THT3 OMATTA TAIT/T 1ETC : SATURDAY , SEl'TTCTSrirKll 18 , 1897 , TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE. U. noSEWATKIl , KilKcr. I'tiIlBIIilJ : KVKUY ilOIlNINO. TKUMS OK auuscturrioN. Dally Hoc ( Without Sunday ) , Ona Year K 00 Dully Itft nnd BunJuy , Ona Tear 8 Vi Six Monti 40) Three Month * * 0" Humlaj- Her , One Yrnr a t 00 Haturilny lire. On * Yenr 1 Wl Wrrlil ) ' Itec , One Vonr 61 Otnnha ! Tha lice HiilMlng. South Omaha : Blnger Illk. , Cor. N unit 2ltli Bt. . Coundll muffs ! 10 IVnrl Hired. Uiilcnito Ointc : 317 Cliainbcr of Commerce. New Vntk : Itoom * 11 , II nnj IS , Trltiune Hide. Washington : Ml rourleontli Street CC.miliSI'OXr > 12NCE. All communication * rclnllnK to news nml nlllo- rlJ mnttor rlmuld lie nddrcnfcU : To the IMIlor. 1IU8INCS.S MCTTttntt. All bUKlnr * * letti-tB and remittances uliould tie adilrenred to The llto rubllMiliiR Cnmimny. Omaha , Drnflx. chorlu , < ! xiire s nnd pntnlllce money onlrrn tu lie made pnyible to the urder of the cumimtiy. Tin : ii BI : I'uiiMsuiNO COMPANY. HTATIMINT : : OK Gtnte uf Nrhrnrkn , Douglng County , ff. i Ut'ttrno II. TxM'Irtick , ntuidniy of The llo I'lit- IfehlnK comiuny , belnR duly sworn , yiya that the nctunl nuniliFt of full nnd complete copies of The Daily , Morning , Kvcnlni ; nnd SnnUny llee printed during the muntli of August. 1S87 , was as follows ! 1 19.I.V > 17 19,573 3 19.149 IS 1J,4H ! 3 19,43. 19 19,574 4 11,370 20 19,7(54 ( r , in. .110 SI IW.93' ' e W.BOS I ! 19.6JO 23 WS2 < ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' * . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . is'.itio 21 15.33 : 9 19,12 23 19.C41 10 19,421 ll 19,361 11 19.S4S 27 19.C7J II 19"J9 ! " 28 19.r/l 13 19,688 29 19.COS 14 19S9 < ! 30 l , a 15 19feOO 31 19.44S U 19.CC3 Total " 7.991 * returned nnd unsold copies 9.KS Total net Hnl"i- GOS.1TO Net dnlly averuRi- 13.CIS OiOll012 U. T/.SC1IUCK. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my trencnce tills 2d dny of September , Ii9" . N , I' . KI2IK ( Seal. ) Nolnrj' Public. TIIK HKK 4)THAIXS. . All rnllriiiiil IIOWHIMIJnrc ) pllfil with cituuKh lire * tu noroniiiuiilHte < > vvry JIIIM- wh iron ! ) * to renil n iiiMv | iaiiiT. liiMlxt upon linv- IIIK The live. If you iMinnot K 't a lice < ui n trill ii from the MOWN IIK'II | ( plriiHC report the fuc-1 , ntiitliiK the- train anil rnllroiiil to the Circulation Department ut The l e < ; . The lire Is for Niilc on all traliiH. INSIST OX ll.VVl.Vr. TIIK 11HI3. If you wnnt to llutl a slot nmchlm ; ask a policeman. Down with the U'kwaiih polos. They nro dniiKcroiiH , unsightly ami unneces sary. _ Nebraska funncrs are too busy their wheat ami corn to inarkt'l to listen to calamity talk. merchant who advertises Is the merchant who will fetch the trade of our out-of-town visitors next week. It Is not yet too late to get your ro- paviiiK petitions In In time to reap the advantage of the present low prices made by the pavlnt ; contractors. The Ilec Is pained to note that some of the most active aspirants for nomina tions on the democratic county ticket nro on its list of "democrats who called. " Klne words butter no parsnips. Neither does line Fourth of July oratory disprove that Jiidtfn Sullivan Is In sympathy and association as much of a railroad demo crat as Tube Castor or Sun Shine Alice. The Iowa democratic state platform bewailing the failure of prosperity to put in an appearai.ce and lamenting the fall In thi ! price of farm products will have to be expurgated for Its second edition. The KiiKKi'.stlon that business meiv and householders decorate their premises in Junior of the visitors to the State fair and Ak-Sar-Hen festivities Is a jooil one. A jjny looking city will add to the city's fin letIOH. The World-Herald wants It distinctly understood that the mention of Its name will Ret "our Mr. W. J. Hryan" free railroad passes even on railroads that would grant the favor to no other per- on connected with the concern. Senator Thnrston denies that ho has become an opponent of Hawaiian an nexatlon. That means simply that the mniator Is still at sixes and sevens with the Interests and sentiment of his Ne braska constituents on that point. Having reopened Its doors to students who belong in a preparatory school , the Btato university may be expected shorlly to complain about being crowded for coom and In urgent need uf a few more Itulldlngs to accommodate its classes. Another reason why the silverltes pro. for to fiu'i * rather than consolidate con solidation might prove uncomfortable for those non-partisan boards constituted by the governor out of mi'ii who tly different colors but vote the same ticket. Olio member of the Hoard of Klro and I'ollcu Commissioners was formerly a member of the ministry , but he Is acquiescing In police-protected auto matic gambling Just the same us his most notorious gang associates on the board. It Is to bo noted that notwithstanding the dire threats of memburs of the Slate Hoard of Public I-ands and Itulldlngs , the democratic superintendent of the lie- a trice asylum has been permitted to ten- tier Ills resignation and retire wllh-jtit being ejected. Perhaps some of the Itolln bondsmen have memoiandum slips In their cash drawers representing money advanced to thu owner of tliu World-Herald , who can. not conceal his anxiety to see them beat the city out of the money for which they agreed to stand good. As that little question of veracity be- tuven Chairman Mutr. of thu legislative investigating committee and ex-Ulmlr- man Doanu of thu Hoard of Trustees for the state schools for thu deaf and blind is Ktlll open , another letter from the epistolary legislator protesting his lion- uiuy be expected ut tuiy moment. yu runuv OFF/CK/I ADUVK The Trench revolution effectually do mollshod the doctrine of the dlvlno righl of kings. No human being Is so uxnltci that ho can do no wrong and no public olllcer , not even n populist governor , Is exempt from criticism for his Indefensi ble acts. In his self-written newspaper In tervlcw , replying to Judge Doane's ex planation of the causes