THE OMAHA DAILY VEE : PJUDAT , SEPTEMBER 10 , 1897 , SPECIAL' NOTICES AilM > rtlfli-iiirntN feir llirnii rolniiinii nlll ) M < tiiKcn unlll III in , fur tlio cvfnliiK nnil unlll H | i. in. for Ilio inorfiliiK : nnil Sunday ( Million * . AilcrllMtrw , liy rr | ii < < HtltiK n iniiii- Iii-rrtl iiliri'lt , 01111 Imvc niiNwrr * ml- < lrut > NL il l < > ti iiiniilicrril Irttcr lit rnre of Tliu I InAtiMwirit NO iiililrrsnril tvlll lie delivered on iirvnciitiitloit of tic ) I'litM'lt only. Hnlc.i , 1 .l-ac it wnnl Inner ! Ion } He n nurd thfiTitflrr. Nothing lnl * n for II-HH Ilinri l-t : for I he llrnt IIIKIT- lloti. Themnilvprtlfirtiicittx immt lie run 4 > oiiiii > iitlvi-l > - . SITt ATIO.VS WAXTKl ) . WANTKl ) . RtTtATION IIY DIU'O Ct.F.RK ; ymiiiK nmn , 2 yrs. experience , reference * and recwimindntlons furnished. Address T 1J , rnre llciv A-CJ5 0 qi'Aurir.n JIA.U : NIMISK WANTS PI.ACR : city references. Address T ST , Hee.A . A M7 It" A KIIIHT.CI.AHS CHINKHIi COOK WANTS A rdaci ; an cook ; mil nt Cl'j N. 16th St. . Omaha. A M76S M I'lRBT-Pi.AHS nitKSBMAKKn WIHHKS TO sew inn nf cnch month In payment for fur- nlshed loom. Adilre n T 31 , lice. A M772 H * IVAXTKI ) MAI.I2 HUM' . OANVARriEn. To'TAKB'OllOlIllH ; NKW I.INI3 of work , no heavy coeds In cnrry ; salary or commlmlon. 'J V. Admns Co. . CJ4 So. 16th St. II II ! BAlJKHMIJN FOR CIC1AR9. tlU A MONTH AND expenses ; old firm ; cxpcil"nee unnecessary ; In- ducementn to customers. C. C. Rlshop * "n , . Bt , t-wlfc 11-416 MEN AND WO.MKN SOLICITORS FOR THH Nntlonnl Ri"-rve nssoclntlon ; the best , safest nnd saiind-st frnternal order In the Held today. Addrts 1' . A. C. Stevens. S570 CumliiB St. , tel , MiH3. Onuhn. _ ' _ _ W , > NTl7ii AC1KNTS IN KVnUY COUNTY ; fim\ pay weekly to rlnlit party. Hnwki Nur- ' Bery Co. , Mllwniikee. WIs. 11-M102 S21' CARRIAOH nLAriCSMITII A.S'I ) 1IKI.PKK. Mechanics only. Drummnnd CnrrlaKB Co. 1 < C1 11 WANTICI ) . LA110RKRH FOR F.XTRA OANO work \Vynmlnic , Hnuth Dnltotn nnd lown. Cramer & O'llenrn. lllh nnd Fnrnam. \VANTID. MKN AND WOMKM TO I.F.ARN the barber trade ; can complete In two months ; constant pnicllcc : expert Instructions ; saves two years npprp.ttleeshlp tools and positions Riven Kiadunles ; wnKes In simps Saturdays : Illustrated ' atnlnetiu free. Moler's Rnrbcr School , Clark and Van Rurcn Sl . . dilciiKo. 100 OIUI.S FOR AM. KINDS WORK ; J3 TO 17 week. Canadian Office , 1122 DouRlns. WANTKD-A OIIH. KOll Iint'SBWORK IN family of three ; npply Immediately to 20I _ South ' ' C lO . i-i tit It Ave. VVANTKOiTxTnTiiRNcin iiiiiT roi.isiinu. Iumi' M. ' I ilmdry , 5IIC" > TortIi 21th St.C . C 73-0 " aoon nini.vANTEn. . 2 n \ \ ANTK.DYOl'Nd riKHMAN OlUl. KOIl GKN- eral h"U ewi > rk. 1S08 North ISth Htreet. 5VANTKD. 01IH , FOR CIFNIIRAI. IIOUSK- work. Mri Onsn , 115 S. 19lh St.C C M774 12' FOIl III3.\T _ IIOtTSK.S. HOI SKS IN ALT , PARTS OF TI1R CITY. THIS O F Ii.ivls Company , 1503 Fainam. D 419 no\ HKs77iNVA & co. . losUT IITI ST. MODKRN TlOUSICH. C. A. STARR. 925 N. Y. D 421 llfi > . 110fSKS liVALLACE. 1IROWN 11LOCIC. 1CTII nnd Iu.iiBl.-iH. " 2 _ iTo"l'SlHr"cOTTAC > Efl .t STORES , ALL PARTS of city. Drennan. lyjvc Co. , 430 I'axton block. LARGE "uTsT. M'CAGUE. 15TII AND "O ' 3- IJOt s-S , FLATS , C.ARVIN 11ROS. . 1C13 I'All'M " RENT. HOUSES. J. H. SHERWOOD. 41 ! N. 1'OR RI1NT. 11-ROOM IJRiril RIWinilNCR. mraliTii In i-vi-ry renport ; Rli-nm ln-nt , iMeclili- llchtlocnted nt the foulhwpst forner 17tli nnrt Kts. Apply to H. W. R.ikcr , Superintendent V tM Hl'lg- tendent IJee ' - STANFo"im IRCI.H COTTAOKS. f. ROOMS. S AY cor. 13'h ' i.nd Vlnlon : finest locatlan In clly for business mi-n of Omnha and South Onmhn. rents moderate ' . ' 01 Ilec bill Id In jr. FOU "RENT CHOICE IB-ROOM DETACHED miil-rn It IUBInciiilro 231S Cnpltol Avenue. J J - J l MOVING 11CITSEHOLD GOODS ANU PIANOS. Oin. Van & SloraR. ! Co. 131P.4 Fiimam. Tl- ' folTTlENT-HANSrOM I'i.ACE HOME OF SIX rooms and hath room : c-lio.ip to licht patties ; mu t ih'c : isc-ml refercni'W. M. J. K.-nnnrd & Son , . .10 nml 311 Rrown lilnck. D-CU F. I' . WEAD , DOUO. SEVEN-ROOM MODERN FLAT AT JI7.tO ; NO. 701 South tGth sti Jt. W 11 Melklo , 1st Nal'l nanU llldR. D M3. > 4 fiix ROOM COTTAOE W1TI 1IATII. IN C.OOIj coiiilliwn. as S 2131 St. - M- ! ) ' _ _ OH AS 15. WILLIAMSON. COI HEE JILUO. Tel. 717 D-630 1705 MANnETfON ST. , 8-llOOM MODERN COT- tes ? Kui-d tondltlnn. JI3.M. QATIV1N UROS. . ] < ! ir. FHrnnm. 12 D--M753 HEVT-MOIiKItX COTTAGE. NEAR HIGH i linnl The O. I" . Davli Coinpiiny. RENT. Ift-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 1721 DiKlgRENT. next door. D MT77 12 UOOMS. NKwi.Y "F17 N"SI1ED. | STK.AM IIEATEH rooms with 'if wllltout board. C3I S. _ Ulh SI. FRONT .RliOMB. fS & JO. Wii S. 19TII STItEKT. jl : :30 : H-'J * NIf'KLY KUItNIHUKn ROOM 1'Olt GENTLIJ- men. l ! > 10 Cwpltol gteiiuc. E-Mi1 15 * MS , : . : i so , EBTII AVICNIIE. I' 'iSl 10 * 'lUCNT.1 ' DEHIRAnLE ROOMS , ALL MOD. rrn oonvf nlencfJi nnd plnr 'inl lornUotr lionr * ' If rtmlreil. hnjiilre 2iO N. S9M ; St.MC3l 10" TH41EE NICE ROOMS , llOUViJKKW'INO. 11K nth i ; 7oi-i2' ; sot _ _ I roil " INT. J'UIINISHIID ROOM , CON- vrnlonl to IfMi'dlnt ! IIOUBI' . 203 S. SMh nxr. E MiC7 9 * I'M llM.SIIiil : ROOMS AM ) HOARD , PIflKT < 'f7.\ ! l""i O\Rl ) AND ROOMS : HOT vuter ! n-Ht ; lwt location In city. 215 S. rilh St r * i _ TIUj"OEOUo"l.r KKLKCT FAMILY HOTEL , near llumcnm imtU. 1012 so , 2fth ) Ht. vC mi HOARD. : io YOUTI i MTII ST. F M-CflS ia _ GOOD ROOMS. HOARD. Hi MODERN 1IRICIC : central. Ml North 10th. Mill IS * Ni iLV uTiNisHiw "WONT Tiooiiis Avrm Iwartl. 2015 ttoiiKlun. _ F--Mi.'C 10' TlVE rETllU.rM" . FIRST CLASS hutrl. Mth and D < l e mrcel > . F- OOOD ROOMS. WELL FURNISHED. HODKHN hoaril tcrnii rcaioiiajjlc , CIS , Ilrtt-clana h mi ' , - ' ' . . . l th l'-.t-l- I.-IMI THRFE OR VOVn UMFURN18HED ROOMS Tor IlKht liouiekrciiliiir. 1511 Cnss St , Cnll from - * f . G--27-1S ' to P. _ _ I _ _ _ KOII HI2. , T KTOIIKS ASI > OITICK8. FOU-NTiTlnlEE ! : IluLDlNn. v , Ono I urea corner nwm , Znd door , with vault ami prhiitr ulHce. water , etc. Ono Inrufl front nK.m , 2nd floor , rtlvided Info two room * hy jiartltlon , water , etc On large conitr room , Jnil Hour , with vault , Ont > front room , divided l > y pnrtltlDit. * hlrJ floor , Ono corner room with vault , thlrrt tliior. One larBB room , third lloor. with iinnlllon dlvlil. IIIB It Into on * l ne r m nnrt two imaller private room * , water , clc. Twn Inrso cruund door room * with vnuHa. Bev r l iiitull rpom on f.mrth lloor. with . " . All theft numu r heuli-rt with ulear.i. electric llslils. fitpplled with flrnt clr.s Janitor Bervlcf , Kl vntoi- run J y nml all meht. lliilMlntf Ptriclly llrtproof. Apply in II. W IHker , hui > r. Inleodent , Room 101. lire lIulMlnic. _ I FOll HENT-DE3IC UOOM IN vlllOl'NO FLOOR ofltcc , lie * liullJInifi wnter. * ti-iun lieaj , clrctrlo light und Janitor nervlw Apply tu It. V\ . liaker. jxrlutcndeot Ut * UjlUint. 