Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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Boptcmber Wheat Soils at R Dollar and
Then Falls Off on Realizing ,
ItmiKirrd Hcilnctloii In rreiicli Tariff
HfliK | Hie Hull Crowd Corn
mill OnlNVnk Pro-
CHICAGO , Bept. 10-September wheat
nold nt a dollar todny. De-camber came
within V of that figure nt one time , but
( leclltipd befoio the close to 93c , nn ndMincu
of ' , c slnco yesterday. September closed nt
tUVfcc. StronR foreign markeK penbonrel tn-
lingenH'iil1 * . und rumors of n reduction In
the Trench \vhent tnrlff were the bulllHh
feature , H , the reaction being caused by real
izing snleH. Coni declined UW c nnd oils
% c. I'rovlslon.s closed 5fi22 > ic lower on the
nnowed jel'ow ' fever acure In thesotitht
Wheat wat In good dunmnd nt the start
nt nbout fta Improvement over yesterday's
doling price for December nnd le for Sep
tember. For a supposedly defunct deal Sep.
tember exhibited n surprising degree of
activity nnd climbed up to Jl within a min
ute or two of the oiHjnlnp , when the price
wan 9'l'4c. December was decidedly erratic ,
l-rntn Wic to SSVio to begin with , It rose
to ! rtc , turnfel around nnd went back again
to 9Hic. Then It dropped to 97ysc nnd ro e
from that In n gradual way to 9tc. Trom
the Inttcr iwlnt to 9l Uo wan the work of
nbout twenty minutes nnd thewc lUietuatlons
wore ull within the llrst two hours of the
ni"ihlon. The rally was c.tused primarily by
nn ndvnnco of 1 2-3c In the price at I-.IVOT-
tmol at the opening. 1'arls started 10 centimes -
times lower , but Unit market closed ut an
udvnnco of 10 centimes , while Antwerp
gained 25 ci > ntlmea. A cablegram stated
there were good prospect * of n reduction
or 2 francs In tlie duty of Trench whent.
'J his was disputed Inter , hut In the me.m-
tlmo It had caused December to Jump to
MWu. Chicago iccclved 2C9 cars , only
twelve ot them contract. Minneapolis and
DuliUh receipts wore 496 cart , against I,4o3
tin * corrcHpondlng day of the jenr befoie
Atlantic pent clearances of wheat and Hour
veto cuunl to about 800,000 bushels. 1'rl-
innry market receipts were l.iBV-TO binne-ln ,
compareel with l.Oin.1'17 bushoU the similar
day of list As WHH the cases In the
recent boom In September wheat , the mai *
ket hael to take n good deal of long graIn
when the price npproiclied tlie dollar mark
At O'JVii. ' offetlngK were \erj free , much
more liberal than the limited demand. lOtiW
absorb , and the confluence was n giadual
but steady decline. December Hi-ally Fold
down to Sc , where It closed. Beptembei
closed ut 9S4c. . ,
Corn was rather easy The market opened
tlrm nt a Blight Improvement , the strength
of wlieat nnel some bid Ftite crop reports
oncournglng buyers , but the .strengtli was
only temporary The crowd feared that the
government crop figures might look high
when Issued tonight , which caused consld-
e rnble wiling. The non-.ippearnnce of frost
In the corn belt also had n weakening In-
lluence , but probably the chief reason for
the weakness wns the growing procure of
the enormous iccelpts ; 1,310 cars were re
ceived todny and freer country offcilngs
vvcie reported. Atlantic poit durances were
SJ'IOOO bushels Liverpool cables were Him
nnd aHd higher. The range for December
\\t\a between 3.1 and .530 , the closing price
bolng Wtc nhked.
Oils weio llrm. notwithstanding the de
clining lomlenry of rorn. There was an
e-normous cash elpinand , sales of about .TOO.COO
bushels being reported nnd this and a large
export busup ! s Herved to biiHtnln prkpH
HecelptH wore -129 cars Doccmber ranged
fioin 21 fie to 2WC , closing nt 2mfl21iic ! , n
Bhiiele under jesterdny
The appearance of new > ollow fever cn cs
at New Orleans made a weak provision
mnikct liquidation was free nnd stop loss
ordora appeared on the nuiiket The decline
was stopped by support by Swift and othst
iiicUeis , and the close was n little over the
bottom The weakness of corn had some
Influence. At the clo = e December poik was
iJMc lowei ut $ ? ! 7'/4. December laiel lOc
lovver at $1 73 nnd December ribs 5cj lower at
ns'tlmnttvl ie elpts for Snlnrdny : Wheat ,
" 1" cars ; coin , 1,450 CUTS ; oats , 370 cars ; hogs ,
a I 0 < 10 head
Loading futures ranged as follows :
FTicie-B I opou | uuii I I OH. I CIQ J lYtHui'y
Sf-pl. . 1 00 UBS
Dec. OH
M.iy . . l)8hi ) U7 01H
sept. . 111 31
Deu. . . . .1.1 31MH
M iy . MH
Sc-pt . . imj 20 inw 20 20MS
Die. . . J1'4 21H ' 'IK 'J1U MS <
M.iy. . . 2Ui vm .MM ' . ' 4 24
Oct . . . R r.5 8 58 H m R 4L'J 8 CJV ,
IHo . . . 8 70 8 75 8 J74 8 lit 8 70
Oct. . 4 7. 1 7B 4 nn 4 07W 4 7B
4 H2 1 8'JM 4 70 4 75 i HJh ,
Sept . " B 47k
Oe.t. . . ii 47M r. i-5 5 3' . ) fi CO
No. 2.
Cash nuotntlonsncrc ns follows :
riJOVll rirm nnd 15c lilirlur.
\\IlKAT-No 2sprltiB , SS iuaJViC. Xo. 3 fpllng ,
83flt'3i ' ; : No. 2 red UJcWJl 00
OAT ? No" 2" ' SWOHc , f o b ; No 2 white ,
22iic. No S Si'iu'ic. .
llAltUUV No 2 , " nominal , No 3 , S34Cc ; No
4 < tS-t tfS5C
rT.AV.siiu-No i. ji oi'ioi 07
T1M0111V SiiiPrlme. . U CO . . ,
PUOV1.-41ONS Mess pork , per bbl , $8 4J78 M
Ijird per 10) Ibs. . J4 G7' , bhort ribs nldeg
elonw ) . > 3S1fi150. Dry milted nhouldersJl x | ) .
$5100175 , abort clear Bides ( boxej ) Jj.iJfiM'S
\VinblCY llstlll ra' nnlshed goods , per , al ,
brtOAU-Cut ; lo-if , J5.S1 , uranulatcd J32I
On tlu Pioduco excbance tculav the I'Utte'r '
marl ct was llrm , creuner > . 12JT1.0 , diln , 9O
ISr Clmeso. e-isj at S'4i7c. ( ! ( Kent frenlt SVSc
lave poultrj , Me.idy . , turkevn , OSflOo , cblckens ,
So , uprliiKX , Oc , ducks , "i/gi'jc /
MJ\V YOIIK iii : > nit\L
( Uie.tntloiis > f tin * l > n > 011 nc-iie-rnl
< CoillllMllIllll'H.
Ki\V YOIIK , fept 10 ri-OUn necelpta.
10 731 bbla , exports , 12,154 Mils. Market quiet
but linn nt n sHclit advance , Minnesota
pnte-nlH , llSOtJfi 1C , Mlnnefotn , bokere' , Jl 75 ®
COO , vlnm ulrillc , J I 905/5 15 Ityc Hour , firm ,
COltNMK -CJule-l
HYK Quiet ; No 2 vvcblein , S2c c. 1. f. Buf
falo : rtir lolH W/32C.
1IAHU13Y hlea Iy
IIAItl.llV MA1.T Dull , weielern. 65&G..C.
\\UI3AT Ke'eelptu. 24410 bu . exportn. 274 2il
bu M > ot , ciilet | Uiillonn opened ntrong on blgber
eablen nnd foreign | IUIIR | , vveakeneil uiwler ic-
nlUIni ; rallied m jc-purled reduction of 1 tench
dill } but declined iinj closed weak In consc.
qnmec of cll .ipiwlntliiB e-iport demand at H
ijo net b ) . No J red Ma ) Jl 001 , 1 02 > t
eloniMl Jl OOVi. Septimbei Jl 03 13 loftl 051 , cle-fed
51il'i , December , JlOUilW. cloned Jl 01 %
COltN-ltccelpta 177e.OO bu , eiwrt | . J10.815
bu Siilon , 3tO,000 bu filturea 120OiK ) bu cpoi
Hpot , ( . > ' . No I , Sf'.c Option * opened Hun
wilh v\luat , but VMBkemJd under Improve 1 eior
IIIVVK wnJ cloned * , < : decllno , September 3b ? if
Wtf closed 5i Hc , Decc-mber , 3 > , < iSV , Uo > cd
IIATi' necelptd , 11J.OOO bu. : export" . 22,1)14 ) bu
Bput , llrm ; No2 , 23c , Optlotm dull but U-.iily.
wltb n > t cloning yte net ndvnnce , Keplember
cloriM 25o. Dcend > er c lo d iw.
HAY W ik , Dhlpplnir. J4iOil50 ( , coed to
liloliii J300f5.50
llOPH-Qulct , IS'Ji crnv. 3Q4o : 1S90 crop. COEo ;
Piu-ltle evia" ! IWI creip , 5Tlc ISOtl crop bJJUi1
HIDKI-rirm. Qalve-ston , 15fl6cIuenonAsre ] ,
1Vnoinlnul , lexaii dry U'iWlic ' California.
"l.IIATHint rirm ; licmlock olc , llucno
IH'TTlJU-llfcelptii 5 107 pV.g , quiet , wentern
creamery. ISfilUc : nieln * . 1 , f ctory. S il2o.
CIIKU8I3 H HWlil | . J701 pkgi i iUl t , large ,
ublte. ISc. urn-ill , while , 9'io , largo , cilored ,
jn , , umiiU , colonsl , 91ie , puit klm < , C'iljTc ' ;
full klm 3WH40. . . . .
iO : < l Kvcelpt' 7.GGG pkR * , quiet , elate and
P'nn ) lvunln. l7 lSc vvmlern , lie.
PltoVlblOS'S-lleef , llrm ; family , Ji 00810 50 |
beef Imnu , J27 50 Cut meat" ciulft : pickled bel
lies 7t2c , pickled ilioiilderi , 6Uc ; pickled haiin ,
JUWS1.C laird n ler ; weitern alenm , J312 > i ;
re'llued , eat ) Polk , xleady ,
OII.S Cottonnccil , dull jellow , 27V > 02S' > c.
