champagne.
GOSSIP Allot" ! ' .XOTl'JIl I'KOIM.n.
Mr. Jansscn , the eminent astronomer , hup
left ParU to Inspect his Mont Blanc observa
tory. The scientific caravan xvlll start from
Chamounlx soon to take meteorological read
ings at an altitude of 14,000 feet , the highest
station In the world. Mr. Perrotln , director
of the Nice observatory. Is oxpccted to jo'n
the party , in order tostudy the morning
elongation of Venus and to ascertain the
period of the planet's rotation , noxv a debated
question among astronomers.
Collls P. Huntlngton , the president of the
Southern Pacific railroad and of the Pacific
Mall Steamship company , mantalns three pa
latial residences , xvhlch are kept In such per
fect running order that any one of them Is
ready for occupancy by his family at a mo
ment's notice. One of these residences If
it Fifth avenue and Fifty-seventh street.
New York , another In the fashionable quni-
ter of San Francisco and the third Is in the
village of Wcstchester , In Nexv York state.
Besides these three homes , Mr. Huntlngton
has a cnmp In the Adlrondacks , on xvhlch
some $30,000 or $40,000 have been expended.
William Spohn Baker , who has Just died
In Philadelphia , xx-as the oxvncr of a opllec-
tlon of Washlngtonlana that many judged
pronounced the mrst complete In existence ,
tt consists of engraved parti-alts and biogra
phies of Washington , together xvlth bookb of
eference on Washington's time. "These
books , " says the Philadelphia Ledger , "Num
bering about COO , together xvlth about l.COO
ingravlnKs. principally prtralts , and 000
medals , will , it Is believed , noxv go to enrich
the collection of the Historical Society of
Pennsylvania , of xvhlch for years ho was an
ictlve member , holding at one time the office
if vice president.
Osman Dlgma , xvho for years Ins been giv
ing the British trouble on the upper Nile , Is ,
according to the Pall Mall Gazette , really
a Scotchman named George Nlsbet. Ho was
born In Rouen of a Glasgoxfathor. . xvho In
1848 emigrated to Egypt , xvhere ho died.
His xvldoxv married a Turk named Osman ,
xvho adopted her son and made him heir tu
his slave business. George Nlsbet took the
name of Osman All , and after being edu
cated at the military academy , xvhero he
xvas the Intimate friend of the late Arab ;
Pasha became a slax-e trader. The harm
done lo his business by Iho English nnd
French Interference In Egypt and the fall
of Arabl Pasha lurncd him against his for
mer countrymen. He muBt be over CO years
of age now.
While Mark Twain was In Dresden he
expressed a xvlsh to meet Dr. Paul Llndau.
The result xvas a d'nncr ' given by an Ameilcan
resident there xvhlch brought the Ixvo dls-
lingulshcd aulhors together. When conversa
tion became general Dr. Llndau gave his
vlexvs on America. He had been there for
a foxv weeks and knexv II all. In parllcular
he condemned the climate of Florida. Mr.
Clemens thereupon spoke lift : "I xvas there
some years ago and spent some lime In Key
West. While at Key West a schooner pul
In ono day xvlth several of the crexv dead
from yelloxv fever. Well , there was great
excitement In the loxvn and elaborate prepar
ations xvero madn for the funeral. A minister
xx-as secured to officiate , and xvhen all xxns
cady ho opened his prajer book and read
the marriage service. Thcro xvas no funeral
service In the Key West prayer books , They
never have occasion to use It. "
"James M. Woolworth , " says the Philadel
phia Record , "xvhoso sensational address to
the American Bar association at Its Cleveland
meeting- creating much comment is per
haps the foremost lawyer In Nebraska and
ono of the most remarkable men In America.
Ills father was a noted Nexv York laxvyer ,
nnd as goon as young Woolxvorth left Ham
ilton college he began the study of laxv under
the preccptorsnlp of his father. As early as
185C ho loft Syracuse , N. Y. , and xvent to
Omaha. He xyas the fl-st city allorney e '
Omaha , and has stcadfaslly devoted hlnisel'
to the pursuit of his profession , declining all
temptations to wander Into political lleld.i
foreign to the laxv. Ho xx-as admitted to prai-
tlco before Iho supreme court of the United
dales In 1862 , and since tlmt time ho has
argued moro casts before that court than
any other laxvyer west of Chicago. "
The Mullah of Hadda , whoso name occurs
to frequently In the reports from the Indian
frontier. Is otherxxlso knoxvn as Najam-ud-
din , Akhundzada , the Utter tltlo having been
be'towed on him on one of the foremost dis
ciples nf the Akhund of Swat. Hadda , or
Adda , thn usual residence of the Mullah , Is
In tbo Je'alabad district , Ho was at ono
tlmo the friend and ally of the more cele
brated Mullah Khali ! , xvho gave England a
good deal of trouble during thu Afghan war ,
on three occasion * attempting to rut the
British line of communication xvllh Calm I.
