Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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Good Weather Now the Only Qualification
Demanded by the Board ,
IiiitlcntlniiN Arc Hint \ ItriiMkn'M Vn-
until . \Ki-liMillin ill i\iHimltloii :
Will lie Ill-tier anil Cri-aU-r
'limn i\rr Ilufurc.
Thu Stale fair , vvhlih will be bold In this
City next week , promise" ? to bo the bc-'t
exhibition of the Kind that the people of
tbls H'atc have ever bad an opportunity of
feasting lliclr cyca upon 'Ihls Is the
cntht.1 ! antic opinion ot Secretary Kurnas of
the State Hoard of Agriculture , nnd one who
\l lt bis office In the MllUrd hotel and
views thegreat mans and the nature of
entries that are pouring In Is forced to the
lame conclusion.
With Iho entries that have already been
received Secretary Purnas Is authority for
the statement that there will not be any
vacant space In the buildings. This alone U
n Indication of the greatness of tbo coming
how , ns even In the good talrs of past
jeans there have been some empty spaces In
the buildings and some empty stalls and
pens on the grounds. All the buildings aru
Bow comfortably filled. This does not mean ,
however , that further entries cannot be
received. On tbo other hand , tbe managers
Bay positively that they will create space It
need bo for tbe many entries that are ex
pected yet to come
Ihls Increase In the Biro and character ot
the fair Is due equally to a larger number ot
entries and to the fact that tbe entries arc
greater In sire and of better quality than In
past yeaiH. Examples ot this arc found
continually in running over the list ot
entries. As specimens of the slzo of the
exhibits , may bo mentioned a couple of en
tries which were received yesterday Onu was
for two car loads of sheep fiotn a point as
far distant as Sussex , \Vls Another was
for two car loads of chickens from one
exhibitor of LleWItt , la.
The number ot new exhibitors who are1
ending In applications for space Is also
conslderc-d remarkably large. Public notice
of these has been made from day to day and
another big addition was received this morn
ing. The Chicago , Hock Island & Pacific
railroad announced to Secretary Pumas that
it would have on extensive exhibit of all the
products that are grown upon Its lines In
Kansas , Oklahoma territory and Texas
This exhibit Is to be a large one and will
bo placed In the Agricultural building. U
Is something entirely now. U Is to be
arranged by John C. Honnell ot Chicago , who
will be here on Prlday to put It In place.
Speed entries are also being received dally
The time for mak ng the enti lea expired
Monday night at midnight , but the list has
been kept open to receive such as were
mailed before that time , but wuiu not re
ceived. The entries already ore far In ex-
ecus of the number obtained at past fairs
Aiiicmg the number there are a lot of good
horses It Is expected that the list will
be made up soon , as a few additional en
tries are still expected by mall.
Douglas county and the city of Omaha
ate also doing their share In building up
* lip shovv. The exhibitors were a little late
In sending In their entries , but the force
In the ofllces lias been rushed to keep up
.with the flood that has Vcn coming In dur
ing the past two days Yesterday mougli
entries were received to Keep one clerk
busy The entries from tbe county and city
are not only larger In number than In the
past , but they are a'.so larger In size and
better In character.
There Is a 'still further Indication of how
much greater the alr , will be next week
In the fact that Secretary Pumas will put
an additional clerical force to work In his
ofilcc this moinlrg In the past three
clerks have been found sufllclcnt to boolr all
the entiles , and no Increase In the force has
icon made until the olllces are transferred
io the giounds The rush has become eo
451 cat , however , that three clerks cinnot
care for the work , and therefore an addl
tloa was decided upon
i Some of the exhibits are already arriving
Yesterday the bales of alfalfa from which
the big Alfalfa palace wills be built came
In nnd arc being unloaded on the grounds
The work on the structure will ho com
menced at once The buildings tnd the1
utructmes for the other exhibits are almost
ready The workmen who are making the
repairs aie almost through The grounds
also are In shape. The roadways have been
mnotlieil and the holes have been filled
The boaid decided yesterday that the
baby Hhow. which Is one of the features ol
tbo fair should bo hold en the afternoon 01
" \Vedncsdny \ , September 22 , commencing at , .
o'clock Three prizes arc- given , each belug
a barrel of the best Nebraska-giovvn apples
Ono goes to tbe handsomest girl baby mule
Z vears of age and another to the h ndsom-
est boy baby under the same age. The third
bnuc'l goes to the largest family of children
born In the state , of nil ages and sexes The
competitors must all bo residents of the state
1 The electilc light company has completed
Its pieparntlons for the street Illumination
during fJlr week and the outs'de ' construction
for the decorations df the public buildings and
leading business establishments In the city
Is also nearly complete. The Illumination of
the court house and cltv hill will be more
nrtl.ntlc this year than over befcre , but It be
gins to look as though very few ot the local
business houses propose to do anything in
the way of Illumination Milton Rogers & .
Sons have secured a permit to place forty -
Incandescent lights on the outside of thel.
establishment , and with tbe exception of the
decorations on the Board of Tiadc building
this Is the only Illumination for which a pei-
Jnll bus been Issued by the city electilcal de
partment. The Mlllard hotel. Continental
company and the Hogton etoie are alieady
provided with outside lllumlnatl ns and with
the addition of bunting and Hugs these en
tabllshmcnts cm be made very attractive
Aside from these the decorations will prob-
nbly be- confined to tbe usual display of Hags
nnd bunting.
