Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 29, 1897, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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Bnt n Short Tims Before lha Transaotio
Take Place ,
ItcorKiitilrntluii ConimlUoc In Snllxlli-
it Illi flio Dcurrc Ordered at
Uiiiiilin 'lli < > Mutter In 31)11 )
tinier Ailv I
WASHINGTON , Aug. 28. ( Special Toll
gram ) It Is elated In Washington today a
good authority that the conference ycstci
day betwcui the attorney general and the ri
.organlratlan committee of the Union Paclf
railroad was not sought by members of tl
reorganisation tommlttcc , at the head i
which was Chaunccy M. Depevv , for the pui
jicac of having changeo of their own ma < !
In the rcient decree for foreclosure of tli
flint and hocond mortgagis of the road. Tl :
attorney general hlnvclf has had iimU
Cora hit ration for come time the question <
appealing from the decree ordeied at Omahi
He has come to no decision In the matte
dimply having It under consideration. Itcln
aware of this , the reorganbatlon coinml
tec , Which H said to be satisfied with tli
decree , came hero to confer with the attoi
liey general. Whatever U decided on , It
thought to be only a matter of time whc
the Html decree will bo entered and tli
reid ordered ( .old Unless tin re are bight
bidders , the Union Paelllc will go to tli
combination which guaranteed to the go <
unmenl a hid of $45,600000. which It
eluded more tli an $17,000,000 sinking turn
In the- treasury The guarantee deposltc
with the government under the Clcvelan
mlmlnlttrntlon hold , ' good under thl.f , an
the present administration , It Is underatooi
Is willing to cany out the agreements the
entered Into.
Instruction- Judge Luther W. Otiborn
consul general at Apia , Samoa , have bee
completed bj the State department It
raid that the pulley of the last admlnlstri
tlon toward Samoa In to be reversed , an
that the Interests of the United State-o I
the Inland , ' aiu to be more safely guaidc
In the future The new col mil general hi
been Instructed to report the political coi
dltlon of the islands and the manner I
which the provisions of the agreement b
tween Great Illltaln , Germany and tl
United States for the protection of the Si
jncan government Is being carried out I !
Is also Insti utted to formulate a plan for tl
i ( 'arrangement of the tripartite agreemci
In certain particulars in order to rcmci
certain alleged evils In the present ejctet
and at the same time Insure better proft
tlon for the Interests of the United State
Great Ilrltaln and Germany each malntu
war ships at Apia , but the United Stati
has practical ! ! mglcctcd Its intercuts the
for reveral > cars past It Is not Improbab
that an American war thlp will bo orden
there within the next few months , In ordi
to show the natives that this govcrnmei
1ms not entlrelj forgotten them Judge 0
borne expectH to leave for home early ne :
v\eek whence ho will go to us pool.
Pouith clats po.itmS'sters appointed toda
Ncbieaka PcaKe. Buffalo county , Ludw
.Mueller Iowa Albion. Marshall count
Hello Ilobbs , Medford , Wanen county ,
11 Summer ; Yale , Guthrlo county , M.
MllUr. , ,
Charles F Soulc has been commission )
postmaster at Wallace , Nob.
> < fur tinArin .
WASHINGTON' , . Aug. 28. ( Special Tel
gram. ) Sciond Lieutenant Thomafa W. Wli
, ton , Fifth artillery , has been detailed :
profwtor of mtlttaiy science and tactics i
Northwestern Military academy , HIghlai
Park. III.
Private John D Lce3 , company F. Twent ;
second Infantr ) , Fort Crook , hasbeen orden
Tinlulv Dtiilnvr Cur Itotitc.
It Is the only direct line to San Franclsc
and makes ,12 HOURS QUICKER TIME I
San Francisco than any other line. Ca
at city tlrket office. 1302 Tarnam st.
Grasshoppers Ashland Labor Daj Dor
forget. Hound trip , 75 cents
A si rcr.s rui , SCHOOL
Win-re tin * Pupil * I.tMirn In tli
Sliorli'Mt Time
How to quality themselves for practlc
office vvoik. During the last year Ulake
llUKlncta and Shoithand college has pfcpan
a largo number of puplh who have obtain )
and now hold coed , pa } lug positions.
Fall term opens September 1. Day ai
evening sessions. Only school In the cl
having evening sessions nvo nights In
week , twelve months In the jear. Term
Life scholarship , $15 Entrance Ma on
building , opposite north doors new postoflli
I'liimlrHt ThliiK \ on IJT SIM > .
The Dicfs Parade of the Grasa Hoppe
Brigade of the Ttiurston Hides ,
EUilblllon drill by the crack drill teai
of the Thureton Hides Night attack o
Fort Suinter , boating , dancing , games c
all kinds Special train leaves Union depc
at 9.30 n m Tickets , 75 cents , of all men :
hers of the Thurston H.lles , at Jenltln :
cigar stole , 1503 Farnam street , and c
Uurlington ticket office , 1502 Farnam st.
Hamilton Warren , M. D. , electric and mag
nctlc phslclan ; special attention to disease
of women and children and all obsciiro an
long-rtandlng diseases 110 N. ICtU St. , R. :
A. D. T. Co. , Messengers furnished ; bag
Eago dellveied 1302 Douglas St. Tel. 177.
Dr. Wllcox , dentist , room 501 , Drown Dili
No IxiBket lunches necessary no luggag
no worrv Just bring yourself Labor Da
excursion to Ashland 73 cents for roun
Night attack on Ft Sumtcr Ashlam
Sept. 6th Hound trip tickets 75 cents , t
3502 Finn.ini and 1503 Faruam ,
Prize Winner.
The prize of T1N UOU.AIIS onVitil Iti
lni.1 t-uniHi'8 paper for Ilia best ilcilnltlim
of thiwuril I'ANlOftll'M lins l.oon awaril.
dl lo C II. lloatukk K ( | flminbor ot
t'omincice , clt > , uml u u follows :
Thin word , HKe Umpoiluni lm a fln-ek
ilt > rl\all n iiiul ncems to le f'rnied from
"Pan" 'I'anlos ' '
cir nil , nml I'uron
wn > nml mrana ot mcctlni ; expen i > In
cnmlilnutlon , runtoiiorlutu naturnllk rhurt.
eiifil lu 1'ANTOUU'M foriiinii | | )
IIllUll ) It WOllUl BlKIlIf ) 'IllfMIH IIDll
nirunii of nui-tlim nil hinds of ( mlillc t-i-
i pcnro , " hpi-olllcnlly niul Incullj u it
TlitrntcrrrUa that tnalilii ( nil ) ever >
man tu mnUe clolhlne K" fartlio t In rlrnnlt
nfm , durulilllty untl nplirniance ut le nl
co t aail ihrnliy l *
Wlier men can Imvo Ihelr e'otlicn cl a- < > i
anil presufil , tailed ( or unit ilfll\ri-4 for
the miall mini of ON13 HOI.r.AK a month.
