Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1897, Image 1

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President Diaz's Assailant is Stabbed to
Death by a Mob.
Break Into Police Headquarters and Give
Wretch Short Shrift.
Arroyo , Oonfmcd in a Straight Jacket ,
Cannot Defend Himself.
Over Twenty Arri'tttM Arc .Muilt * niul
, AM An : I.oekeil t'ji ' lin"iiniiiiiiiiciulo
tli. > Act.
CITY OF MEXICO. Sept. 17. Antilfo Ar-
eye , the miscreant who yesterday made an
attempt upon ( In ; life of President Diaz , was
ct upon by n mob of Infuriated citizens last
night and killed with knife stalls. General
ftMlsfactlon wns expressed here today as thu
ncwo of the lynching spread through the
elty , although the more reflective people ,
especially business and professional men , uald
they deplored the act of mob violence am !
feared It would be misinterpreted abroad.
Bomo of the highest oniclnla of the gover i-
mont Bald they were wholly puzzled to ae-
count for this outburst of popular feeling
and reyrettrd that measures 1-ad not been
taken to guard the prisoner more carefully
From the moment Arroyo was arrested
yesterday In front of the Alnmcda , or cen
tral public park , masses of people . kept
clamoring for his life and taunted Llo'i'onant
Lacroix who had the prisoner In charg" ,
iwl'h net using his pistols on the criminal.
A great crowd of lower people followed the
rcndarmes to the national rialace' . where tin-
prlsoutr was searched , and then , despite the
Tcmonatrancts of thu army officers , turned
over to the civil authorities by request cf
President Ulaz , who was opposed to having
the 'nan tried by court martial , and li : lact
advtacd a lenient policy , and accordingly the
jitlcoLor was allowed his full conbtr.uHotial
rlshtb. Acting on the wish express ! by
I'reblnent llaz , the prisoner was nkcn J.i
tier B\iard \ to general police headquarters In
Uio city hall.
Arroyo evidently felt apprc'ai.-itlve of the
crowd , who were determined to telze and
lynch him , nnd he was careful'/ locked up at
headquarters , whrri he appeared to feel less
fearful. At night he was taken , clad In a
straight Jacket , 'to the offlce cf the Inspector
of pclice , which consisted of two rooms
with two windows opening on the street.
The prisoner was given a mot to rest on
nnd was carefully guarded. Near at hand.
In an adjoining apartmrat , wcro four olIcen ! >
of the secret service. As Arroyo lay on the
mat he e < r. versed wKh one of the officers ,
who had -known him for years. He was
asked how he could have come 'to make
the murderous assault on .tl.e president ,
knowing , as ho did , how severe the law
would deal with him and especially as he
had studied the law. Arroyo manifested
a cynical Indifference end wns In no way
Inclined to regret his act , and declared he
liad Inttrdcil to stun the president and
then , taking the president's uuall sword ,
4o kill htm.
The apartment was very still , except for
the murmur ot the convocation between
the ofllcer and prisoner , who seemingly enJoyed -
Joyed smelting his cigarette , when suddenly
was heard the formidable no ! e of the trampIng -
Ing of many feet en the stilrs leading up
to the floor on which Uhe offlce Is situated ,
and there were confused shouts of "Long
llvo President Diaz , " Long live Mexico and
death to anarchist. " . "
Arroyo shuddered , his fear of the mob at-
tacTtlng him growing stronger and with good
reason , for Immediately the door was burst
open and a great crowd ot people , apparently
of the lower class , entered , the leader bear
ing a small Mexican flag on n stick. Officer
Sanchez cried to the crowd to fall back and
advanced on them with his sword , when the
mob overcame him and throwing htm down ,
advanced over his body to wliero Arroyo lay
trembling , nnd at the came time other mem
bers of the party tied two gendarmes In
the room , Yells went up : "Kill him , ' ho
belongs to us , " and a cry arose as of a
horde of ivages. Windows were broken
and the noise aroused the ofllcers of the
Bccret service In the adjoining room , who
rushed to ( hi ? scene but did not fire on the
crowd , fearing they might 1:111 some of their
comrades of the pollno Ir.lldc , so they con
tented themselves with firing shots from the
window * , thus calling together the police
of neighboring corners , who wcie ordered to
prevent any persons ieaylng the city build
Meantime , Its tlio room above , a frightful
tragedy had been enacted. Many knives were
plunged Into tbo body of Arroyo , who of
course wa $ entirely helrle u ,
Inspector Voliiquez Just left the
National palace , where he had been accom
panying tlio family of tbe governor of the
federal district , uhen hi heard the firing
and went directly there.
Over twenty arrests worn made ind all
( wcro lorked up Incommunicado and have not
been released , pending a strict Inquiry which
is to ae made. The question ha naturally
arisen why the ofllceia guarding Arroyo did
not cany their revolvers , but It Is explain ? . !
that they had nothing to fear from thu in la-
oner , who was qulto helpless. The body of
'Arroyo ' had been dragged to the balcony with
the evident purpose of throwing It Into the
Btrect. Arroyo'a arms wcro badly cut , as
ho had evidently struggled with his rnut\l3r-
era.When the tumult had subsided the body
iwaa taken to tbo fourth police station , where
n examination was made , showing a great
gaping wound In the left lung , a deep wound
ID the left side , pno on the right shoulder
ind others on liio arms and feet. There
Wcro nine wounds In all. Ono of the gcn-
Jarmes was wounded In the fight with the
nob. Officer Sanchez suffered contusions
Irom being trampled upon ,
Arroyo had been In prison several limes ,
on one occasion for shooting a man , HIv
acquaintances say ho was somewhat crazy.
Ho drove his father to despair and death by
his conduct , having forged hi * father's name.
Ho was 32 years of age and given a liberal
tducatlon and became for a time a military
Udct and took up law. President Diaz de
plored the lynching of Arroyo and declared
If there was any vigilance ° n 'nc Parl ° '
the police It should be investigated and the
accusations fall on the heads of the culpable
\o Injury to IHnr. .
WASHINGTON , Sept. 17. Scnor Romero ,
the Mexican minister , today received official
advices from Mexico City regarding the nt-
tack on President Diaz , which state that
Arroyo wan without arms and that the
president received no Injury.
