10 TTTE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , aHl'TEMUER 18 , 185)7. ? SPECIAL NOTICES , AilvprtlreniPiit * for he-no column * nlll IIP Inkpn milll 11 ! in. for ( he nnil until H i > . tn. for ( lie nnil .SiindncillllniiN. . . .luprn , l rriincntlnK n ntitn- clircU , c-iin linvo nnimcr * ml- il ( n ntiinlirrpil IcllciIn < -nru Al Tin- HPIAnnwiT.H HO Iiili1rpni p l itlll lie ilrllviTPiI nn iiri-Nenlnlliin of tlir I'lu'ok on ! } ' . Rnti-s , I I-U < > a wovil llrNt lnni-rlloii | Ion > Tiinl llHrcnftor.otbliiK tnkrii fur IVH * tit u n a.lu for Hie llr t IIIHI.T- tlon. Tln-Ki > iiilvcrtlMeiiiL-iilH iniiNl lie run < MIII CCIIvi-ly. ( | \VA > THISITUATIONS. WANl'ED , Tl MK COPV , CIRCULAR LET- u-ra written , cnvelopon ni1ilrr * i-il nnd mnnu- rorlpt oiplnl nl rcitsonnblc terms. Addrrxn r M , lleo olllce. A MiM ! 13 * \VA.\TKDMAM3 II 111P. CANVASSERS TO TAKE ORDERS ; NEW LINK C work ; no heavy goods tn carry : salary or cuinmlulun. C. F. Adam * Co. , 021 Ha. ICtli St. BALW3MEN 1-OK CIGARS. I23 A MONTH AND npenreiii old ( Iri.i ; experience uimi'cessnry ; In- Auuemcnts to rmtonuis. C. C. Ulihuu & Co. , * t. Louis. H-41S JJIN : AND WOMEN SOLICITORS FOR THE National Reserve association ; thu liest , safest anil gounilc-et fraternal order In the Hold today. AdilKM 1' . A. U. Stevens , Ml N. Will St. . Omaha. 11 117 SVANTED-AOENTSIN EVERY COUNTY ; Itooil pny weekly to rlnht parly. Hawks Nur- try Co. , Milwaukee , W s. ll-.Mt 2-S ! ! ! fTTl'E WRITERS ! GOOD Rt'SINESS MAN vanttd nn general xnten nRent for Duplex nml Jewell Typewriters In enMern Nebraska innl I irnstorn lown. Fastosl In the world ; moBt ditr- Mc , llKhclcrt notion imd pupulnr. Address Duplex Typewriter Co. , Des Maine * , In. 1I-M8SI-1S * \VANTED-GOOD HARNESS AND COLLAR mnkerit. Apply Des Molnc.1 Saddlery Co. , Dos Mollies , la. IJ-M9I7-W VTANTED , AT ONCK INVOICE CLERKS : mu.it bo rnpld penmen , nulek nnil nrcimttc at figures ; only those having Imd years ot ex perience with w.toh-fnlo mercantile houn'8 need < Pl'Iy : give present nnd former employments. / I fnl.iry to cupnhlc parties. Addioaa T 53 , lien. II-M9P5-10 * VAN.TED , FIVE EXPERIENCED rLOTIHNO salesmen for fair week. Cull at once. U. S. Clothing Co. , 1417 Douslas St. H-W7 17 * IWANTED. SALESMEN TO SELL MOST COM- 1'lc'to' line of lubricating oils , gnmieii nnil spe cialties on the imiiket ; liberal term * . Jewel Rblln'nx Co. , Clcvclnnd , Ohio. Il-M)71 80' SOLICITORS WANTED TO WRITE ACC1DKNT InBunuice ; new plan ; low rates ; call between 1 nnd 1 p. m. , room 211. McCnKUc III.lt ; . . Oinahn Accident nesi-rvo Association. 11 M9T * KXTKA CI/TI1INO SAI.KSMEN WANTKD AT encn. Nelunska Clothlnt ! Co. II l'SS-19 ' WANTKD. AOKNTS ; J20 TO $25 A WBKK SU71K lo workers ; no rnpltnl needed ; new Koinla ; new lilan ; yplli-nt elKht ; every fnmlly needs U. II. S. Co. , tex 42) ) . Cincinnati. Ohio. U TTA"NTKD. "tioon RAMSMKN : IT-HMANKNT pnnltliin ; Kcnuon just npi-ni-d ; stiiplf line ; snl- ry or cnmmlniilaii , with oxpensrs. I.ulte limthcrs Co. , ChlcnRo. 11 M3SO 18 * WANTBD , SAL.I > i llNrTO ; SHI , I. riGAKS TO dtmlein : pnlnry , 1CO.OO to J20. ) HO per month nnil txpenrps ; experience unnt-cwiuiry ; pi'nnnnent polilllnn. The De Mom C'ls. r Co. . fprlnslleld. . mnker. II. KiiBnehaum , Wiwt IMInl. \VANTlD.TnAVKI.INO RAIjKSMKN TO UKr- tesent nn eytahllshcil IICIUM In thn liat. cap , rlovo nnd mitten and ftraw Roml * line. North- * nslern lown. North nnd South Dakota nnd NehrnsUn terrltorlen. Only such fiimlllur with the lineneid npply ; relVronros required. Apply P. O. llox KO , Milwaukee , WIs. 1J-M9U2 ! 1 HUM * . 11 atUl.S KOU AM. KINDS OK WOIlKs 13 TO 17 week. Canadian 011100,1522 DouBlai" . C 41S WANTun rou GKNKUAI. HOIJSK- worlc , family of lliu-e. Apply at once at 201 South 2 1 h uvc. C-037-1S * AVANTKD. OOOD OIIII. FOIl OKNH11AI. huiiBeworlt ; small fnmlly ; Rood wa oi , 2W I' ppleton nvenuo. P M93S AN KXl'KHIUNCKD OIUI. VOll fHINKKAl , hoiiBPWork. 2225 Karnam ft. ( M03J IS \VANTMD. omi. rou nnNKit. u , IIOUHK- woiki 1306 S. 31H Et. Ilnnornm I'liK1" . C M'JSO IS * vANTKI ) KOU GENKUAI. HOITSKWOUK , Blrl of' experience ; good wncej" . 1K9 I'aric nvo. rnusTwoiiTiiY WOMAN WANTED rnvollni ; position with old rjtnlilished dun : i > 'im.inent : J < 0 per month and nil expens . / , lox 751 , ChlcaKO. C19Si 10 * Arfi nTiiTiNiNrr IIOOM niut.s. NI-UU\SKA Dlnlns Hall , Stnte fair t-rounds. C-M53. . ) IS * 'OH norsns. HOUSES IN AM. PAHT8 Ol- ' Till ! CITV. THE O. , ! ' . DnrlH Company , 150. . Kainim. : D 110 HOUSES ; IIENAWA A CO. . 118 N. 15TH BT. 11ODKUN HOUSES. C. A. STAIIII , Or. N. Y. I.lfn. D-421 IIOPHES : WAM.ACE. ItltO\VN I1LOCK. 10TH nnd Douk-las , D-122 JIOUSES , COTTAGES .t HTOUEH.AT.I. PA UTS of city. Ilrennan. lave Co.ICO 1'nxton Illoclc. J.AIiaE MST. M'CAOUK , I IT ! I AND DODGE. V > 123 HOUSES. ri.ATH. OAIIVI.V I1I1OS. . 1CI3 KAU'M D (26 JIOI'SKS TXII UENT. I1EMIH , 1'AXTON III..K' . JIOCSES , J. II. SHEUWOOD. 423 N. V. UENT ll-UOOM lUllflC modern In every respeel ; Hlcam lieat. Ihtlit : loealed at I'm ' southwest rimer )7lh nnd DomrhiH IK. Annly to It. W. ll.ilicr , HiiK''n- | ' tendent llee Hide ; . D M2 _ STANKOUD rilTJ-r.K fOTTAO'JS , U 11OOMR. 8. W. cor I'll' ' " " ' 1 Vlnlon- finest Ineallen In eltv for husln'1 me'i if Oiuaha nnd South On'inlm ; rents m lrnt . 101 lisa Ijiilldiiu : . nr.NT. rnoin. ; r-nooM DETACHED moilein hotis" . Inquire 2SIS Capllol nv nue. n-011 MOVING HOI'SKIIOM ) < 10OnS AND I'lANO . Om , Van * Slornuo Co. , U11'4 rnrnam T-i : Sr- , ) . roil UENT--IIANRCOM P-f Ari3 HOME ni. ' SIX rooms nnd Ixtlh room : chenp to rlpht ivirlles : m\ift \ lilvo wood references. M. .T , KmnnM " Poll , , Sit npd 3U Itrmvn hliclc , n315 I10IIKES K STOUES. K. I ) . WP.AD. IB * Dni'O. - - * - - " " CMS * "K."WILLIAMSON , coi nun TIT. BTIJAM"HRATKD BTOIIHS Jlownr.l Ttanck , Axciit , 1610 Chicago I'OU IliTNT NINI'-TIOOM 1101)913 , I'Al'TLV MrnUhcd. M Wtlmofjit. JiohKiw7-liKOM 5toiJaic. iTn TWO KINK 8-1100M IITHCICS 13 B. : oth ve , 1 Oil P-IIOOM I'LAT. ISJt LCAVHNWOUTll treet. D-MM1 M 6-nOOM MODERN IIOlTSn. BIT N. 1KTII MT. JJ ) room mo'lfrn linu e , l0. M H , T'lh nvo. An elegant H-room nmtrrn hrleU iVrolllr-B , wltn Iml water hetttlnis riant Ts'n , S4CJ Com PI , $1" . 