Where the tnuclhw public inn havetl.clr
rUillK-n ckhnfil. menileil nnd | irrf > > ril while
4 they Meet ) , ur In one liour'tf notlre If IHC-
e'll > pe-oplo wliMns t i't ter\lre run drcp 8
i a rant lo P.VNTOIlll'41 , nr call up f l
IhiK pulillc mn leaOMII ! * wltli tnrli
iTilliut lo I'ANrOIUI M e l mrlh
i'ori r llth nml ruriiam ttreclf
Thr Kid , ( ) ( ! ( IllltiolN llnnkrtipt Mi < -
> lr > i'n nml lloj'x CliiMilncr ( o
Since we started this sale Saturday mori
Inn a great number of people , who h-v
bought clothing at this sale , have been i
nston'shed at the awfully low prices that thi
have bought all they possibly could. Tome
row we expect to close out the entire ba
ance of the stock and to this end we wl
offer :
All the Men's $10.00 worsted , casslmei
and cheviot milta at $2 98.
All the Men's $1GOO high grade all wo
Imported suits at $1 9S
All the Men's 112.50 fine all wool suit
round or square cut tack coats , go at $3 !
a suit
You can take your choice of the finest at
highest priced suit In the entire stock , li
eluding all wool Impci-ted Clay worsted , flat
lined cheviot and Impo ted casslmern t <
S7.KO a suit.
Dovs' M 21 knee pants suits , fiOc.
Dojs' $2 DO all wool suits , $1.25.
Hnva' higher grade all wool knee pan
suits. $1 r > 9 a suit
Young nun'a long pants suits , coat , ve
and panta (14 ( to 19 > ears ) , $1.98 suit.
Men's good $1.25 working pants , BOc.
Men's heavy wool cheviot pants , 73c.
'Men's ' fine ill wool cacsltncrc pjnts , Oi
and $1 25.
Selling the Illinois stock of clothing i
astonishingly low prices.
IGth nnd Douglas Streets.
IJ 'IM Ti'iu'lior or :
in the public schools of the United State
15 jcars ot age nnd over , should have
copy of the Northern Pacific's new ai
beautifully Illustrated book , Wonderland ' 8
It 1-3 - especially adapted for use In the publ
school * In the study of geography and hi
torv , and as an aid In the study of tl
mirthwe. t and Its varied nnd vast resource
The book has n largo amount of valuab
data , but 1s not by any ineana a compel
ill u in of dry statistics
The beautiful Lake Park region of Ml
nesota , the Hcd River Valley of the Nort
the teninrkable wheat land of the countr
and Pyramid park , where hundreds of the
sands of cattle are raised , are described
Ye'llowstone park and Itfl wonderful ca
wale-falls and hi
yens and lakes , geysers
a long chapter given to It ,
A chanter nn ecveial of the rlchwt ml
Ins district * ) of the northwest , telling ho
they were discovered nnd developed vvlll 1
an Intel citing one to even body. Some
these discoveries were made Inery flint
Four gre\U snow mountains , old volcnnoc
on the north Pacific condt have a chapt
I'ovoted ' to them which gives much of the
history. ,
A new mountain range , one almost u
-uown In the northwest corner of the Unlti
"tales. Is brought to the readers' nttcntlo
It i ? a glorloiw region , with deep , beautlf
likes full of new \arletlrn of trout , mat
famous by a rear admiral of the Unlti
States navy.
Alaska also has Q place in its pngeo.
The booklet has a handsome cover ai
Is beautifully and profusely Illustrated
Am teacher or scholar can have a co |
bv sending C cent * In postage btamps
fharlei S Fee general patscngei agent , E
Paul. Minn
Here Is au opportunity which should n
be lent to obtain something of Interest ai
value , almost for nothing , and our schoc
should reap the benefit of it.
l.nioii Pnulllc ,
"The Overland Limited. "
train west of Missouri River.
Twelve hours quicker than any other tra
to Pacific Cca't.
Call at Ticket Ofllcp. 1302 Farnam St.
Mrs. C. A. Holyokc's school will rcopi
September 15 at 2572 Harney street.
Sam'l Bums wonts to sell twelve c
flint tumblers for $1 20
Dt-Niionilciit litllnilH HlK Iroulilc li
HlN Life.
Neb , and probably a farmer by occupatloi
committed suicide Frklaj night In a boardii
house at 1016 South Tenth stree.t by taklr
an overdose of laudanum.
The dead man arrived n this city froi
Chicago last Thursday night and vvci
directly to the boarding house of Mrs. Joh
Conroy. He was apparently despondent ovi
his Illness , which appears to have been bloc
poisoning Before retiring at an early hoi
Friday night he eald to itrs. Conroy :
"U Is terrible to be sick. "
The man went to his room with some Ion
onade Mrs. Conroy prepared for him ai
was not afterward teen alive. At a la
hour yesterday morning Jlrs. Conroy went
his room to summon him. She received nor
tpoiiso and , opening the door , found Leu
mon blng dressed on the bed. He vvi
An examination of the room brought 01
evidence that fully proves that the deed w ;
premeditated. Upon a stand was found
card , on ono side of which the dcceasi
had written his name nnd address. On tl
other side was penciled a request that h
body be forwaided to a brother-in-law , Joh
S. Hughes , who lives at Maryland , Ne
Unan the tame stand was an almost ciupl
vial , which contained laudanum. The dn :
had been purchased at a neighboring dm
stoie When lie bought It the deceased sal
be Intended to use It for a toothache.
Tlin M\V I.I.NB Ol'EJt.
Oniiilin. ICIIIIMIIH CH > .t KiiHtiTn null
ronil .Oiiiiilm & M. I.onlN Knllrouil.
The QUINCY UOUTC with through tialn
to Trenton , Klrksvllle and Qulncy. Connet
tlous oust and noutheasl for rate Urn
tables and all Information , call at QUINC'
UOUTi : office. . 1415 Tarnara otrce : ( Paxto
Hotel Block ) , or write ,
t'nlou ' I'lu-IIU- ,
Only Line Hunnlng
to Colotado , Wjomlng , Utah and all Weste1
Call at ticket ofllco 1302 Tarnam street
I"U < > Ill-mill Ni > u Train.
