TUB OMAHA DAILY REE : SATURDAY , SEPTEMBER , 1807. Decline Abroad Oanaca a Small Slump in Wheat. OTHER MARKETS GO DOWN IN SYMPATHY * Afrnhl of flic Market Unlll The ) I'lnil It U Ilnill- Miiiorcil \\licn Tliir Start lu , to .Sell. CHICAGO , Sept. 3. Wheat today BUf- fcrt--il , In ftytnpalhy with a decline In foreign innrlcets , December closing lJc below thu level of yesterday's llnal llRurcn. Otlier inurkctH xvcro also nllllctcd more or less with "Hint tired feeling. " corn closing from "tiO toso lower nntl oatH from Uo to Vic. 1'ork lost Gc nnd lard from 74o ! to JOc. HlliH wcro iinclinngcd. Wheat started weak. The opening prlcefe nt Liverpool wcro nt n decline of Hid , anil thn Blurt here was In accordance with the liuarlshnew denoted lit the Hngllsh maiket. iDcceinhcr was offered at tlie opening at from 3c to MV4c , or from Ic to I'.fcc ' under yesterday's close. The bulk of the llrst lrun uutlonn were at from OJc to W/jC , anil fluctuation ! * were close around the opening figures for three or four minutes. Following that for half an hour there was a gradual Improvement until Ol'-io , or within ' .4u of yosterdny'H closing prluu was reached. A dispatch from New York , re porting 470OOU liii , of wheat taken for ex port yesterday afternoon , was given us the reason for the llrmncss shown In the re covery referred to. Thn very slim ad dition to the contract wheat here , out of the 278 carloads Inspected Into store since yesterday morning , was perhaps In the inlndn of the fHiecuintors. Only six carloads wcru contract , and of these llvu were No. 1 ! spring , a crndu that cannot be delivered < > n contracts made today for uny delivery beyond the present month. Minneapolis nnil Uuluth received 4 ! > S cars , agalnm 843 on the corresponding day of the year be fore. The ndvniiL-t. runcheil l)4T4c. ) and then IP of It was dropped In a few mtnutuK , ! )3i' ) being the next stage of llnctuatton ; then up agnln to 04i In an equally mJdca man ner mid bnek once more slowly this time to 03 % cents. The lluctuatlons , al though Hiidden , wore not accoiiipunleil 1 > > jiuu'h trailing. Scalpers were startled by the midden changes and withdrew from the mar ket and their absence added to the tlllllciiUv romtnlwlon houses experienced In llndlng buyers or sellers when they had orders to execute. Now York wired early In tlin da > that the foreign demand was renewed am llflecii loads taken by 10 o'clock. The Al lan'Ic port clearances of wheat and llout were oiu-e more very heavy , the total bclnf , .Sfiii.mX ) bushels In wheat and Hour , CS1.700 bushi'ls of It being In the shape of wheat The , rmrkct became very weak nuar tht I-IOHI * . ami whllo the scalpers would no touch It earlier In the day except In the most timid and gingerly manner , they iiulrkly caught onto thp fact that It was not being adequately mipported near the em and sold freely. December declined to S. ! * ' rents and closed at W-U cents. The closlnic rabies hud much to do with the wcaknes displayed late 111 the session , Liverpool clos Ing Wiajt cents lower and I'arls the equlva hint of % { /li cents. Antwerp was un rhangfd. Trade In corn -was less active and th volume of business much smaller. The feelIng - Ing early was weak , due largely to the lower allies , the weakness of wheat at Urn start and to liquidation by recent buyers. Offer ings , however , were not large and were well taken , several of the larger commission houses leading In the buying and when wheat turned up corn sympathized , many of the early wllers covering , which aided the advance. Weather In the corn belt , with the exception of some local rains , was dry anil warm nnil drouth damagu reports were numerous. The market eased off later on expectations of heavy receipts early next 'WVL'k ' , the decrease being accelerated by tie late slump In wheat. I.ncul receipts were 1.SS.I cars. Atlantic port clearances > n pro ! > SS,41G bushels. December opened VW.i rent lower at r I1 i Si HIV. , cents , ranged be tween " 4'i cents and 3V& cents , closing til ftiffiXlH centx. A fair trade wns done In oats. At the opeillni ; thu market wns weak In common with corn. This feeling was chanted to llrmnoss later , only to crow weak again toward the close. There was Rood buying : on the advance , about the only time the market Bhowetl activity. The tone was en tirely dependent on corn throughout. Local receipts nere 3. > 2 cars. December opened Jsli'i cent lower at 20V1 cents , sold up to Sirii cents and down to 20',6 ' cents , closing at 20Uiii2IH4 , cents. Trade was quite active In provisions ilurlng the early part ot the ilny. OlferhiKS wore qulle free In view < if the weakness In hos and Kraln markets , wlie Iho demand was only moderate. An easy feeling prevailed and prices ruled lower around Die opening. " I.aler the demand be- rume more active and nn Improvement fol lowed , which was lost when wheat and rorn went down. Packers * were all Rood Hellers ut the close. December pork was 3 cents lower at $ S.)7M ! ) > , December lard "l fTIO rents lower at $4..s > f4.S7Vi | nml December ribs unchansred ut J5.10. Kstlnmted receipts Saturday : Wheat , 42'i ears ; corn , I.DOO cars ; oats , 420 cars ; hogs , lii.OCO head. Leading futures ranged as follows : Articles ! Op-iii. I llTili. ' IV heat-1 Hent. . . ; I 75 4 KO Dec. . 0 B7W tu'lllluV r'ept. . _ ; . 'el. ' . . ifi _ No. 2. CiiHh quotalioim weie as follows : 1'I.Ot H-Htendy. \\'lll-.ST-No. 2 rprlnif , OH flSSi ; ; No. S sprinc. 8 : > iiCV ! ; No. 2 led. 931a3GKc. CO UN-No. S , SO'.ic. OATSNo. . S , lli c. f. o. b. : No. 2 while , I2O Iiir ! ; No 3 white , 20itff22iic. IIVINo. . 2. iOc. \KL1 < ; V No. 2 , 4oc ; No. 3. 3lir4i | > c ; No. 1 , S' 37c \xsr.nn--No. . i. jioi'.ifti.oi. TLMOTHY SUKIl'rlme , J2.SO. PIIOVIHIONS Pork , per bbl. . S.059.CO. Lard , tier 100 Ibs. . l.77'i&4.kO. Hhort ribs sides ( louse ) , r , .Vllji SO. lliy xiiUeil xbiiulderH ( lioxcil ) , 'Vjf/i c. ; ulinrt clear nldea ( boxed ) . CflGUc. \VHISKY-nistlllerK1 llnlMimt goods , per gal , , II ! i KfUAH-Cut loaf , J-Vfili Krnnulated , J3.2I. . "AM ! Wlie.T , bu. Corn. Hu. O.ils , bu. llye.uu. llaile.v.t On the Produce rxrhance today the butler mar ket \vi hteady : cieunu'iles , 12j(174c ( ! ; dalrlen , fifillic Chcene , Elendy al 9C9'ic. HKKU , frenh , 1,1'sc Llvo poullry , llrm ; tin keys , 'Jifiuoi chick. eiui. Jffiliv-sprlnKH. ; 9o ; Uucki , ' MW YOHK < ; I\IHAL : : ( ( iniliitloiiK tif tlu > Dux un General CxiiiinoilltlcN. NHW YOHK , Sept. 3-Fl/3UU-necelpli , 34- 1 4'W bbls. j etporlD , 19.SI3 bbl > . ; dull and u shade fusler at the close with wheat ; winter patents , $5.35jJ5.65j winter utralBhls , $ l.8.VffJ.10 ; wlnler ex tras. $3.JIJ < /3.K ! ) ; wlnler low graded , J3.31ii3.tO. live. Dour , quiet : funcy , Jl.4Mr3.73. COUNMi\I-a : > ull ; yellow western , 72c. lt iKueler ; Nu. 2 wvttem , 62'4c. 1IAULI5Y Dull nt 31c. IIAHI.KY MALT Ulrnily ; western , UfitSc , WlllIATllecelpta , 210,900 bu. ; ciporta , 220,093 bu. , buol , weak ; No. 2 ml , Jl.uHi. Opiloim opened weak under cabin ndvlces , rallied slmiiily on largn clearances and westeni illiiue buying , but xold elf later In thu face of large export ileallngH , helped by general unloading of early put chases ; cloned I'iii'-Uc jet lower ; No. 2 red Hupluiuber. l- ' . > ' i' ' and 11.01 , cloned 99H" ; Uccember , WiWHSTjc , o ! ' ) ed , Sic. I1)HN llecelpts , 161,475 bu. ; exporU , 18.267 bu. i IMit , eauler ; No , 2 , 36e. Options cpencil weak on < ii'jleHewn , rallied on bud crep news from Kun- Min and Nebraska , lull weakened under fre ll'iu I.ulgn and closed KtrHc nrt lowrr ; Seitein- b-r , 36l3HHc | , cliwed , 3ii ; December , 37'itiaklic , DATS Hrrrliiti , 46J.JOO bu , ; exports. 