OTili R ISSUES THAN SILVER 0 i POPOC3AT5 SHOULD SW\D K THL FAITH l Oirnrr hlp nnil CIoirn - nirnl Uj iHjnnctlnn ( inrr "cwpe * IJntlrltic Tlml of Itnnnce nr Tnrlfl. LTN'OOI.X , Alg. 1J fSfWtial VAt th a-eM at the BMrd f rotraw Jat hl D ! to prP J * f-r ib eooMaM ; tripartite ccnrMUoo. G X lac recmxrtw Site Bo r4 of t - by vfrtwe o { hh polltirH as a frw r ifT rrfwMlctB. ezprte * 4 blmMf tr r -pr ! ppt/e4 t k > vl ; the priacltrtl ftt. . MK * a Bry o ted Wetrei. ad- or . tii tr rte ifn-otiwt He bf- .jurt that th * nv-eclws cbonM be aae tea a ma-K wrriinc that a deatorrat JJfc * Mr E-ran niUht ot be bamptred In , -t irtl qvrtftnit before a p tHili > t o > a- re. i . or Mr Wtter i a democratic gatberinc The rl .Jid be t > erailtt < t tpt * before a c * < / i. * o tlrey YMid sol h Te to b caret - t- > in the pxprtfvloa o ( their itewe Mr Law * * * IMerrlrwfd re ar < ! inc the attt ? tj ar ud tf ntkei if a 4teco.-sa of the t "r jx.er'ion would ut f-over the one IT r pl th t brmiglit tbe three ptrtiet 5 i.ttr Mr L s h id njch a d.XK > t would not be e.mairle-a ! at thte lime. T TF were olber m tt i - of equal impor- , - t _ e epee wbich the three p rU e acreM. rt u sorerntnent ownen.bip of railroads t * pw Tin > e t bv injunction He said tie 1-t rfirtr tfpuhHcuiz wer * a unit OB tl qulk nt and indicated is hl coa- viifa'too that he eocoldered them of more T UI i fH t nee than the ailverqneetloti Ga ? IP FROM THE STVTE HOUSE. Cfaaaltfclotier Wolf trrite-J home . a t r baviai ; held tocuotiG of : heel la- IMWC in Gri-eley. Holt. Jefferson S < -otts Bloa * . Dancer Hayis , Cheyeane. Lincoln. BnCilo. Dm - Deuel Ketb : Cha e Hzye and Kear- ctT < CTjr > t < N > n week l e will bold autin * afoih > wsu utt < GarEeJd. A rufit 25 Lwip ; Anrtk-t Valley , tugwt r HoT-mriS. AMgnst IS , Sherman Other LJI if ot aocUoBE are Monday September C IP a m. . S ICO acres , XiJVxiB cuntj . M ' dar , Sept-mlier r 4 p nv. I.4 * tcre * . , Li ae w > i.ct } ; Tot 4aj. September 7. 1 p E HTM acre Wheeler rooaty , We-iae - ( . 5 < T > tenil r ; * a. jn : < * acre * . An te j > e eovaty ; IVeflueMay. Septtrnber & . J p tn ! C i acr e Wayae county , Thtirsday S-f r taber ? . i p m. C SJ9 acre * . Ctslar c.iiity , Frrfay , September 1 # . S p. m. , Ware a-re * Stiicton county : Saturfiiy. September 11 ! > a. . . C T4 acres Pierctroanty Ar.iciej of im-orporatioo for the Victoria L vc StoU ; c-ompaa } of Omaha w ere filed w th tie secretary of ttate today. Tie t = i n of the oompauj will l - the buving f-e nK lad feeding of live stock. The czpl- tai MocV. 1 JS.W : B. and th" iucorporator * . tre H Hnobinooo president , aad Allen lA Roblnj > n. socretarj aod treasurer. AMicle ? for the incorporation of the W. P. Bennett epartua it btore of Omaha were tlf.o filed today The capital ' - .wV * 1108 - OIK. and the incorporators are W n. Ben- atJt , S F Cenoctt , Marj L , Wade. Neille E Bennett. S. F Bennett , trustee. F. TV Brown and Jennie S. Brow a. Governor Holcomb hat btn requested to name two delegate * from etch concresaional dkxrirt and four from the fctate at large to attend the National Road parliament , -which co vem in Ntiiriille Tena . September 1C 17 and ! . for the pnn-ose of soiling tfce pr t lem of "goo3 roaoc. ' The case in which Mrs. C SJonee. . f-a- jfrmtiiideiit of the Home for the Fnendle-H appointed by the go > trnor. seeks the re moval of the present incumbent. Mrs. "Wil- l.ams. wa * set for h > arini ; this a raing b - Io-e Judge Holmes , bat was allowed to po over TS the attorney general was not ready to bring the case to trial. Judge Brosdy B ' irney for Mrtu Williams , coas.ente-i to the continuance. At a HKftiag of the Board of Public Laadc Hid BQildincs this afternoon Architect Stitt vas p ; oine4 superiBtendent of construc tion of the addition to the asylum at Nor- folt. LINCOLN NOTES. Burplsrx entered tie home of Arthur E Up on last night and after ransacking eterj room la the house In search of valuables carried off tome clothing. Just bow much U missing cannot be learned , es Mr Upton and lanaiiy are visiting In Montzaa. Several brues in the aame neighborhood have been robb d within the last A ear A rutiaway team came near doing con- f-ile-able dtmase on the streets last niglit ibout 16 o clock- Several ox-upants of the buggy were thrown to the pavement , and Mrs. George Aaile * as ! t > badly injured as to netesMtate being taken home on a sure-icier She will recover. Over IW > oid "oldiers went out to John . farm ! as.t night and enjoyeid a few together Refreshments were terved after which a4dresse * were made by H. < 7 Bjfisell and Judge Parker Tiw program was enliienrd by music and recitation * J m Joi.c on a crook who is w anted at Atchisoa Kan , lor robbing a store , aad who WEB .arrtslt-d here a tear diy ago it firrt promised to return with the \lrhNaa ftiit table but today reTustd to go without re-3Ui itten papers- Omaha people at the bote's At the Lin- df-1 ! Charle W Per.all W IV Marks. E A W Snrfl. E. C SmithAt the Lincoln C W Hinte-e W W Milks. E' E Cooarad TllltItlCH rKl. . I'llOM Anlaalilr NCM Mitrklnf l.l < - at Ibf - Ilcilium < > f n CrrrK. D1KOTA CITS' Neb Aug 1 < 5f.eci l J A cew steam' thrasilnc engine and separator rater purdm-ed two wwl. * ago by a syaii- cete of Da we * , tictr Homer , at a cost ef J _ 4 ( > a , ttJay lie * at the bottom of Omab < crrck. t uall Krem ronniag through this c uaty about men mile * nooth of this p'ace a tie old Oakt roilL Ttie engise was being taken acrtu6 tie bridge tt That