7 room ino.ltrn hoiifi > . J5JJ Davenport. ? 1S. to W. II. Mclklc , l t N'-U'l Dark Hl.lff. D-MJT : FOR IirXT T.IIOOM HOI'PR NT3YV1.V PA- pere.1 ami painted , IIS.M jier month. lut nmt flnrk , . D-M970 15 tr NO , 19TII ST. , MtOOM MODIIUN IIOUSK , with coiil lian\ : very nice , Omaha Heal K - tslc on. ) Tru : Co. , : it So. 18th St.DMMS D--MMS 19 j-OH UK NT. TRN.HOOM MOOKHN NJIO North ! HI. , iinnr Hl h school. in- p.nlrn S l North ! Ot. D MIDI J3 KOU HKNT I'M'llMSIir.l ) HOO.MS. NKWLY KUnNIHllKD. tSWAM HIUTIIO momv , with or without 1/oarJ. CO I a nth i. W--8.I9 rnoNT itoous. is & sa. cc s. ii > rn HTHKHV , ot'R ROOMS , at so. roru AVKNI'K. K-7M-17 * PniN8IIiD | ; OHJUNKI'UNISIIKD 11OOMS ON in or fn.l lloor. (113 ( Chle KO l. K-J9-jk TWO r. OK itolTnH WITH Normi AND ( oath wip < } > uro ; 'inodtrn. ' ttCS Douxlni M. \ K-ttl It * FOR ) ti\TiMiiMSiini ) HOOJIS. ( Continual. ) rl'Il.SMRIll'.I ) ROOMS ; lIOfdUKMKI'INO. Ht. Mnry's. I'LKASANT ROOMS. 1919 UODOK. UODOK.B B MD7C RINT , FUIINIKIIKD ROOM TO OKN- tlemnni convenient to boarding house. W3 Ho. 25th nve. K-MW1 V > DURINO HTATI3 PAIR A DKSfltARLn IIOOM | moderate. 1321 St. Mnry'a. 1I-.MMS M * vi.L MODHR.V convenltncea : references cxclmngoil. SHU Knr- nnm. K-M'JW 19 UOOMS AM ) IIOAKU. UTKAM HKATUD ROOMS WITH HOARD. M Il&rncy. K-MiAJ-11 * FIRST-CLASS HOARD AND ROOMS ; HOT wntcr heat ; best location In the city. 212 S. 23th HI. F-73 Till : OKOROIA SP.LKCT FAMILY HOTKL , n ar llnruicoin 1'ark. 1042 So. 2Vth St. -19 * TillMKRRIAM. ! . FIRST CISS . FAMILY htilel. 25th and Doiljo t . F MV37 21 * LAROI3 SOUTH & MAST FRONT ROOM WITH alcove , 2C48 UouitlaR. F 91 LAHllM FRONT ROOM TO OUNTI.KMAN ; I5.M month. Cl South 191)u ) Tablu bour.l. . 11.50. FURNIBIIKD ROOMS , WITH OR WITHOUT bonnl : block north Ilnnscom piirk , 1131 ! S. 31 t. F M954 1S LAROU SOUTH "iniONT ROOM FOR TWO ; other rooms ; irood liburd. The Race , 2U20 llnr- ncy. , , . , . F-M69I NICK ROOMS WITH HOARD , 1821 HINNKY HI. F-M9U S0 _ NIGKLY FURNISHI' ! ) FRONT ROOMS. WITH board. 2015 DoiiRlag. F M977 19 * 1'ALArii 1IOARD1NO HOUSU. HATKS RHA- gjnahlu. 17th , bet.- Capitol nnJ Diivemrort. F M58.S 24" l-'OH. HICNT-JSTOUKS AMI OKV1CHS. FOR RUNT THI4lSTORY IlIUCIv 11U1LD1NO nt 91C Fnrnam St. Tills building has n tlrenrool cement basement , completu steam heating fix tures ; water on all Moors , gas , etc. Apply nl the otllce of The lice. 1-510 FOR RUNT DICSIv ROOM IN GROUND FLOOR nlllce , llee hulldlnK ; water , stfnin licut. electriu light nnd Janitor service. Apply to 11 W. Ilaker , nupcrlntcndenl llee building. 1 181 STOItT : ROOM TOR DRV GOODS ONLY ; i 0 r et Ions ; Jlxtures complete. J. M. Crahllt , .Clnrlndn , In. ' , , * , I-M788-20' FOR RBNT-IN THE IlKB 1IU1LDINO : One InrgR corner room , 2ml Moor , with vault anQ private otllce .water , etc. Ono lante trent room , Snd tloor , divided Into two rooniB by pirtltlori , water , etc. One larftc corner 'room , 2nd door , with vault , water , etc. ! > One front room , divided by partition , third floor. On * corner room with vault , thlnl floor. One larse room , thlr floor , with partition dlvld- Ing It Into one InrKe room and two smaller private rooms , water , etc. Two larue ground lloor rooms with vaults. Several small rooms on fourth floor , with vaults. All these rooms nru- heated with steam , electric llKhts .supplied with first class Janitor fervlce. Klcvntors run day and nil nlnht. UulhllnB B'rletlv llreprooC. Apjly to R. W. IJaker , Super- Intenilent. Rohm 101 , llee HulldliiK. 1 19S AOI3NTS WANTKD LADIKS , SKND 2oC FOR new Invention to prevent your hat blowing on" . C3. J. Johnson. Nut. Q. A. Bink , St 1'aul , Ml.n. J-M770 1B AGENTS MAKIS 100 TO 300 PER CKNT ; 11O pale on Its merit ; used on every horse ; ex clusive territory. D. Hunter Co. , Racine. WIs. J M9D1 IS' AGENTS WANTED TO SELL M'DONALIVS llavorhiR extracts In country towns ; Rood nay. Diamond Extract CO. , 2I1S No. 17th SI. Omaha. J M9S9 19' \VAXTHnTO H HXT. MODERN HOUSE WITH ABOUT TEN ROOMS , near llan.seom 1'ark. Address P 19 , lice olllce. K M583 WANTED TO RENT , A ? OU 7-ROOM HOUSE , bath , city water , gas. Address S 60 , Hee.K401 K-401 STOKARK. PACIFIC STORAGi : AND WAREHOITSE CO. . OOS-510 Jones ; genera ! storage and forwarding. M 433 OM. VAN & VrOUAOK.ISUtt KARNAM. TEL 15J3 M-431 WAXTRITO 11UV. I1EST I'RICH PAID FOR OMAHA SAVINGS hank accounts at room COC , N. Y. Life Midi ; . N 131 LIST OF SPECIAL ItARGAINS IN REAL ES. late with F. D. Wead , IClh nnd DouKlts Sis. N 3S3 S29 50 SECOND-HAND 11ICYCLES. 1M SO. 11TH. N M926 O7 CASH PAID FOR LIMITED AMOUNT OF Omaha Savings bank accounts. II. H. Harder , llrst tloor New York Llfo bldB. N MM7 30 WANTED TO 11UY , FROM 5 TO 20 ACRES , near motor line , suitable for home for rr.e- c.ianlcs and laboring men. A. P. Tukey , City Hall. N 904 IS WANTKD. TO HUY , TEN ACRES OAUDEN land with lxvi.se ; must be near the city. Caller or address HI A. Tcrrlll , 2d llaor P.ixton nil ; . ' N-M9S7 20 * FOII SAMS timtsKS , iv.vnoxs , , ETC. FOR SALE CHEAP , A FIRST-CLASS D1UV- Ing horse. ; drive slngla or double : ound and KCMlle. Inquire at 3220 North 2Gth St. , bet , Spencer nnd UrlstDl Sis. I'M 810-18 * KOU JjALlC SAWDUST , 1IUL1C OR SACICED-CllIliniNO and hoe fence. C. It. Lee , ! W1 Douglas. < > Q-13S STEAM HOISTING . MACHINE , CHEAP. 2)08 ) St. Mary's avc. Q 963 LARGE CHICKEHINO UPRIGHT PIANO , only J130.UO. jjSchinuller & Mueller , 103 South ISth St. . Q-C14 FOR BALK.-'ELEGANT CHERRY RANK rnunter nnd Hall'g l-urslar proof chest , wllh doiibli ) timer , rn l nrlclnally $ J.30rt.PO ; will soil for ft.000.00. Address John It , Plerxon , York. Neb. Q-M749 23 ANTI-MONOPOLY GARHAOE CO. . CLEANS cffHioiils and privy vnul'.s ut reduced prices. C21 N. ICth St1. Tel. 1779. U 930 H 13 .qij.uitvovAvr.s. . MRS. I'AUU 20.1 N. 10TII STREET : HONEST , truthful , reliable ; removes evil Inllucnces ; lo cates burled treasures ; unites the separated. S-MMO-O-4 * /INO : , CLAIRVOYANT , OVER 1521 LEAVEN , worth Ht. S 901-19" MASS.VfiK , II.VTIIS , ETC. MADAM SMITH. J315 DOUGI AS. MASSAGE team baths , " T > 23 20 * t RATHS FORLADIES& i , DOc. 107 8. llth , Telephnne IkSI. T 7C2-O-b 11ATHS AND MASSAGE TREATMENTS ; I ium ICIIItnn ; Ij.ttlf Harper , nxslntant ; 11 ! ' N. IClli iliuet , room1 1 J ) . oppualtu new poxtofllcc , T-SS2-lb MRS. DR. LVON. BWCCTIilC ilASSAOU HATH parlari , rettful und curative , 417 S. llth. up. talm. . T MSfS-19' I'EUSOXAL. VIAVI FOR UTERINE TROUHLES. 