1 137 rou nnxTSTonns AMI orricus. tContlntiiMl KOII RHNT-THK 4-STORY I1IUCK I1UILD1NO nt 9l i Furnnm St. Thtu bulldlntc tin * n tUn > rx > r cement InwtMnt , complete Mmm hefltlne fit- turwi w t r n nil floors , g t , tto. Apply t lh omto of The Ilw. 1 910 A oonu ir.\Ki : OVEN AND ASEMP.NT. APply - ply 619 N. 16th Kt. I-M361 A TINNER CAN RENT GOOD RASKMENT hnp nnd pay part rent In wi-rlc. Apply 619 N. ICth St. , or I. N. Wntinn , C N. Y. Life Itlrli ? . I-MSW WErtAL ROOD HASEMENTS SU1TAIILE for shop * . Apply CI9 N. 16h ( St. , or I. N. Wntsm. ra N. v. Lire Hide. I-M3M ASHXTS WAM'HI ) . AflENTS WANTED , LADIES. SKND 2'C FOR n w Invontli n to prevent your hat Llowlne " O. J. Johnsan , Nut. O. A. llank , St. Paul , Minn. J-M77 > > 19 WAXTHIl TO IlKXT. MODERN HOUSE WITH AROUT TEN ROOMS , near Haniicom Park , Address I" 19 , H'-o nfflct > . WANTED TO RENT. A S OR 7-ROOMCOT- tnse with furnace , bath , city wnter , BBS. Address - dress S CO. liee. K-4S1 _ WANTED. HOUSES TO RENT. S TO 7 ROOMS. (10 to 120 : cannot supply the demand for houses of this clAnsi list ati once. Q. Q. V/nllnce , Jl ! J. J. Hrown Hlock. K < 8 < _ MODERN 7 OR 8-ROOMEO HOUSE , FAMILY nf two. without children , between Karnnm nnd Chlcaco , cast of Twentieth. Address T 30 , Ilec. K 7C3-10 TWO MODERN UNFURNISHED ROOMS NKAR 19th nnd Capitol avenue for man and wife : no children. Address T 29. llee. K 761-10 WANTED , TO LEA"SE ! MODERN HOUSE , nlnut 9 rooms , well located , near Hnnscom pnrk preferred ; small family ; no children. Ad- dresn T 32 , Ilec nmco. K-M771 10' STOUAC5IC. PACIFIC STORAOE AND WAREHOUSE CO. . 90S 910 Jones ; Ri-ncrnt sloraKe and forwardlnB. FRANK EWERS. REST STORAGE. 1214 HAR- ney. M-792 814 _ OM.VAN & STORAGE :511 < 4 FARNAM. TEL 1539 M-433 t\'AXTKDTO : I1EST PRICE PAID FOR OMAHA SAVINGS bank account * ut room 50C , N. Y. Life Hide. N 134 60 SECOND-HAND WHEELS. J3 TO J10. Otnnlm Hicycle Co. , S2J N. ICth street. street.N N 752 Sll LIST SPECIAL 1IAROAINR IN REAL EP- tnte with F. D. Wead , 16lh and I > niRlns Sis. N-.t 3 S2D KOII SALK IIOHSIJS , WACJOXS , KTO. FOR SALE CHEAP FAMILY HORSE. fHAU- ness , iihncton and open hiiBpy : nearly new. Will trade for bicycle ns part payment. 2C23 Sewnnl St. 1' 722 FOll SAL ! ' , MlSCIQI.l.AXKOUS. SAWDUST , 'HULK OR SACKED-CRIHUINO nnd hog fence. C. II. Lee , 901 Douglas.Q433 Q-433 STEAM HOISTING MACHINE. CHEAP. 200S St. Mnry's Ave. Q-9C3 KLONDIKE. ALASKA , SEND Jl.OO FOR MAP of the Alaska Bold Holds ; how nnd when to KO , what to lake , cost , etc. O. W. Clinton , Wil liams , Arizona Territory. Q M17G S-12 * LARGE CHICKERINO UPRIGHT PIANO. only J130.00. Schmoller & Mueller , 103 South 13th st. < 5-Wt FOR SALE. ELEGANT CHERRY HANK counter nnd Hall's burglar proof chest , with double timer , cost orlslnnlly J2.3 < W.Oi ) ; will sell for Jl.000.00. Address John R. Pierson. York , Neb. Q M719 22 NEW WHEELS. J19.75 ; 2D-IIAND WHEELS , 15 to $15. Omnliu lilcycle Co. , 323 N. 16t\i \ st. Q M752 Sll MISCKMiAXHOUS. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARItAOE CO. CLEANS cesspools nnd privy vaults nt reduced prices. C21 N. ICth. Tel. 1779. R-920 S-lf CIi.MIlVOYA > T.S. MRS. PAUL. 2P5 N. 1TTII ST. . TRANCE ME- dlum. may be consulted on nil nffalrs of lire : letters with stamp enclosed promptly nnswerej. S G30 O4- MASSAi ; , IIATMS , KTC. MADAM SMITH , 1315 DOUGLAS. MASSAGE steam baths. T 721" , in * MRS. DR. LEON. ELECTRIC MASSAGE HATH parl'iis , restful anil curative. 417 So. nth. up stairs. T M703 12' IUT1IS AN'D MASPAGE TIIEATMENTS : MIIS Liuni Ellison ; Lottie lliirpfr , assistant ; 119 N. ICth street , room 12 ; rppoulto new i ost- olflci- . T M733 ll ORIENTAL TURKISH 11AT11S FOR LADIES ft gentlemen , 50c. 107 S. llth. Telephone ISIIt. 7C2-O-S * T - - 1'KH.SOXAI. . VIAVI FOR UTERINE TROUI1LES. 3IC-8 REE IlldK. ; physician , consultation or henlth book free. _ U 137 SIJPKRKLPOUS HAIR , RALDNEPS. FALLING hair and all facial hlcmlehes cured. Tine Co. , 328 Chamber Rommi-rct ! . U C37 O4 * CHAMPION 11RED COCKERS AND COLLIES. T G. 15ec. U M52I 17 * CURED FOR J23 ; UNTIL SKP- tember 15 ; no pain ; no detention from business : refer to thousands of pationtH ctiivd ; call or wrltB. O. E. Miller Co. , az-3 N. Y. L. . Omaha. U M438 RATHS , MASSAG1L MME. POST , 3191 , B. 13TH. U C73 BIOXKY TO LOAX HI3A1. KSTATB. ANTHONY I/AN & TJtl'ST CO. . 313 N. Y. U ittikU money nt low rntes foi choice farm lands In lown , norlliern Missouri , euHturn Ki'briihkn. W 439 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY urouerty. W. Farniim Smith it Co. , 1SL-0 Farn'n W 410 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. , 1303 Fiirnam St. W 412 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA r nl fftute. lirHiinan , Ixivo Co. , Pnxton Hilt. W-443 MONEY TO I/JAN. HEM IS , I'AXTON 1UX > CK. W-93H FROM } 1W UP. F. D. WEAD. 16 & DOUGLAS W 5S4-S-SS fi PER CENT MONF.Y ON NEHRASKA FARMS nnd Omaha Improved projifriy. Apply ID W 11. Mclkle , . 1st Nat'l IS'k llldB. W 441 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA niiiiHTty. l'u < ey & Thomui , :0" 1st Nut. Ik. bldtt W-143 MOMSY TO I. OA \ CHATTELS. O'IY TO 1X < AN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS horses , WHKUIIH , He. , ut lowest rules In city no icmovul of Kogds ; sirlrtly romMnitlal ; you can pay thn loan i.lf nt ntiy time or In mis amount. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . : ou So. leth st. X--44U nusixnss OIIAXCKS. A. 11. ALPIRN. OMAHA JUNK HOUSE. PAYS hlshcKt nrlces. 4UI-5-7 So. 10th St. . Omaha. Y MITT S23 * TO GET IN OR OI.'T OF HUSINES3 GO TO J. J. Hlbum. 514 FlrJl NnTI Rank. Y-SI14S SALEFIRST-CLASS IIAKKUY AND ii'Maurant chcnp fnr r.tsh ; renson for selling poor health. Address Ilex KfS Plntsmnuth. Y M-CI7 11 TWO-STORY niUCK : WHlsKLI or trade for lown farm land , or Mill rent to party buylne furniture. Cllflbn House. Nroln In. Y UQM ; n TOR SALE. DRUG STOCK IN WESTERN Iowa ; population , 1.000nil.'h . run l > etwren J'.C XI nnd tc.OOO nnmiully , will Invoice between (3,50d nnd I2.Si)3 ; IhU U In every renpect , tut can ho li. > ucht unly dollar for dollar lar ; reason for selling 111 health : ilnn't write unlfm you mran bu lrri..s. Addreri. cure T ! t , Omnha Jlee. Y M730 15 _ _ A KLONDIKE ! ' . WHO HAS HAD TWENTY rears' rxpcrlciv.c In mlnlui ; . hau rpent yfir > on thi Yukon. Is Ihuruugjhly famlllnr with the Klondike , hai ! ntrn > rts and jirofjirctorfr on the Klnndlkr , will clvc tliorouuh iuoi > pcctur's map end personally snuvcr ull qurMluns rrlntlnu to thnt nounlry , or liow to Bet In Ihrre , ( , r\r. \ . for tlic price of II. Addror II It. Ttinmux'Jii m Ilalley UuMJlnr. Seattle , Wutli. Y M74S OS * > oYOr WANT TO MAKT. money out of AlaiknT U.iy out rub ( tul.c cor- titlcoli'i1 II1) rarji , wi litvr | > n'rlu > irrd f. rl.ilms rn I'.l'U'radc aftk si : I IIOM : ti01ilnn | npw rn r 'Ut > ' , IrvMllsal' ' . Aloika rti.14 Oinipany , ISIS and 131 ! M3ilc Truti > ! c , C'h ' < > : < . Y--M74S Cll.