THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE ESTABLISHED JUXE 10 , 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY TG , SEPTJE BEIl 10 , 1807 TWENTY I' AGES. D OOL'Y JjTVH CENTS. SOLDIERS FOR INDIA British Government Orders Ten Batteries of Horse and Artillery to the Front EMBARK SOON FOR SCENE OF ACTION Anthoritips Are Powossod of Information of Serious Character. RUSSIA INTRIGUING WITH THE AMEER It is lutimatctl that a Widespread Plot Has Been Discovered ! PARTISAN VIEWS OF 7HI IRISH SITUATION Kxlent of DlnlreH * III tin * Kinernld Idle VlirlCN IIH VleVieil ! ) > .MfllllHTN uf Different Polltlcnl OrKniilintloiiN , , ( Copyright. 1S97 , by the Afi > oclntril I'rcfn. ) LONDON , Sept. IS. The fact that no less than ten batteries of horse nnd field artillery l ) vo been ordered to omlmrk for India dur- ItiK the months of September and October Is much commented upon In military circles. Under ordinary circumstances the Indian batteries would bo relieved this month , but these have been ordered to remain , nnd there will bo shortly on the frontier fourteen bat teries , a full complement for an army corps. ! As the Ilrltish force now assembled on the frontier Is of ample strength to wipe out all ( visible resistance , the only communion that con bo reached In relation to the dispatch ot < ho artillery Is that the authorities are possessed of Information ot a fccrlous char- actor. The Intimation carried by the War depart ment Monday last to the commercial agent cf the ameor of Afghanistan that no war material or machinery for the manufacture thereof will be allowed to cross the frontier during the present crisis Indicates that the Ilrltish government has by no means entire confidence In the ameer's fidelity and It Is intimated that the government has learned that while professing friendliness with Great Britain he Is preparing for war. Leading men are discussing the secret correspondence respondence- between Russia and Afghan istan , which is said to have fallen Into the liands of British odleers , and It Is further In timated that a widespread plot has been discovered. The truth or otherwise of these stories will develop hereafter , but the fact remains that the large Increase In the strength of the ( British artillery In India cannot bo Intended for use against the Afrldls. THE IRISH SITUATION. The extent of the distress threatening Ire land seems to depend largely on which party's eyes the case Is viewed with. The council of the National federation has decided that the country Is on the brink era a widespread calamity and calls upon Messrs. Dillon and Harrington to convoke u meeting of the Irish members of Parliament for the purpose of requisitioning Mr. Dai- four , the government leader In the Commons , to call an autumn besslon of Parliament to Covlso relief measures and to puss a bill re ducing rents in Ireland In proportion to the Ions Inclined by thu tenants owing to the wholesale destruction of their crops. On the other hand , the Dublin Kxpress says the cry of famine is only a continuation of the party war cry which IK raised every year by the unionists In olllce. and adds : "Judg ing from the past we'may hope that much of the crops doomed to destination by the prophets of evil will bo rescued and that the general yield will bo larger than ex pected. " WOLI.D RESENT CHARITY. The Independent regards the suggestion that the duchess of York will shortly appeal for funds In behalf of the Irish who arc threatened with famine as being an Insult nnd says : "If the country was ten times as iadly oft as It is reported H would resent any charitable appeal to the English. " The Independent denies that Ireland as a whole will suffer acute dlstiess. Figures furnished In tha report of the Inspector of Inebriate re treats show that the effect ot legislative In tervention to icform Ireland Is experimental find wholly Inadequate. About one-third of those entering these letreatH arc cured. The report contends that the number of habitual drunkards In English society l.i greatly un derestimated. It Is also certain that among women of all classes drunkenness Is Increas ing rapidly. ROSEIH3RY ON THR STUMP. Lord Rosobery Is preparing to ro-entcr public Mo. Ho has commenced making speeches and has n round of political en gagements. Ho visited Mr. Gladstone , It Is allowed , with the view of gutting the as sistance of the graml old man In starting him In the good will of all thu political par- tie * . The strike In the engineering trades con tinues and while the employers' federation at a meeting dotet mined not to accede to the demands of their employes there arc signs of a deslro on both aide * to end the strike , iwhlch Is costing the country hundreds of thousands of pounds. The Speaker says It regards the capture Of Victoria do las Tunas by the Insurgents 8 being a salutary lesson , taking the ground that It gives