THE OMAHA DAILY TOJE : I&JDAT , SEPTEMBER 17 , 1807. SPEGIALJOTJCESl . \ilvrrllr.otiii-nlN for flimc t-oluiiitm J trill l.c | iil < i < ii iinlll IU in. fur the rvciiltiK mill iinlll M I' . Hi' for " " iiiiirnliiK unit Stiiulii } ' cillHim * . AilviTtlncrn , liy rriiountliiK IHIIH- IMTIM ! I'licck , IMIII Imw iinmvvrit ml- ilrfNNt'il Jo n iitiintMTi'il li-ltrr In cure Of Tin- ltdAllMMITM Mil Illlll rt'N * ! ll will lie ilfllvcrcil on presentation of till * elieek on ! ) ' . llnten , I I--'e. a trnril llrnl lnnerlloii ) Jo i or l tlicrvuflrr. NollilMK tnUcn for lenH tliini > c for tin ; llrnt Inner , lion. Thfnp iHlverllMenienlH iiiimt be run tMiiiNi-t-ntl vi-l y. WANTED SITt'ATIOXS. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNU MAN , A ntnuvfi1 In MIC city. One w ifTf sirlcl intuition tu htistnesH would be nppu-clated by ndvancc- ni nl ; gcod leferonces. Addres * TCI. Bee olllcc. A 93S 1C * WANTED M A 1.12 HUM * . CANVAHHKRS TO TAKK ORDERS ; NKW LINK bl work ; no heavy goods to carry ; Hnlnry or commission. C. I' . Ailnnu Co. , HI So. ICtli St. BALHr-iMEN VOll C1OAHB. JI2i A MONTH AND expenses , oM firm ; ex | > eriic unnecessary ; In ducements to r.n totun . ( . ' . C. Lllibbp & Co. , Hi. UiulK. - * HEN AND WOMEN SOLICITORS FOH THE Natlonnl Reserve association : the l st. safest nnd soundest frnternul order In the McM tod.iy. Aildress I1. A. C. Stevens , 611 N. 19th St. , Tel. 1133 , Omahn. B-417 WANTID-AGENTS IN KVKUY COUNTY : good imy weekly tn right imrty. Hawks Nur sery Co. , Mllwnukte , W . B-.MU2--S-J ! ! * TYPEWRITERS : C5OOU BUSINESS MAN wntitcil in genernl mles ugcnt lor Duplex and Jewell Typewrite In eastern Nebraska iiiul western Imva , Fastest In th world ; most diir- uble , IlKlirti-'t acllnn nnd | Kipular. Address Duplex. Typewriter Co. , lca Moln"s. In. JI ilS81" lS AVANTED-ANEXPERIENCED MAN KOI I lilunkct lU'iiartmeiit nt Boston Blore. B-m-17 \VANTED OOOD HARNESS AND COLLAR innkc . Apply DCS Mottica Saddlery Co. , Di-s Mnlties In. If MM" 1" WANTED. AT ONCE-1NVOICE CI.ERKS ; must Ijo rnpld penmen , iiulck and nci-urale at figures ; only those having hinl y..irs of ex perience with wholesale tnercinlllr houses need npply ; ulvc present and former employments Al sabiry to cnpnlile pintles. Artilier * T M , jjee. H Mlllfi 19 * WANTED , FIVE E.XPEIUENCED C1.OTHINO hnlPFini'ti for fiilr week. Cnll nt once. XT. 8. Clothing Co. , HIT Douglas fit. 11-9C7 IT * WANTED , SALESMEN TO SELL MOST COM- pli'te line of lulirlriitliiK ullt , Kie.ifes ninl HIH- rlnltli-s on the mniket ; lllitral ti-rmx. Jewel Itelln UK Co. . Clovelmul , Ohio. II M'Jil 20' SAMCHMKN. J''i1ll TIIH I10MK EDUCATION C'luli if tin' Chicago Journal. ItlR mone > td hard woikrra. Cnll TUCMU ) > ' . W. M. It'll. Hotel Dellone. .JJ-M1IT ! 1 SOLICITIIUHVANTBI ) TO WllITB ACClDr.NT Innuranrp ; new plan : low rates ; eall between 1 and ' p in. , room 211. MrdiKUe IHdB- Omaha Accident 11' serve Ashoclitlon. 11 MS74 WANTIM ) . A YOtINU MAN TO TAKK CAUK of II..IKand . . row nnd deliver Roods. In-iulr. 1723 liodBi * . lie fore noon. 1 ! M9T8 17 \V A XTHI _ 1''H > I A I.K II KM' . lO'l ' 1IKUS I.'Oll AI.U KIN'DS OK WOUKj $ : i TC J7 week. I'niinillllll Ollli-i'.lu : : IloUltluH. ( llltl.VANTI01) KOIl OBNiUAI. HOIISK- work , family of throe. Apply at once nt Si : Smith ' 'Mil avc. C-9S7-18 * \NTKD. . AN BXl-BKIKNVBD HA1.BSI.AD\ fur .li-w.-lry ilcpailnienl at Itoalon Store. C yen 17 , 'ANTEI ) . GOOD GIRL FOIl GENERAI luniflework : small fnmlly ; gimd wages. - - PopplPton avenue. . V KXI-ERnVNCED GIRL FOR GKNERAI hoiwwik. 222 , " > Fiirnnm st. C M9J2 18 A rrnt/ A 'GOOD GIRL FOU GENERAI huiibo wnik. Apply 2111 Douglas " „ . WANTFD. GIRL FOR GF.NEKAI. HOUS work. rnC S. 31rt tt. Hansrom 5Jj ] . WANTED liwi OKNU1L\L HOUSEWORK , Klrl of expel lence ; good wages. 132'J irk ) " " WANTKn , FIRST CL\SS COOK AND GEN rral bouse girl ; jiood wimes ; small family must have references. Cnll nt 5119 Harney St C 9fi3 Ifi WANTED. NURSE GIRL : MUST HAVE 11EF erenoes ; call at 2313 llarney St. C 9(3 ( Hi KOIl IIENT HOUSES. HOUSES IN ALL 1'AIITS OF THE CITY. Till O. F Davis Company , 150. , Farnam. D 419 HOUSES"BENAWA & co. , ics N. iyr J MODERN HOUSES. C. A. STARR , K NY Llfi- . V-Kl HOUSES WALLACE , BROWN IlIXX'K. 1CTI anil DiUKlns. D-122 norsES , i-orrAOES & STORES.ALL PARTS of i-ity. Brennnn. I ive Co. , 420 I'nxton Block LARGE LIST. M'CAGUE , 15TII AND DODGE HOUSES FLATS , OARVIN.linos. . . - , 1C13 FA I1 ! HOfSES TOR RENT. BEM1S , PAXTON ILK HOUSES. J H. SHERWOOD. 423 N. T. L1FK ym { "RENT "II-IIOOM imn-K HKSIOENCF modern In cverv ri-spwl ; strain bent , eb-rtrl llcht located nl Hi"1 P"iitliw' " i corner 17lb nm Dniiclnii ts. A"i > ly lo II. W. linker. Sup rln lenilenl BPI' BI'lK- ' D-CI2 \VFOIin OMlfL * : roTT\O"H. fi ROO.MS S W per l lb mid Vliitnnin il Ini-atlmi li rllv fnr bnslni-'s menf Omnha npd Soull Onuihn , rin'iinoilernic. - . 201 Be" FOR HHNTr lIOICK -'ioriM I DETACHEI modern hens , . . Innulre 254e ( Mplinl nv nuo I' " " 11 MOVtvirilOI'KKIIOLD GOOOH VND PIANO Om Vnn . * PlnniKiCo. . . ISI1V4 I'arnam fj-MWU > * 1 1'LACi : HOME OF SI -OH llf. > i ii , " " ' ' ronnu nnd bntb IPOIII : cheap lo rlnhi putle i > ni t nl\e giv'd re'i-ionroH M. J. Kennnpl t j ! m 31ft nnd Sll llrmvn bl > rk. n-3r. HOUSU.S * STORES. F. II. > vi : " S n"wiLLIAMFON . CO I KET : lu.DV. Te 117 8'fi\M * HEATED STORES AND FLATS llownnl nalH'k.Agi'iit. . 1611) rhlrago. Foil MODERN 7HOOM HOUSE. TWO "FINK S-IIOOM HRICKS. BNOIMIIK n H. nth AV. n-919-19 S Oil ' ROOM FLAT , 1811 I.IIAVENWORTI street D-M93I 20 * .ROO.M MODERN DWEI.I.1NO , NO. 017 N nth si. 1:0. S-room modern bouse. ISO SW S. .SJtli nve. An elegant 14-rooin modern lirkk dtvrlllnir. wit' lint wale' hr.itlnn ulanl Nn , Jlf1 ! < > s Pt . $13 Apply to W. B. Melkle. l t Nat'l HM . FOIl" HUNT 7.ROOM HOU.Sn. NEWLY PA pered nnd imlnli-il. IIX ) p--r tnnnili. : ist nm Clark , JM97P II" ; < > ; o , i9Tii FT. . O.ROOM MODICRN HOUSE wltli gn'xl burn- very nice , Omaha Real Es tale TH Truit Co. . til * o. IFth StDMM9 D-MM9 15 KH HENT ri'ltNISIIEI ' ) ROOMS. NEWLY FiTiiNiaiiED. iVrb.\M IIEATEI rooms , with \\ltliout board. Wl s. 13th s K--MT-H-HI ROOMS , js A it C2 s. UTII STHIKT : HOOMS , 5JI SO. U-TSVS-17' FURNISHED OH UNFURNISHED IKXIMS O.N lit or 2nd Hour. I'll Chicago ft. 12--t9 1 1-X > RENT. NICELY KURNiaili : ! ) ROOM It , HiiHll family at rtli ) Douiilur. E-MMJ 17 r\VO LARGE ROOMS WITH NORTH AN south c > iu urt > ; modern , ? 3' ' tit.I I 17' FUHNISIIKD ROOMS ; IIOUSEKEKPINO. Sf : Bt , Mary' * . i : MlKi J0 TLUASANT HOOMS. i i DODUK. 