TTTT2 ( TNrATTA DATLV 1H3TC : TITtfJ&toAY. SEPTEMBER 9. 1897 , SPECIAL NOTICES for ( lime column * 11 111 lie InUcn niilll 11 ! til. for tlif > nnil until H p. in. for the nnil Hiindn } ' ( Million * . Ailti-rtlncrn , liy rriiiicNthiK n titiiti- licrcil I'lifrk , on n linvc mimv Ti nil- tlrrxHi'd to a ntiiiilicruil letter lit cure of 'I he Her. AiiHWcm HO iiililrcKunl irlll lie ilellt ereil on iircniMitiitloti of the elicek < inl > . HntfN , 1 l-lp n ivoril flrxt limertlnn ) lo n mint Hieri-nfliT. ollilne tiikun for leu * ( linn SJBe for tinllmt Itinrr- tlcin. 'llii < Nt > n lit ertlKrmeiilii inunt be run CMiiinri Sl'M ITIONS W\VI HI ) . WANTED siTPATioN Y Dut'O CLERIC , young mnn , I yr . experience , reference and recommendations furnished , Address T 13 rnre llee A-tSS } QUALIFIED MALK NURSE WANTS PLACE , city reference * . Address T SI , Ilec.AM747 A-M747 12 n MAI.n IIISI.I' . CANVASSERS TO TAKI3 ORDKRS. JJHW LINE of worh ) no heary itoort to carry , salary or comml slon C K Ail ims Co , K24 Ho If In St. DALESMEN POP. CIGARS , UK A MONTH AND eipon * i , nM firm , expeilence unnecessary ; In ducement * to customers C C lllshop Ai Co , St. Louis. II--416 AND WOMI.V SOLICITORS rou THIS Katlonil Reserve association : the best , safest nd nmmdest frnlernal order In the Held today. Artdre * I' . A O Steven * . 2370 Cumins St. , tcl 1WJ Omahn H-41T WANTED. AC.KNTH IN EVERY COUNTI : peed pay weilil ) to rlitlit party HnwUs Nur sery Co. Milwaukee. Wl H-MI02SM- \i.n 100 O1RUS POR ALL KINDS WORK , > J TO * 7 week Cnnndlan Office , 1522 i > ouKlas U ' 415 WANTED-A GIRL POll HOUSEWORK IN fiunllv of three , npply Immediate ! ) to 201 South Kth AMT C , jj 10 * _ WANTKD-EVPnilIP.NCED SHIRT IOLISHER Domestic Laundry. 2UB Norlh 21th St. GOOD GIRL WANTP.D Z 17 POPPI.KTON AVE WANTED YQl'NO GERMAN GIRL FOR GKN- oral housowoik 1S"S North ISth "lri , ht'SINKSS WOMAN TO TH U'EL JI 00 A week nn < l expenses. nl o local workers pcr- mnnent position , reference" H II Wood ward. Ilalllmoie. C M7520 itivriiousns. : IIOPSE.S IN ALL PMirs OF Till : CITY THE O 1' DivlH rnmpany P-03 Inrnnm D 41D HOUSES luNiu'7v . co. los N ivrii ST 1 J-lv nousis : c. A STAHU , or , N Y Life _ _ 110) SLSVAl\CI3. IILOCK 10TII nni DouKliK. 122 ilOUST.S. COTTAOKS .t STOIIES. AI.I. 1'AUTS of city llrcnnan , Love Co , 45) Pixton block .IMT M'CAdUB. 151II AND DODOB HOI n.\TS , OAHVIN itnos. un PAH M HOI rou ur.NT. nniiis. PAXION J H SUKUAVOOD. 423 N Y LIP"- ! rou nns-T II-HOOM imiric I. modern In every respect slcnm heat electric Kht. locnttd nt thronlhvMst corner 17lh nnd PmiKlas Sts Applj to H W Uaker , Superln- tindent llee Hide \M-oitn ruu-Ln COTTAOIS t nooxis. s \V cor 13lh tnd Vlnton llnest location In city for huslness men of Om ilm nnd South Oniihn. rents moderate SOI ee bulli"nK rou ur.NT"rnoirn 12 nomt niTArnno moaern IIOUM Inriulro 2 = 1S Cnpllgl Avenue. nnoM RTOM : itusinp.Ncn HOT WATHII heS modern In cverj le peet 41 J North Mtl , St II T ClarK l ) lsi MOMNC1 IIOPSKIIOI.n GOODS AND PIANOS Oni Van i Storage Co 1 11' Piirmm 1 _ JM ! rOirTinNT-HAN < sCOM PL\CP. IIOMI3 OP H1X rooms nnd Int i room , chcnp to rlRht parties ; must Klve Rood rcfeunees M J Kennard & Son 310 nnd 31t llrown block D 315 HOUSES .t STOIIKS. T D WKAD 16 . DOUQ P-3S3-H 29 fiP.VKK'-HOOM MOnnilN PLAT AT $17 W. NO. TIN South ICth street \V II Mcllcle , 1st Nnfl Hank COTT\OI : WITH HATH IN GOOD con lltion S2S S 21st St U-SJU-9 * CHAS B WILLIAMSON' COIn i : 11LIH1 Tel. -n A HOMR THAT IS ONI OP S 11OOMS HARD wood tlnlsli modern pleasant ri ptlnn hnll. irood hnrn full lot .enst front M J Kcnnnnl . Son Sole Awls , 310 llrown lllock 1709 MANDinSON ST r ItOOM MODKIIN COT- tnce , coml condltlnn Jl' . M QAIIVIN 1IIIOS , 1CI1 Parnnm. D-MT53 1 ! iins'r ruiiMSiinn HOIMIS. PtllNISIini ) . ST13\M HKATHD rooms with or without board CO ! b 13th fat i : 957 S-20 PHONT llOOMb , JS S. JO. 620 S 19T1I 8TUU15T. u 39 * s-sa NIC'ULY ITUNISHKU HOOM POll OlINTLK- men. 1010 Papllol avenue H 503 15 * POim SO. 2oTH A\ KNUUssi ssi 10 * von nnvT np.sinni.n nooMs ALT. MOD- crn convenlencen and pluimnt location board If desired Imiulre liu N 10th St i--MC51 10' Nini.PI iiNisiinn SOUTH I-UONT IIOOMS with llrst-ihisrt wnltr 172 ! Dmlce lHHii : Mf P HOOMS , HOt'SHKRUPINn 111 ! So IHh i-o--i2' W\NTK1 > A HOOMMA1K HAVn A OOOD i-oom , nil modem e-imenlinceH stwun hent , rentrnllv locitttM , nnt Jl 01 pel wfik Aildresa T 18 , Hep K-M7J1 ONI : \iun i : PINILV PtniNisiiin : ROOM sliiKl' ' or fir llRht IIOHSVkeeping terms reu- aanjlik 111 H Mill streil IJ M737 9 IH HMSH13I ) HOOMS AM ) 111) Mil ) . KIHHT-OLA88 1IOAKD AND 11OOM8. HOT wilcr lirnt , best location 111 city. 213 8 25th St r 754 Tin : onouniHIJLIXT PAMILY iiorur. near HniiKrom parli 10IS bo. :9th HI. r 50 S-19 THK AL11ANY. IIOOMS PUIl OH UNI'l'n. ; 2d Moot front and cast exposure , tulile honril , line location ' Sipl PoiiKlas _ K MCS7 9' rtOOM WlTll 110AHD. 510 SOU 111 KTH ST Hffirenrei r-M-6D8i ; _ ooon itooM. WILL PUHNISHUD. MO IHN hourr Ilriit'elass bonrd , terms reisonnble. B18 Noitli 19th P-706-8' _ _ 0001) IIOOMS , I10AIIU. J3. MODliTlV llllirit cintral 6M North 19th Mill 13 NICILY : ppitNifii no KUONT IIOOMS WJTI i lionnl 2015 Douglns , y-MT36 10 * Till ) MP.milAM PIHSP r S PAMILY hottl 2ith and wlce streets P M737 21 I'Oll U1SNT U > riIHMSI113I > UOO3IS. THHKi : OH POt'll UNPPIlNlSHii > IIOOMS for IlKlit hou eKeeilnB | l ll C'a s St Call from 3 to 4 p in O-R7 15 * rou AMI orriciss. I'Oll HUNT IlKrtK HOOM IN HOITN1 > PLOOU olllce , lie * tmlldlni , v\ater. tram heat , eltctrlo Unlit nnd Janitor service Apply to U W llakrr , superintendent lle.n llullillng I 1 T BTKAsT IHIATIU ) SIOHHS AND PLATS. Iltmurd llanck , Aicvnt , 1 1 Chlcajto " ' roit IUNT-IN Tin : nin : Onn lares corner room. 2nd rtoor , with vault ana private otllce , water , ele . . . Ona lurse fnuil room , Ind lloor , divided Into two room * b > partition , water , etc One large turner room Jnd lloor , with vault , On fro'nt'rtim. dlvlJed by partition , thlnl floor. Ooo earner room with vault , thlnl floor. Ono largt rwini. thlr.l Hoor. with psrtltlon dlv d- 1 K It Into one lartu ro.iiu and IVTO smaller prlvuto ruonw. water , etc. Two larse irrouna fl.wr room * with vaulli. Savernl small rujms on fnurlh ll < x > r. vvlth vaults. All Him nwno are heat l with sleam rleclrlo IlKhts. supplied vvlth nr t tl l * < * H ° r .t' } Tog KKvntom run day and nil n sht . IlulWIn ! \g \ trlc I > llreprooj Apply to II. W Uaker. Super. t , Koom 104. Uc UullJlct. I-1U roil nn > T sTonn < AM > orncns ( Continued ) 1OII HUNT-TUP. 4-BTOItr imtCK nt SIS Knrnnm St. Thin InilldlnR Imi n fireproof cemrnt basement complete steam hentine fix- turm. water on nil floors , R . tc Apply t th offlc of The lie * . I 910 A OOOT ) I1AKK OVUN' AND PASBMRNT APply - ply 19 N 16th St. A"TiNNnircAN nivT : noon 'h p nnd p-iy pirt rent In w > rk Apply 611 N Kth St. . or 1 N. Witnon. 