Spain n shock "which It Is hoped will check It In Its drift toward bank ruptcy and civil war. " Wlillo not express ing sympathy with the motives , the Speaker adds ; "Tho United States ran find excel lent reasons to Intervene uliciioer It likes. " The Speaker advises Spain to recall Cap- < aln General Woylcr and to arrange terms iwith the Cubans , , through tha Intermediary of the United States , expressing thu opinion that , otherwise , Spain may lm\o greater dangers to face after the United States con gress ineeU ) . \VHOI.i : 110111)1111 31A V II1SK UP. Ucfeitt of liciiernl Jell'rjN AllVel * In- illiiu Situation SerlniiMly. SIMLA , Sept. 18. The revertra suffered by ( bo British force under General Jeffrya In the attack upon the Momandca In the valley north of Camp Anajatt are regarded mosl seriously , and It Is stated In semi-official circles that If the tltuatlon does not Improve promptly the whole border will bo In arms. Olijeot to SfrtliiK III the Army. nnUSSRLS , Sept. 18. The new law com pelling foreigners to servo In the Civic guard U causing excitement here and in all the cities Inhabited by foreigners. A mats meeting of Americans between the ages of 21 nd 40 will bo held In thli city on Monday next to decide upon the action which they ( Will take lit the premises. Thla will ho fol lowed by a meeting ot the UrltUh subjects lor the aatue purpose. sojin AMCIIOTIM OK AN A.STOH. lionWllllniii WnlYlorf Hiijnjril Illni- M'lf nt Stockholm' * I\IIOKIIM. ( Copyright , 1W , by I'rcus 1'ulillchlnR Company. ) IXNION , Sept. 18. ( New York World Cablegram Special Telegram. ) William Waldorf Astor , who has just returned from a visit In northern Europe , writes very cnthuMa'tlcally of the Swedish women. Ot all the sights In Stockholm , he says , "tlio one best worth n long journey to sec was ho frokcns , or demoiselles , Hcsldc. the particular charms of the feature and expres sion lfco frokcns share the common charac teristics of the tall , trim figures , frank eyes nnd self-possessed chins. The vtry scrxants and barmaliHi look refined and tidy ; even the women wheeling a barrow have a neat Jacket and n well garnished hat. " Mr. Astor relates with gusto .1 joke ho played on one of his party : "Having heard something of Swedish ways , I lured my unsuspicious companions Into a public bath. One of them has not yet recovered from the pink horror which seized him en being surprised , helpless In the water by a tall virago who pioceedcd to soap and rinse him as In the days ot his youth. " Mr. Astor had an exciting experience In n bar ber shop. "I went to a barber to have ray hair trimmed and soon discovered the Inconvenience of unfamlllirlty with.tho lan guage. While my arms were swathed In a sheet and I had nothing to protect mo but my tongue , the barber politely and delib erately clipped off the treasured apex ot my beard In deference to some fugitive local fashion , and In spite of all my vigorous but unintelligible remonstrances. One ot my friends was meanwhile being chased around the shop by n shaving operator who wanted to go over him a second time. " SHE RESEMBLED EUGENIE. Thtre appears to be no doubt that the iody of the old woman found with a frac tured skull In one ot the moat * of the fortifications of Paris Is that of Angellquc Crucho , alias the comtessp de Margnou and Rlgolclte , but still better remcmbercdi aa "Bablnguctte , " In consequence of her .mar velous resemblance to Empress Eugenie. The stratagem ot feudcnts during the em pire led to such scandalous errors that M. Pletrl , the prefect of the police , sent for Angcllquo and ordered her to- have her hair dyed black. To this she reluctantly con sented , and after a turbulent career she dropped into a clan of ragpickers , leaving behind her , atnld her squalid surroundings , photographs andi letters of her psuedo Im perial days. A syndicate has been formed for the purpose ot buying Augustln Daly's lease of Daly's London theater In Leicester square. It has offered 30,000 for It. Mr. Daly has not yet accepted the offer Mn > . Arthur Paget has 1-een seriously 111. She was prostrated at the end of the sea son and went to Harrogate for three weeks , but the waters failed to agree with her. She went to stay with Lord and Lady Howe for the Derby races , became eo 111 that sue could not leivo to go to Ireland to most the duke and duchess of York at Lady Iveagh's , but had to stay two or three weeks. Now the has gone to Scotland to stay with Lady Colebrooke , who has quite a bevy of pretty women here. Mrs. Ronalds went to stay at Bayreuth with a party , which included Sir Arthur Sullivan. She was made much of by the prince and princess of Wales and Lady dp Gray and all the people there. Afterwards she went for a tour of Switzerland and bhc Is now staying at Folkestone , her usual resort each year. WALES IS QUITE CLEVER. The prince of Wales has written a charm ing letter