\XfKS. ( Contlnueil , ) IV1II SALE OR RENT. STEAM GRAIN P.I.F. viitor , 70 mll fMm Ontnlm. splendid li.m- tl' n J. E H"Utr. . revenui1 cnlleitnts nlllce. Omahn. Y M716 11 rou i\ciiA.vm2. SEVEN ALMOST NEW DWIH.LING HOUSES with Ints In Roihp ter. N Y. . for trade for llKht Rood property In Omaha or farm land In Nebraska er lows A tdresi W. F. E tfrhelt , Wlllcox St. . Rochester , N. Y. J5-MTM 12 SAM : IU\L ISTATK. KOtTNTXM PLACE 11ARGA1NS. 12.500. IJ.7SO TO IC.SOO ; see photos at ICth nnd Fnrnnin , Morse 111.Is. . J. J. Gibson , 514 First Nat. Il.ittk Rldg. UK Iti IIOUSF.S. IXTS. FARMS. LANDS , LOANS Gco. P. nemls Real liitnte Co. , Pnxton lllock. RE-448 CASH FOR OMAHA SAVINGS RANK Ac counts , a. a. Wallace , 312 Rrown block. RE 449 SNAP-tfiXllO FEET NEAR 220 AND CLARK , 11.200. J. N. Frenier. Opp. P. O. RE--2Z2 FOR SALE-SNAP AMONG SNAPH-6-ROOM cottnKc ; corner lot , nt 75 per cent of what the house Itself coit. M. J. KcnnKrd & Son , sole ngent.i , 310 and 311 Drawn block. RE J46 FOR SALE , WO ACRES RICH I1OTTOM In Monona county , the banner corn and wheat county of town ; 100 ncres under plow , the rest pasture and mendow land ! wrlto to W. D. I40omls , Rlencoe , U. HE M47S II FOR SALE OR TRADE , A LARGE. CON- trollIriK Interest In one of the best Irrigation canals In Nebraska , locnted In n fine vnlley nver 23 miles lone , has nn enrnlnB capacity ot over 110,000 per year ; full pnrtlnulnrs on nppll- cation ; will sell for rensonnble price or trude for good Omahn property ; when writing please Blvo location nnd price of property offered , nlso Incumbrnnce , If any ; this Is n line Invest ment and will only ! K > exehanBed for some- thlnp of ciiunl value ; nn real estate with a heavy debt will be considered. Address for tt > o weeks. T 8 , llee office. RE-582 1S FOR SALE AN ELEGANT KOUNT/.E PLACE HOUSE. $1,000-11,500 cash , balance easy. Address owner. S CO , Uee office. RE M49T MODERN SIX-ROOM HOUSE AND FULL LOT this week for 11,700 , half cash. A. P. Tukey , City llnll. RE-741 17 PER CENT GROSS INVESTMENT , IM- provej real estate ; rental. IC4S.OO per year ; price , 13.800. Address T 2S , llee. RE M734 A HOME THAT IS ONE-OF 8 ROOMS : HARD wood finish , modern , pleasant reception hnll , cooil barn , full lot , enst front. M. J. Kennnrd & Son. Sole Agts. , 310 Brown Uloek , RE743-17 K1/NDIKE DISCOUNTHn ; K,0 ACRES LAND near Stanton , Neb. . IS.21 p r ncre ; only nne- thlrd real value : Itnvil on last assessment. Address D. W. P. , Yankton , S D. RE M7 t 13 LOST. SORREL MARE , AI1OUT 9 YEARS OLD- welBht. 950 pounds ; while Ktreak In forehead : rllpcd forelock ; had on nn old web halter when left. Return to 4203 Cumins street nnd receive reward. T. C. Havens. Lost 741 10 LOST PAIR OF NOSH GLASSES. RETWEEN 14th street nnd Ree building. Finder plcnsc return to Aloe , t Penfold Co. nnd receive re- 'nrd. Lost 7C3-9 _ _ STOLEN. STEER ? HRAND T ON LEFT S 3 miles west of Irvlnittoti Septembi-r 7 : r ward for return. Mrs. Dillon. Lost M773 10 SIIOHTIIAM ) AXII TYI'KWHITIXt ! . A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL , 513 N. Y. LIFE. AT OMAHA RUS.COLLEOE. 16TH & DOUGLAS. 451 KAIOIS FOIl IlKXT. FOR RENT SEVERAL HUNDRED ACRES OF the best farm land , near Elkhorn , this county. Inquire William S. Poppleton , room 311 , First National Rank Rldg. , Omahn. 7CO M. S. WALKL1N. 2111 CUMINO. TEL. 1331. 455 I'AAVMIIIOKKKS. II. MAROWITJ5 LOANS MONEY. 418 N. 16 KT. 452 MATTIU3SS HHXOVATIXO AVOUKS. MATTRESSES , COrCIP'S \RLOR FURNIture - ture to order ; repaired. 18 3 Lenvenw'h , tel. 15 j. 453 nilKSHMAKIXR. DRESSMAKING. MISS STURDY , 4304 RUR. dPtte. 723 O-G' TYriswuiTiaus. TONS OF ENERGY WOULD 1E ! SAVED DAILY If every operator used the Unlit runnlnc Dens- more. 1012 Farnam St. . Omaha. 434 COMMKHCIAL COM.I3RI3. OMAHA IIUSINESS INSTITUTE ; ROYD'S theater Rids. ; write for specimen of penman ship nnd catalogue. " * 20C S-24 % . STAM.1I13III\R. SCHOOL FOR STAMMERERS AND STUTTER. ITS ; Julia E. ViiiRhnn , k03 N. Y. Life I1MB ; inpthod by Kradcil vocal exercises ; hours. 10 to 12 and 2 to 4. $13 514 * PATENTS. 13 A TIl\TrrC Sues * CoAttorneys - r A 1 HIM I Jj nt-Law and Patent Experts - perts , llee Building , Omnha , Neb. Hrnnch office at Washlneton , D. C. We make FREE EXAMINATIONS nnd nld Inventors In selling thelf Inventions. Sena Tor free Advice nnd Patent Dock. TATT < yN"frS procured oy C. A. SNOW & . . . \ . i - I .1. j.i j-ix-i C3 co _ Washington. D. C. K1IC13 EXAMINATION and ndvlce. No attor ney's fee before patent. No claptrap offer of prizes or promlsj of suddrn wealth. DUE uiralsht- forvard ndvlce and falthfu * service PROPOSALS FOK FRKSH VKGKTAI1LES. Headquarters- Department of the Platte. Olllco of the Chief Commissary , Omaha , Neb. , September 10 , 1M)7 ) Sealed proposals in duplicate will be received hero until 11 o'ulsck a. m. , central standard time , Oc tober 1 , 1S37. and then opened publl-Iy for furnlshlni ! and delivery of such auantlllei of potatoes and onions as may be required by the Subsistence Department at Forts Crook , Nlubrara and Robinson , Neb. ; Forts 1) . A. ItusMell and Washakle , Wyo. . and Fort Meude. S. 1) . 1'ropnEals will alno bo received and opened by the Commissary nt Fort Crook until 11 o clock n. m. , central standard time. October 1 , 1S97 , and by Com missaries nt r-'ortH Nlobrara , HobliiHon , D. A. HtiBSpllVashakle and Mcndo until 10 o'clock n. in. , mountain standard time , each Post CommlsM.iry receiving propoHal.s for his own post only. TinrluIU Is r'-eerved to reject any or nil proposals In whole or in part , lllank proposals and specifications , showing in detail the articles and ( juantltles required , and givliiB full Information us to conditions of contract , will be fnrnlHhed on implication to any of the above mentioned officers ) . FUANK B. NYI3 , Major and C. B , S-10 dlt 2-30-M ! ) NOTICK. Notice Is hereby Blven that foaled pro. posals will be received by the Hoard of Dl- rectors of the Newton Irrigation district of Ix > tip county. Neb mka , nt their olllca In fold district up to 2 o'clork p. m. of the 21th day of September. 1SS7 , for W,5dO of the bonds iHsiit'ii by aald Irrigation district , nil of Bald bonds hrliiK for $100 encli , payable an follows , towlt : $1,100 In cloven years ; $1,300 In twelve yearn and $1,000 In thirteen years trom tb date , and drawing Interest at the rate of G per cent per annum , payable nc'inl- annually. Principal and interest of said bonds payable at the ofllce of the state treasurer of the state of Nebraska. The Hoard of Directors reserve the rlsbt to reject any and all bids. Address ull bldt > to G.V. . Abbott , tvcretary. Motilton , Neb. Hy order of the Hoard of Director * , made July ( ! . 