Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 29, 1897, Part I, Page 2, Image 2

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Omaha August 29 , 1837.
All the Prettiest Effects in New
Novelty Dress
Really we think we never saw them so pretty ,
The 250 , 2740 and 290 Novelties embrace a varied
assortment of nice patterns Ail wool , of course
And we can safely assure you that after these are
gone no more such good values wi.l be shown at
these prices. The Dingley Tariff will raise prices
all along the line. We are very strong on 400 , 450
and SOG Novelties , and at 6oc we show a special
number ( No. 2500) ) that has as handsome effect as
any $1.50 goods you ever saw You would willingly
pay a dollar if we asked it Perfect pictures of the
weaver's art at 750 , Si.oo , $1.25 and $1,50. We
also show a complete line of new and stylish mate
rials for tailor-made suits at 600 , 75c , Si.oo , $1.40
and $1.50 embracing a range of c'oths ' that have
r never been in Omaha before all that is desirable , whether in color , weave or combination
of colors.
Our black goods plain at 250 to $1.50 and fancy weaves at 350 to $2.25 will be
especially interesting perhaps you'd better look in upon us this week.
New Dress Trimmings White Wool Rlankels Men's Furnishings
Wo enll nttontlon those ] 51nn-
Nowcr tluui chiffon Kluti'tl yoiir to ' - tlust teeelved , n new Hue of Fall Ties ,
ki'ts simply lii'i--nisc w kutivv thi-y'ro
Cloth in black , m-ain nnil colors-- ! ! ' . cheap. No inatti'f wlint conilltloni limy In bows , ptilTs , tucks , string ties and
Inchtvi wide $1.00 avnnl. arise In the future , thetp's no likelihood four-in-hands.
Urocndcd Chiffon In black , cream and Unit you'll he able to liny equal nuallty Boys' Linen Waists , sizes 4 to 10 years ,
colors , 21 Inches wide "fie n yurtl. for so little money. from 4 to 14 jears ISc or S for COc ,
Pearl flarnlturos-A new line ranging In Boys' White Unlnundered Waists , sizes
price * from C5c to V > 00 each Size OS-inch by 00-Inch $3 00 a pair. 4 to 8 years , reduced from 50c each
Also Homo very dnlnty colored effects to 3T.c or 3 for Jl.CO.
suitable for cvenliiR wenr.
Boys' Linen Waists , sizes 4 to 10 years ,
Nnrrow 1'oirl Passementerie 23c , 33c , 50c each reduced from $1.00.
Me , COc nnd Me a ynnl.
Nnrrow 1'carl Fringe 90c yard. We still have some of those bargains
In night shirts , Cambric Nlsht Shirts ,
1'carl nnd Headed Hand , 2 Inches wide that .
formerly sold for $1.00 now COc
11.75 yard. each. ,
Crcam-and-gold Silk Pas ementerle I'A
Inches wide $1.W ynrd ; 2 ! Inches wide Our TXc ) quality of Muclln Night Shirts
$2.50 yuid now Soc or 3 for $1.W.
A k to see the now Jct-nnd-colorcd Odd line of Men's Black Cotton Half
Garnitures anJ Jutted Lace Shirt Hose , small sizes , 2 pair for 23c , re
Pieces. duced from 23c and 3jc.
Full linn of colored Silk Passementerie Wen's Half Hose , fancy stripes and
at 50c , ( we , 73c and $1 00 per yard and plaids 35c nnd COc a pair.
About Our Corsets
Hosiery and Underwear
' IIo . with The matchless Floxlbone Moulded
Litlos' : bluolc Lisle Tin cad .c ,
Corsets leveal models that are coexistent
sole and lied ; i."u . ' ! .ilr
double top , , or i >
ent with pei feet Ideas of form.
for ? 1.00 reduced from -45c per pair. Muslin Underwear
We have a nice stock in black , white or
Ladles' Tan Hose. fn t colors , wltb We have Just reeelved n new lot of the gray , long and short models prices
double sole and heel , 20c per pilr. from $1 CO to $300 e ich.
Chlld'H Fast Ulnck Cotton Hose \vlth ( Sowns , maile of line oam- No 533V. . C. C. Corset , extra long
double knee , toe , ole and heel "an luleiuid inuslln. elabortoly tilnimed vvlth waist pored corset made in black and
per pair reduced from 3. > c. einhiolilery. These jrowns aiu the longest gray sateen at $1 50 each.
* A line of Ladies1 Veil * In IWe threid W. B. Linen Netting Summer Cor et
and widest made.
that weio 75o now 33c or 3 for Jl 00. est gowns well boned In extra long nnd med
Ladles' Mu ! ln Gowns , tucked yoke , ium waist , regular pi Ice $1.00 each-
Spanish Jacket effect trimmed with em reduced to OOc each.
broidery , extra value at Me each
Ladles' Night Gown , round joke , trim
med with tucks and embroidery In
serting , finished with lawn rullle ,
sleeves to match at 7Gc each
Ladles' Cambric Night Gowns , empire
Bt > le , very prettllv trimmed with em-
broldeiy and ribbon beading , extia
good quality nt $1.00 each.
Handkerchiefs and Collars
The popular luruid of soft bleach
TLmdkoielilels for men and \vompn ,
lu.idy for use , one-elKhth , one-qtiaiter
and oue-lialf inch hem.
Ladles' at lOc , 15c , 20c , 23e nnd OOc each.
Jlen'i at 15c , 25c , 3oc or 3 for $1 00 , and
OOu each.
All the late and staple shapes In ladles'
white- linen Collars and Cuffa.
Collars 15c each.
Cuffs JJG pair.
T D , br. g. ( O'Neill ) G Sds
Hay Baron , b s. ( Bovor ) U ds
Tlmo : 2:11)5. : 2Wi : , 2.11Vi , 2:1414 : , 2CO'/i : ,
2 03V- .
Class 2.20. trotting , purse $1,000 :
CrcsceiiP. oh c , by Robert McGregor ,
dam Mabel ( Ketchnm ) 11 1
Medium Wood , b g. ( Hudson ) 522
rdmonln. b. in. ( Hntchlnson ) 2 3 J
Charlie G. b. g. ( Smith ) 3 S C
All Dav , blk. g. ( Muloney ) 441
Agnes'Morrlll , g. m ( McCarthy ) 10 5 G
Splnalong , br. in. ( Jackson ) C n 8
Talm Leaf , br. g. ( Nevvcomb ) 879
Kmlly , c. m. ( Geor ) 312 7
Bowery Bullo. br. m ( Bover ) 71011
Claltmont , br s ( Shllllnglavv ) 12 a 10
Eleanoi. ch m. ( McGregor ) 111112
Time : 2.14H , 2.11 % , 2.11H
Class 2:11 : , pacing , purse $1,000 :
Dan A , b s , bv Semicolon ,
dam Ypsllantl ( MvLaiigliUn ) . 3 1 2 1 11 1
Mlgnon , b. in. ( Sanders ) 12 2 1 11 3 3
Kansas , b. s ( Whlto ) 1 1 11 13 12 4
llonopole , ch g. ( M Dem-
crest ) 7 3 312 2 ro
'Fleldmont , blk s. ( Calvin2 ) 710 7 4 ro
Jimmy 11. b g. ( Cheney ) . . . .1" 8 S 2 5 ro
"Woodshed , oh s. ( Sterling.14 ) 11 5 3 9lo
JPIIgrim , blk s ( Opdyke ) . . 8 10 0 I 7 ro
Jlohnrl R.I ) g. ( Hnvdtm ) . . .11 C 12 11 Gio
Gcorgo G , g g ( Pajno ) B : ) 14 'JlOio
nislnoi.i , b. m ( Getn ) . . r. 11 13 10 8 ro
Gtorgo St dull , b s ( Mo-
lonnil | ) 4 U 7 G dr
Sterling , ch. ( NolilO . . .10 n n X dr
Alcove , b s ( S-indois ) 1 n 15 dr
Time2 10 < , , 2 OSU. , 2 C9U. 2 lit , , 2:10' : ; ,
2:10. :
Class 2 1C , pacing , pursu $1,000-
I'Kbcrt. b g , untrae-td ( Hudson ) . I 5111
Cinus Korostcr , b s ( C'lulk.2 ) 1233
India Silk , b m ( Tyson ) 1 7 . " 5 G
Myrtle G , b. m ( Qulnloii ) . . . . 7 0 R 2 2
SllhS Margnict , blk mVnlki ) 0 2 G I 5
ainrlne , b m ( O'Nell )
Annie Shuld. b m ( St. i Una ) , " . I 7 7 dr
Tlmci 2 10) , . 2 UVi , 2 10'i. 2 11. 2.1 | ifc.
iji-iiii < DUI-N MI uior mil * .