623 N Y. L'fe ' JIM * l Jl W2 mivhiiAL ooon ii\"iMnvTS HPITAHLP. for i > hop Apply fits N Uth St , or I N. TVntsjn , C23 .V. Y Ufe TIM * I MS6J WANT i : _ 1 O HUNT. MODP.IIN IIOI'SR WITH AIJOCT TKN HOOMS , nenr Hanscom Park. Address P 19. IJ-e office . TO HHNT , A r on 7 nooM cor * t K with furnnce , bith , clt > wn'er , KIIH Ail- ilre S CO llee K 161 \VANTKI ) , HOl'SKS TO IIP.ST. S TO 7 JIO to J20. cannot supply ihe demand for of thl < rlnss. ll t nB once O O Wnllace.11 ! J J. Itrown Hlock. K 4 STOUAOH. PACIPIC STOItACIK ANT ) WAHKIIOtlsn CO , 905910 Jones , Rencral stornKe nnd forwnrdlnB lf-JT ? KllAKIC i\ViU . 11KST BTtmAQK 1211 HAH- ncy. M 732 S14 OM.VAN it HTORAOI ! ' . 'tHi TAIINAM. TKI. UM M-413 AV V\TiiTO : : lY. ) HIST rnicn PAID rou OMAHA SAVINOS imiik account * nt roonv tW6. N. Y Uf llldir N i "i M RIJOOMMIANO WIIKni5 TO JIO Omalm Ilicycle Co. 323 N Ibth ' " ft IO- oil LIST SI'nCIAI. I1A11OAINS IN HHAl. I.- tati- with P. D \ \ > a l , ICUl nml DoURlm 8t N Ml P23 DO SKCOND-HAND IlICYCI.nS WANTKIJ TO lIUY-OHOfBnY STOCK AND nxturea ; one with c tnlill hc < l trmle tiri-fr > rrcil Address T It. nee. N'-72t-8 * roil SAI.IS noiisns , w\oo\s , nrc. rou HAI.K CIIKAP rAMit.v iionsK rjiAit nes < , iihflctoti nml oi > c buuzj. nenrlj new Will trails for blcyclp ni pirt jtaynient 2f.23 Scvviml St. P 72 ! s urMiscHMi v\nous. aAWUUST 1HILK Oil SACKKD CIIIHHINO and hoc fenc * . C. U Irfe , 901 DouuHQ Q 13' . rou BALI : pi'iiiNo I.AKI : AND volr Ice Gilbert llroi , Council llluff' la Q-MTll-S-li STEAM HOISTING \CHINE. . CHEAP SOUS St Miry's Ave CJ-5G3 AI.VSKA SKNU JIM TOUMAP of the Alinlcn Rold fields , lion nnd when to K" , what to take , co = t etc 0 W Clinton 'VMI- IHms , Arizona Icrrllorj. Q M176 S-1J * I.AIICII : ruicvnnixo ipnioiiT PIANO. only J1SOOO Schmoller .t Mueller lOT South 15th ft Q-CH rou RAi.n ni.naANT mniiiiY IJ\NK counter nnd Hull's burglar iiroof chest with ilonlili > timer , cost orlKlnnll > J2 "N > 00 will < > 11 for Jl COO CO Aililresa John 11 Pli'rson York , Neb Q-M741 22 \MOUS. . ANTI-MOXOl'OUY OAlinAOC CO CLEANS ccsools nnd privy \aultij at reduced ri N icth Tel ni CI. \ IHVMNT.S. . JIUS PAUL 203 N 1GTH ST THANCn MH- dlum nnj be consulted on nil affairs of llfp , letters with stamp enclosed promptl ) nnswercj S CoO Ol * i : , HVTHh , KTC. M\DAM SMITH , 1315 DOUGLAS. steam baths T 725 IT MHS UH l.UON KI.Pl-lIUO MASS \GH HATH iiarlore , reatful nnd cuiatlvc. 417 hi > lllh up- stilrs T M70J 1J- 11VT1IS AND MASSAOi : THKAIMKNTS Mll I.nnra iillson , 119 N 10th street , opposite new postoHlce T-M733 11 * vi , . VIAVI rou UTHIIINI : THOI IIMIS , s s urn : llldK , pli > 8lclin , consultation or henlth Ixiok free. U 437 supnuri.uous HAIII , II\I.DNISS , TAIJ.INO hair and alt facl il lilcrnl'hes cured True Co , S28 Clnmber Commerce U 637 O4 * CHAMPION I1RBD COCKERS AND COI.UHS. T 6 Hoe U-M324 17 * J21 ; . ntipTuiu : cimm ) ron J23. UNTIL SKP- tcniber 13 , no pain , no detention from business , refer to thousands of pntlentR CURL ! , cill or write O 12 Miller Co , 832-3 N Y. L Omnhn U M 8 11ATIIS , MASSAOi : . S1ME POSsT. 310'i S 1VTH U-673 MOM3Y TO L ( .vxnn vi , is r VTK. ANTHONY 1JOAN TUtJST CO , 315 N Y U , quick monej nt low ruli for choite farm lands In luwu , northern Mlssoutl , eastern NebrasKi * \ " 133 LOANS ON IMP1IOVHD . UNIMPROVED CITY property \V Parnam Smith & Co , ISJO Pam'm MONIY TO I/JAN AT LOW IIATKS Tim O P Da > l Co , 1505 Farnnm fat W 14J MONUY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. IJrennnn , Love Co , Paxton Hllc 445 MONEY TO LOAN. DUMIS , PAX1ON HI-OCIC \V-950 ritOM J100 UP 1' . D. W13AD , 10 & DOUGLAS W SSJ-S-19 6 PIU CHNT MONIY ON NIHRASKA : nnd Omaha Improved proper ! } Applj lo W II. MclUle , . 1st Nat'I 11 k HIilK \V-4I1 MON13Y TO I.OAN ON 1MPUOVP.D OMAHA piopeity. Pusey i Thoims : o : 1st Nat nk bids MOM3Y TO I.OA > _ CIIATTiiS. MONKY TO I/5AN ON PUHNITUIIC , PINO.S hordes waijons , etc. nt lowest rates In cltyL no removal of goods , ttrlctl ) confidential , > on enn pa > the loan off at nn > time or In any amount. OMAHA MOIirOAGE LOAN CO. . 30i ! bo. ICtll St. X110 IllISINHhS ClIANCHS. A 11 ALP1HN OMAHA .TUNIC HOl'HU , PAYS hlKhcst prices 101-5 7 So. 10th St , Omalm Y-M177 S23 10 oirr IN on OUT op HUSINISS oo TO j J aihson 014 Flrat Nnt'l Hank Y MHS POll SALH , 1'IllST-CLASS HAKERY ANI U'stnurnnt cheap for cish. reason for cllinB , poor health Address Dux 10SS Platsmouth. YMC7 | 11 * JIOTP.L. TWO-STORY HIUCIC , WILL 8I3LI. or trade for Iowa farm land , or will rent It part ) bvjlnir furniture Clifton House. Neoln , in Y-MC96 ll FOR SALH. DRUO STOCK IN WUSTin > . lawn , population , 1000 sales run lictwecn Jj.OOO and J6 i > M annual ! ) , will Invoice between J3fOO and | 3100 this Is first-class In every respect , but can be bought enl > dollar for dn | . lar , reiison for selling 111 heilth don't write unions } ou nn an business. Addrers care T X , Omaha llee. Y M750 15 A WHO HAS HAD TWENTY jear ' experience In mlnlnir , has rpent > enra on the Yukon Is thoroughly familiar with th < Klondike , has Interests nnd pronpectors on th Klondike , will ttlve thorouRli prospector1 * map and personally answer all questions relating t that country , or how to net In there , mat etc for the price of Jl Address II H Thompson , 222 llalley UulMinf. Seattle , Wash. I Y M74S OS KLONDIKEI DO YOU WANT TO MAKR money out of AlapkiT Iluy our Krub atnko cer tlllcntes JIO each , we have purchased S claim on Eldorado creek and have expedition nov en route. Investigate Alaska Hold Company 1310 and 1JI2 Masonic- Temple , Chicago Y-M7IS 12 1-OR SALE OR RENT STEAM GRAIN EI.E vator. 70 miles from Omaha ; splendid loca lion J E Houtz , leventitt collector's office , Omaha ' Y-M7S6 11 rou EIGHTY-ACRE FARM IN MILLS CO. . IOWA ; 70 acres In Gage county. Neb. . ICO In Knot county. Neb. . SCO In Holt count ) , Neb . WO near Council muffs , la cut near Council llluff * . la 4SO In NtbraAn , all for Omaha prop rty. I'urns all over Nebmska Write m what you want bynuiu Wattrman , Lift Uldg. , Omaha. tdlOHTIIAMl AM > TYI'KWIIITINO. A. C. VAN BANTS SCHOOL , 51J N Y. AT OMAHA BUS COLLLQB ItTH i DOUC.I.B. ron s\i. nn\i , r.sT.vrn. KOUNTZi : PLACK IIAIIQAINS. J2 MO , J1.760 TO J ! Ml , ft * photos at ICIh and Parnam , Mntue Hldg J J Ulbson. 