THE OMAHA DAILY 1J1STS ! SATTHDAV , SEPTEMBEK 18 , tvSOT. BIRDS LOSE THREE POINTS Orioles Take a Few Backward Steps in tbo Baco Pcnnantward. DROP THE SECOND GAME TO THE OUKERS Arc Unnlilo to Connect villli Mr. IHinltlr , the \CM Tnlrlrr from Ilic Cll > of llrot'herlj- Lut c. Dnltlmorc , 11-1 ; 1'hllmlclphla , 0- ! . I'lUsburK. G-10 ! St. louK 2-4. JJo-tton , 17 ; New Yoik , o , 14 ; Cincinnati , 3 llrooltlyn , 5 ! Wn hlnKlon , Allltt uikte , 1S-12 ! KntiFitK City , 3-7. Detroit , 7 ; Coluinliun , 5 riAhTIMOUB , Stpt. 17 The Champions tools tin first rnmo from the Quaker * today with rnmpnratlvo vase , but In the second they vst ro unable to hit Dunklo , the visitor's new pitcher. The work of the latter nntl sev- crfcl gnappy double play were the features. Attrntlanco , 3,345. Score , first K < uno : llAI.TIMOItn. I ! > lllT.\Uii.1'UIA. : n.ii.o.A.n.1 n.ii o.A.n. McOrnu. .10 1 2 0 1 0 Coolpy , H. . 3 S 0 0 0 Ktrlcr. rf. 2 3 0 0 0 Powil , cf. . . 1 ! 1 0 0 -nn'K 3 1 2 C 0 Dclf-li'ly. If. 0 1 : 0 0 Kcllcy. If. . 0 Z 4 0 0 l.nJole , Hi. 1 1 10 0 0 Hlinz.,1 . , cf. 1 1 5 1 0 HluiKiirt , ten 1330 Dojlc , 11) 1 3H o 0 Noxh. 31) . 0 0 J 1 0 llollz , 21) ) . . ricmcnti. c 0 1 4 1 " llnhlnnon , o 1 1 1 1 0 Ottli , p . 1 1 010 llofTT , p. llpi-kcr , p. 0 0 1 0 0 Totnl . . .It If 27 18 0 Totals . II 24 9 S llnlllmorc . 2-11 riillnili l | > liln . 100004010 G lI.irtKil mine llnlttmorc , 7. I'lillniloliililn , 3 Two-lmiir hllnDvlehnnty , Hnffor. Dojlo ( , Kcelcr , .IpnnlnitM < liltn : Ilell . KM lei , Kelly. Slolrn InFon- Cooley ( ? ) KiOl ) , Ilollz Don. I Doiibk' pln > : Holtr to lennlngs to Dujlp. l..ft on Imnfn : ISnltlmorp , 1. 1'hlla- delplilii , 3 rim on Imllv ort Ortli , 2. off IIiifTcr , 1 lilt l > y | . | tclii-l Imll ! H > Orth , 1 Btnick nut : 11 } Hotter. 1. l.v Ortli 1 liv llrtkrr 1 IMprml liall : notilnnon. 1. Tlm ' Ono hour nnl llfty-lUc inliiiilpx Umpire * : llmi- llc nn < l Cnrpcntcr. IJALTI.MOHK , 1 ; PIIILAUnM'HIA , 2. Bcc'onil it ii o A t : n n o A i : Mcfl raw Ib 1 0000 Poole rf . 0 0 0 ICcclcr , if . . 0 1 4 1 0 llowil. rf. 1 1 0 0 Ji lining * B 0 0 4 3 0 Hel'nnt ) . If u 0 1 0 Kill ! . U 01200 IflJnlr , Ib. f > 2 < 0 1 fUcnzel , cf 02200 Stmnart. < M 0 D 7 1 1 n > D > le , Ib 0 I 12 3 0 fro , 2b. . u 1 1 2 0 3lp2li | | 0 0 0 0 Nntd' . 31) . I 1300 CHrkp. c 0 0 0 0 Io ! > lc. . . Amol'1 , p 0001 Dmikle. p 0 0 0 C 0 1 5 87 10 l ! ToluH 2 7 27 5 2 rtnlllmnro 10000 'J 00 0-1 riillndi-lphln . 0 I 0 0 I 0 0 0 C 2 Humid runs 1'hlliiilpliihlu , I Two-Ill * . MIH 11 lull' , Ntish ' HiiLrlllcc lilt Dunklf Htnlim llihc : lUMe Uoiililt' plus * . Keelrr lo HI It ? , LnJolo mini Is ItnnInpi I * ft oil limw , n lion llmnrc , 6 , Philadelphia , 3 rirpt hn ion Off Dnnkfp 3 HtriKk nut Hj Am > Ie 2 V Hit pitch Amole Tlmo : Two lioiirs I'mpliPs Unrpeimi nnd I2timllo BOSTON , 17 , NEW YORK. 0 BOriTON , Stpl 17 Huston dift.tlcd New York loday In Ihe most one-sldttl gime of ball seen here this pcaion Sullivan could not control the bill In the llrst inning , and Zentfoss was off In his throwing The Bos tons scored six runs In the Inning and Rattled the result then nnd theie In the eighth Boston had another bitting carnival Nithols'ork wns superb and his suppoit "was perfect Score : I1OSTON. I NH\V YOUK. U II O A n H II O A 12. Il'inllt'n , cf i 0 2 0 OV'Il'tr'n , cf 0 II Tenmy , Ib 2 2 10 1 0 1 lernan , If 0 Ijiiwc , 2u 1 ! 1 6 0 IOMM31i . 0 II . ' 0 2 [ Hall I if Davis , ss . . 0 Duffy , If 0 00 flr > n. 2b s 0 0 7 0 Colllim , 3b 22 2 UM'r"j , l f-'li 0 0 0 2 2 I inif sn 321 20 CHik , Ib . . 0 0 S HirRfn c 1 1 1 /.1'iitusi Onnzcl , c 216 00 Sullluui , p. 0 1 0 2 1 Nlcholv. p . 131 00 - Totals. 0 C 21 11 9 Totals . . .17 15 27 12 o Jloston . , . . C 1 1 0 0 I 0 C 17 New York . ; . , < , . . < . . 0 0 Emlied runs : lloston , 4 Two-lmBu lilta : I.onff , Ixinc. Stolen bnres : Inuo , JJuffj. Collins Double pHss : nicaenn to Clark , Wllmot to V.carfiiks lo JOJM rilfl lui" , > on ballsity Nichols , 1 ; by Kulllxnn , 2 Klriick oul : lly NIclirilH. 4 ; by fiulllMui . ) rirst biisc on trrors : 1 lout on , t WIM pltcli. hulllMUi I. < > ft on liaees : llonton , 7 , New Voik ; lime : Onp liom ninl flfty-tno minutes Umplic. I.jncli. AttenU- hncc , 3.KO 14 ; CINCINNATI , 3 . Sept 17 Uhlncs pi chi > d two Innings for nnclnnatl , Htnet the rest of the Biine Heldon , a local nmatein , did well In right for Cleveland The onls fea- luru was the complete nbseneo of"any wrangling : or argument Kelly's decisions were iimiue.stloncd. Score : CLi\ii.\Nn. i CINCINNATI H H O.A.n. I It HOAR Ilurkelt. If 3 1 0 0 0 Hullliluy. if I 4 1 00 Chillis , 2li. . lloj. cf . . 1 1 J 0 0 . Jb I 3 4 1 0 Mcriiee. 2b 0 1 1 1 o VcKrnn , rs 0 0 2 1 T nitchcj , 21) 0 u 1 1 0 rick'nir , cf. 1 0 0 ltrftk > Ib 1 2 10 2 0 O'Conn'r , Ib 1 1 0 0 6 Cofior'n as 0 Cincinnati . . . 300000000-3 Hiirnoil nineCleelnnd 7 , Cincinnati. 1 first IHIPU li > errorsCle \ < Inml I rinclnnatl , i Left on bapeaClexelmid , t , rinclnn itl 111 Tlrnt tai > p on lialln- Off VV limn , 1 off lilillK-s 2 oft Khrct , 3 Ktrnck out. Il > Wilson , 3 Tlirpp- Imnc hltanlltcp , llclilen. 1 o-l > uiie liltx : O'Connor HelP < lie Mi l'ln > HocUliM Sai-rlilr ? hit : Mi-Plue Daiiblp pliy : Corcoran to npck. Icy. Wild pllcli Wllron 1 injilicK'tllej TimeOni > hour nml fortj-llsp minute * . At tendance 7CO HHOOKLYN. 