to Mlsp Kussner on the receipt of n miniature which she painted for him. The latter Is full of k'udest words' of praise and good wlshcn that Eho may have oven more success In her profession. The minia ture was given to the princess as a present on the anniversary of their engagement , and the princess Is quite delighted with It. The present which the prlrce gave to Miss Kusmer as a souvenir is a model In diamonds of his liorso Persimmon , with the jockey enamelled in his racing colors. Miss Kussner as a souvenir Is a model shei painted the miniature of the prince that she has had to raise her terms. Her "charges are now 200 for a small portrait. SKXTIMHVT AIlVlOIISi : TO SII.VKU. KiiKllxli Coiiimcrulnl anil rimmcliil Worlil Trilllo Gold Staniliii-il. ( CcpyrlKit , 1S97 , by 1'rcta 3'ublUWnB Company. ) LONDON , Sept. 18. ( Now York World Cablegram Special Telegram. ) The governor of the Bank of England has brought upon himself a perfect hurrlcuno of denunciation for his shadowy concession to the blmot- Hllists , although It U taken for granted that the conditions laid down cannot possibly bo fulflled. Still the mere fact of the bank displaying even the most platonlo affection for bimetallism has strikingly shown how overpowering- ! adverse tlio vast bulk of commercial banking and press opinion in England Is to any Interference , however remote or alight , with the gold standard. The Statist says : "The action of the bank is at once feeble and unwise , though the conditions attached to holding one-fifth ot the bullion reserve In the bank in silver are extremely unlikely to bo attained and need not cause any alarm. Tlio bank should have said emphatically and distinctly that It was not disposed to tamper with the more than fifty years' established usages of holding gold against Us note Issue. There may be a deslro not to offend susceptibilities by plainly tolling the United States and Franco tint England Is not going to fall into any schemes ; but even on the part of our own government a llrm policy would have been decidedly better than pretending seriously to ronsldcr the subject. But the publication of the letter by the governor to the chan cellor ot the exchequer has evoked so much proteat and ridicule that we are not likely again to hear of the proposal. " WAX PACIFY CUIIA IX .MONTHS. \\'c > U-r SVmlN Woril tn ( Iit > HpaiilNli ( iovi'riiiuviil. MADRID Scot. 18. Captain General Wey- lor cables to the government baying that ho Is perfectly confident of being- able to pacify Cuba In four months. Ht'lr to MurlliorniiKll. ( CoprlKht , 1(97 , by rre I'ubllihlnK Company , ) LONDON , Sept. 18. ( Now York World Cablegram Special Telegram , ) The duchets ot Marlborough ( nee Vanderbllt ) , gave birth to a son at 3 a. tn. today at Spencer House , the duke's London residence. Botb mother and child are reported to be doing well , W. 1C. Vaudorbllt and Mrs. 0. H. P. Be- ! mont , father and mother ot the duchess , were present , having come to London In anticipation of the event. Some Americans have been not A little scandalized by the fact that the duchess declined 10 go Into retirement earlier. She wan active and up and about to the last. Presumably she took her cue In that respect from the princes * of Wale * . FOR THE TRANSMISSISSIPPI EXPOSITION AT OMAHA , 1898. r l , } f TOsfesS Sj ± u p/y \ & y.vT * t"TrJ " rs- CA55 CIL&EDT ARCHITCCC AGRICULTURE BUILDING. The design of the Agricultural building shows a richness of ornament almost to redundancy , which not only gives It the character of an exposition building , but suggests the wealth and abundance derived from agriculture. JUch and brilliant color Is an Important element In the design. This color Is applied to the loggias and on the plain wall surfaces , leavl c the nrches. columns nnd' main architectural parts to stand out In simple , strong masses , having no color themselves , but relieved against the colored background. This color treatment produces a beautiful nnd brilliant cffect , , whether seen under brilliant sunlight with the strong shadows falling across It , or In half-lights late In the afternoon , reflected In tlio lagoon or half concealed bv the projections of the buildings , as It Is seen In the perspective. While the building Is of Rennalssance or classic type , the decorations and ornaments will bo cntlrolv modeled from agricultural products festoons of corn and other cereals , nnd even the common market garden products nro given proper place In this decoration. The great wml-clrcular niche forming the main entrance will bo richly decorated In this way In color , and on cither side of It there will bo figures representing the "Digger" and the "Sower , " taken from Millet's famous paintings , sup- Dortcd on cither side by lesser figures and the arms of the state and nation. At each side of the great central arch will bn recessed niches with rich color