Pertoleiim. quiet ; Pennsylvania crude , no nmr.
ket nominal ! ) , , ! 5c. Itoiln nteady ; urnlncd
common to coed , Jl,45t7) ) < 50 , Tuipcntlne , utoudj ,
Klrm ; doroeitlc , fair to cxtitt , 4 < i8Gi4c ,
MOU".Siit $ rinn ; New Orleans , open kettle ,
Cirxl II Cbolci' r > Kf31l- .
M17TM.B Ac-nrJInK to metal excbnnge report
nlir uariants closed ( lrm r nt JO DOJf7 00 ; lake
I Tuer. eiulet at til 10011 75 : tin , quiet , 115751 ,
ntt7 < ni : npi-Hir , quiet , II SJtf 1 30 ; lead , quiet
ut ( I 3iff4 40. Tlie llrm lUIng the nelllns price
for leiillui ; miner * and melter In tbe west
eIU ( be lead niaik t mrong at , J4
'lultlinoi-c- -rijOin-Duii , reaipn ,
C 6,1 bUI . , vxporti , 14810 bbl > .
W11KAT Ulincr , tjpot Jl.DJ iVLOJIi ; moutlt ,
II Wt ! ll 03' , . Defi-mbcr. JlOidlOtUc : > teani r ,
No. i red . SWMViC. receipts. 1W.CJ4 bu ; ux-
iKirls 141910 l > u ; soutbtm wheat , by rumple ,
$ t < ! 7r1.04V. . on irad . Jt.0001 00 .
COIIN Quiet Spot and month , 3C14if3iVc ! ;
Jiovciib r , order ncvy or oU , 37cj recelptu , 154 : io
export * , Ii9 259 bu , nouthern white com ,
* f noitthern jellow , 3ffJ9c
OAT8-rirm r ; No. J while , : Ho bid ! No. 1
mixed , IZfiZJ'iC , receipts , ,77J bu , ; exports , ,
000 bu.
It1i-Flrm : No. 2 western , E4Q54ve ; receipts ,
4,42 < bu ,
\T-Ste-iily ; choice timothy , I3 OOO1J 50
miAIN ruiIlOHTS-Qulet , demand Blow and
tine hanged ,
mtTTi : _ r > uii
nin-4-We ( k nnd quiet.
CHUiSE Quiet and uncbntieel ,
O31.VUA ( ; J.MIIAI.
Cnndlllnn of iriielp nnd quntnllons
"n Stnplc nnd Ianp > - I'rniluce.
rooS-Oood Mock , weak nt 120I2'4c.
llUTTiH : Common to fnlr , 7'4HSo ; choice to
fancy 10ai2c , sepnralor creamery , IBo ; eath-
ereil rrenmery , 1401V ; .
VHAf ChoIce fat , SO to 120 Ibs , quoted nt So ;
rge nnd coarse , 4fjse.
I.IVi : POt'I.THY Hem , BiWc : coclc . 3i4c ;
chickens , per Ib , GHQ'fi ; ducks , Go ,
PKlLONH-Llvt. 7tf50c ; dead pigeons not
llAY-Pphnd , | , midland J3.50 ; lowland ,
J4oO , r > e strnw , Jl , color mnkes the price on
bay , light bales sell th < best , only top grades
brlnjc top prices.
1IUOOMCOIIN Extremely slow nnles new crop ,
delivered nn track In country ; choice green self-
working carpel , per Ib , 2Jf2Kc , choice green ,
running to hurl , Sf2Hr. rnmmon , IHo-
CANTAlxJUl'KS-1'er cloz . 35HWc
TOMATOis-Per hnlf bu basket , 40fl50c.
" ' " " ' " " "
1.1M\ " " " " - -
1.JM\ niJANS-Per Ib.e.
' ? . ? * nn y' p" bu , $1 50.
l \ ) ( ] ) : - grown , le.
WATKItMinxj.vs-Cratcd , per doz , J13SO1.60
' ' ' 'I * '
NATIVI3 PMJMH-Per basket. 205J35C.
nilAPHS-Callfornla. J1.I531 60.
SOUTHKIIN rnAcitr.s per u > > ui MBGOC.
CAUroilNIA PnACHCS-l'er case * , Crawford * .
UK ? Mo ; cllnit , 7W c
CAMFOHNIA PKARB-Hartlctt , per case , J1.75
Rl.DO. llurrri * Hardy , J1.40BI 50.
rAIJTOHNIA PUJMM-Pcr ca c. M Oev3l.23.
1IO.MU aitOWN aitAPES Per Laikct , Irt.
onANaES-MeUlterranenn sweets , Jl.
eoslnas , J4 50 ; cholco Cnlltornla ,
1IANANAS Choice large stock , per bunch.
J2.0032.25 ; medium-sized bunches. J1.S002.00.
NUTS Almonds , California , per Ib . largs
size , 13o , Llrazlls , per Ib , ivc ; nnvllah walnuta ,
per Ib. fanc > , soft shell. 12MISC , standards. 10O
lie , Illberts. per It ) , lln. ; pecans , pollsncd. large.
SlflOc ; jumbo , Iigi2c ; large htcKury nuts , Jl 2j
per bu. , coooanuin , 4540 cn9h.
PlGS-lmporied fancy 4 crown , W-lb. boxes.
l c. G crown , 50-lb noies , 13B14C.
IIONEY-Cholce. 1315c.
CIDEU-ClArllled Juice , per half bbl , J2 3S ; per
bbl , J4 00f4 25
MAPI..E 8YIIUP rive-yal cans , each. J225 !
gal cans , pure , per doz. , J12 00 ; half-gal , cans ,
16 25 ; quart cans. S3 50 ;
DHESSED IIEET Oood native nteers 400 to
COO Ibs , 7c , good foreqimrter , stcrrs , Go ; Kood
hindquarters , 9c , western utecrs , Gff64c , fancy
heifers , Gc good heifers , BVic , good fore-quarters ,
helfeta. 5c , good lilndquarttiv heifer ! ) , 3c ; good
COVYS , fiijc , full cows. 5 > ic , common cows , V4cj
cow forequarters , 4V4iJc | , cow hindquarters ,
UEEP CUTS Tenderloins , He ; bcmeles'iIrlps ,
9c ; strip loins , "c , rolls , DC ; sirloin butts , 9c ,
anoulder clods , be , rump butts , 5c , etcer
chucks , 5o , cow caucks , 4Wc ; boneless chucks ,
1'-c , cow plates , 3c , steer plates , 3VC , lUnlc
lcik , ( i'4c , loins No l , 14c , loins No 2 , lOHc ,
loins , No. 3 SVic , ulrloln ends. No 1 , i'c ' ;
rll , No. 1 , He ; libs. No 2 , 8Vic ;
ribs , No. 3 , G'Jc , steer rounds. 7VJc , cow rounds
7c , cow rounds off , SUe , trimmings. 4c , beef ,
ulianks , 2Vic , brains , p r doz , 35c , sweetbreads ,
per 1U . 12c , sweetbreads ( calves ) , per Ib , 40o ,
kldnr > s , per elcz 35c ; ox tails , enc.i , 2c , llvera ,
per Ib , 2c ; henrts , per Ib , 2c , tongues , per
Ib , He
PORK Dressed pigs , Go ; dressed bogs , BV4c ;
tenderloins , I3o. loins , 7c , spare ribs 4e ,
bam sausage , butts , Gc , shoulders , lough , f.'ic :
shouldcra , skinned , Cc , trlmmbiKS , 4Vic , leif
lard , not rendered , 6c , heads denied , 3c ,
snout nnd ears , Jc backbones , I'jc , cheek meats ,
3c neck bones Ihe , pigs' tails , 2c , plucks ,
each , 5c , chlcterllngtJ , Cc , hocks , 4c ; hearts , per
doz , 25c ; stomacbB , each 3c ; tongues , each , 7c ;
ictdnos , per doz , ICc ; brains , per cloz , 15c ,
pigs' feet , per doz , 23c , livers each 3c.
St. I.oills lien criil
ST. I/JL'IS Sept. 10 Pl OUn-Unchansed , patents -
ents , J5 lOfto 20 , straights , M 73Q4 S3 , clear , Jl 20
@ 4 40 , medium , J.1 5003 75
\MIE\T Unsettled ; closing with September Ho
nnd December Uc hlfther , and May 7 > c lower ,
cotnpired vvlth jesterda > , December opened ic
higher , declined Tie , advanced 17 c , and then
went down l7Hc , closing with bujers % c above
the bottom September , higher ; No 2 red cash ,
elevator J101 , track , Jl 00\JT1 ( 02. No 2 hard
cash. 93SCB3C. track ; beptumber , JIOO'4 , December ,
Jl C0i. May , Jl Od- % asked
COUN Market closed wllhln lie of the bot.
torn and WPUc below yeslerday Spot , steady ;
No J cash , J9Hc ; September , 295ic , December ,
30'ic May , 3JUc.
OA1 S Putures firm nnd bld higher , but there
was no trading , an offerings lo sell and bids were
too far apart. Spot , higher , No 2 each elevator.
Jlc , trick 21c ; No 2 while , 2JVsJ3c. beptcmuer ,
J0i4c bid. December 2H o bid , May , 2J' c bid
HYE bteadj nt COc bid.
HAIU.EY Nominal
COIlNMEAIbtrong nt Jl 7001 75
UltAN rirm , east track , Hacked. 51c , f. o b ;
this side 52c
n , VXHEED Higher at J1 03
II VY < ? teaJ > ; prairie , J4 0036 CO , tlmcthj , J > 5)g )
1IUT1EH Slow , creamery , 14ffilSl&c ; dairy , 81 }
rnO < ? Higher at lOVaC
POUI/lin e'hlckens strong ; old hens , Giic ,
Bprlng-i , 9e , duckn springs , gc , geese , spring" , be ,
turkeys tipilngs , 7i7Vic
METAIA Lead , lower at J4 2jif { 4 30. Spelter ,
dull at 14 05
PIIO VISIONS Pork , lower ; standard me s job.
bins , new , J9 , old , J8 23 I oid , lower , prime
steam , Jl 55 , choice , J4 CO Hacon ( boxed lots ) ,
oxtrn short clear and ribs , JC75 , shorts JOSJ71 :
Do fcalt meats ( boxed ) shoulders 1550 , extra
s'lort clear nnd ribs , J 25 , shorts , J6 37'4
HECElPTh Plour , t.COO bbls , wheat , 19,000 bu ;
corn 141,000 bu , oats , 20 00) bu.
hlUPMENTS Plour , 7 000 bbls ; wheat , B4 000
bu , , corn , 70,000 bu , oats , 20,100 bu
Coltoo Market * .