potot } ftr day tllerniton wiea 't I > e < a > e uamaui.gc ab.e cEBKsi by aa inexperitam-d mglswr vho hid rest on duty at noon of tbtt day. asd crashed through the ride ef the bridse and wist do n twesty f w to the bMtaa of the rfearn. Eiery ae oa the naaeh ot eicaped wltboat itijory. b t the Mparator and a lae are oeariy a total Iocs. M ' ItnitlUt Mcrtlnc * II' TECUMSBJ1. Neh. Aug l i ( S ill Tolty's < itrciws closed th vaaual of tb Neoitha Baptist asKociatloa at Vt A btg aitfudafioe has ttc K" " t. Soog ternce this maraiag was leid by Rev. C , H < try a ! Crtb Orchard , a historic WITOUE by Ker J. It RockwK > i of Pern foJJownd uie T \ J E. Connor of Pawnee Cit > baadlcd the HibH U Home Uii-Kions " This , after r > G a woitti s jnifnocirj tUcg was the j'.Dcijatl fettnre Rev T K. TW > c of Hua- \ . ) dt li the dtvoUoczl * rric and Her Ceor4 ! < Soatt ol Tecamseh dllrere < * a ser- ir ic a ' MUcitMiary R uinlKts. " wbkeh was fotlowttJ h ) M-iertl ( hart sf.riet Rev E A Ruwll bf Ord and Rev I N Clarke ( ' KaoM-s City ( icrtain d tie at * iWj to the citifeUic BeUc IVrratint Mmn fur 1'rlprliml. GRETNA NeA , AUC1 > < Spe ial ) Th * racaitc ] in the riacipalship ol tie Greias rrbiwiis rxawJ by the rMigsattoa of PrI Nirk rs ii was ll d today by the f4t UB ! Ivrol T R. GUvUi ul ] > r a oet ts > 4rtnrt ; > tt The t h xd baard um.iiin.tmtly . s itctt4 Mr Calvta Mt ef a list of aUwi thlrtr tp41- caote. IMlrtifurU Thrakt In 1IU Kurr. HASTCNGS Nfrb. , ABC1H = pe < elal ) Aifn < 4 BUTKWK of Haut-ra had a pitchtork thru * la his kitee } u rday iftemowj wiit M-J-tUtj draw. Although h wac f V B UMM IUl care it U ihece&t thwe u daac r ft 1-prmxBfut aaace to tie knee } c < iat kll rr Man ! a Mifr Place. GR\NI > ISLAND Nt * . -Ttt r < * ia c * of Jtc t t d at jjj > cjck Tced y sicht trd IB the riaoiaace v u p.t in ilu- irief Itr McAuuter an 3 UmUy tte oat oa i .amp rg t p The tarn IT bi5 ) eJ th * ij'rerware at > d tther nw c ralaaWe artlcJf * l t a settler daring their abseeee 4 d n m * < hftVered that th * thkrcwere al te wnrtet ch I'Ot.ITlCll. PMtTIll * ICALCIC Lr n lorrr % \ In n rrrllmlnnry Vlc- tnrr l firnnil l lantl , GRANt * ISLAND. Neb * g1 > fSifr'il ) -Th * r p Wie > M beld th ir MBCWM-J for th HMIM of aVpat to tb rovaty eon- r Uon Ittt sight. The Scbt wa th > Tirtor and Dm forrv * fer the UK ix iriS. Tht rertll of the h * TkMorr for D c A bo ! cwrrrttloii J Experts a Stttrdty YORK , Nfb. . Aag 1 $ < SJ1 1 > Tb * re- Wirjo ccty ooaTetitioa wMch tt to be beld b r * a it Sitvrday prorate * * tome lo- lereMlas drreJppffiect" In ti * way of a COD- let for the Dnminatioii of a etodMat ? for v olr sherlS Thomas Price , the prefect Sop - p l Mt ! , btj already * * rre4 two K e * lve terms ni be dKlrw to bt a cenSldttf for k third term He fe oppowd mtiely oa th rrooai and the ppo lni : CAadWe ( i ; Jabs t ! AQrrbwfc a former deputy ftifciC The rlrtlry 1lateac * althcwsh sot r ry bl'ter AH tb other c antv offlcen are also candl- l ! e for raooDoatloti and there Is a strong ItkellbpM that tier will nn.'t-ed STO KVILLB Neb A g 1 > 5citJ > The Froatier county democracy feeld thetr conTF-DttoB here yesterday While tiedrr th tr call they were to ooai&ate a f H eomitj tirl et so ztoatattioas wer * made but a committee M cosfrrence was ap- joiiittxl 16 meet a like committee from the popnlist cc > nTenlk > o. whkh will be held hee OB tie JSth In * : and determine tb < ir nomi&ett lor the county ticket in the fill compiles. The following were elected itJe- ri.te . to the Mite democratic > cvntloo W L , McClary of Steclrrllle. t > r .V1 ! .OB and C B CoapUw of Curtfc Heary PeiSer of Moarefrtld aad Christ Grabettftioe of MALXO. NebA gIS ( Special ) The rrpubllca caucus wi ; b id last night. The following elevw deleg t were elected to aeet with the county convention at Wahoo on TrJday n rt MS. . Hllte. John Fros- traaB Peter Ryraan , Ne-ls Luadgren rred Jickwc G t Thtfde. Charles Frahm Theo. dore O1H. L A. Sandbtrg. John Arp and Xtthia Olf.cc. M"COOK Neb Aug. IS < Sperial Tele- graa > Thr silver deajocrats held their pounty conve-ctioB here this alte-i-noon. Jteob Sttlnnteu was chairmen and Patrick Watet K-rre' ry A partial lift was naaJ as follci-Bf William D yle treasurer : S. P Hart toanty clerk. C. J Rvtn , recorder A committee was apfxdnted to confer with a like popalis' committee over the division of tee spoil * The county e-ntral committee was empowered to complete the ticket la cas * of failure to agree Delegates to the elate convention weire s-'eted as follows Thomas. Dnoetn Joseph Harrteon. PC trick Gibbons James McClnag , C J Ryan alter nate * . Marlon Pintnmer. Matiias D-oll J W oneE. William Doyl.V L. Haley. The pj aspect for fusion is not a good e.ne. ASHLAND Neb . Aug IS { Special The republicans of ishlend precinct held their primaries Welnesdaj from 15 ra to T p. m. to stle-ct twenty-eight delrgafs te at tend tie county convectioa to l > held at T\ahoa oo Friday MW ctnu I-OR HOG Dr. T. -McClnrn of Carter J tli - Dl - rtt-\rrrr at a Krnn-tlj. EXETER Nei . Aug IS ( Special. ) A third intnufactunng industry has just bec launched ia Exeter , which'to the fanners of Nt-braska at least , and otter state ? as well , will prove a great boDa. Dr T C McClura has claimexJ for a loag timetiat a cure or at best a sure preventive for hpg cholera could be found Early this jear when hens began djing by the doi-as la thli community he wtnt to'work , dtter- miae-J to find z remedy which would pre vent if not care the fata ] diseae . and he belieies