TTIliS OTVrATTA TJATLY HI ? . STTX AV. fllBPTJBiMllKU 12. 18 7. WILLIAMS FOR CHAIRMAN 3k-Gonnty Commissioner Selected to Head the Republican Connty Committee. COMPLETE REORGANIZATION IN HARMONY Chnrlr * If. Tulllc Cbcmrii for Sccrc- nitil K. .1. Co nil nil for ri > MHiiri-rM < 'rllitK nu KiitliiiNlimllc One , 'flio republican county central committee' met nt CrctRhton hall yesterday afternoon nnd organized for the coming campaign , The new ofllcers were elected , but It was decided to leave tlio matter of calling the county convention for a fnturo meeting. Chairman Lewis called the committee to order and announced the election of the now chairman o the first order of Charles Unltt of the Nlntn ward , George A. Day of the Polirth , Charles A. Ooss of the Ninth. H. M. Waring of the Sixth and O , U. Williams of Elkhorn precinct wore nomi nated and the first ballot elected Mr. Will- lams by the following vote : Williams , 27 ; l > ay , 17 ; Unltt , 7 ; Ooss , 1 ; Waring , 1. In taking the chair Chairman William * expressed his appreciation ot the confidence that had been reposed In htm by the com mitted anil nrgi-d the Importance ot n more thorough organization In order to win a handsome victory In Douglas county this IM for the p.irty that had "brought fortune to the pockets of every farmer and workIngman - Ingman in the land. " Ho suggested that the chairman wan but a small purt of the organ ization and that he should rely on the Active co-operation nnd advice of every republican , Charles F. Tuttle and W. A. Mcsslck were nominated for secretary. The first ballot showed that Tuttle had nine-tenths of the votes and before It was completed he was declare , ) clcctod by acclamation. 1C. J , Corn ish was made treasurer In the same manner and In response to repeated calls he spoke briefly. He said that the republican party stood for morality and It must bo distinctly understood that no money would bo expended except for the legitimate purposes of the campaign. It had been heralded abroad by . the opposition that money was to bo spout In great quantities In Nebraska this year , but ho declared that the victory would be won without an effort to corrupt any voter. On motion of Charles Unltt the chatrmin was authorized to appoint an executive com mittee of nlno members , and Chairman Wllllamr , stated that ho would announce the committee ! at ci futnru meeting. JEFFERSON PRECINCT PRIMARIES. Petitions from voters In Jefferson precinct both for and against the Australian system In the primaries In that proclnict were re ferred to the executive committee , as was also a request from the Central Republican club of the Third ward asking to bo al lowed to name half the Judges and clerks At the primaries. The only other feature of the meeting was an effort on the part of Mr. Hcclfleld's deputy , Zimmerman , to make a little medicine for his seceding superior by Introducing a reso lution which provided that since oni Omaha publication had repeatedly made charges to the effect that Frank E. Moores was a de faulter , the county attorney should be re quested to at once begin criminal proceed ings against Mayor Moores. The animus ot the resolution was at once appreciated by the other members of the committee and It was laid on the table after llcdflold and his olllclouis deputy had re ceived a red hot scoring at the hands of halt a dozen speakers. Charley Unltt was the first man recognized and he exposed Zimmerman's motives In a manner that brought out repeated cheers from tlio committee. He said that this was the third or fourth time that such a resolu tion 'had be'en Introduced before republican commUteca and conventions. It had resolved llsclf Icito a question whether the committee should stand by Its nominees or by n man who would aasasstnato In the dark the man whom the republican p.irty had elected to the highest olllco In the city government. "I cannot claim the honor ot having been born In America , " continued Unltt , "but I nm American enough to bollevo that every mnn should have his day In court and that ho should not be declared to be guilty until ho has been convicted by a jury of his peers. I believe wo should stand by our nominees ns against the calumnies of his political opponents. This resolution comes from a man who , although he Is a member of the republican county centtal committee , Is en gaged In organizing clubs In the various wards of the city for the avowed purpose ot defeating the republican nominee for county clerk. If Hedflcld knew that Frank Moorcs was a defaulter uhy did he not say so. Instead of waiting until after the repub lican convention had declared that iMoores was the man whom It wanted as Its standard bearer. Hut no , ho wanted to pose as a martyr and stab the candidate of his party In the back. And now , 1 want this commit tee to say to Mr. lledfleld : 'Wo repudiate your charges. Rr i Independently If you want to , and we will nominate a man -who will be elected In splto of your treachery. ' " SKINNING AN INGRATE. E. J Cornlrih called attention to the fact that the matter raised by the resolution was not nn Issue Ilk this campaign. It had been fought In tha last campaign and the people ple had repudiated tint charges and elected Frank E. Moores. Moreover , the resolution was practically a criticism ot the county attorney , nnd what right had this com mittee to declare that the county attorney hail neglected his duty upon the evidence that was before 117 John 0 Kuhn said that certain Individuals who did not oven vote the tepubllcan ticket Boomed to bo trying to malto this a post > mortem campaign with the assistance of the popocratlc organ. Ho scored Hedflcld and declared that this grand stand play was too'npparent to deceive any Intelligent man. 1) , L , Johnson of West Omaha bald that ho had been a political friend ot Itcdflcld's , but when Rcdtleld assumed that he was greater than the republican party , that ho vas the only pure mnn In the party and the only ono who was competent to bo county clerk , ho could not endorse his position. Why was this resolution Introduced ? in.CO was as plain ns the nose on n man's face that It was purely for the purpose of mak ing political capital for lledfleld. He thought It would get Into the newspapers and ndvor- ) tlso his Independent campaign. Zimmerman obtained IheMlpor to explnn that the rcBoIuton was not aimed at the county attorney , and In response to a ques tion ho admitted that ho did not Intend to vote for the republican candidate for cpunty cleik , IIo was freely hlssod by the lobby , and after Fred limning and several others had spoken In opposition to the reso lution , U was laid on the table * by a practi cally unanimous voto. Stolt'ii 1'roiifriy I'ouiul on .MoVey. The homo of James I nntry , nt Twenty- : ninth nnd Martini utrentH , wns broken Into ItOn by burglum last Wednesday night and n couplu of revolvcrn taken. Yesterday the police arrested Charley McVey , and when HourclicU ut the station ono of the weapons iwus found In his possession. During the lira. Josophintirolliill , of Duo West * 8. 0. , Imil a severe cnso of catarrh , whloh dually betmnioso deep-seated that Bho was entirely deaf in ono ear , and partnf Ihubonuin her nose sloiighi'il olf. The best physicians treated her in Miin , and she used J various nppIN af cations of BprayB and f washed to no avail. Fourteen bottles of 8. S.S. promptly reached the Beat of the dis I ease , and cured her sound and well. B. 8. 3. never fall * to euro u Mood discnte , and it I * the ouly remedy v lilch readies deep-seated i cajoi , Outirttiitrrilpure- - - lit viu'toliir Hooka i B * Jreej Uiureas & m SpscUlo Co. , Atlanta , Ga. ! I afternoon Mrs. Ilosle Smith called a ( police hondqunrtcrs and Identified McVey ns the mnn who snatched a pockctbook from her nenr the corner of Fifteenth nnd Karnam streets nbout a .week . ago. The pocketbook contained J" In cnsh nnd n railway ticket to St. Joseph. McVey will bo arraigned upon both charges. 1111)3 O.N .UilUftJI/n'HAIi llt'Il.DIXf ! . StnfT Conlrnrt In l.fl to n C 1-lrin. The executive commlttco of the exposition he a special meeting at 6 o'clock yesterday at to open bids tor the construction ofre tlio Agricultural building. Ten bids were received for doing the carpenter v > ork , and four bids for the staff and plaster work. The bids In detail were ns follows : ' Hamilton HroOmnhn Carpentry , $16- 540 , ; : deduct for piling If done by the exposition - J position management , llnx > ; deduct for painting nnd glnzlng , It done by the ex position , 51,40) ; tlmo required for construc tion , 1M > days , W. II. 'Parrlih , Omnha Carpentry , $ .19- 874 ; deduct for piling , $1,700 ; rteduct for painting and glazing , VM ; time. 130 days , William Ooldlo .t Sons , Chicago-Car pentry , $30,410 ; deduct for piling , $1.COO ; no deduction for painting und glazing ; time , 80 days. It. A. Estet , Omahn Carpentry , $11,903.55 ; deduct for piling , $1.400 ; deduct for painting and glazing , $ * X > ; time , M days. John nasmusfHjn , Omnha Carpentry , $4S- C91 : deduct for piling , $1,400 ; deduct tor pnlntlni : and glazing. $1,400 ; tlmo , 100 days. T. J , lAind & Co. , Omaha Carpentry , $12.- 73S : deduct for piling , $1S30 ! deduct for painting nnd glazing , $1,075 ; time , ISO days. George II. King , Council muffs Car pentry , $ I1,54S ; deduct for piling , $1.:00 : de duct for painting and glazing , $1,1GO ; time , 120 days. Congress Construction Company of Chicago cage Carpentry , $2S,5C9 ; time , 125 days. This bid WIIH not mndo on the blank furnished for that purpose , but was In the form of a letter , It being stated therein that the figures quoted did not Include the cost of piling , painting nnd glnzlng or composition roollnv , Wostlako Construction Company of St. I.ouls Carpentry , $ I1S25 ; deduct for piling , $ .1,000 ; deduct for painting and gl.tzlng , $ lr > 00 : time , 120 days. William Mavor & Co. , Chicago Carpentry , $14,177 ; no deduction for piling or painting and glazing nnd no tlmo stated. O. S. Snrsl & Co. , ( location unknown ) Staff and plaster work , $13,930. John L. . Nelson & ISro. , Chicago Staff and plaiter , $3,710 ; time , 40 davs. Fred Schmohl , Omaha Staff and plaster , $17,002 , Did Irregular , not accompanied by certified chock ns required. Smith it , Chicago Staff nnd plaster , $12,751 ; time , SO days. i The executive committee decided to awnrd | the contract fur the staff and plaster work to J. L. Nelson & Hro. of Chicago for $ ! ) ,740 , they being the lowest bidders. Ac tion on the awarding of the carpenter work was deferred until n subsequent meeting. President Wattles announced that he had made a contract with Fisher & Lawrle , Omaha architects for designing a now au ditorium In accordance with the decision ot the committee at Us meeting Friday. Ills action was confirmed. President Wattles also announced that he had received a letter from the minister of foreign affairs of the republic Kcuador . acknowledging the receipt of the invitation sent to all the countries of South America. Inviting them to participate In the Tran- < - mlEtilsslppI oud International Exposition. The minister expresses the thanks of the presi dent of tlio country for the honor conferred nnd accepts the invitation thus extended. Ho speaks In complimentary terms of the commendable ; object of the enterprise. TAICKS 'Jinn ' owx UHI-M MnriililiK * in IIiiHtcii Kiul nf Her Journey. Annie Meyers , sometimes known as Edith Meyers , ended her troubles yesterday after noon at 103 South Ninth street by morphine. She was 2C years old and had been living for some time past with Albert Willis at 504 South Eighteenth street. She had been