NEW YORK. Sept 10 COPI EE Options
steady nt unchanged prices to a decline of 5
points down dull Ihrougbout the morning , fol
lowing unsatisfactory advices lu > lng checked
by beuv > Brazilian recelpls am ] lack of oulslda
Ktipport , In tbe nflernoon quiet and featureless ,
clo'cd Bleadv net unchanged to 5 points decline ,
hubs , 9 , bntH Incliiillng .September Jl0 ,
December J6 25 March JC 30 Spot coffee Rio ,
Htcadv No 7 Inv olce , jr. 73 No 7 Jobbing , J7 21
Mild , dull Cordova J10 50illl 31 1-3 Hales , 70i )
bags .Santos No 9 alloat J6 12L
.SANTOS bept. 10. COITEE Steady ; good
Santos 7700 lels , receipts , three dujs , SJ.OOO
baits Ktoclc ICO 000 bags
HAMIItUlO , Sept -COITEE Opened U pfg
lower. < losed unchanged , hales , 10000 bags
Stcidy No 7 Rio 7 " 10 rels , exchange , bd , re
ceipt" IG 001 ! ) in.n cleared for the United Stales.
5,000 bags , lor Europe , 11,000 bu-rs , istock , 47,000
' '
'llAVRE Hept. -COITEE Closed steady nt
> tl net declines , bales 15 0(10 ( bags.
KANSAS CITY , Sept , JO WIllJAT-Mnra. 1
2c blclur , active , soft , nitbrr lovv. No 1 bnrd.
jJc , Ni ) i , SJ ( > 2c : No 3 , tt'.SfiVlu. No 4 , 8IH.ii ( )
SOc No 2 Baft , 8d'45jti7c. olio c-ir p < ior , ! ) lo , No
1 'I3WJIC. mixed , Ulc , No 4 , SSc ; No. 2 aprlnff ,
kSc , No 3 , El e
COIINVealt , ralber slow ; No , 2 mined , 270
27l e
OATS \boul Elcailj ; No 3 while * , JOo.
HM : riim , NO 2 , WAO.
J1AV Stnad > , choice timothy , $7 HO ; cholre
preiltle * $ a 2o
111 Trnil Active end etrems ; crcumorj , 1314 ®
15Vc , iliilrj , 10ftJc. ]
iOS : Hull und V4o lower ; KHUN and Mis-
Hourl plock. lOc
IliOiilr : > 4 Wheat , 219000 bu ; torn , 37,700 bu. ,
oat 2Jd')0 lu
hHIl'MUNIS Whfat , 2So,000 bu , corn , 36,400
bu , oat , ! 000 pu
' . IMV ( IrlI'll UK
NIT ( OHI.15ANS. HcDt jo-ijoa J'HODUCTS
Pork , old , tWe Ijinl. rcllned , tierce ,
4 ? > c Itoxed meats , dry suit shoulders , 5lV c ,
tides fc llacon rlear ribs sides G c. Hami ,
Uieile-o miKiir cured , . _ .
OOPTOK Hlo. ordinary lo low fair , t9 OCiflO (0 ( ,
KLOII11 Mfady : e > xlru fancy , J4 7084 W , pat-
entr. IS 15 : 20.
COIlNMi : -Steady at 1 CO.
IHANulet at Me.
IIA\ Quiet ; prime , S1200R13.00 ; choice , J14 009
IS 00
00COIIN Steady , No 2 sacked , white , 28839c ,
mixed 3SSJ3V , jellow , 40c.
OAlS rirm , No. 2 saclced , " 'fee.
IlICi : Plrm. ordinary to need 494Ho.
S n It 11 r Alai'lic'lH.
IXJNHON. he-pi 10-SUnAH-Mu covado. Us fid
Ileet feujar Heitrmber. | 9s 2'id , Oclober , 9i"
NKW 1OUK. bept 10 srOAK-Haw , UonB ;
rrllnlnc 3.c , centrifugal , 3 ! > c , refined , ileudy ,
No 6. Jkc
NK\V OltI.i\NS. Sept IP Open ket.
lie , gulet at 2't3 > , c , centrlfUKal , ktiong , gran
ulated < M 4 9-IGc , white , 3 15-1 to4 l.ICo ; > el-
low 3'i < | 4c , seconda , 3jl'ic
MnrUrl * .
PiORIA Sept 10 OOn.N-.Stead > , No 2. 30c
OATS-PInn No. Z while , 22V4C.
WHISKV Market Urni. basis for flnlaheil
UWKII'TP-Corn , 71,150 bu ; oal , 41,100 bus ,
rio and whUk ) , none , wheat , COO biM
ailll'MUNra Corn 33.MO bu ; oati. 23.MO
bu ; lye nsn , whlnky , 1,137 bbU. ; wheat , none ,
Il > irpnul ( Irnlii mill t'rotUloni ,
I.IVKRPOOU Sept. 10-pnoVISlONS-Ham ,
hort cut St.a.
W1II3AT No 2 red , western winter , nrm Id ,
No 1 re d , northern tprlug , linn. Cs 9'id
CORN American mixed spot , new , ste'ady !
! V < d , American mixed old. steady , 3s 5d , Octo
ber slend ; : B'.td ; November , uleady , 3s C\d
ri.Ol'11-St Louis , fanc > winter , itead ) , 10s M
Plilliiele'Iplilii Produce Mnrlict ,
PHILADKLPHIA , Sept. 10.nUTTiR3ulet. .
but stead ) ; fancj western creamery , 17c.
rirm , fr > b nearby. 17c ; fre-iti western.
Sun lrrnncl coVlicMl Uucitntloin.
BAN FRANriBCO , S pt , -WHEAT-Qulet
December , Jl <
No Halting in Its Advance Noted During
Past Week.
Tlilrtj-rotir 1'er Cent More Men nt
Work Tlmit One Aonr AKO
AVlicnt ( Socd Up ll\c
I Ccnln.
NBW YOnK , Sept. 10.-n. O. Dun & Co.'s
Weekly Ucvlew of Trade in Its Isaua tomor
row will aay :
There Is no halting In the a < l\nnce llunlncss
Ki-onn better In nil wn > . for while Us ppcciilotlv *
cml lnoke c-on i > lcuoua gambltm for a tlccllno , n.
Fiend ) Increaie In iiruductlun , In working force
nml In the jiower Ot the people to purchase 1 the
feature which o\erflmilow nil others. Ileport < i
of New Vork trade unloin show nn Increase * lnf
ono ) ear ago of 64 per cent In the number of wen
nt Mori , and n nlmllnr Increatc nnions men Vn
like poiltlon throunhout the counto would ex
ceed J40.000 , while e\er > " week adds mimy ii"tab
ll < hments to the nctl\e list. Tie ! coul miners
strike Ims ill-clo'eil mch facts , and broimht to
llKht ' such illfTercnci-n , that work will probJbl ) ' >
\ery noon returned by a lurse share of the men
The farmers ore helped by hlxlur prlcts for
wheat , and while wentern receipt * rte not i how
that they hn\e mnrketeil n tenlt of their cropi.
imsurance of a hntulaoino prollt to come prepire
them to bu > liberally hereafter , llicausu of thl >
nnd the Increase of hands nt work , Oealeri
throughout the countiy lime started to replenish
BtockK , which Is the preat force at present opernt-
Injr In manufactures and tiade , thouRh dls-
trlbutlon by retail trade has greatly Increased
A unln of 12 per cent In one month In the output -
put of pig Iron , from 163.37S tons , Aunuit 1 , to
1C5&07 tons September 1 , with knowledge that
half a. dozen other furnace * me preparing to
resutnn , nnd that unsold Mocks ha\e been rc-
lucrd 14,400 toni weekly In AURUst. Indlcatlnic n
consumption of about 110COO tons more , explains
the moderate uihnnce In prices of flnlMitd proil-
uct * . 1MB 13 a slindn stronger nt Chicago , but
the proof that tlic advance Is henlthy Is found In
the Kronlng ileminds of consumers , especially
for bars , with Inquiries for 100 000 tons reprrted
nt Chicago , for structural work , Including 12,000
tons for Santn 1 > brldnes ; for all rortB of or
mateilal. Including 10,000 axles , nnd for plates.
especlilly for vlilp > ards on the lakes , BO tint
most prices ImNe luHnnccd Jl per ton. Copper
Is Ptculy and lead a shade stronger nt 41 %
cents and the production of coke has. reached
124 000 tons , with 12,717 oens In operation.
Wheat has risen 5 cents the last week , not
In n tluri > , but In answer to thednllj Increnslns
foreign demand Though reports of the crop ,
now almost whollj out of danser Mlrnte a jUll
ne\tr curpas ed but once foreign accounts still
ftreimtlien the belief that the deficiency abroad
will be nbout 10H 000,000 bus u Is mcic Uian u uni
nnd meanwhile reporH Indicate that less corn
than was expected will be tnallnble for export.
Its price has rli-en about "t , of a cent While
wheat receipts at Chicago Ime been breaklnn
lecords , receipts nt all the weFlirn point" nre for
tic week a llttl" below last > e rbut AtUntlc
exports 9 778 13R bushels flour Included , nKi'm't
427073) bushels last jcar for two weeks , with
C S79.771 bushels of corn , ngalnft 3 ri"0.7ri bu hcl3
last > ojr. Inillciite a foreign deimnd nppiiently
limited nt pre-ent onlj bj ship room
Since the mill corner In Augu t , cotton Mas
relapsed to 7ife cents , no rumors affecting prices
much Nortiern mills nre consuming \er >
laigcly. with a continuing demand for goods
whlsn has n < lmeed the prices of man > With
enormoui speculatlxc sales of wool , which appear
to conBtllutu most of the market at ItivUon there
II also more bio Ing there nnd elsewhere bthe
woolen mills , which arc enjo > lng extraordlnar }
demand for goods at prlcet .ncrnglng not 10
per cint higher than was paid eirl > In the
5 ear The meragf edvnnce for the wiek In
sureties has been > 1 12 per share for railroads
nnd 70 cents for trusts
Tnllures for the week line been 21" , In the
United States against 311 ln"t jear , nnd thlrtj-
three In Canada , against fort > -i-e\en la-t > car.
ciiiiiTOTALS. .
\HrKrc-uriito of IliiHliii'MN Trmmnctloii1 *
of ( ) > < ANMiieliitril Ili'iiUn.
NTn\V YORK , Sept. 10 The following
table , compiled by Bradstreet , shows the
bank cl-eurlnss .it cghty-sp\en ! clllcs for the
week ended September 0 with the percentnse
of Increase nnd decrease as compaied with
the coi responding week last jeni : .
CITIRS. Clearings I Inc. I Uec
New \ork 070 OEO 6:3
lloston S3 1S4 57
Chicago 12 .11 141 20 7
Philadelphia . . . . Pi.416 OT 2s ; \
St LouU 26 V ) 07 l : r < 21
P tt burg 13.317 22 4 1
llaltlmorc. IS 1 4.1" : r 4
San I'rancl'-cO 13 2)1 C9I 2t 41
Cincinnati 10 71.'HO
Keinpas Cltj . 11OS 3
NLW Orleans . . . S. 0 S > 9J [ .1 h
MlnneapollK 7 91(1 „ 15 ]
C cvolnnd
Ml wnukte
St I'aul
Columbus ,
\\aal in
New Ha\
Atlanta 8 2
hilt I-aK
Portland ,
Portland ,
St , Joseph
1. of Ange
Syracuse .
