Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 29, 1897, Page 15, Image 15

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cmucTWfis AIE v.rir
It i i. i iMFfftne Vfnif ! ( !
i < HH tit Volnrnp nf In ? inp t
lining I OP Hwili nil
SHI ImiiRlfiftrj ,
llll ftlf MII < > ri 'tilHHK Mir | iil < I
. f ri'Vi w I'D'f f > i rt'lv
iii nlni ( df iitri huft'liw1 flh'l
.r . 'nio ibiliu linn rtiiillniiPil
i - | MI | n l M | mil g
.1 . i miifni Hirer *
i n .f . imnll-f n
- inr iKiinM-H 10 their in-
nf the cfinwttnlftH < ! *
ii * mno > ri'tull mer-
f Im hii'l HllnWi" ! Ihrlt liirU lo
ii finii'li ilt'piHril ' , I'tittiitiMly mm-
> nii'irhnnill * ! * 'if nil kltph * ainl pt.n'-
HIP vacli'im iiiiiniifai-luii.tiu Itulus-
'ivlllg K iHtfll * III HlR flty. llllVU foil
.IN ti im bi'i'ii a hum limp lncij
n .i 11 much lo lie tlmttUful fur Hi
n . inulf Hiiimilmi , nnd tM llttlo to
ul Mill ) .
in .ivy III.TOIISIIn . HID clpiirlUK * of
ii bniiliN < ! iti'itmlrnlpM hey. ml it ilouht
Hull UK ii.pntti'd lininovemeiil In hii-lncHH
i < i > i ini.iiiliiiit ) ' nr iluii HI liny ibKlnun the
i "i 'i ' mi-M-lmiilN In stltiiniiilp tniili' , hut
, i n IH u KiihMliinllal HiilH ) . Another
l , i i .li'iimiiMiMieil by Ihc bank i-h-iirliWH
nn l Unit IH Hull llmahil Is ItnrplliK well
up wlih Hie pruri'MHlon of I'lllrH In Hie mat-
I .f i-tin mm : bimtni".i pro-peril y.
I M.K UK MKT'l'lilt W.mNKHS.
'I ! . < I'll ill retail tlii'le In certain ileuirt- |
10 . > n i- tlll nilhi-r quiet , hut i-veii aiminu
i. . i i ill nii-tuliiinii * iheie I" talk nf hfth-r
| . , m , .t for tinprodil mill muji i-nirjur-
IM ii pi.ispprlH fid the future.
in i- it mi ilimlit that In must locallllert
h "i been un I'liurimitiH Incrrime In the.
i . . i. . i unit power nf coimnmi'r * .Mujiy thon-
r HI i . .I men who were ullliinit tvnilt a few
< n. . "Hi MHO have Hi-e.uriil : employment In
> > u ti HMK of mum. nnil nl bur ilnuiKiinila
i > . i N KIVI-II viuik by tr.itispuriutlim
i inii-N Hint me. almost nwainpeil by I no
-UPS of fioltsht wlib-h they Imve been
. . "l " l u-'ii | ' tti IruliKpoil ffnin WeHt In eaiit
itn.i . i i lo west Tne Improvement In lilt1
p > n il i' ' lullliK fdluallim haw al-vi lven emi -
i n. . ni in many , ami all thuso ttliu Irive
1 i i tt'.ik ' . lo ibi within thi' pa-l fetvteeltd
< i- n. . buyeiH uf all klinls of ini-rclmndHe
o'L l nn likely to rnntlnue to be ftoin IH < W
! 'In meet Mils enlarged commmliiK
i . .I . | .ibbern h.ive'l 111 lawr HIUCKH
' 'i n .mil , ami Hit- retullfrnlio lome Into
i n 'i i iinlaet wllh the consumer are buy-
ttitli cii'iit fi'et'ilmn.
. ii'lvunro In uriiln. tvlileh IIIIH recelx-ed
.iiu ntlnii In tinilall > press dispatches
. iln. leadliiK luaiketH. Is another feuture
situation that I * of the ( Dealest lu
lu liiiHlni'.xM men. Not only hnve the
in.ilUeiH iiilvancuil. hut cattle me sell-
Siiulh Omaha at very remunerative
ami IIOKM ilurliiK Hie | > isl sU tlay
U..NI' iibove the $1 inaikvbiih , to
in li.i l , IH must Knitll'j'lni ; tn all In-
u whalevi-r pnlnl of view may be
Hie llll'lll llllSlni'HM slllUHllltl is IIIIIHt
mi : , while the prospi'ftM for tne
.in- full of promise.
; TIII. : THIMCS iii'Tit.vm :
I ni'l- ( ili-nnoil Iii DiiialiiiN Jobbing anil
tin u ii I n i'I n rln u Ill-n-li'l.
ThV' Hlern Tinware roinn.iny soltl a luric ;
m > .UPC iiloi'H I lie past week to l-'irenec it
I ' I'l-iilKt- ' of Wilber.
I ue Meu-i-r ( " couiiany | han re.-
f > -I an ortler for a bill of M > UI- ! from
Ji ' Hommi'i'si't ' , KiiKlantl.
. - " ! ' illlmati hail placed an onler for a
K Ii vniRon , to be uxi-il in the ilellvery of
41 it \tlth u lot-til nuilUKO liouse.
in ntiof the Binat friill-KrowliiB counties
O' ' lllnMMt MlMSOIirl .1. 1C. l.lll'l < AODll. IH'U-
ii M p isseii i-r HKt'lU of the Memphis road ,
i ii H u peach crop of112.5'AI ' biisbels.
\ . it this too low.
\\ith Ihe Improvement In trade sellers eland
. . * and w IKIIIIS. In a tt holtsabway ,
li i n no oi'sy matter to supply their cus-
" IM IIH ruplilly us they would like , In
f II IM u fiitiHlnnt HtrtiKKh * to Kd the
\ > it.must In demand. During Uie punt
ni four yi-iirH n very law percentage
in irrliiKim.inufuctiirers of the t'nitetl
H l ilb.'d or went om of liUHlm'- . while si a.fed In allowed Hlncks to run
' .t > n. Now . IH u demand
mini ! up nil over ( In- country they are
1 I aItli htiHlncHK and Ken'Tally behind
. tin It- order * .
v nl i'ohK Co. Imve [ lilt on tip- street
f ' H w oyster WIIKOII * . mmle by the Urum-
i. i I'irrliiRtcompany , which will dispel
i . . If there ure 'iny. us lo the .ihllliy
i 'ha ' WUHOII niiilterM to turn out the
v or | { In tincountry. . Mr. Cole noes
' iht'iry I ha I n luislin man who I. *
! in upon cournmerN siiulllJ iiy all ill
, ' ' ' ! lo Increase Ihe iiutiilii r of men
. . d In thi' city , who In turn will he-
i.u > ITS of the Kotnls which he may
> . > -I'll , l-'nr i hat I-OIIHOII he Is having
'unit ' povslble m.idc lU'i'u Instead of
i. itt.iy for It.
1 inillilliiK of 11 I irgo addition to the
III.IKIhoime of thr A. lloolh IMckliiK
int. nilsliiK Its capiiclly to b.ti c.irs. Is
i > i of milch greater Iniportam e to the
' 1'in ' iiilKhl at first sluht apiiear. In
l . < t It bus been lieifssury I.i sblp cur-
' ' f tx-rtalinhlp coodH to Sioux I'lty or
< u i in bo stored nnd ev.'iilu.illy ti > ship
' i. n k iigitln nt u Hirut outlay of money
> uiil. I'mler Nilch cuiiilltloiiH it ban
i ' . . . .isslble lo di'Vi'lop t IH local marlit-l
( ill rxtcnl In stimr linen , such as
HI.I produce , but wllh Ineri-iiHed stor-
piclt- II Iff iMJ.s > lblLto build up u
i uHi-r luHlm-iis.
! I'Hble orcKon fruit In nrrlvlnu In
.ike ! nnd Ihiit sl.ite promlsi'i to Tin u
I ' "i lh < * I rude that In yetim past has
I'nllfurnla The fruit Hour-rally In of
l ' ilr uu illiy nnil Is p.ick'-il In LVII-
jule. The hlpp.'ri . . hiiwpver , huvo
"li-red the art of | i.ihlna. . and. white
k.iBi-K sirinmly r "rmhbtin - Call-
Mipy are tviinllim III stmie pnrtlcuMrfi.
- 'tuple ' , the lumber of tthb li lln > biiNes
' : . * are limde In nol nawed or dre.d
-moothly nnd ihiex nut run us even.
n Mblch ib'll.n is from tne Ki'Mi' ajti-
| nf the pni'k'i e ami mill ft. ' ! ! *
> ; ly upon tin- way U iliik" the t ye
'ih crop \a \ IKIW prucllc.illy secure
14 'iin crop im hu * ever been
IM MiThe American I'hlcory
\ ' 17 , ' 4i per ton for Ih1 wrceii
I orl f. A t-onsMorulilp pro-
i " nf . lu run us high uallfic-en
i t -nlwlu're i Iho yb Id \ not
i H .n.iln * Iho biuiii ! > r crop of
i muni y v.ilu.per < icn > U
. .1 ' . toil i wllh n mn illrr yield ,
, i tw iiiv ni-n-ii broUKhi In Ihf l. af'er d.Mtu.'iillK pxvemes ,
i ' 1'ido I : i i li.iin.for hlo OAII time ,
i i other ' \iH-iid" * Till" chlcor.v ronl
i : ' t | HMfriiiin ) In lhl locality Mnd It ti
i 'hut ' thi * millcxn be made the
t , ' i in i-riKliif * > nte of U > mil ill
- inl r mArti thitl the wny lunihoi
I irihB of liltIt U H iiin stlnn nr it-thei
I . < Ix-lter lo buy lumbi r th.iii to ( til.
proippctii * ( iunt nepm to fuvor still
i prli't-s in HP near fuiuro The wave
i --ffliy In ( he lumlo-r hunluriia Is
' K flrvl , IM * renr. ivr4 of the ill * .
i l rlrpr , rul eopfdally In the noulh-
M < Th * r i on lor ihi * u found In tUt
* olt. and Ino meure of Incri e Ir
- ' T Ihe l ipi ii that U being realised
.i dfaiirlct * . uti'l not rnim ( hi * towni
IP * Later urban rt-qulri-ini'iii
, ( run ; for. itn i-vturntim | * r > ,
Itip firtni' n nnil Mlai'li urower
mare .ii tne * . th > - cllp | < , an !
r mar * buUiUiic and wuur4ilur
- n r l ii-mlfin y of the dry
Hi Well ( h - market * far * i > o < !
her - * 'i of mt-ri'lun.lKf
11 * < > r4 'I'H1 repiwu lra \ all
iiuntry t ik of mllU ( iiniiu n $
loud f eMi r * l wont t1iirtmi'ii | >
ui'li a * i-otlnn ho l. rjr
fir n Y ht-cn n llinn 4j
ill mn prt-ffrritit ta run with
( < Ih * i lo ln down of thfli
wllh < m Unf > rovrdrmaml and i
Mrktrl It in h rdlr rr n
thJl thi-r IH oontlnu * rr |
l > a iu4 an thai lm l * la
+ * * * * ttwr * r tw fa N i
nm | .lrail > M lli lncrrM4
tn la ihe M. | tk *
r < itttuti of tht m'k < Whic
i hn f tl a > * cuntfndfil that '
> < * * a hih it to .In- > urr imp
if iiii-llii In iti-ir un Mf
* riii i > kU'h Uii-l la avv ) .
