Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OMAHA DAILY" 1113 IK AITCUTST 20. 1807.
Closes Contract for Two Famous Paintings
Now iii This Country ,
I'nll of Ililloloii , Ileiik'tliiK n Set-it e
ut tinI'cnxt < if lleUlitt * iir
HUH Alremly llvvn
Si-cureil. ,
The securing of an art exhibit for the
' -rrarxmlw'BSlppI Exposition has been com
menced. Art Director Griffith reporting to the
Department of Inhibits that he has seemed
two valuable paintings for theexhibit. .
One of three pictures Is n work which has
never been shown In the United States , and
has been shown but once on the American
continent. This was In Toronto In ISIS , and
the plfturl created such a furore and such
raised to Its exhibition
a tiU.m of objections was
hibition that It was removed-and has been
etored In New York City since that time.
The picture Ut called "The Fall of lUbylon , "
and depl-tH a scene at the famous feast of
Uelshazzar when the city was destro > ed. It
Is oriental In Its richness , and at the time
of Ha exhibition In Toronto , It was said by
critics to have been one of the finest cxdin-
plea of historic representation ever shOAil
The painting U ubout fifty tect In width and
about twenty ftet high. It Is valued at
The famous painting was brought over
from tin- continent by Mr arlillth In 1S7S.
and was exhibited In Toronto under the
auspices of a local art association Its ex
hlbltlon caused a great ruction mong the
director ? of the < ujoclatlon , and one of th
director leelKtnd In anger after unsuccess
fully endeavoring to prevent the display of
the picture. The gcr.sra ! public took up
the dlacusflon , and U finally became neccu-
wry to close the exhibition on account of the
adverse critic-Urn Since tlm tlmr public
opinion has changed somewhat und .Mr Grif
fith anticipates that no , erious , objections will
be made to 'he picture , which he regards nn
one of the finest paintings In Its class In
the world
The other picture which Ins been secured
by Mr. Gilfllth li called "Die Flageltetten , "
( the Whipping ) and Is the wo'k ot Carl
3larr , a relebrated Gernnn artist. This pic
ture Is stoied In Milwaukee.
CMMII > MOMil : I 'IT CVI.I.ii : ) IV.
AVI1I i\iimliie : Into MIsNoiirl 1'nellle
dintraet wllli lvi | < iMllloii ,
The executive committee of the exposition
held a mtetlnir. . ut the club
rooms jesterday to take up the ques
tion of trackage facilities on the exposition
grounds In addition to the report made
yesterday by Mr. Roscwater a telegram was
received from Manager Babcock to the effect
that whenever the Missouri 1'aclllc presented
a contract drawn In accordance with the un
derstanding had between himself and the
lilt-sour ! Pacific officials the contract should
be executed
The contract which had. up to this time ,
never been before the committee , was pre
sented , together with a letter relating to It.
from C. S Montgomery , general counsel f'-.r
the exposition. Mr Montgomery stattd
that , a-i drawn , the contract gives the Ml.s-
souri Pacific exclusive control over the tracks
Inside the exposition grounds and gave the
exposition no control whatever over the
tracks or the handling of cars on the tracks ?
Secretary Wakefield , In glancing over the
contract , read one section for the Informa
tion of the committee In wh ch I'vas pro
vided that the Missouri Pacific should have
the right to use the tracks Inside the ex
position grounds for the use ot Itself or Its
patrons "whenever , in the opinion
of the super ntendert of the
( Missouri Pacific road such Uoe
would not Interefere with the use or such
tracks for exposition purposes " This clause
seemed to bo rather surprising to the mem
bers of the eieciitlve committee and to throw
more light on the letter of the torporatlon
counsel. Considerable discussion ensued as
to how the Interest * ot the exposition were
to be protected In the absence of an ex
perienced railroad man on the committee
It was finally decided to call upon Commis
sioner Ctt of ihp CommcicUl club for as
sistance and the whole matter was turned
over to him for examination. The question
, wlll be taken up at a later date.
It xvas decided that the piopcxltloii sub
mitted by Commissioner Powell of Mexico
whereby It was proposed to secure the at
tendance of the Mexican National }
band at the exposition on condition that the
Ofexlcan government makes an exhibit w it.
accepted and ComniiErMrner Powell will he In
structed to close his negctlatiens with the
Mexican government The land will be here
during a part of the time the exposition Is
open and will furnish some of the mu lc.
\n rim THI.iio I\IIIIIIT.
Co in in I KM in n ir DliiNiiiort- < -pirlH He-
i-clpl "I Mini ; Application. . .
The dairy exhibit U ) beginning to assume
very fair proportions , Commlhsioner J. J
Dlnamorc reporting to the Department of
Exhibits that he has received applications
for space from a long list of dairy supplj
Among the houses which Commissioner
Dlnwnore reports are the followingV :
tT. . Butthnell , Aberdeen , S. D. , A. E
Haker , Beaver Dam , Wi ? ; A.V. . Bravton.
Mt Morrlw , III : A. II. Barber & Co. , Chicago
cage ; E K Brown. .Minneapolis , Minn : II
V , Bnrrell & Co , Mule Falls , N. Y. ; C. S
Oarkley , West Mberty. la , Creamery Pack
ing compony Kansas City , Mo ; Champion
Milk Cooler company , Courtland , N. Y.V ;
II , Caldwell , Peter.-boro X. H , Canajoha-
rlo Creamery company , Canajoharle , N' . Y :
8. A. Converse , Cresro. la. ; D E I.avell
Separator company. Chicago , A. N. Foster
& Co. , Chicago ; Elgin Butter Tub company ,
Elgin , 111 . Haney-l'ampbell company , llu-
huiiin | , la. , F B Hearne , Independence
Jlo ; A. M Hunter Denver , Colo. ; Haw-
thnrno Brothers. Elgin , 111 , V T llilla ,
Delaware , O , Harry Johnson. Logan , In .