DOW he has succeeded The butl- ns has only been la opcratioa a short time but iaE aved thousands of dollars worth of hogs in this community. He has several roa in the field , and his cured a larger percentage of bops treated than has be a done by any other known remedy. One farmer here had three fine hogs which contracted the disease , and one died before he suspected what wjus wrong. The other two were In the first ecagts of the Cr&ets" ard very sick when ie applied the reroelv and saved both- Quite a number of promire-nt Koch men here have u ed tie re-me-dy wjta remarkable eucceJB. Dr McClura has established a manufac tory at ti ) point to fcupply tie remedy to tie farmtre. HIS I-OtBTH ATTEMPT ' CCCEEDS. trnnc nt n CliecW Cn ) id in drniid l lxml and I > iK ii | > rar . GRVND ISLAND. Neb . Aug liSpecial ( ) A smooth leaking young man celled at the millinery store o' Mrs. J J Roperr yesterday and wanted to purcirs * JIB worth of plumes In payment thertfor be desired to yp < ent a K0 ! check on the Ciureas * Na tional tnk in Kearney. M.s Roger * would not change tie check , and the stranger tnojght be could get tie check cas.ae < d else where He did not attempt to take the Spumes. He called at tie store of tie Misses McCina. in tie came line of business , but met the same fate He then went to the harae s shoo of Mr Sears on Thi-d stre-et , and here tothe proprietor could not or wociJ not chance tie check. But the stranger evident ! * had many wants , and lie next called oa A Egge the coal dcilf He orde ed a ten of * t > rt coal and presented a eirck for J35. drawn in favor of tit brarei and signed F Slavin. Mr Egge isa > e the fellow JRD in change and has no : seen him oiace Mr Egge still has tie cost At the verr time that the stranger was negotiating for tr ooal the poJice autboiities i * re after him but they bate so far failed to get a clew as lie immediately skedaddled after re ceiving the JE-Wi I..OXK ? IMnr CliaulMuqna CI i fd LONG PINE Ne-b Aug 1 * ( Special. ) The e rvcnth anneal chautauqua closed ye&- ttr4av Tte program of the Cay was in charge of tie Grand Arm } of tie Rejwkbc. tnd DepanaaBt CoaiBiaader Ehrhardt deliv ered an addreae in the afieraoon. An old- time carapfire was held in the evening at which a number of tprakeTfi loA part. Jult > s G Lombard of Omaia < 3tllcat > d tie eudiecoe with * nfil oJd < Jtrf Moogs Altb ugh the program ha closed eevwal families remain on the grounds to camp ia cottages and ieais for bomt time 7hra .lilnK Mnclilnr Kncln < - Ki HASTINGS , Neb Aug W ( Special Tel e- grrrn r A 'h-rtMng mtchiae cnglae eirloded this afternoon oa tie E S. Jtkiot farm netar Spring RintiWUJ Lippt of tilt citj was seriously s lde-4. O l > urnr Gir loV BLAIR Neb Aug ] $ ( Special > CoJonU L. W Obw3 left far W augton Tue-s4ay evftaing for Instructions before he sails for Samoa. TrnrJi T Arr Knlrrtaluril alVlllirr. . WILBBR Neb Aug li > < = pe ial > The Saline ooosiy teachers Joetitute is new in ftloa with ITS teaeiert la attradaace Tif cool wfa'h-r ha be n for R M work Th InstractcTB are Dr Blpsby ol DrtroH. Mteh . Prof BU * f Kas- * a City Pof Reed atd MW Math ws cf C-ete at > d Cousty Svptria-eadeat Jeaoiagi a conductor L-nare > OB H r t.oo ! rab- * tt hve been * Hlteted hy Prof Locker of the State anirfrr'ty Prof Keo of Dirld City aad State Sup rl t * eBt J cV * i The Wflpw p ffft ae doi e their bet : to aak * th * stay of th * visitors p'e wint Th * t * eh. er > were Ie 4fre4 a rerepUoc hr th * Cart- tla End * roT K-i'ty asd Epwo'lfc l gn * on Wcdan day alcht and tta * Wilbr Danclnc cl b win give t ball a their hocor at th * , opra boa e oa Friday a'ctt { onniii TO C MP in COMP\MK . Adjutant Hpneral * enil Out In lruc- tlnn * 1c > the Antlfinnl ( inartl. L1VOOLN. Aag. IS < 9t * atr- The ad- JuUnt r i-r l of the Nebraska Natloeal Gard has I MH4 the follow ing g eeral rder to regulate the eo&lng eacaacBcate of the rvard I In Mwnpttauc * with th j rovl * i of Action 21 charder 1. Se kM Law of IV each c nipsn > of the Natioaa ] Guard of this * * ate wfll tnbk. in coa as > es. in camp * at their home tntoa . for in- rtructlon In th authorlrfd nii l of drill , guard duty and larft j-rnctHy for tb * prk d of two dvdarlnr the month of Sl > tenjber 11K The oa > er and t * of the Nebraska Natkmal Guard will l e allowed Tor n ch "rvlce8 iwcb ootnt > ea a- | OD at i" tirovidfrd iri e UOD 57 of sM chapter L II The brltradier-geoeral commaodlnc th P1r < Vicade. NebraUa Nattooal Guard. wHl publltto In ordr the hourj for duty call * and * T eh program of drill > ser- cl . guard duty and tartet p ctice a a-e n-c * * ry to carrr out th pnrpo < of sections Jl aad 17 , chapter I. Se sea Laivs of 17 III The -evrai ccapany cornmaader * trflj forward , for apj "ov ! , through mlli- tairj channeK to tne adjutant general * " office the < Jat - : ect4 ltj thm for vom- js > \ camp * of ia tructiin- 1 % Compmny coasmanders 'will b bH re ri iM * for the propemes nc of their rtmmand * . The mortvalue of the ra- tlcn i of each company will be paid to the commanding officer tberecf Arrangements pic ud , therefo-e t e made for meF * kits t' fore gp'nc in o carnp V In accordance with psracraph | ! S. of the rult and regulstion * , Nebraska Na tional Guard , no eoH < atent ! ! ! l > e made after thl date , except in the ca * * of re- enli .tn > nl3 made w-itiln flie daj after VI Pa rc'U in trlplk-ate , wHl be pre pared showing the number of offlc'rs and enliMed m n p-evnt and abnt , the numb - b " of daj wrvedL. amount of