1M ItMSHIM ) HOOMS AM ) BOAHD. HTEAM HEATED lioblta WITH BOrtllD. ! OOJ ; Harney K M6-O.1l * FIRST-CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS ; HOT wnti > r heat ; liest location In city. 112 3. 23th Bt. F-5 HE OEORG1A. SELECT FAMILY HOTEL , near Hanscnm park. 1042 So. 29th St. F-940-3-19 * HI ! MKP.IUAM. FIRST CLASS FAMILY hotel. 25th and Dodge streets. F M7J7S1" TAHOH FOUTII & EAST FRONT HOOM WITH nlcove , JfiJS Douglas. F a .ARGi : FRONT ROOM TO GENTLEMAN : $5.0 * month. 51J South 19th , Table bonrd. M.W. FM-915 20 * UHNISHED ROOMS , WITH OH WITHOUT tmnril ; block north Hnrmcom park. ll.W S. 31st F M954 18 * , , \iun : SOUTH FRONT ROOM FOR TWO ; othtr rooms ; good board. The Hose , 2020 Hnr- ney. F-MS9I VICE ROOMS , WITH BOAHD , 1S24 BINNEY St. F M914 20 * IOEI.Y FltRNISHED FRONT ROOMS , WITH bonrd. 2013 Douglas. F-M977 19 * KOIl HUNT STOUES ANII OFFICES. 'OH RENT THE 4-STOHY BRICK BUILDINO nt 911 ! Farnnm St. This building has A fireproof cement bnsement. complete strum hcntlne fix- turen ; water on all Maori , gas , tie. Apply nt the office of The Bee. 1 910 FOH RENT-DESK ROOM IN GROUND FLOOR office , Bee building ; , wnler. stenm hent , electric light nnd Janitor service. Apply to It. V linker. 4iiperlnlcndent Bee Building. 1 197 STORE ROOM FOH DRY GOODS ONLY ; 1M fe-t long ; fixtures complete. J. M. Crnblll. Clnrlnda In. I-MJM 20' 'OR RENT-IN THE BEE BUILDING. One large corner room , 2nd floor , with vnult nnd prlvnt ? olllce , water , etc. One large front room , 2nd Moor , divided Into two rooms by partition , wnter , etc. One large corner room , 2nd floor , with vnult , wiiter , etc. ) no front room , divided by partition , third floor. Ine corner room with vnult , third Moor. One large room , third floor , with partition divid ing It Into one large room and two smaller private roomi , water , elc. Two large ground floor rooms with vaults. "Several smnll roams on fourth floor , with vaults. Ml these rnnmn nrc heateil with steam , electric lights , supplied with first class Janitor service. ipvnlcrn | run day nnd nil night. Building strictly fireproof. Apply to H. W. Baker , Super. . Intendcnt , Room 101. Bee Building. 1 158 ACJENTS WANTIS ! ) . AGENTS WANTED , I.AD1ES. SEND KG FOR new Invention tn prevent your lint Llowlnc off. G. J. Johnsjn , Nut. G. A. Bank. St. Paul , Minn. J M770 19 * WANTED TO 11ENT. MODERN HOUSE WITH ABOUT TEN ROOMS , nenr Hanscom Park. Address P 19. B'-n office. X-M5SS WANTED TO HENT. A 6 OR 7-ROOM HOUSE , bath , city wnler. g.m. Address 3 CO. Bee.K4C1 K-4C1 STOIIACE. PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. . 90S 910 Janes ; general storage and forwarding M (32 ( OM.VAN & STORAGE iuWi FARNAM. TEL 1539 M 433 WAXTKI1 TO : IY. HEST PRICE PAID FOR OMAHA SAVINGS tmnk nccuunta nt room DOC , N. Y. Life Illilt- . N 131 LIST HI'IHMAL 11AHGAINS IN URAL ES- Into with ! ' . D. Wtnd. 16th and Douslns Sts. N S S 50 SECOND-HAND BICYCLES. 10 < i SO. HTIt. N M920 07" CASH PAID FOH LIMITED AMOUNT OI- Omnlia Savings bank accounts. II. H Harder first Moor New Yoik Life bids. N--M0373 ! ) WANTED TO HIJY. KHOM 5 TO 20 ACHES , nf r motor HUP , eultablu for home for me chanics nnd laboring men. A. P. Tukey. City Hull. N 961 IS FOIl SALE I'MIUXITIIHE. AUCTION , AT NOS. 1317 AND 131D DOUGLAS St. . Saturday , Sept. 18 , nt 10 a. m. . to the hlKhPst bidder , household Roods , furniture mm silverware. Omaha Auction Co. O MOM 17 * FOH SAM * HOUSES , AVAGO.VS , ETC FOR SALE CHEAP. A FIRST-CLASS DIUV- Init horse. drive single or doulili- ; pound and Rcntle. Inquire at 322G North 2Ctb St. , bet Spencer and llrlstol St. I'M S18-1S * FOH SAI.rMISCELLANEOUS. SAWDUST , HULK OR SACKED CRIHIHNQ nnd hog fence. C. II. Lee , 901 Douglas. Q-435 STEAM HOISTING MACHINE. CHEAP. 200S St. Mary's Avc. . Q-OG3 LARGE CHICKERING UPRIGHT PIANO only JI30.00. Sclimollcr & Mueller , 103 Soutl 15th st. Q-Wt FOR SALE. ELEGANT CHERRY RANI < counter nnd Hall's Imrplnr proof chest , with double timer , cost orlKlnnlly 52,300.00 ; will sell for V-.COO.CO. Address John R. Plerson. York , Neb. Q M"W S3 MISCELLANEOUS. ANTI-MONOPOLY GAIH1AGE CO. CLEANS cesspools nnu privy vaults nt reduced prices C21 N. Kill. Tel. 1779. H 9JO S-1S CLAIHVOYAVr.S. MRS. PAUL. 2rtJ N. IfiTH STREET : HONEST truthful , reliable ; removes evil Influences ; lo cates burled treasures ; unites the separated. S MGM Ol 55ENO. CLAIRVOYANT , OVER 1521 LEAVEN worth st. S-Wl-lS * MASSACJE , IIATIIS , ETC. MADAM SMITH , 1313 DOUGLAS , MASSAOI steam baths. T K3-20 * ORIENTAL TURKISH DATHS FOH LADIES * Beiillemen. Me. 107 S , Hlh. Telephone 1SU. ! T 7 2 - ( . ) ! IlATIIf AND MASSAGE TillATMHNTSRP ; ! Laura ElllKon ; Lottie llutper. nsiltftalit : 119 N. ICth Hlit-ct , room 12 ; opposite new post- ollloe. T SS3 IS- MRS. DR. LEON. EI.IICTHIC MASSAGE 11ATI parlors , restful nnd curullve. 417 S. nth , up stairs T-MkOS 19 I'KIISOVAL. VIAVI FOR UTKHINE TROL'IILES. 340.S 1IEI llldif. ; p'lyelclan , cotifullatl or hralth heel free. U 137 SUI'iniFI.UOUS HAIR , 11ALDNEHS , FALI.I.NV hair nnd nil fni'lnl lilemUliPS cured. True Co. 321 ! I'bnmbpr Commen'c. U 037 oi * CHAMPION IIRED COCKERS AND rOLLIES T 6. nee. 1T---JI524 17 * , MASSAGE MME. 1'OST , 319V S 15TII i ; eia II. HAAS , FI-OR1ST. PLANTS AND CUT tlowrr * , bonqiielH , ball. residence nnd it rim diH'ointlonii , FI'Mvus. biiiniucts nnd | ilrllvi-iiM. tu any part nf the city. Ordem | i ; . li-lepbnnn promptly nlli-mlnl to nnd tilled li two bourn. Telephone 7iC 1S13 Vlnton nreet I' Ml O 11 TtUPTUHE ClTlED : NO DI5TiNTiON 1OIO1 liUJliicxH ; no iinlll ; vca refer tn bunibfdi' o mses curfd : plb-a - uriil by a i-lnslc , palnlw livntmrnt. Call or write The Empire Rupture Cure nnd Miillrnl InnHuU , lucemfnrt tn Tim O. I,1. Mllli-r Co. , 9K-3 , N. Y. Life Ijldg. Oiimba. r-M54J MOXIJY TO LOAN HE II , ESTATE. ANTHONY LOAN' & THUST CO. . SIS N. Y. I * quick money nt low late * for choice fiinn In ! " ' , northern Missouri , tastirn Ni-lirai-ha * W- ( _ I/JANS ON IMPIIOVKD * UNIMPIIOVED 1'ITI pruperty W. Fnrnnm Sinllb & IV . , isscl l irn'ti W-IIO MONEY TO IX > AN AT LOW HATLS. Till O. K Davis Cii. . 1501 Kama in .St. \V II2 MONF.Y TO LOAN ON IMPIIOYKO OMAHA n > j | relate llrtlinuil , Luvu Co. , I'uMon 1,1k W-UJ _ MONEY TO LOAN . 11EMIS , PA.\TON HI/JCK - FIIOM 1100 UP. F. D. WUAD , 13 & DOl ULAS W Wti - 6 Piil CF.NT MONEY ON NEIIRASKA FARMS nnJ Omnha linjiu.vel properly. Apply lo W H. Mclklc. , l t Niit'l ll'k HldK W 411 MONEY TO IXDAN ON IMPKOVUD OMAHA nri'p-rtv , l'us y & Th > man , .0 , l t tint , lilt , I'ltl' W 415 ( 1'JJH CENT CITY AND FAHM U1ANS , UAHVI.N UHOJ. , ; cn Kuniiim tit. W-U7S4 MONEY TO LOAM CHATTELS. IONKY TO IAN ON PUIlNITt'llli. PIANOS , horrrs , wmsonn , He. , nt lowest ratu In cltyt no rcmovnl of Roods ; strictly conddtntlal ; you can imy the loan nrf at nny time or In any amount. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 300 So. l th SU X-445 IIUSINESS CHANCES. \ . 11. ALPIHN , OMAHA JUNK HOUSE , PAYS highest prices. 101-5-7 Bo. 10th St. , Omaha. Y-M177 S23 TO GET IN OH OUT OF BUSINESS GO TO J. J. Gibson , CM First Nat'l Hank. Y M141 KOETAHLE AND Fltt'IT DEPARTMENT IN Rrncery ; money maklns , Ari'ly "I one * . T 46 , Bee. Y 903-17 * A KLONDIKEH WHO P'S HAD TWENTY years' fuperlencc In mining , ban spent years on the Yukon , Is thoroughly familiar with the Klondike , h s Interests nnd prospectors on the Klondike , will give thorouRh prospector's mnp nnd personally answer nil questions relating to that country , or how to Ret In there , cost , etc. , for the price of SI. Address H , H. Thompson , 222 Bailey Building , Seattle , Wash. Personal reference , Chamber of Commerce , Senttti-i T-M74S OS * \N OPPORTUNITY HAHELY OFFERED. E.1- tnbllshed business , first-class location : rent practically free under old lease : cash trade ; can be greatly enlarged by a cnpable man with a. few hundred ; present owner must quit In n short ( line for good reasons. Apply without delay. T 47. Bee. Y 904-17 500 MEAT MARKET , HAS A GOOD TRADE , location A 1. J. J. Gibson , G14 Flrnl Nnt'l Bank. YM-82181 "OH RENT. TWO-STORY BRICK BUILDING twenty-ilve by ninety feet , fully equipped for n bakery with oven. In a town of 4,500 people. Address T 43. Bfe. Y MK73 IS * FOR RENT , THE METROPOLITAN HOTEL IN Cheyenne ; In line condition ; electric lights ; thoroughly plumbed , best location In the city , One block from Union depot. 50 Mrst-class roomi , line bar rqom furnished , good barber shop nnd Imth nxims , In fact , everything neces sary to n first-class hotel. Party renting must purchase furniture. Hotel doing rood business nt present. Address J. W. Grlllln , Cheyenne , Wyo. YM-S20-O 11 LADY OH GENTLEMAN WITH FEW HUNdred - dred tn travel In California ; rare chance , Address T 64 , Bee. Y M973 17' Foil I\-CHA\CI : . FOR EXCHANGE. CLEAR QUARTER SEC- tlon (1GO ( acres ) of line wheut or grazing land In Kansas ; nil taxes pnld ; what have you to olTerT Address T 33. Bee office. 7. M781 20 * WILL EXCHANGE YOUNG HORSE FOH clear vacant lot. A. P. Tukoy , City Hall. V5-940 17 WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE FOR * 1.000 savings bank certificates upon which them Is dividends duo now nmountlng to $140 , pay able In cash. Will trade for good real ratatc. Address T 33 , Bee. X M933 S5 FOIl SALE HEAL ESTATE. KOUNTZE PLACE BARGAINS , J2.SOO , J3.750 TO S6.500 ; set ) photim ut ICtli and Farnnm , Morse Bids' . J. J. Ulbson , G14 First Nat. Bank Bids. It IS 141 HOUSES. LOTS. FARMS , LANDS. LOANS. Gco. P. Bemls Real lislato Co , , Paxton Block. HE 448 SNAP-WX140 FEET NEAR 22D AND CLARK , 11.200. J. N. Frenzer , Opp. P. O. HE-222 FOH SALE-SNAP AMONG SNAPS-C-HOOM cottage ; corner lot , nt 73 per cent of what tht bouse Itself cost. M. J. Kennard & Son , sole ngeiita , 310 and 311 Brown block. HE 340 FOH SALE OR TRADE , A I MIGE , CON- trolllng Interest In one of the best Irrigation canals In Nebraska , located In a line valley over 23 miles long , has an earning capacity ot over $10.000 per year ; full particulars on appli cation ; will sell for reasonable price or trade for good Omnha property ; when writing please give locution nnd price of property ottered , nlso Incuinbrnnce , If nny ; this Is a tlntf Invest ment nnd will only be cxchnnged for some thing of equal value ; no real estate with n heavy debt will be considered. Address for two weeks. T S , Bee office. HE 5W ! ! > FOR SALE AN ELEGANT KOL'NT/.E PLACE HOUSE. $4,0001DOO cnsh. balance easy. A.ldress owner. S CG , Bee ofllce. RE 51497 17 PER CENT GROSS INVESTMENT , IM- provcd real estate ; rental. JCIS.OO per year ; price , J3.SOO. Address T 23 , Bee. HE M734 A HOME THAT IS ONE OF S ROOMS : HARD wood finish , modern , pleasant reception hall , good barn , full lot .east front. M. J. Kennard & Son , Sole Agfa. , 310 Brown Block.RE743 RE743 17 LOT IN KOUNT2E PLACE. $1.000 ; NO AGENTS wanted. Address T 50 , Bee. HE 920-23 TWO r.-ROOM COTTAGES. CO FT. FRONT. 10 blocks north of P. O. ; cheap. D21 So. 26th nve. RE M923 21 LAND. THIS AND ADJOINING STATES chean to close estate. Chns. E. Williamson , C04 Bee bldg. HE MS NOW IS THE TIME AND THESE ARE BAR gains : Lot on Farnam ( paved ) , ! A value , $500. Another , a little better. JCOO. Lot near Kountze Place. 1DCO. Another this sld Kountze Plnce , $1,000. lyit. 1 block Ames Avc. cnr , $2.0. 2 lots , 1 block Ames Ave. cnr. each $100 , G-r. bouse , lot 33x140 , nr , 21th nnd Grace , $1.000. 4-r. house , lot 33x110 , nr. 21ft nnd Clark , $1.10 < > . G. G. Wnllacc. 312 Brown Blk. Tel. 1MO. RE-903 IS SIIOIITHAM ) ANII TYI'EAVHITINO. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. 513 N. Y. LIFE. 450 AT OMAHA BUS.COLLEGE. 1CTH & DOUGLAS. OMAHA SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING Coll. Bovd'a theater. SCO Oil * FA11MS KOIl HENT. FOR HENT SEVERAL HUNDRED ACRES OF the best farm land , nenr Elkhorn , this county. Inquire William S. Poppleton , room 314 , First National Bank Bldg. , Omaha , 7CO COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. OMAHA BUSINESS INSTITUTE ; BOYD'S theater Bldg. ; write for xpcclmen of penman ship nnd catalogue. 206 S-24 * E I'ACKEI ) . M. S. WALKLIN. 2111 CUMING. 7EU 1331. 455 I'AWNIIHOICEII.S. H. MAHOWITX. LOANS MONEY. 41S N. 1C ST. 452 FOUND. TAKEN UP , GRAY HORSE , ABOUT fOU pounds , heart brand on left shoulder. Ed\var < l Strandbtfiry. Wllcox'n farm , near Ponca , Neb , Found 9CC 1G MATTRESS IIKVOVATINd WORKS. MATTRESSES. COUCHES PARLOR FURNIture - ture lo order ; repaln-d. 1C'3 Leavenw'h ; tel. 15'jj 453 lRESS.MAKI.\fi. DRESSMAKING , MISS STURDY. 4301 HUH dette. 72J-O-6' TVI'EWIUTEHS. TONS OF ENERGY WOULD UE SAVED DAILY If evfiy operator used the Unlit running Den more. 1612 Fnrnuin St. . Omaha. 