Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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Nebraska Exposition Commission Stands by
the Building First Proposed ,
iiiiinlHev Appointed to Aurec Upon
JIaliiinin Sum * lo lie Appor
tioned for Varloux Slate
OrKitiilratloim. .
The Nebraska Kxposltlon commission held
a Rpcclal meeting last night , mainly to take
up the qucntlon of a etata building. All the
members of the commission were present. I
The architects employed by the hoard sub- |
milled a drawing for a rhango In the plan j
of the state building , which contemplated u j
jstructuro slightly larger than the first buildIng - j
Ing , dcslgnml along the llius of an order of
nrchltcniurn more In hirmony with the do-
ilgn of the main exposition htillJIngs. The
plan Ihbwcd a building 150x90 Rot , two
stories In height , with a clear Htory. The
building was rectangular In form and waj
designed along the Corinthian order.
The adoption of the now plin was urged
by Architect McDonald , who said the modi-
fled plan was more satisfactory to the super
vising archlttctH and would coat slightly less
than the first building ,
Thn board discus cd the plans at length
nnd decided that no change should bo made.
In reply to direct question * both the archi
tects and Superintendent Illakc slid the build
ing as originally designed could be built for
less than J1G.OOO , Superintendent Illakc stak
ing his rcpu'atlon on the statement that It
\\odlil not cost over $1-1,000.
The superintendent was directed to adver
tise for bids for supplying all which
will bo required In the construction of the
building , bid1 tc be submitted at the meeting
of September 14.
President Novlllc was appointed a com
mittee of ono to arrange with the expo Ilion I-
lion management for an agreement whereby
the state commission shall have the unques
tioned right to provide the state building
with such provisions for the comfort of vis
itors to the building as may be required ,
At the suggestion ot Commissioner Poyn-
tcr a committee of three was appc ntcd to
Investigate and repoit the maximum amount
of money which Hhotild bo set aside for cacn
of the various Industries wh ch blumld be
assisted In making exhibits at the exposl-
itlonIhe cliBlrinau appointed Commlss-on-
eis Poynter. Whltford and nuttoi The
committee will report to the hoard at the
meeting which will he held on the state fair
grounds during the progress of the fair
The committee appo cited at the last meet
ing to select a site for the state building
reported the location already closer bed at
length , being on the bluff tract , a short dis
tance tontli of the viidtict across She ! man
avenue. The site was approved by the
i A letter from Labor Commlsslonci Kent
was read , belting forth that he proposes to
IBMIO an outline map ot Nebraska about the
first of the year , containing statistics relat
ing to the crops , etc , as well as plctutra oC
the exposition ibulld'ngs ' Ho asked the
board to 1mo 100.000 of these printed for
distribution for advertising purposes The
matter was laid over for future ; considera
The proposition of Mrs Harriet S Mac-
Murphy of Omaha , setting forth hot plan
for conducting a model Kitchen during the
exposition and asking the aid of the bmrd
In demonstrat ng the advcntages ot corn
as a food wa. * read tn the boaid and watf
passe 1 for further consideration ,
The commission will .ccintlmto In session
until this afternoon.
Itcxull of the Plrnl Text l.'li < ltl > Sat-
iMfaetorjt to the Management.
The air lift has been connected with the
artesian well on the exposition grounds and
last night the machinery wis stalled up to
test the working of the apparatus. The
mechanism ronslsts of an air compressor ,
which Is operated by a stationary engine ,
the air making Its escape from the compressor
ser under very heavy pressure by way of an
Iron pipe about two Inches In d'ameter. This
pipe Is let down Inside the Iron tubing which
lines the well from top to bottom. In Mon
day's experiment tlm nlr pipe was. lowered
to a deuth of about ICO feet.
When the nlr was turned on the water In
the well shot up Into the air a distance ot
several feet and those conducting the ex
periment said the ( low was 130 gallons per
inlmito , being about four times as much ab
the fiow without the air lift. The water
was qullo muddy , the fotce ot the air seem
ing to have looFcned the sediment on the
inside of the pipe. It Is thought that > jy
extending the air pipe furthci down the well
a flow of about 200 gallons per minute may
bo secured. These experiments will bo con
tinued until the maximum amount of flow
Is ascei tallied.
For the present the air compretsoi and
the onglno which operates It are placed
alongbtdc the well. Those having charge of
.tho expeilment were very well satisfied
with the result yesterday
, iiilCKbp : , >
1'1 ' > roiiNlilrriiblc Iiiterent In
TrilllNlltlHNlNHlllltl 12p Oil till II.
C. r. ntlckson of this city , who went to
Stockholm to visit the Swedish capital and
the exposition In the Interest of the Trans-
mlsilRslppl reposition , has returned and
jcports having u.ado very good progress
Ho nppointid two experienced exposition
men to loolc after the Interests of the Tunis-
Mississippi U\posltlon Ho states that ho
IILH no doubts about tliu number anil quality
of oxhijijt , * which will ibo bccured fiom that
Kccfinn of Hurope.