514 First Nnt Ilnnk ItMR Hi' . Hi SlS ] LOTS. PAHMS. LANDS , LOANS Oeo. p lutnls Real llitnte Co . Pnxton lllock x > ii OMAHA SAVINOS HANK AC- counln. O O Wallace , 312 llrown block ItE-415 . - . - 8NAP-f .xi40 PEIT : NEAU 220 AND CLARK , Jl MO J N Prenter , Opp P O RK-22J " " " " _ . . _ - - - "I - - l.xl LI - 1 FOR SALIt-SNAP AMONG \P8-S-ROOM cottngc. corner lot , at 75 per cent of whit th - hou-e Itn-lf coit M J KennarJ * Son , ole nRentu 310 nnd 311 Urovrn block. RE 318 FOR SALE M4 ACnH1 * RICH IJOTTOM LAND In Monona count } the Imnner corn nn 1 wheat county of Ion a 100 nctrn under plow , the rest pisture and mendow land , write to \ \ I ) l otnl , Illencoe , In RHM472 14 FOR BALK OR TRADE A LAROE CON trolling Interest In one of the beM IrrlRallon , cnna's In NVbraskn , located In a line valley over 2" miles lonu has nn rnrnlng cnpiclty ot over JIO ono per e r : full particulars on appll I cation , will ll for reasonable price or tnde for good Omnhn propcrt > , when wrltlnB please Blve location nml price of property olfercd , also Incumbrnnce. If an > , thl Is a line lncstI" menl and will only be exchanged for someL1 thing of junl value , no renl estnte with K heavj debt will be considered AiMrrn for t 0 weeki T S , llee office. RE 5 < 2 FOR 8ALE-AN EI.POANT KOL'Nr/.E PLACE HOUSE , cash , Itnlnnce easy _ _ Atl.lrfM owner. 3 C ( ! IJee nlllce nK M49T _ " BUY A 7)\NK Here Is jour chance. Thi > llloomnetd Stnle bunk will he > oM to th highlit bidder nt recelvei's siln next Satur day , September 11 nt llloomfleld , Nebraska A SPLENDID OPENING POR A HANK nulMIn * fixtures , fiiinlture. fireproof steel chest pafe. with time lock nnd nil personal prop erty nece nr > for the Immcllntr business ot n tlri't-clas ' ? bank. A PARM AT YOPR OWN PRICK Also n number of Improve. ! farms nenr llloom- neUl nnd Improved lots In llloomfleld pas Ing 23 to 30 per rent MORTOVOE NOTES Also re number of notes recuriwl on renl nnd per sonal propertj nil tn be Fold to the highest bidder nt 10 n m September 11 1"17 GEO M HEED. Receiver. HloomlleM Neb Other Information furnished by R , C. Peters ft Co. 1501 Fnrnnm. U S Nntl Hsnlt Hide , Omnhn RR-M731 9 MODERN SIX-ROOM HOUSE AND PULL LOT this week for JI.700. h-ilf ensh A P Tukey. City Hnll RG-7H 17 PER CENT GROSS TNVl'STMENT IMprover - prover reil e tnte rental JBIS 00 per \enrj prlee. J3 f00 Address T 2S llee RE-M7" ! LOST. SORREL MARE APOUT > YEARS OLD , Height IV ) poundi , white iilreak In forahend : clliud forelock hn I nn nn old web halter wbpn left He-turn In 421.1 Cumin ? street md teeelve reward T C Haven' ! Lo t 741 10 LOST HIM WEEN S5TH AND DAVENPORT streets an 1 Ihe Lthrnr } building , pnokiibook contilnlni ; nbnut J"r 00 return to 2 * > 2J Di\en liort street nnd receive reward Lntt M7fi ! > n iiMTtnii : p\oivin. M S WALK LIN 2111 Cl MING TEL 13.11 p \\VMIUOIC IHS. II \RO\VITZ LO\NS MONEY 41 ? N 1C M VTTHllhS l n > OV\TI > OVOlllS. . MATTRKfeSES COUCHI'S PAIILOU ture to order remlred 1C 3 I nvenvv h , tel 159j 453 DRESSMAKING MISS STURDY. 4W HIT. ill-tie 723 O C' T } PnUIllTHllS. TONS OP ENERGY WOULD HE S WED DA I LI If every ox > r tor usel the UOit running Dens more 101J Pnrnnin St , Omnhi 4",4 XL OMAHA 111 SINESS INSTITUTE , HOYD'S theater Illdg write for apeelmen of penmanship - ship nnd catnlOBue. 20C S 24 SCHOOL ron STAMMEUPHS AND STUTTER- crs. lulla E Viuph in SOS N Y LifeIlldg : method b > graded vocil exercises , hours , 10 to 13 nnd 2 to 4 SI3 SM Minic vi , . LVDIESl CHICIIESTER'S ENGLISH PENNY- ro > il Pills ( Dlnmond brand ) arc the best , safe , reliable , tnke no other , send 4c stamps for particular"Relief for Ladlci " In letter by letnrn nnil nt druggists Chlchestcr e'lie-ml- cal Co. , Philadelphia , Pa. Mention Itee M751 D I1 VTHNTS. TJ A rr\nTVTrprj sues A. Co , Attorne > s t 11 iLiTi 13 at Law nnd Patent E\- perls. Dee Uulldlng Omiha , Neb Branch office nt Washington. D C. We malte PREE EXAMINATIONS and nld Inventors In selling their Inventions Send Tor free Advice nnd Patent Hook X I'rocuicd uy C. A. SNOW & ro _ wa hlngton. D C PREE EXAMINATION and ndvlce No attor ney's fee before patent Nr claptrap offer of prizes or promise of sudden nenltn uuc Htialsnt. torvard advice and falthfu * ser\lc .NOTICI : TO covni VCTOIIS. Sealed bids \vlll be received at HIP olllce of the Grounds and liiilldlnR Department of the Tinnsmlsslsslppl und Intermitlonal Ex position until fi o'clock p. m Saturday. Sep tember 11. for the construction of the Agri cultural bulldlnp ; Plans nnd specifications on llle In the superintend ) nt's ollico , No. C34 I'.i ton block , or sets will be fuinlslicd contractors nt cost costr r P. icmicnNDALL , M'B'T Grounds and HulIdltiBs Dop't. PROPOSALS FOR HUliCTION OP School Hulldlngs II S Indian Service , llosebnd Agene-y , Rosebud , South Dikota , August 30th , 1897 Sealed proposals In dorsed' "Proposals for Erection of School Uulldlngs , " and addressed to the under signed nt Ro e bud , South D.iKot.l. will be received at this agency until one o'clock p m of Tuesday , September 21st , 1SS7 , for fui- nlshlng tno nccess try materials and labor required In the construction and completion of two day school buildings and two teach ers' cott.igos on this reservation , at sites solecte'd by the undersigned , In strict aceord- nnco vvlth plans and specifications which may be examined at the Indian ofllco Wash ington , D C , the llullders' and Traders' K\chnnsc , Omaha , Neb , the ollico of The lleo of Omaha , Neb. , and at this agency j'or any additional Information apply to Chas lj McChesnoy U 3 Indian Agent OFFICn CONSTRUCTION QUARTER MASTER. Omaha , Neb , August 10 , IfOl Sealed proposes , In triplicate , will bo re ceived hero until 2 o'clock p m. , September 10 , 1SJ7 , and than opened , for the construc tion of a band banacks at Fort Crook , Neb ; also plumbing , heating and gasplplng for name. The United States reserves right to reject 01 accept any or all proposals , or any pan thereof Plans nnd specifications can bo seen and all Information had here , SAM R JONES , Capt and A. Q M. nl213141683m NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that scaled pro posals will be received by the Board of Di rectors of the Newton Irrigation district of Loup county , Nebraska , at their olllce In said district up to 2 o'clock p m of the 2Uh day of September. 