23,913 bu. ; rpni weak , OptlaiiB ilull und fvatur eis , doling ut unrlmnKed prlren ; beptemlier cloned ut 23fe. II A V Dull ; uhlpplnir , J4.000I.W ; uood tti cbnll'i * . JS.OOtf3.CI ) . lilll'S-Hli-iidy : 1103 croii. SWIc. tSOD crop , 6Stc. IMrinit con m , K5J crop , Sfile ; 18HO crop , ( If9c , IIIDKH-HlroiiK ; Unlvexton , 15 ) l8e ; lluenoa Ayi i. diy. IDoj Tt a , dry , UttOUe ; Callfoinlu , M'ATIICn-BlronKi liemlock Bole , llueno A > i- " . llgfit lo heavy weight ! . 19tf50c. lirTnil--Uecelpl ; , 3.803 pkg . ; market nulct ; " iTi-amery , ntflw ; KlKliu , IV ; factor- , CHKKHltecvlpl * . I.SH pko. ; ciulet ; Urge. vblle. Dijej vinull , witlle , mf 'Sic. ' large , col ircd , Hniall. iiilon-d. S c ; part nklini. IXJdS lUoi'lpln , lt.V3 ( cuma : innrket nulet ; Ule and t'rmisylVinU , lltrl ci weatrrn , Ife- . l'll ( > VltIONH-li.ef. ! liini , p k-n. js. > U .50. Cut niNti , flrm ; pickled ttiU ) < , JLOOgS W. 1-ard , ultt , wentern otram , $5.25 ; refined , quiet. T I ow firmly held. OILS. .Cottonseed , quiet ; prime yellow , M929C. 'etrnlenm , quiet : Ivnn ylvnnln crude , market nominally We ; reflnM New York , W.7S ! 1'hlla. dolphla nnd Dalllmore. 6.70 ; 1'hlUrtplphln and liltlmore , In bulk , $3.29. Hn ln. utenrty ; utrnlned , common to pooil , JI.4Slfl.50. Turjx-n- tine , firm t J-K/W'W. , ItlCfj-Klrm. fair to extra , 4' ' < ,06Ue : Jnpan. 4 i O'V. ' WOU\SSKS-rirm ; Nrw Orleans' , open kettle , irood to rholee , 2Hf31c. MBTAI.8 I'lK Iron , warrAnts. active nt | 6.8j ild nnd J7 aokeil. I ke cupper , steady at J11.15U ll.M. Tin , easy at $1J.SSO13.fX > Ix-nJ , strong ; exchange , Jl.2ifl4.30 ; broker ? , $3.85. OMAHA UIJNICHAI , IIAHICBTS , Coniltllnn of Trnilc nnil QtmlntloiiB on Stnplc nnil Knncy I'roiliicc. KCJOB-Oood stock , 13c. lIUTTKH-Common to fair , e487c } : choice to 'oncy , 10 12c ; separator creamery , 18o ; gath- iTed crfnmery. HOlSc. VtlAl.-Cholce fat , 10 to 120 Ibs. , quoted nt 8c ; > rRn and course. (3c. ( 1.1VK I'OrLTUY-Heiw , CH 76c ; cocks. 3ff4oj 'PMng chickens , per lb. , iliUSc ; duckn , 60 ; turkeys , 6 Sc. I'iCino.Nrt Live , 7flSCc ; ocnil plfieona not wanted. HAY -fpland , $4 ; mbllnnd. 3.50 ; loivland , M.fiO ; lye strtw , 14 ; color makes the price on liny ; tight bales icll the best , only top grades bring top prices. nilOOMronN-lIjttremMy slow sales new crop , delivered on track In country ; choice green self- working carpet , per lb. , Jffjlfce ; choice creeri , running' to hurl. ZWJUeoohitnnn. . IHo. VKQETAHLEa. OANTAIjOri'KS Per doz. , 35I)30c. ) TO.MATOKH Per half bu. basket , 400SOa. ONIONS-Per bu. , CSHttc. I.1.MA HKANS-Per lb. , 3c , 1IKANS Hand-picked navy , per bu. , $1.50. ' AllllAOK-Home grown , Ic. TOMATOKS-1'er bu. . choice , 60c. WATnilMKt/DNS-l-ratcd , per doz. , J1.SS1.60. Al'1'LUH-l'cr bbl. , JI.GOfil.63. NATtVH PLU.MS-I'er basket , 20835C. HHAPHS-CBllfornlii , Jl.25nt.SO. SOlTTIinujf PKACHKS Per W 1)U. , BO ? 60R. CALU'OHNIA l'KACHES-1'er case , Crnwfords , SO CJWc ; clluga , 70 75c. CALiroitNIA PKAItS llartlett , per cr.sc , $1.75 Ot.M ; lluerre Hardy , Jl.tO. DALIKOHNIA PMTMS Per cnse , JI.Wfl.35. IIOMIi IlllOWN OHAPES Per batkct. U'c. TitbPicAi. FHUITS. OltANdKS Jledlterruncati swcclfl , $4. LKMONS .Urselnas , $4.50aS.OO ; choice Califor nia , 142.15M50. IlANANAS-Cholcc large Block , per bunch. S2.oofl2.23j modlum-ilzed ! bunches. $1.5002.00. JlISCICLLANiOUS. Nt'TB Almonds , California , per lb. , lorso > Ue , 13ct Ilrazlls , per lb. . loc ; MnuHs'.i wnlnuta. per lb. . fancy , soft shell. 12ftlUc ; fitund.irds. 10 ® lie ; filberts , per ID. , lOc ; pecans , pollsnet , large. ' .TilCo ; jumbo , IKifU'c ; large IncKory nuts , Jl.Ji l > er bu. , cocoanuts , 41,10 c.icn. I'lllS Imported fancy 4 crown , 20-lb. boxes , ic ; 5 crown , W-lb. boxes , 13iHc. IIONKY-Cholce. I3 15c. ClDiit Clarllleil Juice , per half bbl. , J2.33 ; per bbl. . $4.00fr4.23. MAPLK SYItUP Flve-eol. cans. each. J2.25 ; sal. cans , pure , per doz. , $12.00 ; half-sal , cans , 15.23 ; quart cans , ! 3.r,0 ; rilESH MEATS. DHKCSIiD nKKK Good nattvo steers , 400 to 600 Ibs. . "c ; good forcqunlterr , steerH , 5 c ; good hliidiiuarteri * , 8140 ; western steers , Jc ; fancy helteri ) , 6Vic ; gooll heifers , 6\ic \ ; eood rorcquaricra , ! ieifen < , 5c ; Road lilndquartem , helfern , kc ; good cows. 6c' fair cowa , G'.ic ; common cows , oc ; cow foreiiuurters , 4Vc ; cow hindquarters , 7Vic. I1RKF CITTS Tenderloins , Itc : bonelca1 ! strips , c ; ftrlp liilna , 7c ; rolls , S ic ; slrlolu butts , S\tei shoulder clods , Gc ; rump butts , Gc ; steer chucks. Sc , cow chucks , 4 c ; boneless chucks , IVtc ; eow platex , 3c ; steer plates , 3VJc ; llAnk steak , f.lii'i loins No. 1. 14c ; loins No. 2 , lOUc ; loins , No. 3. SJjo ; nlrloln ends , No. 1 , c ; rll . No. 1. lie ; rlbn. No. 2. 8'4c ; ribs. No. 3. 6Hc ; utccr rounds. 7c ; cow rounds , V c ; ) 'ow rounds , shank off , 7Vjc ; cow rounds , nhnnk and rump off , 8c ; trliniulngw. 4c ; beef , shanks , 2lji > : bruins , per doz. , 35c ; sweetbreads , per lb. , lOc ; sweetbreads ( calves ) , per lb. . 40c ; ( idneys , per ilcz. . 3.1c ; ox tails , eac.n. 3c ; llver , per lb. , 2c ; heaits , per lb. , 2o ; tongues , per b. , lie. I'OIIK Dres od pigs. DVio ; dressed bogs , Gc ; tenderloins , 12c ; loins. 6e ; spare ribs. 4o ; IMIU sniiHiige , butts , Gc ; shoulders , rough , Gc. ; shoulders , skinned , S'.ic ; trimmings , 3Vic ; leaf aril , not icndered. Go ; heads , cleaned , 3c ; snout ami ears. 3c. backbones , IVic ; cheek meats , 3e ; neck bones , 2c ; pig" ' tall" . 2e ; plucks , each , fie ; chitterlings , Gc ; hocks. 41 ; ; hearts , per doz. , 25c ; i-tomaclis , each , 3c ; tongues , each , 7c ; Kidney * , per Ooz. , lOc ; brains , per doz. , 15c ; pigs' feet , per doz. . 2.1c ; livers , each. 3c. COTTOX 3IAHICUTS. I'iarl.v CnlilcH < * lvi * Sli-ciiKtli and I "liuil PrllM'M Al'l' IliKlllT. NK\V YOI11C. Sept. 3. The cotton market wns stronger , eaily cables being better than bad bcc looked for nnd the over night accumulation ot orders being somewhat encouraging. Following Hie llrst call selling orders set In from the south and liquidation and selling for shoit accounts became quite general , causing n decline of 2iri ! points , the basis of which was favorable crop nuw * and predictions of heavy receipts. Later- llio maikei tinned n sharp corner on reports or largu hpot t > alc * < . while crop accounts were less favorable. I'rlces advanced 12 < ifl5 points from the lowest with sbortH being active buyers ami fiislly advance' ) on claims of u heavy short In terest. The possibility of bull speculation set- tins out of grain Into cotton also led to caution on the part of the beam and the market ulosed very steady at a net advance of Sfal2 points , or within a point or two of tinbes , prleen of Hie ( ptiKlon. Futures closed steady ; January , $4 S3 ; I'Vbiuaiy. JB.SS : March. $0.92 ; April. JC.85 ; May. SO.'JS ; September. J7.17 ; October. 8H.SI ; December , Jil.fo. Simi. eluseil cpilet : mlddllnir. 7 0 ; mid dling uplands , 7 c ; nildilllnt ; tulf. 7ic : net re- celptK. none : gruss , 5,170 bales ; foiw.inled , 3.011 bales ; Hul > H , 215 bales ; hplnnetp , 215 bales ; stock , 43. ! ) ! 4 b.iles. Wei'ltly : Net receipts , mine ; gnus , 2,1.20 ! * bales ; exports to Great Urltnln. 1.210 bales ; in Knmee. 1,2m ) bales ; to the continent. 1.G48 b.iles : fiirw.ildi'd , 12.3S" bales : sales , 32.S S bales ; spinners , lf.S bales. Total today : Net receipts , O.S60 bales , expnrln to France. 