thnt led him to resign from the governing board of the State Institute for the Denf anil Dumb , Governor Uolcotnb , not content with giv ing his version of the controversy , goes out of his wny to Insinuate that the pub lic haw been misled "by the desire which seeina to have recently devi.'lnpwl on the part of The Heo to do mo Injustice and misrepresent me on nil possible occa sions. " In airing this delusion Governor Ilolcomb deceives no one but himself. Not only Is the impugnment of The Hue's motives entirely out of place coming from Governor llolcomb , to whose per sonal explanations and self-laudatory statements Us columns have always freely opened without price , but It Is en tirely at variance with the facts nml the truth. For more than twenty-five years It has been and Is the policy of The Hee to com mend public olllccrs when they honestly and foarlcssly discharge their duties and to expose and denounce them when they misuse their power or prove rec reant to their trust. Although The Heo is unquestionably responsible more than any other single agency for the elevation of Silas A. Ilolcomb to the ollice of governor of Nebraska , It has never hesitated to criticise him when It has believed his action to bo In con- lllct with the public interest. If the governor has been subjected to Just crit icism on recent occasions more often than formerly It Is because his recent offenses against good government have been more open , , more flagrant and more numerous. When the governor's am bitious partisanship leads him to Join with the men who previously had been his most bitter enemies , losing no oppor tunity to vilify and abuse him and to prostitute the executive power to the promotion of political Jobbery at the ex pense of the taxpayers ajid the helpless wards of the state , The Hce owes it to the public to denounce the outrages no matter by whom committed. The very fact that The Heo has given space to the governor's unwarranted anil uncalled-for attack upon Itself Is proof that It is willing and anxious to give the public all versions of the disgraceful Deaf and Dumb Institute scandal. Even though the removal of Prof. Glllcsple from the superlntendency of that school were demanded for Its good , which has not yet been made to appear , nothing the governor can say can Justify him before the citizens and taxpayers of Ne braska In turning over the deaf and dumb children of the state to bo experi mented upon by n inniir absolutely with out experience In deaf mute instruction simply to pay a political debt and gather In the patronage of the institution for political favoiltes. TllK ATSSAOnT OiY DIAZ. The assailant of President Diaz paid the penalty of his rash act with his life , so that his motive for the attack will probably remain a mystery. The fact that the man was found to be unarmed seems to warrant the opinion that he did not intend doing the president any serious bodily harm and simply desired to show Ids hatred of the chief magistrate of the republic. Hut what ever the Impulse that led him to the commission of the rash act , the people regarded It as meriting death and they promptly put their Judgment into effect. Arroyo was given no opportunity to pose as a hero. President Diaz Is not only the fore most statesman of Mexico , but as has been newly attested he is the most pop ular man in the republic. He Is now serving Ids fifth term as chief magis trate , having been re-elected a few months ago without opposition. Diaz lias given Mexico an excellent govern ment , not , perhaps , from the American standpoint , but such a government as Is necessary to Mexico , where a greater centralization of power Is required than here. He has maintained peace In the country , held in check dangerous politi cal factions and steadily promoted the material progress and prosperity of the nation. He has done more than any other man in the republic to give it the high place it occupies In the respect of the world , being always solicitous to seep tin ! credit of the government sound > y the prompt payment of all Its obliga tions. In a word , Pcrllrlo Diaz is an enlightened anil progressive statesman mil if his methods of administration mvo sometimes seemed to be unrepub- [ lean , from the American point of view , they have been vindicated by results. The people of Mexico are fully Justi fied In their feeling of admiration and ilTectlon for their president. Ho Is a really great man. THK cvitiiKArr COMMISSION. The currency commission authorized liy the Indianapolis currency reform convention has been completed and It Is ( i be presumed will enter upon its work if considering a plan for revising the currency system without delay. lie the membership of the commission all see- Ions of the country are represented , but inly two or three of Its members have more than a local reputation. It Is understood that ex-Senator Kdinunds will be the chairman of the commission mil he Is one of the members with a national reputation , but it Is as a dis tinguished lawyer rather than a finan cier. Kx-Sccrtitary of the Treasury Falrchlld Is another member of whom the country at largo knows something , but there is nothing in the record of Mr. Fnlrchild as secretary of the treasury that gives him a claim to bu regarded is a great authority in financial affairs. Prof. Laughlln is a political economist > f some distinction , but he has probably lad very little experience as a practical limnclcr. The composition of the commission will doubtless bo subjected to criticism. Hanking , manufacturing , merchandising , railroading and the legal profession are runmitjuted on it , but the great agrl- ' cnUuntl Interest nnd the no less Im 1 portant labor Interest were Ignored In making up the commission. This was certainly n mistake nnd one that will be very likely to have an effect upon I public judgment not altogether favor able to the conclusions which the com mission may reach conclusions , It may I be remarked , which can be pretty accurately curatoly foreseen. In a word , the coin mission seems to have been constitute ! with a view to approving the suggestions of the Indianapolis currency refer n convention. We have no disposition however , to discredit the commission though as we have heretofore said wt do not expect any practical results fron Ita labors. AS 'AS TO ItAVU 1IKKX EXl'KL'TKD. Thu Dec charges that the bondsmen for ex-Treasurer Uolln are exerting every effort to ernile responsibility. That Is to ho cx- f.pctcil , but what Is the republican city at torney doing to protect the Interests of the city ? Why ( ioca The Heo criticise Doltn'g bondsmen , who are following human In- ttlncts by looking out for themselves. nnJ fall to call upon thu republican city admin istration to look out for Uio city's' World-Herald. The expected sometimes happens. It was to have been expected that thi World-Herald would rush to the defensL of the Holln btmdsmen and their attor neys In their efforts to evade their self Imposed responsibility to make good tin. Holln shortage to the taxpayers. A paper that would proclaim to the worlt that Mr. Holln was honest after he hai admitted himself an embezzler , just be cause there was n memorandum slip in the city cash drawer representing stolen money loaned by Itolln to the proprletin of the World-Herald , would find It ill most second nature to stand up for the defaulter's bondsmen In their fraudulent transfers of property to render them selves Judgment proof and their high handed Interference with the city's wit nesses by enticing its experts out of the city and out of the jurisdiction of thu court As to the pretended fear that the re publican city administration may not prosecute the suit against the Holln bondsmen , the popocratic organ neei lose no sleep. It need only bo recalled that the principal surety oiv the Holln bond is also principal surety on the Hart ley bond , and w'as accepted still more recently as principal surety on the bom : of the present populist state treasurer If public interests suffer by the collusive transfer of property to trustees am' bogus land companies formed for the purpose , the responsibility for neglect cannot be evaded by the democratic at torney general In cliarge of the suit on the Hartley bond , nor by the populist governor who approved the Meserve bom' and who has made no demand for a new and substantial bond , although aware of the jugglery being practiced by the sureties on the questionable docu ment that Is on file. The Bee does not deny to the Kolln bondsmen the right to defend the suit brought by the city , if they think they have a legal defense , but It does deny their right to impose upon- the city with promises of settlement , never intended to bo kept , to gain time to put themselves beyond the reach of the law. It denies their right to tamper with the city's wit nesses. It insists thnt the public should be warned by the fearless newspaper against the men engaged In this corrupt work and that the newspaper that de fends It Is no better than the bribe-giver or the jury-fixer. llt31OrALS MiOM UPF1CE. The question of the right of an execu tive ollicer of the government to remove or reduce employes in his department , which may have to be decided by the supreme court of the United States , is one which chiefly concerns those who are In ollice , and ( yet there is enough Involved in the question to make it of ntorest to the general public. Some time ago the superintendent of mails at Louisville , ( ICy. , was removed from that position nnd given a clerkship In the railway mail service. He Insti tuted injunction proceedings against the postmaster general and the first assist ant postmaster general In the supreme court of the District of Columbia , his bill of complaint charging that the change was made for political reasons , was without cause or opportunity for tearing and was contrary to the presl- lent's order directing hearings in case of removals , A temporary injunction was granted by the court and a few days ago the complaint was dismissed , .Midge Cox rendering an opinion1 on the question of the power of removal and In regard to civil service rules. The court stated that it was settled law that the power of removal was an Incident to the power of appointment and hat both could be exercised by the head of a department In reference to snbordl- late olliclals. In regard to the civil service rules Invoked by the complainant , whether made by the president or the civil service commission , it was held by the court that they were not authorized ) .v the law and were therefore void. If this view should be sustained by the supreme court of the United Stales , to which It Is expected the case will bu ippealed , It would wipe out some of the nest Important rules that have been naile by the president and the commis sion , notably the recent one protecting lursons In the classified service against irbltrnry removal. According lo the tplnlon of Judge Cox , the civil service aw Imposes only one restriction on the tower of removal. "Tho power of dls- nlssal , " said the Judge , "for any reason xcept a refusal to make political con tributions Is absolute with the adminis tration. The court had no doubt , however - over , that the president may lay down rules for the Internal policy of his nil- nlnlstration and may require his chief executive olllcers , dependent upon his ileasure for their tenure of ollice , to con form to them or else to sever their ) lllclal relations with him. The enforce- mint of such rules Is wholly a matter between - tween the president and his cabinet. The civil service commission , It seems , lees not regard the opinion of Judge Cox as in any way affecting the binding jlwraeter of the president's order In re- Biinl to removals upon all olllcers of the bervlcc. It Is not to be doubted that Presi drnt McKlnlMHtnvlli Insist upon n full observance ofMhj * and other rules which he approve * , Inn if .fudge Cox Is right nnd the clvlFSnTvleo law remains un- ( changed , a succeeding administration could make sweeping removals and prnc- | tlcally inaugurate the spoils system as to a large number op the otllees. It