18ST. G. W. AUBOTT , Secretary.C. . C. It. COPP , President. Notlrr to lllilil < T , The superintendent of construction of the Nebraska state building ut the Transmls. Fli > slppl and Internatloiiiil Imposition will receive bids until September IS. IW , nt 12 o'clock , noon , nt the olllce of the Hoard ot Directors In the Dellone hotel annex , In the clly of Omuha , for all materials necessary to construct the Nebraska state building to bi > erected upon thu exposition grounds. Copies of i IHI estimate can bo secured of \V. II. Dearlim , iiKxistant secretary , ut the olllco of said Hoard of Directors. GKOHGK . liu-AKE , Superintendent Construction. Attest : W. H. I-MCAHINO , Assistant Secretary. fieuU'il bids will be received at the olllct- of the ( iround ! > nnd DullJIiif Department of the T'ansmlssliislppl and Inlernntlonal Kx- posltlon until & o'clock i > . m. Saturday , Sep. teir.lier 11. for the construction of the Agrl. rultaial building. 1'luns and specifications tin Ale In the superintendent's olllce , No. C31 Pixlon block , or seta will be furnished contractors ut cost. cost.F. . P. KIIIKF.NDAI.U ii'y'r Grounds and Dulldlnga Dey't. II.\tl.HM.VOH. MrTin tiMNiTiiV MISSOURI Rl er'The lurllnB" Itiinw t n lloula nerl offices. N. W. furner Tenth nnd Fnrnam > Ur. < ; ts , Tlukt nlllce , IMS Fnr- n m Street. Telephone. ISO. Depot , Tpnt nnd Mason streets. Telephone , 1JS. I > > ave , Arrive. Lincoln. Penver nnd wnt 8:55 : am 0:34 : am Lincoln. Dtnver. Color - , , , . . r Ju , t'tah , Cnllfornln. i ] f lllack Hill * , Montnn.1 nnd I'ugt-t Sound _ * 4:35pm : 4:05 pm Lincoln Local 1OU : i > m 7-45 pm Lincoln Kant Mall iS2K : pm 11:30 am rtnlly. Daily except Sunday. CHICAGO , i nUHLINOTON AND Qulncy Hnllrnnil "The HurltnR- ton IloutWTlcket oince , 1502 1'nrnnm Street. Telephone , 230. Depot , Tenth nitil Mnaon Streets. Telephone. 128.L . L ove. Arrive. 6:05 : pm 7:5S : nm 9:48 nm 4:15 pm 7:10 : pin 7f : > T. nm Ml :40 : nm C:10 : pm 2'O : pm ( KANSAS CITY. ST. JOSEPH & Council llluffs Rnllroad-'ThB mm RurllnRton Route" Tlfket Of fice , 1508 Karnam Street. Tele Mtjute > phone , 230. Depot , Tenth nnd Mapon Streets. Telephone , 128 IiF-iive. Arrive. Kansas City Day Kx. . . . $ ; OSam C:10pm : Knnsaii City Nlcht Kx. . ' 10:00 : Din 6:30 : am Dally. WA11ASH RAILROAD TICKET OFFICE. 1416 Farnam Slrest , Telephone , 322. Depot , Tenth iind Mason Streets , Telephone. 123. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis "Canon Rail" Express 4M : pm ' 11:50 : nm Dally. CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND A : PACIFIC RAILroad - road "The Orent Rock Island Route" Clly Ticket omcc , 1323 Farnntn Street. Telephone , 42 * . Depot , Tenth and Motion Streets. Tele phone , 12& , I nve , Arrive. Chlcnpi ) nnd St. Paul Vestlbuled Express. . . . 4:50 pm 1:10 pm Lincoln. Colorado SPRS. I'ucblo. Denver nnd west 1:23 : pm * 4:05pm : Chicago. DCS Molncs nnd Rock Island 7:00 : pm 8:1 : ! nm Atlantic Exprws. for Des Molnes nml east ern points 7:00 : nm 5:33 : pm Lincoln , Falrbury nnd Ilillevllle 5:43 : pm 10:40 : nm Dally. Pally except Sunday. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE * ST. Paul Railway City Ticket Olllce. 1501 Farnam Htreet. Telephone. 2'l. Depot. Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone , 123. Leave. Arrive. Limited Ex } ! JO pm 8:03 : am ChlciiRo „ „ & Sioux City Kx llCO : nm 3-.K pm Dally Dnlly except Sunday. OMAHA. KANSAS CITY & EASTERN RA1L- road Omaha .t St. luls Hallrond. "The O. 1C. Route" Ticket Olllce. 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone , 322. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets , Telephone , 12S. Leave. Arrive. PnttonsburB , Klrksvllle. Qulncy Local * 3:40 : nm " 10:45 : pm St. Louis , New York Limited 4:30 : pm 11:30 : nm DMIy. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD Ocncrnl Olllces nnd Ticket onice. Merchants National Rank nulMlnn , 1224 Farnam Street. Telephone , 104. Depot. Fifteenth nnd Webster Streets. Telephone , 1438. L ave. Arrive. nnd southern points. . . , S:03 pm * ' ? : Knnnas City Express.'J Pm ISx,0 " " , , , :00am Ft. Cronk & Vnlon LI. . . SifJpm ' Dally , CHICAGO & NOHTIIWKST. em lfciilny City Ticket Otllce , i 1401 Fnrnnin fitrect. Toleh1ine. | 6C1. Depot. Tenth und Jlason Sirects. Telephone Lea Artlve. Missouri Valley , Sioux ' ' City. St. Paul and . Mlnncnpol's ' 6:40 nm 10:43 pm Missouri Valley. Sioux ' City I "ISO am 9:03 : pm Dt-nlson , Carroll. Wall I akc ; i 1:00 : am 9:03 : pm Eastern Express. DCS . . ; Molncs , Murshalltown , . Cedar Rapids. ChlcnK' ) "JOilo nm 4:10 pm Atlantic Flyer , Chicago nnd Enat , * 4:15 pm 4:10 : pm F.wt Mall , Chicago to- ' Onmhn 3:10 : pm Missouri Valley , Sioux \ City. St. Paul. Minne apolis Limited 5M pm Iniaha-OhU-aKo Special. . 0:30 ptr Dally. Dally except Sunday. fiffifaT strei'ts. City Tlcki-t Olllce , aSJ ! 1101 Farnam Street. Telephone. f.Cl. Depot. Fifteenth olid Webster Streets. Telephone , 1I5S. I > enve. Arrive. Sioux City Accommoda. 8:30 : am 8:23 pm Sioux City Accommoda. BW uin 8:23 : pm lllalr , Emerson. Sioux City , roncn , IlnrtlnB- ton nnd Illoomllfld. . . . 1:00 : pm Sioux C'lty , Manknto. St. 1'nul , Mlnnenpolla - C:15 pm 9:10 : nm Dally. Dally except Sunday. Sunday only SIOUX C1TV ft PACIFIC HAIL- rimd General Olllces. United .States National H.inlt Ilnll.l- litK. S.V. . Corner Twelfth .ind Fainam Streets. Ticket Olllce , 2i31 Farr.air. Street. Telephone. 5' ' Depot , Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Telephone , 1433. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City .lanlioto , St. Paul , Minneapolis. 0:13 : pm i 9:10 am Dally. FIIKMONT , F.LKHOHN .1 MlMnbiirl Valley Railway Gen-rnl Olllces. United States National linnk IlulMlncr. Snutliwpst Corner Twelfth and Farnam Strei'ts. Ticket Olllce , HOI Farnam Street. Telephone. 561. Depot. Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Telephone , H"8. Leave. Arrive. Illaclc Hills. Dcadwood and Hot Sprint's 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pm Wycmlnt- , Casper nnd Douelas 3 00 pm 5 00 pm Hastings , Turk , DavU City Superior , Ge neva , Exeter nnd seward - ard 3:00 pm 5:00 : pm Norfolk. West l-ulnt 7:53 : am 10:23 : nm nnd Fremont 3CO : pm 5:00 : pm Lincoln. Wnhoo nnd 7:50 nm 10:23 : nm Fremont 3:00 pin 5W > pm Fremont Local 7:50 : am Dally. Dally except Sunday , Sunday only. Dally except Saturday , Dully except Monday. UNION PACIFIC "THE OVEU- land Route" General Olllces , N. E. Corner Ninth nnd Fainam Streets. City Ticket Olllce. ISOi Farnam Street. Telephone , 31C. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone. 128.Leave. Leave. Arrive. "The Overland Limited" for Denver. Salt Lake. Paelilc coast , nnd nil western points ' 8:20 : nm 4:43 : pm Fast MH | | truln for Denver , Salt Lake , Pacific coast nnd all western points . . . . . . . . 4:03 : pm 10:20 : nm Lincoln , llcalrlce and Stromnburp Express 4:03 : pm 3:50 : pm flrand Island Express. . . I5:33um : 3:50 : pm Dally. Dally except Sunday. Council Bluffs Local leaves , 5IOn. : m. ; 0:50a : , m.i 7:30 : a. m. ; B25 n. m."JO:43 n. in. ; 2:15 : | i. m. j 4 30 p. m.i 6:33 : p. ' m. ' XIrives. 6:20 n. m. ; 7:20 : a. m. ; 8 n. m. ; 9:23 : n. in. ; 11:30 : n. m.i 3:10 p. m.i 5:40 : p. m. ; 9:05 : p. .in. ; 10:45 : p. m. XOT1CK. ( Should be read DAII/T i > y all Interested , as changes may occur at .fitly time. ) Fort-Inn mnllH for the , Avi-eU cmllm , ' Sep tember 11 , 1K97 , will close O'JIOMPTKY In iill CiiHes ) lit the General Pnitolllce as follows : PAHOKLS POST MAIll/S CLOSR ONE HOLM ISAULUSn thuil closing time shown below. ' TrniiN-AtIiintu MallH. SAT1JIIDAY At 7 n. m. for FRANCE. SWITHKHLAND , I TAW. SPAIN , POIl- TUOAI . TURKEY. ' 13OY1T andliRIT- IHI ! 1NOIA. per . u. t.a Tour.ilne * . via Havre ( letters for oti | ) > y.liuirtH of Kurope must bo directed "per1 lih. Touralne" ) ; at 8 ii m. fnr NITI'yHTAM11S ! < llr nl Her t * . 11. * . * * d i * * , j > v > * o. F * , i it i iicnui a must be directed "per Kms" ) ; ut 10 a. in. for SCOTLAND direct , per H. a. City of Home , via Glasgow ( letter.- ; must bo di rected "per City of Home" ) ; at 12 m. ( sup. plementary 1:30 : p , in. ) for KUHOP13 , per a. a. IStrurla * . via Quecnslown. PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-German steamers salllm ; on Tuesdays take 1'rlntcd Matter , etc. . for Ornnany , nnd .Specially Addressed I'rlnled Mutter , etc. , for other parts of Europe. Ameri can and White Star steamers on Wednesdays , nerinan uteumcrg on Thurnlays , und Cunnrd , French und ( Icrrnun utramris on Katurday > take I'rlnled Matter , etc. . for all countries for which they ulu advertised to curry mall , Aftrr the closlne of the Bupplemcntary TransAtlantic - Atlantic Mails named auovu. additional supple mentary malls ure uprned on the plem of thfc American English , French anil Oennan tteam- em , und remain open until within Ten Mill- utra pf the hour of tnlllm ; of ilramer. AlnlU ffir Stiitili inn ) C > iilrnl Aiiifrlon , Went Indlfii , lite. FHIDAY-At 10 a. m. ( Hitptilementary 11 a. ui. ) for C13NTKAI , AMlSrtlCA ( except ( Contlntifd.l Oostn Ulcn ) mid SOt'TH PACIFIC POUTS , per s. * . AlHnnon , vln Colon ( loiters for Oiin * ninln mil ! " bp directed "per Alllnncn" ) ; nt II n. in. for MKX- ICO. tier s. s. Sitn ARtistln. via Progrcso nnd Vern Cruz ( letters must be directed "fier Snn AKiiMltt" ) : nt I2Sn ; p. m. ( sup- lilemontnry 1 p. m. ) for ST. THOMAS. ST. CINMX. T.KKWAItn nndVIND - WAUD ISLANDS , per . s. Fontnbelle ( letters for Trlnldnd nnd TobnKO must he- directed "per Fontnltplle" ) ; nt 3 p. in. for TU1NMDA11. TOHAOO and CUM\\1 > HOI.1VAH , per f. s. Curacao. SATl'UDAY At 10 n. m. ( "tlpplementnry 10:30 n. m.i for FOUTUNK ISLAND. JA MAICA , SAVANILUA nnd OAUTHA- OKNA , per s. s. Alenp ( letters for Costa Hlcn must be directed "per Alone" ) ; nt 10 n. m. ( supplementary l":30 : n. in. ) for CAPR HAITI , OOXAIVRS. AVX- CAYICS. JACMlit.nnd SANTA MA11T11A. per . . Kitty ; nt 10-.10 n. in. for CAM- PKCHB. CHIAPAS , TAHASCO and YU CATAN , per s. s. Yucntnn ( letters for other parts of Mexico nnd for Cuba mutt bo directed "t > er Ytiontnn" ) : nt 1 p. m. for JUUKMIK. POUT 1JR PAIX , CAP1C HAITI. ST. MAUC. QONA1V1CS. PKTIT OOAVK and TUHKS ISLAND , per 9. s. ThiirlnRln. M IIs for Newfoundland , by rail to Hnllfnx. ( ind thence by steamer , close nt this olllce dally nt 8:50 : p. m. Malls for Mlqueton , by rail to llos- ton nnd thenec by simmer , clone t this olllce , dally at S:30 : p. in. Malls for Cuoa close nt this olllce dally t 7oo a. m. , for forwardlnc by utenmers salllnK ( Mondays nnd Thursdnysi from Port Tampa , Fin. Mulls for Mexico City , overland , unless specially nddrcM d for dis patch by steamer , close nt this olllce dally nt 5:30 : a. in. and 2:30 : p. m. RcglslcreJ mall closes at 0:00 : p. m , prevlaus day. Trniii-PnclllG Mull * . Malls for China , and Japan , per s. s. Aztec ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to September 5 at 0:30 : p. in. Malls for China and Japan ( specially addressed only ) , per s. s. Empress of Japan ( from Vancouver ) , close here dally up to Sep tember * * 6 at fi:00 : p. m. Malls for Aus tralia ( except UIOSP for Yesl Australia ) , which are forwarded by Europe , New Zealand , Hawaii , FIJI and Samonn Islands , per s. s. Mnrlpoiii ( from San Francisco ) , close here dnlly up to September 10 at 7:30 : a. in. , 11 n. m. nnd 0:30 : p. m. tor on arrival tit New York of s. s. Campania with Hritlsh malls for Australia. ) . Matin for Australia ( except West Australia ) . New Zealand. Hawaii and FIJI Islands , per s. . Warrlmoo ( from Vancouver ) , close hero dnlly after September " 10 nnd and up to September 1.1 nt fi:30 : p. in. Mails for China and Japan , per . s. Tacoma - coma ( from Tncoma ) , close here dally up to September " 19 nt 6:30 p. in. Mails for the Society Islands , per ship Tropic Ulrd ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to September 24 at 0:30 : p. m. MnllH for Hawaii , per s. B. Australia ( from San Francisco ) , close hero dally up to Sep tember 29 nt 0:30 : p. m. Trans-raclflc nmlls arn forwarded to port of palling dally nnd the nchnlulo of closlnir Is nrrnntced on the presumption of their unin terrupted overland transit. Registered mall closes nt 6:00 p. pi. previous day. Postofllcp. New York , N. Y. , Sept. 4 , 1 7. COnNELUIS VANCOTT. Postmnster. RAISE CI2M3HY AMJ WATHIIJMJI.OXS. Ni-liriiMkii TnUliiK tinIciul oil Tin-He Piiiiiilar rrodlu-tN. Nebraska Is becoming more nearly self- KUpportlnR In the matter of farm and garden products each year , until almost everything that will grow in a northern climate is be ing produced In perfection. Only n few years ago all the celery consumed In thh section of the state was shipped from the cast , largely from Michigan , and hundreds of cars wore brought bore end thousands of dollars returned every season. Now the finest colcry In the country Is grown In Nebraska , and this state from being a buyer has come to be a lioavj shipper to other states. It was the same way with watermelons. In tlio early spring Georgia was depended upon for n supply , and a little later Mis souri , but good judges of melons were ac customed to wait fo'r the Muscatlno