keeping company also with a couple of soldiers from Fort Crook named Martin and Henry Walker , It Is said that she promised to marry Walker , and the date of the nuptials was set for some tlmo next month. Martin heard of this ar rangement and Friday night took Hie woman to the house of Julia Fredericks at 103 South Ninth street. He accused her of jilting him for Walker , and It Is alleged that ho flour ished a gun In her face. The woman went Into hysterics and threat ened to kill herself. She went Into another room and took a dose of morphine , but not enough to cause death. Martin walked her around the block for some time until the ef l fects of tlio drug had worn away , and then the woman gave him 15 cents and a prescrip tion , asking him to have the latter filled at the nearest drug store. This ho did. Yes terday morning about 10 o'clock the girl Is supposed to liavo taken the drug purchased by her lover , which was afterward found to bo morphine. She became Insensible before noon , and , notwithstanding a physician was called , died at 2 o'clock. The woman's parents , who reside at 1113 North Twentieth street , were notified , nnd the remains wore taken to the morgue. An Inquest will bo held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. ] lmilclt for lifttcr 12iiol < iNtircM. The Department of Publicity and Promo tion baa just issued a neat pamphlet , ad- vertlslnir the exposition , to bo used as an dh enclosure In letters. It Is of such size that it can bo slipped Into an envelope with out folding. The tltln page contains only n print of the exposition seal , while the lant page of the cover has a picture of the .Administration Arch. The pamphlet has twenty-four pngon , Including the covers , and contains the pictures of live of the principal buildings , with much valuable In formation pertaining to tlio exposition , the names of the olllcers and dliectora , am" .Mhort HkotcliL'H of the cities of Omaha , Council UlufTs and South Omnha. I.OO.VI. lUII-IVITIKS. Thirty-seven cars of ere were received at the customs house during1 the last week for the smelter. A bicycle , belonging to H. C. Knodo of " 120 Mason street , was stolen from the New | York Llfo building Friday. There will he a mass meeting of the Union club next Monday iilght at Its rooms In the Arlington block it S o'clock. I. Hlchonbcrg , driver for the Omaha Fur1 nlturo and Carpet company , \vas yesterday arrested on the charge of Inhumanly using Thieves Friday night cntoied a house In course of erection on Webster street , between Twenty-seventh and Twenty-eighth streets , and stole all the tools of the carpenters , a horse. Ono of the horses attached to his wagon was provided with a loose collar , -which has worn two raw spots In bis I to Idlers a couple of Inches In diameter. A blaze broke out In the homo of James HobliiBoii , S20 South Fifteenth atreut , las night shortly after 7 o'clock. The hous and contents were damaged to the exten of about $50. The Jncksonlan club held Its regular meet' ' Ing In Its club rooms last night and trans acted a small amount of routine business and referred eight new apfiicatlons for mem bershlp to the proper committee. The Omaha and Council Bluffs railway postal clerks will have a picnic at Fjlrmoun park next Wednesday Afternoon. The Omaha i j j I contingent will leave for the other side of 1 - | the river at 2 o'clock on a special motor. James Collins , a member of the Collins aus ot South Thirteenth street , was yes p-terday arraigned In police court for the highway robbery of Max Flnglor. Ho was bound over to the district court In $1,20 bonds. A , Anderson , who was arrested for assault Ing an old woman named Klla Mayer of 111 Jones street while Intoxicated , was couvlctei ot assault and battery yesterday and wa sentenced to thirty days In the county jail Ilia middle ten to be on bread and water. P. 13 , Anderson , who committed an as tault upon Caston Welrum near the corner of Sixteenth and Davenport streets lai Wednesday night , wai yesterday bound over to the district court en the charge of an agiiult with Intent to kill. The bonds vcre placed at $ COO , I imphere , FlncbN Skinner of St. I'aul. Minn. , manufacturer of fur garments , have c nimrnce I a suit In replevin In the county court to recover poswslon of llvo fur coati I In the possession of the Omaha Natlona bank , The coats \vere taken possession IUo by constable and are now In the vault o the county court. l.'azl" Oomlo li.i.s applied for n dlvorc ] ftom Harry I ) , Coodit on the ground tha her husband was ronvlcted at the May , 1S3 > term of thu district court of embezzlrmen and sentenced to seven years in the pen il ) tcntlury , uhero be Is now conllned , ilo. ilh suy > they were married In St. I ouls , Mo. " " " December 31 , PICNIC OF PASSENGER MEN Pint Annual Outing of Their A&oclation Proves a Decided Winner. HAVE DiVtRS AND SUNDRY KINDS OF FUN 1 < "I fly I'liNNPiiKer mill TlrKot riirllolpntf In ( tic K mill Dri'lili' llpiin Another I'lcnlu > rxt Year. The first annual picnic of the Local Pas senger association ot Omaha and Council Uluffs was held at Sarpy Mills yesterday , and to nay that It was a moat auspicious occasion for the wleldors of the ticket stamp nnd the eloquent passenger agents Is to ex press the truth In a mild manner. It has already been decided to have a second an nual picnic. The festivities were attended by halt a hundred passenger and ticket agents , a large number of traveling passen ger agents coming from outnlJo points to bo present at the Initial picnic of the Omaha ticket men. The success ot the affair was duo wholly to the efforts of Messrs. J. S. McNally of the Rock Island and Court Car rier of the Milwaukee , who constituted the committee on arrangements. All the city ticket offices were closed promptly at 11 o'clock yesterday morning