FHE OMAHA UNDAY BEE PAGES 9 TO 16. SHED JUKE 1J ) , 1871. OMAJIA , SUNDAY MOUSING , SEVTfD MHEH 12 , 381)7 ) TAV.ENTY PAGES. SINGLE COPY" FIVti CENTS. "The New Big Store" will soon be ready for business. Already the Furniture and several other depart iiients have been transferred. Mon day will be the grandest bargain day of all. In the general tearing up and re-arranging we find thousands of odds and ends in every de partment that we will clear up at any price. Only the newest goods will be on sale when the grand opening occurs. The price has been cut on every article in the house to make moving easy. These are Unparalled Bargains Such As No Other Store In The Country Can Offer Every Day ill the Most Complete Silk Depart ment in the West. . . . New Offerings for Monday. New Fancy Silks in very pretty 69c combinations New Crepes and Silk Gauze in dainty evening shades , 24 in. wide New Taffeta Changeable 100 pieces to select from , f"3 every color combination made very best quality. - * New P aids Our collection the largest. P.aids are recognized as the height of fashion New Romans Ours are the prettiest and best New Black Taffeta Extra good and special On at OnC New Plain B ack Satin beautiful finish , C only New B ack'Brocade Satin for capes or skirts SILK LINING DEPARTMENT. In this department we have everything that is new in Silk Linings , Silks for Cape Lining , Silks for Skirt Linings , for Petticoats or Ruffles. main Ask to see our SILK LININGS. Cushion or Drapery Silks , jo-in. only LlaiL Orders receive prompt attention Thinking . ( D 'Listen ' That Tariff on Wool . . . .Is bound to materially advance the prica on all woolen goods. Long before the tariff Became a law wo bought our woolens and ordered our goods made up , purchasing an enormous stock at Iho prices prevailing then. Tlmt Is the reason \vhy we are able to undersell every other clothing store In America today. It was a business foresight that cannot fall of great results. Tomorrow we propose to start an Darly-Fall-Be- iforfl-thc-TarllT Sale of men's , bojs' and children's fine suits at pi Ices 30 to 40 per cent lower than they can possibly bo again while the tariff Is a law. It Is a common sense nroposltluii , and wo Invlto the people of Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs to make a rigid Inspection of our magnificent stock. Kvery garment cut In fusion and oil new goods. Not an old suit Is shown In our house. llemcmber , our pe sonal guarantee goes with every suit. MCN'S FALL SUITS. MEN'S VRRY TINE TALL SUITS. Made of plain giay and brown cassl- Made of handsome tobacco brown mere , thoroughly well made , regular plaids , finest Brooks' raw cdgn mel $500 values wo offer them for $3.50 tons and fashionable black and blue MCN'S ALL WOOL FALL SUITS. unfinished worsteds , cut In the new est Htjlcs at $10.00 and Cut In double-breasted square immil sick stjleu , made of blue and MEN'S VERY FINEST FALL SUITS. black eh viols , now plaids and cheeks , Made ofuest foreign and domestic wor- cut In the newest styles regular nteds , cheviots and tweeds , cut In ( ho $7.60 values for 1"J ° newest double and slngle-hieasted MEN'S STYLISH FALL SUITS. and frock styles , In the most stjllsh Cut in double and single-breasted and desirable shades of brown , blue nack and frock stjles , made of hand- and bronze , positively equal to the BomeMirown plaids and chocks , dur $20 00 suits inndn anj where the gems able cheviots and eutslmores , regu of that hefore-tho-tarlff purchase for lar $10.00 valued wo offer them for , $7.50 only $15,00 Towels and Toweling Be fov a 109 Bath Towel. 7'/.e for a 15c extra heavy Cotton Towel , Sire 22x62. IOc for a 15o Huclc Towel. 16e for a 25c Satin Damask Towel , knotted and fringed. . 19c for o 35c P iln Damask Towel , large ° 4o for a 6e Gotten Crash Toweling. 4ito for a 7'/jO fancy check Toweling. 60 for an Sc all linen Toweling. 