1SU7 , for WKO of the bonds Issued by said Irrigation district , all of paid bonds lining tor $100 each , payable a follows , tow It : $1,100 in eleven > ears ; Jl , : ) In twelve > ears and Jl.OOO In thirteen years from the date , and drawing Interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum , payable i-cinl- anmially Principal and Interest of said bondn payable at the olllce of thu elate treasure'r of the state of Nebraska The Board of Directors reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Address all bldn to O W. Abbott , aecretary , Moulton , Neb Hy order of the Hoard of Directors , made July 1S > 7 Q. W. ABBOTT , Secretary. 6. it. cow. President 8 3d 201 mollie > ollieo lllililrm. The superintendent of construction of the Nebraska state building at the Transmls- Blalnpl and International exposition wll receive blda until September IS. 1837 , at 12 o'clock , noon , at the olllce of the Hoard o Directors In the Dcllone hotel annex , In the city of Omalm , for all materials necessary to construct the Nebraska state building to bo erected upon thu exposition grounds Copies of the estimate can bo secured o W. H Dearlnir. abslstant secretary , at the ollico of said Hoard of Directors auoRon w BLAKI : . Superintendent Construction. Attest : W. H OUAIUNO. Asalatant Secretary , Mrrtcn TO covfii\CTOUS. PROPOSALS IX > R jyrtjJtMNO MATHR. IALS , HTC V S mutineers Ice. Rosebud ARpncy , Rosebud , S , J > , September S , IS1 i : ! ? . Sfnlcil proposnK1 Indorsed "Prc\no \ nl for IHilhllnp IiterlaK etc. " as the wo rrny IIP , and ntlilri-'oMl 'tb the undersigned " ] Rosebud , South DnMotii will be received nt this ngoncy until 1 o'clock n m. of Th da ! y , September 30 1 47 , 'ior furnishing nnd dpllverlng at this nRet\ry/vvlthln \ thirty ( .TO ) dnys after receipt of notice of npprovil of contract , \nrlety of bulldlni ; matrrlnls ( consisting of assorted lumber , shingles , cement , etc ) nnd inlscBllnneoui ar'lcles ( consisting of tools , MiltVotc ) , n full list nnd ; description of which may bo obtained by ] , making application .to the undersigned. Hldders will state spoclllcally In their bids the proposed price of e-.icti nrtlclo offered for delivery tinder A contrnet All articles delivered under nny contract will bo subject tc u rigid lti peetlon The tight is reserved to reject nny and nil bids , or nny pnrt of nny bid. If deemed for the best Interests of the service. service.CKRTIPIKD CKRTIPIKD CII15CKS T2nch bid must bo nceompnnletl by n certi fied | , check or drnft upon srnne United States diposltorv j ( or 'tolvetit national bank In the vicinity of the residence of the bidder , mido payable to the order of the Commissioner of Indian Affnlrs , for nt least riVK 1'KR CI5XT of the iim on nt of the proposilvvhleh ehe ck or draft will be forfeited to the United States In nso any bidder or bidder * receiving nn award shall fill to promptly c : motile n contract with good nnd sufllclent sureties , othorw'lsp to be returned to the bidder Hlds nctompinled by cash In lleti of a cert'IIed rlirrk A III not be considered For any further Information npplv to CHAS 13 M'CHUSNrtY , U S llidlin Agent. S-9-1I-H-1G-1S-21-21-2V2S U Ul.ltOADS. HURLINOTON A : Ml OU'H River Rallroid'The lUrllng- ton Route" Otneral olllcei N \V. Corner Tentn and r m.iin " -tr ets Ticket olllce. 1502 Par- mm Street Telephone. 250 Depot. Tenth nnd Mnson streets Telephone 12S Arrive , Lincoln , Denver nnd west * 8 V , am 9.35 am Lincoln Denver , Colorado rado , Ulnb Cnllfornla , P.lncK Hills MunUna nnd Puget Sound 4 STi pm 4.03 pm Lincoln Locil . 7 l' " > pin 7.45 pm Lincoln Pnst Mnll 2 " pm 11.30 am Dilly Dill ) except Sunday. CHICAGO I1UIILINGTON AND Uulncv KaHirnil "The Hurl'nj ; ton Routo" Ticket olllce , 1M)2 ) Pirnani btreel Telephone 250 D pot , Tenth niul Mason Streets. Telephone , l : < L-ive. Arrive. 5 05 p'li 7 55 nm > 41 nm 4.15 pm 7 TO pm 7 " am Ml Dnin 6 10 pm 2 rO pm KANSAS CITY. SI JOSEPH At Council llluffs Rnlhoad "Hit Ilnrllniton llouti. ' Tl ket Of fUe Pnrnuin Street lele- picne 20 Dtpnt Itnth nnd Masnn Streets 1 eleptione lift Love Arrive Ivimsat I Itj . M > Ex 9 Oo nn 0 10 pin Kansas I Its Night E 10 00 oni C.30 nm * Dillj MISSOURI PACIFIC UMLROVD General Olllces nnd Ticket Ollke Mirtlnnts Nntloml Hink Unlldlnu 1224 Pnrnam Street Telephone 104 1) , pot Fifteenth an 1 VVibsterMicets Tekphone , 14iS l"ave Arrive ItiniiT Clt St Ixjul nnd smit rn pilnls " 3'0 > pm * I2 I'm Knnsas 011 % 1 vpie s 3 SO pin C CO am PI ( . rook SB Lnlon U ' ' W pm " .OOnm UNION PACIFIC-1 THE OVER- lind Routl-- < | ienernl Olllcea N E C orncr Ninth nnd Farnim .Streets Clt ) JJIcKct Olllce , ISOi Fnrnjm Sticel Telep one , 31b Depot Tenth nnd Mon btieeti -r , - lelephune , 1S Leave Arrive. "The Oveilind Limited" . for DinvLi Salt Ijl.e , I'm IIL ) , and nil i vvestein pi ints M20 am 4 43 pm Fist Mall train for Denver , .Silt Lnlte , s' I'acltlc eo. t and all * [ wt stern points . . f 4 05 pm ' 'lo ' SO nm Lincoln ( le flQe and 17 Stiomsbiirp Htrrchs , . 4:03 : pm 17f S 50 pm Grand liland F\pr. us o.S'i pin 3 50 pm CHICAGO MitAVAUicnr : .t ST. I'nul Rvlhvijcity Ticket A/f"f. , , ,7 Office * Tarnim Street MILWAUKEE ] Telephone , 2S4 Depot Tenth and Mason Streets Telephone , I eac. . Arrive Chicago Limited E\ . * J = 0 pm S 01 am Chicago i Sioux Clt > Ex " 11 CO nm 3 2"i pin Dill > Dallj except SuniKv. OMAHA. KANSVS CITY .t EASTIUtV RAIL roail Omnhi A. "t Ixinls Italliond The O 1C Route' TUUet Ortlce 141"i P irmm Street Telephone , 22J D.pnt , Tenth nnd Mason Stieets , Tilcphone , 128 Leave Arrive I'nttonsburg , Klrksvllle , Qulncjff \ \ \ . . . * 3 10 urn 10 40 pm St Louis New York Limited . 430pm 11 20 am Dallj. CHICAGO & IsORTllWEST- irn Radwas City Ticket Olllce. 1401 Farnam Street Telephone , C61 , Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 128. Leave. Arrive llHsourl Vallej , Sioux Clt > St Paul mid MInnenpol's ' . * D.40 am 10'45 pm IlsMiurlallcj. . faioux . * 7 30 nm 9 Oj pm Denlson , Carroll , Wall Lake " ' 30 am 9 Co pm Astern Express Des Molnes Marshalltown , Cedar Rnpld , Chicago 10.43 nm 4.10 pm Mlantlo Pljer Clilcaso nnd East , * 4:45 : pm 4.10 pm "aHt Mall , ClilcaKO to Omaha . illssourl V-ille ) . Sioux City St Paul , Minne apolis Limited B 55 pm 9 2o nm Drmhr Chlengo Speelnl C 30 pm 8.10 am Dallj Dally except .Sunday. CHICAGO ST PAUL , MINNE- Uwlla A : Omilm Rillvvay Cleneral olllcm Nebiaxki Ol vision , I'lfiieiith nndVibstcr streets Cltv Ticlu-t Olllce , _ 1401 F.trnnm .Street Telephone 01 Dtpot I'lfteenth and VVobsler Streets Telephone , 1I5S . . Arrive Sioux City AecommodT. " S SO nm 8 25 pm lloux City Accommoda , 9 50 am 8 J5 pro llalr Emeibon Bloux cits 1 " ' " "a HartliiK- Inn nnd Jlloomlleld 1 00 pm " 11.5j nm Sluux flt > MnnKato , St , 1'aul. Minneapolis C 13 pm 9:10 : nm Dally Dally except Sunday. bunday only SIOUX CITY & PACIPlC Il/iIL road Oencrnl Olllcon United filaloa National Rink Ilulld- Inff. S 'W ' Coiner Twelfth , . _ and rnrnam Htreels Ticket i iif Office. " , " ' Parnam Street Telcphono. 