and Inquirers were after that directed to the depots , because "tho passenger men arc to day having their first picnic In ten years. " Through the courtesy of the management of the Ilurllngton railroad , the party was taken down to the picnic grounds on a special train which lett the Union depot at 11:15. : The party Included J. E. Buckingham , Fred Francis , J , D. Reynolds , Doll Uranchmid _ Ted Llvescy of the U. & M. ; George Abbott , George Buckingham , Gus Stiles and U. John son of the Union Pacific ; C. A. Rutherford , Thomas Eilwell , J. S. McNally , Richard Tur- pln , Johu Mandcll and Charles Anderson of the Rock Island ; George West and Edward Dent of the Northwestern ; William F. Cham bers , local secretary ; Court Carrier nnd George Hayncs of the Milwaukee ; Thomas F. Godfrey. William 'Uarnos ' and Wilder Harding of the Missouri Pacific ; George Clayton of the Wnbash , Harry E. Moores and Joseph Teahon ot the Omaha , Kansas City & Eastern ; W. Lucas of the Pullman Palace Car company , W. H. Cundcy of the Denver & Rio Grande , Charles Duxbury of the Ualtlmorc & . Ohio , John Wlldncy of the Erlo. E. E , Jones of the Union depot nnd 'upresentfttlvcs ' of the press. SPIRITED BALL. GAME. The most Important event of the day was base ball game between nines captained y Court Carrier of the Milwaukee and J. 1) . leynolds of the Burlington. For the first ameii team Carrier was pitcher and Ander- : on was catcher three-fourths ot the time , ' 'or the other sldo Reynolds pitched and George Buckingham acteij as the receiving 3ml of the battery. Reynolds' aide won after i hot light of sixteen and one-half Innings by the score oC 25 to 13. Thu winning side nade fourteen errors nnd twenty-eight base bits , while the other sldo rolled up thlrty- dx errors and twelve bnso hits. George iVest of the Northwestern endeavored to act n the dual capacity of umpire and peace maker , and ho had various kluds of rouble on his hands In every Inning but the ast , during the progress of which ho fled , lo fined ono player $1 and two players $8 ; ho ordered six man out of the game , and all but live of them obeyed his commands. The gigantic form of Rutherford was once dis covered purloining a base , and It looked as hough the game might bo stopped then and : hero , but trafllc relations were resumed after the trouble was drowned at the special refreshment stand of the umpire. Three gaily attired negroes , veritable poclalty artists In their line , had been gathered hi by the committee and escorted : o the picnic grounds. AVith their musical nstruinents and their songs , dances and recitations they kept the passenger men amuscj for several hours. At 5 o'clock a s > ccond section of the party arrived from Omaha , preceded by the Sev- nth Ward brass band , George Green leader. | There was another base ball game and sundry other games. After lunch had been served he passenger men gathered on the green sward and listened to a sacred concert by the band interspersed by variety acts by the : iegro artists. A photographer risked IiU life on the edge of a violent stream and secured "a counterfeit presentment" of the jovial group. To escape the ordeal a pair of the cut rate men fell In the drink , but were rescued after heroic efforts had been made to let them drown. GET HOME ALL RIGHT. The return to Omaha was made In a spe cial car attached to the Burlington's express from Lincoln. On arriving In this city a line of march was formed and , hwd&l by the band , the passenger men marched north on Tenth street and west on Fnrnam street to The Bco building , where "El Capltan" and "Directorate" were well rendered. Dur ing the roaditlon of the selections In front of The 'Bee ' building the "low joints" and their friends clcsped hands In a touching manner and cnclcled the band In an effective manner and encircled the band In an effective thing. On the march up 'Farnam ' street tlio band played almost continually the familiar ditty "Them Will Bo a Hot Time In the Old Town Tonight. " All the railroad offices \\oro cheered and another cheer was given for the now north and south Mne , tbo Kan sas City , Plttsburg & Gulf railroad , through the courtesy of which railroad the passenger men enjoyed the music of the band. Harry Druel , the veteran passenger agent of Omaha , had been selected ns tlio orator of the day. He was compelled to be In Chicago cage , however , and the address which ho had prepared for the occasion was read by Local Secretary Chambers. The address was a most Interesting ono to all the passenger men and was greatly appreciated. Among other things the patriarch wrote : "It Is proper to go back to the early da > s of Omnha , before the whlstlo of thu locomotive was heard on our hills ami plains , and when out passenger transportation was confined to steamboats auil the Western Stage com pany. In the spring ot 1SCO the Hannibal & St. Joseph railroad , In conjunction wjth the Burlington , put on a line of packets ( five la number ) between St. Joseph and Omaha , making nearly a dally line. At least It was so InUndcd , though the Missouri river was then , as It Is now , so uncurtain In Its move ments and stages of water and BO uncertain In Its snngs and sandbars that regular tlmo was out of the question , and often days would Intervene between the arrival of boats. EARLY COMPETITION , "My partner , Judge Porter ( now of Los Angeles ) , and myself wore appointed n cents for the packet line , The travel was large , thu competition , between the boats and tbo stage line WHS strong , and I assure you wo had lively times working for business. Soon after the establishment of the packet line thu Hannibal & St , Joseph sent a passenger agent hero. It was our old friend James Reed , now with the L hlgh Valley. Some of our experiences In gutting business were very rare. For reasons that