12 THIS OIMAIIA DAILY BEE : SAT UK HAY , SEPTEMBER 18 , 1897. five fitaidred Carats. . HY OIII { > IITII. it. " 07. Iiy OiorRp arimtli ) Itva < flovcral months attor the brilliant , 1C somewhat myntorlmu , recovery of the 15,000 parcel from the notorious Imt now nl hoil Seth Sailer that 1 had the plcomirc , niul t think I may ( airly mlil the iirlvlk'Ro , of makliiK the acquaintance ot Inspector Mp'uzkl. I can say without hesitation that In the coiirno of wandering * which have Al me ever n considerable portion of the lands aid : rflR of I hoori \ \ I ha\e never met a more ( trlfic'llng man than he was. 1 eay was , Door fellow , for he Is now no longer anythliiK tmt n mcinoiy of hlttc'ness to thi > I 1) . H. but that must bo told In onothcr place. Tlifio IB na need of further explanation of tin ; all too brief Intlniac ) which followuil our Intiodiictlon than the statement of the lact tint the Krcatcst South African detective of Ills < la > wan otter all a man , as well as a drlictlvu am ) hence not only Justifiably proml of the many brilliant achievements which Illustrated his career , but alto by no meitiB Icith that BOIHO day the story of them should with nil duo and proper precautions and rc'inallonB , be told to a wider and pc < < - Blblj km prejudiced audience than the mot- Icy and migratory population of the camp a * It was Jn hit day. I had not been Ilvo minutes In the co/ > , tastily furnished satututn of his low , broad- roofel bungalow In New le Hcers road he fore I saw It was a museum as welt an u study. Spr-clmens of all sorts of queer UD- txtratus emiiloyed by the I I ) II 's for smug- RltiiK illninon la"wcic scattered over thu ta bles and mantelpiece There wcie massive , handsomolj caivul briar and meerschaum pipes , which seemed to hold wonderfully little tobacco for thch tl/u ; roiiKh sticks of Hrewood lnK ° nlounl ) hol lowed out which must have been worth a Kood lound sum In thnlr time ; hollowed liandlcKif traveling trunks ; ladles' boot heels of the fashion affected on n memorable oc casion bj Mrs .Michael Murattl ; and novel ? , lijmn books , rhurch services and bibles , with cavltlcu cut out of the renter of theli Ifaves uhlUi had once held thousumls of pounds worth of Illicit stones on their unsuspected tmx'ugo through the book post. lint none of th si ? Interested , or , indeed , jniTvloil me so much as did n ( oiiplc of ciulnttsly assorted article ? which laj under n little glass case on a corner bracket One vas an ordinary piece of heavy lead tubing , about tin Of Inches long mid art Inih In ill- nmctfr , scaled bv fusing at both ends , and Imvlng a little brass tap fused Into one end The other was n little lagged piece , of dlrtj red iiliii't India iiibbor , very thin In fact almost tiansparcnt and , roughly speaking foui in flvo Indies square I was looking .it these things , wondering ( what on eaith could be the connection be tween them , and what manner of stiangu story mlnht bo connected with them , \\hcn tne Inspector einio In " ( Jood evening. Olid to sco jou. " he bald In his quiet and almost gentle voice , and without a tiace of foreign accent , as we shook hands. "AVill what do you think of mj museum' ' I daicsaj yon'\o guessed , ili".uh that If some of these things could speak thev could keep join readers uitertalni.il ( or some little lime , eh' " "Well theio Is no reason why theli ownc. Bhouldn't spiak for them" I said linking the obvious reply , "provided alwa > , of comse tlwt It wouldn't be giving a\.aj too main seciets of state " "My deal sir , " he raid with a smile which curled up the ends of lit * little bhck care fullj-tilmmed mnuhtache ever so slightly. I should not have nnde jou the promi-e I dll nt the dub the other night If I had not bee i prepared to rely absolutely on jam discie- tlon and mj own Now , there's whlsk.v- .iml-ROili 01 brandv , which do jou piefcr' You tmoke , of coirse , and I think jmi'll IIn 1 these nidiy good and that Uiilr I can lucotn- menil I have untaveled many a knottv Ufobleni In It , I can tell > ou. " "And now. " ho went on when we we e at last comfortably settled "may I ask which of nij relics his most aiouseil jour piofet , Blonii ) rmlcsltj' " It was nlirady on the tl | ) of nij tongue to ok foi the stcry of the gasplpc and iileie of Inlla uibber , but HIP Inspector foie-talled mo bj s lying : "Hut perhaps tint Is hardly a fair que- tlon ns tbey will all pronably seem pre"j strange to you Now for Instance , I ruw YOU Iroklng at two of my cnilos when I came In You would handy expect them t > bo tic JpMted , and \ciy Intimately , too , wlti about Ihi most daring and skillfully planiu- tilamoiiil robbery tbat OUT tonic plate on tl Fields 01 off them , foi tht matter of tlu jvould von1" "Hardly " I said "And yet I think I hav. Je rnel "nough of the devious wavs of UK I. U ft In he prcpaied for a perfectly lugi cat < ! < cp'illation of the fact. " "An logical ns I think I may fahly say ronnntlf,1 replied the Inspcctoi as he ol JiU glass down "In one S.PII-O It was Hie non tliklls.li problem that I've evei hid to t-icMe _ 0f course you've heard nnioei Ion or other of the disappearance of lu ! > great Do Herr'h diamond' " "I Simula rather think I had , " I said , with x decided thrill of pleasurable antlcipiHo" for I felt sine that now. If oxer. I was going to get to the bottom of the groU mystery hviijlHiilj In camp teems to have a dlffei- ont ve'hlon of it anil , of couruo , exeiy one eeeniB in tlilnk that If he had only had the jnanagt inont of the < nu the mystery would Imvo bi'i'ii holvcd long uyo " "It Is Invariably the caso" said the In with another of bis quiet , pleasant mimes , "that oveiy ono can do work bettei than thoho whoso leptitatlon depends upon the doing of it.Vo are not altogether fools nt the diipaitment and yet 1 have to confess thut 1 wybUf was In Ignoianco as to just how thut diamond ( llt-appi-aicd 01 where U EOt to , until within twelve hours ago "Now , I nm going to tell yon the facts e\ * actly an ( hey aic , but under I ho londltlon that yon will nltoi all the names except U jou choose , my own and that yon will nut publish the stoiy fur at least twelve montlu to com Theio aie peiMiml anil prlxate