4 l
f * *
( d ft Irfitll * f Jl . Ihr i"tn-
< ii ri - m "i r with in ftiir.
ftf it f * fl1t . nnttl wm tin-
m n mitt te M fr *
It * IM Hr + 9 * n (
nl im f rry
IM # ni fti * f.tmn . /ftmtfinr
In ihr m tlliit.l i unit oiih-
ffW.fitifn f < ftr ! IB I * n !
fnt IH Nuifl The rwnnla In
Hi" w ntWhfi fll < hriw lhAt rfitMn * fifip M
ifl > ( ft 4ti it f M 1ifmf 'i ( In Si lmil nvr
) i < fi inf nl ff "lfin ftiitfi four < lnlliifi The
frtllff 'i < 1' t"n"l * ' ' " " " ' "nl here. n fii'ly '
tmiflh nf lh Ml 'lntl ntfiM mil in
tflifllrt * . ( tnd lt r Wllin h nBrt MIX-
fiiciflc fWiiiW "t n fomt inrtof IhcfH
nml imjnVtitntly HMflT sthpf linen hnvf a
f tniifdrto , for MUimirl nwlon *
fu l * HoltHl 1n nil Ihp I > 1 miirheK of the
, T h crop H < lrtf ' IM MlMniitl
n rtinlcifity nf ihr M ri'lf in Hio
f minify tin * * A hntiil in Ihrilivtrllniiinn. . In
fiu'i , m . .v r i nvinit hlpfn-tl to t-vcry town
liUKc i ii"in.h In roti umfi n r.irlomt unit
M1\V Mlllll ( l(1Mll\l ( : , MViiKl'/l' .
nf ( hiIliiv tin Ccnernl
NKVii'lK ' AUR 21 PI/H'll Hccelpls , J7.-
" , hld , ftp'Ms , ; "tn l.tln , dim nnd n shudf
nmci. Mlniii".in pnienis. $ : 4" . , . ( ) , Minnirotn
wlhiir itHiKiit * sr , nmn ir , ; winter exiins. ii ! t
4 mi , ninier low irnd , ja. inn j no. it > p Hour ,
ipili'l. run. > , JJ. r.4i ,1 M > .
I "UN SHIM , gnt.'l ; yew | | , western , 71'- ' .
IIVI5Kmy , No. 8 wpMtPtn , Me ; Car Ints , Ii3
HAIII.HYDull nl lip.
U'HKA'I HrrelpU. 3Mo4 bu. ; jpniis , 4H.WJ
bu pimi. wen It. Nn. TVti.rari , , . options
otieiii-d en | pr on Inrnl sellinK , rullled on his
i-rkly nblptnenis from both ruams and higher
( bleu , hut dri'linetl thin ply under liquidation
lid i losed V net towel ; No. 2 red , AllKUM ,
[ " il. M'V'i KfptmilH-r. , ? ? ii-lG li'J'i.i' ' , i-loneil ,
V *
I t
I'nllN lleeelpis , 77M hu. ; exports , M.7 < ! 1 bu.
pot. ms > . Nn. J , 3S iiC. Options opened ( Inner
n Hi-alher Hewn , hut later sold off .
oslnu ' i' Imver ; KeptpmlKr , 34Si < 3IV ; rinsed.
( IATS Iti-t-Hptii. IOO.IKO bu. : pxpnrts , tO.MI hu.
pot , ipllet ; No. 1 , KIV. Ontlons Imu'tltp and
nti-l ) SPHI | > . pliislng unchanged ; Hi-pti'iulwr '
li'nl'V ' * ' " ' * ' blppllitf , II.COIT.I.Oi ) ; good to
lllll'S Stead ) ; IMC. prop , SJTIe ; ISM rtnp , Hjl
m-lllp Minst. iMfi prop. 3ji4o ; ivjr crop , Cli'Ji- .
IIIHKS l'ltni ; rinlvMtnn. l.'iffpip' lluetio *
\ > ivs. dry , PJc. Ttf.xn . dry , i : > ifll3r , I'allfornla ,
-l-'lrm : homloeh solo , Itnenos Ayres.
iKht to heatv tti'iRltts , 1tlii20e :
I'lloVISIiiNS-lleef , Him : extra men. I7.KW
.Ml. Il-ef hams , lli in , { 27 . ' 0 ; paeket , | S..ViJin r.u.
nl ine.tls. linn ; ph-klptl hrllb-s , KViil'ip ; phkU-d
hoiildiis. . ' .fiMjp. plpklPd hams. S'j,1i ! < " il.anl. .
liilel. westein steam , f.'i."iO ; rpllneil , strn Iv. fork ,
iiini ) . old mess. $ : i.2Hi-1.7:1 new menu } : i .vwt
i'.M. short i lear , > to.Oi i'12.CO ; family. JI""W
l.on. Tallow , unsi-tltpil ; Il'sc hid. 4c asked ,
"iinlry , 3i.i : i'c , nominal ,
lirTTiil-IU-eelpts. : 3.-.W pkKS. ; innrkel linn ;
iistpin I'lPitmery. I2jil0e ; Klsjlns , llo : ; fiu-tury ,
'aliin c ; Imltutlon t'leamery , 10SI13C.
< ' | . : : - : _ , l.lia pkgs. ; m.irkPt steady ,
arue. wiilte. iii e ; small , white. U'ip ; larip ,
'oloivd. ' ! " 4p ; small , t-oloied , i > 4c ; part tklms.
Mil'fun . ; skims , ai iiHc.
HllilS Itppt-lpts , 3.1P1 pkts. ; nriikPt Hi m ; state
Hid rpiinxyltnnla , KtilSc : westein , 17c.
iill.s-l'ptrolpum , dull : elosed. 72L'.c hid'
I'ptuisylfiiiiln piinle. no mnrket. llnslu , ftpady ;
strained , pnmmon to Rood , J1.4.1fli I..VI. Tnipeti-
Ine. 2Kj2Hap. ! Cottonsppil , steadily hi'Id : piu.le. .
Hiinhlal pi Innpriiilp. . f. o. h. mills , I7c ; primp
iiiiuner ji-llow , 2r 2iiac ; ; off ) ellow 2i'ijp : ' ; elf
iimmer jellow. :3i2.i'sibultir ; ( -rades. soifUu ;
aim ? summer white , LHOo ; prluiu winter yel
low. 3.V.
llt'i-rirm | : ; fair to pxlra , UsQiPjc ; Japan ,
MOl\SSis l.'lim ; rlmicp , MHJnp.
MKTAIJ4 I-IB Ircin. steady ; Koiithern. ( ! i.7. > ( f
. * n..nil.'in. Jlti.2.Hil-.7r > . I'oppi-r , steady ; bike
biolieis. til 25. Lead , strotiB ; JJ.t.3. Tin pl.itus ,
St. l.oillN ( , iiiriil > lni-ki > ls.
ST. IXfIS. ) AUK. 21. 1-1.01'U Hull , easy :
p.ttenis , f..on' ; HtrnlKhts. tl.lHiii4.70 ; clears ,
tl mill l.S.'i. medium , ) : i..lofi3.7.i.
\VlliAT-l'nseltlei : | . cloahiR Hip i-nmc to a
hade either side of ) psteniay's llnaH ; Heeember
quite aethe , upenlii ) ; 4lhliilipr , advanced ' e
muip , derllned l-i.jr. rallied 1'ic. rinsed Him with
hnyeis at Dial. Sput. lowpl ; No. 2 led cnsh.
elevator , ! iii.e | hl'l' ; tiaok , 2i2fiirp : ; No. 2 ham
ciisb , I-SM | IS 4P. track. AIIKUSI. Kle ; Septemlipr ,
.41- hid , Heei-inber. ! i2 tp hid ; May. ni'-.e.
OIlN-KiiiureM opened higher. llm-tu.iti.Hl wllh
wheat , i losliiK V to Vie. below ypsteitlay. Spot ,
' iwer ; No. 2 enrti. 27e hid ; Septemher. 27c hid- , . 2'Je bid ; May. 311)4 ) < f31V.
OATS I'nfiiviirahly alTei-ted hy the decline In
porn and wheat , lint did not RO tiff more than a.
frapthm. Spot , steady ; No. 2 cash , elevator ,
lIVjp. bhl : ttat-K. Sip ; No. 2 whltP. : Ji(22''jtSop ( ' -
temlier. lii' : , liei-emher. liiic ; May , 22 = 4c asked.
ItVl-- Lower ; 'Aon Hack.
I'UIINMKAlj I'll ni ; J1.IMJTI.C5.
llltAN l-'liin : cnst track , thla side , 60o.
TIMOTHY riiiD : : i'llme. Him anj hlBhcr ;
HAY Steady praltle. J5.OfliIO.CO ; timothy , $0.00
{ T9.00.
HfTTUll-Qiilet ; creamuiy , 15ifl94c ! ; dairy , 10
liiiliSriii'itdf at HVjC.
l-iriTUY Chlekens. llrm : , old hens , Ge ;
irliiRS , Se ; dueks , BprltiKS. SVaflCc ; Bt-vse ,
nhiBS. "iV : turkeys , tquhiKs , Si3c. |
t'OTTON TJis-l'nchanRed. :
IIAHHNIJ f in-tin iiKt-il.
M IOTALS Lead. hlRher at f3.HHfl.O ) for Mis-
siiuil , 41 02' ' desiltprized. HpL-ltur , riulet at
J4.I2" ' .