454 PATENT } , . D1 A TTI7 iVTTG 8lH' " * r ° - Attorneys FA 1 L JN 1 fcMw and Omaha , Neb. Branch office nt Washington. D. C. We make FREE EXAMINATIONS nnd aid Inventors In idling their Inventions. BenJ for free Advice * and Palenl Book PATIENTS Procured uy C. A."sNOW A * * * ' ' " ' ro. . Wuihlngton. D. C. FREE EXAMINATION nnd ndvlcc. No attor ney's fee befcrc pulent Nr. claptrap offer of prizes or puunlne of uddrn wealth , uat uirnlg'nt. forvnrJ advlco and falthfu' eervlrc SHIP Household gooiln to all polnta In nilxiMl Ioi iit rut rales. I'm.'klnt ; , moving ; and Tule'priomi.1050. Omaha Van & Storage Bo 1511' I arna , T4I ( 4INTHACTOIIS. OMAHA , Nfb. , 8eiito Wl. .Spilled bills will lit received ut thu ulllcu of the Orotmils nnd llulltllnKH Depiirtiiient ( if the TniiiBinlsHlsslpiil nml Inti'riiutlonal Exposition until S o'cloik p , in. , Suturiliiy , Hfiucmber If , for the construction of the K1 be nil Arts bulUlliic. l'lnn .mil bpeclllcu- tlons on Ills In the ur ' > rlntcndrnt' : olllce , Nn in I 1'axlun block , or tc [ will bo fur nished contructoru at cost. ! ' rKIItKENDALL. . Manager Ground ! ! un 1 lUnldlnc Deiit. StiptlO dSt m&o NOTICE TO NOTJOH. Notlco Is hereby glutmlhat scnlcil pro- posnls i will be recclvcJi by , thc Honnl of Di rectors of the Newton-vlrrtcntlon district of Loup cour.ty , Neb rHkncutlnelr olllce In frild district up to 2 o'clockp.rn. of the 21th Ony of September , IS ? ? , fprf ! , 500 of the iKJiids Insued by rnltl IrrlRntloidhtrlct , nil of snld bonus being Tor JlfDi encli , pnynblc ns follows , towlt : JI.lOOi In eleven yenrs ; I1.9M In twelve yenrs nml JlCdO , In thirteen yearn from the dnte , nml dmwlriK Interest nt the rnte of 6 per cent per rtntiwm , payable semi- annually. 1'rlnclpnl janfl- Interest of said bonds payable at this office of the stnto treasurer of the stntrtpjNebraska. , : The Hoard ot DlrecprHircsfrve ( , the rlcht o reject any and all MdPti Address nil bids : o a.V. . Abbott , .oecrtxlnry , Moulton , Neb. Hy order of the Hoard of Directors , made July S. 1S ! > 7. Q. W. ABDOTT. Secretary.c. . c. L. corr. President. Il.VILHOADS. Htmi.lNOTCfN * MIFSOUIU lllvcr llnllrond "The llurllnK- Burlington ton Hnutc" Ocnornl OR1 , N. W. Corner Tfnth nml Knrnnm Streets. ' Ticket Olllco. 1503 Route Karnnm Street. Teli'plionq 250. J > cj)0t. Tenth nml Mnsjn streets. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln , Denver nnd w sl 8M : am : ss am Lincoln , Denver , Colo- rnilo , Utah , California , , Illack Hills. Montana nml I'uget Sound 4:33 : pm 4:03 : pm Lincoln Local " 7:03 : pm 7M3 pm Lincoln Fast Mall 2:55 : tint 11:30 : am Dally. Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO , IIUKLINQTOM & Qtilncy llnllrond "Tho Hurl- Burlington InRtim lloute" Ticket Olllcc , 1502 rnrnnm Street , Telephone Route WO. Depot , Tenth nnd Mnnon Streets , Telephone , 1M. Leave. Arrive. ChlcaRo VestlbuleJ Ex. . * 6:03 : pm 7:55 : am " - " 4:16 : pin 7:55 : nm C:10 : pm 2fO : pm KANSAS CITY. ST. .1OSKPH * Council ItlufTs Hnllronil "The Ilurllngton Houtc" - Ticket Olllcc , 1MZ Fnrnnni Onlitn Street. Telephone. 620. Depot , riDUTB Tenth nml Mason Streets. Tel cplione , 1SS.Lenve. Lenve. Arrive. Kansas City Day Kx. . . . * 9:01nm : G0pm : Kannas City Night Ex. . ' 10:00 : cm 6:30 : um Dally. WAHASII 11A1LUOAD-TICKKT OFFICE. 1415 Fnrnam Street. Telephone , 322. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 128. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis "Canon Ball" Express * 4:30 : pm * 11:20 : am 'Dally. CHICAOO. HOOK ISLAND * I'acino llnllrond "Tho Great llock Inland lloute" Cits- Ticket OIllcc. 132J Fnrnam Street.Ti'lephone 428. Depot Tenth ami Mason Streets. Telephone , 128. I cave. Arrive. Chicago nnd St. 1'nul Vestlbulvil Uxpresi. . . . 4DO : pm 1:13 : pm Lincoln , Colorado Spgs , Pueblo , Denver and weal 1:55 : imi 4:03 : pm ChlcnRO , Des Molnes and llock Island 7:00 : pm 8:15 : nm Atlantic Express , for Des Molnes mid cast- - ern points V.,7:00 : am G:33 : pm Lincoln. Falrbury and''t 't rtellovllle ! :4i : pm " 10:40 : nm Daily. Dally cxrcDt Sunday. UNION l'ACIlIC"Tlin OVKn- land Iloufe" General Olllcea , N. K. Corner Ninth and F.irnam Streets. City Ticket Olllce , 130 Furnam Street. Telephone , SIC. Depot. Tenth nnd Mason Streets. TUephonc , 12S. i. Leave. Arrive. "The Overland Limited" for Denver. Suit Lake , Pnclflc coast , nnd all western points 8:20 am ' 4:13 : pm Fast Mall train for Denver. Salt Lake ! : Paclllc coast nml all western points . . . , . . . . , 4:05 : pm 10:20 : nm Lincoln , Deatrlce nnd > Stromsburp Express. . . 4:03 : pm 3:50 : rm Grand Inland Express. . . 5:33 : pm 3:50 : pin J.11- ? : , ! . * . ! 2a" ? except'Sunday. _ Bluffs Loaves , 5:40 : a. m. ; 0:50 : n. m. ; 7:30 : a. m. ; 8:2'i : n. m'.i 10:45 : a. m. : 2:13 : li. m. : 4 20 p. mf ; 5:55 : p. m. Arrives. 6i20 n. m. ; 7:2i : > n. m. ; S n. m. ; 925 ! n. in. ; 11:30 n. m , 3:10 : p. m. ; 5:40 : p. m. : 9:03 p.-'m. ' : 10543 p. m. ' MISSOURI i'ACIFIC n.ULHOAD General Ofllces and Ticket OClce. Merchants National Hank IJulldlnjt. 1224 Karnqm Street. Telephone , 104. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster Stiests. Telephone. 1458. . . . L av . Arrive. Kansas City , St. Louis nnd southern points. . . 3:03 : pm 12:53 : pin Kansas City Express. . 9:30 : pm * 6:20 : um Ft. Crook & Union LI. . 9W : pm 7:00 : am Dally CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE . & ST . Paul Railway City Ticket Olllce. 1504 Farnam Street Telephone 2S4. Depot , Tcntl nnd Mason Streets. Telephone , 128. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Kx ! , B : ' " " 8:03 am Omnha nnd Chicago Kx. . 11:00 : um 1:50 : p Dally. CHICAGO & NOKTHWEST- ern Hallway City Ticket Olllce , 1401 Faniam Street. Telephone , in , Dep-t. Tenth nnd Maaon Streets. Telephone 123. Leave. Arrive. MIsBOUrl Valley , Sioux City , St. 1'aul and Mlnneapol's . 5:40 : nm 10:4j : pm Missouri Vnlley , Sioux City . . . * . 7:30 : nm 9:0j : pm Denlson , Carroll , Wall V:30 : am Eastern Express. Des Molnes. Marshulltown. Cednr Ilaplds , Chicago "lOHj nm 4:10 : pm Atlantic Flyer , Chlcagu and East . 4:45 : pm 4:10 : pm Fast Mall , Chicago to Omaha . 3:10 : pm Missouri Vallcs' , Sioux City , St. I'nul , Minne apolis Limited . r.D5 : pm 9:23nm : Omal'ii-Chleago Special. . C:3U : pm 8:10 : am Dally. Dally except Sunday. CHIfAGO. ST. 1'AUL. MINNE- npolls & Omaha Ilallwny General olllowt. Nebraska Di vision , Fifteenth nml Webster stroi'ts. ( Jltv Ticket Olllce , 1401 l-'urnnni Street. Telephone. CGI. Depot. Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Telephone , 1158. J.onve. Arrive. Sioux City Accommoda. 8:50 : am 8:23 : pm Sioux City Aci-ommoda. 9:50 : nm 8:23 : pm Illtilr. Emerson , Sioux City. I'oncu , Ilartlng- ton nnd Hloomleld. . . . 1:00 : pm " 11:5301.1 : . Sioux City. Munliato , St. I'nul , Minneapolis . . . . C:13 : pm 3:10 : nm Dally , " Dally except Sunday. " Sunday only SIOUX CITV K I'Al'IFIC HAII ruad-l.eniTal Odlces. United States National Han It Ilillld. Inir. S. ' W. Corner Twelfth and Fnrnnni Streets , Ticket Olllce. 1401 Street. TelepnonB. 