reasons for this which yon will probably un derstand vxlthaut my hinting then ! Of couif > t > It will In tlnii ) leak out into thu pa- jieib , although there lut boon , and will bo no piqseintlm : but anything in the newspa pers will of necessity be garbled nnd Imoi ject , and well , I may as well confess that I urn Riiflldcntly vain to wish tint my ulinru In thu tiansactlon shall not be left alto gether to the tender monies of the Imughi.v tlxa penny-a-llner " I acknowledged the tompllnunt with n bow ab graceful as the crtslness of the In epcctoi'H dialr would allow me to make , but I nald nothing , as I wanted to get to the Story. | "I hid better begin at the beginning , " the liiNpsclor went on as he mudllatlvely snipped the end of a flesh clgnr "As 1 suppobo you nlioady know , the largest and most valuable diamond ever found nn these fields wiu a joally magnificent stnnu , a purfect octahe. dron , punt white , without a Haw , and welgh- Inj , tloso on 500 carats , Theio's a photogiaph of it there on the mantelpiece , rgot > an other ono by mo ; I'll glvn it yon before you leave Kimbcrley. " \\ell , this Ktono was found about bl\ months ago In ono of the drives on the 800- foot level of the Klnibofley mine. It was taken by the nverteur vtialght to the Do lints' ollkes and placed on the secretry's desk you know-vsheio he cits , on the light- liand shlo as jou go Into the- board room through the green Inlzo doois. There were pcxcral of the directors present at the time , nnd , as you may Imagine , they were pretty veil pleased at the llnj , for the t > tnne , with out any uxaggcratlon , was worth a prluco'ti ransom , "Of course , I needn't tell von that the Mine per carat of a dlamrnd which Is per fect and of a good color Increases In o tort of gcomvtilcal progresklon nlth the cl/c. I flare say that stone was worth uuywhuro be tween ono and two inllllanH , accord'ns ' to the depth ot the purchase'H purse. It wis vvoithy to adorn the pioude t crown In thu iworld , lustead of but thtro , you'll think me a xery poor story teller If I anticipate. " \Vull , the dlamoml , after being duly id- f'jlreil , was taken upstalis to the diamond room by the secretary himself , pcco.npanlen by two of tht directors Of course you bavo bceu through the new nfllces of Do Deem , but Hill ) , perhat I had better Jiut run over the ground , an the locality U rather im portant. "You know that when you get upaUIrs ud turn tp the right ot the lauding from the top of the italrcasr there U a door with a little grille In It. You knock , a trapdoor Is raised , and It you are rccognlred and yout biislnon warrants It you are admitted Then you go along a llttln passage , out of which a room opens on the left , and In front ot jou Is another door leading Into the diamond mend rooms themselves "You know , too , that In the main room fronting Slockdnle street and Jones street the diamond tables run around the two slJcs under the windows and arc railed off from the rest of the room by a single light wooden rail There Is a table In the middle of tlui room , and on your right hand as yon go In there Is a big safe standing against the wull You will remember , too , that In the corner exactly facing the door stands ttio glass eafie containing the diamond scales I want you particularly to recall the fact thu thu o scales stand < lltifconally across ttio cor ner by the wlndoh , The secondary room , as you know , opens < 6lt | on to the left , but that h not of much 'consequence" 1 signified my remembrance ot thcso de tails and the Inspector went on. "Tho dhniond WAS first put In the scitu nnd weighed In thtj pre enco of the sec retary and thoVo | 'directors by one of the higher otllclals ! ' a , lluonsed diamond broker and a most trnstod employe of De lleers , whom you may call Philip Mnrsdcn when you come to write the story. The weight , aa I told you , In round figures was BOO tar. all. The stone was then photogriphcd , partly for pnrpo < es of Identification and in : VVVTCIIIID iifi OITOIIIt vn Y. partly as a reminder of the blggeit stone oxei found in Klmbp'ley In its rough stitc "The gem was then handed oxer to Mr Marsden's care pending thu departure of the diamond post to Vrxebnrg on the following Mondav this was a Tuesday. The bicretary saw It locked up In the big safe by Mr. Marsden who , as usual , was accompanied bj another ofllclal , a younger man than him- si-lf whom you can call Henry Lomas , a connection of his , and also one of the most tiustc ! members of the staff. 'Every day , nnd sometimes two or ihrce limes a day , either the secrelary or ono 01 other of the directors came tin and had a look at the big stone , either for their own satlbfaetlon or to show It to some of their more Intimate friends I ought , perhaps to haxo told you before thai the whole diamond loom staff was practically sworn lo secrecy on tin subject , because , as yon will readily under tind. It was not considered desirable foi suih an exceedingly valuabln find to be niado public property In a. place like this When Paturday came It was decided not to fiid It ilbwn to Capo Town , for some rc-asons connected with the btate of Iho market \\hcn the safe xxas opened on Monday morning * ing the fctonc vxas gone "I noidn t attempt to describe the absolute panic which followed It bad been seen two or thiee times In the safe on the Satur iliy , and the secretary himself was positive that It was there at closing time because ho saw II just as Ihc safe was being locked foi Iho nighl In fact , ho actually saxv it put In foi it had been taken ouUto bhow to a trlend of his n few minutes bcfotc. Tbo safe had nol been tampered with , not lould It have been unlocked , because vheii It Is closed foi the night It cannot be noned again unless cllher Iho secrelary 01 he managing director Is present , as they hue eaih a master key' , without which the Uoy used during the day Is of no use 'Of cour e I was ent for Immedlalolv ml 1 admit thai I T as talrly staggc'icd If the secretary had not been so positive thai ho stone wasvlfoiyd up vhcn he teivx the eafo closed onXtlih/Satut < ay I should haxe worked upon the ( hpo y the only posslblt one as it sciMed that the stone had been ibitiacted frorti the safe during the day ( oncealed In thu room and somehow or othei ' inuggL-d out , although ex en tl.it would have been almost Impossible In consequence of tin' Lrlctnoss of the searching system and tin I'liasl coitnln discoveiy which must have followed an attempt lo get It out of town. "Doth the rooms were searched In exciy uook and cranny.Tho whole staff , naturall * 'poling that excrysOtie. of them must be sue Pectod Immediately volunteered to submit 'o anx nrocvas of.s3a'cli that I mlghi ihlnk allsfactoty , and I'can assure you the search was a voiy thorough ono. 