melons grown In Iowa. The handling of Muscatlno melons was at one time the loading occupa tion of many wholesale fruit houses durln , * the season. The melons were received here In car lots , and many of them crated and shipped out over the elate and Into the moun tains. But the Muscatine melon is now a thing of the past so far as this section Is concerned. The beginning of the change was some three years ago. when the 'armer ? and gardeners in the vicinity ot Omaha aitf Council muffs began to plant melons quite extensively. Last year one farmer near South Omaha sold 30.000 melqns and gave away many thousands more In order to convince people - plo that the home-grown wore better than those shipped in from a distance. This year the same farmer has a crop that Is estimated at over 00,000 of the very large size , and double that number of small melons Six teams are employed in hauling the melons into the city from the farm , nnd they are selling at tlio rate of 1,000 to 1.500 pei day to the local trade , while arrangements are being made to ship the surplus to the Black Hills and other localities farther west. The famous Muscatlno melons have been entirely driven out of the market , the qual ity ot the home-grown being much superior. TO CURD A COLD IN ONH DAY Take Laxative Flromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists rotund the money If It fails to euro. 2ic. ! OlIlriT C'lintiftiT tinIllirfilnrH. . Constable Kent Lawson of Manilla , la. , arrived in Omnha yesterday and easily Identified P. F. Morlarlty and Charlns Gro ve nor as the two men wanted In bin town for burglary. Tin ; men whan arri'stnl In this city had a largo quantity of ruzor , wntrhes and other articles In their pjwsnlon lor which they could give no good acrouut. Constable Lawson stated that the men had been seen around .Manilla . for about , a week and simultaneously with their departure a number of robberies had been committed. A barber chop , dry coeds store and several other places were broken Into upon the same nlKht and a large quantity of p-oods taken. Hn Identified' one of the coats which Morlarlty bad wl'h him as one which had been taken from the dry goods store. Morlarlty returned with the constable with out causing any trouble , but Groveller re fused to accompany him until extradition papers had been secured. The constable left with one of the men last night and will return for the other as soon as the proper papers can he Issued. Mtmy I'liiiillilntfH nil llniiil. A number of candidates addressed a nicot ine of the First Ward Republican club at Tenth and Hickory streets last nlnht. Amone them were Judge llaxtcr , Fred llrunlng. D. M. Haverley. Thomas Crocker , George Thompson. L. S. Skinner , Gun llartc nnd John T. Dalley. Hemarks were also made by Dr. Hanehott nnd Ed Cornlrfh. Consldorublo enthusiasm was displayed by the good representation of First ward re publicans , who made up the meeting. llnyN Loot n On inly Stiiiul. Last night three small boys broke _ lnto the peanut Htnnd nt the corner of Tenth'nnd Farnam streets whllo the proprietor was away and pretty thoroughly ransacked the jilace. About half n bushel of candy , several pcoketbooks which were displayed for sale , n 'watch and some other articles , acgre- gating In value about $10 , were taken. Nearly ull the stuff wns recovered. The boys gave the names of Sam Mazza , Harry Glover and Joe Grogan. Glover Is an old offender. llnrhiMt Winon Illryrlc I'nlli. A well known wheelman lelpphoned to the police last night that while riding his win-el along1 the Florence bicycle path ho had run over several pieces of barbed wire fencing which had been placed there by evil mlmlf'l .persons. His tires were badly punctured , and ho was obliged to walk Into the city. The police IntPiid to Investigate the cuso and put a stop to It If the perpetrators can bo located. \ITI-KIfil for I'lKlillnn' . Sam Newman , a traveling man , took his best Klrl out for a ride last night nnd on the road homeward trouble was started over a trivial matter. Newman struck the woman , who gave the iinmo of Eddie Evans , In the fuco a number of times with his list , and her cries bcliu ? overheard by an officer , both were placed under arrest for ilshtlnK. \ \ orU In Sccri-l. Tlio Lincoln Republican club held a lengthy meeting at Hanscii's hall last even * Ing In which a large amount of routine bus iness work \va done. Thu club membership was Increased by twenty names. Tlio greater portion of the session WIH ; con ducted behind closed doors , LAKSEN Andy , aged (1 ( years. 11 months , G days. Infant son of Mr. and Mrs Anton Larson. September 9. lt > 9T Funeral Fri day afternoon at 3 o'clock from the premises of J M. Woolworth , 2211 St. 'Mary'H ' avenue. Intermrnt at Mt , Hopa cemetery. Funeral 'private. ' CONFLICT IN AUTHORITY Two School Boards Trying ta Do Business in Avery Districti CALL IN THE ASSISTANCE OFTIIECOURF of the ( Mil llonril nnil UN Td Drlvvii > nl of Olio Sellout liy lUu of nicrc Is all klmls ot trouble In the Avery school district and It nome one don't Ri't Into contomi't ' of court before two boards of director. ! settle their dlflerencca It will bo funny. A new board ot directors , iillcs * Ing to have bcpn lesnlly elected , Is striiR- Kllng for suprcinncy over the ousted mem bers of the old board. William Smith wan a director In school district No. t > , nnd. ac- cordlnK to his statement , has two years yet to serve. J. J. Smith was treasurer of this district and asserts that his time Is not out tor a year yot. The term of John Clinton , moderator , has expired. In order to Ret rid of William Smith the now members con- eluded to change to a high school district which could be done by a majority vote ol the directors present at a meeting , thereby enabling them to elect a board ot six trustees and relegntn the board then In existence to private life. Without first determining by the reaulslto procedure to change to a high school district the now directors proceeded to elect a boird of six trustees. William Smith has been a director In the Avcry school district for forty years nnd he objected to being legis lated out of ulllcc. The old board had en gaged the teachers for the fall and winter session before the new directors were elected. When the change wns made nnd old man Smith was declared ousted , new teachers were selected and the war com menced. Last Monday morning the old board. In company with the tcachora em ployed by It , repaired to the school houses for the purpose of opening school. They found the doors nnd windows of the school building barricaded. A number of deputy constables wore on guard , some of the friends of the now board having been sworn In as deputy constables by Justice Chandler , who claims