\ THE GRATIA DAILY BEE : , SEPTEMBER 14 , 181)7. V COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Weak Foreign Markets Oanso Continued Weakness at ( WHEAT DECLINES NEARLY TWO CENTS Corn Fnlln Off nnil ItcedvcrH Ont * ClonL-H Illnlicr I'l-dvlxlonx , After UH ICurl > Droji , I , > it > 'e Off nt nil AllViincc. CHICAGO , Sept. 15. The we.tV.neHS of wheat Saturday wu renewed today nnd for thu cumo 4-easons , weak forelKii mnrkets and Hull pool liquidation , December closed itl l ? W2c decline. Corn was weak early , but recovered till the decline later. OaUf was a yhUlo ; higher nt the close. Pro visions Ilka earn ntnrted very wtitk , but changed and by closing time advance ! ) of SttlOiMnid been recordeil. Wu-.xt opened heavy nnd without nny special activity. The opening trades w'eru at Ifwn * i to Ic per bushel below the Saturday closing prices , December starting nt yrf'J'ttCJdi.against / Saturday's closing price ol OG'.fce. The tendency for thu next hour was to recover n little of the first lors , ijiu ut the end of tlmt Hum thu first thouuht ol | tlui .trn.U-M came b.ick to them and a still lower price thnn thu lowest point of the opening ritiii'u was brought around without much buMnc.ss passing. The Liverpool market wan from Id to I'/jd lower , the u-cclpts were heavy 33X oars at Chl cngo unit 1 , % cars nt Mlmmipoll.s and Dulu.h-tjii ! quantity on ocean pawnge wns GW.WJO bushels larger for tne week und all Increase of Monu-whtro around l.OOO.tWJ bushels in the visible \\-nn looUed for nnd the expectation wan silbttiuently fullllled. Out of the 55S carloads received nt Chicago only , llfty-nlnu were contract and only forty-nine cars of 470 received at Minne apolis were No. 1 northern. Hut little at tention wns p.-ild to this , however. After the receipt of the visible supply llgures , which showed 9I9GOQ bushels Increase , al though that wans nbout what had been look 1 for. the. market had n very severe- wc.il ; jipuJli December recovered to Wtte during the llrst hour. It fluttered uneasily for fiimo time between 3-J c nnd ! dc , and until nenr the time for the announcement of the visible llguros It gave no evidence ot furtht-r weakness. Then wheat became weak and the price dropped down to O.T.ie Ilko the hammer of a pllu driver. Closing cables reported Paris from 13 centimes to 20 centimes lower and Antwerp unchanged , The rupert of thirty loads being taken for export and claims of damage to Argentine crops by locusts tended to bring about a rally later In the session , nnd under coverIng - Ing by early sellers December recovered to fll'/iJiJUVSc , where It closed. Corn participated to n very slight degree In -weakness with which wheat was af fected. Kor a time after the opening the market was easy at n small decline. This was caused by heavy receipts and a pheno-.iumal opening break In provisions , which tinned liquidation by timid holders. The visible supply Increased 2,3X4,000 bushels and local stocks Increased li.Oll.MM bushels. Notwithstanding this , them was good buyIng - Ing , the market being helped perhaps by the hot weather west and all the decline was finally recovered. Hccelpts were 1,631 cars. December ranged from 3Jfi32V c to 31V4011HC , eloping unchanged nt 3lTic. Oats was Influenced somewhat by corn during the morning. Later In ihe day good rash Inquiry was reported , which caused a flrtner feeling. The difference between May and December was narrow. The visible Increased ir.S.OOO bushels. De cember ranged from 21c to 20c. closing at 21c , a s ttde above Saturday. Them was a very wo'l developed yellow fever scare at the opening In provisions. Liquidations In fear of further spread of the pestilence caused n sharp opening break , but a prominent packer who hud been n free seller later bought heavily and prices quickly reacted. Trading dropped off later , but prices remained strong. At the close December pork was 5c higher nt $8.32 > A December lard lOc higher at $1.5 * ) nnd December ribs lc higher at $4.S5. Estimated receipts Tuesday : Wheat , 42fl cars : corn , 1,300 cars ; oats. 420 cars ; hogs , 20,000 head. Leading futures ranged as follows : Artlcli'iti Open. | High. | Lo.v. I Closo. IS.ittd'y. Wheat' RrSpt. . . nr.u 115H Dec. . . . onus Kt May. . . 05 1)1 ) Corn- Sept. . 30 sum Dec. . , . May. . . SIM Opts Sopt. . . 11114 Dee. . . . 21 JI 21 Mny. . . 23M 28M 23H Pork- Oat. . . . R 12K 827H 8 ! ' . ; 8 20 Deo. , . . 8 20 s : ia 8 : ww I 3' ' 8 27 * Lard Oct. . . . 4 42W 4 CO . fit ) 4 37 Doc. . . 44iH ! 4 65 4 4UM > SB 4 45 Cb'tlllbn Sept. . K 32 K i 32 W 5 22 Joe. . . . G 32H 6 fd 32W No. 2. CuBh quotations were nn follows : FLOUR Easier ; Btraltn. J4.70jJ4.90j sprlnp spe cials , 1C. 15 ; spring patents. $5.20 ® ( > .CU ; straits. Jl.7Mi5.10 ; linkers. J4.IOT4.:0. WHEAT No. a uprinit , 94GDOUC ; No. 3 94o : No. 2 red , SOViW'JC e. CORN No , 2 , 2-vjiJi30c. OATS-No. 2. I9i 20c ; No. 2 white , 22UG23e ; No. 3 white , 21 < 4fl22Sc. RYE No. 2. 60c. BARLEY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , 31C43c ; No. 4 , PIAXSKISn No. 1. $1.0501.08. TIMOTHY SEED I'rlmo , J2.C5. f'ROVIHIONH-l'ork , mess , per bbl. , J8 28 30. Ixird , per 100 Ibs. . 4.47',4. Short ribs Bides ( lapse ) , J5.1DST5.45. Dry rulted houlilerB ( boxed ) , 6UTfiMc ; nhort clear sides ( huxci ! ) , & % Q5iC. WHISKY Distillers' finished food * , per sal. , BUQAIt Cut lonf , J3.S4 ; granulated , $3.21. NEW YOHK ( JKMCHAL MAHKET QuotnlloiiN of tli Dny on General CoiuiiKxlKloN. NBW YORK , Sepl. 13. KIXUR-Recelp(8 ( , 33 , ' 1M bblii. ; exports , 18,913 bbls. ; moderately active and n tOmda easier , following the decline It wheat ; Minnesota patents , J'i.WlJ-3.rO ; Mlnncsoti bakers. J4.tiOff4.T3 ; winter utralghts , J4.90Cp3.03 Ilye Hour , llrm ; fancy , $3.404f3.73. CORN MliAIt-Qulrt. HYE Easy : No. 2 wi-stt-rn , 62 ic. > HARLEY Steady at 32Hc. HAItLEY-MALT Nominal , AVHEAT Rpoulpts , 827.KOJ bu. ; exports , 39i23 bu. ; spot marliet quiet ; No , 3 red , tl.02 % . Op tlons < iien I weak under liearlsh foreign news liquidation ami foreign uelllng ; further declined owlni ; | n Inwrr Inter rabies , but milled wltl corn nnd cloned steady at HJ2c net decline Beplemtier , JI.OIK , chwrd ut Jl.00 % ; December tHii'J7c. closed at 97Kc. COIIN-Recelpts , COO.KU bu. ; exports , 231,00 bu , ; spot quiet ; No , 3 , 33'&c. Options openci weak mid declined under weak cablpit , llquldntlrn and better crop niwi ) rallied fully with pro visions ; I'tased'io net lower ; September , 363-1 JJM'/io i-lrsed at JJ'.lc ; December , 37M37HC. OA rH RecelptB , 153,000 bu. ; cxportts. 28lfi7 tu. ; rpH quiet. Optlonu dull and strady n Vie net iidvanco ; Septemlter closed nt 25o ; December cember , 2i < iU2tic , clwed ut Ifc. HAY Dull ; chipping , Wl'tlc ; gonod to choice MOiSc. HOPS Klrm : 1SS5 crop , 3T4c ; ISW crop , ? Sc 1SS7 crop. ISWlSc. HIDES Firm : Galvmton , SO to 25 Ibs , , 15ff 16c ; llucnoi Ayie . dry , 19o. nominal ! Texas dry (4 to SO Ibs , , K'.iqfUc ; California , 21 to U Ibs , 17c , LKATHKIt Steady ; hemlock sole , llucno Ayres. llKht to heavy VM-lRhts , li'.iH OHc. IJl'TTUIl ' Reoelpls. 5.477 pkcB. ; wi-Btern orrameiy. 