'Nothing xasaund. _ . and when wo ba I 'nne there xyijJuU a scintilla of evidence tc vx ir'ijnt H * In suspecting anybody It Is true hit the diamond was last actually seen by lie recirtuiy In cbaige ot Mr. M irsdcn an' Mi Lamas JJi' Matsdpi , opened Ihe safe Mr Lamas put Ihe Hay containing the MI ? stone und soxcnl other flno ones Into It n ual lompiitment , and the safe door wu1- Ipcked 'Jherofoie thai fact wenl foi no'l IIIK ' 'Ypn kiipw. . I suppose , that one of the Mimond room fliaff always remaliiK all night in the loom ; [ hero Is at least one nlghi vmhnian oiKiTvery lauding ; and the fiont ages aio pjilrriljj'd all night by armed men a ! the hpod.il police , Lomas was on duty on the Sjtuidny night Ho was searched as usual when IIP came oft duty on Sunday mointng Nothtlg | was found , and I ircog- nl/ed that It was absolutely Impossible that lie could have brought the diamond out of iho room or parked It to any confederate In thu street x\'Ithout being dlscoxered Tlu-ie- foiu though at , Orst sight suspicion might have pointed 'tOJim ; ( an being the ono who was apparentljrJjljiU In the room with the Olimond , Iheie/ yai ) absolutely no reason lo ronnoct that rait with its disappear- " unco "I must say that that Is a great deal pla'cier and rnoro jnatttr-of-fact than any of thu other utorlee.tljit I have heard of the mystcilous disappearance , " I naid , as the liupcttnr paused toh'edll bin glass and'ask mt > tn do llkewlcoi'v "Yes , " ho eald , itlyly , "the truth Is more comiiKinplaca up to a en tain point than the sort ot ttorlcB that n stiauger will Hud float , n R about Klmborlcy , but still I dare Buy you haxu found In your own profession that It POinotlmoH has a way ot to put It In sport ing language giving fiction a BOX en-pound Imidleap and bcallng It In a canter " "Tor my own part , " I answered , with an alh ! math o ncd , "my money would go on fact oxery time. Therefore , It w.ould go on itpw if 1 were betting. At any rate. I may' say that > iono of tbo Action that I baxc so fur heard has ofteri'd even a reasonable ex planation of the dliappcarancu of thut diamond mend given tbo condltonn | which you have just stati'd , and , as fur as I can see , I ad mit that I couldn't glvo the remotett gueaa at HIP solution of the mystery " That's exactly what I said to myself after I had been wonylng day and night for inoro than a week over It , " said the Inspector. "And then , " ho went on , sud denly getting up from his seat and beginning 10 walk up nnd down thu room with quick , 11 regular strides "all of a sudden In the nihldln of a very much smaller piuzle , just oni ) nf thu common I , L > . 1) ) . cases wu have alincei acry xxeck , the whole nf the work lint I wax engaged upon vanished from my mind , leaving it for Iho moment a per fect blank. Then , like a lightning Hash out at ji blink cloud , ( hero tame a momentary ray ot ll-jlit which showed mo the clew to the mystery. That was the Idea. These , " ho said , etopplng In front of tU > mantle- piece and putting bU finger aa Ui glya case which tovcred the two relics which had started the story , "thete were the ma- tcrlallratlon ot It. " "And yet , my dear hifpector , " I ventured to Interrupt , "you will perhaps pardon mo for nay Ing that your ray of light leaven mo as much In the dark ns ever. " "Hut your darkness shall be made day nil In good course , " he slid , with n smile . I could see that he had an eye for dramatic effect , and so I thought It was better to lot him tell the story uninterrupted and In his own way , so I slmplv assured him ot my ever-Increasing Interest , and waited for him to go on He took a couple of turns up nnd down the room In silence , as though he were considering In what form he should spring the solution ot the mystery upon me. Then he stopped , and said , abruptly "I didn't tell you that the next morning that IB to say , Sunday Mr. Marsden went out on horseback ( shooting , In the xcldl , up toward that range of hills which lies over yonder to the northwestward , between here nnd Darkly West. I can see by your face that yeti are already asking yourself xxhnt that has gnl to do with spiriting n million or so's worth of crystallized carbon out of the safe at Do Doers' . Well , n little pa- llonco and you shall sec. "I'arly that samu Sunday morning I xxas walking down Stockdnlo street , In front of the Ho lleers' ofllces , smoking a cigar nnd , of course , worrying my brains about the dia mond. I took n long draw at my xvcod and quite Involuntarily put my head back and blow It up Into the air there , just llko thnt and the cloud drifted diagonally across the street dead In the direction of the bills on which Mr. I'hlllp Marsden would Just then be hunting buck. At the same Instant the rex elation which had scattered my thoughts about the other little case that I mentioned just now canio back to me. I saw , with my mind's eve. of course well , noxv , vxhat do you think 1 saxv ? " "If It wouldn't spoil an Incomparable de- tectlxe , " I said , somewhat Irrelevantly , "I should say that you xxould make an excel lent story teller Noxcr mind whit 1 think. I'm In the plastic condition just now. r am receiving Impressions , not making Ihem. Noxxxvhat did you see ? " "I saw the gicat Do Doers' diamond siy from 10,000 to lfi 010 worth of concentrated capital Iloallng from Iho upper story of the Do Doers' consolidated mines , rising over the housetops , and drifting down the vxlnd to Mr Philip Ma'den's hunting ground " To say that I stared tn the silence of blank Amazement nt the Inspector , vxho mode Hits astounding assertion with a dramatic