to be one of the members of the now board. Teachers and olllcers of the district were denied admission to the school houses and were compelled to withdraw. DIUVK OUT TUB TKAC1IR11S. Tuesday morning the old board and the teachers engaged by It succeeded In gaining admission to the scliooi nouses anu mo opera tion of teaching thu young Idea how to shoot was commenced. I'cace did not hover over the locality long for , according to re ports , the new board nnd followers to the cuimber of a dozen or IHtecMi swooped down and ejected the teachers from the buildings. Further the teachers were threatened with arrest If they persist In their attempts to hold school. Finally the old board and the teachers wore driven oft the Held with clubs and threats. Tuesday evening the old board secured an Injunction from Judge Powell In Omaha and the sheriff served the papers Wednesday morning. The new board Is restrained from Interfering with the old board until the ease Is heard and disposed of. Miss CtislcU. one of the teachers who was employed to teach In the primary school , has established herself as principal at the Chandler school and re fuses to give up. She was notified yesterday afternoon that if she persisted she would be placed under arrest , as her actions ware clearly In contempt of court. The now board engaged an attorney yes terday afternoon nnd will flic n demurrer. alleging that William Smith and the others have no right to bring a suit in the name ot the school district. An earlier date for the hearing will bo asked for. the defendants alleging that September 17 is too far away to suit them. _ a sjBSiBiBoSfcswsaaasS ! l3 I * * South Omaha News . | The council committee on public buildings has been called upon to wrestle with the claim of Frank Plvonka for rent of city offices for two years .from December 1 , 1835. In a written opinion , the city attorney 1ms given It out that there Is sortous doubt ? about the city being able to defeat IMvonlM In the courts. I'lvoitlta has already secured judgment for two months' rents , and In order to MVC legal costs , has requested the council to pay the balance of the claim. City Attorney Montgomery says that the- case cannot now bo roapencd. and the two judgments obtained must stand. In the face of the facts H is not thought advisable to make a fight In thn courts Unless something Is dons the city will br stuck for about $2,000 , not counting the Judg ments already obtained. When the case " .van first called In thu county couit , It was found that the city virtually admitted that It had not vacated the premises at the ; xplratUin of Its lease , and for this reason no testi mony was allowed to bo Introduced when an appeal was taken to the district court by the city. Just where the inone/ will come from to pay this claim la what is worrying sonic of the taxpayer , as well as a few of the city ofTlclals. ovciiiriilK in I'I-OK'- Ilulldlng permits were Issued yoiterday ( o W. S. King for a ? 1,200 icsldcnce at Twen ty-third and G streets ; Lcnagh Urns. , for coal aliuds , at Thlrty-clghtli and L slreota , $3 JO ; 0. A. Hlohm , residence. Twenty-sixth and C streets. $000 , and Oeorgo jontc , barn. Twen ty-third and C streets. $200. City Improvements have been ordered ab follows : Crosswalks on Q street , at Eighteenth nnd Nineteenth , and at the alleys between Seventeenth and Twentieth streets. The walk on Twentieth street , from Missouri avenue to N street , ! E to bo repaired , also the crosswalks at Twon- tv-slxth and F streets. Walks on the cai-t side of Thirtieth street , from Q to T stre-st , are on the list , and will bo fixed up by the street commissioner. On the ni/rth side of L street , from Thirtieth to Thirty-sixth Htreet , the sidewalks are In bad condition nnd are to bo repaired. The street commis sioner will grade an approach to the alley on the south side of S street , between Seven teenth and Eighteenth street ; as at present tliero Is no way of getting a team Into this alloy. The permanent sidewalk contractor commenced yesterday to tear up the walks , In front ot the property where the owner had paid no attention to the ordinance defining a permanent sidewalk district. llullilliiK a Aw IlrlilK ) ' . A special meeting of thu city council was held yesterday afternoon to take sonir action on the condition of the wagon bridge over Mud creek In Albright. City Engineer Heal reported having made an examination uf the Htructure and declare * ! it unsafe. The bridge , ho ualJ , was an old timer and wa.4 beyond repairHe recommended that a uew bridge be built at once. The eout Is esti mated at $300. A'bout ' a year ufo there > vaa au effort made to build a ne\v bridge ut thtd point , but the officials thought thut with eomo repairs the bridge would Ktand for awhile. I'lanu were drawn at that time and tlicBO will bo used now. The city clerk wa directed to advertise for bids for build- lag the bridge at oncti , the Intention being to let the contract at thu meeting to beheld held on September 21. The bond of George I'arks for constructing the Missouri avenue newer has been approved and work will commence within A few days Employment will bo given to about twenty- five men. men.I'n I'n > 'iiifiil of .l Warrants have been drawn by the city clerk for $201 45 on the Judgment fund In fisttlomont of the C. F. Lucllcu claims. With the payment of this claim the judg ment fund IK exhausted. At the commence ment of the fiscal year , August 10 , thuro was available In thin fund the sum of $ G,3$0.50. Thlf egtlrp amount ban now been paid nut and all judgment * now outstanding will have to hold over until next fall. Not a cent his been paid no far this season on the judgment * held by the water worku com ptciy , the money being used to liquidate more pressing claims , There ban been Homo talk among bolder * of judgment * of cow- f > Nefvo Cure Is JTk quick nrtlliK tonla % for norvou nfs nnil Koncrnl debility , nwill ctiro all forma of nrrvo trouble1 * , nnj taken with Munyon' Vitnllxpr , builds up the lirokrn down nmnx- . . ' ' - - Irply 'Munyon's Hcmnllcs. n separate euro for rnr-h dlfonse , for * nlo nt nil driiKKlstii. \ \ lion In doubt wrltp to Prof. Muiiyon , 1503 Arch St. , Phil- ndelphla , Pa. , for free modi * enl advice. polling by mandamus the payment of cUlms , but no action has been token and It Is not thought there will bo now. riitiinliiK for I'nlrVroU. . Colonel A. L. Lott has called a nicotine of the Equestrian rlttb and all organizations Intending to participate In the parades thU fall for Tuesday evening next at the lloctor- Johnston olllco. The meeting will bo to formulate a rciiuost for a South Omaha divi sion In the parades during the week ot September 20. Modern Woodmen. Woodmen of the World , nnd other lo.lgns ns well as organizations of a different nature , will bu Invited to .atteiml. 