would seem , therefore , that there Is necessity for Htrengtlieuliiff the civil service law and broadenlngi fis scope. Under popullsrlcontrol the South Dakota * kota School ofMlnos seems to be un dergoing an fjji-loiiee ! something simi lar to the reorganjzatlon of the Nebraska State Institute for the Deaf and Dumb , and both Institutions seized as political spoils for populist partisans. Political experimenting with educational Institu tions Is no more justifiable In South Da kota than It Is In 'Nebraska , which means that It is totally unjustifiable. It Is to bo deplored that the people who support these Institutions have no re dress except by turning down the olH- clals responsible for It when their terms of ollice expire. The nonpartisa'n reform police board Is respectfully asked what excuse there Is for giving one man captain's pay for doing the work formerly performed by an ordinary detective ? And what ex cuse Is there for paying two chiefs of detecllvos salaries when these high salaried olllcers are more than ? 70-a-mouth employes did before ? Is this retrrnehmetit and economy ? The Hell Telephone company has only paid 10'Xj per ctSnt dividends on its In flated stock so far this year , with pro portionately more in sight for the re maining months. The telephone could be made an Interesting competitor with the telegraph If these giant corporations were not so tied up together with agree ments not to Interfere with one another's business. An ex-assistant city physician who was boasting his republicanism not five months ago in his effort to retain his place has boon recognized by the fusion state house ring with a job at the state Institution In this city. This Is rank In gratitude to the ex-county physician whoso republicanism also lasts only so long as ho draws a salary by republican favor. It Is in accord with the eternal lltnoss of things that the paper which faked an endorsement b y Governor Ilolcomb of the ifW.OOO Dorgiin penitentiary steal and then called the governor a liar for repudiating .ftlie spurious interview should now rush Mo the front to uphold Governor Ilolconib Jn his question of veracity with Judge Doaue. This yoar's.'i'cpnbllcan campaign Is not expected to G lfnlUbnt of a year ago for fireworks nnd noise , but there Is plenty of room for energetic , quiet work , and with the ranlC uil file of the party thoroughly * oughly imbue * ! with a determination to recapture thesta'te , steady , systematic and progressive Inroads should bo.uiadu ' ' ' upon the'fusluh lines' . Snimil Money , Too. ( Globe-Democrat. It Is estimated that Nebraska's crops this year will add to Its wealth $184 for each man , woman and child In the state. There is no hardship In the fact that the Increase is on a gold valuation. IH There it Kami inIn KiilirU-HT N'cw York Commercial Advertiser. Practically every mill and factory of any importance In Rhode Islam ! Is now running on full time , with every prospect that this condition of things will continue indefinitely. Has anybody heard that there Is a 'shortage1 of cotton and woolen fabrics In the old world ? Wily Thin CliniiKiof Tiniel Indianapolis NPWS. The sllverltes had scant respect for the law of supply and demand last summer. They printed elaborate tables , the purpose of which was to show that for years wheat and sliver liad been moving In the same directions. They did not. It Is true , make out a very good case , but their object was unmistakable. I'ondil HiinUM ai ( ioo < I Tlilui ? . New York Tribune. In England postal savings banks have hecn < In existence moru than a quarter ot a century , and liavo been established in all British colonies , In Russia , France , Sweden , Italy , Austria , Japan and almost all other civilized countries , Including Hawaii , where there are between * 2,000 and 3,000 depositors with navlngs amounting to more than a million. Last year In England there were C,45,597 ! ! depositors In these institutions , their funds amounting to nearly $000,000- 000. AVIiy Mrxluim Hmployrrn KleU. LouUvllle C'oiirltr-Juurnnl. What Is the meaning of that dispatch from the City of Mgxlco to the effect that manufacturers and agriculturists favor the continuance of the silver standard ; that they can send their exports profitably to gold standard countries , and that "It Is bulluved ; bat wheat Hour can bo shipped to the United States at a profit , as the grain Is ; rown and the flour made oa thu silver mats ? " Simply that the wages paid In Mexico on the silver ImBla nro the lowest of laupor wages , as they are without uxcop- : lon In every silver standard country In the world. How do our 'worlclngmen ' like the imposition to make our money cheap by the ice coinage of silver and thus dagrado their wages to the basis of wages in Mexico and China ? " Tlic PiMVi'i' of llriiioviil. rhlbilt'lplila Times. The decision of ttio District of Columbia court In the civil servleo case Is Indisputable unl It is not clear how any other view could iu maintained.V\ postal employe who had icon removed , w transferred to an Inferior losltlon , sought to have the postmatter gen- . ral enjoined fromxjnaklng this removal on ho ground that It was In violation of the iresldtmt's recent order. Judge Coxo points ml that the power of appointment nnd re- noval , except as expressly regulated by statute , Is an oxduutlvo power and the courts will not tiHiiilru-JiiU ) the lawful exercise or executive discretion : The president may nako rules to govern appointments and ie- novals , but these rules apply to those under dm and their , .olnervaiico ts for him to enforce ; ho caquotglvo them the statutory authority that would enable a court to enforce them. , , , I'roof of \ \ ' > ' | IT'M Cruelty. I'hlladelplila I'retis. That the Inhumanity of the Spanish sol- llery In Cuba Is duo to positive orders from Wcyler Is shown by n , fact narrated by the Condon Chronicle's Cuban correspondent , who Is telling of Cuba as It Is. lie notes hat La Iteglou , the conservative organ at Matatizaa , recently published In Its official tows a private 'bando' of