348 8 HEE Hide. ; physician , commltattcn or health book free. U437 " SUPERFLUOUS HAIR , IIA LDN ESS , FA LUNG linlr and nil facial blemishes cured. True Co. , 32 * Chamber Commcice , U 057 0-4 * CHAMPION HRED COCKERS AND COLLIES T. 6 , Hee. U-MJl-n * ItATHS. MAH3AGE. MME. POST. 31 78. HTIK U-673 II. HAAS. FLORIST. PLANTS AND CUT Mowers. bouitictii | , hall , revldenco and xrnve ilecor.ltloiu. Flowrris. bouquets and decorations delivered to uny part of the city. Orders by telephone promptly attended lo and Mllrd In two liouru. Telephone 716. 1313 Vlnlon street. U Ml-U-M RUPTURE CURED ; NO DETENTION FROM bu lnci : no puln ; we refer to hundreds or cases cured ; piles cured by a clncle , painless treatment , Call or wilto The Empire Rupture Cure und Medical Iimtltute. tuccrstor * to The O. E. Miller Cu. , 932-3 , N. Y. Life Hlilg , , Omaha. U-M94 } AN EXPEDITION OF LADIES ANiD TJllJTR rratlv ! y Ls belnit formed In I'uvfi here on the Ural ) * il that wilU d live I lo Uuwfon city and th ICIondUca cald dlKClnvi In lh < v uprlne ; lonr furo ( ilx rtionlUs * pivvlslona InclUtltHl ) . easy term * and employment at hlgU v te . Inca ! < steinp tvr narllculari. Klondike Shlpplmr Hu- reuu , 14A Ueary St. , San FiuncUeo. C'ulifornU. U-JIJJ4 .MUXEV TO I.O.iy HUM. 11STATU. ANTHONY 1XAN ) A TRUST CO. , 315 N. Y. U | quick money at low rules for choice farm lands In Iowa , northern Mlsosurl , eastern Nebra k.i. AV-439 LOANS ON IMPROVED Jfe UNIMPROVED CITY Dtxiperty. W. Farnnm Smith A Co. , 13W Fnrn'm W-449 MONEY TO ToAN AT I/nV RATKs7 THE O. F. Davis Co. , IMS Fnrnnm St. W-44 : MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Urcnnan , Ixnc Co. , Puxton lllk. W-443 MONEY TO 1/JAN. UEMIS. PAXTON IILOCK. W-950 FROM 1100 UI' . F. D. WEAD. 1 DOt'GLAsT W 334 S-29 8 PER CENT MONEY ON NEHRASIvA FARMS nnd Oinalm Improved property. Apply to W. II. Melkle , .nt National U.nk HldK. W-4II MONEY TO IXAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA properly. Pusey & Thomas , 207 1st Nat. Ilk bl IB. W-4IJ SIX I'ER CKNT CITY AND FARM LOANS. Uarvln Urcs. , 1613 Faniam St i W M7SI MO.M-3Y TO I.OACHATTELS. . MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS , horses , WDKOIIS , etc. , at lowest rates In city ; no removal of goods ; strictly conlldentlol ; you cnn pay the loan off at any time or In any amount. OMAHA MORTGAGE IXAN CO. . 306 So. Kill St. X-410 IIUSIXESS CIIAXCES. A. R. ALP1RN , OMAHA JUNK HOUSE. PAYS highest prices. 101-5-7 So. 10th St. , Omaha. Y M177-8-H * TO GET IN OR OUT OF RUSINESS GO TO J. J. Gibson ; C14 First Nat'I Hank. Y M143 VEGETABLE AND FRUIT DEPARTMENT IN Krocery ; money making. Apply ut onco. T 46 , Uce. Y-903-17 * A KLONDIK&ll WHO HAS HAD TWENTY years "experience In mining , 1ms spent years on the Yukon , la thoroughly familiar with the Klondike , has Interests and prospectors on the Klondike , will gtvn a thorough Inspector's map nnd petTtonally answer all < tuestlona relating to that country , or how to get In there , cost , etc. , for the price of < 1. Address H. H. Thompson , yyt Halley Hulldlng , Seattle , Wash. Personal reference , Chamber of Commerce , Seattle. Y M7I8 OD1 AN OPPORTUNITY RARELY OFFERED , ES- tabllshcd business , Mrst-class location ; rent practically free under old lease ; cash trade ; can be greatly enlarged by a capable mini with a few hundred ; present owner must quit In n , short time for rood reasons. Apply without delay. T 47. Hce. Y 90I-1T JMO MEAT MARKET. HAS A GOOD TRADE , location , A 1. J. J. Gibson , 514 First Nat'l Hank. YM 821 21 FOR RENT , TWO STORY 1I1UCK HUILDING twenty-live by ninety feet , fully equipped for n bakery with oven. In a. town of 4,500 people. Address T , 43 , Uee. Y M873 IS * FOR 11KNT THE METROPOLITAN ifoTEL IN Cheyenne ; In fine condition ; electric llghtsi thoroughly plumbed , best location In the city. One block from Union depot. Fifty llrst-class rooms , line bar room , furnished ; good barber shop nnd bsth rooms ; In fact , everything ncces. sary to n Mrst-class hotel. Party renting must purchase furniture. Hotel doing good business at present. Address J. W. Grltlin , C .eyenne , Wyo. Y Mf20 O-ll FOR SALE. STOCK MERCHANDISE IN FRUIT district of southern Nebraska ; line Undo ; ch-op rent ; everything necessary to carry on bust ness ; best location In town ; Jl.OOO cash will buy It ; rare opportunity ; established trade. Address box SOi , Omaha Y 9S1-19 * FOR SALE. STOCK OF GENERAL MER- chandlse and groceries , also store , building nml lot In a Mrst-class locality. Address Itox 337 , Mead. Nebraska. Y-M993 20 FOR SALE , IF TAKEN" AT ONCE , AN ES- tabllshed nnd Incorporated hank , situated In thi Mnest agricultural district In Nebraska , within 100 miles of Omaha ; this bank has paid 10 per cent annually net , nnd placed 2 4 per cent to surplus during the past three years of hard times ; there are no "whlte > ele phants" attached to this deal , and It will prove n "rose without a thorn" to the lucky purchaser ; Iwat of reasons for selling ; we In vlte close Investigation. For particulars ad dress T 63 , Omaha llee. Y M1000 10 FOR E\CIIA\ ( FOR EXCHANGE , CLEAR QUARTER SEC- tlon (160 ( acres ) of line wheat or grazing land In Kansas ; all taxes paid ; what have you lo offer ? Address T 33. Hee olllce. Z M7S1 20 WILL EXCHANGE YOI'NO HORSE FOR clear vacant lot. A. P. Tukey. City Hall. WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRAIDE FOR 11.000 savings bank certlHcates upon which there. Is dividends due now amounting to $140 , pay able In cash. Will trade for good real estate. Address T 33 , Uee. X M9M 25 * FOII SAMS HEAL ESTATE. KOUNTXB PLACE HARGAINS. J2.500 , J3.7DO TO $0.500 ; te photos at 16thand Faniam. Morse llldg. J. J. Gibson , 514 First Nat. Hank Illdg. RE 447 HOUSES. LOTS , FARMS. LANDS , LOANS. Geo. P. Heinls Itail Estate Co. , Paxton