are plain to every ticket agent they paid commissions In those days I was anxious to sell railroad tickets from St. Joseph. I wrote to the gen eral passenger agent of tbo Hannibal & St. Joseph requesting him to send mo a few forms as an experiment. He did so , sending mo eight forms to the principal cities of the country. This was the commencement of the selling of railroad tickets In the then territory of Nebraska , and It wan so success ful that It was but a short time until he i j i sent me a full line of tickets. I shall always remember selllni ; the first ticket In the ter ritory , over which occasion wo had quite an ovation. It was to New York via the Hanni bal & St. Joseph , the Burlington and the Pennsylvania railroads. It was the first coupon ticket ever sold In Omaha and wo celebrated It , I think , with lemonade. So matters went along until the Kansas City & St. Joseph was completed to Council JIlnfTi , when the packet line was discontinued and 1 remained with the K. C. as ticket agent. " nu OllU'f Ilrre , As a forerunner of returning good times the Wells-Fargo Express company has dc- cldcd to locate again In this city. The company's office In Omaha was abandoned .several years ago. I-a t Tue&d.iy U , 1C. Wells of tlio company , with headquarter In Chicago , arrived In the city and made ar rant menu for opening a now ofllce. It will be located In the Crelfc-hlon block on hi. The Port Arthur Route is n aplko of prosperity driven through R country unexcelled in natural re sources , and it clinches tributary pormnnont territory. success for iU The last spike has been driven on the Port Arthur Route and the short line connection between Kansas City the western farmers , merchants and manufacturers Tfxtn- facturers and the shipping of the world at Port Arthur is accomplished. Port Arthur now becomes the actual terminus of the Port Arthur Route and address For information the export and import business will at P. A. Hornbook , Land Commissioner. once begin to move , What , with our II. C. Or , Gonotal Passenger . lines to Central America and the West senger Agent. The Kansas Port Arthur City , Mo. Route , Indies and the lines to f Europe , Port Arthur will become at once a port of first importance on the Gulf. Buy quick as a profit at Port Arthur at present o : ' prices is a cinch. f si n 9" Completed to Omaha in 90 days. . % * : ' ) A r-- . tt ' > ' .1 V ? iIi - ' . ) ' K i South Fifteenth street , immediately adjoin ing the postofllce , The company \\lll operate a line over the Omaha ! & St. Louis road , which has lately been relinquished by. the 1'uclllo KxproAs company. -r W. S. Fishball of St. Louis Is a. Darker guest. F. W. Springer ot Norfolk Is at the J. K. Brown of Chicago Sundays at the Darker. II. A. Holdregc lef > t for Chicago last night on a short business trip. Mrs. It. A. Bliss returned yesterday from n buslnesss trip to Now York. J. H. Poago , J. J. Pike and R. D. Jennings of St. Louis arc at the Barker. ' N. P. Plant has gene to Cheyenne , Wyo. , to be absent for a short period. W. A. Paxtou , jr. , has gone to Herscy , Nob. , on a business trip of a few days. W. 0. Snydcr left yesterday for Laramle , Wyo. , on a short visit with friends. A. K. Waldron and G. N. Monger of Schuyler are registered at the Ilarker. Phil McShane , who has been In Edgemont , S. D. , for a few days on business , returned homo last night. Miss Catherine Nash of Marshalltown , la. , was In the city yesterday while on her way to San Francisco. T. h. Kent of Corvallls , Ore. , who has been visiting in the city for a tow days , returned home last night. Miss Annlo Coad left yesterday for St. Mary's seminary at. South Bend , Ind. , where she will pursue her studies during tha winter , C. Zuekrlogel ot Washington , attached to the supervising architect's office. Is In the city to attend an Inspection of the work on the new postofllco building , Nebraskans nt the hotels : A. L. Shewey , Nebraska City ; J. G. Pollock , Columbus ; Lou B. Coman , Fremont ; E. C. Strode , Lincoln ; M. B. Huffman , Nollgh ; A. E. Thachor , Val entino ; George Melsner , C. S. Fulldgrove and Fred Bowman , Shclton ; J. M. Nettle , Coleridge ; C Robinson , Lincoln. At the Mlllard : C. S. Raymond , St. Louis ; V. M. Wellmnn , Cleveland ; E. W. Mac- Alllster , Providence ; J. F. Juman , Boston ; T. Ashley Dent , Chicago ; E. G , Sloan , Bar ton Sowoll and Russell O. Dell , Chicago ; 1) ) . F , Ankcny , Alllnnco ; J. G. Cowling , Chicago cage ; F. J. Holt , Detroit ; A. Lcavlson , New Yoik ; F. B , Luce , Chicago ; J. D. Parker , Lincoln ; G. C. Brooks , Chicago ; Grenvllle Howard , St. Louis : C , II. Wllcox and wife , Dotrolt ; Paul Host , W. Well , Vernon W. Peck , A. 0. Davids , A. L , Gore and N. Van- dorpool , Chicago ; A. Streglltz , New York , CITY OKFICIAI. XOTICISS. NOTICE OF THE SIT/TJNCJ OF THE C1TV COUNCIL AS A HOARD OF To the owners of the ( \o\an \ parts of lots and real estate , deswrlliedf bei uln or abutt ing on or adjacent to- the Hlrentjt , alleya or avenues herein narnrjJ1 or sltuiited In whole or In part within any of the dis tricts herein fi > ecllled : * ' You. and each of you. iiraijhereby notified that the city council of the city of Omaha \\i\\ \ \ ail OH a Hoard of Krumllzutlon at the council chamber In the. cjly ball , Omaha , Nebniulcii , three days , from' JO o'clock n. m. until 5 o'clock p. m. , commenolng Tuesday , September H , lt > 97 , at 10 o'clock a. m. , for the purpoao of considering nnd equal izing the proposed levy" of * special taxes and as.setjment a tehortn by "Pro posed Plans of Asso mcjiti * " prepared by the city enjrlneer nUilt approved by the Board of Public " \VoilH ; , and now on file In the olllco of the city clerk , and correcting any errors therein , and of hear ing all complaints that IhiwownerH of prop- elty HO to be assessed and taxed may make ; bald special taxes and nxaefsmentH proposed to bo levied being necessary to cover the cost of the several Improvements duly au thorized to be made and now completed , aa follows : To cover the cost of laying permanent Blclowalka , laid by W. J. Welshans , Includ ing cost of inspection , amounting to the turn of 1304. 