BARUE. VI. . Aug 2SAt the Granite
City trottlm-paik thli afuinoou John R.
Gentry rodncod the bailie's record of the
fltnto. made by Nelson in 2 U'i to 2 07 , white.
Robert J VMIH aim mooml bolilnd The
aveather was line anil the ttaiK In u\ci 1-
lint condition , vvhlih on iblul the fast
imcois to nmlvo the tlmu without an effort.
tJcntry came out Hrst and pietd the ( inar-
tur In 0..11V.tho half In 1 OJ , the t'ucf- '
quarteis In 1:33 : and the nillu In 2-07 Ho
Sent Free to ion ,
ji.vuiCAiu.r. itniinnv rou
SiinililoN Will H" Sen ! Pri-u ( o All Who
Wiltu fur II.
Jus. V. Johnston ot Ft , Wayne , lud. , nfte :
Lattllng for years agaltiat the inentul und
phyulcal suffering of last nmnhood , han
found the exact that cuics the
Ho Is guarding the secret carefullv , but I )
willing to EeuU u tainplo of the moillcjno
to all men who suffer vtlth any form of
ECiualvoakncB3 resulting from > outhul (
ignirance , prematmc loss of memory ami
ttre.iKth. weak back , varlcocele und einncl-
Atlon , The rtmedy lua a peculiarly grata-
lul effect of warmth and ueeins to act di
rectly , giving needed strength and develop
menl whrrevcr needed. Tim lemody turcil
Jlr. Johnston complete ! ) of nil the Ilia and
troubles that came from years of misuse
of the naturally ordalnpd funttloni , and is
aid to be ab&oluldy rvllablo In every case.
A request to Mr. Jaa. 1 * . Johnston , lion
1010 , Irt. Wcjne , Ind , stating Unit you
would like a sample of his remedy for men
will bo compiled with promptly and no
charge whatever will bo asked by him , He
U very much Interested In vprtadlug the
JIOVVB of this great remedy mid lie Is careful
to i end the eaniple sccurcl ) sealed in i
perfectly plain pacKage , EO that its recipient
need have no fear of emharrRsiuiont or
publicity ,
Header * ra r cU jtCil to wrIU without
went steadily and easily , and seemed to
nmko the mile with ease.
uvnvrs ox 'run IIU\M > G THACICS.
SIM i-ii ThoiiNiiiiil Spiirtn Sec ilie St.
I.IHlls Itlll-ON.
ST. LOUIS , Aug. 23 At least 7.COO people
turned out today to sec hlx good races at
the fair grounds and the thirteen books were
kept busy handling the coin. The feature
of the day was the Is ibella stake , valued
at $1,300 , for 2 year-olds , at live and one-half
fui longs Loving-Cup , the fnvoilte , made
the ipiLC. with Sorrow to the stretch , which
cost the forniet the lace , l-'erroll came from
the rear In the stretch and won , nosing out
Loving Cup Tour favorites captured u
majority of the events Track fast. Results :
rirao race , ono mile , belling- Practitioner ,
at ( Hall ) , even and out , won ; Bilsgs , 103
( R. Jones ) , 8 to 1 and 3 to 1 , second , Rosny ,
W ( Print ) , 10 to 1 , third Time , 1.13's Bas-
com , John Coruln , Foreigner , Plantation ,
Charles P , Davozao , Peter Hill , Virginia M
and Achilles D also ran
Second raoo , six furlongs , selling : Nicholas
las 10" ( C Slaughter ) , even and 2 to 5 , won ;
Sliver Set , 91 ( Hall ) , 4 to 1 and G to 3 , second ;
Nick Cuitur , 103 ( C. Combs ) . " > to i , third
Time 1 14'i Bob Vcstil. Holy Teiror ,
lintel Green , llano Belle and High al o ran
Tjiiul iae.e. ono mile , soiling : Bildgeton ,
10 ! ( C Combs ) , S to 1 and 3 to 2 , vvonj
Amolln I-'onso 101 ( Toueon ) , I to 1 and 3 to J
s. cond ; Basiiull 101 ( Gllmoro ) . a to 2. third
Time 1 I.Giad ! ' IJCH , Bob Mllllcan and
DlcVt Bohan also an ,
rouitli lace , Isabella slake , value $1,5'0 $
for J-yo/n-old llllks , live and a half fur
longs : rcrroll , 110 ( Ljnch ) . 7 to 2 and oven ,
won ; Loving Cup , 110 ( C Combs ) , even and
2 to S , second ; Sot row , 110 ( C Sliuslitei )
S to 2 , IM'f Time , IMallfsa and
Hmpioss Jo-ophlno also ian.
1'lfth lai'o put se , six and one-half fur
longs ; Hoibcihoo Tobacco , 100 ( Gllmoio ) , 8
to 5 anil out , won , iMadollne , 107 ( KoucotO ,
11 to Ti and out , htcoiid , Linda , 11J ( C
C'omlis ) , 1 to j thlid Tlmo : 1 21'iThieo
Sixth race , ono and ono-slxtoHiith miles
HellingJudgu Sti adman , fl' ) ( C Combs ) , . '
to 2 and even , won , Nannie L's Slater , 10 ( C1
Murphv ) U to 1 and u to 1 , second , Cm
Galop , B' ( Hall ) , rte 1 , th.rl 'lime : 1 4fl.
Gold JSand , Hoynl Choloo and Asturada also
1,111.CINCINNATI. . AUR 2 ! Harry MoDanlols1
4 jeai-old gilding Slmpln Jnok will nove-i
facu the Khutor's Hag again Slmplo Jack
won what Is known as "Scully purse" at
Newport todiy and under thu loi.dltlons of
the ranho l to be binndul anil nevu raoo
nifnln B > this plan the Jockey club be-
ramcs owner of the horse ami at the sinn.
tlmo It will rid the turf of many selling
plains. Them wtio ten et.uteis In the
Honlly purse and Slmplu Jack only be it
Galley West by a nosu for flrst monov
After the race thu horse was decointcd with
n lloral wieath and fie band -pla > cd "Good
byeMy Honey , I am gone" amid loud
cheering fmm tha ciowd In the gland stand ,
Klrst loco , the Soully jniisc , xuven fur
longs- Simple Jack , 114 ( P Graham ) 15 to 1 ,
won ; Gallev Wont , 11. ( Alter ) , 4 to 1 and 8
to 5. second , Mitchell , 110 ( Kverott ) , 11 to 5 ,
I thli d Tlmo. 1:3 : > V4. Stran/.a .Momux , Iron
Mlstiem , Chatterbox , Ponomah and Nat 1'
also run
Second race , four nnd one-half fiulongs ;
1 Albert L. 110 ( Hvurett ) . 5 to 1 , won ; Provolo ,
110 ( J Hill ) . : i to „ nnd .1 to ' ) , second ; Crted-
moro L , 110 ( Overtoil ) , II to E thlrih Time :
0fl Camp Xonlth , Incidental and Hu Hop
kins also ran
Third race , ono mile , selling Llltlo Land.
1OT ( T Charles ) , TO to ] . won ; Kitty B. , W3
( J. Hill ) , 3 to 5 and 1 to 2 , ncond ; Ondiguo ,
10' ( Overtoil ) third Tnmo. 1.41'i. Hddlo
Buiko. I.oikhirt. Governor Boles , Hlkln ,
. Polo Kitchen and Rolllnson also ran.
I Kourtn raco. six furlongs Box , 103 J.
Gardner ) , S to 1 , won ; Gld Livv. 104 ( J HU' ) ,
7 to I and .1 to 3 , second ; Sim W , 109 ( Over-
ton ) , s to 1 , third Time 1:12V : , Hugonla
Wlckoa , Wnban , Peggy and Vnlmont also
i Fifth raoe , five furlonps- Lillian Bell. 110
( J Hill ) , 3 tr > 2 , won ; Clnra Van , 110 ( Mur
ray ) . 3 to 1 and 7 to 10 , second. Lady Irene.
110 ( Ovurton ) , 3 to 1. third , Time ; 1.C2.