General Weyler , giving Instructions to the field commanders o spare no one found beyond the Spanish lues , armed or unarmed , and to destroy ill Insurgent hospitals within their respect- ve tones. The authenticity of the order iu undeniable , and Its publication was sane- toned by thu press censor as an official notl- Icatlon. The editor haa now been fined for ack of discrimination in selecting military 'reclamations. " This Impartial evidence confirms all that Americans have written about the butcher and hla methods , OTIIHH I.AMIS TIIAX ONUS. llussla' * sincerity In the AllUnco with France m y or may not bo op o to quratlon but It Is certain that Nlcholix , whctho sincere or not , docs not Intrnd to lose any advantage which may accrue to Russia In the first flush of l-'rench enthuitnim over the an nouncenicnt. Accordingly , Nicholas will Is RUO at once .1 lonm of $200,000,000 In Paris And we doubt not that the Trench people will Joyfully snap It up and be Bind of tuo ch&nco to assist their good friend nnd ally At the same time ait a sort of feeder to UK enthusiasm of the French people the Ilus slan minister of finance will put Into affcc in October hi * recent decree cancelling the law under the provisions of which trus funds , bank reserves and the moneys of pub lie companies are not allowed to bo Inventcc In French undertakings. This of course wll further Induce France to subscribe llb rally for the now Russlnei lonn. So fnr Russia reaps all the advantages ot the new alliance but of course Franco may enjoy her prolHt later. * An association has boon organized In Franco with the object of counteracting the shrinkage of the birth rate. The population of Franco has arrived at a condition o standstill. The deaths arc aa frequent a the births. Unless something can be denote to cncourago the bringing of more French men into the .world even the Russian al llance will hardly avail to maintain the prestige of the republic. Among the ronie dies proposed are the passage of a law re duc'iig taxation In proportion to the number of children In the taxpayer's family ; the Im position of a surtax In the case ot ( ami lies whcro there are moru servants that children , and the education and rare ot al children over C In any ono family at the public expense. These propositions seen fantastic , but they are born of very serious conditions. In aormany , England , Italy Spain and other European states whore the people are not moro prosperous or con tented 'than In Frcmco there Is a yearly preponderance ponderanco ot births over deaths. This makes the French sterility the more remark able. It Is a wonder that the Inducement has not been hit upon by the assoclatlrn hav Ing the Increase of the birth rate under con sldcratlon of offering a government prcmluu on marriages. 4 * Portugal seems as tired as Italy Is of the drram of territorial dominion In Africa. The construction of the railroad to Dclagoa bay was the mainstay of Portuguese hopes o profit from the African colonies. The hope has not been realized. The road has no proved a mine of wealth , and British crcd Itors have been clamoring for years for a settlement of accounts. Belgium has been considering , for moro than two years , the advisability of surrendertrfg all Belgiai claims to government In the Congo , as the receipts from trade privileges do not'justify the work expended in civilizing that district French statesmen have not yet arrived a the point of proposing to abandon the French -possessions In northern Africa ; bu the fact remains thnt the work of colonizing Algeria has not been successful and tha the possession of that colony has resultec In no appreciable benefit to the French re public. Under certain conditions the Frond colotvles may bo abandoned with hardly a protest at Paris. Uganda Is now recognized as a part of the British empire. It will , however , still have a king ot Its own. The llJritlsh will pu Mwanga's son upon the throne , with a coun cil of regency. Thus a stable government will bo assured and the work of civilization will go on. For Uganda Is really becoming a civilized country. Its people are indolcfr and unambitious , but they are docile am intelligent , and take readily to clvlllze < ways. Agriculture and manufactures have made much progress among them. The gos pel of good roads has been preached and bi cycles are } iot unknown. Huts are being abandoned for houses ; European furniture and clothing are used , and there Is talk o a trolley line. When the steam rallroac from the coast Is finished , as It soou will bo there will bo more rapid progress , and the "Pearl of Africa" will doubtless become the seat of genuine and by no meaiie rudi mentary civilization , to which end .Mwanga by his timely departure , has materially con tributed. The Increase In the price of brend nnd flour consequent upon the- rise In the wheat market has been severely felt by the labor ing classes in Vienna , although It has not as yet led to any demonstrations like those tin Paris. WHthln the laat week or two the price of bread has'risen 20 to 25 per cent. The Fremdenblatt attributes the rise In the wheat market less > to the actual deficiency In the supply than to the action of specu lators. It suggests the possibility that In the autumn , when a moro accurate estimate of the world's harvest has been made , these Kontlemen may find themselves caught In their own trap. It points out that this problem of the food supply of the mabses Is ono that cannot be evaded , and that the more a government docw for the protection of the producer the sooner it will have to reckon with , thn opposition of the distressed consumer , as has been demonstrated In France. It Is reported that the municipal commissioners In Budapest are considering measures for the supply of chcnp broad , to bo exposed for sale in the public marko ! place. One of the effects of the high prlca of sugar In Austrln , where Its production Is supported by bounties , has been to force the poorer classes Into the use of cheaper sutntltutca. Tlrls has gene so far In Bohe mia that