TITli ! OAfATFA T > AIIYV lllflm. VHAV. AITmTH'P HO. 1fl ! 7. BUILDING THE EXPOSITION Contracts Odrricd on According to Schedule and Without Delay , EVERYTHING TO DE READY OPENING DAY All Die Main llullilliiitn AIII " ' ' I Lourxiof Erection lleforo the Clone of JM-II- tt'inlx-i- . Thp work on the exposition ground , ! Is projreM ? lng favorably The grading on the main court Is now completed and It In no longer dllllcult for n visitor to form In his mind cje a picture of how the main eourt will look when the buildings are erected and oil of the embellishments arc In place The Bite which each building Is to occupy Is now inaikcd by a depression of from two to four ftit All around Iheso dopre-fllonH the Ktoiind IH levelled off nnd covered with black dllt In readlnei * for the gardener when the building * shall ha\e been completed. In the doprcBaions the plica for the foundations Kill be- driven and the buildings erected on th ( e the doors of the building * rising ellghtly above Iho level of the ground ur- roundlng them. All Is now road ) for the building contractors and within the next thirty dajs the main court will bo a verit able bee hive Contract for the' erection of the Adminis tration building , the Manufactures building , the Mines and .Mining building , nnd the Ma- chlnery and Klcctrltlt } building have been let , and the Agriculture- building will bu put on Iho boards for hld.i this week. The workIng - Ing drawing * for the Art building will be riady for the contraelors within a few daj , and the revised plans for the Auditorium are- under contract lo be completed by Sfplcmbei 10. Plans for the new building for the main court , the Liberal Arm building , will be completed within a short time. The Administration building is In the hand of Ilrigg' & Cti'hman , carpenters , aul J.eo lionet staff confnctor The frame work of the building Is almcat completed and the work of putting on the staff was commenced Saturday morning Tula building will be completed within thirlj da > * sicoNi : > iiuii-uiNci ir.vnnu WAY The .ManufucturiH building Is let to It C Sttohlow of Omaha carpenter , and Smith S. Kastman of Chicago staff workeis The pile foundation H all In place , nnd the sill and portions of the superstruelure have been completed In some parts of the building The miterial 1' ncxirlj all on the ground and llu < wo It la progicislng rapid ! } . The staff contiactors have thrh woks-hop complete 1 and have commenced work on molding tlie staff ornamental work Ooldle & S"its of Chicago have the carpenter contract fat the Mines building and lhc > MJ they will commence- work pulling In Hie foundation this week lite staff contract for this building was let to Smith & nastmau The contract for the Machinery and Illec- trlnlly building was let K-ldnj of List week to Hamilton Bros , caipenteis , Omaha , and Smith S. naitman , staff contractors The supervising aichltect of ihe Treaiurj department of the federal governinc'tit Is at work on the plans for the government build ing and It Is nnnouneed from that olllce that the building will be under < ovc - b ) Jan uary 1 nnd that the taff work will be carrl.d on Inn hie the building When It I" borne In mind that ihe ereclion of * > taff buildings Is almost like the growth of a magic city In the night bv the lamp of Alladln It will be seen that the progiesj made up to this ilmc Is rcollj wonderful If the necessity arose for cxterenie haste any building on the ground could be completed within sixtj dajs , so that the apparent slow ness 1 only the result of Involunta-y com parison with ordinary building operations. HUILDINOS TO DC I'AJNTKD. Although no ofllclal announcement has been made , It has been practically dccldr-l that the "old Ivorj" effect on the bullding.i will not be accomplished by mixing the coloring material with the staff 88 It is being prepared , but will be obtained by painting the bulMingb after the fatal * Is all in place. This decision scorns to be the remit of a strong disinclination on the part of the staff contractors to try what thej tay Is simply nn experiment Notwithstand ing the fact that the art building In the Nushvlllo exposition Is a forcible pi oof thai the staff maj be successfully colored , the contractors refuse to concede that It maj bo done , and the attempt to convince them has been abandoned. KxpriInients are now being made with a cheap paint bj which the same effect maj bo proluced This paint will be sprajcd on the immense surfaces of the main buildings 'with air brushes , similar to tho'-o uwd at the World's fair Tor this puipose com pressed air machlnerj Is used and Ihe paint Is aptajed In a fine stream thiough a nozzle ( which Is handled bj a workman In much the aaino mannei as hose Is used to sprinkle a lawn , nxperlments have recentlj been mudu at the Union Pacific shops , which has the largest compiessed air plant In this put of the country. It has he-en demonstrated that this paint maj be put on hj these machines at a price which l , < ildlculouslj low One of the machines with which these experiments have been made has seven iio//.les and the snrfaco which may be lov- cred In a day bj a single maihlne Is aston Idling The paint with which experiments liavo been made Is a rich , warm cream color nnd appeals to be permanent In Itn eoloi It Is being subjected to severe tchls and will bo adopted If It passes thimigh the ordeal succcssfnllj With this as a back El omul the rich hues contemplated In the claboiato color scheme of the main couit will stand out In strong contract and Impart a rich llavor lo the scene which will ilval tbit hoautlcH of old I'ompell. DIVISION or m.urr TRACT. The grading of thi bluff tiact IH aboul completed and the- work nf electing the buildings which are tn stand on thl.s portion tion of the grounds will soon bu commenced. 