Louise. Bohon unil Miss Saracen also ran
KANSAS CITY , Aug. SS. Weather warm ;
track fast Result * .
Plrst race. ( Uo furlongs. Siratoff won.
Tom Arnold second , St. AnastasU third.
Time : l.oiv , .
Hioond race , five furlongs : Iahn vvon ,
Ouovii Mub Bucond , Billy Underwood third ,
limo ; 1,05'S.
i Third race , six and one-half furlongs ;
Bill Powell won , Galgo second , Earl Bug
third Time : 1-23.
Fourth race , ono mile : Trlxlo won , Carl
Holland second , Jack of Hearts tnlrd. Time :
: M'l.
rifth race , four and a half furlongs :
Mabel Oliver won , Dinah Wat second ,
Oreusa third. Time : 0 57 .
Sixth race , six furlongs : Knmsln won ,
IIIs Brother .second. Melody third. Tlmo.
NliW YORK , Aug. SS The attendance at
Sncepsliead Bay was excellent , the card
good , the weather warm The Ocean hand ! ,
cap was a fine race , aside from some crowdIng -
Ing as the lot ian Into the stretch. As they
swung Into the stretca Belmir came on
the outside , while Hastings hciueezed
through on the rail , and there wns a rattling
llnlsh between Sloan nnd TarnI , In which
the former managed to squeeze In by a
held. Then came complaints of foul , which
weio ulsnllowed. Rondon was bully
crowded After the race Taral was sus
pended for two r icing days , Slmms for ono
and Powers for ono for Insubordination nt
the post. The stewards of the Jockey club
decided that tneio was nothing dishonest
In the riding of Pcnn nt Brighton Beach
and restored him to good standing. Neu-
melcr , who wan summoned for his riding of
Mprshnl at the simo track , was also reln-
stattd pending InvrMliriitlon by the full
board of stewards Results :
First rico , live fur.ongs : Gala Day. 115
( MiCaffcrty ) 2 to 1 and 4 to 3 , won ; Hnli-
pln , Hi ( Slmms ) , 6 to 1 and 2 to 1 , second.
Black Cock , 115 ( Sloan ) . 4 to 1 nnd S to 5 ,
third. Time1 0. Wasteful , Sir Cawaln ,
Mpgoi Baby , Longacre , Hlndoonot , First
Irult , Julius Caos ir. His Majesty , General
Mnieo , JIarry Ci aw ford and First Love
al o ian.
Second race , mile nnd n furlong , selling-
Mantissas. bi ! ( Clayton ) , 8 to 1 and oven ,
won , Soullle , 10"i ( Schtrroi ) . 3 to 1 nnd oven ,
second , Joe Miller. 103 ( Sloan ) , 1 to 1 nnd
U to 3 third Time1 531-3. James Mon-
IOH and Skate also ran
Thli a i ace , dash , live furlongs- Alice
Parlev. 101 ( .Ma'ici ) , i > 0 to 1 and 20 to 1 ,
won ; Plaudit , 113 ( It. W1III ims ) , G to 1 nnd
2 to 1 , second , Sin Vonadl , 101 ( H. Mar
tini , 13 to l and C to 1 , third Time- 01
urlol , Kenmoru Queen , Hand Pi ess ,
Swan , , Harvey Lydlan , Gyp Crcovcr and
Sagacity ale ran
, I'ourth raoo , Autumn , ono mlle : Bolmar ,
Ul ( Sloan ) , I to 1 and 7 to 5 , won ; Hastings ,
' ; ! ( Tara ! ) s to n and 3 to 3 , second. Rondo
! , 'S.U ' ( , JI < l'tn ' | > fi 'o ' 1 " d ' - ' to l , third Time
I 41 Tom Cromwell , Havoc , St Nicholas
II and Cassette nlno ran
Plfth race , six furlongs : Rillnll , 101
( Sloan ) , 8 to , "i and ! to S. won ; Tilpplng.
III ill. Mai tin ) . S to 1 and 3 to 1 , 'locond ,
Loodsvlllo 112 ( A Clajton ) , 3 to 1 and even ,
third Time : 1:1G : Rodomond , Brindynlne
Huriy Up and Chum a'so ran
8l\th race , stocplechase , short coursa
Royal Scarlet , Ifu ( Hngllsh ) , 7 to 10 and out ,
won , Flushing , UO , 7 to 2 , wcond. Decapod ,
14 ( Mnrii ) , 2 to I and 3 to 5 , third Tlmo'
nitiviNc oi.uirs MVTJMJIJ KAOKH.
Kl o Inti-reKdnK- > . -nH I'lilleil ( ijr on
tillOlil Tl'iu-U.
The second matinee of the Omaha Expo
sition Driving club at the old fair grounds
yostoiday afternoon was successful. Con
sidering the windy nnd disagreeable day
theie was a fair audience , in which thcro
was n good sprinkling of the feminine SON.
To give the affair the propel air n band
wns on hand ami tendered selections of
mualc between thn events.
The racing wns good , some excellent
tlmo being madi. The best tlma
was l.-ll | n a half mile pace.
Lverj thing passed off smoothly with
the exception of iome III fooling on
the part of n South Omaha contingent , who
seenuil to think that they were getting the
worst of It. This feeding almost culminated
In something uerlous at the conclusion of
the 1:20 : pa o. In the lart nnd decl.llns heat
of this ruco Dllllo Plurce u South Omaha
horse , which wns on the outside , jumped or
was driven to tha polo Immediately after
leaving the wire , ftrlKlng the other two
horses In the tace Tne thing had nil the
appearance of a foul nnd the Judge decldecj
It to bo such , although thu driver I alleged
that ho was nimble to control his horse.
The decision went , however , to tha very
apparent satisfaction of the biggest part
of thu nudlencu and Illlllo Plercowas sent
back to the third and lat > t place In the race ,
although he crofseil thu wire llrat.
With the exception of this III feeling on
( Continued on Eighth Pace. )
Jw Jir
Ecsult of a. Hot Qamo of Ease Ball
Yesterday Afteruooni
( ill on n. MnuiillliMMit Hx-
lilliltlon of | ii ( ! Art ami Hi'i-elM-n
1'urf.M't ' "Support DiirltiK
tlil-'lr.rfiifc Context.
> ml
Patsy Ilollvar Tcbcau , the grand sichcm
of the Cleveland N'ntltinal League base ball
team , would do n sensible thing If ho would
let some of his twirling stars go and recall
Henry Clarke. The game the young ex-
colleglan put up against the Loulsvllles yes
terday was a magnificent exhibition ot slab
work. Ho not only pitched throughout the
eleven Innings like a Nichols or a UroltcnI
stein , but batted like a Delehanty and played
an all round heady game that could not bo
It was ccrtnlnljr a sem'Atlonal ' game from
start to finish , both teams plalng superbly ,
Interspersing their brilliant work with but
two errors , ono on each side , and both of
the excusable kind.
Arthur Crclghton filled the trying posi
tion of umpire and acquitted himself In a
manner that evoked only encomiums from
all hands. Hid Judgment on balls ami
strikes was unerring , and his decision given
with a promptitude that was refreshing.
The UulvcrsltlcH managed to knock out
but two runs , but they were an elegant
sufficiency , for the redoubtable aggrega-
tlon from down the river only succeeded In
copping out a single llttlo pearly tally , and ,
unearned one. They really played a game ,
lion ever , that would win nlno times out of
ten. That la they played this sort of a
game In the filed. At the bat they wcro so
many wet hens. Henry Clarke vva.j on the
rubHer and that settled It , notwithstanding ,
ho had "Uumpus ' Jones , the Kansas colored
phcnom opposing htm.
But to morallzo , sermonize , sympathize or
fraternize would ho a waste of time. The '
Loulsvllles played a pretty game , but the i
Universities a prettier one. The visitors I
could not hit , and no team can be expected '
to accumulate anything but horse collars I
without making mord than a measly quartet
of safe swale , even If one of those was a
trlsacker and two of them two-baggera.
The locals scored an earned run In the
first Inning on Crelgh's two-sacker and
Clarke's triple. Then after nine str.ilght
whitewashes Lawler stepped to the plate In
the eleventh to do or die. He did. His
vicious rap to left netted him two cushions ,
and on Sam McAullffe's cracking single he
scored the winning run.
The LoulsvlIIes made their only run In the ,
third. After two hands were out , Fitz reached I
the initial station on a mlscuo by Liwler and '
rode home astride Howe's beautiful drive for
three bases.