I'ltoVIHIONS Pink , uncbansed ; standard nn'ss ,
johhiiiK' new. P. . " ' ! ) ; old , { S.tiO. I ird , easy ; jirime
steam , il Hu , cliok-e , 5-1.0. ' . llncon ilmxed lots ) ,
etira sh.irl clear slid libs , fG.M ; nhorts. JO O2's.
liiy stilt meats dti'-cod ) . t-hoiitders , $ Ti ; extra short
eh-ar. f.'i S7i ; rlhs. J-l-S ? . shorts , 1C.
nii'KITS-rioiir. S.nfi ) bills. ; whent , S9.CO )
hu. . rorn. H'I.DIIO hu. oats. 3S.UOO bu.
HII'MKNTH-riiiill' . l.oon hhls. ; wheat , 14.000
hu . coin. 4."iiuO . hu. : oats , : i. ( > .i bu.
1,1 ti-rpoiil Crnln niul I'riit Islonn.
western winter , steady. 7n9d ; No. 1 ted north
ern sprint ; , steady. Hs 2d.
'UUN American mixed iipot. new. mm , 3s 4d
Ann-rlenn mixed spot. "Id. firm. 3s Sljil ; August ,
nominal : Heptpinhpr , quiet , Oclnher
quiet. 3s ( ' -"I. .
riiHI'H-Ht. Louis fancy winter , dull. 10s M.
llul'S Al London d'aplflc cuaet ) . steady
llli'ISPINSIlief , extra Imlln mess. Htm
nun , prime IIIPSS. llrm. Till * . 1'ork. prime mess.
Dintveslein. . ( Inn. ISsd ! ) ; prime mess , medium
w I'i'iii. linn. Ills Id. Hams short cut. 14 ! < > K
Ihs. . llrm. .Its ( Id. llacon , llrm : rumhcrlnnd eut.
211 tiSO Ihs. . Ss : nh.Mt rllm. 2D to : i II.31s .
lunir clear middles. llKht. 3a In 3 < l Ihs. . Six ; l.m.i
clear middles , heaty , 40 to 4."i U.S. , HOn short
plear inlddlPS , heavy. 4D to f.O Ihs. . 2H ! ) ; cb-ai
Itf-llles , I ! to 14 Ihs. . 37s. Hhntddprs , grin : sipiaro
U to 14 llui. . 2 s M. Lard , linn. is. !
I'HKKHK I'll in ; Amprlcaii , llnp t white and
TAI.UUV-I'lim : primp rlly. 16s.
( ilLiColtonKeed. . Llterpo. > 1 n flneil , M'Miily
K td. Tmpinllne splrltii , strady , 21s CJ. Ilusln ,
poinnion , stemly , 4s fid.
Iliillliuiii-i- illn-Ki-l-i.
HALTIMiilli : . AUK.niril null nnil un.
clninit" ' ! Itii-elpts , t.'Mil hbls. ; pxpnrln , n'.iw.
\Y1IKAT-ijviI.-i ; * pui nnd month. ! ' ; ' 2W'.i7c
S ptenih-i. KiSW 'jp ; siemnpr. No. 2 rwl. | iai * i
tiS' : ; ' . , ren-lpl * . 2hi.4fi2 bn. ; pxporls , 4)4,030 bu ,
oiith-in nheat hy nuniplp. ink- and II ,
O1KN 'Hull and lower : spot nnd month , 3If )
34 > 4. . ' . Hepti inber , ni'4 i.1tSc ; itetmer mixed
3li" ' . ' . , iTi'liU. | 1'il.W ' ! bu. ; export * , 6I.S37 bu.
south-in ithlio ami yellow corn , SSc.
\TH-Olllet ti ml Heady : -S'o. 2 white tveit.
nn. 5Kr'V N'i , 3 ml ml western. 21iJ2c ; re
pi'lpi * . 7 Z7 bu no cxji'iru.
ItYK Ktisl-r No. 1 weilern , Me ; rn-flpU
T 8fJ liu ; no exporlii.
II \ -I'lrni f"i belter trinlpn ; chulc llmolhy
( inAIN I'liniOIITH Quiet nm1 liiichnnceil to Lhi'li. > "l. per bu. . SLjd nskeil for Bt'p
timber folk , for orOeri , per quiuter. dl foi
lll'TTKK I'hrn. fancy ereainerv , 191(2p |
fancy ladle IHILSc ; SIHH ] ladle , IWHe ; ( Ion
pH.-ki-d. Mi Hi
rllKKHKKlrm ; fnnpv New VirU , S1i0104c >
UUUH-pbui. frerti. iSc.
Ni-tt VtirU lrt ) lionilx > lurli-l.
VR\V YiillK. AUR.Print rlothn sliow i
flnu msrkel , llh bl'U refllf < l for foot < -itr li
c. Kill in- . r * held at t H-lCo. Th I'nl
nitrr rvpnit how uln of 177.0(10 plrrei. ll.Od
of 4 | IMIP slid H < 6 ojil . Tti * iloclii ihnw l
"Ilihl In.'i ' Th * production wes 11 on
f.frv , and Mi * .Mlterl * * 1,010 plwei Al Protl
toner , II I * " * eitrn , ipotn nd mrly de
Ihniwi'ie ul.I. TinprilticH'.n wn II l
pl , - I'miu ttf wiling lth fltlranpt-H In or
lln > In pie r rti > still tlpwlKd , Fun-In ttr. .
rlllni freelt on rn nlr > Rule * of elnijhiin * H
. | tiinir. | prie | < lire luht lull It l Ihoilfht wll
lie tu rt H < on an Hi * murlc-t ndjuult ltd-If
Wi'di-n " " < ( of all > rt < are ilr < in ( mij uptlvi
f in Hi * lull * paal
' '
WIIH T Knc'ivr Vx t rpi | tUHtf.
. ultN i MI m NI ? ml * * * . He.
11 AT I-'H inr No. ( mlltl , W P.
HVK Knin N- * I-
IH'I.K MK\T. * t-'iim t HI * . . < !
tl t M > 4 'l lrl l m.M.
NKW TURK Au M ( I'CIAM R * * tm 1
oM 4 i' . . * u 4ara A % e : - nfinl > 4mi'
i , . mi 1 * f i\i' i'u hH.
< * ( ' * tt ' PUlwH $ * + <
K * 4H4I.KANX Au H <
lulrl ,4 ' , . . ifBtrlf i
l , vbtui ,
Ohlwo Omln Mfttknt Is Vrijr Qiilot After
tlio Storm.
ninth Iti-iioHi CIIIKI' u IJIIIt'cllt
In Cortii lull l'ro | i - 'ln of Ili-uvy
Visible lii ( rt-n Mi-nil
llu' I'rlei- ' Hint MI
rtttCAOO , AUR.lloth hulls niul
Whom Were Klvrli n breathing * poll ta-
ny , nnil the market was the qnlpii-xt In
-o \ vpUn. . A much Mtmller nmoiint of
nfufi ohnrncterlzcil the other grain
nil provision market * . At HIP c-loso wheat
nH iinrhntiRpd to 'tr lower ; porn. 1/se lower ;
iln , HO lower , nnil jirovlMons , Ti'illT'bC
The atrnln In HIP when' mnrket Venn
nrltoiiwl very much. Thus wn apparent
a noon in trading lomtneiicoil. Liverpool
ns > llrim-r uml from 'id to bl higher than It
oxotl the tiny hefoio anil on tlmt tu-eonnt
steadier fi-ellng prevailed hoto tit the coin-
ipm-pinont of the noysloii. Opening prices *
i-re nt Home Improvement , but there WIIH
0 WK'li rnilieitl difference from yesterday' *
rates us has recently happened over
December waw the only delivery
card of for u minute or so , uml It brought
'tun WJe to iOUc , IIH eomiareil | with ! Ho )
t the i ml of II.e Jill \lcu-i iIiiy'H eew-'oi.t
t gained iinolhi'i'ic over the higher of the
penlng extremes ami followetl tlmt by u
A'lliluiil ileellne to ' , so below the lower ,
ji- ruling ahuiit 10:4i : o' . lock. The week's
ports from both coasts , 111 rejiortetl by
Iradslreets , amounted to i",4Hit' Vl bn. ,
calnst : lisi.r : > r > l hu. the corresponding week
t ivjii. Tlmt showed a HUlllelently healthy
Mioil movement to have bpen n. probable
lenient of the llnnness of thu opening.
\rgentlna did not ship any wheat to Kurope
hlM week. The teoelptH at Chicago for
he day were I'M ' I-III-H , only - 8of Ihem of
ontract iiuallty. Minneapolis roponed 312
ars received anil Dublin .Ml , n total of
V't , against Ii07 the similar tiny of the prevl-
'Us ' year. Tne export ! * of wiieat ami Hour
rom Atlantic ports for iwenty-fonr hours
kereiiiul | to about iMO.OnO bn. lleerbohm'- *
allied Home mole .startling Umiros about
European shortages , giving the wheat croji
f Itonmanla uboiil Ifi.tVKi.ixo 1m. smaller
ban tile year before and of Hulgarla about
"i , " ) .OiM less. The x.une atilhurlly ostlmiu > d
lie world's shipments of wheat and Hour to
Europe for tin- week at 7lofl,00. ! . ) bu. The
islble supply Monthly H not expected to
how much change. ( Closing cablegrams
ibowod a decline at 1'arls equal tt > : ! 3Hc l > er
m. for Aumist anil 2-V per bu. for Novem-
ler-Kebruai v delivery , ami a decline of Hie
ler bu. at Antwerp. Heavy buying , whleh
lie crowd variously ascribed as bclni ; for
icconnt of Armour & 'o. and the t.ieore (
1. Krem-li Inti'restH. caused an advance in
) ecember from aiotiml ssi = c to SlHic , ahotil
mlf nn hour from the untl or the session ,
t llnally rose to Kte ) , at uhlch vtleo H
lowed. Seiitember l aimed between flic and
Hie and closed at .C'ic ' , IL ileellne of ' ,4c.
C'orn was the center of the Breatest ac-
.Ivlty of all the matlcets , which is nnt say-
UK much , the volume of business being
onslderrtbly smaller than of late. The
weather was warmer ami dry throiiKhont
the coin bull , and mutt * drouth damage
repoi Is were received. The opening was
Inn on tills , but prospects of a heavy via
ble Increase Monday and continued heavy
'receipts proved too much for the bulls.
Ito.oolpts were 1,711 cars. Clearances were
light , HW.OOO bu. IClevator people reported
1 great falling off In western acceptances.
