THE ( TMAIIA DAILY 11EE : SV PAY , AUGUST 29 , 1897 a MORE PUBLIC LAND TO RENT It vestigatiog Committee Discovers Some Verj Valuable Tracts , PENITENTIARY GRANT HELD BV SQUATTERS MnrljSeven Hntiilrcit Acren from IMilch tinMntl - IK GctllliK No IH- will Ho OflercU ( or Iicune. LINCOLN. Aug. 28. ( Special. ) Members nf the ItcNatlve Investigating committee have Just returned from a trip over the rtntn uenltentlnry lande. having visited them ir , urder to learn what their rental value was iiiJ what contracts could he made for them In 'he future. The lands amount to G7G acres , and are all located In Lancaster and Sewnfd e.iuntuK. being In four tracts. The commit tee figured that n rental of $ l.i > 0 per acre i uld easllv be obtained , as the tracts are o' a hlzc suitable for good farms , and all CMJ < ! land. It was learned that pome of the HI : . .niters bad occupied the lands for righter or nine years , paying very little rent , and Ir same cases none whatever. The M.'incrs uJ.I/.iilnc ; the tracts are anxious to be able 1 bid for leases on the land , and arrange irt-ntii are to be made whereby the le.'Kes will K tj the highest bidder , -rhlch will brlns t 'he state fully fl.OOO per vear for the Uas ng of r'i6 nc'es. Previous to this year ji money has ever been turned into the t'ta ; irv for the leasing of the pcmlnnltnry ] ncle The last report of Commissioner RUB- ceil fhowfl that JfiOO was derived from ! 1 Is S3UITC. nnd wan expended by tt-c commls- r ner for postage nnd other e > xici < fu > i. One Item In this expense bill , ns shown by the rcnort. If. J2H0.87 paid J. Dan Lau-r for "b.ilancc due In excess of appropriation made liv the legislature of 189F1. for the refunding payment on northwest quarter of section l , tuv. ti'hip n. Lancaster county. " The btate exposition commission up to dale has expended $ l.lor,70 of the nppropria ti n JK3.H3 going to each of the - ommis- Eionera ns salary from July 12 to September 1 The other Items are ns follows : Wi'liam Holmes , $ G ; Dewcy & Holme ? Furniture company , $131 ; C. D. Casper & Co. . ? M.25 ; Omaha Furniture and Carpet company , $18 ; Omaha Printing company , J44.U4 : J. L. Me- Minn. no.KO ; Annie Johnson , no.fiO ; Mary Jane Holmes , $7.50 ; Dan Althen. $78 ; W. H. Dearlng , J 0 ; E. D. Johnson. $64.33 ; Annie O Rourke. $54 _ _ NOT DISCRIMINATION. The Thuringla Fire and Life Insurance company of Erfurt , Germany , has Just filed 1 < charter to enable It to do business in this state The statement shows that the company liao dcpoelte-d $2nn.OOO In New Yo-k , In order to handle Its American business. In con nection with the matter of chartering for- cicti Insurance companies it Is learned that the foreign countries are very strict with American companies doing business iitross ti'e water , requiring them to inake a detailed prone ty statement lifting - hepioiierry at 1's actual value , without regard to Its orig inal cost. Some of the elates hove adopted e milar rules toward the foreign companies c uning to this country to do business , t-nd early last spring the insurance drpa-tinei't of Nebraska figured strongly on following the example. Auditor Cornell , howcve- , con cluded that Inasmuch as these statements 1-ad never been required by other administrations he would not require them now , and the companies are allowed to come in without Inquiry into their financial standing In Eu- rone. The following named persons have lately been commissioned as notaries public : C. A. Randall. Newman Grove ; John L. Carr. Geo'ge E. Turklngton , J. H. Boston. Omaha ; f L. Wlleon. Johnson ; N. J. Paul. St. Paul : L. U. Parsons , Max ; Henry Nagel , Bruna- tvJek. LINCOLN NOTES. The members of Appomattox and Farrngut Relief corps have secured one wing of the Floral hall on the fair grounds and will fur nish nnd nnnropriately decorate it for Relief cores headquarters during the coming re union. Arrangements have been jomol.-u.--rt wl.crcby IH'K Cera Parker is retained at the head o' the Art department In the Unlv r-lty of Nebrafika. Work on the new high rchnol building IE being pushed rapidly. The third K'wy wan commenced today. Sam Adler. the man who shot Petedlve Walone. had u hearing this afternoon. Adler entered n plea of not gulltv. Several wit nesses were examined and the 'esilunny was about the same. All assert that Malone jiushed Mrs. Adler from the door and that he and Adler had a scuffle , after which Adler ran to his other pawnshop and entering , looked the door. Malone tried the door and kicked for admittance , when Adler fired the two shots. The Judge took the case undet advisement until Monday. J. C. Martin of thlb city today received a letter from his cousin. Crawford Elliott , who Invented the typewriter to be used In 1 writing in bound volumes. Mr. Elliott Is now lu London , where his new machine is creat ing great interest , nnd he wishes Mr. Martin to RO over and help him in handling sales. Lincoln Wheel club will make a iun te Waco Sunday morning. Wheelmen from York will also participate In the ride. The announcement Is made today that thr 'Journal ' company has purchased the Evening News , and will hereafter conduct both pn- pera , J. C. Scacrrnt being retained as- the business manager of both establishments. Mr , Seacrest says that the News will remain in Us present location and be operated as a heparate newspaper from the Journal , bul will In reality be the afternoon edition pf thai wiper AVhen the announcement was madi ten days ago that Mr. Scacrevst had bough ! the News It was generally believed here thai the Journal company was the real purchaser Omaha people nt the hotels : At the Lin- dell H. L , Whiting , H. C. Rountree , J. W The Greeks were physically perfect and beautiful because they were healthy. The man who suiters from ill - health cannot be physically robust and manly. The woman who jis sickly can- 'not be beau tiful nnd wo ' ' manly. Most 'iI all forms of I ill-health have their inc - c e p t i o n in disorders pf the digestion. When the digestion is bad the blood becomes im pure , nnd is imperfectly supplied with the food - elements that build up new nnd healthy tissues , and tear down , nnd carry away those that are inert and half-dead. The nerves are not rebuilt from day to day with new , vigorous , active fibers. Every organ , tissue , _ nuis- de and nerve in the body is half furnished for healthy nutriment. Almost any dis ease in the category of human ills may be the result of this condition. Most fre quently it is the most deadly of disorders consumption. Sometimes it is some other wasting disease. Again , it may be scrofula or some t > kin disease. There is u sure preventive and remedy for these conditions and maladies. It ts Dr. I'ierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It corrects all disorders of the digestion. It restores the lost or foiling appetite and invigorates the liver. It fills the arteries with the pure , rich , red blood of health. It builds new , firm flesh , healthy , active nerve fibers , and strong elastic muscles. It cures 98 per cent , of all cases of con sumption , and wasting diseases. It cures nervous prostration. Druggists Bell it. The man who U too lazy or neglectful to take CD Oicasiouol dote of medicine to ward off the evil cflecU of conttliiatlon dctcrvci tQ dij , And lie -vlll mrcly grt hu drterU. for constipation U the fimt enure of much tlckneis , Dr riercc' * 1'lrasarji 1'elleU cure constitution , They never pnpc. QUC little "J'clct" ! I * a entitle laxative , iiti.l two r mild cathartic All eoud drurgist * ell them. Me other pills we u good. ' Hiler F. Vf Little. Jr At the Lincoln- George F Butltr. H C. Qraham j IXTRHKST \niltlASICA LANDS , i IJnMrrn I'roplr Write for Infnrtnnllnn t'oneernlnn Pnlille Dtiitinln. LINCOLN. AUE Special.i-The ( state officers tre reetivltiK ample evidence In the form o ! letters to prove that the general prosperity of Nebraska is recognized by the people of the eastern t > tale . In the last few day * ecveral letters of inquiry have been received from poraoim who de lrc to come west and locate on come of the school InndB. In answering these letters and en couraging the- writer * to come ( o this state the land commissioner doc ( > not enter Into cny argument to show how much better off the state would be under a silver etandird. The following letter was ecnt to the state superintendent , and by him handed to the commlteloritr : LAPORTE. Ind. . Aug. S3. lSS7.-Dear Sir : I am very desirous to lenrn the dctallH of the way you rent your school lands In Nebraska. I was one of the number who were so fortunate as to be shown ovar the state by the Chicago , Hurllngton & Qulncy railroad and returned to Indiana only yes terday. I feel sure I will be able to Interest pome of my neighbors In what Nebraska haste to offer thu home neeker , and I think 1 will come out soon with n numbtr of them who will see for themseU'es one of the best eoun- trlua ihe sun shines on. 1 notice the Hoard of Education or n similar board has can celed a large number of leases , nnd 1 am Interested In learning at once how 1 can leawe some of these lands , and whether the man who lenses can at his option , during the lease , buy the lands. At what value do you hold the land say In Phelps county , of Harhtn and of Loup counties ? Please state the rental value and the price and terms on which they will lie nolrt to people who will settle on and Improve them. Hoping for u reply HI your earliest con venience , 1 am sincerely yours. J. F. KNIGHT. LINCOLN , Neb. , Aug. 27 , lb97.-J. F. Knlg'nt. LaPorte. Ind. Ueai Sir : Your let ter of August 2 , " ! 10 the superintendent of public Instruction 1ms been referred to the writer for reply. Referring especially to the Hchool lands nt the state , 1 have the honor to Inform you that UK-IT Is consid erable vacant rchool lund in thirteen e-iun- tlcs on the southern border of the state , Ticglnnlng with Webster county nnd leav ing out Adams c-ounty. These school lands will be offered for leastby the commissioner at a public auction to be held In each of the coun'les on the dates as per Hat en- i-losed. The auction In Loup county has been held. These lands are nppralf-ed at from TiO cents to ? 4 or K per Here , nnd draw us annual rental 0 per cent on the appraised value. The lease contracts run for twenty-live years and are negotiable the s-ame UK any other land contract. The auction IB conducted in manner shown by- circular en-lpsed. Any fur. her information will lm cheerfully furnished ut nny time. Very truly , E. W. NELSON , Deputy Commissioner. Another letter and Its answer reads an follows : EAST MONTPELIER. Tt. . Aug. 19. 1S97.- Mr. Wolfe Dear Sir : There is a small party here that Is going west. 1 see by the Omuati Hoc that there Is a lot of school land for lousing. I would Pke to know how much it vv < uld eost IHT UK ) acres. I would like a map of the state showing the counties , so 1 could see about where the lands are. If you will tell me what u map will eost atid where to get It I will pay for same. We want tin.- lund to live on. How large lots hnvt- you in one body , and how Is the soil ? 1 would be pleawrt to receive nny further ilc-scrlptlon of hind. 1 may go out t.ierr next month. Honing to hear from you , 1 nm respectfully yours , V.V. . PEWETT. LINCOLN , Nob. . Aug. 2S. 1BS7. Mr V. W Jewell , Esq. , East Montpeller. A't. Dear Sir : Referring to your letter of August 1 ! ) , I beg to enclose herewith a map of the state of Nebraska which you will kindly accept with the compliments of the commissioner. We have school lands for lease In all of the counties west of the mark down acros-s the map In blue pencil. There are probably Ir all 400.000 acres. These lands are appraised all the way from 50 cents to J4 and $5 per acre , the uverage being about $1.0 per acre Toey are leased on twenty-live year con tracts , and draw as annual rental C per cent on the uriprulsed value of the land. You will do well to become Interested in some of the counties where there are manj streams , nnd if you can determine upon whnl counties you would like to learn more ol i-.nd will write to the county treasurer ol such counties , he will doubtless l > e glad to give you the benefit of his personal knowl edge concerning the lund in that Immediate locally , which information could be givet you with more accuracy than from thi ofllce. for the reason that we are able to have only u general know'edge of the qualltj of these lands. You have doubtless heard of the Trans- mis'sisslppl Exposition to be held at Omaha from June to October , 1S9S , nnd suitable rate- wlll doubtless be made so that people mas come from all parts of the nation at smal expense , and this would be a very suitable time for many of your friends to attend the exposition and look over the state of Nebraska. The writer came from Washington county New York , nineteen years ago. and is inrettj well satisfied with Nebraska , Our products this year , I feel safe In saying , equal In value thut of ulmost any state In the union Yours truly , E. W. NELSON , Deputy Commissioner. DAXCIi : FIGHT ISXDS IX MtllllHCH Henry Ciirp ul r. Farmer. Ivillt'd 1 > > .IIIIIK-X I.liulrllr , Hue ] Mini. DAKOTA CITY , Neb. , Aug. 28. ( Specia Telegram. ) As a result of a dance ant drunken epree at Goodwin In the west par of this county last night , Henry Cnrpenter now lies dead nt Jackson , John Hun din 111 If , confined in the county jail as a partlclpan in the affray , Tom Casey has given $100 bonds for hie appearance September 3 be fore County Judge Ryn , charged with run ning a "hole-ln-the-wall saloon , " and James Lludelle , who fired tne Ehot causing Carpenter's death , ie being pursued b ; officers. Early in the evening a fight was had , bu the fight resulting UK above occurred abou 4 a. m. in the dark , outside of the danc hall , after nearly nil had departed , and Her Francisco of Hubbard , an eye witness , was unable to tell The -Bee correspondent how th