Custodian Sedgwlck of the city hall got
floyvn the rolls of bunting yesterday vvh eb
> uero used In the Interior of the building last
year mid will begin decorating the rotund t
at onto. On the outside , Assistant Building
Inspector Carter Is dliectlng the operations
of a gang of mi .1 who are ronstiuctlng the
platform that v.lll be used by the city olll
clals and members of the lloatd of Education
dm Ing thu parades Members of the council
tvanl th fact undeistood that tbe entire ex
pense of this iiuangement Is paid by the city
Djllclals by personal subscription mill no part
of It Is chargeable to the city treasury
Coiirfli'iN Mt' 't mill I'rt'iiiiri * to ! ( -
MUiTliHr Iliilfr ,
All Is activity among the courtiers of
Mt.Sar-IU'ii 111 , Meetings of the various
bands of his majesty's subject who have In
Charge the eventful occasions of next week
Highest Honors World's Fair ,
Gold Medal , Midwinter Fair.
A Pure Grape Cream ol Tartar Powder.
arc being held almost dally. The Hoar.l of
Governors held n brief meeting yester
day at the Commercial club , and parsed
upon several matters In connection with the
festivities of the coming week All military
and civic organizations desirous of partici
pating In the military and chic parade nf
Tuesday evening should at once notify
Thomas A. Fry , chairman of the parade com
mittee , of their acceptance of the InvltiMon
previously Issued. The numerous rcjponscs
to the Invitations already sent out assure a
fine display on Tuesday evening.
There will be rehearsals of all those who
will participate In the parade of the Knights
of Ak-Sar-Uen at the den this evening anil
tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock.
Siiltfttlfiitc for VII \\lio Pnrllriplite In
tinPnrmlrH. .
There was a good attendance of the sub
jects of King Ak-Sar-Ilen III nt the royal
den last evening , hut It was not nearly to
large as It should have been There was
a lamentable lack of those who have \olun-
te'red their services for the floats In the
parades next week Uecanso of this fact the
parade committee has decided to request that
each man who Is to participate In the parades
H euro a substitute Should anything happen
to the original package of humanity at
either of the coming rehearsals , or at the
tlmo of the parade next week , his substitute
will bo prepared to take his place and the
success of the occasion will not bo Inter
rupted. There will bo rehearsals of those
who are to take part In the Ak-Sar-Ien ) pa
rade on Thursday and Prlday evenings of
this week at 8 o'clock , and ns a special In
ducement for a largo attendance a fine lunch
will bo served.
A COO ! ) Til I \ ( .
1'nr Women to
That In addressing Mrs. Pltikham they are
communicating wltli a woman a woman
who-.o experience In treating woman's Ills Is
greater than that of any living physician
male or female.
A woman can talk freely to a woman when
It Is revolting to relate her private troubles
to a man besides , a man does not under
stand simply because ho Is n man.
Many women suffer In silence nnd drift
along from bad to worse , knowing full well
that they should have Immediate assistance ,
but a natural modesty Impels them to shrink
fiom exposing themselves to the questions
and probably examinations of oven their fam
ily physician. It Is unnecessary. Without
money or price they can consult a woman
whoso knowledge from actual experience Is
greater than any local physician living.
The following Imitation Is freely offered ,
accept It In the same spirit :
Women suffering from any form of female
weakness ore Invited to freely communicate
with Mrs. I'lnkham at LMIU , Mass. All
lettcis are received , opened , read and an
swered by women only , thus has been eslab-
llshod the eternal confidence between Mrs
I'lnkham and the women of America which
has never been broken and has Induced more
than 100,000 sufferers to write her for ndvlce
during the last four mouths. Out of the
vast volume of experience which she has to
draw from. It Is more than possible that she
has gained the very knowledge that will help
your case. She asKs nothing In return ex
cept votir good will , and her advice has re
lieved"thousands. . Surely any woman , rich or
poai , Is very foolish If she does not taKc ad
vantage of this generous offer of assistance.
Lydla E. Plnkham Medicine Co , Lynn ,
The congregation of Ualth Amcdrosh
Agodol are going to celebrate In the opening
services of their new synagogue on Sunday ,
September 10 , at 2 p m , at HOD South
Thlitecnth street. Everybody welcome to
The Woman's exchange will be opened In
now quarters Monday , September 20 , In the
Patterson block. Seventeenth and Douglas
streets. Lunch served from 10 a. m. to 8
p in. Would-be consignors call at The
Glencalrn for further particulars.
Tel. 1307. Ofllce-and vards llth & Nicholas
Will OIMX'HO ' Postponement III llenr-
luis oil Telephone llnte ( liieNlloii.
The case In which John 0 Yelser seeks to
ittack the rates charged by the Nebraska
Telephone company Is scheduled to be hoard
before the State Hoard of Transportation to
day. The notices Indicate that the com
mission will sit in Omaha , but no hour has
been set nor has the place of mooting b cn
designated. Ml. Yelbcr said yesterday
that ho did not know where the hearing
would bo , but he thought it could bo con-
lu ted In his office. If no other room was
available. Ho savs , "I expect to place the
officers and employes of the telephone com
pany on the stand and proceed by a course
of analytical questioning to ascertain how
much the cost of the present telephone
suivlce Is , down to the cost of the Insulators
and coppei wire. Then I will Introduce
cv IJciro to shovv that the receipts of the
ompany arc entirely out of proportion to
the capital Invested and the cost of the
service. '
It Is gcnernlly understood that the tele
phone company will btand on the objection
lalsed In their demurrer , that the board has
no Jurisdiction In the case and that It must
bo taken to the supreme court. Mr.