Hoffman , Brown & Wilson Manufailuring
company , Clrclevllle , O , A. G Lytle , Osea-
looaa , la. , T B. IInfield. Logan , Utah ; John
II. Mnnrad. Wlnetlta. llr-rJ C Murray , Ma-
quoketa , la. ; 0. II Miller , Mexico , Inil ; M
K , Moore , Cameron , Mo ; G K. NUsley ,
Topcka , KBP. ; New York Condensed Milk
company. New York City , Hecord Manufac
turing cimpany. Conneaut , O , A. II , Iteed.
Elgin 111 , Thatcher Manufacturing com
pany , Potsdam N Y ; II. Woolworth. Hills-
vllle , Mich ; T. O. Wallace & Son , Ilnnce-
ton , Mo ; James P Younger , Freeport , 111
Frank JCarhary , Mount City , \lo.
I ( nil Ulll He Uf | > rcMi-ull ,
v\ . II Shurtllff , vice president of the ex
position for Utah , was In the city Wednes
day. Mr Slmrtlirf Is taking an active In
terest In having his Mate well represented
at the exposition , and ha * been working up
an Intercut among the people * of Utah In
making an exhibit Ho filed an application
with the Department of Exhibits for 10 ono
feet of gpaca In the different buildings , an'd
also secured space for the erection of a
Cleopatra' * needle 110 feet In height , to bo
niadu of full from Great Salt Lake.
I'or a > l < Mirlxhlllnite. .
A , E Kflder , concehnalre for the Moor
ish village , U In the city nuking arrange
ments for beginning work on the erection
of the buildings wh'ch will constitute the
village. He elated 'hat ha would commence
v\ork on the main building by October 1 , and
would have the building under cover before
Sit fas- /J
( Z&m
cold w rather BO that the Interior finishing
could be continued through the winter. The
Interior decorating will bp on the mo t
elaborate ncsle , according to Mr. Felder ,
and the rich embellishment will require
considerable tlmo for Its execution.
UOIIK o > Tin : "ciu > isi : rvtionv.
Tlilrl ) irtlNiitix Dlrcet froni flilna
U lit Me Ennilojeil.
Work on the erection of the pagoda In
which will be housed the Chlnccc cectton ot
the exposition v > IH be commenced about
October 1. This rvctlon le under the charge
of Wong Chin Foo. Chinese commissioner
for the ex [ < ltloii. who has be n In the city
for several daB tn consultation with the
expedition management.
Itefore leaving for the east Fee snld he
woull have thirty Chinese artlsano In
Omaha b } October I and would put them
HI work constructing the pagoda which Is
to form the center of the Chlntus exhibit.
Ho said that Instead ot bringing the mate
rials from China , with which to construct
the building , he would use American mate-
Hats and would construct a building cost-
lug $ . ' 5,000 Mr. Too haj gone to Washing
ton to secure permission from the treasury |
department to bring Into this country thirty
Chlno-se att'oans ' to work on this pagoda
\fter tinMn le ( Vnitriiet.
Ptofesor Christopher llach , director of
the Milwaukee S > mphony orchestra , Is In
the city , the guest of Vasslly Andrejcvltch I
Ebell. honorary commissioner for the Ruai i
slan empire. UosnU. Servla nnd Tehcrno- ,
gorla at the Transmltslifelppl and Interna
tional Exposition Prof Bach ' In Omaha
to figure with the exposition directory with
reference to furnishing music during the
sreat show next bummer llesldes leading
the Milwaukee Sjmphony orchestra Prof.
Hath Is the leader ot a iiillltar.v band ot
fifty pieces. In the event that he should
make terms with the exposition people , he
will bring both of his inimical aggregation ?
to this city next season.
llee Keeper * \Vniit Heprexeiitii tloii.
Pressure Is being brought to bear by
beit keepers all over the state to secure the
appointment of E Whltcomb as superin
tendent of the apalrj exhibit at the > x-
podltlon. Mr. Whltcomb Is editor of the
Friend Telegraph , president of the Ne
braska Ucehcepcrt > ' association , waa super
intendent of the apalry section of the Ne
braska exhibit at the Worlds fair , and was
In chaige ot the apalry exhibit at the Ne
braska state fair
.Ne\t to mi VpiiriMlUK Conteloiipe ,
A vlgcroua rtomach l < the greatest of raun-
dan" bleaslugs. S und digrstlon Is n guar-
ant > of quiet nerves , , muscular elastlclt > . a
tKar ; > appetite and a regular habit of bolv.
Though rot alwa > . - a natural endowment It
miy be acquired through the agency of Hoi5-
rottt-i'i. Stomach Hitters , one of the most
effective Invlgorants and blood fertilizers In
c\Utuui e. Thits fine tonic also fortifies thorp
who use It against malaria , and remedies constipation and rheumaticnn.
OITer > Imle l > Hie liilier .ltj nf Ne-
Chancellor MacLean of the University of
Nebraska has notified Superintendent Bod-
well of the Douglas , county schools that on
account of the fitct that the high school
law has been declared \old b > the supieme
court , the university will offer one free
scholarship in each comity maintaining a
first cUss high school with a three-year or
four-jear ccurte. These t.choarshlps ! will
be awarded to students passing the best
competitive examination , provided the candi
dates meet the requirements foi admission to
the low let work carried at the university
Examinations this jear will be held at
the unlverslt ) September 14 , 13 , 10 and 17 ,
but the hope is expressed by the chancellor
Hut in the futuie examinations may be
heia at the several county teats undci the
auspues of the county buperlntendentb.
These scholarships ma > be with or without
privileged. If the candidate hat. pecuniary
Mtcd the chancellor states that the ocholar-
shlp will carry with It the privilege of dio-
pciijslm ; with the payment of any fee or de-
pcslt of any kind at the university , except
the matriculation fee required by the
Superintendent Bodwell announces that
an > peison desiring to compete for a scholar-
"hlp should make application to him some
Him- during thus month. As there are sev-
e. al high tchoos , ! m Douglas county It is
e\pee.te il that there will be considerable
uimpiiliicm for this pri c
"I hey don't make mucn : u6s about It. "
\\V are speaking of De Witt's Little Early
Rlseis. the famous little pills' for cocstlpa-
ilon bilious its.s and all stomach and liver
troubles They neve > - C''PP
vitiVUTIM : ; ON THI : it vn.iion > > .
lealei-N Not lteuil > tu VnIHIIIIKII'llccn
mi Hani e-oal.