shooting happened , other than that Lludelle who was underneath , shouted for help anc Immediately after two ulioin were fired , on of which took effect In Carpenter's bowels , Lludelle at onie left and n physician wa- cummoned frr Carpenter , who pronounced the wound fatal , and while Carpenter was be ing taken to Sioux City to be operated upon ho died. Carpenter was a man about 20 years old , a farmer living at Brady's Crooking , who al ways bore n good name. Llndelle came hero last spring and for a while worked with a bridge gang , but lately has bsen bartender for Louis Eby at Hubbard. He is considered a bnd man. and was called "Jack the Ripper. " Sheriff Borrowsky offers a reward of $50 for his capture. He IE badly pounded up and bis icvolver and hat were left on Hie- battle ground. I 1AX A IIATTAI.IOV I3\CAMI > MK\T. Four iir Flvr Coinpniili-H Will Join F .r < - - nt Ilnvlil City. DAVID CITY , Neb. . Aug. 28 , ( Special. ) Since the military board decided to order company encampments in place of a state encampment , Colonel Colton , Captain Zcll- Ilnger and citizens here have Iren laboring earn.8tly to uecure the attendance of a number of companies to a battalion en campment here. They have secured the means to enable the various companies to hold their week of drill hero with as little expeuhet us If held in their homo town. The companies * at York. Columbus nnd Schuyler and company D of Lincoln have signified their Intention to be here , nnd there Is a strong probability that the cavalry company of Mllford will go into camp hero during the third week in September , the tlmo agreed upon. Governor Holcnmb. Colonel Brandt and Major I'Vchet. U , S. A. , have accepted In- vlUitloiis to be present on the 13th. iind other prominent citizens and guardsmen have been invited to be present , from whom no replies have been received as yet. Other compcnlec of guards have been Invited , but pending the action of the companies on the Invitation , no replies have been received. An Ideal camp and drill ground hub br-cn secured , supplied with an abundance of good water , and everything will be done to make the may of the guards pleasant. UIMII-I Count * 'IVnrlirrN' Institute , CHAPPELL , Neb. , Aug. 28. ( Special. ) The Deuel couuty tcachere' Institute closed today after a two weeks' tiefefilou. The in stitute has been conducted by the county nuperinteudeiit. lima Dodds. and Prof. Dlus- niore and Prof. Watvrhouse have been the instructors. Ilutlrr Count- . C. T. L1 , Convention. Sl'RPIUSE , Neb. , Aug. 2B. ( Special. ) TU annual Butler county convention of the \Vomu' Chrklltu Tempi-rue * union act In thin place Thursday and Friday There wait a large attendance The state president , Mrs. S. M. Walker , and county president. Mni. Annie M Bunting , were both present , bringing encouraging reports ofwork done. Good muHc was furnished by home talent. New offlcem elected are Mrs. Mollle La- mon , president ; Sylvia Bunting , correspond ing secretary ; Mrs Kite Grecnahl. recording eeretary and Mrs. Abble Corrlne. treasurer. The convention closed on Friday evening after listening to an able address by the elate president , Mrs. S. M. Walker , Sub- eel , "Who is Responsible ? " MAItltini ) A 3IOXT1I AMI DRSEItTBD. Yotinir AVoninn from Inivn Left I" ? ' Her Hnolinnil nt IMnttunuinth. PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. . Aug. 28. ( Special. ) Last week Friday a man giving his name ns C. Thomas , accompanied by his wife , ar rived in this city and proceeded to make arrangements for B theatrical entertainment to be given under the auspices of the Grand Army of the Republic. After concluding the bargain he secured a number of advertise ments for the program , collecting for them In advance. Wednesday he left the hotel , telling his wife he would be back In a short time , but up to date he has not returned. H has since been ascertained that he took a Missouri Pacific train for Omaha. Before leaving he- took all the money his wife had , leaving her hero without means and an un paid board bill. Mrs. Thomas Is n modest appearing young woman , who says her home was formerly In Indlnnola , la. , and that she' first mot Thomas nt Clinton , la. , where she was visiting. The stage hnd a fascination for her , and Thomns evidently pictured great possibilities for her If she became n member of the theatrical profession They then went to DCS 'Molnes ' , where they were married about a month ago. She could give no explanation as to her desertion and said they were on the best of terms when hr left her Wednesday morning. She was In clined to take a philosophical view of the stuatlea : , however , and en it ] she was glnd that she found out what kind of a man she had married before they got nny further from her home , as Thomas had told her they would go out to the coast after the theatrical engagement here. TWO YOIIIl 1IAMCS COXSOI.HATE. l.tnlillltli-N u ml ANHI-I * of tintlirasUn AxMiiiiril by Clt.v National. YORK. 'Neb. . Aug. 28. ( Special. ) The ncee'ts and liabilities of the defunct Ne- brntika National bank have been assumed by Ihe City National of this , place. At a meet ing of the directors of the former , held yesterday afternoon , the deal was con summated. The depositors , with but very few- exceptions , have agreed to the proposition whereby ihey receive payment of deposits in four installments of clx months each , the first payment to be made six months from date. The City National will take charge of the handoome stone building which the other bank has occupied and will move in In a few weeks. The consolidation of the Interests of the two seems to meet with general approval , and the efforts of Bank Examiner Howey and the officials of the defunct hank to bring about a satisfactory settlement , whereby the depositors and crcdltoro would lose us little us possible , Is highly commended by nil. Examiner Howey left thlo morning for his home In Beatrice , having completed his dutlce here. IllCVCLE FACTORY FOll YOKIC. IMiiitt YTI11 Proluil.iv lie Moved from Driivrr Thin Full or Winter. YORK , Neb. , Aug. 28. ( Special. ) The proposition of the Silver Stale bicycle worko of Denver lo remove Us plant to York was practically accepted at a mars meetins held last night nt the city hall. The cltizetio agree to defray the moving expenses as the inducement for the removal. A move to" secure 3 corncob pipe factory Is on foot among local business men also. Two Dlvnri'fh fJrimtril lit Fremont. FREMONT , Aug. 28. ( Special. ) In the district court this morning Judge Marshall granted Charlotte Raasch a decree of di vorce from Gotlob Rnasch. It appeared that Gotlob had left the country more than sir years ago and had taken his wife's youngest sister along with him. Mre. Raasch was granted Ihe custody of their two children. Daisy Hudson proved to the court that she was entitled to a decree of divorce for several causes. Her husband. Oscar , did not have much regard for his matrimonial duties. He had become an habitual drunk ard , deserted her two years ago. after but one year of married life , and had wholly failed to support her. She was awarded the custody of their 2-ycar-old daughter. Tem-lnTN Make 11 I'roKeiitutloii. DAKOTA CITY , Neb. , 'Aug. ' 28. ( Special. ) Just before the closs of the Dakota Count } Teachers' Institute yesterday , Superintendent J. G. Haupt , who retires from ofllce next January , wcs presented with a fine gold- headed cane , bearing the following Inscrip tion : "Presented to Superintendent J. G Haupt by the teachers of Dakota county. Nebraska , August 27. 