'A ' line dia\\ii acioss this tiuct cast and west fiom the east end of the \laduct leading Into the bluff tract fiom the main court will divide the tract Into two distinct ceo- tloiit ! . North of tills line will bo llio. I'lals- aiue with Its fomlgn v Hinges , Its engineer ing no\cities , nnd UK various sources of ( iimiDcmcnt and Instruction South of this line will be the lioitlcciltiiral section of the Croat show , taking thefoim , In part , of a beautiful park where Ihe public may seek lost and repose and enjoy nt Iho fame tlmo a view nf the beautiful vallej of the IMIhsouiI and the frowning bluff * hkliting the rivet nn the Iowa side. The Haitlcultuio building will form u pioniliu'iit feature of this fortiori of the crniindfc It will stand about In thn center of the smith half nf the bluff tract , op- prallu I.otluop Mi cot It will be n hand some am ) Imposing building and will bo filled with rare ami beautiful creations of iiaUile. , Surrounding this building will bo a htMiltlfnl park , 111 led with ( lower beds nnd winding walks and with plenty of vhady Tinoks wheru the visitor may tscck rest while enjoying the beauties of nature Hero and thcic about this park will be the various stale buildings , ench nf which in 111 hn used onlj as a meeting place for \lnltors fiom all over the land The Ne braska building will bo prominent among tlicte and will prohahl ) be Ihe headquarters fop meny of the states. The Nehratka Rx- jxwlilon commission has offered iiccommoda- tlona In their building to any state which Otelrrs to take advantage of It and the building Is designed to afford plenty of ollho room beBtdee the ample parlom and leading rooms , toilet rooms , and the numerous other ( hlngti lie-dreary for the accommodation of thn v lulling public , but which could find no plaeo In an exhibit building. SHVIJKAU STATH Ilt'IUUNGS. The Indications at this time are that pev- er.il other slatia will erect buildings of their own on this tract. Illinois will have a building ; Wisconsin has taken steps to crecj a handbomo building which will be decorated by iho mimeroiifl mineral spring companies of tha state ; Iowa will have . tinte buildIng - Ing for a meeting place for lowans , negotia tions are being made by one or two other elate * , for space nnd other preliminaries for thu erection of tale buildings , and It ap pears probable that the slate buildings will form a prominent feature of the bluff park The experiment of mixing black earth with the clay of ( he bottom of the lagoon end rolling the mixture with a heavy steam i eeviHB to bo a success 10 far M iiolo- Ins w ( rr In concerned The rnllre bottom ban been rolled And In M level and hard M a floor Water from the rain early In the week IB still standing In places In the lagoon Thn work on the nhcet piling which Is to line the hanks of the canal in progressing ntowly The stay piles and back piles nro all In place and the work of bracing the clay plls by fastening them to the back pllen IH going along. The stringers to which the Khcct piling Is to bo fastened are being put In place nnd the sheet piling In on the ground ready for use Since the bnnkfl of the canal have been "fliinnred up" It has been rather Ineonv en- lent to get from the north to the south side of the lagoon without going entirely nround the big hole , n distance of at least half a mile. A temporary bridge will probably be put acre * * nt the point where the perma nent Iron bridge will be constructed , where the canal Intersects Twentieth street. fonlliiciiii'iil mill tliiril Work Indoors particularly In the sitting posture. are fai more prejudicial to health than ex- icsfUo muscular exertion In the open air Hard sedentary workers are far too wenry after office hours' to take much needful c\- eiclse In the open nlr. They often need n tonlo Where can they seek Invlgorntlon moie certainly ami ngrceably than from Hos teller's Stomach Hitters , a renovant pnrtlcu- hrly adapted to recruit thi exhnustcd foico of nature Use nlso for dyspepsia , kldnej Ilvei nnd rheumatic ailments. Snm'l Hums offers a white nnd gold toilet sol , ten pieces. $3. Night attack on Ft Slimier Ashland Pept titli Round trip ticket ? 7R cents , at 1M)2 ) Farnam and U.03 Farnam. Wm. C. Oo s - COAL Tel U07. Office and jarde 1Hh & Nicholas I't ! Tnic-liiT oru'liolnr In the public schools of the United States 15 veurh nt age nnd over , should have a copy of the Northern Pacific's new nnd beautifully Illustrated book , Wonderland ' ! " It Is especially adapted for use In the public schco's in the study of geography and hls- totv. and as nn aid In the study of the notthwrst nnd Its varied and vast resources The book has a lago amount of valuable data but Is not by any means a compen dium of dry statistics. The beautiful Like Park region of Mln- no'ota. the Red River Valley of the North. the icimrkabtc wheat land of the countrj , and Pvramtd park , where hundreds 01 thou sands ) of cattle nro raised , are described Yellowstone park nnd Its wonderful can- vans and lakes , wate falls and gojsers has a long chapter given to It. A elnoter on several of the richest min im ; districts of the northwest , telling how th v weie discovered nnd developed will be an inteiestlr.g one to everjbodj Some of llip'u discoveries were1 made In very funny waja Four gicnl snow mountains , old volcanoes , on the north Pacific coast have a chaptei devoted to them which gives much of their hlbto'v A new mom tain range , one almon un known lu the noithweH corner of the United states Is hi ought to the readers' attention It ! < n gloilouci region , with deep , beautiful Likes full of new varieties of trout , made famous