5 ; WASHINGTON. 4 linOOKLYN , Sept. 17 Bitiokljn won nn- olhpr gnrnn from \ViiHhlnglon loday In Ihc ninth. Sunlm has only hlniHClf lo blame for the loss of the game , for afler he fum- tlcd Dunn's grounder , which would hive retired "Brooklyn with one run , enough lilts were made lo win Score : nuooiciAN. WAhlllNOTON. u ii o A n II 11 Or. Jonex. If 0 l 1 0 I Hellmi.Ii , If 2 .1 2 0 0 Clrinin. cf. . rietlmnn , rf 0 0 2 I 1 Fhlmlle 3b 0 3 1 1 0 Demont , 2h 2 1 ' < 2 1 Kherkinl rf I 1 I 0 0 rnrrell , c. . 0 2 0 1 0 Jjicb'cc , Ib I 1 D 1 0 Tucker , Ib 0 3 10 2 .Mi 0 2 4 2 I Itiimn rf . 0 1 4 0 0 llurrell c 1 0 0 0 llrllh , 31) 0 0 0 0 O. Hmllli HI I o 2 1 o SvMilm p Dunn , P . \VllKl.J. re. 0 1 1 7 1 Toliiln . . B 12 27 9 J TntitU 4 IJ'SD 14 4 Two out ttlipn ulrnilntr inn was mnile llrookljn 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 3-3 \VnHliliiKton 0 4 IJarmil nina : llnioklxn , \Vnnhlnulnii I , 3 Flriil busv on errors. llrookl > n , 2 VViii'lilnRton , 1 iJ'tt on liiiptK llrooklii , \VimliliiKton s llniie on Imlls- Off bunlm. 1 Stnuk out- Non * Ilomi * null.Slipckanl HPllmcli Two-l > i e hllii- Hmllli. Scll.acli. . nirrell (2) ( ) Stolen ; JniiiH , fl Pmllli SPllmrli , leiiiontre\ Wild pitch , hwnlm Time Ono hour ami forty uilnuten I'mplre Huml Allemlnnce , I.24C PITTSI1UHG , fl ; ST. LOUIS 2. PITTSIH'Hfi , Sept 17 I'lttsbuiK look tolti gnmes from the lallendct.s Them vvcro no i < pi'flal features In ilther game Sudhoft ullclml a ulco game , bill hail poor support. Bmlth made Iwo long runnliiK calcheti In tbt ! si com ! game , which set tin- bleachers mild. Allendance , 2300. Score , llrst game : ] > ITTdllL'Iia I ST LOUIS. H.n.o A.I : . K u.o A.I : . Donovan , rf 2 3 2 0 0 Cross , at 1 1 1 C 1 Tnilillll 2ll , 0 2 3 C 1 llurllll'll 31) 1 1 3 3 0 Binllh If. . . 2 230 U'1 iiriicr. rf. 0 1 0 0 0 ll"lhr . Ib 1 Oil 0 0 Clraily , Ib . 0 1 15 1 0 llorfm'r , 31)0 2 0 1 1 Ijlll ) . If 02100 ij , . 0 0 1 8 0 ll'nem'n. : ii 0 0 1 4 0 llrolltf cf 0 lliirlej , cf . 0 1 1 0 0 HUKiKn. c , . 0 0 & 0 vMur ; | > o , o. 0 0 { 1 I Klllen , p. , > 0 fiudhoff , p 0 0 0 S 0 TutaU .HJlTill TolnlH . . . 1 7 24 M 1 rittl > rK - < ! bt , l/iuU 00002000 0 2 iarmd ; rtitif. IMIUburK , 1. St I.oul . 1 , Two. tnre him : Smith ( . ' ) Hutrlllce. lilla ; IJIy , Htolrn l > aBen ; DOIIUMIII (2) ( , t'rov * . ruxilen play : iiy : lu I'lidiltn tu Itothfukii rtrvt lnn > on halli ; Off Klllen , 1 lilt l - pitched linll : llrodlv. htrucl. out : ll > Klllen , S , by Hudhoff , 2 IMraed liiill : Murpli ) Left on liaeea : I'lllrhurR , 5 : hi Loul , 7 , Klrnt 1m e on trrom ; I'ltmburc , 1 ; St , UiuU. 2 Time : One hour ml fort > minute * . I'mplre ; McDonald , P1TTSHUHG , 10 ; ST. LOUI8 , 4. Becoml gnme : nrrhiirna. i ST. LOUIS. it.n.o A.n.I n.ii o A i : Iono > Hii. rf 1 0 3 0 u Doucluti * , rl 1 3 1 1 1'oJiltn , 2b , 1 S 7 1 0 Cro * . nil Emllli. If 0 Hartm'n , 31)0 1 0 t \ llolhi'ii , Ib 2 2 3 0 0 Turner , rf. , 0 0 1 0 l lluffm'r , 3ti U V 0 U 1 Qrddy , Hi , , 0 2 lu 1 o Gardner , Jl ) , 0 1 1 1 l.ljtll ) . If , . 1 1 3 0 0 ' Kly. n . . . . . 1 1 2 3 I'll'tun-n , Sb 1 1 3 3 1 llrodle , cf , . , 1 1 il 0 0 Hurley , cf 1 * 1 o o Merrltt. c , . I 1 C 0 0 lUrl , p 01230 HatllnK * , _ _ _ „ „ Total 4 10 24 14 4 Total * . . . .10 11 17 7 9 < rtl ! l > urK 2 ! 1 0 2 0 0 3 -10 Et. I'Julu 100300000-4 Knrnctl rum : Pltuturt ; 1 ; St. lx > ul . 1. Two- tu e till : Ourdnrr. Sucrlllce lillt : hinllh , Oarilrur , Hu tliiK . Stolen liaten : Kmltli (2) ( , JtothfunB. Double plain ; llaitlnk * lo Kl > to liolhfun ) DouKlai tn Cro . 1'lret liarp on lialU : Off Hunting. 3 ; off Hurl , 4. Hit by imchei ! bull : Douglui * . Struck out ; lly Hunting * , 4 , by Ilort. 2 Wild pitch : Hart. Ltd on banei ; J-ltUburf , I ; fiu Ixiuli. I. Vlrit bin on rroni fi' lul J Tim * One hour nnd fitly mn utff 1 rnpire MiDutiald lead DIllDS STANDING OP THri THAMS. i'hyctl. Won. ! * < , . P.C naltlmorc . . . . . 120 S 34 71 7 Hoston . m FC S > 1 705 Now' York . 1JU 77 41 642 Clnelnnntl . IIS C7 fl fCS Cleveland . 121 61 ( X ) BO I Hrooltlji . 122 M CO 4.19 Washington . 1W Ki C3 4 1 8 I'ltl-tburg . 120 54 ( f 4SO | ( Mllrago . 121 SI CS 4TS I'hllldclnlih . 123 W 71 423 Louisville . 123 Gl 72 41.5 St. Louis . 123 2S Dl T30 Oames today ; Nrw Yoik nt HORton ; Wash ington nt Ilrooklyn ; I'hllndelphla nt Haiti- mote : St IxiiilH nt Plttsburp ; Cincinnati nt ClCM'Iand , Ixjlilsvlllc nt Chicago lnpn Ilrnp Tun ( innirn lo Un- rx front Mlltrniikcc. KANSAS CITY , Sept 17-Thc Dluos lost two games to Milwaukee today. In the flrrt AMjpyfi clutned unmercifully , and the ypcond was lout on errors. Connaiigh- ton , the Hluc.s' shortstop , pnrtlettlnrly dN- tlngulsht'il himself , mnUIng II vo errors out of fifteen chances accented In the two games Score , first game : Kansas City . 010200000-3 Milwaukee . 15 Hnie hits ; Knnsis City , 7 ; Milwaukee , SO. Lrrors : KIUIS.I.S City , 3 ; Milwaukee. H. Untterlts . Kansas City , Abbev and Hlnn- for I ; Milwaukee , names' nnd Spenr. Score , Hecond game : Kansas City . 024 100000-7 Milwaukee . 12 Ha t ! hitsKnnsas City. 12 ; Milwaukee. 12. 