.Mr. KrlcUbou bcjs that ho was Incon
venienced somewhat by havlt.i ; to cortect
erroneous Impressions existing among
Swedish maiuifacturciH residing the effect
of the now tariff law , but ho thinks that hu
has overcome those objections and that tl o
Swedish bection will lomparo favorably
with tlmt of tint other Inn > pcan countries
lu addition to Swedish exhibits , Mi.
KrlKeon negotiated with Russian exhlbltois
v\ho are at the- Stockholm exposition and
ftund ) them very anxious to leain all about
tliu Transmlssltislppl i\pobltlon. Ho sajs
tliu Russians niu reaching out all o\ci thu
woild foi a market for their waieu anil that
r. number of thum will coino to Omaha with
exhibits of manufactuied aitlcles. At the
Stockholm exposition the } maKe -a great
Blimvliltf of religions \\t\\cs \ of all kinds , inch
ns vestments , embroideries , altar furniture ,
tic. Mr Hilltson says they will make vciy
rich dlcplajB of tliet > o goods at Omaha.
| 'IIIIOHOII | | ( o \ oil ) IloiiilH ,
The Iluieau of Promotion of the Depart
ment of Publicity nnd Piomotlon In bavltiR
jiri'paiel a petition to the Hoard ot County
Commtbsloners of Doughs county , asking
that H piopoultlon be submitted to the voteiu
of thu county at thu tomlng election piovld
Ing for thu issuance of county bonds In thu
sum of $100,000 In aid of the exposition. The
law passed by the leglslatuic provides that
such a proposition shall bu submitted when
uekcil b > 1,000 voters of the county , As
, boon as the petition Is drav , i , u,11 ! bo cli
culateil and presented to the county com
mlssloners In tlmo to allow the bond propu
sltlon (4 ( bp advertised tulity dajs before tin
\e v Vlfileo IN
Rx-Qovernor L. Bradford IVInce , vice presi
dent for the exposition In New Mexico , writes
to the Department of Publicity and Promo
tion that ho has Issued a call for a meet'
Ing of the New Mexico exposition commls
ulon , to be held Septt mber S , for the pur
pose of organizing and commencing the work
ot preparing a state exhibit. In this same
connection a letter was received from George
H. Wallace , territorial secretary for New
Mexico , In which he sayi > the people of tlmt
bcctlon arc taking a great Interest In the
approaching exposition and will make an ex
hibit which will bo a credit to the tcrrltoiy ,
\pplleu ( or .More Spaee ,
the Walter Halter company , makers of
chocolate , haa notified the Department of
JJxhlblta that U will inereaso lie space to
2,000 feet. lu making this application for
. ? K.
more p ce , the secretary of the company
writes that the Trannmlsslsslppl Exposition
In assuming such prominence and promises
to bo to much more Important than the
company at first thought , that It la making
preparations to mnko the best exhibit ever
made by It at any exposition. In addition
to asking for Increased space , the company
voluntarily offers to pay 25 per cent more
than the uMial space rate for the privilege
of being assigned a desirable location In the
Mnntl.acturcs building.
Callfornlaim for Spnee.
Frank Wiggins , secretary of the Los
Angeles Chamber of Commerce , makes ap
plication to the Department of Exhibits for
2 000 feet at space for the exhibit to be made
by the county of Los Angeles. In a letter
accompanying the application , ho says that
the people of that county are anxious to
make a good display at the Transmlsslslppl
Kxposltlon , because they realize that the
direct benefit to bo derived will be even
grc-itcr th n was derived from the exhibit
made at Chicago at the World's fair. Ho
says that the exhibit made by the county at
the Hamburg Horticultural exposition In
Germany won the gold medal and this
exhibit will bo used to form a nucleus for
the exhibit which will bo made at Omaha.
N ite of the i\piiHlllon.
M' s Ida V. Mason of this city has applied
for space for nn exhibit of dress cutting.
G T. McDonald of San Francisco has ap
plied for 1 GOO foot of space for a moving
picture exhibit
Dr. G II. Hoyden of iMontrosc , ! Mo , has
filed an application for space for an exhibit
of optical goods , making the fourteenth ap
plication of this class.
John Sherman , secretary of state , has sent
to the Department of Exhibits a formal
letter Introducing Arthur L. Ure'slcr to the
Ameilcan consuls In the several countries
of South America to which Mr Dressier Is
the accredited exposition representative
Rev J 12. Gilbert , secretary of the Ameri
can Society ot Religious Education , writes
to the Department of Publicity and Promo
tion that the meeting ot the society Tar 1S9S
can be secured for Omaha It certain suitable
conditions are made. Ho rays he will be In
Omaha some time In October and will confo'
with the exposition management regarding
the matter.