bj a reir admiral of the I nited States IKIVJ- . Alaska also has a place In Its , pagcn. The booklet has a handsome cover and Is beantifutlv and piofu elj Illustrated. Anv teacher or scholar can have a copj bv sending n cents in postage stamps to Charleri S Fee. general pvhenger agent , St Paul Minn Heie Is an opportunity which should not be lest to obtain homething of Interest and value almost tor nothing , and out schools dhould reap the benefit of It. I iilon I'll c I lie. "The Overland Limited. " The moit SUPERHLY EQUIPPED train west of Missouri River Twelve houis quicker than anv othei train to 1'aclfii ; Cca't. Call at Ticket Ofllre 1102 Farnam St. I'lMMJ TO nvi'lJMJ ITS \VOHIf. Iliilinof the ( iooil Slii-pln-nl It More Itooiu. Miout Iw cut jfive members nnd friends of the League of the Good Shepheid held a meet ing In the Commercial Club roonib jes- teida > afteinoon to discuss the field coveted by the hoclctj and the futuic outlook. John Ruhh presided , with MlbO Rooncj as t > ecre- tai j' . Mrs Mary Andrews delivered a lengthj addicts In which she told of the good done by the South Omaha homo for erring gltla and helpless women. She htatcd that the pteient accommodations of the home were taxed to the utmost , and that as the field for Its usefulness enlarged the Institution should keep pace with It. She therefore utged that challtnbly inclined perbtirs Khould Interest themselves In. the home and bend their energies toward making It even a greatei success than It Is at present. Shoit speeches were also made along the dame lines by C J. Smyth and othcrb Rev II J McDevitt spoke upon the aubject of charities in connection with the system In vogue in Denver and o'her cities. The mer chants In the western metropolis had con tributed llbctally to the associated charities on condition that they should not be troubled by mendicants A central home was erftjbllshed , and meil tickets procurable for a MM.il ! amount of labor were distributed to lht > merchants , to be given to the worthy poor The speaker thought that Omaha tdiould adopt the same plan and that It would be a good Idea to call a masb meet ing of members of the league and friends to dlsiiihs the subject A date fet the meeting will bt > eet In the near future Running sores , indolent ulcers and similar troubles oven though of many j ears' stand ing , ma > be cured by uetng DeWltt's Witch Ili/el Solve. It soothes strengthens and heal * It is the great pile cure N'o Inskt't lunches neceHfearj no luggage no wort v just bring jouraelf Mbor Day exclusion to Afchland 75 ceuts for round trip m > llir.S TO I1K IIMIIJSTH VI MSI ) . \ oiiuutilrl \i rt-Mti'il riiarm-il liuMiirlulliIllt.0. LU/le Davles a girl of 17 , Is locked up In the malion'fi department at the police fiUtlon on n charge of Inroirlglblltly. Her parents Iu ! > at 4)32 ! ) Davenport stiect. About tin eo weeks ago thn girl became Imbued will ) nn Idea lo see the world , and accord ingly left home- ono night without Hist bid ding hci parentu goodbye She was gone for neaily a un.lt and was finally located by the pollco and sent to her home The gill was dUsatlbfied with her surioundings and last Mondnj again xuddcnly took her deparluio for places unknown , She was attested last night near Fifteenth nnd Web ster st loots In company with a young man whom her parents hnvn forbidden her to associate with She has no complaint to mukd of her homo , except that she does not llko to bo restrained , and following this plan wants to MO the world rillniiul X > M'I nun. The Hmilimton's inoinlug Omaha-Denver and af lei noon Omaha-Chicago trains have recentlj been newly equipped from end lo end 'llio chair and emoklng car 4 as well as the sleepers arc i > rovldcd with wide ve - llbuleh and are lighted by Plnlfich gas. The c hi I r tai uru In in ewood , the smoking earn In oak The Miioking cars have iccllnlng cliulis and am finKhcd In a style distinctly in advance of anything heretofore attempted. Excellent taste has been displayed In thb Interior decwatlous nf these magnificent trains which are by far the handoomest out of Omlia. Five complete trains are required to main- lain regular service between Denver , Onnlm and Chicago Three cf the new trains are now In service The others will follow shortly THket office 1502 Farnam. Vlu riileauo. Mllnniil.rft .t St. I'aul HllllMII ) , A long list of excursion points to which round trip tickets will be told at greatly re duced rate * . The renditions for euinmer toiUtj ! were never more liberal tnan those for this teuton. For full Information us to routes , rateo , llmlu , selling date * , etc. , ap ply at the city ticket olllce IGOi Farnam st. P. A. NASH , General Western. USE AND ABUSE OF WEALTH Bishop Newman Discusses This Problem nt the first Methodist Ohuroh , WEALTH IS GIVEN TO BLESS HUMANITY Anj Other t'nc of It lloiMinioN nil Alitinc mill llrliiKH Dlnureillt 1'oxncHHiir of It. Seldom 1m B the aeatlng capacity nnd tnnd- Ing room of any Omaha church been so severely taxed as at the First Mothod'ut Kplscopal ehnrch yesterday morning. Kveiy neat In the largo auditorium and In the gal lery was occupied , and on- the gallery etcps nnd In the aisles were n couple of hundred more auditors anxious to hear the f.cnnon of Hlshop John P. Newman. Had the cdlflcc been half again as large It would have been well filled because n largo number of per sons were turned away nt the door on nc- count of the great crowd present The choir was considerably augmented , and In addi tion to thu regular muclcal program several special anthems and oolos were rendered. Re\B .McQuold , Maxfleld , SaundcrH nnd Hod- getts , the latter foimerly pastor of the Tenth Street Methodist church and now sta tioned at Norfolk , Neb , were