People who want to know how much thev
will have to pay for their winter uppl >
e.f coal will be compelled to wait until the
lailroads announce the tales The price
which the local dealers will charge will
depend altogether on the rates that they are
able to get from the rilroada. and no one
ueems to have any Idea what they will be
It Is u.-ually the practice of the railroads
to fix the rates on hard early In August ,
but thw > ear action has lipen somewhat
ilelajeil on account of the xtrlkc In the
i-Aht For torn1 time the railroads ha\e
practically refused to haul coal for com
mercial purpc ea and the bulk of their
ears are now tied up with foft coal , which
they have been hoarding agalnot the pos
sibility of an extension of the strike to the
western mines. In fact , the local dealeix
are now having a goad deal of difficulty in
obtaining cars for steam ccal feufficlent to
diipplj their regular trade
It Is the unanimous opinion of the dcalerb
that the titrike will In no way affect the ,
prleo of bird coal. The season's supply of
anlhraclco was mined and on th * docks bc-
furo the strike begun , and the effect of the
suspension of the minci , has been confined to
ooft coal The dealers have taken no action
in le-gord to thp local tariff , but OH soon as
the railroads algnlfy what they will do , Hie
[ nice that will rule on the Omaha market
will be fixed.
Ull.l , COM'nit WITH Till IISTOV.
! > r , Miller Mi ) M a Iteiiulilleiiii .Sliiiulil
Mieeeeil ( in Iliiulier.
Dr George li. Miller was asked yesterday
who he pxpertpcl to appoint to succeed
C V fiallaghrr as deputy In the office of
collector of customs , and ho bald "The
resignation of Mr. Gallagher wag po unex
pected to me that I have hardly given a
thought to the qucxtlon nf filling thp va
cancy. I have made up my mind , however ,
to one thing. My term ot olllce , as defined
by my commission , expires next April , and
while I have received no direct assurances
from friends of the administration to that
effpct , I understand that It Is the Intc-nllMi
to penult me to eervo out my time. That
being the case taken with the further fact
that I openly and hearMly supported Me-
Klnley list fall , I feel that It would be no
morn than fair that a republican uhoul'l be
selected for the vacant position. Having
agreed upon the matter thus far , I htue de
cide I to defer the naming of a deputy to
Senator Thurston. this being one of the
otlki's coming under the prerogatives of the
senator , taking It for granted of course that
the henator will name a man thoroughly
competent for the position , and every way
desirable for an asuoclate. I shall consult
him at once regarding the matter , and will
act upon hlj t.iiggestlon "
Alnold's Ilromo Ceiei v cure *
10 , 2j ml 60 cento. All drugsliU.
lliirrliiKe lleeiiNe * .
Permits to wed havn been Issued to the
followinB parties by the county Judt'ei
Name and Residence. A2" .
Chrm Hoj , Omaha . 26
lltrtlii von Wlttlle , Um.iha . 20
\\llll8 M. Ware ) , Omaha . TS
Airs JIary | J , Hart , Omahn . 41
A l'rt H. Scott , South Ornahii . 20
Jer.P'e KeniieJy , Kearney , Neb . 28
Oeoigc N Chase. Omaha . sj
l.tvt Hobson , Omahn . 28
Albert Hoblniion , Houth Omfthu . . . . 22
Unlay Nellsh , Bouth Omahn , 2,1
F'ank llrandt. Oretna , Neb . , , . , , 31
ill' Mm Dohrmann , Millar1'cb . la
Harrj I'at'ison , Omaha . , . . , . , , . 21
Mary Kr r.k , Omaha. , . . , . , , if )
Held to Bo No Offense to Be Found in a
Wine Room.
Conteiul Hml Tlu-rc l .No
.Slntiilc or Orillniiiipp lB \lil-
for till * AlnilUlilnic
of Wltii * Hoonii.
The police express themselves ns much
dtedatlsDed with the disposition made by
the council last Tuesday night of the ordl-
inrico Introduced by Conncllnmn l.obeck ,
abolishing the wine rooms In the city. The
ordinance was referred to the city attor
ney , because some of the members of the
council seem to be ot the opinion that the
etntutes make the existence of wine rooma
The police assert that there Is no statute
or city ordinance In existence which nbol-
IshtB wine rooms. Police Judge Gordon Is
appatently of the same oplnlcn. for he has
discharged the men and women who have
betii arrested out of the places
The police maintain that they are unnble
to suppress the wine room evil under ptcs-
cnt conditions. Because Police Judge Gordon
will not nbslst them. A dozen men and
women have been arrested out of wine rooms
since Ma > or Mnorts Untied his orders to
raid the plncws and arrtst the occupant * .
Of the number , two pleaded guilty and
vvcro lined , but the others were dschargJ. !
Pcllco Judge Gordon holds that so long
as the wine rooms are allowed , men and
women found In them are not guilty of any
offense If they are behaving themselves.
He has decided that women have BK much
right to drink beer and smoke cigarettes
In thr e places rs men. In a recent case
the evidence showed that a woman was In
a wine room with a man , was drinking nnd
was smoklns ; a cigarette. The case resulted
lu a dismissal.
m , VMI : \ \TT.\CIIIII TO THI :
Ci-lt'f CIMIICM to it l.ntAin \ ortli .Miloon
A cat la In some mrasure re ponslble for
the Information of selling liquor on Sunday ,
which was filed In police court yester
day against J. Harold , the saloon keeper
'it Twentj-fonith and Leavcnwortli streets
All otSer responsibility for this prosecution
seems to test on the shoulders of William
Lampmann of the Nebraska National bank
dnd A. H. Steea of the Union Pacific.
These two men allege tint laat Sunday
morning at 10 o'clock they were passing
Harold's saloon with a couple of dogs In tow.
These animals got after a cat and chased It
down trv street. The cut belonged to a
crowd of half a dozen alleged hoodlums who
were hanging nbout the saloon. These men
held Stees and Lampmann responsible for
the actions ot theli dogs and set upon them.