18S7. " The presenta tion was n complete surprise to Superin tendent Haupt , and was made on behalf nf the teachers by Prof. W. J. Manning and Prof. Oscar M. Waddoll. Superintendent Haupt responded in a happy vein. N Mny Have ISIictrlcI.iKlit" , HASTINGS. Neb. , AUG. 2S. ( Special. ) It is thought that Haotlnps will not be Is darkness much longer , as there la consider able talk oj starting the old electric light plant in motionAn electrician hca bec In Hastings the last week looking the plum over and estimating the amount of monei required to put it in n first-clcs3 condition , The owners of the plant say the report i favorable , and if a Bati. = ifactory contract can be made with the city for street light- ' they will proceed to put the plant in good run ning order. Mnrrlrd n ( lunrli-r of a Century. COLUMBUS , Neb. , Aug. 28. ( Speclal.- ) Countv Clerk Emll Pohl and wife were Eur prised nt their residence last evening by i number of their frle.ds and escorted to tut Macnncrchor hall , which was filled will members of that organization , and the ! ] twenty-fifth wedding anniversary WPS cele brated. The Columbus orchestra wao pres ent and rendered reverul selection , ? for th ( occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Pohl were marricc In Wisconsin twenty-five years ago mil have resided in this county for over twentj Y. M. C. A. Orsrim I . ! lit An-niUn. ARCADIA , Neb. . Aug. 28. ( Special. ) A Young Men's Christian ai-aoclatlon ha. been organized at this place with the fol lowing ollleere : S. C. Hawthorne , presi dent ; G. W. Reynolds , vice president ; R. J Holmes , secretary-treasurer. Regular meet ings will be held each Sunday afternoon from 3 to 4 o'clock. The Masonic hall 1m been tecurcd i.s n meeting place. The rooii will be eupplu-d with good reading mattci and will be open lo the public from 1 to t o'clock Sunday aflernoocB. Itolilierx ( in to ( InI' - iillntlu rj" . COLU'MJUJS ' , Neb. , Aug. 28. ( Spesial.- ) Sherlff Knvnnaugh this morning teak Johr Kennedy and Frank Long to the pcnlteu tlarv at Lincoln to begin their term ? of tw : years each at hard labor. These are tut two self-convicted footpads who held ui Tschudy and Ne-laon here about a raonu nco. The enterprise wts not very HUCCCCS- { ul. as they were In Jail Inside of an huu and only received 10 cents and a watch fo their trouble. lifr" CountHroorrtH. . DAKOTA CITY. Neb. , ( Aug. 28. ( Spoolal ] Edward P. Hovcy , who recently entered Into a contract with the commissioners ol Dakota couuty to examine the records ot all the county ofhcers for the past Bin years , trrlved from Lincoln yesterday and has en tered upon his work. The first office to be examined will be that of oounty Judge , now filled by William H. Ryan , formerly oc cupied by D. C. Hefiernnu and William P. Warner. Funeral of Leon 1'ouir. WAKEFIGLD. Neb. . Aug. SB. ( Sp.clul.- ) The remains of Leon Fogg , who died a few days ago ut Beatrice , were brought here foi Interment yesterday. He was burled by th elde of his father. Dr. E , G. Fogg , who diet ] Dine years ago , and his funeral wae at tended by the MEEOIIIC , Woodmen and Work men Irttercitiwj , ot which he TVJU * . member FREE SILVER FWs ( FUSE " > 3 Oonventiots of tfce Allied Parties in Many , - i r ic Counties. OFFICES ARE IQUAllY DIVIDED Nntneil lo lljjf , Three Stn < c Com cntloiid to Strict nl l.lncnlii onV Mlneniliiy Oovrnor llolcoinli UnilorMeil. TECUMSnH , Neb. , Aug. 28. ( Special Tele- gram. ) The democrats , populists and free sll- ( i vcr republican : of Johnson county met lu their respective county conventions here today. The program of the boases was carried out and the fusion ticket put In the field. Nine "go-bctwe-ena" were selected by each assem bly to confer with the other meetings , and acting an a conference comurlttcc. these In dividuals divided the offices up & follows : I Clerk and sheriff for the democrats , treasurer and nupcrlntcndcnt for the .populists , judge and coroner for the free silver republicans. The ullvcr republicans afterward gave the coroner to the populists , j Aejeach convention chose UE nominees the names were scut to he other assemblies for ratification. The ticket Is as follows : Clerk. S. A. Leach ; reasurcr , J. W. Parker ; judge , W. W. Qlflln ; superintendent. C. C.Canou ; sheriff , L. loberts ; coroner. Dr. . P. V. R. De- oe ; commissioner Second district , J. W. KcpMnger. Delegates' to the state conventions were named by the respective lartles. The democratic delegation was In structed for J. H. Broady for aupt'eme Judge and includes the following : J. D. .Conell. C. A. Phelan. John McLaughlin.Vllllam Pornefclt , Hugh Lamastcr , C. C. Ellla. J. H. flicker , S. A. Leach , J. -Stutbelt. . George Grimes. The populist delegates arc : Hiram I'lttam. W. G. Swan , Joha Sherman r. , B. Jennings. C. E. Morris , Wilber Moion. John Beall , E. P. Ingersol , E. W. Nelson , O. D. Woodruff , L. O. Young and G. W. Grimes. Silver republican delegates : L. F. Cooper , A. C. Baker , W. W. Griffin , John Howarth , Mike Cowan , A. B. Walters. Martin McAu- Iffc and John W. Johnson.Central commit tees were named and other less Important tmsluers transacted. BEATRICE. Neb. , Aug. 2S. ( Special Telegram. ) The silver -democrats ) , populists and free silver republicans held separate county conventions today , each selecting delegates to their respective state conveu- tlo. uA conference committee was se lected from the three conventions to .formu late a county ticket and the ticket named Is as follows : Treaourer , Jacob Klein : sher iff. W. R. Jones ; county clerk , C. C. Far- low ; register of deeds , G. H. Wilson ; county Judge , F. O. McGlrr ; county superintendent , Mrs. J. C. McClcery ; coroner. J. L. Spick ; surveyor , A. J. Pethoud. The nominees for trcorarer. clerk , Judge and ( superintendent are all citizens of Beatrice. Thf populists uiBed a long string of resolutions , opeulnt , out by declaring in favor of tree and un limited coinage of gold andi silver at the ratio of 1C to 1 , and ne t impressing their ho-ror and detestation at the fraud , bribery and corruption ut-ed by the republicans" ID carrv the last presidential election. SIDNEY , Neb. . Aug. 2g. ( Special Tele gram. ) There way complete fusion of the free Kilver forces lu Cheyenne county today. The democrats held their convention in the court house , the populists at Odd Fellows' hall and the