pestnro and Intlecllon which nalurally can not be reproduced In print , would be lo uller the merest commonplace. Ho seemed to taku my stare for ono it Incredulity rather than xxnnder fet he sa jl almost sharply. "Ah , I see you ore beginning to think thai I am lalklng tlctlon now ; but never mind , we will tec about thai later on. You have fol low id mo I have no doubt closely enough to understand that , having exhausted all the rcsonicos of my ex-perle'icc and such native xsIt ns the fates have given mo , and having made the most minute analysis of the cir cumstances of the case I had come to the fixed conclusion that the great diamond had not been carried out of the room on the per son of a human being nor had It been dropped or thrown from the windows to the street yet It was equally undeniable thnt It had got out of the safe and out of the room " "And therefore It flew out , I suppose , " I could not help intcriuptlng , nor , I nm afraid , could I qiiltp ax old a Htiggesllon of incre dulity In my tone. "Yes my dear sir , " replied the Inspector , with an emphasis which * he increased by slapping the four fingers of his rlghl band on Iho palm of his left. "Yes It Hew out. It Hew some seventeen or eighteen miles before it returned to the carlh in which It was born , If we may accept the theory of the terrostilal origin of diamonds So fai as the event proved , I vxas absolutely coirect , vxlid and all as you may nnlurally Ihlnk mv hypolhesls lo have been. "But , " he continued , slopping in his xxalk and making an eloquent geslure of apology , "being only human , I almost Instantly de viated from truth Into error. In fact , I freely confess to you thai Ihero and Ihcn I made what I consider to bo the greatesl and meal falal mistake of my career. "Absolutely certain as I xvas that the diamond mend had been conveyed through f-e air to the Darkly hills , and thai Mr. 'hlllp Marnden's shooting expedition had been un dertaken with the objecl of recovering it , I hail all Iho approaches to the toxvn watched till he came back. He catno In by the old Transxaal road about an hour after dark. I had him arrested , took him into the house of one of my men xxho hap pened to Hvu out thai way. searched him , as I might say , from the roots of his hair to the soles of his feet and found nothing. "Ot course he was Indignant , and ot course I looked a very considerable fool. In fact , nothing would pacify him but that I should meet him the next morning In Ihc board room al De Decns , and , In Ihe presence of the eecietnry nnd nt least three directors , apologize to him for my unfounded sus picions and the -outrage that they had led mo to make upon him I xxas , of course , as von might say , bclwccn Ihe devil and the deep sea. I had to do It , and I did it ; but my convictions and my suspicions re mained exactly xxhat they were before. 'Then there began a very strange , and , \\1IKN I ! / > nKin I 1' IflUV HIM COVKHIN O MK WITH A Kit VRn 01' UHVOLVKKH ' although you may think Ihc term curious , a voiy pathetic waiting game between us lie km w that In splto of his temporary victory I hail really solved the mystery , and was on the right track. I knew thai Iho groal diamond xxas oul yonder somewheru among the hills or on the veld and I knew , too , that he was only waiting for my xigtlancu to n lax to go out and get it. "Day after day , xxcok after week and month aftci month thu gnme went on In b'lenco ' Wo met nln.ost oxery day His 01 edit had been completely restored at DC liters Lomas , his connection , and , as I firmly bollexcl , his confederate , had been , through his Influence , sent on a mission to England and when ho went I confess thai I thought the game was up that Marsden had somehoxv managed to recover the diamond and that Loman had taken It be yond our riadi. "Still I watched and waited , and as tlmo xverit on 1 saw that my fears were ground less and that the gem was Htlll on the veld or In the hills Ho kept up bravely for weeks , but at last the strain began to tell upon him. Picture to yourself the pitiable position of a man of good family In the old country , of cxpenuixe tasteb and very con siderable ambition , llxlng here In Klmberluy on a salary of sonic 12 n week , worth about 5 in nngland and knowing that within a fexxmlli'K of him , In a spot thai he alone knew of , there lay a concrete fortune of say 1,500,000 , which was his for tbu picking up If ho only daicd to go and take It , and yet ho dared not do RO "Yes , It Is a pitiless trade this ot our. ' , and professional tbief-cairbers can't afford to have much to da xxltu mercy , and yet I tell you that as I watched that man day after day with tbo fexer growing holler In his blood and the unbearable anxiety tearing ever harder and harder at his nerves , I pitied him ves , I pitied him to much that I ex en found myself growing Impatient for the end to come. Fancy tlui , a detective , a thief- catcher , getting Impatient to tec his victim out of his misery ) "Well , I had to wait clx months that Is to say , I had to wait until C o'clock this morning for the end. Soon after 4 one of my men came and knocked mo up ; ho brought a note into rny bedroom and I read It In bed. It xvoi from I'hlllp Marsden , asking me to go and BCO him at once and alone , I went , as you may be sure , wltb aa HtUe delay at p - slblc. I found him In his Killing room , The llRhtft. were burning. He was fully dressed and had evidently been up alt night. "Kxcn I , who had seen the despair that comes ot crime In most ot Its worst forms , was shocked nt the look of him. Still ho greeted mo politely and with perfect com posure. He affected not to tee the hand tint I held out to him , but asked me quite kindly to nit down and have a chnt with him I Mt down , and when I looked up I snxv him standing In front of me. coxerlng rne with a brace of revolvers. My life , of course , vxas absolutely at hl mercy , nnd whatever 1 might have thought ot myself or the situa tion , there wns obviously nothing to do hut to nit still and wait lor developments , "Ho began verjriqnlctly to tell me why ho had tent for mo. Hit said 'I wanted to see vou , Mr. Llplnrkl ; la clear up this matter about the big diamond , I have seen for a long time In Tact from that Sunday night- thai \ou had vxorkWt out a pretty correct notion as to the way that diamond vanished You are quite rightat ; did fly across the veld to the Darkly hills. lam n bit of n chcinIM you knoxv , nnd whom I had once made up my mind to steal Itfor there Is no use In rntnclng vxords uoxx-t-I saw that It would bo ptrfcctly absurd to attempt to smuggle sucl n stcne out by any'of the ordinary methods. " 'I dare say jmut cndor what these re volver's are for , Th6y are to keep you there In that chair till J'v done , for ono thing. 