12rroiKnnsis Clly , 9 : Milwaukee , 3. Hallcrlcs : Knnsas Clly , I'ardee and lllan- foul ; Milwaukee , Harnes , Heldy and Spear. DirrUOIT. Sept 17. "Noodles" Halm went ngnlnst the \ lsltorloday , determined to square thut little matter of twenty-two lilts against him the lust time he faced the Senatorfi. Not until the latter part of thu game could they llnd HIP Bouthpiw. nnd thin not very fiequentlv. Cnptnln Tcbuuu was escotud olt the grounds by the police for towdjlsm. Scora : IJMrolt . 000250000 7 ColumbUH . 5 Hasp lillsDeltoll. . 10 ; Columbus , a I2t- rots : Di-trolt. 4 ; Columbus , 5 BuliMlca : Detroit , II ihn and Trost ; Columbus , Wollers nnd Klsher STANDINO OK TIIK THAMS I'lnycd. Won. Lost. P.C. Indianapolis . 121 II 35 72. 'I ColumbtiH . I'll STi 4il * fil.O St. 1'alll . 12S 71 41 ni 7 Mllwauken . n : SI 61 01 4 Detroit . 132 &S fi4 61 6 Minneapolis . lit 41 81 ' Kansas city . 1 Cl 41 as 295 Grand Hapld.s . . . . 130 33 Bi 26.9 Games todnColumbui at Detroit : In dianapolis nt Grand Itiplds ; Minneapolis nt Kansas Cltv. St Paul at Milwaukee. U'l'KflTII \ > < NIII'lll < lllll SlMirfM. nUUT.TNfiTON. In , Sept. 17.-Score. nurllngton . 0-5 ) < s Molnos . IBOOOOOu * r , I ! ISP hits : lUirllngton. S ; DCS Molnos , 7 2nors. Uttrllnglon , 4 ; Des Molnes 0 Bat- pilpi nurllngton , Sonlor nnd Mc mei , Dva Moltips , Planck and Liumnn HOC KKOIID , 111 , Si-pt -Score : riockford . . . . 0- , 'corK . . . . .00000000 2 2 Hasp hits ; Hockfoid , fl , Peorla , 1 I2rrorf. : lockford 3 ; Poorla , 1 Batteries : Horkford , linli-rwotid nnd Trae > ; Peorla , Burils and S Izlcr. CI2DAH HAPIDS. Ill , Sept -Score : Cedir Haplds . 2 I 1 0 0 0 0 0 * -4 Dubmuie . 00000002 0 2 B i e hits Ccdai Haplds 7 ; Dilbuqlte , 4 iirois Cedar II iplds , 2 : Dubuque , 1 Bit- tries. Cedar Haplds , McDougal and rul er , Dubuque , Pot and Sullivan. QUINCV. Ill , Sept. -Score : Qulnpy . 01 St Joseph . 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 6 Base hits : Qulney. fi , St Joseph , 10 Krror.s. Quliicy , I , St Joseph. 8 B tileries' Qulney , Iiickett and ( iiuvei , St , Jo'cph , Meicdlth tril Hnii ° en. or Tiii2 i.ivni.A Norfolk liiHN It ) Hrroi-s. NOHFULK , Neb , Sept ( Tele gram ) Owing to the rankest kind of er- ors nt critical periods l > > the Norfolk nine West Point won today' * game by the fol- owlng Hcorc : West Point 0 2 1 2 5 0 0 2 ( V-12 Norfolk 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 3 Batteries. West Point , Hagan and Cor- lell , Norfolk , Turner and Wood. Umpire : C A. Smith. lIl-CMtcl-N Will II SlllKKlllKT Mllll'll. FAIHP1IJLD , Neb , Sept. 17.-SpPcial ( Teleguiin ) The Fremont Brewers -won here ig.iln today in a . = lugiglng match. The 'eature of Ihe game was HIP baiting of Bouldln and the work of Teobaugb nt short , and Alhey In the field for the Brew ers S'-'ore : Fremont 4 10 Falllleld 0-14 Karnpil runs : Fremont , 7 ; Fairlleld , 5. Uise hit" . I'Vemont , 21 ; rnlrlield , 14 Two- jasa lilts , Llnglc , Bouldln , IVrklns , Thajor. Three-base hlls : Bouldln , Baler , lirrois : Fremont , 4. Knlrne.d , 5 Batlcrles Kr < . mont , Ncrly , Ilouldln nnd Jnme fcn , Talr- , Ileilge , Athcv nnd Hnll 5TATIJ rilll SIM5I2II I2NT1UI2S. 1,1x1 of ri > ri-N llonUf'il for Competi tion Dnrlnu > ptVfiU. . Pl\p d ) of racing at the State Fair grounds next week will be participated Inby life following listed horses , who are already entered In the several events' rillST DAY. Trotting , 2-year.olds , purse 00 : Lewis Wllks , b. 9. C. C. Cotton. Syracuse , Neb ; Cln > range , b g. , C. E , Holland , Scward , Neb. ; Fleet Foot. b. m. , J. U. Robinson , Scrlbner Neb. ; latnn , ch. c. , Charles Tnpo , Cameron , Mo. ; The Bishop , ch. B. ; Kej stone Stock farm , Omaha. Cln-si 2:35 : , pacing , puwe $100 : Lulu Lo- basco , b. m , Mllte ndmore. Alliance , Neb ; Hthel O , b m. , E K. Kcutner , Falls City , Neb. ; IM Itosewalpr , Jr. , g. B. , H. T. Scy- fert. Council UltilTs. la. ; Nefile K , ch. m. , D. nusmlnrer , Gllniun , In. ; Sam A , g. g. , V. Mnulsbv. Omaha ; Annnllnc , b. f. , J. n Chandler , Wichita , Kan. ; Carter McGregor , Al Husscll. Omaha ; Lulu Callnwny , b. m , A. Thompson , Omalm ; igbcrtnllne , b m. , William 1'rcston , Omaha. SECOND DAY Pacing , 2:14 : class , purse > 503 : McShedd , eh. s. . Jack Ctirev , Hed Oak , la. ; Ntll Caf- frey , blk. m. , Mlkti Ulmore , Alliance , Neb. ; Happy May , b. m , 12. 1C. Kculncr , Falls City , Neb. , Mis * Klopplnc , b. m. . Henry Klopplng , Wnyne , Neb ; Prince I , r c. , C. D. Iilubln * , Spoknne. Wasb. , ntlinn II. It. s. , Bud Lttta , Teknmah , Neb. ; Captain lime , b s. , I. S. Dtrllng. Strang , Neb. ; Well A. Head , b. s , . Kelly & Ulbblni , Perry , la. ; Hell Aclon , J. U. Chandler , Wichita , Kan. : Maggie Slagdc , b. m. , W. H. Slipde , Peorla. 111. ; Tom Lee , K. . , I' . H. North , Columbus , Neb ; Charandos , b. g. , A. S. Patrick , Omaha ; The Wizard , b g. , Clinton II. Brlggs , Omaha , Trotting , car-olds , 2:10 : class : Anna 12 , b , in. , .lack Curry , Hed Oak , la. ; Kc } stone , b. g. , Ke > stone Stock farm , Omaha ; Harry S , b. g , 1) . T. Mount , Omaha ; May North , ch. m. , M. C. Keith , North Platle , Neb. Class 2-30 , trotting , pur e JlOfl : Mary Stoddnrd , s. m. , C. H. Cotton , Syracuse , Neb. ; Tally Ho. b m. . G. W. Hurnnher , Auburn , Neb ; Prlmos Con ul , b. s. , C. 12. Holland , Seward , Neb. : Lucy Cotlon , b. m , 12 K. Kctitncr. Palls City , Neb. ; D O > ley , b g. , Mrs. Hmma Plckard , Omaha ; HOSCOP , b g , H n. Faulkner , Lin coln , Neb. ; Electricity , b. in. , Bert Carter , Crcsion , la. ; Hcsper , Charles Tapp. St. Joseph , Mo. . Noth ( Slar , b. g. , C. E. Morse , Columbus , Neb. ; Mnlaca , b. s. , St , Joseph tables , St. Joseph , Mo. TllIttD DAY. Class 2:1" : , trotting , purse $300 : Captain Hank" , b. g , St. Joseph stables St. Joseph , Mo. ; Holla Poppln. 