December opened Mt-V1 higher at n : > i4ff
tl\ic. \ declined to Sl-\i- and closed at ! ) lris" .
A llplit hiialnpWIIH done In oats with
iriees throughout following wheat and corn ,
rradlnij- for the most part consisted of
exchanging. Receipts weie 470 en'H. Ciariern ,
ISO.iX hu. The market opened linn , Decem
ber , 20Vfi-o' c. an advance of Vi''taio. It
soltl oft slowly to lTnc ! ) , which was the price
nt the close.
Provisions weie weak and the business
dom ; only moderate. Shorts gave this mar
ket about all the support it received. I'ack-
era generally weie sellers , as weie outside
holders. The hoc market was weak and
. thin ami tlio decline In grain were fail-tors.
Cash trade- was fair. At the close IVuem-
ber pork wan " ' ( lower at JSiUl ; December"
lard , Tie lower at JI.HO , anil December rib- * ,
17't'C lower at sri.021-- .
Estimated rei-elptH for Monday : Wheat ,
40 cars ; corn. ( ! , MK ) cais ; oats , 750
o M. tffl.iiiii ) head.
Leading futures ranged as follows :
No. 2. "New.
Cash limitations were an follows :
I-'I/Jl'lt Winter ] . .in ins. Jvnoi"i.50 : ftralts.
$4 I05i. I'O ' ; spiltiK sppt-lals , Ji' .2ri ; spline patents ,
l.V20fj.iu : stmlKhts. J4.SOJii.u : bnlcpri- . $ l.ufil.3) .
; WHIIAT Nn. 2 pprliiK. ftiinSIUJ'ic ; No. 3 sprliiK.
S7flf5c ; No. 2 red , Wirfi M'4 < - .
, COItN-No. S. 2V'sc.
OATrf-Nn. 2. IMic. f. n. h. . No. 2 white , 22l4e ;
No. 3 white , m,5i 2p.
, UYi-No. 2. 4'Hin- .
IIAIH.KY No 2 , nnmliHil ; No. 3 , 03fi3Cp ; No.
, I. 2iiii ± ) e.
TIMiiTHV riKiilI'rilll" : . J2.00.
I'HOVIBIONS Mi-ss | Hirk. per bbl. . $ S 73BS.9i > .
. Lard , per 100 Ihs. . 11.77'j. Hlmit ilhs shbs lloise ) .
: jr..J0f:0 : ; dry nailed shoulders ( boxed ) , ft.y > * }
: , .r,0 ; short i-K-ar sides ( huM-d ) . JJ.ii7V > .iril. ( " ) .
WHISKY lUslllleis' linUhid goods , per ial. : ,
Jl 22
, Sl'OAH i.'ul loaf. t'iSI : Riannlaleil. J5.21.
On the. I'roOupp PxehiinKi- today the hntter
mnrket was steady. Creameries , 1ff/li : ( ! > fcc.
Halrles , USit.'ic. ( 'lieene. stp.idy : NL itiiljc. Ksw.
steady : fresh , n c. Live poultry , dull , lmkey > .
JiilOc ; cblckens , 71-- , hpiinK , liiic diul.ii. bfjsi p.
yi'lll'K.s AM ) IIH.MIS ,
I'liiKliiu Hn.t of tiniuU IN II f
Sti'iiilllt Illnlnii l'i-li-i-i > .
Ni\V YOIIK. AIIB.The slock m.uket mnde
a temaikiild' of rtieiiKth IhioiiKhi tit the
short session today , piactlcally the ttholp Hut
lelidlUK steadily upward wllh si-an ely a halt.
Theie tta * iiriillt-takliti : at inliitats dtiiini ; tluj
ninllllllK. hill the pall-K to leilUe tteie al'Xorhcd
a ( a uulp. with rf.'iitctly an impiei < i < | .ia and Ihn
hiiylliK resumed anil kepi up rieadll ) until Ihu
i Insp. Hharp advanee * In the prlees of Amcitcan
Kt-piirllles In l oml"n K.IVIthe Impetiiii tn prices
at the openlnc. Ailllinue luulc'is also I..unlit .
ffiiine of tb InleinuHonal sioiks. Thi * buying
tras not nr Urui * pnipoiilomi , bill nt least onu
ImnkiiiK h n e nui regularly rnpaKi'd hi nrbllniKc
ileulbiK' Is kiiuwii lo ha p linen a buypr fur ac.
onunt of f'H'plKii IntPktoK. Th * n-e. mv i-ncci
nf Hie itcellnv In win-ill itus uKaln utrlklntily
inAnlfMt Unlay and 'he ' i-rup dnimtk'e srnre nl
lant upek wa > iH iil i.-.l by renswrd runtlilmcu
In HIP ilelil uf wilful and HIP wifely of cum.
The granger * neie Inri fly dealt In on Ihe
trrngth of mu ( ncioi. but ihry mm P.I ntpr a
goiitettliitl redirieiei ] rnngton aei ount of millx *
In IT mix * wbleb cffwieil ilo trry murk'il rene.
tlon . l Una IK nan HIP tenter of Inlrifm In inn
wh"le market ilnliiK I. ) leapp uml ImumU In
71'i nnil i liMlnv "n h ' . mini taut wllh a nei
IIn of Ihrre pi'lnliTie - Inning H In e 'i
lion of Ur e frdem llmlnj ) of the swine i Mar.
itpi- . . .iiilnii'-'l In i'In Mpi-.ilu A iili | . . mill r r
rl il H up n-nrH H p. Int The m-i-alli-il llotilil
raliii In ( he "U'lui'Hl llo rl n < 1tniii-e In Ihx
l rlp * of thHr liiiti 1111 att-utinl uf Ihe gww |
kuerinc in earning * iif lei-enl IruHle nl | f > inpiit
W lMIi pre1frr-\ \ liulr.i.l * p , | nt n'l MlM-.url
l'aelll < - and K > ui * T"i > a pli-fund j e . u
Illinul * 8tl juu.iml 1 1'iiiciu I oHi r Ir n an < l l
irtwl hm w fe f vnrsll > behl o th - ( tor hl ; '
Hull tuJimui. T > , - lnauati | l slm-ki
4kUI4rKh4l | rr-4l | i trij The eodlel nUo urert
. ' l In-KM ! lil > th. l i-al
n.,1 > 'idi < | ili'iiiiu > an > cm
l.ukl e In k.'U'l .lemmi. ' ml ln t'i nn th
pr nf a . iiiu > .llii . ll < Hi uf lnt fe i Tht
vvtfl iii a > IA 'Mil Ai'4 HI Hf dual * !
In " * * m * M > " ' H lini'tl
"f Hu- i .hinm < i- mi wit. i ,
nil i.-i * * > k Khu
111. 1 II II III IKHIIIII * Mklyr >
, , ' .1l.t , II
IIH .1 III " | W I IM
< 1
Ilutin , > , <
u Hk * i * li-t
1 I He IM
I | M.I- .1. Hi 4 HI | t , .
4ui. I- II' 14 h
ni ni nMli Mil i ir. . tin * lh rs
'irn.l ' | l n if Ilii IH"1 * " ' in'm in ii , Mori.
i "ji-n with 4ic | M i. . , UKfptr
nf thp M I HM iiii t > IM.I Nn Mtl"ii dmil.l . K
snr | . > Tr pnt"H inut * mailiM In nxmr * , !
for nn nimmUr hp" , riip in th * rnll-il Stnlm
nl title * * which nf i- r . 'pi1liinM Th * prt > .
| irrou < ) fi < r Hitn n < ur V t i th * fmmr l ( fit
tn h * Ih * p rlnln Im ls'fin Iniptotpnipnt upvtunl Ihf flrM pr ibinti > , 'htom i all H" Imlii-
IHnl anil pomm-rrlnl riintniinllv ) A fe-ituip nf
HIP ivprk hx ls > rh lw | vrduc'-d ' tiibinip of llniu
intlonn Thu * HIP -iu'tlvn In t-ie inlitdlp nf IIP
erk hr. . night mil IpfKil. aViinuii to liquidate
on Ihp other hnti'1 lhn , < linrp n.liiin.Monday
n < l jo.tni * othei * n tnttil tolump of
olilj HUM us IniKP n * I
tin } * ibirlnx ( tie tHTnl period of Ktvalpst t
rill lly. Al HIP s mijltnp , It lit Pthlcnt Hint
cry bPnvy nrdprs in1 ipnlu * ore placed at n
ertiUU Ipvtl abut * thp market in ihe piomUiPht
| ip.-nlatltp stuck" , ttjilvh chpi k" an ; ndtain-n
hotp n eeilnln point. On IIP other hand , thpr *
' " ICP of hent > but IIIR orders , somp of
IIPIII on mi lnprp ltit | fcnlp downward , which
rp n strung battrsi ! to HIP innrkrt bplmv th
MMIng iPt-H. and which deni.niMlntr Hip fnlth
f lance operators In Ihe ci'iiiiminncp of HIP Im-
rueiupiit Tbl < poinlltliiii ltp. n n-inntlinlily '
rni mid nlpndj totnlo Hinnirkil. . Thp IP I
romlnrtit stocks which HIC htoitght foiwirii I
titu netltlt ) ami wlieie tnis condition of t.iltiKi
OPS rot hold In HIP same cxli'lit HIUVP more
nslly. A numlier of stiick hntp thus attnltipil 1
rotnlnpnep 'Inrlnc the week. Ml ouri I'lielll ]
nd Clipunppnke & nhlo anthp lno t tintcwoithy |
xathplps and today Omaha was added to thp
M wlt'i n Jump of 3 points In HIP on.-- .