money due , prrperlr f gned arwj certified to and -niA forward tne "sme. tirooch military chan- nel'N to the adjutant general. An ord - hs. al o l a ls .u J arcepJing tie resignation of Captstn George A. M ounce , cempaay D Seeoal regiment located at Fair- bury , and calling upon the company to as semble on Tuesday August J4 , to elect a captain to fill the vacaacy Company G First regiment , stationed at Geana. his rexjuwted permis .i3a to attend ths Graod Arnav reuaioa at Suttoa , Augus tl to September 5 folly armed aad e nipp without eriens to the state. The request has been granted Major Conrad F -Sarmaa commander o' the Third battalion Secoad regiment. North Platt < - his b"ea graate p'rtm'sloa to ge 'outside the bsundaries of the state for a thirty-day furlough Private Walter G Graham compaay M. Sex-end regiment. Grand Islzod has been granted an extension furlough of thirty days Charles W. Joaes of company G Second regiraeat , Omaha , her bn granted a die- charge on zcrouct of phjsical disability Frank Crick , company E , Second regiment North Platie. ias been discharged for de- and for the good of tie service. CHOPS OF ALL KJMJSHE HUGE. \ \ - -W of liovrrr Pnt the Ground In Good Minpe for Ploirlnc. WAUNETA. Neb . Aug IS ( Special y It has rticed every dar for tie last week- Tie ground is thoroughly soaked to an ua usual depth. Ycelerdaj's rain was exceed iagly heavy aad was \e-ry general being reported from all directions Lagoons are all Slled to a depti hitherto unknown for a number of 3 ears Farmers are greatlj encouraged over tie prospect for corn. The later planted corn i comiag out bejond all expectations Fall seeding will com mence shortly aad iaoe rve aa5 fall wheat will be sown ia Chase county than for a number of yeart. GRANT , Neb , Hug. IP ( Special. ) An inch and a ialf cf rain fell ia forty min utes yesterday evening. Lagoons are full ol water. FARNAM , Neb. . Aug 18 fSprciak ) The deliveries o * wheat are itry large at this point , and the < juaHy unsurpassed in ex cellence The farmers are realizing CB cents per buthel for tie crop. The heavy rains of aReek ago made lie growing < o-n crop a certainty and with the exception of a icry few fields -which were neglected by the-ir workers tie crop is an excellent on * equaling in lolume and qucliry that of 1SS < C. The weather is cool and pre-sares the approach of fall , but it is reasonably sure that there will If no frctt before S pttm- ber U by which time even the latest of the corn vrill have passed the danger point. A large number ol excursionists cono-sting of capitalists ret ! esat - men End fanne-s passed here todav. and will return. ffVag east tomorrow morning A creditable dis play of farm productions was attrscUvtIj exhibited at tie dep&t for them. \PP\IIEM LI FELL. KliOM K TRV1V louni ; Man opi > od to He from Mi . - fconrl Found Djlrit : ni Lcinc : Pluc. LONG PINE Neb. Aug. IS ( Sp-cial. ) Early law Friisy moraitig the uacossciont body of a young man apparently SI years of ag - was nicked up from bttide the rail road track iB. the compaaj's yardj. It is supposed he was thrown from the inidaight express , for there wts a derp wound ia hi * si ull is if hjs bfa-3 had struck the comer ef a tie Hi * foot wns alto mangled. He die d fifty-six hours after beirg found and wat bnr , 3 in tie cemetery on Tueca lust. The only poitibie cleu to hi * identity " wts two rwtlpts lor registered letters di"- TKted to A. R Hilltrman. Ardaiore , Macoa coonty. Mo and de-cribtag two letters ad- drette-d to and receipted by Lydie H llenaaa GnyErtlle. Mo. one of the letters haviag bea posted Apnl J. 1E ! T at Cil.no Mton county. Mn. tad the other ? .lay IS , HS7. al Bevlrr Macoa couaty Ma. The dead mae is Mp ; > OM > d to be 4 R HUlerman and Lydiz HUkrm&n bu wife fitter or mother Ooaa- muaicati ( > Bs seat to all of tie above oaniod places bate f iie > d to bring any ( MI - IlanLlitK Iliinrd Call * for n lie- l > rl Within Ita unuulr Tlmr. LINCOLN. 4ug. 1 > ( Speriil Telegram. ) Th * State Baakitig board held a mt-wtiag tnis aftwoooa the result of wbirh wts tiat as order wat jst'jei requiring a report from t&e Globe Loan aad Truct company's ttvnp bank of Omtia wittna a reasonable Um < Tie ; irsem coaditioc ol tie it .uiutioa .E not g&tislaruxry to the board- Ilnll U Klllrd li > Lluhmlntr. CHAPPELL , Nek Aog IS Doncg a thunder siower } e < Etirdi.y lightning struck and killed a fine bull be Wijb the \As < al sriLe oo Drex I- . Sbownan ftAs that Jt is only a qutioe of time \ibea co l willRorth Its \rHsbt in KtosdiLe ow thin ? is vvitli tlia tan . - M > , - prioet. we are Jnc BOW it do * 't rt-qHire very Kkmdike to own a jmir of tie best tan .41 * * t-rcr broupbt u > Omaha oe e we're cut the prkws dc-ef > A ladte = ' fl PoMer Un at JL4S Jadi * * tan oxfords , tbe ? 2 kind , at 4se-miK > e ' $2 Urns ? 1.25 cbiWs * 2 5 tans at f 1-25-meu's $ G Han. BAB tans for J3.