561 , Depot , Fifteenth nnd Webster Streetu. Telephone , HJS " Leave. Arrive. Sioux City Munk.tlo , St. Paul , Minneapolis. , r . H5 pm 0:10 : nm Dally ( ji : , FREMONT , ni.KHOHN & Miaiuuc .jvViilli'y Railway Genernl Jjnicfs , United States NjtloJluP ' Bank Building , Bouth'jveiit'Corner Tw fifth anil Farnnm Htrcets , Tick 1401 Furnam Ireet. li-t'lione. ' 501. Dtpol Fifteenth and Webster Arfj-tts. Telephone. " " Arrhe. Deadwood' ' " " Illack Hills , nnd Hot Springs ' "SiOO pm ' o:00 : pm Wyoming , Catper and _ ' ' Douglas "p'il'CO ' pm " " 5 00 pm Hastings , York , Davldj' ' * " ' ' - 5:00 : jim " 10:23 : nm 5uo : pm " 10:25 : nm 5:00 : pin Dally. " Dally ex cept . .Sunday. Sundny only. " " Dally except Saturday. " " Dully except Monday. ( ' . / OMAHA. KANSAS T1TY K. IJASTEUN HAIL- road-Omaha & St. Urnlu llallrond-"Thc O 1C. llouln" Ticket Olllce , 1413 Farnam Street. Telephone , 3:2. Depot , . Tenth and Mason Streets , Telephone , 128. Leave. Arrive. Pattonfburs. Klrlovtlle , Qulncy I/ocnl . * 349 ; an ; * ! 0U : pm St. LouU , New York Llmlttd . * 4:30 : pm ' 11:30 : am Drily. I'OSTOITICi : XOTICH. ( Should lie read DAILY by nil Interebte.i. as change ! ' may occur at any time. ) Foreign mails for the week ending Sep tember 18 , 1&07 , will close (1'JtO.MI'TLV ( In all ruses ) nt the General I'ostclllco ns follows : PAIICKLS POST MAILS CLOSE ONB UOUH I2ARLIEU than closlni ; tlmo chown bnlow. TriuiN-Alliiiilln SATl'HDAY-At < ! ; aO a. m. for KHANCR. 8\VIT/lvltL AND. ITALY. SPAIN , I Oil- Tl'fj * ! Tl'llKKY , KC.YI'T unl HHIT- ISH INDIA. IIPF 8 S , M llrfapiu- ' , via Havre ; at ti:30 : u. in. . for QKHMANY , per \OTIGK. ( Continued. ) S. 9. Spree , via Hremen ( letters for other part * of ICurope , via Cherbourg and Hre- men , must be directed "per Spree" ) ; nt r.TO : n. m. for HUHOl'K. per S. S. Cnm- panla * . via Qtieen.itown ( letters for Oer- nuxny , Franco , Switzerland , Italy , Spain , rortupnl , Turkey , KK.\-pt and UrltlMi Imll.x must bo directed "per Campania" ) ! at S n. m. for NISTHKHLANDS direct , per S. S. Ohdnm , via Rotterdam ( letters must be directed "per Obdnm" ) ; at S n. m. for OKNOA. per S S. Werra- ( letters must bo directed "tier Werra" ) ; at 10 n. m. for SCOTLAND direct , per S. S. Anchorla , via OlnROW ( letters must lie directed "per Anchorla" ) ; nt 11 u. m. for NORWAY ill. root , per S , S , ThlnKvall.i ( letters must bo directed "per ThlnRvalla" ) . rillNTED MATTEU , ETC.-Germnn tlenmera Milling on Tuesdays take 1'rlntcd Matter , etc. , fnr Germany , and Specially Addressed Printed Matter , fie. , for other parts of Europe. Amerl- cnn nnd White Star steamers on Wednesdays. German xtcnmcrs on Thursdays , nnd Cunnrd , Kreneb nnd German steamers on Saturdays take Printed Matter , etc. , for nil countries for which they are advertised to carry m.ill. After the clnslnR of the Supplementary TransAtlantic - Atlantic Malls named ntxivc , n..itltlunnl stipplo- mentary malls arc opened on the piers of ths American. Kngllsh , French nnd German steam ers , and remain open until within Ten Mln- utra of the hour of tailing of strnmcr. Mull * for South nml Cctilrnl Anirrlon , Went Iii.llcn , Ktc. FRIDAY-At 2:30 : n. TT. . for NEWFOUNDLAND - LAND , per S. 9. Corean from 1'hlladel- phla. SATURDAY At 10 n. m. ( supplementary 10:3(1 : ( n. m. ) fat "OUTUNR 1SLANP. JA- MAICA. SAVANILLA and GURYTOWN , per S. S. Altai ( letters for Costa lllea. mut bo directed "per Altai" ) ; at 10 n. in. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. in. ) for POUT All PRINCE , PETIT OOAVE. JEREMIE nml CARTHAGENA , per S. S. Alps : at 10:30 : n. m. for CAMPKCHE. CHIAPAS. TA- I1ASCO nnd YUCATAN , per S. S. Seneca ( letters for other parts of Mexico and for Cuba must be directed "per Seneca" ) : nt 10:30 : a. m. for HAITI , CUMANA nnd CARUPANO , per S. S. Prlns Wlllem III ( letters for other parts of Venezuela , Curacao , Trinidad , British and Dutch Guiana must bo directed "per Prlns Wll lem III" ) ; at 12 m. for GRENADA. TR1N- IDAD nnd TOBAGO , per S. S. Irrnwaddy ; at S30 ! p. m , for ST. PIERRK-MIQUK- LON , per ateamer from North Sydney. MalU for Newfoundland , by rail to Halifax , nnd thence by steamer , close nt thli olllce dnlly nt S:30 : p. m. Mulls for Mlqiielon , uy rnll to Ilos. ton anil thence by steamer , clct-'e nt this olllce , dally at 8:30 : p. m. Malls for Cuon close at this olll.-c dally at 7:0(1 : ( n. m. , for forwarding by steamers salllnB ( Mondays and Thursdays ) from Port Tampa. Kla. Malls for Mexico City , overland , unless specially addressed for dis patch by steamer , close nt tills otlicu dally at ! :30 n. in. nnd 5:30 p. m. "HcRlstered mall closes nt G:00 : p. m. previous day. TrniiN-IMicllU : Mulls. Malls for Australia ( except West Aus tralia ) , New Zealand. Hawaii nnd FIJI Islands , per S. 3. Warrlmoo ( from Van couver ) , close here dally after September 10 and up to September 13 nt 6:30 : p. in. Malls for China , Japan nnd llnwnll , per S. S. Onellc ( from San Krnnclsro ) , close here ilnl'y ' up to September 13 nt CM : p. in. Malls for China nnd Japan , per S. S. Tncomn. Xfrom Tncoma ) , close hero dally up to September " 19 at fi.TO : p. m. Malls for the Society Islands , per ship Tropic Jilrd ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to September 21 at 0:30 : p. in. Mails for. Hawaii , per S. S. Australia ( from San FrancNco ) , flosc here dally up to September 21) ) at 0:30 : p m. Malls for Chlim and Japan ( specially addressed only ) , per S. S. Empress of India ( from Vancouver ) , close hero dully up to October " 4 at fi-.r.Q p. tn. Malls for Australia ( except those for West Australia ) , which are forwarded via Ktirope , New Zealand , Hawaii. FIJI and Samoan Islands , per S. S. Moana ( from San Francisco ) , close hero dally tip to October " 8 at 7:30 : a. tn. , 11 a. m. and 0:30 : p. m. ( or on arrival at New York of S. S. Campania with Jlrltlsh mails for Australia ) . Trnns-Pacinc malls nrc forwarded to port of sailing dally and the schedule of closing Is nrrnnged on the presumption of their unin terrupted overland transit. "Registered mall cJoT * * nt Cno : p. m. nrevlous day. Postolllee. New York. N. Y. . Sept. 10 , 1SD7. CORNELIUS VANCOTT. Postmaster. KXTIl.V I'OLICH FOH XI3XT AVISKK CnnillHoii of City KIiiiuiL-en AVI1I \ < ) ( IV-rinlt ( InIlMUiinr. . - The regular police force will have the duty of looklns after the city during the coming State fair without the assistance of addi tional men. Such was the decision the Hoard of Flro and Police Commissioners ar rived at at a special meeting held