3,674 bales ; Btnck. t'Ki.r.17 bales , ( oii-iilhlatcd : Net reur-lpia , 4 ! > ,773 bales ) ; \mrl | to Orcnl Ilrltaln , 6,800 bales ; to 1'iance , r , .IIS bales ; to the continent. 3.0)9 ) balei. Total since Seoteniber 1 : Net recelpls , 20.012 | KICH | ; i-\ioiis | to flreat Ilrltaln. 1/'S > ' , hales ; to France , 3,674 bales ; to the continent , 12 bales. Fallowing me the total net receipts of cotton ut all poitK since September 1. 1&07 : OalveHton , 11.417 bales : New Orleans , 3.SC1 bales ; .Mobile , 313 bales ; Savannah. 2,760 bales ; Charleston , 060 bales ; Wilmington , 340 bales : Norfolk , 113 bales ; lliiUlnxiiH , r , bales : llnslon. 149 Kile * . LlViill'Or > i , . Sept. 3. COTTON Spot , fair do- matul ; prkes lower ; American middling fair , 4 l"32d. . good mlililllliK. 4Ud ; American middling. I 3-32J : low nilddlliic. 3 13-32d ; ceoil ordinary , 3 27-32d : ordlmiry. 3 2l-32d. Sales of the day were 10.000 bales , of which GOO were for speculation and export and Included D.40) American. He- celpt1) . I.IKBI balex. Including 000 American. Fu ture.1) opriiiMl I'ai-y with a moileiate demand and closed steady : American mid Illng I * . JT. C. . September , 3 fc2-R4i1 , fellors ; September nnd Oc- lob"r. 3 51-Old. buyers : October and November. 3 47-64U , buyeis : November and December , 3 41-64il , buyrs : neccmber and January , 3 12-64 3 41-64d. ! , buyers Jnnuiiry nnd February , 3 I2-B4B 3 43-Cld. buyeri" ; February und March , 3 43-64 < l , buyers ; Match mid April , 341-611 , buyers ; April ami May , 3 47i-C4il. buytrir May and June , 3 li'i-i'ild luiyi-rii : June and July. 3 47-6ld , buyeri. . Ni\V OISLHANS. Sept. a. TOTTOJJ VnnneM sinidv .ilH . 27. Sit bales : September , $0.8036.111 Oflnlieii i ! lMi'1.57 : November. J6..n'ir6.r,7.i ' - ei'inber. tC.Gfnl.i ; January , J6.f0 6.62 ; February , .Ci : Mai.-li , Jfi.tiliiiie' , : April , JO.iniiiiTI. MMMl'lllS. Sept. 3. COTTON Firm ; middling , 77-16c ; lee-lpis. IS bales : shipments. 65 bales ; sliirU. 2.171 bales ; sales , none. ST I.OI'IS. Si-pt. 3. CflTTON Stcadvno sales rcimrleil : middling. 7Ue : receipts , ' oalea , ( .hlpmenls , 40 kiles , slock , 7,658 bales. WOOL \H1CI3TS. . Slieen.l.lii | An * Solil In I.oiidnn nt Minovt I'lieliiuilJi'il I'rlces , I/IN'DON. S pt. -The sheepskin sales were ontlriieil today with offerlnss of HI , 403 Cape of ( Idod Hope and Natal > > kliis and of thU num ber 171.243 sKIni ) were fold. Tlie on > rlnK were model ite and Included n quantity of dirty Tnnnvual skins. The demand was strong. The prices realized Hhowed- long combings * hd higher uii'l slinillu < ni nnd lambs unchanged. Mixed pap els mi1 ! coai'C wcoleil were UCUd lower. The next hheepskln sale will be held October II. NH\V YOHK , Sept. 3. - WOOIFIrm ; Ili-ece. ! 0iif27r ; pulle.l , No. S to extru , 270100 ; Texas , ll'lil'Ii1. ' ST. LOl'lS. Sept. 3.- YOOTllheri ! inedlum , Kii0c ; IlKhl line , IPtjlJc , heavy fine , 012ci tub \\avheil. l > .y'5c. 11OSTON , Sept. 3. The. Iloslrm Commercial llullelln will xay lomoirow of the wool market ; Tin * volume of traibi has slightly slacked. Flcecen are very nruice. ( iuorgla said at 22c. Territory rind Australian wools nr still the most active arllclcs on the lint. Sales of Ibo week. 0,613. ; 00 noiiiiiiH iliimemlc ; 2.MX.ooi ) ) poiindu forelKii , nunlnat ! , M1,7iW ibiiituu ilnmemlc and 210,0'V ) pounds for eign for the riiui'i ' week hint year. Sales to date sliiw an Incieane of ftl,7"l Ml i nind > doineatlc , 106,086 , ii ) puiiiulx foielgn fiom sales to thn same dale lu HM. SiiKiir NKW YOHK. Sept 3.--SI'lAH Hnw. stronn ; fair lellnlng , S tfSo-lCc ; cuiitrlfUBal. I > 6 test , 3 13-trc. llellned. llrm : mold A , &Uc : standard A. 4c ; lonffctloucr * ' A. 4' o ; cut | oaf , 5Ho : crmhe.l. RSn : pouJfieil , Gilo ; m'sliillateil. Oe ; cuben , GVJc. NUW OHLFANS. Sept. -HHOAH Open ket- lle. quiet , 2'iW.e : ; centrlfugiil. Mi-one ; Rranu- lated 4'.ifil Hlivwhite : , J 15.1CB4 1-16 , ' ; yellow , J' W3 9-lfi ; ntctnds SUJ'.ic : othori unchunsed. I'eorlu .Iliirkcdi. PF.OUIA. Si-pi. -COIIN-Kasler ; No. 2. 2Sic. OATri Kieiuly : No. 8 white , 22'Jc. ' HYi-iJulet : , nominal. WlllSlvY-Mnrket llrm nt JI.1. llKCIOII'TS--Ci > in. f.6.150 bus , ; nals. 30.C30 bu ? . ! lye. ti : l bus. : wliUky , nan ; wheat , 600 bus. SHI I'MKNTH Corn. 27.401) ) bin. : oats , 1S.100 lni > . ; i ) ( . C11" } Lui. ; T.'h'.iky. 750 bbU. ; wheat , 00 biuf _ Ciillfiiriilii Drli-il 1'i-nKs. NIIW YOHK. S pt. 3. CAL1FOIINIA DHHID Fltt'lTSQuirt nral rtrady : cv'apoMted prime wire tmy. Cc : wood dried , prime , Cc ; choice , ' , c ; fsiicy , Ctic ; prunes , 3ViQ"Hc , o lo * tro und iitullty ; apricots , Hcyal , 7U8c ; Moor 1'nrk , fplOc : pe.iehes , unptelod , OtfSc ; peeled , ll.'J ; 14c- i.klrr Textile Triiilo , MANf Ill > , iil. : Sept. S.-Clotlm &ml yarns quUI. wllh H limited Inquiry , Mnnllu llcnip nt LiiiiJou. LONDON , S ptMANlIJk. . HBMP-C44 10. . GOOD SHOWING IN FAILURES Improvement in Percentage of Liabilities is Quito Marked. IN NEARLY EVERY IMPORTANT BRANCH Amount * Settled ! > > ' CIciirliiK In AiiKtiHt Kxcceil 'I'llcine of that Month lit 18U ! ) NEW YOHK , Sspt. 3.-U. CJ. Dun & CO.'B Weekly Hevlew of Trade lomorrow will say : Knllurcs In August were In numb r 17 | wr cent crenlpr than In AUKUst , 1 6 , Imt In iitiiuunt nt lUUIIIllcs 70.8 per cent ttunller. July and Au gust Dhow n nnaller.imT.Hef ut UaliHItlos I. T tallurn tlinn lins ever been knorn In any year or even In n quarter of the twcnty-tlirce > ej. ' It. O. Dun A l"n. huv * kept qUHttctly icrunl * . Tlic Imiirovemcnt In nlso well illrtrlliutPil , ex * tcndlni ! 10 nenrly e\cry liniiartHiit liraiitli uf buyl. ncsj , but In clothing , jewelry nnJ unglnf ini'il trading only two niunt.in of the jmst forty-sevcti lime uliown fnmllcr ( nlhirtH In Kcnenil ptureft nrul furniture , on three la croccrle * , Imtn anil Iron ninnufuetureii only four , In lint nttd c.iemlcnl nmnutnclurcs ir - ilx monllui uf the fnity-iiovcn. The ratio of chf.ulted liabilities to imyments at clearing houstn ling been finnllcr In July ami AUKUst than In nny other month rlncc curly In IS''J. August wast the n i month In nhlch the \ dally uvcrnRC of settlements t.irouxli clcarlnn houtes exceeded matt-rlally that of the correj j rpondlnR month of ISM , the excess ut the prlncl * pal cities helns 12.3 per cent. Nur Is thl1 ! due , us mlKlit be 8U | > iu > ; ed , to activity In stock simu lation , for the Stock exolmiRo clearing housu now disposes of a very Inige share a ( trimmc- lions that alTcct bank exchanges far lesH than live years ago. The \olume of business has been distinctly larger In speculative lines than It was then , ana In textile xoods phenomenally larger , thoUKh Flackenliiu this week , bu > < ! rs liavlnc nearly com pleted their Initial purchases , AVItli an uxtrnor- illnary movement In Kraln , heavy real estate and building transactions. Increased Iron products , the month was clearly the busiest August that has ever been known. Wheat continued Its re- uctlon until it had fallen 4 cents more , but then roe 3 cents with the lirst revival of foreign buy- Ing. Western receipts arc veiy larse , IhiniKh pot nulte as larue as a year I RO. but Atlantic ex ports. Hour Included , rose to 5,534,708 buphels fertile tile Week. Ilirllt1t ! 