8 Till * ] OarAItA DAILY HEM ; RAfUURDAY , STSPTlflMKKU 18 , 181)7 , MAKING WHITE HOUSE NEW How the IHslorio Mansion is Kept Eight Up to Date. AND IT COSTS A PRETTY PENNY Sonic Xotnblr ChnnRcn ( tint llnve Ill-oil Mmle Hlner the I.ntent Tcn- nntn llnvc Clinic Into 1'UHHCIINluII , t'vcry summer during the absence of the president's family the white house undergoes an overhauling and general renovation , and this year there was more to be done In that line than usual on account of the changes which are always being made with a .now administration and the wear and tear which will necessarily entail as long as the execu tive mansion Is the mccca for the thousands of omccscckors. Fo\V realize the care which the historic home of our presidents demands , relates the Washington Post. It Is an old building U ban stood for almost a century and In order to prevent the ravages of time great pains are taken to keep It In a perfect state of preservation. To do this requires constant watchfulness , as well as a constant outlay of money , and although the appropriations made < by congress for the white hotiso seem generous , yet they Invariably fall short of the actual needs of the place. The sum of $20,000 U annually appropriated for "fur nishings and repairs of building and salaries of employes. " Ten thousand dollars of this Is paid to the employes , and one of the hard est piobloniH Colonel Hlnghnm has had to solve this spring has been how to make that remaining $10,000 pay for all which should bo done there this year. As a small example of the expense at tending the repairs take this Item ; The locks In many of the doors arc out of order. They are old-fashioned locks , which were put In there many years ago and are now oilt-'of date and out of the market , but either the same kind of locks must be used and to do so they will have to be repro duced from modcls-or else new doors and new door frames must go In , for to replace them with modern locks would require un sightly patching of every door and frame In which they were Inserted. This Is only a little Item , but It gives an Idea of the dif ficulties which attend the renovations when made. TO SUIT THR TENANTS. Evcrv president's family brings Its own Individuality Into the white house , and years ace It was a pretty general custom dUrlng the regime of one administration to empty the house of the furnlshlnas which were put there by the former' Inmates and to refurnish with new. In this way some of the second-hand stores of Washington came Into possession of furniture of great historic Interest and which Is now priceless to the parties who thus secured It. President Ar thur had a well known mania for old things , and when ho went Into the White House he overhauled the garret and brought to light Bomo of the stowed-away pieces of furniture and brlc-a-hrac. but , being a man , he lacked a woman's Intuition , and so failed to find many things which , later , Mrs. Harrison suc ceeded in unearthing. It was AUhur who discovered the old white marble-topped octagon-shaped table. In Lincoln s time It was one of the ornamen tal pieces of the red room , but It had fallen under the ban and was relegated to the attic. When President Arthur found It ho had It put In the corridor leading Into 'tho con servatory and used It to hold his cigars , as ho and his friends often sat In this corridor after dinner and smoked , a custom which President McKlnley has adopted. The hand some elk chairs and corner cabinets which * race this apartment are also of Mr. Arthur's selection , and the majority of the bowls and vases for flowers . . nd. . the tJars for palms , , which are In all , ot the lower rooms , were bought by him. The exquisite mahogany cab inet * , table , and the mantlcpleco In the red room were designed by him , and Mrs. Cleve land was BO pleased with them that when ho had the room remodeled a year or two heo she had the doors and window framrs done after the same pattern. The red room was Mrs. Cleveland's favor- Itn of the state apartments , and there she received her guests when holding her private receptions and teas. Mrs. McKluley has phown a preference for the blue room and In It she entertained the ladles of the cabi net the evening of the first official family dinner , and ctvrly In the spring she held her afternoon receptions there. A new piano has teen ulaccd In this room since her advent In the Whlto House. IN TUB PRIVATE APARTMENTS. But U Is In the rooms upstairs where the bomo life of the president's family Is largely sjont and where the personal taste of the flrst lady of the land has full scope. All of the rooms on the east side of the building upstairs are used for offices , but leading out from them U a long corridor , which Is rather dark and gloomy If the day clunce to bo cloudy , but which lights up bril liantly at night , and It was bore that Mrs. Cleveland served the charming suppern which sue always civo the receiving party After the public receptions. Some of the oldest furniture In the houss Is In this hall. In ono corner U a verltablo "grandfather's clock , " and on the walls are pictures ot several of the presidents. "Mother" Mc- Klnloy's picture , by Pelxotto , hangs near the west entrance. Off from this U the west hallway , which Is used as the family sitting room , and to which Mrs. McKlnley has already