-1S Tken tLose lwy < * s ot * WacLs asd taas tbe fbos we're always piaraBtevd to oufvcaar any two pair at ti e i rkie of JU/k kare bwn Tut to JL ( > ioine guaraBt * * Jn > t a dlfferrat jirk * . Drexel Shoe Co , , 1419 Farnam Struct longing tn Jaob Rt "h Thlt aakei the third ' ae'tnal kiUeil by li ht&tag ID thii tlrtalty tht week. PICMCS ALL O\ti rTItn ST Tn. r 5 rlrtlr and Oltt 5ettler * Hold Oprn-VIr ( tnlhrrlncn. CRETE NebAg W < SpecUl > Th * Me + era Wo iaes of Beatrice aatd Ltooata d4trict held their aoa l ) o $ rotllag picalc at the atenahly gr vds Ui thto city yett r- * ty Tw $ f > e ial trate * csa e * wa { r B Ltacola le the rnrn iig aa4 tf > Utt frwm Beatrlc * aad th * wtt sv n > d th * erwB to about SM * p * f4e Htm A C AlkiaMW of LtanrfB and ex-CaacrouuiaB Hatar ef A - rora addressed ti twenibled foiges IB the ptrlHoti oe the crtmadt. Th * vraal f X. . s ck aad other races helped to fill tn : the program. Th * fir prtie for b t drilled loSite wp award < 4 to the LIB cola ucU r d raor of th * order BEATRICE. Neh A g 15Sreritl ( Tele gram t The ld settlers of Gace covoty bell thetr aacaal reuak > B at the Ch \ > tin < ni\ grtqndf near thl cltv today a long pro w- skw of people from all parts of the coaaty being is attendance. The crowd I armed a pr -BtoB and mirci-d to the groendt at 11 a'ck > cV aad lMet > * 4 t an xteosiv progran The chief feature of the ooearion was ao ad dress by ex-Gover or FlirBai. refete with statistics aad historic Uetc regarding the early sttlea > eot of Gage connty and , Ne- bratka. COLVMBVS Neb. Aac 1 ! " ( Special Ct > luab divWon. No 1.trrteot Order of HiberoUss of tils city hetd Us annual outIng - Ing ywterday at Stereos' lake two miles west of town Tke picofe was ltrcey | attended , ratty coailag from Humphrey Madron ? Plattc Censer aad other surrounding towns The pro- cram eoB'lt'ed of deaeioc aad other out am * sports , chief among which was a font ball gain * between Oolumbu * and Platte Center in which the lauer wxin. Lawrence Hohl won ti * boys foot race. Fred Gerber won the men's race. D4KOTACITY Neb. . Aoc IS < 5pe ltl > Th * Modern Woodnvn er Aaeric * picnic , oale- the auspice * of the Jzek on camp sd- vfrti ed f' > r th * 16th last. WAS pD tp ne4 cctil the IM inst . oa account of rala The picai : U to be held In Rovtt s crove alone the banV of Crystal lak . near Jacisen. FREMONT Neb Aug 1. < Spe.al ) The Omaba District Lig RoUlag a eo atioa ejected tit following cQcers lor the comiag y * r P eideot. William B Miller. Arling- toa. sfcretary. F S. GBDfordrlington trtarareW E. Barber Arl irtoa Srst nr-e nretiieot Miss Annie P Watt Omaha. * c- nnd vice president. Annie P Reed Premoa4 hlrd vie" prtfideat A D Pat'ersoa , Fre- aioat _ The next pi BJC will le held ia Ar- lingtxja ia June. A new coa uuti a and by laws were adopted The aEsociatksa 3s oom- r t"d of the lodges la Csss Daaclas. Sarpy Waslincton Saunden ? and Burt. StTTOV. Neb. Aug 1 ? ( Special Trie- cni ) Tie Royal Highlander ? met here to dav for their sta-e picnic Mayor Bonn - keaipor welcomed them to the city After dinner Hon. i S. Ros most lllustricrui pro tector addressed an audience of over S Wi on tb b TieSts of the orSer State Treasurer Sietaaan sod others paVe. A larg1- number of clansmea were ia line of parade in uni form The p-pgram was interspersed with band aad vozal mu < ic. WEST POINT Neb . Aug IS ( Special J The elevcati annual picnic of tie Cummg County Old Se-t'lers' as ; triation was held toiay in the Riverside park la this city a Immense concourse of people visited the crcuads. This annual gathering is Incom ing \ery popular withtie _ people of Cuming countr. and eveT year shows an increase of interest. Speeches were made by pioneers neers recounting the experieace1 * of early dajswhich were listened to with the great est atteatior : The weather WEE all that ttrald b * desired. WVMIl'NGTO COLNT1 nCCMO > . Veteran * Gather at Cmnp Georce AV. nlnrrricbt , Aar Fllalr. BLAIR. Neb . Aug. 19 ( Special ) The niaetetjth annual reunion of tie Washing ton County Veteran association convened here Tuesday ol tils weei. and continued for three days Jt ts one ol tie largest tad most successful reunions ever held About 2W veterans TV ere enrolled Tbe'camp wts named George W Wt-awnght aad was uader the command of Veteran B MWillsey Tutscay was devoted to arrangements and in tic evening a campfire was ield. The scc-oaiJ day the following spe-al ers enter tained -lie audience Mrs. Hands of Central City. Neb. for the Women's Relief corps Re George Williams and Rev S C. Green George F Williams and several other local speaker * during tie evening. Hon Le Es- ttllc Cvrus Lindell of Lincola Nei . and membrrs of tie & 33ciation gave aadrees. It is t&timbte-d tiere were 2 dOD pf-ople on the grojnds Wednesday afternoon .and even ing The Blair Concert orcacstra and Aaron Glee club furnished music Tuesday anfi We-daesday evenings Thursday morning was devoted to a campire free to all speecie-s tnd a business meeting at whici tie following officers were elected Franl Moorf. colonel , William SwUiart adjntint Frank Emery , major , 3 , C Cltnkenbeard turgeon. Rev Joha Patrick , ciaplaia Tie tfteracKia wt * also devoted to a campSre tad entertaiameat- furJin rlon' Part ; of Land ternt * IK licurn Fine iifduien * . BE4VER CITY Ne-b . Aug. IS ( Spentl Te3egram ) The Burlington excursion oJ seventy-five land agents tnd fanners of Iowa , Illinois and Indiana arrive-d iere at 7-SB tilt , morning The party was in charge of P S Eurtis general passeager ageat at Chicago cage , J Francis general pau-engcr ageat tt Omaha ; Campbelk superintendent of tit western division MoCook. tnd W Josse-lyi ! trainmaster of Orleans. After breakfast the iwitors were driven into the country to see for thtmseUes tae great crop yields of tils VH iimJ Tie aif alf a of the Beii er valley was their eperial admiration fnd tiey decided titt they had seen nothing to e-qua ! it. At 30 o clock the party left for Chester aad in termediate points. FRANKL'N Ne * . Aug IS ( Special Tel egram } The sj > ecial train on tie Burlington with land cgents and farmers