decoration , and crowning this central composition will bo three sculptured groups , these o = either side representing the zodiac and tha seasons while the centra ! figure , crowning the whole composition , will represent "Prosperity , " supported by "Labor" and "Integrity. " At the corner pavilions there will bo figures representing the seasons and the favorable winds , and Inscriptions relating to the subject of agriculture. Names of these who have been patrons of agriculture or who have made notable Inven tions In this field of labor will be Inscribed noon the panels In the frieze. The outside dimensions of this building are 148x400. It has a total floor space ot 84,260 square feet. FOOT GUARDS SEE A GHOST Shade of Anne Boleyn Seen Walking in London Tower. SAID TO PRESAGE A ROYAL DEATH I'rluci * mill I'rliiccNN of Wiilex to ) Vnlt . London In ( lie Winter PropoNUl to lUlllzc Street I.mniiH lo Heal Wntcr. ( Copyright. 1SS7 , by the Associated Press. ) LONDON , Sept. 18. The prince and prin cess of Wales have announced their Inten tion of paying several visits to London In order to encourage the winter season , the tradesmen of the metropolis having suc ceeded In conveying respectful hints to his royal highness that otherwise the season was certain of failure , which would be followed by a consequent depression In trade , owing to the social reaction which set In after the celebration of the queen's diamond Jubilee. In spite of official frowns and attempts to suppress the chatter It has leaked out that the detachment of Footguards quartered at the Tower of London swear the sentries on night duty have seen the ghost of Anne Doleyn , the unfortunate wife of the much- married king , Henry VIII , whom he caused to bo beheaded on May 19 , 153B. The ghost of Queen Anne Boleyn is only supposed to appear on the eve of the death of a mem ber of the royal family , and , therefore , the matter has been made the occasion for con siderable gossip. The marquis do Leavllle , It Is announced , has gone to Paris with the object of chal lenging all the detractors of Prince Henry of Orleans so long as the prince Is unable to wield n sword in his own defense. The king of Slam has returned to Taplow court from Prance and will remain there until October 1. MARRIAGE AN UNHAPPY ONE. The relations between the duke and duch ess of Aosta , the former being the oldest nephew of the king of Italy and the latter being Princess Helena of Orange , daughter of the late count of Paris , are once more reported to be strained , and H Is further stated that their separation Is only a ques tion of n short time. Although they were only married about two years ago , In June , 1&95 , In Juno , 1S9C , the Figaro announced that the marriage had turned out to ho very unhappy for both parties , and that a Judicial separation was only prevented by the Inter vention ot the duke of Aumalo. The duchess , the Figaro added , refused to bo reconciled to her husband and kept eeparato apart ments. In December of the same year there was hold n meeting of the members of the houses of Savoy nnd Orleans , at the end of which It was announced -that the duke and duchcts of Aosta had been Induced to abandon their Intention ot an Immediate separation. But , when the duchess was here last week , she declared she would never live In Italy again. Her mother , the count ess of Paris , has done all she can to soothe the ruined feelings of the duchess , but all her efforts to make her change her mind seem to have been unavailing , and It Is gen erally admitted that her separation from the duke Is again looked upon as being almost Inevitable. A curious suggestion has been made , with the object of emphasizing the union of the British empire , and It Is meeting with con siderable favor. The Idea Is that , In. place of such distinctive names , Canada , Australia , etc. , the designation of the British empire should be applied to all tbo countries under British rule. Under this plan Great Britain proper would be known as the BrltUh em pire-central , Canada would be known a "British omplre-northweBt , ' etc. The appalling number of cycling accidents Is leading to doiuands for legislation to abate the public danger. There were ton deaths and a score of dangerous Injuries among bicycle riders during the first half ot tbo present week , ROYAL RESIDENCE IN IRELAND. A royal residence In Ireland now appears to bo within reach , as the quern seems to support the proposition. In a long letter to the dnchfpa of York congratulating her upon the success of her recent tour with her husband In Ireland , her majesty asks It she would like to sprad a part of each year In Ireland. On the other hand , Michael Davltt declares the Irish do cot want royalty In Ireland , and be asserts that the duke and duchew of York mistook Irish hospitality for loyalty. William Waldorf Astor Is about to erect a huge Napoleon