8. s. , 12 J. Great , Htith- \en. In. : Bonnie 12 , b. in , 12. L Garrison , Button , Neb. ; Wcrl , Charles Tapp , SI Joseph , Mo ; Godplla , b m. , A. S Patrick , Omaha ; Ilurly Burly , ch. s. , Cllnlon H Drlggu , Omnha , Pnlrjwood , b. g. ; Heir Me dium , b in . O. Hoblnson ; JoUcr , J W llnr- k'ns ' ; Maldeno , b. g. , SI. Joseph slnbles , St Joseph , Mo. Puclug , 201 clnKs , purse $ fiOO : II > dragen , II M Spencer , Des Molnes , In ; Bob Rllev , b g. H Pony. Wlcbltn. Kan : I21In F , J W Tllden. Hed Oak , In. ; Tborndlne , b. s. , C. H. Brfggs. Orniha ; Dtilp , b. m , John McGulre , Omaha ; Wlnslow Wllko , b K. Al Husscll. Omalm ; Hey Ihe Kid , g. g. , J. Hllfinnn , Kewnnce. 111. Trotting , 2:22 : class , purse t'OOObed. . b. g. , Mike nimore , Alliance , Neb ; Madallne Graham , b. m . W Pitman , Hurl in , la ; At agon K , C CM Kelley , Des niolnes , In. ; Gieever , br s , C. V. Townley , Olatha , Kan ; I'llatus. ch h. . J. N. Mc- Cullen , Des Jlolncs ; Nellie Cobb , b. m , C. II. Hilggs , Omaha , Neb ; Spokane , br s. , H B. Watson. Coun cil Bluffs , lu ; New Fashion , Fred Stone ; J W C , b s , Frank Dully. Auburn , Neb ; Scraps , b g , St. Joseph stables , St Joseph Mo. FOURTH DAY. Pacing. 3-year-olds , 2.23 class , purse $ )00- ) Notion , b. g. . St. Joseph stables , St Jostph , Mo , Bcs'le Allot ton , s f , C. S. Hex , Cri.s- lon , In ; Omaha Wllko , b g. , C llessl , Omaha ; Lollle Smart , James G. Wallace Denver. Cole ; Shadp On , J. N. Kav , En Ing , Neb ; Casslc Onward , b m. , D. T. Mount , Omaha. Trotting , 2-10 class , purse $000Shndeland Norv.ird , Woodllne farm , Fullerton , Neb ; The Conqueror , eh h. , Kevstonc stock fnim , Omaha ; Hurly Burly , ch. h , C. II. llrlggs , Omaha ; Bonnie E , b. g. , C. L Garrison risen , Set Ibner , Neb ; Falryw oed , b. g , C. II Brlggs Omnln ; Delmont. b h . J Hllo- nnn. Kewanee , 111. ; Caplaln Hanks , b. g , St. Joseph slables , St. Joseph , Mo. Paelng , 2-23 class , purse $100 : Alex Gray , b s. George Giay , Gray , In. ; Alnsworth , b. g. , J. D. Yeoman , Omaha ; Nellie E , ch. m , D Ensmlnger , Oilman , la , ; Roberts , James C. Wallace , Dpnvpr , Cole ; Governor Foraker , b g. , A. G. Frlez , Shenandoah , la ; Carter McGregor , Al HussplI , Omaha ; Lulu Calnwny. b. m , J H. Ellis , Omaha ; Kns- Fi-11 , br. s. John Keating , Boone , la. ; Eg- bertnllne , b m , William Prestpr , Omaha ; Bessie Wllks , b m , M. C. Keith , North Platte , Neb. FIFTH DAY. Trotting , 2:40 : class , purse $100 : Captain Caffrey , br. s . J. W. Hnrklns. Falls city , Neb. ; Anna E. b. m , Jack Cttiry. Red Oak , la. ; Roscoe , b g , E E Faulkner , Lincoln , Neb ; North Star , b. g , C. E Morse. Co lumbus , Neb ; Hector , b. g. , C. E. Morse , Columbus , Neb ; Mnlaca , br. s. , St. Joseph Blables , Si Joseph. Mo. iPaclng. 2-yenr-old class : Fllzslmmons. b. c. , B. Throssell , Shcllleld , In. ; E at G , b. To those tlisit hnvi * bought piano1 ! of ns it Is not necessary to rcvual the sootliH-t-s of our Kiiainntw * tlit'y Unovv AVL-'VC beim hoio twonty-llvo jt'ins and have always slonil by every nuantoo : we liave over iiiatlc not one of tin- pianos In the foui onilomls icceivetl In the last few \\eeK8 but that vvc v\lll Riiai.inlre there arc seine Kinib.ills In the lot some Knabes anil sonit' of other makes which we will show and tell you all about when you come to thu stoie-onr priee.s aie low our terms are easy anil our naiantee Is ( 'ootl ( hi ee essentials in piano bujiii } ; . A. HOSPE. Music and Art. 1513 Douglas. Honiitlful teetli ntlil more than any thing else to a beautiful /ace if your teeth are btoUen wo can bulhl them up with solid gohl ciovvns or we can fur nish yon an artificial set that look so natural lit so comfoitubly me so per fect In action that even yourself will not lealUo they aie not your own these aie our thin elastic plates a of our ovvn dcvelopi'tl after yeais of den tal piaellce we guarantee tlum at .flOOO n bet the oidimiry set of teeth Is only $5 with us we guaiaiituu them too lady attendant. BAILEY , THE DENTIST , i\liiTli-ncr. lUtlt nml I'nr un in. Ill \curit : til I'Moor 1'nxtoii Illk. Kiim of dese times when I git leal tired I'm goln' ter go In de back loom of my dial's smoke house and load my old gun wd ! duublo It's an' go out an' look for do feller wat says my dad's five-cent Steocker cigar ain't In It deie's only a few of dein an' ( ley never mnokcd de StoecKer In tleie life fur everybody wat has tells my dad tint he makes a live- cent cigar tint he cud git ten cents fur- but ho don't nor do de dealers tint nell It an1 de best dealoib sell de five-cent cigar. 