The Burlington's moinlng Oiuaha-Denvc
and afteinoon Omaha Chicago trains hav
recently been newly equipped from end t
end The chair and smoking car * as we
as the blcepers are provided with wide vre
liiik-s and are lighted by Plntsch gas. Th
lulr cars are In rosewood , the smoking cat
In oik The smoking cars have recllnln
chaiis and aie Iliilstied In a st > lo dlstlnctl
in advance of anything heretofore attempte <
Excellent taste has been dlpla > ed In th
Interior decorations of these magnified
tra I lie , which are by far the handsomest au
of Onuha
Five complete trains are rcqulicd to main
tain regular service between Denver , Oinahi
and Chicago Three of the new trains ar
now In Ncrvitc. The others will follov
Ticket ofllec 1C02 I'arnam
X la Clili-niiii. VI 1 1 Til .t. SI , 1'jui
A long list of CM union points to vvhlcl
tound trip tickets will be sold at greatly re
lured rates , The conditions for eummei
[ outlets were never mure liberal than thosi
for this erarton Foi full Infounatlon as li
loutes , rates , llinltu , Eclllng dated , etc. . ap
ply at tie city ticket oiilce 1501 rarnam st
F. A. NASH ,
Oeneinl Western ' .sect
( iiiilliU > iiiT < l au 1'iiforliiiiiiliOlrl ,
SAOHAMnNTO , Cal , AUK ' . -Anm
ImrMlrld , n de.if mule whoie borne vvnt li
Pulton , Mo. , lias boon mnda the vlctln
) f , \ innlliU'neu opeiator at Oakland , nne !
ia onlvpd In tbt rltj penniless and with
out filend Sbe Htiitrs that on old man
A J lllutcl , befriended lui on the ttoumi"
from I'nr land , vvbe-ie her motliei dltd j
few ila > n iipo At Oakliinl ho nbulnul IKI
| ) tir- > ( ontshiliip Itij. fajlii - he would bnv
lu'i u lailicud llcKct That vwis the Insl
H'II ' < ivit him
BrlnJle Ridley and Chief Bui
PIIP Taylor tiru drilling the QratuhoiipM
nliiti ; ! | foi thrlr Labor lay ) e..cur.l m n
\ > ! iiul Monday , Pert C-75 cent' rout ,
Sli-iiiiH-r rorllnnil A
I'O'tf ANGELES Wash. Aug 28-Th-
Bte-nirr Poitiaud trrUcd litre at 7 o't'.ocli
toul Ut. >
( Continued from Pint Page. )
marked : "It Is most mortifying for Amerl
cans traveling abroad to find that vvo lia\
erected a barrier agalnet trade with forclg
nations wnlch provokes the III will of natloc
which Rhonld otherwise bo most friendly. "
Continental traveling thla summer ha
been the worst for many seasons past , an
there has been quite a panic among th
traveling public of Austria In conacquenc
of the frequent railroad disasters and th
continuous robbing of pataongcrs on throug !
expresses. During the last five weeks ther
have been fifteen accUcnts on Austrian rail
roads. Belgium , Sweden and Denmark hav
been Infested by a large gang of expert rail
road thieves , who lm\c been robbing trunk
In transit. The losses which travelers hav
suffered In this manner recently hav
greatly Increased over the amounts * of an ;
previous year
The bimetallic commissioners who remali
In Europe are enjoying a holiday vvhll
awaiting the reply of the Ilrltlsh govern
mcnt to their proposals. Senator and Mrs
\Volcott arc In Carlsbad and ex-Vice 1'resl
dent Stevenson and Miss Stevenson or
sojourning In Parla
News from the Anglo-Egyptian cxpcdltloi
up the Nile comei slowly and tinsntls
foctorlly , largely owing to the absurdl ;
stringent and humiliating regulations of th
Urltlsh commander , Sli Herbert Kitchener
The newspaper correspondents are not al
lowed to mess with the officers of the rx
pcdltlon , and are forced to take with then
six months' supplies and sign the slurrlni
regulations drawn up by Lord Wdlscluy dur
Ing the previous campaign. They are no
allowed to go to the front , but are kept v\cl
In the rear , and ore furnished with Jus
what Information the authorities please.
Captain Henry Arkw right , who was aldt
do-camp to the lord lieutenant of Irclini
n guide named Michael Slmond and two poi
turs , Francois and Joseph Tournler , vvcr
killed by an avalanch'e on the grand platen
of Mount Diane In October , I860. Th
bodies of the guide and porters were foun
after a week , but Captain Arkw right's bed
was only recovered from the Ice on Sunda
last , 9,000 feet below where he died. Al
except the feet and head were recovered
The right hand was marvelously lifelike
The Ice had preserved In It the red tint c
blood. From too pocket of his gray waist
coat \vas drawn a white blue-bordered hand
kerchief , as good ns new , with his name o
It. The deceased officer's collar had In I
a gold stud , and In l\\s \ shirt front was
larger one set with a diamond star. Th
debris of a silver cigarette case was foun
In his pocket and his gold watch and dial
wcro on the Ice near where the body wa
found. The justice of the peace , the majoi
a doctor end the local gendarmes held a
Inquest over the- remains , found after
lapse of thirty > ears In the shadow of Slon
Ulanc. They will probably be burled a
LadHebarton will prcsl e at the Coiigref
of Women In behalf of national dress a
Oxford In September. All the delegates ar
to wear black bloomers.
The theatrical jcar of London has reache
the lowest level of Its ebbtide nod the comin
fortnight will usher In the advance guard
of a new season There are but half a doze
theaters of the flrat clasa vvho e doors 01
9Pcn this week , but Londoners do not lac'
for amusement , for all of the 400 music halls
great and small , which the city supports , ar
under full steam. The numbers of America
performers on the music hall stages are re
markablc , but the most popular feature o
the bills of the Palace and Alhambra ar
the American blograph , with American vlewe
and the .cinematograph , displaying photo
graphs of the jubilee procession.
Despite the abundance of the theater
which strive for the entertainment of Londoners
donors there are no less than a dozen ne\
ones In process of building to be lauachc
Into the Jtream of competition th's ' fall
Meet of them are erected In the suburbs , th
most pretentious of them being chrlstene
the New Grand.
The memoilal committee , organized chlefl
by theatrical people to erect a memorial t
Sir Augustus Harris , has secured contrlbu
tlona amounting to 2,300. One thouaan
pounds sterling of the subscription will b
devoted to founding a ward In a city hosplta
4V > r flu < v > ra nf npoilir aninrsTliojprnalndr
will be expended for the erection of
memorial In the form of a drinking fountal ;
to be erected beside the Drury Lane theatci
K' SnaiilNli
MADRID , Aug. 28. The government I
arranging a fresh credit with a view o
strengthening the navy. The navigation ta
will be the security for the loan.
The Spanish government will Immediate !
corstruct one large Ironclad and six cruiser
of from 6,000 to 7,000 tons , to form th
neuclcH of three equaclron.s.