silver republicans at the en gine house. Committees were appointed by each convention to confer on the possibilities of fusion. ( Michael J. Sandefs. a silver re publican , wcs elected chairman of the con- f = rcnco committee. The committee consisted of five members from each party. They were In session one hour , and then pre sented the following ticket : Sheriff , Daniel MciAleEse , democrat ; clerk. W. P. Klllcn , silver republican ; treasurer , John Hall , pop ulist : Judge. Hugh McFaddcn , democrat : superintendent of schools , Jesse Goffltt , popu list ; surveyor. Lcvl H. Bordwell. silver re publican ; coroner. W. M. Morrow , populist ; commissioner First district. William R. Wood , populist. The ticket was ratified In each convention by a rising vote and the candidates pledged their united support , to the ticket. Resolutions were passed en dorsing the administration of Governor Hol- i-oaib and state officers , and denouncing the defalcations of Bartley and Moore and the mlsUEO and abuss of the public funds. The democrats selected Joseph Oberfelder chair man of the county central committee for the ensuing year , and also elected the following delegates to the state convention : Joseph OberfeldPr , Daniel McAleese , A. W. Alklnn and P. A. Griffith. The ticket is an un usually strong one and a vigorous campaign in this county will be the result. EENKELMAN , Neb. , Aug. 28. ( Special Telegram. ) The scene enacted at the court house today was like bedlam. It was the day of the populist convention and even leading and interested pojiulia's left In dis gust denouncing the proceedings , while one precinct delegation left the convention hall at the very beginning and refused to take part , M. M. Chase of Halgler was made chairman , aid despitehs ! feeble effortr , the hall was a perfect humdrum from the com mencement to the end. The committee se lected to confer with the democratic com mittee failed to reach a satisfactory agree ment and fusion with the democrats was thereby knocked on the head. For more ihan two hours thcsn committees were cau- cussing In their room , while the main con vention was wrangling with preliminary work. Finally the committees announced I they were unable to arrive at a satiEfactory division for fusion and the straight democrats left the hall vowing vengeance upon ever ? ' vandidcte the convention would nominate. The democrat went to another hall and held their conven tion Independsnt of the populists and noml nated a full ticket as follows : Clerk , Mike -Hcndrlcks ; treasurer , Thomas Barr ; aherlft , Bun Lutz ; Judge , Bob Ewlng ; , W. H. Limed ; surveyor , John Updike ; car- oner. H. Canoon. The populist cauveni-Ioii managed to nominate a full ticket , bui bow li was done amid such pandemonium IE a nw- tery. Their ticket IE a * follows : Clerk , M S. Owens ; treasurer , W. C. Welkal ; Judge J. I. George : superintendent , Jame.3 Reynard ; sheriff , Enoch David ; ourvcyor. Ira Lamb corcuer , John McEvoy. The nominee for Judge Is a democrat and positively refuses tc accept the nomination or have anything to jc with the ticket. One fellow rJinurktJ : "Ii h worre than the InBt populist legislature. " Delegates to the populist sis'.e convention are : J. S. McPherson. C. R. Walkir n.d L. U. Parsons. M. M. Chase received "a. irml- nation for commlrnioner nf the Third district PAWNEE , Neb. , Aug. ,2J ( Special Tele gram. ) The democrat , ndependcntB anO silver republicans of ti v county met Ir convention today and ficunlnated the follow ing ticket ; Treaturer.iJ.TH. Osborne ; clcrl : James Hawkins ; bherIff.JV , > k Fowler ; Judge E. L. Fukon ; euncrln cndnnt , J. R. Gray coronet. Dr. C. B. Haafe : mils ticket wet afterwards nominated by- each convention It ueparpte auscmbly. FcDloWlng are delegates to fltete conventions : . -IDemocratlr , D. A. Lasher , Frank Pepperth It ; C. Pcrklno , G , M. Aihliy. Fred S. HusEler , J. F. Rowands R. W. Story , John J. Onctnt. ; silver republi cans , E. L. Fulton , L. 'Ki Kascrnun , Nelson Pylf. Herbert Willson. .J , H. Dlngwell. John R. Gray ; tndeptiident ; T.J : Rutler , D. D. Davis , J. P. Swallow" T. I1. Shiun. C. L liurnham. J. M. HausbiirJ , Jacob RUt , George Cotton , G. W. WeidcV , , ,1'ctcr Billings , J Sandu-jy. : William Rcftt.1' ' " HEMINGFORD , Neb" ! ; ' f.'Sf28. ' . ( Special 1 Telegram. ) The demttj a p nnd populist t parties held their convention here today , but t no fusion was effected. The di'inucrau nominated candidates for only two ofllcoe treasurer nnd sheriff. James Dsughertj was nominated for the former end F. J , Detzold for the latter. The populists nomi nated n full ticket UK follows : Clerk , Clarli Olde ; treasurer. J. W. Christy ; superin tendent of BChooliA. . F. Filmore ; judge , D , J. Fpacht. STANTON , Neb. . 'Aug. ' 28. ( Special Tele- nram. ) It took live hours today for the pop ulists , democrats and free Oliver republicans tc consummate fusion. Three oonventlorg were hold end erxileronce committees of six wer : appointed. The result gives the democrat ! clerk , t her iff and Judge , the populUts treas urer , surveyor and coroner , a "l thf repub licans the county superintendent. The popu lists refused to accept the j'fpurt , as they wanted the sheriff also , and appointed another committee to confer with the democrats. The democrats were firm , and botb sides got verj angry Some hot words were passed befort the jiojiulliU would yield. Jlckut nominated ' Treamrnr Paul Nelson. populUt. clerk. W S. Bordner. democrat , eherlff. J. E Kenney. democrat , superintendent. C. S. Coney , re publican ; Judge. 1 N. Vinlng. democrat ; sur veyor. George Porter , populltt : coroner , Louis Dcrn. democrat. There is much soreness and bad feeling. GENEVA , Neb. , Aug. 28. ( Special Tele- Emm. ) The populists of Flllmore county met here todsy and elected the following delegate * to the convention o Lincoln September 1 : Richard Dobson. Prot. Kostroyz , delegate * at large ; V. M. Ralney. J. L. Davis , 1. N. Berry , J. F. Rlcheson. L. C. Gosjer. O. D. Wilson , William Alderup. E. H. Lancaster , Frank 1 Spech , H. R. Dcmlng. W. G. Carson. William I McKeyon , W. H. Davis , C. D. Evans , F. N. Denmon. E. F Medlar. Dick Dobson and B. R. B. Webber addressed the convention. The free pllver republicans of Flllmore county met here today and effected a perma nent organization , selected commUleemen and elected George W.frultb chairman and Victor ' Arendihleld secretary , and the following del- 1 cgales to the bimetallic convention at Lincoln September 1 : V. A. Stewart , A. E. Benedict. C. Nelson , John O'Brien , Walter S. Huston , i Victor Arendahleld , P. H. Hlncs. Frank Hue- j ton. N. Longlc-y , George W. Smith , John Dar- row. The .delegates were instructed for Georgn-P. Krnowcr of Wlsner for regent. SCHUYLF.R. Neb. , Aug. 26 ( Special Tele- j Rram. ) The Colfax' county i > opull ! > tB met In eouvenvlqn , nt the court lioiue this afternoon ' end elected dclcgttc * to the Etate prevention ! 