To get away , the two went Into Haloid's
aalonn and pin chafed a glass of wine apiece
As a result of this story , the police jes-
terday caused the Information of sellIng -
Ing liquor on Sunday to be filed against the
saloon ke-eptr. Stoes aim Lampmann , how
ever , told the btory with another put peso In
view They wanted the police to recover for
them a hat and a revolver which they lost
in an entcountfr with the toughs aftei leav
ing the saloon. They assert that the par
ties jumped on them and used them haishly.
No arrests have jet been made.
rsirrs HIS uivi.Nin , HIT xo MONTY.
VticMini Siitci > oilH In feprurltii ; the Con-
tlrlloii of mi VsHiillaiil.
In police court Wednesday afternoon Jonas
Yocum obtained some satisfaction In retutn
for his experience of about a week ago , \vhen
ho was robbed of $20 and was also badly
beaten while In a colored dive In the burnt
Ella White , the colored woman who was
accusal of the robbery , was discharged on
the complaint of stealing the money , but
was later fined $10 and costs on her plea of
guilty to the charge of being a dlsordeily
woman. After he was robbed Yocum made
an attempt to recover his money and was set
upon bj some colored men. These were said
to bo James Wilson , Walter Wilson and
William Wilson , and they were also tiled
Wednesday afternoon on the charge of as
sault and batterj. The evidence showed
thaf James Wilson had assaulted Yocum ,
and ho was thsrefore fined $20 and costs.
The other two had witnesses to prove that
they took no hand In the assault and they
vvcro therefore dlscnarged
STiinms "iio NOT \ciinn.
ory ronm-i-tnl nidi Allt-Kfil
Di-iiKKliiB of tluVoiuiii. .
After the exclusive publication in The Bee
of the drugging of Mrs. Michael Burke , 1111
South Eighth street , last Tuesday night
the police Wednesday afternoon investigated
the case , having icceived their first Informa
tion from the aiticle They admit that thej
nonplussed ss to the correct solution of
the mjatery , but apparently do not take
any stock in the story told by the Burkes
that Mrd Burke was drugged by burglars.
To a representative of The Bee , Bnrke
stated that not an article In the house had
been taken by the alleged burglars. To the
detectives ho later stated that $130 , which
was hidden In one of the trunks that had
been forced open , had been stolen. Not
another article of any Ulnd was taken out
of the trunks or the room , although thry
were valuables lying about. The matter i
not to be further Investigated , as It Is the
opinion of the detectives that the case Is not
of a criminal character.
Ciiiincll lllulTH I'urij HUN UH | Ottn
\Vn > of Collfclliif ; a Hi-Ill ,
J. Gideon , a market gardener of Council
Bluffs , reported to the police that he was
confider.ced out of a span of mules and a
wagon on the market place at Hieventh and
Ho-vard ntueta yesterday.
( "ridcon came to the market place with a
j wagon load of produce. He left the vehicle
In charge of Ills brother During hln absence
a stranger to his brother appeared and said
that I. Glcdon had given him permission to
take the team The produce waa con
sequently dumped out on the sidewalk and
HID nun drovn off with the rig When the
owner returned a short time afterward he
stated that he had not ordered the team
turned over to anj ptrson. It Is said that
the outfit was taken by a Council IlluffH
man who has u claim ot $ I&0 again&t Gideon
anil that ho took thin means of satisfying
the debt
1'nllrc Kit 11 In Hi-cure llv lilcnrc of SMII-
ilaj .Selling ,
John Snyder , the saloon keeper charged
with selling liquor ou Bunday , several weekH
ago , wan dlschaiged Wednesday afternoon In
poltcci couit on motion of City PiOHecutor
Miller. The dismissal was due entirely to
the apparent lack of drslro on the part of
the police department to prosecute. the case
An ollldii t-aw two men drinking beer In
the saloon on a Sunday , about a month ago ,
When the men came out , he stopped them
and on Inquiry , they ( old him. thut they had
been drinking beer In the place. The officer
failed to get tile names or addresses of the
men , and after tlm case \\tu > started , no
effort was made to secure them. Therefore ,
when the case cumn on for trial Wednesday
afternoon , City Prosecutor Miller asked to
have It dlsmlstcd. Mliiiirlimku iiml lit-1 urn.
Via St Paul and Minneapolis.
Via Northwfitern line--of coume ,
1401 Parnatn St
August 21 , 22 , 23. back by September 0.
TinI liliin 1'iu'lliu
Ii ruining Pullman Pjlacu Sleeping Car
dally , Omant3 ColoraJa Spring * . Col , , leav
ing Omaha ou fait mall 3 SO p. in. , arriving
Colorado Springs next moraine 11 10.
For reservation * anJ full Information call
it Oily Ticket Office. 1303 Fornim St.
Mttli.lolui Cmtmny llrturiicil I 11-
litirnidl itoiflln run-ill * .
ALBANY , N. Y. , AUK. 19. Klve-year-old
John C'onway , whoihft. been at the mercy of
kidnapers since Monday morning , was re
turned to his parents shortly after 9 o'clock
today through the- 1 efforts of private dc-
lectlves and rfporttTs In the employ of the
Argm. The rhlld was abducted by hln
uncle , Joseph Hardy , and It. 0 lllakc.
Hardy has been placed under arrest , but
Ulako had to bo chased by the police. Ho
denied nil knowledge ot the affair when
caught , but was ofiired n ransom and
finally he confessed He piloted a. party of
reporters five mllra out In the country ,
where he left them and In a short time 10-
turned with the boy In his arms , He was
given a stuffd pocketbook for his ransom
and an effort made to arrest him. When
ho PAW that hi- had been trapped he pulled
a revolver , fired four shots and broke awaj
from his captors , who did not puisne him ,
teturnluK to the elt > with , the boy. tllakc
Is still at large
U was Intended to arraign Hardy lu police
court at 'J o'clock this afternoon , but at Hut
hour there was ouch a menacing ciowd lu
the building and about It that the police-
pcstponed the hearing
U heals everything except , r. nroken hear' ,
may bo said of Ie Witt's Witch Hazel Salve
I'll-s and rectal diseases , cutn. bums ,
brulsce , tetter , eczema and nil skin troubles
may bo cured b > U quickly and perma
MlltCIIING TO 01,1) II\TTU : CltOI'M ' ) .
rc * AVIII llcvlslt Thvlr former
lllllllllH III till * ICllMl.