Yolser says that he will vigorously object
to having the case hung up In this manner ,
but It Is the general expectation that the
board will allow the cse to go to the
supreme court on the objection.
line IlorMforil'Helil I'lioNpluite ,
IJrI. . H. Logan , San Francisco , Cal. , says :
"I get good results from It In Insomnia from
noivous exhaustion. "
CluiiiKe or. Tlmr.
On Sunday , September 12 , tbo Chicago ,
Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. will make the
following changes In the train time between
Omaha and Chicago
Tialn No 4 , "Chicago L'mlted , " now
leaving Omaha at 0 35 p , m. and arriving
at Chicago at f ) 25 a m. , will leave Omaha
at S 45 p m and arrive at Chicago at 8 15.
a m
Dally train No. 3 , "Omaha-Chicago Ex-
pi ess , " now leaving Chicago nt 10.25 p m
and arriving at Omaha at 3 25 p , m. , will
leave Chicago at 1000 p. m and arrive at
Omaha at 1 50 p. m.
P A NASH , Gcn'l Western Agent.
Tin : MW MM ; tpi\ .
Oiiinliii. ICailNiiN CIt ) niintem Illlll-
rouil Oiiialiu A. ht. I.oiil * ilnllroiiil ,
The QUINCY ROUTE with through trains
to Trenton , Klrksvlllo and Qulncy. Connec
tions can and southeast. I'or rates time
tablet , and all Information , call at QUINCY
ROUTB office , 1415 Farnam street ( Paxtou
Hotel Block ) , or write ,
Union Piii'lfle.
"The Overland Limited "
train vvcet of Missouri River ,
Twelve hours quicker than any othci train
to Pacific Coast.
Call at Ticket Office ,1302 Karnim St.
llaiiilnoiitfkt Train Went of the
MlNHlftNlppI ,
The Hurllngton's "Vestionled Ply or"
LeaviH Omaha 505 p in , EXACTLY ,
Arrives Chicago 8 20 a in. NO LATER.
Now from end to end Lighted by gab
Wide vestlbuled. Sleeping , chair , smoking
and dining cam.
Tlcl.rts and berths at 1502 Parium ,
Women I'xe llexilteiu.
Jot-He Cirter nnd Kitty Owens , icshlentx
of the "Wounded Kni.6' ' section of the lud
lands , got Into n flsht List night ovci n
TiolU-o oomt cose In which the Cartel
woman In Involved , nnd revolvers woio
ill.uvn Joule Carter htrueK the Owens
woman ovei the head with her weapon nev-
ei il times nnd was later niieateil for as
sault and battery.
Running tort-- , Indolent ulcers and similar
troubkb , oven though of many years' stand-
IniT. may be curc-d by using DeWltt'fl Witch
Hazel Salve. It soothes strengthens and
bcaU It Is the great pile cure ,
ms MOIMS > , IA. ,
One Pure fur llouiiil Trip ,
September 8 to 18 , via Rock Island Road ,
Call at city ticket office , 1323 Funaia Rtrcet.
Local Plasterers' Union Pails to Create
Trouble at tha Exposition.
StnfTotkiTM 011 i\io | llliiu llullit-
IIIKN I'roroNO to MiiniiKe Their
On it AfTiiIrn , Inilepenileiit ot
Dlctntvn of I.nhor liiloiin.
The staff workers employed by the con
tractors who arc doing the staff work ou
the exposition buildings 1mvc formed a labor
ucilon among themselves. The membership
of the new union Is about twenty , thU being
the number of men at preaent employed by
L. lionet and Smith & Eastman , the only
staff contractors who have established plants
on the grounds. As the work progresses the
number of men employed will be largely
Increased , and will probably reach 200 01
more. The new union has been Incorporated
and officers elected. The officers are as fol
lows : Guerln Perlno , president ; Peter Pall ,
vice president ; John Qonnclla , treasurer ;
Emll Weber , recording secretary ; James
Durdo , financial secretary.
Th.s action on the part of the staff workers
was the direct result of an attempt on the
part of certain representatives of the local
union of the plasterers to dictate to the staff
contractor who they should employ and the
amount of wages which should be paid.
Thcao representatives waited on the staff
contractors nnd Informed them that they
must pay a certain scale of wages or there
would be trouble They also Indicated that
members of the local plasterers' union
should be employed Instead of bringing men
from the outside Inquiry of these
delegates developed the fact that the plas
terers' union contains about twenty mem
bers , none of whom understand the handing
or working of staff. The men employed by
the staff contractors are all experts In tholr
line , all of them having been employed foi
years In the manufacture of staff and stucco
After considering the matter the contrac
tors came to the conclusion thai It would bo
disastrous to think ot employing men who
were utterly Ignorant of working staff. It
was also rnalbod thai u failure to comply
with the demands of organized labor , how
ever unreasonable , meant a strike of the
other workmen employed on the exposition
buildings As a solution of the difficulty ,
the men employed by the staff contractors
formed nn organization and carried the mat
ter further than Is usually done with labor
otganlzatlons by filing regular articles of In
corporation. Thus an Incipient strike was
nipped in the bud and the walking delegates
took credit for another organization added to
the list
No further trouble Is anticipated from this
source the now union having adopted a scale
of wages which Is satisfactory to the mem
bers thereof and having compiled with all
the requirements of laborj > rganlzatlons
ViliiiliilNtrntlon HiillilltiK Utoiit llenil }
for Stun Worl.erN.