also present. In Ills sermon Illshop Newman devoted much attention to wealth and the use there of lie ald that ministers were not alto gether free from the worship of mammon. Some of the best friends the Mai ter had weic rich men , millionaires of their day. He re called the wealth of John , the loved disciple , nnd of Joseph The great harm came not from wealth but from the nli\itv of wealth. The sell'Mlmce-H of wealth was the great sin He npokc of the funerals of two mllllonalrca that he had seen In New York Olt ) , The one was merely a procession of the family nnd n few frlendd of the dcccau'ed , and would not have attracted attention had It not been lor the great wealth of the deceased. Great crowds lined the streets when the funeral cortege of the other pas-cd by , and though It wao a cold day of winter , men uncovered their heads and women bowed In reverence aa the funeral paeaod them. The one man had Used his great wealth for selfish pur poses and the othei had d'spen&cd hlr > freely among the poor , building hospitals , erecting schools , and relieving the wants of the poor nnd the needy. "The hatred of the world today , ' continued Hhhop Newman , "l not to wealth , but to the abuse of wealth. 'Ihcao deluded citizens of ouis who are today lift ing up their voices crjlng out against wealth would bo irMlllonalrea tomorrow if they only could \Vta\t Is a talent qlvcn to some for the good of Others , and Its best UEC Is for the education of orphans , the care of widows , chailty to all who are In need of aid and suppoi t. SUPERFICIAL APPLAUSE. "There In nothing EO unsubstantial as the applause of the world The .Master knows thl . The cry of the world today la 'Halle lujah ' Tomonow It is 'crucify him. ' There Is no condemnation In Christianity , young men , against popularity or ambition , when ever thu motive is of high purpose. Re member this , > oung men ; let this nlwajs live in jour hearts the truly good are the trulj great , and the trulv great arc the truly good. One of the slanders that lies come down to us thiough the drama Is the statement of Shakespeare that 'the evil that men do lives after them ; the good Is oft In- tened with tlieli bones ' Not so , a thousand times , not so The mcmorj of the wicked Is short lived. It yhall soon die. The truly good are the truly great , and the truly great are the truly good. "You ask mo 'Is the woild today grow ing better ? ' I rcplj 'that depends upon the standard jou are measuring the world by. " If jou are judging by arithmetic , I answer 'no' If by algebra , 'jes. ' The stjlo of many ministers of the gospel Is to estimate that there are bo many million people lu the world , so many of whom are Christians. so many Jews , ho many Mohammedans , so many heathen , nnd so on , lamenting that after nineteen centuries there are so few Christians. "Is there a jurist , or a phjslclan present , who would think of estimating the benefi cence of his profession by arithmetic ? Is there a statesman here who would under take to calculate the good of government by arithmetic ? No , rather would thej em ploy the science of algebra , to bolve these problems by the aid of the unknown quan tity. The kingdom of heaven Is like unto the unknown o.uantltjThere are unknown Chiistlans all about us. What right have you to Judge a Christian by nothing save your creed ? Generosity , catholicity , not bigotry. Is what we want. If v\e judge Christianity by arithmetic U Is a failure ; It ahvajs hat ) been , and alwajs will be. Hut what we want to do Is to measure by the unknown quantity. "If jou judge of the advancs of socletj by the dully prcts. It Is a failure , for the telegraph gives us crime from all parts of the world If the press would for one week and two Sundajs give us a relief from the publication of murders , robberies and other crimes nnd supplj us with n Danquet of vir tue nnd charity , then the newspaper men themselves would come to believe that the millennium had come. No man or woman can enjoy life or ac complish much In this world while suffering from a torpid liver. DeWltt's Little Early the pills that cleanse that quickly. si ccnssKi i- si MJAY i\rrnsmv. iii-\i-ii ; CIIIH-II I.iuulH of 'Si'IiraNkaiiN VlNlt Olllllllll. The first of the series of Sunday excursions to be run by the Union Pacific for Nebraski cities Ijing within a radius of fifty mllrs vvis succersfully carried through jesterdaj A large number of people from Stromsburg , Valnaralso Valley , and points further west on the main line took advantage of the low rates nnd visited Omaha The train , as It nulled up at the union depot shortly after 10 o'clock vcsterdiy morning , numbeiod eleven coithes It U estimated they eairiod fullv 350 people. The cxcumlonlsts passed nearly the whole day In the city The weather was delightful , and all were loud In their nialva of a day spent abroad. The train left Omaha for the "return trip last evening at 7 o'clock. pnitso.VAi , PAH \ < ; HAI > IIS. \ \ ' . Hakcr and wife of Albion arc In the city. city.J. J. H. Latrow of Eagle Is stopping at the Ilarkcr. r McCoy of Chicago Is registered at the Darker. II. L. Porter of Independence Is at the Millard. Rdwln Oloor of St , Louis Is a guest at the Millard. W. I ) . Newman of Philadelphia Is at the Millard. J. K. Purlton of DCS Molncs Is stopping at the Ilarkir. Oeorgo K McIIle of Chicago Is registered at the Millard. F A. Kull of ConiK'llsville , Pa. , Is stop ping at the Millard. a Judge Ja > L. Torrcy of Ember , Wjo. , Is a vUltor In the city. H F Spuillng and O. K. Hardy of Olcn- wood , la , are ut the Darker. Edgar ROPH and L Hallan are registered at the Millard from Kansas City. j Mrt Maiguerllo Franklin nnd daughter Irene of Chicago are stopping at the