00 , which mim it Is proposed to aesess on the lots and real estate along which said walks have been constructed , as fallows ; Lot 42 , Terrace addition . * 49 20 Lot 43 , Terrace addition . M 70 J/ot 1 , Sam C-Uiipbell'M sub of lots 22 and 23 , Terrace addition. . . , . SS 33 Lot 31 , Rces Place . 75 71 Total . 3 < M M To cover the cost of laving permanent sidewalks , laid by John Grant , Including con of Inspection , amounting to the sum of I2.4IH.07 , which sum It l proposed to augend on the lots and real estate along wlilch Maid walka have been constructed , as follows : Lot 5. block 3 , Hani-corn Place. . ,1 4 ? 4T Lot 17. block 3. Hanseom Pla-e. , . 49 Ti iJit 1. block 11. Huns-orn Place , . CM1 Lot 2 , bloc * 11 , Ilaiiscuin Place . 43 47 CITY OKVICIA1. NOT1CKS. ( Continued. ) Lot I- ! block 11 , Hanseom Place. 49 72 Lot 4. block 11 , Hnnscom Place. 49 44 Lot 0. block 11 , Hnnscom Place. 49 23 Lot 18 , block 13 , 11 in5com Place. 49 72 Lot 19 , bloclc in Hanseom Place. Ki 7.1 Lot 22 , block Ifi , HaiiBcom Place , 49 " . ' Lot 20 , block 17 , Hanseom Place. 49 C Lot 2. block 17 , Hnnscom Place. M 00 Lot 1. block 17. Kansccrn Place. 22S 17 Lot 15. Rees Place fi.1 53 S 4 lot Ifi , Uecs Place . .242 K SU feft lot 20 , Itpca Place 27 8.1 Lot 4 , Terrace addition } 99 21 Lot 7 , Terrace addition 4C } > 3 Lot S , Terrnco addition 4777 Lot 17 , Terrace addition 50 SO Lot IS. Terrace addition Bfl 9 Lot 18. Grltlln & Isaac's addition. . . . 04 S3 Lot 19. Grlllln & Isaac's addition. . . . G4 8.1 Lot 21 , Grltlln & Isnnc's addition. . . . GI.B3 Lot 22 , Grlllln & Isa.ic's addition. . . . CI 53 Lot 5 , Clark's addition 0294 Lot 8 , block Sfil. city 134 39 Lot 1 , block 211' * city 10963 Lot 1 , block 3 , Kountze Place 7342 Lot 2 , block .1 , Kountze Plnce 49 72 Lot 4 , block 3 , Kountzo Place 4S 40 Lot 5 , lilock 3 , Kountzo Place 49 72 Lot C , oloek 3 , Kountzo Place 48 47 Lot 7 , block 3 , Kountze Place S9 C7 Lot 1 , block 4 , Sub. Dlv. John I. Rodlck'H addition C7 CG Lot 2 , block 4 , Sub. Dlv. John I. Ilodlck'H addition 73 S3 South % lot 4 , bloek 4 Sub. Dlv. John I. Redlck's addition 3G 00 North 12& feet of lot 5 , block 4 , Sub. Dlv. John I. Hcdlck's addition 12 43 South 47 feet of North 1GO foot of lot 5 , block 4 , Sub. Dlv. John I. Redlck's addition 52 S3 Total 12,401 07 To cover the cost of laying permanent sidewalk- ) , laid by John Grain .including cost of Inspection , amounting to the Hum of J7G9.S3 , wnlch sum It Is proposed to assess on the lots and real estate along which said walks have been constructed , as fol- vet 9. block 7. Jerome Park $41 79 .ot 10 , block 1 , Jerome Park 1S ! 70 .ot 11 , block 1 , Jerome Park 31 24 , ot 4. block 1 , Kllby Place 42 2 : , ot 9. block I , Kllby Plai-e 4225 .ot 10 , block 4 , Kllby Place f > 2 59 , ot 5. bloek O , clty 291 81 Mi 21. Heed's second 172 4S West S7.S feet of east 1S7 feet of north 173 feut uf block 23 , Walnut Hill. . . . 5701 Total J7C9 S3 To cover the cost of laying permanent sidewalks , laid by John H. McGownn , In eluding cost uf Inspection , amounting to the sum of ? 304.10. which mim it Is proposed to HSHesrt upon the loin and real estate along whlc-h said walk has been constructed , as follows : Lot C , block 11 , E. V. Smith's addition $27 49 North 'i of lot 8 , block 17 , K. V. Smith's addition 1933 Lot 1 , block 18 , 13. V. Sm'.th's addition 41 25 Lot 2 , block 18 , 1C. V. Smith's addition 30 00 Lot 4 , block 18 , E. V. Smith's addition 30 10 South 20 feet lot G , block 9 , Hoilmch'H 2nd 1145 South Vi of lot. 3 , block 7 , Horbuch's 2nd 1053 South Vj of lot 10 , block G , Horbach's 2nd . . : 17 SO South Vi of lot 13 , block 5 , Horbach's 2nd , 1043 West % of lot 12 , block 4 , Hurbaoh'a 2nd 4005 South li of lot 10 , block 4 , Horb.ich's 2nd 10B3 Lot 9 , block 4 , Horbach's 2nd 33 10 South H of west 140 feet of lot 13 , Kountzu'u 2nd. . . 20 75 North Vi of west 140 feet of lot 14 , Kountze'H 2nd 20 75 West 140 feet of lot 15 , Kountze's 2nd. . S3 40 Northwest V4 of lot 10 , Kountzo'H 2nd. . 28 00 W W feet lot 21 , block 18 , Hanscom Place f > 0 35 TotfU $501 10 To cover the coat of laying permanent sidewalks , laid by John M. MiGownn. In cluding cost of Inspection , amounting to the sum of $191.10 , which sum It Is proposed to assess on the lota and real estate along which said walks have been constructed , nu follows : Lot5 , block 13. City $ 1387 Lot 1 , block 22S , City , 201 M Lot fi , Troup'B sub 23 fi9 Lot C. Troup'B sub sa 13 Lot 27 , block 10. Kountze & Ruth's add 31 CI Ix > t 20. block 10 , Kountze & Ruth's add 23 50 1 i lot 15 , block 13 , llan.scimi Place 2S ( x ) N 1,3 lot 11 , bloc ) : 13 , llanscom Place. . 1295 That part of tax lot 10. section 32 , T. 15 , R. 13 , adjoining I.eavenworth St 15 71 Sub lot 3 of lot 10. section 22 , T. 15 , R. 13 , north of Lcavenworth street. 31 89 Lot 29. Horbacli's 1st add 27 81 Total $191 16 To cover the one-half cost ot grading the alley In block C , Hhlnn'a addition , Including cost of Inspection , amounting to the sum of $301.42 , which sum It Is proposed to asses * on the lots ami t . .iwtatu \ uii both nldes of said alley , pro rata per foot frontage , according to the umial Healing back process , at the rate of $ o.42 i per foot , as follows. E 120 feet of the south IJT'.i ' feet of Hut'l Jllock C J M 74 K 120 feel of the south 127'S feet of sa'd block C 60 74 W 120 feet of the koutli 127Ji feet of said block C , W 74 CITY OFFICIAL .VOTIOISS. ( Contlnuea. ) W 120 feet of the n 210 feet of the S 127H feet of said block C . 