The carpenter work of the Administra
tion building Is almost completed , there re
maining but a few finishing touches to be
added before the last carpenter descends
from his lofty perch at the summit of the
lantern which surmounts the tall building.
In the meantime the nork of putting on the-
btaff has been progressing rapidly under the
archway , through which the throngs of ex
position visitors will pass to reach the north
tract. The staff covering beneath the aiches
is taking the form of massive ribs , resting
upon n heavy cornice at each side of the
arch. The effect Is most pleasing and Is to
be still further enhanced by the addition of
rosettes nbbut one foot in diameter which
arc to be placed between the ribs. The
work Is proceeding rapidly and an idet
may now be obtained of how the building
will look when completed.
Cjntractor Uonet has completed a large
amount of the staff work for the Administra
tion building ai'd a great deal of It Is stored
In the lower part of the structure ready for
the workmen. For covering the entire build
ing , about sixty tons of raw plaster will be
required , and n considerable portion of this
has already been made Into castings. The
remainder will be put on the building much
after the fashion of mortar. This latter
mothod'ls only practical for plain surf ice , of
which then' Is only a limited amount on
this particular building. As soon as the
carpenters have finished their work on the
building the staff men will commence on
the outside where their work will be more
In evidence.
liiliCompleted the Setter.
The laying of the sewer oa the bluff tract
and north tract of the exposition grounds
has been completed. The contractor was
lohn P. Daley. No contract for this work
has ever been submitted to the executive
committee by the Department of Buildings
And Grounds for approval , but after receive
ing bids from several contractors for furnlbh
Ing the material and laying the pipe , Daley
was ordered by Superintendent of Construe
tlon Geraldine to go ahead with the work
Inquiry of several contractors who bid on
the work. Including Daley himself , devel
oped the fact that there were-no spcclflca-
'tlons , so far'as they know , and the quality
of the pipe which \vas put In. the eewer
trenches Is a conundrum. The matter has
bqcn the subject of Inquiry several times In
meetings of the executive committee , but
Mr. Geraldine Is reported to have stated
that "No contract was necessary. "
A contract with Daley was filed with the
sccrotniy yesterday after the auditor had
refused to make a voucher for the payment
of an estimate allowed the contractor by
NoteN of the l xpONltlon.
D C Hoko of Bismarck. N. D , has ap
plied for space for an exhibit of Ice cream
fieczcrs ,
The Department of Exhibits Is about ready-
to Issue application blanks In German ,
French , Spanish and Italian.
A prominent firm of Italian Importers In
New York has applied for space In Iho Ital
ian section for exhibiting antique furniture ,
marbles , majolica ware , etc.
Martin Kinsman of I'eorla , III , , has re
ceive 1 the appointment from Governor Tan
ner , as one of the ten members of the Itotrd
of CommUsluners of Illinois to the Tiansmls-
sUslppi and International Exposition , to be
held at Omaha ,
The Consolidated Steel nnd Wire company
of Jollet , .111. , has made application for Gib
squaio feet of space In the Manufactuics
building for an operating exhibit showing a
barb wlro machine nnd a wire nail machine
In active operation ,
H. Albert Johnson , United States consul at
Venice , has notified the exposition that he
will bo pleased to assist In any way in secur
ing exhibits for the exposition IIo per
formed the same service for the World's fair
and offers several suggestions as the result
of this experience
A meeting of the Douglas County Horti
cultural society will bo held this evenIng -
Ing at S o'clock , In the rooms of the park
commissioners In the city ball , to which all
Intel rated In horticulture and floriculture
are Invited to meet the executive committee
of the Transmlsslsslppl Exposition associa
The watei pipe for the exposition grounds
U arriving and the work of putting these
pipes under ground will bo commenced as
soon at , the pipe can be unloaded The
contiaet for putting In pipes was awarded
to William Fitch for $3,2'J9 , he being the
lowest blddT when the bids for this work
were opened September 1. The work will
he puchcd as rapidly as possible.
llioinns T. Stokes , commissioner for the
New England fctates , has sent the Depart
ment of Exhibits a list containing the
uamih of 111 New England firms of
inamifuciuieis and Jobbers , with the request
that the drpnitment make calculations for
allotting space to each of them , .Mr. StoKcs
U acting In conjunction with the Boston
Chamber of Commerce In organizing New
England manufacturers to make creditable
exhibits at thii Traneinlsslaslppl Exposition
and reports that he U meeting with most en
couraging success.
Arnold's Drouio Celery cures headache * ,
Oc , 2Sc and COc , All drucgUto ,
\vii.i. in : Ai.i.iiin ( WITH TUP. CITY.
John I , . Wo1iMrH t 1'oftltlon In the
AVnter U rti On HI * .