ClinrKCN or Perjury I'rcHy Mnilc In
tlic OIHirnicil Cum1.
FRANKFORT , Ky. , Sept. 17. The second
day of the trial against Hunter ct al was
characterized by charges of perjury. Dr.
W. Godfrey Hunter , ex-Congressman J. II.
Wilson and Deputy Collector E. T. Franks ,
on one Hide , and Captain Ncel Qalnes nnd
Thomas F. Hunter on the other side swore
to contradictory Btatcmcnts. Hunter swore
that ho was never at Games' house and did
not know where ho lived. Qalnes looked
nt Dr. Hunter and sad | ho knew ho was
at his house on the night of April 1 and
asked him If he could buy the votes of Rep
resentatives Clossamnrk and Johns. Hunter
was corroborated by legislators and friends ,
who said he could not have been away from
the hotel on that night longi enough to have
gone where Galncc ho was. Galnes
Is corroborated by witnesses who testify to
having seen him on the road , and by Tamur ,
who says he piloted him there.
Wilson and Franks' stories about the nego
tiations between themselves and Galnes .
were quite as directly contradicted by Galnes
and Tanner. Conatiitit fear of a collision
between the warring defendants and their
friends cxlsta. There are several more wit
nesses for both defendants , and the trial can
hardly bo concluded tomorrow.
Every nno on the scene predicts a "hung"
jury. The Hunter people want an Immediate
verdict and vindication and dread a dis
agreed jury nearly as much as a conviction.
The Hunter defendants have so far failed
to prove that Governor Ilradlcy was In the
conspiracy to Indict Dr. Hunter , though
they do prove that the governor wns bitterly
opposing Dr. Hunter's election as senator
at the time.
Sale of tlio Union I'liclllc Sol for the
| M ( of XnviMiilipr.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 17. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The sale of the Union Pacific will
In all probability bo consummated by No
vember 1. That Is the opinion among those
who have kept close watch aa the situation
from a governmental standpoint. The cabinet
has practically refused to Interfere with the
orderly silo of thu property , believing that
the courts will guard closely the Interests
or the government and that no rights which
It has In the road will bo forfeited. It Is
thought Special Master Cornish will adver
tise the sale of the road about October 1 ,
and as this advertisement must run thirty
days. It will give all Intending purchasers
ample time In which to make arrangements
in consummating the sale.
Senator Thurston had a long talk with
President McKlnlcy today , previous to the
meeting of the cabinet. It Is understood
that Thurston Is pressing for scvcial more
consulates , but just what ones he is most
anxious to land could not be learned.
Commlsslciier Jones of the Indian office
left suddenly for New York yesterday ,
thereby delaying the agreement as to the
regulations which are to govern cattlemen
In driving across the Great Sioux reserva
tion. He will return to the office tomorrow
and Major Larrabce Is authority for the
statement that In all probability the regula
tions governing thu special permits to be
Issued will "be submitted to Secretary Bliss
for his approval early next week.
' -Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Lambcrtson of Lincoln
are at the Arlington.
South Dakota postmasters appointed : Kl-
mlra. Grant county , William McFarland ;
Perkins , IJonhomme county , Joseph Leach.
Iowa : Cambridge , Story county. M. F. King ;
Pekln , Keokuk county , J. L. Mitchell ; Pick
ering , Marshall county , Charles Wilson ;
Ilyan , Delaware county , James Ireland ;
Sergeant Bluffs , Woodbury county , C. W.
KN May He Ankcri for a IJr-
llclciiey Appropriation.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 17. Commissioner
Evans of the Pension Bureau said today ho
thought It would bo necessary this year to
ask congress for a deficiency appropriation on
account of pensions. Ho said :
"I estimate that the total payment for
the year will not exceed $147,500,000 and the
appropriation for the year Is $111,203,880. If
there should bo an unexpected falling off In
the revenues the pension payments might be
curtailed toward the end of the year , al
though I do not think this Is at all likely. "
The Increased pension payments , he said ,
would bo due chlelly to the fact that there
are about 200,000 old claims pending , which
It Is the Intention of the bureau to adjudicate
as soon as possible. The claims would call
for something llko $5,000,000. There has
been a remarkable Increase In the number
of new pension applications and these would
Increase expenditures largely. In answer
to a suggestion that there might be a deficit
In the treasury at the end of the fiscal year ,
the commissioner said ha had cxamlued Into
the matter somewhat and was of thu opinion
that there would be a sufficient Increase In
the revenues before the year was over to
prevent n deficit.
\ < > WH for ti < > Army.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 17. ( Special Tele
gram , ) The following changes In stations
of officers of the adjutant general's depart
ment are made : Colonel Henry C. Corbln ,
from headquarters Department of the East ,
to the adjutant general's olllco , this city ;
Colonel Mcrritt Barber , from the Depart
ment ot Missouri to the Department of the
East ; Colonel Michael V. Sheridan , from thu
Department of Dakota to the Department
of the Missouri.
Colonel Augustus C. Robinson , assistant
quartermaster general , has been placed on
the retired list on account of age.
Thu following transfers of artillery ofllcers
have been made , to take effect October 1 :
Second artillery First Ltcutunant Edwin St.
J , Greble , relieved as adjutant and assigned
to Light Battery F , vlco First Lloutenant
Herman C , Schumin , who Is assigned to duty
with battery D ; First Lieutenant Arthur F.
Curtis , from battery M to light battery F ,
vlco First Lieutenant Moses C. Zalluskl ,
who la assigned to duty with battery I ) .
Third artillery First Lieutenant Charles B.
Satterlee , from light battery F to battery
L ; First Lieutenant Henry II. Ludlow , from
battery L to battery I ) , vice First Lieutenant
John P. IlalnB , who under Instructions here
tofore given will servo out bis terra of duty
with light battery F ; Second Lieutenant
Edward P. O'Hern , from battery H to light
battery F , vlco Second Lieutenant Percy M ,
Kessler , to battery II. Fourth artillery
Second Lieutenant Samuel A. Kephart , frpui
battery D to light battery Fj Sectnd Lieu
tenant Clint C. Hern , from light battery F
to battery A ; Second Lieutenant David A.