marble fountain at Cliveden , his magnlPcent estate on the Tliamfo. for merly owned by the duke of Westminster. It Is uuJgrttoyJ that a syndicate usi "cor nered" all of .Whistler's future work In this country , securing exclusive control , and that a gallery exclusively Whlstlerlan shortly will be opened. About the middle of October an exhibition will bo opened at the Imperial Institute ot all the Jubilee gifts and , addresses presented to the queen during the celebration of her jubilee. Half of the iprqcedds will go to the prince and princess of. Wales hospital fund , the contributions to that charity having fal len far short of expectations , reaching only a total ot $923,000. The latest development1 In the use of waste Is a scheme to produce hot water nt 1 pcil cent per gallon from the waste heat of the street gas lamps. A machine for this pur pose has been exhibited , and appears to woik effectively. The various authorities of the poorer districts of London arc considering Its Introduction Into the streets. CHEAP BAJU8. The Paris municipal cc-ijicii , la debating a scheme to furnish cheap baths in small buildings erected on the sidewalks. An agitation which has" assumed proportions tions In Paris Is against a proposal of the municipal council to I'lUiie' the octroi duties from 19 to 50 centimes on each bottle of champagne. . The wlno growers declare this extra tax will materially affect the con sumption ol champagne. The unclaimed jewels and curios to the value of $150,000 , which were found In * the ruins after the fire of the Charity bazaar in the Rue do Goujon , which occurred on May 4 last , have been sold at auction. The money realized Is to remain bonded for thirty years , after which all the money unclaimed goes to the state. The London county council has undertaken to lefonn or abate the noises In the -streets o this city , so far as the shouting of news paper boys Is concerned. The report of the asylums committee of the London county council shows tbcro has bcon an alarming Increase In lunacy during tbo last nine years , especially In London. While the population of London Is 15.49 of Eng land's total , London's percentage of insane persons u 18.87. D > . Cloyo Shaw , an expert on the subject , says : "There Is no doubt that as regards the nature ot lunacy wo are doing all In our power not to stamp out , butte to Increase It. This Is largely duo to the want of asylum accommodations , the technically cured being discharged before they arc really cured , and thus adding further chances for transmitting lunacy. " Theatrically , the week has "been " dis tinguished by four first performances , In cluding that of "Franclllon , " which takes place tonight. The most praiseworthy one was that of "A Summer's Day , " byHenry V. Eumond , a young actor who has played In America. Other productions were "The White Feather" and John T. Day's "The Purser. " SAVE SOMI3 OP TUB OATS CHOI" . IrUli Knrini'i-N Hccovcr n Little from tlie Wreck of Tlielr IlnrvpNt. ( Copyrleiit , 1897. by Presn Publishing Company. ) LONDON , Sept. 18. ( New York World Cablegram Special Telegram. ) The reports from 'Ireland state that owing to a slight Improvement In the weather this week some thing was done toward saying the oat crop In thcso districts where its bad not been al ready destroyed by rain. JJlut the potatoes are gone beyond retrlval. . nnd thcro is no averting ucuto distress over a largo part of UHI country nnd actual famine along the west and southwest seaboards. Public bodies throughout Ireland paused resolutions Im ploring the government , to [ take timely steps to establish relief works , 'and John Dillon has summoned a special meeting of the Irish National Federation to uecuro support from all sections. The Irish representative ! ) de mand an early assemblage ot Parliament to adopt measures to cope with the disastrous situation. The Irish government has given no signs of hearkening to the warning cries rising from all quarters , and owing to the effects of disorganization In the national tanks an agitation to force tbo government's hands seems Impossible , Thus the plight of the poverty-stricken peasantry Is grievous In the extreme. It has always been the policy at Dublin Castle to remain deaf to tbo wants of the Irish people until either by violent agitation or by criticism of other countrlcu the government Is compelled to act. SttriimerH WreeUril In n I1'on. ST. JOHNS , N. P. , Sept. 18. During the dense fog that prevailed last night two steamers were lost between here and Cape Rico. The UrltUh bteawer Shadera , from Boston , Eng , September 5 , for Philadelphia , ! g ashore at Renowes , anil Is a total wreck. Its crew tooli to the boati and was picked up by the coast utcaintr Grand Lake this morning. ' . other steamer , the name of which Is ) et unKtiQvui , Is ashore on an Island off u'licES ; bay Two men only are visible on tli