5C1 DepotFifteenth and Webster Streets. Telephone . 1438 " I cav e. Arrive Sioux City llanknto , St Paul , Minneapolis. f Cl5 pm 9.10 am Dilly. TREMONT , ELKHORN & Jllhiuuil Vulley Rillway Oenernl Olllces United Mates National Ilnnk Ilnlldlne , Bouthnevt Corner Twelfth nnd Pnrnnin Btreclu Ticket Omce , 1401 Parnam Street Telephone 001 Uipot Fifteenth and Webster aif rts Telephone , 14 8 Leave. Arrive Rlack Hills Deadwood and Hot bprlnKti ( .la.jCOjim 5 00 pm Wjomlne , Casper and Douglas 3 00 pm B 00 pm Hastings , York , David Cliy Superior , Oe'i neva , Exeter and Bew- ard . * > i3lOO pm 5.00 pm Norfolk West I olnt 7:50 am " 10 25 am and Premont . , 3 10 pm 5 W pm Lincoln , Wahoo and V-TJMam " 10.25 nm Kicmont . , . . S 00 pm ' 6.00pm Fremont Local . . . . . " 7 50 am Dally Dall > except Sunday , Sunday only. Dally except balurday. Dully except Momlai CHICAGO HOCK ISLAND & PACIPIC HAH- roail "Tho Great Hock Island Route" City Ticket Olllce , 1323 Parnnm Street , Telephone , 429 Depot , Tenth and Mouon Streets. Tele phone , 12S Leav e , Arrive. Chicago nnd St. Paul Yestluuled Express . . . 4 50 pm 1:10 : pm Lincoln Colorado Kpgs. Pueblo , Denver and west . 1.25 pm 4.05 pm Chicago , De * Molnei and Rock Island 7,00 pm 8:15 : am Atlantic Exprnui , for Des Molnes and east ern points 7.M am 5.35 pm Lincoln ralrbury and Belleville S:43pm : " 10.40 am Dally Dally except Sunday. WAI1ASH RAILROAD-TICKET OPKICE 1415 rarnam Street Telephone 321. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 123 l/fjiit. Arrive. 3t Louis 'Canon Rail" lixpreu 4W : pm ' 11.30 am 'lally. 'iruoTicn. ' . ( Shnuld be read DAILY by nil Interested , as changes may occur at nn > time ) foreign malls for the week ending Sep tember 11 , 1 < S97. will close ( PROMPTLY III nil eases ) nt the General Postolllce n follows- l'AHCEI > 3 POST MAILS CLO9R ONE HOUR EARLIER than closing tlmo shown below. Tran-.Vlnn < lr > Mull * . TIIUllSDAY-At fi n m for EUROPE , per s. F. Augusta Victoria * , \la I'lymouth , Cherbourg and Hamburg SATURDAY-At 7 n m for TRANCE , SWITZERLAND. ITALY , SPUN , POR TUGAL , TURKEY. EGY1T nnd 111UT- ISIt INDIA. t > er s. s La Totiralnela H.ure ( letter- ' for other parts of Europe must be directed "per La Tournlne" ) , at S a m for NETHERLANDS direct , per n Minsdnmln Rotterdam ( letters must be directed "pet Mita dnm" ) . at S a. m for GENOA , \ivr \ s. . Ems ( letters must be directed "per Ems" ) , at 10 n m for SCOTLAND dlrert. per s s. city of Rome , via Glasgow ( letters must bo di rected "per City of Rome" ) , nt 12 m ( sup. plcinentnr ) 1.30 p. in ) for EUROPE , per K 9 Elrurln * . via Qtiecnslown. PRINTED MATTER , ETC German steamers sailing on Tue dn > * take Printed Mntter , etc. for Germany , nnd Sptclullddressrd Printed Matter , etc , for other parts of Europe. Amerl- cnn nnd White Star Mcnmors on Wednesday Germnu Htenmers on Ihursdajs , nnd Cunnrd. French nnd German ttenmers on Sntunlays take 1'rlnted Mntter , etc. . for nit eountrte * for which the ) nrc advertised to carry mall. After the closing of the Supplementary Trnns Atlintlc Mails nnmed nbnve , uddltlonnl rupple- mentnry malls are upeiie < t on the plets of Ihe American EngllMi , Frtnc1 ! nnd German steam- en , nnd lemnln open until within Ten Min utes of the hour of salllms of steamer. Mnllx for Sou ill nnil Cciitrnl Aiucrlen , Writ Illdlp.s , Ktc. THUllSDAY-At 2 3U n. m. for POUT AN TONIO , per stennier from Pnllndclpliln , nt 1 p in ( lupplemcntnry I' O p in ) for nnilMUDA , per s s Orinoco : nt 1 p m. ( supplementary 1 3u 11 in ) for NASSAU , N. 1' , niil SANTIAOO OI3 CtJHA. per s * SintlaKo , nt 1 j ) . m. ( supplumcnturj 1 30 l ) m. ) lor NASSAU. N. P. . per . s Antlfln ( lettots mti't be tllreoted "per An- tllln" ) ; nt .1 p m. for JAMAICA , per s s Ardanro o ( letters for Uellre , Puerto Cor tex nnd Gimletnnlu must lie directed "per Anlnnrosc" ) Kill DAY At 10 n. m. ( supiilemcntnry 11 H. in ) for CHNTHAL AMIMUCA ( e\eept Costn Illcn ) nml SOUTH PACIPIC POUTS , per s s Colon ( letters fet Gunlnmiln mu t bn directed "per Alllnncn" ) , nt II n in for MEX ICO , per a s Snn Anustln. vln I'roKreio and Vela Cruz ( letters must be dltectcd "per Sin Ainistln" ) , nt 12 30 p m ( nip- pietiK-ntnrv 1 p in. ) for ST THOMAS , ST CItOIX. LKKWAKD nnd WIND WARD ISLANDS , per ? s rontnbcile ( lettets for Trlnldnd and TobaKU must bo dltcited "per rontnbcllp" ) . at : i p m for TRINIDAD. TOli\GO Hid CIUDAD noLIVAH ner s Curarno SATURDAY At 10 n m ( xnpplementnrj 10 3J n. in ) fet KOUTUNi : ISLAND JA MAICA. .SAVAXILLA nnd CAKTUA- GHNA , per R s Alone ( letters for Cost i Rle.i must be dlrettrd "per Alene" ) , at in a m ( sujiplemeiUnrv 10 ' 0 n in ) for CAI'i : HAITI , GONAIViS Al'\- C \i HS. JACMHL nnd SANTA MARTHA , per s Kltts nt 10 It n m for CAM- IMCIU : , CHIAPAS , TAMASCO nnd YU CATAN , per 8 Yucnlun ( letters for other IITTIS of Mexico mil for Cub i mutt be cllre'i ted "pel Yucatan" ) , it 1 p infer for irRI'Mli : PORT D13 I'AIX. t'AV13 HAITI ST MARC. GONAIMS PHTIT GO\\I3 a-d TURKS ISLAND , per b s , Thuilnsln. MnlU for Newfoiindlann by mil to Halifax nnd thence bv "tenner elope at this Olllce dallj at S M p in Malls for Mlquelon , l ) > lall to llos ton and thtneo h > eleamcr cki c at this odlce. dill > it S 30 p m Malls for Cuoi clo e nt this otllee dnll > nt 7 TO n m fur forwarding by slenmers = illliiK ( Mnndiji nn 1 rhur-wlivsi from Tort Tnmpi rn Malls for Mexico CIO. overland unl'ss t-peclall > n hlre > sed for dis patch b > sunnier close nt this olllcc dall > nt 2 50 a in nnd 2 20 p m Registered mall closes nt C 00 p m prevails day 'I rniiN-PncIllu Mnlll. Malls fet China nnd Japan , per s. s Aztec ( ftom San Kraiulsco ) , close lieto dally tip to Septembci 5 at ( > 30 p. m Malls foi China nnd Japan ( spccitlh addressed enl > ) , pet s. s Hmpiess or Japan ( from Vancouver ) , cloce here dully up to Sep- tcmbci * 'G at fi " 0 p in Malls foi Aus- tinlla ( except tlio p for West Atittrnlln ) , which are forwarded by Hurope , New Xcpland. Hawaii , rijl and Same in Islands , ] > ei s s Marlpo = a ( from San Francisco ) , f ln t > In re dall > up to SeptembPi " 10 at 7 30 a m , 11 a. in and C 30 p m ( or on nirival nt New York of s s C unpinln with Ht'tlsb mails for Australia ) Malli for Australia ( except West Australia ) , New Holland , IHvvait and TIJI Islands , per s Wnrrlmoo ( fiom Vancotuer ) , cloe here dnllj after September " 10 and nnd up to September U nt 0 30 p m. Malls for China md