It was truly a great game and kept the
fair-sized crowd of spectators In a rapture of
excitement. Scorf '
A B. ' R 'J3.H.S.II ' S B P.O.A. D
Crelgh , ss . 4 * 1 ' 2 0 0 1 2 I )
Clarke , p . 5 I 0 L 3 0 1 0 2 0
Whitney , cf . . 4 - 0 2 0 0 1 0 0
Blttlnger. lb. . 3 0 , , ! 00 11 0 0
Hnvcs , c . 5.0,0 0 0 S 1 0
Jelen , If . . 0 1 3 0 0
Law lor , 3b . . 5 r 1 ' 1 0 0 2 3 1
McAullffe , 2b. 5 > ' 0 i' 2 0 0 2 3 0
Iloblnson. rf. . 3d 0 i' 0 0 0 5 0 0
Totals . 38 i 2 , n 0 2 33 11 1
A.B , , U , Ji-H.S.H.S B P.O A. E
Howe , 2b . 4n Q , 2 0 0 0 1 0
Clement , ss. . . 5 j , 0 0 0 0 1 6 0
Jones C , c. . . . 5n '
Jones B , p. . . . 4 0 ° 0 1 0 1 3 0
Adims , rf .
Ilulchart , lb. . . 4 0 0 0 0 12 1 0
Unlm. 3D . 4 ; .
1'rlbble. . . . . , , , ,
Fetjt.Jf. , . . , . . . 4 'lh 0 0 ,0 ' 1 | 0 0
Totals . SG11 4 1 1 30 14 1
* No ono out when winning run was mule
Universities . . .J 000000000 1 2
Louisville . 0010000000 0 1
Earned runs : Universities. 2 Tno b iso
lilts : Crelgh , Clarke , Lawler , Hone , Adams.
Three bis-e hits : Clarke. Howe. Double
plays : Clark toCiclsh to Blttlnger , Clement
to Relchnrt to C Jones , Howe to , Clement
'o Uelchnrt. B. Jones to Relchart. Struck
out : BS" Clarke , C ; by Jones , 4 Bases on
balls : By Jones. 4 ; by Clarke , 1. Hit by
pitcher : By Jones , 1 ; by Clarke , 2 Passed
ball : Jones Wild pitch : Jones. Time : Two
hours. Umpire : Arthur Crelghton.
Game n ( the Fort.
The Metz Bros , and South Omaha play
ball at Fort Omaha this afternoon for n
pur e of $ .10 This makes the third game
of a series of three , each team having- won
one , and this game Is bound to be
Interesting. Line-up as follows :
Metz Bros. Positions. South Omaha.
Sage . Citch . Ja kson
Bublltz . Pitch . Pugh
Saffelder . First . Clark
W Bowles . Second . Beck
Johnson . Tli id . Dem nl
Backus . Short . Fitzgerald
O'Connor . Left . Peterson
Connor * . Center . Bcnn'son '
Mlnzle or Snyder..RIfiht . Salmon
Game called at 3 o'clock sharp.
Cannot llt-iit Superior.
SUPERIOR , Neb. , Aug. 2S. ( Special. )
With Dell Tiobaugh on second and Super
ior's ' 07 llnil , Jim Powers , In the pitcher's
box , Concordla was not In the rame today
for a single moment. Green , a Kansas pro
fessional , was bitted out of the box nnd
It been necessary Neely would not have
fared better Concoiilla has lost but four
names this season. Including the two bore.
Score :
Superior . T ! * 17
Concordla . 0 00030020 r.
Batteries : For Superior , Powars and
Adams ; for Concordl.i , Green , Neely and
Weaver. Base liltsSuper'or ' , U ; Contordla ,
9. Strike outs- Powers , 4 ; Green , 2. Um
pire : Charles Johnston.
ColH'K - HO > Hr < - IlfiitiMi ,
TECUMSEH. Neb , Aug . -Speclal (
Teles : am ) The loc-ils won fiom the Crete
college team In a close gvuno heie today ,
Score :
Crete . , 4-11
Tfcumxeh . 1 0-1J
Base lilts : Crete. 9 ; Tecumseh , 8 BU-
terles1 Crete , II. Shepherd und Abbott ,
Tecumseh , Case. Falrall and Buffum
Struck out : By Shepherd , 2 ; by Falrnll. fi.
Base on balls : Oft Snenherd , 5 ; off Falrall ,
4. Two-base hit. Davidson ,
WliiH lit hliuvK-limr In ( litTintli. .
NORFOLK. Ncl ) . Aug. -Special ( ) -
West Point won to ay'i game from Nor.
folk. There w.isaji Urge attendance , and
llmplic C A Siiifth fit TI'den ' give \co'-
lent satisfaction'h ' > both sMcH nril the ut
most good older prevailed Scoie-
West Point f'l'fb 240020 7-21
.fO-9 020000
Norfolk 0-14
Batteries WcsV Point , Rlnhnrt. M ihaffy ,
Regan , Licy nifd' Corbftt ; Norfolk , .Mor
risen , Noyes and Woods
MrlHroM.llrnt [ ( lit.SiilillffH. .
The Metz BroH ilofeated the Fort Crooks
at Fort Crook jetilcrday by the following
score : i I"-
Mctz Bro.s : i)3 ) 0 15
Fort Ciook . . .Ji 0-10
Batteili'.i Metz Jlros , Whlto and Backus ,
Sage ; Fort Crook ) B tzmnn and Babcr !
Silltoii ' < iiil. Chili hlifiiil.
BUTTON , Neb ' . , Ati - . 28 ( SpecHH-The
Sutton Gun club wlll , lva Its th'rd ' annual
touinamont comipEr.rlijK Tue day , August !
31 , and continuing ( lirufi day p. The Hnoatlng I
will be at both liv'c ' blpls nnd targutu , with ,
seven events ihc llmt two dajH and eight
the concluding day In addition them lll '
bn iwecp taUtH shoots after the U'cnlar pro. i
gram to suit those In attendance. In addi
tion to the money prlzsa there will b one I
event , llf let n blue rock ? , J.J entrance. In
which i ho winner will receive u line ? ]
ehotgun McichandUe inlzcs are mlded to
most of the events All mojiey divided 40 ,
30 , ! W and 10 p r cent , professional barred ,
Council HIlilTn OiltiliootH Dinnlin ,
In the shooilng contest yesterday after
noon on the Coiini-ll Hluffs grounds between
u. team from Omaha and one from the city
over the rlvir the Iowa boja won l > y .11
following score :
Townsand . . . 11110 11111 mil 1U11 O'OU-22 i
Smead . . . . . . 10111 11111 11110 11111 ill' ] ' 3
Loomis . . . 11100 into urn urn 11011-211
Illake 11100 11111 11111 11011 10111 21 : I
87 i
crabiu uut iota urn urn 11111-21 i
Uuitltelt . . 11111 llltl 11J11 11110 11110-11
Ilarlln mil 10111 mil llioi noil-M
Boreshelme llltl 10111 111H mil 11.01-Z2
In the Individual contest which followed
this score wis made
Squirrel Mil fOtll 11111 0011-1 * .
Rnndelett 11101 11111 mil 11111-10
Brucher 01111 11111 lllll HOO-H
Klondike Ipooo 01010 11101 01111 11
Townseml 11111 01111 mil 10ini-17
Jfihannes 01001 01110 10110 01110-11
KniPiui urn mm inm 01111-17
Dickey ooiio urn 11111 mio-ic
nates mot mi ion icio'-ir ,
Parnulee 01111 10111 10111 11111-17
STIM. IIOI.DS iir.roitn
tin HIM StipriMiiiioy nn 11 Very
I.lirl ) Sirliit | < .f.