10 } ou attempt to et out cf It or utter a sound 1 shall shook you If you hear mo out you will not be'Injured , so you may as well sit still nndkc p your ears opan. " 'To have any ichance of success 1 must have had a confederate , and I nindo young Lomas one. If youilook un that little table beside > our chair you will sec a bit of closed lead piping with i tnp In It , and a piece ol thin sheet India rubber , That Is the remains of the apparatus that I used. I make Ihcin a present to jou ; you may llko to add them to your collection. " 'Lamas , when he went on duty that Sat urday night , took the bit of tuba charged vx lib comprexsed hydrogen and an empty child's tov balloon with him. You will re member that tint night was very dark ani thai Ihc wind h'ad been blowing very slcadlly all day tow aid the Darkly hills. Well , when ex cry thing xxas quiet he filled thu balloon xx Ith gas , lied Iho diamond " MUit lioxv did ho get the diamond out of the safe ? The secretary savx It locked up that evening ! ' I exclaimed , my curiosity gelling the better of my prudence " 'It was not locked up In the Etifo at all that night , ' ho answered , smiling with a sort of ghastly satisfaction , 'Lamas and I , as you knoxv , to < k the-tray of diamonds tc the safe nnd , ns fjr ns the secretary coulrl see , put them In , but as hu put the Uay Into Us compartment lit- palmed the hip diamond as I had taught him to do In u gooil mtny lessons before. At the moment that I Bhut Ihc bate and locked U ll was In his pocket. " 'Tho secictnry and his friends left the room , Lomas and I went back lo the tables and I told him to clean the scales as 1 wauled to test them. While he was doing so he slipped the diamond behind the box , and there It lay betxxcen the box and the corner of the wall until It was wanted. " 'Wu all left the room as usual , and , as jon know , we were searched. When Lomas went on night duty there xxas the diamond ready for Its balloon voyage Ho filled the balloon Just so lhal It lifted the diamond and no more Txxo of the xxlndows were open on account of the heat. Ho watched his GO portunlly and committed It to the air nbout txxo hours b tore dawn You knoxx what a sudden fall there Is In the temperature hero just before daybreak. I calculated upon thai to contracl Ihe volume ot Ihe gas btif- ficlenlly lo deslioy the balance and bring the balloon to the ground and I knew that If Lomas had obeyed my instructions. It vxould fall either ou the veld or on this side ot Ihe hills " 'The balloon was a bright red , and , lo make a long slory shorl , I started out be fore daybreak thai morning , as you know , lo look for buck. When I got outside the camp I took compass bearings and rode straight down th wind toward the hills Dy good luck or good calculation , or both , I must have followed the course of the bal loon almost exactly for In Ihrec hours nfler I left the camp I sa the little red speck ahead of me up amongithe stones nn the hill side. ' ' 'I dodged about foa bit as though 1 were really after bubk. In cas' anybody was watching me I worked round to the red spot , put my foot on the billoon and burst It I folded the India rubber up , as I didn't like to leaxc It there , and pul It In my pocket- book. You remember that when you searchoJ me you didn't opemmy pocketboolr , as , of course. It was perfectly flat and tbo diamond couldn't possibly fchave been In it. That's how you mls ed your clew , though I don't suppose It would have-been much use to you ns you'd already guessed It. However , there It Is at youi service now. ' " 'And the diamond ? ' "As I said these threa vxords his xxholo manner suddenly i changed. So far he had spoken quietly and ( deliberately and v\Jth- oul exen a Irace ofiangcr In his \olce , but now his xvhlte. sunken cheeks suddenly flushed a bright fever red and his eyes liter ally bla/cil al mo Ills volco sank to a low hissing tone that was really hoiilblo to hear " 'The diamond' ' ho said 'Yes , curse It and curse you , Ml Insp ctor Llplnkl foi It and you haxo been a curse to me" " Day and night I have seen the spot where I burled It , and day and night you have kepi your nets spread about my feet so that I could not moxo a step to go and take It I can bear the suspense no longer , Uctwoen you yon and that Infernal stone you linvo wrecked my health and drlxen mo mad If I had all the wealth of De Deer's now It wouldn't bo any use to mo , and tonight a new fear came to me that If this goes on ranch longer I shall go mad , really mad , and In my delirium rob myself of my revenge on you by letllng out where I hhl It " 'Nox , listen. Lomas has gone He Is bey cod your reach He has changed liU name bin very Identity I have sent him by different posts , and to different ramos and addresseb , two letters. One Is a plan and the other IB a key to It With these two pieces of paper he can find the diamond Without them you can hunt for a century and never go near It. " 'And now thai you know that that your Incomparable stone , tbat should have Leen rnlno , Is out yonder somewhere where you can never find It , you and the De HoeiY , people will be able to guess at the tortures of Tantalis : that y6u haxo made me en dure That Is all you haxo got by youi smartness Tbat Is my legacy to you curse you ! If I bad my way I would send you all out there to hunt for It wlthciit food or dricik till you died 6t hunger and thirst of body , as you have made mo die a living death by hunger and tblrtt of mind ' "As he said ( him be coxered me with one rexolxer and put the muzzle of the other Into his mouth Wlfo an ungoxcrnable Im pulse I sprang to-my feet Ho pulled both triggers at once. One bullet passed between my arm and my body ripping a pltvo out of my coat , the other well , I can spare you the dctal's ' He dropped dead Jnsteutly " "And the diamond ? " 1 bald "U at your service. " replied the Inspector. In hv ! Eiiaxmt manner "provided tbat you can find It or Mr. Lomas and his plans " Arnold's Dromo Celery cures headaches. 