given a delightful , homelike air. At the head of the stairs U the brars gate which -Mrs. Cleve land had swung to keep her llttlo folks from tumbling down them. On the walls Just over the railing are the three Immense pic tures of the front view of St. Mark f , the Coliseum and King Arthur , which Colonel WllBcn had placed there. Two hnndsomc cabinet * grace the east corners of the room , on which are the tall 'Mexican ' onyx vasca which Mrs. Grant brought with her from the Centennial. , , . A window scat lines the entire bow of the beautiful largo west window , and In It a dozen downy pillows are piled. Mrs. Mc- Klnley'a easy rocker Is near the table , and en It lie the dally papers and magazines , Not far away IB the sweet-toned piano , wnlc.i was one of thu first things the new mistress ddod to this apartment , for everybody know how fond of music she Is , and while Mlis Mabel McKlnley , who has a lovely voice , was hrr guest there wore several Informal tut admiral musicals given around this In- Btrument. Hero Mrs , McKlnley's monilogH were usually spent until she. weal for drlvu between 10 and 11 o'clock. Although she la something of an Invalid. Mrs. MoKlnloys and aho invariably fingers are seldom Idle , has on hand several pieces of needlework. Borne years ago. when she wae much more of en Invalid than she U now , ono winter she crocheted and cent a large number of lalnty allppere to the patlcnH In a charity hospital In Cleveland , Like every other president , Mr. McKlnley h s been the recipient of many unique pres. cnts but a mosaic Ublo which stands near the head of the stairway In this corridor ccrta'.nly must rtcik near the head of the list of curious gifts , It Is octagon In shape , and Is Inlaid of light and dark wood aud made of Infinitely small pieces. H w s ac- 'companlcd by & letter which stated that there are 53,000 pieces of wood In the table , "which wure secured from the tombs of Lln- 'coln , Johnion. Orant , Hayes , Oarfield and 'Arthur , and from the residences of Harrison and McKlnley. The letter states , further , that a design runs through the table of a Political alary which will repay lnvestl"a- ilon , and that the table wan made by the champion whlttler of the world and was pre sented to the president on the Fourth of July , 1S9T. It Is lo be feared that the ofilco Bcekers have not allowed Mr. McKlnley the time to unravel the story. Draped against the Ions pier mirror 1 the silk flag that was presented to the Twenty-third Ohio Veteran Volunteer In fantry. In front ot It Elands the bust ot the president which graced the Postal con gress during Us sessions in the old Corcoran eallery. On the opposite wall hangs a framed memorial "Leaf of the Election ot J896 , " It .la an embellished scroll with the prcnldent'e picture In the renter , aud con tains the total vote of the last election. In ( no west corridor Is the eagle which was lent him uhortly after his Inauguration. The library Is another of Mrs , McKlnley'e favorite room * , and the beautiful view from Its windows of the mull , the monument , the Potomac and the blue hilts of Virginia nml Maryland lying In the distance Is n ncvcr- f&lllne lourco of delight to her. The room In oval In shape , and its walls arc covered with A damask finished paper on which IB K ttrlklDK dcMgn of yellow rcses , From the cotlltiK hang * a bronze and gilt chandelier , one of the most ornamental objects In the room. Elflht mahogany bookciscs encircle the walls and are filled with books which belong to the house. In the west doorway Mauds the brnftn Mlltonlan shield In repousse work , which represents scenes from "Para dise Ix > st. " Mrs. Grant also bought this at the Centennial. On the other side of the room U the Jnpincso cabinet which Perry brought .with him ns a present to the United Btates government when he returned from his expedition to Japan during Duchanan's administration. SOMH NBW PICTUnBS. A recent addition to the library Is a paint ing of Mrs. McKlnloy. U Is a very artistic pleco of work , and must have been n most satisfactory portrilt at the time ot the Bit ting. Uolow this picture , on a little round table , Is the Illblo .which the bUhops of the African Methodist church presented , and which Mr. McKlnloy kissed In taking his Inaugural oath. It Is Inclosed In a handsome cess of wood , with braes trimmings. Of three now pictures which have been re ceived In the past few days , and for the present have been put In the library , one Is of Queen Victoria and the members of the royal family , taken during the queen's recent Jubilee ; another contains the pictures ot the electoral college of Now York , and the third Is the harbor of Illo Janeiro. This latter Is In a very handsome cold leaf frame , headed with the shields of the United States and Illo Janeiro. The President and Mrs. McKlnley's sleep ing apartments are the same ones which were occupied by Mrs. Cleveland and the children , and load directly oft from the west corridor. When Mrs. Cleveland used them they were furnished In reds , but shortly after the In auguration they were remodeled. Thu bed room Is a largo chamber with two windows facing Lafayette park , off from It to the west Is Mrs. McKlnley's boudoir and bath. The walls In all of these rooms are papered In a Unlit robin's egg blue , while the frieze blends Into a soft