Darker Supeilntendent P. J. Nichols of the Union Pacific left jes'terday for tbu east on bus- InesH. William Kennedy and faml | > left last evening for a fortnight's outing at Hot Spilngj , S. 1) . Chief Surgeon W. J. GalbraUh of the Union Pacific left last night on a short wcetern hunting tilp. J 1) . Lemngwell , W L. Carter. T L Car penter , Otto Slnauer and Mr and Mis , Sam E Dtisch me New York arrivals at thu MllUrd. Nebraska ! ! * at the hotels Henry J Goodman - man , North Platte ; Frank Stuart , Gordon , James F. Lansing , Lincoln ; I. II. Cary , Pcnder ; William Uuwson , rails City ; John Peters , Albion , ) I f . llenrj \ \ , AntfHi-I'mlNFH Ills Slulo nl Drlrnll. During A bnnquottat the recent meeting of the National Hunkers' ssroclntlon at Detroit the ptfit-prAndlal ( cnttires of which were the nnnljvls of ihe Mgim of approaching proa- perlty. Henry W vYites of this qlty , In an swering to the call for "Nebraska , " fMld Mr. President nnd iGentlcinen nf the As sociation. In the apparent absence of nny one else to | > eak -Nebraska , 1 feel con- fltrilmd to 5rty fotnelhlng X shall differ somewhat from the Hentlrinen from other slnU'H who lime preceded me In speaking of ihe signs of approaching propporll } . They have spoken In cenernl term * I pro pose to give vou a few llgnres. An Hem n few weeks ago In Iho Asso ciated press dispatcher announced that th < s lonii rompanlet doing business In our Ktntc report that the farmers have paid with ! " the past .vcnr J2 < * .ono , )0 ) of their mortgage Indebtedness. 1 ilo not vouch for the tie'- cuincy of these figures but they are sus tained to a conMilnrnble extent from factfl within mv own knowledge. l > ast % enr we raised nearly HOO.OfO.COO busliols of corn , which placed Nebrn'k i flul among the corn-producing states , Thls > i > .ar we confidently o\pcct n crop of KO- j WO 000 1)1181101" ) . We have this ) ycnr more' llian double our usual wheat crop , nnd Noj braska , for the first time In lis hlslory , will be In the front rnnk of vvheal-jiro- dtielng states , with a totnl estimated crop of 40.UOO.l1iO bushels , Our stale prexlueeH large nnd diversified crops , nslilo from wheat and corn The o have all been unusually good this jetu 1 was Informed n few davs ngo by n KOIIi llctnnn who occupies n position which eni nblcs him to obtain the- best possible Information - formation , Hint a careful estimate of the value of nil the crops raised this jear In Nebraskv will plve a lolal of JTO.OOO.WU Thlt it more1 than the annual pioduct of all the silver mines In the world , moie than the amount produced by nil the gold mines In the world Per A stale which for n number of years has boon drouth-stricken , with partial and totnl failures of all crops , and to which onlj n short time ago > ou consigned oar- load's of grain and food for the sustenance of supposed famishing families , 1 tiling this ! a pretty good showing. One thing l > eel tain , the golden glc-im from our ripened and rlpc-nlng ciops does not re flect Ihe calamity tint to which the ilttei- nncos of so mnnj of out public men nnd Ihe voli ; lasl venr seemed lo have com muted life state. There Is another subject lo which I must refer before taking my scat The Tr.insmlcslsslnpl i\posltion will be held next voar In Omaha It Is believed that It will be second to none of rccc-nt je.us , except , of course , the Chicago CMIJ- sltlon It has received the cordial support of all of the stales west of the MlFtoui'i liver , and of n large numbei of those cut II has received a largo approprlullon fiom the United States government , nnd I be lieve I am wife In sajlug that overj' one who will visit Omaha next ycnr will be re paid for his tilp. If you have ever seen n lllllc child In a paroxjsir. of whooping cough , or if jou have been annoyed bj a constant tickling In the throat , you can appreciate the vnltio of One Minute Cough Cure , which glvca quick re lief. Don't make any dates for Labor Day Go to Ashland cheaper than staying at home 75 cent * , round trip Tin : MW ii.\n oi > n.v ninnlin , KIIIIMIH Oltj A. Knittcrii llnll- rnml Omiiliu .V St. I.oulN Itntlroiul. The QUINCY ROUTE with through tialng to Trenton , Klrksvllle and Qulncj. Connec tions east nt-iJ nouthcaVi. For rates time tables and all Information , call at QUINCY ROUTE ofllco. 1-113 Farnam street ( Paxton Hotel Block ) , or wrltq GEO N CLAYTON. Airont. I Illoil J'lM'ltlt't Only JVne Running TWO TRAINS DAILY to Colorado , Wjomlng , Utah and all Westeri Polnth. Call at ticket office1302 Farnam street. > OIM'OHTUMTinS 1MIII T1IAVKI. . ClmroU IInv o Uvpt'otH to See Mm-Ii of 1.nriilic. Hon. Church Howe of Auburn arrived In the city ytslenlay to 'mako a few calls upon friends before departing for his post of duty as consul at Palermo , Slcllj' . He expects to leave the state for the east October 1 , anJ sails from New Yo-k City on one of the new steamers of the German-Llojd line October 9. Ho will go direct to Palermo , and with out accident or delay will complete the trip In eleven days. He will go by way of Gib raltar to Naples. In speaking of his position ho said : "I will take no clerk or secretary with me. The present ofllce force at Palermo will bo retained They are necessarily nearly all Italians , and It Is the policy of the govern ment to make no changes unless called for by the good of the service I will have sixty dajs each jear to spend awny from my ofllclil duties. That means sixty dajs out/side of Italy. I may take Ehort trips to any point in Italy at any time without a leave of ab sence. If I should conclude to visit this country , the nlxtj days would count from the time I landed In New York City till the day I sta'ted on the return trip. If I should servo four yeara in