Some ten years ago , when the Ghllzals were
preparing to rise against Ihe authority of
Abur Rahman , Ihe Mullah Khalll endeavored
to persuade Najam-ud-dln to stir up Ihe
Mahmunds and Ihe people of Bajuur to at
tack the Amir's troopa , but the combination
broke down , and Nijsm-tld-dln eventually
made friends with the Afghan geno-al.
Arnica halve.
Tbe best salve In the xvorld for cuts ,
bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores ,
teller , chapped hands , chilblain * , corns and
all skin eruptions , and positively cures plies ,
or no pay required , It Is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price
25 cents per box. for eale by Kuhn & Co ,
H HH * ! HH H m 1 f
The last and nioMImportant , event In-secret
society circles In which people of all societies
and of the city gcricrally were. Interested
was the securing of the 1S9S meeting of the
Sons of Veterans or , This city. This will be
one of the big gatliprlnps of next year , It
being estimated tlmt The usual attendance Is
close to 5,000. Wlth'tho attractions that will
bo In store for the visitors and the cheap
railroad fares from all parts of the country
the local members of the order count on even
a larger attendance.
The credit for securing the Important con
vention Is duo to the Nebraska delegation ,
which consisted of Senator John M. Thurs-
ton , A. H. Haxvltzcr and Frank Coatcs of this
this city , George \Volz of Fremont and W.
H. Davis of Wilbur. These men worked
early and late on the matter , In fact devoted
their whole time to It. The result xvas that
on the first ballot the fight was only against
Denver , that being the solo city that stood
any show outside of this city. On the second
ballot Omaha captured the prize.
The local members propose to begin early
their preparation for the entertainment of
the visitors. As Is known already the en-1
oamntnent will be held on the old fort
grounds , which were secured for that pur
pose. A good many of the visitors will tent
out In this beautiful spot. Entertainment
of various kinds will have to be provided for
the visitors and a hall must be secured for
the business meetings , Altogether the local
Sons of Veterans expect to have their hands
full to inako all the necessary arrangements
and they Intend to begin early. The en
campment will bo held on September 13 , 14
and 1C.
This capture of the location was sufllclcnt
to make the last encampment an Important
one In the eyes of Omahans. In other re
spects , however , the session did not prove to
be very Interesting. There was practically
no business of Importance transacted. Al
most the whole session xvas dcx'otcd to the
consideration of plans to Increase the. mem
The urcsent outlook Is that the secret so
cieties of the city will cut a bigger figure
In the civic parade of next week than In any
jcar since the royal Ak-Sar-IJen family took
Ui1 Its abode In this city. Thcro Is over >
n.ouiiso that the parade of next Tuesday
night will Include the biggest display of se
cret societies that has ever been seen In the
otv. [ Not an order , big or little , has fulled
to make arrangements for as big a turnout
& < its membonihlp will permit.
This Is the result of better management In
the first place. Invltatlcns to take part In
'he oarade xvoi'o sent out rally and they xverc
sent to every lodge of every order In the
city. And every lodge of every order has
? cted favorably upon the Invitations. More
than that many of the bodies went further
than to merely accept the Invitations , and
here the second cause for the promUed big
turnout Is to bei fpurid. A laie number ol
them appointed committees and took othci
mcano to see that astmany of their members
. \s possible shotild 'come Into the ranks ,
.Vpver before In .the .history of the house ol
Ak-Sar-Uen xvas such , universal and enthusi
astic cognizance/ / the edict of his majesty
to como forth and march. There may still
be a third cause for thl . In that these folk
Milnk that this , vearof all years they arc
In duty bound to rejoice noxv that plenteousness -
ness and 'prosperity vis once mere reigning
in their land. a
There xvlll be secret society headquarters
ai the fair grounds during the fair as In
vears rast. Moil oJl thce x-ill consist ol
tents , but fclloxv mernbersx..l be made as
welcome as If the xx-alls xverc of granite. The
neat permanent building of the Ancient Or
der cf United Workmen xvllf be the only one
of the kind on the grounds. Here open house
will he held A3" In years past. , .
Improved Ortli-r of Hod Men.
The session of the great council and the
jubilee cejcbratlon of the fiftieth aanlversary
of the organization of the order summoned
great numbers of Red Men to Philadelphia
last xveck. They enjoyed a great time , for
they seemed to have become the guests of
the city. In their honor stores and houses
xvcre decorated xvhh the colors and emblems
oC the order and every hour of their lelaure
time xvas taken up with receptions , enter
tainments , excursions and other affairs.
Little has yet been learned of the proceed
ings of the business sessions , which xverc , of
course , secret. An attempt xvas made to
reduce the membership one-half In all the
councils of the order , the mileage from 5
to 4 cents and the per diem from ? 5 to $4 ,
but the proposition roused such a storm of
protest that action xvas postponed Indcll-
nltely. The great keeper of xvampum re
ported that the receipts of the jcar xvere
$25,717.30 , and the disbursements ? 10,591.C3.