pink and again merges into the blue of the field of the celling , the softest of velvet carpets and rugs match the colorIng - Ing of the papering to 'a nlcecy. The bed steads are of brass , and the musslve center table -ami1 the rockers are of mahogany. Dainty lace curtains screen the windows and on the walls are pictures of family friends and several of Mr. and Mrs. Mi-Klnley In their "sylvan days , " ns the Idtier laughingly declares. On each aide of thu. m.mtol h. ng IOIIK strands ot horseshoes which were Eont to Mr. McKlnley during tha campaign , mid If ho should add to theje all the rabblis' feet and other omens of good luck which ho received , ho might garland the entire room with them ! Over the bed In an oval gilt frame hangs the picture of the little daughter , whose sudden death was such a terrible blow to Its parents. Hut the room of which the White House in most proud at this time Is Colonel Dubola' small reception room at the 'right ' of the Tiffany screen off ot the main corridor , Which has lust been remodeled by Colonel Ulnchim. and If the genial Dubols has an attack of swell head It will be entirely owing to his fine new quarters. AN OLD FLEMISH ROOM. During hU absence abroad Colonel Ding- ham mode a careful study of the 'subject , and brought back with him some of the finest architectural plans to be had In "Europe , and In dos-Icnlnc this llttlo room he followed ac- curatclv the old Flemish style of 200 years ano. The Flemish style IB somewhat crude , but rich and thoroughly harmonious , which Is characteristic of the old Holland Dutch. All of the woodwork of this room , Including the flooring. Is very dark , wax finished oak , which elves It a subdued richness that Is not scon In any other mode. A wainscoting seven feet high , and In panels twelve Inches wide. Is carried around the entire room ; above this Ihe wall Is covered with an olive croon damask paper , surmounted by a frlezo of Flemish tapestry , representing a forest scene , bordered at the bottom with a richly carved.and at the top with a perfectly " ' plain "molding. ; The celling IE 'dazzling ; H Is artificially oxldyzed goldleaf , laid on In squares and treated In this mannqr to produce the lin- prcsalou that time has variegated It Into Its wonderful coloring. The celling Is divided Into four panels by heavy oak coping beams , which rest on heavily carved brackets. The fireplace Is the main feature of the room. It has an old Flemish hood top , covered with dark.oak.shingles . : beneath It are pilasters and "panels done In skillfully carved fruit pieces. The hearth and fireplace are In wrought Iron and olive green tiles. At ( ho side of the fireplace Is an elabo rately carved settee , lie two panels In the back representing Dutch drinking sccnco , and the corners are finished with the heads of two artists of that period. A highly- polished table and three or four chairs of the same design complete the present fur nishing , but Colonel HltiKlmm hopes to add a genuine antique Flemish cabinet and hand- press , which Is to bo had In the city. Thlu room takes one back to the sixteenth century , and Is as artistically complete as It well could bo , and Colonel Dlnghtim should bo congratulated on the happy conception ot his design. For Chllilrt'ii IIN A Veil us Adult * . Soma time ago , a little bottle ot Ch/unber- laln's Colic , Cholera and Dlarrhoac Remedy fell Into my hands , Just at a , time when my aflllcted. His two-ycar-old-boy was terribly bowels were beyond control. We had tried many remedies , to no purpose , but the little battle of Colic. Cholera ana Dlarrhoao Rem edy speedily cured him. William F. Jones , Oglcaby , Qa. WM. 0. QOSS COAL. Tol. 1307. Otilco and yards llth & Nicholas. llayrit'ii IlroH. We decided to do the biggest clothing busi ness In Omaha this season. Wo prepared for It ; we are doing It. Saturday Is boys' and children's day In our clothing department. Greatest assortment In the west. In boys' knee pant suits , In all styles of vestee , reefer. Bailer , Junior acid double-breasted suits , at 95c , { 1.25 , $1.45 , $1.75 , $1.03. J2.25 , $2.75 , $2.95. $3.GO , $3.95 , $4.50 and $5.00 ; examine goods and prices. Youths' und boys' long pint sulta In all the nowes * styles and fabrics , at prices about half of what other stores will ask you for no bettur suits at $2.75 , $3.23 , $3.73 , $ I.CO to $12.r,0. Bee column ad. tor the bargains. HAYDEN BROS. ChaiiKt * of Time. CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RY. On Sunday , September 12 , the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. will make the following changes In the train time between Omaha and Chicago : Train No. 4 , "Chicago L'mlted ' , " now leaving Omaha ut 0:35 : p. m. and arriving at Chicago at fl:25 : a. m. , will leave Omaha at 5:45 : p. ra. and arrive at Chicago at 8:15. : a , m. Dally train No. 3 , "Omaha-Chicago Ex press , " now leaving Chicago at 10:26 : p. m. and arriving at Omuha at 3:25 : p. m. , will leave Chicago at 10:00 : p. m. and arrive at Omaha nl 1:50 : p. m. F. A. NASH , Gon'l Western Agent. DlMlll-llllOII , The congregation of Dultli Amcdrosh Agodol are going to cclebralo In the opening services of their now synagogue on Sunday , September 19 , at 2 p , m , at 1109 South Thirteenth street. Everybody welcome to come , Till ? MJU' KIMS Ul'HX. Oniuliii , ICmiHiiH City & RiiKtcrii Itnll ronil Oiiiiiha < & Nl. 1.11 uIN Itnllronil. The QUINCY ROUTE with through trains lo Trenton , Klrkavlllo and Qulncy , Connec tions east and southeast. For rates time tables and all Information , call at QUINOV ROUT13 office , 1415 Farnam etreet ( Paxton Hotel Dlock ) , or write , T\V BXTY MI.VUTI81311VIC13. . Oinnhn to SlnU ; I'nlr ( Jrounilii vlii The- I'nlon ' 1'n rl 111' . Trains leave every half hour. Round trip rate , 20 cents. Get tickets at City Ticket Olllee , 1302 Farnam St. Union I'ui-lllo. "The Overland Limited. " The moat SUPERBLY EQUIPPED train w t of Mlteourl River. Twelve houra quicker thai ) any other train to Pacific Coast. C ll at Ticket Ofllct. ,1302 Farnam St. . . . .jam , i- . T. P. CAUTWIltnilT * CO. Appctnl rncn ( I.cnthpr 1'nll KliorR , Slipper * ( or Ak-Siir-llcii Hull New stock. New styles. New toes. The nwellfwt thin * In the w r of button patent leather full drem shoes for men , cloth top or kid , something different than ever before seen , especially Imported' for the Ak-fhr-Ucn ball. Also for this same occa sion an assortment of beautiful slippers and patent leather boots In entirely new pat terns , .MEN'S SHOES $3.00 , WORTH $4.00. That's what we have to say about two of the most handsome shoes that ever crossed the Missouri river. Wo don't mean two pairs , but two different kinds. One Is a dark tan , extra heavy sole , with modified bull dog toe , trlnlmcd up In the latest style. The other Is a black box calf , and made exactly as the tan ; they are perfect beauties. Nothing cheap about them but the price. We have marked them $3,00 $ , they ought to bo $4.00. Besides our men's $3.00 shoes our new fall lines of shoes for men are now com plete and we can show you goods at $1.0 , $2.00 and $2.50 that we are willing to , stake our reputation upon as being well worth the price. Also the new styles In fine shoes at $4.00 , $4,50 , $5.00 , and upward * ? , with the makers' and our own guarantee behind every pair you buy , A splendid assortment. We are cutting out all odd sizes In our men's summer tan shoes. We don't want to carry over a single pair If we can help It. Tomorrow we will make the price so low you cannot help but buy. Over 20 different styles to select from. CHILDREN'S SCHOOL SHOES. Wo are now ready to shoo any boy or girl with a good solid school shoo. Child's heavy kid button , G to 8 , $1.00. Child's heavy box calf , button and lace , 5 to 8 , $1.25. Child's glove calf , button- . S. T. tip , 8 4 to 11 , $1.00. Child's kangaroo calf , button and lace , 8H to 11 , $1.25. Child's box calf , button and lace , new round too &Vi to 11 , $1.50. Misses' glove calf , button , A. S. T. tip , sizes 11 to 2 , $1.25. Misses' kangaroo calf , button and lace , new round toes , 11 to 2 , $1.50. Misses' box calf , button and lace , new round toes , 11 to 2. $2.00. Llttlo gent's calf lace , new round toe , sizes 9 to 13 , $1.50. Youths' calf lace , now round toe , sizes 11 to 2 , $1.50. JUST ARRIVED Boys' quilted sole , lace , new round too ( the Ironclad , ) sizes 2 % to G , $2.25. Youths' quilted sole , lace , same as above , 11 to 2 , $2.00. Do not overlook us on school shoes as we are headquarters and have many others too numerous to mention. T. P. CARTWRIQHT & CO. , Cor. 10th and Douglas Sts. COM ) AS A COI.OM'/.HIl. The SurcNt Ajtcnt for Developing ; Onl-of-the-Wny Territory. The lust for gold Is the boat colonizer of out-of-the-way territory known among men. The more distant and ! i.accessible the gold is , the more eager men are to unearth It , says the San Francisco News Letter. As a matter of fact , It has almost Invariably been found on parts of the earth's surface hard to get at. To reach California In the early ' 50s 2,000 miles of land had to be crossed with wagon teams , or the dangers of round ing the Horn had to bo encountered , or the still greater danger of Panama fever had to be risked. Had It not been for Marshall's discovery California had remained almost a terra Incognita to this day. What marvo8 hath not the discovery of gold wrought In this golden state of ours ! They need not be recounted for they are all around us. cud the world 1s well advised of thc-lr Im portance. Then In far-off Australia , the very antipodes of civilization up to 1851 , gold was discovered at the end of the world as It were. The results to the sunny , sout'hern hemisphere who shall tell of them ? Several large and self-governing communities have grown Into Importance , and are destined to unite Into an Anglo-Saxon republic second only to our own. Again , In the continent that so long remained dark to the outside world , gold -was discovered , and forthwith the jungle was leveled by the footsteps of the white nun , a great city arose , fortunes ) were made , the stack exchanges of London , Paris aud Berlin went wild with excitement , and the Wltwatcrsrand gold field became the largest single producer of gold In the world. Now cornea the great finds In the snow and Icebound region of Alaska. Despite almcnt unparalleled difficulties , mm , and even women , are at this moment rush'ng thither as they did to California "in the days of old the days of gold the days of " 49. " From the tremendous results that flow from gold seeking one would suppose that mining was far and away the most profita ble occupation