John L. Webster - returned yesterday
from a two months' trip to Europe , during
\vhicli helsltod London , Paris , Grnc\n ,
Genoa , Rome , Venice , Florence Vienna , Nur
emberg , Brussels , and then back In London ,
where he spent another week before start
ing oil his homeward journey. He was ac
companied by Mrs. "Webster and Miss Web
ster , but they remained In New York City
for a visit , and will return to Omaha next
When asked concerning the water works
cnse , which Is to come up before Judge
Mungcr next Monday , Mr. Webster said
"The main Issue Involved In this case Is
whether the present company has any right
to the franchise tinder which It Is doing
business 1 ilcn't bcllovo It has any more
right to It than I have. All this talk nbout
my representing Vcnncr In the ca o Is all
bosh. Ho his nothing to do with It , and has
no Interest In It. He certainly would hnvo
nothing to gain by having the franchise for
feited. 1 represent the American
Water Works company of Illinois ,
the original holder ot the franchise ,
nnd for the time being my Irtorests ate al
lied with thosu of the city. This company
has nothing to gain by the forfeiture of the
franchise unices the cjiirt should decide that
tin franchise still rested In the original own-
ere It Is n big case , and If the court will
allow It U will take a long tlmo to present It.
The record Is larger than It was In the maxi
mum freight casa , and ought to require morct
time. "
In talking of the hearing of this case Judge
Mungcr said ho expected the attorneys to get
through with the argument In a ccuplo of
days. He will have to break In on the argu
ment , owing to an arrangement made with
Judge Woolson , whereby Judge Mungcr Is to
go to Council Bluffs next Tuesday afternoon
and hear a case In the court tlicie. He ex
pects the water works case will bo concluded
next week , and that his declsltn will bo ren
dered before the close of the week , for ho will
pats upon it at race.
Ilneklen'H Arnlen Milvc.
The best salvo In the world for cuts ,
bruli'cs , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores
totter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns and
all skin eruptions , and positively cures plies ,
or no pay icqulred. It Is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price
23 cents ner box. For ealo by Kuhn & Co.
MI itnr.uii > M VN is T\icn > IIOMI : .
IleiiinliiH of Hr.iliiniN I'IINH ThroiiKh
ThU CIt' .
The remains of Dr. W. E. Adams , who
was mysteriously murdered on boird n
Louisville & . Nashville tialn September II
passed through Omaha yesterday vvhllo en
route to Hot Springs , S D , his home. The
body was accompanied by Dr. W. Robblns
of Pairagut. la. , and by me bon of the de
ceased. A C. Adams.
Dr Robblns stated last evening that no
clue to the perpetrator ot the crime had thus
far been unearthed by the police of Evans-
vllle , Ind. , near which place the crime Is
supposed to have been committed. As Is
generally Known by the public. Dr. Adams ,
local eurgcon for the Burlington road at Hot
Springs , was on his way Prom the city named
to Hoouevllle , Ind. , whole ho Intended to
visit his parents for a short period. In order
to make a connection he should have boarded
another train at Evansvlllc , but It appeals
that ho did not. His dead body , sitting bolt
up-lght in a seat of the smoking car , wus
found about 2 o'clock In the morning by
the conductor as the train was Hearing Hen
derson , Ky. It was found lhat the body had
been robbed of -watch and chain , all the
money which the jihyslclan had In hi * pc.s
se'slon , and al ° o that his grip had disap
peared. Death had resulted from a terrific
blo\v upon the base of the bialn , which had
fractured the skull in a terrible manner.
A icward of $300 has been offered by the
Louisville & . Naslrvllle road for the appre
hension of the perpetrators of the deed , and
$300 niord has .been subscribed for the same
purpose Uy the Hot Springs. Masonic lodge ,
of whlchcthc deceased was a prominent
member. It U probable that $ riOO mote Will
be raised by the relatives and friends of D .
Adams for the purpose of running the mur
derers , to earth The deceased loft a family
lonslstlug ot a wife and eight children. He
was 40 years of age.
rou nuir AM >
Net * HtiNtur of IiiNtrilclof * at the
Yesterday was opening day of the Institute
for the Deaf and Dumb and something less
than 100 pupils reported for study. It Is
expected that the number will be Increased
a few each day for a time till the noimal
enrollment his been reached.
The two members of the Board of Trustees
who have been assisting in the transfei of
the institute to the new superintendent and
approving the appointments of new teachers
completed their work last evening and re
turned homo.
The list of teachers as announced by Prof
Dawes Is as followsMr. . and Mrs. 0 W
Hondce , Miss Margaret May wood , Miss Grace
Culbcitson , Miss Otle Crawford , Miss Edith
Rand , Miss Lillian Banford , T. F. Mossley ,
Lloyd Blankensliip , Miss Hannah Engskrou ,
E. E Dunmirp. Of these teachers Mr. Mose-
ley has bcrvecl several years in the Insti
tute ; Misses Mayvvood and Culbcrtson each
one year , and Miss Otle Crawford taught
last year , being herself a graduate of the
Institution. Mr. and Mrs. Hendec , two of the
now teachers , are said to have had ex
perience , although It Is understood that they
have not been teaching recently. Mr. Blan-
kcnshlp Is a member of the "J7 class from
the Institute , and will now remain as n
teacher. Misses Rand , Banford and Engs-
kron , and Mr. Dunmlre are entirely with
out experience , although It Is reported that
Mr. Dunmlra has taught In the Institute
for the Blind , at Nebraska City. There are
eleven teachers In the list , cnc more than
wcro employed last year.