1404 DOUGLAS. p A HiiMrll , Omnhn Klondike , br f , Key- R.onc ioik farm , Om h , f KIJ > PS ( > 'I IIIJ IU > > KNO THICKS. riir 'o rit > orlloK \ \ lit VmVtlic Ilnrlcni Conmc nt CmcitKo. CIUCAOO , Sept 17. AdtnMu" , Sounie nnd Knovvles vveie the wlnnlnc fi\vorltf today it llnrlem on n lumpv track. Sloan wan taken off The Ace , betKHlH.'lnrPd off nnd flnrrett put up. lloth Ki | VHlc.s and Elsie Uramblc bent , The Ace. ItesnUa : First rncc , thrce-nunrtern of n mile : Mln- ile Miller , 107 ( Cnjwood ) . 12 to 1 , won ; Mnrlo Woodlands , 107 ( A. llflt > ert on ) . 4'4 to 1. second ; Lottie. 102 ( Connolly ) 60 to 1 , third Time : l 21. Second rnce , one mile ; AdmettK W ( T Hums ) , 1 to 2 , x\on : Ttrrnuet , 101 ( Connolly nelly ) , IS to 1 , second ; Santa gnu. 93 ( Don aldson ) , 10 to 1. third. Tlmf : ino'i. Third race , live-eighths'-ofi'ii mile ; Ben Trost. ? G ( T Uurns ) , G | ol , won ; Judfre QulBley , 101 I A. Harrctt ) . ib lo 1 , second ; lee Shelby , 101 ( Everett ) , 23 to 1 , third. Time ; 1:0)14. : ) Fourth race , one mile ; Soullle , 10 , " ( Gard ner ) , 12 to 1 , won ; Anger , 101 ( Oray ) , 12 to 1 , second ; Avhlnnd , 103 ( T. Uurns ) , 30 to 1 , third. Time1MSU. . rifth race , live nnd a hnlf furlong : Know leg , 101 ( T. Hums ) , n to 5 , won , Elslo Urumble , 102 ( Cln , 2 to 1 , second ; The Ace. ion ( A. Hnrrctl ) , 10 lo 1 , third. Time : 1.104. . Sixth rare , three-quarters of a mile : W C T , 101 ( Everett ) , 8 to 1 , won ; Sea llobbor , > 9 ( Kltley ) , fi to 1 , second ; Preston , 107 ( T. liurni ) . 4 to 1 , third. Time : 1:15 : % . ST. LOUIS , Sept. 17. VavorllCM were sue- ce isful onlv 'In the opening nnd cloilns I l events nt the fair nrounds. Track slow , ' Tomorrow \ the closing- day of the season . Ilpstilts : First race , purse , six furlongs ; Strath- reel , 109 ( Snell ) , 6 to 5 and 2 to E , won ; Lidy Hamilton , 101 ( Gllmore ) , 2 lo 1 and 7 to 10 , Bccond ; John Hoone , 109 ( Strode ) , 30 to 1 , third. Time : 1:18. : C.nrnel Hippie , W. J. linker , Dee Turblvlllc , Hags nnd Joan also ran. Second rnce. soiling , one mile : Judge De- fouse , lot ( C. Combs ) , 6 to 1 nnd 2 to 1 , won : John Corbln , Bl ( C. Murphy ) , n to 2 nntl even , second ; Al Mile's 101 ( ailmore ) , JO to 1 , third. Time ; IMS. Lassie Jean , Sick- vllle , Mary Harnes , Tim Irvln , Virginia nml Chief II al o ran. Third rnce , "clllnp , for maiden 2-j ear- olds , live furlongs. Highborn Lady , 90 ( Southnrd ) . 20 lo 1 nnd S lo 1 , won ; Fourlh \Vaid , 101 ( ailmore ) , 40 lo 1 und 15 to 1 , second , Lilarla , 93 ( Harrington ) , 10 to 1 , llilid. Time' 1 04Vi. Sir Wajman , Thnrles , San Saba U , KaHerlne , Foresl Guard , Queen Albann , Lizzie McLaughlln , Galdora. Lady Chance , It-mene nnd Kasler Sunday II nlso ran. Gift was left nt Ihe post Fomth rnce. selling , six furlongs- Hush , 107 ( Snell ) . 3 to 1 nnd even , won ; Can I See 'Em , 93 ( Hall ) . 8 to 1 and 3 to 1 , second. Slddtlbla , 101 ( C. Combs ) , r , to 2. third. Time : 1.17. Itenrlc.i , Anuarella , Bob Whltu und Joe Hart also ran. Fifth race , selllm ? , six furlongs : Jolly- Fen , 91 ( Audtews ) . IM to 1 nnd 10 to 1 , won ; Llrottn. 1CH ( Snell ) , 3 to 2 nnd 1 to 2. second end , Lndv Biltannlc , Si ( Husscll ) , 15 lo 1 , thlrtl. Time : l.lOt Holy Terror. Hnrrle riovd , Laura F , Addle Bilehanan , Gold 'lop , Neutral ami Shield Hearer nHo ran. Queen Mali fell. . , Sixth race sellltiE , one mile : Parole d'Or , 100 , 7 to 10 and out , won ; Helen H. Gardner , 101 ( H Jones ) , 3 lo 1 nnd 4 lo 5 , second ; Mellle , 94 ( Southard ) , 30 to 1 , third. Time : l:4ri : < . Aim. Kiuna , Ntllle Hlund , Jack Hrndlcv nnd Outnway nlso ran CINCINNATI , Scpl 17 The books got even for their losses of Thursday at Otk- le.v loday. Not one favorite scored foi the public and vpvcr.xl good things failed to go through. Governor Sauasentlmler was Lacked from 2 to 1 to 3 to 5 In the third race by John Schorr , his owner , but the best the colt could do was to run third The two mlle lace proved very Interesting nnd was won In clever fashion by Barton at C to 1. Afamada , Hie odds-on favoilte. In the open ing event. vvn beaten a nose on the post by Taffeta Silk , n CO to 1 shot , The wcnthci was line and the track fast , Results' First live furlongs , sellinginffet.i Silk. 107 ( Sills ) , HO to 1 , 'won ] ; Afamada , 110 ( J Hill ) , 7 to 10. secoiirt ; 'Unrdn. ' 112 ( C. Helm , S to B , third. Time : 1 02M Aunt Maggie. Vlrelo Cook , Sp'ildjvY , Allle B and The Naulahka also Second rnce , live nnd one-half furlongs : Pontus , 110 ( Overlon ) . I to 1vvon ; Don Quixote , 110 ( C llelff ) . S to 2 and 4 to G. hccoml : Jackanapes , 107 ( J. Hill ) , even , third. Time : l.BVt ( TeuCKr. Allcrton , Ilarus , First Call and Tldldes also ran Thlid ince , six furlongs , selling : Hock- wall. 101 ( II. Williams ) , u'to i. won _ ; Masler- nlece 101 ( Aker ) , 5 to 1 rtnd S to n , second ; Governor Sauss/e'nthaler / 107 ( T Murplo ) 4 to 6. third. Tlmo : iMi. : F M B. Santa Marie , Colleen , Peggv. Clara Alice W , Say On and Barney B.irnoto also ran. Fourth race/selling , six furlongs : Carrie Lyle. 104 ( C. HolCf ) , 2 to 1. won : Panchlta , 107 ( Scherrer ) . 7 to 10. sWond ; Three Bars , 0 J llfn ) . 6 to 1 , thIM Time : 1:1 : . OM- mend Harry Thoburn , Lat'Fly , The Navy . " rmUcs , selling : Barton. 10. . Bearer nnd Lltlle Walter also ran C10BP of SnniicUTH County Fnlr. WAHOO , Neb , Sept. 17.-Spcclal ( Tcle- pram.