5074 W ISO feet of the north 127V4 feet of said block C . 7010 W 20 feet of the 13 150 feet of the N 127Mi feet of said block C . 12 CS W 30 feet of the B ISO feet of the K feet of said block C . 12 CS Totnl . $201 42 To cover the cost of grading Davenport street , from 38th avenue to 39th .street , amounting to tlio sum of $202.14 , which sum It is proposed to usscst on the lots and real estate on both sides of said street pro rata per foot frontage and according to the usual scaling back process , at the rate of $0.3983 per foot , ns follows : On the north side of Davenport street to ' the center of block between Davenport and Chicago streets , and on the south Hide of Davenport street to the center of block 3 , between Davenport street and alley In Crescent Park addition. Lot 1 , block 3 , Crescent Parlc . $ 25 R3 Lot 2. block 3. Crescent Park . 10 47 Lot 3. block 3. Crescent Park . 1030 N 30 feet lot 4. block 3. Crescent Parlc 0 18 N ,6 lot 21. block 3. Crescent Park. . . . 4 12 Lot 22 , block 3 , Crescent Park . S 24 Lot 2.1 , block 3 , Crescent Park . ! ) 01 Lot 24. block 3 , Crescent Park . 1509 Lot 23 , bloclc 3 , Crescent Park . 2-1 72 13 221 feet of tlvo S % of tax lot I , section 20 , 15 , 13 . 89 27 Sub lot .T of tux lot 17 , Sec. 20 , 15 , 13. . 30 9S Lot 53. Stewart Place . 8 Oj S 20.12 feet of lot 51 , Stewart Place. . . 4 28 Total $2G2 14 To cover the cost of grading Vlnton street from 21th street to 20th street , In Grading District No. 124. amounting to the sum of $140.49 , which sum It is proponed to nssecs on the lots and real estate on both Hides of Bald street , pro rata per foot frontage , accoidlng to the usual scaling back process , at the rnto of $0.32291 pr foot , a , * follows : On the south sldo of Vlnton street to the first alley south , being lots 1 to IS , Inclusive , In Sherman addition , at $12.92 each $23250 East 12 foot ot lot 19 , Sherman addition 3 b9 On the north side of Vlnton street to the center of blocks 29 and 30 , Wll- cox's 2nd addition , being lots 5 , 0 , 11 and 12 , bloek 29 , Wllcox's 2nd ad dition , inil ( lots 5. 0 , 11 and 12 , bloclc SO , Wllcox'HSnd add'Ion ! , at $7.C1J each 01 20 Lots 8 nnd 9 .block 29 , and lots 8 and ! ) .block rxD , WIlcox's 2nd addition , nt 22.11 each 8341 Lots 7 and 10 , block 29. and lots 7 and 10. bloclc 30 , WIlcox's 2nd addition , at $1,1.CO each 51 40 Total $11049 To rover the cost of ab.itlng nuisance un der the direction of the Hoard of Health , the same consisting of removing night soil from lots 0 and 7 , of Pruyn's Subdivision of lots 1 , 2 and 3 , block 5 , Lako's addition , done under contract wlbi A. McDonald , amounting to the sum of $1040 , which sum It Is proposcil to assess , ns follows : Lots C and 7 , I'ruyn's Sub of lots 1 , 2 and 3 , bloek 5 , L.ike's addition $10 40 All of nnld lots and real estate herein de scribed or referred to being ultliln the c-lty of Omaha , In Douglas county , state of Ne braska. The "usual scaling back process , " to which reference Is made In this notice , Is as follows : One-third of such pro rata cost upon the ono'Slxth part of the whole amount of thu ground to bo assessed first abutting upon the street line along said Improvements. Onu-tlfth of such pro rata cost upon the second ore-six ) ) part of the whole amount of s ild ground next adjacent. One-sixth of Hiieh pro rata cost upon the third one-sixth part of the whole amount of aald ground nwt pdjacer.i. And tlireo-teatliH of said pro rata cost upon the adjacent or remaining one-half of said KIOUIlll. You ore further notlflc-d that paid "Pro posed Plans of Assessment" arc now sub ject to the Inspection and examination of any of the owners of said lots or pieces of real estate , or the Inspection or examina tion of any other person Interested In said proposed usNossmentH , at the ofllco ot said city clerk , and that It Is proposed that , un less for good and stiltlclent cause It may bo otherwise ordered and determined , tlui cost of said Improvements respectively bo assessed on the several lots , parts of lots and pieces of real estate , as shown by said proponed plans of assessment. Yon , anil each of you , are hereby notified f to appear beforesnld _ board of equalization , nt the time and place above spec-Died , to make any complaint , statement or objection you dcslro concerning any of said pioposcd levies arid assessments of xpoclol tuxes. Omaha , Nebraska , September 7 , 1897. I1EECHER HIGHY. Cliy Clerk. Sept-7-d-7-t OMAHA. Neb. , Sept. 10 , 1&97. Sealed bids will be received at the ofllce of the Grounds and Buildings Department of the TranMTiludBHlppI and International Exposition until 5 o'cloi k p. m. . Saturday , September 18 , for the construction of the Liberal Arts building. Plans and specifica tions on file in the superintendent's olllcc. No. 034 Puxton block , or sets will be fur nished contractor ) ! at coit P. P. KIRKENDALL. Manager Groundi und Bulldlngr Dept , SeptlO dSt m&e CHICAGO. HOCK ISI.AND A I'ACIKIC IlAtt.- riMil "The Ureat Hock IManJ Iloiitc" City , Ticket Otllce , 1323 1'nrnnm Street. Telepliiinu , 4t. Depot , Tenth anil Mimon StrocU. IVIo * ( ilioiic , US. Leave. Arrive. Chicago nnd St. Paul Vpiillliiileil KM'rem. . . , 4W : pm 1:43 : pin .Inroln , Color.-ulo SPK , I'neblo , Denver niul \\ 1:13 : pm 4:03 : nm Chicago , DPS Molnci nnd Hock Inland 7:00 : pm 8:15 : nm Atlantic i\irt ; * < 9 , for Uos Molnen iiiul cant- ern point * 7:00 : nm G:33 : pm Lincoln , Kalrlmry niul lleltexlllo 5:43 : pm "lOMO nm Dally. Daily cxreut Sunday. WA1IASH ItAII.UOAn TICKirr OKl'lCn. UK l-'arnnm Ktiect. Telephone , 322. DcjMt , Tenth nnd Mnron Streets. Teloplionc , 128. l nve. Arrive. St. I.9ids "CMnon Hull" xpresa * 4:3) : pm * 11:50 : nm Dnllj- . CHICAGO. MIIAVAUKiiJ & ST. / " " ' ft. - 1 > nul Hallwny City Ticket /A/iitir/inisrc ) Ol\ee \ , 1501 Fninnin Sln ot , / \mlL\VAuKEE \ \ Telephone. "M. Dtpot. Tenttl Tc'lcphcneJ nnj Mason Streets. IM. Leavo. Arrive. luanu l.lmltdl lit 6:30 : 11 111 8:03 : nm leant ) & Slnnx t'lly i : " 11:00 : am 3-53 pin Dally Dully pxcrpt Sunday. OMAHA. KANSAS CITY & HASTHUN UAIIr nmil Omali.i it St. Ixiils lliillmad "The O. K. Uuuti--TlcKot onu-n. 1411 rmnnm ftiot-t. Teleiilione , 3:2. Drpnt , Tonlli ami Miuon Streets , T.