2.ITr > i.il ? litlRtirla Inet vi ! t > . The estimates which coniinulut connd ncc stilt Indicate u yield of 530.000.010 to 580.OOtf.OfH ) bush els , the winter wheat turning out so much be yond expectations to balance the loss In spring. Korelsn accounts do not Improve , mid unless much more deceptive than usuul , the demand lor American wheat will far exceed the quantity which can be spared. Continued larse exports of eorn nnd buying fur export show "till more clearly the extent of ilfllclenclcs abroad. West ern receipt1) for the weel : weie 10,065.47(1 bushels , ngalnst 3.1G0.31S bushels lact year , and Mich n movement nt this reason Implies a urcat export demand , i.ot yet rellected In < AitRO. Cotton speculation made August deliveries rostly , sput Using to SVtc , but the market then drifted back quickly to J7.W , Conflicting news iloubtlces reilecteil conlllctlnK facts , but the opin ion gains that the crop will be large. The mills are now runnlns nnd turning out great quanti ties of goods la response to heavy purchases made. Wool sells largely between speculators , 1C.5CS- 300 pounds for the week. Mills hnve been buying more fieely to replace the wool rapidly con sumed and the dry KOoils market hac been so laree and strong that they are encouraged to purchase even after a rise of 50 per crnt In a year. Oieat quantities are held by dealers at the west above prices yet paid In seaboard mar kets. kets.The The Improvement In the Iron and steel Industry gains momentum nnd a further advance In prices makes 4.o per cent from the lowest average Au- KUst 12. The demand Increases for nhei-is and plates , especially for bild e nnd ship building. Including lo.ww ton * nt Philadelphia. In structural work , < if which It l said that 20.COO tons have been plucod nt Chicago In bnrs , and especially In wire and wire nails , nnd all have advanced nn average of } l per Ion. Southern and western dealers have united to advance prices of pic 23 cents. l > ss-mer at , IMttsburK has rl on lo cnts ami eastern markets are stronger. The ilcmnno for i-ara Is pr.'sslnir and work for nillways In- creasi's. The Hrst shipment of sti > cl rails frum this country to Australia was of 2,000 tons by thp Uickawanna compuny. Tla U slightly lower at 13.6. > coiitH , but heavy experts said to cover 13 - 000,000 pounds for th next three months sustain coppei * at ll'ic anil lead Is strong lit $1.10. Hoot and shoe shipments , not quite ! i per cent smaller than last year In August , nor I per cent smaller than In 1593eie 7'i per cent smaller ' 'I3" ' ' " 1s'4but were n little larger than In 1S9J. Buying Is still mostly for Immediate : ) but Is sullk'lent to keep works well employed i Kulliires for the. past wvclc liava been 191 111 the United States , aualnflt 331 last year and 23 against 31 In Canada. WKKKI.V ciiin.noisn ; ; TOTALS. -Kiit , . f HiiHlneNN TrniiHiicdniiH of tlu > AMNoelnleil IlnnliM. NEW YORK. Sept. 3.-The following table , compiled by liradslreefs , shows the bank clearings at eighty-seven cities for the week ending September 2 , ISD7 , with the per centage of Increase and decrease as com pared with the. corresponding week last 1'revloiiw Ai-tlvlly In All MUCH Ciin- ( nitlliiiio ) to He Mill n liilneil. NKW YOHK , Sept. 3-HraiUtrcpt' tomorrow - row will sny : Pievloii1) activity In all lines of trade Is main tained. There Is u better tone to dniiHiul of lobbers - bers nnd the volumn of business In wool , leather , cloililnt. hats , groceries und llglu liirdwai-u lias Increased. There Is better request tot woolm nnil cotton BO d . Jewelry ami lublier gooiln and for biMtH nnd shoes. Soini * whole > n1e merchiils ut weiiem cenlers repnrt the IJIKCIII voliina1 of AIIKU.I tradi on recunl. There baa been an In creased rontumptlon of cotton by southcm mills. W lern Iron and slerl mllln have nnlern lo k.-ep them Huy iinlll January 1. In the central west ern Males the hllunilnoua coal strike has had n further deprestlni ; effect nn tbe general Indus trial situation. At the nnrlliwot some cimmvr- rlul houfes have hot to work overtime to meet iii i rm-nil f-ir g ids and tiie warm weather Is reported to havn practically iismired the ln < lhn corn crop. On ( he p.irlfle rmmt vhrnl emnrts have Iwen shirked by Inability to secure crews f > ive s ls , Merc.iutile fxi > lltli'u ' ; > ue iirenlly luiluuvcd In b. pie iiH'il ns. Iwist ween n rent-rat anil unprecedented eipantlon of prlfs for HM ple > U continued , wool , cotton ind woolen f' brlcs , hides , lentherVh1e | | pine lumber , iwishes nnil doors , iron nnd steA bars , billets ml rods , wire nails , bnrl < vl v7p | nd southern fmmdry Iron , whr t , corn , ISM nd sugar hfivInK ad vanced and higher prlces.are beln * expecleil for boils and shoes , lower prices arc recorded for colton , wheat , flour ndiicoffre , while those for onts , pork , print clofns , 'fietroleum and coal nre unchanged. Tills week's ext > otl of n-he t ( flour Included n whrixt ) arc the innrest with two rtceptlons , the second week of Sepi'rnfctT nnd the fourth week of August , 1S91. To.ul..jlilj ( > men ( Hinnmt ' B.2fS 2i7 bushels ngnlniil 5.119.653 bushels last week , 1.369.SU tiushels Injifxyrhr , 2.260.261 bushels In 1S55 , 3.307,31 bushel * In.lSdl , nnd 4M2OOi ) busbrls In 1S93. Shipments nt'coih ' nrc nlso large , gatlni ; J.lDi.i-Ct bushels this week. amiinM ZAi.4i2 bushels last week , 2.5ZfR ' > bushels last yoir. 1.- 401.370 bushels In l S. 127.0W bushels In 1894 and I72.07S bushels In lS9 , i There nre only IM business failures rciiorteJ throughout the I'nlltM Sthtes tills week , nitalnst 810 last week , 336 In the week one year ngo. IM two years npi. 3)7 three years ngo , nnd ns con trasted with 379 In the like week of 1893. Then' are thirty business failures reported from tlie Canadian dominion this week. t.nst week the total was 39 anil a year jiirojt wns 30. " iitsvimv OK "run STOCK MAHICKT. Prices Ailvnnee nml TmilliiK In on n I.MI-KC Son 11 > . NKW YORK , Sept. 3. llradstrcct's review of the stocl : market will say : Stock prices have continued to advance thin week and the trading1 has been upon an exceed- i Incly largo scale. The market has been nt times excited , nnd while innnlpulntlcn by bull leaders nnd cliques Is apparent , them has nlso l . n H growth of public participation. Tlie market was influenced bv denials that there Is nny widespread or serious ilninnRe to spring wheiit nnd by re- | orts minimizing the danger of frosts and In Ihc corn lilt. The western railroads nre stated to lie overburdened wllh grain freight nml the business - , iness 1ms. spread to the trunk line roads and thDee of the south nd the southwest. The tin- 1 provement In the Iron trade Is considered an important factor of the rallruntbi , while 4ho expected settlement of the soft con mlturs' strike will remove the only disturbing clrcum- slancfl of Inipcrtnnce. llallroad earnliiRs , al most without exception , show large Increases. Much of the speculative movement this week has been bused on reports ns ti > the probable or possible Increase uf dividends on the. payment of them by tbe companies which have not hert-- tofr.ro > lolded a return upon their stocks. Low- priced securities hive been the object of much attention and considerable buying , though the chief movements of the week were In stocks which may 1 * clnfscd with those In the Vandcr- 1dlt irroup. On Friday the market was nctlve , strong and exclled under the lend of St. Paul and the granger stocks generally. STOCKS AM HOMS. Mnrkrt ShotTM IiirrenxliKj HtreiiKtli unit IllKlicr I'rlcon. NEW YOHK. Sept. 3. Today's market was more regular than that of yesterday , the nota- bio advance * not being so palpably manipulated und the concurrent proMt taking In other stocks not bchiK on so large a scnlo. The market throughout was etronser nnd the average level of prices raised further than yesterday. There was a decrease of activity In the Industilnl slocks