DPS Molr
Tall Kl\e
Sioux C
New Ut
1 opeka
1 icl.Bo
) > Ci
r igo , N
Mini' . 1'n
Ilaxtlngs ,
Hiiuston 4 0
T.II onto
Hamilton G.I
St. .lolm , N. JJ
Totals | J 2210M51
Iiii | > ro > ciiieiit In Illiniums Noted All
Alunnr UK1,1 in- .
NHW YORK , Sept. 10-Bradatrcefs nlll
tomorrow say :
The business week ban been mat kid by n
lontlnuatlon of comparatively free bu > lnt ; b >
jDliblne and roinmlimlon merchants. In anticipa
tion of future wants ul nlmiwt all Important
dUtrlhutlng point * At a number of < enter * | i -
clal rate oxcuislons of nierchants have uusUted
the wieK \olume of buitlnesx notwlth tand
Ing thn Intel \enllon nf a holiday Hpeculntlvc
Intercut nnd the strength of wool reimln the
features of that mjiket Cottan fubilrs have
Improved , thtlr position In > levv of Increased de
mand and ( heapei raw matt rial There has
been a falling oft In general trade In portions
of Texas , dun In pirt to the unwllllngnoa of
planters to ell cotton at It * present price Hut
at ci-ntml weMein points noublv Chicago and
St I oula , business has been active ' \\ibtern
Iron and uteel nillls nre practltall ) 1ndehndent (
of bu > cre for the remainder of the calendar
> rar.
The August advance In price * for more than
100 stupid raw nnd manufactured articles , prod
uct * , lv | stock t-ic. amount to 3,4 per cent ,
following all per rent advanoi In July Dur
Ing the llrnt six months of the calendar > rar
Iirlic * referred to Ml awaj about 2.6 per cent
l.xports ff wheat , flour Included na wheat ,
from bith roaktn nf the United States and Man-
In ill , Khow it falling off frum laal week , but
are still Aery large aggregating SCIl.MG bu
With lha exception of la t wtt-k , when the total
exports aggregated .2tS.2l7 , they nero the largest
for any week thin > < * ur , and compared with ex
iwrta In tbf like wii-K a > ear ago of 3.7W.141 , In
nn of 1610000 , In 1WI of 2S ! 7,000 and 1833 of
J.M7.000 lu
Corn eiH > its hie the largeit for am week since
lant tprln ? , aggregating 4,493 341 bu , against
2 .tCuO laxt > cnr , 43,000 In 1BJJ , CJ.OOO In 1SO6
and 55,000 In 1S : J.
Tliere weic 173 bunlncsi failures rep : > rtd
throuKhout the United Rlatea this week xgalnit
} } lait we b , 30t In the week of Iu t > enr. 211
two > ear are 223 lliree it-art oxo and a cum-
pared with 300 In the like w ek of 8eptembr ,
1SSI. Tl er are thlrt > .tuo builntes fulluret re
ported from the lom1aln&J > ( Cnnndw IhU week ,
rompartsJ with thirty ; l "f week , forty-nne In
the week a > enr ngo , twenty two > ear g nd
as rnntrnsldl with thlrtyljlx In the like week
Of 18JJ
ninv or s'iocic .MUIICIT.
Hull Irnilrrslil | > nml Active
llti > ltiu Arc rt-ntiiPCK.
NHW YOItlC , Soi > tHU-In lt rcvlowof the
stock market Hr.idntT'jot'a tomorrow will
9iy : i . . . .
The stock market continues to be nctlve nnd
high nnd excited. Pnblltr parttclpitlon In the
biijlng H on a very large scale , and the market
Ins effective bull leadership I/omlon has been
n seller of stocks , though nt the clo e of the
week speculative ptirckaifn for foreign account
wen * ngaln noted The professional element has
fevoral limes endeavohi Mu create a reaction ,
Huch attempts rcsulteil , howcier. In little be *
> end frictloml lo i-es , though the market gives
some evidence of overbuying and of the dis
tribution of mnny stocks In the hands of wenK
people or of operators who e disposition Is to
In M'lle ' uf this , there was no IMullntlon inrt
at declines n decided deivmnd for Mocks n 'ert *
Itself The principal fpeculitlv'e event of the
week wai the ileclaintlon on Ihursilav bj the
HI. IMul compinv of nn extra dividend of 1
per cent In addition to the tifilal semi-annual
This action was followed by a rise In St. I'aul
to lOHi , nnd llurlnlRton's price followed this ev
ample on the next d > St Paul s course went
far to overcome nnv disappointment due to the
fulltiip of the sugar company tu declare either
nn extra dividend or nn lncna t > on Ihe regular
late A leading bullish force In the market has
been the Increase of rMlrond earnings.
Mnrlcrt Irrc > uiiliirl > Striinul In Spite nf
NiW YOIIK. Sept. 10-Tod-iv's market ivnb
strong almost without vnrlatlon , but In an Ir
regular deRree In different parts of the ll't
He-tilling fjlcn nt one time depres-ed the nvcr.
iiKe price a frncllon below last night's clo e.
the extreme net decline being shown b > Louis ,
vllle. tfj per cent , New Jersey Central \ per
cent , JIHsoutl Pnclllc , S per cent , nnd Northern
Pacific preferred , $8 per cent In addition there
were Home sharp declines from the Itest before
the close. The net sains for the day throuim.
ut the Hut are more noticeable In view of
lese fncts Thtio was llllle news of n special
haraeler Iwjemrt what was conllrmatorj of
acts nlrendj known Importance ron-
nties to be attached to Ihe declaration of the
xtl i dividend bv St Paul visteriiv nnd tlie
oed Influence nf this was manifest In the Im-
roveel buvlni ; foi Lcndun nccount todav This
elped to keep ( be prle-e nt Bt Paul llrm all
av nnd advanced t'nlon PailUc 11 per cent.
urlliiGtoii. allhoURh It closed \ per cent unJc *
le benl , nho\vs a net gain eif over a point , nnd
ock I l-tnd elld ns well Omaha advanced nl
ic time nearl ) 3 points and Its iillli > d line ,
01 thwestern 2U polnlii , falllne ; IncK rnmevvhnt
t the clorc Hurllnston's cro" Inir the p ir line
n greeted with enthusiasm In the south-
eslern group. KaiiKH and Ti xaa Paclllc lei vvltli
n extteme advance of 214 ptr cent and a nn
aln of IS per lint In the Vanderbllt blimp
leveland Cincinnati , ChlcoRi A M Lou a
ilnod 1 % per mil , mid the others le s amounts ,
c ept Che apeaUo i Ohio continued en.
'ptlunall ) henvj The Inige citnliiKs irported
nil In propcet Irom the vnormous movemnt
f grain had tn do with the sltcnRth if all
, e stock * 'Ihe coalcis all Hhowel weakness
urltiK most of the dav on nccount of the dl < -
ppolnllnff dullness wblrh conllnues In tbe an-
irnUlo Irade This eniaurugcd Finn hhort
elllni ? nnd a rhatp il" > * of 2'j point : ) In N w
et-iej Central In the nfte noon Inllrntrl th
Hirers of the "bells nnd rallied imr rf tht >
ther eoaltra The heaviness in Lciulsvllle win
robublv elue tc a recurrence of appichensl n
vet > ellow fe'ver po-v lbllllt > In Hie ll t rf
lieclaltles notable vlns Here resbterc I bv
ViHtein I nlon HroiiUjn Tianslt on lir e In-
. . .is < - tf trilllc Natlnnal Lead I.--itlur l rt-
eried , l'rockl > n tnlon Oas ( I p r ttnt ) Splius
lefened , CensolH-ited G-is 10 p"r ctnl ) l.lnrocil
II and Oregon Navigation (4'4 ( pi > - cent ) On t'u
ther hand Suiur lobacco , I.CIIK IvUnd la
lede Ou , btuich Piconil preftried QuI k IIve.i
refene'd and Itubbcr prcfened nil dlsplnved
In ilie bond market the features we e thi
"cntnl of Ctenr ia IncjOinCH , the II sts advancing
% points and mutlnr "a points , ni'J th * 101
lids ndvamliiK- rolilts nnd iei.tlns li ,
mints Totil sales JI.1T ) CCO Iheie- were Kile ,
f I'lilted states 2i ul iV/e and Ihe mupon 5s
lh < - livening Po fs , llnndon llnnnclal c-ible
hram ( * a > s ' 1ht bNler mjiect of tlie mcmev
arlcet helped all the * fleck mukets tidaj II iteji
or M-ltlement purpo s j Timlse ( o be moderite
iiniulluii rillwa > s Fh.ovvtil , n khaip il e. Gram
rrunU guaranteed jii-c'fcrbnce b'liitf e0i > e.clalli
trong AmeMlean * llultURted during the dnj , but
he net result Is tint prices nre hlRber , Mlhvnti
< cc Ac It Paul le ullnK , Tbc.-.e latter touch * * ! !
4'i at rne lime At , 4,30 the pilce was 1049
n 1'erlln the niarKet Svarf'flrmcr. and In Paris It
uis stead * , lo firm " ' "
1 ho fnllVM4 ( VMMO til4 cll)9lllL ; quit Itlons on
h leaillns stocks of ll\y New Yorlc exchange
oil aj :
Mfhlson ilopM . , . 1 I
do pfd . . . . . . . , . 1'U'l 101)4 )
I illmo ( i V Ohiif , .lo pfll . . . .
anidaPii-lllc . 'It. P. V Oil . . . . h'J-i.
; .m.ul l South * rn , : llO pfd . . . . 14m ,
" nli.ll Pulllc . . . . St P M V M . .
Chi B XOhlo . . . . So Pieitlc . . .
Chlcicei Alton . bo Hillwav . .
11 &Q elo pfd
VIJ 1. . 111) Te > \ is v , P iclflo
r.c v bt L . . . 1 ! )
clopfel . . . 84 HI P DC .
11HS Wiljisli . . . .