from Illinois made a thirty-minute stop at tilr place to inspect the eiilbit of grain tad fruits. Some Etif specimens were on exiibitioa Ml the fcouti ide of tie depot wts covered with different 1 icds of products making a gojd dlslay Waterceloas were tened and the bane wts at tie depot tnd plajed seloctioas. nnlld nn Addition lu ilir \ jlurn. HASTINGS Neb Aug 1 ? ( Special. ) Htsrier i. McCaihlln. tie Lincoln con tractors who are to build Ihe new addition to the asylum for tht chrome insane al this place and make teveril other nee _ - * ry improvements are la tie city and have eierytiing in r sdintss i begin un- ae.4iatei work aeeordlijg to tbeir contract- Tomojrow momlLg work" oa the excavation will tt > oomaietDted tpd will be rapidly pusbe < d while the weather It favoible Tie ooatractors ay they nave e gageid noae but Hitting * ear ; > eiite5t. brickltyeri 211.- t > ocs and labarersi The boDdiag of tie ad dition will giie nuf.loyment to a large number of laborers dnr | E tie nrt few UX10X PACIFIC ASKS TIME * Idlers tie Eranple Set by tie Data Tekcr&pb C apas j. FILES A PETITWN IN THE TaEGRAPH CASE that the * r rrrcntlon of Trlecraph Line. Will "Sot Take Plar * IntllItcr the rorrclonnrr > alr. Following Ibe action o ! tit We * tern Vatec Trtecraph eomptay. tit Uakw Pacific Railway ( oaaptay ia.s &H4 a petit ! * * wtti lfe federal cvart. asktag lor aai exts ioB e ; ttoe Ic tlrf nutter el the * * parat * at tbe telegraph HBW ! tbe two coatfwBles Tbe petition 0J tb * Western Uatoa CWB- ptoy ak that October H be oueed us tie due for the Ffgregattee ! the Hoe Instead of September 1. The petition ! t e UatoB Pacific * U ao date. bat sxrrty asks tfee peart te allow a r < iuiblf extension at tlae la which to complete lie work o ! seftaratlBc tie lioe * . There U a wtH defined opinion that tbr extension of tine > . atle-d In order to allow - low tie forwlt are sale i > ! the Voted Pa- rtSc to pptar I * tore tb t-ppartthw ol toe telegraph lints U made BWfcsiiry Oa UK other hind , there Is considerable wofier why a longer ejctewton WE ; not asked for by the trie-graph company. w it is scarcely probable that the t alon Pacific will be clr of the exwrt * by October 15 It vat sug gested by a railway official yesterday that before Ortol er 1 rolled around tbe 1\ < trt ) felon or the Cuton Pacific , would ask for a farther extension in order to keep the date of M-paratloa of tbe tele apb Hat * beyond the date on which the re-organization of tie Vnion Pacific will be finally com pleted CLAIMED BY DOTH COMPANIES. Judge Mungr of the federal court is now at Dame Lake 'VVjo and DO action iaf bee.n takta on the petition * asking for nn mention ol time on the fparntion. If be rhould cot return nithln the next fortalght or If no scttoa thould be UAtn on the j > e- Utlocs hwi-ns-e of other reawjne tie date for the wjiaratJoa of the llaes fixed by the court. September 1. inuet mcd Aekid if the teparatiOD of the ult-craph lines could be niade by Scpleaiber 1 ED of ficial of the Vaion Pacific yesterday eeiS "Ye * the fparetlon could be ntde but each companj nould probably male an tSon to get pB * t Eion of the lines , the ownership of which has t > een in diFpntt for eevt-al year * . There are a nnaber of lines all over the Union Pacific whose ownership U in dispute BMh the t'aiOD PsciSc and the TVe , tera Union fompjcie * tlahn them. The diFpnte * over these lines hare been in the court * for jear * tad art not settled yet. suj it is hsrdlj possible tha- the matter could now be untangled in a few Th - disputed lines appear to fora the ' creat barrier to early t-eparation , ordered ! by th" cscrt a long tiae ace ConsidErable i tcsumoaj recardtsp tie owaen-bip and pos- ; seswoa of the dirputed lines v as taleu bv ! Mtsteriui-Chanr'-ry Comisa , Uong with the : reit of testimony coacerntni ; the Union \ Pacific foreclosure * . The matter of stilling ; the dwpntei hts been left to him , and he has been at worL for tome time over the testimony endtzrorinc to decide which com pany reallj owns certain lines. His report hai not yet been filed with the court , and until he has reached a dTi-ion in the matter Union Pacific official * maintain , that no fair separation of th- telegraph lines of the Union Pacific and Western Union cornpasict can be made. CRO . COt VI \M7HOIT CH V GE. Two \ < rn Trnm-contlnrnlal Itoute for Second CIni > Trnrrl. CHICAGO , Aug IS ConnencSn ; Octeb 1 , two sew trarscoatinfntal router for sec ond-class travel will be established between Pittsbtirj ; and Ban Francis-co The fir ? * route will be TIE the Southern Pacific San Frncieo to Ogdea , Eio Granie "Western Ordea to Grand Junction. Cole ; Colorado Midland G-and Junction to Colorado Spnipf Roti Island , Colorado Sprires to Omaha , Chi- caco Milwaul.ee L Su Paul Omaha to Chicago , and the Pennsj Ivania from this cit > to Pitts- burg. Th" eec-ad line will be eve * th came roads to Colordo Spr irps. P-on this pain. the rout * will be via the Missouri Pacific to St. Louis and from St. Louis to Pitts- burg ri the Vandalia ard PanhiLdls lire" of the Pennsyl iaia. Second-claEs or tourist rie-tp rg care will be run through each tray tneea Pituburg and Sro Francises twire a wetl The can w'll be run through with out change the Pfissylranla t a the Jlil- waul.ee i St , Paul roads orrupring tb" same depot in Chictco If the vt-iture is a success th rerrice will b eitenStd to Harrisburg , Philadelphia and N JT York uS& later on first-class &l tpers may be run via the eatne routes This