Colonel John Donlphan of St. Joseph , vlei
president for the exposition for Missouri ,
writes to the Department of Publicity and
Promotion that he 1 ; urging the governor to
appoint a state exposition commission and
has recommended the names of SOVCTO ! ex-
nerienccd people In tint state who will make
good commissioners He tcports that he haa
reason to believe that the governor will soon
take action lu the matter
F II. Penvqy ot Minneapolis , vice presi
dent for Minnesota , Informs the piomotlcti
department that the governor of that state
has , not yet appointed a commission to pre
pare an exhibit for the exposition , but ho
says he has been in consultation with a
number of public spirited men of the sttte
and has reason to 'believe ' that the matter
w II assume definite form In the near future
Elevator for Silo or Lease The Woodman
Ritchie grain clevttor , on Missouri Pacific
railway Hack , 18th and Jzatd streets , bcs
elevator west of Chicago : capacity , COO.OOT
bushels Apply to W. T. Graham , Iee bldg
The Western Newspaper Union now prints
one side of over 2,700 dally and weekly
pnp.Ms , over 200 ot which aio near Omaha.
Tel. 1307. Oiilce aud yards llth & . Nicholas
$17 40 , Indianapolis and return ,
via Rock Islnnd Route.
01,1,1:11 riMih ins STOMN itrnc
Ifler Several lloiitlis the Vehicle IN
Along last Christmas time John Oiler , a
South Omaha merchant , last a buggy. H
had been stored for several months In Mc-
rormlo's barn on South Fourteenth street.
ivVhon Oiler Wcril'after his vehicle he found
that It had been removed. The case was
leported to the police ; but no trace of the
missing rig was found. A day or two ago
Oiler was told by a friend that he thought
ho could locate the much wanted article.
They went to the barn In the rear of 141C
How aid street and found the buggy. The
i mining gear had been painted a new color
anu other portions of It had been changed ,
but there were certain marks upon It which
could not be mistaken by the owner. It
was found that S. P. Bmmel , the barber , was
the nominal ownei of the vehicle and had
been using It since last spilng. The real
owner apprised Mr. Emmel of the fact that
he was harboring stolen property , but the
barber refused to turn it over to ! Mr. Ollei
A search warrant was Issued and the rig
was lecovercd last night. Emmel , on ac
count of seveial conflicting stories told , was
arrested and charged with grand larceny.
Cut Tills OIK :
Round trip tickets will be on Rale , by the
lowing points at greatly reduced rated :
Home Seekers' Euxurelons , Sept. 7th and
Indianapolis , Ind. . Sept. 7th and Stli.
St Louis. Mo , Tuesdays aud Fridays In
September and October.
AtchUon. Kan . September 22d and 23d.
Kansas City , Mo , October 3d to 9th , in
For further Information call at city offices ,
northeast confer 13th and Farnam , or depot ,
15th aud Webster streets.
J O. PHILLIPPI , A. G. F. & P. A.
T. K , GODFREY , P & T. A.
Through TrnliiN for J\e York.
Five leave Chicago dally ovei the Pennsyl
vania Lines Three of them run over the
Ft. Wayne Route , the Standard Faio Line ;
two over the Pan-Handln Route , the Lower
Faro Line. Pullman Sleeping Cars , Pennsyl
vania Dining Curs and Pennsylvania Stan-
tlinl Coaches run over both routes. Ask
Agents of lines leading to Chicago about
fuies and time or address II. R UKIIINO ,
Assistant General Pasbcnger Agent , 218
South Clark street , Chicago.
TIII : MU ? MM : oi'iv
Omaha , Kaunas ri < > A. KiiNlern Itall-
ruuil Omaha AM. . IOIIN | Itallroail.
'Iho QUINOY ROUTE with through tialns
to 'Ircnton , Klrksvllle and Qulncy. Connec
tions east and boutheast For rates time
tablet , and all Information , call at QUINCY
ROUTE office , 111C Farnam utteet ( Paxton
Hotel lilocl ; ) , or write ,
.sinnuit i\ciHt.siovs.
Via GhleaKO , Milwaukee A. SI. I'aul
A long list of excursion points to which
round trip tickets will he sold at greatly re
duced lates. The conditions for Htimmei
touilsts were never more liberal than tliobe
for this season. For full Information as to
touted , rates , llniltH celling dates , etc. , ap
ply at the city ticket olllce , 1504 Farnam st.
General Western Agent.
TIII : UMO > \ciric. .
The Onl ) Dlnlim Car It mile ,
It Is the only direct line to San Francisco ,
and makeb 12 HOURS QUICKER TIME to
San Francisco than any other line. Call
at city llcktt olllco , ,1302 Farnam at.
InillaiiapolU , Inil ,
On September 7th and 8th , account National
Meeting of Seme of Veterans , the MISSOURI
PACIFIC RAILWAY will sell round trip
tl'lvCU at one fare.
For further Information call at company's
nfflrca , northeast corner 13th and Farnatn Sts.
J. O. PHILLIPPI. A. G , F. & P. A.
T. F. GODFREY , P. & T , A.
Half 1'are < o Hoi
South Dakota
and return i
Sept , 10th.
One more opportunity.
Northwestern Line city Office ,
HOI Farnam St.
The depot at 16th and Webster St > .
Dillon 1'aellle.
"The Overland Limited. "
tralu went of Mltuouil itlvrr.
Twelve bourn quicker than auy other tralu
to Pacific Coast.