1'rovMiM thn rcnuest.fop n special division Is granted the nrganlia- tlons here wilt turn In with n will und cn - dcavor to hnvo a division worth aoolnj ; . Should thn managcra ot the affair * aca fit to refuse the request thn Intention Is to do- , cllno all Invltatloeis to participate. MHKIP ntr oiiHNip. 1 < \ IX Whlltaker Is entertAlnlng C. n. Clwrlsou of Ueadwood , S. 1) . E. C. Clarlu of Sioux Palls was a business visitor In the city yesterday. Miss Jennie Draham has gone to Clarlnda. la. , for a week's visit with friends. The Equestrian club meets this afternoon In front of the Exchange building for drill. W. 0. Lambert returned last night from Nemaha county , where ho visited friends for a few days. llellglous services will bo held al Grnca Methodist church Sunday afternoon , with Nov. C. 1) . Gray officiating. It Is expected that the African Methodist church on Twenty-fifth street , Just south ol Q street , will bo dedicated Sunday. Arthur Meeks. formerly manager of Ar mour's London branch , was here yesterday looking over the site of the new packing house. The Ladles' Aid society ot the First Pros- bytcrlan church has elected the 'following officers : Mrs. Jennie Holmes , president ; Miss Anna Gcmmill , vice president ; Miss Jesslo C.tughey , secretary ; Mrs. Delia Mont gomery , treasurer. rollltlN. Yesterday afternoon M. W. Flngler , who wns held tip near Twenty-ninth and Leiivcit- worth streets last Saturday night , culled at the police station niul positively Identi fied Jim Collins , now iiiuler arrest for tba burglary of Voihelw & Miller's store , as thn man who held him up. KlnuliT states there can lie no mistaken to t'olllno lOentHy , .is he ) got a good Kllmpso of his fnco. 1'pon tlu- strength of KlugK-r's iix.ii-rtlotiM an In formation was sworn out against Collins charging him with robbery. Thl * makes the third Information that is now in-luting ngaliiRt him. The first , consisting of chiirsra hi connection with the robbery ot 11 S.vlft and Company refrigerator car , has already boon pnsseit ui ) to tln > district court. Collins was out on bonds at the time the other crimes were committed. KltiK- O.KCiir'sntilvrrMiiry. . A number of the Scandinavian and Sttoillsh-Ami-rleans met tit the olllce of C. O. Lobork Wodnemlay to roniploto arrange ments for tlie propt-r observance nf tbi twcnty-llfth anniversary of the ri'ltjn nf King Oscnn of Norway and SWP ten. HoytVn theater has bci-n securnl ami on the nltrit of September IS the anniversary exeivlf.-j \vlll be bold. Thori ! will be speeches , muslo and coiig. The program will be given to the public some time this week. I'UltSO.VAI. I1 MlAUUAI'll.S. , C. A. I'arkcr of Ilpivrr Is at the IHrkor. J. n. ninsmoro of Sntton IB at the Mlllard. W. H. Cundey nf Deliver Is at the Millard. A. J. narnnrd nf Uulfalo Is nt the Millard. H. J. Norwald of ( St. Louis Is at the Mil lard. lard.I I > . D. nines of Columbus U a Ilarkur Kucst. W. A. Peck of Chlcopro , Mass. , Is at the Mlllnrd. V. Y. Ilobcrtson and wife of Kearney ura In the city. Hon. John Brady of ICearney Is a vlsltur In the city. J. II. dim-ten of Chicago can / found at ) the Marker. D. W. Uurke o Uancroft Is registered at the Darker. E. J. Hersoy of Now York ! s a guest at the Millard. Howard D. Thomas of San KrancUco Is at the Millard. S. C. nwing of Salt Lake City Is atopjiUig at. the Millard. J. A. Ollls , jr. , a morchunt o. Ord , Is In the city buying goods. K. S. U. Voorhees nnd wlfo of Lincoln are stopping at the Marker. Mrs. I ) . M. Paul and 'Mrs. A. U. Dann of St. Paul are at the .Millard. . G. C. Mnryatt , CJeorgo W. Wood and L. A. Hull are Ponder citizens In Omaha. Harry A. Krank , son of Albyn K. Kranlc , left for Cornell university last ovcnlng. E. II. HoflelflnKer and J. S. Campbell are registered at the Millard from Philadelphia. Judge W. D. McHugh left yesterday for Sidney , Neb. , where ho goes on n business trip. trip.W. W. C. Alexander of Ponder Is vlsltin ; ; f i lends hero and will leave shortly for Chi cago. C. II. Raid , John T. Shay , II. P. Hurtnmn and ,1. J. Murphy are Chicago arrivals at the Millard. George P. Deck nf Larnmie. Wyo. , was ' .n Omaha yesterday whllo on route to Chicago in business. , , > 'Juuld Dlclz , accompanied by E. O , llrandt of the Burlington , has gene to Jiherldun , Wyo. , on business. II. E. Lewis of Kearney , Neb. , who ban boon In the city for a few daya , loft lai't ' night for his home. J. J. Taylor of Silver City , IE. , was In Iho city yesterday while ivi his wayto1 Dcilvor , where ho will remain for a wc-jk. Ana Shivcrlck and Joseph llsrker , Jr.i'left last evunlng on a short vacation which wllf bo spent with friends at Shcrldrci , Wyo. MltH Slado Smith , who has boon the guest of Miss Cornelia Mcnnoit for several wpcj s , rcturne'l to Cincinnati last evening. Miss Grace E , McKlornan , who wait vlii- ItliiR Miss Josephine Urady for a couplti ut weeks , has returned to her homo In Chicago. T. L. Coombs , accompanied by bis brldn , left 'last evening for an extended western , trip which will include vlslu to Denver uuj Salt Lake City. XobiaKlaim ut the hotels : E , P. Myers , Ogallala ; V. J. Snydcr , Wahoo ; A. Morri son. Norfolk ; W. T. Auld. Ilcil Cloud ; John S. Finch , Lincoln ; George W. Kino , Cozad ; 0. Hume Syracuse. I.OUAI , miKvrriic.s , No meeting of the principals of the ptibllo Kchools will be held thla aflenioon. The street car company Is building a "Y" at the north end of thu Walnut Hill line , cmo on which the vestlbulud cure may turn around. J. J. Ciirrcn was arrenlrd as a ausplclnun character yesterday hc.caiifc he WUB trying lo dlopOHB ot nome brnu.'i wnlcht-s , which bo .Ud were gold. Edgar Howard ot Papllllon wan In the city yesterday on his way to Virginia to fipend a few weeks vIMtlng at Hlolunonit and other points In the Hlato. Mrs. Howard accompanied him. Ed Hlghbaugh , arrested about a week ago for thu larceny nf a watch from Mrs. Jumcs Simon ) of Council IlluITs , pleaded guilty to the charge yesterday and was gUen thirty days In the county jail to give him n chance to nipent. Articles of Incorporation of the Cady Land company lmu been filed with the cnunly clftrh. The ln'orpoiatorn ( are lloriry K , Cafly. Ida L. Cady , James S. White , George W. Plainer nnd Rdward D. Evans , the cuplUl utocU bKlng fixed at T25Q.OUQ. P. ! ' Murlarlty and Charles Urovcnor , two men who WITO nrrtslod Wcdnvfcday with n big ateortment of articles In their poaapn. non aiid coufcsKt" ! tliat they ttolc them at Manila and Coon Itajildi , la. , will be tnkeu Id Hie former Iowa for trial , Thu locul au * thoruii'i i > crc infoimrd ycsicniay thai uu ollccr ! would come for them.