People do not appreciate cut pi Ices o
Iron wheels , but Hubermann's cut on Mor
arohs brings the purchaser , 13th & . Dougln ;
( Continued from Second Page )
the pTTt of the South Omaha crowd every
thing passed off nicely , the other driven
standing by the judges and loMng the prlzi
vvnlpi without apparent chagrin Startei
W. F Sapp of Council Bluffs got the horse-
off In peed shape. The Judges were Mr
Mclnt > re of this city nnd N n Hiictor
and J N Cndy of Council I5uf ! , > Kt.
marshal was H. U McCormlck The race !
were all In half mile hcatn. llesults :
Tree-for-ali trot to wagon , two In three :
Lady Helen , b. in. , Mr. Shonlnir ,
Omaha . l :
Dr. Delerlus. blk. g. . Jlr. Blanchard.
South Omahn . 2 '
Me-Klnley , B K , Mr. Prltcbiird , C'mnba. 3 :
Time : 1:18' : ; 1:10. :
Matched race , pacing , three In five :
Cattcr McGregor , s. . , Mr. Kellog ,
Omaha . l i ]
Lulu Cnlnvvn. b. in , Mr. Thompson ,
Omaha . 2 2 !
Perhaps , b. BMr. . Haymond , South
Omaha . 3 4 i
ShlftlpR' " , b. K , Mr. Manor , South
Omaha . 43 ]
Time1 13. 1 nu. , 1-12.
1 2 el-iff , pace or trot , to wngon , two in
three :
Oasis , blk m. , Mr. Spanuenberg , Omaha 1 I
Mattle It. b in , Mi Hoed , Oimha. . . . 2 J
Dock. b. p. , Mr. Cnrlstie. Omaha . 3 !
Jack 1'ctry. H. K McCormack , Omaha. 4 !
Time 1 10 , 1.21.
1 20 puee , curt or bike , two In three :
Paust , b K. Mr. Plcard , Omaha . 211
Seymour Bpr.igue , r. B , Mi Met-
ea f , Omaha . 3 2
Hl'.llfPlerco. . br K , Mr Hertzler ,
Sjtith Oinnha . 1 3 II
Tlmo 1 . ' 2'4 ' , 1.2l2Vi !
1 J" Hot or pace to can , two In three :
Vtllevv Hey , B. K. , Mr. Ithoads , Omaha. . 1 1
Pilot Hey , b. s , Mi. Dennett , South
Omaha . 2 2
Gray nick , K. K , A Cole , Omiha . . . . 3 I
POH urn , b , K. , Mr. Wlnn , Omaha . 4 1
Time : 1 25 , 1 23.
< ! i . no Count } Ifulr UIM-VH.
JKPKIJnSON. In. , AUB. -Special ( Tele-
Biam ) This WHH the last day of the Greene
county fair The weather was line rtesulls
ClafH 2 30 , pacing : Nigger Haby tlrst ,
Mabel P becoiul , Itudnelser third Time
. ' 34
Free-for-all : Election Time Hint , l'rnn-
pere-tta hccond , Jruku third 2 1' ( .
half mile O.IHI : W T Hiit ,
Hlmenla neeond , Irish Hilly third. Time.
llnoo Moollnurntiiriirn. .
AUHOHA , Neb. , Aug -Speelal ( ) A
wtionB a.ssoclatlon has been formed here
10 give n pcilCH of inces October 0 , 0 ami
7 There will be two h.unt'Si and ono 11111-
nlre even H on the card e'ach day with HM
purses for harness events , i-tcept free-for-
all whl li will be f20) , and $100 for the run
ning event *
CltlCKKT U'l'l'll Ml ( MIT TI\MS.
Moi . n hlilt * 1'ut | nil i\-
OOllflll ( illlllo ,
ine-mbtTH of tlu cricket club did
not turn out jeste'iday afternoon to maki )
L-k-vi-n a Hide , but thu game was u good
one W It Vunglian and Hob Reynold1)
face ! Ho VMM s and Douglas at the start
The Hi-oro wax 17 be-foro the captain WHS
liovvleit by a xhootci fiom Douglas George
\aiietiun Illled tie v.ic.uify , and the ? coie'
dleadlij mounti-d to 4b before lU-ynouls vvas
liouleJ fet a veiy well played H , Neale-
took bis J1..U-0 , tind the liuullng was again
i-c' ucil i. ml the tt-ore mUaiici-il la 73 boron
ronlitorgi' VaiiKhitn letlre-d with 20 to h' i
irullt. made In hl utuiiil good style Prenl-
Bent Piaiie-ls went In and Kfpt up bis
ulilul wbllf Noalo did the bulk of the run
riettlns Ncale. however , bad to rotlre at
10. ! having pU > cd a daKhlng InnlliKS of ' , "
Ljiilld. the hint man , llveni'd things up u Hi.
tie Tin' ttwn wleket * were down for 1S5
l/aurk-'B u-.iiu did not make much of u
; .hov\ , only Hany New and Uouslan btlng
iLily to make any bind of a show
the- bowling of Onfttnln Vaughan's mci
Helovv ! < the' score. *
W. II Vnushan , * rt Douglas
J H. lleyno'.d * , I/ New , , , . . .
O. H. VaUphnn.mrKIrk :
J , Nenle , b Uoimlu , ;
J. I'rancls , b N" WA. . . , , . . .
U. W , Taylor , notion !
1) . Hroatchle , b ' } ) ougln ! >
J. Guild , c Neale. b-Mew '
Hxtrns , . . . . , , . ,
Total , li
II. LAWniirS TI3A.M.
II. Hewer < , c. KrnneK b. W. Vaughnn. .
11. I nwrle , b , W. VaiiKhnn , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hcv. Mr. Kirk , In G. H. Vanghan. . .
H. New , not out t
J. nouglaw , 1 a w , 1) ) G. II. Vnughnn . . .
P , Potter , b. Q Vnughnn
M. Perrlne , c. NVale , b. G. Vnughnn. . . ,
J. Dunn , b J. Ntolo . . ,
Hxtras , ,
Total ,
Vaiiehnn'n Inning" . Overs. Hun" Wicket
U. Ilowe-M ? . 12 Xi
J. DoliRlns 12 25
II , Ktvvrle , , . G 20
II. New ; 10 IS
UeV. Mr Kirk..v.i 4 3
Lnvvrle's Innings.
W H VntiKhnn.j.t 7 24
G. H. Vnughnn . . 10 7
J. Neale ) . 3 3
WJlUt Nil tCN.
