TII13 CW .A IT A DAILY BEE : BHNDAY , AUOTST 2 { ) , 1897. Il Our New A CUT IN PRICES IN THE MAIN STORE. As the new building ncars completion and moving time approaches , the necessity of selling out present immense stock increases , We will open every department in the New Big Store with entirely new stocks. Goods on hand now will be sacrificed at any price to dispose of them before we tear down the west wall of the main building and begin moving , enlarging and remodeling. Over half a million dollars' worth of best and most seasonable merchandise , to be closed out at one-half to one tenth its value , Blanket Department. \ \ > | > ny ymi ever r.o . on HIP dollar to buy them now. i t Kr Orty Uliinkt'ia. land * nlp HJfrixtrn Inrttf. fancy Hlrlpi * Illurki Is NJC II V , II < ( Iniy mill WhltiI'nlon UlniihotH . > c izwi II < Hxini lle-nvy Iliilf WoulliiiiikptH H.JJ tlffl rxlril In HID On-y niul While- Wool HlunkutH Ji.iO l < nll ulrc C'oinforli rn , wlilto cotton llllotl U.OO MNLNH In upllp of thn lilK nilvnncp In manufacturers' prices , we nro closing out nt nlMiiil om-liiilf formir prices S > Kttln D.nniiitt OniHK Illi-achotl Tnblu Mnen li' jc tnf extra hpiixy ( 'ri-iiiii TnliliDamnific 2oc t.V Hllwr Illonrlicil ( Ii-rinati Tulilu l.lnon .Tic r..c full bli'iichi'il TaliliI.liH'ii < "C 7V ; ; imh half lilourlicil Table I.lncn < c tire T.Mliri Tnblt' IMinimk C9c II V.'i "it Inch full blt'iit'hi-il H.itln DuimiHk Linen - > c 2.V r > l Inrh Tiirkiy Itfil D.nrmxk ISo JINPuncy I'l-mlmi Pattern Tnlile Dnm.iik - > c t-s Hllvi-r lllvurlH il All l.liuu Napkins , dozen $1.00 TOWP.I.S Tlip llnr-M "took ) f Tn.u-ti In the country. Irtc Hitlln ImtnnHk TIWI-IH. knotted HrlriKe , slr.p 2..X.M nt 2oc Kt Hni'n ' l > nMHIKit Towi'lw , knotted frliiKc , nt J c I0c * ( rtiiiti llnth Toni'lit ut ' < - Vf nil llrii-n llrown TmM-IliiR nt -c tr CriiHh TouillriKiit * ! 4 ° v fancy Chi i k ( Jlnm Tanclliu ; nt IVtc fll'lJflAI. UAIlflAlNH IN .MUSUN AND Simm'INOS. 4 Illi KlH-il HliitltiK 13 > c { It t'lilih-ai-hul HIicvllliK . * . lie 41 IIU in linl MiiHlln. IKiiimllty 4 < 4c M t'lihli'ii'liril Mimllii , Ce Minlfty 4".u COi Illi iM Iml Hi mly-iimdu HIit'i-tH , full nlze , torn and Ironed nt 45c ri < ANNii.H : AT ONI5-IIAM' . IIH ) ( I > iiriM | mill remnant * * niitlim Klannd , worth 10t nnd ] 2 < &c ynrd , at. . . Gc lor" ) xirdK mill reimintitu HhlrtliiKi worth lOc and I2'.4c y.ird , nt Cc It I'nttcM rinliliel at < c V > Inch \Viml While Flannel , - lUcnlilu at - " < - ' f.OCU jiiriln hi nv > , nil IAIJOI , Kray , red anil liltii- Flannel , Jx- value , yard. . . 27'f-c Kit Kri iu-li Wool rinnni'li at. yard 12' ' c | ( l plu'i-d finiv plaid and Htrlpc All Wool ri.mncls , 40c v.iluu. yard We II 00 All Wool Hklrt I'ntteiim CUe Better Clothing for the same Money or The Same Clothing for Less Money Wo'll prolific nny man \vlth a stylish suit hero In Una lime than a tailor can take hli measure , anil MO guarantee a better fit tlian the average tailor turns out. There's noth- , liiK In thuvay of nicn'H wear that we can t Kiipply with Hiitiotantlal saving to you. Ill-tore jou buy nny thine In the Ma > of incnV. bo > H' or thllilrcn'H Clothing , we want you to gel our prltrs and see the difference between the clothca wo ull and those