7V4C for o 12 0 fancy cheek Glass Towel- lUB. Special Sale Guns this week Get our Monthly Prlco List of Gioccrlea , Hardware , Crockery and HOUBO FurBlshtng Goods. W . nr ? for Ue IlnUorlfU Linens 17'do for a 35c Grass Bleached Table Linen , 25c for o 40c extra heavy Cream Table Llufii. 3Uc for a 55c Silver Bleached Table Linen. 67 0 for an SOc 72-Inch half bleached Table Linen. 76o for a $1.26 72-Inch full bleached Satin Damask Table Linen. $1.00 for a $1.50 72-Inch Double Satin Damask Table Linen. 25c for a 40o Persian pattern turkey red Table Damask. Sheeting Bargains 0-4 Bleached Sheeting , IGc. 9-4 Unbleached Sheeting , 12'4c. ' 4-4 Bleached Muslin , 5c. 4-1 Unhlcached Muslin , 4c. ItOu for a 50o Bleached Sheet , torn and liont'd. foi < i IOc Bleached Pillowslip , 42x36. Early Fall Bargains- The Ak-Sar-Ben Ball Will soon take place , and we have made preparations to offer all light Evening Wear Dress Goods at cut prices for Monday. Chiffon , best quality , per yard 6fc Mousolin do Sole , host qimlltv , c\trn width , pcrynid B9c The now Tinsel ChilTun in 45 to18 inch wide , regular pi ice 31. " . " ) , nn into sit. 5fc All the Now Nick KuflS , Pompadour UiilTband l-iuuhitiRSyurtlj . .20c to 81.25 Real Lace Handkerchiefs at one-third regular price. ' D < Ui avtelo White Moil e Ribbons tit , yaul ; I5c Grand Ribbon Sale. If00 b.lt8 fiinuy and black Ribbons * " lc yuid All colors Satin Ribbons . - . , .i. . . 3c ' ' No. 40 Gau/o Ribbons. - . , { 6c " No Hi white and ei emu Moil o Ribbons . ' 15c " No. 00 wide Sutin Stt ipc Ribbons , ' . 10c " New Veilings , all _ co.ors , all styles , per yard . . . . ' . -.i i5c Cbic.iyo itocord Coo'c Book tbo fjrcutost cook tuok on earth , RQr > tegular jirico $1.00 , our price - . U/O Dress Fittings. y' ' Best Coiduroy Velveteen Bindings . ' " . . ' 'i. ' . . 5c > aid Best Stooldnott Di oss Shiuldn > .v ' -i 5c I'-iir ' Bcbt Twin WiicJrcsi Stays ' . . 5cot Bc.st Silk Seam Binding : iOc bolt Best Hooks and E.yes UolongS TV.- . . . . " . .3 k. 5c ca'd ias' Hose Supporters 100 drzen of file finest Hohe Supporters _ made , regular prfco 3 > c , on bale , per pair T 77- ' New Fall Dress Goods . Never before have we been able to show such a largo \arlety of strictly new Novelty liess Goodb and popular priced goods as at the present time . . Our counters and shelves are stocked to their full capacity , and only half of our stock received Wo must have more , room , and we rely on the quality , style and price to make a place for the remainder of our stock. Come Irt and examine our 3C-lnch strictly our price only 40c. all wool Novelties , In all the new fall shades , We have 07 pieces of high grade Novel in daik colors and all new vvea\es ; real ties In the new fall weaves , composed of \alun EOc per jard , our price only 23c per silk and woo ! In two , three and four-tcned jardDon't effects These are jle ) latest fall produc Don't foigct to examine our 49c line of up- tions and are shown only by Hayden Bros to-date Pall Novelties. Wo have over 2)0 Trimmings , Velvet and Silk to match all pieces to select from , every piece a different these colors Actual value of ( these goods design and color. These goods arc made In $1.25 , our price _ onlj 7dc per yard the same weaves and colors as the $200 and .Wo have'a'largo variety ot Covert Cloths $2 GO qualities and give better satisfaction to show at 4Dc , 7Sc and ? 1.00 per yard ; the for wear. They arc non-shrinkablc and { latest In weaves , shades and mlxtuics. dust-proof : actual value 75c to $1.00 per jarJ , I f > Black Dress Goods Wo are headquarters for fine and medium qualities of Black Wool Dress Goods , 38-Inch Black Serge , strictly all wool , a worth 59c per jard ; our price only 39c per regular 45c quality , our price 25c per yard. jard. 40-Inch Black Storm Serge , strictly pure 1 ! u > best black silk finished 10-Inch Henri wool , dust-proof , every yard guaranteed , etta , onlj f > 0c per jard for/a few days This worth $100 per jard ; our price only 50c