NEW YOUK , Aug. 2S Since the fortm-
tlon of the Amateur Athletic association
there hns never boon -nich n suocos ful
scries of athletic games at national cham
plonshlps ns that held this afternoon on the
track nnd In the fields of Manhattan Meld
The attendance was 4.COO The track was
lightning fast , nnd the Inllcld perfect. CM-
cngo sent n dozen specially trained athletes ,
i I nmong whom were Holnemnn , the heavy
I 'man ' , Kr.ioiizlcln nnd Richards , the hurdlers ;
i Maybury nnd Hush , the sprinters , and Bnr-
rott , the half-mller. All the western men ,
slnco their arrival a week ago , have been
| the guests of the Now York Athletic club
i at Trtivers Island , nnd they , as well n * the
representatives of the "winged foot , " came
on the grounds this afternoon In perfect
condition for what was called the athletic
bittlo between the east and the west The
greatest Interest centered In thn meutlng
of Wefors the world's champion sprinter ,
with Maybury nnd Hush of Chicago IJe-
spltu the fact that Maybury and Hush
were considered capable of pushing Wefers
to his utmost , the runner from Georgetown
college was a favorite ot odds of 4 to 1 ,
and although a pirty of three New Enfr-
landers wns on the ground with money to
back thj champion , they failed to secure
any Important bets from friends of the
westerners ,
I Mnybury won his trial heat handily In
ten nnd one-fifth seconds , while Wefcrs
won his In the same time , with n llttln to
spare. In the final of the 100 Wcfers came
away like n streak and won by two yards
from Hush and Maybury , who , according to
the judges , ran a dead heat for sc'comi
placo. To many ot those who were close to
the llnlsh line , It was evident that Hush
was some Inches ahead of hli clubmatc ,
but the decision of the Judges did not
change the llnal result , as the second and
third pointB went to Chicago The tlmo ,
! ) 4-5 seconds , Just equaled the American
record , Wefers nnd Mnybury mot again
In the llnal heat of the 220-j.ard dash , which
the former won by live yards In 212-5 seconds
ends , when Maybury was Povcn yards ahead
of Enrich for second honors. Summaries :
, 410 yards dash : Won by T. 1C Uuike.
N. Y. A C : A. J. Tovvnsond. Chicago A. A ,
second ; M. W. Long , N. Y. A. C. , third ;
J. II Hush , Chicago A A , fourth. Time :
O-'D ' Burke won by ten feet. He led the
way throughout. Townsend , who was tiring
badly , foil across the tape and got hecond
place by a couple of Inchon
One mlle run Won by J F CreganN. .
Y. A. C ; Alexander Brodle , Montienl A
A. U. , second , H Grant , Toronto A. A. ,
third Time12731 Cregnn won by tit-
teen yards , Ilfteen yards between second and
Throwing the discus : Won by Charles
Ilonneman , Chicago A. A , eUstnncc , lib
feet , 9 Inches ; James Mitchell , Pastime A.
C , distance , 1 OS foot , MA Inches second ;
J Hortv , New West Sldo A C , distance , 102
feet , GV Inches , third Hcnnomin anil
Mitchell both boat the American record , 100
feet , which was m ido by J. Flinnntjnn at
the N. J A. C ground * this > ear
23) ) yards huidlc race : Won by A. C
ICiaenzleln , Chicago A. A ; Jerome Buck ,
K. A. C , second. T W Chase , N. Y. A. C ,
third ; M. V BHStlanT * N. Y. A. C. , fouith
Time : 0.21. Kraenzleln led from the flrst
hurdle and won by ' .even yards , live yards
between second nnd third
220 > ards dash. Final boat won by B J.
Wofers. N Y. A C. ; J H Maybury , Chicago
cage A. A. , second ; J W Uhrlch. K. A. C ,
third , E U Hoffman. N Y. A C. . fourth.
Tlmo : 0 212-fi Wefers won by IHe yards
seven jnrds between second and third men
Throwing the sixteen-pound weight : Won
by James S. Mitchell , Pastime A. C. , dis
tance , 32 feet , 2 Inches ; . Charle Hcnnoman ,
Chic igo A A . distance , ,11 foot , 2 . Inches ,
second ; H. W Edgren , Knickerbocker A. C. ,
dist.mco , 27 feet 1 inch , thlid
Po'e ' vault- Won bv J L Hurlbut , Jr. ,
N Y. A C , height , 11 feet , 1 inch ; O B
Smith. Knickerbocker , A. C. height , 10
feet. 10 Inches , second ; C. T Van Winkle ,
N Y. A C. , U S Wilder , N. Y A C , nnd
F. C. Franz , C. A C , Washington , tied
for third place at 10 feet , G Inches , and
the last two agreed to give the place to
Van Winkle
Ono mile relay race : Won by the N , Y.
A. C team. B. J. Wefeis. T. J Burke , H. S
Lyons and M H Long ; Chicago A. A team ,
U. B Birrett , J. H Rush , D II Jackson
and A. C. Townsend , second ; Knickerbocker
A C. team. G. I yons. A. A Hollcnhard ,
J. P. Bombard and Jerome Buck , third
Time : 3.21 2-3 Tno New York men led from
the start , and Wofer , who ran the list
quarter In S1 > seconds. Mulshed seventy-
llvo yards ahead of Townsend , who was four
foot before Buck This tlmo beats the rec
ord held by Yale , which was 3222-3
Running broul Jump : Won by Ed Bless ,
N. Y. A. C. , distance , 21 foot , 10V4 Inches ;
J. F. Bennett , East Boston A. A , distance ,
21 feet , 10 inches , second ; J. H. Frlesell ,
Plttsburg A. C. . distance , 21 feet , 9 Inches ,
Score by ipolnts : N. Y. A. C. , 74 ; Chicago
A. C. , 34 : Pastime A. C. , 14 ; Knickerbocker
A C , 12 ; New Jersey A. C. , S ; Montreal
A. A. U. , 3 ; East Boston A. A. , 3 ; Pitts-
burs A. C. 2 ; Now West Side A. C. , 2 ;
Toronto , 1. Total , 153.
SSO Yaids Run- Won bv J. C. Cregan , N.
Y. A. C. ; H. L Mnnvll. N. J A C. . second ;
Edward M. Power. Plttsburg A. C. . third ;
George Stephen , Montreal A. A U. , fouith.
Time : 1 58 3-5.
Putting the plxteen-pound shot : Won by
Charles Ilenneman , Chicago A. A. , distance
12 feet 7 % Inches ; F Beck , N. J. A. C ,
42 feet GVi Inches , second ; J. Herty , N. Y.
W. S. A. C , 41 feet WH inches , third.
100-ynrd dnili : Final heat , won by B J.
Wefers. N. Y. A. C. ; J. H. Mnybury , Chl-
cnftj , and Rush , Chicago A. C , ian a
de-ad heat for f cond place : J. F. Jarvls ,
Plttsburp A. C. , fourth ; W. A. Karns ,
Knickerbocker A. C. , lifth. Time : 94-5
Wofers won by two yards und Just equaled
the world's record. .
One-Mile Walk Won bv Samuel Liebgold ,
Paatlmo Athletic club ; W B Fetterman ,
jr , New York Athletic club , second : W. H.
Donovan , New Jersey Athletic club , third
Time : G-414-5 Liebgold won by forty
yiirls , with ninety yards between second
and thinl.
Running High Jump Won by I K Bax
ter , Now York Athletic club height 0 feet
21-1 Inches ; W. C Carroll , New York
Athletic club , height 6 foot G Inches , se end ;
N E Ltslle , 5 foot 11 Inches , third
140 yards huidle race : Won by J. B.
Thompson , Jr. , Now York A. C ; John R.
Jllclnud * * . Chicago A A , bocond , T W
Chase , third : T C McQueeney. Spilngllold
A. A , fourh ; N. H Frlo ell , Plttsburg A. i
C , fell at the ninth hurdle and did not
llnlHi Time : 0 1G Thompson won by a
ynicl , ten feet between second nnd third
Ona mile blcvclo raco. Won by L A
Powell New York A C . Bert Rlnley ,
Knickerbocker A C. , second ; Harry HOH-
fo-'l Now Jorspy A C tb'rl 2 1.3-5
Throw Ing Sixteen-pound ' i rumor "Won by
John Flanagan , distance feet 5 Inches ;
Charles Chadwlck. Now 'i > . . Athletic club ,
distance 141 feet b 1m o < ieond , James R
Mltcboll Pistlmo Athlell rlnb. 1IM foot I
Inches , third. U. W. Edgron , Knickerbocker
Athletic club , dlslniuo Ul feet 4 Inches ,
fourth Flanagan made n foul throw of
152 feet 1'i Inches and Edgren made a foul
In a tlirow of H2 foot 2 Inches.