The grand totals for the last great aun xvcre
reported to be as folloxvs : Adoptions , 29,424 ;
reinstatements , 1913 ; admissions by card ,
1.C39 ; suspensions , 23,293 ; rejections , 'JG5 ; ex
pulsions , 32S ; xvlthdraxxn by card , 1,895 ;
deaths , 1,313 ; membership , G. S. D. 405 ,
14&.245 ; membership G. S. D. 400 , 153,389 ;
Increase 9,715 ; past sachems , 22,115.
Grand Chief of Records C. C. Conley sjld
regarding the general condition of the order :
"I have received a full report xvlth per cap
ita tax from every state great council In the
order , and xxlth few exceptlona they show an
Increase In membership and In their xvam
pum belts. Wo have 100 tribes , outside of
state great council , under the supervision of
tbo great council of the United States. The
expectation noxv Is that In the near future
\vo will Inbtltuto state great council fires In
North Carolina , Arkansas , Arizona , Wash
ington , Wisconsin , North and South Dakota ,
Idaho and Mlssleulppl , and from the present
outlook a great sun hence there xvlll bo a
great council fire In every state of our
union. "
The tribes and con ells of the local hunt
ing grounds are making great preparations
to entertain the great council of th'a ' reser
vation , xvhlch convenes here on the six
teenth sleep of btaver moon , G. S. D. 406.
Many xvarrlore from other tri'tics ' and hunt
ing gron ds xvlll bo In attendance at this
great poxx' xvoxv. A banquet for thu head
olllccrs of the state rnd a big Indian for
their pale face friend xvlll be some of the
features of the big meet.
Vahnundahsls trfto No , 2 Is groxvlng at
a rate that flllE every member xvlth pride
This tribe has donned the war paint and iri
searching the forest for pale faces to capture
and lead them through the mysteries of red-
The pale facefriends of Alfarctta council
No , 3 , degree ojJipiahi ( las , met with the
council at Red Men's hall , Continental block ,
on the sleep of ( hVllrtPenth sun , corn moon ,
and , despite thp"tprrld weather , enjoyed a
splendid dance program that the entertain
ment committee of-the council had pre
pared for them/'This committee was com
posed of Slsterp Myrtle Aulthaus , Lizzie
II. Clark. Horrlsit fnd Drown , existed by
Mr. A. J. I'oguu.Llglit-refreshments xvero
sorxed dxirlng the evening.
l'Vii < < Tiiiil- Union of Aiiierloii.
The order will. he..represented at the an
nual session of fll $ .National Fraternal con
gress , which meets Jn I'crt Huron October
5 , by F. A. Fal ij urg. V. F. Hoe e , W. 0.
nogeru and J. C , , jlo t. Tueao delegates will
attempt to secure thn 189S tension for
Omaha Pour o > ftye cities ere working for
tbo next convuqjtlQii , and will bo on hand
xvlth documents and arguments which they
think xvlll win the prize. The Transmls-
cUslppl exposition people and the Commer
cial club xx 111 bo aeked to aid In securing
the convention.
Danner lodge xvlll havo'no meeting on next
Thursday night on account of the ( Ak-Sar-
lien featlvHIei. On the folloxvlng Thursday
a public entertainment xxlll bo given.
Thu order xvlll have three attractlxo
floats In the civic parade on Tuesday even-
A lodge of seventy-one members lus been
organized at Dcutrlce and another of thirty
members at Dow City , la ,
Imperial ) ! > NU I.t-Kliin.
At the regular open meeting of Windsor
cattle , No. 1 , la t Thursday a largo uudl-
encc enjoyed an excellent program. The
progrcm convicted of a piano solo by MUs
Lavlnla Jackson , a vocal solo by Mr.
Poiidray , recitations by Mlsi Edna Martin
and > Mr. Iackard , a zither solo by Mr ,
Adblph Hennlng , a character sketch by Dick
Uehan , Jr. , aa address tiy Colonel ( Akin and
selections by a quartet composed of the
Misses Crawford mid Messrs. Wlnktcnun anil
Pendray. Refreshments xvero serx'cd. The
castle Is arranging for a trolley party or
September 28.
Good reports ore received from the field ,
A castle xxlll bo organized at Falls City
during the coming week and another at
iMadlson , S , U. , Is almost ready for or
Next Thursday ) being Ak-Sar-llcn night , II
Is expected that a number of Mystics from
the castles at Plattsmouth , Hlalr , Waterloo ,
Council Iluffs ) and Hod Oak , la. , will take
advantage of the InvltUlon extended to the
last Issue of { ho official paper of the order
to be present to witness the parade and as
sist In the various ceremonies of the ses
sion of Windsor rastlc.
Golden Hod castle No. 15 of Plattsmouth
hold an open social session on Saturday
evening , September 11. which xvas thoroughly
enjoyed by a largo audience. Worthy Hegcnt
Frank J. Morgan presided. A splendid musi
cal program was rendered , consisting of a
piano Kolo by Miss Olga Hajck , a violin sole
by Miss Lillian Kaublo a vocal solo by Miss
Street , humorous recitation by Mr. Packard
of Omaha and a vocal solo by Miss Dora
Sxvcarengcn. The latteri number was a song
entitled "He Was a Soldier Laddie , " the
xvords and music of which were composed by
Mrs. Lctltla E. Ilurton of Plattsmouth.