The Omaha Whist club rooms wci
crowded again o& Wednesday night , thei
being thirty-eight members present , or tvv
more than enough -to complete nine table
AH vvlll lie seen from the following score
the hands were I all In favor of east an
west : * v
North anil South
Di-ltiilorff and Scrlbncrt 2 :
Sumney ami Hurre.ll. . , . . 2
Altec and Maishlill 2
Uruner and lllrdJ..i. . 2
Mclkle and JonesL ; , . . . . 2
Pomstock nml Shipley 2
Morseman and lludlclc 2
Hlnchart and Joluson 2
Tucker and White t u\ 1
Average i 2
East and \Vestf-
Crummer and Ccummer 2
llus'imun and Thomas , . . . . , 2
Calm and Scanncjl 2
Coe and OarnerJ.j 2
Joplln anil Strnujts. ' , 2
Conkley nnd Potent 2
J onion and Uivvrence > 2
Hawks and MrDpAoll 2
Heth and Stanford 2
/ ;
Average . . . .t. . 2
In playing ovol. the hands of Wulnesda
night ne can nrjtl u at but one conclnsloi
viz : That therella some very erratic pl.i ;
Ing Indulged In/at / the club. Uy playln
the following hand' * In accordance with .in
system ofhlsfc. . It will bo found lmr > o
slble to make tis many points as vvei
actually made oil some Imnil.q. It show
that "vvnlst fndi' ! ns Cavcndlxh rails then
are Indulged ln | to an extent that prov )
disastrous In m6rr cases than ono.
BfcAUD 20
S 7 , 5
D -Q , S , 7 , 3.
f C J , 10 , 2.
H -Q , J , C , 5.
S. K , 10 , ? , S , 3. S -Q , G 2.
D.-9. N. U. 10 , 3. 2.
W. E.
C. f , C. S. C K. 7 , 5 , 4
H -K , S , 7 , 3 , 2. H A , 10. 9.
S.-A , J. I.
D A , K , J , fiJ. .
C. A , Q , 9 , 3.
H. I.
Six of clubs tiirr | il. north to lead Norl
and south scou'a r.ingu from 10 to 7 ; < > i
titled to 7. ; .
i fBQAHD 24.
* r S 1C , Q , 5 , 3. 2.
DJ , 9 , 4 ,
C.-9. 8. fi.
\ II K , 5.
S. A , 10 , S. . S-J. 9. 7 , 6.
I ) 1C , 10 , 8 , 7. N. D -Q , C. 5
W. E.
S. C.-Q , 4. 3 , 2.
1I.-A , Q , 8 , C , 2. H.-J. 10.
D-A , 3. 2
C. A. 1C , J , 10 , 3.
II.-8. 7I , 3.
Eight of dlamopds turned , north to leai
Knst and vvcst * scores range irom 8 to
entitled to 5 oiUy.
1 , f ' ; , S S. 3. 2.
, I - U \ . 1J.-J , 4 , 2.
, t i C. 10 , 4 , 2
' " Jil H.-A. Q , J , ) .
- * * " * * - - ' - - * ' " 1
TJA * * - - - -
A K" | . < | .
o jt iv i j. y.
D-A. D K , ft , 7 , n , 3
C. 1C , Q , J , 7 , 3 C. A , 9 , C , 3.
H.-K. 8 , 7. H.-- , 2.
S.-Q , 7 , G1
D Q , 10 , S , 0.
H.-10 , fl , G. 3.
' Queen of spades turned , vvest to leac
North and south score from G to 2 , er
titled to 2 only. In this hand vvest opcne
with Jack of cluba. His partner rends It a
a call for a lead of tiumps through tli
queen turned ; be covers i : n his ace an
leads ten of tpaclcs. East and vvest tak
four trlcltj-i In trumps , live In'clubs and on
each In hearts and diamonds
The ten highest scores for the month ar
as follows :
Name. Score. Sitting-
Peters 21 G
nelndorlT 21 4
Meikle : > 2 G
Dr. Crummer 21 G
Coakley 20 4
Scribner. G. O. . , IS 2
Tones 10 c
Scannell n 3
Ulee 17 f
LeHoy Crummer IG 3
CUTS wusTiioii.M ) i-iiRioirr HATK
IIi-lpH ( InOiiiiilin Meruliuiitn eo Soni
Omaha Jobbeid were yesterday notlfle
of an important reduction In freight rate
on western merchandise from New Cngl.un
to points on the Mississippi tlver and wes
Effective on Wednesday next , Sep'eirtje
1 , the Jted Line , which Includes the Laki
Shore & Michigan and other Vanderbllt line
east of the Mississippi river , will make i
reduction on merchandise In cents per 10i
pounds. The following table shows the eli
rate , the new rate and the reduction on ilu
claise A to V Inclusive :
Present rate . S7 75 &S 41 a" 2
New rate . 70 Gl is 37 20 2
[ { eduction . 17 14 10 i G
As will be readily seen from the foregoing
table the reductions In many Instances wll
amount to more than a reduction of 20 pei
cent. In addition to the reductions froir
larlous points on the Vanderbllt lines te
Mississippi river points the Ked Line has an
nounced tne following redueed rales fron
lloston and common points to the Mlsslaslpp
river on different commodities : Hoots ecu
.hots , 50 ecnts ; dry goods , EO cents ; cotton
> Iece goods , 33 cents , canned goods , 25 cents
loda , 33 cents ; oilcloth , In carload lots , 3 (
? cnts ; matting in carload Jols , 34 cents , anil
: artrldgefl , In carload lots , 30 cjnts per IOC
loiimls ,
No reductions In chlpmenta of merchandise
nave been aiinounoed by any of the freight
.Ines went of the .M'sblfilppl river. The re-
"uctlons ? nnounc ( l by the Hed Line , how-
svcr , will greatlj-'ibenent the western Job-
jcra. o thel" ' .freight rates on all nier-
ihandlie shlppcdjifrom Boston and commoii
) oats ! will be niluced by the same amountu
; he Ked Line baKaeuit down Its tariffs
D Terd HurU 'general ' agent of the lied
.Ine In Omaha , t. yewtcrday stated thai
he present rateai had been In effect for a
lumber of years eThey would be superceded
m Wednesday meat by greatly reduced
ates , the new rntua to be withdrawn at any
Ime the company deemed conditions de-
nandtd euch Autlon , That meaiiii that the
lew rates arc nut promised for any definite
uiglh of tlmu.7 Ptelght men of other lines
Ills morning deolarinl that the new rates
vould form thr ( biggest cut made In west-
> ound merchandise for many jcais , and
vould undoubtedly have the effect of In-
luenclng a big movement of merchandise out
if Huston and common polalft for the entire
raiifinlfslsslppl territory 11\o \ railroad ton-
lanlcs making the reduct'ona ' on September
will be the Vanderbllt tines from ! lo > Uon
o Chicago and all lines from Chicago to the
river. Including the four Oinalia-
Wm. C Oo s - COAL.
Tel 1307. onite-and ytrds llth & Nicholas
lonifiilH i > f ( run \ iNxelkuif , liS.