OAK LODGE. I. T. , Aug. 19. Kxlenslve
preparations are going on among the Cherokee
Indians for a pllgrlmige to Ilu'scllville. Ky
Charles Parker a nephew of the celebrated
Comanche chief , Quanah Patker , has Just
rottrned from Frankfort , Ky , with permis
sion for 1,200 Cherokee braves to march Into
the state and hold a week's celebration In
honor of Chief Watohona , mar Itussellvllle ,
where the great warrior was said to have
been killed In 17iU In a battle with the
Shawnees. In September 200 of the tribe.
accompanied h.v Captain lulclgh , will begin
the long match to the old battlefield and
carry with them nil the catved legcmU and
war souvenl-s of the great chief , which they
will deposit on hH grave This depo'lt of
mementoes and tribal relics Is ram to be
duo to a doctrine iccently taught the Chero-
ketfi by an old medicine man tint the tribe
Is doomed to complete extinction within a
few jears. The niarch will be taken up. It lo
said , about September 20. The party will
crocs the Mississippi Into Illinois at Chester
and will Icnvu the state nt Shawneetowii.
Burning , Itching skin uiceases ( nitantly
relieved by Be Witt's Witch Hazel Ualvs ,
unequalled for cuts , bruises , burns. It heals
without leavlns n
or NI\V run : \IM VUVTUS.
Convention of I'I re riilrfu Turn At
tention to the I'riiolletil Slile.
NHW HAVEN . Conn , Aug. 10. The
greater part of the third day of the annual
convention of the International Association
of Fire Chiefs was given over to recreation
Harly In the day there vveie tests of the
various new appliances for fighting fires.
The apparatus which attracted the most at
tention was a new underground hydrant
with three nozzles. Another vvao a now
device for raising a ladder at any angle de
The local committee of arrangements
greatly deplore an accident to Assistant
Chief Cummings at Atlanta , Ga. , who was
assaulted and badly cut by William Barrett ,
a Western Union lineman , last evening.
Cummings mistook Garrett for a brother
chief and slapped him on the shoulder.
Barrett lescnted the familiarity and pummeled -
meled the fire fighter. Ho was arrested ,
and In the police court this morning was
held for trial tomorrow on a charge of as
sault. ,
Tim AVAH 1SII roil
Ci. A. K. Kiieiiiiiiinient.
For rates , time cards and all Information
regarding the Watash Line from Omaha or
Chicago , call on agent of connecting line or
at Wabash office , 1115 Farnam St. ( Paxton
hotel block ) , or write
N. W. P. ARt. . Omaha. Neb.
1'liic. Ia > for Klovv t-r PeHtitnl.
COLORADO SPRINGS , Aug. 19. The sun
Rhone bright upon the 40,000 people who
lined the broad boulevards over which the
great flower parade of the Colorado Springs
cai nival passed this afternoon. > A greater
crowd has never been In the city. The
parade. In which 2,500 people took part ,
moved promptly at 3 o'clock , and was two
and a. half miles long. It was the greatest
procession ever seen here and the tuinouts
wcro particularly gorgeous The revelry will
bo continued until past midnight. Street
marketing is permitted from 2 to 7 p
m. on two boulevards and the carnival will
close with a grand masq.uo ball In Temple
$ Ui. : " * > to lluiriilo ami Ituturn ,
August 21 and 22. Through cars for Buf
falo leave Omaha r:00 : p. m. . August 21.
See ticket agent. 1502 Fainam.
Strike In I'lnrcrro'M Shoe 1'iirlory.
DETROIT , Aug. 19. Plngreo & Smlth'e
shoe factory , the only union shoe shop In
the city , was tied up at noon today by a
strike of the bottomcrs. About 700 hinds
are affected. The firm Li willing to aibl-
trate the dlffercncie , but the men tny they
have always got the worst of arbitration
and demand an Increase In the price of. cei-
taln grades of shoes.
IliilValo , N V. . mill Iteliirn , lp2i.2r : ,
On Aug. 21st and 22d the Chicago , Mil
waukee & St. Paul Railway will tell round
trip tlckefa to Buffalo at $23.25 For fur
ther Information apply at city ticket olllce ,
1504 Farnam St. , F. A NASH.
General Western Agent.
ItniiKJiciH In ItollliKT MIIlN Strike.
PITTSBORG , Aug 19. A strike of the
roughera agalnbt the wages paid them by
the boss rollers caused an almost complete'
nmipenulon ot work at 'Jones & Latighlin's
lion works today. Under the amalgamated
agreement , thu roughers went to be cut
IVi per cent , but Instead the rollers re
duced their wagtd IS per cent , and , the men
To lliifTiilo t'lii I lie llnrlliiKlon.
Only $2:325 : for the lound trip August 21
and 22 Th'cugh cars. Tickets anil berth *
at 1G02 Farnam
loeiitc n J'oHtolllee Itoliher.
PKOUIA. Aug. IP. The ! iuthorltle are
confident they IIKV"Peggy" Nooniui , the
notorious piiKtollirnburglur , under arrest ill
Coimcnut , O , where ihe wan Mopping under
the nurrio of Itroivn. and lie had been oi\vr- \
tiling In northern Ifi'iuiFylvanla About u
ycur ago lie lm > ! - Jail at I'i'orl.i , where
ho wa detained under llvo years' sentence
to the pcnltentlarr for robbing the pnst-
olilce at Tore" ! , Jill. Tne covcrnment hud
offered $2W rov/uieli ! lor h'lll
I'ollce Uttt Their I'll ) .
HACINI3 , Wia.AAug. 19. .Mayor CJralmtn
today signed th i puy rolls of Hut police
men and the force will receive the inonth'n
nnlary which the mayor refused to pay
until the department recognized hlx orilciH.