Del It A.V 11'IMI elo pfil
Irn ) , < c Uio ( , 1 ! ( U'lni > l V I , KIDS
do pfil . -IDS elo pfd 17
rlu ( UHHI ls'4 AdiiiH r\ .liiS
irle * 1st pfil . . . . J t Ame lie III Ex 11 il
1 t W.ivim ''
SrontNorthprnpfl 14O e.ll K n .ro Et . IDS
Hexklnir Vill > v . . ei V Cot Oil . . . ' 4 >
IllinoisViitt il . 10' ) ! do pW 7h
I.akillrlo .v. Wjoi / Am n SnIrltH 1 1' '
do pfd . 7i I do pfil . . -
L lUoShori . . 170 Am Tableau
LoulHV Ille * A. N.ish ( > J do pfd . . . . .11 1
M uib ill in I- . . . lll'f.Chlcuo O is .101
Mot Tra-llon . . .Ul Tons i ! t . 'JKI
Mlchiyui CVntril KM Com CibloCo ' " 'J '
Minn , VSI r , . . . . 27' . Col P V Iron . .
do iHt I'M n7'i do | ) M . . . So
Mo Pacltlc ) Ron Klevtilc . ' '
Mobile.V Ohio . < ! HIllnolKSU * ' * ! . 'lH ! <
Mo K. & T Ifi54 Liflfdu Gate
do pM . . . 171 Lead
Now Alb Jc ( 'Id. . . . 11-H do pfil . . . . 10 ! )
do pfil Nat Lin Oil . . . . IS
N.J Central . . . . Pill Ilk. Mail. . I7K
N. Y.Cc-ntral . .1125a Pnllmin I'll
N. Y Chi. V St Ki9i 111-CM ( 'irtlticili-s
do iHt pfil . . , SIHj'Stand ' Kopo A.T
elo'Jil pfd
Norfolk .v. Western H do pfd . . . .
No. Ame r CoNe 5H T. C .V Iton . . . . 3154
No P.ieMtlc ' US rx-ltlii-r .
do pfil do pfd . . . 71
Ontario . * W IS U. S Utibbe-T . . . ,
DIP. If , A Niv do pfd
Oil * , bhoil Llnu . . . Wpsli'rn U.ilon ,
Plltibuii ; KM ) rhl it Wpnt rii 17's
ItcMdlnj Nortlivvpmun . . . J7JJ
Hock Is ! mil . . dopfd . 1U4
Si LoulHXS P .
Total sales rf ptocl.s toda > were ro 000 scares
Ineludlmi' Alchlbon 4 100 , Atchlson prefeired
20125 , IIiirllnKton. bO EC. , Urlawaie Ixickauann
.t \\i tern , 4500 , kotibfvllle X. Nashville 10 OW
Minliittnn , 30310 , Mlcxourl Paclllc UJ)1 Mis
Hourl Kansas fit 'lexas , 3100 , lersey Central
f ICO , Niw } orU I entral , 11,100 Nuilhern IMclllc
1SHO , Norlhein l'aclllc prefeired 13220 , North-
\\efte-rn , 0 roj. Hock Irland ut , 7.0. ht Paul
U220 , Omaha , 16,100 , Southern lallvtav , G 400
Southern rallwas pieferred 2.,771 , I nlon laclllc ,
27011 , Anuilcnn SpliltH , ( ,100 , Anurlmn Tobiccci ,
11 12J , llaj State (1 is , JI.OOO , fhlcti.ii ( las. 2 ( CO ,
Sugar 14 2 < " 0 Tennessee Coal and lion , G SOO ,
Weslein I'nlon , 30320
NI1W 'iOHIC , hept 10 MOMJY ON CAI.l -
l'is > at 1'ifl - per cent , last loin , 1V pel cent
elcuid nt 1V4 2 pel tent.
Sn'nill.INO n.XClf ANfJC M enk. with nelua
buslnet-H 111 bankers' bills at SI SV\ii4 89 for de
manil and at $4 SJ4ff4 KM for slxtj ilu > a , postei
rates } 4 f l'ji4 - > M. and 14 S0i4l 87'i , commcrclu
11 Ml hIIViil-5lc
M1JMCAN DOI.I AllS-42'ic.
Closing quotations on hoiuU were as follows ;
llAtl SILVER Dull at 23J per ounce ,
MONEY- 1 p.r lent
The rate of dlccount In the open market fo
short bills Is 2 per cent , for tlnee months' bill
ls 2 % per rent
C.ulil U quoted ut Huenas A > rea todaj ut 10050
at Usbon , 4C',2
Slnlc-nie-nt nf lliinK nf fi > i iiinii- ,
II Kit LIN. Sept 10 The wrtkly italemenl o
lha Imperial Dank nf German ) shows Ihe follow
Ine chanics , MS rompiirrd with the previous > ear
CV h In hand , decrease , l.fcW.COO luarkt , trvanur
notes , , 1 0XK mnrks , olh r ,
Increase , 7 W.OOO marks , notes In clrculallon.ide-
crease , J.lKM.tXK ) marks
llnvtnn Stork Qiiiilntlons.
RO TON , Sept. 10-Call loans Wi per cent ;
time Irwns , 3f4U p r rent Clewlnn prices for
slocks , bonds nnd mining stocks ,
A T A "TV fiT Tff Kleo
Ainerlemi Sujrir l.llUi vv. KIPC ufd . , OS
Am Suirir nfd . lll'H ' Win. . Cnnt : U <
ll-ivSttlo < n li Kcl Kin * 111. . . 1SHH
Hell Tolop-iotia. 270 ( Jon Kloa pfd . Mil
lkmton& AlbinvJ17 Atclilsan ptd . . . 13(4. (
HoMoii.VMtlna 1H4 Atchlson 4t . 8s' <
, C.II.VQ . . 1IM' ' < Allouoz MtnlnrOJ 1
Mtchbunr HI Atlintli * S3X
Orm'ral Kli-clrlo . : t I IMoiioo A MinUiu lltUf
Illinois . . . nil MliilloJt Ilo-ilcn. . . . * 27) ) (
Moxlc in Cemtrtl . lU 'CMtnnet ' V HocU. . 41.
N N A N K . . . HO ) Centennial 17l
Old Colonv . Ill iFrinttlln IS
O si , . ' . ' Koti-str o . . . 21 i
Hubbor 111Osi'DOli HI )
SHI Die-so . . . 1 l4Ouliiv | ! IIS
Union Ptcllle. . 11) iliiinr-vc.c lilll
\\estKnn . . . . II l'41olverine . . . . . lf > 5 <
Mpst Kurt lit l . im I
Sun I'rntirliro Mining ( Imitations , '
SAN \NCISCO , Sept 10 The olllela ! closlns
nuotitlons for mining stocks tudav were us fjl-
Alt-i 1.1 Jnlli . . . . I
AlnlmCon .M IllSllO' ' . . . II
tide's Kuntuckv ( .on . . H
elcbcr . . . . . . . . . . . oJ Mpxljin
cst.Vllolclior . Oil 201
ulllon II Olililr . 1.10
ilccloiui , 11 eivonn in . IH
h.ilh'UireCon . . 411 Potost . f > l
lollnr. 7il SIV.IBO . 1,11
oniliH-nce . . . 1'JO Scorplem . . . . 1)
on C.II.A.VI . . . isi Slcrrv .N > U1. . . 1S1
on. Impart il. . . . .1 Sllrur Hill . . . . . . I
rovvn Point , . , 4'l iTnlon C.5i . 11
\rlioeiner . . . . . . 7 Utah Con . ill
utilel..cMrrln Yi'llowJ.ikot . . . 04
. . 1 ( >
.lln.V Nnrcrqis _ < _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Silver bars , Me , Mcxlcin dollars , 42\f42 > 1aei
rafts , sight to. drnfls , telegraph , "He.
> riv A orU IHiilnn Cliiolntlonn.
NEW YORK , Sept 10 The follow Im ; nre the
losing mining quotations.
hollar . 7.1 Out-vrio ' 'DO
row n Point. . 40 Onnir. I lil
on. , V Va. . . . 170 Plvmoutt 1.
eilwood . UK ) UnlCkHllVc e . . 100
ould.V Uarrv. . . . 75 Oulcksilver nil. 1003
Ill ) SIcrriNovadi . . 110
omc .tako sundird . IWli-OO
ron silver . . . . 'J"i Union Co l . . . li ( )
c < cic in . lil Yollovv J icltut . 40
Ainc-rlcnii SrcurltioM ! u I.nndeiii.
LONDON , hept. 10 The innKct for American
ccurltles was lower and the undcitone bullish
'cw York huvlng added some Hicngth to the
i-irket The tone was biuelv t-to.nlj and Ibc
cnrinil fair.
I'lnnnolnl > nt 's.
1-OSTON So ; ) ! . 10 ClearbtRs , } 20 H3 S70 , btl
nccs SJIO 191.
\LTIMOlli : Stpt. 10-CiearlnKS , J3 037 2 < ,
alun-es JI57.750
M.U 1O11N Sept 10 Clearlnss , > U9 5"G CC1 ,
u'ances ' , ? 5V > 320.
PllILAliPI PIIIA Sept. 10 Clcillncfc 311 22-
1. bal ntvs M S-JC in |
CINCINNATI Sept 10 Moncj. 2rc" per cent ,
'ew Yolk exchange , 40c dli-count , Clc irliui ,
2,221 CW )
MEMPHIS Sept 10 New Yorlc cxcbnnKe. tfll.
IIR it } 1 rn piomlum CliarhiKK. (177 ( C4I , Inl-
nces J2I 3'4
M\v ! OULIMN'S tepl in CKnrln s s , , S77 ,
i wo k CM h 11 B , bu k , C c p r il 0/J l lem u u ,
iiiini iclil Jl jo , 'tr 1100) dlfCLiint
SIU1UIS Sept 1 Clen.nis $ il.7 44. b il-
ntc-i } 107 220 Mines , 4T7 ) > cr cent , NI.Wcirli
rchitnso 7'c i1l ! count bll , JOc discount a Ked
CIIICAOO. Stpl 10 Clearing J16 0)1 K2. New
icrK \cnnse * TOc dl'-count sterllnt5 PNchnnisc
lull , posted lutes , f I C4VS.ind $1 S7 Hlocl s nctlic
ml Him , clohliiR Diamond Mulch 1 > 1U Melio
leilltm U 7 % CltJ n-illwnv 213 Stiawbnard
) \\cstfhlMitn 1Nort ! 1 ChkllKO , 240 , IlUc. .
.trcet . , 20i4 , New Ynrls Illscult 6SH
I'dle-lr n riiiiiiielnl.
linitl.IN , s pt 10 Kxrhiinhi- London , 2) )
utrks I0i pff s f r checks
, r > \n\Tiiuit ui i.i.m'i- , .