is the first tirse that a rigular through car service has been it- teniptefl between the territory etst of Chicago cage and the Pacific coa.t IZfTrrlk ofTT Itnle. AKs ! tant Gerertl Freicht Agent Wood of the Union Pacific is attending an im portant meeting at Topela , Kin called by the railway oornmitciorjers of that state to consider the effects of tie cew rule by wfcjch freight rates on live su el > thjpments are ba td on cents per JOB pounds , instead of dollars per carload. Complaints againrt the operation of the rule have been made by e. number of stoctmen of Kansas to the communion of that elate , and the conference is to thoroughly ooLeider the matter All Kansas linte are represmted. Mari on f5r * ul "Northern Tonne ] . SEATTLE Wash. . Aug. li- Active worl. on the tunnel of the Greet Northern railroad in the Cat-cade mouLt ins wiij corameace Friday The tunnel win be two and oat- half mile * long , tixtttn feetwise aai twenty-three feet high It will cost HOW- OWl and require two yetrs in buildice It aill reduce the ntw-nt by 1.0M feet. ihr I'a SPRINGFIELD. Mo. Acg IS The St Louie i. San Francu > co railroad has re-storeid its psy tar servicte after file years' abandonment donment- The first car armed last night. threa Says ahead of time. The resumption it said to have be-en caused by the padde d pay roll disclosure ! oa the AUhiton , Tope-La i. Santa Fe railway Indlclt-il fur Rnnnine uniln ; 7 mint. ATLANTA. GIL. Aug J * W . Brand upericteodeat of the Georgia railway , has bee-ii iadicte-i by the grand Jury o ! De Kalb county for violation of tii law agai& t run- niug freight trains on Soudty The oZmvt tre alleged to hair beefl omBi > tte > d OQ Ffcbrutry 1 14 and SI , this year tcir HnlU for II. A O. 15The - - CHICAGO ABg ne-w gh-y-flve- pound rtt-H raiU re < tectl } purttttwi b ) the rc-ee-.vers ef the Baltimore A. Ohio it a low us twt-ntT.five wjits and tbta J- drt < . uf M me frifiHl in tbc t < a > t and xVM * H ti f Wtvtlv l e to tUeai frwn now iHl January fim. ' "The wtVly like the dally s > fyll c f lnJfr < - Usp news altuut tb * prjat wt M Its trooderful rf- oni > cvs and tl e pri TraBSBJis jjtj > i KxiMtitum tJ ? Itt is me- eely jajttr that pive you all UM ; newi. tie daily wOl be delivered by earrlwe In ibe riiy fr fifteen ceats * rta days IB ib TVtt-1. or msik-d to any address ID tbe I'uItwJ Statf-s-or Canada this , indude * Klondike for wveEty cent a read TJj < 4 Bee and g It ilL The Omaha Daily Bee Circulation Department iQi ifid FziEEB. Bee Building GOLD Dt > r. iiThe T roman Washing Powder finishes her work as fresh and bright as her house is clean. Lrrest package crealm economy The N. K. Fan-bank Company , " Chicaps. St New York. S" Boston Philadelphia. ABOUT Our hat buyer is a. practical hat man , whose father was a hatter before him. He was brought up in a hatting ; at mosphere with the traditions of good hatters surrounding him , and that he has profited by his opportunities , will be made evident by a visit to this important department of our business. Hat critics say they are tasteful designs , handsome colors , excellent workmanship , and equal in aU essentials to any hats made , Cor. 14th and Douglas Sts. figure a'e being received tt thf rat ? of 1 Ofi to-s per month Weather perm mag about 10009 U > LS of tie new tied will be laid b - twe-en Chicago aad tie Ohio nver tins fall Hnilw a ? \ott and ] * rronnl . Bernard Alll .on of St _ Louis , literary man for tie Missouri Pacific , i * ia the city A local paper still advertises the Union Pa cific "Fast Mall" train at , leaiiag Omaia at S30 p m. Lawrence Gr er of New To-k an attorney for tie Unl&a Pacific reorganization commit tee , is In the city He s ; > "nt yesterday at headquarters investigating t-everal matters concerning the compiaj la connection with the foreclosure proteedincs. Assistant General Freight acid Pasieager Agent Phillippi it ! tie Missouri Pacifl : jes- terdav returned from Minneapolis He fcayj tie weather tbee was so cold all day Wednesday that gentleman wore heavy over coats aid women wore rur capes- Freight Traffic Manager Munroe and Gen eral Passenger Agent Lt mtx of the Tnloj Pacific have spent seveiel iSzys a : Salt Lake City endeavoriag to reaci a sfitisfjictorj bati > for the exchange of traffic with the Oregon Short Line So far BE is known , no agree ment ias yet been reach " 3 All thf railroads ceateria : here hive been rejuested to donate sums of money ranging from tl ( 0 to J308 to the treasury of tie Omaha Fair and Speed association in order tiat tie awciation may not be ejabarrassed In its work liis fall by lack of funds. Th" passenger department cf tie Union Pacific re-ports t steadily increasing demand lor Alaikaa literature In response to tii demand the current 1-eue of the "Path nder contains tevf-al pcges of Inlorsatton con cerning Klondike , cut a book of forty pages devoted exclusively to that pspular eubje ct has just been published There was a meeting of ptiseager repre- srlatives of Nebriika lines at the Elkhora beidguarters yesterday to ooa43er rates to the Liacola encampment of tie Grand Armj t-I the Republic. Departmeat of Ne braska. A rate of one fare for the rouad trip from all points in tie state w-111 pre vail The subject t ! carrying btnif , at tached to the various posts Ire-e of charge was also considered at the meeting Dead Ctinntj T - ulirr ' In lltinc. CHAPPELL Neb . Aug IS t pe-cial ) The Deuel county teache-s' nstitute which opened here Moaday August 1C ! < pro- gresjiag very nicely