The tiouble WflB rniiwcl by the pollen fund
being depleted anil not until the ( illlceru
qualified und the council provided funds
could thu mayor Him the toll The pollco
had threatened to In Ing null against the
Tent the Net Mnrtor Duller ) ,
CHAHL1CSTON , B C , Aug -Four of
the twelve-Inch mortaro In the new moitnr
battery on Hulllvun'H Inland were ( lied to
day with service ( ImifcCH to lest the ac-
ruraey and cUiblllty of their mounting
Tli ( i guns were llred one at a time and
finally In a volley. The teat was nuecen -
Coiiileiiineil Murilerer llrriil.H .lull ,
rAYirrTHVILLH , W Vu. , AUK 19 - Albert
bert Volrn , one of the noluiloiix l.vwlu
gang of inuidererw. under sentence to bo
hanged here next Tuesday , broke Jull.liern
till ! ) mornlnif before daylight. Th bherlff
and posse arc after him. Jerry Urown lu
condemcU to hanjr with Vlors ,
Fifty Thousand Dollars to Bo Expended in
Improving the Property ,
ii Colil MoriiKe unit Olllee Hiillit-
iK to He I'oiniileti'il lit iiu
iarl : > Date \\lll lie
ririroof. . ,
* The Armour Packing company yester
day came Into pcrtsc'etlon of the lot at the
sonthwtst corner of Thirteenth ami Jonrs
streets In this city and will at onee begin
the work of Improving the property.
For some lime past the Armour peopla
have been figuring on securing a location
for a cold storage hoi e and vip-town olllco
building , nnd several slics have been under
consideration. On account of the trackage
the property t thirteenth and Jones otircts
was finally selccttd. Plans for the bulldlrg
that wiM bo creeled upon the site are now"
being prepared and v\lll be given out rome
time next week. Arnault's r'prisentatlvcs
now In the city state that ttuy are unable
to say just what k'nd ' o * a building will
be erected. However , It Is known It
will be of brick and stone , fireproof , from
three to four Mnrlta hlph and covering the
uit're ' lot , being i'GxlS2 feet.
The cost of the building will be In llic
neighborhood ot $30.000. Woik will begin
this fall , that the structure may be com
pleted at about the time of the cnmplctbn
of the packing hou e plant nt South Omaha.
The popeity : Just bought by Aimour Is now
covered by a number of small buildings
These will be removed and excavation for
the foundation ot the now building will be
gin at once.
Wm. C. Goss ; COAL
Tel. 1307. Olllce nnd > ards llth & Nicholas.
ui\v : MID.
\KNoelnteil Clinrltlex , fiiirilen IMotx.
It has been reported that several of the
garders have rcotntlj luen molested and a
quantity of potatoes and other vegetables
stolen therefrom. A reward of five dollais
( $5.00) ) will be given for such Infoimation
that will lead to the conviction of the
thieves. JOHN LAUGHL\N ,
i\Ct'KSIO\ 1INCOI\ .
Sunilii ) , Aiifinsl - - .
Train leaves Union depot , via Hurllngton
Route , 9 00 a. m. Returning , leaves Lincoln
at 10 p m. Two great entertainments by
the Tramsmlsslsslppl Exposition Athletic and
Concert Co. Matinee , Lincoln park , 3 p. m ,
evening , at 7 p. m. , liurllngton Heach Mini
Emma Moellcr , prlma donna soprano ; Prof.
Adolf Edgren , tenor and musical director ;
C. A. Jacobfon , basso.
Johnson and Lund'n ' world's greatest ath
letes and strong men ; also a chorus of male
volet's , mixed chorus and military band.
Tickets ( Including admission to the
grounds ) , $1 50 , from membErs of committee
at depot on morning of excursion and at
Uuilingtcii ticket ofilec 1502 Farnam st.
The ( liil > IMtiliiji Car llontc.
It Is the enl > direct line to San Francisco ,
and makes 12 HOURS QUICKER TIME to
San Francisco than any other line. Call
at city ticket ofilce. 1302 Farnam st
A not lie r Oniiortinill ; .
The Northwestern Line has announced
another special excursion to Hot Spi Ings ,
South Dakota , ( hat popular resort which can
be so quickly reached by that road. For In
stance , leave Omaha 3 p. m. , arrive Hoi
Springs for breakfast. Wagner Palace
Sleepers and fiee reclining chair cars now so
much In demand bj the traveling public for
short trips of this kind form the equipment
of the trains enroute.
Is the date.
Is the limit.
An enjoyable time for those having good
health but needing rest and a profitable trip
for the = o In search of health Is the toward ,
Several Omalu people were fortunate
enough to bo In the Black Hills during the
time that jou were sweltering In the heat
of the city , and If jou will but nsk your
filends who were thus fortunate thpy will
explain the contrast and urge jou to go ,
All excellent and , unlike most resorts , the
price ? are reasonable
Call at HOI Farnam street ( Pnxton hotel )
and get tales of fare , pamphlets , time cards
and further Information.
TO UllFFAM ) ,
Via C. , It. I. .S. I' , mill I , . S. .1 M. S. H > 'N.
Special train will leave Onnha 12 noon
Sunday , Aug 22 , and arrive at liuffalo I p
m , Monday. No change of cars and only one
night on the read.
Double berth In first-class sleeper , $5 CO.
Double berth In tourist sleeper , $2 50.
Special ears on train leaving Omaha 1 50
p. in. Saturday , Aug. 21 , For be'tha , etc ,
call at Rock Island city ticket ollko , 1323
Faruain St.
mmiVCTOV ; uoin
3 'l , 5 to Iliiffalo ami Iteliirn ,
August 21 to 22. Tluough cars for Huffalo
leave Omaha 5 00 p. m. , August 21 , Sco
ticket agent , 1502 Farmun.
( ; . A. U. Ollluial .Notice.
The official tialn to Buffalo cairylng the
commander-In-chlef , staff and escort nnd the
depaitmcnt commander of Ncbiabka and
delegates Iravta the U. P depot , Omaha , at
C p. m. , August 21. via "Union Pacific-North ,
western Lino" and inns direct to Hilda I o.