last night to consider the matter. The board declined to appoint the twenty special policemen recommended by Chief of Police Gallagher , for the reason that the limited funds at the dUposal of the board would not war rant the expense. Ex-Detective Charles G. Hloom was ap pointed special olllcer for Ike Gulll's saloon and beer garden at Sixteenth and Davenporj streets. Iti-innviil Ix Only Temporary. Judge Frank Irvine , one of the .supreme court commissioners , has decided to re move , tempoinrlly , to Lincoln during the remainder of lila term. The Judge stntes that his term covers two more year.s and he has decided to remove his family to the .scene of his labors 'o avoid being away from home nearly all the time , ns his duties keep him In Lincoln the greater part of the time. He says the removal Is only temporary , ns he has no Intention of making Lincoln his home. I'lCK.SO.NAL I'AUACUAIMIS. M. L. McWhlnery of Hastings Is a Barker guest. M. E. Getter of Ord Is stopping at the Barker. Leroy Hall and wife of Crawford are In the city. W. E. Hatch of Lincoln Is registered at the Darker. J. Penny of Now York Is registered at the Darker. F. U. Drandt of Dayton , O , , Is stopping at the Darker. Thomas J. Swan , a cattle Icing of Cheyenne , Wyo. , can bo found at the Darker. J. A. Grosscnp and eon of Crete are In the city , and will remain till thu close of the fair. fair.F. F. A. Whitney left last evening for Chicago cage , whore ho expects to remain for a few days , Mrs. H. II. WllBon of Denver Is visiting the. family of Claude Dlhbern for a fort night. C. L. Itosa , with the Standard Oil com pany , has taken permanent cjinrters nt the Darker. Hon. J. J. Sullivan of Columbus , fusion candidate for supreme Judge , was In the city yesterday , Ml s Ella HtiBsell of Crcston , la. , who has been visiting In this city , left last night for Portland , Oro. J. 0. Campbell , a resident of Laramle , left last night for his homo after a business visit hero of a few days. C. W. Dassett of Allegheny , Pa. , was in the city yesterday on a short visit with friends while en route to San Frandsco. MitBos Ellen and Anna Crandell. who have been the guests of Miss Marion Crandell of this city for a week , left last night for their homo In Troy , N. Y. Miss Georgia 'Llndsey of this city left 'for Chicago last evening. There she will take up the studies prescribed In the two years' course of the Nuries' Aid araoclatlon , Nebraskans nt the hotels : W. O. Droolts , Lincoln ; Charles Mauer and William Wilson , Chadron ; W. S. Barker , Valentino ; F. C. Feltz , Ewlng ; F. H. Gllchrlflt. Kearney ; II. J. Wal-h. Lincoln ; M. L , Dolan , Grand Island ; W. C. Elloy. Midi-on ; H. M. Faddls , Pass ; J. I. Mahon. J. It. Leo , Hueben KIs- sell , F. E. Wilt and George Hugglns , Drown- lee ; William Haynca. Alliance ; 0. G. Ilarnei , Albion ; C. W. Ilannlng. Nehawka. At the Mlllard : A. J. Eddy. Fremont ; A. W. Dowman , Chicago ; J. E. Houtz , Lincoln ; Mrs. W. C. Minor , C. C. Allison and wife. Miss Carrie Kennedy , West Superior ; II. C. Krnnan and wife , Cleveland ; Mr. and Mrs. .Smith. Lincoln ; Ed Kuane , .St. Louie ; AI F. Schoch. Ottawa ; H. S. Thompson , Chicago cage ; L. C. Trent , Salt Lake ; W. F. Wallero , New York ; H , O. Jeffrey. Chicago : William V. Ketley , Now York ; A. I ) . Sear.1. Fremont ; T. II. Stevl'on , Chicago ; h. F. Urook , Ilos- ton ; E. J. Kllley , Fllloy , TO CUI1E A COLD IN ONH DAY Take Laxative Ilromo Quinine Tabl'la , All drtlggls 3 refund the icuncy If It falls to cure. 25c. STUB WILL TAP MAIN LINE Mnnngor Konyon's Oversight in Railroad Building May Bo Remedied. ARMOUR SITE WILL BE REACHED BY RAIL I.IUt'ly < Soltlo tlio fontrorrn > Itotttooii tlio llur- llnuloii nml Iho I'nlon ' Muok Viirilx ofllchls In this city have bctm dlscu.'nlng a rather novel piece of railroad ing for the last tow days. The building of something more than a inllo of railroad In South Omaha , which tor a tlmo looked ns though U would haveno connection wltli the railroad .world or other outlet , was the unusual Incident that furnished the subject matter for tome lively discussions among the railroad fraternity. It appears that the Uivlon Stock Yards company has been engaged for several months pa > it In building a line of railroad from the Armour slto to point on the II. & M. line near Thirty-sixth and it. stroetB , South Omnba. As considerable grading had to | bo done , the line was rather an expensive i ono for a stub track nnd cost about $25,000. When It was completed the superintendent of the 1) , & M , refused to allow the main Una to bo tapped , and It was therefore Impossi ble to mike the connections desired. Railroad men enjoyed quite n laugh nt the expense of General Manager Kenyon , who liad failed to obtain permission of Iho U. & M. management to make the necessary connections before building the line. Traf fic men discussed the matter among themselves - selves Wednesday , hut were chary about be ing Interviewed on the subject. One pioml- mcnt railroad man Bald : "Yen , it's straight that Kenyon built the line without first get ting permission to connect with the H. & M. I think the matter will bo fixed up In n day or two , however. 1 should not be sur prised to see General Freight Agent Miller of the Ilurllngton make a run out here to patch matters up. Ho made four trips out hero Just before Mr. Kenyan's appointment and will probably settle this dispute. " Gen eral Freight Agent Crosby of tlio 1) ) . & M. said ho knew nothing about the matter except what ho read In The Bee. On gen eral principles , however , ho thought n man should sec the finish of a Una before ho started to build It. General Manager Holdrogo of the H. & M. returned tram n western trip Wednesday and' yesterday announced that the matter would be settled by allowing the connection to bo made. In speaking of the matter to n Dee reporter , he slid : "So far ns I know there has been no trouble over this line. There has been no meeting or conference on the matter. Wo shall meet the stock yards' representatives at an early date , and I do not doubt but that satisfactory arrange ments for the connection can bo made. The line appears t.o be a good one for both com panies , and 1 presume considerable buslncos can bo handled over It. " IIAIX AI.O.