-li-plionp , 13. I .ixc , Arrive. 1'nltonHburg. Kliksvlllc , * 3:40 ore ' 10:15 : pm St. I.oula , New York Ltmllnl * 4:30 : urn " 11:30 : am Dolly. MISSOUUt PACIFIC UAILIIOAD Ueiivinl Oltlces nnd Ticket Oniee , Merchants National Ilnnlc UulldlnR , 1221 Piunnin Street. Telephone. 104. Denot. Klfteentli anil Webster Sticets , Telrphouu , 1453. . . . . . Leave. Arrlvo. Knn ni City , St. Louis nnd southern points. . . 3:03 pm 12:33 pin Kansas Clly Kxpn-ss. . Utfrtpm 0:20 : nm Ft. Crixjk Sa Union LI. . * 9:00 : pin 7:00 : nm Dally CHICAOO & NOKTHWU'.T- i-rn Itniluny City Ticket Olllce , 1101 Fnrnnm fitrrct. Telephone. CM. Dcp t , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tclt'pliana 12S. Leave. An ho. Mlwourl Valley , Sioux City , St. Paul nnd Minneapolis 5:40 : nm 10:43 : pm" Missouri Valley , Sioux City 7:30 : am 3:03 : Pm. Duntson , Carroll , " \Vall I akc "i:30am : 9:03 : pin. . IJastcrn Express. Des , Molnes. MarshnlltotMi , Coilur nnplJ * . ChlciiBO " 10:43 : nm 4:10 : pm' Atlantic Klyer , Chicago and Kust 4:45 : pm 4:10 pm Fast Mull , Chicago to Omaha 3:10 : pm Missouri Valley , Sioux City. St. Paul. Mlnne- upolls Umltcd 5:55 pm 9:23 : nm Omahn-ChlcaRO Special. . (1:30 ( : pm 8:10 : fun Dally. Dally except Sunday , [ CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. MINNI3- npolls & Omaha Hallway General oHIces , Ntbmska Dl- vlilon. Fifteenth nnd Welwter streets. Cltv Ticket Olllcc , 14011'-ninnm Sheet. Telephone , Ml. lii-iibt. Flftuenth und Webster Streets. Telephone , HS. i.avc , Airlve. Hloux City Accommnrta. 8'50 am 8:23 : pm Sioux City Aoooinmoil.i. 9CO : am 8:23 : pm HlAlr. imer8un , Sioux City , I'onca , IlailliiB- ton nnd Illnnnitlt-ld. - . . . 1:00 : ] ) m 11:55 am Sioux C'lty. Manknto , St. Paul , Mlnnenpolls . . . . Gilo pm 9:10 : cm * Dally , Dally except Sunday , Sunday only. J SIOUX CITY A PACIFIC HAIL' Cieneial Olllccs. United Ktntes National Hunk llulld- Inif , S.V. . Corner Twelfth Jind Fainnin Streets. Tlckul OflH-e. : J" , | Street. Telephone. 5H1. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster Sticctu. Telephone , ' H13. Lea\ . Arrive , Sioux City Mmiknto , St. Paul , .Minneapolis , 6:15 : ym 1 0:10 : um Dally. FlllIMONT. nl.KHOKN & MlN.ioiiil Valley Kallwny Cfiiial Olllei-H llnltrd States National Hani : llnlldlnir. Soulliwi st Comer Twelfth an4 Kurnnin Stieela. Ticket Oinco , HOI Farnain Street. Telephone. 501. Dtpot , Fifteenth und W lstci Strecta Telephone , 14',8. I. < yive. Arrivo. Illack IllllK. Deaduood nnd Hot Springs 3:00 pm 5CO : pm Wyoming , Casper und Douslas 3 00 pm 5 00 pra IIiifitlncH , York , David City Superior , Ce- neva , Hxelir und Scw- ard 3:00 : pm 5CO : pm Norfolk. West I'olnt 7.V > ant 10:23 : nm uinl Fremont 3:10 : pm 5:00 : pm Lincoln , Wahoo oml 7:50 : nm l'iam : Fremont 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pm Fremiuit l.oenl 7:50 : um Dally. Dally except Sunday. Sunday only. Dally except Saturday. Dully except Monday. UNION PACIFIC "THU OVKJl- l.uul Houlu" Cleneiul Ofllcra. N. i ; . Corner Ninth and Farnam Streets. Clly Ticket Olllco , IMi Fainam Street. Telephone , 3)6 ) , Depot , Tenth und MUSJII Kluc'tn. Telephone , 12S.Leave. Leave. Arrive , "The Overland Mmlied" for Demur , Salt Iuke , Pacific const , und all wfsUin points 820 ; am ' 4 : < 5 pm Tust Mnll train for Dcmer , Salt Luke. Pacific coait and all western points 1 4:05 : pm " 10:20 : am Lincoln , IKntrlce and Stromiliurir Kxpreis . , ' 4.05 pm 3:50 : pm Grand Itjlaml IZxprcfoi . 5:33 : pm " 3:50 : pm Dally. Dally exirpt Sunday. Council muffs I.ocjil I.euvc . B:40a : , in.i 6Wn. m. ; 7:30 : a. in. ; S'2J a. m. : ln : < 5 a. m. ; 2:15 : p. m. ; 4 30 p , m. ; 5'55 p. m. Arrives , C.23 a. in , ; 7:20 : a m. ; S n , m.i ! > : : > a. m. ; 1ISO : a. in. ) 3:10 : p. in. ; CHO p. m , ; 9:05 : p , m. : 10:43 : p. m. NOT1PR. Notl"o Is hereby given that fculeil iiro- Iiosala will bo received by tin ; Hoard of 111- rcctorH of llio Newtpn Urination district of J ui > county , Neb inlia , at tlielrolllce in ya'd district up to 2 o'cloi k p , in. of tlio Zltli dnv of Septenibi-r. 1&'J7 , for JIl.COO of thu I.OIHN iHMicd by salil Irrigation dlntrlo' , nil of nald bomlH liplnu for $100 each , imyiibln 11-1 follows , lowlt : 11,100 In cloven yenni ; $1,30) In twclvo yeaiH nnd Jl.OO1) ) In tlilrlcnn ycaia from thn date , nnd diuwlPK Intcrft ut tlio into of G per cent per annum , payable m'ml- nmiually. Principal und Intercut of pa'd bonds payabln at thci olllro of thu ? tioasurer of Hie utalu of Nebraska The Hoard of Directors rt-HCive the rl lit to reject any nnd ull hld . AddrcxxJll bliln to ! O , W. Abbott , secretary , .Moulton , Neb , Hy order of the Hoard of Director * , made July o. 1W7. Q.V. . AHI1OTT , Secretary.C . C ! . L. COI'l' , President , \ollrn tn HldiliTH. Thn Hiiperlntendent of coiintrtictlon of tlm Nebraska xtatu building ut the TraimnlH- Hlsslppl and Inlunmtlimnl Exposition will ruccive blda until September 18. 18D7 , ut 13 o'clock , noon , at the olllco of the Hoard of Director ! ) In the Doilone hotel annex , In tha city of Omaha , for all mateilalg ncciwary to construct the .N'l'br.mka ntato building to bo erected upon thci oxpuiiltlun K round 8. Copies of tl'O cutlmato ran bo secured ot \V. H Hearing , asxlutant ( secretary , ut tha olllco of ald Hoard of Directory. OKOUOH W HI.AKK , Superintendent Construction. Attest ; \V II IMSAUINCl. Aatlsunt Secretary ,