Wonderfully low raton , with privilege ol
extension of time returning SO days In ad
dition to the old poldlcrt * and their friends ,
ample facilities will be provided on thin train
for.the public generally , thus insuring ladles ,
children nnd others through accommoda
tions , Omaha to Huffalo , without change , di
rect.Write Gen T. S. Clarkson , First National
bank , or call nt "Tho Northwestern Lino"
city ticket office. HOI Farnum street.
Till : .NKW M.MO OI'U.N.
Oiiiiihn. KIIIIMIIH CM ) t KiiHlern Itall-
i-oMil Oiniilin & St. l.oiilN llnllronil.
The QUINCY ROUTK with thiough tialiiH
to Tienton , Klrksvllle and Qulncy. Connec
tions east nrd southeast For lateH lime
tables and all information , call at QUINCY
ROUTH olfice , HI5 Farnani etrect ( Paxton
Hotel Illock ) , or write ,
To , I If U , Ciilltornlii ami All
\VeMlern I'olntu ,
Thdso who have madu the trip via the
Union Pacific are unanimous In saying that
It , offers better service than any other
For rates , tlmo tables am ) other Informa
tion call at the city ticket olllce , 1302 Far
nam atreet.
su.iniint ixctitsio.\s. ;
Via ChleiiKO , MllminUeo X SI , I'll ill
Hill I Mil ) .
A long list of excursion points to which
lound trip tickets will be told at greatly re
duced rates. The conditions for summer
tomUU were never more liberal than thono
for this season. For full Information as to
routes , rates , limits , selling ilaua , etc , ap
ply at the city ticket olllco 1501 Farnam at.
General Western . ' .gent.
Half IlaleH to MliinelniiUa anil
On August 21 22 and 23 the Chicago ,
Milwaukee & SI Paul railway will tell rouirl
trip tickets to Lake MlunetonkJ , Minn and
return at rate of one fare for Iho found
tilp City ofilce , 1601 Faruaui street.
F. A. NASH ,
Dec , AUK.
Gxv OY a\io\x\ \ Vs\ voc , voXYV
, Cov.
a Tremendous
( A/so certain styles 0/20 cent co'lars at a nickel each )
The story is short if not sweet. Promptly at 10 o'clock
Saturday forenoon yon can take /oar p c'c from any
soft bosom dress shirt in our house at cither of two
prices 50 cents or 60 cents each. Former values
make no difference. It doesn't matter whether they
were 85 cents , go cents , dollar and quirtor or dollar
and a half. Saturday they will be either half a dollar
or 60 cents the price depending on the quality of each
lot on hand. Hundreds of patterns. Plaids , checks ,
stripes , randoms , dots. Some silk madras , some linen
madras , some Oxfords , some cheviots , some batistes.
We make a clean sweep of them all. S/.es i , | to 16 ,
Ten o'clock Saturdav. Not before.
They euro every case. NEVER FAIL , thej develop thu 13IUIN and NERVES , pro-
dicing Ilesh ou the bodj and not spoiling the stomach , us most medicines will do , Wo
prepare specially for ovoij cate Write for puitlculara. TURKISH CAPSULES will
euro any ailment or weiikncbs caused by ielf-abu > , e. ami we mean U. Wo will develop
and strengthen thu worht cato ot JDXlL WEAKNESS or SEXUAL LOSS , make a
new man of you. or REFUND UUR ) MONEY Don't bo humbuugnil , as wo never
fail to cure , $1.00 box by mall. Plalu vv * cper. HAHN'S PHARMACY.
ISth and Farnam Sts , Omaha. N ! i.
Of standard makes for lets money than our competitors ask for bccond-hand ones. To
close out and make room for our new fall stock wo will offer a number of new and
slightly used Instruments at the follow ot prices
Fine Oak Upilght only $11750
New Sli.OOOO Uptight only $131.00
New ? 10000 Upright only $21000
New $50000 Upilght only J233.00
Second-hand Pianos as low as ? 1S.OO
Second-hand Oigaiu as low as $12.00
NEW IVERS & POND , EMERSON AND VOSE & SONS Pianos .sold only by
105 South Fifteenth Slrvet A. C. MUULUUt , I'm if. Tel. 1023
CentraB West.
IMIOSKCITI : niTTniiiNn m :
National Dairj I iiloo 'laKen 1 i > Hie
CHICAGO. Aug. 19. 1'iobcciitloit on a
wholesale scale will , It Is fain , f-oon be In
stituted ngalnst violators of the new butter
Ino law , which prohlbltf the coloiing of Imi
tation butter It is abseiled that dcalciH In
ail parts of the illy are selling buttcrlnc
and other preparations in open defiance of
the law , and with the mutual understanding
that the mattei Is to be brought to the
Buptema couit to have the constitutionality
of the law patted upon. In this It Is said
they will bo accommolateil with u vengeance.
Three prominent films have alio.ady beun
Indicted for violating the law and evidence
Is being collected In other caset > . The Na
tional Dairy union IB said to be behind the
nitin runs.
The Seventh Ward Military band , nuclei
the direction of George Green , will render n
concert at Rlveivlew paik Sunday afternoon
Yesterday City Elcctilclan Schurlg be
gun placing the Incandescent lights. ' for thr
illumination of the city hall during fall
w celt.
Harry Fitch got Into trouble' last night
over the latceny of u whip belonging to
Ofilicr Meals He was aircnted ami the
whip iccovcicd.
City Tieasmei Edwards lias received can
celled coupoiiH nggie'gatlng $ J2RJ7 BO fiom
the fiscal agency In Now YcnU Theseicp -
icHcnt the Inti'icst obllKatious which weic
taken up August I.
George A Joslyn has bce-n ItiHiipil a penult
ID build n $ lBOl ( giceiihousp on hl picmUow
at Thirty-ninth and Chicago Btreetal P. will erect a fiamo dwelling nt
Fifteenth and II htrEotn.