Japan , per s s Tacoma - coma ( fiom T .conn ) , close here dally up to September " 19 at 1 30 p m Malls for the Society Islands , per snip Trop'c Hlrd ( fiom Snn Kianclsco ) , close hero dallj up to September 24 at l , /O p m. flails for Hawaii , per 3 s. Australia ( from San rr.anclsco ) , close here dally up to Scp- tembei 29 at G 30 p in. Trnns-Piclfle malls nio forwarded to port of Billing rlillj nnd the schedule of closlnn Is arranged on the pixsumptlon of their xinln- terruptcil overland trnnslt Registered iml Closes nt G 00 p ri prev lous di > Postofllco Now York , N Y , Sept 4 , 1S97 CORNHLIUS VANCOTT. PO"tmaster. .IUMC VM ) vix.n'i'vin.n wuit Olllci-r linn Hiililttln JoliiH 111 nil IIlN Hlf i'lr. Yestetdny affernoon an excltlns race took place on Sherman avenue which was wit nessed hj a largo number of people It was between a local junk dealer and a couple of \egetable gardeners who live near Albright About 4 o'clock Matt Speller nnd his brother started donn the avenue with a load of produce J. Ravitz started about the same tlmo with a wagonload of old stoves The Spellci bos Joshed Havlty about his load and also nuulo Blighting rcmatks about the pedlgrco of the horse Ra\Itz told them they had no right to peddle In the city without a license , and also that there were no flies on his eriulnn The bojs responded by hitting the Junk man with some overripe tomatoes This made Ravitz mad Ho chirped to his ancient steed and the wind began to sing through his whlekcrs. The bojs also cut loose with their horses , and to make it doubly Interesting occasionally turned a volley of vegetables upon Uavllz whenever an opportunity presented Along Jiear Clark street the speeders were pretty vvell bunched A block farther south , however , the junk man began to lose giound Ho crjulllzed matters by parting with a Btovo H was hero that Ofilcei Bald win , who chanced to bo riding his hlcyclo , took a hand In the race and followed It through to the end with an Intercut which the drivers failed to observe Arriving at Nicholas street the horses showed signs nf exhaustion and the Speller bojs were ready to call the thing a draw. Not EO with Ra vitz Ho had lost all his stoves while the ho } H still had tomatoes left Just then the junk man recognized Baldwin , and Biimmon- Ing him ankod that the hoyx bo arrested for peddling without a license The accommo dating officer compiled hut In order to show no favoritism placed all thrco In custody for fast driving Running sore : , Indolent ulcers and similar troubled , even though of many j cars' standIng - Ing , may bo cured by using DeWltt'a Witch Haiel Salve. It soothes , strengthens and heals It is the great pllo cure. COM , rou rrrvs VSH , Ail > lHiir > - Ilouril l.i-tx Several Con- Irin'lH at I.ovv PlKiiri-n. The regular mooting of the Advlnory board yesterday afternoon w&u mainly oc cuplod by the consideration of the various blda on coal for the yeir beginning Peptem her 15 This occupied a couple of hours , as each member eontrlbutcd his Ideas on the subject of the relative merits of the various soft coals , but the final action of the board was unanimous In each case The con tracta wore awarded as follow a 1'orty toiu ) soft coal for lire ong'cici , C dl. Havens & Co , Rock Springs , at $635 , 1 000 tons steam coal , American Fuel company , Cherokee steam , at ? 2 10 ; fifty Ions bituminous coa" for election booths to be delivered In hall ton lots , Victor Whlto , Sheridan , at $5 , 220 tons hltumlDouv coal for e ngtno houses , Vic tor White , Sheridan at f I 85. The lowesl bid on anthracite ) coal was that of Coutant & Squires , of ? 8.25 In view of the reduction in freight ratal that had materialized since the blda were received the hoard rejected al lil&i on anthracite and directed the secretary to readvertUe , No man or woman can enjoy lite or ac compiled much In this world while Miffcrlng from a torpid liver DeWttfe Little Early Risers , the pllla that cleanse that quickly. DATE ADVANCED NINE DAK New Coal Rates from Ohica < ro toBcoomo Opontivo Next Saturday , ROCK ISLAND SPRINGS ANOHIER SURPRISE Plrst llond ( n Aiinoum-c > r T Kntrn nnil > rm llmrs tip HIP Tltni * \Vlirn They llot'omo There was another chapter added to the ' story of the re-dtictlon In- freight rates on coal shipments from Chicago to Omaha Into ) cslcrday afternoon , when Henry Gowef , assistant general freight agent of the Hock Island's lines cast of the Missouri river , who Is In the city , niinntinccd that the. Hock Island would put In the reduced rates of $2 per ton on "nil shipments of himl coal from Chicago to Missouri river points on Satur day of this week , September II. Instead of on Monday , September 20 , as previously an nounced When the cut from $3 to } 2 per ton was announced It nns understood that nil the roads had agreed to make the reduced rate rftuctlve on September 20 That was the Into announced for the operation of the new rates , by the Hock Island and by the other roads on Tuesday Assistant General freight Agent Govver was hero all daj jesterday , nnd after stud ) lug the situation decided to advance the date set for thu new rate nine das. As soon as the fact that the Rock Island liai ) pushed the ilato net for the operation of thu $2 coal rate became Known tit the otllccs of the other Omaha-Chicago lines there was considerable consternation , and the wires be- Iwcen the general olllccs In this city and the licadqtiartus In Chicago were kept warm with queries aud answers on the matter. The fact that thcra had bee n a chnngo In the date set for the new rates to go Into effect led to the revival of the stoty that the $2 rate might possibly ho further slarhcd before the matinee on coal rates Ind concluded. FURTHER CUTS IMPllOlUnLE. The best Information obtainable last evening - ing was that the $2 rate would remain In force for some time , and that U would neither bo raised nor bo lowered State-- mcnts from both the Hock Island ami the Northwestern roads , the lires that nre helm most closelj watched for another slash at the coal rates are to the effect that thu $2 ratu vvll ) remain In cffe'ct unless some otlui reid should whittle off anothoi slice of the rate. In which case these two llne s would ho compelled to follow suit J A Kuhti general agent of the North western In Omnhn , jcsterilaj said "Tho .jtstion that the Northwestern will tut the hard coal tate down to $1 Is preposterous All the conditions arc against it , and I bo- lleve that no further cut will bo made I would not like to maKe a positive deUtra- tion that the coal i ito will not ho cut again , but 1 will say that m > best belief N that the i.itc will rot be cut below $2 " Ilenrj Govve-r , general fiolght agent of the Uopk Islinl llnoij east of the Ml bourl river , sild srMerdas that he did not be'lleve that there would bu an > ftrthor reductions He attended the conference of freight men ill Chleauo at which thu r tt of $2 was au- thoilzcd Ilo stnte'd tills morning that be fore leavlru Chicago last evening ho called upon the other lines , and from what he leirned tlisn he was Inclined to believe that no fuither cut would be made. Mr Goner In speaking of the reduction said "We- were Inclined to believe that $ T was too high a rate on haul coal from Chicago cage to Omaha and also that $2 was too low a lateS o thought ? 