und Ihc dealings In the standard railway shores were steadllv augmented , buying through com mission bouses being'confident nnd on a largo scale. The volume of transactions In the Vnnder- bllt group , which played Mich n conspicuous part In yesterday's market , showed u considerable fnlllug off , but they letnlned the sharp gains ot yesterday , and. In fact , closed tonight hlghd. Northwestern sold RS high us yesterday's high point , but reacted. Hut the center of Interest In the market wns shifted to St. Paul , whlcli sold during tlie day at W , a net advance ot 3 i per cent , nnd which crossed llurllngton dur ing the day on tnoimous transactions. St. 1'aut wii aided by the statement of estimated gross earnings for tlie fourth week In August , which showed nn Increase over the corrctpondlns week last jeur of JlOb.750. The ilsc w 3 itlmulfttcd also by the circulation ef minors without dell- nlte authority that the dividend rule would bc lucrcased. The statenunts of liurllnglun foi July and of Hock Island for August were also helpful to St. Paul nldn with all the members of the. granger group. Unauthorized rumors bad exaggerated the gain to be shown by the Hurling. Ion statement , and tlie" stock. In consequence , failed to Iienetlt very materially from It. although an Incre.it-e was shownn | gross of $2i,70and ? ! ! In net of J93.314. Keck Island's Incrujsu In gross for the month of AatiU'at'Wus $375,810. These. In cidents served to , , Ut < ! ( e grangers again In the lead of thd market , nnd their strength helped tliu whole list. The rls-p In St. Paul Invited protlt tiiklni ; . not only In , , that stock , but all through the llt. nnd though ' U"rnlly followed , closing prices were not at thflient. Sugar moved up and down 111 n feverish-kind erratic manner over n range of 5 points tit , u new high record nt 132'i. and ns low us. .W'.i. The grangers ana many other stocks touf.H'd new high levels foi the day. Louisville & Nashvll ! * wns excep tionally strong all day. nnd gained 2 points net. Man' other stocks vvhlehjiive b--eii under lecent pressure of profit taking ! moved up today. This was notably true of the Internationals , t'nion I'aclllc hehiB'nn exeeptlim on account of reports trial the Kovivnmrnti-wilukl dtliiyithe-foreclosurc sale on which Is basedthe reorganization plan. The stock lost a fraction : The prices for Amer- shares here In balance. Shaip gnlus were shown ' , > Tobacco. Colorado Fuel , Consolidated Gas , ? .ocklng Valley preferred , 3 per cent : Detroit Oas , 4' , ! ptr cent ; Great Northern preferred , 4 per cent ; Illinois Central , Laclede Gas preferred. Lake Shoie. Metropolitan Traction. Minneapolis & St. Ijouls , New York , t'hlcago & St. IDUS ! llrst preferred , Norfolk & Western prefeired , Oic- gen Navigation preferred , Pennsylvania , Hlo Grande Western preferred ; St. Joseph & Grand Island second preferred and the Hubber stocks. Tbe avgiesnte sales of all mocks approximated 700.OCO Pharos , and of thete 16o OM > shares were ot St. Paul and 65,000 shines of Hurllngton , Ilondi ) weie nctlve and higher ; total sales , $3,600.100. Unlteil StJte3 rcgl-iti-reil 4s tr.ld nt 1124 now 43 coupon at 126 and coupon 5s ut 114U. Total pales. 523.000. The Kvenlng Post's London financial cablegram says : "Tlie slock markets were quietly steady today , the only feature being tbe buoyancy of Americans , which are exciting Incieased ntten- lUn. Th Pllmtllus comes from New Yolk , but notwItliRlaiKllmr the continued Helling here , a steady stream of buying nls ? uot-s on. To tbe onlooker the position of Americans Is very Inter esting. A constant question among city men and one which In n sense will glvo some clew to the position la Ma the public here once again going to step In nt the last nnd relieve Ihc ITnlteil States of stacks at boom prices ? ' 10 Is generally believed here that the rise will go still furlher , but specul'iters certainly show much caullon. Pilces closed llrm at the bst. Amid che"rs , Mil waukee lias Just been dealt 111 nt over par. The New York buying today was very large. Th discount market here today shows an easier tone. It was rumored that Japan had released some ol Its deposit money , but this Is not true. The Paris luiirstf was Him and the Herlln market was quiet after dtillncFH. " The following were tbe closing quotations on the leading stocks of the New York exchange today : AtchlBou do pfd 14 do pfd : u St. Paul " ll.-iHlmori'.t Ohio. , 1U1 ? do pfd. . . Canada PaelQe. . . . 12W SI. P. .t um Canada Southern ilo pfd HIJ Ci-iilral P.ielllc It. P. M. .V M 11 ! a Cbi-H. .tOhlo . 'JUHiSo. Pacllle 1B ! Chleujro .V Alton. . . . l.v.lKiPo. Unllway ] 19 C. , 11. , VQ ; i do pfd 90 ? C..VH. 1 .V ) Texas .t Paclllc. O.C. C..t St. L. . . . anfc iiUnion P.ielllc. . . . 17M ilopfd Kll II. P. 1) . , 'iJ I- ] . .V Hudson. . . . W.ib.iuh Del. . I , . A ; W do pfd IH'ii. , V Rio IJ \Vlienl.fc L. K -J . . ilopfd 4M I do pfd 1114 Krlu ( nuwl 17K Ad-l-UH Bx 153 KrliilHtpfd 4H ! ( Am rlc.in Kx 115M Kt. Wavun 17'J IIult d Stnu.-i Kx.IM ( ireatNorlhonipfd.itll ; Far o Ux..liB ) Hocklur Valley , . . . U A. Cot. Oil 2.1U IlllnulHRentr.il. . . . IOHJII do pfd 7B > 4 LakoKrioicW. . . . lia lAin'n SulrltH. . iloprd 7II ) ( | ilo pfd 3:1 : Lako.Slior.i 177H.A1U. Tobnccu. ' .in LoulBvlllo , 'uN.iHli. iit : ; l ilopfd liHj ; Miiiilintliiii L HIOKiChlcapo O.-iu KI4W Met.Tr.villou 1-MU Cou. : UIB lll.-ihi Mliiblyun Cimlr.il. . IDS Com. O.ililo Co 17.'i Minn. & St. L ' 'M Col. K. A , Iron Sill riolntnfd MHV $ ilopfd 7a Mo.I'acllle : iHK.iOen. Kleutrle I1H ? MobPo.VOhlo .U illllluulHStool 4H Mo.K. A.T 15 > 4 Oas do pfd ml New Alb. A Rlil. . , . 1U ' ilo lifil Kill do pfd Utl'-i ' Nut. Lin. Oil N.J. Central liff < I'auino.MulI : i7. i N. Y.Cdiilral 1KHS Pullman Pat Irfo N. Y.CIil. .tSl. L. . . 17 ' Silver C.-rtltlciln. : . B''M dolHtpfd WM Bltind.llopa , VT. . . . 7M do-'rtpfcl til Suirar 1S4 Norfolk & Woiluru ? H < do pfd 1174 ? No. Amer , Co MJiP-T. C. k Iron B M ! iillngton | & Quliu-y , M. . 220 ; Cleveland , ClnclunuJj. Chicago & St. Louis , 5,300 ; Denver & I'.lo firutfio preferred. 3 > 00 ; Urle llrst pieferred , 3,100 ; llllltola Central. 5,800 ; Louis ville .V Nushvllle. 31.Tiil31lniieapolls ! ; ! & St. Ixiuls 4,700 ; MlBsiiiiri ' | | . j.500) .Mli-i-ourl. Kansas & Texas pn-feired. G ifauNevv York Central. IS.- 100 North American company , 3,510 ; Nortberi I'acllle preferreil , n7ITrt N-irthwestern. 10 SiOO Onturlo . < c W tem , 'i.XV . ; Iteadlns. 10.820 ; Hock Island. 32.2W ; St. Paul. 153.0WI ; Omaha , 10S20 Southtrn Hallway preferred , 13i2 ! > ; Amc-rlcan Cotton Oil. 3,200 ; American Tobacco , 18.200 lla > State ( Ion. 7.500 ; Chicago ( las , 12,300 ; General Klecttlf , 6,300 ; Lt-iid , 4.200 ; Pnclllc Mull , 10.G20 Pullman , 3.FOO ; Kugar , * J3 , ( u ; Tt-nnesfcco Coa imd Iron , 7I. ' > ; leather prefeired. T.'JIO. Itubber G.lOil'c ; ltrn I'nlon , M.lil.0 ; CliU-ago Clreut Went ern , 13,200. Loiiiliin Stock < tnolntloiiN , IXDNDON. Sepl. 3. 4 p. m. clorlni ; ; ConsolsTTiry.r..lll H-ll > 'K ' V. Oiiiirii. . . . . . " Coiifols. auu'l . 11 l i I'u.iiMVlvauU . Can. IMeilio 74K Ifcitlav . Ki-lii . 1H | M x. Oiii. now n. lll.Coiitr.il . ini : JAiuhUun . MeMcaiiorllnapv Ill L. A N . 4LlMtiicoiiniJi. HAH SILYIIII- Steady at 2ld per ounce. MONIJY IftH * per cent. Thi > rate of illrcoiint hi the open market for short niiil tiller iiiciilhi , ' bills Is 1 15-1 ? iur cent ( iold U quotud ut Ilu.