the provincial association of sugar manufacturers haa appealed to the govern ment for protection against saccharine. President Kruger of the Transvaal repub lic , having decided to retire , It Is reported that his successor will probably bo General Joubort. comimi'dcr'ln chief of the Transvaal forces. Whether such a selection would lend to lessen the tension of affairs between Great Britain and the South African republic re mains to bo seen. It Is somewhat significant that a military man should bo chosen for prtsldont , and it is hardly likely that lie would bo considered for the place unless It WM believed by the Boers that ho was thor oughly In sympathy with the policy mapped out by his predecessor. Whatever policy may be pursued , however , It Is pretty certain that Great Bnllaln has no Intention of aban- denlng her claims as suzerain of the Trans vaal in Its foreign relations. MI'AHJ.M.Vfi IN IOWA. Davenport Democrat : The Iowa sllver- crjtlc platform says : "The farmers of Iowa ro marketing their produce at lower prices than cver before. " The fanners and those to whom the farmers soil , together with all tha consumers in the state , know this to bo tin unqualified misrepresentation. Not an advocate for the falsifying platform dare stand up outiiidu of an Imbecllo asylum and attempt ' .o defend tha declaration quoted. And yet this In hardly worse than others In thn same string of resolutions. St. Paul Pioneer Press : There Is some- hlng almost pathetic in the present prc- llcamcnt of the Iowa fuslnnlsts who are carrying around on their backs a thing which hey call their platform and which was pin ogcthcr In Juno. It contains these words : 'Prosperity has not made Its appearance ; the nills and shopg are closing down ; the army of thu unemployed Is growing larger and the 'armers of Iowa are marketing their prod ucts at lower prices than ever before. " Not even u last year's fashion plate could > e so hopelessly out of date as this. But t would bo an exceedingly good wind which would blow nobody HI , and since Homebody must suffer it may as well bo the Iowa uslonlsts. Ceilur Rapids Republican : No ono has BCtn any reports of speeches by Horace loloa In the newspapers for the very good reason that he has not made any of late. Now it Is given out from popocratio head- luartcrs that owing to 111 health , the ex- governor will not appear on the stump again during this campaign. It Is probable that loraco Boles Is suffering with a bad case of 6clf-assertlvenc3s and Independence. He will not yield to the pressure put upon him by "Bishop" Walsh et al and refuses to keep silent concerning his conviction that freu coinage at the ratio of 1C to 1 Is neither possible nor desirable. That Is thu secret of Ills retirement from the stump. The popu lists have galived such complete control of the democratic party In Iowa that even Horace Boles , the only man who ever led them to victory In Iowa , baa betm forced out ot the present campaign. NATURE'S ' FAVORED REGION Phenomenal Agricultural Wealth of On Section of the West. CROPS OF KANSAS AND NEGRASKA lltiinil < > iiN of ( lift Wuvo nt I'm * perilHtMtuccil ( o One-IIuiidrril- Coiit Dollnm The Km of MurtKHKc I'M'Inn. The great agricultural area In the Unite States tributary to the Mississippi and Mis sottrl valleys , says n writer In Harper' Weekly , never enjoyed greater real prosperity bettor conditions or brighter prospects for th future than at present. This Is duo to tw causes the thorough liquidation or flnnncla house cleaning of the past live years , an tha abundant crops of the present season which are selling at prices not secured I nearly a decade past. These conditions ar widespread , covering many states and apply Ing to nil manner of agriculture. The goo effects nro not confined to rural localities , to every town nnd city which Is handling a per tlon ot this great yield ot farm produce I reaping a commercial harvest of Its own , cal ciliated to glvo a stability to Us business in ( crests , lacking , in many cases , for eevcra years past. Wltli this prosperity so general It Is dlfll cult for ono section to establish a just claln to particular notlco. Such section exists however , and the conditions therein are mor than noticeable they are phenomena' Roughly outlined , this section may 1)0 said t bo 350 miles long north and south and ,10 ( miles broad east nnd west. U commences It northern Nebraska , extends sotlthwar through Nebraska and Kansas and ends In a rounded point In Oklahoma , It Includes therefore , the central portion of Nebraska central and eastern Kansas , and the casten half ot northern Oklahoma. Kansas City Mo. , Is the gathering polnti for the product of thls.arca nnd the distributing point for It supplies. The story of conditions In the In terlor is dnlly being written in the bank ac counts of the Kansas City merchants , postei on the blackboards of the live stock , gralt and produce exchanges , and tallied by th car checkers of the twenty-tight railroad which enter the Kansas City yards. DEMAND FOR IMPLEMENTS. The first Intimation ot something unusua yet to come was an enormous Increase In m dcrs for agricultural machinery and fnrmln Implements. Kansas City sold In this arc In 1S9G about $15.000,000 worth of such goods Before the first of August , 1S97 , the sale had amounted to over $20,000,000 , nnd severa million more will be added before theseaso closes. Ono Item ot thcso sales has bee 20,000,000 pounds , or about ? 