-Thc ) Saunders county fair closed to- dav with only a light attendance. Races ! ot : Cricket won , Waverly KC end , Krnnk P third Hcst tlnia 2 27 Running rnce. halt mllf nntl repent , fliuo- ders county horses. New Mron won , Max tor Hick second , Hell Johnson third. Boot tltme ; 0:53H. : Hlorle rare , two brat out of throi- , mile heat" , Faundcrs county rlrt-r ' Devore won , HnMnr second , Prlmley third. Ilest time. 2U1. _ * IMTCHIJN Air4INST STAll I'OIM'HH. Knoh Til ken Unit. Thli-il llent tu Mo II I 'no I'd Toilet ) . INDIANAPOLIS. Sept 17-Joc Patclicn , for the first time since the Columbus meet ing In July , showed Star Pointer his dust today. The wonderful black stallion CAPtured - tured the second hfnt In the battle between the two pacing king * . He had the pole , tl.i > plnce bcfntf won by the Illp of a coin , and from the word he cut the route nnd was not headed. Pointer won the first licnt In com- pirnllvoly easy form In 2.0I > . McOlnry was driving In line nt > lo , and he counted on the second heat being taken with equal eiu e Pntchen had f.iltercd some In the first argument. An experiment hn > l been tried In his shoeing. For the llrst tlmo in weeks deity wns cnu cd In Retting the woul , due to his breaking Hh rounding In form wns Biiperb , and the crowd of 45.WU people present was Immensely plcn ed nt hi * suc cess. The tlilrxt heiit will be paced to morrow. Mollies Trntw. DCS MOINES. Sept. 17.-nnelng results' Class 2:10 : , pacing , purse WOO : Ulnn won first and second heats and race , Hjdrogln Borond. Well Ahead third Host time. 2.13'i. ' Pacing , 2-year-old1 * , purse J230 : Fltzslm- mons won both heats. Heaver second , Ullky thlnl. Heat lime : 2:274. : I.IlM (1 Will * ttlllf Cllll llluilMlll | ) . CIIICAUO , Sept. IT.-- Joseph Lloyd , the professional from the Essex County Oolf club , Mftnchester-by-the-Sca , Mats. , won the ot en golf championship of 1S97 on the links of the Chicago nolf club ted ly. His total score wns 10J. William Andeison , the phenomenal young player from the Mls- iiuamlcnt Golf club , Watch Hill , H. I. , was : i close second with 163 James Foulls. now .ox-champion , finished third with 1GS , AVIllle Dunn of the Ards'.cy Golf club tleing him I Thirty-four men finished the thtity-stx holes under 200. In the amateur driving contest H. > M Har. rltnnn ot the Knollwood Golf club won with a drive of 215 yards : W. H. Metis of Shlnne- cock was second with 213 and J A Tyng third with 242 The present event went to John Harrison with a drive of 233 yuuls , and H T llawllns. the Sidaaueda mm , was second A\lth 2J4 ; > ards , Tomorrow the llmil ntntcli play rouiul of thirty-six holes for the amateur champion ship of 1S < )7 ) will bo plajed oft between Cham pion H J. Whlgham of the Onwont ln cluh and W H. Belts of the Shlnnccock Hills Golf club. liitcriiiillimiil Clit > itM Toiiriiiinu'iit. BEHLIN , Sept. 17 The fifth round in the International chess tournament was pla > ed today , It being the second round according to the Merger sjstcm. Tno pairing was as follows , Engllsch against Schlffets , Hai- dt'lobeti against Charousek , Colin against Alliln , Schlechter against Alnptn , Mtico against Wlnawer , Metger against Carho , Nicholas against XlnUI , Telchmann acilnst Hum. Tscnlgorln against Walbrodt , Succli- tlng ag.ilnst Blackburnc. At 1 o'clock the following results had been refolded. Colin beat Alliln ; Unrdeleben ( n- tltod ) lost to Charousek ; EnglHeh and Schllters drew ; Telchmadn beat Hum The remaining games lesnltcd ns follows Sehlechter and Alapln drew , Maico beat Wln.iwer. Mutger was downed by Caiho , J.uiowskl beat Klnkl , Tschlgorln and biodt adjourned their game and SuccMlng and Blackburne drow. Cricket ut l'lillinllililn. | . PHILADELPHIA , Sept 17 The cricket nntch between Captain Warner's team of British amrteurs and a team of twenty- two "colts" "elected from the junior mem bers of the various Philadelphia crli kpt clubs , was begun at noon today. Robert S. Newhall , the veteran plnver , acted as captain for the colts The 1'hlladclphlnns won the toss and chosu to go to the bat llrst. llrst.While While the younpsters , as a rule , fell an easy prey to the high class bowling of the englishmen , seven of thorn succeeded In gettlnp double figures , as did nKo Captain Newhall. The full team was retired foi US runs. The" " Britishers then went to bat , and when stumps were drwnn for the day they had scored 41 , with the loss of two w Ickets. If you have e\er seen a little child in n pnroxyem of whooping cougti , or If you have been annojed by a constant tickling In the throat , you can appreciate the value of One Mlnuto Cough Cure , which gives quick relief. IIIKMf < > ! Mill 1'rojcct. ALLENTOWN , Pa. , Sept 17. The Coronet Sleel company of New Jersey , which Is said to control a process for the manufacture of steel without flaws or blow holes , is about to close negotiations for the purchase ot the two largo mills at Fnllerton , Lchlgh county , from creditors of the defunct Manufacturing company. The mills will be rebuilt and enlarged , and vvlll bo started In six months. They will give einplojment to 2,500 hands. If yon have been made a delegate of ouo by the family for the inspection of stool Hinges and yon want to do your duty yon will have to give the Jewel steel iiinge