the position this leave of ab sence will allow me eight months In which to visit Europe , and I think I can see all the points of Interest In that time. "I have just received a letter from a former consul to this point who now lives at Terre Haute , Ind. He served during Picol- dcnt Harrison's administration He assures me that It Is ono of the most delightful places In the world to live , and that he disliked to come back at the conclusion of h's term of olllce. Ho says the climate Is un surpassed , and that the people are very pleas ant. ant."The "The Importations from Sicily to this coun try last year amounted to $3.600,000 while the exports Irom this country there amounted to onlv $230 000 The Importations from Sicily conslbt principally of oranges , lemons , wine and marble , while our exportatlon/j con- alst of tobacco cotton goods , petroleum and manufactured articles " ' .Mr Howe seemed confident that he would enjoy his sojourn nt Palermo , and that he would derive conddcrablo pleasure from the opportunities afforded him for travel. Glgadler Ilrlndle RIsley and Chief Hull Pup ' Taj lor ore drilling the Grasshoppers nightly for their I/ibor Day excursion to Ashland. Monday , Sept. C 7f > cents round trln I'liiUnion l-iieilic Is tunning Pullman Palecu Sleeping Car dally. Oman , , to Colorado Springs. Col . Inv- ing Omaha on fast mall 4 05 p. in , , arriving Colorado Springs next morning 11:10. : Per reservations and full Infnrmitlnn cal' at City Ticket Offlco 1102 rvinsin Si r\itns AM > HUISII iNcrri : \ ridirr. ( irilVVll * ! * Ull .S II till II J Itl-HllllH III II JlllT\ , The patiol wagon went to Eleventh and Davenport streets last night about as fa t as the powerful team could pull It. A re- poit woo sent Into 4he police station that an old man was being killed by his son , and help was asked. Arriving at 1109 Davenport street the olllce'rs found a largo ) " cloud In front of tbd place and In Its midst i i g number of excited Italians gesticulating , | and ono old man with blood running fiom u cut In II'H forehoadj Investigation showed that Joe and Vincent Do Hctto , father BiiUi won , had been playing cards during the nfiernoon with a couple brothers named Nick and John Connors ) who Iho overhead. In i order to give the game tinge of excitement a giowler was nulled through the back door to u saloon nearby and the plajers xm grow quarrelsome. Vincent De Hose began to abuse his father , and Nick Counois took Hie pait of the old man At this Vincent ru&hed ujwtalre and pullIng - Ing an antique shotgun from a closet ran baik to the room and fired point blank at Nick Connors The chot missed its mark , of but In the general inlxup that followed old , man Do Hcso was hit over the head with ono of the growlers He swore ho wee fchot and the hurry cull wat consequentlj tent Into' ' n the police station. I d The father upon being examined at pollco I r headquarters was found uninjured except the gssh in hla forehead The son was locked UP on a charge of shooting with In tent to kill. rroniViillli ( i I'l-niirj. Andrew Smith , a once wealthy brewer of Maralialltown , Ja , now lUIng In abject jiovcrt ) was R lodger at the police fetation last night Smith U Buffering from a fever , and as he la aged the complaint Is quite uerious He will probably bo eeut to the < county hospital. I ANNUAL FALL PAMANTltt Elaborate Prftptirntions by Ak-Snr-Bon fo Triumrlnl Entry Into tin Oily , SIMiTHING NEW TO INTEREST VISITORS Mcrliiiiilfitl I'Mrmlimi IIIIIIM nllon It MIC Iiluc of StriM-t Display \\lilch Will lie I-nll ( if Surprint's , i With the near approach of the time whc-i tlij city of Omaha must capitulate lo th forces of Ak-Sir-llen III there Is a natura expectancy among the curious to know wha ! af form and ceremony the capitulation of th . oily will assume. , I A messenger ftom the kingdom that I i now encamped near the norlh wall of th [ j ' city , , prepared to move upon the cltj's prln { clpal < possessions within thirty dajs , I the i . infoi nation that the ceremonies and fcs tlvitlcs attending the lapture of the cltj will be unlike nny of Ihose which have heretofore toforo be-on wltnchsed In the UaiismHslsMpp region. Commencing at rundown on the nigh | I i of ( Wednc'day , Scptembci 22 , will be Innngil rntud the most gcorgcous and claLoiatc feait o pageanta | that was over spread before any pco pie. ' The- pageants will bo three In number and they will occur on successive evenings 'The most noteworthy of thc o processions because of its unique uatiilo , will bo that o ] Wednesday evening It will be known aa the inccl.diilcal paiudo. The mechanical parade will bo an ontlrlj now feature of Iho Ak-Sar-Ilen festivities No mechanical paiado with as complKelj equipped electrical and mechanical Moats has ever passed through the streets of an ) American city It will bo the fcatuto of the ' week. Mechanics and electricians have been I busied for several months In preparation ] j i for the brand new event , nnd the fact that I one of the Important features of the mechan ical parade has be n Imported directly fro. France evidences a desire on the part ol Ak-Sar-llon to please , Interest nnd delight the citizens and the visitors , no matter to [ what distance or to what expense his work men must go to poitre attractions that are thoroughly novel nnd up-to-date. In It will appear for the ( list time Sam son , judge of the fntta of all Initiates Into the kingdom of Ak-Sar-Ilen. - - Per two jotrs past there has boon a demand that all pco pie , without consldeiatlon of their nlleglanio , bo allowed to see the far-famed Samson Kach year heretofore the proposition to c\ hlblt hlm&clf has met with defeat In court circles. This jear , however , It was eai rled by a bare