2 50 was a fair rate and advocated the announcement of that rate A ? 2 rate , however , was announced from Chicago to Kinsas Clt > , nnd we thought Omaha should have as low rates ns Kun&as Cltj , and accordingly put In the $2 rate I believe that the new rate will he in effect some time , and do not look for any further reductions nt this time GOOD THING TOR RAILROADS 'This Is a very favorable oppoitunlty to move coal west , as the cai.s of all lines are being sent eastward with grain They ean readily be loaded with coal and sent back to the west. This movement of grain east ward and coal westward will bu all right If the cars can bo unloaded promptly and be kept moving The movement of gt.iln is large and the Indications are that It will continue until late In the fall All the lines are short on cars. Every rallioad is taxed to Its greatest capaclt ) In moving the grain " " \ \ 111 the Increase in grain rates by lines east of Chicago divert traffic to southein outlets , " was asked "I think not to any extent The wheat of Kansas generally has gone south and will continue to do so The corn and wheat from this region , however , will I believe con- Inuo to go eastward All the conditions aver such a movement , There Is not only a largo amount of new corn to move , but ilenty of old corn Is being moved Specula- ots who bought/ corn two ea s ago to hold are letting go of It nnd It Is now moving astvvard There Is quite a good deal of orn of 1895 now moving There Is one large otif 1S95 corn in Iowa just moving out hat some pcoplo thought was spoiled long go but It wasn't "Tho indications arc that there will jo a good freight business from now on. "ho grain movement will undoubtedly eon- Intto heavy during the fall There should bo ileuty of coal shippers west ut the reduced ate and when the farmers get the cash , re- jelpts for their grain , there will bo a hca\lcr movement of merchandise. The earnings of ho Hock Island road for the month of Au gust were larger than they have been any month for the last five jears Railroad stocks are away up , nnd I guess they are worth It " inirv LIL "ON TTnn AVVYI > T. Urn. DoinlnlH HUH l.lttlt' to Sn > of Her TnliiriI'liniN. . For ten minutes yesterday Omaha en- ertalncd an Interesting meinbei of royalty JlluoXalanl , the deposed queen of Hawaii , vhose name Is said to slgnlf ) , "The Lily of leaven , " but who In the strict BCIIBO of the law must at present ho known as the Widow Domlnls , " was hciu She occupied a drawing room In one of the Bloopers of the Union Pacific's "Overland Limited" train and Is en route from Washington to San rranclsco. She is accompanied by Jo seph HolPluho secretary ana agent to her lopnsed majesty , and by Mrs Joseph Ho oluho , both of whom nro Hawallans "The Lily of Heaven" was partaking of a light bronkfast served In her drawing loom when the "Overland Limited" pulled Into the LJnlou depot She wna attended by Mrs Holeluho , and her secri-tary was on guard outside enjoying a black cigar. His appar ent duty was to keep all Intruders from her majesty's presence AH the reporter pushed aim usldo and began to talk with the crst- whllo queen , the becretary throw up his hands in horror , and sworn thu meanest and longest [ irofanltlcs that he could handle , Lilluokalanl Is not so black as uho has been frequently painted Her complexion Is swarthy , and not unlike that of on Indian She Is quite corpulent , and amply filled her sent In the drawing room Her hair has been jot black , but It is now tinged with gray , and the cares that have weighed heavily on her mind since she was deposed from her thro mi havu left on unmistakable Imprint She was gowned In black and her attire throughout was of a modest character , con trasting strongly with the violently red np parel worn by her female attendant "fho Lily of Heaven" was pouring out a dainty cup of coffee for herself as a reporter en tercd Shu looked up , extended a lukevvarn greeting and asked to be excused from at. . Interview She said 'ier health was very rood and tint atio could not think of a thing that would Interest the public Secretary Heleluhe stated that the far- famed member of toulhern Pacific rojnlty was on her way from Washington to San Francisco Ho stated there wa > no espccla significance In her visit to San Francisco and euiphutlcally denied that she was going to the coast to make nny new moves toward tun recovuy of her lost throne Ho elated chat she was going out to spend the next her friends were more numerous there than anywhere else in the United States , and will then return \Yaihtiigton via Omaha A short visit will bo inadu In Washington this winter and Hie dusky queen will make another effort to break Into the national capital's society. In the latter part of the winter , probably In February , she will again leave Washington for the wust and on arrlv ing In San Francisco will at once nail for the Hawnlhn MnniK Her plan ot pro- ceduro. after arriving In the loHtuls whcro eho was once monarch of nit she surveyed ami a whole lot inoro. was not vouclmfcd , hut her secretary Intimated that there would bo A warm tlmo In the old court when she reached there. or TIIK > IIIUMI : vvi s1111111 : vu YlvllltiK MvrolinntK Ittumlit of tin * l.ncnl Drnlrt . Yesterday was the third thy of the Initial otrurslons ot the Merchants' bureau of the . Commercial club Into Omaha Although the bulk . of the merchants came In Tuesday , there were a number who did not arrive hero until yesterday. All the principal Jobhlns houses 1 noticed the Inrnvuo In trade from the outsldo portions of the state , and the jobbers generally cnlhuslastlcall ) declare the first excursion ot the recently orgtnlzcil Merchants' bureau to bo a remarkable sue * cess A number of merchants who catno In yes terday registered at the Commercial club , and about a doren registered