Call at Ticket Odce , ,1302 Karnarn St.
Long Expected Break in Freight Bates
Makes Its Appearance ,
Otic Unllitr 1'rr Ton In KniioUeil OfT ,
Mlth n PnnNlltlllty tlmt There
Mn > lie n Further
| Hciltiutlim. | I
The lonn expected and previously rumored
break In freight rates on coal from Chicago
to Omaha and other points on the Missouri
river eventuated yesterday. The Chicago
cage , Hock Island & Pacific railway WHS the I
first railroad to make the cut and to announce - !
nounco It In this city , the rate being tin- j
ceremoniously chopped down from $3 to ? 2 '
a ton. Coal merchants generally are ot the j
opinion that this reduction by the Hock Is
land will result In a corresponding reduction 1
of | t a. toll In the prices to the consumer. |
A telegram from J. M. Johnson , freight '
tralllo manager of the Hock Island system , '
announces that the cut from $3 to ? 2 per ton
will be effective on Monday , September 20
The reduction will apply on all shipments
ot from Chicago to Missouri river points >
The usual from Mississippi river I |
points will prevail. J i
Traffic circles were thrown Into a high
stoto of excitement yesterday morning
when the fact that the Rock Island was
quoting the reduced rate became known , It
Is altogether probable that the other lines
from Chicago to Omaha will put In the same
rate , but up until a late houi In the afternoon - { |
noon none of the other lines had received
authority from Chicago to announce the $2
rate A. n. Smith , assistant general freight
ugcnt of the 1) . ft M , , was told of the reduc
tion at noon by a Bee reporter. Ho said ho
had not heard of the cut and was not pre-
poicd to say whether or not the Uurllng-
ton would make the same reduction. Fred
A. Nash , general western agent of the Milj j '
watikcc , stated that alt signs pointed toward
a reduction In the coal rates , but that the
Milwaukee had yet made no announcement
of that reduction.
It Is rumored on the slioct thit a high
freight trafllc official of the Chicago &
Northwestern not Ions ago declared that If
the Rock Island or any other Omahi-Chi-
cage line slashed the coal rate down to ? 2 ,
the Northwestern would do some cutting
on Its own account and announce a $1 rate
on all real shipped from Chicago to Missouri
tlvcr points Should the Northwestern now
pursue such a policy , the Rock Island hav
ing taken the stand It has , threatened to for
some time. Omaha consumers of coal would
secure their coal $2 cheaper than heretofore ,
or at the rate of $7 CO a ton. Irsrcad of
$9 GO , the present rate. The Northwestern
has made no announcement of what It will
do In the controversy. A prominent railroad
man of another line said "I seriously
doubt If the Northwestern will go below the
Rock Islands cut and whittle off another
dollar from the coal rates The Northwestern
tried that policy just three years ago , and
It found that It didn't pay. "
I ) T Mount a pioininont coal dealer , said-
"Now tint th 6 Rock Island has reduced the
freight rate on coal from Chicago to Omaha
from S3 to $2 the rate-i to the connnner will
probably bo lowered about $1 I cannot state
e\actlv how much of a reduction there will
be as I have just heard of the cut. The
iresent rate on coal Is $9 50 , and the pioba-
bllttlcs nio that the new icttc will be about
$8 no "
The ? 3 rate on coal per ton fiom Chicago
to Missouri river paints has been In elTtd
Tor nine months During the last month
'here have been frequent reports that the
Omalia-Chlcago lines had decided to reduce
the freight rate on coal by chopping off $1.
Within the last week these tumors have be
come more accentuated , and there have been
several apparently well grounded repoits
that before the first ten days of September
had passed by it uo.ild be found that the
Rock Island had started the cutting by lop-
.i\ns \ off $1. It l"is been difficult to gather
any accuiatc Information on the subject un
til yesterd.iy the Rock Island received
word from headquarters In Chicago to an
nounce the $2 rate Tiaflle officials have
honed that the $3 Kite would he maintained ,
and many of them laughed at the icports of
n cut no longer ago than Monday Should
the Northwestern follow up the Rock Island's
lead and whittle oft another dollar from the
coal rates there may bo some laughing of
another character.
KornKcr of the Senate Stiltemtiiitltfec *
\rrl-\ON lit > \ u.sliliinlon.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 7 Senator Foraker
ot Ohio arrived In Washington today. Ho Is
chairman of the subcommittee of the senate
committee on Pacific railroads , which Is
charged with the Investigation of several
matters connected with the Pacific roads ,
among them being the condition of the blnk-
Ing fund held In the treasury ; on account of
the Union Pacific road and the alleged
fiauclulent patenting of lands to this com
pany This Is under a icbolutlon Introduced
by Senator Pettlgrew , which was passed by
the senate at its last session. The other
members of the subcommittee arc Senator
Harris of Kansas and Senator Stewart of
Nevada. ( Senator Stow art is In Wabhlngton
and called upon Senator Forakcr this even-
Ing. Senator Harris is expected to arrive
tomorrow. The meeting may ho wholly In
formal. The subLommlttee will confer with
tlio attorney general regarding the sale of
the Union Pacific , which has already been
otdcrcd by the circuit court of the Kighth
circuit. Senator Foraker says the sale will
Include the government's Interest ,
also means the sinking fund , and If the sub
committee makes any Investigation of the
sinking fund It mutt bo before the sale takes
place. It Is the understanding of the sub
committee that the bale will take place
within thirty days after the decree Is cn-
tcied and It , therefore , became necessary
for the subcommittee to act at once If any
action was to bo taken. lie did not know
whether the committee could do anything In
the matter , the members meeting here more
for the purpose of ascertaining Just what can
bo done. If anything It is possible that the
subcommittee will begin the necessary pio-
ceedlngs to obtain Information concerning
the IRHIIO of patents , which Is another branch
of the Pacific lallroad Inquiry.