12iriSc : Elglns , 18c ; factory , fiil'-V. CHEESE IleoeliilB , 10.073 pkm. ; tjulet ; large white , UHcj * mall , while , VVic ; large , colored IVic ; imall , colored , 9io ! : part nkliiis , CH07c full BklniB , 3Vtfj4c. IXIGS RecclplB. 15.497 pkgB. ; steady ; state nnd Pennsylvania , 17Mfo ; wr > tern , ICc. PHOVISION'S Cut meate , dull ; pickled bellies JT.WWiSMi pickled uhoulderB. JS.25 ; plckUd him IK | 8.W < j8.7S'4. iJird , Btendy : western sU-am. JS.fO rcnncd , quiet ut JO : compound , J4.SI',45.12H ' Pork , leady. Tullow , dull , OILS Potrpleum. dull ) IVimsylvanla cruJe , n market : nominally at K5c. llonlii , steady ( tratnrd. rommnn to good. Jl.t.Wl.W. Turpen tine , viuy at IMHfTIOVic. Cottonseed , meady will fair orfurliiRH ; prln luminer yellow , : ! tl27Hc butter Rruik's , Sl'.itjfli.'l prime summer nhlte , 9 O30c : prime winter yellow , J3T34c , HICI5--Flrni ; domebllc , fair to utro , 4 ( e ' , lc Jaiuin , 47 , iSVlc. MOlAKHKS-rirm ; New Orleant , open kettle good to choice , : ; J31c MI7PALB Ttie Metal ICifhuime call * the ntar Iwt for all metHl quiet , with pit : Iron warrant quoted nt J7.0007.10 ( Vipper. Jll.lOUU.ri. Tin IU.C03I3.70. Spelter. Jl.2u0l.30. Ix > ad , J4.32KCT 4.57)i. ) lA'ail was reiwrtetl u * Btionu at J4 t > tha llrm which llxea the iflllnt price * for lead Ing ; imvllem In the went. New York Dry ( ioudu JJI3W YORK. Bfpt. 13-The dry coed * marke opened with fair trading at tlr t bunds am active tiuyliiK with jobber * . Staple cottons In all | lnt > for domestic um era In steady roqumt In 611 coodi BUllubla ( on export use the demam U llcht and pricti , altbougli odvanotd. ere un eU oy. Uruwn ihtttlDg and trill tutli jni n compnrntlVKly poor fhowlnc In hll urndeit , lllcnchfd co.l5 < rln dUitlnctlon , nre quite nctHe and prlccK nn tiiem nro remarkably firm In nil clamwu. Coarrf wlorwl roll ins re firm nnd In tcady demand. Print Hntlm are very stromr. The bids for cxtrai nt 2So nre ttendlly refuinl , Odd Rood * nre firm nnd more actl\c thnn * trn . Print * continue very mrong. Open ad vances In both fnnclen nnd ample * hnvc not yet > ven made , but prices are very firm. Trade nctlvp throughout nnd dlMrllttttlnn nt pecond mnds Is active. AVoolcn guixls In all grndea arc Btrong nnd fairly active on recorder ; , OMAHA TJHMCKAL .MAHKETS. * Conilldon of 1'rnilc nnil O.tiotntlonB on Mnplo nnil funcy Pr'oiliicc. r.OOS-Oood utock , nciilf nl 12c. llUTTKR-Comnion to fair , 7l40So ; choice to fancy. 10jfl2e ; icpnrator creamery , ISc ; gath- ereil crvamcry , HSJISc. VKAIt-Cliulce fnt , 9 to 150 lb . , quoted nt So ; arge imd conrni4SJc. . LIVE POI'I.TRY-Hcns , 5'/tflCc ' ; cocks , 304c ; I > rlng chickens , per Ib. , 6V41)7c ) ; ducks , Cc ; uriieys. CRSc. PKJEONS-Llvt. 75JOOC ; dead pistons not n-nnicd. HAY-fplahtl. JC ; midland , J3.60 ; lowland , 11.50 ; rye lrnw , J4 ; color makes the price on my ; light bales cell the best , only top grades jrlnB.trji prices , I1ROOMCOIIN Extremely slow alc new crop , delivered on truck In country ; cholco green self- < vorlelng carpet ' per Ib. , 2 < 12Vic ; choice green , nmtdnir to hurl' . 2f io : mmtnon. lUe. VEOETAI3LES. CANTAIXUPES-Per doz. , SiUSOc. TOMATOES-Per hulf bu. bueket , 40050c , ONIONS-IVr bu. , nnflCOo. LIMA UEANS-Per Ib. . 3c. HEANS-Hond.plcked navy , per bu , , J1.CO. CAlllAGi--Ilnme ! : grown , 1c. WATUnMKLONS-Crnteil. per doz. , $1.1501.30. FRUITS , APPLis-Pcr bbl. , II.C302.00. Al PLUS-Per bid , , ll.Wfl.S3. NAT VE PI.UMS-Pcr basket. MH33C. nRAPRS-rnllfornl.1 , M.23R1.50. SOUTHERN PEACHES-Per M bu. , BOHCOc. CALIKORNIA PEAl'HES-Per case. Crawtords. tOc ! clings , ; 0ff7rc. PEARS Itiirtlett , iicr case. J2.00 ; Utah llart- IcltH. Il.Tini.GO ; Iltierie Hardy , J1.40Q1.W ) . A'-'FOItNIA Pl.t'MP-Pct rill * . M.OOfll.M. HOME OIIOWN GRAPES Per I aiket , U'c. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANUHS-.Medltcrrnncnii sweets , $1.23 4.r.O. I ' 'M"NS Mesultins , J4.BO ; choice Cnlltotnla , , , ' 'A' ' > ANAS Choice loraf stocl : . per bunch. r..00a2.2j ; medium-sized bunches. J1.W02.00. MISCELLANEOUS. . , , so ke. t ; ! anars. lie ; Illhci-ts , per lo. , lOc ; pecune. pollened , larg 9010c ; Jtmbo , 11012c ; large hickory nuts. Jl. per bu. . cocoanuts , 4He cacn. MfJS Imported fancy 4 cioxvn , 20-lb. boxes. ICe ; r. oruwn. CO-lb. ooxes , ISflHc. HONEY Choice. I3t15c. CIDER-CUrllled Juice , per half bbl. , J2.33 ; per bbl. , J4.00W4.25. MAPLE SYRUP Five-mi , cans. each. J2.25 , fa I. cans , pure , per doz. , J12.00 ; h.ilf-gal. cans , 10.23 ; quart cans , J3.T.O ; FRESH MEATS. DRESSIID IIEEI- ' Good native steers. 400 to ICO Ib ? . . 7c ; good forequarters , steers , Cc ; good ' UIJHP CIITS-Tcnderlolns , 1&c : boneless strips. 9c ; ftllp loins , 7c ; lolls , ! < c ; flrluln butts , 9c ; aiiouhltr clods , Oc ; rump butts , Cc ; sli-er chucks , ! c , cow chucks , 4'4c ; bonelers chucks , IHe ; cnw plnles , 3c ; tlecr plulis , 3'4o ; tlink slenk , 6140 ; loins No. 1. 14c ; loins No. 2 , lO'.tc ; loins , No. 3 , Site ; slrhdn ends. No. 1 , ! ic ; il- , No. 1 , lie ; ribs , No. 2 , 8',4c ; rlbt , No. 3 , < V5c ; steer rounds , 74c ! ; cow rounils , 7c ; cow ruutxls off , SHc ; trimmings , 4c ; beer , nhanks. 2'Jc ; brains , p r dor. . . Kc ; swct-ttircmlh. per Ib. , 12c ; swtetbrends ( calves ) , per Ib. , 40e ; kidneys , per ilrz. , 35c ; ox tails , eac.i , Sc , llver , per Ib. , 2c ; hearts , per Ib. , 2c ; tongues , per Ib. . lie. PORK Dretsed pigs , 6c : dressed hogs , 5V'C ; tenderloins , 13c ; loins. 7o tparc ribs , 4c ; ham patiFnge , butts , Cc ; Blioiilders. rough , 5'ici shouhlcrs. skinned , Cc ; trimmings , 4'c ' ; leaf lard , not rendered , Go ; heads , cleaned , 3c ; snout and ears. 3c backhonep. IVirC ; cheek meats , 3c. neck boner. l',4cj pigs' tails , 2c ; plucks , each , &c ; cd.tterltngs , Cc ; hocks , 4L- ; hearts , per doz. , Kc ; stomacl.s. each. Sc ; tongues , each , 7c ; Kidneys , per doz. . lOc ; brains , per doz. , IBc ; pigs' lift , per doz. , 25c ; livers , each. 3c. St. I.olllN Oolleral Mnrl < t > tN. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 13. FLOUR Dull ; patents , t3.00S3.10 ; strnkhts. $4.cr.T4,7S ; cleats , JI.25ff4.M , medium , t3.rOiT3.70 ; low grades , J3 00573.23. WHEAT Lower ; ch lng. September , 2Se ! ; De- comber. .1',4e ' ; Mny , Hie lower thnn Saturday. December opened % c lower , went off % c more. advanced lie , declined 2'Jc nnd subsequently milled 'ic. closing quiet and strong at 9ie re- laps-e. Spot , lower ; No. 2 red cash , elevator , DOc bid ; track , OSc and ? 1 ; No. 2 hard cnfh. 90c track ; September. 964c : December , 9H4c ; May , SC'Ac. CORN Opened He lower on sympathy with wheat , but rallied , cloning the same as on Sat urday. Spot , lower ; No. 2 cash , 2Sc bid ; Septem ber , 2Sc ; December , 29'ic ; Mny , 32n bid. OATS Futures , quiet ; lower. Spot , lower ; No. 3 cash , elevator , injic bid ; track. 20Hc ; No. 2 white cash , 22 < J22c ; September , 19Hc bid ; De cember. 21c ; May , i3Mc ! bid. RYE Firm : J4.9D track. RARLEY Nominal. CORNMEAL Strong at $1.7001.75. BRAN-Qulet ; sacked east truck. 