-iui' Ayra ut U7 ; at LU boil , 11' : , at Home 1U.V2U. Sliileiui'iit H ( I InlliinU of ( ierniuiij- llii'LIN Sept , ? . Th" wtcl.l > ttat mrni of th lni-ilal | lljnk of Germany kh > ws tn fullowlnv 'IHIIK-S ' rs c-npare'l wMh tr pre-lcut ncc mil Cash In lunJ. dtcitatc , : s,2UCOO uiarki , treaiur ) note , decreaje , ltOO.OO ( ) murks j other securities , Increase. X5.l o.ono markaj notes In circulation , In. crease , $9TiO.Oi mntk . \i' i- York Money Mnrkrt. NKW YOHK. Sept. 3.-MONKY ON CAI.Tf. Kky at 1M S per cent ; last loan , I per cent ) closing. l't 2 per cent. PltlMM MKIICANTILK FAPKU-S'ilM'fi ' per cent. STK11L1NO K.XCHANOK-Steaily. wllh actual ImHncsj in bankers' bill * at $1 S5'MI4.f H for drnund nml nt $ < . . (24(14.84 for rUty days ; poeteil rates , H.SI'iUl.fm nml jj. . t.iH.S7 ; commercial bills. JI.S2H. SII.VKH l'F.HTIFtrATiS-R2'io. HAH HII < VKIt-Kc. MKXICAN DOI.LAHS-41Hc. OOVKIINJIHNT IlONDS-Slronr. STATI ! 110NDS-l > till. HAII.HOAD 11ONDS Slronsr. Closing quotations on bunds were as fallows ! San I'rnnclNCO Ilnlim ; ( liiotntloim. SAN KIIANCISCO , Sept. 3. The otll'-ial clojlnx quotations for mining stocks today were as fol lows : HOSTON. Sept. 3. dealings , $ iSClS2 ) ; bal ance * , $1,679,972. ' UAhTIMOUK. Sept. 3. Clearings , J2S63C23 ; balances , JIG1.G3.1. NKW YOHK , Sept. 3. dealings , $133,033,067 ; balances. $ .1,707,413. I'HILADKLl'llIA , Sept 3.-Clearings , J12.00I- 023 ; bal.mce , Jl , 47,937. CINCINNATI. Sept. 3.-Money. 21iflO per cent. New York exchange , EOo discount. C'lcarliiBS. $2,1)74,600. MKMI'IMS , Sept. 3. Clearings. J287.1frt ; 1ml- nnces. $92I3T ( > ; New York exchange , hellingat $1.50 premium. ST. I/)1'1S. Sept. 3. Clearings , $ : ,07(5SiO ( ! ; bal ances , CSJ.OIM. Money. 4W7 per cent ; New York exchange. 80c discount bid , GOc discount asked , NHW OUUICANS. Sept. 3. Hearings , JS7U.4M ; New Yoilt exchange , l > aiik , Me IIT } 1,00' ' premium ; commercial , $1.23 per $1,000 discount. CUH-AOO , Sept. 3. Clearings , $ l8fil3,4oC ; New York excluinge. iVio discount ; Sterling exchange , posted i ales. J4.S1V-J and $ ) .S7. Stocks , dull ; Diamond mend Match sold at the highest point In a year ; closing : Diamond Match. MS ; Metropolitan I * . K- Stiuwbo.ird. 2SU ; West Chicago , loa'i ; North Chicago cage , 213 ; 1-ulte Stieet , IS ; Gas 5s , 13 , IIKHLIN , Sept. 3. Exchange on London. 20m 3yVipfB for chccki. I'AHIS. Sept. 3. Three per cent rentes , 10U 17'c for the account. Kxcliange on London. 23f 18' c for checks. LONDON , Sept. 3. The amount of bullion withdrawn from Hie Hank of Hnglaud on bal ances today was CIC2.0CO. St. Lonlx ( .eiiernl .IIin-Ivi'tH. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 3. FLOOU-Qiilet : patents l5.UOfiXi.10 ; stralRlils , J4.BOJH.70 ; clear , | t.O'O4.23 ) medium , J3.50iI3.73 , WlllIAT Ixjwcr , closing with September nt ITjc , December l e and May ITic under yester- ibiy. December upeneil Ic lower , advanced 1J ITic , detllned 1 1-lCc , rallied V4c and then went dawn , clusltiff weak with sellers nt the. bottom. Spot , lower ; No. 2 red cash , elevator. 9SHe track. ! ea90ic ; No. 2 hard cash , 90V'C Hack S''puimhcr. U51 c ; December. 9.1Ue ; .May , ! ifiic.- CO1IN nitures n ; > ened qulel , but buyers weie equal to the offerings and the market steadied later declined again with wheat and cloned ul the iK'tlum. fractions below yesterday. Spoi about filcady to llrm : No s canti. 2Sc bid ; Siep- lemlier. 2lc ; asked ; December. 2'J ic avked ; May , S-'lie. OATS Nominal , with a weak undertime ; No. 2 cash , elevalor. 19ie ! b'il ' : No. 2 white. 22ii23o ; Heptember , 19ic bid ; December , 20r4o nskeil ; May. 23o blel , HYK I Wer nt 45' . ' . ji0c ; tiark. COUNMKAL-Strong nt $1.705/1.73. flHAN Strong : ens-t tiack , sacked , COifjlc country points , 5 Hie. IIAY-Stpudy ; prairie , $5.2305.30 ; timothy , $3.00 J.73. l l'TTiri : Steady ; creamery , 13O19'ic ; dairy , KOUS-Oulet at 10V4c. WHISK Y-J1. 21. 1'Ot'LTUY nilckem , wlrong ; old hens , Co nprlnRs , he : ilurkc. , springs , S c ; geeMe , nprlngu , Cc ; turkeyn , hprlngv. 7c7Vic. fOTTON TliS-i3c. ; . MHTALS-I ad , higher nt Jl.l2i/il. 15. Speller strong at Sl.li'.i spat and October. l' OVIHIONS-l'i rlt. easy ; standard mess , Job- bine. iirw. J9.Mff3.75. I.-ird. jirlme steam J4.C2I4 : choice. $4 70 , ll.ieon ( boxed lots ) , extra Hhnrl clear and ilbx , J6.75 : shorlx , $7 , Dry salt iliealn ( boieil HhnulderH ) , | 3.M ; extra shcpit clear and ribs , iC 27 : shorts , $ i > ,37U. UKCRIITrt Klaur. 4,000 bbls. ; wheat , tf.Va bu. corn. 119.000 tin. ; tiats , 2S.OnO bu. IUl'MiNTH : Klnur , fi.OW bhls. ; wheat , 14,000 hu. ; corn , 49,000 hu. ; outs , 10 , W ) bu. < Colfee MnrUet * . NKW YOUK , Sept. 3. rOKK opened uleinly at 10 to IS points lower , rulei Keiierally weak , following unfavorable Kurn | > eun cablt.H and heavy lecelptH ut lllo and Santos causing local and foreign liquidation ; weakness of spot article aided the depression of futures ulosed barely Meuily at 15 tii 20 jwlnts net de ellne : sales , af/X ) IUIKB , Including September I.MlOfiJ.M ; DecembT. J6.20fjli St. Spot coffee , lllo weak. No. 7 , Invoice. JG.OJU.J jobbing , $7.1214 Mild , easy ; Oonlnva. J10.SOSflC.30. Tiital warn hnuse di > llverle.H from the United Slates , 13 34 l.aits , Ini'ludlng I2.3H bags from New York New York dtocl : tmbiy , 40f > 70 brigs ; 1'nllei States tiiiick. 497,90 biigx : nllo.it for III" Unllei Stitteg , JiM.fr'H bags ; total vlilhle for the llnltei Slates. ( .03 9W bags , HH.ilnxl W',81.1 litiga luc y > ar. and 545.001 liagH In 1KI3. IIAVHK. Sept. S.-fOITKU-rinsed ' ( Ulet n i lf net decline ; saleii 38.000 bans , SANTOS. Sept. 3. TOI'KttB-Uull ; Kood aver age Santns. 7,6' ' > ) leis. ; iccelpts , 41,0-H ) bag. ! ; Htock S4I OM 1'HCT. IIA&IIU'Iia. Sent. 3. COI'l'KB-OponiM 1 pft , lower : rlimul ? i l pfg- lower ; Hales , JS.OW bags HIO Dl ; JANBIItO. Hepl. 3-C-OKKUB-Hilll No. 7. Hlo. 7.SOO rels. : exrliange , fd ; recelpls 31,000 big : cleaied for the United States , n.iw urrs ; for Kurope , 10,000 batsu ; stock , ( C , W > Hliuc nml Leullier ItcvliMV CUIOAfiO. Sept. 3. Tlie ChlciiBO Slice am leather Itevlew nf Hentemlier & will say : Th hide situation lit a shade higher. It Is lirglnilln ; to be realized that price * are entirely lee hid and ttiut decided advances In leather must b establlnhid before | > ciMiltllii hldon In bu furihe biiumed. It would uvm lillu I ' hnld "I" an hope ef lower prices at present , but all the In dlcnliiiim are that tlie inark'l has reneiiiil the iipe * and will hold fltMclv wllhuul much ehaiiKe for a lime. Native nnd T xa uli-er hide * June been sold ut lie and lOc fir heavy and light folorad' n and hrrtnded cows have wild HI S'-c linrt Unlit native cmvii were taken al lie. Iliiffn uio Kicuily at lOc. The wmi rn leather maiUelx uiv Klront ; at hUher prio-s. riilliiilt-llililu I'roilui'e I'lIILADKLI'llIA. ft-pl. 3 , III 'TTIIHQuiet but uti-udv fancy westcui ciiumory , 17c. freiili , nearbv 17- fllKKSB-Sleady iOGS1'lrm. . OMAHA LIVE STUCK MARKET Jun from the Ranges Scorns to Bo VToll Unilor Headway ! DEMAND FOR CATTLE CONTINUES STRONG TrniMtiK In All Itriinrltc * Active nl \Vell .SiiHtnlneil 1'rlur.i UIIKH l'iillnv 1'rovlnlniiN In u Ton-Cent Mump. SOUTH OMAHA , Sept. 3. Uccclpts for he days Indlcutcd were : Ca'.tlc. llogiv Sheep. Horses , eptcmbcr 3 4,401 4-'T(5 ( 1,451 2 Saptemher 8 S.O.U fi.USl l.SSS : : Sptember 1 D.'JUl C.S2L' 4.4f3 1 " Augual 31 4Ml 7.0JO 402 Vllgusl 3D 3,499 1,411 I'M ! August SS 2MS C.SI2 S51 . . . . AUMISl 2 ? S.CC. . r.,42t 1,410 25 August 2i ! 3.72S 6,417 1.44D 13 August 23 3.42S 5.45 : . 612 27 \Ugtl t 21 2.4ti3 C.N'2 401 \URUSt 23 3,031 1.W9 2S73 \UgU3t 21 1,915 VJO. 1.402 123 August 20 2,712 4,370 3.TO S The oniclal number of cars of stock bcpught In today by cnuh road was : Cattle. Hops , Sheep. Horses , Ato. 1'nc. Hy. . . . 