King , from battery A to battery G ; Secant
Lieutenant Gordon G. Helraer , from battery
G to light battery H ; Second Lieutenant
Thomas I ) . Lamoreaux , from light battery
n to battery D.
The following transfers are made In the
Third cavalry : First Lieutenant Parker W
West , from troop G to troop M ; First Lieu
tenant Frank J. Koester , from troop M to
troop 0 ; Second Lieutenant John H. Rice
from truop M to troop G ; Second Lteutenan
Lincoln C. Andrews , from troop G to
troop M ,
Leaves of absence' ; Brigadier Genera
Thomas I. Sullivan , commissary general
twenty days ; Lieutenant James J. Horn
brook , 'Fifth cavalry , onq mouth ; Captain
Charles A. Worden , Seventh Infantry , ex
tended one month ,
Dally Trrimury Slutt'iiifiit.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 17 Today's state
ratat ot ttio condition cf the treasury shows :
Available cash balance , f217.919.CS2 ; gold re
serve , | M8,162 , .
General Blood's ' Division and tbo Mohm'unds
Meet in Battle.
tlio Demi Arc bletitrnnnlx
liiKlicN anil 1'rmvforil nnemy N
I'lnnlly llepnlieil After u
CAMP ANAYAT , via. Pankajora. Sept. 17.
8 p. m. Severe fighting has taken place be.
twccn the Second brigade of General Sir Bin-
don Blood's division and the Mohmunds. The
British loss was 140 killed and wounded.
The brigade had moved out to attack the
Mohmunds In the valley north of the camp ,
to punish them for the assault Tuesday night
upon the force of General Jeffreys at the foot
ot P.iwat pass. The Bengal lancers found
the enemy entrenched on the hills about eight
miles distant.
The Thirty-fifth Sikhs was ordered to make
the attack. The regiment was supported by
four guns of n mountain battery and by six
companies of Buffs. The Sikhs drove the
enemy Into the hills , but eventually fell back
upon the Buffs before superior numbers. The
nemy then advanced against the left flank ,
Irovo back the cavalry and surrounded a
ompany of Sikhs. The cavalry charged
irllltAiitly and relieved the Sikhs , and the
illiles coming up swept the force back. The
orco halted for Eomn tlmo , destroying the
nemy'a towers , and retired. A company
of Sikhs on the right was hard pressed and
vas running short of ammunition , when the
general officer commanding moved the guides
orward to their assistance , which was gal-
antly accomplished. Tlio guides carried the
voundod Sikhs back and executed the wlth-
Irawal In good order , though the enemy
pressed them hard.
Darknera came before the force reached
.ho camp , and the guides , with General Jef
freys antf his escort ot Buffs , became sepa
rated from the coulmn , which passed them
n the gloom. General Jeffreys remained
with the guns and took up a position In a
village. The enemy had occupied a part
of Ihe village and itho force , not being
strong enough to expel them , they had In
flicted considerable ICES on the little Dirty
Jeforc Major Wortlldge. with two companies
eich , composed cf Slkhn nnd guides , came
up and compelled them tn retire. A large
jody of cavalry and Thirty-eighth Dogras
left tlie camp and brought In ihe whole de-
Lieutenant Hughea and Lieutenant Craw
ford were killed. Lieutenant Waturii , Lieu
tenant Gunning and Lieutenant Winter were
severely wounded and General Jeffreys , Lieu
tenant Cassells and Captain Birch slightly
worrded. The Buffs lost one killed and
seven wounded , the Sikhs twenty-one killed
and ten wounded , the gunners seven killed
and twenty-one wouiudcd and the sappers
three killed and sixteen wounded. Two Ben
gal lancers were wounded. Many horses and
mules were killed.
IlclKlan Police lixiicl l.nulHi * Mlc-licl
mill IlNperN < - .MiircherN.
BRUSSELS , Sept. 17. Subsequent to tha
expulsion from this city yesterday' ' ot Louise
Michel , the French anarchist , and her two
companions , Charlotte Fauvllle and Brousson
Loux , who had come here for a fortnight's
speechmaklng1 tour In aid of the families ot
the anarchists executed at Montjulch fortress ,
Barcelona , for the bomb throwing outrage
during the celebration of the feast ot Corpus
Chrlstl In Barcelona In , ? une of last year , and
In aid also of the anarchists exiled for com
plicity In the crime , the police arrested
fifteen perscciii who were suspected of being
anarchists. The police also , with drawn
swords , dispersed several bands who were
parading the streets , shouting and cheering
for anarchy. Some of these bands were
marching In the direction of the Spanish
embassy when dispersed by the authorities.
Oriental Opinion Com-criiliij ? War
ivltli the United StateN.
TORONTO , Ont. , Sept. 17. John Harp of
the Chln-ese Imperial customs service has ar
rived hero on a fifteen months' furlough.
Mr. Harp says that when he left Shanghai
some weeks ago It was not seriously thought
that there would be any war between the
United States and Japan. Should such a
war break out , said Mr. Harp , the Japanese
could not hope to succeed against such a
great country like the United States , as
the finances of the former would soon give
out. The Japanese ore brave ami they
have a good navy. At first they might win
a tow battles , but they would ere long have
to ylcl.l before the prolonged struggle which
the Inexhaustible resources fo the United
States would enable the latter to maintain.
Hplluved to lie ( lint of Amlrcc , the
Arc-lit' Explorer.
ST. PETERSBURG , Sept. 17. A tele
graphic message received hero from
Krasnoyarsk , In the Interior of Siberia , says
that on September 14 , at 11 o'clock at night ,
the Inhabitants of the village of Antzlflrow-
skojc. In the district of Yeniseisk , Arctic
Russia , saw a balloon , believed to bo that
ot Prof Andrce , the SwcdUh aeronaut , who
left the Island of Tromsoe shortly before 2:30 :
p. m , on July 11 , In. an attempt to cross tluj
polar regions. The balloon , It Is added , was
In sight for about five minutes.
ClrriiNHlii Tmvpil Into Port.