majority , nnd Samson will he paraded. Samson will bo piecedod bj a number of mounted ofllcers , hj n dnron mounted marshals , and by a pah af brass batuH. ono or the other plajlng all along the line of march OFFICERS OP TIIC COURT. Following Samson and preceding the me chanical and electrical floats there will he mounted luifesars vvhobc numbers nay bo c - tln'ated from the fact thai they will extend over three blocks Half of the , e gorgcout'lj altired horpemen will bo the foreign mln- lf.tera to Sani'on's court , and bj ( licit atllie will represent their respective nations , In cluding all known countries from Dahnmoy to Klondike The other half of the hoioc- mon will icpicscnt the several dopaitmenti of Samson's household the nursery , the bath , the kitchen , the dining room , the llbrarjIhe diawlng room , the art salon , the ball room ) and the slablcs Samson Jr. wll follow Ihe paiental head of Ihe powerful household , and he will be appioprlalolv at tended There will also be an Intelcstlng e\ _ hlblt of the various machines of torture em- plojed to test the candidates becking admis sion to Ak-Sar-Ilen's court , each guarded against possible destruction from those who did not stand the lie-canary ordeala very well. A prominent feature of the parade will be an Immense trlcjclo built In Franco and prevlouhlj exhibited only In ParU H will be ridden by fifteen chosen subjects of Ak-Sar-Uen'ts court. The dimensions of the pondeioui } machine cannot be given , but It may bo stated heie that the tlics of the wheels measure fifteen feet In diameter It is now on Us way from Paris to Omahn , Ita Importation having been secured by a local blcjclo firm. Following will come a number of mechanical and electrical floatn Each of these will represent a popular suD- ject , and the details will be can led cuiJ-l a meat artistic manner. The current for the Illumination of the electrical floats will bo teemed fiom the trolley wires of the street lallway company. Kach lloat will be Illuminated by over 1,000 Incandescent lamps of variegated colors , and logelher with ihe grand Illuminations thai are being arranged by Ihe municipal autlioiltlcfl for Ihe c'lcetn over which Ihe procession will pats will con- stltuto the greatcsl blaze of glory over wit nessed during any Ak-Saf-Hen feaut. CIVIC PAUADR IMPUOVnD. The management In charge of the civic nnd military parade has piomlsed that It will bo larger and grander than any previ ous parade of this characler. Heretofore thlb pat ado has not received the atlentlon commensurate with its demands , but it Is assured that this year Ihe civic and military parade will be one of the most atlracllvc pageants presented The theme of the Ak-Sar-Dcn pirade , which will bo composed of the us.ua ! twenty- one floats , Is "The Pagtaut of Qulvcra , " and the manner In which it has been In terpreted by Itb authors Is Bufllclent gnaianty that the Ak-Sar-Ilen parade of this jeai will ho fully up to the high standard of previous efforts. The theme of the pageant Is based upon the history of this section of Ak-Sai- HenVi domains as unfolded In the. hlstoiy of Omaha by J. W Sivagc. The scenes , the Incidents ) , the hardships of the pioneers , Iho final success attending the joninejH of the mylhlcal chaiaclciH supposed to have In vaded what li > now the capital city of Qulvcra will nil bo accuralelj deplcled on Iho vailous floaln of this parade. KiiiiiilrHt 'lliliiHT 1 oil i : r Sim. The Drew Parade of the Cirats Hoppei Brigade of the Thnratou Hiflce , LAHOIt DAY PICNIC ASIII-AND. MONDAY , SEPT. Cth Rxhlhlllon drill by the crack drill team of the Thurflton miles Night attack oai Fort Sumtcr , boating , dancing , games of all kinds. Special train haves Union ikpot at 0 30 n ui Tickets , 7fi cents , of all mem bers of the Thurston H.llcs at lenklns' cigar etoio , 1C > 03 Farnam street and at Hurllngton ticket olllce 1E02 Parnam st \riM-Hl of n .In nk Denier. 13 Hoi u Uh , a junk dealer doing business at Twentieth and Irani street ? , lint been arrested for receiving stolen properly He IH charged with having tnwcn u quantlt } of bras" valued at about tHW. which was stolen by three bavs Olio lleinhard , C'hn- enco Kni-'llHli and Jerrj Item don , from Ihe old Columbian brew try on Nuith eighteenth Htieet Ho gave bonds foi his appeaiaiKi- In pollco com I today Grasshoppers AshlandLabor Uaj Don't forgel. Hound Irlp 75 cents. TIII : ' The ( lnl > Dliilnir Cur II mi to. OMAHA TO PACIFIC COAST THU UNION PACIFIC It Is the only ducet line to Ran Francisco , and makes 12 HOURS QUICKE1 ! TIM13 to San Francisco than any other line. Call at city ticket office. 1302 Farnam at 1.0(3 VI , Peter fllllctz has been unesleJ on a charge petty larceny at the Instance of Hemy Chaffers. Doth peiaons live at Shccley sta tion. Charles Flther was arrested last iilphi for bte-aling a quantity of old brass from a junk I dealer named M. HaviU. The stuff was recovered , Don't ' Stop Tobacco Stili.M\ ; do to Ir Injuilmu to the nt-r voiu Bjitein itaco-l'uro la Itie enl * .ui that curt * while jini me tiiluito It l nolU with u nrlttrn tiurimmre Uiat tlnee boxn will cure anj usenu null r how bad ttaio e'uio In x-Krln tie and liarmlc > U lia"ured uoiitutnlii , U will cure > ou At ull drueuUU. i'lfty centu nnd 11 per box , 3 Uiic ( guuiuult-td cure ) I ! W. Duoklcl e , KUHUKA CJItlll. & JlfU , CO , La Grout , Ueo , AugtMt le Scarcely a day passes that people don't come in here an ' aslc us questions like this : When are you goingto have your closing out sale ? Ain't yo-i goingto mark things down pretty soon ? Ain't you going to advertise a "Great Removal Sale ? " You aren't going to let the chance go by without having some sort of a hullabuiou are you ? To all of these we answer : No. We aren't going to do any of these things , It isn't our style. With business conducted as ours is there isn't any chance , Some merchants seem to be successful at tint sort of thing , but we wouldn't dare to rsc ! it. We cou'dn't be successful , We can't humbug the public because wo. never learned how. Our goods are all marked down to begin with. They arc sold right from the start. They are marked at the closest figures \\e c an afford to sell them at and we couldn't marl : them any lower if we were to remove every week. So far from trying to fool with the usual tricks of the you trade , we will show you in a day or two the largest , freshest stock of Fall Goods that Omaha has ever seen. BY TURKISH L , M. CAPSULES , They euro every case. NEVER FAIL , they develop the HU.