Criinil Army of the lteiulillo. |
Last xxcek the Grand Army veterans ol
this state gathered in regular reunion at
Lincoln , which commenced on Monduy end
ended last night. The thousands of veterans
and their frlo ds xvho xvoro In attendance
enjoyed themselves hugely throughout the
six days. They have but one kick coming that xvas that an attempt xvas made
to transform the reunion Into a school for
the Inculcation of free silver and popultsllc
doc'-rlncs ,
The chairman of the local committee ol
Lincoln that had the matter ! u charge xvaii
Colonel Pace , a populist. In arranging the
programs for the campflres Colonel Pace
end the committee eaxv to It that only
free silver men xvero given a chance to talk ,
Among thu speakers xxero Congressman
Stark , Congressman Greene , W. J. Uryan ,
and Senator Allen. To be sure some promi
nent republicans xverc placed on the pro
gram , but ccily such xx-cro selected as could
not be present. As a consequence , the old
soldiers had no choice but to listen to frco
sliver men ,
This created a whole lot of dlssatlsfac-
tlcn among the 1,000 or 1,500 veterans xxho
xvcre In attendance , but they got around
the dllllculty by not attending the camp-
fires. In place of attending they got up
little campfircs of their own at tjc ( state
headquarters and there enjoyed themselves
by listening to speakers of their oxvn selec
tion. The scheduled campflres came off , but
they xvere ti ly attended by the people of free
silver sympathies , xvho accompanied the sol
diers to the reunion.
The reunion xvas attended by a good many
thousand people , mony of whom camped
out. Nearly all of the old soldlera took part
In the parade of Friday. In connection xvlth
this parade xvas a very pretty feature a liv
ing American Hag , made up by 2,000 school
children attired 'n costumes of the colors.
I nil < pen lie lit Order of Odd KellimN.
The sovereign loJge of the order will con-
vci u In annual session In Springfield , III. ,
tomorrow and xvlll remain In session until Its
business Is completed. In all probability
the meeting xvlll lost all the xveek. The re
sult of the" meeting will bo xxatched xvlth
considerable Interest by al | Odd Felloxvs , aa
there arc a laige number of Important mat
ters coming up for consideration.
Members of the order Insist that the ses
sion of the Ii dependent Order of Odd Fel
loxvs Is the big gun In the secret society
gatherings of the year , as they claim that
their order Is the largest in existence. The
delegates , xvho xvlll gather In Springfield to-
morroxv morning xvlll represent a total mem
bership of a mllllm and a quarter , divided
up among the various branches and ranks
of the order. Almost every civilized coun
try cr. the globe Is said lo have ono or moro
Odd Felloxvs lodges. Some of the foreign rep
resentatives are expected to be In attend-
Nebraska Is entitled to four delegates , txvo
from the state grand encampment and txvo
from the state grand lodge. The former are
P. B. Uryrnt of this city aud J. S. Hoag-
land cf North 1'latte. The latter are George
L. Loomls of Fremont and GeoVgo N. Deals
of Norfolk. This party departed for the con-
xontlcii city during the latter part of last
Canton Ezra Mlllard No. 1 Is preparing
for an entertainment xxhlch is to be given
some time during the early part of next
month , but xvhlch cm be enjoyed only 'by '
Canton members xvho come In u ( forms.
The program xvlll consist of an exhibition
drill. The flrs > t part xvlll bo taken up xvlth
floor moxements and the second part xvlth
the sxxord manual. Refreshments are to
be served.
KlllKlllN of I'XlllllN.
The members of the order xvlll be much
pained to hear of the death of Joseph Rosen-
Btein , a member of Planet lodge , No. 4 , of
this city and a past grand chancellor of the
order , at his home In Perry , Okl. Mr.
Rosonstcin xvas an enthusiastic member of
the order and xvas alxvays ready to serve
it , alike xvlth his purse , his counsel and his
work. Ho xvas one of tlib earliest and most
earneU xvorkcrs In the early days of the
order in Nebraska , was conspicuous In the
xvork of the grand lodge , and for meritorious
services xvas made a past grand chancellor
of the ordor. He xvas always loyal and
true to his friends under all circumstances.
His xx'ord xvas his bond. Ho had alxvays the
full courage of his convictionHe xvis
fearlessly outspoken and steadfast In support
of xvnat he believed to" " be right , and uncom
promising and relentless In his warfare on
xvhat ho believed to bo xvrong. Ho was very
decided and outspoken In hla Ilkca and dis
likes , and was at all times equally ready
to defend a friend or fae < i an enemy. As a
merchant he xvaa trusted and respected by
all xvho knew and dealt xvlth him. Ho xvas
scrupulously honest and truthful , faithful to
all l\'ji engagements and prompt and ener
getic In his attention to business. His de
parture from Ihls city a fexv years ago for anew
now home In Oklahoma Vhit much regretted
l > y a largo circle of frlen'18 and brethren of
the order , and the nexvi , of his death xvlll
cause great sorrow to them all.