At 7 IB yi'Bterday nuiinlng the bain on
the pimnlnca of Di J. U Aere 2201 South
Thlite'enth atrtet , was iiel on Ilio by the
taielo-ss tifce nf matches. 1hi > blare was
extlngulNhcil with IHtlo damage
Eugenu Ramsey ami J. H. Iliown wen > ar
rested last night as suspicions chuiactoih
and locked up at the station The men are
old-tlmo ciooohs .and wer found aimed with
rnvolveiH and a laigo quantity of ammuni
Some hungry thlt'f stele eight bushels of
potatoes fiom a wagon on thu prc'inlnes of
J H. Smith , O.IIO North Twenty-fifth au-nmt , |
WiMlnpbday. Smith haw nome KiispleluiiH re- ,
gardlng the identity of the thief and lux
told the pollco nf thi'in.
IFrank Callahun and I.lnyd Alle > n were
caught In the act lant night of robbing the
Htoro of Heath & Co. . 11 ID Harnuy stieel.
They had abstracted a can of baking pow
der and four boxes of starch from thei
plate. It was recovuri'il ,
Peter M. Norgard , Fourteenth and f'orby
ntr etH , WBH convicted In pnlh e court > es
tcrday for bt-allng his wife becuuuo nlit-
bioko Homo dlshcH Ho wun 3 ( > nti < nced to
thirty dayu In the county Jdll , but thu
sentence was BUHjJcnded pending good bu-
The Omaha Full nnd S [ > CH > d aoorlatlon , at
HH mt'e'ting yesterday , traimacleil only
loutlno liusliii-'fcrt A communUdtlon was 10-
celvcd to the effect that the * members of
the .State Board of Agriculture would bet
hero on August 23 tu examineHa fair
Jonrph Woodhall of 2411 South Nineteen h
street wan lucky enough Wrdiu'sda ) to run
ucroas iho man who Htolo his blcde He
left hU wheel vtandlng In thn itar of the
'NebuxKa ' Clothing eompaii ) new bulldlui ; .
and vihe'ii ho returned foi li | r wan goii"
I/ito In the afternoon ho lan a > | oi i the
blcyclu while ) It was being ridden by Joe
Tabula , Ho halted the man and held hltn
Hi- .
tliiHtrui.tIiinInallUcpnrt- -
rncritu .if M imlrnl fltuilj Vine
Vrta Floriitlou. l intrtmirvi * .
Indies' Collcjo .and Gcrnuii Con-
servnto.-y Meii.o , Mo.
We nnnbl.iinlni , m/iilj nil of nut Patent
MfHlUiiu-11 , tnliiht I i oiN iiiul 1 luu imu njtlcnla
dliect fiom Hi- puiplflio ni luiifn'-tnro limn ,
anil thus QIC IP pnllion tn Ki'firfinUf1 their
frcfliw unit KHnulmiiiKM Out prl u nh\nyA
tinlowtbt. . AiM ZCo If to lie bhlppcil by fuliiht.
2"o Itoco 01 I.ll.ic 'lalrmii 1'owiler Ho
? 5i * Knot Ileei ( innken Ti tillontt ) , , 12o
$1 ( W ralno'H c'cleij c'uiiiiiiiiinil G'a
( MO T iitlirrl.inil .slfliih Hull Cliuwri 'Ho
. " < Vlnld Wiitti lla
' 'riC Ciitk'Ui.i Mm | l./o
J'.c Umax Tar 14D
roe Miiltcil Mllli . ' 'to
' ,0c Millln'H rcJ'i'l ' . Site
no IVptom-nl" ' Mll' ' < I'owilii 3'io
' " .r Oirlvr'H l.llllc IM | > I I'lllH lia
-"ir AlUmk'H I'mous PllMirfi 90
> 0 t'o/zont'H ( lulil Ifox l'n\\ li | . , , . , . . , . . 310
"it Telluw'K Hwuiisilonn I'uvviler Ko
> l ( XIldlliii I1 I'lli'inl 74o
MOO Iliuillli M IVnmlo ! Kiilnlui , , > 4o
IV C'uHtorlii . Z-'o
l"c MunjnnH Ittini'lltH ( fie h ) . . ll'o '
All prli - ipiuii-il above foi ria-iii iiiul LAbli
in i : ST. eiM\n\ ,
We do m\ \ charge
n A fee of bcveral il'illarK e-arli tlmo
wo look ut u patient On the con
n traiy wc > muKei a caicful examl'ia '
lion of .1 case Irep nf clurge I'
n tie-alment Is bcgu. vvu chuige only
n miiall monthl" fee , giving nil
E iiicdlclni'H and fillhful norvl.c
Olllcn tii'alimnt. liuahlng no
flingcry , given dec ut HUH of ex-
amliiutlon. Out of town patlenlu | |
may coiihult us ly ) letter. r i
311-31 ! 3U-N \ I.lfHUB 'J l I13S [ |
until Iho arrluil nf an officer Tabola has
bei-n charged with lareiny
IlurglarH Wednesday foiccd a window anil
thiih gulncMl entrance Into the ririldenco of
n man named Stark at 420 Pacific direct.
They stole a ijuantlty of clothing
The ownurHJilp of a bicycle In In illnptilo-
bctwee'i GUM Smith , whn o wheri'aboulu do
not appear to bu exactly known , and Morrlu
Ro eiihatt. ! Flflrcntli and Davrnpolt utrcotu.
Kmlth 1 nald to have ) taken a wheel from
Rosenblatt's place. Rosenblatt thcrcfoie.
jratLTilB ) filed an ln'onnallnu In pollcu
court , chatKlng him with larceny.
BTAHH Pe-ny Mcl'lieri-on. nweil 5 > ram.
Only nn of Mi and Mm. PJnmice A
Htarr. Kunrrnl from reuidcnru , 1512 Aliidl-
< on avoliic Friday at 2 p. m Interment
Foref ! I.avvn
MNAMAItTlionr * . imfd 01 vear * . An
cu t 1 ! ' . lk' > i at HI Joseph's ho'pltal
l < inn-ill H.iiunl.iy morn ng t S 30 11. m
frnn the it-i'ilenm of I 'i duiiKht'r , Air .
Jl M , IJjwne ) , luOJ Hiuth 'iUlnj thlriU
Interment Holy Bcuulcher ,