ni If tln.t's trndliiE. The fnct that tin-
linnpy timrkpt In New York has heroin * Pasier
"UtltlR HIP ttei'k Is hllld to pltphlln , In tleW of
he continued Inct-eiise la luiilnc * * aciltlt > all
Ihe ponntiy. Tinfillnn - of the money
iniikct In harili-ii Is nltrlhntid to the fuel that
IIP liPiity iPirptichnuMil and Piiormous lluuld.i-
loll which has Ini-n going " " for mouths In
teiy ih'p.irlin.'lil of buslm-w hate b-fl lars"
iiirplus funds atallnhh- Intciloi imlnts a * well
is In New Yoik. The plethora of money ! HIP
.itlse of deft-trim ; the gnlil Imp.irt . mntetm-nl ,
.itc.i for money ruling blither In Hie 1/indoti
narket than here. Net nhn for the w-pek eipinl
d : initiilH In a tet.t hit-Re number of
Hock lilntid Ipnds HIP KraliRprs with in
of oU ; llurllmtti-iti , n : Omaha , 4i ( :
hesapi-ake .Vt Ohio , ll.tltlmore X- Ohio , iln-nt
S'orihi-rn prefeneil. IjtkiShue. . Manhattan , Nn
Iniinl Stnrph preferriil. New York ( and
) reitnn Natlpitloii prefeired. are tip 3 points :
elton till preferred , rh-vel.tnd. Clneinnmi , fhl-
nKo . * St I-mls , flliil * 1'eriManpietie pti-
'arreil and Norfolk KVslprn prt-feired , 4 polnls
ir otet ; Hist Itlvpr H.'is. l.iclede and I'hlPjpi
IptatYpstein preferred , I pnlats ; Illln ils Steel ,
, and Oh-ieland , nncinnatl , riili-nun * St. lymH
referred. 9. I
The iiMiibly nctlfp fcatmes In lln lumil list ,
vlileh was slnmc llirmiKhoiit. wei-p tinChesa -
nkn . < ; Ohio , 4 < 3 : \ I'aelllc pun * H. .
lalns for the week leached a point or mor > - In
he AtPlilsmi niljustiiipnt I" . Kansim .V Texas
lecnlldsNollhelll P.H-lllp KelU-lnl lletlS. 3. ami
; rle KPtiernl liens. 3. Total sales. i.vx > .ooo.
iMt-i-inment bonds muted tiittvalil ' ,4 to > > , per
em dnrlinr the week on s.iles of only W9.o > o.
The itpnliiK : I'osl'H I 'iid'in ' llniiiii-lal eahlpgiiiin
nvs : "The stock matkets were linn ttidav. and
fairlv iiPllve for n Saturday. Ameilciuis ttere
trood. with a | iroinlstiiK maikei. Katllis weie
Inn. A l.iiKP mimh'-r of Amcilcnn bills ate still
ilTcred and brokers ask 2 IB r cent. The strlnc-
iiey In in.iiieN henli artilli In thp senip that
he'Htnk of 'ntiKlaiul Is hot-rowing money from
mtslde supplies. Tlnie Is ipmnted talk of neil
xportt f i om the fulled Stales. It Is KPiierally
( dieted New Yoik will he able to eommnnd gild
Hfniilong , but If the intiney innikct theie te-
naln-t PIISV It Is not so sure that New York will
nkp It. It Is pxpecled that moin-v will he ilp.irer .
' Hlnek pxrhnmc n-ttle-
it the approaching 1'arls ;
riiP follow Ing werp HIP phi'liiR ipiotatlnns on
HIP iPtiilhiK stocks of the NPW York exchange
Unlay :
AtPhHon S l. IMlll
ilopfil ( In | iM
Ohio. . Hi'l St. 1' . A Uin 71H
Canada 1'aclUe " do pfd
laiiadaSinitnnrii St. 1' . M. A M 1'--
'rntral ' IMclIU- So. Pat-lllc Ull'li '
RIli-H. .VOIlIll . So. Hallway ll'n
riilcniri ) .V Alton. . .lllll tin pfd iltl1 *
P. . 11. AO . "
.cT. . I . . . "illuloii I'lmltle
( ' . C. C. .V St. I , . . : U ! .tT. P. 11. A.H f.H
IlllnolH Central. . . . ilo pfd 74
I.alte Ki-lo , V\V. . . . i Ain'n flplrllM 1-l't
ilo pfd 71 i do pfd H'21
IXm. Tohacco Ul' ' <
LaUoShnrn . . . . IT1.1
_ , ilo pfd Ill
Manhattan \ > 10" Ohleairo ( JaH W-'H
Met.TraL-tlon l'lu Cons. ( iiH : lhU4'
. . . . tVlltl-.ll..lOU t'om. Cable Co 17o
Minn. A St. 1 , Col. R .V Iron -1
ilolxtnfd ' * ' do pfd HI )
lo p.-ichtii rt.i > Oi-n. Klectrlo : i74d
Mohlln.VOhlo itll Illinois Stool 40
Mo.K. A.T ! ' , La ( 'lode , fJa- * I.'iMi
ilo pfd artH.LeaU. . . . .111-1
NetvAlh. A , , , . . . . . , Ifd. . . . . . . . . . ! . ,
' , . . . . .
No ! 1'iicllfe. . . ' . . . . . . 17)4 T. r.A .Iron "iTli
, lo prd . . "DH " H. Leather .
OntarloA.V lHi ! do pfd . A NHV . U. S. Kiibber .
Ore. Hlmrt Line . 2'J do Pfd.-- .
I'lllHlmn ; . H1" \\eHli-ru I'nliiii ; H.1K
Itoadlmr . _ ciil.Gt.VostPin. : . . . la1 !
KiH-klilaud . ' .Mill. , North western . 1'Jl
St. Lniilt&S. K . 1 ilupfd . 1U-J
ilopfd . 14HJJ
Toi.tlale ! < of stocks today wenAtcblsun :
plPlellcil 2H fhewipe.lke , * i Ohio. IK..I'lO ; Itllr-
llnctiiii. IS.Uia ; l.otiM-lllo & Nashville , I.TiS : Mis-
"ourl IMelile , "i,7s."i ; Noithein raelllc iiiffeired ,
: i..VJ.-i ; Ontario , \Yestern , "l.'SI ' ; Hock Island , 13.-
HiO : St. I'aul. 2I.I7S : Omaha , lli.P" ) ; Sniilhoin
Hallway preleiii-d. 4.C"i ) ; 1'nlon I'aellUUenter
-1- ( Jnlf , 4.inm ; WiilMSli preferied , 7.7IKI ; laclede
(5as : i ; . 7 , ! > . ' 'i7 ; Tennessee foal and lion ,
: ! . : , o : , : \\-PIHMII fnlon , I.P)7 ; fhicnio & tlrcat
\VeMPni , . "i.M'O.
\ < -tt" ViirK Itilli'.t Miirkol.
NK\V Yolti ; . Aus. 28. MON'HY ON fAI.T.-
l il'i ' per cunt.
rUIMIl Miilf : ANTII.H l-AIMOK fiWt pel
STKKI.INC iXflIANCi-.Maiket : : easy , with
attual business In bankeis' bills at Jl ! > rii , | for
demand nnd at H.-oiUHH-'SI's ' for sixty days ;
piistp.i idles , J4.il1j54 MI. . . ami Jl.kCia1/1. ! / ! > 7 ; cum- blll-i. J4.k2W4.2it.
OOVirN.Ml-NT ! : IlONDS-SIP.lily.
OlocltiK ( piotallons on honds WPIP as follows :
tiTsT-Ji-i. rr-K ti74 ! Krii'i. ili 7'J
U. S , iH.i-i-if 11-H < H. A.SA. . IN I'l-'iM '
tl.S.Iscoup 11'-4 ( . II. At S A. "H lUmi
U.S. now iH.ivir. . - . - . - | , | . . . ( % - . is Ill )
U.S. new IH coup. . . r.'Hi ill. AT. Cent. tls. . . .lllll
U. S. TIM. ros . : | ( . . i N. Uul. Is HI
U.S. .Is. eolip ll.l'tiM. K. T. tlr-ills. . . . Hii'J
I'ai-ltleliH of'IIS. . .Hii | MK. . T. Mead Is. Illl4 !
Ala. , films A 107 iMutual Union li.s. . . 111' '
Ala ulasH II lllll N. J. C. ( ion. . "it llimi
Ala..cla n'- ! IS' ' : o. IMflllc 1SH.IHI
Ala. ( MUTi-ncv. . ' '
I.i. New t'on. In ' .HI .No ! I1 it-Ill" 4n . . . . . tii'i
MlHsnarl iu Hll ) IN.Y. . rouwiis i n'4
N. f. IN I. " N. W. S. K. Di-h. : .4.117'i
N. 11.-IM Hll ill-e. Nuv.lHH 11'-
S. f. noiifnn I ore. Nav. Is s-4
TI-IIII. new HPIH : II. ( i.\Vo-it IHI 7HS
Ti nn. now Hot .11 .HI.- , SI. I * . CollHtilrt 7rt. . IIII
' 1 i-nii old Hot IH. | , .HI.110 'St. P.O. * 1' . W. .I * 111
V.I. IJenlnrli-M . (17I ( St. 1 , .VI. M. ( i.fll. "i "i7H
Va.tlufi-ri-i'il I iSI. I , . .VS. II I
AiplilMon IH HI Sulllhnrn ItV. 'is
AlchlHonSiipimdA. .1- Tex. 1'ncllliIHIM. . . . ml
r.mat'iiSo.'ii'ls ' . . .l ' .l I'ox. I'.ielllt'ill. . . . . ; i-- " .
f. I' . IslMof Hi 1D1 . , " . 1 > . I U of 'llll. . . . 1(14 (
I ) , VH..4H ( ! H7'4 WIIHI Shoi-i ) Is.
I ) , V I HIV
llllxlOII Mlll-li ( | Illllllllllll- . .
Au . 2Sfall , ' "uPj ; per cent ,
time loam. 3 | | I per i-enl. fhmpia inlvoa fur
( looks , hi.mis and mining sioi-kn :
A T . .VS F . . . . . IS'l W. IJlni . . . . . . . 5iT"
American Stifar. . I IH4i iv. Kin.ufj as ? *
Ain.H.ti-ar Bfd . . . lift ; , WIH.I'.UI ! l
llavrtl-itw li.iM . . . 7-i Bd. Kin.Ill 1AI
Hell Tolnphiinn. . . .Mil Hon. BUM. pM. . . . Kt )
Ilunluu.V AIDinv.JHI lAtohlson pfd : M' [
lltmloui M.mio. . . Itl.Hlii > libuiu Is Hil (
i ; . . ii. it Q IHU NIIW Kuirlikinl UH. . M'JU
Fltehhnrff ' . " ( , U'li f-in IK aim
( lencral Kluulrlc. . : idJt , \ \ is. f.-nl IH
IllmoiH Stool . . . I'J ' ' Aliouoi Mlnliu-CJ A
Mnxlcan t'oiitr.ll. . 4 All.'Ulliii - -
K. V .V N.B .Motion ' A Munlniu 141
Old OjUiiiy ; 'lhittoAi llailvn. . . . S7 (
u.M. I " ' ' '
lluhls-r . : t > nlmiiil'al. . . . . . IU ? < Hh-ru l-S U'r.mllllu llll
Dniun l'u-llla
\Vi-nt KnO . .