llnril ( 'mil IliitCN Drop ,
CHICAGO , Sept 7. Hard coal rates from
Chicago to the Missouri river took a tumble
today. The reduction amounts to 33 % pur
cent. For the last twelve mouths the rate
has been $3 a ton. On and after September
20 the tariff will bo ? 2 a ton , The Alton pre
cipitated the trouble by notifying Clmliirun
Mldgley of the Joint Western Fieight bu
reau that It had been decided to nuke the
leductlon on the date named. All the other
roads Interested decided to meet the reduced
rate , not only from Chicago to Kaiuas City ,
but nlso to Atchlson , Leavenw 01 ti , St. Jo
seph and Omaha. The Alton rlalms its com
petitors have been cutting the rate recently.
Sale of Colorado Midland.
CHICAGO , Sept. 7. Tomorrow at Colorado
rado Springs the Colorado Midland road will
bo told at auction. The probability Is at
iwosent that It will bo bought In by the
reorganization committee , although it Is
known that there are several roads that are
anxious to buy It In for themselves It Is
not likely , however , that any successful com
petition will bo made to the bids of the re
organization committee.
Ship Cuttle to fhlcuKO.
PIERRB. S , D. , Sept , 7. ( Specla ) Tele
gram. ) A train of 250 beef cattle were gent
out for Chicago last night , and two trains
with about 500 feeders for tlio southeastern
part of the state went today Prices are yet
ranging high , and will remain so as long as
the present demand for feeders keeps uu.
The > ( ilv.- It l , , .
CHICAGO , Sept , 7 For the time being all
effort to get all of the westo u lines together
In one general meeting for the purpose of
dlscusilng the future of the Wester Pacscn-
ger association and for the further purpose
of strengthening that organisation , baa been
given up ,
IlnlMtny Nut en uuil 1'emoiuiln.
Charleu It. Kennedy , formerly general
gent ol the Hock Island's passenger de
partment In this city and now general
eastern agent for the sumo department , la
In Omaha renewing- old acquaintances. Ho
Is on his . -ettirn trip to Philadelphia After
having accompsnlad the eastern delegation
ot letter carriers to San Francisco.
They Arc Pnr Too Smooth for the
Local ( lllldern of ( he I.BV\ .
All doubts agito the existence In this city
at the present time of n large gang of
crooks made up'ot burglars and highway
men principally , has been most effectually
dispelled by the number of Jobs of n crimi
nal character which have been committed
during the post tow nights.
The police themselves arc now working
on the theory that the gang which Is operat
ing Is ot considerable size. U was at first
supposed that the Jobs were all being done
by two or three men who turned their
hand to holdups or burglaries , as oppor- ,
Utility offered These men were supposed to
hive worked In this city for some months
und were Imagined to have cleverness
enough to keep out of the fingers ot the
police. Suspicious characters In considerable
numbers have been arrested during the time
thtb criminal work bas been done In the
nope that the night men might accidentally
be captured , but no convictions have been
secured. The men have been released and
the police have continued their abortive at
tempts to capture parties who were pre
sumed to bo doing the work. '
Monday the authorities thought that they
had fit ally gotten hold ot the right men
when Jerry Collins and Pat Itallcy were ar
rested with smc ot the clothing stolen out
of the store-room of Voorhccs , Miller & Co.
In their possession , and when the greater
Dortlon of the lemalnder was recovered on
Infoiinatlon divulged bv Colllno. It was be
lieved not only that these prisoners had had
a hand In that burglary , but were icsponsl-
blo for the holdups which occurred Saturday
night ou Lcavonworth street. The police
rested In the belief that with these men be
hind the bars the scries of holdups , hurgiar-
les and other crimes would finally end , but at
11 o'clock that night another man was held
up , this time near the co tier of Twenty-
fifth and Iotge ! streets. Olllccrs wcte sent
out no soon n the repoit was received and
the entire section ot the icsldencc portion In
the vicinity was scoured without result. The
'highwaymen succeeded effectually In making
their escape. I
The conclusion that Is forced upon the '
police Is that there are other ci ( initials In I
the city besides those who arc In Jail , |
end that they are doing their shaio of the
criminal work U Is Known that there are
now among the res'donts ot Omaha about
a half dozen more cx-convlsts They have
been anestcd from time to time , but as no
felonious charge , would bo pioven against
them , they were , allowed to remain la the
city. H Is the Intention now , however , to
drlvo them from the city as soon as they can
bo picked up '
Yesterday informations vvcro filed In
police court against Jerry Collins , Jack Gor
man anJ Pat Ilalley , charging them with the
burglary of the stoie room of Voorhccs
Miller fi. Co at I levcnth and Harnoy streets
last Saturday night Thtse men have been
arrested An Information for the sarao
ctlmc has been filed against Paddle John
son , but the latter has not yet been cap
The "Bicyclist's br t Fnena' Is a familiar
name for DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve , al
ways ready for emergencies Whllp a spe
cific for pllr it also Instantly lallevps and
cures ciils. bruizes , bait rheum , eczerni and
all affections of the skill It never falls.