33 3 Tnlon 1'aclnc. . . 27 III C F. . R & M. V. . . 10 2S C. , St. I * . , M. O 16 4 t. & M. U. H. . 71 13 C. , U. & Q. Hy. . 1 1 . . . . C. , H. I. it P. . 13. 1 1 . . . . C. , U. 1. & 1\\V. , 1 . . . . - _ Total receipts. 163 73 C Thu disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num > > er of head Indicated : Huycrs. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha 1'acklns Co Sitti O. H. Hammond Co UOS 675 K > Swift and Company 231 1.22G Cudiihy Packing Co 870 'J47 t. llecker & Degan fi J. L. Carey 37S .obman & Uothschtlds. , 33i ) . . . II1I & hewls Co 1M . . . > . . . teuton & Undorwood. . . . 5T > 3 . . . IliBton & Co 47 . . . . . . lamllion Ill . . . . . . , lvliiRston IS 5perry & Humes 16S . . , Stiulrcs -73 / . K. llnsa W Cudahy P. Co. , 1C. C 91D Nelson'Morris ' , Chicago 2S9 ' 1 * k'gton P. Co. , Mllw'kc . . . IK ! C. P. at P. Co. . Xcb. City. . . . ao Other b\iyers WS I.efl over . . . 1 , < 10 Tolals 4,0711,747 1.7C3 CATThK Trains were Inte , and al noon there were still some to come. Morning ar rivals numbered 163 cars , Including thirty direct to Cudahy. Nearly everything came rrom the range , and the proportion of feed- ng grades was very large , \vnlle conditions were no better thtn yesterday thn market was fairly active and the movement to the Bcales began earlier. There was nothing new to b finld of the cattle market , or at least < n tbe beef steer portion of It. Killers only found a few fed entile In the pens and no large number of tbu rangers carried beef enough for their use. Prices were generally steady and the supply of all kinds was exhausted In good season. Cows and heifers were also about steady , with the trade fairly brisk where the offerIngs - Ings suited either killers or feeder buyers ; but there was some dullness on Inferior kinds and pome sales looked n shade easier. Bulls , other rough stock and veals were unchanged. Yesterday wns the big day of the year for feeder shipments , 123 cars going out , but there was another large supply In today s receipts , and a large number of rather ordinary cattle wcro Included. Good cattle ( f all weights weie In active request at ytsterday's llgures , but oft colors and rougher or horsey stock was slnw as well as a little lower. The demand was large , however , and the peim were well cleared of all kinds. NAT1VKS IIKEF STKHUS. No. Av. I'r. Xo. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr. 1..1000 13 40 3..1000 14 00 20..1010 $ t S3 11 1000 2 40 20..U02 4 41) ) 103. . . . 113 4 tO 217 . .103C 3 03 12..1lS 440 43..1241 470 20. . . . SOI 3 90 SJ..1221 4 65 COWS. 1 8)0 ) 1 CO 1..1110 275 1..1030 SCO 1. . . . ! )10 ) 173 3..1110 273 ! . . . . U40 313 1. . . . 910 200 C. . . . WO 2 SO ! ) . . . . 950 S 23 2 { 133 223 4. . . . 930 2 5 111..1020 353 " ' 910 223 L. . . 710 'i S."i 2. . . . ' .i03 323 . . . . 2 CO 4..1032 300 11..930 340 U. . . . 9(8 2 75 HKIKKHS. 5SO S 23 4. . . . 173 3 SO 3..533 33) 7W > 3 30 . .14GO 1..I470 2 S 1..12CO 3 00 . .13CO 265 STAGS. .1511 3 05 CALVKS. . 320 4 7."i 1. . . . 270 & 00 BTOUKBHS AND KKIIDHHS. fOO 3 2.1 30. . . . CIS 3 ; 780 4 0) ) 623 3 00 M. . . . 573 3 SO 19. . . DI4 4 00 711) ) 3 SO 0. . . . 922 3 Ki 2S. . . , G'i4 4 00 ceo 3 50 3. . . . f.CO 4 00 9. . . css 4 10 WUSTKUNH. NUUHASKA. No. Av. I'r. Av. I'r. 2 tailings. . . . S'.io ji0 : ! 207 fdrs Tex. SG | 3 ro , l cow SKJO 3 or. "i ) Mrs T.-x. . Kll 4 CO G cows 11511 3 0" ( ,7 feeders..1107 7 heifers low 3 35 IISTHAYH. 1 btecr 1220 3 liTi 2 bteers 135. 4 1 WYOMINU. I bull 1330 275 IJtrTex. 9CO 3 i/ G cows MO 3 00 0 sirs Tex. . V5S 3 r , ci.vvs 840 3 CO to Jlicrs low , 3 112 sirs Tex. 3 40 It. T. CJIovcr. 1 fleer . . .HPO 3 10 1 feeder 1030 : ! 1 steei . .1260 3 10 2 feedt-ls. . . . WO 3 1 heifer. . . . 190 335 1 feeder IO-M 3 2 fcedeib. , . .IOSI5 3 75 2 feeders. . . . 1020 3 Wchlcrn Villon llctf Co. 9 cows 1014 3 55 llcorje Kellne. 1 bull 1320 241) ) 1 bull 1540 300 Coiivei-fe Cuttle Co. 11 fleer ? 1218 350 11 Meem 1173 370 19 sleem 10WI 370 22 feeders..lts 375 KOUTIl DAKOTA. 13 cows 1018 265 29 cows 9IG 3 15 1 bull 1770 2 S3 : , iK'IffiH 018 3 33 Scows 102C 2 So 1 feeder 730 3 50 i tuiih > B..iGo 3 ooV. V. Ilernnrd. 1 steer 11M ) 3 G. " > 10 fpi'rtciH. . . . 919 S'.iO 2 steers 1105 3 C5 3 calves 37G I 10 COLOHAUQ. 2 cows 875 2 25 4 heifer * 702 3 23 1 cow 1 > 7 ( ) 1 cow linn 3 50 2 cows 1140 3 00 37 feedcid. , . , 10' ) 4 15 1 cow 1160 3 10 1 eulf 240 5 l MONTANA. 22 heifers COI 3 K 22 feeders..US3 3 50 2 bulls t.71 3 40 28 feeder.HOI 4 no 2 feeder 1135 350 1C feeders. . . . M'S I a-i 1 feeder 1200 3 IK ) 1 calf 270 4 25 Custer Cat UP Co. 92 fcedem.111G 385 Jlm-phy Cuttle Co. 1 bull 13V ) 275 7 feeders..1297 SCO 4 heifers. . . . illKi 3 ) 10 feeders..1I1C 375 Olio I-'ruiicu. 14 cows 81-J 2 SO 12 ? heifers. . 778 3 CO 1CS heifers. . .771 3 GO 92 feeder * . . . . 1021) ) 400 kS heifers K3iJ 3 M 17 leed-rs. . . 817 405 D6 helfeiH . 7G5 3 GO lien Hob rln. 1 feeder 740 4 05 31 feeil rs. . . , 6'4 4 03 27 feeders , . . . 904 4 05 HOClri The uupply only leached 4'J7ti , or about l.Goo K' s than yenterday'.s twi-lpts. No cbaiiRu was fiuji.ililc. for either the fiiit-nil mil of welvlns or tliu iiuallty. The failure of provisions to hold yeblc-iduy'K early advance und Hie we.iknoin repoilcd from other hoi ; markets caused a .V'uKv illup In prices , but Hellers were vvllllni ! tn nuke thn concession and lb" it-null WIIH u fairly active marKel , Itood medium lo IlKht vtiilBhla went Hie leudlesi nellcis , as hlp | > eiii us well us packer * , vv.inled ihfiii , and were mostly only f'C Uvvrr. while bl * pacltlnif Kiuden , fur which lher viaa lees coiupellilnii , loll tin * full decline of Ml I' ' * ' , and vvt-ie u Hal 10o lower on the vveult cloke. Nuthlni : Mild In-low t3.S5 , and 13.95 wus pruo- Ill-ally bottom pi lee for heavy hem , wllb HUI-S | of thu best heavies leaching 14.05. LlKht lo medium welRhtH hold nriuml JI.Wtfl.10. wllb Mio bulk of all tin- ali-H ut ? 3.i.WI.O > . UKain t 4,10 ye lerd.iy. Hepicsenliillve calcs : No. Av. Hh. Pr. ini' Tiier ' wcro none recelvf.1 , nml but few iKld hunchrn of holdovers on snle. Th n iket W4sniin'iully linn. ycnl I ds nrrlv.vi un late ttnlns. lli-prcjentntlve sales : N > > - Av. I'r. K western ewe . st J2 7S 24 wrstein lambs . fi7 4 CO 9 native lambs . S4 4 7J t'lin'ACO 1.IVW ST ) ( 'lt AIAIIKKT , C'nKli * SdniljHIIKN DIMIII Another llm < ' _ ShccVell | TaUen. rillCAHO. Kept. 3. Trade In cattle was eaty. Prices \\ere steady nt the recent decline. Half of the supply consisted of westerns and Texnna. Native fleers sold nt from JJ.7S to J.V30 , chiefly at from II.M to t .10. with extra Int-t scnire nnd salable at from JJ.V. to 5.KO. Silos of stucken and feeders were at fiom JJ.30 to M.S. ! . u few prime feeders golm ? for Jt.4i ? and M.DO. Most ot the calves went li > thi > slfliujliterei ! . . Texas cattle sold motly at front 2.S5 to J3.W , and west. ern * hroURlit from JJ.IS to JI.4H. I'rlces for hoijs broke ltv- . Sales weie at from I3.W to 14 for heavy puckers , up to J ( 45 and J4.1 * for choice tti prime assorted light , the biiik ot the IIORS sellliiK for from $1.10 tii J4.3.pigs ; sol * at fnim ja.50 to JI.50. A good many prissy nnd half-fat IIORS ntv comlim. and mch klniH nro discriminated ncaltiKt , rellliiK ut finm 2Jc to 40o under teed cornfed bocn of eiiual welglits. OfferliiKs of slu-pp and liimba were well taken. Ijrnbs were In particularly KI--VI , loman < l nd some prime ones brought jirf. n furthrr ndvnne * of ir.c. Western range sheep < ild at from J3.S5 to M.SJ , feeders taklni ; Rrcat numtM-rs al from W.M to M.60. A few natives sold for from 2 to 13.1" . and choice In extra lots broiiRht from J4 to J1.2S. Heavy sheep sold below handy Mllcrn , us expnrlers were not biiylni ; . IlKCUII'TS C'atlle. .TOOO head ; hogs , 27,000 heuilj ahccp , 14,0i > 0 head , X > T - Vorlt l.lvp Sliiek 'Mnrlcet. NI3W VOKK. Sept. 3 IIHHVKS-llfcelpln. S.2I7 head ; , active , lite higher all around ; iiatlvn Hteern , | 4.4CrX30 ; stags and oxen. M.WWI.5' ) ! bulH. f2.SOS3.CO ; dry cows. ? : .00fr3 ifl. Kuro | > eun eablert quote American sleets at lO'lfTllije ; re. frlgerator beef at SWOTc. exports today , 194 beeves. 