10c , 26c and 60c , All drugglsta. THE FIELD OF ELECTRICITY Solving the Problem of Telegraphing fron Moving Trains , D.TAILS OF AN INDIANA INVtNTM Itrnio > IIIKhe Hun ire rn of X llnj - UNCN of the Tclritlioiu- flitiliiR | KrclKlit TrnlHu on Trollc ) Linen , i Messrs. W. A. ami C. D. Koyise of In dlanapolls have Invented a system o telegraphing from moving trains which , I Is claimed , surpasses anything ot the klni jet produced The system Is extremely slm pie , and when explained Ui always surpils- > ! old operators to think that It has been M long In coming out. The Inventors use wha might bo termed a third tall placed In tin middle of the track. This rail , ot coin so may bo simply a soft Iron strip laid In i wooden stringer , llnch train U ciinlppci with a relay of high resistance , not less tint 1,200 ohms , and an ordinary telegraph ko ; nnd sounder , with n local battery to opernti the sounder , The relay lias one side con nccted to thu main line , or third rail , urn the other to the track rails , which form tin return circuit. The keyIs connected In tin same manner so that when the key Is closci the lelay Is short ell culled. There Is a bat tery at eich end of the line. In both bat lories like mc-tals are connected to the tall road track nnd other metals to the mult line. With this connection the train rcla ; will stand closed when ull keys arc open but when any key Is closed all train relay : mo short circuited and open. It Is slmpli enough tu change the contact points on tin local side of the relay so the sounder wll close when the relay opens , and there voi have the whole thng. | Stations may be eon ncottd in this way or the iclays may bi put In the main circuit as Is now done It the ordinary byetcm , but all keys must hi connected the sumo as tra 1n keys. The system can ba best dcscrlbsd by say Ing that It makes every train a. moving tele giaph station , constantly In connection will every other train and with every olllce 01 the line Its advantages will be readily ap predated by any railroad man and most ol the traveling public Collisions would hi Impossible , and , besides this , there wouli be no vexatious delays caused by sonu freight train which has orders against tlr time of a passenger train , getting laid ui between stations with a hot box or othci minor defect to some car. The delay woult be Immediately reported and the ordeit could be changed. " " slid \V "The operation of this system , A Hoys'1 , "Is very simple In fact It Is M simple that the wonder Is that It has nevei before been put In operation. There 1m i been matij attempts to do what we now do but ab far as we know nil efforts ti sohe the problem have been unsuccessful except as to demonstrating that such thlnm can be done In aevenl ways , all of which howevei. have heretofore proved too cumbersome bersomo or too expensive and uncertain. We have discairled nil the plans that have beer tried and 1m e directed our efforts tow an a simple adaptation of the common .Mnise sys em of telegraphy and from what various railroad men hnvc said of our plan we be llxo wo have solved the question In a way that ib so simple that any one can manag : It and at the same time bo Inexpensive as to be ptactleal In its use "Hctetofore the effort has been moie geiv orally in the line of sustaining communica tion with moving trains by means of Induc tion In which plans there are not direct con nections between the trains and the mall : line , but the current In the main line IH maiU to causa an Induced current In the train wires on account of theli close proximity Mr. Edison holds patents on one system o ! this kind , which is successful so fai an op eration In favorable weather In concerned but It IB so easily affected by atmospheiU changes that It Ib not expected by him II will ever come Into general use It Is com plicated , too , and for that reason requires an expert to manage it. " A practical trial of the Invention Ib tc be made on too Monon railroad. X-HAY MADi : HARMLESS. Elliott Woods , superintendent of the na tional capltol. Is a student of photography , and hjs recently been making some experi ments with the X-rays , nnd produced some results of great Interest to scientific and medical men. He docs not profess to be an expert In the laws of light or the u es and abuses of the X-ray , but nevertheless ho Ins advanced the science of both very nnterlally nnd to a pnttlcal purpose He has a veiy finely equipped laboratoiy , whetc he has conducted and Is btlll conducting Intel estlng experiments One of his most recent cxpeilmcnts was directed to the now well known fact that human flesh suffers In a gieat many cas s ifter expcbiire to the X-riy. One of the most serious cas's of the III effects of the ray on the flesh was reported not long ago to the United States surgeon general Be fore that , however , there were seveial spc clllc cases in which the rays had piodnced festering fles'i sloughing , falling out of halt , so-es , Inflammation , etc. Mr. Woods has d'scoveied ' a process by whlcb this effect of the X-ray on be elim inated He announced today tint there Is no proof at all that this quality tot 111 ef fect Ib Inherent In the ray. If that were true , he Raid , the effect would probablv bo abbolutely or appioxlmatoly the tamiIn , all cases of exposure He admits , however , that the ray , In combination with ccita i. iilusl ni conditions of the pattent or subject ui tht have produced the 111 effects desu lb"rl Mr. Woods has discovered that ihos'1 III jffrcts xx 111 not follow exposure to the X ray If the light Is pabscd through piepared golil Toll , but how the foil Is treated ho keeps a rloso secret A practical application of tills llscoxery 1ms already been made U has always been dcsliable In surgical operations to observe the process of