offered In moil clothing utorta If wo can't save you money we won t auk jou to buy. Early Fall Children's Suits Tomorrow , We plnro on unlo nbout l.fw 2-plecc I'anlrt Hllltx , In double bioaHti-d , junior mid rit-frr xtylox , nl7.o n to 1C yearp , at li'H.i than cult of materialnits worth from I2.2T. to iii.W-Monda } , your choice A f < ) Mwauli Hull * to clew lit . A few K H' 1'antn HnltH left to close . . . . Mrn'K l'nnl at'half' \'aViio-TiY 'close 'them 1 fifl 9 9S Hit niilck tnUi- your cliiilro at ire . llUU > " ' h < 3 * MI-II'H llxht anil inedliiin weight HultH to he rlnrvil mil In n i .ry fi-iv dajM TlioKo who , _ _ _ _ wuir 31 , V , . M , .T ) . 10. 12 SultH can buy J 7fi / 5 00 /-uu / Ol/u' - jls ' > . . nru110 to wiltH nl . ( "all nnd Winter riotblim Catalogues tnnllvd out of town Send UH your name. Optical Goods Spectacles improperly fitted strain and ruin thu eyes , no matter if the materia's ' are the bust , Our scientific optician will fit you perfectly and sell you the very best glasses at less money than you are generally ch irgccl for the poor quality , xcsu Pianos Removal sale of new and secondhand pianos ThefnlloMlliK net-oiid hand and BllKhtly uieil pianos nrp genuine burial us ntul nr better th in many of thu cheap new pianos novon the market. Notice the pflees. 1 Pump 1'lniui , nprlKht $75CO 1 VOBO & Son * UprlKht 1OT 00 t rrttnp * lo I' irl ht MO ) 1 Voio Ac Sons Upright IVioo 1 iimroii : C-iirlKlit Win ) 1 Smith & Harnes UprlKht . . iMOfl 1 ( Mk l'n P t'pMKUt 1GOIK ) 1 New KiiKUiml Uprlisht 123 00 1 VIHW * Son * UprlKht HOOT 1 Stelnway , used only 14 months , 1 Vow & Sunn 1'prlKht IK 00 Ju t as m > otl an new. Anlili * from the nliiive we hn.o n fine delected stocx of new Chlckcrlnt ; , HlflliwHy , KtinlHrinc'hi r , Ivers & I'ond , Smith & Ha rues , LndwlR. Vo-e A. ttoim , Kmirmiii , anil various other make ! ) , all ofwhich must be closed out In the next few \\oekn NIW PIANOS rou HUNT. Special Sale of Jewelry and Silverware 1X1 guadnlplt * 1'lntfd Ten Hets. Heavy Hollcd Gold Plat- i on-ilmliiK of tea pot , xuKar til Kink and Lexer Cuff Hnt- I > A | irtuitvr ami cpooiier , totiH. worth 75c , 41.00 , (1 V ) . } 1 75 li mil en rii\f. | and eobl lined KO nt I9c OelitV Oold Plated Watth Ituni-rii A A HOIIII Spoons , for Ohalns. worth Jl 00 , ; o at , tach 3 c iwt nf * . worth $ lVi 9Sc I.-iiJkV Solid Uold KIIIKM. ulth ttirrlltiR * lUpr Thlmblen. worth Kcnnlne Atihtiall.m Oii.il Seln , > ri h . IOC north $160 , KO rit JI.CO Kl'iinj | < 4llv > r Munlciitf Flint clans Nickel Alarm ClockH . worth MI" K at. each 'MO tj * > niit aiirt- AVateh , clock and jewelry repair Inn ut reduced prices. ttll 'VKIM ) TUB ItfJOUl ) IN Grocery Prices Ilmna * f i' " * * * J"r ' " * * * * * U J'r . ' 'KVmw ! rfy'c > r''uaii'hefry , ' " . . . . JQC ltt > Hotlli * M w Totni'U" tHUH * 3c UMH < M4lll 4tl > t ttlllMl IHIttll .37c 27c * ' * ' * * * * * * m * ti Coffee ii tul Tea * . M . " " > 4 'l" W t4 4. . .4. . > ,4 , . i . , . . . „ * * „ . . . , " * ' . 