IlnuilleCniiilKIniiM Priatlliiii lit the *
Ili'ulnnliir. of tinV MK ,
\bIIINGrON , Sipt 10 The v.e-k ending
in , Septe mb ! G w is sllgbtlv co ilei thin
suiil In the lower like leglin. New England
ind over lhc | northein pottlon of the Middle At
lantic st-iti" the ilollelencv In lemper.ituip be
n gennalls ICFI thin e'lght d'gren i e-r da ex
cept eLI p-irtlons of the upi r Ohio villej
overlnke region and northern NtW ork where
it i inged fiom three degn CH to four dogres
in r das Thewevjk was als i cmler than usual
ner the mrlh P.uinc co-ist , thp we tern pen lion
of the pliteau legion and In C illfi ruin except
elong Ibe Immcdlatu coast , thc dcllclencj In
tcnipi't.iture l mglng from 3 degrees to 7 di glees
ivcr the ginater portion of the- districts n inuil
Along the mid He and smib AtHnlle nnd gulf
roists neirls normal tempprnluro rtind U ns prp.
vailed In Hie upper lake region low IT Ohio
voiles Ihrougloilt the Mtssls-ilppl and Mlssoml
valless and cistein llicltj m uiilaln slopp the
wi'ek wis wirm r thin nsinl being deMdrdls
wii-in In the states of Hie Missouri ind cenlnl
Mississippi v illejB nnd middle Rocks mountain
H'opes where tbe avenge dafls e xcoss tanked
'rom 6 elegrees to 13 d j'rees per lies , being
r.Mtest In theMln nurl valle-v
Tlu mlntinum temp raturf * ? hive not l > een un-
isuilU low for th" fcusin although Hint fiosts
jccuned In tnitlrns rf the northern Rockv
> noLMituln rerlon but the m-ixlmum leiiip nturn
n tbe' Missouri and central Mlsil-slpil v.illnvs
farm the 1st to th I'll vvcie * exception-ills high
anglng fiom 93 degiees to 10- ) decrees nnd e x-
. eedlng former maximum iccords for the llrst
lecadc of bepleinb r nl numerous Ht.atl ins
Excepting the norturn portion of the upper
Ms'H | lppl valles and limited areas on the
fouthein New Englind and Plorlda coasts nnd
n 1 emiespee the week was drier than usual
In all ellhtilcts if Ihi' Rorkv inniin'ii'ns ' ind nvnr
| , e gteatei port Ion of the fulf state ? cenlril
Mississippi lower Ohio nnl lower Ml sourl v-il-
es s there a tolal nb'ence , or an Imp
ireclabie amount , of rain There was also an
almost entlie absence of riln over petitions of tip
ipper Mli-.eomI voiles , upper lake region nnd
northern New England , Prom ono to two Innhei
of i tin fell over portions of HIP ( .outhcm NPU
England coast , Iowa and over Ihe soulhern por-
llons of WlKeonrln and Minnesota , und the
irt itei part of tbe Plorlda peninsula tetelved
'rom one to three Inches
The rainfall on the north Pacific coast wns
n in irked ch iracterietlc e > f the week fiom one
to thiee Inches having fallen ove'r Wnbhlnglon
. nil northern Oregon tie heaviest occurring near
Lhe1 mruth of the Columbia river , where over four
Inches fell
In the central vnlless and southern states the
week Ins not been fivorjble owing to general
absence of rain and prevalence of bli'h lem-
peiatures Hot ilrslng winds have proved In
jurious In Ihe ftales of the lower Missouri nnd
rent ! il vnlles * nnd rains unusually heavs for
the ppuwm. In Oiegou and Washington Inteifered
with haivtstlng nnd t1irn > llnc ) In 'lieiMi ' * i lies ,
bill tT'sid no serious Injurs to grnln
Corn Ins been \ers unfavorably affected by
the weather conditions of the pnt-t week In the
principal corn producing slates Hlrfh tetnpera-
luic.1 nnd nbfcncc of much need rain have
checked grow Hi of the late crop nnd caused
premature ripening while the prevalence of hot
winds hove cnuspil Injurs. partl lurlv In the *
stales of the lower Mls ouilnlles In low i and
Missouri much corn Is piifct 'iep ! and will be cut
for folder 'Ihe conditions however have been
mire favorable to corn In the lake region , upper
Ohio valles and New England mil In the middle
Atlantic blates Ihe crop Is gcnernlls doing well
The general condition of cotton 1 < Ie s favorable
lhan In the picvious week nnd over portions o |
Ihe middle and eastern Bccllons of thu cotton bell
there his been marked deterioration Absence of
rain ba caused It to open rnpldls and to Fem < *
extent picmaturely In pottlons of south nnd
southwest Texas Miovvers Improved late cotton
and the "top" crcp but over the noithrrn portion
tion of the slnle and ovei Ihe central an 1 eastern
portions of the cotton belt , the conditions have
been unfnv irable , except for picking , which hr.s
progie-fseil raplills
The bulk of Ihe lobirco crop has l > en cut and
hnused gcnernlls In good condition , except In
Kentucky and Icnnetsee , while the rrop promises
lo be vet ) short , particular In the | lrt > t named
NfTi Yoi-U lr > ( iiioilH ilni-lii-l ,
NEW YORK Sept 10 Theelrs goods mtirket
shows no change from the week's tun of huslneis
The * market IH relntlvels quiet more lhan vva .
Ihe case last week Doth In cotton und woolen
gocds Ihe tone has remained llrm whatever thn
Irregularllles at Ilift hands \\llh Jobbers the
demand Is well i ugtalncd Maple cottons ate In
steady demand , though the trading Is not by iinj
means heavy Print cloths ate llrm nt 2 c
Prints ( ontlnue the feature of tbe market Hnth
In fancleii and slaples the re-orders are quite
heavy and goexl pales nre looked forward to ,
Woolen goods are ie-lllng well ,
Tole'liei llnrUrlK.
TOLEDO Sept -WHEAT- - Lower nnd weak ;
No 2 cash nnd He-ptember , TO.c Dfcember 99Hc.
COUN Hull , but steads No 2 mixed , 32c.
OATS Quiet No 2 mixed 20c.
HYE-null. No 2 cash 51'c
t'UJVEU hEED-Actlve , but steady ; prime
cash J175
OII < Unchanged
Wool MnrUft ,
NEW YORK. Hept \\OOL-Strong. . tleecc ,
20fJ7c. No 2 lo extra 27W40n Texas lOHICc
HT UJUIH hept 10 WOOL-PIrm lit the
INSTUX'MnNTS placed on file IVIday. Sep.
tember 10
Olaon Gee to J C Hloomer , H rT $ ft
of w-i lot 19 , block IS , Jrnpr A sn ndU KA
MeClcneirliati Jos esc W lo I.upy Mc-
C'loiie-Klian , lots 17 and IS , block 6 ,
C i : Muyno'H Ilrt ad . . . 3,000
Johnson C. JI to U D Crelgh , lot 20 ,
block 1. Mofi's sub . . . . 1
Kueln > Jenrv end wife to Mlclmol
Wultmnn , lot 8 , Lulibn'n ub DM
Cliizen' bank to J I' . rinlt > , tast H
lot 0 , block 35. ! Omaha . . . . 2.500
rinlcy J. 1 * nnd wife to 13. J Adams ,
Hiitno . . . . . . . . 3000
South Omaha Land Co. to Thcw Hector -
tor ; lota 3 and 4 , block 'M , Boiith
Omaha S75
t'nlon Stook Ynrda Co to Aug Doll ,
lot 3 , blork 2 , First ad to Boutli
Omalu , , , . , , . 1
Total amount ot transfers , , { 10,637
Supplies Pniily Liberal nnd Tracking
Active All Day ,
Dc-iiiiiiiil In Cinid nml Trndlntr Ac'tlve
nt SlroMKT I'rliM'M Vcry lilttlo
IIKC sIKMVH In tlu *
lloK Iliixltu'tn. ,
SOUTH OMAHA , Sept. 10. Uecelpts for
the dij Indicated were :
Ca'tlt. Hog * . Sheep. Horses.
Srptembcr 10 4.SM B.oC3 20
September y 4.T7S 2TiW
S ptembcr s. , 0,411 ?
September 7 5.4i)3 2,160 1G
September C 7,075 1.4S3 1,378 G
Htpttmbu l KM ) 4,073 " '
S.ptember 3 4,451 I.IuJ 1,473 "a'i
S ptctnlicr " 50jl COS1 1.SM5 '
September 1. . . . 5 , * 11 C.-J2 4-IW 'J55
August 31 4.5S1 7050 ) ( !
August 30 3,41-9 2 , 1 WO
AUMIM S ivtiS t.MJ 51
AlUUit 2 2.WJ 5,4il ! 1,4'0
Thu olllobil number of cars of fctock
brought in todiy by each road wns.
Cattle. Hog1 ?
O & St. U lly 2
Missouri 1'nclllc Uy r 31
Union Paelllc Sjslum 32 23
C & N W. lly 1
1U A : iM. V. 11. U G - '
C , St. P , M. & O lly 1 s
H & M U. II 42 16
t : . u & o. Ky '
1C C .t .St. J 1
O. , 11 I. & P. H > . , eist -
C. . H. 1. & P. lly. , vveat 1 2
Total receipts 115 is'
The disposition of thu day's receipts was
ns follows , eiich liitver purchasing the num
ber of head Indlcitecl :
Cattle. HOO.S Sh'p
Omaha Packing Co IS sxs
O. H ll.inimond Co 2"fl 7v <
Swift and Comp inj r.7 ! l\i ) . '
Cudahj PaeUIni ! Co 071 ' . ' ,0r >
11 llee-Uer nnd Dognn 407
.1. It Cnre-y 2
I.ohnmn it Uothschlld- * . . . . . 11-
Hill & Lewis Co l
licnton & Undenvood MI
HUBZ : 103
Xonh " 0
C'udahy P. Co , Kansas C & " > ) . . .
Nelson Moirls , Chleigo . WU
Other btiyus
Left over
Tot.lls 4.10J C.4H 21
C \T1 l > n Tl-eic were li ) " > tie h loads of
cat llo lepoited In this moinlni , ' , with nlne-
een of tin * number consigned to Dickers
Inousn Aomevvhut less thin jrstcidn > ' ie-
cup's. It uns .1 fair run for n Friday The
market us u whole was In pietty Rood
Utsliablo cornfed heeve weu * In deniind
it fully stem ! } or CALII < tiong jitlfts 'I lie
market v as falrlv active and most of the
cattle of that description t-old early There !
were several bunches iood enougli to bring
Covvo and lielftis wet a also In teed de
mand and sold freely at = teidv pi ices
In the feeder division the ( was slow
jndei the Inlluence of large offpilnus and
values Rcneralb raiier Thoic have been a
good many feeders going out Into the eoun-
u > , but tinicteipls nave been A > laiRO
this vvec'k Hint tlie supplj has exceeded the
cltmand and hence Ihe weiUness of the mtr-
Itet. Uepiebent.itive sales.