\fS TIIH U AllWAV LINKS. I'rcoliiUiiUon Visit * Alioul UvorjI'lir - lloii of the Slnti * . All the railroads In the state were vlslte.l by good rains Wednesday. The weather re- .ports of the various lines yesterday showed from one to three Inches of rain at different stations In Nebraska. The Uock Island hal : so much rain along Its line In Iowa that the morning train from Chicago was a couple of hours late. The Northwestern was forty irJnutcs late on the same account. The Union Pacific's weather report showed that a Surd rain fell between Omaha and North Homl. Between Lexington and North Platte there was a liKht rain. There were showers during the nlpht on the Ord & Loup City branch. On the Omaha & Republican Valley branch there was a steady rain. From N. ° rth Platteto Cheyenne there was light rain. Tlio H , & M. weather report showed several uolnts In the nastern nnd In the southern .part of the stiite where nearly throe Inches of rain had fallen. Ashland , Tecumseh and Table llock were among the points where the most rain fell. Along the line in Wyoming extremely cold weather wasreported. . There ; iv.s frost at Hill City , Dcadwood , Spearllsh , Cleannont. Crow Agency and Hillings , being heaviest 'at Deadwood and Hillings. ON CHOSSIM ; TIII < : itivion. IliilMrny OIlloliilMCoiifor n lth ( In llrlilKo rooplo , Theodore Oilman of Now York , of the hoard of directors , nnd John M. Savin of Qulncy , 111. , general manager , of the Omaha , Kansas City & Eastern and the Omaha & St. Louis railroads , ar rived from Qulncy yesterday , rind after visiting the local ofllccs called upon General Manager Potter of the Omaha Drldgo and Ter minal railway. They were closeted with the latter over an hour , but It was afterward announced that there were no new develop inputs concerning the crossing of the Mis souri river by the now railroad company. In the afternoon Messrs. Gllman and Savin went over lo Council Bluffs , and Inspected the terminus of their railroad there. In connection with their visit comes the an nouncement that the company .will soon pur chase a lot of new equipment. It Is under stood that Mr. Oilman , has approved of the purchase of several new high-grade loco motives to help handle the tralllc on the new line from CouncUJIHiifTsto Qtilncy. AI.O.VK TIIH CIV lit NHimCR LINKS. CluiiiKON In tlio Iioonl Ollloo * of llio MlMNOiirl I'nollli' . Assistant General Freight and Passenger Agent Phllllppl of the Missouri Pacific yes terday announced a number of changes In the local olllco forcn brought about by the resignation of Contracting Freight Agunt Mc- Naughton. Ho will be succeeded by W. II. Stoutenborough , formerly chief clerk. George Glsh , who has been with the Missouri Pa cific for the last six years and for the last two years has been claim clerk. Is promoted to the chief clerkship to succeed Stoutenbor ough. James H. Allen , who has been tolcn graph operator for several years , Is promoted meted to the desk ) of claim clerk to succeed Glsh. James Martin , for Iho last ficvtn years operator nt the local freight olllce , Is promoted to the general olllco to nucceed Allen. All the promotions are In line with the civil service policy of the Missouri Pacific , i\lillilt of .NoliriiNkii I'roiliiulM , General Passenger Agent Francis of thu II. & M , yesterday added lo his collection of Nebraska products for exhibit In eastern and middle states 150 bushels of early Ohio potatoes of fine quality. They vero grown nt St. Frincla , on the western edge of Ne braska , the section of the state that was once known ns "tho arid region. " Th potatoes were planted on May 15 , and have been cultivated once a week since then. They were grown under the principles of the Campbell system of soil culture by A. H. McCullum. Hiiimirx of Halo TroiililoH , DENVER. Sept. 16. Humors o ( rate trou bles In connection with the St. Louis expo- -.IiIon ar In circulation here. At Denver ft Hto Grande headquarters It Is announced .it tickets will be xold to Chicago for $21 end to St. Louis for $21 nn two days of the wpck Monday and Wednesday. The reduced rate will continue until October 21. It Is claimed that thu demoralization gives signs of torcadim : and norlouKly affect rates be tween Denver and points cast .Votv I.lnifor KIIIIHIIH I'lty , KANSAS CITY , Sept. 1C. Plans and sur veys for a branch line of the St. Loulu nnd San Francisco railway to connect with the Kansas City , Oavrola & Southern , and thus gain u Kansas City entrance for the former road , havu been prepared and work on tlio connection will be started this year. Thu only question la where the union will be made. Many Missouri towns along thu 'Frisco are bidding for tha junction Colorado Midland TJiroiiKli Sorvli'o. DENVHII Sept. 16- Tint first move made by the Ca'.oi-ado Midland managem-nt alter1 Uiu uale lias been lo'establish clew rela-1 ' cold cureIs Invriltw * 'S bio nnd should bo In every home. It will cur * cold.i In the heid or cl.inwhere rrompt'.jr nnd sure'y Munycm's HcniefifT. . T\ dies a separate ruri > for x vrA * * * each disease- for Snlo at nil its. If In doubt write to Trof. Munyon , 1S03 Arch street , Philadelphia , 1'n. , for free medical advice. tlonslth the Oregon Short l.lno nml H tHw < iv & NavlRatlnn company by putting 03 a tlirnimli I' mr sorvlco bulwecu Denver niul Portland. Ucirltuiliif ; next Sun day a throtiRh slcciicr will lp.\vc Denver dully at 7:15 : p. m , , which will arrive In Portland nt 7:45 : o'clock Iho third mornltiR. Tlio rAstboiind slrepor will Icavo 1'ortlnnil at 9 t ) . m. dally nnd will arrive In Denver nt 9 o'clock tlio third morning , Ilittrn til IrrlKKtlou CHICAOO , Sept. 1C. Tlio woatern roads hsvc agreed t innko a fare of ono nnd one- third for the meeting of the National Irri gation congress , which Is to bo held at Lincoln , Neb. , September 2S. TO i\ltlliri' MtllllASK.V KI.OWKIlfl. Plnrlntfl | ) | HIMIHN OilMoolc for Stllto 1 1 oft Ion I til rn I llniln > . About n dozen of the florists of Omaha , together with the officers of the Douglas County Horticultural society , met In Iho rooms of the Ikmrcl of Park Commissioners tn the city lull last night to discuss tlio matter of n Douglas county floral exhibit at thu Transmlssl&slppl Uxposltlon. President Adams of the Horticultural soci ety occupied the clmlr , and nn Informal dls- ctualun of the nmttcr now nlider coimldera- ( Ion occupied the tlmo for about two hour * . President Marsha ! ) nnd Vice President Jlail- klnsan of the Nebraski Horticultural society were present and took part In thu discus sion. It was the concensus of opinion that a creditable floral display should bo mnda by the Nebraska florists nt the exposition , especially In view of the fact that the Na tional Society cf 1'lorlstn would hold It3 annual mooting In Onmtu during tho. exposi tion. It was also stated that the only florists In the