1 27lc Silk Plain Silks Only fur llnlncs 25c OUR GRAND SHOWING OF Only nil colors 25c New Fall Silks Far exceeds that of any previous season in Quality , Styles and Beauty. New Silks at Special Prices. Surah Silk , double Fancy Hrocadc Glace Taffetas , ev wnrp , all colors , very TaftctaSllks.cxcel- ery now color combi b st , lent quality , nation , 50c 59c 69c Hrncadu Satinseve * Uii.stlcTalVcta.il ] Itlack 15roadc Sat shades , very s\\ell black , 20 in. wide , ins , for capes or skirts , only real good ; only very brilliant , only only75c 59c 75c Hlack Striped Taf. Now Plaids , an Hlack Hrocadc Gros fcta for shirt waists immense assortment Grains , now designs , special at in now combinations , Sl.SJo quality , only at85c 98c 98c Kuinan Stripes 'X in. HhteU Taf. New Vclvcts- very quality'X , ( rustic nnd ull colors bust quality very heavy , only only 1 , Saninle" cheerfully intiiled to out-of-town customers when kind wanted ib plainly stated. Cloak Department. Ladies' wrappers , light : and dark colors 49c Ladies' percale wrappers , separate waist lining , finished arm holes , worth $1.25 75c Ladies' percale wrappers , in all the newest pat terns , sizes 32 to 48 , worth $1.75 98c Special Sale 011 Capes , Skirts and Suits. Ladies' black silk capes , trimmed all over with jet , satin ribbon ruche , regular $7.50 , at3.48 Ladies' b'ack brocade silk cape , trimmed with jet and silk lace , black and satin ribbon ruche , f regular $9.50 , at 1 5.00 Ladies' black cloth capes , trimmed with braid 1.00 Ladies' black cloth capes , double trimmed with three rows wool braid 2.50 Skirts. Ladieb' black mohair skirts , lined and stiffened , faced with 1.25 velveteen , worth $2.50. at . Ladies' black figured brilliantimc skirtb , 5 and 7 gored , 175 regular $ . ' 1.00 , at Lndics' black sateen underskirts , finished with a double 1.00 rullle and . ' { rows ot braid , ut . Ladieb' tailor made jacket suits in cither fly front Eton or box coat styles in serges , cheviots and uovefiy goods In black , A navy and mixtures at. Furniture Fixed in good shape now , we were very sorry to find we had not enough rockers to go round last Monday. We now have made arrangements so that every on ? can have one or more , and we would .ike to see tho-.e . in particular who weie unable to get one last week. Full si/c Cobbler Scat Kockcr 1.95 The first time u rocker of this kind has ever been offered in Omaha for this money. xn\v LOT OF NIW : WHITE ENAMCL. EASELS. ' Hrass Tips at S."c. $1 21 and 1.85 Combination Cases In oak nt JS81 , | 9oO nnd 1O 5O Chair BeatM , II , 15 , or 10 , at , each To We can make you very low prices on all kinds of fur niture at the present time , and think it to your ad vantage to look us over before you buy. Oak Hook Cases , fl.7 , " nnd , ' 1.95 Oak Cane Scat Chnlrs. 65c , 03c and l.OO Oak Hockcrs. $1 S3 , J1.50. $1.73 . ' 1.U5 A lot of flames nnd Mirrors nt 5c , lOc nnd 15o Closing out our furniture before we move , Provisions Butter. Uood Country nutter So and lOo IJest Country llutter , , , ,124c ! : and 14c Fancy Creamery llutter 15c and 17u KLQI.N SHl'AKATOH CHEAMI3UY. CHEAMI3UY.Cheese. . ; CoinprcfBcil Yeast , per cake Ic Sap Bagu Cheese , , 7' q Pineapple Cheese , ( JUo Wisconsin Cheese Co Fancy Mmlmrccr , , , . . , , . . , , "Via tlrlck CLetue lOc and Neufclutcl , only . , 4c Fish. N'lco Tat Mdckercl , per pound , lOc Family WhllPtlsU . , . , , 4c I.jrue Labrador Split Herring. 2 for , Co Columbia Hlver Salmon , per pound . . , . . , , , . . . . . . . . 