\1N and NERVES , pro- dicing flesh on the body and not spoiling the stomach , as most > nedlclue < s will do We prepare specially for every cnie AN rite for particulars rURKtSl ! CAPSl'LES will euro any ailment or weal.ness caused by Keif-abuse , ami we mean It Wo will develop and btrcnglhcn the worst case of 3DXI AL WEV.KNESS or SEXUAL LOSS make anew now man of you , or REFUND YOUR MONEY. Don't be huuitmirKPd. as we never fall to cure. $1.00 box by mall. Plain wrapper. UAHN'S PIIARMUT. tSth nnd Farnam Sis Omaha , Nell. IE GOLD FROM ALASKA OS OOG MEG vvhleh ni lived nt Seattle ettly Sttnd t > momlng The to.inn r brought lu thlitecn miners and JtTu.nOO In gold , belne , onlv it lait of the si ikr of i ii i A full ui ouiit Is foun 1 In the prc s dispatches In this Issue of T1I1J liun Note Careful/ / the Kotowing : IVV.IIIIM - the enl ) Illliof Mi-iiiili-rs NOW In iipi-rii I Ion PltOll M'.VlTl.i : . iVV < - II W i : llir.In I > IINIK-NM on tin1 iiKon Vnllri I'lVi : Vivlf- : . . ' ! Our npcnts arc XOVV on tinKIMIIIII il anil have hrcu for > 'III'H c\irrl- | 4IKf c'OlllltN. t\\ Issue- - Idlers of iTi'il It KOIII ! Ill our liailliiK IIIINN In VltiMka mill V. XT. . , " , xlm > anil Nrll mint's-Ot It iincntt nr > > \ iti Icnrccl thc > Unow nlmt ( o av loil. ( I Ai > arc full ; oiKranlscil to ilo IIIIN ! m-.ss mill KOIlic Ili'lil ( lie lull ) mill till * KOOll. rOur nix rlxoiNlcnnuiM ar > NOW MIC 1 iiUon VOH ) Till : P IS' . . S \ \ c luur IIITKO NtocKs of NIII | > | | ON NOW nt Vt. < ! Tliipanil Iliimiltiin , Clirlo Cilj , PI Ciiilnli > mill | ) IM > HOII < 'Mj. tl \V p mo Uiiorlcliial ( OIIIIIIIIM anil ( In * uiolil cxcltcuiciitIIM raiiscil hj the I n ml 111 IT of Sl.r.OO.OOO % ortli of jiolil from Ol II Nli-iinu-r. K ) Our illl I'l-torn lire liii > n-NliMl In 11 o otlnrliiNUn iMilt-i prlNi * r\crit | llio Cl I ) \ll\-Ili ; VIKV A I KON-lvl.ONIIIKn > MMN < ; t ( ) . _ ( , . ( n slniro In II. ind CLEVELA from Scnttle and ate- the lust to leave In 1&97 dliect to Dawon C t ) Thej will runner t with our river Ftenmeis "P IIVcme , " "John Cudiihy , " "c' 11 Hnnilltun , ' 'John J. Mealy , " "T. C Powei" nnd "Kljiullke " 1'assi iiKets v\lll be luml I in rir le City I'mli Cudaliy nnd Dawson C itj on 01 abonl June Ifet , ISIS , and will Imve Iwo months' start over others. To tho'-c Inking passage on themuleamejH OiTiplojmcnt will l > > given , If they so de- biro , culling nnd banking nleumbo.it wood al Ihe rale of $1 p t mr'l WE ARE THE ORIGINAL COMPANY lnV ff , ! ? 'ffi/X-W ' liavo Ihe knowledge , eqiilptnent and ospeilenco. KUI3P YOI'll Ili 12 ON'S --DIRCCIORS- If vou do not rare lo go Ibis fall , we tire jinn p tssase now for our Hint Mr-mii'i which leaves on or ab ut June 1st , IS'li Steameis will leave i vtiy Iw o w e ks thcre'iifler milking oann etlons with John J. Ill-ill j , the above tlvet stenmets , nnd three new one1 * now building : . Fuii Da u KIII , Klondike $3 < Xi Hrst-elusB , $ ,0 seeond-clatis. GeM riclJs IJH MAPS , I'HOSPfCfUS AND TJLl I'A tJIC'JUHS ' AI'PLV John ( 'uiliili.i , I'hlc.iKO , 111 North American 1'ortiiN 11 , VV cine , Hlj ChlroRO i'nrt i : I'uilili . , Wcare 111 ) , , Transportation < ! & Trading N W. T. Chun. \ . Wi'iirr , Company ChknRo. HI. , Vllflilli-l Chlciibo , Cuilnli 111 } , ROOM 290 OLD COLONY BUILDING , - CHICAGO , ILL SCHOOLS. HARDIN LADIES' COLLEGE & GERMAN CONSERVATORY ffiith j car. I'npreeeclenteil prospeiltj' . ' 'I I'rofes-'Ors from N Unl- vrnl.io unit ft Kuiiiprnii Cininri tatiirlin , A Sl.OOO Pluno to inil li ! Jjllpll. Gtnu n L'liiinri tnlniy iif Aliiclr , Anicr n < jiUu , Dlr.-rtur. I.aigCBL. Cbcni ) < tItest A. K , 1'AttCKV , II A btrict , Mclcu , Mo. OLDEST , LARCCST AMD BEST Wentworth APPOINTED IN Central West. Military Academy , MaJ.SANDFOr < D > QEI.LbRBSupt. \\n have Just recehed a shipment of these icantlfnl goods , coiiiiJilsliip ; nlnn shades In IO.MIIS , nuosiins , MIIIUOHH. SOAI > nox- : s , TOOTH nuusii IIOLUKIIP , siioi ; IOIINH , ITC. 'ellulold Hair Ilrushcs 7Cc and $1 00 It'llulold MInora 7Sc , { 100 and ? 1 23 tombs ICc , 2lc , 2Sc , 35c , 50c net Dniin'1 si , Miiiiiic < > r tiniiiiMu. . Stand up for Nebraska ! Do it by subscribing Per The Bee And sending it To all your friends. The Bee is a thorough Nebraska Newspaper. S ( IKIOI.H. ILLINOIS CONSERVATORY. Brook Trout- California Uaril Slicll ( , rab ; Lolistui'h , Shell a nil Ittilk , OYSTERS " < MAURER'S It ! III I'liniiiin. AMI SIMI : : > 'IS. The Creightoi % V ; .r."Jf'V. , . Ji ' 10DAI IK.MI.IIT iii ; < > , Hlli" . TIII3 WOOIIWAIII ) 'I'llWATUII CO. THE BANKER'S SON. All tliU week Irene Franklin l > -TAM.I.ii ) III' . The IVii O NTKAI.bV IOAT.I ) American plan , i'J M p r day uu. J.t roiietiti IHIIII.H.DU put d.iy up , J. i : . VIMCIvit , .V SON , l'riin , " " " BAItKE.E HOTEL. rimnnnviu .MIMS STIIIIIMS. H't ' rue tun butli M nil lu t nnd ull in' Jrlu con\tnliiui Hut f | IU Jnd 12 W tier iluy. TuLle untxctlltd btitctul low lute * tu iryular BMIT1I , Mau kir.