a thorough inspection conic prepared to spend at least an hour with ns for thoio aio so many good things about this steel isinge that aie not found In any othois that it will take ns home tlmo to show them all to yon tills Is ft stool lange not sheet hon but It's prleed pticod at about sheet Iron prices $2-1.00 and up the Jewel cook stoves aie $18.00 and up. A. C. RAYMER , BUILDERS' HARDWARE I1EUC. 1514 Farnam St. Our Is a place where you can be suited in every sense of the word milted in style In price and the wearing qual- tics of whatever yon buy it'l make any difference how low or high pi iced you may go the quality witl always be tlieic our new fall cai pot- ings possess our usual guaranteed qual ity but they far smpass In style and beauty anything we have ever shown be fore while the price is as It always lias been-Just light c.upetlngrt aie now on display and an caily Inspection will assure you Hist < ; " " ( $ ' . OmahaCarpetCo B It ) 1515 Doa&Q St. The children rent ] more especially those that me away at school the HOWH In the homo paper Is' ' IlJt ) a my of sun shine to thorn The Dally Ilee can be mailed them seven tlirj'H In the week for seventy centrt a monfjior The .Sunday Hoc stlone would bo an excellent paper to send them all the social come and that have been can be found In this paper together with ( lie news fioin all over the v oild The Fnnday Uoo Is only $ IMH ) a yea * The Weekly Hoe at 05 cents n year Is a good paper to send to your custom filends It's the Dally condensed. The Omaha Daily Bee Circulation Department 17tli and Faroam. Dee Building COM WILL IS OF NO VALUE Judge Foster of Topekn Posses ou au Im portant Point. RULING IN KANSAS CITY STOCK YARDS CASE Contention of the C'otnpnny Itittt It Is Knllllcit to KamliiKi on Alnrkrt Vnlno of UM StorK S KANSAS CITY , Sept. 17. ( Special 'Me- Brain ) Juilgo C. G. Foster of the federal court treated thp nttnrncjs for the Kansas Clt > Stock Yards company to nn uiipleasitnt surprise nt Topeka today , wlicre n case ex actly similar to the Omulm Block jards case Is on trial. The stock yards company is on- ilca\orhiK to pto\o that Its earning * arc not c\.ccsst\o un the \nluo ot the plant On the claim of the stock > arils people thai they were entitled to a large profit on account of the peed ulll of the company , Judge Mm tin of counsel for the compaciy read n ivccnt decision ot the supreme premo court , In which the remark was mailo that the diligence of rim. eel on both sides had failed to dUcoici a single caic whore the good will of n company had toccn taken Into consideration In fixing rates Judge .Martin was following out this tine ot aigu- mcnl wheel Judge Foster emddonly and to the surprise of c\erbm1 > Knocked one of the tumpanj's claims In the head and settled It for all time as far as this case In this court Is concerned. "lo I understand , " Judge Foster naked , leaning o\er his desk , "that the compaii } claims that It Is entitled to consideration for good will over and nbo\c the pjr value of Iho stock ? " "Yes , " snld Judge Martin. "Then I am dead against that proposition , " mid Judge Foster , with an air of Beveilty. nhllo n do/en lawjcts In the court teem , attorneys in the case and speclatois alike , stood ii | ) and loaned forward to listen "You lia\e assumed that the Bt.ite , because It had not until this jcat attempted to ir < ; ulate jour business , would not or could noi do It IIo- ciuuo pcoplo believed that .tesumptlon to bo correct , the tuniket aUlo of join stock has been Inci eased to 1HG. You mo wrong If the court decides that the state has tin' power lo regulate > our buslncb * , and this lav , regulates It , > ou ate not en titled to any excess value ha fl on falbc theory which the enactment of this li\v en tirely o\erthrowi " When Judge .Martin BRW that the couit had In two mlnutea knocked $7,500000 out of the \nlnc claimed In the bill and JL'.iWO 000 out of the \alue claimed by Colonel .Mo'.so and other Block jards witnesses , he made a brief explanation that the company claimed that Its tangible propel tics were woiih $9,000.000 Judge Foster said "If the leg islature has the pcmer to ; egulate tlic stock jards It would be an anomulj to e\y that the state must accept \aluatlon of the prop erty based on the assumption that the state would not regulate It " No man oromai can enjoy lltp or ac complish much In this world while Mifrtrlng from a torpid llxei. DeWltt'e Little Koily Risers , the pills that cleanse that or an , quickly. Sending : r.iilllin DIM IK Homo. SAN TRANCISrO , Sept 17-Kmma nivls , the little English girl who was icscucd from practical sla\cry at Madera by the Calafornla Society for the Prc\entlon of Cruelty to Children , Is on her way home. She will be In charge of the train agent until she reaches Chicago , where icpretcnta- tlNes from the Young Women's Chilstlan association will meet her. She will bo met by n. Fellows Jenkins at New * York , secre tary of the New York Society for the Pievcn- tlon of Crueltv to Children , and taken to the society's home. She will sail next Thursday. _ COIM eiitloii of I.n > WvthuillNtH. CANTON , 111 , Sept. 17. Two hundred Methodist laymen from all parts of the btate are In session here , with the view of securing Increased lay