7Vic Uooil CodlUh 5o New Imported Norway Herrings. Meats. No. 1 Hami ( sugar cured 10 ? Salt 1'ork . . . . , , . . . , f > W S'o 1 Ilacon ' . . . . . , . ? . . . . , , , 8 ° I'lKa 1'ci't ( plekled ) . , . . . , , , , . , . . , | c California Damn , , . , , , , , , . , , . . . . . . . . , Sc I'kkKnl Tripe , , , , . Cc I'luilc IUn\ * , . . . . . . , , , . . ' /c liunel > w llama . . . . ? T * . . , , ' , , , . . , , , , , . . . , , , . , , , . V c C'orned Ueef . . , . , . , , . . , 3Vic 3 Vound palln best lard , any brand , . . , . . . , . . . , , . -0 ° C I'ouoil pilU beet lard , any brand 32c 10 pound paiU brat lard , any brand COc Chuiii Huxar Cured Ilacou 9V4o \ i . a Suuiage. ptr can lUc New Fall Dress Goods. We hnvc Just opened the largest line of new fnll Drcs * Goods ever shown In this western country. Over 0,000 pieces to select from every piece n dif ferent color and design. Our stock Is all new , nobby nnd tip-to-dntc styles and effects. 37 pieces of all wool mixtures , In checks nnd plaids , 37 Inches wide , In the .lew fall colorings nnd wenvcs , makes a very serviceable suit , worth 49c per yard our special price only 2Jc per yard. Our 49c line of New Novelty Dress Goods contains 113 pieces every piece i different design nnd color the very latest styles In wcaies , the most rell- nble , servtcenblo and stylish line we wll These suods nrc worth 93c per yard -our ppocml price only 49o per ynid. Our 46-Inch all wool French Covert Cloth , In mixtures of brown , blue , ton , green , light nnd dark gr.iy , only 73c per yard. Sold by others at * 1.2o per yard. Our -lnch all wool , silk finished Henrietta , the finest made , sold by others nt 75c per yard , our iprlcc only 50c per yard. We can give you thebc goods In all shades , light and dark colors , also black. Black Goods. HEADQUARTERS FOR NEW FALL , UI..ACK GOODS. ! | I 1 3S-tnch black nil wool Figured Novelties , worth 5 c per yard , our special price only 39c per yaid. -lnci ! black , nil wool Serge , extra heavy , io.il value 73c , our special price , 39c. Priestley's best black nil wool Figured Dress Goods , 4G Indies wide , special for this sale only " 9c per yard every yard warranted. 37-Inch black nil wool Serge , worth 4" c per yard , our price only 23c. All open mall orders promptly filled nnd money refunded on all goods not perfectly satisfactory Grand Moving Sale. Our Notion Dept , \Vc lime thp finest Notion Dejni tment I 10 Shell Side Cimbi , moInp price , In the west , hill whin we enter out new | pair . . . Ic quiirteis It will be- among the llnext In i COc Hnnd lligs , moxlng price each 23e thu countrs , i.ist or west llefore mo\- J n m ch uclulne lings , bonutlts mm- ln wo will have a general clearing sale Ing price rich . . . . 4Se nt e\cry counter In this department j iCe Ixnerx' Tinps ( sure catch , mo\- 1st Shell llnlr Climb" , worth 13c , Ing prlct1 , nch . . . lc mo\lng price , do/en. . Cc I So Spool Cotton , best 2 < JO jnril mn- > , 2ic Shell Hack Combs , mining price , ehlno thrcuil uponl I' c each Cc I lOc llnlr I'lli Cnblncts , each 5t Moving Price on Ribbons. 