95 sheep. ( \\KVKS Ileo'liits , 2fl heiil ; ven's , ' , e lowers Kr.issrr. < .nnd bullermllkn , stiady ; venls. | "i.COi | 7.25 ; rasscrs inij butternillkj , J3.-Oif I. S3 ; westerns - erns , H 2'i. SIIEii' AN'I ) lAMltSIterelplM. . 3W henitt active , Vic higher all uimmd ; sheep. } ! OOir4.0U | lambs. tl.roji.40. , ; tlOOS-lte.'olpts , 2,044 head : higher i J4.CO 4.90. SI. I.oulf. ltv < * Sioi'l. . ST. I/lflS. Sept. : l.-l\\TTli-l : ] celpts. 10.001 head ; shlimii-nts , 3OiW head ; maiKfl l niiv fir natlvrn ; Ti-xin , . strrnir but lower : fair to fancy native fleers. I4.2ff4 8. ; ilri't-nl Inw-f tint buleheisteels. . J3.8.Mfl I.1) ! ) ; light SIIMMH. sn.TrJfl..V ) ; stockers iiml teeders , $2..pMUn.2.i ; cnwa and h 'fers ' , SC.ux/iM" : Texas nnd Indl.m sii'-is. (2.90n.10 ; cows. } 20)ii3.0'J. ) ( HOHS Hrei'lpln. fi.OOO lie ail ; H'llpm.'llts. . .I.IW hi'iiil ) nuiU.'l r,1ilOibiwvr : ll-jlil , il.ripl.40 ; mixed. 14.10V 1. 3.1 : heuvv. { I.ODVH.ID. SIllJKr-lleeelptH. l.ftV ) head ; shlpmi-nls. I. CO ) head ; maikel slionii al J2.8itft.7."i ; stecKpfs. J2.-3 i3.oo : iambs. } 3.oi.i , : > . KIIIISIIN ( 'llv ll\c Stoi'K 'ttnrUrl. KANSAS CITY , Sept. 3. I'ATTMJltiectpt , 7.noi head : b-M natlvi-s steady ; xtocK'Ts nnd feeders n liltle weak ; Texas ttmirK. TexiiK cows. J2.3f.5iS. 25 ; natUc ste-era. 3.S > fl' > .S | ) : native c-iws iind h ifen. $1 23 < tl ; ntorUerw and feedem. J.I.IWf I..V , ; bulls J2..VWi3.rM. I1OHS Itwi'ljilH. ll.fliW heiiil : m-iiliet SWlOo lower : bull : of mile. . $ l.12'Ui ' 1.17 ; licavIOK. St.lOSi'l.M'.j ; packers , it.tVHTI.lt : mixed. Jl IdW J.rJVliiihls. ; . ll.OUd'I.IO : yuiknn , M.2'H.2i' ' ' . : pltiH. J1.7C5fl.lK. HIIKHI' lleeelnlx. 2.000 he. id : nvuKei su-.idy ; lambs , S3.W8i.CO ; mulloni. J3.i'0ff3.r.0. Sti > eU in Ileeonl of recelplB of live slock at the four prluclp.il nurkclH for September 3 : ( 'Httle. Hints. Sluen.- Omaha . < . ' . l 4,97ii 1.4" t Chicago . S. 1" Z7l > ii 1 " ' < Kansas City . 7.0ffl 11.00) 2/0) St. J.nul.1 . . . lo,0no Booo , i.coi Totals . SI.4C4 < S.nTii 18,431 ICtiiiNHN ( 'lly .11irketH. KANSAS f'lTV , Sept. 3. WI113AT 102e lower , closing weak nt the liotlom : N" . 2 haul. WW SC' c ; mixed and Dscembcr , MffSOc ; No. 3. SSUC R4'.e ' : No. 4. MfffSlc : No. 2 Koft , l 2W > 3Vji : . two cat's fancy. Sic ; No. 3 , SS1j6)c ; No. 4 , S4ffMc ; No. 3 , "So. COHN Willie. UilVjC lower ; mixed , llffV.o higher ; No. 2 mixed , 2T027"ic ; No. 2 white , " ( lATS-Steady nnd fairly nctlve ; No. 2 while , Ii5l'i0'je ! ; fancy , 22c. 11VK-W.MU ; No. 2. 4Sc. HAY Active ; choice timothy , $ . . .iO ; choice ' " ' "iiuTTll'uiwi'aK ; creamery , ISiiSlS'.ie ; dairy , ioVS ; Weak ; d"inand light ; Missouri and HHC'liirTS Wheat , 231,400 bu. ; corn , IC.'jOO bu , ; oats , in.ono liii. Stlll'MKNTS Wheat , 237,000 bu. ; coin , 18209 bu. ; oats. 0,000 bu. _ Iliilllmore .Mill-Lelx. HAI.T1MO111' : , Sept. " KI OMt Quiet and un. changed' iciH-lpt1 * . S.fCiT hlil . ; exports , 3.315 bblf. W11HAT Weak. Spot , OlliirlUc ; December. 1)9 ) fii'.i'/c ' ; sleane-'r. No. 2 led. SJiff'.i.lVic ; receipts , 2 > 0fi)0 bu. ; cxpiiils , ] ( i2)03 ! liu.- Moiilhernvheat , by rumple. ! Kcf/Jl.rO ( ; on Brade. iriUf994c. | COHN l-Jiify. S | > 'Jt. SD ' 'Wdc , leei-nilir. lu-w or old SU lc imkeil ; tleainur mixed. : ; 4it3l'ic ; re ceipts. 121r..VJ bu.j expoils. 207,317 m. ; southern white and yellow corn. 3Ec. OATS Steady ; No. 2 white , 2lc ; leeeljits , 27r.i bu. bu.IIYIJ l-'lim ; No. 2 western , 5c ; ircelpts , 2,123 hu. hu.HAY Weak : choice timothy , J1300S13SO. OIIAIN ritKIOIITS l-'lrmer ; fleam to Liver pool. per bu. . 3'sd. September , Curk. fur oldera , T.H ' .ill. Septomber. IHI'ITKII Steady and U'olnraeil. lines Kit in nnd uneliiinceil , CHIJHSU I'lrin and uiiPhnnie ; < l. \ > ' \v Vnrl ; Dry < iiioil N'KW YOHIf. Sept. 3.Tho dry i'odi < insiket for the piefcciil t\ei'k ubows adfiiinle. | If not phenomenal , H'IUM . Thu inaiket Ix ( IrniiK. ten. with the Hiir.talned slifngth ) ja e < l oa general cnntldeiiro lhrnugb nt Hie eniinlry. The ill.itrlbu- linn both at fccci/nd hinuls nml In th'1 Imnils of letHlliH-x ronlluiirs fairly in live , afi'or.lnw m nil i-epurts. The driiiand IM well dlutrlbuteil In rtnple inltniiH the 111:11 U"l Is Hill dccld dl > - firm , sellers icfu.illu ; l allow biiyrx lowpr term. < t ! m llioxe imw prevnlllnit CM ejil nn rp'clnl i > umonii , 1'rlnt elntbs me ftlll Dim nt Kail Ttlvrr. with many bldn ippnrled for I'XtiHH , hpnlH and curly delivery nl ! ? le. The njfer * nn > mil met by 'el- li'i . except small lots III home Instances Tlie rul * i'f odd Kiioibt have been iUte | | li"r. : . . . I'llntH me iigiiln In fair ilriniinil with pil-en w Ml m"ln- talned , Wuulen goo'is In nil giade * are ft , in nrJ rjalet. I.l > orpiiol ( Irnlii nnd I'riivlNjiiiiN , I.IVIIIll'OOI. , Sept. 3 rilOVJHIlJNP ll.el. er. tra IiHlla mem. Him , fs I'xl. lii-rf. pi line IIICB.I , Him , SfiM 8d. 1'nrk , | iilm menu , line western , linn. : , Ui > , llaum , hhnrt cut. dull , Sku r-1. I ! . 11:011 : , Inim i-lear mlildlix , heavy , nun , 23i i.d Sliutild rn , hquaie , Him. 'Mi. Laid , tpol , ilull , 2'm Jd. ( * ll IJKHI3inoilc.in nixsi whinKleady. . 4.a ; Aineilcfin i "lured , lmdy , 41" " . I WlliAT-No. : I ted. m.ilhi'ni fpilni ; linn , Ra 41. C'OltNSpot , Ameilciin inUed. new , llrm. 3 < 5J ; Amnil un mixed , nl < l. steady , St , 'i'/l ' < l ; fcptcmher , tlfuily , Ss 4Wd ; Uclobcr. Hirudy. 3n 4d. l-'MJl'U St. J.ollln faney wlntir. K'.cndy. KM , Th)1 ifcejplH of whejil illirlng the pant iluee days were 31 : . UO cinlals , liieluillm ; 211. iwi crntaU AmerliMii. 'I'lie rercii | | of American corn iluilni ; tlie past three ( ln > were 3..fUJ ci'Ht.ila. Wiutlmr pjitiully clmuly. CIiii'liiiuill AlnrLi'lM. f INI'IN.N'ATI. Kepi. -KLOilH Steady. WIIKAT-Carlei : No. 2 leil , a : . W.4c. fOUN-KtiuiiKi No. 2 mixed , 31H'1. OATK-Klrni ; No. 2 mixed , 20f(204e. ( ! IIYK l.'asler ; No : 2 , I'Je. III'LK MUATS--l''lrm nl JC.10 , llacon , Him ot J7.IO. Laid , euHler ut JI.70. WlllSHV-tMlet nt tt.ZI. IIHTTKIt . ( Julct. Kl'flAlt-Klrni. KdUS-lJiilei ill lie. UIKIMII-Klrni. f TOI.HDO. Sept. 3. WIIKATViiU ; h'o. 1 eaidi. S'-iilnnb r nn'l Decembtr. SI'1. COHNActive - No. 2 mixed , J2'le. OATH Wie.idy : No. 2 mull , H'.ie. ' HVK-Hull ; No. 2 curfh , f.Oc. CI/IVIIH SI'IKH-Actlvc ; prime , curli , JLl'S't ' , Oil > llirU.-t . I.ONI ON Hcpl. 3.-OII.S CilcutlH 'In eel 3I lid ; near at bund dellveiy , ! IIH : M. l c.ike. 0 Ibx. . : C < Cd ; Ill.H'Pd oil , Id ; cm-uunul oil , i:20. : cixouuul , t'eylon , 3. ! \df \ Petroleum , American icllund. I VI ; AmtHc.in rilrlli | 7d , Sun ( ' 'rniii'lfc ) ' ! ) When I nnil llnrli-y. HAN J'UANCIriC'O. Sept. 3-WllKAT-gulctj Deci'iiiber. Jl.f.C'i ; Hay. J1.1C'- . IIAKI KV-lnH.-llve ; December. We. JAMES E. BOYD & CO. Telephone 1030. Omnltti , Nob. -COMMISSION- CHAIN : PROVISIONS : AND : STOCKS iin/tmi or TIIAIIK. Direct nlrts to Clilcato imd Hew fork. ComipoadtuUi Jvhn A. Wurnm A C *