QUEENSTOWN , Sept. 17. The overdue
Anchor line steamer Clrcassla , which left
New York on August 28 for Glasgow and
which should have reached that port on
Thursday , September 0 , was sighted this
morning off KInsale Head , In tow of the
British steamer Mamnom , Captain Bales ,
from Montreal on September 3 for Avon-
mouth. On September D tbe Clrcassla was
overhauled by the Thlngvalla line steamer
Island , from New York for Copenhagen , and
was taken In tow by the latter , as It was
In a disabled condition , Owing to the heavy
sea which prevailed , however , the hawser
parted and the Island was unable to again
take tbe Clrcassla In tow.
The passengers of the Clrcassla arc all
well and have been landed here , The
Memnon met the Clrcassla on Monday last ,
when tbo two vessels were about GOO miles
west of Quecnstown , tbe Anchor liner hav
ing drifted eastward about 230 miles after
bosoming separated from the Island. The
accident which disabled the Clrcassla oc
curred Saturday , September 4 , when 000
tnltes from New York.
LONDON , Sept. 17. According to a special
dispatch from Shanghai a French missionary
stationed at Ba Tang , on the river Dl Chu ,
In the northv.'cit part of the province of
Szu Chuan , on tbe borders of Thibet , writes
that the Chinese euppreased tbe revolt of the
Lamastlats , subjugated Thibet and have or
ganized a government with Chinese ad
Kieoiiinulnleiite l'"lnnnec Mliilntir.
MADRID , Sept. 17. The bishop of
Majorca , Balearic lelands , has excom
municated tha Spanish minister of finance ,
Reverter , for taking poiseselon of tbo
treasury of a church In his diocese. The
minister proposes to appeal against the
lvf rire at Calm ) .
SIMLA , Sept. 17. A destructive fire which
began In a bazaar of Cabul , the capital of
Afghanistan , on September 6 lasted until the
following day. One hundred and fifty stores
wcrc burned , lour persons perished ami dam
age to the amount of several , Itifchs of rupees
was done. Sir Walter Tyr * . the ameer's
British adviser , distinguished himself In
directing the work ot quorictilnR the flames ,
organizing a fire brigade and using the fire
engines , which arc kept In the workshops ot
the ameer.
iiK.\or.\cii TIII : srcn
Killlorn Are Very OntnpoUon
nil the Silver llm-nllim.
LONDON , Sept. 17. The Westminster
Gazette this afternoon , ' In Its fininclal
article , comments upon the letter of the
governor of the Bank of England , Hugh G.
Sml'h , to the chancellor ot the exchequer ,
Sir Michael Htcks-Bcach , announcing that
the bank Is prepared to carry out what Is
permissible In Itj charter namely , to hold
In silver one-fifth of the bullion held against
Its note Iffliie , provided always that the
French mint Is again open to the free coin
age of silver nd that the prices at which
silver Is procurable and salable are satisfac
tory. The newspapers mentioned sayu : "Al
though the governor's statement Is perhaps
meaningless , so fur as p.uctlce Is concerned ,
It Is to bo deplored that the bank has
budged from Its principle. It Is not
dlenlfled for the Old Lldy of Thread-
needle Street to flirt with the bi
metallic faddists. Wo want gold against
our notes , and there Is no reason why an
old atatute , passed when silver bore an en
tirely different character , should be refur
bished at the bidding ot those who want to
dlsposa of silver. The bank's reserve U not
so large that It can be tinkered with.
Moreover , by yielding In these matters of
principle we open the way to the thin edge
ot the wedge. If the threat Is cirrled out ,
what would happen Is exemplified by the
statement of a trustee , who declares he
would feel compelled to sell his bank , stock
and so close a risk. " t
The St. James Gazette ! says on the same
subject : "Tho scheme seems to bo knocked
on tlio head for the present , but the recep
tion of even this feeble announcement In the
city will have an effect anything but favor
able. to the blmetalllsts. A substantial cle
ment of Indignation arlses'at the feeling that
the government and the bank have'bcen doing
a little diplomacy at our expense , and for
the advantage of Americans. The United
States has done nothing to make such a risky
politeness to the silver men on our part pop
ular In this country. "
The Globe , joining In the discussion this
afternoon , his this to say on the announce
ment of the governor ot Ihe Bank of Eng
land : "The whole scheme. Is Innovating and
mischievous. It seems to us wholly undo- "
sltable and even perilous to subject our
monetary system to foreign Influence through
the government. If. as should have been
done , the proposals of the United States and
Franco had been handed to the directors
without olllolal recommendation or pressure ,
It can scarcely be doubted thit the dlrectorn
would have firmly declined to further these
projects. " |
The letter of the governor ot the Bank ot
England strengthens the Impression among
the bankers that the government Intends to
accede to the bimetallic proposals later , and
It 19 also Interpreted as ai reply to a requent
from the government to- the bank asking
the latter to co-operate with' the former. But
It Is thought that the fall In the price of
silver since the letter was written may
change the program. There Is considerable
dissatisfaction on tha subject among the
stockholders ot the Bank of England.
Robert Benson , a prominent banker , who
holds 10,000 of stock as fr'uctoc , has notified
the bank he will sell 'It- ' the silver policy is
Inaugurated , and ho adds ; * that the other
trustees will do the same. "
' '
- . >
Iioiuloii Tlmrfl llic : CorrcHpoml-
i-in'c Avitli CommiMitK Thereon.
LONDON , Sopt.lS , : The Times this mornIng -
Ing publishes the gist of the correspondence
between Secretary Sherma'n and Lord Salis
bury In the Derlnfr fea contioxersy. The
matter covers a period from 1SS5 to the pres
ent year. Altogether there are 107 dispatches
which show that the United States has
pressed for revision since January , 1895.
The Times remarks : "Though Mr. Shar-
man so far forgot himself as to sign the
famous dispatch , we cannot suppose that he
actually1 wrote It. "
Only the concluding paragraph of the dis
patch Is republlshed , all the terms deemed
discourteous being omitted.