Ho xxas a member of the endowment rank ,
having been n charter member of the Urn
section started In Nebraska and largely 'In
strumental In Its organization. It Ki gratify
ing to hear that ho left for his widow $3,000
Ufa Insurance In that rank ,
Woodmen of Hie Worlil ,
The local members of the order have made
unusual preparations to have a big turnout
In the civic parade of the coming week. A
meeting of representatives of all the camps
In this city , South Omaha and Council Blurts
xvas held last week at the headquarters In
the Shccly block to arrange the matter. The
result of this meeting xvas a promise that
the order would bo much better represented
In the line of paradu than last year.
As aiv incentive to bring out as many of the
members as possible tho.soverelgn officers of
the order xx 111 give as a prliu to the best
camp turnout a big American ( lag. The
prize will be won by the camp which has the
blggebt percentage of Its membership In thu
ranks. It Is expected that this offer Is likely
to get out a considerably number who In the
past have refused to march.
The local members xvlll meet at the Slieely
block at 7 o'clock sharp on the evening of
the parade , xvlll form In line theru and xvlll
inarch out to their placeIn the parade. The
division xvlll bo headed by the Alpha Camp
band. Behind will come the rarrlagcs con
taining the sovereign officers , the Alplm
guards , forty &trong , In uniform , and then
the different local camps in order. Thu
Council Bin ltd and South Omaha contin
ents are aluo expected to have big turnouts.
W. V. Tcetzel xvlll bo division marshal.
Colonel II.V. . Jowctt of Manchester. la. ,
chairman of the finance committee , la In thu
city Investigating deatbclalms _ ,
With the Oimiliii KlkN.
Members of Omaha lodge No 39 , Ileoovo-
lent Protective Order of Rlks , are this year
taking especial Interest la the fill festivities
During the coming week the lodge roams
at Fifteenth and Farntm streets will lie dec.
orated with the colors of the or.ler , ( o-xvlli
White and purple ; while all Interior decora
tions will bo the xvell-knoxxti red , yellow
and green of the Ak-Sar-llcn. The
display xx 111 be of pimple and white lights
and the designs xxltl bo peculiar to the or
On Tuesday , September 21. the entire lodge
will take part In the procpcsUn. ( he uni
form for the occasion being full dress , silk
hats and canes. It Is the Intmtlon to have
A float In this procession , carrying a full-
sized elk In his native elements. The lodge
xvlll have the Seventh Ward baud and xvlll
head the second tllvlalcn. livery member of
the lodge 1 ? expected to report at the lodge ,
room at 7 p. m. sharp , September 21 , In
proper apparel. Drother Moses 1' . O'Hrlen
xvlll have charge of the lodge and all xvll
be subject to his orders ,
The lodge rooms xvlll bo open at all time ;
during the xveck to all HI Its am ) their Ind)4
friends to view processions. All visiting
brothers arc cordially Invited to take part
In these festivities.
llu lnc N Men * I-'rnternlty.
A lodge xvas organized In Norfolk lost xveck
by Organizers H. 13. Nexx branch and S. II.
Martin , assisted by Acting Supreme Organ
izer H. C. M. Durgcss , Thirty-four ropresou-
tatlvo citizens of the town have Identified
themselves with the order. Norfolk's future
never looked brighter than at present and
the members of the organization are confi
dent that a vigorous effort xvlll materially
Increase the population and resources of the
city. The following xvero the officers elected
and Installed i K. A. Hullock. P. ; H. U. Wei-
ler , V. P. ; Hurt Mapcs. P. P. ; C. C. Goxv. S. ;
W. H. Ducholz , T. ; John Friday , P. F. ;
Sprccher. S. ; M. C. Walker , G.
The order noxv has thirty-one lodges In the
state , xvlth a total membership of almost
iMndern AVooiliueii or Ainerlen.
The members of U. & M. camp No. 2722
are greatly elated over the complete success
of their first public entertainment xvhlch
xvas given In the camp's hall In the Labor
Temple Friday evening. A moro than usu
ally Interesting program of vocal nnd In
strumental music , recitations and other se
lections xvas given , after which refresh
ments xvcre served. The evening's pleasure
was rounded out by " short program of
dances. The camp's brass band made Us
first public appearance on this occasion and
created a most favorable Impression , Cady
camp , Royal Neighbors assisted materially
In making the affair a success.
Aiirlent Order of I'nlteil Workmen.
The members of the order are cntliuslnstlc
over the fact that during the last month the
Nebraska membership has made a bigger In
crease than for the same period at nny time
during the last five years , The Initiations
numbered 300. This Increase Is attributed
In great measure to the action of the late
grand lodge sesstpn , authorizing an active
canx-ass for members.
The drill crew of South Omaha lodge No.
GG , Is arranging to give the first dance of the
coming Beaten on the night of September 30
at Ancient Order of United Workmen's hall.
I.ndlen or the MneenlieeB.