West Knit pfd . . . Jim -JOitlnuy IH
Sun I'Viiiii'lucii .Mliiliiu < | iiiiliitltin ,
HAN ( ' 'IIANflXfl , \ | | .i Tne . .IIIi-lul ehiilng
nu.jtatiuni lur inliiliiK locks t.nlu > ner at fol
low * : - .
Alia ItJ ! 5 , 'tii.lpSoiwrniiT" . "im"
Allili.'i'Jo ' .iniiV . ,
Keulnniiy I.oil
lioli'her 40
IltllllUII Ill-el JL. .luldiiur 74n i > . --iiiui iiiivr rj
Caie.limi t lit PIllAil . . . .
i !
Chkllitiifi * ! an
cimllar . . . .
I'oUlhtWUIW. a
' i mi. liii | > ri i . lll . . . . . . .
14'un N w VurX !
j frown I'.mil. . . i
llvor i ir . * (
] i. . 4' a * ii Ui-l 411
! .IHJ ! 1 !
AM * . M I l-
IIJT iu y 1 !
1'unwil * * i II Ct- | . . .
f M. I'wlltd ' Cty i'
' 14 >
| | t < > l t M til *
( * .
IAII nKH l * 4i 4 l p"
IHI t | i i . i
UtiayVcok Entli with n Very Good Run of
All 'ort ! .
rKci ! DllliM-eiieo Mi-lit < M < II 'I'lu-iu UN
In tin * Mlltr nf Cndli' llllHliiexn
_ llnu lrli' < > Miiinii 11
i Itlu Uliiii' .
SOl'TIl OMAHA. Ann. 2 < i. neeelplii for
Ihe Hays , Indicated weie :
Oa'.llo. Him * . Sheet ) . llol'HrS.
August 2S 2 , < > li1 fi.,71 , S'll
Allltlftt 2T 2fl.'i ! ii,42l l.liO So
August Sri 3,72S 0,11 ? 1,413 til
August 23 3.12S ii,17i3 G12 '
August ! l 2,46.1 O.S92 401
August 23 8 , S1 1,10 2.S73
Angus' 21 i.i-iu 4i93 | 1,102 123
August 20 5,711 4,870 8,10 3
August 1 ! ) 1.370 4.D51
August IS nCI2 ft,7T2 S.392 110
AllRltsl 17.- 8.1ia 7m ; 1,011
AuRtlst 10 4.G97 2.MX5 M77 1
Augusl II 1.ill Mli 14 . . . .
llcci'lpls by xtei-Us :
Pallle. Hogs. Sheri. |
This week 17.70:1 : 52.NBS 7,1. S
l-ast week is.r.0 ! ,11,271 11,2.2
S.une week ISHfi II1.S7 ! ) li.KW 7,3i
H.une week Wi II-.720 S.44SI ( SM
Maine wet-It 1M > I 22.417 10.22S ViiO
, amo week ISM 11,551 9.853 4(14i (
Santu week 1SH2 1G.IS9 2I.2SS S.lttl
The ullleliil number of ears of Block
brought In today by eauli road wax :
Cuttle.llos > i.SliOrp.
O. , M. & St. I1 , lly 1
t ) . .V : St. I. , lly 1
Mo. I'acltlc lly 2 ! ) R
Union I'aclllc system 12 -M 1
C. .t N.V. . lly l
' - , K. .t M. V. lly 5 3'J '
S. C. ei P. lly 1
; . , st. i . . M. . .v.o. . iiy 14
5. & M. II. II. II 2i ? 2iJ
Total receipts 7:1 : 107 1
The disposition of the day's receipts wn *
IH fo'.lotvs , t-ach bitypr purchasing thu num
ber of head indicated :
Huyers. Cattle. Hogw. Sheep.
Omah.i Packing Co l.IKM . . . .
Inmmoml I'.icliing Co. . . ft ) 1W ( IIS
5\tlft and Company N ) 1,772 202
Ondahy Packing Oo 211 2,011
I. Hooker & Uogan 23.1
Vansant ei Co ii . . . ,
tellloll Ac I'lltlcnvoiiil "I'J . . . .
luston & Co 711
Squires Ifil
lammond , K. C 3u . . . .
Omaha I'k'g Co. . 1C. C. . . 2tl
Cudahy P. Co. . K.C 75S
I'ln'k'ngttm I'.Co. , M'l'ke . . . . 102
Spring .t Co 1100
Norlli P. .t P. Co 140
) tht'iHuyers 2Si 2.1
Left ovur lli ) ) 4.TO
Total 2.II7S 77i : ! "M
CATTI.K While i-peelpts , sevonty-tlm-o
ar.s , were liberal for Siturilay and .slightly
larger than a week ago , there were only
ibont 1,200 cattle on pule , the balance being
L-otiMgned din-el to the killer.- * . There were
i-ery few beeves among the offerings , and
cow .stuff was In small supply , nearly every-
LhliiK being on the feeder order anil mostly
from tilts range.Vliilo It has been a iootl
week III all lu-Htii'lioH of thu Irani- , closing
.irlces . are a little lower than a week IIKO
for beef ( -ratios , and feeders are below the
: ilgh point of the week , although higher
than last week.
llnyent claimed about steady prices for the
Vw fed cattle here , conHiderlng quality , but
among sellers the general opinion was a
shade lower than yesterday and lIMi l.'c
liolow Thur.-tlay , which WHS the week's
lilgh day , unit Kales mailo seem to bear the
latter out. There were no really good c.ittlo
here today , and not many beeves of any
klmi , but the few sold ranged from $1.0. . ) for
common to $4.7. for very decent grades. A
few westerns sold to killers about like yes
terday , but f coders got nearly all otTorlnps
from this source.
The four or live loadu of cows were dis
posed of In good season , lint were generally
a little lower , a dime oil according to sales
men. Kulls were also a shade easier , ex
cept feeding grades , but veals sold just as
well as over.
The ( UttKido demand for feeders is unusu
ally light on Saturday , ami speculators gen
erally aim to get more or less collections.
Today was no exception to the rule , al
though a few sales to country buyers
showed no ileellne. The market was quot.i-
bly ui0c ! lower , and rather quiet , but all
llrst-hanils holdings were well cleaned up.
Iteprc.sontatlve sales :
isiii.sTiins. : .
No. Av. 1'r. Xo. Av. Pr. No. Av. IT.
4..H4J ji : . - , 41..inn : H io ii.isa ; : ii 75
27..iur , : ! i : ; : , 4..11:2. : ! 4 73
: , . . . . rM io i " . . . .HIM 300 a..nso 3 l
L' . . . . SO L1 7.1 2..101.1 30.1 1. . . . tlSS S 2.1
. . . . : ! 2 ' . "I 3..1133 305 2..11CO II 30
1. . . . WiO L' 9'J '
1. . . . .121) ) I .10 I' . . . . S.W S lei
- . . . . ; : : , : i ID r , . . . . 710 s 4
I..PSO : ; i ; s : o
1..HO ) 3 1.1 1..107U 3 M
3..1213 3 13
OAI > VI..S. ;
2. . . . IS. , T , 7. . 3. . . . 196 li Oi )
1. . . . 410 .125 2. . . . 430 37.1 H..713 420
1..1070 3 M 5. . . . Ws 3 9iJ 70. . . . IM 1371' ,
3. . . . 1IJC 3 75
and 17,4.10 a > r IIBO. The iiuallly ttus Kcni'i.illy
f ; .nil. hut IlKht hous were as nearee as et-'i.
After violent IluciiiHllons. which c.irrl"d ih"
ininkel to HIP yi-ar's hluh pulnl , HIPIP was nun"
i-puiHiin at HIP close , Inn prices anll.nv a full
20c blKher Ihiill a week aijo.
VcHilii | > ' 's tvealiiiess In pruvlslmK wns a bciir-
hili Inlhietice this iiiornlni : , and llhcnil sappliei.
ut all points was another. llii > cm ulmed to l .k. .
off 54jPip. mull * I'll1 than 5c , and w-rp Ken'-i illv
HU mful. Th" deiiiuiid wan uooil , hiueti'i ,
and all were wild la B I S.-H " | I uliti ni.'i. ' '
utiiiul.'ii paid In ipi'illiy Hum welitht Wllh
JII.U' ' ) as low ami II.0-1 un hluh prhihe bulk of
the huKS mild at , aualnni } l i u/4 / ' <
vi' < i..tiiv. | Un bin Hnliinlii > nalm tvcie nioslly
nl (3.7 03.i'l. ' lt"in-s.tinilvc | null. * :
Nn , Av. Hll. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
'M 207 loitsim p tsa HUM
4 , ! . ] .JiJ . . 3 DO . ' . ! . ' . . .S l l 9 C6
u. . . .set l l 'j til..I'M JIN n u
il . . W M I W tti J4J . . , 4 W
in JM itu tia 4 > aw , IN
M Zltl . . . 1VJ H JH 40 914
ti 7 * . .no n m MD mu
in sa I'J i w o itu M i * ii ,
ft2 33' ) . . X * ] i ) ' m i l fjtl
357 W 1C9 ii. . ttt . . . | 4
M Ill . . . W Tl m . I Ml ,
a MS jj i MI , tti . mu ;
til fa IMI u IM im tr ' ,
a . . . ttt i MS 41 M . . . 11 *
9 IM W t Mil , | . , . . f . 4'
ro . 117 l o I Vi , Tl . , n 4H 4 , .
- , at tM I MS ii ; ii n
M , .Ml Mf I Ml , I'i r l i 1.1
71 > M M t .Its W . ' " ' 4' 4 " '
i . . m I H IMS . tv > M 11
iT. . . M 144 1 ' - * ' , ii : l
U. * Ifl I Dji , , ! ? l' l .
II 15 IN , ' \t \ M 4 '
i . .91 tt a > ii .u > ' i.- '
U $ w t n f ; . i ' i
i soi IM 1 n n : i. i i
P ft * ! * ' ' * ' * ' '
* m tt i < i M H i
Ut N ! U' ' * ' . ui
4 n * tir - i'i i
m > i M u 'M i .
< t t -1 t tf < i i - i
l 44 1 * i i , ' I jt. I
it * t H I
s r : : \z \
* *
tk it
4" i i |
I * . 4 "
i I *
. .
1 , , . , .