50c ; at mill , C3e. KLAXSEED-Stendy nt J1.C3. TIMOTHY SEED Prime , worth J2.70 HAY Higher for choice timothy ; prairie , firm ; timothy. J6.50ffilO.00 ; prairie , $3.50ff7.00. ( ntJTTER-Stendy ; creamery , WTlSVie ; dairy , 8015c. EOGS-FIrm nt lO c. WHISICY-J1.21. POULTRY Chickens , flrm ; old hens. . C14e ; springs. 9c ; ducks , springs , Cc ; geese , springs , 6c : turkeyp , springs , 77Hc. COTTON TIES tKc. BAGGING C',4f7c. METAI Irfad. lower ; $1.05 asked. Spelter , nominal nt J4. 02(14.05. PROVISIONS Pork , lower ; mess , Jobbing , new. J8.CO ; old , J8.50. Lard , higher ; prime steam , J4.32V4 ; choice , $1.40. Hacon ( boxed lots ) , extra fhort clear and ribs , J6.75 : Bhorts , $6.S7'J. Dry salt meats , shoulders , jr.W ; extra short clear nnd ribs. JG.23 : shortd. JC.37H- RECEIPTS Flour , 9,000 bblp. ; wheat , 140,000 Im , ; corn , 278,000 bu , ; oats , 74,000 bu , SHIPMENTS-Flour , 7.COO bbls. ; wheat , 104,000 bu. ; corn 126,000 bu. ; oats , 4 , COO bu. N City Market * . KANSAS CITY , Sept. 13. WHEAT Active ; hard nbout 2c lower , closing weak ; nofl. almut Ic lower : No. 1 hard. SC'4c : No. 2. WiJSSc ; No. 3. 8KSS4V5C ; No. 4 , 78BS3o ; No. 2 red , 93Ji04c ; No. 3. 88ifil2c ! ; No. 4 , S5c ; No. 2 spilng , S3c ; No. 3. 78C79C. CORN Hffilc lower ; trade light ; No. 2 mixed , . OATS Irregular ; No. 2 white , UKS'Slc , RYE No. 2 , 43',4c. HAY Active , al ut steady ; cholco timothy , J7.r,0 ; choice prnlrle , Jo.CO. 1HTTTER Higher on Inadequate receipts ; creamery , IWJlTc ; dairy , 10J12c. EOOS--Strndv : Knns" npd Mlranurl. HV- . RECEIPTS Wheat , 414,000 bu. ; corn , 79,300 bu. ; oats , 48.000 bu , SHIPMENTS Wheat. 192,600 bu. ; corn , 7,600 bu. ; oats , 3,000 bu. _ Clm-IiiitnU MnrkctK , CINCINNATI. Sept. 13.-KLOUR-Easlcr ; fancy. J4.fOjr4.sri : family. J3.70OT4.00. WHEAT Klrm : No. 2 red. 9CC- . CORN I-'lrm ; No. 2 mixed , 32c. iji OATS Steady at 21 c. ' RYE-FIrm at tOc. I 'i ' t | | WHISKY Steady at JI.21. Ill'TTER Klrm. ' SUGAR Active nnd firm nt 4 15-1C33C. 10'Sc. EOGS-Lower at , CIIEESE-Flrm. IMIOYISIONS Itacon , firmer. Lard , Hrm nt J4.S5. STO CKS AMI HOX n s. r , Orilorw from London fire tin Market Some MtronKth. NEW YORK , Sept. 17. The most Interesting fact connected with today's stock market was that the principal support accorded the market wan tliruugh buying oidera cabled from Ivondon , The buying by commlnslon houtea here was good , but ankle from that the l3r.il operators hell ! heavily , not only here , but In London. The tlu--k In tlif decline here was credited to London buyIng - Ing und Die London fuvorltvH displayed the givutest steadiness until tt > late tor I indon denltngii. Altogether Ixmdon bought r'J.iO ' ) shurra. The etocka most largely Umi1it by Umdon weri Ht , Paul , Kansas & Texas preferred. Union Pacllla and Southern preferred. If It had not been for Ihe upward tendency of prices ut the opening In sympathy with the London quoU- tlona It Is probable that nut declines would be much gtoatrr than they are. Tims the extrt-mt. decline In lluillngton wan 2 points. In MlKsum Paclllc - ! > , In St , Paul , Itoclc Island nnd North ern Paclllc prefrrre-1 1 % . In Manhattan 2 % , In Mobllu Ac Ohio ; 'i,5 , und In n large number ol uliarcn over u ( Hilnt , 1'he rite ut the opening urn a partial recovery nt Ihn closu makes Ihe net lom.es U-ss than this , but the average In Ihe active BtockH Is little less than a point The good Inlluenca of the extra dividend lust week on Ht. Paul was the causa of the London bu > > Inir. The New York Belling- was attributed to 51 How feier and to an uppruhenslon that the Cuban ( luestlon would again assume an ucuto phasu nt the cabinet meeting tomotruw , It wan Kumewhul noinhle , huwever. tint Isiulsvllle which hai > 8h..wn thu moat Bcmsltlvi'negg ti yellow fever reports , clo j with a small gain ThHt some enormous i ieculatlve holdings wrra In coutbi' ot liquidation tcday was obvious , am there IB little ground to doubt tlmt the owners were Impelled tu take prJllls by a convlctloi that prices liuve fully attained n le\-el onmmen- suiute with developments affecting the alue um the rarnlnK power of I hiproperties. . The do cllne was encouraged ns much as potmible b > the bears and tliu effect of tierce nililsvas evi dent In u number of prominent tuocks , 'Hie bulls made nn effivt to check Ihe decline b > pushing Omaha. Kansas & Texas preferrrd and Northwebtern , but w rc only partially euccets- ful. Omaha was lifted 21 JHT cent , Kunn-i & Texan preferrt-d the sumu umount and Northwestern - western li per cent. All threa reacted sharply but % vrr Irft with ub4tantlal net gains , ( Julie a Him t : ne , nUo , WUB evident In the coalers und the group clc : d fractionally higher , Ten- ne iuF0 Coal und Minnesota Iron were marked ! ) heavy. IllluoU Steel and Culorado made tdiari irulnn , Ixic.il goa stock * showed weaknes * . Eunt River declining Hi per cent ami llrooklin Unloi 3 point * . The InJaatrlal Blocks centrally chared In the wtaknfisa of the market , Ltad IcadinK the doclluu with a loon of 2 polnU. Features of the day were a fall of U per cent In the actual rata of Marling exchange and n hardening of the rate for call loons to 2 per cntr wltj at J'/i per c al. Silver icortd a fur ther recovery of lUo In New York nnd H < ! tn I < nndnn. f Fpoculatlvp mortgagen Bc reil a nharp decline but hlgh-prlcrd lionds hfld tlrm. Thtol B le , J3- 001,000. unlte l State * new 4s declined U In the bid price. The EvfMnc Pont'ii I/ondnn financial cable gram snyst "In the flock murkf-l today Am r leans opened firm and nlmve the purity nnd ro a Bteadlly until New York > ent ordrrn to fell , when the course of prices wrro rcverred and the closing v/as Itrexular. So fur n * London roncfrned confidence In the future of the market for Americans Beoms to be growing , At the tMtlement stock wnn none too plentl * fill ; the conlango averaged 3H r < - cent , The other market * were fairly Rood with Drnml Tiunk nnd nthcr Canadian stocks still rllng. The llnnk of England tolny sold a further 77,000 of gold for export tn Ituxsln , the trnmiac. Ion being arranged through Merlin. The Pnrta lOtirFd was miletly steady nnd the llcrlln Innrkcv firm , " The following were the closing quotations on : hf lending stocks ot the New York exchange today ; The total pales of Blocks today wore CS7.317 shares , Including : Atrhl cm , 3,4"0 ; Atchlfnn pro' forred , IH.Wi ; Canada Southern , 3,350 ; IturllnRtnn , 2GKM ; Cleveland , Cincinnati , ChlcaRu & St. lyiuls. 4.0i j Manhattun U 13'J2S : Mlttaiurl , Kan- Has & Texas , G0) ; Missouri , Kansas & Texas ptef.-rrcd. W.COO ; New Jersey Centtnl , 60X1 ; New York Central , 8,17."i ; Northern Pacific , 5,710 ; Northern 1'ncldo preferred , 21,0i ; Northwestern , 7,133 ; Headlnpr , 1 1M ; Hick Island , 23.SW ; St. Paul , Siit7 ijj Omaha , 12,20 < ) ; Southern railway , C.OOi ) ; Southern railway preferred. 14.700 ; Texas .t I'aclllo , 3,700 : Union Pacific , 22,230 : Wnbash prcfened , 5,300 ; Ljulsvllle & Nashville , 8,000 ; American Tobacoo , IS.ITfl ; Huy Stnto G.IB , 11 , SCO ; rhlcaco Gas , 8,92. " > ; Sugar , 11,200 : Tennessee Coal nnd Iron , ! ! 