I'nlnii ' I'lie-1 Hi' .
Only Line Running
to Colorado , Wyoming , Utah and all Western
Call nt ticket office , 1302 Farnam street.
Man luce I.U'eiisew.
Permits to weJ hnve boon issued to the
following pirtl"s by the county judge.
Nnme and residence. Age
M It Madscn , Omaha , . . . . . , i ! )
Sine Fischer , Omaha- ' . ' 21
RobeiC I-ow White , Omihi. IS
Vesta D HunRnte , Omilm.i ] S
Laurie Anderson , Irvlngton. Neb 2J
Lena Nelson , Omalia 23
Charles A Nelson , South Omuln 41
Mrs nmma Martin , South Omaha V )
Thcinas P Green , r.aiamle. Wyo. . . . . . IS
Magpie O'Brien , CreMon , la : > 7
William T Schneider Waterloo , Neb. . . 46
Anna LlppCit , W.iteiloo , Neb 43
Henry Ko'.be , niltbom. Neb 2S
Liz7le Hull , Mlllard , Neb 2S
G. Grove A. Porter , South Omaha 21
Marv M Slmonton , Omaha 10
Chailes W Young , Omaha 21
Cora A Greelcv. Oinnlm IS
Arnold'b Dromo Celery cures headaches.
lOc , 25c and fiOc. All druggists.
The Ciiloii 1'nclflr.
Is running Pullman Palace Sleeping Car
dally , Omaha to Colorado Spilng" , Cole , leav
ing Omaha oci fact mall 4 05 p m , arriving
Colorado Springs ne\t morning 11 10
For reservations and full Information call
at City Ticket ofllce 1302 Farnam St.
Tito ColIliiM HOJH Arrexteil.
Jim Collins and his cousin , John Collins ,
members of the notorious Collins RIIIK of
South Thliteenth street with whom the
police arc contlnuallv coming In contact ,
VVCIP arrested In-t nlcht When locked up
at the .st.itlon Jim Collins had on a coat ,
vest and a pall of pants which were Inter
Identified as a portion of the stock taken
from the store of Vooihels , Miller & Co.
a few nlshts ago Collins "Hated that
his brother , who WHH arrested at the time ,
had Klvon the articles to him. Hotli men
will be charged with burglary.
Running sore : , indolent ulcers and similar
troubles , even though ot many years' standIng -
Ing , may be cuicd by using DeWltt's Witch
Hazel Salve. It soothes , strengthens and
heals. It Is the great pile cure.
( 'iinriixliiTH Xrrexteil. I
The "Thlid Wnrd canruBhcr1 ; " held u
social seslon In the basement of a vacant
building ntar Fourteenth and Dodge streets
last night. Things were assuming a trop
ical hue when an olllccr descended upon I
the gang and placed them under arrest.
At the station they ( ja\e the names of I
William Ixiftus , H. Landley , John Olson ,
Charles HcarlouB and George Mitchell J
Prosperous Condition of tha Elate Makes
Favorable Impression in the East.
Mercer IleturttN mill
Tell * < if the Aln n it IT InVliloli
Ae nf AXt'Mtrrn I'roii-
, lierltj IN Itvvelteit.
"Tlio result ot my obsenatlon In the cast
Is that Ncbinska Is tlio beat advertised spot
In the world , " snld CoiiKTossman David 11 ,
Morccr to a Ueo reporter > estcrdl y afternoon.
The hntd working representative ot this
district has just returned from the east , an I
his judgment Is founded on observation In
Philadelphia , Now York , Baltimore , Wash
ington , IloHon and other Important cente s.
Congressman Mercer Is hero with his
family , and "III remain until congress
opens Its next session. In nn Interview ho
said"The exposition management Is to bo
congratulated on tlio effective manner In
which the eastern press Is advertising the
exposition. All the Important papers In the
cast arc printing elaborate articles Il
lustrated by line cuts of the proposed build
ings. The publication of these coming right
on the heels of the splendid stories of the
bountiful crops hero has created an
enthusiasm In the cast for Omaha and Ne
braska that Indlcntcs an enormous attend
ance at the exposition next year. Many
easterners will come out hero with a \lc\ >
to making Investment ! ) The first story pub
lished In the east to the effect that Ne
braska had paid off $28,000,000 of mortgages
was looked upon ns an Idle minor. Wo were
nil sought out to corroborate this statement ,
and when we did so , the enthusiasm of
casterntrs for Nebraska knew no bounds.