Nell Av Pr. No Av IT No. Av. IT.
ll > 1131 ! $1 C.1 Hi , : ! $1 C ) 41 iin. ! $ i i
10J7 I fi 20 11C7 I 71 IS Sb.1 I 50
2 ) 1231 5 OJ S IKfi 4 1) 1415 .1(0 (
33 is ,1 r > w 20 l.OG I G ) IChD 4 C )
1 12.10 5 0)
1 740 . 1010 2 60 1 110) 290
It , SS6 2 4 > 2 05 12. DiG 3 W
1 USD . 50 10JO 3 0) ) 1 180 J & )
1 1130 2 8' ) 104" 3 00 1n 9 S 2 41
801 3 00 . 102) 3 00 n 110.1 33) )
1 1)10 3 10 1240 I o ) IJ- . " . 40
1 1JU i ! 2" , 1270 " 10 1i 10 5 2 50
, 123 3 5" . . 010 3 0) ) i . 13) 3 00
134 S 55
) 807 3 10 1. . 7W j n G2(5 ( 3 4)
. ' . Cv1 I II 1. . n.11 J J > G53 .173
U . . . 719 J 2i ) 1. 110 s s ;
1 . . HOO 2 71 1 12iO 2 SI i ior.0
1 .1420 2 71 1 70) 3 0) 1..1CS ) 3 t3
1. . 1000 i SO 3 . 1013 J JO
1 . 11SO o 00
II 2C2 I 00 1 2CO I 23 3 . . . ICO 4 M
J . . 3J3 4 2. 2 3G ) 4 10 4 . . J55 4 50
cits AND ricDir illS
8 . . .1123 3 4 717 3 7a . 930 3 0)
C k20 3 2 . G15 3 S.1 ' 3 00
7 . Cll 4 8 970 I ft . 'lJ10 4 (0
10 C07 4 1 10CO 4 0) ) 4 5
No IT No Av Pr
2 cows . . . . J2 71 3 cows . . .inso JJ 1
2 cow s . . . UJ ) 2 75 7cov\s . 'JJS .i J
1 cow . . . . 10S1 311 ft C'MNt ' * . ixa 3 1
i c-iir ; oo 1210 3 C
1 tailing 1J30 l.'SI 3 7
1 tailing 13ld 1 steer . 11JI ) 3
1 c.ow . . . . 101) 1 bteci IIJI )
1 heifer 1140 3 .5 . 1110 3 7
1 tailing 11fii ) 3 35 1 Htecr. . . 1300 3
1 cow .139) 3 ' 0 1 steei. . . .UV ) 3
1 htecr . lUfc ) 440
1 steer. . . . . . . .1370M J f.214
M anil ml Catlb * Co
1 bull . . 1070 2 31 1 Htecr . 1.TO 3 70
1 liUfur. . . . 1200 j rs
Anderson Dros
3 COW b . n.o 2 95 C f i edn s 12J3
4 e-ows . . HtTi J 11 H Kti-cm 1410 390
C hclfcis , . 871i 3 40
i ; I1. Schcvjimker.
1 bull 12SD . ' n 11 nm H 1011 3 11
1 COM 950 78 fcedeiH . .11J7 . ! 00
2 cow H , 020 O Ct
A I Ilothnell
2 bulls .1235 2 CO Ii3 cows . . . , . 912 ; 10
1C COW b 6C1 . ' 9) JJcrWK 'CO 3 - *
C A 1'UBslP )
1 row. . . BIO 1 10 10 f edert" . . II 5 3 CO
7 BtrH 'I es. . 977 3 30 1 feeder . 1030 3 M
1 sir Tex. . 9SO 3 30 1 feeder. 1010 3 SO
s i : Webber
1 cow . f SO 3 tO 5 fee Icrs 1110 3 SI
1 tnllliiK 'J'O J UO 3 fee \rr \ 1014
2 cows . 723 1 fe d"t 1220 3 K5
4 COWH 3 . ' 3 1 fcedei. 1020 3 S5
O Phciffr
13 cows C > 71 270 1 culf. . . , 270I
110 f cdeis . 'SO I a
JJea Molnca Cultlc Co.
1 bull 121.0 250 1 low . . S 15
1 bull 1191) ) 2 50 1 heifer . J J3
1 cow . ) ,1 2 71 3 fleer * 1183 ! 50a
1 cow KO 273 3stecis , .1190 ' /a
10 cows. 711 2 75 1 calf. . . . 110 57 }
1 cow . 1130 3 15
lolm Purler.
48 Btcers 1150 0
IM 1) Armstrong.
Oftier * . . . .1211 3 C2i
II M iMne
tl sleuv . . . IJCfl Z G2'4
. 1111 30- ) Cl frc'ilem 115G 3 55
Dem ling , nuiih
2 cow n MO 1 71 47 feeders 8 9 3 83
U c ow t . . . 'Ill 1 20 1 fe edei. \\M \ \ J 81
51 cows 1004 330 . ' , etcc.n < . . 115S 3 10
3 fee ilcrtt 1133 3 50 1 fleet. . 1170 3 V )
1 feeder. KM 3 85
Johimiii S. P.uMi
CM 175 2rown , . 1t1Q 3 lO
3 cow s . , .ICO 2 50 24 fii'ili-ra . .IOCS 3 kj
15 c out , . . 910 3 ; 0 b Piter * . . IliiG 3'JO
John II. Ilarron ,
3 CO\VH . . . . W3 15 4 steers 1177 S SO
4 cows . ! ) dO i 15 2 steers 11M 3 M
3 COVVD , . ! H3 3 15 1 hteer 11CO 3 10
Chelrua . 93i 3 50
1 bull. . . UCO 3 11 W feeder * . . . ) C2 3 SO
3 feeders . 710 S 23
A 4 * J. 'tttrniill
G COM .1010 271 21 fcfdem . 1155 3 81
IH town . . .1(113 220 It ) feedern. . . . t > 32 40)
1 cow JiO 3 JO
\\cnte-rn Hanclun
1 cu.i , . . , 1000 1 00 fi fiii-r. " . . . .lO'.O 3 23
1 cow . . . 1051) ) 3 00 2J klecrii . .1242 3 611
1 bull . . . . 3 & Ihbelfeii' . 1111 I fi
1 cow MO 3 25 28 str * Te\ I1D2 3G5
1 cow , k. ) 3 23 1 fir 'I ex 1UO .1 C3
1 cow H/ ) Jt S3 Hrterm . 1291 J 01
G cow c 10 e , 321 19 feeder. . 1173 3 M
IS HUB * UX 113. ! 3 25 It ! feeder * . . 3 VJ
2 cow * sew 325
G feeder * . . M < ! 3 00 42 fHulem . 937 3 GO
8 feeders 1146 3 23 VJ feedfru . SSI 3 60
104 feedtia J70 3 GO 144 Iftdiie. . . &Ti 370
49 feeder * . . . tiC8 3 GO 41 feeder * . . . .1113 4 30
M feeder * . . . 3 23 2 fecdeia
John Ccrlnrx
1 bull 15CO 2 50 2 fee lers , 50 3 23
1 bull . . . .1370 2 to DG cow * i J )
9couB . 107 300 ISO ftedtrn , 1 (10 (
1 stai ; nW 2 23
HOOb The early inirket wa not much dlffe
ent from > tfnU'a urmial market thebu1
of the IIOKH ix-llmi ; ut 13 I'OMJ ' VJ fi ) | Intb < i'l ' >
The openlni ; ua perhuj baldly an strum , ' i
> e le-rdu > ' earl > market , but at Ihe uin tin
a little turonivr thun vnterdav' * late uivrlctl
Ihe Hade WUH fulrly uttlvc and Ihe inu t i
thu liogi noUl early Later on In the inoriilnn ad
vices were rvcel\M Indicating n heuv ) brt-aK I
( -'hlcaxii piovldonii ntn ] * h inark'-t here flattenr
out Hepresentatlve * uk-s
No A bh Pr No Av bh Pr
13 : ia 40 > 3 75 n ' - ' < i ti J v
51 34 < 61 3 8TH C ( .211 SO 3 it
41 153 . . . I HVt U - . 5
CnKlcSlou HiiKu AetUeiinil AbeinI it
I Mc-lie-1 UI licT--Mlii-e'i > Slc-mlj.
CHICAtlO , Kepi 10 Ihi ) fuvv rlmtie * bits cif
cittlo eilTeird sold ut Him price's , uthnnt inov-
1ns off Klov\lr at not viry RlnmK llmires Oholei
native rattle nre nelllne nl the Inst prkvs cif
the n < * isnn r-iurteu'ii prime 1,37(1 ( Ib. i leer s'-M
lodu > at $ " 30 Kab-s we-rc luaile ill fruni SI tu
? 11 for common ilrensed b of steers v\lth nn
iic-e minimi snle cif Vt Hi MlddlltiK Knides BOM
t from $150 li * II 7i , and the b'lter ilein * nf
ilppliiK and c\Mil | iiillb * fnun I null k fnl.M nt
ioin J > to 51 TOh bulh of tin ) ealllff tnieavsl
lie iralcs at from J4 0,0 lo } 4 r 1 nnd oxiieuler-t
ink a KI > OI | miin > nt frinu Jl SI In f" > 2.1 Ihii
loe.l > u and fe-nbr Hade * v > as iiiilin ited nt vvldo
irnteof prices uminum stockeia leelllnB as 1 iw
s J , nnd a few inline feeders ijnlnir far freim
I IV ) lei J ( l "I 1'ilini" nilveH pnld fe < i freim | C I )
? ( , r.1 TIN-IS iHttle sold nl Invver prlevn II-
ils ftd I IK biiiUKht from $1 St In M 10 , nnd
. . .sxein RidtiK liL'l een Jl nnd f3.s.1
'liidlnK In hiier-e was iitllve prices nillnit
irtiiKcr nnd em im nvetai ; * n nickel hlKtirr.
ales wen * nl from W 71 to } 4 40 far ivarse he iv < f
lit line * IlKht hoKs , Ihe bulk bHiiit nt from SI
Jl 25 Piss were In Inruo ruppl ) , and sold nt
torn J2 CO lo M3 > m curding In quallt >
Tbi-re wis an netlve elemien 1 for sheep iii'il
anibs at steid ) piicts hhe ep a ) ld Hi nn nd *
mice , nallvos bilnilim' from 32 25 In HI" ,
hlollv fiDin J1 W to > 17"i. while wmlernn blfiisht
nun J3 10 13 J381 Ijiinlm m > ld nt from S ] 4J
1 75 feii a few culls up lo from $121 t $5 0
or Mud In piltii" Hiring lninb Hal M wjio
arpilj at from 477 to Jl-1
Kfip'plB-tiilllo I COO bend luso. 17,000 he'id ;
Imp. 12000 bead
* l. I.nuts li c > sioc'U.