the heal ing of tissues , the knitting of bones and the re-creation of parts vxliiti'vcr and whoiexei they might be To obtain such knowledge It would be necc'shary to take frequent shadowgiaplis , and since the remedy In name SAKCB has been as bad as the disease theie Ine been a growing distrust of the X-iay treatment Notw ItliBtundlng this , and slm > Mi Woods illscoveiy , Buveral nf the suigeons of Wash Ington have sent patients to Mi Woods to liaxe hadongraphs made of bones which have recently been set Two cases were shadow graphed by Mr Woods and other patients will be sent down fiom time to time for observation NOVEL USES OK THE TRUEPHONE Of late llio telephone has been utilized to i considerable extent in legal proceedings iMMdaxlts have been HUOIII to , acKnotxIedg inbiits have been taken and In ono rase at least testimony has been lecolved by tele lihone TliIn last Innovation must bo crcdltiil to Port Scott , Kan , where two wUnesstii , ile scribed as pioinlnent business men , won permitted to giro evidence In this mannii the attorneys stipulating that no objectlo ahould bo taken to this uniibiial piricvulln.i Another case thai has nltraitrd uuniuai attention Is reported from Now York , when in affidavit which had been telephoned fioi Cincinnati and acknowledged ovei the wlri uas accepted In the supreme court as mill. ( iliMit ground for Hut Issuance of an attucl inent Involving a eonslili ralilc sum of mono ) I ho proceedings weru uniibual and Interest Ing. 'Iho facts were telephoned from Cm rinnatl over a long-dlbtancti telephone line nn affidavit wan prej-Er" " " \ > w 'iork LMid of the line and read to the complainant A ho was standing at the telephone In ( 'in [ .Innati where In the presence of witness no niado thu irijulred acknowledgment I ) ixas still necctnary to bavo tome onu In Nt < York talk with the complainant and pirn lively identify his voice Tills nut ilonu tin [ upcis wru Hied and the attachment losuul The Interested parties announced that n.\- jral days' dilay had been uvoidiul by mill , ' ing the telephone , and by thU prompt anlu.i It was possible * to have a judgment hatis'lid islik.li It might haxo been difficult nt ( i accomplish. Mj.tlain i taut iranrictlona have upon telephone messages nnd the < uil me lotrg tl lie rc'7gnUcl theli uilinla , jllity as oUJcnro under p.opu ie-trKtior I'robably the ( Viet Insl'imc of ihlu klnJ nil it any late the most notable cuny c < camp' if the telephone In law waii the part pUytd n seeming the convIr-tlen of I'ordlnand IVard , General Grant' * partner. In 1835 On October 2C of tbat year James D , Flub , who iad been convicted ol nrccUlug tbo Marine nation il bank of Now York And was at tht time serving A term of ten year * At Sin Sing , testified that ho had received Instrtic lions from Wnrd by telephone ivg-irdlng th ill'iio'ltlon of certain securities , amountln to JI60.000. Ward's Attorney . OcntM Tracy nnd llourko. Cockrsn , objected strenti otisly to the admission of this testimony , bti .Tustlcc Barrett decided against them , U ma bn Interestlne to recall the fact that Ilcnjn mln Klsh. A brother of the convicted pre l dent of the Marine bank , In support of th testimony already mentioned , declared undo oath that he had stool within eighteen Inche of the telrnhonb while his brother was talk Lie to Ward and that he heard the latter' voice distinctly and. recognlml It When th attorneys for Ward declared tbat this state mnnt wan ridiculous the prosecution pro duccd a letter that Ward had written I rnii , complaining that every ono In th room xx hero the telephone was placed couli hear the conversation. The piosecutlon relied lied upon the telephone message to convlc Ward , and when an appeal wes taken afte Ward's sentence to ten years' Impnlsnnment Justice Ilni roll's decision admitting the tele uhone message was sustained Another striking example ot the nove uses to which the telephone may bo put , bn In on entirely different line from these men tloncd. was aftordcdby | n remarkable si'sslo : ot n Sundav schoojat | Wichita , Kas. , when Lho sunerlntcmlqnt , , ) vho was confined to hi bed. conducted the scrxlccs without tin slightest hitch by means of nn unnsuall : sensltlxe telephone. The church and resl deuce were connected by telephone , aiul tbcri megaphones were employ cJ one nt the lion of the siipcrlntemlfimVR. bed , one siispcndci from the center of the cmirch nnd ono li front of the pulpit. Tlo ) snpcrlntcndcnt'i volco was dlsltnctly heard by the congrega ( Ion as he said "Rood uio nlng" and an nonnccd the routine work of tbo school Hi called for his favorite songs and they vvwi borne to his car with all their melody am volume. He Joined In ihein heartily , and a the close of the service he told the- scholar tint If they had enjoyed the haul > m mncl as he had It was the grandest Sunday schoo bslon they had oxer "kad. SHEAU1NU SHEEP 'imELEC ' At Great Falls , Monf.i which has become the lirgcst wool shlpplnjj point of the north west , gic'at dliriculty has often been experi enced In disposing within , a given time ol the shearing of largo shipments of sheep This dllllcnlty has now been amply met bj the use of clcctilclty , The sheailng shodt uro adjacent to the Urlnlmis ot the strcel lallwnv conpany's lint , hnd thu trolley cm- lent has been utilized to drlxe the shcarlnp machines The ItistallhM n Is of the slmplesl possible description A Stioet iillway motet was taken fiom ono of'the cam and the nr- mittire pinion was loplnccd bv a small pul ley , which was beltufl to the main overhead shaft. So little pOA.tJ' ' ' was needed tint txxc rheostats had to bPput In the circuit to kecr the spojd down Iho foreman of the shoir- ors , after only fixe minutes' Instruction took full charge of the motoi , glxlng It all the neccssaiy atlentlon In oiling stalling and stopping After the mndiln s were stoitcil the nnlntalnlng of a uniform speed was easy , nnd within half an hour the twenty machines were ripping off thu flicce at a late which broke the record. - . The powr was trans mitted to the sheirs-v\hlcli ; ichemblo horse clippers In their opeiatlon , through universal joints In three weeks .10,184 sheep were sheared by the one motni , avenging nearly 100 sheep per day for eaeh nncblne TREIUIIT TUADE OX PUOLLEY LINES Many country districts are all eady deriving Inestlmabl" advantage fiom the fict lint their farm pro luce Is tiken to mirkct on the tiollcy lines bv special freight sluice , but the largest dinelopme'nt of this Idea yet made Is promls d In Chicago If a combina tion of the various elevated lines now In progress should be effect d. the consolidated compiny will have ovoi JOl ) mlles of electilc lines , most of It passing thiaugh a compara tively sparsely sHtlod country , containing numeious factotlcs and t > hops and thousands of farms nnd market gardens. Smh condi tlons Inxolxe the possibilities of an immense freight schenio It Is proposed to build suita ble terminals , with cloxatnrn and storage warchcnscb , and opeiato the roads at night mainly for the freight trallle Not only agri cultural produce , but all klndb of light ficlght and e\pro s matter will be canleJ Such an cxtvnsixo scheme , while coifnilng : un 1m- meiibo benefit on ths farmcis and gaulenerb , and opening up now lines of ficlght supply , would duplicate on a large Bcalo the experi ence In othet states vbeio th > steam rail- load lines , which formerly monopolized wbal business Ihero was have been mo-it serloiibly uffecled. Tlio Virulilc Wabhlngton Star1 "Yes" said the po'itl- Llan "I salil I was the working man's frlcnil , " 'lint you don't do any woik ' suggested thu man with calloii'-nl hands "No not at present ' "And yon never did any woik" "That's Iruc. Yon see , what the wotklng- mati most needs l- workml i am lee much tile worklngman's frlond lo nm any tlsk of taking work away fiom him" " IO * L K i A Food-Tonic , A Nerve Soother , , LSebig ; COMPANY'S Extract of Beef Refreshment and delicate nourishment. HUDYAN li ht > nvntest r * nfdlo - treut- tint lia V A N i en produced lorn * . > > any combl. VAN rnr intlon of JlUI.HI V II d The II I I ) V A N Il'OVAN rein , I1ICE treatment II I' \ ) ' A .V urea the < ! > II t PI and ( llj ilnn of list's uf mtn ifii nem , II'DYAN ' In n li lib I ly to fern lc.uk fiaiikly n n HI'D. Into Iliu rye AN f u i o or unnllirr u K n t n n HI 1) V AN I U U A N rurrs ' e , d.iclie arer linli fulllntf orrhora u ilmnri * ot I U D V A N In ure jirema. tinlujj und am , uinU memory lo i I volci tiHP or rrrull. llimVAN turn uiiUon f-if muiit-i ] kronth , 'dliilutlnn kliortiuin of In illi ) | , ( l3 ion- illpxtlan n < l flatulent ) 111 IVAN' rum neak. ic > nr imlnu In the uniall r.f the Imik lo g of iiutiului jinur hlouin ) iiitlun < .liul > fun lj dint' , mil ilUtirleil ttcvp III UVVN LHII Le had fro-n tlir Upturn of th. lluilion Meitlial Innlll'JtP mil fr in no cne el e. fun netil llt'AN | whin Hi * fu.ljl i.irvm twlioii UK tuiiIn certain to In an Irrltatiun at their inter * of Hit l.riln } ou nrnl IH'l'VAN ulicn lure | u dtcllnc of the nirtu ( uu < li iiiniiIhla lei lire tie ) a lack of linn lift- mil , nuy de- eloj , lutnnervuud < lttllll > in-1 thin lull , nervi.iit irojirjiuin If > ( u liuii lui j i nl > oin ncrvei , f > uu liaie ItnutteJ ur knur'ul Him if > m have lUuscdi ur in'ri | .i H'UK Un > iuu | f out > i'U nil u > c IIUUYAN .Nu i IIP -l-t inn five lou 1IUUYAN exceiil thr UII.IMII llrdirnl In- tltutc Hl'UVAN euro > 0rl c U r , ilioctde. Jm. lulpii ) ( Ibzlnt-t. fj'll ' y iisHlluik bluei , luiiair 11,1 row anl mlksr > IVISIIK i'OR CIH- - L'LAHH AND TESTIMONIALS OI' TUB JJIUAT IlIJUYAN HUDSON MUDICAI. INSTITUTE. btocktcn and Cllli fat , . BU FraoflKe , VlU ( ral . WHEN TRAVELING READ THE BEE HERE IS WHERE YOU WILL FIND IT IN THE PRINCIPAL CITIES BOSTON. I' u I > 1 It- Libra r ) , V etui ome llotol. BUFFALO. llcncnuc Iliiti-t .NI.MIII BILLNGS I W. Mioaror. Mioaror.BlJfTE Kc > fc Ilrnn , \Vllllnin hhtclilK , CHEY ENNE. 1C. A , I.OUMII. Ohi-j oiuu' ClHli. CHICAGO. Anilltnrliiiii Mold > oi > n Slnnil. Aiiillloiliiiuiiiii > x Ne v Stnitit. ( SroiH l > rtll ( Il Hotel .NOTTN Stiiiul. 1'n 1 tin- UOIINC NI. H Stiiiul. 1'ontoniuf > ( MX Sliiiul , No. SIT born btrvet. CLEVELAND. \Vcitllfll UOIINC 'lilt * llollcililon. lnl 'l'rncliTN1 COLORADOSPRINGS llrtiN. , No. Ill ) houtli Tojou S ( . CAMBRIDGE , MASS Harvard lnl\i > r\l ( > I.Uirni- } . DENVER. llrnmi IlolclIMN Stiiiul , IIiiiulUoii .V KriutilcU. Vlcl.alii. l | ( A. I ii. , siJ5 : MxtvcuUi St. I'ralt VIciTiintllc Ci > . The Miill iiu-i > Co. \VtinlNiii- Hotel NIK htaiul. DES MOINES. VIllMCH JlU-llllS , ItlU-lv iHlllllll Ucillll. HOT SPRINGS , S. D. Kinll llnrKi'iiH CvoiK * ' lUlison. HELENA. \V. A. floore. llfleiin I'ulillil.tlirai ) . KANSAS CITY. Itnliurt Kohl. Con ten IIoiiMt * N ( * > \ N Stand. LON DO N7 N GLAND diaries A. iillllKVc , . U hlranil. LOS ANGELES Stiniiliiril Co. MINNEAPOLIS. I'ulillf l.llirur.i. Went Hotel N < M\K Stand. NEW YORK. Cooper I iilon l.II > inr > . riflli Ait'iiuo llnlfl .NrxxN Stiinil. I'lfUi Vtfiiuc llol.-l ItcaililiK Itouui. llronliKriMl ( I , ! ! > i in- ) . Holland HOIIHO Itc-iiilliiK Itooiii. IliilVinan UIHISI- . Imperial llnti * ! Ncnx Stiiiul , Mi-olmiili'N A. TiniU'is' Kivc Mliriirj' \ < > . IS Hunt sl-.icriilli Slvcc-t. I'rcMM C'liih , lilOISKIIII St. \\CHtllllllXllT Hut I ItClllllllK UOOIII. Wind mil- Hold Itf.ulliii ; Itooiii. V. M. C. A.til Mi , . , . | anil 1th A NASHVILLE > iiiian tt'lCVXH btniii MlHHoml I'tiflfli' Hlcli ; , ni , OCDEN. to , \V. \ \ PARISFRANCE. Vuiv York Hernlil llcailliiit Ituoin , 41 } A\c. tic POCATELLO V. C. Iluvtli'r. PORTLAND , ORE , \v. n. .IIIIU-H I'oftliinil llolfl NIMXH Slailtl. PHILADELPHIA. Ht'i un ill I lu l.lliraf ) . SACRAMENTO. ulillu I.llirn i- > . SAN FRANCISCO. ulilliI.llirao. . SALT LAKE CITY. , . V , Iliinimi I , liM-fimi TliuaU'r. inlt l.ilUo Ni' t < ii. SEATTLE. ; . ti. o > Minn V. T , l.imillH-'Ji. SIOU"X CITY. : ; ari i-dHiia Iliid-l NI-MN Slanil. tlllllllllllllll llllll'l % 1'IVH Slllllll , llll.il V ClllllHIKM > Sdlllll , CMII-Kf I. . Illllll , L'ubllii Mlii-iir } , SPCWANE lolin W , Ui a liiiiii , ST. JOSEPH lliiimlou'ft " < I > \\H Sdinil , ST. LOUIS. C. T. Ji-tl. Iiinlcri. ' lloli-l NrBland , ulillo I.lliruij WASHINGTON , D. C AlllanlV Until Wnn hlunil. ( illliKluii lloli-l , Illlllh" lUi-liMillimil Uriiii-liiiriit | I.lbrnrr. ifiiutu lU-nilliiK Itooiii , When Traveling The Bee.