20c lllbbons , No 40 , moIng price , I CO. moxlnp price , ian\ 15c janl . . . Cc | Co rinie ItlbbonH , nnklnir price , 15c rnnc > Hlbbons , mo\ Ins price , j jnnl lc yard Co itr nml 20 , . r-incj Iloinnn Stripe 2fc Satin nibboni. Xas 2i , 40 nnd J Illbbnn , jaul 10 < ! , . , , New Veilings at Moving Prices. 18-Inch Chenille Dot Villlnp , worth I S0c. mm Intr price lOc 2"c. moAlnc price 15c S0o'a li Veils worth 50c , iiiovlng 18-Inch 1'laln 'iuxeclo Velllnff , worth i price 35c New , Dress Trimmings at Moving Prices. 100 bolls elepnnt hen\y Jet trhnnilnpr , ; COO Tiincy Iloleros , worth 52 50 to worth 3c to l.'ic per jnnl , moving I } 3 no , our mu\lnijr price , 50c to. . . . 75c price , jmd 3c I Odd Lots atloving \ Prices. 1.000 dozen Drew Iluttoni , pen ilozcn lc ' rnoxlns price , per dozen lOc 1,000 doren Pearl Center Clink Hut- One MX lot of lOc , 13 < . anil 20c Km- ton , regiilnr price Jl 23 per do/en , | broideries , mo\lnK price , ptr > ard Cc Moving Threads. Black or white , Nos. 8 to CO. best crrnni 01 white , regular price lie , 201-jaril perfect machine thread , mm UIK price , inch . . Cc worth Cc , moving price , per spool IHc Dennlson's be t Crepe IMper , mosinif Hnrbour'fl or Alarshairu Hest Ulnen price , per roll Cc Threads , full 2CO j.irds , black , Sewing Machines A strictly high grade sewing machine , possessing-all the modern improvements and warranted for five years at Carpet Bargains Cottage ingrains , a new and very durable fabric , at Extra heavy , half wool ingrain carpet atWool Wool Faced Brussels Carpet at A number of puttorns of flno l > rassoli carpet , slightly soiled lit less than 1mIf price. Curtains A few of our famous $3 values in curtains " | left ; to be closed out at , pair * A 6o-in curtain , new design brussels pat tern , a curtain that would be a bargain at $5 ; our price Tapestry Portieres from $1,98 up. New heavy Art Denims , yard 15c Dresden Draperies at , yard 18c Curtain Swiss at , yard 12-ic Hardware Department. Moving and Remodeling. If you want anything in ( ho Tool line come and sec if wo hnvc what yon want. Will make pik-cs to Milt your iinelci'thoolc. W1.3 DON'T WANT TO .MOVE A HINCM- } ODD AND 10ND. Kveryboily IB bnllil- IUK MJ are we. Are not yon ? liny while thliig.s me clieiip. NAILS. NAILS. Sunie old prices Mill 120 ut $1.X ( ) pur kc * , ' , 10 nt ? 1. 5 per keg , S nt $1.70 pcr ki-j , ' . How is tlilH for ISallcy'u IManusV No. 3 Iron Smooth 1'lano , ? 1.0S H-lnch Jack ( all Iron ) I'lano , , * 1 35 IS.Inch Fore ( all Iron ) Piano , J1.C2 2a-nch | Jointer ( all Iron ) 1'lane , , fl.'JS 2G-liicli Hand Saw , uorlh 75c , for , , . . , 39c 2G-lncli Hand Saw , as good os DUston's No , 7 , . . . . . . > . , . , . < 65c COc Steel Claw Hammer 27c li.r.O -lnjli Hip Paw 93c fl.OO fine Steel Square n < 43c Ono t < et Cocoa handle Knives and forks , 37c A ( jogit llutchcr Killfo , Oc Jl.DO Complete Cobbler's Outfit < 79c J1.75 Draco and eet of six Augur lilta , 51.05 60c Drawing Knl\cs 2'Jc A tine Jthaca Hammerlces Uouble-Darrel Shot Gun , worth fSO.OO at whole- 8lie , our price. . J27.95 Special sale on Quus and HlHeu this week. Cotton Dress Goods Dept , Double fold dress goods , novelty checks , etc. , best stylish looking cloth ever offered for. . . . 15c 31 in. art sateen , very elaborate display of the most pleasing patterns , all good fast colors. . . 