The Times , commenting editorially upon
the correspondence , sjys : "Tho publication
of the dispatches showing how the agree
ment for a new conference was' arrived at
will be a relief to the public mind. Nothing
has been done to compromise the dignity , of
the nation or to give even an apparent tri
umph to the tactics of unwarrantable dicta
tion. Mr. Sherman's dispatch , unexampled
probably In the annals ot diplomacy , has
been conclusively answered In state papers ,
admirable alike In reasoning power and liter
ary form , prepared by the colonial office ,
dealing fully with iMr. Sherman's conten
tions and demolishing them In the most com
plete and satisfactory waV.
"Tho document absolves Lord Salisbury
from the necessity of entering Into details
Irrelevant to the controversy , and at the
same time It leaves him free to assent to
an Investigation relating to matters of fact
which It Is obviously desirable to have as
certained before the time arrives to con
sider whether It Is necessary or desirable
tn rnvlso tlm nelneln regulations. But It
must be clearly understood that this limited
Inquiry does not In any way Involve our ns-
scnt to the strange misconceptions and. ex
travagant representations of the Sherman
dispatch. '
Iteport of SnrprlMo of IiiKiirReiit lluiul
HAVANA , Sept. 17-r-H Is denied that a
detachment of troops > bolonglng to the bat
talion of Cuba recently surprised an Insur
gent camp In the bushes near Baracoa , prov
ince of Pirmr del Rio , and after Killing
vcral of the enemy captured fifty-six boxes
of ammunition , fifty-six rides of the Rem
ington and Mauser patterns and four mules.
The military commander at Catnpo , Florida ,
province of Havana , reports that while
reconnolterlng lie found 15,000 Remington
cartridges and a medical cheat.
Official advices from Turqulno , near Glen-
fuogos , province of Santa QUra , are to the
effect that the Insurgent leader , Anautaaler
Jlmlncz , with twelve of Ulii followers , all
armed with rifles , have surrendered to thu
Spanish authorities.
Three Children Iln'rriril to Dentil.
CHATHAM , Ont. , Sept , 17. Three daugh
ters ot Preston Howard werq'burned to death
this morning In their own homo at Port
Alma on the shore of Lake Erie' The rest
ot the family escaped from the burning
building. The girls were' aged 10 , 10 and
0 years , respectively. One of them had
escaped , but met her death In returning
to assist her sisters. Mrs. Howard and two
sous were seriously burncdi
National Itoiul PnrllanuMlt Will Mee *
llrriX 'xt Year.
NASHVILLE. Tenn. , Sept. 17. Both sea-
slons of the National Road parliament were
well attended and a hard day's work was
done. Convict labor In building roads and
government aid were discussed. Experl-
'mental road building was advocated. Reso
lutions recommending state--aid and aid by
the general government and A. restricted
view of convict labor adopted. General Roy
Stone was re-elected president , 'E. Hosewater
ot Omaha , vlco president , and tbo following
state vice presidents ; Alabama , W. J. Ker-
naehen ; Georgia , George W. Harrison ; Ken
tucky , M , H. Krunip ; Michigan , A. Campbell ;
Minnesota , William Hayes ; Indiana , Gov
ernor James A. Mount ; Nebraska , C. C ,
Turner ; South Carolina W. 0. Kaln ; Vir
ginia , V. C , Chambers ; Wisconsin , Thomas
M. Blackslock ; Tennessee , Governor R. Tay
The next meeting will bo In Omaha , sub
ject to the call ot tbe executive committee.
Yellow Fever nt Now Orleans Appears to Bo
mn Favoralilc Aspect Tlinii the City
HUN IvnniYii for Scvernl lnx .
Several XIMV CIIMVH nt
NEW ORLEANS , Sept. 17. The fever sit
uation In New Orleans today amumcd a
somewhat more serious aspect than at any
time since Sunday , when six ot the St.
Claude cases wcro declared to bo yellow
fever. At C o'clock this evening the Board
of Health officially announced the appearance
of eight new cases and of these ono death ,
that of /.un Ilrnnner.
At the olllco of the Board of Health the
day's reports were considered somewhat sur
prising and disappointing. The situation
had so materially Improved last night that
It was felt that pretty much the worst had
come and that conditions would Improve.
Yesterday , however , was ono ot the hottest
days of the mouth , and as yellow fever
thrives In that character of weather , there
seems to have been a rapid development of
germs. The physicians still feel , however ,
that there Is much that Is satisfactory In the
situation. It Is true that the new cases today
represent the extreme upper , the extreme
lower and the central portions ot the city ,
lut there has been no kerlous spread from
the original discovery and the hopeful
opinion Is still expressed that the disease
nay still be controlled and that there la no
mmlnent danger of an epidemic.
The Brauner coso was brought to the at
tention of the board early In the week. Close
attention had been given It , but while the
Bjn.ptoins justified suspicion they were not
jufllclently aggravated to warrant an abso-
uio necaratlon ! that the case was yellow
fc"9 > . The Board of Health authorities were ,
thetcforo surprised this morning when they
received the news of the woman's dcaih. At
first U was decided to hold an autopsy , but
subsequently , after a visit of the doctors to
: ho residence , the board became satisfied
that the case was ono of yellow ( fever and so
officially declared It.
In the meantime there has been no re-
axatlon of the efforts on the part of the
authorities to control the disease , and
neither time nor money Is being spared In
fighting It. The force of Inspectors and
police officers Is being steadily Increased
and quarantine measures are becoming more
and more rigorous.
On the whole , the weather conditions today
were advantageous. A heavy rain storm this
ifternoon. lasting for several hours , flooded
the streets , thoroughly flushed the gutteiy
and tempered the atmosphere , and while
cooler weather 1 somewhat dange-ous for
the sick It Is a material aid In obviating a
spread of the disease. People continue to
leave In small parties , but there Is nothing
like the wild exodqs that depopulated Mobile ,
Jackson and other cities.
The worft of cleaning progresses , and
the number of volunteers Increases.
Entire streets have been parceled
out among them. Machinery of the
Barber Asphalt company of great , power.