At New York Sailed Corlnthla , for Mar-
clllta , Mobile for London : l.a Qu.cogne ,
or Havre , Sparndara , for Ilotterdam ; Clr-
awlan , for Ultsgow , Island , for Copenha-
( ii , Uinhrla. for Liverpool
At Liverpool Arrived Gt'orKlc , from New
Af Havre SalUd La Touralne , for New
To lie.
At Southampton Hailed Park , for Kcw
The people of Pulton , 111. , arc running
ft pretty big attorney's bill and arc work
Ing the Injunction business to the limit It
their efforts to prevent the removal of th <
Modern Woodmen of America headqimrten
from their town to Hock Island. They hni
already secured three temporary Injuncttom
and they were all dl sohed after ft hearing
but they have found a judge who will Rlv <
them another of the convenient writs , am'
consequently the removal Is still an Impos-
The third Injunction wat dissolved bj
Judgef Gcst last Wednesdiy It was thlf
Injunction which effectually put a stop t (
the removal of the records on the nlghl ol
August 13 , when the melee occurred If
jvhlch n considerable number of people wen
hurt. This fight happened after the Mrsl
and second Injunctions had been Jointly dls-
solved. The Hock Islander" , thinking thai
the legal way had been cleared , went tc
get the i coords , but the Fultonltcs prevctitci
this by force of arms.
In pa slng upon the case Judge Gcst re
marked that there was something remark.
able about the freedom with which Injunc.
lions vvcie handed out by the master-In
chancery courts of Illinois and gave ov
picsslon to pome other opinions of the pann
character. Ho went on to say further ihal
ho would have been Jimmied In dissolvlnc
the third Injunction without hearing , 'tun
ho wanted to learn whether any new grouiu
had been reached. He Htated , however , tha
the third Injunction proved to be practlcallj
the Bamc as the other two and such addi
tional theories as wcro advanced were un
tenable. This decision appeared to be EI
positive that It was not believed by the Rocli
Islanders llmt any further legal obstruction
would bo put In the v\ay of the removal
but they wcro mistaken. In one-half houi
after this decision waa rcndeicd the Fulton-
lies had found another maater-ln-cliancerj
to Ihsuc another Injunction , the fourth It :
the Berks.
The bitter feeling of the Fulton people
In the matter was exhibited on the daj
that Judge Gcat's decision was handed down
They had heard of the dissolution of tin
Injunction at once and they expected tha
the Hock Islanders would ' come for the
iccords rlgiit away They hcMd that i
special wan coming from Hock Island am !
they at once jumped to the conclusion thai
It can led a body of Invading Hock Inland
ers. Consequently when the train pulled In
the depot was crowded with the Fulton
populace , who weie In arms and ready foi
anything. Fortunately the special bronchi
In only a crowd of railroad officials whc
were on an Inspection tour.
Last Tuesday Head Attorney Johnson ol
the Modern Woodmen , who was the heai !
man of the Hock Islander * In the Invasion
of August 13 when a number of people were
hurt , was given a preliminary hearing or
the charge of Inciting riot. After a portion
tion of the evidence was In he waived ex
amination and was held to the circuit courl
In $300 bonds.
Inverness castle No CO of Omaha electei :
the following officers , which were Installer
Friday evening thus completing the list as
given In last Sunday's Bee Past lllustrlout
protector , H. E. Burnain ; chief cour.fecllor
Prof. J. H. Lovvry ; sentry , M. C. Ship
herd ; order , Lo Suer Bedford ; chief ol
spearsmen , James M. Mulr , chief of arclfers
W. n. Galvln.
In icply to the article that recently ap
peared In regard to the Royal Hlghlandi'M
Inverntbs castle wishes to state : This U
not a Scottish ordci , but derives Its name
as almost every other older docs , from It-
ritualistic degrees. Every man who Is ell
glble , regardless of nationality , Is welcomed
within the stronghold ot our castle. Founder
In Nebraska only a jear ago , there are to
day 3,000 Highlanders in this state alone.
The motto , "Prudence , Fidelity and Valor , '
Impressed upon the refugee by the cxem-
plllicatlons of the noble characters of Wallace
un < t-nruoo M brtncl-.g Scotchmen and all
other nationalities under the banners , bound
by the thread of fraternity.
IiiiU'licinlrnt Orili-r of Odd IVllonH.
The big , joint trolley party that was given
lasrt Thursday night was a huge success ,
Fully 7BO members of the order and theli
friends were In attendance , crowding ton
cars , which v\ero divided into flvo trains ,
Lodges Ncs 10 , 20 , 183 , 210 of this city am )
lodge No. 148 of ISouth Omaha were repre
sented. In order to accommodate thcue liv
ing In the outskirts of the city one of the
trains started fiom thenoitli end of the
line and the other fiom South Omaha and
Joined the other three at Sixteenth and
Howard streets A trip was token over the
cltj Hues. During the ilde refreshments
were nerved ,
The trolley party was the second of the
series of summer entertainments the Odd
Fellows of the city planned for. The first
was the big lawn party that occurred a couple -
plo of weeks ago Plans are being madeto
have another trolley party in the near fu
ture , In which the Council Bluffs lodgeo will
be askej to join.
Nobles of ( h < - M > Ntr Slirliic.
The visit of Hlngling Brot' . circus to the
city last Monday afforded the local Shrlnera
an opportunity for a good time. The Hlng-
llngs arc all mcmbeis of the Sbrltie and con
sequently the local contingent determined to
pay them the compliment of attending the
circus In a body on Monday night. In ac
cordance with thin plan , some 250 membeis
and their feminine friends gathered at Ma
sonic temple and went out to the show.
riie Hlngllngs loaned the Shrincrs their
uneven bwell English drags and In these
the women rode. The men inarched behind
a couple of camels that weio also loaned
'or the occasion At the conclusion of the
icrfounanco an Informal icceptlon was held
it the temple In honor of Charlca and John
[ tingling Both weio called upon foi
speeches and II. Hardy delivered himself of
a few remarks. The serving of light re-
'leshments ' rounded out a very delightful
affair. _ _ _
UnxliicNH MC-M'H rrnlt'i-iilty.
The petitioners for the oiganUatlon of a
mslness men's fiatcrnlty at Blair met labt
v.eeK and wcro called to order by Acting
Supreme Organizer H. C M , Burgews , who ,
uftcr stating1 the object of the meeting , pro
ceeded to confer the de-gree upon those
irrcent. assisted bj Mi Frank Landers , who
md pcifected the organization.