vreck from tbo mainland , Boats have gone to their abulstance. YELLOW JACK STILL RAGES Two More Deaths from the Dread Disease at Now Orl-ans , MOBILE ANNOUNCES ELEVEN NEW CASES Forty-Seven Slelt ivltli the Fever lit UiUvartln Authorities HxertlnK TlieiiiMlvex to Staiiin Out tlio NEW ORLEANS , Sept. IS. The Board of Health of the state ot Louisiana officially announces the status ot affairs In New Or leans "as regards yellow fever to be as fol lows : During the twenty-four hours ending at 6 p. m. there , were : Positive cases officially reported fever , five ; suspicious cases under going Investigation , none ; deaths , two ; total cases of yellow fever to date , thirty-four ; total deaths from yellow fever to date , four. The majority of the cases under treatment are reported by attending physicians to bo doing well. One of the patients Is dying. Citizens have organized a volunteer sanitary force , labor organizations uniting , and they will make Tuesday a general cleaning day. There has been a total ot thirty-five CBFCS hero , and the death rate has not yet reached 10 per cent. , thus showing the mildness of the type of the fever now prevailing. MOBILE , Ala. , Sept. 18. There has been an accumulation of caf.cs today. The presi dent of the Board of Health states that had the physicians recognized and reported promptl } the suspicious cases many of these cases would have 'been ' announced several days ago. But two of them have been dis covered In the past twenty-four hours. Tiic number announced today Is eleven , making eighteen In all so far announced. There has been a quarantine line drawn from CUcasaboguo creek , north of Mobile , wcbt to the Mississippi line , so as to prevent - vent an absolute embargo against Moblllans ponetrutlng by land Into tbo Interior of Ala bama , This trocha Is guarded continually. The people , hero are still In great panic and all are leaving who can. The death list Is as yet but two. VIOKSBURG , MUs. , Sept. 18. The total number of cases at Edwards and vicinity Is forty-seven. The health officials are using every effort to stop the spread of the Infec tion. SI'AI.VS NAVV IX CASE OKVAIt. . Ail in I ml Ciiinnrii Dli'iiHHfH ( lie Mutter In n Very GuiirilL'iI Way. ( Copyright , 1S07 , by Press Publishing Company. ) LONDON , Sept. IS. ( New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.Mm ) Ira 1 do la Camara , naval attache of the Spanish em- 'bassy ' , has gone to Glasgow , presumably to buy stores , and possibly ships , for the Span ish navy. Just before ho left I asked him for his opinion of the naval strength of the Spanish and American fleets In the event of war. "Spain Is the last country In Europe which wishes war with the United States , " ho said , "hut It war bo forced upon us the Spaniards will make a good fight. " In answer to the question relative to the strength of the Spanish and American navies , ho said : "It la a difficult question for a man In my position to answer. I am not allowed to express an opinion of the mari time strength of a foreign nation. The United States , considering the position they occupy In the nations of the world , are not strong at sea. Many of their Bbljw are up to the requirements of modern warfare. The same may be said of ours. Wo could ccr- taloly lay waste American seaboard cities jntt as It WUE > predicted the Engllth fleet would If war broke out between Great Brit ain and the United States. As to a naval basis for Spain In the wcat beyond what Cuba and Costa Rica ffcrs , there Is noth ing we can absolutely count on , although possibly some central power on the South American conO.cnt might give us a chance to refit and coal our ships. But only after war Is declared can we tell what we have to count upon In this respect. "As for our own coasts , they are defended by an extensive -system of fortifications and heavy guns , as Cadiz , Valencia and Barcelona lena , while the population could be depended upon to volunteer for active tcrvlce. " Admiral de la Camara Is a middle-aged , handsome man , with a grey moustache and skin tanned by exposure to wind and sun. lie tpcaks English well. Ho tpoko without acrlmau ) of the prospects of war. on' tliu MADRID , Sept. 18. 'A company of In fantry his been sent to MorelU , province of Castcllcn de la Piano , as It to feared that a C'srllat uprising In to take place there. THE BEE BULLETIN. Weather Forecast for Xcbrnpkn l-'nlr ; Northwest Winds 1 > n p 1. Adilltlnnnl Troops Sent to India. Tower ( iuiinls Sec Anne Itolcyn'H Uhoxt. Yellow Favor Still HIIKVI. OeriiiniijIViiuU No Cominrrflul Wiir. S. Mlclmel Units T.cHim nml MulliilUo. Iltiltlmuro Continues to Win. Stnr Pointer Siim lirs u ICeeord. 3. Prof. Ulllesplr nml tlio ItoolCB. 1'liuis for u Week of Piigemitrj- . Cult for ICopnbllcuu Comity Convention. 4. Lust Week In Omuliii Suclnl Circles. B. Now School Laml I.t w Attacked. Duy with the Methodist j at York. 0. Council Hlufr * Iocul Mnttrrn. South Dakotii'H Publln AcfOiintK. 