Is to lie put Into operation at once , and a
consignment of aldehyde generators is'on the
way and will be dlstrlbute-I In various parts
of the city. President Haydcn of the Whit
ney bank has addressed an appeal to the
presidents of the trade organizations to meei
business men and arrange plans whereby the
laboring people will contribute with clKzons
generally In the Improvement of the public
situation *
Various private schools In the surrounding
country have closed. Jefferson college sus
pended yesterday. All the local private
schools will also close. The public schools
of New Orleans are not scheduled to open
until October , but the opening will be post
poned If fever still prevails here at the
end of two weeks. Business houses here
today were engaged In notifying their cus-
tomerB In the country of the steps that have
been taken here to fumigate all merchandise
and render It proof against germs. Dr.
Carles of the marine hospital service and
President Ollphant and Prof. Metz have ar
ranged a scries of classes of merchandise ,
etc. , which can bo transported from New
Orleans without danger In accordance with
the regulation of the state and Interstnte
quarantine , and which are essentially the
same as those required of a similar article
ot merchandise before entering Into the
United States from places Infected with yel
low fever , such as Cuba and Brazil. Cer
tificates are to accompany all goods shipped
and are to be subject to the Inspection of
government health officials. It Is anticipated
thai the effect of thla action will be to re
move most of the harmful restrictions which
the smaller towns have Imposed on freight
going out of the Crescent City. The regu
lations prepared by the authorities are en
closed In the circular letters which are
being seat out.
I.-EVKII iNciiK.vsi.vfi AT KDWAHIJS.
Eleven Jfcvr CIIMI-M Are Ileiiorteil by
Dr. I'nrncll.
VICICSBUIIG , Miss. , Sept. 17. The follow
ing report .was received late tonight :
EDWARDS , Mss. ! . Sept. 17. To Dr. Hun
ter I have to report new cases : Mlsa Eve
WaeblliiBcr , Frank Uossman , Fred Waeh-
llnger , Miss Blcncho Harris , Percy Blrdsong ,
Mrs. Barrott , Miss Petullno Lewis , John
Chase , colored.
I visited the Gray family , three miles
out , and found three cases there.
Number of other cases Irf town to bo Been
tomorrow. No cases critically III tonight.
Hail Oiitlonk at Orrnn SprlnHN.
OCEAN SPRINGS , Miss. , Sept. 17. Tbe
situation here Is not encouraging tonight.
Mr. Brantford , who was reported by Surgeon
Murray yesterday. Is In a very critical con
dition. Several of the dengue patients have
taken a turn for the worse , although none
of them are considered as critically 111. There
were seven new cases of the prevailing fever
reported today. Total number now sick la
At Scranton , JIlss. , there are no now cases
today and tbo sick are reported as doing
well ,
At Augusta , Miss , , today Rev. T , S. Powell
of Brandon died of yellow fever. No other
case of fever hero.
\n DiuiKcr at KIIIIHIIN CM } ' .
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Sept. 17. Dr. G. 0.
Coffin , city physician , said this afternoon
that the negro boy , Claude Anderson , now at
the city hospital , has no symptoms of yellow
fever and that none are expected to develop
In the case. The boy will bo hold to await
development ,
One' I'llne of I'cvcr In Ifcntncl , ' ) ' .
CINCINNATI , Eept. 17. A Mayfleld. Ky. ,
special to the Times-Star says : LouUe
Bowen , a white woman , died In the depot
hero this mornlog. She was taken from the
train last night and her death IB said to
be tbe result ot yellow fever.
OIKDcnlli ut AiiKnitn ,
JACKSON , Miss. , Sept. 17. Information
has been received at the governor'u office
that there was one death from yellow fever
at Augusta. It Is feared that a new focus
will be started by this case In tbe south
eastern portion of the state.
Mil ) ' Xol lie Velloiv Kt-ver.
NITTA YOUMA , Miss. , Sept. 17.Dr. . Har
ris of Vlcksburg arrived thla rooming and
took charge of the Cameron case. Careful
diagnosis ebows symptoms of yellow fever
aud dciigue. but the jutleut Is too near
Weather Forecast for Ncl > r < i kn
Oenerally Tnlr ; Slightly Warmer.
1. Moll t.j-tirhrn Dlnz'n A vttli > iit.
Sr cri > righting Occurs In Iinlln ,
Yrllnw I'exer Sltimtlnn ( Iron * Sorlotm.
StKto I'ulr of 1K07 ( IcttlnR Honily.
2 , Lincoln t'linnlcn for the Vptorunw.
. McthodM Mltll trr nt T.oilc Scrvlrc.
llonir for rrlpinltrVlnn lt < t'nsc.
n , rrlilny'K Itecnril of Spnrt.
> ( l oil AVIM" Not un A . 't.
4. IMHorlul nnil Comment ,
n. Morn Csivnlry for llnclrtoni
Srinllni ; Soldier * tn the Klniullko.
0. Council ItlunN I.OIM ! .Miittert.
Scliool I'uniN Are u Tru < t.
ivldeice : : AKiilnxt I.uutgi'rt Nrurly In.
7. Commercial mill NCM-H.
8. Kepiilrn In ProRrcimnt the Whllo Home.
ItullnmiN Stop Tnuel to Smith.
0. Propmril Cufi' for CiUtln Fever.
( lovornnifiit KxpnHltlnn Hoiril' : Hcml.
Dlrectnr. * Aiiiuniiiee 'I'hrlr PriigMin.
lteiiililkMiu | mill t.ocil : onlvrt ,
ID , Illu of I'omltilno ( In Klp.
11. Mrn Horn Under I.tieky Stiirn ,
Anulvcroiry of Ilnttloof .Molliiu ilet Key.
IS. "I'lvn lluiiilriMl "
In the rielil of IClrctrlelty.
Tfiuiirrnliiro ! I'reilli-tiMl for
Hour. ] ) ( -K. Hour. DcK.
R a. in IS 1 p. in < < -
U a. in 17 2 p. in < ! ( !