"It Is my opinion that this state Is now In
bettor condition tLnn it has been for twenty
jcais. The fact that Nebraska has become
a wheat state , as well as holding Its place
us the great corn-producing state , Is also
responsible for the high opinion now enter
tained In the east Capltnl In the cast haa
been Ijlng Idle for some time , wa.ting for
good Investments These Investments will
bo carefull > made , and anything like wateri-fl
stocks will bo carofull ) avoided I think
most of the easterners have come to the
conclusion that realty forms the bcbt Invest
ment , and the crops hero this year will go
a long way toward bilnglng eastern capital
"I lecentlv had a conversation with F H
Puavcv. the leprescntatlvo of the exposition
In Minnesota He says that thcic H no doubt
but that an appioprlatlon might have been
secured from that state before the adjourn
ment of the legislative there If as much had
been known concerning the exposition as Is
known He said , however , that county np-
iirop lattons and exhibits of Minnesota prod
ucts by syndicates would largely innKo up
for the lack of a state appioprlatlon. They
will do what the btite failed to do. "
"The tailff legislation has had Us effect
In the cast already The factories that have
been closed are starting up , and those ( hat
have brim running on half time are now run
ning on full tlmr The condition of the
ciops abioid and the splendid crops here
makes It sure that the balance ot trade will
this year be In favor of the United States
"Pros dent McKlnley Is every wheie hailed
as the certain advance agent of prosperity
The republican party is today strongoi than
It has been for years Concerning political
matters In Nebraska , I should say that all
signs point toward a very quiet campaign
this fall The farmers will bo too busy to
give much attention to politics. Uut they
realize that Kometh'ng ' good has happened
and tUey will quietly vote the republican
ticket. I feel quite certain 'of a republican
victory In Nebraska this fall. "
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets All
druggists refund the money It It falls to
cure. 25c.
ms MOIM.S ,
Otic * run- for Itonml Trip ,
September 8 to 18 , via Rock Island Route
Call at city ticket ofllce , 1323 Tarnam street
Sent 2 , ISO ?
1513 DodKP SI , Oinnlm , Xeu.
Deir Sir. Alille llvlnc In Omaha I found
jour Victor Hndache Cipiulps a hoverelgn
rcineilj for Itlicuimtlsm and N'eiiinlBlM Tor
lieadnches of nil kinds lliejM H. a prompt and
certain cuie Uuilng in } May of nl > i ir In IhU
cltj huve not been able In llnil .1 r > meJ > In
nn > vvuy to equal the VII TOR.
Inclosed pic aw find j > cents In stamps for a
pick IKO offl.tor'H Headache Capsult On
what terms ran > ou furnish them to me that I
mlKht vt 11 them to sufferlne liumanltj In thl
cltj Respectfully ,
E M TUUMAl'Ili : ,
2703 I'lrst Avc. B , Minneapolis , Minn
Sold in lOo and 2oc boxes by
Sherman & EflsjOHneH DrugGo
mi : : nonois sTiir.ivr. - - -
AH Druggists.
mm and an Extra Pair of Pants
for the Price of the Suit.
We1 mean that this is about the ratio of what we save
you. If you don't remember what you have been pay-
ingjthe other dealers , investigate and then the saving
will be very evident. Our suits for the boys are every
thing they should be. Durable cloths , stitched twice ,
tapqd seams , leatherine linings , handsome plaids , solid
coldrs , in fact , most everything that you or the boy can
think of in fashionable goods without fashionable prices.
Again , don't you know it is hard to tell how a suit will
wear by looking at it ? You ought to know how it is
made , where it comes from. Perhaps we can tell you a
thing or two about boys' suits. We back ours up with
our guarantee of "Your money back if you want it , "
consequently they must be just as we tell you they are.
The prices are as low as $ J.J5 all sizes.
Clothing Co
Cor. 14th nud Douglas Sts.
Catalogues Free your address , please ,
Dec , Sept. 3.
There arc three potent reasons why you should buy
School Suits at "The Nebraska , " First , because it is
best. Second , because it is best , Third , because it is
best. It is best to buy School suits where quality
counts high. It is best to buy them where you are se
cured against poor wear. It is best to buy them where
you are sale from shoddy trickery tra h For eleven
years we have sold School Suits on their merits. We
have sold ihem r'ght We have sold the right kind.
If any mother has ever bought a poor School Suit here
we haven't hoard of it. If any mother his fai'cd to get
the full worth of her money she hasn't made it known.
It is one of the pleasant points of our business that we
greet the same faces season after season. We look for
tjinm. We are % ad to see them. They are glad to
come. This season we look for a great many new
faces in addition to the eld. Our stock of School Suits
is larger , better , more satisfactory than ever. We are
in a position to give you more money's worth than ever
before. Two dollars buys a magnificent knee pants
suit. Three fifty buys a surpassingly line suit with long-
A piano which steadily gains In popularity after being tested by the public for
years. The Ivors & Pond , Emerson , Vose & . Sons Pianos have an established reputa
tion. They are built out of the best material that money can buy , and sell at the
lowest prlco of cciy high grade instrument in the market. Don't fall to see them
before buying
See our list of bargains-
Large Chickerinpf Upright only $130.00.