7,40i > ; Leather preferred , S.lJo ; Western Union , 10,520 ; Chicago Great Western , 10 , 450. X MV Ynrk Money Miirkpt. NEW YORK , Sept. 13. MONEY ON CALL Firmer at 1H2 per cent ; lasl loan 2 per cent , closed \1A&Z ftr cent. PltlME MEHCANTILE PAPEIl-2 % f4t4 per -SrEULlNO EXCHANGE Weak with actual burlness In bankert. ' bills nt Jl.fT'lUf for de mand and at t4.F3U < iTl.S3 % for sixty days. Ported rules .S4f4.S3 and J4.SC'.feJ4.87. Com mercial bills 14.82 SILVER rFllTIFIOATES ; 4'tff05l4c ( , IIAK SIIA'EIl S614C. M I-1XKJAN DOLLARS 43''jC. GOVERNMENT RONDS Easier. STATH HONDS Dull. RAILWAY I1ONDS Weak. ( itiotallcns ( .n ttcnds were as follows : IliiHloii SlooU ( ViiolatloiiN. BOSTON , Sept. 13. Call loans , 263'/4 per cent ; time loans , 34HV4 per cent. Closing prices for stocks , bonds and mining Blocks : HAH SILVER Steady , 26d per ounce , MONEY V4Gi Per cent. The rate of discount In the open murket for short bills Is 1 % per cent ; for three-months bills 2 per cent , Goll IB quoted at Iluenos Ayrog today at 191,50 ; Lisbon , K'.i : Rome , 105.22. NIMV York Milliner Qii tii < loiiH. JJEW YORK , Sept. 13. The following are the closing mining emulations : Chollnr 7n Onurlo , . . viOD Crown Point 37 Oiniir. llfl Con. Cill. A Va. . . . 170 Plvmoutii IS Dcatlwood 1(10 Qulcksllvur 1UO ( iould.t Curry 7 < > Onlo' silvcr Dfil.lUUO HnlB lIororaia. . 115 Slerr.iNovaao. . . , IU5 HoinuHtako 'Jtmil SlaiuliirJ. . . , , . . . . 171) Iron Silver ' . ' 3 Union Con HO Mexican Ill YollowJackot . . . . Ct ) Aiiierlenn SeeiirllleH In I.oiiiloii , IjONHON , Sept , 13 The market for Ameilcan securities ndvanced pcmewhat at the opening , but later weakened on New York Belling , Thu tone was eaty and the demand fair , Klniliifllll .Voted. IIOSTON , Sept. 13.-CleurlngB , J13.M7.028 ; bal- nnces , Jl.CSS.MS. I1ALTIMORE , Sept. 13. Clearings , J2,783,370 ; balancu , ! ir,8r , < 0. NEW YORK. Sept , 13.-Cleurlngs , $ S5CJO,12S ; balnnceB , 3Wt(08. PHILADIILPHIA. H < > pt. 13. ClcurlngB , JS.2CI- G04 ; balances , J1.C72.207. CINCINNATI , fcVpt. 13 Money , 2i ! per cent- Nt-w York exchange , SOOSOc. NEW ORLEANS , Sept , 13-Clearlngs , $ C3S,503 ; commercial paper , Jl.LO per 11,000 discount. MEMPHIS. Sept. 13. Clearing * , JIS1.311 : bal ances , J45.1H ; New York exchange , selling at Jl , CO premium. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 13.-t"learlngs , J6.J21.137 ; bal- anew , Jl.0fio.694. Money , 47 per cent ; New York exchange. COc dl > ount , 75c discount asked , C'HICAOO. Sept. 13. Clearing * ) . $16,931842 ; New York exchange , I5c discount ; Sterling exchange , dull ; postt-J rnteB , < .6IW 4.bHj. Stocks , active ; Borne cancetslons on teallilng Bales ; cloning prices : Diamond Match , 1W ; City Railway , 243 : West Clilcusa , lOVi ; Lake Street L , ! 0 > ; ; New York HUeult , S3 ] Strawboard , 2 ! > 3i , DERLIN , Sept. 13. Exchange on London 20m 39Upfir for check * . PARIS , Bept. 13. Three per cent rente * J041 27tyc for the account. Exchange on London 2 f ! OV c for checks. I/ONOON , Sept. U. The amount of bullion withdrawn from the lla nit of EnslauiJ on bal ance today via * /jy7CW. , t - . OMAHA LIVE MARKET Receipts of Oattlo rttlv Libiml and of Hogs Very'Lighti ' CATTLE TRADHOLpj ; FAIRLY STEADY 1 ed Ilcevesj j I < iMver , lint Other ( ir nil CM , elllloRn Scnrt'c 111(1 ( ! h Simile i KiiMlur lu'b rlcc. SOUTH OMAHA , Sept. I3.-llcccpts ! for thu unya indicated wore : Ca'.tle. Hogs. Sheep. Horsea September 13 5.G5I September 11 1,531 6,180 465M September 10 4.5Xt r > , rG3 M September 9 , . 4,77S 6,983 2,703 S ptember S. , , , , , . 'J.2U 8.4U7 September 7 .1,403 6 , 59 2,1M 1 September 6 7,075 1.4SJ 1.37S 6 September 4 68t ) 4,073 1-J'jt September 3 , 44 ; < H 4.757 1473 24 September 2. 6,031 C.OSI l.SSG September 1 5,191 4.463 155 August 31 4,531 7OW < - 462 August 30. . . . . 3.499 2,411 200 2 The ofllclnl number of cars of stock brought In todiy by each road.was : Cuttle. H'gs. Sh'p. It'sc ? . C. . M. & St. 1lly. . . . . 31 Mo. I'nc. lly i , . < . , 1 Union Pnclllc Systeim 20 E 13 . , K. , B. & M. V. H. H. . SS . .4 C , St. 1' . , M. & O. lly 13 1 H. & M. It. H. H 1315 C. , It. I. & llly. . , w 1 1 Totnl receipts 229 13 17 3 The disposition nf the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the nunr- ber of head Indicated : Buyers. ' Cattle. Heps. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co The O. 11. Hammond Co. , 021 414 Swift nnd Cotnp.iny 903 ItJG The Cudahy Packing Co. 314 327 l.OSI H. Uceker and Degnn. . . DIG J. L. . Carey 2G3 tollman & Hothrchllds . . 43D Hill & 1-ewls Co 45 Uenton & Underwood. . . . 3MI Huston & Co GI Hamilton 217 Livingston 53 Other buyers 527 . . . . 2,002 Left over : . . . 400 100 Totals C..5,003 2 105 3.15S CATTLE The week started' out with n BOod , liberal run of cattle , though the re ceipts fell short of last Monday's record. The leading Influences affecting the market were rather against the selling Interests , large receipts und lower markets being the rule at other selling points. At the same time the market as a whole was In very fnlr shape. Only about a dozen loads of cornfed steers were offered for sale , and the market on that kind of cattle was fuily steady , to say the least. The supply of western beeves was larger , nnd they sold nil the way from weak to lOc lower. Cows and heifers were In large supply , about thirty-five loads being offered for sale. The market was about steady on all desirable kinds. A good many stackers nnd feeders were offered for sale , and the market opened quite active and strong. The most desira ble nmontr the offerings' generally sold early. Representative sales' ; ' NATIVES. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. IT. No. Av. 1'r. 31..1031 { ! 15 11G..UO : > J4 33 20..U23 $1 K 21. . . . 982 4 33 . 2I..KMI 440 21. . . .MIS 4 Co 33..1143 435 COWS , , 1..1110 2 CO 1..1150 3 ! ) 2. . . . 913 scr. . av > a ss 12..11S3 3 10 1..1UO 2 20 . ; * ) 2 s.- 4..1007 3 20 1..1U40 22S , 2..1CS ) .1 23 3..1146 2 CO 3 o ; 3. . . . 820 3 .15 1. . . , S40 . 'S12 ! ! 03 23..1000 3 CO 1. . . , 12SO HE/PElfa. 1. . . . 820 2 CO l..fi ! 3SJ , UULLS. . .1490 2 75 2..11.V ! X US 1..1020 3 20 . .1263 3 05 1..12.W S 15 CALVES. 1. . . . 110 5 TiO 1..1210 d'OO STOCKERS ANDf , FEEDERS. . . . . S30 3 iV ) , ,24.6T33 * _ 90 . . . . ' , ' 390 . . , .1010 3 75 , . . . 2.1025 390 J8.Vd/k / > 2' " 4 tO if. . . 7M'3EO 17. . : . 741 3 SO WESTERNS. . . No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 hull 1440 J2 33 1 feeder 1400 13 BO 1 tailing..1534 300 1 feeder 10SO SCO 1 feeder 1160 3 CO 1 feeder 1260 360 NEBRASKA. 2 cows 1015 273 1 feeder SOO 350 2 COWB 1105 273 11 feeders. . . , 'J71 3 SO 1 bull 1290 275 2C feeders. . . . 821 400 16 cows 1017. 3 10 17 feeders. . . . 764 4 23 9 CDWS 1020 3 20 20WYOMING. WYOMING. 1 tailing S20 2 CO 2 feeders..1340 3 23 1 cow KCO 2 70 1 feeder 1230 3 23 1 cow S20 270 1 cow SOO 3 33 4 cows 822 270 5 feeders..1232 323 1 cow 1130 3 75 28 cnnd h. . . SIS 3 30 1 cow 1020 2 75 6 fecdsrs.,1233 3 65 1 feeder 1330 3 ( M 1 feeder 10.7) 3 CO 1 feeder. . . 3 00 1 feeder 1220 3 6" 1 fender. . , GOO 3 10 S3 feeders..1227 3 6.1 16 feeders. , 3 10 41 feeders..1260 3 i 4 heifers. . 