The members of Laurel hive , No. 19 , held
" " at the residence
a very enjoyable "pie party"
dence of Mrs. Ella Wcston , 2S15 California
street , on Monday evening. The guests xvcre
composed of the members of the blvo. xvlth a
fexv Intimate friends , xvho all voted the
"dough party" a great success. The hive
Intends to give a grand ball Thanksgiving
eve , November 24 , In the Thurston Hides
if Hie Korent.
The supreme council has fitted up elegant
and commodious offices in The Hee bulld-
Int ; . xvhero the business of the order Is noxv
Forest council. No. 1 , has postponed Its
social to the second xvcek In October on ac
count of the State fair.
Garfield council. No. 2 , of South Omaha
gave a pleasant dancing party In Its coun
cil hall on last Monday evening.
Trllic of Ileii Hur.
Mecca court No. 1 gave a very enjoyable
social last Friday evening at their hall In
The Dee building. A selection by the Har-
monla Zithers quartet and a recitation by
Prof. Goodnoxv xvere among the good things
offered. An elaborate supper xx-as bcrved ,
after xvhlch dancing xxas Indulged In until
12 o'clock , when "Home , Sxvcct Homo" xvas
played and cx'erybody xvent home xvell satis
fled with the evening's entertainment.
The "IllcyclUt's beat Frieud" : s a familiar
name for DeWItt's Witch Hazel Salve , ul
xvays ready for emergencies. While a epe-
clllc for piles , it alst ) instantly relieves am.
curea cuts , Cruizes , salt rheum , eczema anil
all affections of the skin. It never falls.
KI\UI > R A miL'TH KOI I Tim CAXA1 , .
IJeep Wiiterwny from ( lie Cireut IiUs
to the Atlantic.
DETROIT , Sept. 18. The deep xvatcrxvaj
commission appointed to Investigate the
feasibility of and select routes for a deep
ship canal between the great lakes and the
Atlantic has selected permanent headquar
ters In this city. The three members o
the commission , Alfred Noble"of Chicago ,
George Y. WU'tier of Detroit and Major Ray
mond. U. S. A. , have just completed a
thnrouEh reconnaisFance of the region be
txveen Toniwauda and Lake Port , N. Y. , In
order to determine the routes to be fitir-
vcyed In that locality. The present com
mission is directed to survey routes recom
mended by the first deep watorxxny commis
sion. C. N. Harrison of Chicago has charge
of the surveying party In the field.
Mr. Wlsner said today : "It Is most
probable that Tonaxvanda xvlll be one ter
minus of the ship canal. Niagara river
can be qultn readllji Improved to that point ,
and there tt'o a good many practical reasons
for the s"lectlon.
"The most Important prcblcm Is to devise
some xvay of regulating the lake levels to
prevent the great fluctuations xvhlch have
been observed In them. Colonel O. J.
Lydecker has como to our aid In that mat
ter by lending us the surveys of B. K. Has-
chell of his corps of engineers at the Haulto ,
xvho went to Tonawanda yesterday to spend
the next txvo months determining the vol
ume of water discharged through the Ni
agara river. Mr. liaschell Is an expert on
such matters. I am convinced that the
regulation of lake levels Is feasible and
that equilibrium at a point below the maxi
mum elevation can bo maintained.
"The depth of xvater to bo maintained In
the deep xvater channel Is a matter not yet
decided. There arc a mtiltlpllolty of con
siderations , The cxpciibo of building to
twonty-flvo feet over the cost of txventy feet ,
compared ] xvlth the advantages to commerce ,
must bo carefully weighed. "
llolliiinliTN SeekliiK liiforiniitlun.
SAN FRANCISCO , Sept. 18.-0. F. Vonder-
bosch , who Is connected xvlth the experi
mental station of the Holland Agricultural
college at Wagenlngcn , Holland , and J. J.
Dredlns , a lead i K boot sugar manufacturer
of the same place , have been In California
for three weeks past , acquiring Information
on the beet sugar Industry of the state.
They xvlll leave for home within a few days
and make a rcporj on their observations tu
the Institution xvhlch they are representing
during their travels.
Stopping Sjirend or CoiiHiinudloii.
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 18. The state
board will hold a special meeting In thlx
city next Thursday to consider the yclloxv
fever epidemic in MUsUilppl and Louisiana
and the increase of titberculosU In this Male
An effort will lie made to prevent tl.o In
crease of consumption In this state , duo ,
according to mnay ihyslcluu , to eastern
victims seeking a sanitarium here.
Ore l.itdeiied S tell ill IT KoiiniliTH ,
SAULT STK MAIUK. Mich. . Sept. 18. The
echooner Hci ry A. Kent , bound from Ash
land to Lake Erlt ! ports with a cargo of Iron
ore la tow of the steamer J. C. Ollchrlst ,
foundered off Stannard rock , Lake Superior ,
In the gale of ThurcAiy night The crew
xvas rescued xvlth great difficulty by the Oil-
I'licle * * Deeliireil limiine.