15c 35 in. cretonne for comfort covers , etc , , new pat terns and colors perfectly fast lOc Yard wide percales , our 12.J-3 quality , 35 pieces left , Monday's price will be (5ic ( Checked nainsook and dimities in white , sold at 12Ac and J5c , 23 pieces left to close Monday 5c Simpson's percales , all dark colors , cambric fin ish , all colors guaranteed Merrimac blue calicos in best line of patterns ever produced on dyed cloth Wm. Simpson's fast black sateen , our regular 150 quality , on Monday at Extra values on Monday Men's and Ladies' Furnishing Goods Meii'sSnspenders Men's Sox Tn thi im rlpfv co ° ° 7Men'i i\trn Heavy Col < ; . wr > rnm- - \ \ in uub mi.L tieij coin , , ton csOXi usual , rcc our petition. We soil more buspcml * cloliij , ' price , per pair 3o era than all other houses put tol.ooo doz Men's Fast BlncU nml iretlior ' 1'1 Cotton Hose , usual pi Ice 13 "Oc , closing pilcc , pci pair 7o 103 iloron Men's Fane y Well Bus- . WMIJ tR iBV0 Ladies'and Cliil- pancioMnt , " price ( , 'ic dreii's Hosiery 100 dozen Light Wcl ht Summer J .SuM-emlertroller ends , never 100 doz. Ladles' Full Seamlets wit ! for less than 2oc , our clos- i-st JJInck Cotton and Tin CM- Ins price , pel pair lOo OIed Hose , \\oith 12i < .p to 3V , How Is this ? ] 00 dozen Fancy per pair Bo nnclibh Webs , best molmlr ends , , , . , , and hlKh Riade Jastcnei-s. ele- lloz , IiiHfr.i't Uliclc Cot- euntlyimu tol-cluiln , ; this rn c -0"1 Jlos > . Hemm orf dye , do ib e and \\hllo they last , pel p.iti . .lli'/ic ' , fo e nll > ? cx'rx lo"K. " , * ' " ! > . . „ . . . . . , . . , , for lets thin 25c per pah , nt 12Uo At 25c Wo show the stioiiKOSt line west of Ne\ , York , made from the 100 dozen ( .lilldren-n rnst LHcli Cot- very belt quality of fancy wens , Iln- ton Ho p , Htrmpitorr il > c nnJ I'heil with Hllk. mohair and kid cuds full Ecamkss , ortli : jc per pair , lie nnd line quality of buckles. ' Ladies' Underwear ' Boys' Shirt Waists 100 doz Hoys' Waists , blnck and SI'nciAl , W > dozen lirtlep' Jor- navy blue , with fine while hair- PPJ lllblicil VC-.IH , lone slcovm , line Btrlpef , utual price uOc and Kkjptlan cotton. llKht lull uolBlit. 75c , at 2"c nmer sold foi leas I linn 25c. . . 12' ' a Removal and Tearing Down Prices House Furnishings Mrs. Potts Snd Irons Gahanizvd Iron Milk I'aim 1-l-ounee Copper Wash Hollers Gallon Mlllc Crocks Very fine China Cups nnd Saucer * \\orili ; i.DO , per sot FlntDecorntcd China Festoon IMRC Plates , lie worth 30c each * Fancy Decoiated China Festoon Kdne Qrj Sauce Plate" , vsotth ' 'Oc each Fancy Decorated'China Cups and Saucers ' lf-ir woith Mo each - w Tin Top Jelly Tumbleis all Hires IQc per dozen , Granite Iron Tea Kettles 5Qc rcfculnr pilco fl.2."i u . Granite Iron Dish Pans 35c regular price We Granite Iron Tea or Coffee Pots 30C rcKiilar price Me < 25c i Drug Specials t Hobbs Asparagus Pills 34c Williams' Pink Pills 34c Carter's Little Liver Pills 124c Madam Yale's Hair Tonic 67c Madam Yale's Almond Cream 67c Tetlow's Gossamer 15c Tetlow's Swansdown 13c Pozsconi's Face Powder.- 30c Woodbury's Facial Cream 18c Mennen's Talcum Powder 12ic Belladonna Piasters lOc Diamond Dyes , per sack ( )8c ) Fly Paper , sticky , 3 sheets 05c Fly Paper Poison , 3 sheets 05c Get our prices on prescriptions. i H HAYDEN