Tuesday after noon after The Hoe's list of visiting mor- chsitita was printed Secretary William F. Chambers of the local passenger association ws on duty all day at the Commercial club signing the certificated ot the merchants , eniollng them to Bccuro a ono-third rate on their return trip A majority of the visiting merchants returned to their respectlvo homes jpBtrulay With the exception of a > err tow Instsnres , the menhants had their rail road . fares paid by thu Merchants * bureau , as their bills of purchase amounted to 2 or more per cent of their railroad faro. Speaking of the work done by the Merchants' bureau of the Commercial club , William Glass of the Leo-ClarVc-Andreeset Hardware company said "Wo are well pleased with the results so far. Considering the brief notice that preceded the excursion. the number of merchants In town Is surpris ingly large Httvveen forty aud fifty ot our customers Joined the bureau , and nearly all of them came In and bought .something. Had wo had thirty more da > s to havft advertised the excursion It vould ha\o been oven moro numerous The bureau Is un doubtedly a good thing , and It will Improve and enlarge. In another year U will bo a greater thing than It Is now. I think n. considerable amount of money has been spent among the Jobbl ig houses hero that would otherwise ha\o Rene to other cities. " svi.n . OK run COI.OHm > MIDI.A.MJ. rimliinnn of ( lie Hooi-KiiiiUntlon < o MI in ! < < llii > M lie Itonil. URNVIJR. Sept 8 The Colorado Midland rallrcad now In the hands of a receiver , was sold at auction at noon today ot Colorado City undet ordet of the court There was but ono bidder , Chairman Olcott nf thu reor ganization . committee rcpicsentlng the bond holders The property was sold to him for $2 5,000 'i * . r. 4V \ \ . nti < < < < > ! iii'fii. < . PHOHIA , Sept. S The anntiit meeting ot the Toledo Peorli & Western Hallway corn- pan j was held this morning. Vranklln If. Head of Chicago C M Dawfs nf Chicago and R P Leomul of I'eorla were elected directors for two Mnrs and Joseph Wood of rittslnirg was elected director for ono jear , to succeed John 13 Davidson of tint city , deceased Me-ssrs Hend and TxMinard wpio re-elected Mr DTVVCS takes the place of O F Price of G-Oosburg. depeaml The tenth annual report shows gross earnings of $ ( JSS SSI for the jeat ending Juno SO. 1S')7 ) agilnst $1.010 2f.'J the prcrellnft jear , and net cainlngs of $184475 , against $220.- "SS the preceding' veir The expenses wcro I $058,978 , against $717012 the preceding jcar. IVi'lM I'lMiiiil of NrliiiiiiUit. General Agent Denton of the Hock Inland' * II . height drparttncnt In this city his returned from a tiln through his northern and wcstr-n territory , which Includes the states of North Diknta South Dakota and Minnesota ITe I sijs lie Is more proud ot Nebraska than ever and la confident that It will bo Ilia greatest crop state this > ear. He believes that the wheat In the Dakotas will not run over f > lx or seven bushels to the acre , and In Minnesota somewhere between ten and twelve , both estimates being smaller tl-cu the conservative estimates of the jlclil la Nebraska One liufor < luItonnil Trip. DENVER , Sept 8 At a meeting of till passenger agents of the transml'soiiri lines , held here today. It was decided to grant a rate of one faro for the round ttlp to Denver on the occasion of the coming Festival ol Mountain and Plain This rate will applj ' o the state of Colondo , the western hall f Nebraska and Kansas and the whole ol he states of W joining and Utah and the errltory of New Mexico Owing to peculiar conditions the Hock Island was allowed to announce a rate of SO per cent of ono fare. Cur Tninliu- ( lie Ilnsl. PHILADELPHIA , Sept 8 On account ol he Immense shipments of grain from tin vest the Pennsylvania and Ilaltlmuro . Ohio allroad companies are experiencing consider able trouble In furnishing enough freight cars to meet the demand All cars that i : an be spared are forwarded to such western joints as the business requires KlllllMI ) NlllcH mill I'CTNOlllllll. Auditor Tailor of the B. & M. returned 'rom Chicago yesterday. General Freight Agent Gowcr of the Rock sin ml sjsteni and Mm. Goucn came In yca- crday from Chicago. W. F. Evans , assistant general attorney of the Rock Island's Hues west of the Mis souri river , was In the city yesterday from. Topeka. Charles H. Kennedy , general eastern agent of the Hock Island , who lias been In the city or a couple ot days , loft for his home la New Yoik City last evening , 'I here in Notlilntr HO liooil. There Is nothing Just as good as Dr. King's New Dlscovciy for Consumption , Coughs and Colds , so demand It and do not permit the dealer to sell jou Borne btibstl- iiitf. He will not claim there In unjthlni ; better , hut In order to make moro prflflt tie may claim something else to be just as > ; ood. You want Dr King's New Discovery nuse > ou know It to bo afo ami re liable , and guaranteed to do good or money refunded. For Cougho , Colds , Consumption and for all affections of Tin oat , Chest and Lungs , there Is nothing so good as Is Dr. king's Now Discovery. Trial bottle free at Kuhn & , Co 'H Drug Stoic. i : IN L ATTIMJ IN Much Cri-iif fr Tluin I , n Hi Your , Reports received from the various schools Indleato that the expected Increase In regis tration has not been overestimated. It was expected that the attendance would bu fully 1,000 more than a jear ago , and BO far oa the schools have been heard from the figures Indicate that the incriaso will bo nearer 1,500 The largest Imreaso that has yet been reported 1 at the Webster school , whcro there are IBS moro pupils registered than at the beginning of the previous school year Some of the other Inel eases reported are Long , 135 , Lake , 125 , Cass , 100 , Leav- onworth SO , Walnut Hill , 73 , Kellom , 71 ; Windsor , 61. li far ahead of any blood remedy on the market , lor It dot * eo much morn. DC- nldcn removing impurities , and toning up the run down sjntem , Itcurr * ny I'Tnoil ' illgezto. It matter * not bow ilcep-ccated or nbstlnale , which other so-called blood reiaedle * fall turcach U U a real blood remedy for rval blood illicasen. Mr. A a Binllli , of Orccncaitlo , Ind , vrlUi : "I badsuch a bad cato of Solatia Itheumatlim that I became absolutely Iielp1eiunablo to take my food or luncllo my elf In any way. I took many patent iredlcinea , but they did not reach iny trouble Olio dozen bottlei nf H. H H cured mo sound and well , and I now velgS 170" Hook * on blood and akin diteaacs mailed ffW bj Bwlft biiecltlo Company , AUAUli' * ,