InliTiiiillonnl Ti'iinlH Toiirnoy ,
By the arrival of the eastern tennis play-
em , the open dngles In the Intel national
touinament have bout advanced several
stages Ware , Whltmnr TorbeFMher ,
KheliKn , Budlong , Bond , Noel nnd A very
arc among the entries , and good tennis
should re-suit The inclining scores follow :
Open BlniiUH. Hist round , M I ) Whitman
beat A C Mc.Miuteis. < i2.3 ( : Q. P. Sheldon
beat W. IJ Love , C-.1. G-2. C D Budlong
beat Ueoigo Wagner , G-0 , 0-1.
llrntlj'M ( irnlMiI IM Off.
SAN FRANCISCO , AUK 28 The gross re
ceipts of the Green-Wnlcott light worn x-
aotly $ SOOO Of this sum Tom O'Rourke.
Walcott's manager , teen J5.20J , leaving
$2 WO for the club , wale1) will net near' )
12 000.
Bradj's carnival of sports , which ho pio-
podcd to hold In Cuison or Reno In Ootobei ,
h is boon declared off
One I'rrnou IM Killed mill SiMi-rnl
OlhiTN Am Injured.
CHICAGO , Aug. 28 A hurricane struck the
picnic ground at Laurel Wood park this eveu- .
ing snd demolished the dancing pavilion. In tevurdl hundred persons * had taken
refuge from the storm. One wonnn win
killed and eleven per < oni wore soerel ) In
jured. The dead
MK3. KATE U O\VN. Chicago ; struck by
falling scsiitllug
ThelnJurcJ Irene MalaJ ) . Sadie Otis. Nel-
llo Crow , Mr . Kittle Harry. Kranc'ii ' Ilage-
man , Frank Kline. Lllllo I'oley , J Scholleld ,
Patrick Carney , M. I ) . Nail ) , Mm. Kate Tier-
u y. all of Chicago.
Too Much Vocal Exercise in the Now York-
Chicago Contest ,
Cnllnliiiii KiiiirKril Vtici > ii eloiis 1i > n
Thrown llnll lliillliiiort * mill llos-
toii Continue In Win
Record of Other
New York , 6 ; Chicago , B.
Baltimore , 7 ; Cincinnati , 4.
Boston , 11 ; Clevclnnd. S.
I'lttsbuig , G ; Philadelphia , 4
Washington , 1G ; St l.juls. 11
Louisville , 11-fl , Brooklyn , .V.1
Detiolt. 7-G , Minneapolis , 2-14.
IndlnnnpolK S ; Kan * in City , 'J
( . 'olumhuw , 7 , Milwaukee. 3.
St. Paul. H , Grand Rapid11. .
NEW YOUK , Aug 28. There was too
much time wasted In kicking th' ' afternoon
and Uniplro Uiuslle called the game on ac
count of darkness at the end ot the eighth
inning , with the score tied. Dalilon w.ia
put out of the game in the ntth for disputing
a decision. In the eighth Warner spiked
Donoliuo , and he , too , wa ordered to the
bench. Callahan WBS hit by a thrown bill
and knocked uncoracloUH He resumed play ,
however , and his lujurlea are not serious.
The clubs will play off the tie Monday. Score :
Vllalt'n , cf I 1 0 0 t i\crltl , 3b
it'Crcery , rf 1 0 2 0 0 Dnhlcn.
Tlernnn , U. 1 t 1 0 U ICIttMgc , c 0 0 S 0 0
Dnvlx , M. 0034 0 Orltllth cf 02001
Clriinon , 2b. 0 1 1 1 0 AI win , Hi 0 0 11 0 U
Clink , lb. . . 0 1 4 2 u llyun , rf
Warner , c .0 2 12 2 t Cnllnhati , 2b 1 0 2 3 0
Donnelly. 3b 1 2 1 1 o Decker , if. . 1 1 o 0 u
Seymour , p. 1 1020 Thornton , pi 1010
. Don'liuc , c- * 1 1 4 4 0
Totals S 10 2 12 J
I Totals. . . . 6 823 12 2
flnrk out on Glcnon'n Interference.
Gnmu called on account of Jnrkne i
New York t 0 0 0 0 0 S 0 6
Chlcimu f .1000230 0-G
1'nrmtl run * . New York , 2. Two-base lilts :
Donnelly , lljnn Home run. Tlernan Stolen
liases. Tlrrnnn , Ciillalrin , Vanllaltien I > util
l > ln > i . DniK to Olnrk. Warner to Olirk to
U'nrner , Donoliue to Cnllaliin to Annan rirnt
base on erronc New York 2 I'lrst bai on
Inlls Off Sejmour , 4. ott Thornton 3 lilt b >
pltcheil ball Donohue. Struck out : Ity Se > -
mour , 10 , b > Thimilnn , < 1'ft'ted Imlli AVarner
(2) ( ) Ij > ft on bawa. New York. G , ChlciEO , S.
Hncrltlcc hit * Tlernnn Time Two liours nnj
tVNentj-i exen minute * . Umpire. Umslle. At
tendance , 9,000
BOSTON , Aug. 28 The Bostons out-
plajed Cleveland at every point today and
won 11 to 5 Klobednnz was bitted freely
In the Hist Inning , but after that was safe
Tebeau was nccldentnllv spiked In the
seventh and McAllIstei took his place. At
tendance , S.OOO Score.
1SOSTON. | Cl.nvniAND.
H'mllton , cfO 2 4 0 0 Iturkett , If 01100
Tonne ) 11) 00900 OilMs 21) 12470
Inns. R' . . 2 2 1 1 3 \ \ nllnce 3b 1 1 1 2 2
Stall ) , rf . 3 2 2 0 0 O Oinnor , rf 1 1 1 0 0
Duffj , If J J 4 0 UMiKean , E 0 2 3 4 0
Collins 3b 1'ick'ririK cf 0 0 4 0 1
Iowe. 2b . . 1 2 0 r. 0 Tebeau Hi 00400
Herxen , r . 0 0 G 2 0 M Al ter , lb 2 1 3 0 0
ICl'b clnnz p 1 2 u 10 Klnnncr , c
Young , p. . 0 1 0 0 1
Totals . . . .11 14 27 10 4i
I Totals . . . . 5 10 27 14 4
Hasten 0-11
Cleveland . . . . 5
KarneJ runs. Cleveland. 3 , lljslonI Two-
base lilts Lowe , Hamilton , Lonn McAHMtr
Home mn : O Connor Stolen lnse. Collins
rirst ba c on errors. Iloston , 2 , Cleveland , 4
Double pliij : Clillils to McKoin first on lialH
Oft YounB. 1. Stiuck out. Il > Ynung 1 1'as-eil
ball. Hlmmir. Mild pitch \ounK Time One
hnui and lifts one mlnuto = UmplrtIsneli
PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 2s Dunkle , n
joung pltchei secured from the Sunburj
club , was slvon a tilal ag.ilnst Plttsbun ;
this nfternoon , nnd that he did not win
ho game was thiough no fault of his
The visitors did not earn one of their M\
run ? , and live of their ten hits were secured
after chances liad been offered nnd refused
to jetire thd side Tile lleidlng of the Phlla-
delphlas was even worse than U Indicated
toy the generous proportions of the en or
column. LaJole was indefinitely suspended
today for his Indiscretion of jesterdiy
Attendance. .1,110 Score.
it H o A n i uiioAi :
Coolej , rt 0120 2 Donovan , tfO 1 3 1 0
Dow il. cf 1 1 2 0 u 1'adden. 2b 1 2 3 5 3
Cro s. Sb 013 G 0 Smith. If
Shumit. ss. 2 0 2 6 4 Hotlif'ss , lb 2 0 10 0 0
Geiei , If . . 0 2 1 1 u Kly , ss. . .0 1 J 3 0
Nash , 3b. . . . 1001 0 Hort'tter , 31) 1 2 1 1 0
St'lllnifs lb 0 2 13 0 1 liroille cf. . 00200
Mcrarl'd. c 0 2 2 2 0 Sugden , c. 0 1 4 0 0
Dunkle , p. . . 0200 0 Tnnnehlll p 1 0 0 1 0
Totals 4 11 27 16 7' ' Totals . G 10 27 11 3
Philadelphia 000000022 4
Plttshurs 02000220 0-0
llarntit runs : Philadelphia. 1 , Two-base lilts :
Stalling" . Md'arland , IDunkle , Padden. Smith ,
Horrmi > lster , buitden Three-base hits : Smith ( J )
Stolen bisesPadden , Smith. Lift on bisei :
Philadelphia , 11 , PltUburK , " ' Struck out llj
Tannehlll , J , bv Dunkle. 1 Datilile play Cross
to Stalllncs rirst on balls. Ott Tannehlll 4 ,
off Dunkle , 1 Paxjcd ball. McFarland , 1. Um
pire McDonald. Time : Tvvo hours nnd five
BROOKLYN. N. Y. , Auc 2 ? . The Grooms
and Colonels closed their series for 1S97
today with two games , the Colonels winning
both of them The Hrst game was lost
through poor fielding and the rccond defeat
was due to Clark's effective pitching when
man were en bises. Score , flrt game.