Miss Nora Johnson and Miss Laura Craw
ford are retained as supervisors ; William
Ollne will have charge of the printing office ;
and Miss Minnie Totts will bo tbe sewing
llo > iiton-tiiillieN.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 15 One of the most
Interesting social events of the season was
the celebration today at the Church of the
Covenant of the wedjlng of Charles H Boynton -
ton , night manager of the Associated Press ,
and Miss Florence iGalncs of this city.
Notable oniony the guests were Secretary
and Mrs , Algcr , Secretary Gage and Mis.
Gage , Assistant Secretary Vanderllp , Assist
ant Secretary Roobevelt Frank U. Noyes of
the Washington Btar.t Assistant Secretary of '
State Day , Commissioner of Pensions Evans
and many other .prominent persons. Wil
liam D Farwcll of ! the Now York Tribune
acted as best man. After the wedding
brcakfnu the brltluU < couplc left for the
north ,
WA1IOO , Neb. Sept. 15. ( Special. ) At the
homo of the brldo tnithls city , at 11 o'clock
this morning , Miss . .Lottie Ort and Mr , Carl
Svvanholm were unltud In marriage by Rev
Mr. Erlander , pautor of the Swedish Lu
theran church Both" brldo and groom have ,
been employed In the department store of
Joseph & Grafo In this city for boveral years j
The groom Is now operating a general mer-
cbandlbo store ut "lYutan , In this county ,
which place will bo tbo future home of the
young couple ,
rH of I'ocuhniitnv Dnnee.
Alfarctta Council No. 3 of the Daughters
of PocuhonttiH gitvo n dunce at lied Men's
luill , Continental building , last evening ,
which , despite the torrid vvcnther , drew u
largu crowd. A program of tunny dunces
with liquid refreshments of u mild nature
herveil to till In a pleasant evening The
affair.WIIB In charge of a committee eoin-
poBid of Mrs Myrtle Althout > c. .Mrs O
W Clark , Mrs. LUzie Hnrrlgun , Mrs Prank
lirown and A J , Poge
For Infautb and Children.
V * fH ineiit to He Coinpleteit Ahoiit
the Mlilille of November.
Tax Commissioner Snckelt started his deputies -
ties and assessors on the task of making the
1S97 assessment yesterday Ten deputies
were sent out to begin the assessment of
real property , but the greater part of the
forenoon was occupied by Instructing the as
sessors of personal property on the details
of their work. Each assessor was provided
with n square nlcKcl bound case to contain
his blanks and ns the procession left the
city hall It resembled a section of a tlav-
ellng men's convention. All the work now-
laid out U In the northern part of the city
and each man has a specified district for
which ho Is responsible As fast as they
complete the assessment In these districts
they will bo assigned to districts on the
south side. Twenty men In all were put to
work yesterday Mr SacKctt cvpcc's tlnl
this number will be sufficient to complete
the work by November Ifi
Per the convenience of property owners the
tax commissioner will distribute 20,000 cards
which glvo nil necessary Information In re
gard to the levy , the sittings ot the boards o
equalisation and the Board of Rovlow am
the dates on which all taxes become delin
SreKInn to lteeu\er oil DnimincM I'nli
llenrj CoouilieN ,
The city of Omaha has commenced sul
against Hugh Murphy to recover the amount
of a Judgment and c > sts paid by the city to
Henry Coombes for damages received on ac
count of what tbe city alleges was careless
ness on the part of Murphy ,
This suit grows out of on accident to
Coonibes In October , 1890. About that time
Murphy had a contract with the city for pnv-
Ing Locust street between Fourteenth ant
Sixteenth. In doing the work the grade of
the street was lowered , resulting In leaving
Iho water mains above the ground. Coombci
drove along the street In the night tlmo nut
his buggy was overturned by running ngalns' '
thcso water mnlns. He brought suit against
the city for ? J,500 , charging that no danget
signal had been dlspliyed. He rccoverei
judgment fcr $300 and the supreme court
affirmed the Judgment. In March of this ycir
the Judgment was paid , the Interest and costs
making the full amount $765.1C. The city
now sues Murphy to recover this amount
alleging thut Murphy was responsible for the
IntereNtM lllejc'le Klilcr * .
Councilman Bcchcl Introduced a now
bicycle ordinance Tuesday night , which Is In
tended to supersede the one which was In
troduced at a prev ions meeting of the city
council. The new ordinance piov Ides that
all wheels must bo equipped with lamps
after 8 30 p m. in the summer and after
6 30 p. m. In the winter , and that all ildon ,
must at all times keep on the right hand
side of the sticct. The oidlnance does not
Include any provision requiring other
vehicles to observe the same regulation In
regard to using the right hand side of the
street , but limits the obligation to observe
the rules of the road merely to wheels.
Permits to wed lm\e been Issued to the
following p irttes by the county judge :
Name and Residence. Age.
Clmiles Liustrum , Omlm 2 !
Inpeboig Olson , Omaha 2G
P n. Hinges , Onmlm 2 ;
Annie A. McMnhon , Omaha 25
T. H. Pent son , Piemont , Neb 2' ,
Preda Lundeen , Premont , Neb 2 (
Lou W. Klein , Om ilia 21
Anna JucKlncs , Om iba IS
Edward Splllett , Omahu 2G
Cmmn Jlny Has.s , Omaha 23
Carl P Webei , Omaha 30
Dei tha L. Schultz , Omaha 21
John IWest > , Haiilson county , la 31
Maud Lk Veale , Mondamln , la 11
Ten Thousand Suicides.