Illock. RE 448 SNAP C6X140 FEET NEAR 221) AND CLAHK. { 1,200. J. N. Frenzer , Opp. P. O. RE 222 FOR SALE SNAP AMONG SNAVS-6-ROOM cottage , corner lot , nt 75 p r cent if what the house Itself cost. M. J. Kennard A Son , sole agents , 310 nnd 311 Drawn block , RE 346 FOR SALE OR TRADE. A LARGE , . trolling Interest In one of the best Irrigation canals In Nebraska , located In a fine valley over 23 miles lang , 1ms an earning capacity of over $10. < M < ) per year ; full particulars on appll cation ; will soil for reasonable price or trade for good Omaha property ; when writing plenso give location nnd price of property offered. als- > encumbrance , If any ; this Is a line Invest ment and will only bo exchanged for some thing of equal value ; nn real estate with a heavy debt will be considered. Address for two weeks. T 8 Uee oMlce. RE 5S2 18' 17 PER CENT GROSS INVESTMENT IMproved - proved real estate ; rental $448.00 per year ; price , $3 , W. Address T 23 , Hee. HB M7W A HOME THAT IS ONE-OF 8 ROOMS ; HARD wood Mnlsh. modern , pleasant rrccptlon hall , good barn , full lot .east front. M. J. Kennard & Son. Sole Agts. , 310 Brown Illock. Illock.UK74317 UK743-17 LOT IN K01INTJ5B PLACE. Jl.OOO ; NO AGKNTH wanted. Address T 50 , Hee. RE 920-23 TWO 6-ROOM COTTAGES , CO FT , FRONT. 10 blocks north of 1' . O. ; cheap. 624 So. 2 th nvo. UK M92i 21 LAND THIS & ADJOINING STATES TO CLOSE estate. Chas. E. Williamson , 601 Hce Hid ? . RE 933 NOW IS THE TIME AND THESE ARE HAH- gains ; Lot on Fnrnam ( paved ) , \ \ value , $500. Another , a little Letter , JGOO. Lot near Kountzo Place , ; sco. Another this sldo Kountze Place , $1MO. ( \ jn1 block Ames Ave. car , } 2iO. 2 lots , 1 block Ames Ave. car. each $300. fi-r. house , lot 3.1x110 , nr. 21lh nnd Grace , $1,000. 4-r. house , lot .12x144 , nr. 21st nnd Clark , $1.100. G. O. Wallace , 312 Hrown lllk. Tel. ] 9ro. RE-965 IS FARM LANDS , C. F. HARRISON. 912 N. Y L RE-9S3-OI6 * FOR SALE , IN MAYWOOD COLONY , Tehuma Co. , California. 20 acres of orchard wllh Improvements. For particulars address II. W. Rice. Corning , TVImmii , Co. Cal. RE 979-19 * ) TO noii now. WANTED. I CA N PLACE $2,50' ' > . $ UMO , $700 bent real estate security. Lyman Waterman , 822 N. Y. Life. Teh-phone 1015. 98' ) ! SIKIUTIIAM ) AMI TVIM3WIUTIXO. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL , 513 N , Y. LIFE. 450 AT OMAHA HU3. COLLEGE , KTH & DUUOLVS 4J1 OMAHA SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING College. Hoyd'o theater. SCO O-ll * PAIIMS IfOll IlEXT. FOR RENT-SEVERAL HUNDRED ACRES OF the best farm land , near Ellthorn , this county. Inquire William S. Popplelon , room 3H , First National Dank llldu. , Omahn. 700 FOR "RENT ! FARM" FN'tjAss co. APPLY 152 ! So. 2Sth. -M993 19' ( O.U1IKRCIAI , COLLEGE. OMAHA HUS1NESS INSTITUTE ; HOYIVS theater Hldg. : write for tpeclmen of penmanship - ship und catalogue. 206 S-24 * FIIII.VITITIII3 IMCICKI ) . M. tf. WALK1N , Jill CUMINU , TEU 1331. II. MAROWITX IX > ANH MONEY. 41S N. IS ST. n n Essi.v ICI.VCL DRESSMAKING. M1S4 STURDY. 4M4 1RIR. dsttc. ' ' l-S5-O-6 MATTUKSS lin\OVATlXR WOIIK5. MATTRESSES , COUCIIBS. PARLOR FURNIture - ture to order , reaplred. 1C13 I avenw'h ; tel. I'M. 453 TYPKWIUTKHS. TONS OF ENEROY WOULD HE SAVED DAILY If every operator ued the light running Dens- more , 1612 Fainam St. . Omaha. 431 PATKXTS. TD A TTnVTT'O s"es * Co. . Attorneys- JT A I Hi IN JL J nt-Lnw and Patent E- perts. llec HulMlnx. Omaha , Neb. Rranch office nt Wafhlnston , D. C. We make FREE EXAMINATIONS nnd aid Inventors In telllnauhelr Inventions. SonJ tor free Advice and Patent Hoolt. "P A rPlil Pl1c ? procured . uy C. A. SNOW A J. jv. i .IJO.T i & Cl. WajhlliRton , D. C. FREE KXAMINA ION and ndvlce. No nttor- ney's fee before phtent ! No claptrap offer of prizes or promise of midlrn wealth , out BtrolRlU. forvnrd advice and fallhfti' nervlci. NOTICE TtFcOM'HACTOIls' " " "PROPOSALS FOII NBT HKKP. u. s. IN- dlan Service , Oniahti anil Wlnncbapo Agen cy , Wlnncbngo , Nob. , Sept. H , 1S9 } . Scaled proimsnls , Indorsed " 1'ropOMiils for Net Beef. " nnd addressed to the uiiderslKtied nt Wlnnebnpo , Thurston County , Nebrnskn , xvill bo received nt this ugcncy until one o'clock p. m. of Wednesday , October fith , IRfl" , for furnlohlUK and delivering at such times nnd In such quantities ns may be required during the fiscal year ending June 30 , 1SSS. about , " > 0.000 pounds ) net beef at the Omaha School , Neb. , nnd about 23,000 pounds not beef at the Wlnnebngo School , Neb : Net beef must be Rood In quality nnd condi tion , fit for Immediate use , and from fore nnd hind quarter meat proportionally , In cluding nil the best cuts thereof. Heef from bulls , stags or diseased cattle will not bo accepted. The necks of the cattle slaugh tered for beef shall bo cut off nt the fourth vertebral Joint , and the breast trimmed down ; the shanks of tore quarters shall be cut oft four Inches above the knee joint , nnd the hind quarters eight Inches ubovo the hock joint. Neckg , shanks nnd kidney tallow will not be rccelvuii. Bidders will ntate specifically In their bldd the proposed price of beef for dach school. AH beef de livered under any contract will be subject to n rlpld Inspection. The right Is reserved to reject any nnd all bids , or any p.irt of any bid , If deemed for the best Interests of the service. Certified checks Each bid must bo accompanied by a certllled cheek or draft upon some United States depository or sol vent national bank In the vicinity of the res idence of the bidder , made payable to the order of the CommlM'loncr of Indian Af fairs , for nt least live per cent of the amount of the proposal , which check or draft will be forfeited to the United States in case any bidder or bidders receiving an award shall fall to promptly execute a con tract with good' nnd sulllclent sureties , otherwise to be returned to the bidder. Hide accompanied by cash In lieu of a certified check will not be considered. Far any further Information apply to CAPTAIN W. A. MEIICKH , Acting U. S. Indian Agent. S14-16-lS-21-23-ri-ffii-30 OS PROPOSALS FOR BUILDING MATKIl- lals , etc. U. S. Indian Service , Rosebud