670 3 K 1 feeder 11SO 3 65 2 heifers 700 3 ir , 93 feeders , . .1227 3 10 cows 1023 3 20 22 feeders , 3 0 1 heifer KO 3 23 3 feeders. . .1123 3 1 Bteer 1330 3 25 1 feeder . .1230 3 75 1 Bteer 1440 3 25 6-3 sleers 1210 3 8) ) 1 Blag 1270 3 25 1 feeder 14SO 3 M 2 cows 1075 3 " 5 feeders.,1128 3 83 1 CDW t ! ) 3 25 16 feeilers.1171 3 90 1 cow SOO 3 23 1 feeder 630 4 SO 1 cow 1140 3 26 4 feeders. . . . CSS 4 CO 1 feeder 1030 3 25 1 cnlf 190 4 CO KSTRAYS. 2 feeders..1070 3 80 1 feeder 1080 3 SO 2 feeders..lOffi 3 CO II. Keels. 1 cow SCO 3 25 Lsteer. . . .1210 3 70 2 cows 920 3 03 1 steer. , , , ,1100 3 70 1 cow 1000 3 05 3 steers. . . ,1343 3 70 7 cows 1081 3 35 12 feeders.,1121 390 1 cow 1020 3 33 1 feeder 1110 3 DO B steers 1200 3 70 1 feeder 1510 390 1 steer. , lice 3 70 feeders.,1085 390' 1 steer 1220 3 70 1 feeder 1000 380 1 steer 970 3 70 70A. A. Luman. 7 bulls 1300 2 70 93 feeders.,1117 375 1 hull 14SO 2 75 M > feeders..1147 375 75 cows 975 3 05 100 feeders..1122 375 15 feeders..1122 323 2 feeders. . , , 1023 3 90 Ognllala Lnnd & Cattle Co. 3 steers 1260 3 CO 146 Bteera-lGO 3 S5 1 steer .1170 3 S3 124 Blears I2CO 385 Bwan I-and and Cattle Co. 1 tailing 1140 275 22 feeders..1213 310 1 tailing 1050 3 00 6 feeders..1S20 3 M 1 tailing 1330 300 16 steers 1067 375 6 cows 1021 3 SO 74 steers 1275 3 90 23 fleers 1120 3 CO M feeders. . . .1220 390 1 feeder 1100 3 f > 0 21 feeders..1083 4 00 6 feeders.,1234 3 SO 94 feeders.,1234 4 03 E. W. Whltcomh. 1 tailing 1KO 263 1 Bteer 1030 363 1 tailing 1470 323 1 steer 12SO 3 C5 1) . Beers. 39 feeders. . . . 636 4 35 n , Richardson. Scows 1038 435 CC Btr , reh.,1336 335 I boll 1340 335 67 cows 1082 335 George Berghofer , 1 bull 1530 300 11 cows , 978 315 20 cows 1110 303 67 feeders,1105 3 t.0 Oeortte A. * Keellne. B COWB 974 825 7 heifers 1110 3 W 3 COWH 1000 325 14 fleers 1336 3 fcO 10 heifers 1085-363 , ' 3 sleers 1356 360 Victoria Ui-e > " } itock Co. 1 cow 1190 2 CO , 121 feeders. . , . 915 4 05 21 CJWB 1010 325' " 140 feeders..1161 405 102 heifers , . . . W5 SCO * > SOUTH DAKOTA. J cow , . ,910 200 "ISilcowH 954 325 1 rnw.i "SO 2(0 t"14 ! eteeraK42 330 I BUB 10CO 2W W14J feeders. . , . 616 40) ) 17 cows 9S7 2 93 "o'l 22 feeders , . . . 642 4 05 6 feeders..11S4 3 23 ' 1 ' "ft feeders.1187 390 131 feeders.,1154 3 75 " ' ' /.Gtumrirmii. . 1 cow.1250 2 501 , 'O' > 1 feeder , , , , , 40 4 CO 1 cow 1080 ZWjrj ,1 ! feeders , , , . Ml 400 II Eteers ICb'J 3 35 . , , ,1 cult 310 4 [ 0 22 rows . 784 2C5i.o , H calves . 200fc4 75 9 heifers. , , , . 462 2 b5 { ; [ < jT calves , , . , , ICO B BO MONTANA. llyan Brothers. 1 bull . 1420 2 60 " n2 fleers . ,1S39 3 ( 5 2 eteers.1185 3 00 " ° ' 8S feeders , , , ,111C 363 HCGWB . 1022 320 l.-ar , ! feelers. . , ,1191 365 IStlctlB . 1311 325 71 feeders , , , ,1138 390 II , U , Williams. Scows . 973 285 ' 23 cows.I128 ; 3W 1 COWB . J 0 300 ' 113 feeders , , , .1U.7 375 11 heifer . 712 315 ' 1W feeders. , , ,1300 38 } 6 feeders. , . ,1167 325 > 141 feeders , , , . ! ! ( 3 H ) 1 Bteer . 1370 3 CO 139 feeders. , , , 1IC6 3 1 vteer . 1400 3 CO 27 feeders. , . , 970 4 00 1 btfiT..UW 3 CO & feeders , , , , CM 4 10 & McCJayk'lc. 26 mien . IMS 335 NOHTI ! DAKOTA. , . Ileynoldi pron. , 191 steers. , , , .1056 345 112 eteers . 1059 345 HOGS fifteen fresh loads and a few holdovers constituted the ilay's supjily of liogs. There l very little tn say utrtul the market. U opened a shade raster und everytlUng was sold und weliihvtl ui > In aery liort lime. One bunch of I'hoice light Oregon hoga lopped the market at IS.95. ltepr mtatlve Bales : No. Av. Hh , Pr. No. A'f. 8h. Pr. 41. , 330 to 3 70 B5 233SO 3 to 10 343 . . . 3 70 62 237 160 3 M 49 3&S SO 3 73 70 271 SO 3 M 51 , ,370 3 75 1,8. , 235 . . . 3 82 > 10 5W 375 70.272 40 3 U 76 , , . . . . , . ? S75 13 172 . . . S U ' ' ' ' 3 SO 76. , 251 2SO ; ; . . . . ; 3 SO 160 a 311 u : u M : S UO 3 M 79 tl SO 3 S7'l St. , , 310 IN 3 J 57 231 . . , J S7'i (9 JM jo s so : o m so 393 53 273 . . . ISO IMOS-ODDS AND UNDS. 2 5 . . . 1 BO 3 316 . . . 370 20. , (9 , , . 840 3 2(6 . . . 375 C US 40 ! 60 6 : M . . . 3 73 f.6 , ,73 . . . 2 BO 2 : U _ . . . 75 11 770 40 324 9 25.1 . . . 375 2 : . . .109 . . . 3(1 6 ! SS . . . S 75 1 KO SO 3 CO E 2M . . . 375 I , SSS . . . 360 . S 253 . . . 3(0 2 375 , , , 360 7 214 . . . 3 SO 5 90S . . . S TO 6 22 . . . 3(0 1 , .300 . . . 370 B..MO . . . 3 SO 2 315 , , , 370 0 290 . . . J f0 2 , .375 . . . 370 6 24 $ . . . 3 S3 3 420 SO 3 70 1. , , 190 . . . 3 S7U 4 ! S2 , , , 370 SHKKI1 There wtren few sheep here and Hie nnrket was about steady , lleprcscntntlve sal s : No. Av. 1'r. 9 unlive ewes 106 I' 75 12 wfMcrn nether * , . . . 97 3 BO CHICAno 1,1 VH STOCK MAHKKT. Ordinary Rlt > t > rn Inircr line * Montly lit n Dime Di-clliii' Slici-p Active , CHICAGO , Sept. IS. In cattle a Jew extra prime 'steers told ns well ai > nny time last week , i string of eighty-live cholje sKcrs , good holiday jecvcs , celling up to J5.DO , but good tu choice jbef Steers'went about lOc lower , pale.'men noting ; hat decline on tteero of Rood enough qunllly : o tell nt from 14.85 to 15.75. The market was lenvlly burdened with half-fed native cattle , many of which nrc now forced to mnkp the nearby burned up pastures with lack of wnlcr. Such thin nnlhc steers wera linrd to sell today at ti lOiflDc decline , tiuycrs favoring the westcin range cuttle nt values clote tn the range of lost week. Tetas cattle UFO fold nt from J.10 to 14.10 for steers. Natl\e cown fold , mostly at lOo lecllne , n few choice to fancy heifers mnklng about us good prices us Into last week and n small supply of veal calves went at good , strong irlccs , the liept making around JS. In hogs shippers filled some urgent orders at inly CQlOc decline , but the bulk of the urcftu iiogs sold fully lOe lower and packers bought many on the late market at 15c decline from last week's values , 1'rlces rnngtd ns follows ! Choice to fancy henvy shipping , (4.U5 to { 4.15 ; heay packing loin , J3.70 to | 3.tO [ common to choice mixed , t3.M > * ta (4.10 ; pigs and culls , (1.50 tn (413. In sheep anil lambs there was good , brisk trading In some black-faced stock ; ewes sold al from $3SO to 13.$0 and most good thrifty feeders nt from J3.EO to (3.65. KB I western muttons went chiefly at from (3,73 to (3.00 , and n few extra lot * up to (4. No phccp of good ( ( unllty had to pell below (3.53. only very common culls going down around 12.CO. Ijimbs sold readllv nt steady ; irlces. Tht1 quality was rather Inferior nnd few ivorc good enough to mnko } 5.f > 0. though fancy lambs would Fell up to 15.75. Most goad native and fat western lambs went nt from J5 to (3.23 nnd western lambs for feeding purposes around $ lr,0. lr,0.UECEI1TB UECEI1TB Cnttlo. 21,000 head ; hogs , 32.000 head ; sheet ) . 15,000 head. . I2nt IliifTnlo I.lvc Slock. ItAST IIUKI-'AI.O. Sept. 13 : rATTI.E Market dull ; choice export steers , $520i3.35 ! ; medium to lieavy , (4.75$74. ! < 3 ; coarFO rough , (3.7u5f4.00 : chilcc helferp , 14.10 4.DO ; mixed butchers' stock. (3.40 ffl.23 ; fat cows , (3.73ff4.10 ; fancy milkers. (4.40 5T4.30 common to fair , ( l.snjJC BO ; good to facy pprlngers , $4.TiCff5.00 ; primp to extra venls , (7.23r7.73 ; heavy fed. 3.0.1 ! 