per Is only one-half of the regular price. yard. 52-Inch black and colqrs all wool Ladles' 38-Inch all wool black , figured and bro Cloth , for a few dajs onlj' 60c per yard ; caded novelty , silk finished , extra good value regular $1.00 quality. . ' All open mall orders filled , and money refunded on all goods not perfectly satls- factoi y. , Blankets and Comforters The surplus stock from four of the largcpf mills In the country at one-half present market price. $3 50 for a $5 00 Fancy Plaid Blanket , every liber wool. $ J 00 for a $160 all wool gray and brow if mixed Blanket. $250 for a $4.00 all wool Whlto Blanket. $1 95 for a $3.00 Royal wool tan mixed Blanket. $1 25 for a" $2.60 'Xs wool Gray Blanket , weight , 5 pounds , 85c for a $1 60 fancy Robe Blanket. 49c for an 85c extra largo Gray Blanket. 7Bc for $1.00 extra heavy Comforters. $1.00 for $1.50 < rlargo size Comforters tilled with white cotton , $350 foi a $500 Down Comforter. Flannels SOc for a 45c blue , gray and red all wool Medicated Flannel. 16c for a 25c all wool Whlto Flannel. 25c for a 40c all wcol White riannel , one jard wide. 12V4e for a 25c Fancy Plaid Flannel. 25c for a 40c all wool fancy p'ald and stripe Filled Plannc ) , 49c for a 75c all wool hemstitched Embroid ered White Flannel. 4c for Cc Cotton Flannels. & > , c for IOc Outing Flannels , mill rem nants. f./.c for 'IOc Shirting , mill remnants. Carpets Big sale of carpets Monday , We are now offering some of ( he biggest bargains ever given In the city.- You cannot afford to miss this opportunity Velvet carpet , worth $1.00 yard , closing out at COc , 90c brUBsels , COc. - Very best all wcol Ingrains , 49c. Good all wool Ingrain , 37c. Flosr oilcloth , l&c jard. House ' , , Furniihittg 'Bargains Wash Tubs . A. . | . 25c Washing Machines these ! are the bczt Washing Machines madp and are usu ally Bold at $1 60 only a few more left at . , f . $1 U5 Granite Iron Tea Kettles , icgular $1.25 59c Granite Iron Dish Pans regu'ar 90i > , 39c Granite Tea or Coffee J'otsC regular 90c. 39c Patent Stopper Catsup Bottles . 6V c 25c Imported DUh Mops. . * . . 3c 45c Mallacca Sugar Sheila . lc Milk ( Vorks . \i \ ; .4. . , . 3t Extra Tqps for Mflsonijjars , each . 2c Wo are agents'for the celebrat ed Butterlck pE Optical 1 Departi eut Have your Spectaclps'qrj Cjo Glasses fitted bj our scientific optician,1 Dr. M , A Lesser. Ejes tested free. Sbt | factlon guarantee. * I ' . 1 We are agents lor1 tne celebrated ' ed HAYDEN'S GREATEST OF ALL e . Monday first glimpse of the new foreign and domestic j styles in Ladies' , Misses' and Children's Capes. They are I the smarte > t cjiic jptions of the best tailors on earth and will be shown for the first time tomorrow at the lowest possib'e prices. We sl'ow a ladles' Box Front Cent , Ladles' Bo\ Front Jackets , heavj winter - swcllest of the season. In the new tor weight. In frle/es , boucles , Per blue , green and mode , lined through sian wool and kerseys , lined thiough- out with Romin silk , handsomelj em out with fancy silk , for $12.7,1 broidered with Brandenbu g braid , Ladles' new Jackets , In all wool bluet- , new collar , new coat sleeve at $22 50 brjwns , black and > tnns , lined tlroughout with heavy black satin , ' Ladles' sctlnc finished Beaver Jackets , foi $ S.75 hali lined with black silk . 48 heavy , at. $4 English Whip Cord Jackets , lined with Lid cs' satin finished Beaver Jackets , satin duchessc , serge silk and Ro h'gli storm collar , box front , now man silk , new collar and sleeve , a slcovo , sizes 32 to 46 , at $ J.9S swell garment for $10.75 OAJPRS Ladles' Capes In Persian wool , kersey , CAPES Irish friezes and boucles , either Ladles' Beaver Capes , trimmed all double or single collai , upper cape round with fur , at . $1.9S and fronts trimmed with tlilbct fur , for $0.73 Ladles' Double Capes , 30 Inches long , LadlcV Fur Collarettes , In sheared velvet collar , full sweep , a bargain conej' for $1.93 