1,000,000 worth of twlno for binding grain. Closely follow Lm : these ordois for harvesting maclilner came rcoorts of Increased acreage , and a Lho thrnshimr machines commenced their la bars it wns soon made apparent that th yield per acre had never been equalled be fore In the history of the grain-raising west The average wheat yield In the Unltci States is seventeen or elghtecen bushels pe acre. In southern Kansas anu Oklnhom there have been many fields cut during th nast month In which the straw was six fee high and the yield forty-flvu or more bushel to the acre. Then came the question of prices. It wa thought there would be a slump when th now crop came In. Experienced grain mot figured September wheat as low as 45 cents But It has gone up steadily until It reached and climbed above the dollar mark In Kan as City August 20 , and this market may be said to represent farmers' prices , as It I In the midst ot the wheat shocks. In Ell ! county , Kansas , there Is $1,000 In wheat fo each family In the county. In Stunner county there Is $800. There are about thlrty-flv counties In Kansas where the wheat per cap ita Is equally large , some ot these countlc Inculdlng good-sized towns. In Bartoi county a man. rented a farm , agreeing to glv one-third of the crop to the-owner. Ho als took an option on the IbU acres at $10 an acre. Ho raised 3CIS bushels of wheat 01 154 acres , and with the proceeds of his two- thirds paid $1,000 for the farm and had a S200 surplus. In Falrvlow a man owc ( XI.000 on a form. Ho persuaded a banke to let him have $200 to get out of the coun try with. The banker did so and took a deed of the farm , on which was a growing crop. The banker sold the wheat therefron for $1,700 and has the farm left over. An other farmer owud $800 on 160 acres and in 1896 he sowed a crop of rye. The crop was noor. and refusing to harvest It , he left the country In disgust. The rye ripened am lodged In the ground , coming up again as a volunteer crop. This spring the neighbors vroli to the owner of the land , urging him to como back and harvest his crop. He dli so. and out of the proceeds paid off the mortgage and had some loft over. Many farms bought last year at from $10 to $20 an acre have been fully paid for by this one crop ot 1897. DIFFERENCE IN PRICES. In 1896 Kansas raised30,000,000 ihushols of wheat , Nebraska 19,000,000 bushels and Oklahoma 5,000,000 bushels. In 1897 Kansas has 50,000,000 bushels of wheat , Nebraska 30QOO,000 bushels and Oklahoma 20,000,000 bushels. In 1896 the farmers sold their wheat for 40 cemts a bushel. In 1897 the farmers are selling their wheat close to the dollar mark. In this territory alone the difference In crop and price means a differ ence of about $75,000,000 In the Income of the farmers , or as much as the entire cot- .on crop brings the Texas planters. In 1896 : hls same territory produced 655,000,000 lushols of corn , and sold It for 12 cents a nishol. This year It will produce 600,000,000 jushcls , and will sell It for 17 cents or more , In 189G 5,471,246 head of live stock , worth 101,000,000 , passed through the Kansas City stock yards. In 1897 6,000,000 head , worth $150,000,000 will be handled there. Cattle are 20 per cent higher this year , hoga 30 > er cent , and sheep about the same. The great demand is for stock cattle to reatocl { lepletcd ranges , and for thin cattle , or 'feeders , " to eat the great corn crop ot this 'amod ' section. The prices now being paid for feeders Indicate a contlnuatlen ot high > rlcos for beef cattle for at least three years o come. Wheat , corn , and cattle are not the only things being sold at handsome iroflt from this area. The Kansas valley s noted for Its potntoca. Potatoes are plenty n the Kansas valley and scarce elsewhere , icnco three times as much Is being paid for hem thin year as last. August 2 there stood n the railroad yards of Chicago 100 carloads ui potatoes from the Kansas valley , for vlilch 50 cents a bushel had 'been ' paid. ORCHARD CROPS. Apples , peaches and other fruits are llko- wlso plentful hero and scarce elsewhere. One man near Atchlson , Kan. , sold his apple crop rom 135 acres for $14,000 , the apples to bo licked by the buyer. Just south of Kansas : ity. Mo , , the owner of 600 acres of apple roes Jiau reckoned his net profit. * for thu nason at $35,000 ; nnd so on the story gees rom farm to orchard and to cattle ranch. Cowhcro In all this Immense urea so favored jy fortune can a man be found who does lot feel the benefits and is not profiting hereby. It may be said , without fear eif Ispute , tint hero exists an agricultural con- lltlon thi ) Ilko of which cannot bo found Isewheru In the world. The high-priced grain Is blockading railroad trallle , cuttlit mycrs are scouring the country for htfrds vhlch they cannot find , The trrcs of the orchards are breaking to thu ground with ho weight of the fruit. In 189G , during the veek ending August 20 , Kansas City paid ho people of this section $2,016,000 for the iroduco they brought to town. In 1 > J7 , dur- ng the week ending August 20 , Kansas City iald these same people $4,202,000 for thn iroducts of their farms which reached the Cansas City market In those six days. Of his amount $300,000 wont to the railroads or freight , and $60,000 to the Kansan City irokcrs for commissions , During the last three years Nebraska has iald off $30,000,000 In mortgages and Kansas 50000,000. In Oklahoma there were few nortgagcs to pay oft , for the people had so ured no title to the newly settled land , and md no credit otherwise. The result it that he Oklahoma people have their wheat nouoy clear. They are using It to got title o their land , put improvements thereon and o buy cattle to feed for market. Thu cry for cheap money has been lout In liu whir ot thu harvester and the ruatlu of ! io wind la the corn rows. The politicians isvo changed their tactics , and now It Is tha robbery by the rallrouda" aud the "cor ruption ot the United Stolen district cmirH. " Those are the koynotoi of the long-h lre < I political ! ! . U matter * little , how ever , AS moat anything will do to amuse the politicians , as the people nro too busy lo pny much Attention to what they are doing or saying just now , I'Ol.n IfAli 1)111 IT. There Is trouble In the free- silver ramp In Colorado. The white metal democrats put up a goldbug for Judge of tlm supreme court. This Is much Ilko the work ot the IOWA fuslonlst ? . who fashioned n cMnmlly platform In July and apologized for It In September. Ono of the queer turns of our contusing politics Is now to bo witnessed In Now York. The Sun beams forth as the organ of Platt rcimbllcanUm | ur excellence , whilst the Tribune strongly favors the abandonment of the machine- and rallies to the support ot Seth Low. candidate of the ClUens' union tor mayor. The republicans of Now York Clly will not IIRVO a monopoly of dl rord. Tammany ha * "troubles of her own. " Sliver democrats nra organizing to Insist on .1 declaration In favor ot the white , wlillo the leader * of Tammany propose keeping mum on thnt sub ject. Their motto Is , "Glvo us the otllccs ; wo care not for Issues. " Kentucky's gold democrats will put up a hot light this fall. That pnrty has nlrendy booked Hovonty-flvo meetings , to bo nddrosscd bv democrats ot national reputation , A feature ot the contest In the Btuo Grass state will be the nppoaranco of Tom Wntson on the flump as an advocate of slmon pure popu lism. Ho will chase Bryan through the stale. In view ot the populist ngltation for a special sot lon of thn Kansas legislature this lu.'ar. the slate treasurer has nnnounrcd that thereIs no money In the tro.isury with which to mv for an extra nosslou , and that If ono should bo called the members would have to wait another year or moro for their pay. It Is thought that this announcement will dlscourago those who ate clamoring for the extra session. The Now Orleana Picayune thinks that "It Is peculiarly unfortunate for the sllverltes that the largest and most striking Item In the general sum of Improvement Is the ad vance In wheat. This Is not merely becnuso the ndvnnco In wheat is coincident with the decline In diver , thus refuting a favorlto dictum of the silverlte financiers , but also because- , outside of the south , the cause of silver was strongest In the great whcat- crowlntr "status. " Rival mayoralty candidates In the llrst year of the enlarged New York will , from orcsent appearances , bo nominated on the snmo night. The republican convention has been called for September 28 , with the general understanding that It will not nominate on that night , but will adjourn over until thn 30th. The Tammany hall convention has been called for the 30th. The last day for the filing of ccrtillcAtcA ot regular pnrty nomina tions Is October 8 this year. The Dubuque Telegraph , sllvor-plated , regards - gards the present era of prosperity as n tem porary affair , to bo followed by n tcrrlblo relapse. Hero Is the way It chiirkloti over the dark prospect worked up In Its mind : "While lu one seiibo this will bo n misfor tune , In another It will be a blessing In dis guise. After the temporary spurt in pi-ices and revival of Industrial nnd trade activity the depression will be the moro keenly felt. It will gall more than If no relief had come. " Pennsylvania Is In the throes of n political sensation of largo dimensions. During the contest which resulted In the cle , tlon of Roles Penroso as United States senator the supporters of John Wannmnker were charged with an attempt to purchase votctj , and that they offered Assemblyman Weiss $3,000. E. A. Van Valltcnburg , Wanamaker's agent , wns arrested nnd his trial Is to begin tills month. Mr. Wanamaker and his friends denounced the charge as a conspiracy and have slnco collected sufllcient evidence to cause the ar rest of General Recdcr , secretary of the com monwealth , Assemblyman Weiss nnd Morris C. Luckenbach. Reedcr resigned his post and has been uuccecdcd by David Martin. The evidence on which the arrests were based was furnished by a man named Wil liam Winsboro of Bangor , who was a Quay man and a close friend of Reoder last winter , but later left the state on account of busi ness troubles. Ho sayfl the- whole nffalr wns a scheme concocted to injure Mr. Wnnn- maker ; that the detective who offered the bribe to Weiss was really an agent of the Quay machine nnd that the attempted bribery was a mere fake. It Is evidently the purpose ot the Wanamaker men to connect the whole Quay machine with the alleged conspiracy. Hence , the arrest of Rceder , who was chair man of the state committee. 1 Intllannpollg Journal. He blindly mlpsed the golden vein , And now to frenzy Bonded , lie gronned again and yet again : "I didn't know 'twas loded ! " 'Vt'iishlriRtoii Star. Now doth the bu.ay candidate Go forth with Joyous greeting , And crook the olbow'H pliant hinge , That votes may follow trcutliiE ; . : Detroit Kroe 1'rcss. "Gather the roses while you may , " Your girl with them be plying ; For ten n bunch Iswhat you'll pay When winter sets you buying. Cli-volanil Plain Denier. "Trousers , " says thp gifted Oulda. "Are so ugly I can't bear 'em ; " Thero's a woman for a wlfie Now -we know she wouldn't wear 'em. 1'uclc. Hlppled back from her brow dlvtno The waves of golden bull- Till they broke behind her car ; she got The iron too hot Just there. Detroit Jho carelessly spoke of her brougham , Whereupon the- poor fellow on woughura To snillo ho had deigned , Was visibly pelgiied , For he read In these fuw worJs his done- ham. Cincinnati Tribune. "Tho Widow's Home , " ho read the sign ; And ! IH the good souls near and far Swarmed out nnd .smiled , ho murmured low , ' "Geo whizz ! Well , I should say slio nrol" NVw Qrlpatm Thni-n. Her lips for i-arnatlonH ulaml , Her brow IH Ilko thu lily , Her chi-ckH nro blooming roscH , and Her eurx would knock pinks Hilly ; Yet 'tis but inituro'H nymnintry That all these gifts I've chorused Belong to her because , you see , Her father 1st u ilorlst. IX TIIK MOOM.MillT. Kotnervlllo Journal , t was a perfect autumn night , rim air wan noft , tliu moon was bright And riding high. Jiion a wiive-lappod beach their atrolJ Vus ending ; not a single HOII ! Was nigh. "or two wee-lex bo had been to ner. And Hho to him. without deiniir. Yes , moro than friend , Now on the morrow bu must KO ; ho Hoiil-exchaiiKu that thrilled them so .Mum end. They walked and talked , and talked and walked , \ml talked and walked , and walked und talked , AH lovcrx do. lo kissed her , with a grace export. Oh , Ned , " wild Mhi % " 1 lov to Illrt , Don't you ? " . . -I Royal makes the food pure , v > 'lolecumo and delicious. Absolutely Pure * l BAKIKO rOWDM CO. , MIW YOU * .