with Rosa I'odds. couity Fupennteajeat ac conductor and Prof Waterhouise ol tie Lraooln High t.tiioj3 aad Prot. Din jore of HuaboWt High ecioal as instructor About Sft > teachers are in at- tesdaate tad there will probably be several more l > efo e the end of this week. Prof Dlcsmore gtve rn iit < renting lecture It&t evening on 'Chili Study. " which was Itet- ea3 to by a crowded house Kpr < drill Lt-a nr Aortal. O5CEOLA. Neb . Ang IS ( Sj.eeiak . ) About tJxty seniben of the Epworth league of this city gilberetd at tie borne of J H. Mkler Ian eisalneAn excellent program wa * carrieid out and a pleasant time w&c spent by all. RefrMhaae-Bts were wtne > 4 This wc tee of aeri < bf na&atilj wdals beld by tue membert of the league in Jill Uty. l.o < U - l lp \can. ! Harrj" IMllon. a % a"rant abuut town who baa l tn arrte numerous tlm - Tor pettj tiielnr. . V.HS kKk d up arnn la't night oo eerieral principles He bad among otlier things a letter aiipealiiig to the public la whkb itHa stated tiat ht waa deaf noA ( luinb Dillon in IL junt4aflt.ii f all hi * fatuities , b th of bearing aud There U a time lor evurytincg. tad the time to tit Mid u > a oold is wben it starts Dba't wait till you heie tCiuscj > Uf > ti. but prevent it by ufinr One Minute Cough Cne. tie great -raedy for ooughx oeMs croup , brpaciitii aad til tirozt and luni tro ble . C1T1 ale of Mnuiclpnl I'nju-r A\III He Mndo At-xl Month. It is expeclcs ! that the dn-e of the sale of the renewal band- just istoeid by the city will be fixed at about September 10 It a thought that a tnort tatfefactory sale cauld haie been cJTect < d if the bands bad been ready a month sooner but B.S it will require same time to lithograph and check up tie bonds and cropcrtly adverti e the wile , it was ftmnd impDesible to dispose of them thla month Jnst at prwent tiers 1 * a rait amount of idle capital f.eekiag investment , but by Scp- tembr much of this txte.H5 < * pital , H is eiid will hire bt-ea lave-sted in grain cad cattle. The new issue includes SLf bands amount ing to f206S' and div ded ts follows Oao hundred and nineteen baad' o ) Jl ODD eics. one of JHte. one of JWO , ICO of fVJfl. oar of J40 . two of T OB. five of t3M , one of fl&o thirty-eight of 1101 aad one of J5 The ordi nance dtEigiHtes in detail the ersct Infleb- edne& Khith * isJ ] be taken up bv e .cb band so tiat any perversion or rDisappropriatioa of tie funds re-lire < J is imjia-e ble Tne bonds run for ten jea-s at 1 per cent interest. The intersection bond ordinance introduced by Councilman BurSiev Tuesday night pto- rides for tie issuan" * of 530'Kio in twenty- 3 ear bonds at prr cen' 'ntereat. Mr Burk- ley eip3 ias tiet the ra'e of inttJ tt is a clerical trro- and list he has no iota ef offering 5 p-r cent in' iejut on twentyesr bance The rate wUi bt sornded to < H per ceut. Mr Burkley SEJS that be is IncJini-a to think that tie basd tjuld be fJoattd at 4 per cent. As any failure to sell the bsndi nt once would d"ley na-il rrrt year a1 ! t o pavuig tiat is boi.t to begin It was thougct bftter not to try the 4 per ceat at Ibis time. FKOM i : Kl I rltletnc-nt nlth H - - Prlnllnc Cuu- ian > and Ur. Mrrcrr. Samuel Ree of the nees Printing con- pany. whee plant was partially destroyed by fire some time zgo. stated last night that the loewt of the company had beta adjusted by the insurance men , anj thtt nE,0&B had been paid over. He Umtted his entire loir at about tlJ.OtiO It wc found in lojting cier the wrecked rSaat that the printing presses iitd suffered but ellght injury and thte Jatt tavrf tie cis tern a larce turn. Tie establishment will o&nttoBe at toe old stand at Eleventh atd Howard f-treett The building hlth belongs to Dr S D. Mercer , is being repaired. It will be com pleted within a few daje The loss on tbo building Tiill be about ICK 8 ral Pnrllri. * . KricuKrd nt Cul OS Wednesday sight half a dozen men spent the. night at Cut-Off lake seining end yes terday morning they were on the street with fully l.Mi paundt of carp bass aa3 cropplei , ranging in sir frton one-half to one pound ti-ch. The fcsb were sold from bous * to liuuse and in many iDftaocM to urn who boast tiat they are doing all la their power U > protect tie fjia in the Ntbratka streajna cud lakei The parties made no attempt lo disguit * tie fact that tbej sia d tie l Vo regularly , aud that they uit.de their Jmtc br unlawfully cttcbing fith I'iflhnr.l llt-imlillriin * . . Tie iej > ubjt ii.R of tbe nfib ward br d a large ) ) .tt * dd csuru at Krflinp'B h U last uigiit and el rtd the follow ing delt > - Batt * to I * * voted oo tbe prlinarien that H1II b--btld t J > K II Cur. J U Ilnlrd. } Uriaid John on. C W Daiamatie. W A Sauu < Ur * Vi C Gordon. Geiorgo I'aiktr A A Jiii > aiciud aad John V > ertz. Tee ; iriio rieK wfll be beld in tbe mcint stole rwim in the K > ner block inMead of in tbe ISrfling Ulock. as iia LD I rtM- t/uti ) aunouBc t < d. If wt"Wfre to tH you the number of JCiiclixH pianos we Kl ) each utoutli you laizbt l > e iiiHlnwl to tloolit our word but wbat we tell } HI nl.out llic KiHb I ) Is H'te UMpuaranlt * we slve wljh t cli I la o b oluifl.v reJiaWfact U tbe public renlite that tb Kiiuball M i lh tti Uttf t j vrblle tlit jirice vre wm jaaLe on tm le K low a Is BHtally a wl for tlw inuolj iufertor JusJruiuwju l.y- ridtis low prtct . w arraue tip j ar. inwits in eoeh nn t-uy way tliat j iu jiert-r ult-s the luoaey If yon nretwise you'll itruflt by tJ firi"&w ; f and jwrfliase & ICItabalL A. HOSPE. Art. 1513 Douglas.