4.CO. HOGS Gnml to choice ycrkers. $1 40114.50 ; llcht yorkers , $4.50 4.53 ; mlxett packers' grades , (4.S3W 4.CO ; medium weights , 54.30Jf4.40 : heavy , (4.33 4.40. Pics , common to gnd. . J3 OMi'l.-IO. SHBEI' AND IAMHS-I.nmls , yearllnKP. chttlce to prlnp. | $4.50 t4.75 : fair to gooJ. (3.75 K4.40 native choice to extra , (5.5Mf3.C3. Sheep , choice to selected wethers (4 ! . " 4f4.iO ; mixed , I4.CO4.25 ; export fhtep , J3.7f74.no. St. I.oiilH l.lvc > > 1nk. . ST. LOt'IS. Sept. 13. rATTLK1lccelptR. . 4,000 head : t-lpmpnts. ! 2.CCO hcnd : market steady fcr cho'.oc ; oih" ' 8 lOc louver. Fancy shipping and export steei-h , S3JSQ5.BO ; drersed beef nnd butchers' Fleers. } 4.00tr.00 ; Fleers , under 1.000 IIOGS Hecolptv. 4000 head ; Bhlnments. 3,000 head , market Be lower ; light , (4.1504.25 ; mixed. (3.90 : heavy. (3.S55f4.25. HIII2EP Receipts. 1.W ) head : shipments. 500 head ; market Memly. Native muttons , (3.00tT3.S5 ; Htockcrs , (2.MS3.20 ( ) lambs , (3.73 I3.23. > < York I.lvc Sliiclc. NEW YOHIC. Sept 13. I1ERVES Receipts. 3.W2 head ; quiet ; rough FtufT. weak ; goo.1 Hteers , steady ; others lower : native steers. S3 FO JT5.20 ; ColoraJos and half-breeds , J3.BOW4.r.O . ; stags and oxen. (2.60ST3.BO dry cows , ( I.tOB3.2."i. Kuropean cables quote American steers at Iff lUlc : refrigerator beef , MTSlic. No exports. CALVES Recelptc , 1,770 hcfld ; veals , steady ; other O3lves lower ; veals. J3.0flg8.00 ; grassers nnd buttermilk. (3.504J4.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS R < velpts. 17.539 head ; quiet , closing FllKhlly easier and sheep lower sheep. (2.BIiN.30 ) ( ; lambs , J5.0CS5.I2 < i. HOGS Receipts , 8.065. Market easier at (4.BO ? ' - - : , ICnnnnH City I.lvo Ji < ock. KANSAS CITY , Sept. 13. CATTLE Receipts , R.OOO ; best natives steady : other cattle BfrlOc lower ; Texas steers , J2.25fT4.03 ; Texas cows , J2.25v 3.75 ; native jteers , (3.75@r > .20 ; native cows nnd heifers , J1.r.0ff3.75 . ; stockera and feeders , J3.30fi > 4.40 : bulls. (2.COS3.23. HOGS Receipts , 2,000 head ; market BiJIOc lower- bulk of salon. J3.9053.93 ; heavies , ja.s.'jli- 4.0714 : packers , J3.FOiS3.92'A : mixed , (1.S3fT4.nO ( ; llKht J3.80Jf3.971i ; Yorkers , J3.9304.00 ; pigs. SJ.40& 3.M 3.MSHEEP SHEEP Receipts , 2,000 head- market steady ; lambs , (3.15IT5.00 ; muttons , J2 0003.40. Stock In SI till I. Record of receipts of live stock at the four" principal markets for September 13 : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omnha 5.CS4 1.217 3.503 Chicago 24.000 32.000 18000 Kansas City K.OM ) 2.000 2000 St. Louis 4,000 4.000 1,00) Totals . 41,684 39,217 24503 Cincinnati I.lve Stock. CINCINNATI. Sept. 13. HOGS Dull at (3.40 4.40. 4.40.OATTLETOull nt J2.25JD1.25. BIIKI5P Active at $2,25183.75. Iximbs , active and firm at J3.7oBa.SO. COTTOV MAHICETS. Cubic \CIVH CIUIHON n Ire | > nt Ilic 5 < nrt mid a Itnlly I.ntcr. NEW YORK , Sept. 13. The cotton market opened steady , with near months from 2 to 3 points lower and later months 1 point lower to 1 point higher , The early decline was the lesult of unsatisfactory cable. news at hand when the call Blurted , but later cables were of more favor able purport nnd the market rallied as the call progressed. While destitute of outride specu lative Interest the market showed a fairly steady undertone at a slight average decline during the forenoon and sharply rallied later on buying by commission houses. Ixiter mill the maiket developed Irregularity on conflicting crop news and diversity of views regarding the probable movement , The market closed steady 'at un changed prices to a net decline of 2 points. Closing prices : January , (0.79 ; February. JG.82 ; March. (6.87 ; April. | 5.9 < > ; May , 16.94 ; September , (6.94 ; October , (6.80. Spot easy at 1-lCc decline ; middling uplands. "He ; middling gulf , 7c ; mid dling , 776e : net receipts , none ; gross receipts , 76 tialcn ; uxixirts to Great Ilrltaln , 1.3S3 bales ; to France , 93'J bales ; to the continent , 375 balea : forwarded , none ; sales , 343 bales ; spinners , 43 bales ; stock ( actual ) , 397,996 bales ; spinners , 43 bales. Total today : Net receipts , 32,162 bales ; exports to Great Ilrltaln , 1 323 bairn ; to Frnnci' , 95'J bales ; ta the continent , 1,275 bales ; stock , 176,424 bales , Consolidated : Net receipts , 05,711 bales ; exports to Great llrllaln , 1D& > balesto France , 959 bales ; tn the continent , 1,475 bales. Totnl since September 1 : Net receipts , 171 , IKI bales ; DXiKirtB to Oieat Ilrltaln , 13,170 bales ; to France , K.103 bales ; to the continent , 8,681 bnlf8 , MVKIU'OOI * Si-tit , 13. COTTON Spot , In fair demand ; prices lower ; American middling , 415-IGd ; good middling , 4 < id ; low middling , 3 13-32d | good ordinary , 3 27-C2.1s ordinary , 3 21-3 : ( ( i salea of the day wern 10,0 Inlen , of which COO bales were for speculation nnd export and In cluded 9,400 bales American ; receipts , 3.COO halea. Including 2 , SOO bales American. Fulurca opened steady with a moderate demand and clm-cd quiet ; American middling , k. M. C. . 3 60-64(7 3 (2-6ld buyers ; Septeml > r and October. 3 M-64d bu > crs ; October and November , 3 47-64 Jj 3 48-Ald buyers ; November and Docernber , 3 43-C4C > 3 44-64d buyern ; December nnd January , 3 42 6I@ > 3 43-C4d buyers ; January and February , 3 42-64 ' 3 < 3-64d buyers ; February and Match , 3 43-OIJ fjiiycTs : March and April. 3 43-6493 41-64. ! buyers : April and May. 3 4l-6lf3 4V64d values ; May and June , 3 45-C4W3 46-C4d fellers ; Juno nnd July , 3 46-C4jj > 3 47-6'd uellers. NI5W ORLEANS , Sept. 13. COTTON-Futures , nulet and steady ; yales. 18,500 bales ; September , ( fl.65H6.G8 ; October , fn.4486.45 November , (6. < f ( 6 46 ; December , ( C.46f(6.47 ( ; January , J6.4906.BO ; February. (6.624(6.64 : April. (6.4E6.49. | MEMPHIS , Stpt 13.-COTTON-Steady ; mid. dllng , CTio ; receipts , 912 bales ; shipments , 30 bales ; Block , 975 bales ; cnlia. 450 balm. KT. IXU18 ) , Sept. 13. fOTTON Steady nnd 1-lCc lower : middling , 6 15-lCc , No Bales reported. Receipts , 30 bales ; shipments , 3 bulea ; stock , 0,479 bales. _ Iliillliuiirc Inrki-tv. HALTIMOHB , Sept , 13. KlJOUH-Qulet but firm ; wectcrn Buperflne , ! 3. OCHI3 BO : weHtern extra , J3.75 i4.C5 : western family , ( | .B'i8-3.20 ; winter wheat patenm. (5.30ii,60 ; spring wheat patents , Jj.c ; < f.r , . ; spring wheat Htralglhs , C..l f5.TC | ; rc- celplH. 18,314 bbls. ; exports , 1,637 IMa. WHEAT Dull and lower : No. 2 red , pot , Oclolx-r and December. 99SW40 : Btenmer , No , 2 r l , 6314fl33Ko ; receipts , 167.S04 bu , ; exporlB , 120,151 l.ii. ; ruuthern wheat , by naniple , 94j94Vic ; southern wheat , on grade , (5.107 > i.ll , ) HN Steady ; mixed , rpit 35'if 36c : Dccetnbi-r ami November. ' new or old. 3Jc bid ; January , 36ii36Vlc ; uteamer mixed. 23Q33'ic ' ; recclptH , 151- 167 bu. : exports , 119,232 bu , ; sxithrrn white coin , 36@3c ; Bouthern yellow , 3Sij38c. OATH Firm ; No. 2 while. 24V&0 bid ; rect-lpts. Zf.i'A bu. : exi > orts. 120.WJ bu. RYR Easier ; No , 2 western , 63',4c ; receipts , 3,621 bu. HAY Steady : choice timothy. 