7 a. in I- ! t p. in < ! S
S II. in IS -I | i. in < ! S
it a. in r.t : r. P. m us
ui a. in r.r. ( t it. at < i7
11 a. 111 r 7 7 it. 111 U"
1U 111 ( II S p. ill < ! -
< > ii. Ill 00
Yesterday was n fall day such as Is men
tioned In story becks. H was clear , bright
and cool. In fact. It was almost cold In the
nornlng , but the sun warmed things up as
the day progressed-and It Is predicted that
t will bo warmer today. Everybody ycstcr-
lay expressed the hope that similar weather
would favor the State fair next week. The
naxlmum yesterday was C9 degrees.
to determine which , If either. Cameron was
up today and Is Improving rapodly. If he
lias yellow fever It Is remarkably light. The
letter written to Jackson reporting the death
of young Cameron was Incorrect.
C : < > UIIKllcaily | lo Iav < > .
JACKSON , Miss. , Sept. 17. Matters have
assumed a quieter tone hero today , End
those few people who arc left In town feel
that the fever will not reach here. A mee.t-
Ing of citizens was held today anil arrange
ments were made for a special train of
twelve coaches to be used In case ot an
emergency and a signal agreed ca to glvu an
Situation at .Mobile.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 17. From Mobile
Dr. Gultcras reports today on yellow fever :
Day ending at nooi : Cases previously re
ported , three ; new cases , < wo ; suspicious
casua , three ; deaths , two ; total under treat
ment , live. Dr. Glennari , also at Mobile ,
rep9rts-.thaU-the paiiengor-trnln. inspection
service went Into operation today.
Inspection of Vei'ls.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 17. Past Assist
ant Surgeon Young , at Memphis , was ordered
today to supplement the Inspection of ves
sels begun several days ago at New Orleans
by ft second Inspection at a point below
wonifixr. FOR Tin : OMAHA KAMI.
Illinois Commission Hold * UN Klrnt
> ! < 11 ill ? Since Appointment.
CHICAGO , Sept. 17. The tommlsslon re
cently appointed & > ' Governed Tanner to rep
resent the state ill the exposition at Omaha
next held Its first mooting at the Great
Northern hotel yesterday. The commission
was appointed ur.Cer an act passed lait ; win
ter appropriating $45,000 for the ereotlon of
an Illinois building at the exposition end
to encourage the representation ot the state's
The first session organized by electing E.
S. Conway chairman md Lewis II. Miner
spcrctary. Messrs. Goddnrd , Carr , Whcadon ,
Keeler and Harper were appointed to prepare
rules and reported u permanent organization
at the evening session. These members
were present : John M. Smyth , William II.
Harper , L. O. Goddard , R. S. Conway , , Junioi
P. Wheadou , Charles A. Mallory , Chicago ;
Clark E. Carr , Galesburg ; Oscar T. Trahcrne ,
Rockford ; Lewis H. MXer , Springfield ; Wil
liam A. Stead. Ottawa ; Lafayette Funk.
Bloomlngton ; Junes A. Black , Caitlmno ; Ru
dolph Smith , Flora ; Charles C. Williams ,
Hoopeston ; C. II. Keolcr , Dlxon ; Martin
ICIagman , Peoria.
Mulch at lovra Slnti > Fair.
DES MOINES , Sept. 17. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The great sulky plow contest at the
state fair was decided today by the com
mittee of awards. Superintendent John Cur-
rlo of the Implement department made a
new departure this year and required all
plows to lo tested In the field. The con
test attracted much interest , and was hclO
In a field on > the grounds on Wednesday
In the presence of many practical Implement
dealers nnd farmers. Many leading plow-
makers had entered the contest. By tlio
award announced today thu committee gives
the first premium to the Bradley X-Hay for
the best t > ulky plow.
Infantry Competition.
CHICAGO. Sept. 17.-Tho competitive fir
ing of the Infantry of the Department of the
Missouri began today on HIP Fort Sheridan
range , the work lieltiK at 200 , PAW , MX ) nnd f/00
yards. The wcores of the five leading con
testants wereas follows : I'rlvato Hrennan
Twentieth infantry , 17ii ; Corporal McNnrvy
Tenth Infantry. 174 ; Corporal I'lywell , Twen
tieth Infantry , 171 : Private Olilnchaln , Nine
teenth Infantry , 173 ; Sergeant Cummlnge
Tenth Infantry , 109. In deciding thu tlu be
tween McNnrvy and I'lywell the former
was given eecond place for the reason that
ho made more points nt the long distance
The average score for the day was US.
After the liiillana I/yiiclicrx ,
INDIANAPOLIS , Srpt. 17. - Governor
Mount today telegraphed to > M. n. Connelly
piosccutlng attorney at Versailles , Ind. , ex
pressing his gratification nt the prompi
action of the grand jury In Its effort to
punish the men who composed the lynch
ing flirty at that place. Attorney Genera
Morris , who win sent to the sc-cno ot the
lynching by the governor , lias returned and
made u statement. He Bays that ho believes
It will be possible to Indict the men who
took the lives of tbe five men.
fJirclft'M llnily Arrlvt'M ,
WICKFOUD. H. I. , Sept. 17--Tho body of
the lute Ogden Ooelet of New York , who
died off the Isle of Wight recently , arrlvet'
here from Newport today on the yacht May
flower. The body was Waken ashore In one
of the yacht's cutters In tow of n steam
launch nnd will be taken to New York fpr
private Interment.
Hnvrincnlx of Occiin Vi-Hxcls , Sept. 17.
At Now York Arrived- . Louis , from
At CheibourK Arrived Ausus'n Victoria ,
from New York.
At dliiRgow Arrived Assyrian , from Phil
adelphia via St. Johns , N. F.
At London Arrived Cumbrian , from New
At Liverpool Arrlvp'l CrvIr , from Now
York. Sailed-T-turle. for New York.
At Oueenstown Arrived Iml'nim. ' from
Philadelphia for Llvorj-ool S ilc-a S'-ythla ,
for UoHton
At c.encaArrive l-Kilcr Wlihtlm II ,
from New York.
Nebraska's Thirty-First Annual Exposition
Gets Under Headway ,
Exhibits of All Kinds Fill the Big
Buildings to Ovoi flowing.
Directors Expect to See All Former EvonU
UnU in the Shade.
Attraction * at tlio I'nlr C run mix Will
Stii'tuiNS K\iu > utittliin ilVlilU ; tlir.
ParnilrN Down Town Wilt lie
Hotter Tliaii Ever.