SAN FHANCISCO , Sept. 18. Mies Flora
McDonald Shearer , a poetr-cs of national
reputation , has been declared Intanu and
was today taken from this city to a pri
vate asylum at Llvermore. All of bur living
relatives reside either lo Scotland or on thu
Isle ol Bkye ,
Ail t ( M'tlrcmciil * for Ilione roluiiuii
nlll lip tiiKcsi until li : in. for din
< M culm * a ml until H | i , in , lor llio
imiriilnu mill Smuliiy nlltlniiK.
A < tvrrll er , liy rcitncMliiK u iitiin-
lu-reil olu'cli , I < H n linxo inmnrrH nil-
ilrpsr < t ( > u iiiiiiilirreil letter In onru
til Tlu Hoe. . \IIXX < TN NO nililrrfiirit
Mill Inilrll > prcil 1111 itrcnriittttlttn (
{ Inolieek oiijj.
lliiti- ( i i-Un n norri Hrnt Insertion )
lo u uitril tlioi-i-nftcr. .Notlilnu take it
fur lonn tliuii "Me for ( lie II rut limcr-
( liin , ' 1'lifNo itiltorllNctiirnlii numt bo
WANTIII ) . TIMK COP ? . ciflOUlIiVIl MVr >
ti-n xxillten , vn\rliu-n | iiuMicsscil nnJ mnmi-
cilit | coilr.l | ut rcuponiiblc teiins , Aililii-i > 't
Hoc olllcc. A-M9SG 14
Innclilnclll ; \\nrk In urflcn or mltc It holm- ,
terms liy U.iy or xxrtk. AiUliru T M , lJc f
ntt- A- ISO 19 *
w A N 'run. Im > IUN : K Ton "wiTi IAO TA ?
Hooin G. Slutc ItuUl , ox IT Monday. A 18 ? 19 *
\VA\TUDM A 1,11 11131,1 * .
of x\nik : no lienxy Bomls to tulitry or
coimulrMon , C. ! ' . Ailnni ! ) Co. , Ml So. Mil St.
oxpohfCH , nl.I . ilri.i , vxperlenci' umitci'innry. In-
lUictmems to ruttomm. c. O. IjKliop A Co. ,
St. 1-ouls. ll16
Nntlonnl Iti'prrxe nepnclHllon ; llio bent , fafoH
nml Koiiiulest onlri In the llclil tojay.
AiMioan 1A. . O. Stcxcns , 511 N. IStli St. ,
Onmh.i. n (17
Eooil pay xx-ei-kly to right party , llmxlts Nur
sery Co. , Mllnnuker , W s. 11MUS 8l
must bo raiil | | penmen , quli-k ami accurate at
IlKiirei ; only lliu'C ImxIiiK liail > tnr * of ex
perience with xvhuli'Falp mercantile IUIUHCR need
apply ; Klxo present anil fmmcr eniploiiiviilu ,
Al Hilary to cnpalilt ! inn tit's. AililiorH T M ,
Ilee. 11-M940-
pletc line of liibrlcatlne oils , iiirn * i mul npr-
claltles on the , lilicrnl tciinJencl
Ilellii'iiR ' Co. , CIcxi-lHlnl , Olilo. ll-MPTl CO *
Incuianec ; now plnn ; low lati-t ; call bi'tnrrn
1 anil ' ! p. in. , roam 211. McCiiKUc HKlc , Omnlu
Acclilent HviierxB Asfoclatloli. 11 M9TI
onru. Nebraska riothliiK < "o. II S'k2 ' 19
maker. 11. KaB obiuiii , West 1'olnt. 11-M100
resent nn ertalillsheil ht > u e In the hat. cnl > ,
Kloxe uiul mitten and rtraw eooiU line. North-
eaHt4 > iu ] o\uit North und South Dakota and
Nebraska territories. Only ciich familiar with
the line need apply ; lefereneea required Apply
1' . O. llox 1M. Milwaukee. WIs. -M992 S4
In Nebraska and KanviiH , only men need apply
who ale thoroUKhly pi/sled In the Iron , heavy
hardware and vehicle maturlul buslne * ! * Ail-
diTOt T 61 , this paper. 11 1M 19
anil inltroad oxpen fH to any man who will
work enerBPtlcully taking onlei for the most
reliable portrait copying nout-e In the I'nlttd
States. We pay Mrlctly Milnry. Ailihe. s lit
once. Q. i : . Martvl , New York , N. Y.
11 171 19 *
each Two Dollar subscription. No experience
m'cebtaiy. Wrlle for enmple copy. Addre&d
The Cnlhollu Ncns , 5 Harclay St. , N. Y.
R nisTitnirTOus
Itood Pay : HxcPlalor AdvcrtlsliiB Ca. , 2KI W.
ISTith St. , New Yoik. U
BCIICO and energy \vlio dealiu emplojment Ciill
< 03 J'axton blk. 1119(1 ( 19 *
every touii to work for ui day or exenlnKB at
their honieH ; pleasant employment the year
lound ; n cnnxnn < lnK ; we pay $9 to } 18 weekly ;
nny one who can rend can do the work , jou
will find thin a pplendld opportunity , Kend ua
3'our aildresH ; uo will tend you full explanation
and start you to work Immediately. Address
Klandaril Mftf. Co. , Depl. 30 , 142 W. KM St. .