Agency , Rosebud , S. D. , September 8 , 1S > 97. Sealed proposals , Indorsed "Proposals for Building Materials , etc. , " as the case may be , and addressed to the undersigned at Rosebud. South Dakota , will be received at this agency until 1 o'clock p. m. of Thurs day , September 30 , IS'JT , for furnishing and delivering at this agency within thirty (30) days after receipt of notice of approval of contract , a variety of building materials ( consisting of assorted lumber , shingles , cement , etc. ) and miscellaneous articles ( consisting of tools , bolts , etc. ) , a full list and description of which may be obtained by making application to the undersigned. Bidders .will statp snoclllcallv in their bids the proposed price of each article offered for delivery under a' contract. All articles delivered under any contract will be subject to a rigid Inspection. The right Is reserved to reject any nnd all bids , or any part of any bid , If deemed for the best interests of the service. Certllied Checks. Each bid must be accompanied by a certl lled check or draft upon some U/nltcfl States depository or solvent national bank' In the vicinity of the residence of the bidder , made payable to the order of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs , * for. at least live per cent of the amount of the propoKiI , which check or draft will be forfeited to the United States In case"any bidder or bidders receiving an award Shall fall to promptly ej cute a contract with good and sufficient sureties , otherwise to be returned to the bidder. Bids ucppmifanled by cash In lieu of ii certified check -ijvill not bo considered. For any further Information apply to CHAS. M/CHESNEY. U. 'S. Indian Agent. S-9-11-H-1G-1S-2I-23-25-2S PROPOSALS FOR ERICCTION OF School Bulldlngs.-rUi S. Indian Service , Rosebud Agency. , Rosebud , South Dakota , August 30th , ISaT.-rSealed proposals , In dorsed : "Proposals for Erection of School Buildings. " nnd hddresaed to the under signed at Rosebud , South Dakota , will be received at this agency until one o'clock p. m. of Tuesday , Btjptvmber 21st , ISO" , for fur nishing the necessary materials and labor required In the construction and completion of two day school buildings and two teach ers' cottages on tills reservation , nt sites selected by the undersigned , In strict accord ance with plans and specifications which may be examined at the Indian office. Wash ington , D. C. , the Builders' and Traders' Exchange , Omaha , Neb. , the oflleo of The Beu of. Omaha , Nfib. , und at this agency. For any additional Information apply to Chas. E. McChesiicy. U. S. Indian Agent. S 3d 20t m NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that sealed pro posals will be received by the Board of Di rectors of the Newton Irrigation district of Loup county. Neb a ° ka , at their oillce In said district up to 2 o'clock p. m. of the 21th day of September , 1S97 , for J3.000 of the bonds Issued by said Irrigation district , all of said bonds being for $100 each , payable a follows , towlt : $1.100 In eleven years ; Jl.SO ) In twelve yearn and $1,000 In thirteen years from the date , and drawing Interest at the rate of fi per cent per annum , payable somi- annually. Principal und Interest of said bonds payable nt the olflro of the state treasurer of the state of Nebraska. The Board of Directors reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Address all bids to G. W , Abbott , Hccretary , .Monitor ] , Neb. By order of the Board of Directors , made July (5. ( 1S07. O. W. ABBOTT. Secretary.C. . C. L. COPP , President. OMAHA , Neb. , Sept. 10 , 1S)7. ! ) Sealed bids will bo received at the olllce of the Grounds and Buildings Department nf the Trunsmlsslslppl and International Uxposltlon until C o'clock p. m. , Saturday , September IS , for the construction of the Uberal Artu building. Plans and speclllca- : lens on Hie In the superintendent olllce , N'o. C3I Puxton block , or sets will bo fur nished contractors ) at co't. F P KIRKENDACU Manager Grounds and Building Dept. SeptlO dSt m&e RAILROADS. limiLINQTON MISSOURI River Railroad "Tit | > Hurllnc- ton. Route" General Olll , N. W. C'orier Tenth nml Farnam Streets. Ticket Otllee , IMS Farnnm Sliect. Telephone 2'J > . " and Maajn Arrive. 9U ; am Puget Sound 4:13 : pm 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone ' ' ' ' Dally. Dal'ly'excrpt Sunday. KANSAS CITY. ST. JOSEPH Ji Council Hluffa Railroad "The. HurlhiKton Riute" klt Olllce , 15C2 Farnnm eet. Telephone 620. Denot. T nlli Mini M.-isuii BtreC'.s. Tel vphgne , 128. 128.Leave Leave , Arrive. ICar.ua * City Day Ex. . . , 9:05 : am 4:10 : pin KUIISJB t'lty Night En , . . 10:00011) : * e39am ; Dally < OMAHA. KANSAS T1TY & EASTERN HAIL- road Omahn , t fil. I > iuU Railroad "The O. K. Hi > utr"-Tlckei Olln | . 1411 Fjinam Street. . Telephone , : ? 2. , Dpot , Tenth and Mason Streets , TfUuhonc , 12S. 1 'i Lcavv. Arrive. Poltom-biirj ? , Klrktvlllr. Qalncy Ixtml. . . . . . i:40tisr. : JUiW jmi St. I-ouls , Nevr York. Llmlttd 4M : pin 11:10 : am Dully. RAILROAD ? . ( Continued. ) WARASII RAILROAD-TICKET OFFICE. Hit Famnm Street. Telephone , 32i. Depot. Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone. 128. 'rfaV * ' ArrUc' SI , IxniH "Canon Hall" * Expres , M:30 : pm MliM am CHICAOO. ROril ISLAND & Pacific Rallrind "The ( Irrnl Rock Island Rouie"-Clly Ticket Olllce , 1323 Fnrnnin Street Telephone 42S. Dipot Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone , 12S. l avc. Arrive. Chlcnri und St. Paul Vosilbuled Express. . . . 4:50 : pm 1:13 : pm Lincoln. Colorado Sps , Pueblo , Denver and went * lri3pm : 4:0upm : Chlrnxo , Des Molncs nnd Rock Island 7:00 : pm S:1S am Atlantic Express , for Des Molnes nnd east ern points 7:00 : nm B:35 pm Lincoln. F.ilrbury nnd lltllevlllo 5IJpm : " 10:10 : am Dally. "Dally except Sunday. UNION PACIFIC-'THE OVERland - land Route" aencral Oltlccs , N. E. Corner Ninth nnd Farnnm Streets. City Ticket Olllce , 1302 Fnrnam Street. Telephone , 316. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone , 12S. Arrive , "The Overland Limited" for Denver , Salt Lake , Pacific coast , nnd all western points 8:20 : am 4:45 : pm Fast Mall train for Denver. Salt Lake , Pacific coast and all western poluta 1 4:05 : pm 10:20 : nm Lincoln , Heatrlca and Slromsburg Express. . . 4:05 : pm SM : rm um O'JiE . . m CEJ : , . _ „ „ niai putuo Dally. Dally except Sunday. Council Ulurrs Local Leaves. 5:40a. : m. ; 6GOn. m , . 7SO : n. m ; SiM n , m. ; 10M5 n. m. ; 2:13 : P. m. ; 4.30 p. m. ; 6:53 : p. m. Arrives. C:20 : n. m. ; 7:20 : n. m. ; S n. m. ; 8:2.a. : . in. ; 11:30 : n. in. ; 3:10 : p. m. ; S:40 p. m. ; 9:0" : p. m. : 10:43 : p. m. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD Qcnernl Olllces and Ticket Olllce. Merchants N'ntlonal Hank Hullillng , 1224 Farnum Street. Telephone , 104. Depot. Fifteenth nnd Webster Sti eels. Telephone , IKS. L nvc , Arrive Kansas City , St. Loul _ and southern points. . . 3:01 : pm 12:5. : * . pn Kansas City ExpreiB. . 930pm ! (5:20 ( : am Ft. Crook fa Union LI. . 9:00 : pin 7w : > nm Dally CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE . < t ST. Paul Railway-City Ticket Onice. ISO I Farnnm Street. Telephone. 2S4. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 12S. Leave. Arrive. Limited Ex * 5 : < : > I"n * S:03 : "i Omaha and Chicago Ex. . ' 11:00 : am 1:00 : pm Dally. ' " "CHICAGO & NORTHWEST. em Ra.hvay City Ticket onice , 1401 Farnam fitrrct. Telephone , C6I. Depot , Tenth nnd Mafon Streets. Telephone 128. Leave. Arrive. Mlswourl Valley , Sioux City , 'St. 1'aul nnd Mlnneapol's ' 5:40 : nm 10:43 : pm Missouri Valley , Sioux 7:50 am 9:0j : pm Denlron. Carroll , Wall . ' , :30am : 3:03 : pm Eastern Express , Des Molnes , Murshalltown. Cedar Rapids , Chlcaso " 10:43 nm 4:10 pm Atlantic Flyer , Chicago and East . 4:45 : pm 4:10 : pm Fnst Mall , Chicago to Omaha . 3:10 pn Missouri Valley , Sioux City. St. Paul , Minne apolis Limited . PM : pm 9:23 : nm Omaha-Chicago Special. . 6:30 pm S:10 um Dally. Dally except Sunday. 4 CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. M1NNE npolls & Omaha Railway General onicvs. Nebratka Dl vision , Fifteenth nnd Welnter directs. City Ticket Olllce _ . 1401 Vnrnam Street. Telephone 561. Depot. Fifteenth and Wc'bster Streets Telephone , lias. Leave. Arrive Sioux City Accommoda. 8:50 : nm 8:23 : pm Sioux City Accommoda. 9:50 : am 8:25 : pm Ill.ilr 1-TniiM'snn. Klmix City , Ponca. nartlng- ( on and Hloomflrld. . . . 1:00 : pm 11:53 am Sioux City , Mnnknto , St. Paul , Minneapolis . . . . ( ! :13 : pm 9:10 : am Dally. Dally except Sunday. Sunday only SIOUX CITY .1 PACIFIC RAIL road General Olllces. United States National Hank Ilulld- Ins , S. W. Corner Twelfth and Farnam Streets. Ticket Olllce. itv'i "Arnam Street , ne. 561. Depot. Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Telephone. 143S. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City Mnnknto , St. Paul , Minneapolis. C:15 : pm 0:10 am Dally. FREMONT , ELKHORN St Missouri Valley Railway- General Olllces. United Stales National Hank HulldlnK. Southwest Corner Twelfth and . , , . , Farnam Streets. Ticket Onico , „ 1401 I-urnnm Street. Telephone. 551 , Depot Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Telephone. 1438. " ' ' ' ' Arrlie. niack Hills. Dcadwood and Hot Springs 3:00 pm 5:00 : pm nyomliifr , CaEper and Douglas 3 00 pm 5 00 pm Hastings , York , David City Superior , Ge neva. Exeter and Seward - ard 3:00 : pm 5:00pm : Norfolk. West I-oint 7.50 um 10:23 : am nnd Fremont 3:10 : pm 5:00 : pm Lincoln , Wnhoo und 7:50 : am lOtfS nm Frrmont 3:00 pm 5:00 : pm Fremont Local 750 nm Dally. Dally except Sunday. Sunday only. Dally except Saturday. ' Dally except Monday. 1'OSTOliTICK XOTICIS. ( Should be rend DAILY by all Interested , as change ? may occur at any time. ) Foreign malls for the week ending Sep tember IS , 1S37 , will close ( PROMPTLY In all cases ) at the General Postolllce as follows : PARCELS POST MAILS CLOSE ONH HOUR EARLIER than closing tlmo shown TrniiN-Atlaiillc HallH. SATURDAY-At < ! : RO a. m. for FRANCE , bu i4Ae.ltL.AND , ITALY. SPAIN , 1'OR- I'l'r.AL. TURKEY. EGYPT and BRIT ISH INDIA , per S S. La Bretagne * , via Havre : at 0:30 : a. m. for GERMANY , per 3 , S. Ppree , via Bremen ( letters for other parts of Europe , via Cherbourg and Bre men , must be directed "per Spree ) ' . ' ) ; at O/ : ) a. m. for EUROPE , per S. S. Cam pania * , via Queenstown ( letters for Ger many , Franco , Switzerland. Italy , Spain , P.ortugal , Turkey , Egypt nnd British India must be directed "per Campania" ) ; at K a m. for NETHEKLANIXS direct , per S , S. Obdam , via Rotterdam ( letters must be directed "per Obdam" ) ; at 8 a. m. for GENOA , per S S. Werra ( letters must bo directed "per Werra" ) ; nt 10 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct , per S , S. Anchorla , via Glasgow ( letters must ho directed "per Anchorla" ) ; nt 11 u. m. for NORWAY di rect , per S. S , Thlngvulla ( Icttcm must bo directed "per Thlngvulla" ) . PRINTED MATTER , ETC.-Gcrimm eteamers palling on Tuesdays take Printed Matter , etc. , for Germany , nnd Specially Addressed Printed Matter , etc. , for other parts of Euiope. Ameri can and Whltu Star eteameis on Wednesdays. Oerma.i ktcamerH un Thursdays , and Cunard , French nnd German steamers on Saturdays tnke Printed Mutter , etc. , for all countries for which they are advcrtUed to carry mull , Aftrr the closing of the Supplementary TransAtlantic - Atlantic Malls named above , additional supple mentary mallH nro opened on Iho pii-rs of the American English , French nnd German steam ers , and icinaln open until within Ten Mln- utfii of the hour of eallln ? of ilenmer. Mall * i' r S n < h nnil Cciilrnl AiiiiTlon , WfHl Inilli'N , ICIe. FRIDAY-At 2:30 : a. m. for NEWFOUND LAND , per S. S. Corcan from Philadel phia. SATURDAY At 10 a. m ( supplementary in.-m . no foi rnuTUKR IHLAND. JA MAICA , SAVANILLA and GREYTOWN , per S. S. Altai ( loiters for Costa Rica rmit bo directed "per Allot" ) ; at 10 a. m. ( supplementary 103) ; n. m. ) for PORT AU PR1NPE. PETIT GOAVE. JEREMIE and CARTIIAGENA. per S. S. Alps ; at 10-JO a. m. for CAMPEOHE. CHIAPAS. TA BASCO nnd YUCATAN , per S. 8. Honrcn ( letters for other parts of Mexico and for Cuba must bn directed "per Seneca" ) ; at 10:30 : n in. for HAITI. CUMANA and CARUPANO , per S. S. Prlns WlUe-in III ( letters for other parts of Venezuela , Curacao , Trinidad , British and Dutch Guiana rnuat bo directed "per Prln Wll- loin III" ) ; ill 12 m. for GRENADA. TRIN IDAD and TOBAGO , per H. S. Irrawadily ; nt 8:30 : p. m. for ST. PIERRE-MIQUE- I.ON , per steamer from North Sydney. Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to Halifax , end Ihcnro by steamer , cloto at thli cillcu dally at 8:30 : p. m. Mulls for Mliiuelon , by rail to Hoi- ton nnd thence by steamer , cU < i ut this olllce , dully at 8:20 p , in. Malls ftr Cuoa dote at thin olllce dally at 7:00 : a in. , for forwarding by learners atllnir ( Mondays and Thursdays ) from I Port Tampa , Fl.i. Mails for Menlco rity. I overland. unles nieclally addremM for dis patch by cteumer. cloce at Ihlv emir dally ut I 2:80 : a. m. and 2:20 : p. in. lU'gUtcri'd mall ! dotes at.C:00 : p. m. previous day TrniiH-Puelfln MiillM. Malls for Australia ( except Went Aus tralia ) New Zuulund , Hawaii and Fiji BITS OF FEMININE GOSSIP , i m One of llio recent things Invented for him or her upon boatlnc bent Is a portable elec tric propeller , says the. Lxilles' Homo Com- ' i > inlon. The women nnd that considerable i | > roortlon | of the men who hnvo a nervous horror of motors with explosive possibilities anil machinery Incomprehensible ran. with I tills now device , have all fears ot explosion set at rrst nnil do all the necessary engineer- IIIR on the simple "press-tho-bulton" prin ciple. The propeller can bo used on any ten to iilRhteen-foot boat , for pleasure , fishing or shooting , both In thnllow or deep waters. Its enthusiastic friends even go so far as to say that a child can manage a boat thus equipped nml malto It run forward or back ward , slow or fast , and steer or stop the boat. Falling the child as captain or coxswain , the boat ran run Itself , leaving both hands free for fishing. Its speed Is from four to six miles nn hour. Another novel method of propelling a boat Is by simply turning .a1 crn.uk , when j-otir craft falls off at the ra'to of ten miles nn hour. A rowboat can' bo fitted with this propeller , which may 'be described ns n twin- screw attachment. The Invention consists of nn arrangement of cog wheels nnd chains , graded In a similar manner to those of n bicycle. A long crank wjth handle attached . extends to Iho rowing' seat of any ordinary ; boat and all that Is necessary lo attain great speed Is to sit facing the stern nnd grind lawny , like a person working a wringing mat - t Rhine. The newest hoots and shoes for sportsmen vffl AUTUMN GOWN OP GRAY CLOTH PROM HARPER'S BAZAR Thin summer gowns are growing sleazy , and the days are rapidly approaching when they will bo qulto unseasonable. Then IB the time. In early autumn days , when- fresh cloth gown looks particularly trim and smart , says Harper's Bazar. The model shown above , of dove-gray cloth , la composed of a plain skirt of the cloth and a fanciful waist of Irish point lace banded with strips of gray cloth on which arc narrow lines of blade velvet ribbon. The collar and the ruflle which edge the slanting front nro of white crepe do Chine. Three-fold rullli's of the lace form epaulettes on the sleeves. The deep belt Is of black velvet. The hat Is of gray velvet , with ostrich tips. and sportswomen , or ior thpso who simply ilan camping excursions ; aru made of Indian aponlca-tanncd stock that Is , they are mndo torn leather tanned by the Indian process and are waterproof. They are quite artistic ally finished In the style of a moccasin , with the solo of sole leather and an Inner sole , flio leather which covers the fool Is soft and pliable , yet tough , thick and strong , and nest desirable foot covering for camping , muting or fishing. That frivolous nnd { consequential crca- lire , that stage hero \yonshlper known as the "matineo girl , " Is no more. And her passing only adds another stone to the monu- nent ot evidence that this Is a century of 'emlnlno progression. Just when she died it Is hard to determine. The press agents and dramatic critics evl- lently have not yet li-nrndfl' the demise. 'or ' when the former wish to add to the pop ularity of the particular star they nro paid , o boom , they spread Ananias nml Sapphlru Iko talcs of billet-doux and violets sent to ilm by women , and when the actor falls to ind favor In the eyes of the critic , they straightway Inflict that most nnklndest cut if all and dub him "tho matinee girl's lero , " That the matinee girl did llvo and flourish once , no one danles. Hut that was before girls' thoughts nnd lives were broadened by club and settlement work , hcforo the time vhon all young womanhood was taught to hlnlt , and act , and often to work for It- sulf. sulf.Tho The matinee girl was a product of the Imes when ulmlessncss was the leading characteristic of the lives of young women. laving nothing clsa to do the dear creatures lade theater going a buslucHu Instead of a ccrcatlon. Then the matiituo girl was is much a feature of a theatrical performance as was the star of the cast , and worrying the rice of semi-weekly matini'o tickets , bunches f American beauties , and boxes ot candy ut of "papa" ' .vug a regular occurience. She had no heroes but stage heroes , and her adoration of them was apt to be written on iionogramcd paper , anil'sent to the msn who i rtrayed the character. , . Hut those were other flayx. Now the erstwhile matinee girl has at- alnud few more years and a lot more wls- I'nHTOITIGIS Wri'IOH. ( Continued. ) Islands , per S. 8. Wnrrlmoo ( from Van couver ) , close here dally after Rcptemb T 10 mid uii to September 13 ut ( li.'IO n. m. Mnlls for Chlnn , Jnpnn nnd I In wall , per 8. S. Gnollo ( from San Kninclsco ) , clos hero dally up to September 15 ut CS : ) p m. Mnlls for China iiiul Japan , per S. S Tucoma ( from Tucoma ) . close here dull ) up to .Septfinhur " 13 nt 00 : : ; p. in. Mull * for thn Society Inlands , per whip Trojilo Hlnl ( from Han Francisco ) , closn hero dally up tn September 21 nt 0M ; p. m , Halls for Hawaii , per 8. 