on the face of the earth. The truth Is that gold mining has been a direct loss to very country that has engaged In It. Given n rich soil and a favorable climate , there Is more money In a farm than in an average gold mine. Since 1849 California has yielded a total of $1,301,000,000 In gold. Today our farms and orcharda arc officially valued at $740,000,000 , of which 76 per cent Is free from Incumbrance. That Is the added value given to the land by reason of the labor expended upon It. To that la to be added the value of the crops that have year by year been taken oft that land. With these two Items taken together , the produce of our farms has nearly doubled the value of that taken from our mines. The estimated value of all the farms In the United States Is over $13,000.000,000 , which Is more than three times the value of all the coined gold In the world. The gold ore mined In California last year yielded $13,1)00,529. ) Its production cost $12,500,555. Of course , there was a profit on some milieu , and a loss on others , but this was the average , which shows that gold min ing In the golden state leaves In the aggre gate on Inadequate margin of profit. In 1890 the total gold and silver mined In the United States amounted to $99,283,752 , and the capi tal Invested was $486,323,338 , or $1.90 of capi tal for every dollar of bullion produced. Al though Australia has produced $500,000,000 more gold than California , It IB estimated that the debt , principal and Interest , which the government Incurred In supplying the gold fields with railroads , water works , tele graphs , etc. , will equal the total gold pro duction. In 1892 , the year before the panic , our agricultural exports for the whole coun try amounted to $77'J,328 232 , and the exports of our domestic mat''jfaclijrr3 to Jlliu.000.000. So that of products of uie farm and the mill wo sold In ono year nearly as much In value u the total yield of gold in California since mining began to be. It U estimated that thcro were In the United States last year about 6,000 capital ized bullion mines , great end small. Moro than 11,000 mlnei produced ICBH than $10,009 each. Only twenty-eight mines of tbo C.OOO produced over $500,000 each , and less tlun fifty produced between $200,000 und $500,000. There wore known to bo 1,000 non-profitable mines worked last year , and that there were 1,266 Idle or abandoned mines. These losses nre from mines cither developed or In pro cess of development. They do not show 00 per cent of the total losses. The mining camps and country from Alaska to Peru hold thou sands of men who have spent their lives in quest of gold. Many of thcs ? have Rjthercd small fortunes In placer rn'i cs , only to lose all In the tcarch for gold-bearing quartz. Not one prospector In twenty-five , BO the records show. Is eucr-CFHtuI , and those who do make a strike usually lost whut they made In further ventures. If thu amount of capital sunk In abandoned mines and lost by Individual prospectors were added to the cap ital In paylug properties , It would bo found that the search for gold IB about the most unprofitable business a man can engage In ; that for every dollar of gold produced , two have been expended , with the profit to the few and the losi to the many. But that Is where thu attractiveness comes In. Gold seekers are born gamblers , end It Is because big purees are "hung up" hero and thcro In auriferous toll that the ardent unlrlts ot this Imuglnatlve and npecnlativo world are so ready lo start to Alaska , or anywhere cUe , to try their luck , In the foot bills and Sierras of California there are as many rich purses hidden away aa are to be found In any other part of the world. Gold seek ing enriches a few , and It Is because every man believes be will be found among the favored that so many are eager to Join In the latest ruth , hazardous and almost Im possible as It IB. To the extent to which cold mining la a colonizer , the world owca U much. STOP TRAVEUTO THE SOUTH Bulletin Annulling Trains lias Boon Received from Gno Bonthern Bond. NORTHERNERS FEArPTHi YELLOW FEV.R Itnllronil Men of the Opinion ( lint tlic Scourge Ulnnpr thr ( Julf Will IHvprt Trnvcl tn ilic Wwit. The vellow fever plague In the south la already having Its effect on southern rail- wav lines oat of the west and out of the north. I'flRRnneor traffic , not only to points actually within the Infected regions , but also ta alt tiolnls In the extreme south , Is almost at a standstill. There has already been an nounced a hbmoseekers' excursion to southern points for Tuesday next , but passenger men state that the prospects for this excursion arc not very encouraging. The effect will t > n. railroad men say , to divert the bulk of Ihn houieseckuts from southern to western points. It Is therefore likely that both Ne braska and Kansas will next week receive a considerable amount of travel that would tvo cone southward under ordinary condi tions. The southern lines are all Investigating the extent of the fever for themselves and making their own arrangements. The first yellow fever bulletin Issued by any railroad Is that telegraphed to the general passenger agents of the railroads having their head quarters hero , by General Passenger Agent Atmoro of the Louisville & Nashville rail road yesterday. This bulletin Is BH follows : "As the result of quarantine regulations trains have been annulled and the sale of tickets should bo discontinued as follows ; Trains 1 and -1 annulled south of Flomaton. Trains 6 and 6 annulled between Montgom ery and New Orleans. Cincinnati and New Orleans sleeping car line an trains 1 and 4 discontinued south of Montgomery. Chicago and New Orleans sleeping car line discon tinued south of Nashville. Cars will con tinue to run between Chicago and yashvllle on trains 91 and 92 , connecting with trains 1 and 4 , Local sleeping : car line established between Cincinnati and Nashville on trains 2 and 3. "Discontinue .sale of tickets from all points to Ocean Springs. Discontinue Bale of tick- eta , via New Orleans , to points beyond. Discontinue sale of tickets from Infected dis trict to all points In the states of Tennessee , Alabama and Florida. The state of Ten nessee makes an exception In favor of per sons irroute to the mountains. Persons from states of Louisiana and Mississippi will be permitted to enter state of Florida provided they hold certificate signed by mayor , If from a municipal corporation , otherwise , certificate of Justice of the peace , that they have uot been exposed cither In person or by baggage , to Infection or con tagion within five days before date of such certificate , which must , bo dated not more than five days prior to Its presentation. All persons fcr Savannah from Infected dis tricts must hold proper health certificates , showing they have not beeu In the Infected district within ten days. 'Tickets to points'In Texas , via New Or leans , will be accepted In exchange for tick ets to same destination via Memphis. Tickets from the smith to points on and beyond Henderson district will be honored via 'Bowling drcen on special train run ahead of No. 2 , connecting at that point with No. 1. " Colonel E. L. Russell , first vice president , In active charge of the Mobile & Ohio rail road , has Just moved his headquarters from Mobile to St. Loula. He remained In Mobile until the fever was officially an nounced there , and then moved the head quarters of the compsny to St. Louis. Ho states that the object of the removal of the company's ofllces was in order that the repre- sonatlves might travel up and down the line without violating the quarantine regulations established against Mobile by the other cities on the line of the Mobile & Ohio railroad. ASIC FOU UKnUORI ) HATES OX COKE. CoiiNiiinvrN Iti > < itiCNt Hnilroml to Millie ItiMlnt-tioil. The consumers of coke In this vicinity are after the freight officials of western railroads. They call upon the rate-makers several times a day , and then follow up their personal In terviews with vigorous letters. The coke consumers want the benefit of the reductions that have already been guaranteed to the consumers of hard and soft coal. U will bo remembered that hard coal rates from Chicago to Missouri river points last week tumbled down until they reached the $2 mark. Soft coal rates were soon afterward [ ilacod on the same basis as hard coal rates. This change was not a very Important one , as comparatively few shipments of soft coal come to the west from Chicago , the bulk of the soft coal coming directly west from the Ohio mines. The freight mere say the reason no reduc tion In the rates on coke has yet been made Is because such a small amount of that com modity Is used In this territory that a reduc tion would not be warranted. The principal consumers of coke ore the beet sugar fac tories. The coke men are persistent In their efforts to have what coke they do use shipped Into Nebraska at ratea corresponding with the low rates for which hard and soft coal are now being handled , and a cut in coke rates IB not at all Improbable. I'nliin l'noll < ! ICiifcrH n I'rolvHt. CHICAGO , Sept. 17. The Uulon Pacific has entered a protest against being held ta any degree responsible for the payment of fG commissions on Colorado business and $3 commissions en St. Paul business. It has been claimed by some of the roads that thu Union Pacific was reeponslble for1 these new ratoa of commission , but the truth Is that It Is no more responsible for them than Is the man In the mocn. Some time ago a meeting was held In this city between representatives of the St. Paul , Northwest ern , Burlington and Atchlson roads , at which It was agreed to Ignore the rates of commis sion that had .been pa-id b > ' the Great West ern road and to pay cio larger commissions than were being paid at the time of the meeting. This agreement was broken by the offer of the St. Paul to pay a commis sion of $5 for the first ticket xold over Its new road to California , and , although It protested that It had no Intention of paying the commlEslocB on regular bua'ncsfl , the other roads promptly met the rate of com mission and have been paying It ever stnco. The Union Pacific h d nothing whatever to do with this matter' aud was In no way concerned with the payment of the larger commissions. IiiorniNi * Shun , . Wt-ii'ft Time. SCIIANTON , Pa. , Sept. 17. The Delaware , Lackawarcna & Western railroad has placed Its several hundred .shop men In this city on ten hours time , an. Increase of two hours a day over the tlmf worked the last ulna months. This Is owing to the nccestity of maintaining and enlarging the rolling stock , Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair , Gold Medal , Midwinter Fair. A Pure Grape Cresta ol Tartar Powder. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. owing to greatly IncrrAned freight b\inines ! upon all the company's lines. Fnvor n SlrnlRhl Ticket. NRW YORK. Sept. 17. The republican committee of New York county held a meetIng - Ing here last nlsht anil by unanimous vole adopted a resolution favoring a ttralght re publican ticket at the coming municipal elec tion. UnlMvnyR inn ! I'rrnottnlft. The local passenger association did not take up the Investigation against the Mil waukee yesterday afternoon , the case being continued until Monday next. The Norwich ( Conn. ) llulletln reprints The Ileo's account of the promotion of James E. Preston of the Milwaukee railway. Mr. I'res- ton formerly lived In Norwich. ! ' . H. Orlggs and A. Klmball of Davenport , la. , two pioneers of the Hock Island's execu tive department , were In the city yesterday en route to Deadwood for a brlof sojourn. TmvclltiK Passenger Agent Stokes of the hellish Vnlloy has been In Uie city for sev eral days advertising the "lllack Diamond- express by distributing handsome pictures of the same. The general superintendent of the Pull man Palace Car company elates that his pay roll contains the names of 3,200 em ployee. At this time last year hewas cm- ploying 2G3l hands. A big crowd of passenger men gathered at the Hock Island ofllce yesterday to In spect the prools of the group photographs taken on the occasion of the first annual picnic on Saturday last. The laying of the track on the now exten sion of the St. Louis , Peorla & Northern rail way will begin on Saturday of this week. When completed the extension will extend from Springfield to Peorla. III. In addition to the special trains already announced by the Klkhorn railroad for State fair week the passenger department ycs- totday decided to run a train from the fair grounds to Fremont at C o'clock p. in. on Tuesday and Prlday of next week. Fred A. Nash , general western agent of the Milwaukee , yesterday returned from Chicago. Ho says the new line of cars via "the Midland route" Is a greater success than the Milwaukee ofllclals had anHclpateil at the start. Encouraged by the success of the passenger men hi holding an annual picnic , the freight men of the various Omaha railroads are con templating having a celebration of their own Messrs. Mellon of the Nor.westeru ! ant Hayes of the Uurllngtou are said lo bo back ing the movement. "For Lander or Dust" were the words em blazoned on a four-horse coach that rcccntlj made the trip from Casper to Lander , Wyo. In fourteen days. The travelers were representatives resentatives- three prominent wholesale houses of this city and of one Chicago firm The overland journey was mtuie practical ! } at night , the commercial travelers stopping In various Wyoming towns during the day time long enough to sell several linen of goods. The Elkhorn's passenger department Is working a novel schemn to bring Nebraska editors and their readers to the State fair next week. Double-cut advertisements ol the State fair have been sent out to all the country press along the line of the Klkhorn , with the assurance tint every editor whc prints the advertisement of the fair will bo rewarded by the receipt of a railroad ticket to the State fair and return , Including au admission coupon. Nebraska railroads yesterday declared a one and one-third rate for the round trip for tho.'c occasions : Missouri Hlver Medical association , Iowa City , September 28-30 ; Army and Navy Union of the United States , Kansas City , October 27-30 ; Nebraska Chris tian Endeavor union , Beatrice , October 22-2-1. For t'.ie National Irrigation congress , which Is to meet at Lincoln , September 28-30 , there will he a one-fare rate from all points In Nebraska , and one and one-third rate from all other points. Story by Jot ; JiTerHoii. At the sixth annual meeting and dinner of the Old Colony club at the Vineyard Sound house , Falmouth Heights , Mass. , Joe Jefferson presided and opened the proceed ings with the following story : "The worthy captain has Just told mo that It Is useless to expect of him a speech , but that If ho were walking the quarterdeck of a ship ho would know where ho was. Now , that Is where he. greatly differs from myself. When I am walking the quarterdeck of a jlllp I do not In the least know where I am. I am reminded of what once occurred to me. [ was crossing the Atlantic. The weather was dreadful. Captain Ashley knows what that means. I was trying to guide myself along the deck , and , Incidentally , to aid others. In this mission I ran across a lady ylng prostrated on the deck , evidently sorely roublcd with that dreadful disease , scaalck- icss. "I said to her , 'Madame , may I bring you anything to relieve you ? ' 'liho looked up ) at mo and feebly said : 'I icg you will not mention It. Will you also itndly excuse me , sir ? ' "I then said to her : 'But Is there nothing I can do for you ? ' " 'No , sir , ' said she In the same tone. Please go away. ' " 'But , madame , ' I said , 'you are evidently suffering. CanI do nothing to help you ? ' " 'I wish , ' said she , 'that you would go away. I am not lit to HCO any one. ' " 'I urn sorry , madame , ' I persisted , 'that I can be of so little service. Can I do nothing 'or your poor husband , the gentleman whoso lead I see In your lap ? ' " 'Oh , ' said she , 'that Is not my husband. I do not kuow In the least who he Is. ' " Vlnltoru to the Btnle Fair will llnrt It to their advunuiite to visit the "MIDUU3 OF TUB IH nc DHl'O STCWE , " where they are sure or nniJInif werythlne In the druc line. Thousands of nrticlen In be found In no other More In the city. A Isi ) prices below all competitors. All prices < iu trd arc for cusli only : 11.00 1'nlnc's Celery Compound we Fell. . . . . . . CSo Jl.OO Ilood'B Barsaparlllu we eell..TT 6te $1.00 Stern's Wine Cod Liver Oil we sell. . . . ? 