11 II O A n I II II O A 12
Jone , rt. . . . Clarne , If . U i 3 0 0
Urlllln , cf Dolin , s 1 1 2 G 2
Shlnille. it ) . Wasner. Jb 1
Dunn. If . . 1 0 t 0 0 Nance , cf , J 1 3 0 1
Laeli'cc , lb 1 1 10 0 1 Wenlon. Hi 0 0 ( . 0 ( t
hhiHh SI ) . 0 0 S r. 1 Dexter r-lb 12100
Ihirrell , c. . . Cl email , 3b 1 1 2 i < i
KenneJ ) , p 0 1 0 0 0 Wlliun , c , J 2 1 1 0
U Smith , m 1 0 0 4 u I'rarei p 1 t 0 0 1
Cun'lmni , rf 0 1 000
lotalsf . . 3 027 12 4
I 'Jolals . 11 1. . ' 7 II ( ,
nronklyn 000300200-5
I < oulsvlllp 02000700 2 11
narnul runs : l > rookl > n , 1. Loul vlll , t Klrst
bane on errors tlionklyn 2 , I.mil8vllle - I ft
on IrnesIlrxiUlvn , 5 , IjnulRVlllc < ! struck out
llv Kennodi 1 Him1 1111 balls Off K' ' lined } B.
oft I"ra7er , 2 Homo run Frii/er Two hise hits
Lachance. Slilnillc , IJcxtn ( i ) hloli n lii'f
JOIIPH. Wanner (2) ( ) , Clarke Hit li > pilch" ! Imll \
Lnchnnce Wild plt.-a. I'rozer. 1'am.eil bii1
Wilson ITinplr-s Carpenter Time- Two hours
Second game :
imOOKI.Y.N" . | LOUlHVlLI.i :
it n o A i : it 11 o A n
Jones , rf . 1 l 3 " 0 r. riniko , If l 1
111 Kiln , cf Dol.lll n 0 1 . ' 2 1
hhlndleSti VVaKiu r , 2li 1 1 1 J II
A Smith , Ito o o o 0 Nimf. of o J .1 o u
l.acn-te , lb 0 3 10 0 1 Werdin , Hi I I ! ) 1 o
nlu.h , 21) . Dexter , if 11210
ririi i < Cl'cniHn , Jb 1 1 1 S 1
I'Mier , n 00031 Wlli-on o
U Hnlth , 81 1 4 11 W.CI.itke , p 0 1 1 1 0
Totals , .5112711 C 'lotnlK. C 111 27 U 3
Ilrooklyn 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 . ' -5
Louisville 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2-0 ;
iarnwl rim" : Loulnvlllf- Itrnoklyn. 3 rim j
linbe on errorn : I < oul vllle , 2 IIn > iikl > n 1 1 ft I 1
on I'UMH. ' l.oulavllle- . Drodkljn 0 Stnlcli mil , l
lly rielicr , 4. by rinrke , 3 Hii e9 on liilln Oil
Klihrr , 1. off Clarke. 2. Two.liam lillic Jones
( HIllln ( J ) Wtnlen , Hint
haHf hlt Wllfon , I.nrhance Hlolen IIIHB P
Cliirki' (2) ( ) Dexter , Shlmllu (1) ) lilt l > y pltclieil
hall Orlm Wild pitch. ri hei Tlmi- . One
hour nnd llfty minute * UniilreC'ariienler. | .
Attrndame 4 b'l
BALTIMORE. Aug SS The Champlona
ajtaln downed the Clnclnnntls today In a
giinu > devoll of features Khret
was batted out of the box In the sixth nnd
leplaced by Damman Attendance , 5,007
it u o A.I : | it n.o A i :
Mc'Uan , 3li 0 0 I 20 Miller , rf 1 J 0 0
Kvrltr , rf. 01300 Hey , cf .
Kill ) If Cjicoiun , HSU o . ' ft o
: ll.-n7.-l cf , 2 J 3 0 0 IlMklo. Ih 1 1 t 0 0
D.Dlc lb. . . 112 1 0 MU'liif2li 0 I 1 2 ( I
( luinii , ft. . . . 1 J ( ' y I 11 win , 3h
Itiliz. 2h 1 1 1 f. 1 HI. ln.y If
HililnHOn , o 0 il J 1 0 I'rltz e . 0 1 J 1 1
1'iilld. p iilli.-t : p 0 0 0 t D
( iHiliH , c DHiiiinin , p 0 0 0 0 0
VdU/hn , .
lolul . I II .7 i : i - -
< Totuu . ; 21 n (
K.Hic ) ' fur ) ) ; nnmHii In thr nlnlli
llnlllmoiM 0 B 'I A 4 2 0 1 -7
Cincinnati . 0 1 0 0 I 0 0 o 0- :
KnrnH riinn Ilaltlmore 3 , ClnLlnnnll 1 Tvvo-
lmi > u hlti : lln > , hltiurl , I'ond , llccUli-j lioyli *
.Sucrtllct ; hilt. Itrllz 1'onil .Slulm IJJKT
I'ond Keder , DoIP. Miflrnw Doubln play
{ orcaian to llecklt > I.'ft n l > - KjlH
in'if , 13 , ( liulnnutl 8 1'lmt him on hall * O7
I'ond 3 off Klirct 4 Hit by pluhi-.l . ( .all Cor
riiiJIl Mrl'hee. Htrucll null lly Pond 2 , b >
Klirtt , 1 I'joed 1-jll ; I't-ltz. Time Two hourx
end Ivvenl ) inliiutcii Dmplir U'Duy
WASH1NHTON. Aug Jl-Today's game
WHS a wild roiifuslon of changing posltbiiH
and a merry-go-round of Molen ban s
Murphy retired because of torn linger.
Hvvalm was batted out of the box and
Crosw , Hurt and Magulre vvero put on the
bench by Uniplie Kelly fur disputing elc-
rlslons Kcllv's umpiring upon the vvlnt *
wns good. Ho called the same , which \vni
n country cros * rend exhibition , nt the end
ot the tlrst half of the eighth Inning on
nccount of darkness. Attendance , 2,000.
See to ,
n H o v i :
n n i ( r
! l t i
J 4 J
I S 0
J 51 10 7
7 18
2 1 11
. tun * Washington < . t Ijnil * S
Two-linn * bit Hmlcv. 1 hrec.I o lilt rmfoll
Home run. MoCiiln- stolen haw lUllmnn
Hurt , Dimnnt llnnvn (21 ( , 11-vrtninn ( ! l , 11 >
nun , Soltnrh ilptlmin l.illv rir t l o fn
ball * : OfT Swnlm 1. nrr Ilnrl 6 off Mrlnmr *
S , i > rr CoU-min , I lilt. li > | illrhf.l l.nllTuckiT ,
2 Struck mil llv Swnlm. 2. tiv Hart S IIT
MoJiimp" , S , l'n -il Iwlln. Mc-dUIre , 1 VId (
liltch ( CVltmnn 2rtl \ on lii'e * \\n hlnK
ton , B , St I nils fi Tlmo 1\vo hours and flf-
teen mlnutDi ttmplrv : Kpll > ,
I'lnvod. Won. Lost I'C
Biltlmoro 102 70 ( VSS
Boston 107 71 SI IW2
Now York 101 fit 17 C3.4
Clnrlnnitl 102 fit as K27
Cleveland 102 Cl 4S f.2t
Chicago 107 41 4" . S
1'lttsburK 104 48 4Sn 41.2
Louisville 1CM 4S n 440
Philadelphia 10S 47 4Ti
WiisliltiKtoit 101 41 437
Hrookl > n 1M 4T 61 421
St Louis 1W ( : a "SO " 213
.snuins or THUVUSTUH >
anil DclriiK Kuril Taktt
Our ( ! iiiuik.