HtlKKP Thr slIpTil * Wm ) ( lint n q v
dlipnsr.1 of HI nlwiiH Kit-nil ? prlprs , the nmrkrt
nhoKlnn little i'hiitl P fTom n WPPk o , rtt-rpl
fur hrmy PXpuM crndpn , Whleh nnIDfll. . . ' IOWPI
Hiprrprntntlrp sal :
No. Av. 1'r.
im wmlft-n idliWS . Ill It tn
H wpniMTi wfftiftn . , . ; , i aii
in nivH-iti wpthpm . 711 it a i
il imlltp p p . | | ( i j as
1.1) Mi tlcail ) pitnit1K * M 411
! . ; llcxi'tui ypiirltimt IW lid
3d natlte Isnih * M ( . 4 ! )
flllf VJ4H 1,1X1'I'HI'K Mill It NT ,
Ilillti Hi'iMili. n Hliin' , hnl A r l' a Dnriitc
IllWhl-i1 Thnn Mini \ctir.
flllfAlld. AUK. 2a Tlieiv nmety little
ttadlnit In mill. . toda > . teeelpl < < being ton small
In make a niitki-t. The Ittt MII.K made weip at
prices llllcli'inircil floln > e's rilllllB lllol | -
tlons. A IHI-BP tun on pttilbIs pjpepi1 | next
Momliit and It ivotilil iHi'avlon Ilo tun pi 1stIf
< \n i n pill-in laiicprs should he Thnn
inr u.-teim hate U en cimiinii slmtly , Ihe si-a. > n
Iwlnu nt h-tist n iii'inih | , it..r IIHIII 'usual.
l-i-lccs for hogs hroki- fully 10 penis todny. I p
IlKin-i'i beliiK paid i-ail.t. MIIH wenat n'n . \ -
lieIII.IIIIIKP of from $ ; l.v. to $4.V , . the hulk of
the hnKs irossliiK Ihe si'tiles nl from } t.l Iu
Jl.4.1. . flmli-p hoics wdd nlMHil 3.-i penis hlBher
than a tteeli aRe -iiid from Jl In jl.ii.i hlKln-r
limn H - - .
The fptv of ih , i.p nnd himb thnl tverp
nftprpil told at unelmnKPd prices. Hlu-pp ttetp
sahiblp at fiom J : 2' , In J2..Mi for the IMOIPJI up
to > 3.i and .7.1 for ehoh-o lullers.Mtli sales
nf a few prime In e\tra nntlt-p * at frmn J.1.J.O in
4 ; rams at fn.m tl r. to IJ.M and western
Khepp at frum M.S5 In Jt.r . ' , . bp.'ny slippp IH-IIIR
liPBlptlPdVstPin fepiler. , , , , | , | nt fm jj. i lo and feedliiK laiiihs at from 51-'i to Jl MI.
lie-elpls : falilp , fuM hmd ; hogs , 18nm ( lipad ;
sheep , 2.IX ) head.
SI. I.mils IIt iSluiK. .
HT. UfH | , AllK. 2S.-f ATTI.Illiioi.pts. | . 1 OH )
head ; slilpmtniH mil lepurted , mitrltpt ti-ndt ;
fallto fancy native shipping steels , } 4.2i5ifi.2j ;
hulk of kale , > 4 > .Vif.'i I. , , diess-il bi-ef and hulpli-
i-rs' sti-pis , S4.MMr.1.0H : steers nnilpr l.imi i ninds ,
n.7.1fi4.fii ) : hulk of.ih's. . Jl.ii.Mit..Vi ; slocln-is and
feedils. (2 TT > ( | ! | Rri ; hulk if f-ales. Jl. : Illiy I.IS , e.iHii
and helfels. i ! noli I 2.1 ; bulk of cows , } 2..Vi1i.l 25.
Texas and Indian steers grnd" hlRh. wllh prices
riincliiK from I2.i.i ! to JI.M ; bulk of sales
at 3 4' ' : onus and heirer , $2 401.1 i ( > .
HiKiH-lteeclpts , 2 .VHI bend : shipments , not n-
IMillcd ; tll.llKet stendt on he t IlKllti : oilier
Itradis , f.p . letter : lljslit , Jl.aosfl.l.i ; mixed , } I.lino'
1.4H ; heiivy , JI.IHHJI.I5.
SIIil'iItecelpls. : . TiOil lip.ul ; no .ihlpients | | le-
p.iited . ; maikeO dull and sti-ady : native muttons ,
iF .tmiM.70 : sint'kcrs , J2.1.TiU.t.iO : himtii.i.ini."i.oij. : .
IviiiisiiM Cll.v l.lviSIneK
KANSAS C1TV. Allff. -I'ATTI.H-llPi'elpts ,
100 head. Maikt-t sleinly and unehaiiKi-d ; nnly
retail ttade ; Texas i-tpprs , J2.Kh4 * ti.i , Texas eo\\ > ,
SL'usit.i : : > ; natlvp Ktuts , ? n.,05i'i.2."i : uutlte eows
and iii-lfcic. Sl.WiSII'l" , slockeis anil fepdem.
J2. Win 4(1 ( ; hlllln. 2.4mfl4 40.
HOCiSIteei Ipls. . ' . .I'liil ' Ili-.ld Mnlkrt BtflO-
lowir ; hulk of sales. J4.10U4.ii. heales , JI.II..0
4.2 ; tinekers , Jl..lllji4.ll : ( , ml\t"l , $,5T4 , 211 , llullts.
tll..iiKH.I.'i ; Ynlkels. 54 HKi 1.15 j plKi. { S.t'ltfll ' IG.
Sllii-i' : llpcelpts. I.MI hi-nd Market M unity ;
lambs. (2.75T3.CI0 : muttons.
tltmer ; veals , $ j.tjii 7,2j ; KHISM-IS and huitor-
mllkM.VJii l.oo.
Slliii' : ANH liAMHS lpeppt | | . 2Ui ! head ;
Muu hut steady : xheep , $2 Oiii3.7. , ; lamhs , ! l.7. . .
IIOHS Hei-elpts. l.uid heml ; blKlu-r at ti.ufc )
SliicKtil Slulit.
Itepord of ret'elpts nT life t lck at the four
pilnclpal inatkels for AiiKiist 2S :
Clllllp. llOKK. Sheep
Oinnlin 2ifiS r..77l 3rd
I'lllPilKii W' ' 1S.IW ) 2.T.O )
Kansas City MO J.HII l.L'm
St. l/Uls l.dlK ) 2..VO .WU
Totals 3CCS : . ' . ' ;
I'lllfliilintl I.Ho Sliii-K- .
( I.VriN.VATI. AUK. -llfS-Steady ( at
J3.70JI 4.511.
rni-Sti-nl.v : . at J2.V5f-4.W. |
SlIUKI'- Steady nt f2.0HTii.r,0 : ; lambs , snarly at
| 3.-I > U3.50.
' CnlVcl' Mnrlci-tll.
xi\v YniiK. AUK. 2s.--oi.M.-ii-optifns : :
cipeneil barely steady , niflio points Inner ; i tiled
iinlet and featiirelpHs.vlth weal ; miili'itone. nnd"r
enormoii" Hianlllnn lepelpts and benrlMi i-inp
news. Pears of overyold lopnl market , \\hli-h
phpiked finther M-llini ! : i-lon-il sliad > . net un-
phniiKed to pi points ileplliip ; hales , 1:15fn : II.IKS.
Iliellldlm.Septemhi r. K S3 | li.l | > ; n-eemher. if Mi.
Spnl eiiffpp , ICio. ipllet ; Nn. 7. Involee , J7 ; No.
7. Jobbliii ; . SS.50. Mild , iilllrt : Coidnta. SlO.r.lfi
p ; .VI. Total tv.llPbulIM * ipltPIe | | | frrlll the Vlllte 1
Slates. 1T. : : | | > IIHKS. InehnlliiK ' ' ' " ' " 1'i ' s from
NPW Yoik ; New S'ol k stoek today. "fit : liil hllKF :
I'tllled States stiiplc iri. 'i | IIB : : allrat for til"
rnlleil Slates , Sii .tKii bi : s ; tofill lhte for the
rnlted Slates , 7.VI.S25 IMKS , ncnlm-t 47I..175 ! bans
a > ear aK nnd 5X5,1711 II.IKS In IMCi.
iiAMiiriif. . AUK. 2s. cnri.-ii-ipeiied : : i4prif
lower ; eloped unehanRed to SpftI liA\er ; s ill's * .
20 ooo liaus.
lIAVIli : . Alls. 2S.-Cl.Tii | : : Opined rleiuly.
< 4f luttpr. and elost-d at opening pikes ; bah s ,
7.1110 IKIKS.
ino in : lANUiito. AUK. 2s.-coi-Tii-iiin. : :
linn : No. 7 Itln. .050 rein ; exp'iai.KP. 7l'-P1i. !
ri'"elpts. n.iw ] IUK ; rlc.ui'il for HIP rnili-d
States , 7no ( buns : eleaied for Kurojip , ] 2 ( mi IHIKS ,
stoek , 124 OHO li.'IKi. .
SANTOS. AUK. 21.-fO'PKn- | ; L-nod av-
pliifp .snrtos. S . ies | ; ii'CPlpt : ! . II.WO IIJBI- ;
htiiPk , HW.IiCO haKS.
Oil tlnrl.i-ls.
Oil , CITY. I'a . AUR. 2 . < 're.lll 71 ,
perlltleates. 75 bid : Septemhcr. iptlon.
11NIOX , AlIK 2S. Oll.S-Iln > eed , IGs 4feil.
Tiirpentlne spirits , 21s.
Cnllfnrnlii Dried I'rnlli.
Ni\V ; YOIIK. A HIT -I'AI.IKlllSNI \ lUliril
ritl'ITS Hvapornled npple-i. Him ; i.thei dlli-d
frnits ipilel. etapuratpil applepi Im. ' winlr.i > .
IV- per Ib : wood dili-d. i Time Oihi.Ire. . ii'r ' ,
fiiiiey , 04e. , I'ruiiek , ; i'j 7ij < - per II. In
H > And ipuiliii Xpttppt * . Ml , M"MII'M HI
> imtvs IHmrrlp,1 , | , , * fl , t" i-IfI HtflU
r HI
- . I'll )
i-ltV. Atw n ttMlNM1KutH
Hlmtll IP lowct , ilfrltnn ( wnnni-il nl | . | i..i
I fliltl. W Oi'M' , IllUW fet fne Mo I. JltNil-
Nn I , ! . . . N I nofl , " " < . Xo H > i
No. I. wm lc. Sn 1 sprttt * llV. f * . I ;
itHIN Msiii.t Nlsiui i p Innrt. drm-in.1
No. I niHr-.l. . IStTASc
I1ATK Mnlkel Inn el. ilrinnnd llnlil N < i I
while , tMfTOv.