8s follows : C. Funk. O. Nelson. J. A. Grlni- ] son , J. C. Sprccber , R. H. Goodie , William McNally , Nell H. Jlapes , August McLeod , John Craig. James Hawc and Edward Dickin son. A committee was appointed to report on fualon. the report to be subect to the ac tion of delegates at the county convention to nominate county officers , the committee con sisting of ona from each precinct. The pre cincts were not nearly all represented at to day's convention. The sliver republicans met In F. F. Faulk ner's office , this afternoon nnd selected the fol lowing delegates to the state convention : F. ? . Faulkner , John Berulnger , E. A. Robblns , A. Sherman , J. P. McCullough , Oliver Bradford. C. F. Brown and H. H. Fouls. Flf- tcn were reported present , but the can- sslng for names failed to disclose the pree- ice of more than three. The democrats met here In county conven tion this afternoon , electing delegate ? to the state convention as follows : John Horate , John Kunst , George H. Thomas , Jo epb Rte- fiter , James J. Dobry. Reynold Folda. Albert 3rler , F. W. Shonka. Jamee Hugncs , Michael Qulnn , SI. T. Grassmnn nud George R. Doughty. Resolutions were adopted Instruct ing delegates to vote for Sullivan for Judge until he was nominated or It was found Im passible to nominate him. A resolution was passed favoring fusion with the populista in the county contest this fall. FREMONT. Aug. 28. ( Special. ) The pop ulist county convention met at the district court room this afternoon. The attendance was much larger than nt the democratic convention on Monday. The committee on credentials reported representatives present from all wards and precincts except Maple , Cuming , Everett and Webster. C. F. Hayward - ward of Ridgeley was chcecn chairman and R. D. Kelley of Platte secretary. The fol lowing were selected as delegates to the itate convention : G. G. Martin. J. ( D. Bell , R. D. Kelley , Fremont ; F. C. Scott , G. S. Fowler and George Sights. North Bend ; J. R. Peters , Nlckcieon ; Hugh Robertson , Cot- tercll ; J. A. Close. Elkhorn ; E. Scott , Union ; John Haurigan , Fremont ; Fred Howe , Pleab- ant Valley ; Joha Tym. Cottcrell ; C. F. Hayward - ward , Ridgeley ; Charles Baker , Hooper ; An drew Hurvie. Cotterell ; Silas Straney , Union ; Eprahnm Johnson , Logan ; Fratk Healey , William Garrctt , Fremont ; William Furs- tecau. Pleasant Valley. Resolutions re affirming the St. Louis platform end com mending the state adtnln'stratioa were unani mously adopted. The convention then ad journed to meet at the depot and escort W. J. Bryan to the park. ALBION , Neb. , Aug. 28. ( Special Tele gram. ) The populist county convention met here today and nominated the following ticket : Treasurer , Joseph Cllne ; county clerk , 0. E. Walters ; county Judge , W. L. Campbell ; superinterdcnt , Fred Abbott ; sheriff , Osbt/rne Patterson ; county commis sioner. O. E. Tredway ; delegates to state convention , W. A. Poynter , Onmcfi Smith , B. F. Bnrnhouse , H. C. Keister. James Brady , Mike Langon , Thomas Sinclair , C. L. Mayer , F. E. Baxter. HASTINGS. Neb. . Aug. 28. ( Special Tele gram. ) The democratic county convention for the purpose of electing delegates to the state convention was held In the court house this morning. The delegates elected are : Will Pickering , Sam 'Brasy , Will Brookly , Peter Eurllng , W. E. Goyent , George W. Tidbits , S. S. Snyder , Harry S. Dungnn , Sam Mattocks , R. B. Wahlquist , Hnrley Tyler , John Stevens , Dr. Baxter , Lloyd Lynn , John Simmering. 03O2OLA. Neb. . Aug. 28. ( Special. ) The people's party primaries were held yester day throughout the county for the purpose of selecting candidates for the county offices. FALLS CITY , Neb. , Aug. 2S. ( Special. ) The democrats , populists nnd silver republicans licans met lu separate convention Friday. A committee from each party was appointed to confer In regard to dividing the ticket. The itsult was the democrats got treasurer , judge , superintendent nnd coroner : populists , clerk and surveyor ; silver republllcann. sher iff. Following Is the ticket nominated : John Morehead , treasurer , re-nominated ; John Gagnou , judge ; C. W. Whitehead , superin tendent ; Dr. Wagner , coroner ; George Snyder , clerk ; W. K. Tinker , sheriff ; M. N. Bair , surveyor. PIERCE , Nfcb. , Aug. 28. ( Special Tele gram. ) Fusion did not work in the demo crat and populist camp today. The demo crats were Bore at the treatment received from the populists a few weeks 'ago , and the populists were as Independent as ever. The democrats met this afternoon , with Harry Fullen of Osmond as chairman , and Lewis Hall of Pierce and Gus Llerman of Hndar as secretaries. After the different committees had made their reports , F. T. Walthers of Blaiuc precinct arose and anked how the delegates stood on fusion. He was for It and did not care a continental about the offices. Chairman Fullen said he be lieved It was the duty of the populists to make a proposition to the democrats. Doug las Cones arose and said ho wcs not going to run after the populists nny more. The demor-.ra.ts could fight their own battle. It was agreed that they would wait for the populists to come to them. The following delegates to the state convention were elected : Dr. G. F. Helper , W. E. Powers , C. F. McDonald , C. F. Rohrke. William Ruhlow , A. Cress. The convention then nominated ticket : Clerk. U' . E. Power * ; bheriff , E. C. HBSS ; superin- icndent , H. H. Northup ; judge. W. H. Mc Donald ; surveyor , A. J. Hucbner ; cornier Dr. R. J. Crystal. The nomination of courty feasurer was left to the county central committee to fill. The populisms he-Id their convention In the opera house thla after noon. J. A. Porter was chairman and C. B. Wllley secretary. About thirty-five dele- satea were present. The following were- named ts delegates to the state c'nventlon : " < M. Brurner. H. G. Hamer , Nick Wccker. William Bruce , H. Turner , J. A. Porter. R. A Tawney , G. Watson , H. S. Woodworth , Rob- -t Tyndal. Ou account r/f one of their leaders being out of town It was thought r > tst : by eome of the inenibeie to adjourn. Others wanted to go on and nominate n ticket. It waa put to a vote nnd the con vention decided to adOourn by a vote of lii o 14. The next convention will be held on ? entember 25 nt Plerci. OIID , Neb. Aug. 28.Special. ( . ) The pnp- ullst county convention met in the court h"ive this afternoon. Dr. Burdlck ol North Loup was chosen chairmen and E. U. Knott of Geranium secretary. The follow ing were nominated for the various ofilcea : R. L. Staple of Ord , for county Judge ; F. IClenia , sheriff ; Dr. E. J. Bond , coroner ; H. A. Goodrich , treasurer ; H. F. RhoadeB , clerk , and I. A. Mancheotcr uf North Loup 1 for county superintendent. Stciil n Crop of I'ntiitocM. DAKOTA CITY. Neb. . Auc. 28. ( Special ) Warrants were sworn out yeaterday by C. A. Austin , u truck farmer residing on Walker's Island , for the arrest of Rome SuminuK , Temp Iinlay and John Dougherty , whom he accuses at entering Ills nueot potato tate patch and digging and marketing uhuul twenty-five bushela of hlfi product. The goods were marketed in Sioux City , and Auttlii claims to have complete evidence UE to their guilt Lincoln Hotel Mini IllkiiiiM-iir , LINCOLN. Aug. 2S. ( Special Telegram. ) C. T , Kurd , who has been operating the Capitol hotel uluce last winter , has become financially embarrassed and the establish ment is In the hands of bis creditors , The Baleen run In counectlou with tlif hotel IE closed and most of the gooda have been re moved under eitachmeui proceedings , Tlij NOT 1 MEDICAL SEISATIi. The Distinguishing Feature of the Shepurd Treat ment is that it Stands the Test of Timeand that its Results Are Permanent and Complete , as is Shown by Hundreds of Reliable Witnesses Points of Interest to the Sick. The public confidence In Dr Shcparu' and his nRwcintcR nnd the general recognition of the fnct that their treatment lit more reliable , speedier nnd superior to any other , as is shown by the fuel that their piactlce Is Immeasurably larger than nny other. Is bayed on Rood , sound substantial reasons. It Im * none of the nature of an ephemeral eruze or scnpnllon. Memory runneth not to the tliar when n certuln percentage of Ihe public have not Itowed down to false go < l < * hi a medlcnl way. The blue plan * Bcnmt- tlon. the Urown-Sequard elixir , Koch lymph ancLpther episodes of this kind only empha size hou tiislly It Is for the public for n time to follow false light * , and , Just ns forcibly , how w eli the public discovers their falsity and abandons them. But the popu larity of the Shcjmrd work ha * In no part the elements of a medlcnl sensation or it medical erase , and this phaw of It IK em phasized very stiongly by the matter brought out In these columns In the Inst month or two In eases printed two years , three years , and four yearn ago. the reitera tion of pntlents then ( living testimonials of the statements printed at the time ; their enthusiastic Insistence upon he fact that they were not only cured when they giivr their testimonials , but that they have re- miilned cured ever since , nnd well. This Is the fllBtlngulshed funtutc of theli work that It Is genuine ; thut It stands the test of time : that It partakes In no part of the qualities of n mi'dlcal sematlon ; Unit year after year Its notable sue e- becomes more apparent. Its popularity pi-eater and the public patronage larger and mure en thusiastic. HAY FUVKIl. nvrryoiir Mini In Hiibjeot In liny fever ilurliivr September should In-Kin tretitiiicut lion. The rri'in-rriire uf IhlH nuinij IIIK mill tllMtreNftliiK iiinlnil ; ( an tlinn lie | irtenleil. . CATARRH-THERE ARE PEOPLE PY THE THOl'SAND IN NEBRASKA ANI the wtM who have catarrh and \vhi > < l ' nothing fur themselves except to snulf sail j water up the nose or something of thai I kind. The disease In the meantime proi i eeerts to rot oul the throat and nose , t I uluc the bronchial tubes , strike Into ihi I lungs , eat out the stomach and poison thr j blond Their condition Invites a eod ! Per hop. * pneumonia may occur.Vhat chance have they to escape ? HAY FEVER AXD ASTHMA NO ONE B1"T AN ASTIGMATIC UNDERSTANDS the suffering inflicted by this disease the la bored breathing , choking nnd strangulation , tf-e wheezing an'i coughing and the nleep- lesMiess and nervousness. The lorfier thlf dis ase Is njglected the more dlfflcu't It \ * to break a halilt. And the clanger of u fatal turn is- more grave t'han the uvenise ptison supposes. BRONCHITIS BETWEEN THIS DIS EASE AND CONSUMPTION ITSELF IS only n very line line. Theconslant coughIng - Ing and expectoration , the pains In the chet nnd under the shoulder lilades , the burning tearing sensation behind the Ibrcast bone : a l this Js only to be followed by the nitrli : bleed'.ng ' of the lungs , the loss"of flesh and progressive de'billty , which dt- notes consumption. Bronchitis should bj treated and cure ! during the warm summer month ? when all nature assists the treat ment. DYSP3PSIA NEARLY EVERY ONE HAS IT. BVT IT IS TO THOSE WHO have the severe forms of it , the forms that cause vomiting , cramps , tightness of tut- stomach , belching , bloating , palpitation of the heart , languor and lassitude , that \\e owner of the hotel Is C. J. Ernst , and for the present it will he operated for him by O. C. Bell and A. C. I'latt. A too rapid life Is the cause of Hurd's trouble. His wherea bouts are unknown today. MSimASICA. CROWDS HEAR 1IRVAX. Slurt * from Grnnil iNlmul mill Stopn Off n ColmitltiiH nnd Frfiiuiiit. COLUMBUS , Neb. . Aug. 2S. ( Special. ) Early thie morning Columbus began to p ut on her holiday attire and before noon the jlty was a vast profusion of flags and bunt ing , all in honor of Hon. V7. J. Bryan , who was billed to f cak here for about one hour. As early as 7 o'clock the country folk com menced to arrive and by 12 o'clock every available space In the feed and livery Btablea was pre-empted. A committee compcocd of Mayor Spelce , Hon. J. J. Sullivan , G. W. Phllllos and others , went west on the Union Pacific to Clarks and met Mr. Brvan and party , who arrived In the city at 12:20 : from Grand Island. It was BOOH ecen that the nark would be Insufficient to hold the crowd and a large stand was erected at the corner of Norlh and Thirteenth BtreeU , where an cage- crowd Jostled each other for an hour vainly trying to see and hear what was being done. Mr. Bryan spoke briefly and left for Fremont on the Overland at 2:15. : FREMONT. Aug. 2S. ( Special Telegram. ) Hon. W. J. Bryan arrived In thli city on the fast mall from the west at 3:30 : , accompanied by a reception committee which went to Co lumbus this morning to escort him to Fre mont. He was met at the depot by a large number of his democratic admirers nnd mem bers of the popullit county convention. A pro- ces = ion. headed by the band , followed by Mr Bryan. Congressman Maxwell and the members of the reception committee In car- ' rlages. escorted him to the city park , where | the f-peaklng took place. There was a large i c-owd of people , the attendance from the' ' country and particularly from Saundera ununty being especially noticeable. Mr. I Brvan was Introduced by Hon. G. L. LoomlB. ' He spoke for about forty-five minutes. His address was almcst wholly on free silver and along the earae lines of argument as during the campaign of last year. He claimed that the rise In wheat was contrary to the a'gu- mcntE of the republican * in the last campaign and that in their patlafactlon with the In crease in prices they were taking the name position ho took then in favor of decreasing rather than Increasing the purchasing power of the dollar. The crowd In the park IB esti mated at f am 2 , ! > 00 to 3,000 , and paid cloi-e attention to the speaker. SCHUVLER. Neb. , Aug. 28. ( BpecUl Tele gram. ) It being luroored that W. J. Bryau wcs to pass through here enroute east on the fast mall at 2:3.r. : p. m. about MJO people as