The thirty-first annual Nebraska State fair
opened yesterday under thu most auit-
plclous conditions that have been experi
enced for ve.irs. The heavy rain of Wednes
day nlcht had effectually disposed of the
nrcumulatpd dust of the preceding weeks anil
tUo cool wave that followed was a welcome
succession tc the preceding heat. When tha
hip ; gates were swung open to admit the
first arrivals of exhibits thc'o was neither
wind nor dut and the bracing morning at-
mosDliere was mellowed by sunshine that
streamed from a cloudless sky. The trip to
the grounds In the early morning was In-
vluoratlne nnd when the managers arrived
and opened their desks In the administration
bulldlni ; they shook hands with thonnolvca
and hoped that for once the elements would
bo kind and allow the year to chronicle the
tilggest and most successful fair ever held m
For two , years past the wind , rain and
dust havu combined to interfere with tha
plans of the management , but yesterday gave
verv nromlse of different conditions and It
L'exteek brings anything llko thu same
uualltv of weather 11 Is regarded as a forc-
u-one conclusion tmit all previous records
of attendance wll lie knoeited off the earth.
The reports from nearly every part of the
state In regard to prospective attendance are
most satisfactory and with favorable weather
It Is expected that the middle ot next week
will ECU fully 100,001) ) people on the grounds
at once.
As the gates of the State fair have only
been open a few hours , the transformation ot
the big empty bulldincs into attractive re
sorts has but barely becun. But exhibits
were coming In yesterday In a volume
that Indicates that tonight will see
the fair nearer ready for public Inspection ,
than Is usually the casu on Mondays , when
the real opening oceurs.
Karly yesterday thrt roads leading to
the..grounds , wnrq Jr& 'scores of
fiohvlly laden express wagons , which de
posited stacks of exhibit material In tbe
various bulldfi gs arj retunncd for more.
With them came vehicles of every descrip
tion , carrying the luggage of the proprietors
of the various concessions which expect to
satisfy the physical demands of next week's
visitors. Before 9 o'clock the long-deserted
grounds begun to acquire an aspect of ac
tivity , end In the build'.ngs ' the sounds of
saws and hammers wcro heard on every
hand. Hundreds .ot workmen were busy
decorating spaces to receive the exhibits , and
the open spaces wore piled high with the
material which busy lingers will combine
Into new and artistic effects.
As usual the Agricultural building was ono
of the first to receive the transforming
touches and before noon nearly all the spaces
had been lined with colors and otherwise
decorated to receive the exhibits. A dozen
county exhibits arrived during the forenoon
and many others were scheduled to arrive In
the afternoon. Today It IB expected that all
the material for the county exhibits will
bu on the ground. Monday morning Superin
tendent Jones expects that the entire buildIng -
Ing will bo ready for inspection.
The agricultural show promises to be the
best that has over been Been at a fair In
Nebraska. The farmers have something to
show this year and they are entering Into
the enterprise with exceptional enthusiasm.
James Walsh and a party of Douglas county
farmers were at work as scon as the grounds
opened yesterday and the Immense space
that has been reserved for Douglas county Is
being decorated with more than usual care
and taste. There will be a distinct exhibit
from each precinct , and the whole will form
a show that will be difficult to equal.
Superintendent W. L. May of the fish ex
hibit Is hard at work getting ready to glvo
hlft HRtl.l1 "hpnt filimv vnt" nml n mtm1 * t *
of very pleasing Improvements will bo made
iie fore Monday. The aquariums will bo
iidlntcd white and glided , Instead of the
funeral black which they havu previously
worn. An exhibit of young alligator * will
bo a now feature of the show and a tank ot
finoon-blllod catfish nr "paddlers" will also
bu addud to the spcrlos that wcro on exhibit
a year aicn. The first consignment ot flail
will arrive this evening and as the car
cannot return with the lact lot before Mon-
iav ! the fish exhibit wll not be complete until
Tuesday morning ,
Work tn the other buildings Is actively
under wav. but so far only a few of in *
exhibits have arrived. The horticultural
show will be decidedly bolter than at the
two previous fairs , as the later date con
tribute ) materially towaiil the success of this
department , 'fhe building Is being artistic
ally arrayed with evergreen and bunting
nnd the introduction ot the exhibits will
bculn tomorrow.
Secretary Holmes ot the Manufacturers ;
and Consumers' assoslatlon wns an early ar
rival at the Manufactures building. Ho sayn
that the show in thin department will ho as
good or hotter than last year. The patrons
of this department ore proverbially slow In
getting their exhibits In place , but a num
ber of now and very pretty effects In decora
tion are already In evidence.
Mies Allco Hltte , superintendent of drawIng -
Ing In the Omahi schools , Is preparing tlio
exhibit of that department , which attracted
so much favorable comment a year ugo. The
exhibit will bo of thu name general charac
ter as prevloUBly , and Prof. Wlgman of tha
High echool manual Iralalng department will
alKo put In a very Interesting exhibit of Ihe
work of his department.
Down on thu lower portlonH of the grounds
the titnck pcim nnd thu Implement section
are ; ilno getting ready to bo eeun , Ono or
two exhibits of stock came In from Den
Molnes this morning. Hundreds of loadi of
handsome vehicles and Improved farm ma
chinery am already In process ot setting up.
Out on Iho track the flyers are busily en
gaged gelling Into trim for next week' *
racing , and In thu Administration building-
an extra force of clerks U liumllng to keep
up with the steady Inllow of entries for all
department ; .
While there lu every Indication that the
fair win bu practically eonipleto Monday ,
the four following days \ \ ibo \ \ the big duys ,
BO far an attendanio U concerned , Tlio
; urarjemenU | ; for traurpcrtation arc much
Improved , and there will be 110 difficulty
In handling all thu people who want to go.
The railroads vll ! run all the rolling Block
that the traffic demands , and Ihe street
railway company I * equipped to meet every
emergency. The power fn the Slain fair
lUie hag becc reinforced , until It IB now fully
five times wliat wan available U t year , and
It U now fulllclent to kr-cp nil trains run
ning w'thout delay None of the npccl l
down tr > wu tuluu have bttc put on aa far *