ST i.ons SCDI tn \mi.r-Heci ipt" 2n
rail , "hlpnienli , 2 fPi > bell Ma U ' tcail > f' ' r
illvis 'levunK pit nle e-i ! e r lair to fanry
lilpplni ; an I e\poil 'leers JICiif12i bulk of
ales Jl SiW" > 10. dieted b"e f nnd bulihiM ftctrr.
lOOiill" bulk of sales J4C074'0 teem imrti.r
OiMlrunds J3 71 | 1 10 bulk rf s lies $3'iflf421 ,
toekers an I frideis. J2 71'i I 40 bulk of miles ,
) W3& . > . cow and hilferi $2 DOJfl dl , bulk ut
j J22'ff30e ( ) caiinlnir COKK J1HST321. but. ,
200112 0. Irxnns nnl in II in s'cers ' J'iOfri < ( l :
ulk f fairs , 11J-1 , , cows ant heifers 12 10
It 21
HOGS lleccliits 'i fluO beil Hliltiinotits , 2 OLO
> iiMarket \ steadv lUht. JJ 31fJ ol. ml\e3 ,
I OOSfl 21 , he-avv $3'il il 11
SI1I213P Itecelpls 1 mo henl , > > hlMiientH | 1 CO
nml Market fie ids Native muttons J * U ) p
Si , skiLkeis $22W1CO I mils. J371Oi21
Nl WO11K , Se-it 10 1P21.\ i : i * c el t . X. T
Lid , iUlct | iociil Flee in t .adv , citbe r
oURb biitcbci slock 1'kInn 11 , HUBS nnd o\ui ,
' Oiijf 4 A3 bulls. J2 D'uS 01 , ihj cows Oo$1.l , :
Juropean cables iiiote | Mueric in steers ut 11CP
l\c ufilsiritcr lief , 0(1 J Vic. , 111 cxp rn
t'AlA'HS Iteotliils 212 heul. cjule. ! and ptenels ;
IMH HfOfTSCO. Rr-iKfera and butte.rnillk , JIT'iK
f < vtt > tern Lalv ii , $1
hllUllP AND I.VMIW HeiclpU 4 IIS head ;
iLllve. , but hudlj slieHE , thcep , J3U0014) ,
ambs r OOJiC10 .
IIOO P.ecelpts , 1,723 he-id , market Idglui ut
I 33 1 83
IC.inriiis ril > ! , ! > SlucK Iiii Ki * ( .
KANSAS CITY .Sept. 10 O \ " ri.i : lie clpts ,
000 he-nil lest Kradi-s llrm otbeis H ! i ut stead ) ;
Texas "teiin } 2 ( OST4 20 , 'lexas CIIVVK li O002.,5 ;
intlve Hieern 13 10jj,2 > , nillvet c.o\\ and helf-
is Jl 101(373 ( , bulls $ J ( Ufjl V.
Iior-fci Ileielpts 70(0 held , nnrkct npcm. 1
.troiiK , cliweil we ik , bulk of Mle $4 OOC4 n" :
navies f4.00ifilH , picl.ero J3 ilffl 10 , mixed ,
4 C0ilf4 17Vs , IKIits. J4 Olffl 12'oikrrs'A
? l 15. I.KS M 11f(3 ( 'II
SIlfii' : lcctlitn ] 1 HO bc-il. mirkct ttiollg ;
nmbs , J3 50i5 ( 00 muttons J2 COPJ CO
SIc.c-U In SlKht.
Hocotd of iccelpts of lite block at the four
irlncliul null.eta fo" hiple mhei 10-
Cittle HOKH Sheep.
South Omdn 4 "ni r : 20
( . liliaeo 4ii 17001 li 00-1
Kunsit , Cllv 40 1 7. ' n 1.1.0
St. l ulH 2.0W 10)0 1,000
TotnH 11,503 f4t01
> IniK'i.-Ht ! < T TcxdlcTin lie.
M\NC'IlisTiil bept 10 Cloths and juina
Utilet , with a llmlled In'tulrv
t o fro"M n ic in s.
I rinlciNrc > C'liiitlinii * , IIM ( iHNiiiuife
nf ( lie- lien < Tiiiiic-iit Cl-c > | > He-port.
NKW 'JOHK , .Sept 10 The long looked for
an 1 inucb talked of Roviinment report vvnft re.
celvol ted i > prompllj nt 12 o'clmk Afl IH uiu-il
nn the ilnv Hie leport 1 l m 1 business r/a
ulc-t Tin miiki't hiRci 1 "If J to I point ! " .
.ollowltn ; inuiitlsfnclor ) Ijlvirpool enblcn nnl
lick of local n well HH nut lle mippoit At
inon tbe crop condition WHH olllclall ) unuoiinceit
il 7I > 4 or SI jiolnlH tinilei the AiiKimt condl-
lon v llcll Ilii-i , ' win a , will unmlile nf jiifiii
In rmtr lmme-ntel | | > nnd f i fifteen inlnntci ,
It idln VV.IH vet > hcnvj Prlc ( mlvni ' 'd 2 "o
G polutK befme n lircatlilnk' P" ! ! was Inken.
New Oileans mil rmelcn lepnrt' wern tinprin -
elpil n-lleis on the bull ? " 'J bo lanuor > ojitlcn
moni pnllrcd ( hiluif < > > t pirt of HID ntteiitlon.
'Die ininltcl Fontliiiinl to Improve thioujliont
the MllfilHuii until JiiHt befo o the i love , rlien
n MUlil leiullcn fnlbmiM trlllnp ; fur pifttlm.
At tin * ] ? { point of tie do > pif M nhoM rtU a
ciln of 10 tu U p InlH cm tin pcllu' ojitlinn
'I lif uuiket eliired ftcady nt u net Ki'n of 1 la
S point" Clo , Ini ; pilcec Inim iry ( f VI , P < brn
nr > . ( , 0 , Match jr H7 , April , J7 M > * 7(1 !
Roptenilioi J7 ns Oi-tobc r JC ' 0 , NovemlMT fiMi
I I'ltllKl. Kti Spot rtiadv , nil I Uln , : iiplanlr ,
7ViC. mid Him : i ; ilf , 7o inbl Him , 7'C' , ret
rerclits none riosn iiMelpia J (0 bile , e.i-
po IH to tin' cimtlnent 1 174 bile : frirnni'Vil.
1 2 < il bilen , t-ulr-H . ' " ' ) h , ilis. nil Milliner * rlork ,
4J SVT 1 ii lea \\icklj Net ncclptv , 334 1il 1 i
Ks 2 ! ) 171 lnli' export" In dreat p.rltnln ,
ii'll biles , Trance 1 331 bHlixinntlneni T3i
li-H fciiwnded 1RM > lulrH. t , lie. * . 1 C42 bilesj
lnnpi 1 C(2 bile * Toll ] todaj Net rp c Ipt * ,
20 II 1 1) ) bilei * . expnitH to fin1 it llrltaln IW > I wlrn :
eontlnenl 1 lit bilen flock s w.'i b IPH 'lotnl
fill HlU VVi-tk Nt t leitltilH ! li.R74 balrrj
ixirlH lo Rn it Piltalu 13412 liilex I'linri ,
.1472 bib * , continent 4171 bnlen Total Hue * !
.Srtitember 1 : Net lectlpts II5RM ball * ! " ir-
iirtH to ( > n it Hilliiln 14518 luilrK. 1'i nce ,
1IC bill' . . . loullninl 4 J'ii Imlis rulliwIiiK ni
tlie nil iicflpla of riitli/n nt 'II jurl" lnc
lilnHfT 1 in ; nnlvonlcm 42IHO bale * .VI-T
Orleans II. * ' 7 I > a1i > Alnbllo 2181 b.ilM Hiuin-
nab , 2U 53J bili'K , Clini Union , ' ' < > 7 , bil. > . , W lu
iilltlRton 0 " " 1 biiien , Norfolk 1 213 lulr ? fiilll !
more 70 bnlfs New yolk S'll balri" II i-'nii ,
CI bale. , Philadelphia , 1.010 bilett total 111 SM
'Jj.iuurooi. . scpi lo-rorrov-spoi , nmbr-
nle demand , prlcen neadj , AniPil HII ml Mint ,
4V d The mles of tlin dill wric 10 WO tili ) . cif
whlcb 50(1 ( luilcHiro for vpe uliillnn nnO > - > | iorl |
Included 8.W bol < Ainerlcut ) : rieflpts ii/n-t
KuturfH openeil ciulet , bill htcmlj , wllb rul < !
mand , closed 'iuft. | Aiiiprlian. L. M C tilim- ;
ber. 2 d ! CIIOM , value , HiptemUr nnd O'lolKj ,
1 61 , flftj 17.04d bu > c-r , Ortrtifr end N' 'nl r ,
S 49 Hfl3 " 0 ( VI 1 buyer" , N < vunb r a-id 1 e e r | rr <
) 41 Mi/I 4 ? fM. bu > ein , Di i-unliT mi ] Iinuuy.
„ < 4 CHU 1 , CI I | > iitrr , IiiDirJiy nil I lMiMi rj ,
)4f4f/l4 ) Ml MMcr * IVbiiini ) nnl J' nt'i ,
1 IVfi.l t + lleif MJKI will Apill J/5 HUJ4-.CH ,
biOcm Apill ml May i 4i ) C4 C ! 47 fl 1 II l ;
Ma > MIL ] lun I C ' 'IPi'lISCI I n lie i . June tinu
Jul > I ! h l lif I 41 Gil Mile if
NPvv ( ) ltlj\NH Sipl 1" fOirON P fj >
milen 200 balm unllnni > ' , " < . ( hood "rllnn y.
( Jlic. low inlHllne G9Kc inlildllni : , G ! " . toui
ml Idling 7linMilllim fair 71e rrrrlili | > 7tj (
liiilc , rloik. 17iS baler Kntiirri' nt'illi ;
mill * 21 ' ,00 b leu Hriileinlpr 57l 757f Ocloli' r
| fi-4WiM Niivemb r M ,41/i / 10 IVe > nb r tr f9
ni J JamiHiv J6''flGfl. ! ' Kebninry 1C3frci |
Mir < li jneificr Airll > C7nf0l
MI.MPJIIH t-e-pt 10run ov i mid-
dllm ; TP , n rill In Vfitn \ \ vili.incnl ) S'l Lale ,
utoe I. 2 k'i'i bulfK , null l , 2HO linli'H
Sliirl. 7 7
Oil . * * <
Olf , CITV PJ Kept 10Credit bnlnnrc" fO |
cerlllli te no h ! < j > . ililpn enU 101,204
rum < \\ftlM \ bbH |
JllliMKN * pt Petroteuni , 'm
AN'rxVlIIIP Hfpt 10 PilnMriini l f ' & "
I.eJNDON' Sent. -TAIcultu IlnBecd irpnt.
: t 11 at band clelliei ) , 2UJI C'l'oamit
oil Coebln 2910ii Kjii-rm nil 29 Holn ,
Amerl an Mmlnc-il , < n 'il
Telephone 103 ! ) . Omaha , Nub ,
ao.iiin or TJIADM.
Direct wire * to Chicago end New York.
Jjbn A. vv'iur a A C *