'I ho following ollkeis were elected A C
Jones , past president , Jeae T Davis , pres-
dcnt ; Thomas I > Llppencott , vice president ;
Jay F Davis , secieiary ; John E Shaffer ,
rcasurer ; James Platz and Crlstcn S Nel-
'on ' , stewards , C C. Colby , guide , I C HI-
or. Inner watch , and .M. M Patterson , outer
bvatch i
After the organization was completed the
members took up matters of buelneBa Inter- ]
L-st to the city. All the members seemed to I
lie very enthusiastic and well pleased with ,
llio organization _ I
HrollitTliiiixl of iilH. j
At the meeting last Friday night
Dmaha lodge appointed a committee on ur-
angementa for the annual memorial eerv- ' '
ecu which arc he-Id every fall In honor of
: ho memory of the deceased brethren. An
; ffort will bo made to have Grand Exalted '
ilulcr Meade Detwller of Pennsylvania hero
It already set-
: o conduct the services It
led that Rev J Wesley Gelger of Marlon ,
a , will deliver one of the addressee At I
Ills eamo meeting a committee was ali\ ) j
appointed o nrrango for the nnniial boned
that will mo during the early part of net
A report has been received to lhe > cffec
that the inital outing a couple of week
ago was a Success financially , and In ever
other wnj A nice eum of money wa
turned In the treasury us the profits c
the affair.
1'rnlcriinl luilon ,
Last Tuc ilny night Banner lodge gave on
ot the m it Interesting entertainments 1
has ever 1 : ld. H was attended by 300 In
\ltcd guests. The program was rendered b ;
thn Apollb club , Prof. D. J Hur
ley , Mr. Ifawcllff and Mimes Carlson , Do
McKcnnn , J/lrglnlo. Merges , Esther llcamar
Maggie McXenrlo and Lillian Emsllc Kvcr ;
member WJH encored. At the conclusion o
the prografi refreshments were served Th
credit forlthls successful affair Is In grea
me-asllro diV to Mr. and Mrs F A. Vaughi
and Mrs. Icrgcs.
On next 'burnilay Banner lodge will hav
n number bt South Omaha nnd Councl
Bluffs met bcra as guests. They come t
w Uncos th i degree work.
The nd > ! ory board of the supreme lodg
meets In lonver on September 10.
\v lldllicil of till * World.
The men hers of Ashland are making at
rnngemcnti/ ! an old-fashioned barbecu
to bo held londoy , September 6 , Labor da >
Special ratiji have secured. An Intel
estlng prtiufam of speaking , music an
amusement * ' Is being prepared.
The locali groves of the Woodmen clrcl
will glvo A union picnic at Hanpcom par !
Saturday , September 4. All members ai
requested t i meet at the office of the suprem
forest at IP. a in. sharp. A cordial Invltn
tlon Is oy m1c < l to all members of th
camps , thflr families and all frlsnds o
woodcraft Hi ) attend. Singing , opraklni !
music ami Joanna v\lll bo the order of th
Sgoi'el hwlo < > > otc < .
Forest lodge No. 1 , Knights ot the Foicsl
has parsed ft set of resolutions thanking th
South Sldolmpiovcment club for the Invl
tatlon to attend a sacred concert In Rivet
view pork last Sunday The Invitation wa
accepted ami the lodge attended In a body
The st.itii finance committee of the An
clent Ordergif United Workmen held n regu
lar meeting ; at Grand Ibland ln t week , bu
tiansacti'd none but routine business
For the tycond time this jcar no oisess
mcnt will lie called by the Modern Wood
men of Amtjrlca noxtynonth. There wan n
assessment in April
Order of I InKnxtvni Slut' .
The local order Is meeting w lib grea
encouragement lu Us plan to raise a fun
to establlah'headquartci-s for vl. King mem
bera of thel order In thin clt > during th
exposition ' { Some time ago the lodges I
the Ftate wJro asked to donate to the fun
and the response has been very llbera' '
The lodges have been sending In donation
at the rate if 10 to 25 cents a member I
la the Intention to solicit for donations als
among the lodges of Iowa and other neigh
boring ctatea after Nebraska Is thoioughl
canvassed. A considerable fund Is In pron
Order of UKVorId. .
Last Flrday evening a number ot th
members and friends of Mjrtle lolge Nc
309 gathered at the residence of Sister Ami :
McBrldc. 1S07 Lcuvenvvorth btrcet Th
evening was most enjoyably spent In hlgl
five. mu lc and ilanclng
On Friday evening , September 3 , a socla
and dance will be given by Myitlo lodge Ni
391 , at Mjrtle Annex hall. Continental block
Invitations have been Issued to the varloui
lodges of the oidei In the city and a
gathering Is expected.
of I'J IhliiN.
Grand Chancellor Norberg of Holdregc
Grand Prela'p W. W. Young of Stanton am
HHtiy mji io--of Nebraska City , anothe
grand officer , visited the local members las
week The grand chancellor arilvcd 01
Monday and was the guest of Nebrask ,
lodge No. 1 on the evening of that daj
Quite' a' reception In his honor was held
On Tuesday night he visited Tilune lodgi
and on Friday night Mars lodge.
Onlcr of Hotl tlcii.
Tribe No. 26 was Instituted at Bcatilci
lafat Monday night. The officers elected are
C. A. Osborne , S. ; W. H. Trlpp , S. S. ; H
B. Applcget , J. S. ; E. N. DePuy , P ; D. II
Single , C. of H ; H. W. Kcleey , K. of W
F. E. Cook , F. S. : J. F. Harkttis , S. S ,
C. T. Field , G. of W. ; E. J Glllllund , G. o
P. ; James E. Binh , Harry W. L. Jaekson
C. H. Ncuhauben , T.
n. oi n. , A. o. iv. .
Special memorial and floral services wll
bo held by Washington lodge No 27 , D ol
H. , Ancle'nt Older of United Workmen , li :
the hall In Labor Temple , this afternoon al
5 o'clock. This Is the first servlee of the
kind for the Degree of Honor and aa Inter
ring program lias been arranged for l"ic
jccuslon Rev Charles W Savldgo will
speak. All members of the Degice of Honoi
Miclent Order of United Workmen , ami
; lielr friends are Invited
T clitjFourth low \sKochlllon. .
The hcvcnth reunion of the association of
ho survivors of the Twentj'-fourth Iowa In-
antry volunteers will bo held at Tlpton , la. ,
Vcdnesday and Thursday , September 29 nnd
10. A rate of one and one-third fare will
10 made from all Iowa points on the certlfl-
ate plan A grand time In promlacd and a
nil attendance Is earnestly requested.
1. ltd I CM of tli > > Miit'riilii'CN.
Gate City hlvo No. 9 will give a social hop
it Patterson hall , Seventeenth and Farnum
trcets , next Tuesday night. A committee ,
a.s been working hard to make the nfliiir
. big success and ever > thing Is arranged
or an event of tha season. There Is prom-
se that the attendance will be very lirge.