for . $2 75 Elect lc Seal Collahjtf.es , lined "with fancy silk , at $4.48 Ladles' fine quality Kersey Capes , trlm- I-adlc ' Electric Seal Capes , 33 Inches wlth several rows of same material , long , lined with finest quality hatln. slashed collar , velvet tilmmed , Em- at $33.00 Dire back , at . $4.75 Ladles' dark print Wrappers at 40i-1 with braid , finished scams , extra Ladles' fine percale Wrappers , trim- | wide Eklrts , at OSc JUST KECEIVDD A FULL LINK OP BLACK SATIN BLOUSC TUONT SHIUT WAISTS. Priiited Cotton Goods Tall styles in this department arc being put on sale as fast as they arrive. Now Fleece Suiting , the heaviest quality , lOo jard. Hoivy Corded and Printed Duck , fcomp- thlng new , IOc and 12c. Double-Fold Dre s Checks and Plaids for school dresses ICc jard. 1,000 jards of 15c Dotted Swiss , Monday. 7'Ac jard. Wool check Dress Calicos , Simpson's newest and best print , O',4c jard. Standard Shirting Prints , 3'fcc jard. 35-Inch Printed Cretonne , splendid com fort cloth , IOc jaid. _ Simpson's Dress Satlnes , now line of cols - s 9c 5aid. Wo are agents for the cslstarat- ed Butterlc'tt patterns. Wall Paper Paints and Brush Dept. Our now line of fall styles just opened. 1,000 now patterns In latest styles and col ors. ors.Whlto Blanks atlc and 5c , with 9 and 18- Inch borders. GUIs at Cc , IV.c and ) up. Ingrains at IOc , 12'XC ' : and 15c. A line of extra heavy 22-Inch goods , with 18-Inch borders , at I2c lo 18c. Your room papered In remnants , 70c and up Best Heady Mixed Paints , $1.00 gallon , Varnishes and Wood Stains , 25c pint. riat Paint Blushes , 5c. Whlto Wash Heads , 20e up. Hardware Department Only a few more days and we will remove our hardware department. Wo want to close out all odds and ends. See If we have some thing jou can use. Price or valued will cut no figure. Here arc a few knockouts. Nails have gone up. Same old price with us. 20DNalls $160 lODNulls 1 65 8 DNalls 1 70 Sash Pulleys , per do/ , , IOc Blind Hinges , per H3t , &c 3 x3' ' Cast Butts Cc Finn Lock Set , Bronzed 1'Jc rino Front Door Set with Night Latch. . 95c Ball Lawn Sprinkler 40c Gross Hook Steel 17c The American Wire Hat Trap , sells for $1 00 COc Hand Saw , , 23c Buck Saw , complete. . 39c Kitchen Molt Saw 27c 14-ln Key Hole Saw 12c A good Brace and Set of Bits , worth $1,65 1 05 Shelf Brackets , each 1' c 25c Butcher Knives , , , 9c Curtains $320 tapeHry curtain , pair $1.98 $5 00 tapcstrv curtain , pall 295 $700 tapestry curtains , pair 425 Embroidered muslin , jarJ 12'X.c ' CO-lnch lace curtains , good value at $300 oalr 1.50 Good sized lace curtains In novelty pat terns , pair , 85c and 95c $900 Brussels net curtains , pair COO Drug Specials Scott's CmuIsIon CCc Hood's Sarsaparllla C4c Palne's Celery Compound Glc Plnkbam Compound 70c Duffy's Pure Malt Whisky SOc Ho'tettei's Bitters C7c Athlophorus 7fic Kennedy's Medical Discovery $115 Hobbs' Asparagus Pills 34c Williams' Pink Pills „ . , 34c GarflPld Tea 18c Gastorla 22c Syrup of Figs 3Jc Get our prices on prescriptions. Buy cithei an Al new piano recommended by us or eUo one of oui second hand re liable piano bargains. Take No Other Piano The following arc bai gains In ne-cond hand end slightly used pianos : 1 Vose & Sons , , $ DO 00 1 Story . Camp Upright. . . . SO 00 1 Emerson Upright . . 91 00 1 New Cngland Upright . . llfi 00 1 Tlno Oak Case Upright , . 125 00 1 rino Oak Case Upright . . 