113.00013.61. CHAIN FRKIOHTS-Steady ; steam , to Liver pool , per bu. , 4d. October : Cork , for orders , per ( iiiurtiT. 3s M ; Heptembrr , 3s Hd. lll'TTKR Dull ; funcy creamery , JSc. KGOf Hteady ; fresh , 15c. CHEESE Steady ; fancy New York , large , 10 O12'ic , NEW YORK. Sept. 13-COFFKE-Optloni opened steady with prices unchanged to 5 points lower , ruled quiet with weak undertone followIng - Ing untatltfnctory European cabin and Indica tions of continued full Hrailllun receipts , closed barely steady net unchanged to 10 points de. cllne. Said , 7,7I li ii , Includlni ; Bcptembir , at Jft.18 ; rteceniber , I6.60J8.E5 ; Xlnrch , I8.7JJTS.SO. Spot coffee , refflpt * , rtrndyt no Invoice ; Jobbing , 17 CO. Mild , IS ; Cordova. JtO.r.OlTlC.50 ; Mien , S.POO bn * Klo No , 7. nflo t. (7. Total warehounf deliveries - liveries from the United Stntes. 12.WO baR * . In cluding ll.SO'J ' l-nits from New York : New York Hock lodny , 426.S21 bng ! I'nllrd States Hock , MJ,429 bags : allont for the United State * . t4. ( > no bag * . Total visible for the United States. 797,429 bags , nealnit til. (51 ( bags Isst year nnd G60.S55 lit 1J3X SANTOS , Sept. 13.-COFFEK Vlrnu good nver- nge Santos , 930 rclsj celpt9 , 39,000 bags ; stock , 9SS.OOO bags. IIAMIUJIIO. Pcpt. 13. - OOFFEEOpened U pfg. higher , closed unchanged to UW\i \ I'fBnet nd- ynnce : fnlcs. 11,000 bngs , HAVRE. Sept. 13. - COFI'EEOpened steady at W to if advance ; clo ed quiet nt n net advance of 4t to Mf ! unles , 24,000 bag * . 1UO DE JANEIRO , Sept. 13. COFFEE-FIrm ) No. 7 , S50 rcl ; i-xehnnge , 7 id ; receipt * , 11.000 bngr. Cleared for the 1'nltrd States. 11,000 bugs ; for Eiilopr. 8,000 bags ; Ktock , 470,000 bags. New Orlcimit .Miii-Uctx , NEW OUL1UNS , Sept.'lS.-ltOG I'ltODUCTt' ' Steady ; i rk. old , SHc. I.ird , vcflni-d , tlnce. 4)ic. ) IMxed moats. Meady ; shoulders , SHc : Rl'Vu. 5Hc. llacon , t-lear ribs , side * , CHc. llnms , uholcp sugar cured , S\JHV4c. rOFFEE-nio , ordinary to low fair. P W 11.00 , Fl-orn-Steady ; extrn fancy , J4.70 4.SO ! pat- entu , J3.ir > 1T.M. CORN MEAl Stcaily nt 60c. IIHAN-Qult. ! HAY Quiet ; prime , tll.00912.Ml choice. ( H.OO 015.000. ( COItN-Steady ; No. 3 white , 8Sff39ej mixed , 3 ? CWe ; yellow. Ok. HYE firm ; ordinary to RMH ! , 4B4HC. Rrnlii unil I' IIVERI < OOL , Sept. 13. PROVISIONS Ham ! ' . short cut. dull. 37s M. llacon , long clrar light , steady , 319 ; shoulders , cqUnrc , dull , 29s. Lnrd , spot , dull , 21s. WHEAT No. 1 red northern , spring , dull , SO 9d ; No. 2 red western , winter , dull , S's. CORN American mixed spot , new , eiulet , 3s 3Md ; American mixed rpot , old , quiet , 3s 4Ud ; September , new , quiet , 3s3Vid ; old , nulet , 3s 4Ud- September , new , quiet , 3s * 4d ; November , quiet , The Imports of wheat Into Liverpool from nil Atlantic ports , 82,600 qtmtters ; from 1'aclllc' const , none ; from other tmrts. 8,000 quaitern The Imports of corn from Atlantic ports , 30,701 quarters. IXJNDON. Sept. 13.-I1EET SUaAR-Scptem- ber. RR ll'Jd. NEW YORK , Sept , 13.-StJG.\R-ltaw. strong ; fnlr refining , 3'fcc : centrlfiiKal , 98 test. 3T4c. Relined - lined , llrm ; crushed , 5 ll-lOo ; powdered , 65-lCe ; granulated , Wo. NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 13. SUIT All Open kef tie , 2Vi5f3 4c ; centrifugal , Btrong , granulated , 4UP4 9-lCc ; whites , 3 15-1604 3-160. yellow. 34W ! 4'4C. IVorlu PKOR1A Sept. 13. CORN Market cniy ; No. 2. 2S ; c. OATS Mnrkot Ktcndy ; No. 2 white , 22'fcc. WHISKY Miukct llrm nt J1.5I. IlWKIl'TS Corn. 67,7rs bu. ; o-its , 43,100 hu. ; rye. untie : whisky nnd wheat , none. SlllP.MiNTS-Corii. 31,253 Inl.j oils , 30.130 bu. ; rye , none ; whisky , 1,550 hbls , ; wheat , none. Toledo M.'irki'l * . TOI.KDO , Sept. 13. WI1KAT Wwilc. dull : No. 2 ctsh and September , 9o ic ; Pect-iiiher , 93 0 , COIIN Dull , lower No. 2 mixed , 31 > .te. OATS Hull , Ftcndy ; No. 2 cnsli , l'Jrjlc. 11YI3 Dull , lower ; No. 2 cash. COo. OI/3V HUSKED Active , weak ; prime CdBh , J3.6n. OIIj UnclianKfl. tliiliroriiln Drloil KritltN. NEW YORK , Sept. 13.-CAI.1KORNIA DRIED KRUITS Kvaporatetl apples , llrm ; oilier dried fruits , Bteudy ; evaporated npplm , prime wire tray , 6'ic : wool dried , nrlme. 6V4c ; cliolce , 6c ; fancy , 7c. Prunes , 3'tSj:7Hc. : Aprlcols. royal , CB > 7',4c ; Moor pnrk , He. I'eac.ies , unpccletl , 7&10c ; peeled , Wool IlurkctM. STJXUtS Sept. 13. WOOL Firm nnd lilghpr ; medunn , ISijTOHc ; light , U15 ? ; tub washcd2 < K-f 21Vic. NEW YORK. Sept. 13. WOOI , Fleece. 20J27c ; pulled , No. 2 to extrn , 2740c ; Texas , lOfflCc. IMilliulclnliln Priidiit-c Market. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 13. I1HTTER Qlllot but Fteadv ; fancy western crenmerj , 17c. EOG.S Firm , but nulet , fresh nearby , 17c ; frrph weFteim ICUfilTc. CHEESE Unchanged. IH-trolt Crnlii .Vlnrlicl. DETROIT. Sept. 13. WHEAT No. 1 , 9314C ; No. 2 red. 94lc ; Deceml > er , 93c. CORN No. 2 mixed. 31c. OATS No. 2 white , 22ic. I RYE No. 2. 49o. i Oil Mnrkls. . On , CITY , Pa. . Sept. 13. Credit bnlnnce.o. fOc : certificates , no bids , shipments , 151,759 bbls. : run ? . 121.7.17 bbls. LONDON , Sept , 13. Turpentine spirits , 21s Iliittcr Mnrkct. ELGIN , 111. . Sept. 13. 1HJTTER Firm ; soles , 155 tubs at Hl-ic ; CO tubi at ISc. THE ItEAI/l'Y MAIIKKT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Monday , Sentember 13 , 1S97 : WAnilANTY DEEDS. Maron Rnsmussen ct al to J. P. Anderson et al ; part lot 3 , block 24G , Omnha $1,003 1j , V. Urunncr to E. C. Brunnor ; enst CO. ! ) feet of north 33 feet lot 1 , block 191 % , Omnha 1,500 Jos Schmidt nnd wife to Hnnnnh T iw- Ie-r ; south 40 feet lot 17. Elizabeth Place 2,500 B. H. Howlnnd et nl to Michael Thomas ; west 2'ixOO feet In lot S , block C , First addition to South Omnha 5,000 H. W. Case tr to W. II. Slocum ; south half lot 23 , Horbach's First addition 1 J. J. Hujrhes to E. T. Miller nnd wife ; north 10 feet lot ! ) nnd Eouth 20 feet lot 10 , block 76 , South Omahn 3,000 A. M. Paterson to W. J. Green ; west 30 feet of cast 00 feet lots 15 and IB , block 8 , Patrick's Second addition. . 100 Total amount of transfers J13.101 Honor a MlnKinirl ProfcKwor. COLUMBIA , Mo. , Sept. 13.