4c Jl.OO Hcott's ISmulilon we cell C7c 11.00 Plorce'B Favorite Proscription we veil. . C2o Jl.OO I'lnkhnm'B Vcgctnble Compound we sell 74c 12.00 C'hlchefter's 1'ennyroyal I'llls we tell , Jl.O Jl.OO Kilmer' * Swamp Hoot we tell Ha 2Sc Hope Perfumed Talcum Powder we Fell Ho 2&c Thonipfon'H Cliirry Photphate we fell. . Ho 2Bo PIso'B Consumption Cure we pell ICe COo Pozonl's fluid llux Powder we tell sic 2Sc Tetlow's Bwnnmlown Powder we pell. . . . HoWe Wo Wooilbury'B Facial Soap we MM I Ho tl.25 Vln Marlanl we sell Jl.m SOU Packer'H Tar Bonp we sell HOWe Wo Cutlcura Halve we Bell 3ss ! 5c Cutleura Boap we cell 15o Me Gem or Hlrney'B Catarrh I'uwJer we fell S5o 50c Infant roods ( all Itlmls ) we pell. . , . , 33o Sherman & &lGGonnel & ยง Drugo ? 1D13 Dodge St. , Omaha , Neb. pnannoaDDDunan H Dr. Shepard P . . . . be plenoed to beer11 all of his out-of-town patients who attend thu Omaha ftHtlvltlMf = Dwill week. I I i Also any who may be unncqualnt-r- I _ I cd with his methods. | _ D Consultation is FreeD Specialties : Catarrh and all I I Chronic Diseases. Olllee hours : 9 n. ' I m. to 6 p. m. Evenings. Wednes- 1 | days and Saturdays only , 0 to 8 , 1 J Sundays , 10 to 12. | I SHJ'ARO ' 1IEDIC1L INSTITUTED D : u-i : 313 N. v. & \Lwll AJL t . ForSI.SO Durin" ; Fair Wsek. SUGARMAN , Sl'IIOOI.S. AMERICAN CONSERVATORY , kllliUl. ! . lULUSUlUlatb i , . ( Llt.jl i.il. irj ach'kuUiofur Ut rtudy { gt br iii'te4 ! id Inptnnntntal ando \o \ \ } ! u lr llarinot.y * . 'tntKiMUon ItrauiulJc AM. l.lu cutijn | irl-arir K ! icrml > rliuTbur tf ; tril > . Illui traleJcatalozuMuall aii e. Juu * J , llmmEUr , Utr. Uco September U. , Fall Overcoats , The chances arc that before the season is over you will come in here for a Fall Overcoat and the chances are that we won't have it if you wait too long. We have them nowWe have thorn in Worsteds , Cheviots , Tin- bets , Clays , Vicunas , Tricots , Covert Cloths and Whip cord weaves. We have them in all sizes from34 1044. We have them as low as five dollars and as high as fifteen. The entire line is 'now on display on our second floor and particular attention is called to the fact that the styles are absolutely correct and that every coat in the assortment was made up to our order this year. Our "Exposition" covert coat box cut and satin lined at fifteen dollars will be one of the wonders of the mer cantile world this fall. No such coat has ever been seen in Omaha ( or less than thirty dollars. Mr. Ding- ley didn't have his bill quite ready when we had these coats made. " 1 smell some'fin' good ! ' THE PENINSULAR STOVE COMPANY. i -DETROIT- CHICAGO BUFFALO - ' BEAR IN MIND THAT "THE GODS HELP THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES. " SELF HELP SHOULD TEACH YOU TO USE 01 _ I i Children's AT HAYDEN EVERYTHING LATEST AND BEST. Remarkable Prices for Remarkable Clothing. I Icll ? t i shapings and with such fit as are a surprise to buyers and a mystery to competitors. More than fifty different styles at $3,50 , $3.75 , $4.50 , $5.00 and $6.50 Fully equal to merchant tailoring effects at twice our price. Over one hundred different styles at $7,50 , $8,50. $9.00 , $10.00 , $11,50 , $12.50 , $13 50 , $15 00 and $18. When a Man's ' Stout Or slim , or short , or long , or extra large most clothiers can do nothing for him he's outside of their limited range of sizes. That isn't the way here. We have the right clothes for everybody. Our special shapes and sizes made by H.S. . . & M , arc the only clothes of the kind in America , guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction. who are about to wrestle with the problem of their fooy'ii fall ind winter outfits should see our now Ileefcr Suits , Vntee SllIU , Kton Suits , Sailor Suits and Daublc-Iln-asted Suits. The stamp of quality Is upon tnem and the evidences of thorough workmannhlp are cs plain us the nose on one's face. Our prices are Just as Crtsy as the clothing are good , and wo guarantee every garment we sell. You can't make a mistake If you buy your clothing at Haydcns. Examine prices und goods. Take a look In [ > ur show windows. Immense Hale on Men's Hats and Caps For Saturday. On table No. 3 we will sell Jl.GO and $2.00 - - - - - - - aoif for Hats at Hoc. On table No. 2 we will have a grand closing BIO . BAM- BAMo.N ' out sale of men's and boys' Caps , worth o.N MKN'S SO IT AND STIFF 25c aud 35c , at ICc. HATS. 7 > n table No , 1 , grand reduction sale on chil Mn'Bf5"t HalB at , 76c , , . , , aud $100 dren's and misses' Tarn O'Shanters , worth Positively svlnK of nt loaBt 26 cent' COc , reduced to 16e , A regular J3.00 Stiff or Soft Hat for per | UO Newest Pall and Winter Styles. SCHOOLS. Wentworth Military Academy , Central West.