sembled at the platform to catch a glimpse , of htm. He appeared Immediately upon the stopping of the train , was vociferously greeted acid began to talk. "I am glad to Bee you , " he sild : "I was just reading In a republican paper that when 1 got back to Nebraska I would find the silver sentiment dead. " Just here the train moved and he discontinues talking , hut j-hook hands with many as the train moved by them. Representative John C. VanHoussn.vho > e name IP mentioned in Bryan's book , "The First Buttle" climbed to the platform and was heartily greeted. Bryan was cheered until the train bore him out uf hearing. Frlondt , noted how he 1mu aged Hlncu last they eaw him. LINCOLN . Aug. 2S. ( Special Telegram. ) W. J. Bryan arrived homo this evening. About twenty-five people were nt the depot to meet him. but no demonstration was & ' tempted. r < > miiiii.v | 1C III Ciiinp. COLUMBUS. Neb. . Aug. 2R. ( Special. ) Company K , First regiment , Nebraska Na- tlonul guards , of this city went Into camp th's evening about three miles from the city nnd will remain three days. The time will be devoted to target practice and each mem ber will have 100 round'to use. Several medals will be given. Till- will be the first practice for the buys. Captein KIlluu will bo in command. HUMof the WroiiB .Medicine. HASTINGS. Neb. . Aug. 28. ( Special Tele gram. ) The head hcstler of Rlngllng Bros , ' clrcue , while In the ulty this morning , got his medicines mixed end took a wrong dose , which may caufe his death. He has been under a physician * care all day , and i ecu- aldcred to be In a dangerous condition. \ < i ( lilt- Might WuRon , DAKOTA CITY , Neb. , Aug. 28. ( Special ) Sheriff H. F. Stevens of Stanton , accom panied by H. N. Way , were here yesterday viewing & team and wagon end Interviewing a mta being detained by Encrlfl llorowtly. ! > pcnk. These should place themnc'vcs under n competent physician at once. A man l no Sirongrr than his ptomach. OTHER WEAPRSAND f O IT IS AV1TU TH1C OTHER DIS1SASKB. KXPERT. IN- telHgenl treatment Is the only way to rid the system of them IT IS TO SAVE THE IMSEASE.STR1CK. EN Pl'HLlO THAT THE SHUPARP LOW fee system was orRtmlsed. The best rnerti- enl attention U assured to each pntlent. The only charge Is u small sum n month. This IP not too much for any prrson seriomUy- seeeklng restoration to health. All medi cines ure free. ni.RCTltlCITY. Dr. Shrttnril If iiri-imrril to < rrnt ulile riiKen of Chronic dim-line Ity vnrl- ons fontm of oloctrlclt J . Tlilx ilcpnrt- metit IK luhurtle of n plij xlclhii Oioi nuulil > < i > niie < < 'n ( lit HIH llrld , lltirii- niiitlvin , iK-iirulKln , nerfoiiN | > r isi1-ii- Iliili , -lunl - dlxeiiNen. nnd Ion vltiil > ; In men nnd vtomrii , nriIIIIKIIIK ( lir ninny coiiilltloim Hint renillly ylclil to Ililo wonderful imen < - > . I'nlent * tt-tiiu nlironil r ' - iled nt tin- Institute fur IreiitiiK-iit , Mllh or without Itoiiril. Ct'lIKn I'\T1K\TS. All- Inquirer * Mlhhlnu neroojinl rcf- ' erenre to such pntlents may have the s.ime by writing the doctor. Scarcely a vlllatje In nny western state but has Its quota of grateful wttnes-es Write for names of cured patients In your vicinity. f A BOOK FOR YOU The Shppard Medlenl Institute. Omaha , Neb. , is known throughout HIP enuj'try Its olllees are the most exfnslve In Omaha , and Dr. Shepard nnd staff consult with about one hundred pntlents daily HOME TREATMENT UY MAIL Is n lead ing feature. Medicines are sent to every * tute in the union , Mexico and Canada. Send today for Dr. Shepard's Famous Con- cultntlon Hlnnks and his New Hook , Illu- trnteJ. This Is u clean book for clean people to read. It Is for tb < - family and for all who want to be cured. Specialties' All chronic diseases of the Nerves and Bloo-.l ; Catarrh and other ailments that the family doctor cannot cure. Special Blanks for Men. Special Blanks for Women. Address : SHI3FARI ) MEDICAL INSTI- TITE. 311. .112 and S13 N. Y. Life Bids. , OMAHA. NEB. The wagon answered the dcccription of nn outfit stolen from Stnutou couuty , but which , upon investigation , did not prove to bo the property wanted. Give Her Three Fnrervell Pnrtle * . FALLS CITY , Neb. , Aug. 28. ( Special. ) Mrs. King , the Misses Muddox _ and Mrs. Maust , respectively , entertained three con secutive nights last week In honor of Miss Ada Stretch , who leaves Monday for Yuma , Ariz. , where ehe has accepted a position as one of the lri,5tructors In the public schools of that place. Miss Stretch is an efficient kindergarten ; encher. Geriitnn MetlioillNtH Have Luwii Soulnl. OSCEOLA , Neb. , Aug. 28. ( Special. ) The people of the German Methodist Episco pal church gave n social last night in honor of Presiding Elder Schramm at the home of Rev. T. A. ROBS , the pastor. The beauti ful lawn at the paisonage wcu nicely lit up with Chinese lanterns. .Tables were spread on the lawn. There were nearly 100 present. ' SliiKr for tlie t'lilvcrnlly ' Fund. BUTTON , Neb. , Aug. 28. ( Special. ) The Wcsleynn quartet pang here last evening tea a good audience for the benefit of the We - leyan university. FORECAST OF TODAY'S WEATHER. Generally Fnlr lu XeliratiUii ; Muoli Cooler nnd NortlnveKtVlnilH. . WASHINGTON , Aug. :8 Forecast for Sunday : For Nebraska Generally fair ; much cooler ; northwest winds. For South Dakota Fair ; much cooler ; north winds. I For Iowa Generally fair , preceded by n showers in extreme northern portions ; cooler Sunday night. For Missouri Generally fair ; cooler Sun day ; south winds , becoming north west. For Kansas Generally fair ; cooler , north winds. For Wyoming Fair ; cooler , north winds. Ijiieul Iti-i-ord. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU , OMAHA. Aup. 2b. Omaha rscord of rainfall and temperature compared with correspond- Inc day of the past thiee years , JS97. 1S % . 1KI5. 1S94. Maximum Kmperalur. . . . 93 83 CS 1-2 Minimum temperature. . . . TO GO C2 03 Average temperature K ! 72 CS 78 Rainfall ( K ) .00 1.5S..CO Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for this day and e'.nce March 1 , UV1 : Normal for the day 72 EXCC.KS fur the duy , 10 Accumulated deficiency i-lnc-e March 1 , . 4Z Normal rainfall for the day 10 Inch Deficiency for the day 10 Inch Total rainfall since Murch 1 14.14 Inches Deficiency since March 1 832 Inches Ex e.'s for cor. period IkM 2.M inches Deficiency for cor. period 1893 4.feS inches L. A. WELSH , Local Forecast OIllclul. "Complete How to Attain It. " A 'Wondfrf ul K w Mrdical Hook , written for Men OnlyOUB copy may be had frc , Kjtlct ! , In plain envel ope , on application. ERIE MEDICALCO. , C4 lihQira CL , BUFFALO , M , Y. Lfl CURE YOURSELfl UM IllgU fur unnaturtj diicUkrgM , lutUoinifttlpai , IrrlttllbUi or ulccratloiu of fflunuttt uifCtiLrDM. 1'niaUu , mid uut mrln. Bald by ItruccUto , or ut lo pUln wrapper , by cxprcM. prepaid , tat tl.ui. or a voUUi , t.T& . C'u cuUr MM M A Handsome Complexion JB one of the greatest charm * a woman can pOBbOSB. PozZOtd'B CUUt-LCZIOH