More men minder them
selves than are told of in
the papers. A hundred men kill them
selves by overwork , ovenvorry , neglect
of health" , to one who uses a pistol.
A man has a little trouble \vith his
head , his stomach , his nerves he doesn't
sleep well , or feel well , and he doesn't
pay "any attention to it. He loses flesh
nnd- strength and says > : " Bye and bye "
lie will tnKe a vacation.
He lies to himself.
What lie needs is a tonic , a blood
maker , a nerve builder. He needs Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It
is the most wonderful health maker in
the whole world. It puts the entire body
into good order. It begin ? on the diges
tion. Makes the appetite sharp and
strong helps to digest the food renders
it easily assimilable puts blood making ,
blood purifying properties into it. Sends
it tingling into every fiber of the body.
Puts cushions of flesh nil around the
abused nerves. Brings healthful , restful
sleep makes solid flesh makes a new
man of yon.
If your druggist is honest , he will rec
ommend it. If he is not , he will try
to sell you something else.
Neglected constipation will soon make n man
"notwortli hU salt. " A listless , sallow bilious
man , continually suffering from hcadiclies and
heart-burns H mint for business or plennure , Or
Pierce's rleasant relicts cure constipation
They nre tiny , sugar coiled granules One " Pel
let " Is a gentle laxative and iron mild cathartic
They never cause pnln or gripe. Druggists aeil
All Druggists.
'Ba Woe's ' l/cleWed /
todies M Received
( At the Middle of Iho Illock Drug more )
Kc Munyon Htmedlei . . IV
„ " > < . Humphrey ! ) ' hiuclflcx , . 19o
2 buxrn Menthol e'ouKh Ore | for . . . Do
tl W > I'luct'u Tnvoilie I'rifccrlptlon CJc
Jl W Motliem' 1'ilenil 7c
Jl 00 Lylla I'lnkham Compound 74o
Me I'o/zonl'N Ciclil llox Powder 3o
Jl 00 1'alno'H Celery Comiiounl tic
25o Thomiiton'a Cherry I'liotphate Ho
Me hyrup of rit , < tit
IZc Cnrtcr'n l.Uir rill 12c
2SC Myirh Tooth Knj | He
Ko Hone rerfumeil Tiilcuni Mo
! ' .e I'Uo'i rure for Cnnnumptlon ICe
J2W riilcheutci n KnKllth Pennyroyal I'lIU JMS
SI 00 OrnniG Illonxoin Tic
II 00 Uiterlno ( Uambcrft ) . , tOc
Termi of payn'inl-ai'OT CAbJI.
Omaha Neb
Private Diseases
Htiknu 4 UUtrdir f
20 VcarsKxperlenco
10 Years in Omaha
Book Free. ( Vintnlto-
tlunFroe. Hot 768,01
Hta and Farntm 6U.
The State Fair Doc , fcpt.
Will ba held ? \t Omaha during the week of Sept , 17 to
24. We simply mention the dale so that people who
want to know ( and there are a great many of them ) can
find out. If we wore running the State Fair we would
try and find some way by which all of the people would
know what we were doing and when we were going to do
it. If we had any races we would let the people know
just what kind of races they were , what stakes we were
giving , and just what hordes were going to race. If we
were renting out space and subletting privileges we would
try and help the people who paid for our space or our
privileges to get their money's worth by running
a little ad in the daily papers that people most
read. We wou'cln't ' do things in the dark. We wouldn't
hide our light under a bushel if we had any light worth
showing up. We belie\c in letting the rcop'e know what
you have and that's why in our big Doug as street wm-
dow today we have samples of all the new Fall Suits
which we carry inside the store. We want people to
know. We want people to see what we are doing and to
think it over Snd so we put plain prices on every single
suit and call people's attention through the newspapers to
the fact that the suits are there to see. That's why
we sell so many suits. We show up what we have and
let what we have do the rest.
[ MnUUU DCOTrtDcn"cupDENG' ! ? | rl , $ *
tlon of n famous 1 rcnch pliy slclnn , will quickly i uro > on of all ncr-
\oii3 or ulxinsis of tno generative orcuns , sudi ns Lost Manhood.
Insomnia , 1'iilns In the Jlnclijumlnal uinlsslnn * : , Ncrx0119 Debility
IMmplps , Utitltnes.1 to Starry , l.xlmtistlni ; Dnlns , Vnrlrornlc nml
Constltmtlon. It stops nil lo sps bv-dny or nlgM. 1'icvcnts qnlck-
iics-s ol dlsclmrso , vv lilcli If not cliprkcii Inmls to SpcrmntorriiiiMi nnd
flrrpn . nl1 the horrors of Impoti > ncy. ITI'IDn.Mloleatihialhollver , tlio
nu MT i t.n kiinovin > iii ilipnrlimry orKnusof all Impurities.
CtH'IMBNK utrenEthensimilrestoresmimll weak urtrnns.
Iho reason milTeron nre not aireil ! ) ] Doctors Is bpcutno ninety per cent nro troubltv with .