( DETROIT , AUK. ISIt was n standoff
today , the locals capturing the first KI\WO
by oppoitune hitting nnd the Millets thu
second bv llndlntf "Noodles" llnhn the
I softest mark durlni ; the seilos Score , first
Ka me :
Minneapolis . 0000000202
Detroit . *
Base hits : Minneapolis , 0 ; Detroit , S.
Errors. Minneapolis S ; Detroit , 3 Batter
ies. Minneapolis , Hulchlnson and Miller ;
Detroit , Thomas and Trost.
Si'cond Kame.
Minneapolis . 20211 0 II
Detroit . 51000 6
Babe hits. Minneapolis , 13. Detroit , 7
Eriors Minneapolis , "i " , Detroit. 4 Baiter-
Ics : MlnneapolH , McKotncler and Bojle ;
Detroit , Ilahn and Trost.
Second irame called at end of l\th on
nccount of daiknosx
INDIANAPOLIS , Alls. 2S Indianapolis.
played enorle-ss ball today and roronun's
pitchingwnn clean cut nnd effective It
was the twelfth Mttnlght victory Atiend-
nnce , l.tMO. S ore.
Indianapolis . .1 0 ,1 0 0 0 1 1 0 S
Knnsns Citv . . . 2000000002
lla e hits- Indianapolis a Kansas Clt > ,
7 Enois. Indianapolis , 0 ; Kansas Clt > , 4.
Batteiles Indlaiiajiolls Poremnn and Kn-
hoe , Kins-m Cltv. Pardee nmi Bhinford
COLUMIH'S , Atlg 2N-Th lleldlnft of
Huleii nnd Mr-Garr was the feature of the
name The locals otitluttcd the visitors and
won the K.ime on Its merits Score
Columbus . 010110220-7
Milwaukee . 011000001-3
Base hits. Columbus 10 , Milwaukee. 7.
Errors. Columbus , o Milwaukee , 1 Bit-
teile' ' Columbus. Keener and Buckley ;
Milwaukee Barnes and Spear
ST I'Al'L , AUK 2S-The visitors knocked
rrleken out of the box In the s\th | Inning.
, ) could do little with Donzer Thej tied
] the roro In the elffhth when vvlth two mn
out Isbell slipped and foil whin IIP was about
to catch Grlllln's ll > , allowing them to wore
two runs St. Paul won out In the tenth on
two singles , a double ind two errors Two
games will be plijed tomorrow. Score
Grand Rapids . . .
Si Paul . 1 1 0 3 1 2 0 0 0 .1-14
Base hits- Grind Rapids 17. St Piul 1C
Eriors Grand Rapid" , 4 , St Paul , G Bat
teries Grand Rapids , Bainett and Twine-
ham ; St Paul , TrlcUi'ii , Dcn/et and Split
Plajed. Won Lost PC
Indianapolis 10S 71 2J 731
Columbus 107 07 40 r,2C
St Paul . . . . 114 fi1) 45 rori
Milwaukee . Ill 1,7 47 013
Detroit 114 C3 03 51 S
Minneipolls IIS . .1 79 ' 31
Grand R iplds . . 11(5 ( IS 73 32 S
Kansas Cltj 117 37 SO 31.6
Games today : Milwaukee at Columbu" ,
St Paul at Gland Rapids ( two iami )
AWNll'lllMSfl * Ill t lOII SlOrM. .
CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , Aue. -Score
Cedar Rapids 000000000-0
St. Joseph 00000000 1 1
Base hitsCrdar Rapids , 4 , St Joseph , 2
Eirorp ; Cedar Rapid" , 1 , St Jo-oph , 0.
Batteries , Cedar II iplds , MuDoiiKal and
Fuller , St. Jot > eph , Meredith and Housen
DUBUQUE , la , Aug 2s-Score.
Dubuque 1000000310 0-E
Des Molnes . . . .
nnse hits. Dubuque , 10 ; Des Molnes , 7.
Errors : Dubuque , J , Des Molnes,3 Bat
teiles : Dubuque , Strelt and Sullivan ; Das
Molnes , i.Mauek and Lohmun
ROCKPORD , 111 , Aug. 2-S-Score :
Rockfoid . . . . „ 200021100-9
Burlington 00000000 0-0
Base hits : Rockford , S , Burlington , S.
Enois : Rockfoid , 0 ; Burlington , - Bat
teries. Rockford , Underwood ami Huff ;
Burllligton , Thompson ami Berryhlll.
PEOUIA , III , Aug. 2S-Scoie.
Peorla 01000001 0 2
Qulncy 03000000 ' -.1
Base hits : I'eorln. 5 ; Qulncy , 3. Errors :
Peorla , 4 ; Qulncy , .i Bntturles ; Pcoria ,
Tulbot and Qulnn , Qulncy , McGroovj nnd
| ) IH lloliu-M Mil } ( 'mm * 111 , Ton.
DDS MOINES , Aug. 2S ( Speclil Tele
gram ) The management of the Des Jtloliu-s
base ball team Is In receipt of an Invitation
to take a franchise1 In the Western league
next > It IH annoiincud that Grand
Rapids nnd Columbtm aiu to diop out of
that circuit ; that Columbus Is Jlkuly to
go to Omaha , and It Is desired to tiaimfer
Gi ind Itaplds to Deri Molnes If the olTer
holds It will probablj bo accepted , walt-h
would necfssltnto a reoiganl/.itlon of the
Western ns-xoLiatlon.
I.l-nllll li-fi-llH ) ( Sllll Illicl. .
BOSTON. Aug 2S Lnelen Lisnn , the
EmopcMii long dlslanpo champion of 11 %
defeated J P. of Phlladflphla by
one and one-half laps In a iweiilylhiml'u '
match ran' at Charles Rlvei pnk thli
nftdlioon , making the dlstame In 4T 1J 11 < >
also : secuiid the AniLMkin ipaceil compftl-
tlvo m-ords from throe to tni-nD-llvo mll <
Inoluslvo , lovvetlng a niijoilty of the u-e-
ords created by his old Hunt rival Jimmy
Michael , at Manhattan Bench the prnvluns
vvtc-K It was a line ( ontcHl , both intu
shnvvlng good form , ami thu paienialo'iH
doing faithful work The fastest mlle was
thu Hoconil , which was ildilin 111 1 403-5
/Iniiiirriiiiiii VVIiiM I IKllnitc. .
KEARNEY , Neb , Aug. 2jSpu < lul Tele
gram ) The Mx-day bleyclu nice wns ( .ovn-
pktcd this evening and was wan b > Zlm-
iiierinan , the total dlHttinre In the fix
hoiiis' riding being 120'4 ' inll.'s , Thomanson
was Hecond , mnlclng 1/0 inlh-n , un I C'oolc
third I , with 11 ! > } i miles Up to this uyt-nlng
XlmiiKTm'in and Thum IIIK > II weio togethoi ,
/Jininnrniun gained a lup by making a
U.IIK , hard bpurt when thu la it hour win
about half up Thu tiack had beenmo
ra her heavy und only twenty und a half
miles wore nude tonight
NCMV ( ViilmIliinil Itri'oril.
DENVIJH. Aug 28-Q. B Hiichenbyrgcr ,
tin : "buttormllk hey , " today rode to Evan t
and loliirn , 100 mile. ; , , unpacid , in live lioui.-i
and fifteen minutes. urtnbll.Hlilnir a n > w
woild'H bicytlp record Ho stinted from thn
city nl 1.40 u m am ) arrived nt thn st ir-
Ing point on his return , it ' > . J Ho
regularly timed anil the reoord Hollltlil
FLINT , Mich. , Aug. 2S Thl ultoinoon.
while In a domcntrd condition , Mrn Wll-
riinv / Hutchlnuun of this oily chloro
forms ! hoi fi-ytai-o. < l daughter nnd Hhnti
Uii May , lie-r J-l-jmr-oliI daiinhltr. 'Uu >
youngei dlod four linur * l.itti The older
gill , who U.IH shot In i lie mouth , thoj
lrtaf-t und the hip , will piobably
Hood's Sarsnpnrllla Built Her Up.
"I liavo been in poor health for years ,
I was run down In summer and U.UH with
out any nppctito. I was nih ietl to taku
JJood's Saraaparilla und . 'iund that it
built mo up , and now uheiiovcr I am out
of order J resort to Hood's Biirimparllla. "
IDA HALLXAN , Jillinuood , Kaunas.
Istliele _ t-lu fact the Oii'Q'riielllood I'tirlOer.
Hood's Pills curulill liter liij.