125 00 1 VPSO t Sons Upright 125 00 1 Voso & Sons Upright ICO 00 1 Sterling Upright piano 12600 1 Stelnvvay Upright , Ubcd 14 months ; as good as now. 1 Chlckerlng Upright , used less than C montlis , and various other makeh at corresponding pending prices. NU\V PIANOS FOH RUNT. Jewelry Department COO 'Fountain Pens , solid gold points , sold everywhere for $1.CO and $2 UO , sale price1 COc ecch Solid Gold Pens with pearl halderb , regular prlco "Jl r.O , sale price 79c. Sterling Silver Tea Spoons , 49c each. Sterling Silver Coffee Spoons , with gold bowls , 25o each , Stalling Silver Meat Forks , Butter Knives , Sugar Spoons , Cream Ladles , Olive Spooni ) , Bon Bon Spoons , Pickle Forks , regulai price $2,00 each , sale price 98c each. All the latest novelties In Sterling Sllvri Novelties at about one-half their regular value. Babies' Solid Gold Hlngs , 13o each. Ladles' Solid Gold Hint's , with genuine opal sets , OSc , Ladles' and Gents' Gold Filled Hunting Case Watches , warranted to wear 20 jeara , fine nigln or'Wultham works , $12.50 , worth $20,00. Men's and Boys' Hats Mondaj wo open the grandest tale of men' * bojs , and children's hats ever shown In the cltj. \\V actuallj sell a $200 stiff hat for $100 $1 f.O stiff hats for 7Go $100 stiff hats for C5c any style manufactured and the lowest prices foi them This week Is our grand opening of rhlldronV caps and Tarn O'Slmntcrs , a GO cent eap for 2Co A full line of Tarn O'Shanters for 3B and DO cents In all shades , latest atjles , other stores ask 7fic and $1.00 for the same ; sceond floor beglnnliiA Monday. Special Sale on Furnishing Goods 100 doren corsets , regular COc quality , go at 2Cc. Ono lot of ladles' fast black cotton hos > e , Co pair.Ladle Ladle- ? ' heavy cotton Jer&ey ribbed vests and pints , only 25c eich , worth COc. Chlldien's fast black heavy weight derby ribbed cotton hose ; our regular Zt o quality , on sale tomorrow at 15c per pair. BOO dozen men's white iinlaundercd shirts , double back and front , good quality of mus lin , onlj 33cioa h" ' , wo th.C'Oc. ' > ' ' ' OO'doisOn 'men's heay 'fleec'ed shirts and ilraweis , 39c each , vvoith fiOc. Men's fancy laundcicd shirts , collars at tached and colored bosoms , worth up to 1 50 , go at Me. 100 doen men's driving gloves , 2Cc. Wo arc agents foi the Hcjnelr glovea. Furniture Wo are moving eveijthing In our furni ture department , ovcrjthing Is topsy-turvey , we are getting Into our now space and you can now mil onto some rare bargains while things are mixed up. Look us over now. If jou need any thing In new fuinlturo soon , wait for us. It will pay jou to wait , three floois packed with the gums of the trade at bottom prices. "Great Provision Sale Monday wo will Inaugurate one of the grandest Provision Sales ever held. The prices of the above aio rapidly Increasing , while oins will be lower than over this com ing week , before we remove to our new building. Cheese Wisconsin full cream cheese , 7' c pound , Fancy Neufchatel. S'/jc ; brick , IOc : Swiss , 12'Xjc ; Sap Sago , 7V4c ; Llmburger. 7e ; Pine apple , Edam , Roequcfort , Imp , Swiss , Club House and all other brands alwajs In stock , Butter Tancy Creamery , I5c ; Separator , 17c. ELOIN SEPARATOR CREA.MERY. Compressed jcast , lc cake. Condensed mince meat , Cc per package. Fisli and Crackers We carry the most eompletc line of the above In the city , everj thing nlco and fresh , and our prices nlwajH the lowest. Meat and Lard No 1 Hams cio Picnic Hams ( ji/0 Sugar Cured llacon MC Salt Pork ' ' ' ' ' Bologna pound , . . , , f > Clioleo I Ion el ess Coin Hoof No 1 California Hams e ' ' ' ' ' Pickled Pigs' Poet , pound . . . . . Co Pickled Tripe 5 „ Ho HID e and rail on Monday. Groceries rial can Salmon Steak Suidlnrs In oil , per ran riako Hominy , pci Ib Host Lobster , flat eans , . . . . | | | 25u Pint bottle pure Tomato Catsup J0 rnrlim In 1-lb. packages at 7C Dry Yeast , per package . , jc 10 bars Laundrj Soap , 25c 10 Ibs. best Wheat ( iiahani 2Ko Climax Tobaceo , 370 C for 10 , joe Dattlo Ax OQ Ki lilt Juice , per foot in0 Teas and Coffees Tcu Bluings , new ciop , onlj ] 00 Bioken Coffee , only JOQ Standard Young Hjson T < a , I9o Select Japan Tea , extra fine , 26o Fancy Garden Growth Japan 35o Fancj Whole Rio Coff - 12'io Fancy Washed Rio C'offfe , , . . ] dc Golden Rio Coffin . . . , , . , , , . . , 2&e OilonUI Java Coffre 27e Old Oov , Java and Mocha 3S'4o "Coffees ore always ft | h " \ \ < HIT I'D I H fur tint Jliilfi-rlcK N