Fine Oak Upright only $125.00.
Square Pianos from $18.00 upwards.
Organs from $15.00 upwards.
1QS South Fifteenth Strcut A. C. JIUmIiii , Tuner. Tel. 1025
They euro every case , NEVER FAIL , they develop the IlR/ilN and NERVES , prod -
d it lug llcsh on the body and not spoiling tbo stomach , as most 'n dlclucs ulll do Wo
prepare specially for every case Write for particulars. TURKISH CAPSULES will
euro any aliment or weakness caused by helf-abuso. and vvc mean it. Wo will develop
and strengthen the vvorut casu ot SEXUAL WEAKNESS 01 SEXUAL LOSS , make anew
now man of you , or REFUND YOUR MONEY. Don't be bumbuirKcd , as wo never
fall to cure. $100 box by mall. Plain wrapper. HAHN'S PHARMACY.
tSth and Fa-nam Sts. Omaha N h
Pat Nov , ii , 1890. June si , 1891. Trade Mark registered Jan. i , i8 < jj.
1WOT PEarrcr Made In Cotton or Silk engines and
lllVJtJl UEAUTlrUL Uowaro of wortbleia Imitations.
For Sale by IIOSTON siom : , ( Ml MIA.
Central West.
Violin , Organ , Harp , Mandolin Guitar , Flute , Clailnct , llassoon Cot net. Harmony and
Composition , Elocution , ShaUrspeare , Dramatic Art , Delnaitoand PhvHlcal Culture , Ad-
drcst ) . I" U. .lOM'.S , IIOID'S Til i\TICIt , OMVII.V , Mill.
ITtli NucifMrnl * t-ur. Moi < tlliimui/lienurM InaJI
Mmllt-H ] iti'lleju liiktiuctortf , licnlflilul Jmuilmi u
unhtfolt } l v\n , A IUJ3 I Iniio u\vuniotI at Mat ion
ctrttt. tutalofiiofift MUM. U. ' 1. J1OOIU , l'ri t >
, I'oundeilliy Cuv llardlu Umud
( J sucoi-tH O i l. _ . _ raining _ u. . . _ In _ . . . . . i o Htstrn ( . . I
uicn .rrmun Hurra.
L'iilia , Director l.trpitit , ctirtu.
oud fo iirlcci. U A St . iltulco , Mo.
I I CATAHHII , liiclmlliiK the mine Qj
[ I anil tliroiif , i-iii-M , IIIIIKK , Htom- I I
i i niilii lionrlM mill l.ldiif ) x. Hup- j = j
I I lure ( , I'llt'M , HlrCllll | lllHIMINt-N Of I I
[ | men mill noinen , Cull or ttrllr [ " "I
I.nrtfi'Hl olllecH In ( lit * IX'Hl , p * " '
Kleetrlellor nil formx jf dUI I _ I
CoiiNiilliillnii frrc. Tel- | |
J1I-S13-313 N Y Life llldg Tel 1133 II
The Mallard Uth ail
> , .
, .n
Auicrlcau plan. < J 00 pet Uu > tip
l.iiroptiun pliinI.UU p'M diiy up
J , C. Jl.UlURl , , t bOV , 1'roiiB ,
1)9 ) roomi. Latli , eWum licet and ull mudern
vwiltncm li tt , 11(0 and | ; faO per dny
IT - ' ' " - Bpeclil low rat to retular
UICK SMITH , Mamger.
The Creighton
-tto. : HI in.
TIII : woonvvAitn TIIHATUK co.
All this week
Dean < Sc Jose
Theater. ' '
BoyeTs .
_ , UiIlO ) 'IOMIJIIT , HUT.
Dan A Htuuit \trlecupc pictures of the
I > jicclally uttiuctlvc to Uiu luOlcu ,
Prices , Kc We 7t > c II00
IJMiit ; ( MNVAS.
Farnam Street Near 18th
Dog mid Pony Show
Six nlKhlN , to liruln Miintlii ) ,
briitrinlH-r ( llli | MullncrN ,
Tiirxilii ) , ' 1 liiirHilii > - mill
Hut , ill -'i.'tO ji , in ,
AcHcrilnil and iicreBinlid In oviry
dptnll comtjiltil and nunufPc ] In u
thnruuclil ) HIM clan inanmr und nut
ronlztcl and enjoined by Iho vrr > I'ot
people evcrlirri - t\n \ < \ nn In lt truth
year of conllnurd nirrcm
AdiiiUhloni Clillilri-n , 1c ( ) )
AiliilU , liOo.
TheTho perfume of Violets
I The tiurlty of thu lily , the flow ot thu rose ,
ij ami the flush of Kebu comblno lu I'OSXONI'B
1 Yioadroui 1'ovvdcr.