8. Australia ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to Heptember 2D tit fi:30 : p. m. Mnlln for China nnil Jnp.in ( ppeclaly ) addressed only ) , per 8. 8. HmpreHS of India ( from Vancouver ) , close hero dully up to October " 4 at 0:00 : i P. in. Mulls for Australia ( except these i for We.it Australia ) , which arc forwarded ' via Hurope , Now Zealand , Hawaii , FIJI nnd Ha moan Islands , per 8 , S. Monna ( from Han Francisco ) , nloso hero dully up ' lo October * nt 7:3'J ' a. m. , 11 a. m. unit j fi:30 : p. in. ( or on arrival lit New York of I S. 8. Cnmpunla with llrltlsh mallx ( or ' Australia ) , Trani-l'ncine mnlln err forwarded to port of enllinK dally and thevchrdule of closlni : In an-inc-Ml on the prfztunptlon of thdr unin terrupted overland Irlinnll. "Iteel leied trull cieri'K nt CM : p. tn. nrrvloufy I'OHtofllep. Ne * York. N' Y. . Sept. 10 , 1597. COH.NUUUH VAKCOTT. I'ostumstcr. I ( loin. She admires the clover rendition ot n play with nil the strength of her nrttstlo nature , but she doesn't lie nwakc nights tn think nbout the handsome physique and mclodli.us voice of the leading man. U she loses any deep .it nil In thrso times ot healthy feminine athletics It Is over the . members of the poor family whose "friendly visitor" she Is , and who nro actors In a drama , perhaps not so romantic , but a than * sand times more cadly realistic than the ono she has Just witnessed. Numerous theories hive been advanced to account for the evolution ot the matinee girl , and perhaps the most Interesting are these of theatrical people. Women are working succcs ully In almost every field. Vlck's Mnpixlnr states that ac cording to the census of ISuO there were 313 commercial gtecnhousoo , or about ono In fifteen , owned and managed by women. Oilier women are making n success of raising carna tions end other ( lowers tor the wholesale trade. These people soon learn that the busi ness ot raising nnd soiling flowers Is bcact by much c.no and labor , and does not coma under the head of poetry. And yet nearly all women florists that wo have met were led Into the business because they first of all loved flowers. It ndds to the delight and success of any occupation If ono has a love iherefor. There Is no question that , ns a rule , women have a greater fondness than man for flowers. Why , therefore , should they not engage In growing and handling them for profit7 The rougher work about Mower-raising , such ns the care of green house furnaces , the handling of soil and manure and the like , can easily be dona by men who work for moderate wages. If women uro successful as llcrlsts they uro equally so as raisers of vegetables and similar fruits , especially strawberries ; they direct the rougher work , help to prepare the pro duce for customers , and perhaps take In hand the selling , thus keeping closely In touch with the state of the market. Gcnemily speaking , we think that the raising of straw berries near our best markets Is further from being overdone-than that of almost any other kind of produco. The consumption Is enor mous .and fresh fruit brought quickly from the fields without a largo distance Inter vening , always will sell considerably higher than fruit long from the vines tlal : has been shipped. Much of the work of picking and handling small fruit is well suited to be done by women. Miss Ktiehno Dovorldgu Is usually spoken of as n California girl , but was really bora in Illlnolii. She Is the daughter of John L. Hovorldgo , for years governor of the state , and the constant friend of CSrncrul John A , Logan. Miss Hcvcrldgo was educated partly In Kurope , her mother having become Ilm liaroness von Wrcdo by a second marrlago. She accompanied her mother to California when uhn was about 14 and become u pupil of the San Francisco School of I'lilylechnlcs. While studying there she suddenly gave evi dence of the talent which has made her famous. Cnllfornla , always ro responsive , took the greatest Inierisnl In Iho child sculp tor's future. James n. I'air was one of the first to practically help her. lie sat for his own portrait , which wan placed upon exhi bition. Sarah Hurnhardl saw It and at once guvo the talented child sittings for her bust , Before Miss Iloverldge was 20 Hho had re ceived a commission for a Ufa-sized bust of ( Jrover Cleveland , and since that tlmu scarcely a month has paesud In which KIU has not added to her collection of tamous sltterH. Two Interesting women are Just now meetIng - Ing dally In one of the moat charming studios dies In the Latin Quarter In 1'arln. The two women are a French woman of note , the original , the eccentric , the audacious Yvnttii Oullbert , of the concert hull , and Mrs. Clio Hlnion Huiuikur , the young American uculp- tor , who did the. $10 000 slatuo of ( ioneral Fremont. Mrs. Huneker Is In 1'arls studying with MucMonnles and Itodln. Shu hus not seen a quarter of a century , yet Is already regarded lu the art world of both 1'arls and New York as ono ot the coming sculptors. Her bas-relief of I'ndcrowskl and the bust of Anton Scldl wore the best things shu hail done before leaving America. Her prcncnt ambition U centered In the statuu of Gull- iicrt. In which shu wishes to embody all that Is most remarkable , most unusual In Ihu quaintly Interesting French wumun who has neei said to typify i'arls at this eml of the century , Vailous European newspapers have an nounced from time to tlmu Ihu coming ma.-rlago of Queen Wllhelmlna of Holland. Sometimes It Is to a German prince , and again to tome member of the royal families of Denmark , Sweden or Kiigland. The. young quon seldom reads the papers , or , rather , Hho has burn In the habit of reading only ono , published In The Hague. This Journal has not thought It necessary to mention thubu marrlago rumors every tlmu they ap peared , hut recently It rcglttered them alt at once Thu lint was a long ono. Wllhel mlna saw It and read It with Interest. Then she exclaimed : "No , ludnedl They shall not nurry mo as quickly ui that I ahull need at least six months to think about It before nuking up my mind , and then another whole for the ' " year enjjat'Mnent.