II\K Nn i. , 'ifli-
IIAV Mnrki-l i-nk on hentt ip.'eli | | , ti..i
ptnil IP. | : . 2. . ; pboipp llmolhr. t ! Mi
IH'TTKII MnlkPI tniin * ni'llte , eirnnu-it llll
1"V. dnlry. loni ? ' ' .
MHIS Mnrki't stroniff , Kniiin * nnd MI. IMII | ,
HKi-Mll'TM VVhciil. Jin ( HO Mi , , . .in .1 , -.HI , . hu j
ont . ifl.iiKti bll.
HllirMKNTK When ! . ! M.W bu , eotn . 'I COO
bu. ; n ls , fi.iii'O ' bu
Tni.Klnv Ann. 8 * XX'I IK AT Acllt ntnl
l.ittil. No. 1 ra H , IHe. IVeembei. MV
it'llN No. ; mixed. I V. dull mid rift
HATH Mull nnd tn.1t . No S mUp.1. l < > .
IITIC Hull ind I.nci , . , \o 1 cnsli , t.O ,
fl.ii\in : KI.II ; : > f m tumm-d
JHII l''i'iiin-l-.t-ii Whom mid linrli-y.
KAN rilXNilHnt. Ann i'i XXIIKAI' u nk ;
Hppelnt.i.r , II 11. M it. ft VJ
IIAttl.KXenk. . Piienib"i. HIV.
Mlinlhl lli < uli | III l.ilililon.
LOMiiiN , Am : 2.i Manila hemp , 4. .
\rti X ni-K'i Iniptirls niul IXpurl * .
xr.YV YtiltK. AIIK ' - " < . The cxpo'H or i - I it
finin HIP POM of Nut \oik f. . i HIP tti-eii nit-
Uli Killed JMl'.l.- ' . . ' . In llt el Tide ttns II. . Kohl
! ihl.pi-.l. | . The Impi.itn I.H Hie unit tiiti i . . Id ,
Jvj.l.l. ; ; . slltel. ilii.72 ! , dlt ( tninls and ll" > ral
mcichiitidM- , Jil.'if.l.iri
\nii-rlciiii si-i'iii-llli-M tn 1'iiiniiin ,
IjtiNHOX. Alii : 2" < The innikel for \meii'-in
( pcnillles opined llrm nnd cnntliuicd MI all ilny
nn Ken-Mat iipeciilutlt ileinaud. The tcnc ttj
linn ami the demand uim.l.
l.'ltiiiiii-lnl Nine- . .
I1OMTI1X , AUK. 24. fbarltiKs , JIl.riH.Ki , . hill-
atu-i'i. Jl IsSi.Sln.
IIAl.TlMiHIK. Aug. ai.-fliMtlnKs. $ r I - . "M ;
bulanei-s , J.W.7I ! .
Ni\V ; YiillK. AIIK. 2S.f IPHI huts. Jin.1. . " IC.H ;
balances. } rr.l'.il2t. ' !
I'lllLAlUil-l'IIIA. AIIK. ! S.--fp | iliiirs J'lMM-
I1H ; liiihitipes. ll.rcii im.
I fINflNNATI. AUK. : s MOIIPV , 514410 p.-i . -ill ;
| NPW Vmk t'M-hntiKP , I'lii.ti'c ' ' dlscoiini , eh-n inns ,
1 tl. lill.fWi.
MKMMIIH , AIIIT. 2S.-flearlntts. JI .W , haU
anees , JI'i.iiTi'i ' : NetVorK exi hnnKe. selltiif ; at
Jl.TiO premium.
ST. I/U'IX. Auc. 21--flenrlims. Kt.'r.r. li ! . ' . hnl-
Illiees. SIU2..13I. Moln41li pel eelll. N. York
. exclianui- . ' . "ittllsc.nml hid. 70p dlsconni iiKUi-d.
j ( lllfAHO , Alllt. 21.-IMenrlims. J''vU'XM ,
! New YoiU exchaiiRp. Cotdlscoiini ; Nteillni : ex.
i eliatiKe. P'sled lales , Sl. l'i and J4.sri , , . Sim ks ,
t rtdull , inaiKet rlpmlt ; eloslni ! : Wen nil.
niK . 11. lilainond Mulch , ll..v. . l.nlic HIH--I ,
1T ; N'ett Yolk Illsciilt. OJi. . : fll.t' ltall .t\ . -Ki
Mi-tiop'illtan , 17'i
l-'iii-i-lii - n | . 'l nn in-Ill I.
1IK1HJX. Ami 2k. lIxelmiiBP on London M
nmrks 1 pfr.s for eheclis.
IA1HM. AIIK. 2V font | ipr PPIU ii-ntes. tmf C".rt
for I IIP iiL-t-iiunt. llM-'iaiiKi- London. 2".r IT. for
\i-i X'orU Mlnlnu Slni-l.-i.
N1JXV YoltK. AIIB. 21. - T.IP rollotilllK alt1 111 *
closing inhibit ; quotations :
Xlllllltlll | < - Hl'tHllT-llll' * Ll-U.
nriH'Qrila. . . Aug. 2S ( Speeial Tcle-
gram. ) ( ' ( mgre.iMiMil llcmlciann'ti 1-ft 1 inh
ttas amputated at tln-UtMe Joint today Tim
> i ration as entirely Hit.-i-e < 8fiil
Clllllllll , ! ? . " . ( ) ,0011. 1 ull > I'llld.
Spooks , Grain ant ? PsrovislonSf
Itiioiu 111 iIloilrd uf TruiliIllili ; .
( Tei. ICO ! . )
C. C. 'JHIIIPTU.J Prtsldont
K. J. STISIOICT VietI'rosulnl
G. W. K13NNI3V Secretary
D.tvid T. Henln. 1'rest. Ni 3037.
R I' . ycal.Vlcc 1'rcs iil n .iilliinnl HniU
Clus. 11. V. Lewis , C'aih. Capital. SMO.O'iO.
KANSAS C1TMo. . Aii i Jl. i3 , .
' We hciouy I'riHfy that ll.e rtiil tK---t"'et
i bucim-sr. with nhy ilepohiHiuc l-'i.'iy 'I' i i-unJ
l L1. > ll.ire i.'w/.OW.OO / ) In cnrh.
I i' . > ! ctilfa. ) ClIAliI.S ! II. V Lixvs ;
Tcluplinnc 1039. Oinaliii , Neb.
; III ) Mil ) OP Til Uli ! .
Direct wires to Chicago ami Now Tor * .
CoiT Miundi > uti : J'jlm A.Vnrren * <
Stocks Grein and
314 lout'il I5ti ! St.
A Chance for All to Conio In on the Ground Floor.
The Cudahy-Healy Yukon-Klondike Mining Company
lias liei-n Im-iiip n Hi-il iimlei lli - . iifihi'M.ili of Miiiiiiin . . n ! | h ti * | iU uf * J1
HillMID. ) In JRO ODD -.linii" . . .I . tll ( ) ) i , n-b. In.I . u.'iil ' n ' - - - llil- . i i ,
slin-l , till aioiilllil riii,1l | Iu JO IM i i--ni. ' 'I ' $ VIOII,111)1) ( ) , li.i- . I el n t'l npttl fur Hwtii , n
pill pi I"1"ii if I HIM in llu'i' 5tll ( ) ( ( ) li Hen ilU l ii-nii uf , "i per i- i-t up ni Hi" put t ilni. i. . , : r
aiilerd tti hip ild mil l ibo ii.'iilll- . iii ea h . . ' In fni .in ) illt nl. nil * aie furl -i > > r
Upon l h" hiibi'i e : tiu'ii nn'ilo n-i > - irttny divibml up in H per ! > ! mull' ' , . "p.
re in .In . Iii. : dit nit ml - ' I" I u p iv ibliun i in- win 11 ! fij"lUl ) | ) UUU. .uul I'M ' .
.liiiiei are mi' * iilleted / O'.OC t Iu Hie piihlutut iliini''d-iIf | ! II < I' IIDI lit A'i'
MVK JUOL.AHS v.ponj pKa hll .UK. ui < % h.-li . | irl.-ih QijAl
iu b. uviT 14 Per Cent mi n. . . IM , , . < I.I , ,
rnufin'r\ . !
Tit'1 ( 'Mlllin | > ' Reiiei i | prop. Th < M In ulii ; . | . < 11 | , ln > b' . llrltr I'l'lllgm' '
f re ih piii.ii f HI. . .h. | r
PHV i-itiPliis of lambmim fill ttiullh .1 ll"0s Hi.
Vuk-ii . . . I Kh-n.Uk. l >
. - .i - t--iii-
.uul mlnlrii niulpinem In Ih" .
The I'.nii'im ' * tm l-iif itim
voile ) uf III. Yukon liner nful lirr * iif | fi > ! < 1 filnn-i HIM * | iu"a 1
I'lHllllM.l l li I b | | 4 * I | , | . f
on Hit irtl.iii.iir ir < vm < in nut .f nnnr ) i Hr 4 .IIIMUM i
AlHlkri ii ml HiUrlllih K. . tri- IM i-uim N ? * j " MI i i i * !
wni Tvrrii"f . Th * mm f l Vwfc. f . .m nfiititf | i i l
bnl owtiwl Ini'luds Itufcl , M UUiMi l l > ' ' u in > I *
and rUhiut , mi
qwru .
MXmwni il u iii i .nn.
' -i'p'r ntxt ' " i Hwu iitl'lT.M p..i. It m. n ilki i I-
i ihl.-f ( .iiillil. II.IM , li ii' . , ' * . : ) tkt i nn i i > * i-r t \n
Tsnanyb litter Mill" Innli , l
KM it MM' i"l " ! ' Mil * , hr . nr.r
i i.-l. KI"II - Hi I n f at * t *
MM l > U I ' II
r . ' i .
This Uompxny does not h vo ! o Prosjatcl fur
i ) ah'Q.idy owns it. Somn of lit mln lira now
fl 1
I > < > *
1 'I II
I- . . < I t
' * * * ' ' tiltil t * Mt <
V. . . , , . - , I
' . . , .1 I I' , ( . ! * , ( . I > * I
l . n , i . . . . , H - - .
M f !
* * *
iuy One'Share