7. Another Kxpiialtton Contr.iot Lot. Itlvalry In Railroad Clrulen. 8. Prosperity anil the Orc , t Htiito Fair. Lawyer Vlooj froin Hln Creditors 10. Woman ; Her Ways and Her World. 11. Coiuitu'relal and Financial Nuws. IB. Editorial nnd Comment. 13. How an Kipnslllon IK Advrrtlxrd. Mtmle : Local and Othur\vlso. AiniiHomiml Xotim and Gossip. 1-1. "I.lttlo Clilnrgn Diplomats. " ICchoog from thu Antu Itooms. 10 , Querr Ilomuii to Swelter In. KlnrtoKconu'H Ugu In Mudliilno. 18. "Shrewsbury. " ID. Weekly ! rlst of Sporting1 ( io 1p. Ul ) . In the World of Whirling Wheels. KVIU AMI COIH. W IS AT 1113 H PHISVAII. Uttlc ChniiKe Predleted III Toiluj'H Temperature. Hour. 1'rK. Hour. Dcuf. If the weather men's predictions hold good this will be one of the prettiest Sundays that has been sera hercaways for many a month. They venture the opinion that It will bo EIJ ny nnd cool , with Just enough snap to make It enjoyable. Yesterday was as fine a day as Nebraskans have witnessed for some time. There was n cloudless sky , a gentle brcezo from the north and a maxi mum temperature of 84 degrees , this point 'being ' touched between 3 and 4 o'clock. In the afternoon. The table at the head of this column tells the tale of the day's weather. IXVRSTIOATU AIlllOYO'S IjYNCIII.Wi. Ordei'M Hnve lleen lilven lo Inquire Into ( ho Affair. CITY OP MEXICO , Sept. IS. Orders hnvc been given to Investigate the lynching of Arroyo. President Diaz has decided that the Inquiry shall bo most rigorous and that the guilty parties bo severely punished , as ho feels that the act was n reproach to the na tion , which has taken prldo In the fact that lynch law has been unknown hero. The twenty-odd men arrested nro ( Hill In custody and formal papers ore being drawn up In their cases. The Imparclal ( newspaper ) says tonight that If the public will have patience It wjll bo entirely satisfied with the result of the Investigation. The same paper la ments the lynching for various rcationa and rcgrelH that Iho net of tlio mob prevents It being ascertained whether Arroyo had ac complices or was In any way Instigated to the deed , or whether any political motive under lay his crlmo. The paper adds that In the United States , which Is the cradle of lynch ing , no such act on the part of a mob ever look place In Washington or In nny largo renter of population. Lynchlngs In the United States commonly occur In sparsely eettled regions , country towns or at most county neats , hut never where the higher authorities live and are supported by the pqllco and military. The Mexican Herald says Arroyo was more than half mad. a victim of morbid Imagina tion , pos. esbcd by a fatal deslro for notoriety and adds : "It U generally felt that speedy trial , followed by execution of whate\or penalty abould luivo been Imposed , would have better maintained the dignity of the country and saved us from the reproach of the foreign press. Hero In Mexico news papers have vehemently rebuked lynching as practiced In the United States and all at once In the capital city we uero startled by a manifestation of popular vengeance without a parallel hero. Tht > motlvo' wan unqut'ntlonably powerful , but the act was an invasion of the domain of justice and an attack nn public order. " Huron I'liva Not Iteeiilli-il. KOMU , Sept. 18 , All official statement has bum Icsued denying that Duron Kava , the Italian ambassador to the United fttatcs , had been recalled. It Is further stated that the baron la only abient fiom Washington en regular leave. WANT 80TARIFF WAR German Manufacturers Do Not Dcsiro to Retaliate on United States , THINK THEY CAN STAND NEW TARIFF Some Contemplate Starting Factories on This Side of the Water. TALK OF AGRARIANS IS VtRY BELLICOSE I * Propose to Conduct a Fierce Onslaught on American Meat ? . PLAN RECEIVES OFFICIAL ENDORSEMENT Miniof I litCeriitini IndiiNtrleN Are lliiril lilt liy lh - DliiKlpI.inv , WhlU- Others Art ; llurely ) , , TollI'lU'd. i f. ( Copyright. lfS7 , by the Ansoclatcil Prctt. ) UKRU.V , Sept. 18. Tlio ttrst batch ot re plies to a circular of tmiulry as to tlio effects of the new United States tariff law circulated by the frankfurter Zeltuni ; has been printed. Tlio general tenor of tlu > answers allows tliat thu inantirticturcrB generally expect to bo able to stand ( lie now tariff without such aid as the agrarians propose , In the shape of a tnrlff war with the United States < ind higher prices for cereals. Tlio replies , however - over , show that some branches of the Gor man Industry have been hit more or left hard. For Instance , the Iron and steel In dustry of Sollngcr and Kemsheld , with the solo exception of sclHsoTs , hns bcon seriously Injured , mid the sumo Is trno In the case of yarns and the cheaper silk stuffs of Cre- feld , the cloth factories of Lennep and Huck- onwagen , the prints of Oladbach and the leather and glove and cheaper linen and lines of Sillcln. On the other hand , the Chemnlla Unit goods and hosiery , the Sa\on cotton Industry , the Gera woolens , the IJerlln and Barmen trimmings , the Crcfeld neckties and the Voightland laces , curtains anil knitting machines are barely touched. Resides , a number of manufacturers , notably the Chem nitz hosiers , are contemplating starting fac tories in the United States , In the conviction that the new tariff will last Tor a number of years. In the meantime , the agitation of the cn- tlro agrarian and conservative press In favor of a regular tariff war with the United States In more vigorous than over. The Dcutschcr Zoltung , thu leading organ of the agrarians , In an article Inspired by high government olllclnlfi , says : "In spite of the deslro to retaliate against the United States , the hands of the government arc unfortunately tied to a largo extent , as experience has clearly demonstrated that flormany cannot. do without' ' the. main American supplies , such ai cotton and petroleum , find to" a smaller de gree , cereals. Hut In nnswcr to the chicanery with which Gorman sugar Is being treated by the United StatcH the German govern ment will henceforth treat all American meats and other pieservcs with similar stringency. Laws will be passed making meat inspection much moic rigid and these laws will be extended to every kind of food preserves. " WAR ON AMERICAN M13AT. The correspondent hero of the Associated press has secured full corroboratlon of the above views. In ofllclal. circles It is not concealed thai the aim is to frame laws to exclude in the future all American meats and preserves on the plea that the sanitary Inspection hi America Is not reliable ) and not stringent enough. Uven this , however , falls to satisfy the agrarians , who have re newed their demand that American cereals bo excluded from Germany. 'As ' a striking com mentary on the plans to exclude American meat , the fact may bo noted that pork In Germany during tlio InU fortnight ba reached a price ui'.tjualcd In many years , that of 2j ! to 40 cents per pound at retail and 18 cents per pound at wholesale. Tills Is duo to the exclusion of Russian pork la the Sllcslun frontier districts. This review of the situation may be- con cluded with saying that ad a result of the canvass made by the Cologne Gazette among the importing and exporting firms In the Cologne district u memorial has be-on sent to the Imperial chancellor , Prince Hohcn- lolic , setting foith that most of the export er. s and all of the Importers of that district are opposed to a tariff war with the United States. LANGUAGR OUDINANCtiS. The stuigglo between tlio Slavs and Ger mans in Atibti la over tha now language or dinances IIIIK aroused Intcnuo feeling in Ger many , Many of the nuwspapera ot this country aiu Nlgoionsly condemning the Ha- denl cabinet , but the nlllclal anil 8oml-ofliclat nowxpapcrs uf Germany are discrediting auch utterances , whleh urn very Inopportune ) at the inniiiuit when Kmprrur William U A guest of IJmporor KranclH Joseph. All move ments organised In aid < > f the associations anil other similar inensuiea In encourage the Germans In Anstila In their fight nro also severely snubbed by the Prussian and other Gorman government ! ) , and the projected visit to IJohemla of the l.olpule university students > n masse. has been forbidden by the Saxon government , Nevertheless , there IB a strong feeling In Germany on the subject. The North German Gazette , In an energetic article , wains Its leaders against "nil emi gration nnd all dreams of aiding Germans In Austria to find a now homo In Germany , " Ad the launching of the now German Iron clad , Kaiser Wllhelm der.welte , at Wl- lit'lmshaven on Tutuday hat Prince Henry of Prussia emphasized In hU conversation with the naval olllceru present that all mis understandings between Emperor William and himself had been arranged , Particular * ! regarding the Ir.rarcoratlon of Prlnco Henry XVI of Helss In an any him for the Insane In this city t > how the prince wai secluded under thu name ot Count von J'laur , His affairs have been placed under the control of a court owing to alk-jfd scandalous financial transaction * connected with a Hungarian estate bought by the prince at Pctrli and upon which he gave a * rommltalon checks for 136,000 florlni , which the banks refused to cash , as the prince U not good for that amount. In order to avoid a Bcandil a banking company offered to p y the amounts duo , speculating that Erhp ror William would recoup the company. the prlnco'tf agenti , ft man named Made , ob tained letters from the prince which are catd to ( ompromlco high personages of Km- pcror William's court. These letter * , It * p- .pears , have bocn obtained and will probabjy foim the babUi ot u court scandal in the tuture.