state who tire so situated as to be nblo to make any kind of a display nro located In Omaha. After discussing the best manner of tiring- Ing about a flue floral exhibit It way decided to appoint a committee or three to prepare an estimate of the amount of tpaco which will bo required for a K"od exhibit , together with the probability of having this space filled in n creditable manner , the committee being Instructed to report to an adjourned meeting to be held at the same place Satur day night of this week. It was also decided that when the amount of space and other de tails are determined the Nebraska Exposition commission would bo asked to set nsldo a portion of the oUto appropriation for tlio purpose of securing tpaco and providing for other expenses for the exhibit. The matter will bo laid before the state commission at its meeting Monday of next week. Hefore adjourning the chairman appointed as this committee Messrs. ICrlllns , Hemlertsou and A. Peterson. II.VXKVA.TS TO IIK I'llOTKCTIil ) . Think * Iho Court .Should Ho Mora i\lillcll. Judge Scott was requested yesterday to issue a mandatory writ of Injunction against the 1'lrst National bank. In a partition suit in this court the judge some time ago ap pointed J.V. . Houdebush , Samuel Macl.eJ.l and Andrew Murphy ii'ferees. They s Id certain property for $5,335 , , and received a certified dic.dc on the iKIrst- National bauic fo,1 one-third of the amount , $1,778.31. Tills check was payable to the lefcrces. Tlio salJ was continued by Judge Scott and as Mr. Murphy , one of the referees , had left tha county , 'the court ordered the other tv , o referees to make out a deed to the pr'.ps..y for the purchaser , and to dlsburso the fuiiuj. Tlio two referees presented the check fjr payment , which WJH refused because name of the third referee was not enders on the back of the check. ' In court yesterday afternoon P. H. Dav's , cashier of the First National bank , said ho was willing to pay the money on tha check when the court ordered him to do so up u the endorsement of only two of the referees. The court asserted that that order was im plied In the order of the referees to make tl'.o rela1'S funds , as they could perform neither of these acts without the money , and that order had been shown to Mr. Davis when payment was demanded , An agreement was then reached between the parties whereby Jlr. Davis went to the bank and brought the amount of the check and turned It in to the court. This action prevented the necessity of Issuing the man datory writ of Injunction asked for , but the court said the lunk would have to pay tha costs accrued , which will amount to some thing over $50. Hi.-lil (11 I Innintrlol Court. Justice of the I'pace I'owen yesterday afternoon held W. C. Holt ? to the district court In the Hum of Jl.liOO to answer to the charge of embezzlement and conversion of property ns bailee. Jlolti ! In a Wutorloo resident , who Is Bald to hive KOtten lilmso' ; In'o trouble on account of his llUInu for a fair fellow citizen of th it village. He was In the. employ of Mary Kcnewny , who run.i a ranch near ICIkliom. On August 20 hl.s en-ployer tent him to lji ; : < liorii with n ilrova of cattle , with InHtruct'.ons to forward them In her name tn South Omaha. In place uf. cloliiK thlH Iloltx shlpp"1 ! the e.ittip. In lim own mime and when lie fold 'hem he hud the check Issued to hlm-s-slf Instead of his employer. The amount wa.s $113. It I.s H.ild that Holtz .aK'd the money In Ihia way to lie in u puitljn to marry 'ho fair object of his iifT'j.'tloii. At liny rate It Is stated that after getting the mom y Hnnz went back to Waterloo nnd wa-ited thu ( jlrl to elope with him. She lefuH-Ml and t en Holtz Htarted out on IJfi own hcfik. Ao-.iu * week later ho was cap'iiM-J In Lincoln and hla employer preferred tha ilmrgis Bgalnst him. I.cMoiCnrrliTH ItoliirnliiK Homo. The Omaha delesntPH ( o th > nntlon.i. con vention of letter carrlrH nt Sin Fr.inul < io returned home last nlKit on n special trail over the Hock Island. In company with < iantcrn delegations. Tin : train consisted of llvo totirict 1'nllmnnH. Tliosa of the lc > t-al contingent who returned were O orBO Kicff- ner , William Alulier and ( 'ImrleH Ncn.n. : ( Jharles I'"llnk , nleo IHR > of Iho dolomite. ! , was taken 111 while In San Krnnclaeo nml Is at present i-onlliipd In n hospital In that cllj. His malady IK not Jf n serlnui nature. KovoulliVnril KoiiiilillciiiiH. The Seventh Ward Itppuhllran club hold n well attended mi'clliiK last ovcnlut , ' to prn- pare for thu coming campaign. The Huh was nddre.MKuil by County Jml o IJuxli'r and H. L. Day. , A permit lias been Isflucd to Max Uothleb to build n frame dwelling at 2120 Kou.Ii Fifteenth street. K , DnvU , who a pockethook coatilnlni ; $30 In money and JCOO 'n drafts a couple of days ago , him found his property. It l not Mrn. Kunny Ilellcmy w'jo ' was charged with committing a robbery recently In the Third ward , hut an Kdltli Ilolliimy. Tlie Ladles of the Maccabees will gvo | a lawn social at the residence of Mr. and Mrn. Hopkins , 5'JI William Ktreut. tliln itvcnlng , I. on la .Smith , J. U. ItlchaidH and John Craven , who were arrc-stcd for hauling off cedur blocks from upper Karnam Btritet , were yesterday fined $1 and costs each by Judge Gordon. The firant Paving company put a force of ninn nt work on Kurnam street yrater- day. They are tearing up the old pavement and Monday the work of laying tlio now paui. in out will begin. Kittle Owens , charged with assaulting Jcs- ftic Carter with a revolver , wan yesterday flni" ! $25 and costs hy Judge. Gordon. The woman went to the county jail In default of furnishing the amount. Articles of Incorporation of the Paxton Ural Rbtato company liavo been filed with the county clerk. The capital stock of the company Is fixed at J400000 , Iho Incorporate a being \V. A. Paxton , I'1. H. Davis and ChaiK'u T. Kouutzo. City Knglnccr noucv.ator Is laying off the men who liavn been employed In ic- pilrlng thu utreela , and from now on only enough men will be kept lo do emcrgi'ii y work. The t tree I a uro now believed lo hu In bettor condition than over before , and It U not exported ttmt any extrusive repairs will bo necessary for suveral yearn. A Hilff robbed a couple of rooms In a boarding hotuo at 207 South Twenty-fourth street last Monday. A gold watch and chain and fioino trinkets wcro taken from thu apart ments of Mrs J I * Slhbett and $11 In motley was stolen from th room of KUn Hood The case wan called 10 the utticitlon of Ih polt-u and search warraota were