Don't iinko any dates for L-ilnr Da > . Co
[ > Ashland- cheaper tlan flaying at home
5 cents round tilp.
lama You
'or IcuKlriKII | > M joii Hike n pn script Ion tone
no fit the pets In liu Illluil mill don t u k I In in
uw inurh ft will Copt li fuie > ou lc tt It
on eo Its tills wa > tluj'se Rot In hiixe nn
xhnrliltnnt iirollt In tw | Mrpt plat i1 -IIP ! > ' sol
D uilil 15c to Kr to pii ) tlie plugiffi fur nn > \ -
IK It to thtm lint It H illffeifiit when juit
uinu to us We on ] } ill MMu leut-onnlilt. prnllt
-and not n tent IH nilileil for ( lUL-Ion't ilu
Ubhii' llmt wa > sun Know
Ingllili Kinrlllnif BaltH . 10a
Ire' Itoot I leer . Uo
alne' ( "elcry I'limiiouml . 1,1
; nrmi'H Ka ( e'uit * . fcor
, 'll'luin'8 1'inlt IMIlK . a.i.
inrj'H Malt \Vliltld > . . Mio
'lerct-'B ' Tavorlte 1'rpHcrljillon . CJo
Itllllllo . . Ml
Irnpy'a Catnirh I'owiler . S'.o
Illn-l 8 hwuinp Keel . . . 75o
< llow'H Il > | > 0ilio8i ] > hltcs . . . tl IO
If Up of l'\K \ S"U
tutirt fi D > ppppiala TahlelB w u
for. HJth mill Uliliuiuo SU.
e'lililirln I pi iKhi , liiiprin ril Ni-nli * , , , . tl.'t..0 (
rumonu i iuiKii < f i > iur NIIIIII , oui > . , . . .if i-r > , oo
I 'In ItoNiMiooil 1'iirlKlilnr ril IIIIIM-IN . , , . . . . , . ijt I r 7.f > O
hiinililirllllio , lutt-Ht H | > ! < IIIHIlilurlnHf lii-ndl- . IjHr.'i.lMI
Nil nil re I'liinoN nl Iftlh.tlll , lirl ; ( ) , 15.00 mill . , . lf < r 00
OrKiuiN ill If I y. (10 , ) ji ! .OOt 1 > . 'J * > .O ) anil . , . # ! 7.r O
\\ISTIHN : : sou : ACI\TS for IVIHS .v IMIVD , vosn , IIIIIISON : and
ollu-r ri'iiou iic-il iinil.i-H. Vliill < iril i priiiuiill ; ntU-ndi-il In ,
fiicllon Kiiiirnuleeil or inoiiiii'f iiiult-d.
105 South Fifteenth Street A. G MUKLLKK. Tunsr. Tel. HJ25
tiulUielu Ue Jlimlo lluuic lu the Olt > .
Thr \ nlnn 1'ncine
Is running Pullman PaUce Bleeping C r
dAlly. Omiliu to Colorado Springe. Col. , le v-
Ing Qmahn on fast mall -.05 ( p. m. , arriving
Colorado Springs next morulnc 11:10. :
For reservations and full Informittlon c ll
t Cltr Ticket Odlcr 1302 Farn m St.
Wo have just received n ehlpmcnt of these
beautiful govds , comprising nine shades In
COMMS , imusnns , MIIIUOHS. SOAP nox-
is , TOOTH niiusii HOLUIHS , SHOU
Celluloid Hair llrushes . 75c and $1 00
Celluloid Mirrors 7ilc. $1 00 and ) l 25
Combs . ICc , SOc , 5c , 35r , COo
l.MIl DoilHf SI. Vllddtc of tillMooU ,
, isn't ' it ?
The reason It's odd Is because Its act
ual cost of those ladles' fine' Oxfords
that we're closing out- the tegular price
Is $2.00 , S2.y > and J2 50 ,
When von can buy n line Vlcl Kid
Oxford tan or ovblood new coin teeter -
tor J1.R1 , vou oughtn't to hesitate a
moment Hettci come in < nrly Mon
day and look these1 Shoes over jou'll
buy If you see them.
Shoe Dept.
G'ad ' and merry in
the homo e'ife'lu. ] ] uch
uie'inber of the family
should bo hunpy shoulel
display vim ttiul vivuuity.
This i infjjo iblo without
good npiiciitc , pet feet di
gestion , rich bleiod and
sound sloop. All thosn
Phyblcltins rce'eiiiiiuund It.
Tolophonu 4iJ and Imvo n
He-lit ti your honu1.
The following letter shpwa that
Is appreciated abroad as well as at hornet
1-aumlioltl Co , Oniiha N b
Oentlsmcn- Inivo un l I.iuiuliolil nnd flnil
tlmt It worUH like n cliann All 5"u claim for It
1 found to IK- line I n Kuril It an the lust
wuHlilut ; compnunil In < xlHloiu < Hwpottfully ,
MltS ( "HAS AGOIl C'alicrs. Ill
The more sou use It tin- littler jou'll Ilko It.
Laundroid Go. i ! u
Brook Trout
California Hard Shell Crabs ;
Loh.stcr.s , Shell mill Hulk.
7.'l HI
lion much ? Say $12 u month Jill a
year , 01 51,410 In 10 jo.irs
. A dollar puld to n landlord Is eono
I forever and leaves nothing but u re-
' i rlnt behind
For a sum ciiiml ID your rout , paid
I In mon'lilj liiHtallmcntH. the
[ O1IAIIA 1.IIAN A. Illlll.UI.Xi ASS'.N.
will sell you n home Uvery mon'h'H '
raymui.t will tlvo you a Hiibstantlul
liilerest In the propeity , and at the end
of 10 yeai you will Imvo ItiHlcnd of
landlord's leoclpts a home of jour own
Now Is thu time to be-ulii lle-d Hoek ,
Prlees. Call at
17 < > Knriiiini Sd-iM-t , Her IHilK.
( I. M , > A'rTIVfinH , .Svurrtnry.
SI : > IIN'IS ,
'he Creightoi
-ii : < . HI i % ,
TIII : woeimvAim TIIII\TIII co.
II t'llK Wit It. .
Irene Franklin
lorand's dancing bchool 1510
larney-st will reopen foradults |
'uesday , Sept 71 ! ) , at 8 p. m ,
'or chi'dren ' Saturday , Sept.
5. Open day and evening
> r applicat.ons nnd circu'ars. '
Mrjul ,
c NTitvri'.v u IOAT-I : )
IHCI ICMIII ji'un , t f.o p T il ty up
luiiiii | nip 00 p r il ly ii
J. I' . MAIIKii < 4V SON , I'ruiix ,