New Yolk. H
olllco ; must xvrltiKUIM \ hand , slate references.
T (17 ( , lice. II-1SO 19
tack lip FlRnH. Kncjnw 4c. Fink Ilros. . Houtn
llcnd , I ml. 11 1S51I ! *
_ _ _ _
expeii'ieaj staple Ilnej po ltlon perinnnrnt , ex
perience unnccesKtry. AddiesH with stamp , Sey.
mour-Whltney Co. , ( ' 102 , ClilcaBo.
11-124 19
tiaile ; linnilb' Iliutit w. oil luck toilet mirrors :
III i ! commNsloiiH. ( Joi'liiliiK , 193-195 tt. Den-
plalncc , ChliaKii. 11-123 19 *
tro. " the modern scourlntc soap ; tack slgim ,
distribute circulars , place samples , orilera , etc ;
stH.uly work , salury $10 weekly and exiwnsos.
TinI.ustio Co. , Oilcnt'o. II122 19'
I'UOI.'ITAIII , ] : opn.viNo ron A PAINTER on
paper hanger In eiich town. Write for par- i
tlrularH to Henry llosch Co. , II 3 , Ohlrnini.
11-131 19 *
ery county ; new Initlneiii ; coed pay ; permin.
eat pot > ltlon ; answer and be wise. EntcprUft
MfB. Co. , HI. Lollh , Mo. 11-116 19 *
to prepare for examinations Hundred * , whom
e prcpaicil by mnll luixe b'en appointed. Wo
originated CorreFpondence 1 in-1 met Ion. for Civil
Service Kxamlnatlons. Tbe mil ) Institution of
tie kind that ran Blow results or h.iH been In
existence more than n few month * Our llflli
year. PartlcuLirs about all government posi
tions , salaries , dati-s and places of examlim-
tloim soiTn to be hcM III Omaha , our plain ,
rates , etc. . and also beautiful views ofYu h *
Ington free. Nntlnnn ! Conespondence Insti
tute ( Incorporated ) , Second National
llldB. , WnBhlnKton , O , C. Il ll3-li !
cniiiKu of branch business in Oniihn , salary ,
$ l,5fw and percinlaRe on huslneas done , JCCO In
? MX ) rash capital reiiulred nx secuilty to pnr-
tlally cover Mink carried. Address I , . E.
U-wls , Saratoga Hotel , Chlcano. 11-114 19
tl.nol thrriUKh Nebraska Inlying and solleltlni ;
produce. Addess ) W 20 , I jrd & Thomas , Chi
cago. II If3 19-
team telegraphy at home by our rapid , easy
system , at trilling > p | . Particulars fief.
Crescent Electrical Company , Chicago.
JI-m-19 *
fry where , to take orlers from merchants ; new
line ; Immenre teller , active mm making > r.O to
ITS x\eckly ; exclurl e or side linn ; costly sain-
pics free. Address Merclmntb' Dept. . 323 Dear
born ft . Chicago. ] t-II7-ia
departments. II. Hunly & Co. , 1319 Knrnaia
HI. Jl210 19
W.\.VrHll.-KKM K IIKI.I' .
17 week. Canadian OIIIelS22 Douclus ,
liounexMirk ; mnull family ; KOOIt alien. ZWJ
IVi | | > IH'm iivtnii" . CM95 *
irlrl of ci Tk'iici'i K" < " 1 xvuiii-3. j I'urlt av .
C KC2 IS *
tniU'Hnu position with ulil i-xliililUiluil firm ,
] .r riiHini-nt ; tiO PIT month unit all rxprnuvK , / ,
I tax 731 , riilriio. C-MD8 ! 19 "
\VANTII > . Ni'itsi : ami , NOT UNUIJII i . TO
uiru for txxo mnull boys. Apply 110 Bo J2nil Ax
( . - mT.-il liouHi'Xuirk , Bin.ill family , KOIH ] WIIKCB.
iSrtfi Du'lce HI. _ _ IVHW-U *
fur x iolrrdlP.ilruK ; no cdnviivjliin Ad >
iltcei * T Gl , Hw. I'MI75 21
t * I
huuH-wurk , Apply ul 19 llarncy Mrn f
\\-A.NTII : ) . dimHNIKAI. ; . iior
WBK" 120 per month l > Miilw < ol. t'niirpirlullon
furnUhMl , liriuliv Muniluy ul H'u'in 4 Jf'--
DoUKlun. t' IW ! ' '
mm. WANTID , i-ou I.VIUAL : : HOPHIJ
wnrkj iooil xuiiifn nml sti'Jily * 'iiiplo > mcnt ,
Apply Hunday at M'J H. 2Vtli uxv. C WO 111 *
Tito Cent Btot * . 1 > U Jt'urnaiu tit. O-IU It