-Dr. II. II. Jesse , president of the Missouri State uni versity , has been appointed a member of the executive committee of the National As sociation of Agricultural Colleges and Ex periment Stations. ( OR SYPHILIS ) A 'Written Gunrnutuo to CUKE CASE or MONKV REFUNDED. Our cure U permanent and not a patching up. Caeca treated ten yean nto ( have never Mi'ii a fcympton clnco. lly dCbcrlbbiK your ease fully we can treat you liy mull. andweKlvctlicMUueiitlongKuaialiteetoculvorieluml all money. Those who pilfer lo cume heio for licut- ment can do o and we will pay rallluad faio both wa > a and hotel llll while heie If we fall to cure. IVecl.al. lenKtt Ihewoild furaca e that our Miitflo llcmcdy will nit cute. Write lor full paillculam and Kct Hie evident * . Weknoivthatyoil lo keptlral.3iiHI > tolop. an the most eminent pliyrk-lani ha < a never been able to Klvti inoro than Icinpoiary ii'llt-l. In our ten 3 ears pi notice wlib thin MiiElc llcmrtly It ha > Iwcninokt dlnicult toovctromr the | ) rcjiullcc uu' ln > t all > u-rnllfd iperlfio. Hut under nur ttionic iniaiantrejou iliuuld not hceltatc to 'ry trl remedy. You take no chance ol lo lng jour money. We KuamiHco to i-uie or rtlund every dollar ami a > we have a rfrutatlon lo prolect , alio nnanclal hacklni ; of 85UU.UUU , It l rcifcclly lafeloall whonlll try the treatment , llni'loloicuu liave bren nuttluK up and pat K out your monjy for dlffertnt tmatnienUanilallhoiiirli you arc not } ti t-uicd no one liu paid baclc your money. Do not vtaite any more money until you try u . Old , chronic , o n > - ftel cKt rurecf In Ililily to ninety tayi. ! Invritlfato uur Hnanrlal itandlni ; , our reputittlon ai liuilncn nun. Wrlta u > fur naiiiin ai.d nddimMX nf tlio.o we hate cured , who have ulTfii peindiilon to refer to then. It cotlnyou only toslage Unlolhlni It will wu'eyoaa world ofiuflerliiK from mental drain i mil If you it limnlrd what may rour olT.prlaimlfcr IhiauEh ytur ownnrgllKem-cl KjourMrinptoiiiiaiaiilinplfuiilaeB , coru thioal. inticoiu patcbe * In nioulli , rhtumatltni la banei aatl Joint ) , hair Mliuit out , eiuptlona on any ot Ihe bo-ly , ffsllnif of gineral dfpie i.on. | palnx In call or baiic , you bavu no limn lo unite. Tlx ho ar conitantly laklug iiiercinjr ami poladi dmulil din. eontlnuult. Con.tant u e of tbrM ilruirn will " ] ' Inlnif tuii'iond ratlnir ulrem In the end. Don't tail to write. All coneniwndeiico tent waled In plain envel ope * . W Invllo ( lie mutt rlirlil Invrtlixatlon alia wll1 do all luuur puwer to aid you lit It. Addicsifj COOK REMEDY GO , , Chicago , III , Eearles & Searles SI'I-CIALISTin Kervous , Clironl ; nnd Privave Disease WEMMEN Alil'rl ut IUt-a ti l > lnorderiiof AIui Tri'utiiient Itym.ill C'onsultutlon 1'roo. ' SYPHILIS Cured for lire and t'ua poltou tUciouiUly uicunttf. from the nynnn. bttrinuttirriita , tiemlnal VVealtiuo. Ixiit l ! u. liuod , Nlfilit , mu > loii * . Decayed Fucultlti , I't , male \VcnUn' and all aciical * dlioriler < pi * rillur iu tf.n'.r > tx ixmltlvely cured , 1'll.fl'J , I'I8rUL > A inu HECTAI' VIMKUU 11YUKO ANO VAItlCOCKLE , pfrmancntly und cured. Mrthoi n > w and unfulllr/ . Stricture and Gleett by new method without pain or outline. Call r > n or adJren with ( tamp. Dr.Searles & VIGOR OP Eanily , Quickly , Permanently Restored Weakness , NcrvoimipM , I > obllHy , nil Ml tht train of till * from tlj * rror * or Uter irr Fi ; Ihn rtinlti of otetwotV , lioknm , wur- tr. tic. full trerith. IdrTtlcipmcnt > nd ton * illtltrrn tn t rjr orntn llund portion ol the body. f Plmpl * . nfttnrkl tnothodt. IramtdlntftlmproTtmftnt tffn. KtllnrolmpoMlblk. S.OOO reference * . llook. ipUnitlon n < l proof * nulled ( staled ) ftoe. ERIE MEDICAL GO , , SUW J ; CURE VOURSEtn U Dig for unnittirtl dliehnrcc * . IntUmmittloni , Irrltktkmi or ul r tlon of mur.nui ni mbr pH. PMnleii , > nd not ulrla * or Mat In puln wtirtxr , or > i | > r n , rtrrtld , foe ll.ro. or 3 bol11.74. : . Olrcuur mi rueiw Patronize Home Industries lly I'ufohn.KliiuUndo ut the /.VNINOS AND TWNTS , nuns. , t co. . Jlnnufaclurtrs tfts. : nwnlngn , tniimnllns , cov cis of nil kinds , lines , banners nnd Btrcntncrs , 703-7W S. 10th St. , OmMrn. OMAHA TISXT AM ) ItllllllKIt CO. ( Succospats Oin.ilm IVnt nnd Awning Co. ) Manufacturers tents , iiunliiK.H. Jubbt-in Uuilon' nnd Rciitu' mnfhmtushcs. 'lenla fur ront. 1311 rarnnm St. . Oinnhn. nitiswmuiis OMAHA 11RIVI.ASSOOIATIOX. { . Car lo.id nhlpnunts made in our own refrlc- jrnti'r cars , nine Rlhhon , Elite Export. Vienna Expert nnd Family Export ilcllvcrod to all narti of the ctlv. HIIICK. \VITII\KM. 11HOS. .It SMITH CO. Paving , Pewer and Iilldlne niticic. Capr.clt100.000 jior day. Olllep nnil yard , 2Id nnd Hickory Sts. Telephone 425. Omaha , Neb. UOIINICK WOHKS. G. P. ICACI.i : COIIXICIi WOUIvS. Manufncuircr of Onlvanlzed lion Coinlccs da'- yanlzed Iron Skyllglits. Tin. Iron nnd'shit'o Kooflne , ARcnt for Klnnear's Steel Cclllnc 10S-10-12 North Eleventh strcel. AMKK1CAX IIISCl'lT ' AX1) JIK 3. CO. , Wholesale Crnck r Mcmifnoturcrs , OMAHA. Neb. DYE \VOIIKS. sciior.nsAcics TWI.V CITY UYU WOUKS , in l Kni-iiiiiii St. Dyeing nnd cleanltiB uf Karincnts mid goods of eveiy dcterlptlou. Cluinlng of llnu Eurments a ipielulty. FLOUR MILLS. S. K. OilMAX. Flour , Meal , Feed and Urnn , 1013-15-17 North 17th Street , Omaha , Neb. C. 13. lllaclc. manager. Telephone 592. IHON WOIlI-rsj. IJAVIS < t COWfill.L IltO.V WOUKS. Iron mul MI--IHN Kounili'm. Manufacturers nnd Jobbers of Machinery. Gen eral repaliltiK n BpeclnlH. 1S01. 1503 and 150S Jnclcton trcel , Omuna Neb , TAXI-OX .t viKitTTixn mo.v WORKS. Manufacturers of Architectural Iron Work General Foundry. Machine nnd lllacksmlth worn Engineers nnd Contractors for Flic 1'roof rttilld- Ings. Olllce nnd ivoik : U. P. lly. and South 17th street , Omaha , LINSEHD OIL. WOODMAN I.IXSEKD Oil , WOHKS , Manufacturers old process raw llnacnd oil. kettle boiled linseed oil , old piocoss ground lln- peed cnlte , crjund and screened flaxseed for . OMAHA , NRH. LOUNGES MATTIlKBSnS. L. J. 1JOUI . Manufacturer Lounges , Couchet , Mattresses. Jobber of Spring lieds nnd Feathers. 1307-11 Nicholas Btroit. " OMAHA IllODDI.Vf ; CO. Manufacturers of high grade Mattresses , 1302- & Nlcholan Street , Omaha , OVEIt ALL AND BUI UT FACTOItlKS. KATV.-XKVRXS COMPANY. Mfgrs. Clothing , Pants , Shirts nnd Overalls , OMAHA , SII1IIT .1. II. HVAXH. NBimASKA SIIHIT COMPANY * Exclusive cuvtom hlrt tnllors. 1E15 Farnnm. TINWAIIK. WIJSTISHN TIXWAItn COMPAXY , Pieced , Stamped and Japjnned Tinware , Gran ite Iron- Hollow Ware , etc. IMS Farnam St. OMAHANI3I1. VINEGAR AND PICKLES , HAAHMAXN VINI3OAII CO. , Mnnaufactnrcrs of Vinegar , Pickles , Catsups. Mustards , Celery and Worcestershire Snuco. WAGONS AN1J CAIIIHAOES. WIMiIAM I'FIHKFICH. For a good substantial vehicle of any descrip tion , for repainting or rubber tires on new or ola wheels , the beet place In 27th and LeavenwortO streets. imiJMMoxu CA'Hiti.\r.i : co. Cneap , medium prlc-cd and tony cnnlacfj. Any thins you want , tccnnd band or new. Ileadqunrtcrs for Itubber tire , wariantcd. ISth , und Ilarney , opposite Court House , " A. J. SIMPSON. 1-I01I , 1-111 DiMlKf. Full line of Carrmges , IlueKles , Phaetons , Pan * Carts. Wheels rubber tlinl. The best U th . CHRISTIE-STREET COMMISSION 00. Cnpltnl , lfrtllt. ( ) Kiilly Paid. Stocks , Grain and Provisions , . Ilunm 111 1lioniil f Trillin Illtllf. ( Tel. 1U33. ) C. C. CimiSTlK President B. J BTRI5BT Vice I'rt-sldent O. W. KENNEY Sor.rotury Davia T. Heals. I'resu No S327. K , 1' . Neal.Vlet ! I'reB > > ilint .Vntliiual IIunit. Chan. II , V. Lewla , Cash , Capital , tOOH.OOO. KANSAS CITMo. . , April it. H97 , We hereby ceitjfy that Ihe ChrUtle-Slwt. CommibBlon Company has thin day comir.ti.ced bualness with u * by depodtlni ; rifly Thoutand Uollur * ( W/.bOO.OO ) in r th , ( D'ctutea. ) CHAJILKH H. V. LEWIH. JAMES E. BOYD & CO. Telephone 1030 , Oin thu , Nub. -COMMISSION GRAIN : PHOVIS10XS I AND ; STOCKS I HOAHU OK TIIAI1E. Direct wlr * to Chlcaco and New rork.