Prontnlltlii. OtTI'IIJKNIJ Is the ow jrkmm n re ni ily tociirowlthoiuimopi ration , looointlmonl.
els. A written Rinranti n given ami money returned If six hnxra iloei not ciTcclu jicmimiLUlcure ,
CUO n box , six fur J5.00 , bv mill. Bend for riiEKclrcular ana testimonials ,
Address DA Vol. JIKDICINK CO..T.O. JJox JB70.8anIri iclscoCaL .For Mr Mi
The Best and only Correct One. Saves at least one-
third Gas Bill. No diaphragms. No glycerine.
City or state control given. Large profits.
THE CHICAG3 G\S \ RL'GUL.UOR CO. , 1408 flslicr Hli ] } < , Chief go.
Centra ! West.
/ViiJlBtairv /
Another Strike
Not at Klctidlke , but at Gentleman's Gro
cery Stoic , IGtli and CaBH Sts. Strictly
Fresh Eggs , only lOc a dozen.
Oranil Toilet f'omblnatlon for tinHkln Buil | > ,
( 'omulealon iinil Ttctli Woodburs'H Pnclnl bo i > ,
racial Cream. Tnclul I'cmJer ami Dentnl Cream
uro manufuctiirnl b > a Dfrnutoloe t with . ' < >
jiaiH cxperluup trrHlliib Hi * nkln , Bi.ii I p ami
companion Tor unjtf everywhere , 25" each A
tmmulu of mich innllwl on receipt nf ino. JOHN
H VVOOIHIt UtiniatoljElut 127V 6l 41
SI , N \ .
'S UlHjISS ,
, Telephone 1919 , ' , . .
F.ilr week Cornmcnclng-
[ : ncagement cloHcs with Sfilurdny matlncc-
Prices 25c , Me , 75c , Jl 00 Matinees how -
er floor We. balcony Me.
The Creighton I
Ul 0. Hi If. .
All thU week .
VICTOKIM : uooxr.v.
Krlilny MntlmT I5sr 1.1 i : .
Prlilll ) Kv.-nlnw ll\.MCi : 'S SUNS ,
ThsOretehfon *
I IIG Q/l GI&IIIUII lYb.uhcmo * IMI
Coinme-iiclnt ; Siimlny Kvenlns , Sept 19
-ONI : wnuK-
Mutlnoofl AVednehday and Saturday
1 MM.1CVJIITI3 l'l\i.
Prices 25c , fXo , 75etl 00. Matlne-pH Lower -
er floor Me , buleony Zi > c ,
The Millard lithml UuuUi Mrjst ,
U lih
0 NTKAII < V Ij HUP ; l >
American pluii , tJ & 0 pur ( lay up.
l.uiupoun | ur il ty up
j. i : . JIAHKII , A. SON. PI < > iii > .
i muTiivi u AM ) JOMS sraniris
149 room * , bulhi , Meam heat and all moJtrn
convenience. Jtulen , Jl W und U W per day
Table unexcelled , bpeclul low rate * to regular
LoarJtrn. JHCtt tiUVllt ,
"UDIIIll I. IUI U2Uit lii4iUit ei > lril
bnrlvHlril mtvantaKri * for the Hluilr
, , . . f M luaiiUiiMor liintruiucnlil n4
Vmal Mnslo Man y Cninporlllnn Dramatic Art , Ho
ration Uoirane I nil u rm 1 e lM-lhur./fi ! < ri.0 Jnu ,
lruli > I inUlouu iiidllo Illrp I lit I H&TTnTAI'tlT Dlf.
Be Wise in Time
'Tis ' Madns : > to Delay
. The leroiHtniction of your
ootli IH the inreL Important sub-
! ret you can uoimldur til uny
Cnmo to ns ( 'L'tnuriulvleo wu'll
do your ucnU miifculy : ind foi
IPHS inonc'y thnn miy ( lontl.t In
Absolutely Painless ex
traction . 2v
Silver nillncH . . . . Me
Pure Gold Tl llnga . . .Jl tip
Bet Tcetb $ - , oil
Hot Trr-tli . . . . $7 M
No cbrtijfn for examination
Lady attendant
Olllce In llijKlimnn'ii H ock 1011
nil Oriieli-f . r-irtvvrlslil h
| Shoo Store Opi > n i > vcn < r'w
. Shepard
Will be pleaHed to _ iM ,
all of hU out-oi-tot.n patlciiiH who
will attend the Qmuhu I'tmlvltle.s r
next vvoik
Also any vvbo in.iy be uimciiutilnt- =
ed wltb bin mpthodH | |
Consultation 's Frea D
Siicclnltlea Catmrb and all
Chronic UlbvutcH Olllco liouis 9 u
in to & p in Hve'iilnsTB. Wedne'S- 3
b to 8.
SU.31M1S N y Mfe Illdg Tel , 1133 II
U can be given tvllJimil ( ) , , | . , i\v I
ut tilt ! iiiillcnl In ciffee. tru or Billtln or
food , will jifeit pirmanent and ipteily cure , the &uiunt U u no.etate drlnKtr or au
aliohull urerk
Hock of partliulark Iree , to be had of
1Culiu ACo. . . Mh unil Douilat. Omahu Ntb ; > bpr.ririu co. ,
Oliirliiniitl. I ) .
Write for their "Hook on Morphine JlaML
mailed ( ret. .