representation In the con ferences. The sentiment Is decldedlj In favor of equal representation , hut equally divided on the question of time limit of pas torate. Scnlilfil 1 > 5 Sd'iuii from un CHKYENNC , Wyo. , Sept. 17. ( Special Telegram ) Joe Durke of St. Louis was U'alh ? aided At ruling today. He wan tlripuii ; In coal chute tack ot Iho Union Pacific round house \\hen n engine w blown off. tiAldliiK hint In frightful m n < ncr , nil the skin dropping from hli bones. THIJ lir.AI/lY MUIICUT. tNSTIUT.MENTSplrup.1 on record September WAUUANTY HEEDS. H n. lliiRtlncs to John Kev-KT ct nl. lots 7 nntl s. blk "C. " Snunders & It's ndtl S J.BOO 1C C. Hobble to L M. lion ell. lot 4 , Terrace , , 6,609 A H Dufrtno and wife to P. A. Orntleni'tn , lot II , blk 1 , Dcnlso'w ntlil 1000 Emcllft Scunner ami husband to John rnust , lot 21 , blk 4. Shrlver Place. . tOO John ratist to Emottc Somtuor , un- illv' ' , lots n and U. blk 2 ; umllvH lot IV , blk 4 , Iloppe'H Honatun wibdlv. $09 J. O. Oucns nnd wife to M. .1. Owens , middle CO feet lots 11 nnd 12 , blk V > South Omahn 4,509 O E ShuKett nnd wife to Kountsrt' .Memotlitl Evangelical Lutheran ehuich. lots 4 nml 5. blk SI , At cade Place * , < X Henry l < ogrmann iitul wife to Oeorio Mangold , lot ! > , blk II , Heuiilngtim. . JOO Wllhelmlim Hnumau to M. C. Bitu- mnn , lot 6 , blk 1 , Omalm 5.000 Same to tme , lot U , blk C , Ilitntcom Place , lot U , KetiRltiKton , ftlv.132 feet ut point UO > S fct-t not tb ot uw cor blk 1 , 15 V Smith's mill 4.MO Barbara Uans nnd huthnml to Emmn Armbrust , sc sw 3J-15-12 nnd nu nvv 1-14-12 4,000 Kosa Kulnkoptky ( o Istncl Kula- Itopsliy. nH of o 1S9 feet lot 7 , blk 1 , Konntzo lib ttdd 1,800 Kialu-Noan Slslvihnixl of Nebta kn to J. A. rrelgliton. sin lot ! , blk 01 ; lot > . , blk K. Omaha 1S.MS O. J. I'lcUuicl nnd wife to Omaha I' ilr nnd Speed assoclatlun , DC nw 5- 1V12 11.000 Chun Weaver nnd hti'bitml to wime- , n\v IIP SV15-IJ 14,000 QUIT CLAIM DEEPS Allen Koch nnd wlte to (1 K. Shukert , lots I and 3 , blk 21 Ar tide Place . . . 2,000 Special nnstcr to M. 11. limpets , lot 13 , blU 19 , pmtbii , nml strip adjoining 3,075 Total amount of jsi.ssj riinicvsT : or \VIVTIIUII. Pair In NrlmisKn nml U'lifim-r , nlth SoiillitiljVlnilN , WASHINGTON. Sept. 17 for S.itnuliv : . ' I''or NVInnilti , So\ith \ Dikotn , Iowa. K.xn- sas . .milVyomlng Full ; w.umei ; southerly w ImK Ml"onil-r.ilrj wanner ; southwoMt winds. I. < > 'n 1 ItctMiril. oKriri : or TIM : \VIATIUU nuiiKAU , OMAHA , Stjit. 17 Omaha uvoiil of ialn- fall and tempeiatuic compared with corresponding spending iliy of the last thiee > ear : 1S')7. ) IbOii 1SH" 1SDI. Maximum umpor.Huie . . ( fl 70 102 GS Minimum tempoi.iltne17 fil 7J 49 Axei.iKt * tempLiatuio . . . . fi < fifi S7 68 Itulnfall . CO .00 .00 .00 lti > old ol tempeiatuio mul precipitation at Oninlia for thl tln\ and since March 1 , 1S57 : Normal for the < lnv . K > Ii fh leney foi the da\ . . . , . 7 c\ce s since Mnieh 1 . 154 Noi mil mlnfall ten the dti > . . . .10 Inch IVilelmcy for the day . 10 Inch Tot il lalnfall blni'i ? Match 1 inO'ilncheB Uellclentn since LMaioh 1 . S 11 Inches HXCP-S conewp'B period ] v. > SIM Indies UclUleno ' oiio p'g peiloil 1SS3 CCSInrhc * Iti-porlH from StiitloiiM at S II , ill. Scvontllftli tncrlillnn time For Infants and Children. HE ike- tiallo lignv.uro Diex I > . Shooman says it taUes lots of wind to keep the air lift gurgling I. . ! ! gallons lens a minute but that it doesn't take much Aviml or talk to sell our boys * and joutli.s' shoeblack shoes solid leather luiil sole built to wear at the .same time good lookers and comfoi table it's the same shoo we've sold so many of at the same ptlce M.riO-it's no idle talk when we tell you this shoe will outwear any .y.200 hhoe JOH ever lioughtpaients who have bought thin shoo claim as we do that it is the best $1.50 boy * . ' shoe on e.uth no better school shoe made we don't caie if the price is $ U.60-Mioe your boy now for $1.50. I Drexel Shoe Co. , 1410 FAKNAM STRIJ1JT. Send for Illustrated catalogue , free. Ihein to make - AVe make sp-ctacles-wc oider-make them to lit your eyes-vve In Omaha that doa are the only opticians a manufaetmlng buMuess-oiir optician -Mr Agni'W lifts had yeais of e\peil- eiiie-ho can tell you whether glapsm will help you or not-lt won't cost you anything to llnd this out-then our Mr. Scott will give you the beuellt of bin twenty-one yeais1 o.\peiience In gilndlng the lenses to an exactness we miiKe a spin-laity of filling docloi's pieseiiptions and guaiantee satisfaction every time. Columbian Optical Co AUTISTIC , .SCIIJ.VriKIO AMI I'HAC- TIAI. OI'CTICIASS. ! II2 > VI2H , 0 > IAH\ . KANSAS CITV , 163 Cliampa. 211 H Kill Bl. 915 Main. The old man has gone to the Klondike county ! on the boat now with a whole cargo of biitteinillk-liut we are attend ing to business at the old htand 101 ! ! Howard Mreet Just the same wo haven't said much about biilter for vvo're selling It as fast as we can mal.o It and wo make lots of it we'll Keep on adding cicainerleH as fast as our tiado demands It after you've seen the nights at the fair call and sue us make butler wo make It between seven and eight o'clock every morning. Waterloo Creamery Ass'n Frchli Diittermilk. 1013 HOWARD ST , 'IEL. 1333